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Comprehensive Psychiatry 92 (2019) 22–27

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Parenting styles, perceived social support and emotion regulation in

adolescents with internet addiction
Yusuf Karaer, Devrim Akdemir ⁎
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate parental attitudes, perceived social support, emotion regulation and
Adolescent the accompanying psychiatric disorders seen in adolescents who, having been diagnosed with Internet Addiction
Internet addiction (IA), were referred to an outpatient child and adolescent psychiatric clinic.
Methods: Of 176 adolescents aged 12–17, 40 were included in the study group. These scored 80 or higher on
Social support
Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT) and met Young's diagnostic criteria for IA based on psychiatric interviews.
Emotional availability
Emotion regulation Forty adolescents who matched them in terms of age, gender and socio-economic level were included in the con-
trol group. The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS-PL), the Par-
enting Style Scale (PSS), the Lum Emotional Availabilty of Parents (LEAP), the Social Support Appraisals Scale for
Children (SSAS-C), the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20
(TAS-20) were applied.
Results: The results showed that the parents of adolescents with IA were more frequently inadequate in accep-
tance/involvement, supervision/monitoring and they had less emotional availability. The adolescents with IA
had less perceived social support, greater difficulty in the identification and verbal expression of their feelings
and emotion regulation. Lower parental strictness/supervision, higher alexithymia and the existence of an anx-
iety disorder were found to be significant predictors of IA. Internet addicted adolescents with comorbid major de-
pressive disorder had higher levels of alexithymia and lower levels of emotional availability in their parents.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that strategies for the prevention and treatment of IA in adolescents should focus
on improving the quality of parenting parent-adolescent relationships, enhancing perceived social support and
emotion regulation while reducing the associated psychiatric symptoms in adolescents.
© 2019 Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction have reached 90.7% by 2018 [3]. As Internet use increases, IA also in-
creases. A meta-analysis of data from 31 nationwide studies in seven re-
Internet Addiction (IA) is a condition where functioning is adversely gions of the world found that the overall prevalence of IA was 6%, the
affected due to excessive Internet use and cognitive, psychological or highest prevalence (10.9%) was in the Middle East and the lowest prev-
physical damage arises. IA is defined as staying on the Internet for lon- alence (2.6%) was in Western and Northern Europe [4]. The prevalence
ger than planned, experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as nervous- of pathological Internet use among adolescents in 11 European countries
ness, depression or restlessness when deprived of the Internet was found to be 4.4% [5]. The prevalence of IA in adolescents in Turkey
unsuccessfully attempting to control or stop using the Internet, lying ranged from 1.6% to 19% depending on the region [6,7].
about Internet use and the gradual deterioration of the school, family IA in adolescents is associated with many psycho-social factors. Pa-
and social life of the affected person [1]. rental attitudes, family and peer relationships, level of perceived social
Internet use in the world and Turkey has shown a sustained and rapid support and emotion regulation are among the researched factors. In
growth in recent years. The number of people using the Internet in the these studies, inadequacies in parenting skills (neglectful, rejecting, pro-
world has increased by 1052% between 2000 and 2018 and 54.4% of tective, demanding and authoritarian parenting) [8–12], failure to con-
the world population and 68.4% of people living in Turkey use the Inter- trol, monitor and participate in children's Internet use [5,13–15],
net according to Internet World Statistics data [2]. The maximum in- negative parent-adolescent relationships [16–18], low perceived social
crease in Turkey occurred in young people between the ages of 16 and support [8,11,19,20], alexithymia and difficulties in emotion regulation
24. The 26.6% utilization rate for this age group in 2004 is reported to [21–24] are found to be related to IA in adolescents. However, commu-
nity samples were used in all of these studies, IA was evaluated only by
⁎ Corresponding author. self-report scales and no clinical evaluation was done. Studies evaluat-
E-mail address: (D. Akdemir). ing parental attitudes/family relationships, perceived social support
0010-440X/© 2019 Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y. Karaer, D. Akdemir / Comprehensive Psychiatry 92 (2019) 22–27 23

