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File of Want and Desire

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Expressing and enquiring wants/desires

Apakah Desire itu?

Desire is a sense of longing for a person or object or hoping for an outcome. When a person
desires something or someone, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought
of the item or person, and they want to take actions to obtain their goal.
Desire adalah Persaan yang kuat seseorang berupa rasa ingin tahu, rasa rindu atau rasa ingin
memiliki terhadap seseorang atau
objek atau berharap untuk suatu hasil. Ketika
seseorang menginginkan sesuatu atau seseorang, rasa kerinduan Gembira dengan
kenikmatan atau pikiran terhadap
sesuatu atau orang, dan merekaingin untuk mengambil tindakan untuk memperoleh tujuan
15 simple ways to express your needs and desires:
 What works for me is to go slow right now.
 I’d love to do something different, like go for a hike.
 I’d like to go camping this weekend.
 Can you repeat that?
 What I need is a bit more space, and what that looks like is…
 What resonates for me is spending time indoors.
 My body needs movement.
 My sense is I’m going to need more time than I originally said I would.
 I want to go swimming today.
 I would like to share my poem with you.
 My heart is telling me to go there instead.
 My intuition is telling me to leave.
 I need to leave early.
 Will you join me?
 Let’s go for an adventure!

Explenation about desire and want

Wants and desire:

When we say want, it is a simple desire for something that we do not possess already. A desire,
on the other hand, is a more intense craving that a person has for something or someone. So the
main difference between the two stem from the degree of longing. Desire being stronger and
more intense, continues and grows for a longer period in comparison to a want, which can be
considered as less in degree and time duration.
What does Want mean?

A want is something that you desire and something that an individual does not possess yet.
Unlike a need, which is mandatory for existence such as in the case of oxygen, water, or food,
wants are not mandatory for the existence. However, people have unlimited wants, and which
are forever changing. This once again highlights another characteristic of a want. It is forever
changing as what a person might consider as a want in this second might not be so in the next.
For example, when we say,

I want to have a slab of chocolate now.

This is a want, because at this particular moment the person desires for a slab of chocolate as he
or she does not have one. However, this is susceptible to change very quickly. A want emerges
due to a lack or shortage of something. According to some religions, wants and desires are both
considered as root causes of pain and suffering. Even when examining the world today, it is the
unlimited number of wants, which make life very complex and difficult.

What does Desire mean?

The word desire can be defined as a strong feeling of wanting something or someone. It is
similar to a craving, which is more intense in comparison to a want. Unlike in the case of a want,
a desire has a stronger degree of longing and the need for fulfillment. Unlike a want that come
and passes away quickly, a desire stays a longer period. During this period, the person, who has
the desire, attempts to make it a reality. For example, a person who desires to be a pianist would
try to work harder and play well in order to achieve it. Also, by saying that the person desire to
be a pianist rather than wants to be a pianist, brings out the strong feeling of longing and also that
it has been there for a longer period of time.

What is the difference between, Desire and Want?

 A desire is a more intense craving that a person has for something or someone.

 A want can be defined as a simple desire for something that one does not have already.
 The main difference is that while wish is a simple aspiration while a desire is stronger
and an intense feeling, this is comparatively less in the case of a want.

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