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Basic Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular Heart Anatomy

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Basic Anatomy & Physiology:


Heart Anatomy:
o Snugly enclosed within the middle mediastinum (medial cavity of thorax). Contains:
Great Vessels

The Pericardium: (Coverings of the Heart)

o A double-walled lubricating sac
o 2 Layers of Pericardium:
Fibrous Pericardium:
Tough, dense connective tissue
Protects the heart
Anchors it to surrounding structures
Serous Pericardium: (one continuous sheet with ‘2 layers’)
Parietal Layer – Lines the internal surface of the fibrous pericardium
Visceral Layer – (aka Epicardium) Lines the external heart surface

Layers of the Heart Wall:

o Epicardium:
Visceral layer of the serous pericardium
o Myocardium:
Muscle of the heart
o Endocardium:
Endothelium lining the chambers of the heart
Prevents clotting of blood within the heart
Forms a barrier between the O2 hungry myocardium and the blood. (blood is supplied via
the coronary system)
Fibrous Skeleton of the Heart:
o Functions:
Reinforces Myocardium
Anchors muscle fibres + valves + great vessels
Electrically isolates
o 2 Parts:
Flat sheets separating atriums, ventricles & left and right sides of the heart.
Electrically isolates the L&R sides of the heart
Rings around great vessels & valves stop stretching under pressure

Chambers & Associated Great Vessels:

o 2 Atrias (Superior):
Thin-walled Receiving Chambers
Right Atrium:
Blood enters via 3 veins:
o Coronary Sinus (collects venous blood draining from the myocardium)
Left Atrium:
Blood enters via:
o 4x Pulmonary Veins (O2 blood)

o 2 Ventricles (Inferior): [Vent = Underside]

Thick, muscular pumping chambers
Right Ventricle:
Anterior Surface of Heart
Thinner – Low Pressure Pulmonary Circulation – Via Pulmonary Arteries
Left Ventricle:
PosteroInferior Surface of Heart
Thicker – High Pressure Systemic Circulation – Via Aorta
Landmarks of the Heart:
Coronary Sulcus (Atrioventricular Groove):
o Encircles the junction between the Atria & Ventricles like a ‘Crown’ (Corona).
o Cradles the Coronary Arteries (R&L), Coronary Sinus, & Great Cardiac Vein
Anterior Interventricular Sulcus:
o Cradles the Anterior Interventricular Artery (Left Anterior Descending)
Posterior Interventricular Sulcus:
o Continuation of the Anterior Interventricular Sulcus
o Cradles the Posterior Descending Artery

Coronary Circulation:
The myocardium’s own blood supply
Arteries lie in epicardium – prevents the contractions inhibiting bloodflow
Arterial Supply:
o Aorta Left & Right coronary arteries
Left Coronary Artery
1. Left Anterior Descending Apex, Anterior LV, Anterior 2/3 of IV-Septum.
2. Circumflex Artery L atrium + Lateral LV
Right Coronary Artery Marginal & Post-Interventricular Artery
Entire R-Ventricle
Posterior 1/3 of IV-Septum
Heart Valves:
Ensure unidirectional flow of blood through the heart.
2x AtrioVentricular (AV) (Cuspid) Valves:
o Prevent backflow into the Atria during Contraction of Ventricles
Papillary muscles contract before the ventricle to take up the slack in the chordae tendinae
Prevents ballooning of valves under ventricular contraction.
o Tricuspid Valve (Right ):
3 flexible ‘cusps’ (flaps of endocardium + Conn. Tissue)
o Mitral Valve (Left):
2 Leaflets - resembles the 2-sided bishop’s miter [hat]

2x SemiLunar (SL) Valves:

o Open under Ventricular Pressure
o 3x Cusps each
o Pulmonary Valve:
Between Right Ventricle & Pulmonary Trunk
o Aortic Valve:
Between Left Ventricle & Aorta

