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2º Bach - Conditionals, Wish & If Only Clauses (With Key)

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CONDITIONALS – 2º Bachillerato 9. The cinema ...............................

(be) full unless

A. Rewrite the following sentences using conditionals: we............................... (get) there soon.
1. We won't come to the party unless they invite us. 10. If I ................................. (feel) ill, I.........................
2. I can't take a photograph of you because I haven't got (go) to the doctor but, don’t worry, I’m perfectly right.
a camera. 11. I know you don’t like computers but if
3. Plants die whenever you don't give them water. you..............................(buy) one, I....................... (help) you to
4. David forgot to renew his visa, so he couldn't remain in use it.
India. 12. If Alan ...................... (not tease) the dog
5. The teacher asked Ian to leave the classroom because yesterday, it...............................(not bite) him.
he was rude to her. 13. You........................ (get) a bad cough if
6. Wendy has to work very hard, so she can't see more you .............................. (smoke) too much.
films. 14. Unless Tom..........................(arrive) here in less than
7. Terry hasn't more fun at school because he isn't five minutes, I...............................(go) without him.
friendly. 15. I have lost Jenny’s address in England. If
8. If the teacher doesn't say we need the book, I won't I ............................... (know) it, I.................................. (visit)
buy it. her.
9. My mum won the lottery last year, so we could buy our
flat. WISH / IF ONLY CLAUSES – 2º Bachillerato
10. Mike says he's too tired to play basketball today. A. Write suitable wish or if only clauses for each of
11. You should be careful with those stairs. the following situations:
12. I’m very young, so I’m not independent. 1. It really is a pity that you don’t want to stay for dinner
13. Graham signed the contract because he didn’t read tonight.
the small print. 2. My father is angry about the loud music that Collin is
14. The others will go without us unless we hurry. playing.
15. Some people eat many sweets; as a result, their teeth 3. Helen is upset that she quarrelled with her boyfriend.
fall out. 4. I’m really sorry you can’t go with Dave to The Stones’
concert next summer.
B. Complete the conditionals using your own words: 5. Jimmy would love to have a puppy.
1. If I lose my passport, ... 6. He’d like to have a Ferrari instead of his old Fiat.
2. I wouldn't wear that dress... 7. Harry is sorry he wasn’t nicer to you last night.
3. Unless you return my CD, ... 8. Carol is not looking forward to going school.
4. The Jones will be delighted... 9. What a shame we didn’t know you were visiting Madrid.
5. He would have finished his homework ... 10. Mr Brown was really sorry that his son hadn’t joined
6. If Julian had told me a lie, ... the family business.
7. John wouldn't get so many traffic fines ...
8. If you lose my pen, ... B. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in
9. If the policeman hadn’t fallen down, ... brackets:
10. He might help us ... 1. You are always watching silly TV programmes. I wish
you _____________________ (not spend) so much time
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct tenses: watching them!
1. If Jack ............................... (go) to the cinema with us, 2. Brenda wishes she _____________________ (earn)
he .................................. (enjoy) the film we saw. more money than she does.
2. If I .............................. (be) wrong, I.................................. 3. I wish I _____________________ (be) blonde and
(apologise) at once, but I'm sure I'm right. beautiful! ... but I’m happy with myself, anyway.
3. Unless you ................................ (return) my dictionary in 4. Sandra’s brother is going to Dover on holidays. She
two or three days, I ............................. (not lend) you wishes she _____________________ (go) there with
anything else. him.
4. If it ................................ (rain) tomorrow, 5. If only she _____________________ (tell) me
we ........................ (have) to stay indoors. before! In that case, we would have solved the problem.
S. I .............................. (get) plenty of exercise and fresh 6. Do you ever wish you _____________________ (be)
air whenever I ........................... (go) to the mountains. prime minister?
6. Ann is an ambitious girl; I think she ............................. 7. I wish I _____________________ (live) in a small
(pass) her exams providing that she.......................... (work) village. I’m tired of living in this big city.
hard. 8. Mary wishes we _____________________ (go) to
7. You ............................ (look) better if Greece with her next August.
you ............................ (wear) a suit to go to the concert 9. Juliet often wishes she _____________________
last night. (be) a famous actress.
8. If the weather ................................ (not be) so 10. I wish Tommy _____________________ (not cry)
bad yesterday, we ............................ (go) for a picnic. so much! He cries all the time!
CONDITIONALS - Answers: be / get. 10 felt / would go. 11 bought / ‘d help. 12
A. 1 We won’t come to the party if they don’t invite hadn’t teased / wouldn’t have bitten. 13 will get /
us. 2 If I had a camera, I could/would take a smoke. 14 arrives / will go. 15 knew / would visit.
photograph of you. 3 Plants die if you don’t give
them water. 4 If David hadn’t forgotten to renew WISH / IF ONLY CLAUSES - Answers:
his visa, he could/would have remained in India. 5 If A. 1. I wish / If only you would / could stay for
Ian hadn’t been rude to the teacher, she wouldn’t dinner tonight. 2. My father wishes Colin didn’t play
have asked him to leave the room. 6 If Wendy (such/that) loud music. 3. Helen wishes she hadn’t
didn’t have to work so hard, she could/would see quarrelled with her boyfriend. 4. I wish you would /
more films. 7 Terry would have more fun at school could go with Dave to The Stones’ concert next
if he were friendly. 8 Unless the teacher says we summer. 5. Jimmy wishes he had a puppy. 6. He
need the book, I won’t buy it. 9 If my mum hadn’t wishes he had a Ferrari instead of his old Fiat. 7.
won the lottery last year, we wouldn’t/couldn’t have Harry wishes he had been nicer to you last night. 8.
bought our flat. 10 Mike would play basketball today Carol wishes she didn’t have to go to school. 9. We
if he weren’t so tired. 11. If I were you, I’d be wish / If only we had known you were visiting
careful with those stairs. 12 I would be Madrid. 10. Mr Brown wished that his son had
independent if I were older/if I weren’t so young. joined the family business.
13 Graham wouldn’t have signed the contract if he B. 1. didn’t spend. 2. earned. 3. were. 4. would /
had read the small print. 14 If we don’t hurry, the could go. 5. had told. 6. were. 7. lived. 8. would /
others will go without us. 15 If people didn’t eat so could go. 9. were. 10. didn’t cry.
many sweets, their teeth wouldn’t fall out.
C. 1 had gone / would have enjoyed. 2 were / would “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I
apologise. 3 return / won’t lend. 4 rains / will have. can give you the formula for failure, which is: try to
5 get / go. 6 will pass / works. 7 would have looked / please everybody”.
had worn. 8 hadn’t been / would have gone. 9 will Herbert Bayard Swope

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