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Blog Entry:: Take A Flashlight

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Spanish is hard to learn, so most people speak English with foreign visitors. Some people
need a visa to visit my country. You can change money in banks and some department stores
have exchanges too. It's not difficult to find a hotel, but some of them are very expensive.
Blog entry: 
It's not easy to speak the language, but it's good to learn to say "thank you" and simple
phrases like that. You need to look on a government website to find out about a visa. Most
tourists can get a tourist visa when they arrive at the airport. You can change money in banks
and hotels, but you can also use your credit card to pay for most things. There are lots of
hotels, so it's easy to find a hotel room. The hotels in the tourist areas are usually very cheap.

Tourists often come here to go sightseeing in the city. It's a good idea to bring some flat shoes
so you can walk around the city. You shouldn't bring high heels! It gets very hot in summer, so
you should bring sunscreen and a hat. Most of the taxis, stores, and restaurants take credit
cards now, but it's a good idea to carry some cash. Don't forget a jacket or sweater for the
evenings.  It can get cold at night.
Blog entry: 
Tourists don't need anything special when they visit here. However, it's probably a good idea to
have an app so you can translate simple words and phrases. Only a few of the locals speak
English, and it's nice to say “thank you” to people. Don't forget to bring an adapter to charge
your phone. Bring some warm clothes – it gets very cold. A lot of tourists go shopping to buy
souvenirs, so it's a good idea to bring a big suitcase!

We’re going to take a beach vacation this year. We’re staying at a hotel right on the ocean.

My son’s going on an overnight stay at a friend’s house tonight. They always have fun, but
they stay up too late!

My sister’s going on a sightseeing trip to Paris. She loves going around all the museums and

We’re planning to go on a camping trip this year. We just need to buy a tent and all the stuff

Maybe you should take some insect repellent.

Take a flashlight.

Don't forget to pack some spare batteries.

Why don't you take my jacket?

It's a good idea to have something warm.

You need to take a hat.

Do you want to pack some other shoes?


You should take a map

You shouldn't take high heels.

You could borrow my backpack.

You need to wear warm clothes.

You shouldn't wear sandals.

You could take my jacket.

You need to pack T-shirts.

You should take some sunscreen.

You need to take a hat.

You should take some insect repellent.

You could pack a pair of sandals.

You shouldn't wear high heels.

AWhat should I take on my camping trip?

BWell, it's a good idea to take something warm. It gets cold at night.

AI'm going to stay overnight with a friend. What do I need?

BWell, don't forget to take your toothbrush.

AWhat should I take on my sightseeing trip to Paris?

BWhy don't you take a nice outfit? There are some really nice restaurants.

ADo you want to take some chairs on the picnic tomorrow?

AAnd you could take a cooler to put the drinks in.

AI'm going backpacking around Asia. What do I need to pack?

BWell, it's a good idea to get some really good hiking boots.

AWhat should we take to the beach?

BDo you want to take a beach umbrella? It gets hot in the sun.

AI'm going hiking in the Alps. I'm just thinking – should I take a tent? BNo. You don't need to take a
tent. You can stay in small huts and places. It's cheap to stay and you don't have to carry a big tent

AI'm going sightseeing in Madrid. What should I take?

BWell, take some comfortable walking shoes. Oh, and don't forget to take your phone. You
can use the GPS to get around.

AWhat should I take on my camping trip? We're going to the mountains.

BYou know, you should take some warm clothes. It gets cold at night.

AWhat should I take on my beach vacation?

BTake a bottle of waterproof sunscreen. Last time I went to the beach, my sunscreen didn't
work in the water and I got a bad sunburn.

AI'm going to Japan next month on a homestay. Any advice?

BWell, it's a good idea to take a small gift for everyone in the family.

AWhat should I take on my camping trip?

BWell, you need to have a good flashlight with you.

ASo, . . . I have my toiletries and hairbrush. What else should I take?

BIt's a good idea to pack a razor, too.
AI'm leaving next week to go hiking in the Andes. Should I take a first-aid kit, do you think?
BYes. And do you want to pack a small pair of scissors, too?

ADo you have any advice for me before I leave for Paris?
BWell, maybe you should get an app on your phone, you know for some French phrases. Oh,
and don't forget to change some money.

Man What should I take on my camping trip?

Woman You know, you should take a flashlight. It gets really dark at night.

Woman 1 What should I take on my beach vacation?

Woman 2 Well, . . . you need to take some waterproof sunscreen. I got a bad sunburn in the
ocean last time.

