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"It should

we is in character
learn fromof growth
both that
experiences"and unpleasant
-Nelson Mendela
HOOK:Humanity has been facing frequent trials in the
contemporary era. One seriously emerging challenge is global
warming. It has a record of disastrous impacts on earth that are
severe and cataclysmic. The Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change attributes mega-disasters to global warming.
These environmental calamities have raised serious concerns
for leaders, scientists, environmentalists as well as public. The
defence experts warn about gradually changing weather
tendencies and emerging of new security challenges. Global
warming is causing continuous fluctuations in our fragile
ecosystem ,and any persistent malfunctioning in the
ecosystem would affect the politico-economic, strategic, and
even very existence of humanity .It would require rational
choices and new strategic approaches for saving humanity
and numerous organism species under global warming
impacts. Strategists, in the future, will inevitably explore
looming tactical security concerns to safeguard defence
capabilities. Against this backdrop, this paper argues that
global warming will create severe strategic complications. In
the coming decades, traditional national defence systems will
have to undergo a new transformation supportive to cope with
emerging cataclysmic security issues due to global warming.
Therefore, innovative lines of tactical ecological rationale will
become an essential part of national defence.
Introduction: In the dawn of the 21 century, frequent
environmental disasters have been trooping on a global scale.
Developed or developing, almost all states are facing the mega-
catastrophes one after another. The cataclysmic nature of these calamities
appeared to be a by-product of global warming metamorphosing into
ecological security issues. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) endorses greenhouse gases as an elementary cause of
global warming. IPCC sequential scientific assessment reports mark a
distinct need for mitigating hazardous emissions of greenhouse
gases in our shared atmosphere.1Today, climatic disasters of wavering.
Quotes by inspirational leaders:
• “The world must come together to confront climate change. There
is little scientific dispute that if we do nothing, we will face more
drought, famine and mass displacement that will fuel more
conflict for decades.” - Barack Obama
• “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” - Benjamin
• “Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative
challenge, it's common sense.” - Ronald Reagan
• “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every
man's greed.”- Mahatma Gandhi
• “Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to
be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.” - Bill Gates
• “On climate change, we often don't fully appreciate that it is a
problem. We think it is a problem waiting to happen.” - Kofi
• "Gordon Brown thinks you can solve climate change by changing
your lightbulbs. I think you should solve climate change by
changing the government" - Siân Berry
• "We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down
global warming before it is too late... The science is clear. The
global warming debate is over." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
• “We don’t have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For
young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-
election. It's life or death."
• “By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions and
destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it,
there is no planet B.” - Emmanuel Macron
• “I hold a vision of this blue green planet, safe and in balance. At
the end of the Fossil Fuel Era, we are emerging to a new reality.
We are ready to make the next leap – as momentous as abolishing
slavery or giving women the vote.” - Elizabeth May
• “We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right
now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere
can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.” - Elon
• "Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore
its danger or split into opposing factions on it." - Tony Blair
• Climate Change Quotes From Scientists
and Activists“
• “regulation
The less we do to address climate change now, the more
we will have in the future.” - Bill Nye
• “We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed
and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at
ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and
overcrowded planet.” - Stephen Hawking
• “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide
what kind of difference you want to make.” - Dr. Jane
• “It’s not climate change that needs to be tackled. It is the
political power of the fossil fuel industry.” - Richard
• “What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable
planet to put it on?” - Henry David Thoreau
• “When I was a boy in the 1930s, the carbon dioxide level
was still below 300 parts per million. This year, it reached
382, the highest figure for hundreds of thousands of
• - David Attenborough
• “The planet will continue to cook.” - Paul Krugman
• “Since global warming Eskimos now have twenty different
words for water.” - John O'Farrell
• “Climate change is the greatest threat to our
existence in our short history on this planet.
Nobody’s going to buy their way out of its effects.” -
Mark Ruffalo
• “I hope to use my celebrity to motivate people and
contribute to moving our global society back from
the brink. I am surprised environment is not at the
top of the agenda. What is more important than
good and clean air?” - Don Cheadle