Valve Sounds:
S1 ( Lubb ):
o AV Valve Closure
o (M1 = Mitral Component)
o (T1 = Tricuspid Component)
S2 ( Dupp ):
o Semilunar Valve Closure
o (A2 = Aortic Component)
o (P2 = Pulmonary Component)
Electrophysiology & ECGs
2 Types of Cardiac Muscle Cells:
- Conductile/Nodal: (Intrinsic)
o Have Spontaneous Electrical Activity Cannot Maintain a Resting Membrane Potential
Spontaneously Depolarises to Threshold (Due to Leaky Na+ Membrane Ion Channels)
NB: Na+ brings to threshold, but Ca+ is responsible for Depolarisation.
Slow ‘Pacemaker’ Action Potentials
o Heirarchy of control depending on Intrinsic Rate.
(SA is fastest :. takes control)

o The SinoAtrial (SA) Node:

= The PaceMaker of the Heart: Unregulated Rate: 90-100bpm......however;
Location: Posterior Wall of the Right Atrium near the opening of the Superior Vena Cava
o The AtrioVentricular (AV) Node:
2nd in Command: Slower than the SA Node: 40-60bpm
Location: Inferior portion of the InterAtrial Septum; Directly above the TriCsupid Valve.
Function: Delays SA Node impulse Approx. 100ms Bundle Branches;
Allows Atrial emptying before Ventricular Contraction
o The Bundle Branches (Bundles of His):
3rd in Command: Slower than AV & SA Nodes: 20-40bpm
Location: Fork of branches – Superior Portion of InterVentricular Septum
Function: Serves as the only connection between the 2 Atria & 2 Ventricles.

o Conduction Path:
SA node
AV node (delays signal – ensures coordinated contraction)
Bundle of His (further delay 0.04secs)
R and L bundle branches
Purkinji fibres
- Contractile:
o Fast Non-Pacemaker Action Potentials
o Have stable membrane potentials.
Conductile AP Opens Fast Na+ Channels Massive Na+ influx Depolarisation
Fast Na+ channels close; Voltage-Gated Ca+ channels to open
o Ca Influx + Ca release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
[Ca+] causes muscular contraction.
o (Plateau is balanced by Ca+ influx & K+ efflux)
Influxing Ca+ channels close; but the effluxing K+ channels remain open;
Excess Ions?:
Excess Na+ & K+ deficit is dealt with by the Na/K-ATPase.
Excess Ca+ from the Plateau Phase is eliminated by a Na/Ca Exchanger.

o The Purkinje Fibres:

= Specialised Myocytes with very few myofibrils (NOT contractile).
Conductile; but...Resembles Ventricular Myocytes
Capable of Spontaneous Depolarisation – 15bpm
The Inner Ventricular Walls of the Heart – just below the Endocardium
Role in Conduction Network:
Impulse conduction from L & R Bundle Branches to the Ventricles;

o Atrial & Ventricular Myocytes:

Cells with many myofibrils (contractile proteins)
Produce the contraction necessary for heart function.
ElectroCardioGrams (ECG):
- Recording of all Action Potentials by Nodal & Contractile Cells in the heart at a given time.
o NB: It IS NOT a single action potential.
o NB: A “Lead refers to a combination of electrodes that form an imaginary line in the body, along
which the electrical signals are measured.
Ie. A 12 ‘lead’ ECG usually only uses 10 electrodes.
- Graphic Output:
o X-axis = Time
o Y-axis = Amplitude (voltage) – Proportional to number & size of cells.
- Understanding Waveforms:

- ECG Waves:
o P Wave:
Depolarisation of the Atria
Presence of this waves indicates the SA Node is working

o PR-Segment:
Reflects the delay between SA Node & AV Node.
Atrial Contraction is occurring at this time.

o Q Wave:
Interventricular Septum Depolarisation
Wave direction (see blue arrow) is perpendicular to the Main Electrical Axis results in a
‘Biphasic’ trace.
Only the –ve deflection is seen due to signal cancellation by Atrial Repolarisation.
Sometimes this wave isn’t seen at all

o R Wave:
Ventricular Depolarisation
Wave Direction (blue arrow) is the same as the Main Electrical Axis Positive Deflection.
R-Wave Amplitude is large due to sheer numbers of depolarizing myocytes.
o S Wave:
Depolarisation of the Myocytes at the last of the Purkinje Fibres.
Wave Direction (black arrow) opposes the Main Electrical Axis Negative Deflection
This wave is not always seen.

o ST Segment:
Ventricular Contraction is occurring at this time.
Due to the lag between excitation & contraction.

o T Wave:
Ventricular Repolarisation
Positive deflection despite being a Repolarisation wave – because Repol. Waves travel in
the opposite direction to Depol Waves.