Woman 1 I’m going to stay overnight with my friend next weekend. What should I take, do you

Woman 2 Well, take some nice pajamas to relax in. Then you don’t have to get dressed first
thing in the morning.

I want to go traveling around the world and stay in lots of nice hotels.
My father likes to go camping. He loves sleeping outside in a tent.

It's snowing! I think we should go skiing.

My friend and I want to go to Europe this summer. We can't afford nice hotels so we're going
to go backpacking.
My brother loves to go sightseeing with a guidebook in one hand and a camera in the other.
He takes photos of everything.

My parents live in the country. They go hiking in the hills every morning in the spring and

Paulo and Matt are talking about . 

going traveling.

They decide . .
not to go backpacking.


1 Paulo and Matt want to go to


2 They talk about going

backpacking for a few

3 They decide to quit their jobs.

4 They are both students.

5 They decide to take a few

days off.

 We should take a few days off.

 We could go to Mexico or something.
 We could go for a couple of weeks.
 We could just quit our jobs.
 We could go backpacking

 1
 We should take a few days off sometime.
 y
 2
 We could go to Mexico or something.
 y
 3
 We could even go for a couple of weeks.

 4
 You know, we could just quit our jobs and maybe go backpacking for a few months.

AWhy don't we take a beach vacation soon?

That sounds great.We can go windsurfing!

AYou should ski with me this weekend.

BI'd like to, but I have to work.

AWhy don't we go to Boston next month?

BI don't know. I don't have any money.

ALet's go camping this weekend.

BMaybe. But I think it's going to rain.

AWe could go to Moscow in February.

BI guess we could, but it's really cold in February.

ALet's go to New Zealand for a vacation.

BI'd love to. New Zealand is beautiful!

Why don't we take a beach vacation soon?

I guess we could, but it's expensive to go anywhere nice

You should ski with me this weekend.

I'd like to, but I'm not a very good skier.
Why don't we go to Boston next month?
I guess we could, but I don't have any money.

Let's go camping this weekend.

I don't know. I can't sleep when I go camping.

We could go to Moscow in February

I guess we could. But I have exams at the end of February.

Let's go to New Zealand for a vacation.

Maybe. But it's so far, and I only have a week.

AI really prefer warm weather to cold. How about you?

BI guess I like cold weather more. It's a lot of fun to do winter sports.
AThat's true, I guess. You can go sledding and stuff. We should do that sometime!

ASo, what's your idea of a good vacation?

BWell, I kind of like to go camping. I guess that's my favorite thing to do.
AReally? That sounds like fun. Hey, why don't we go together sometime?
BYeah. I guess we could go next summer, maybe.

AI'm going to Lake Tahoe next weekend. Do you want to come?

BWell, I guess I could go. Oh, wait, I have an exam next week. But I could study in the car, I

AYou know, we don't get away very often.

BYeah. Two weeks' vacation a year isn't enough, I guess.
ABut I guess we could go away on weekends or something.

places where a lot of tourists go – tourist areas

the way people live – culture
from that place (e.g. language, food) – local
can't – not posible


1 Mark thinks it's important for

everyone to travel.

2 Mark and his friend are going to

take a French class together.

3 Mark likes to go to tourist


4 Mark hated his trip to Australia.

5 Mark likes to try local food

when he goes to a new place.

You have to live in a country to really understand its culture.

It's important to speak the local language when you talk to people.
It's good to get away from tourist areas when you go somewhere.
It's not possible to get to know a country in a short trip.
You should try the local food when you go to a new place.

Let's go to Mexico this summer.

Why don't we go to a French class?
We could drive along the coast sometime.
We should go backpacking in Australia.
Do you want to go to a Chinese festival?

ALet's go to Mexico this summer.

I'd like to, but is it easy to find cheap flights ?

AWhy don't we go to a French class?

BI guess we could, but I really want to learn Spanish.

AWe could drive along the coast sometime.

BThat sounds great. Are there any nice places to stay?

AWe should go backpacking in Australia.

BI don't know. It's not easy to go away for so long. I have to work.
ADo you want to go to a Chinese festival?
BI'd love to! Do they have music and food and everything?

Man Can I go skiing in your country?

Woman Yes, you can go skiing in the mountains in the winter.

Man Can I go hiking in your country?

Woman Well, you could go hiking, but there aren’t many mountains in my coun

Man Should I go camping in your country?

Woman You could go camping, but it rains a lot in my country!

Man Should I travel around in your country?

Woman You should visit the south. We have a lot of beautiful lakes there.