• climate change can cutWorld Economy by 23 trillion dollars in
2050(NytIMES NOV 21)
• IPCC'S sixth assessment report, published in 2021,found that human
emmision of heat trappinggases have already warmedthe
climate by nearly 2 degree ferenhite since pre-industrial
• 1)In 2003, a critical and analytical report was published on the
abrupt climate change scenario and its implications for national
security.20It recognizes global warming as one of the main security
issues for the USas well as transnational security while discussing
security concepts, global operational capacity, and present to
future risks attached withglobal warming. The US
strategistsseemmuchconcerned about the non-traditional aspects of
weather changes;however, the scientific communityviewsthat no
matter what stepsto betaken, the mitigation wouldbe inadequate.
Therefore, to mitigate the emissions, they need to curb the
concentration of greenhouse gasesto pre-industrial levels.
• 2)Another reporttitled “National Security and the Threat of Climate
Change,”published by the CAN Corporation in 2007declaredglobal
warming as a threatmultiplier.22Seasoned military analystsin their
assessment marked global warming trends as one of the main
threats to national securitydue tohazardous and proliferating
effects.Global warminghasnow been perceived as anovel security
concern for the worlddue to its mass destructivenatureand taking
place on theworldwide agenda
• 3)Defenceexperts havedetectedimminent dangersofglobal warming.
Brzoska (2012),inhis article titled“Climate Change as a Driver of
Security Policy”,identifiesnew dimensionsof security thatastate
having the ability to adapt to climatechanges would be able to
defend its population.
• 4) The CAN Corporation,in its 2007-report, strategically
marksclimate changeadaptation as a necessityand
emphasizesappropriate capacity building and proactive
• 5) IPCC 2018-report has indicated that greenhouse gases levels in
the earth's atmosphereare continuously increasing, and 25
disturbance in the ecosystem has led to harmful problems for
human life and vegetation.
• Inpregnant
most regions of south American, advised women not to get
for two years that is red flag
• CHINA (10bn tons CO2 and 30% global greenhouse emissions )
• US (5.5bn tons CO2 and 14% global greenhouse emissions)
• SUDAN (13million tons CO2 and 0.04 global greenhouse emissions)
• cumulative CO2 emmissions 2020-1750 US(416bn tons) britain(78bn
tons) pakistan (5bn tons) sudan(446m tons)
• since 1850 2500bn tons CO2 emmissions by men.
• A new study titled ‘Modelling the impact of climate change on dengue
outbreaks and future spatiotemporal shift in Pakistan’ said the virus
will reach the non-vulnerable high-altitude areas due to the impact of
climate change.New report says Pakistan’s north vulnerable to
infection “Our findings indicate that DTSD would spread across
Pakistan, particularly in areas where we have never seen dengue
infections previously,” the researchers said Pakistan, which is already
grappling with the disaster caused by floods, faced a surge in dengue
cases since mid-June 2022 due to stagnated water in most of the
flood-affected areas, according to the World Health Organisation.
Published in Dawn, November 23rd, 2022
Climate change is nothing short of existential threat(Zukhruf amjad
works as consultant in World Bank)
LAHORE: The public health experts have warned that nine out of 10
people breathe air that exceeds World Health Organization (WHO)
guideline limits for pollutants, with low-and middle-income countries,
including Pakistan suffering the most.Quoting a report of the WHO, he
said, 4.2m out of 7m people die of exposure to ambient air pollution
including smog.He suggested that the individuals can replace energy-
intensive devices with energy-efficient ones to reduce energy demand
and thus lower the problem of smog.
Published in Dawn, November 28th, 2022
Britain’s The Guardian newspaper noted that Pakistan brought the
resolve to fight back adverse effects of the changing climate to COP27
and “succeeded in keeping developing countries united on loss and
damage — despite efforts by some rich countries to divide them”.
“Pakistan was first damaged by historic heat waves, forest fires and a
massive drought and then followed by this flooding,” Bilawa said
Published in Dawn, November 29th, 2022
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) chairman leutinent
General Inam Haider Malik on wednesday underlined the need for
global commitment to "Climate Millennium Goals" in line with
sustainable Development goal (SDGs) to secure shared future.
Published 1 Dec 2022
PARIS: For the first time astronomers have identified a planet that is
spiralling towards a cataclysmic collision with its aging sun, potentially
offering a glimpse into how Earth could end one day.

In a new study published on Monday, a team of mostly US-based

researchers said they hope the doomed exoplanet, Kepler-1658b, can
help shed light on how worlds die as their stars get older.

Kepler-1658b, which is 2,600 light years from Earth, is known as a “hot

Jupiter” planet.

While similar in size to Jupiter, the planet orbits its host star an eighth of
the distance between our Sun and Mercury, making it far hotter than
the gas giant in our own Solar System.