and emotion regulation in adolescents with clinically diagnosed Inter- 2.2. Data collection tools
net addiction are quite limited [25–27]. In addition, although comorbid
psychiatric disorders in adolescents with IA are common [27–29], the 2.2.1. Socio-demographic and clinical information form
associations of these comorbidities with the investigated factors have Questions were asked regarding socio-demographic characteristics,
been overlooked. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate paren- medical and family history and Internet use habits.
tal attitudes, perceived social support and emotion regulation and the
relationships between these factors and the psychiatric disorders occur- 2.2.2. Hollingshead - Redich scale
ring in adolescents diagnosed with IA who have been referred to a child This scale was translated into Turkish from the Comprehensive As-
and adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinic. sessment of Symptoms and History (CASH) [30]. Based on the occupa-
tional and educational status of the parents, the scale reflects the
highest socio-economic level reached for a certain period of time. Five
2. Materials and methods different socio-economic levels are defined in the scale.

2.1. Participants 2.2.3. Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT)

This 20-item measurement was developed by Young from the
The study included one hundred and seventy-six adolescents be- criteria of Psychoactive Substance Addiction of DSM-IV to determine
tween the ages of 12 and 17 who had been referred by pediatricians pathological Internet use [31]. Those who score 80 or more on the
to the Hacettepe University Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Outpa- 6-point Likert-type scale are described as “pathological Internet users”
tient Clinic for the first time. Sixteen of them were excluded from the and those who score less than 50 are classified as “have control of screen
study because of the incompleteness of their scales. Thirty five usage”. The Turkish version had a standardized alpha value of 0.91 and a
(21.9%) of the remaining 160 adolescents came forward with com- Spearman-Brown value of 0.87 [32].
plaints related to IA and 125 adolescents (78.1%) presented with
psychiatric complaints other than IA symptoms. Of the 160 adoles- 2.2.4. Young's Internet addiction diagnostic criteria
cents (103 girls, 57 boys) who voluntarily agreed to participate in Young identified diagnostic criteria for IA by taking DSM-IV's patho-
this study, those who scored 80 or more on Young's IA Test (IAT) logical gambling diagnostic criteria as an example [33]. These criteria
were clinically assessed according to the diagnostic criteria recom- have been frequently used in diagnosing IA in adolescents in the litera-
mended by Young for IA, and the adolescents meeting these diagnos- ture and were assessed using clinical psychiatric interviews in this
tic criteria were included in the study group. Forty adolescents (25% study.
of the total sample) were diagnosed with IA and made up the study
group. IA was diagnosed in 16 of the 35 adolescents with complaints 2.2.5. Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age chil-
related to IA (45.7%) and in 24 of the 125 adolescents with com- dren - present and lifetime version, (K-SADS-PL)
plaints other than IA symptoms (19.2%). Adolescents with mental re- This is a semi-structured clinical psychiatric interview for diagnosing
tardation, psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum the present and lifetime psychopathologies of children and adolescents
disorder, accompanying neurological or chronic medical illness [34]. The validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the scale
were excluded from the study. was conducted by Gökler et al. [35]. K-SADS-PL was applied to the ado-
Among the 160 adolescents with psychiatric complaints, those who lescents and their parents in the study and control groups in this study.
scored less than 50 on Young's IAT and did not meet Young's IA diagnos-
tic criteria were used to create the control group of 40 adolescents who 2.2.6. Parenting Style Scale (PSS)
matched the study group with respect to age, gender and socio- This scale, developed by Lamborn et al. [36], consists of 26 items
economic level. The sample selection in the study has been given as a which are grouped into three factors (Acceptance/Involvement; Strict-
flow chart in Table 1. ness/Supervision and Psychological Autonomy). In the study of

Table 1
The sample selection for the IA and control groups.