Man What sightseeing can I do in your country?

Woman You could visit the cathedral in my city.

You should take a tram across the city.

Ride on a double-decker bus in London. It's a great way to see the sights.
You can go to the new sports dome to see Olympic athletes training.
It's interesting to go to a llama farm. They keep them for wool.
Is it common to see a herd of giraffeswhen you're on safari?
It's fun to collect memorabilia when you visit somewhere – things like old postcards, old
pottery, and everything.
When you convert something you . 
change it from one thing to another.

Ancient native peoples are people who lived in a place in the past

If you create a room with a theme, you decorate the room with a particular setting or style,
for example, a sports theme.

If a place is environmentally friendly it's not harmful to the environment.

If you poke your head through something, you put it in an opening, like a window or door.


1 You don’t need to make your bed.

2 It can be very expensive to stay in a


3 You can order room service so you

don’t have to cook.

4 You can get up early and go to the


5 The beds are not always


6 You can sit by the pool and relax.

7 You don’t have to do laundry. You

can use the laundry service.

8 You can stay in some unusual

9 Hotels can be busy places.

What is unusual about the Controversy Tram Hotel?

Guests sleep in old, converted trams.

How does the article describe the rooms?

They are nice to stay in.

What can you do during the day?

You can look at all the memorabilia.

What is unusual about the EcoCamp?

Guests can stay in homes similar to native peoples'.

How does the article describe the rooms?

They are welcoming.

What can you do during the day at the hotel?

You can go for a hike and see local wildlife.

What is unusual about Giraffe Manor?

The owners have a herd of giraffes.

How does the article describe the rooms?

They are beautifully decorated.

What can you do during the day?

You can take pictures of the surrounding property.

The owners got old trams and converted them into comfortable, cozy rooms.Cozy means 
nice in some way

It's definitely a place for people who like trains, planes, cars, and
other transportation memorabilia. 
Transportation means different vehicles and ways of getting around. You can guess this
because the sentence includes trains and cars.

The scenery is amazing, as is the peace and quiet. 

Peace means that it is a quiet, calm place. You can guess this because quiet is a similar idea.

In the daytime, guests can trek through the mountains and see guanacos (a type of llama)
and other wildlife. 
Trek means walk or hike. You can guess this because it's about mountains and wildlife.

From the elegant rooms of this beautiful manor . . . 

Elegant means nice in some way because it says the manor is beautiful.
. . . you have superb views of the Ngong Hills. 
Superb means good views. You can guess this because the owners said, "Don't forget to
pack a camera."

I'd like to stay at EcoCamp because I like the wilderness. I also like to be active and explore
places. I like the idea of living in a traditional style of home.

I'd like to stay at the Controversy Tram Hotel because it is so unusual. It's not easy to change
a vehicle into a place to stay! It'd be interesting.

I'd like to stay at Giraffe Manor. It sounds like a really pleasant place to stay, and I like to see
wildlife close-up. It's a great place if you like photography.

It's a good idea to take some flat shoes to walk around the city. It's not easy to walk around the
cobblestone streets in heels.

Take a hot-air balloon ride. The views from a thousand feet up in the sky are amazing.

Do you want to see dolphins in the wild? Take a boat ride – these beautiful sea animals swim
alongside the boat.

Why don't you take some board gamesfor rainy days? You can play chess or word games.

In some of the old castle ruins, you have to climb a ladder to get to the higher floors. Be

You should take binoculars so you can see birds and wildlife when they're far away from you.

1. The Cave Hotel

2. 2. The Lighthouse Hotel
3. 2. The Lighthouse Hotel

You should bring lots of books and board games for rainy days.
Wear flat shoes so you can climb the ladder to your room. 1
Be sure to take everything you need. It's miles from another town. 3
I really recommend the hot-air balloon ride. 1
Don't spend too much time in the water. 3
It's a good idea to have some binoculars to watch the dolphins. 2

True False
1 It's really difficult to get into your
room at the Cave Hotel.

2 It's expensive to go shopping for

local crafts.

3 The weather in Scotland keeps


4 You need to bring your own

binoculars to the Lighthouse

5 It takes two hours to get to the

Spa Hotel by car from Vienna.

6 The reporter really wants to go

camping next spring.

