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Ŕ periodica polytechnica Climate change and structural

Civil Engineering engineering

51/2 (2007) 47–50
doi: 10.3311/ Péter Lenkei
web: http:// ci
c Periodica Polytechnica 2007

Received 2007-11-03

Abstract Motto: „Anyone can learn from the past.

Based on last years experiences it is obvious for the major- Today it’s a question of learning from the future.”
ity of professionals and for the general public too, that climate Hermann Kahn
change is a realistic present and future.
In the beginning this paper deals with the signs and perspec- 1 Introduction
tives of climate change. In the second part the consequences of The climate change, the global warming and their conse-
climate change on building and civil engineering structures are quences are well represented in the media. In addition peo-
treated. The emphasis is laid on the effect of temperature, wind ple experience in everyday life smaller or bigger signs of this
end water circulation of the globe. process. Nevertheless one can meet skeptic opinions, but the
The research is directed mainly towards getting reliable future number of such opinions are decreasing due to the obvious evi-
data and its evaluation for practical use. dences.
Finally some aspects of standardization procedure and the The problem of climate change is very wide and extremely
problem of old/existing and new structures are treated. complex, involving every fields of science, and even every side
of the life on the globe.
Keywords It should be pointed out, that this problems in structural en-
climate change · effects on structures · meteorological actions gineering are important, but involving only a small part of the
general problem.
Acknowledgement According to the opinion of the author the adaptation and mit-
The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to Pro- igation procedures of the climate change should be applied to
fessor Judit Bartholy of the Meteorological Chair of L. Eötvös the activity of each profession. To draw the consequences, and
University for her help and understanding. propose the necessary steps in our profession, in structural engi-
Acknowledgements are due to the National Office for Re- neering is the goal of this paper.
search and Technology Development (NKTH) and to the Hun-
garian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA) for accepting this topic 2 The climate change
for common future financing. The global warming due to the increased emission of green-
house gases is investigated by many of the meteorological in-
stitutions, offices, bureaus and stations. Great many of reports
have been published all around the world.
One of the most important documents is the series of Assess-
ment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(established by the UN). The last one titled „Climate Change
2007 – Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”
(IPCC 2007).
This Report declares „Much more evidence has accumulated
over the last five years to indicate the changes in many physical
and biological systems linked to anthropogenic warming.”
Péter Lenkei
The Report states for the future „Magnitude of impact can
Department of Structural Engineering, University of Pécs, H-7625 Boszorkány
now be estimated more systematically for a range of possible
u. 2, Pécs, Hungary
increases in global average temperature.”

Climate change and structural engineering 2007 51 2 47

About the future „. . . impact due to the altered frequen- Impacts of driving rain (combination of heavy rain and large
cies, and intensities of extreme weather, climate and see level wind speed)
events. . . ” the Report pointed out „Disruption by floods and • Deterioration of structural surfaces
high wind, withdrawal of risk coverage in vulnerable areas by
private insurers. . . ” would be of great importance. • Damage to the water tightness of different elements
Responding to the climate change the Report stressed the ne- Impacts of significantly more frequent extremes
cessity of adaptation and mitigation measures. • Low cycle fatigue of structural elements
The above described general situation makes necessary the
• Accumulation of damages in structures
adaptation and mitigation measures in structural engineering
too. These drawbacks make absolutely necessary the engineering
For specifying our task we should know the perspectives on response. But adaptation and mitigation measures are made dif-
the long term about global warming in the Carpathian Region. ficult by the time dependent (mainly increasing) character of
In the following some regional aspects, e.g. average temperature these impacts.
increase (Fig. 1) and average precipitation changes (Fig. 2) are The other problem is the lack of reliable future data base due
shown in the Carpathian Region elaborated by the Meteorology to uncertain nature of these impacts.
Chair of the Eötvös University, Budapest (Bartholy et al [2]).
In these diagrams are shown the expected change in the pe- 4 Future research tasks
riod of 2071-2100 relative to 1961-1990 in case of an adverse One should understand that all the necessary research tasks
scenario. The data was drawn from research results of 18 mete- cannot be solved in the frame of our actually financed four years
orological institution using regional climate change models. research and the fact that any research in this field can not made
Next years some similar diagrams will be elaborated for av- without close cooperation of meteorologists.
erage wind speed of the above period by the Meteorology Chair
of the L. Eötvös University in the frame of a research project 4.1 This research can not disregard the temperature and
sponsored by the National Office for Research and Technology precipitation changes in time
Development (NKTH) and the Hungarian Scientific Research • First of all the temperature changes in time are one of the
Fund (OTKA). main bases for every further steps in investigating the effects
of climate change
3 Possible future impacts of climate change on struc- • The yearly frequency of extremes (min and max) and distri-
tures bution of extremes are in close connection with temperature
There are several possible disadvantageous impacts (the fol- changes
lowing list is not complete).
• The number of freezing and melting cycles are depended on
Impacts of temperature changes
temperature and previous precipitation.
• Drought areas (long seasons without precipitation)
4.2 The main concerns of this research are the problems
• More frequent freezing-thawing cycles (concrete technology) connected with future wind actions and the future change
• Warming of ocean surfaces (resulting in hurricanes or ty- of the temperature and change of precipitation.
phoons) Problems to be solved in the field of wind actions