IA: Internet Addiction, IAT: Internet Addiction Test, SES: Socio-economic Status.
24 Y. Karaer, D. Akdemir / Comprehensive Psychiatry 92 (2019) 22–27

adaptation to Turkish done by Yılmaz [37]: test-retest reliability and study of the 20-item scale was carried out by Beştepe [45] and the
Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficients for high school stu- Cronbach alpha coefficient was found to be 0.81.
dents were 0.82 and 0.70 for the acceptance/involvement, 0.88 and
0.69 for the strictness/supervision, and 0.76 and 0.66 for the psycholog- 2.3. Procedure
ical autonomy subscales, respectively. “Democratic”, “Neglectful”, “Au-
thoritarian” and “Permissive” parenting styles are distinguished from The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board
the intersection of acceptance/involvement and strictness/supervision of Hacettepe University with decision number GO 17/285. Written in-
dimensions [37]. formed consent was obtained from all the adolescents and their parents.
The first investigator completed the IAT by questioning the participants
2.2.7. Lum Emotional Availability of Parents (LEAP) and then assessed the presence of Young's IA diagnostic criteria and
The scale consists of 15 items in which respondents are asked to con- other psychiatric disorders, through a clinical psychiatric interview
sider their parents separately and give a score between 1 and 6 [38]. with the adolescents and their parents. The other scales were filled in
Higher scores indicate higher levels of parental emotional availability. by the adolescents.
In the validity and reliability study of the Turkish version, the Cronbach
alpha coefficients were found to be 0.95 for the mother form and 0.97
2.4. Statistical analysis
for the father form. The item test correlations of the scale were between
0.65 and 0.83 for the mother form; and between 0.76 and 0.86 for the
The statistical analysis of data was carried out using the Statistical
father form [39].
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) v15.0 software. In the evaluation
of the data determined by measurement, Student's t-test or Mann-
2.2.8. Social Support Appraisals Scale for Children (SSAS-C)
Whitney U test were used based on whether parametric test assump-
This is a 41-item, 5-point Likert type questionnaire designed to as-
tions were met or not, respectively. The chi-square (χ2) test was used
sess children's and adolescents' perceptions of their social support
to compare the nominal data between groups. The Pearson correlation
from friends, families and teachers [40]. It measures how the child per-
analysis was applied to investigate the relationships between two con-
ceives himself as a loved, concerned, valued and accepted person.
tinuous variables in the groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis was
Higher scores reflect higher levels of perceived social support. The
performed to determine factors predicting IA. The level of statistical sig-
Cronbach alpha coefficient of the scale is 0.93. The Turkish adaptation,
nificance was accepted to be lower than 0.05 in all analyses.
validity and reliability study was carried out by Gökler [41].

2.2.9. Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) 3. Results

This is a 5-point Likert type self-report scale which contains 36 items
and six dimensions [42]. “Awareness” evaluates the state of being un- 3.1. Demographics
aware of emotional responses; “Clarity” is related to the lack of emo-
tional clarity; “Non-acceptance” evaluates the acceptability of negative One hundred sixty adolescents, 103 girls (65.4%) and 57 boys
emotions; “Strategies” means limited access to effective emotion regu- (34.6%) were admitted to the study. There were 40 adolescents includ-
lation strategies; “Impulse” evaluates the difficulty in controlling the ing 29 (72.5%) girls and 11 (27.5%) boys in both the study and control
impulsive behaviors evoked by negative emotions; “Goals” refers to dis- groups. There was no statistically significant difference between the
engagement in a goal-directed behavior while experiencing negative two groups in terms of age, the duration of education of the adolescents
emotions. Higher scores indicate greater difficulties in emotion regula- and their parents and the socio-economic level of the families (Table 2).
tion. The scale was adapted to Turkish by Rugancı and the Cronbach co-
efficient of the scale was 0.94 [43]. 3.2. Descriptive analysis

2.2.10. Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) The duration of Internet use was 480 (Min: 60 - Max: 1020) min/day
This scale was originally developed by the University of Toronto in in the study group and 120 (Min: 10 - Max: 300) min/day in the control
1985 and consisted of 26 items and four factors. It was then rearranged group (Mann-Whitney U test, U = 56.5, p b .01). There was a strong
by Taylor et al. [44] to include 20 items and three factors: “Difficulty positive correlation between the duration of daily Internet use and the
Identifying Feelings”, “Difficulty Describing Feelings” and “Externally- IAT scores (Pearson correlation analysis, r = 0.734, p b .01) over the
Oriented Thinking”. It is a 5-point Likert type scale and higher scores in- whole group. No significant correlation was found between age and
dicate higher levels of alexithymic features. The validity and reliability the IAT scores (r = 0.034, p N .05).

