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Taller Sobre El Uso Del Will 1

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1. Relacione cada uno de las frases de la primera columna con una de la


a. Goodbye maria! 2 1. I’ll have a coffee, please

b. Hurry up! 6 2. Bye! I’ll see you later

c. I can’t open the door 3. I don’t worry we won’t be late

d. You look sick 3 4. Don’t worry. We won’t be late

e. Would you like a drink 1 5. I’ll shut the window

f. It’s very cold in this room 5

6. I’ll help you

2. complete las oraciones siguiente con will (‘ll) o won’t

a. i’m hungry, think i’ll have a sandwich

b. we won’t go to the exhibition

c. it’s claudia’s bir thday on Saturday.

She will be 18

d. Milhail is on vacation. He will come to the meeting this afternoon

e. What would you like, sir? I will have the steak, please.

f. if it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to the beach

g. have you got a headache? I will get you an aspirin

h. Joshua won’t come to the disco. He doesn’t like loud music

3. complete las oraciones con will (´’ll won’t y una de las expresiones
Have a glass of water

Take an umbrella

Buy them have a big pizza

Come to the party get the trail

a. The bus is late again. We’ll get the trail

b. Those shoes are the wrong color. I will buy them
c. I’m hungry. I will have a big pizza
d. I’m tired this evening. I won’t come to the party
e. It’s raining. We will take an umbrella
f. I feel very thirsty. I will have a glass of water

4. Escoja las palabras correctas

a. if I’ll run / run, I won’t be late for work

b. if we’ll go/ go to the party, we’ll see peter

c. if he’s sick tomorrow, he’ll stay / stay at home

d. they’ll buy a new car, when they’ll have / have enough money

e. if I go to the post office, I’ll buy /buy you some stamps

f. I’ll phone /phone you if there’s a problem

g. we’ll say ‘hello’ to pam/ when we’ll see / see her

b. what will life be like in the future?

* complete Professor Bernstein’s predictions for the future. Use the verbs in

1. Robots will do all the housework (do)

2. People won’t have their own cars. (Not have)

3. People will work at home. (Work)

4. They won’t work in offices or factories. (Not work)

5. Everybody will use computers (use)

6. People will take longer holidays (take)

7. Students won’t leave school till they are 25 years old (not leave)

8. Houses will be smaller (be)

9. There won’t be much pollution (not be)

10. People will live longer (live)

Exercise 1:

1. (Be)

Maria: next year will be eighteen

Sarah: that’s amazing! Is violet eighteen, too?

Maria: oh, no, she won’t be eighteen for two more years

Sarah: and what about the twins? Will they be twenty next years?

Maria: no, they won’t be. They were twenty last week

2. (Rain)

Joy: the weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow, so take a raincoat!

Ruby: that’s ridiculous! I’m will rain tomorrow

Joy: well, will it rain this weekend? You’re the expert!

Ruby: yes, it will rain! But it will rain tomorrow, believe me!
1.3.1. How do you think your life will change when you leave school. Write
down five things that you will do and five things that you won’t do.

 I’ll study history at the university in Bogota
 I will travel all over the world
 I’ll work in a recognited university
 I will live in the other country as a missionary
 I’ll know new cultures

 I won’t never stop fighting
 I won’t get the grades
 I won’t neglect my studies
 I will not stop preparing
 I won’t stop dreaming

1.3.2.: suppose that your big brother will arrive hone offer some years. Ask
questions in the future tense taking into account the cues.

Ex: stay here / how long / your brother = how long will ay brother

1. Meet/ any interesting people / here:

Will my big brother meet any interesting people here? R/ Yes, will

2. Do/ what/ in the evening:

What will my brother do in the evening? R/ He play video games in the


3. Go/ where/ on Sunday:

Where will my big brother go on Sunday? R/ he play soccer

4. Good/ the weather/ be

Will be good the weather? R/ yes, he will

5. The food/how /be:

How will the food be? R/ the food will be good

6. The trip/ be/ how:

How will my big brother trip be? R/ your trip will be wonderful

7. Plan to do / what / in Colombia:

What will my brother plan to do in Colombia? R/ your intentions will be to

live there

8. Have a good time/ with us:

Will my brother have a good time with us? R/yes, he will

9. Eat/ what / every day:

What will my brother eat every day? R/He will eat sándwich for breakfast,
spaghetti for lunch and fruits



1. When is the party going to?

On Saturday night

2. Where is it going to be?

At Julia’s house

3. How much food are they going to need?

We going to need a lot of food

4. What are they going to drink?

Soft drinks
5. Are they going to invite Carlos? Why?

