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PHARM - 5. Antibiotics (6p)

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Week 12

Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Notes

Antimicrobial Therapy: Selective Toxicity

Review of Microbial Cell Biology:

- Host:
o Eukaryotes

- Bacteria:
o Prokaryotes (Very different from Eukaryotic Host Cells Therefore Selective Toxicity is easy)
o (Therefore, Antibacterials are safer (Have less side effects) than Antifungals)
o NB: Gram Positive & Gram Negative Bacteria Differ by their Cell Wall Structures:
Gram Positive:
Thick Peptidoglycan Layer
Gram Negative:
Primarily Lipid-Based (Including Lipopolysaccharide LPS)
(Negligible Peptidoglycan Layer)

- Fungi/Parasites:
o Eukaryotes (Very similar to Eukaryotic Host-Cells Therefore Selective Toxicity is Difficult)
o (Therefore, Antibacterials are safer (Have less side effects) than Antifungals)

- Viruses:
o Encapsulated DNA/RNA (Very different from Eukaryotic Host Cells)
o However the are Obligate Intracellular Pathogens Ie. Hijack Host-Cell Machinery to Replicate.
Therefore, Selective Toxicity is Difficult, because you have to inhibit Host-Cell machinery in
order to stop the virus.
Principle of Antimicrobial Therapy:
- Origins of Antimicrobial Therapy:
o NB: Most Anti-Microbials are derived from other Organisms.
o Eg. Penecillin s Anti-Bacterial property was discovered by Alexander Fleming as it was killing his
Bacterial Cultures.
- Selective Toxicity:
o Critical to Efficacy & Safety of Anti-Microbials
o Exploits Differences in Cell Biology between Host & Pathogen Cells.
o Aim Kill only the Pathogen Cells
- Scope of Activity:
o Specific to Class of Microbe:
Ie Antibacterials aren t effective against Viruses
o The Effect on the Microbes:
Eg. Bacterio-Cidal Kills Bacteria (Eg. Penecillin)
Eg. Bacterio-Static Slows Bacterial Growth (Eg. Tetracycline)
(FYI: Bacteriostatic drugs are more useful than Bacteriocidal drugs for Sepsis Because
bacteriocidal drugs ill liberate the bacteria s Endotoxins Further Sepsis)
o Synergy:
Some antibacterial agents can amplify each-other s mechanism of action
Eg Aminoglycosides β-Lactams:
Aminoglycosides Inhibit Protein Synthesis, but need to gain access into cell.
-Lactams inhibit Cell Wall Synthesis Cell all Integrit Access into cell
o Broad Spectrum Antibiotics Empirical Therapy :
Compounds active against a wide range of bacteria.
Eg. Gram + & Gram Bacteria.
o Narrow Spectrum Directed Therapy :
Compounds active against a specific class/type of bacteria.
Eg. Gram + only.
- Antimicrobial Therapy Should be EVIDENCE BASED:
o Ie. KNOW what organism you are dealing with before treatment (Unless Emergency):
Allows treatment to be Direc ed rather than Empirical .
Maximises Efficacy
Minimises Antibiotic Resistance.
- Antimicrobial Resistance:
o NB: Bacteria employ An ibiosis of their own to potentiate their Own Survival.
They also develop Resistance to Antibiosis from other bacteria to potentiate survival.
- THIS CAN WORK AGAINST US As Bacteria develop Resistance to Our Drugs!
o NB Also Bacterial Resistance Genes exist and Mutation Potential is HIGH!
(Due to huge numbers of rapidly proliferating bacteria)
o Antibiotic Usage Preferentially Selects these resistant strains, giving them a Competitive
Advantage over the rest Transmission of Resistance Genes to offspring
o THEREFORE Restraint of antimicrobial use is the best way to ensure their efficacy

Sites for Selective Toxicity:
Antibacterial Drugs:
NB The Suffi -M cin simpl means an antibiotic derived from the fungus Er hrom cin
It is irrelevant to classes of antibiotics.

- 1. Anti Cell-Wall Synthesis Antibiotics (Bacteriocidal):

o Target Peptidoglycan Synthesis on Gram-Positive Bacteria.