Table 2
Socio-demographic variables in the study and control groups.

Socio-demographic variable IA group Control group Statistics

Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

Age (year) 15.4 ± 1.3 15.4 ± 1.1 t = 0.27 NS

Duration of education (year) 9.9 ± 1.3 9.6 ± 1.1 t = 0.86 NS
Age of mother (year) 42.4 ± 6.1 41.4 ± 6.4 t = 0.68 NS
Age of father (year) 47.4 ± 7.8 45.3 ± 6.0 t = 1.35 NS
Duration of education of mother (year) 8.7 ± 3.6 9.0 ± 4.2 t = 0.31 NS
Duration of education of father (year) 9.4 ± 4.0 9.5 ± 3.5 t = 0.03 NS
Socio-economic level n % n %
Upper-middle 11 27.5 10 25.0 χ2 = 0.51 NS
Middle 16 40.0 16 40.0
Lower-middle 4 10.0 6 15.0
Lower 9 22.5 8 20.0

IA: Internet Addiction, NS: Not Significant (p N .05).

Y. Karaer, D. Akdemir / Comprehensive Psychiatry 92 (2019) 22–27 25

Table 3 Table 4
Psychiatric diagnoses in the study and control groups. PSS, LEAP, SSAS-C, DERS and TAS-20 scores in the study and control groups.

Psychiatric diagnoses IA group Control Statistics Scales IA group Control group Statistics
group Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

n % n % Parenting Style Scale

2 NS Acceptance/involvement 25.8 ± 5.4 27.0 ± 5.6 t = 0.99 NS
Major depressive disorder 26 65 20 50 χ = 1.85
Strictness/supervision 27.0 ± 3.9 28.5 ± 3.1 t = 1.91 NS
Anxiety disorders 29 72.5 15 37.5 χ2 = 10.12 ⁎⁎
Psychological autonomy 22.5 ± 4.0 22.2 ± 4.2 t = −0.33 NS
SAD 5 12.5 0 0 χ2 = 7.26 ⁎⁎
LEAP-Mother 64.4 ± 21.8 75.1 ± 17.1 t = 2.45 *
Social phobia 10 25 4 10 χ2 = 3.20 NS
LEAP-Father 50.5 ± 21.9 63.7 ± 21.7 t = 2.66 *
GAD 15 37.5 10 25 χ2 = 1.46 NS
SSAS-C-Total score 110.9 ± 18.5 122.0 ± 17.0 t = 2.78 ⁎⁎
Specific phobia 13 32.5 2 5 χ2 = 10.89 ⁎⁎
SSAS-C-friends 66.4 ± 12.8 72.8 ± 12.6 t = 2.25 *
OCD 12 30 4 10 χ2 = 5.19 ⁎
SSAS-C-family 44.4 ± 10.2 48.4 ± 10.4 t = 1.72 NS
Disruptive behavior disorders 22 55 10 25 χ2 = 7.64 ⁎⁎
DERS-Total score 103.3 ± 20.4 87.5 ± 25.2 t = −3.07 ⁎⁎
ADHD 15 37.5 8 20 χ2 = 3.03 NS
Awareness 17.5 ± 5.8 15.3 ± 4.2 t = −1.89 NS
ODD 12 30 3 7.5 χ2 = 7.03 ⁎⁎
Clarity 15.1 ± 4.3 11.5 ± 5.6 t = −3.22 **
CD 14 35 1 2.5 χ2 = 16.06 ⁎⁎
Non-acceptance 13.3 ± 5.9 11.7 ± 5.8 t = −1.24 NS
Tic disorders 3 7.5 0 0 χ2 = 4.28 ⁎
Strategies 23.0 ± 7.7 18.1 ± 8.2 t = −2.72 **
ASUD 1 2.5 0 0 χ2 = 1.39 NS
Impulse 17.9 ± 6.7 15.0 ± 6.2 t = −2.0 *
NS: Not Significant (p N .05), *p b .05, **p b .01, IA: Internet Addiction, SAD: Separation anx- Goals 16.6 ± 5.1 15.4 ± 5.6 t = −1.0 NS
iety disorder, GAD: Generalized anxiety disorder, OCD: Obsessive compulsive disorder, TAS-20-Total score 60.7 ± 10.6 52.2 ± 10.1 t = −3.67 **
ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ODD: Oppositional defiant disorder, CD: Difficulty identifying feelings 21.4 ± 6.4 17.2 ± 6.6 t = −2.86 **
Conduct disorder, ASUD: Alcohol/substance use disorders. Difficulty describing feelings 15.3 ± 3.9 12.3 ± 4.0 t = −3.36 **
Externally-oriented thinking 23.7 ± 4.7 22.7 ± 3.9 t = −1.04 NS

