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IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: Research Article


Dr. Talia Arshad, 2 Dr. Muhammad Arshad, 3 Dr. Zimar Arshad
King Edward Medical University, Lahore
Fauji Foundation Hospital, Lahore
Officer Basic Health Unit, district Gujrat.
The trends in family composition have major implications in the life course of children and their mental well-being.
A stable family is vital for sound development of the personality of children. Despite the increase in the trend of
parental separation, there are few studies in Pakistan pertaining to the effects of parental separation on child health
and even those do not provide a good insight. Therefore, it is a need of the hour to investigate these effects. For this
purpose, a cross-sectional study was carried out among the children with such circumstances, of ages 6 - 16 years,
visiting the psychiatry department of public sector hospitals of Lahore. A questionnaire was formulated and was
filled by 98 participants. Analysis of the data collected showed that among these children, there is higher frequency
of depression, violence, social, learning and moral deterioration. Most of them suffer from low self-esteem and have
an increased tendency to self-harm. Thus the hypothesis that parental separation affects the mental health status of
children negatively resulting in emotional and psychological disturbance was supported. So, there is a need of
proper counselling of the children to make them understand the circumstances of separation. In addition to that, the
platforms of print, electronic and social media should be employed to spread awareness on this subject. Public
should be made aware of the drastic effects that an unstable familial environment brings to the mental well-being of
* Corresponding author:
Dr. Talia Arshad, QR code
King Edward Medical University,

Please cite this article in press Talia Arshad et al., Effect of Parental Separation on Mental Health Status of
Children of Age 6-16 Years, Coming to Psychiatry Ward of Public Sector Hospitals, Lahore., Indo Am. J. P. Sci,
2018; 05(08). Page 8183

IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: etc. By our research, we will measure the extent of

Family plays a vital role in the sound development of effects on children mental status because of parental
children. If children loose contact with any one of the separation and mechanism of active coping to help
parents, due to any reason, they suffer a huge reduce children psychological issues.
psychological burden due to drastic changes in their
lifestyle. Children may be separated for long durations METHODOLOGY:
from a parent due to divorce of their parents or their The study was conducted in the Psychiatry department
parent may work overseas, or because one of them is of public sector hospitals of Lahore. In the duration
deceased. The rate of parental separation has been from 21 March 2018 to 21 August 2018. The design of
increasing in Pakistan. In Lahore city alone, more than the study is retrospective Cross sectional. Sample size
100 separation cases have been registered in family of 97 patients is estimated by using 97% confidence
court daily. In 2010, 40,410 divorce and separation level,10% absolute precision with the expected
cases were registered in family courts and 14,000 of percentage of effect of parental separation on mental
them have been filed so far [1]. As per Pakistan health status psychiatry ward as 40% [1].
Demographic and Health Survey, 6% of the children n= Z21-o/2. p.q
younger than age 15 are living without their parents d2
[2]. Z21-o/2 = confidence level 95% = 1.96
p = prevalence 40%
Parental separation comprises series of transitions that q = 1- p
affect children much more than adults, leading to d = absolute precision 10%
stages like depression, denial, anger. A Nigerian study
on children of separated parents showed that they Sampling technique: Non probability sampling
suffered from poor academic performance, anxiety and (purposive sample)
depression[3]. Such children have more hostility Sample selection:
towards adults, withdrawal, inattention and aggression Inclusion Criteria: children from 6-17 years.
[4]. These children have greater increase of conduct Exclusion Criteria: those who refuse to give consent
problems than other children [5]. Divorce also leads to Data collection procedure:
deterioration of health but it affects younger children The analyses in this research are based on the data
more than the adults. Two-parent households can be collected from children with the ages 6-16 years,
disrupted for reasons other than parental divorce and divided into three age groups: 6-9, 10-13 and 14-16
death. International migration of one parent in order to years old. Data has been collected from patients
obtain employment was associated with lower coming to psychiatry department of different public
academic achievements in children left in home sector hospitals of Lahore by using a questionnaire
country [6]. A field study showed that children of form, which is derived from “Ontario Child Health
separated parents are prone to depression, anxiety, Study” that was previously used in Quebec
hostility and less self-control in social situations [7]. Longitudinal Study of Child Development.
Parental separation has negative effects on the This questionnaire has been filled by the Person Most
children’s school adjustment, the magnitude of these Knowledgeable of the child, who in most cases was the
effects increasing with age and also leading to mother of the child. The data has been collected
antisocial behavior [8]. A descriptive study in Khyber systematically for four weeks, i.e. the month of August
Pakhtunkhwa gave information about the domestic 2017, from 10 am to 2 pm daily. Data collection
issues including parental conflict adversely affecting a procedure was simple and suitable. The specimen
child’s educational attainment [9]. included were verbally informed about the study and
its procedure and their consent was recorded in writing.
Most children are able to adapt to their new family The questionnaire form was filled either by asking
structures if parents strengthen their social support questions from separated parents and then entering
system. Health care professionals may also assist the their answers in the form or by directly handing over
families in making adjustments to the new challenges. the questionnaire forms to them so that they can fill it
The parents should maintain a quality parent-child themselves.
relationship.The trends in family composition have Data analysis procedure:
major implications for the life course of children and ● Data will be entered SPSS-2
their wellbeing. More than half of the mental disorders ● Quantitative variables like age will be
begin before the age of 14 years and psychiatric presented as mean +SD
disorders are among the leading causes disability in ● Qualitative variable like gender will be
children of worldwide. Mental instability may lead to presented as frequencyand percentage
other diseases like cardiovascular disorders, diabetes Page 8184

IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750

● Can't concentrate for long NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN

● Can’t sit still, is hyperactive NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Not as happy as others NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Unusual complaints of feeling tired NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Physically attack others NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Deliberately harms himself/herself NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Talks about killing self NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Gets in many fights NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Gets no pleasure from usual activities NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Has trouble enjoying himself/herself NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Steals outside home NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Has difficulty making friends NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Does not play with other children NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Anxious or on edge NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Moody or irritable NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Angry or resentful NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Feels worthless or inferior NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Has difficulty interacting with others NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Defiant, talks back to others NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Blames others for his own mistakes NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Disobedient at school NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Meanness to others NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Repeats certain actions over and over; NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Has difficulty making decisions NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Overly upset when leaving loved ones NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Afraid of being alone NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● Changes in appetite NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN
● When anxious has disturbed sleep NEVER SOMETIME MORE OFTEN Page 8185

IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750

Please select the response (never,sometimes,often) that best describes the child now or within past six months.

Choose from the options; not at all, a little, a lot, for following questions.
■ How well does he/she get along with his/her grand parents not at all A little A lot
and siblings?
■ Does he have any hobbies or takes part in any sports? not at all A little A lot

■ How much does he learn at school? not at all A little A lot

■ Did his or her grades fall over the past 2 months? not at all A little A lot

RESULTS: at school. 44.9% of them started lying and cheating.

97 questionnaires were filled by 97 participants. The Meanness was added to the nature of 45% of the
children selected for this research were from 6 to 16 children. Many even started blaming others for their
years old. Our study revealed that the children whose own mistakes. 10-16 years age group children
parents had been separated, due to any reason, belonged to this category. 18.4% of the children even
remained sad and unhappy. 45.9% of them could not started stealing while 9.2% made it a habit. Our data
normally feel happiness as others, while 31.6% showed that many children became shy and timid. 6-
remained sad more often. These children cried a lot 9 years old children used to feel shy more often.
even on small things. 47.4% sometimes and 15.5% 38.8% sometimes felt worthless and inferior. These
more often used to cry. Mostly 10-13 age group children felt difficulty while interacting with others
children belonged to this category. that’s why they could not make friends easily. 33.7%
sometimes and 21.4% more often felt difficulty in
Separation of their parents brought anger in these making friends.
children. 51% of the children sometimes remained
angry while 25.5% of them felt anger more often, According to our research, 38.8% of the children
which lead 50% of the children into many fights. 14- were afraid of being alone. Most of these children
16 years old children got more into fights than others. belonged to 10-13 age group. They often got upset on
Many children, on the other hand, started harming leaving their loved ones. Our study disclosed that
themselves. 23.5% of the children sometimes and separation of their parents decreased the learning
9.2% more often deliberately harmed capacity of the children. 53.6% of them had a fall in
themselves.23.5% of them had suicidal thoughts in their school grades over past two months. There was
mind and even talked about killing themselves. also a bad effect on the health of these children.
23.5%- 45.9% of them had changes in appetite. 33%
Parents separation brought many negative changes to sometimes and 34% more often had disturbed sleep.
these children’s personality. 45.9% of the children 10-13 years old children mostly faced these
sometimes and 35.7% more often became moody and problems.
irritated. 25-50% of the children became disobedient Page 8186

IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750



CHART Page 8187

IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750



DISCUSSION: situation because in one-third of these cases, both

Parental separation is a worldwide problem; even parents are alive [2]. There are few studies in
though its prevalence varies across different regions Pakistan pertaining to effects of parental separation
of the world. As per Pakistan Demographic and on child health and even those do not provide a great
Health Survey, 6% of the children younger than age insight. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to
15 are living without their parents. It is an alarming investigate such effects. The focus of this research is Page 8188

IAJPS 2018, 05 (08), 8183-8190 Talia Arshad et al ISSN 2349-7750

to recognize the mental effects of parental separation thirds (62.3%) of such children feel worthless or
as these are the hidden changes; physical aspects are inferior. In addition, more than two-thirds (69.4%)
always eminent and easy to recognize. We have used have seen their grades falling over the past 2
38 variables associated with mental health in our months.This study has found 11.2% don’t learn
testing. In our research parents of 36.08% were anything at school and 14.3% don’t take part in
divorced, parents of 35.05% were abroad and parents sports or other activities.About 65.3%have difficulty
of 28.84% were deceased. in making friends and 62.2% does not play with other
childrenand 51% are disobedient in school.
Our analysis shows that most children (81.7%)
become bad-tempered, moody or irritable as an Other studies show children from divorced /
outcome of parental disunion. This is in sharp separated parents showed lower self-esteem and
contrast to an Albanian study carried out in 2015 in conduct issues, lower academic test scores and school
which 78% of the respondents felt relieved as they grades [18]. These children obtained less education,
got rid of parental infighting [12]. However, a earned less income, had greater risk of depression
common thing exists between these two studies i.e. and poor physical health [6]. They also had problems
33.7% of children in our inquiry have trouble in in their own marriages when they grew up as
interacting with others. In Albanian study, 34% consequences of parental divorce persisted in
children never told anyone about parental separation adulthood [6]. Two USA articles published in 2014
[12]. measured child well-being status by adjusting for
other variables like effects and causes of separation /
An unexpected and terrifying aspect is unveiled in divorce e.g. financial status, parental attitude etc
our study which must be brought into public notice [6,14]. However, our study didn’t account for much
immediately is that 30.6% of the children interviewed of these variables as our primary objective was to
have suicidal thoughts because they were mentally explore the outcomes of parental separation as a
tortured during their parent’s fights. Moreover, whole.
almost a third of the children (32.7%) deliberately
harm themselves. These aspects are hardly noticed by LIMITATIONS:
their parents or siblings. Only their best friends have Because most of the children who filled in the
some idea about it. It is quite possible that we have questionnaire for this study are students of private
underestimated these figures and much more children schools, there may be a selection bias. This study
who are the victims of parental discord have suicidal doesn’t consider street children, child laborers, nature
intentions. A Turkish study also highlighted that of parental occupation and hardly considers children
parental factors amplified the menace of suicide in government schools. All these factors are highly
among young people [16]. likely to affect the outcome of this research
especially in a developing country like Pakistan. For
Divorce introduces a great deal of stress into the lives a better analysis, a wider study is needed which
of adults and children. According to a study, almost should compare the data with that of normal children.
10% of normal adolescents showed deterioration in
health at some point in their lives; but in the case of CONCLUSION:
kids with divorced parents, one-fourth of the boys The hypothesis that parental separation would affect
and one-third of the girls showed declined in mental status of children negatively resulting in
health.Parental death, like parental divorce was emotional disturbances was supported. So, there is a
followed by decline in child’s well-being .6 Two- need of proper counselling of the children to make
parent households can be disrupted for reasons other them understand the circumstances of separation. In
than parental divorce & death. International addition to that, the platforms of print, electronic and
migration of one parentin order to obtain employment social media should be employed to spread awareness
was associated with lower academic achievements in on this subject. Public should be made aware of the
children left in home country [6]. Moreover, there drastic effects that an unstable familial environment
was also substantial increase in psychological brings to the mental well-being of children.
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