The Heart s Electrical A is

o Refers to the general direction of the heart's depolarisation wavefront (or 'mean electrical vector') in the
frontal plane.
o It is usually oriented in a 'Right Shoulder to Left Leg' direction.
o Determining The Electrical Axis From an ECG Trace:
o 3 Methods:
o Quadrant Method (the one you’re concerned with)
o Peak Height Measurement Method
o The Degree Method
o The Quadrant Method:
Effects of the Autonomic Nervous System:
- Parasympathetic NS:
o Innervates SA & AV Nodes
Heart Rate
- Sympathetic NS:
o Innervates the SA & AV Nodes & Ventricular Muscle (& also via Noradrenaline).
Heart Rate
Mechanical Events of The Cardiac Cycle
- Systole = Myocardial Contraction
- Diastole = Myocardial Relaxation
- Stroke Volume = Output of Blood from the Heart Per Contraction (≈80mL of blood)
- Heart Rate = #Heart Beats/Minute
- Cardiac Output:
o Volume of Blood Ejected from the Heart Per Minute (Typically ≈5L/min)
o Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume
o Chronotropic Influences:
Affect Heart Rate
o Inotropic Influences:
Affect Contractility (& :. stroke volume)
o Dromotropic Influences:
Affect AV-Node Delay.
- End Diastolic Volume = Ventricular Volume @ end of Diastole (When Ventricle is Fullest)
- End Systolic Volume = Ventricular Volume After Contraction (Normal ≈ 60-65%)
- Preload = The degree of Stretching of the Heart Muscle during Ventricular Diastole.
o ( Preload = cross linking of myofibrils = Contraction (“Frank Starling Mechanism”)
- Afterload = The Ventricular Pressure required to Eject blood into Aorta/Pulm.Art.
o ( Afterload = SV due to ejection time)

- 1. Atrial Systole/Ventricular Filling (Diastole):

- 2. Ventricular Systole:
o a) AV Valves Close:
Ventricular Pressure Exceeds Atrial Pressure AV Valves shut
o b) Semilunar Valves Open:
Ventricular Pressure Exceeds Aortic/Pulm Pressure Blood Ejected
o c) Semilunar Valves Close:
Ventricular Pressure then falls Below Aortic/Pulm Pressure Semilunar Valves Close.
- 3. Ventricular Diastole:
o Ventricles relax Ventricular Pressure falls below Atrial Pressure AV-Valves Open:
Blood from Atria into Ventricles
(NB: Passive filling from venous return is responsible for 70% of ventricular filling.)
- Cardiac Output:
o Determined by 2 Things:
1. Stroke Volume....&
2. Heart Rate
o A erage CO L min (ie. The entire blood supply circulates once per minute)

- Heart Rate:
o Depends on Tissue-Satisfaction with Nutrients & O2.
o Terms:
BradyCardia: HR Slower than normal. (too fast stroke volume & CO suffers)
TachyCardia: HR Faster than normal.
o Regulation of HR:
Autonomic Nervous System:
Parasympathetic: (Vagus Nerve)
o Decrease Heart Rate (-ve Chronotropic Effect)
o Increase AV-Node Delay (-ve Dromotropic Effect)
Sympathetic: (Sympathetic Chains)
o Increase Heart Rate (+ve Chronotropic Effect)
o Increase Force of Contraction (+ve Inotropic Effect).
Reflex Control:
Bainbridge Reflex (Atrial Walls):
o Venous Return Heart Rate
o Responsible for 40-60% of HR increases.
BaroReceptor Reflex (Aortic & Carotids):
o BP HR & Contractility (+ Vasodilation)
ChemoReceptor Reflex:
o Low O2 or CO2 in Peripheral-Tissue HR & Resp. Rate

- Stroke Volume:
o Blood output per heart-beat.
o Stroke Volume = End Diastolic Volume End Systolic Volume
o :. SV is by:
Ventricular Filling Time (Duration of Ventricular Diastole)
Venous Return
Arterial BP (Higher harder to eject blood ESV Increases)

o NB: Frank Starling Mechanism :

Preload Contractility Stroke Volume
Control of Circulation (Haemodynamics & BP Regulation)

- 3 Factors Influencing Resistance:
o 1. Blood Viscosity (Fairly Constant)
o 2. Total Vessel Length (Fairly Constant)
o 3. Vessel Diameter (Highly Variable)

Relationship Between Flow, Pressure & Resistance:

- Flow is:
o 1. Directly Proportional to Pressure Gradient
o 2. Inversely Proportional to Resistance
- Therefore:

Effects of Vasomotion on Rate & Velocity of Flow:

- Changes Vessel Diameter:
o The Flow Rate is directly proportional to the 4th Power of the Vessel Diameter.
o Ie. Small changes in diameter Large changes in Flow Rate (by x4).