Kepler-1658b’s orbit around its host star takes less than three days _
and it is getting shorter by around 131 milliseconds a year, according to
the study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“If it continues spiralling towards its star at the observed rate, the
planet will collide with its star in less than three million years,” said
Shreyas Vissapragada, a postdoc at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics and the study’s lead author.

“This is the first time we’ve observed direct evidence for a planet
spiralling towards its evolved star,” he said.

An evolved star is deemed to have entered the “subgiant” phase of the

stellar life cycle when it starts expanding and becoming brighter.

Kepler-1658b’s orbit is being shortened by the tides, in a similar process

to how Earth’s oceans rise and fall every day.

This gravitational push-and-pull can work both ways _ for example the
Moon is very slowly spiralling away from Earth.

Earth’s ultimate adios?

So could Earth be heading towards a similar doom? “Death-by-star is a

fate thought to await many worlds and could be the Earth’s ultimate
adios billions of years from now as our Sun grows older,” the Center for
Astrophysics said in a statement.

Vissapragada said “in five billion years or so, the Sun will evolve into a
red giant star”.

While the tidally-driven processes seen on Kepler-1658b “will drive the

decay of the Earth’s orbit towards the Sun”, that effect could be
counter-balanced by the Sun losing mass, he said. “The ultimate fate of
the Earth is somewhat unclear,” he added.

Kepler-1658b was the first exoplanet ever observed by the Kepler space
telescope, which launched in 2009.

But it took nearly a decade of work before the planet’s existence was
confirmed in 2019, the Center for Astrophysics said.
Over 13 years, astronomers were able to observe the slow but steady
change in the planet’s orbit as it crossed the face of its host star.

One “big surprise” was that the planet itself is quite bright,
Vissapragada said.

Previously it had been thought this was because it is a particularly

reflective planet, he said.

But now the researchers believe the planet itself is far hotter than
anticipated, possibly due to the same forces that are driving it towards
its star.

Published in Dawn, December 20th, 2022

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan contributes less than one per cent to global
carbon dioxide (CO2)emissions, yet it has suffered enormous human
and economic losses due to climate-related disasters. Rapid
population growth aggravated the pre-existing vulnerabilities of poor
people, especially children and women.

This was stated by retired ambassador Shafqat Kakakhel, Chairperson

Board of Governors Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI),
in his address at a dialogue arranged by the Population Council on
“Climate and population at COP27” at the 23rd annual conference of
the Population Association of Pakistan (PAP).
He said that world population reached the mark of eight billion on
November 15 and 2022 was also the sixth hottest year of the planet
earth. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has now
reached levels 50pc higher than the start of industrial revolution.
Ministry of National Health Services in collaboration with WHO
commemorated the universal health day with the aim to raise
awareness on the need for strong, equitable and resilient health
systems and universal health coverage (UHC).
The WHO representative said this year UHC day theme “Build the
world we want: a healthy future for all” emphasised that to build
strong health systems we need equity, trust, healthy environments,
investments and accountability.

Published in Dawn, December 23rd, 2022

At upcoming conference by the UN pakistan will represent document
Extreme weather in US in 2022 causes over 165 billions dollars
damages(TRT WORLD 11 jan 2023)
“In the face of myths and misperceptions, we as
individuals lose our motivation to act,” Sarathchandra
says. “We also lose our drive to engage in collective
action that would push for institutional and structural
Myth 1: Climate Change is Not Anthropogenic
Cascade Tuholske, an assistant professor of human-
environment geography at Montana State University,
explains the first of these myths is still extremely
persistent. “That human activity is not causing climate
change,” he says
“We started out with ‘Climate change is not happening,’
and then ‘It’s not caused by humans,’” says David Ho, a
climate scientist at the University of Hawaii. But now
“we’re getting to the point of almost majority acceptance
that it’s caused by humans.”

Despite this broad scientific consensus, a study carried

out last year found that, on average, people in the U.K.
believe only 65 percent of scientists agree that human-
driven climate change is real
Myth 2: It’s a Problem for Future Generations
Climate change is already impacting people and
biodiversity, but attributing extreme weather events to
climate change is complex work. An analysis by Carbon
Brief found that 71 percent of 504 extreme weather
events in recent decades were “made more likely or
more severe by human-caused climate change.”
And an estimated 3.3 to 3.6 billion people are on the
climate frontlines, living in regions that are highly
vulnerable to climate change. A 2021 report by UNICEF
states that nearly 1 billion children live in areas with
“extremely high risk” of impacts of climate change.