Classical Agents: Common Uses: Mechanism of Action: Side Effects:

β-Lactam Antibiotics:
Penicillins: Gram Positive Bacteria Block Penicillin-Binding Proteins GI Upset & Diarrhoea
Penicillins G & V (NB: Bacteria Producing (Enzymes) Inhibit Synthesis of the Allergic Rash
Amoxicillin & Ampicillin -Lactamase are Peptidoglycan Layer of the Bacterial Anaphylaxis (Need
Flucloxacillin resistant) Cell Wall. Adrenaline Handy)
Ticarcillin (NB: Fluclox for -
Suffix -Cillin Lactamase Resistant)
Cephalosporins: (NB: Cephalosporins (As above)
(Ceftriaxone) for Non- -Lactamase + Mild Renal Toxicity
β-Lactamase Inhibitors: (In Combination with Inhibits -Lactamase Allo s -
Augmentin Penicillins) for Penicillin- Lactams to work on Penicillin-
Resistant Gram Positive Resistant Bacteria.
Bacterial Infections
Glycopeptide Antibiotics:
Vancomycin Gram Positive Bacteria Prevents incorporation of specific Local Pain
Teicoplanin (As a LAST RESORT for Peptide Subunits into the Phlebitis (Vein Inflam)
Telavancin MRSA) Peptidoglycan Layer of the Bacterial Kidney Damage
(Also if Pt. is allergic to Cell Wall. Hearing Loss

- 2. Anti Protein-Synthesis Antibiotics (Bacteriostatic):

o Exploits differences between Eukaryotic (Human) Ribosomes & Prokaryotic Ribosomes.
o Selective Toxicity Due to specific binding to Prokaryotic Ribosomes.
o NB: Aminoglycosides are Solely eliminated by the Kidneys & Are Nephrotoxic. (Need to assess renal
function first, then Dose Accordingly)

Classical Agents: Common Uses: Mechanism of Action: Side Effects:

Aminoglycoside Antibiotics:
Gentamicin Gram Negative Bacteria Bind Specifically to Prokaryotic Ototoxic (Hearing Loss
Streptomycin (Used Synergistically Ribosomal Subunits Causes & Vertigo)
Tobramycin with -Lactams to Misreading of mRNA Inhibits Nephrotoxic (Kidney
drug entry into Bacteria) Synthesis of Proteins vital to Bacteria. Damage)
Tetracycline Antibiotics:
Doxycycline Gram Negative Bacteria Bind Specifically to Prokaryotic Nausea/Vom/Diarr.
Tetracycline Syphilis (G-), Chlamydia Ribosomal Subunits Inhibits Binding Photosensitivity
- -
(Suffix = Cycline (G ), Lyme Disease (G ) of tRNA to mRNA Inhibits Synthesis Staining of Teeth
(And Malaria -Protazoa) of Proteins vital to Bacteria. Renal/Liver Toxicity.
Erythromycin, Gram Negative Bacteria Bind Specifically to Prokaryotic Nausea/Vom/Diarr.
Azithromycin Syphilis, Lyme Disease. Ribosomal Subunits Inhibits release Jaundice
of tRNA Inhibits Synthesis of
Proteins vital to Bacteria.
- 3. Anti Nucleic-Acid Synthesis Antibiotics (Bacteriostatic):
o Exploits differences in the Metabolic Pathways of DNA Synthesis (Humans rely solely on Dietary
Folate, while Bacteria have to make their own):
Eg. Competitive Inhibition of Dihydropteroate-Synthase, a key Enzyme involved in Folate
Synthesis in Bacteria.
Eg. Competitive Inhibition of Dihydrofolate-Reductase, a key Enzyme involved in Folate
Synthesis in Bacteria. (NB: Humans share this pathway, but bacteria require it 100x more
than humans)
Eg. Inhibition of Bacterial DNA Gyrase/Topoisomerase Stops DNA Replication/Transcrib.