According to the K-SADS-PL, 39 (97.5%) adolescents in the study NS: Not Significant (p N .05), *p b .05, **p b .01, IA: Internet Addiction, PSS: Parenting Style Scale,
group and 31 (77.5%) adolescents in the control group had at least one LEAP: Lum Emotional Availability of Parents, SSAS-C: Social Support Appraisals Scale for Chil-
dren, DERS: Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, TAS-20: Toronto Alexithymia Scale.
psychiatric diagnosis during the evaluation (χ2 = 7.31, p b .01). The
mean number of psychiatric diagnoses was 3.2 ± 1.5 in the study
group and 1.5 ± 1.2 in the control group (t = −5.69, p b .01). In the The model explained 36.5% of the variance (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.365)
study group, the mean number of psychiatric diagnoses was signifi- and the overall prediction success was 72.5% (72.5% for no IA and
cantly higher in females (3.5 ± 1.2) than in males (2.2 ± 1.6; t = 72.5% for IA). The PSS-Strictness/supervision scores, total TAS-20 scores
2.80, p b .01). The current psychiatric diagnoses for the two groups are and the presence of any anxiety disorders were significant predictors of
given in Table 3. IA. Lower parental strictness/supervision, higher alexithymia and the
presence of an anxiety disorder were found to be associated with IA in
3.3. Differences between IA and control groups adolescents (Table 5).

Although there were no significant differences between the subscale 4. Discussion

