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Read The E-Mail. Then Complete The Sentences Below.: Task No.4. Students With Final Test

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1. Read the e-mail. Then complete the sentences below.

From: John Richards

To: Sandra York

Subject: Reminder

Hi Sandra,

I wanted to remind you that I’ll be out of the office next week. It’s the Marketing conference

from Monday until Friday. There are a few things I’d like you to do while I’m away.

1. We’re waiting for the new contract from Warbucks. When it arrives, please send it to Jack

in Accounting immediately. It’s very urgent.

2. In the yellow folder, there’s a list of people who have made requests for information about

future products. Please get back to them to let them know that we’ll send out the new

catalogue as soon as it’s ready – probably next week.

3. Ring Mr Blackmore from Unity Bank. Tell him I’ll only be back in the office on Monday,

8th August. Maybe we can meet on Monday afternoon? Please photocopy our bank

statements from June and July. I’ll need them for the meeting.

4. Get Cooltech to repair the air-conditioner in the corridor. It’s quite old, so we may need to

replace it. If this is necessary, ask them for a price quote.



1. John asks Sandra to do a few things because he won’t ........................................... next week.
new contract from Warbucks
2. Jack wants to receive the ........................................... as soon as possible.
Sr. Blackmore
3. Sandra must phone the bank to speak to ........................................... .

4. bank statements from June and

John needs photocopies of the company’s ........................................... . July.
the air-conditioner
5. Sandra must call a technician because there’s a problem with ...........................................
2. Answer the questions.
1. Where will John be next Tuesday?
John will be at Marketing conference.

2. What is in the yellow folder?

In the yellow folder, there’s a list of people who have made requests for information about
future products.

3. Why hasn’t the company sent its new catalogue to its customers yet?

The company hasn't sent its new catalogue to its customers yet because a new catalogue hasn't been read.

4. Why does John need the bank statements?

He needs the bank statements because he has a meeting.

5. Why does John mention a price quote?

John mentions a price quote because he wants buy an air aconditioner.


1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.

1. restaurant  hotel  factory  museum

2. wide  short  small  narrow

3. wrap  weigh  stamp  ring

4. computer technician  mechanic  electrician  cleaner

5. funny  rude  friendly  courteous

6. correct  repair  remind  adjust

7. brother  aunt  husband  father

8. nephew  aunt  wife  sister

9. label  drawing  chart  bubble wrap

10. fragile  new  serious  expensive

2 Match the sentences in A to the responses in B.

1. Clare is not answering her phone.

2. How do I enlarge or reduce the size of a document?

3. Did you get through to the shop?

4. There’s water everywhere. We’ve got a burst pipe.

5. Mr Hanson is on another line at the moment.

6. Mrs Jones didn’t get the fax we sent.

7. What’s wrong with the printer?

8. ElectroStore said that they haven’t received the cheque.

....... a. I hope you sent it by registered mail.
5 b.
....... Can you put me on hold?
1 c.
....... Maybe you’re calling the wrong number.
6 d.
....... I’ll resend it now.
4 e.
....... I’ll call a plumber.
2 f.
The company hasn't sent its new catalogue to its customers yet because a new catalogue hasn't en ready.
Just press this button.
3 g.
....... No, there was no reply.
....... h. Nothing. You’re using the wrong paper size.

3 Circle the correct word to show you understand the underlined words.
1. Can you repeat your phone number / poster / junk mail?

2. The address is missing the bank / detail / postcode.

3. Can you please request more information / procedure / delays?

4. You should include a cover sheet when you send a magazine article / fax / dress.

5. When you open the mail, remember to stamp / ship / state each letter with the date.

6. This is my niece Susan, my sister’s daughter / uncle / son.

7. How do you spell your subject / name / sample?

8. The tap is dripping. Remember to weigh it / turn it off / cut it off properly after you use it.

4 The words and phrases in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the
correct sentences.
carpet stain
1. Please tell the cleaner that there’s a big solution in the corridor. ..............................
2. There are many new products in this year’s country. ..............................
3. The newspaper article shows how the air-conditioner works. ..............................
4. I can’t hear you. There’s a lot of carpet stain on the line. ..............................
5. The diagram says we must pay him by the end of the month. ..............................
6. The interference may be to use a different supplier. ..............................
newspaper article
7. Have you read the contract about the new CEO? ..............................
8. Our couriers deliver to all parts of the catalogue. ..............................

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

department store  jammed lock  patience  sweater
law firm  boots  extension  children  remove  programmed
1. It’s cold in here. You should put on a ............................................. .
2. I’ve got two ............................................. , a son and a daughter.
3. You’ll need a pair of warm ............................................. for the winter.
department store is offering 50% on jeans this month.
4. The .............................................
5. Could you put me through to ............................................. 2365, please?
6. I don’t have the ............................................. to wait any longer.
7. The important numbers are ............................................. into the phone.
law firm
8. My first job after school was in a ............................................. .
jammed lock
9. There’s a ............................................. on one of the filing cabinets. Who should I call?