Classical Agents: Common Uses: Mechanism of Action: Side Effects:

Sulfasalazine Urinary Tract Infections Competitive inhibition of Nausea/Vom/Diarr
Prefix Sulfa Dihydropteroate-Synthase, a key Allergy
Enzyme involved in Folate Synthesis. Precipitation in Urine
(Folate is necessary for Nucleic Acid Kidney Failure
Synthesis & Hence DNA Synthesis. Leukopaenia
Trimethoprim Urinary Tract Infections Competitive inhibition of Nausea/Vom/Diarr
Dihydrofolate-Reductase, a key Allergy
Enzyme involved in Folate Synthesis. Precipitation in Urine
(Folate is necessary for Nucleic Acid Kidney Failure
Synthesis & Hence DNA Synthesis. Leukopaenia
Ciprofloxacin Urinary Tract Infections Inhibits bacterial DNA Gyrase or
Norfloxacin Comm.Acq. Pneumonia Topoisomerase Inhibits DNA
Suffix Floxacin Bacterial Diarrhoea Replication & Transcription.
Antimycobacterial Drugs:

- Mycobacterial Infections in Humans:

o 2 Main Types:
o Why are they a Problem?
Because Mycobacteria can live inside Macrophages following Phagocytosis.
Also, Multi-Drug-Resistant strains are on the rise.
o Compound Drug Therapy:
A frequent strategy to decrease the probability of the emergence of resistant organisms.
Also requires Long-Term Therapy.

Classical Agents: Common Uses: Mechanism of Action: Side Effects:

Isoniazid Combination Treatment MOA unknown. Allergic Skin Eruptions
of M. Tuberculosis (Bacteriostatic & Bacteriocidal) Fever
Haemolysis (in G6PD
Rifampicin Combination Treatment Binds to & Inhibits DNA-Dependent Allergic Skin Eruptions
of M. Tuberculosis Prokaryotic RNA-Polymerase Fever
Inhibits DNA Transcription & therefore Hepatotoxicity
Inhibits Protein Synthesis.
(Bacteriostatic & Bacteriocidal)
Ethambutol Combination Treatment MOA Unknown. Optic Neuritis
of M. Tuberculosis (Bacteriostatic) Visual Disturbances
Colour Blindness.
Pyrazinamide Combination Treatment Active in Low pH (In Phagolysosomes) Gout
of M. Tuberculosis (Bacteriostatic) GI Upset
Antifungal Drugs:
- NB: Fungi are Eukaryotic:
o Therefore Selective Toxicity is Difficult.
- Drug Targets:
o 1. Difference in Lipid Composition of Cell Membrane:
Fungi Ergosterol
Humans Cholesterol.
o 2. Inhibition of Ergosterol Synthesis:
Fungal Cell Cytochrome Enzymes
o 3. Inhibition of DNA & RNA Synthesis:
Intracellular Conversion to Inhibition Substances.
- Routes of Administration:
o Systemic (Oral/Parenteral) For Systemic Fungal Infections
o Oral For Mucocutaneous Infections.
o Topical For Mucocutaneous Infections. (Selective Toxicity is less important)

Antiviral Drugs:
- Viruses are Obligate Intracellular Pathogens Ie. Hijack Host-Cell Machinery to Replicate:
o Therefore, Selective Toxicity is Difficult, because you have to inhibit Host-Cell machinery in order to
stop the virus.
- Mechanisms of Antiviral Selective Toxicity:
o Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors.
o Non- Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors.
o Protease Inhibitors
o Viral DNA Polymerase Inhibitors
o Inhibitors of Fusion with Host Cells
o Inhibitors of Viral Coat Disassembly
o Biologics & Immunomodulators (Eg. Interferon)

Antiparasitic Drugs:
- NB: Parasites are Eukaryotic:
o Therefore Selective Toxicity is Difficult.
- Drug Targets:
o 1. Unique Enzymes
o 2. Shared Enzymes but those Indispensable for Parasite.
o 3. Common Pathways with Different Properties.

- NB: Antimalarial Drugs & G6P-Dehydrogenase Deficiency:

o Eg. Chloroquine/Primaquine/Pamaquine:
Must NOT be given to Pts with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, as they can
cause Fatal Haemolysis.
(NB: G6PD is an essential enzyme in RBC Metabolism)

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