• Thawing of ice reserves (resulting in rising of see level) • The first problem is the traditional wind measuring method.
This consists of measuring in each hour or one and half hour
Impacts of precipitation changes the average wind speed in the last ten minutes. Naturally this
• Bigger and abrupt floods (higher water levels in lakes and would not the largest wind speed for the measuring period.
rivers) • In addition we need not the average wind speed, but the wind
• Changing of ground water level (foundation problems) impulse of 3 sec duration. There should be cleared up the
relation between the wind speed and wind impulse.
• Heavy abrupt snow falls
• Another open question is the frequency and distribution of
• Heavy hails (precipitation in the form of ice lumps) maximal wind speeds.
Impacts of higher wind speed • The method of interpolation between 1961-1990 and 2071-
2100 average wind speeds should be investigated too.
• Higher wind impulses
• Very important question is to determine the relation between
• Wind intensity increase is time depended the wind profile (the wind speed changes in elevation) and the
• Different wind profiles changing value of the wind speed.

48 Per. Pol. Civil Eng. Péter Lenkei

Fig. 1. Seasonal temperature change (˚C) in the Carpathian basin for 2071- Dispersion σ =0,3-1,1o C
2100 based on European regional model simulation (Bartholy et al.)

Fig. 2. Seasonal precipitation change (%) in the Carpathian basin for 2071- Dispersion σ =12-20%
2100 based on European regional model simulation (Bartholy et al.)

Climate change and structural engineering 2007 51 2 49

5 Standardization of meteorological actions
The occurrence probability of meteorological actions in dif-
ferent structural design codes generally equal to 0.02, i.e. 50
years occurrence probability of highest, most dangerous value.
It is obvious, that in changing circumstances the 50 years oc-
currence probability would be different in each consecutive year.
The other problem is that up to now these values have been
determined from relevant past data. In the future these values
should be determined from uncertain future data (Lenkei 2006).
In addition these uncertain data should be connected function-
ally with the measured past data and previous uncertain values.
To deal with long term forecast the intervals of revision
should be designated. Another solution could be the use of time
dependent formulae.

6 Different design procedure for old/existing and for

new structures
At first sight it appears that the problem of new structures is
easy: one just should take into account the new design codes
suitable to the challenges of the climate change. They will be
a little more expensive, that is all. But do not forget, the today
new structures in 10-20 years will be old, the change keep on.
What to do with old/existing structures? Most probable there
should be made more or less significant and consequently more
or less expensive interventions. These interventions could be
different, e.g. change of some structural element(s), strengthen-
ing of some part(s) of the structures, change of structural behav-
ior of the whole structure by increasing static indeterminacy or
make the structure more robust.
It should be mentioned, that the buildings, the civil engineer-
ing and infrastructural objects amounts one of the biggest part
of national wealth. Consequently any necessary intervention
would be connected with great expenses.

7 Conclusions
The structural engineers should take into account among oth-
ers the obvious climate change and its impacts on structures.
The task is not easy: to work out the answers to the challenges of
the climate change, namely the adaptation and mitigation mea-
sures for old and new structures of buildings and civil engineer-
ing objects. Finding the optimal solution(s) would be even more
complicated, but this is our task and our responsibility.

1 IPCC Climate Change 2007, Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vul-
nerability,: Summary for Policymakers, April 6 2007, available at (http:
2 Bartholy J, Pongrácz R, Gelybó Gy, Regional Climate Change Expected
in Hungary for 2071-2100, 2007. Appl.Ecology and Environmental Research
3 Lenkei P, Concrete Structures and the Probable Climate Change: 2nd fib
Congress, Doppieroce, Italy, 2006. Condensed Papers (2) 564-565.

50 Per. Pol. Civil Eng. Péter Lenkei

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