10. A piece of paper is stuck in the photocopier. Can you please show me how to
.......................................... it?

6 Complete the word or phrase in each sentence with the missing letters.
ake.... .... a m ....
1. Oh no! I m .... istake
.... .... .... .... .... . I put the wrong letter in the wrong envelope!

2. We are an i nternational
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... company with offices all over the world.
3. They didn’t receive the fax. Can you please r .... .... .... .... .... it?
4. You’ll have to e .... .... .... .... .... .... the picture when you photocopy it. It’s too small.

5. If you put the paper in this fax machine, p rinted ide .... .... d ....
.... .... .... .... .... .... s .... own .... .... , the fax is
received as a blank page.

6. I’ve got no idea how to use the new projector. Let’s read the instructions in the projector’s

p ....roduct anual
.... .... .... .... .... m .... .... .... .... .... ?

7. Circle the correct response.

1. We’ve got a problem. The CEO’s car won’t start.

a. I’ll be right over.

b. Sorry to bother you.

c. Both a and b.

2. Can this machine photocopy in colour?

a. No, it’s only a black and white photocopier.

b. Yes, it can.

c. Both a and b.

3. Is Rick Peters in the office?

a. I’m sorry. He’s out of town.

b. Yes, but he’s unavailable at the moment.

c. Both a and b.

4. What did I do wrong?

a. You’re welcome.

b. You didn’t insert the paper correctly.

c. Both a and b.

5. What is the procedure for handling incoming mail?

a. You must document all the mail in this log.

b. Sort the post and distribute it before 11.00.

c. Both a and b

6. Should I send it first or second class?

a. It’s not urgent. Second class will do.

b. It’s fragile so wrap it in bubble wrap.

c. Both a and b.

7. Is that Carters Plumbing Company?

a. Oh, no. We’ve got a burst pipe.

b. Yes, how can I help you?

c. Both a and b.

8. He complained that there was no reply when he phoned.

a. Yes, he said you were very professional.

b. Yes, there was a technical problem.

c. Both a and b.

9. Can you put me through to Julia Forrest, please?

a. I’m sorry. Her line is busy. Can I take a message?

b. Please ask her to return the call.

c. Both a and b.

10. When will you get here?

a. I’ll be right over.

b. In about half an hour.

c. Both a and b.


1. Finish these conditional sentences and then translate them.

we should buy another one.
- If the computer doesn’t work,……
Si la computadora no funciona, deberiamos comprar otra.

you will not pass the examen.

- Unless you study,…..
A menos que estudies, no pasaras el examen.
we should receive it tomorrow.
- If we make the order today,…
Si hacemos el pedido hoy, deberíamos recibirlo mañana.

- the meeting will not take place.

If the CEO isn’t at her desk,….
Si el CEO no está en su escritorio, la reunión no tendrá lugar.

2. Make sentences with these words and then translate them.

You must study tonight.
Debes estudiar esta noche.

She was fine in the morning but now she is getting worse.
Ella estaba bien en la mañana pero ahora está peor.
You should organise a party for your birthday.
Deberías organizar una fiesta para tu cumpleaños.
This question is very hard.
Esta pregunta es muy difícil.
The movie is quite interesting.
La película es bastante interesante.
She is the noisiest here.
Ella es la más ruidosa aquí.
I have done that
Ya he hecho eso.
My best friends are getting married so I bought a present for them.
Mis mejores amigos se van a casar asi que les compre un regalo.
3. Write questions for each answer. Pay attention to the underlined words.
Do they send faxes every day
- ………………………………………………………………………? Yes. They send faxes every day.
- How many meetings has Mrs. Smith
………………………………………………………………………? Mrs. Smith has meetings once a
Where does Peter work
- ………………………………………………………………………? Peter works in the warehouse.
- When does Jane go to the laboratory
………………………………………………………………………? Jane goes to the laboratory on
- What time do we start working?
………………………………………………………………………? We start work at 8:00 am.

4. Make suggestions for the following situations. Use: Let’s.

- Let's go to eat.
You and your colleagues are hungry. _______________________________
- Let's go up the stairs.
The lift is out of order. ________________________________________
- Let's go to sleep now.
The meeting started three hours ago and everybody is tired. _______________

5. Write two sentences, one with WHILE and one with WHEN. In both sentences you
have to use these two verbal tenses: the past simple and the past continuous. Then
translate the sentences.

- While my brother was wathing TV his smartphone rang.

- Mientras mi hermano estaba mirando televisión, sonó su teléfono inteligente.

- I was sleeping when he arrived home.

- Estaba durmiendo cuando llegó a casa.

It’s your first day at work, so write an e-mail introducing yourself.

From: Renzo Andre Mejia Carbajal
To: Human Resources
Subject: Presentation

My name is Renzo Andre Mejia Carbajal, student of Administrative Management. I have previously worked in a bank,
performing cashier activities.The reason for this email is to introduce myself as the new worker of the company, I
will occupy the position of administrative assistant

I am looking forward to working with your team.

Best wishes,


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