Not to mention the multitude of wildlife that will be

affected; in 2016, a small rodent from Australia known as
the Bramble Cay melomys reportedly became the first
mammal whose extinction was attributed to climate
change (in this case due to storm surges reducing its
Myth 3: There Is Nothing To Be Done
“This belief is problematic,” Sarathchandra says,
“because it generates apathy or resignation and prevents
individual and collective action as well as reduces the
public pressure for much needed political action.”
“There’s lots that can be done both in terms of mitigation
and adaptation and many of the technologies to do so
already exist,” Tuholske says. “We just need the political
and economic will to implement them on a massive
OIL GAIN EXXON mobile predictedclimate chang in
1970sclaim BBC news
"Exxon mobile is commited to being part of solution of
climate change and risks it poses. those who suggest
'we know' are wrong, Exxon moble is actively engaged
in efforts to reduce emmission"
According to data released by the Ministry of Climate
Change (MOCC), during the last two decades
the country has experienced 152 extreme events,
triggered by climate change, of which the recent
catastrophic floods are one.
REPORT released by the ministry also show that the
country is likely to hit absolute water scarcity by 2025.
Apart from a lack of water, food insecurity is also
expected to rise from 40% to 60% by 2050
According to
Minister of Climate Change Sherry Rehman, “Now is the
time to move towards implementation, and enough
with broken promises. COP27 must shake the leaders of
the Global North that talks must be
focused on protecting vulnerable lives.”
Call for Climate Justice
“What we seek is not charity, not alms, not aid but
justice,” Bilawal Bhutto Zardar
In 2021, wealthy nations vowed to provide $40 billion
per year by 2025 to help poorer countries
with climate adaptation measures such as building flood
defences. But a United Nations (UN) report
(Adaptation Gap Report 2022) estimates this is less than
one-fifth of what developing nations need
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a
resolution on October 7th, calling for
developing nations to receive more funding to fight
climate change. The resolution also showed
support for Pakistan. The resolution, passed by the 193-
member body with consensus, said that
better access to international climate financing is
important in helping developing countries mitigate
and adapt to climate change, particularly those that are
most vulnerable. Rich countries’ unkept
promise to provide $100 billion a year in climate change
financing starting in 2020 is a recurring
sticking point in international talks on global warming.
Pakistan lies at the
lower rungs of bottom 50% of emitters where per
person emissions have marginally risen from 1.2
tons to 1.6 tons on average from 1990 onwards
Pakistan is working on several clean energy projects
including hydro and solar projects to reduce carbon
emissions and play its part in global efforts to reduce
climate change impacts. Recently, the PM of Pakistan
chaired a meeting to solarize all government buildings
at the federal level. Similarly, many hydro powers dam
projects are near completion.The 4R framework is a
comprehensive strategy that can help Pakistan take
practical steps to make itself climate resilient by
effectively mitigating climate change and dealing with
any challenges emerged by climate change disasters in
the future
Even the largest emerging markets, such as China and
India, could not spend more than 5.5% of gdp on
stimulus. Many spent less.


Right to life
right to health (research indicate that heat increase the
incidence of stilbirth, and increasing the spread of
vector born illness such as malaria, dengue fewer and
zika virus which are linked to worse maternal and
neonatal outcomes)
right to housing due to floods
build the capacity of women in climate discussion
right to water and its sanitation
illiteracy about technica agriculture management
poverty unemployment due to floods ( 90% female
labours in african countries .women farmers
currentlyaccount for 45-80% of all food production in
developing countries on the region
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC),the UN-sponsored body of
scientists and economists that periodically
assesses the science andglobal
risks greenhouse
of climate gas
change, calculates that
emissions must falltobylimit
60 percent by 2035 to
(from 2019 levels) global warming
1.5 degrees. the IPCC estimates that
temperatures remain at or below 1.5ifdegrees,
the global mean rise in1.2
sea level will likely be
somewhere between feet and 2.5 feet by
2100. But if emissions go largely unchecked,
the rise could be between 3.5 feet and 7 feet
by 2100 in the United States.UN Secretary-
General António Guterres has warned that
sea-level rise could cause low-lying
communities, including entirea island countries,
to disappear forever, driving “biblical scale”
exodus from coastal regions.

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