No, because he’s silly

6. Are they going to invite Sheila? Why?

No, because she never dances

Plane una fiesta con su compañero

Sugiera hacer una fiesta e indique el día

 Let’s have a party on Friday night

Su compañero cree que es buena idea

 Yes, good idea

Lo que van a necesitar

 What are we going to need?

 We are going to need food of music

A quienes van a invitar

 Who are going to invite?

 Let’s going to invite our Friday

1. complete las oraciones con going to y los verbos entre paréntesis

a. we’re going to (see) a movie later

b. He’s going to buy (buy) a new computer next week

c. They’re going to stay (stay) in kuala lumper for three months

d. I am going to send (send) an email to the marketing manager

e. she’s going to have (have) dinner witch lee this evening

f. you’re going to miss (miss) the train

g. we’re going to read (read) the report this afternoon

h. it’s going to rain (rain) this afternoon

2. escriba preguntas con you, going to y uno de los verbos siguientes

Cook buy invite study stay

a. i’m making a big meal tonight.

What! Are you going to cook?

b. I’m starting collage in the fall. What

are you going to study?

c. I’m having a party next week.

Who are you going to invite

d. I’m going to Barcelona this weekend.

Where are you going to stay?

e. it’s Antonio’s birthday tomorrow.

What are you going to buy him?

3. complete las oraciones con la forma negativa de going to y el verbo entre


a. Carlos is in Argentina.

He isn’t going to come (come) to the conference

b. lee and su kuan are very busy.

They aren’t going to play (play) tennis

c. I don’t like this movie.

I am not going to watch (watch) the end

d. we’re in a hurry.

We aren’t going to stay (stay) long.

e. this t-shirt is very old.

I am not going to wear (wear) it.

f. she hasn’t got any money.

She isn’t going to buy (buy) any new clothes

4. Will or going to? Choose the correct words.

a. next summer we’ll/ we’re going to visit our friends in Venezuela

b. why is Bianca nervous?

She’ll / she’s to take her driving test this afternoon.

c. it’s very cold in here

I’ll / I’m going to close the window for you

d. would you like something to eat?

Yes. I’ll / I’m going to have a cookies, please.

e. I talked to Chia-Ling yesterday

She’ll / she’s going to move to Australia

f. I can’t find my keys.

I’ll / I’m going to help you look for them.

g. my husband is on vacation this week.

He’ll / he’s going to paint the house.


 Is Tony going to do his homework

 No, she isn’t. He’s going to take a shower

 Is she going to wash knive?

 No, she isn’t. she’s going to wash fork

 Are the girls going to buy some glasses?

 No, they aren’t. they’re going buy some
 Are we going to need soft drinks?
 Yes, we are. We’re going to need soft

 Are the children going to have candy?

 No, they aren’t. they’re going have ice

 Is your dad going to drive his car?

 No, your dad isn’t going to drive his
 You going to help me?
 No, you aren’t going to sleep

 You are going to camping at the beach. What are you going to need?

Write eight sentences.

I’m not going to need a swimsuit

I’m not going to need a/any sweater

I’m going to need water

I’m going to need cups

I’m going to need a radio

I’m not going to need television

I’m going to need a camera

I’m not going to need a shoes and socks

I’m going to need a food

 About you

1. Where are you going to have a party? R/ in a community hall

2. Who are you going to invite? R/ I am going to invite my friends and family

3. What are you and for friends going to do at the party? R/ let’s going to
dance and have fun

4. What are you going to do tomorrow? R/ I'm going to have a party tomorrow

 Activity

Use la lógica. ¿Qué cree que va a suceder en las siguientes situaciones?

1. He’s going to fall off.

2. He’s going to wash the plates

3. it’s going to make a big storm

4. He’s going to drive very fast

5. He’s going to cook dinner

6. The girl going to cry

7. The dog is going to bite the thief

8. He’s going to watch a program about dog

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