scores of the PSS in the study and control groups, a significant difference
in terms of parenting style was observed. While the proportion of dem- In this study, among the adolescents who were referred to the child
ocratic families was significantly lower (15.5% versus 42.5%), the pro- and adolescent psychiatry clinic, 25% were diagnosed with IA. The
portion of neglectful families was higher (37.5% versus 17.5%) in the higher prevalence of IA observed in this study can be attributed to the
study group (χ2 = 8.45, p b .05). Among the two groups, there were sta- rising use of Internet, especially in adolescents, in recent years in
tistically significant differences between the mean scores of the LEAP; Turkey [3] and to the recruitment of the study population from clinically
the Perceived Social Support From Friends and total scores of the referred adolescents. IA was diagnosed in 28% of the girls and 19% of the
SSAS-C; the Clarity, Strategies, Impulse and total scores of the DERS males in this study. Although IA is reported to be more common among
and the Difficulty Identifying Feelings, Difficulty Describing Feelings males in some studies with adolescents [5,7–9,19,20,46,47], there are
and total scores of the TAS-20 (Table 4). other studies reporting no gender predilection [6,11,12,48]. More fre-
quent IA in girls in this study may be due to the fact that girls who are
3.4. Relationships with accompanying psychiatric disorders addicted to the Internet are more likely to be admitted to the psychiatry
outpatient clinic because they have higher rates of psychopathologies
In the study group, total scores of the LEAP for both parents were found than Internet addicted boys. In this study, it was also shown that the du-
to be significantly lower (t = 2.153, p b .05 for the mother and t = 2.043 ration of daily Internet use was significantly higher in adolescents with
p b .05 for the father) and the total score of the TAS-20 was higher (t = IA and it was related to pathological Internet use. Consistent with this
−2.587, p b .05) in adolescents with a major depressive disorder than in result, one of the important predictors of IA in adolescents was given
the ones who did not have a major depressive disorder. There were no as the duration of Internet use in several studies [5,7,47].
statistically significant differences between the scores of the scales Although the Acceptance/Involvement and Strictness/Supervision
based on the presence or absence of comorbid anxiety disorder or dis- subscale scores of PSS were lower in adolescents with IA, there were
ruptive behavior disorder. no statistically significant differences between the two groups. How-
ever, the ratio of democratic families was significantly lower and the
3.5. Predictors of Internet addiction ratio of neglectful families was higher in adolescents with IA. These re-
sults show that, although acceptance/involvement and strictness/su-
Multiple logistic regression analysis with the backward stepwise pervision of all the parents of adolescents with IA are not low, parents
method was performed to investigate the factors that predict IA in ado- with both low acceptance/involvement and low strictness/supervision
lescents. The scores of the PSS subscales, the total scores of the SSAS-C are more frequent. In this study, lower parental strictness/supervision
and TAS-20, and the presence of major depressive disorder, anxiety dis- was also demonstrated to be a significant predictor of IA. In addition,
orders and disruptive behavior disorders were included as independent the perception of their parents' emotional availability was lower in ad-
variables in this model. A test of the full model against a constant only olescents with IA. In studies conducted with a community sampling, ad-
model was statistically significant, indicating that the predictors as a olescents with IA were found to perceive their parents as emotionally
set reliably distinguished the presence of IA (χ2 = 25.619, p b .001). distant, rejecting, poor in caregiving, supervising and monitoring, as
26 Y. Karaer, D. Akdemir / Comprehensive Psychiatry 92 (2019) 22–27

Table 5
Predictors of IA in adolescents.

B Standard error Wald p Exp (B) 95% CI for Exp (B)

Lower Upper

PSS-Strictness-supervision −0.177 0.088 4.054 0.044 0.838 0.705 0.995

TAS-20 0.076 0.026 8.385 0.004 1.079 1.025 1.137
Anxiety disorders 1.734 0.571 9.214 0.002 5.663 1.848 17.349
Constant 0.514 2.760 0.035 0.852 1.671

IA: Internet Addiction, PSS: Parenting Style Scale, TAS-20: Toronto Alexithymia Scale.