Welcome to The Travel Spot. This week, we have reports on three very interesting hotels.
First, Lisa Steiner tells us about the Cave Hotel in Turkey.
LisaWhen I arrived at my hotel in Cappadocia, in Turkey, I looked up at my room and thought,
"Uh-oh. How am I going to get up there?" You actually stay in caves in the rocks, and you have
to climb a ladder to get to your room. It's scary at first, but it's not so difficult – just be sure to
wear flat shoes! One morning, I went to a town nearby to go shopping. It's a great place to buy
local crafts, like rugs and jewelry. The prices are very good, too. On the second day, I took a
hot-air balloon ride, and I really recommend this. It was amazing! You can look down on the
landscape and see the whole area. All in all, I had a wonderful time in Turkey, and the Cave
Hotel is great if you want something . . . a little different.
ReporterNext, Roger Blum tells us about staying in the Lighthouse Hotel in Scotland.
RogerThe brochure said, "Come to sunny Scotland," so I came, . . . but it wasn't sunny. That's
Scottish weather for you . . . it's always changing! The Lighthouse Hotel is actually in the house
next to the lighthouse, and the rooms are very beautiful and luxurious. And that's good
because you spend a lot of time indoors. It's a good idea to bring lots of books and board
games with you for those rainy days. And rain jackets, too – if you decide to go out . . . and you
should! The views are fantastic, and you can borrow binoculars from the hotel to watch the
dolphins. It's also a good place for bird-watching. So, do I recommend the Lighthouse Hotel?
Yes, I do! But only if you don't mind the rain.
ReporterFinally, we hear about Carl Turner's stay at the Spa Hotel in Austria.
CarlI usually prefer a camping vacation, you know, sleeping bag and tent. But my wife – well,
she's more into nice hotels. So one weekend in the fall, I agreed to go with her to a spa hotel in
Austria. The hotel is a two-hour drive from the capital city of Vienna, and it looks amazing – the
buildings look like works of art. It's easy to see why people go there – it's so quiet and
peaceful, and the view is fantastic. But it's miles from anywhere, so make sure you take
everything you need with you. The Spa Hotel is a great place to relax or exercise – you can go
swimming, walk in the grounds, or just sleep by the pool. We really enjoyed the hot-water pools
– just don't spend more than 20 minutes in the water at a time, or you could come out looking
bright pink! The rooms were very comfortable, and the food was fabulous . . . The whole
weekend was actually a real treat. So, did I miss my tent and sleeping bag? Not at all. In fact,
we're going back there next spring!
ReporterThat's all from The Travel Spot this week. Join us next, when . . .

Start like this:I'm writing to you from New York City.

Say if you're enjoying your stay: Martin and I are having a great time here in Manhattan.

Describe the place, food, or weather: The weather is fabulous. It's not too hot.

Say something you did: It's a great place to go sightseeing. Today we walked around the


Attach a photo and describe it: I'm sending a photo of Times Square. The lights and

atmosphere are amazing.

Say something you are going to do: Tomorrow we're going to go to some of the museums.

End like this: See you soon!

 Dear Kay,
 I'm writing to you from Kyoto, Japan.
 I'm having a great time. The weather is hot and humid, though.
 I went to the Kyoto Imperial Palace yesterday to see the palace and gardens. It
was amazing!
 I'm attaching a photo of the palace gardens. They're beautiful.
 Tomorrow I'm going to go shopping to get some souvenirs. It's fun to walk
around the old part of the city.
 See you soon!
 Love,
 Jennife

Dear David,

I'm writing to you from Maine. I'm having a wonderful time here. The weather is terrible,

but I'm still enjoying the trip. It's not hard to do because it's a beautiful place. I went out on

a fishing boat yesterday, and I caught a huge fish. You should see it. I'm attaching a photo of

me on the boat. Look - I'm completely soaked. Tomorrow I'm going to go hiking in a national


See you soon!

Email example: 

Dear Elsa,

I'm writing to you from Cappadocia in Turkey. I'm having a great time. The hotel is amazing. It's

a cave, and I have to climb a ladder to get to my room! Yesterday I went on a hot-air balloon

ride. I'm attaching a photo of me in the balloon. I'm up so high! Tomorrow I'm going to go

shopping to get some souvenirs. I'm going to find a café to try some traditional Turkish coffee,


See you soon!



Email example: 

Dear Tom,

I'm writing to you from Scotland. I'm having a wonderful time at the Lighthouse Hotel. The

weather is terrible, but that's OK.  It's easy to find things to do.  Yesterday, we played board

games all morning. In the afternoon, I went for a short walk to see the dolphins. It's not easy to
see the dolphins because it's always raining and misty. I'm attaching a photo of me in the rain,

but it's not very good! Tomorrow I need to go shopping to get some binoculars!

See you soon!

Best wishes,


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