Factors Influencing Blood Pressure (Long Term):

- Cardiac Output
- Peripheral Resistance
- Blood Volume
:. BP = Cardiac Output X Total Peripheral Resistance

Types of Blood Pressures:

- Systolic: Peak Aortic pressure during ventricular systole.
- Diastolic: Lowest Aortic pressure during ventricular diastole.
- *Pulse Pressure:
o = Systolic Pressure - Diastolic Pressure
o (Eg. 120mmHg – 80mmHg)
o Normal = 40mmHg
- *Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP):
o MAP = Diastolic Pressure + 1/3(Pulse Pressure)
o *The Pressure that Propels Blood to the Tissues – maintains Tissue Perfusion (see below sections).

Control of MAP:
- 3 Main Regulators:
o 1. Autoregulation (@ the Tissue Level):
‘Automatic Vasodilation/constriction @ the tissue relative to metabolic requirements.’
o 2. Neural Mechanisms:
Vasomotor Centres (Medulla):
Baroreceptors & Chemoreceptors
Autonomic Nervous System:
Sympathetic HR & Contractility MAP
Parasympathetic Heart Rate MAP
o 3. Endocrine Mechanisms (Kidney Level):
**Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) AKA. Vasopressin:
ADH Water Retention Released MAP
Angiotensin II:
AT-II VasoConstriction MAP
EPO Haematopoiesis Blood Volume MAP
Natriuetic Peptides (Released by the heart):
Stretch on Heart NP Release Diuresis Reduces BP & Volume.
Blood Vessels
Introduction to Blood Vessels:
- 3 Classes:
o Arteries Carry blood away from the heart
Elastic Arteries Eg. Aorta & Major Branches (Conducting Vessels)
Muscular Arteries Eg. Coeliac Trunk & Renal Arts. (Distributing Vessels)
Arterioles Eg. Intra-Organ Arteries (Resistance Vessels)
Terminal Arteriole Eg. Afferent Arteriole in kidney
o Capillaries Intimate contact with tissue facilitate cell nutrient/waste transfer
Vascular Shunt
True Capillaries
o Veins Carry blood back to the heart
Post-Capillary Venule (Union of capillaries)
Small Veins (Capacitance Vessels – 65% of body’s blood is venous)
Large Veins (Capacitance Vessels – 65% of body’s blood is venous)

Blood Vessel Structure:

- 3-Layered Wall:
o Tunica Intima:
Ie. The layer in intimate contact with the blood (luminal)
Consists of The Endothelium (Simple Squamous Epthelium)
o Tunica Media:
Middle....& Thickest layer (Smooth Muscle & Elastin)
o Tunica Externa:
Outermost Layer (Loose collagen fibres)
(NB: Also Contains Nerve Fibres, Lymphatics, and Vasa Vasorum (In larger vessels))

Fluid Movements Across a Vessel:

- Determined by the balance of 2 forces:
o 1. Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure:
Capillary blood pressure.
o 2. Colloid Osmotic Pressure:
Balance of Blood Osmolarity vs. Tissue Osmolarity
- (:. Net Filtration Pressure = Net Hydrostatic Pressure – Net Osmotic Pressure)
Foetal Circulation:
B passes Shunts of foetal circulatory system:
o Ductus Venosus
Directs the oxygenated blood from the placental vein into inferior vena cava heart
Partially bypasses the liver sinusoids
o Foramen Ovale
An opening in the interatrial septum loosely closed by a flap of tissue.
Directs some of blood entering the right atrium into the left atrium Aorta.
Partially bypasses the lungs.
o Ductus Arteriosus
Directs most blood from right atrium of the heart directly into aorta
Partially bypasses the lungs
o **All of these “shunts” are occluded at birth due to pressure changes.
NB: The Foramen Ovale can take up to 6 months to close.

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