well as over-intrusive and punitive [11–13]. Their families' communica- alexithymia was higher only in Internet addicted adolescents with ac-
tion, cohesion, intimacy and relationships were considered weak and companying major depressive disorder. Other studies have reported
conflict was high [14,16,17,49]. In this case, adolescents who cannot that the emotional awareness of adolescents [55] and the emotional
find emotional responsiveness, adequate care and attention in their availability of their parents [56] are lower in adolescents with depres-
families, who are not properly supervised and monitored, and who do sion symptoms. As a result, the higher alexithymia and the lower emo-
not have access to open communication tend to use Internet more. tional availability of parents might make the adolescents susceptible to
These results show that promoting parenting skills and strengthening both IA and depression. These results indicate that the parent-
the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship are crucial in adolescent relationship and the adolescents' emotion recognition and
preventing and treating IA in adolescents. expression skills should be better evaluated in adolescents with IA and
Adolescents with IA in this study were found to have lower per- accompanying symptoms of depression.
ceived social support, especially from their friends, than adolescents This study has several strengths and limitations. Although most of the
who did not have IA. There are studies reporting that IA is negatively re- studies investigating IA in adolescents used school-based samples, this
lated to perceived social support in adolescents [11,19,20,46]. In other study was carried out in adolescents with a psychiatric referral. Thus,
studies, different from the findings of this study, as a source of perceived the findings of this study can contribute to the treatment of clinically re-
social support, the family is related to IA, but not friends [19,46]. How- ferred adolescents with IA. However, the recruitment of a control group
ever, friendship is increasingly becoming important in meeting social from a clinical sample might have underestimated the findings and
needs during healthy adolescence, and friends play a crucial role in prevented more robust results. Therefore, the lack of a healthy control
the emotional and social development of adolescents. When adoles- group is a limitation. In this study, the diagnoses of IA and other psycho-
cents fail to make close friendships, they feel more lonely and their pathologies were based not only on self-report scales filled in by the ado-
self-esteem decreases. Therefore, it can be considered that adolescents lescents but also on clinical psychiatric interviews. However, establishing
who do not get enough social support from their friends use Internet a cause-and-effect relationship between IA and the variables investigated
more to meet their social needs, to develop alternative social relation- were not possible due to the cross-sectional design of the study. It might
ships and to increase their self-esteem. be another limitation that an evaluation of parental psychopathology was
In this study, it was found that adolescents with IA had more diffi- not performed in this study. Furthermore, the fact that the sample has a
culty in identifying and describing emotions, understanding emotional high female-to-male ratio limits the generalizability of the results. In
reactions, controlling their impulsive behaviors in response to negative order to better explain the results of this study, follow up studies includ-
emotional experiences and were less able to use effective emotion reg- ing parental assessment and larger samples are required.
ulation strategies than adolescents without IA. In addition, deficiencies In conclusion, the prevalence of IA in this clinical sample was found
in identifying and describing emotions, namely alexithymia, signifi- to be high. The adolescents with IA showed more comorbid psychiatric
cantly predicted IA. In a few studies available in the literature, the diffi- disorders; less perceived social support; more difficulty in identification
culties in adolescents' emotion regulation are shown to be related to IA and verbal expression of their feelings and emotion regulation. Their
[21,22,50]. Adolescents with IA also have inadequate prefrontal cogni- parents were more frequently inadequate in acceptance/involvement,
tive control to suppress their negative emotions, which may result in supervision and monitoring and were less emotionally available.
impulsivity [51]. In a recent study, it has been shown that a good Lower parental strictness/supervision, higher alexithymia and an anxi-
parent-adolescent relationship can reduce IA by increasing the emotion ety disorder were significant predictors of IA in adolescents. Internet
regulation skills of adolescents [50]. In addition, in school-based studies addicted adolescents with comorbid major depressive disorder had
with adolescents, alexithymia and especially the difficulty in identifying higher levels of alexithymia and lower levels of parental emotional
emotions were shown to be associated with IA [24,52]. These results availability. Considering the high prevalence of IA, it might be advisable
emphasize that adolescents' emotion recognition, expression and regu- to include Internet use measurements in routine psychiatric evalua-
lation skills might be important targets in preventing and treating IA. tions, both in clinical and community samples. These results also
The adolescents with IA in this study were more likely to have anx- show that interventions for the prevention and treatment of IA in ado-
iety disorders, particularly separation anxiety disorder, specific phobias lescents should focus on improving parental skills and enhancing the
and obsessive-compulsive disorder and disruptive behavior disorders, quality of parent-adolescent relationships, perceived social support
particularly oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. How- and emotion regulation in order to reduce the associated psychiatric
ever, the high prevalence of comorbidities in adolescents with IA symptoms of adolescents. Future studies should explore the implica-
(97.5%) in this study should be interpreted with caution, since most of tions of these interventions.
the patients in our sample were referred to the outpatient clinic with
psychiatric symptoms other than IA. Indeed, it has been shown that Disclosure statement
the presence of an anxiety disorder increases the risk of IA 5.7 times.
In line with this finding, anxiety has been found to predict IA in adoles- No competing financial interests exist.
cents in recent studies [6,53,54]. These data emphasize the necessity for
a careful evaluation to diagnose IA in adolescents with anxiety symp-
toms and the importance of improving their skills to cope with anxiety References
in the treatment of adolescents with IA. Additionally, this study indi- [1] Young KS. Internet addiction: a new clinical phenomenon and its consequences. Am
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