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Endocrine System Notes - 3rd Ed

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Table Of Contents:


Anatomy & Physiology Notes:

Pathology Notes:



- Endocrinology: The scientific study of Hormones (Chemical Messengers) and the endocrine organs.
- Endocrine system are critical for maintaining Homeostasis.

What is a Hormone?
• Chemical signalling molecules secreted by endocrine glands into the extracellular fluids to exert an effect
elsewhere in the body.
• Hormones travel in blood or lymph throughout the body.
• BIOLOGICAL SPECIFICITY: Hormones Interact with specific receptors of specific cells of specific organs.

Hormones Are Either Steroidal or Non-Steroidal:
- Steroids Hormones:
o Sex Hormones – Eg. Testosterone (Androgens), Oestrogens, Progestagens.
o Adrenal Hormones – Eg. Glucocorticoids, Mineralocorticoids
o (Derived from Cholesterol)
- Non-Steroid Hormones:
o Amino Acid Derivatives:
§ Catecholamines (Eg. Adrenaline, Nor-Adrenaline & Dopamine) (Derived from Tyrosine)
§ Histamine (Derived from Histidine)
§ All Thyroid Hormones (Derived from Tyrosine)
o Proteins:
§ All Pituitary Hormones
o Fatty-Acid Derivatives:
§ Eg. Prostaglandins
§ Eg. Thromboxanes
o Purines:
§ Eg. Adenosine
o Dissolved Gases:
§ Eg. Nitric Oxide.

Synthesis of Chemical Messengers:
- Steroidogenesis:
o All steroid hormones are derived from Cholesterol.
o There are 5 Families of Steroids, each with their main physiological member:
§ Progestagens (Progesterone)
§ Androgens (Testosterone)
§ Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone)
§ Glucocorticoids (Cortisol)
§ Oestrogens (Oestrogen)
- Protein/Peptide Synthesis & Processing:
o Synthesis of polypeptide hormones can be more complex than Transcription & Translation.
o Some Protein Hormones are initially synthesised as longer Pre-Prohormones.
o These Pre-Prohormones are then cleaved, leaving Prohormones.
o These Prohormones are then cleaved again, leaving active Hormones.
§ Eg. Insulin:

‘Reactive’ Properties of Chemical Messengers:
- Biological Specificity: Certain Chemical Messengers will only fit into certain receptors.
- Affinity: The degree to which a chemical is attracted towards a receptor.
- Efficacy: The degree of effectiveness of the binding of the messenger to the receptor.
- ‘Agonists’: Chemical Messengers with High Affinity & High Efficacy.
- ‘Antagonists’: Chemical Messengers with High Affinity but Low Efficacy.
NB: There are no Endogenous Receptor-Antagonists, Only Exogenous (Drugs)
- Hormone Binding Proteins: Proteins that inactivate hormones by binding to them, limiting Bioactivity.
- Epitope: An Immunologically active binding site on a protein to which an antibody can attach.

Endocrine Glands:
- Endocrine Glands are Ductless and secrete by Exocytosis into the Extracellular Fluid à Diffuses into Blood.

Classical Endocrine Glands:
• Hypothalamus
• Pituitary gland
• Pineal gland
• Thyroid gland
• Parathyroid glands (dorsal aspect of thyroid gland)
• Thymus
• Adrenal glands
• Pancreas (has exocrine parts for digestion)(endocrine part secretes insulin)
• Gonads: Testes/Ovaries (also exocrine)

Long or Short Range Signalling?
• Endocrine: Some signals are “broadcasted” throughout the entire body via bloodstream. à Hormones
(produced by endocrine cells) [TV]
• Autocrine: Signals that affect only cells of the same cell type as the emitting cell. [doctor conference]
• Paracrine: Signals (aka local mediators) that act on cells in the vicinity of the emitting cell but on different
cell types than the emitting cell. [Lecture]

2 Main Receptor Types: (Intracellular & Membrane-bound Receptors)
• Intracellular Receptors:
o Lipid-soluble hormones (steroid/thyroid hormones) & even gasses (nitric oxide-blood vessel dilation)
§ Steroid hormones bind to receptor proteins in the cytosol or the nucleus that regulate gene

• Plasma-Membrane-Bound-Receptors:
o Most signal molecules can’t cross the plasma membrane of the target cell.
o Most intracellular signalling proteins act as molecular switches activated by either phosphorylation
OR GTP-Binding (swapping a GDP for a GTP)
o 3 Types:
§ Ion-Channel-Linked Receptors
• Resulting signal is a flow of ions across the membrane – produces an electric current.
§ Enzyme-Linked Receptors
• When activated – act as enzymes or are associated with enzymes inside the cell.
§ G-Protein-Linked Receptors (more common)
• Binds to a class of membrane-bound GTP-Binding-protein (G-Protein)à becomes
activated and released to migrate across the membrane, initiating a cascade of other
• Some G-Proteins directly regulate ion channels in the plasma membrane.
• Other G-Proteins activate membrane-bound enzymes. Eg. adenylyl-cyclase à
increases the [second messenger (cyclic-AMP)] à activates an intracellular
signalling protein (eg. A protein kinase) OR turns on genes via activated Protein
Kinase ‘A’ (PKA).

Tissue Responsiveness:
- Receptor Downregulation:
o Where a decreased receptor density in the membrane decreases the responsiveness of that cell to
that receptor’s stimuli.
o This is achieved by Internalising the receptor-ligand complex, dissociating the ligand, and recycling
the receptor back to the surface.

- Receptor Desensitisation:
o Where a change in receptor structure decreases the responsiveness of that cell to that receptor’s
o Why? To prevent multiple, rapid stimulations.

Regulation of Hormone Release:
- 3 Mechanisms:
o 1. Humoral:
§ Where the concentration of a solute in the blood (Eg. High Glucose/Low Calcium) is detected
by a specific gland, stimulating hormone release (Eg. Insulin/Parathyroid Hormone)
o 2. Neural:
§ Where the Nervous System Directly stimulates hormone release.
§ Eg. Sympathetic NS Activated à Stimulates Adrenal Medulla à Secretes Catecholamines.
o 3. Hormonal:
§ Where one hormone stimulates the release of another hormone from a different cell.
§ Eg. The Hypothalamus secretes hormones à Stimulate Ant. Pituitary à Secretes Hormones.
§ Eg. The Ant. Pituitary secretes Hormones à Stimulate other organs to secrete hormones.

• Negative:
o Most common
o Where the Biological Response causes a Decreased Hormone Release.
o Maintains levels around a stable intrinsic/preset level.
o Involved in homeostatic control.
• Positive:
o Uncommon (Lactation & Parturition)
o Where the Biological Response causes an Increased Hormone Release
o Are therefore Unstable mechanisms
o Terminate upon removal of initial stimulus.

Levels of Feedback Loops:
- Feedback may occur at many different levels within an endocrine axis.
o Ultra-Short Loop:
§ The secreted hormone feeds back to the same tissue that secreted it.
• Eg. A Hypothalamic Hormone feeds back to the Hypothalamus.

o Short Loop:
§ The secreted hormone feeds back to the tissue that stimulated its secretion.
• Eg. The Hormone secreted by the Target Organ feeds back to the Pituitary.
• Or. The Hormone secreted by the Pituitary feeds back to the Hypothalamus.

o Long Loop:
§ The hormone secreted by the target organ feeds directly back to the Hypothalamus.

Major Hormones & Their Functions:



The Hypothalamus:
- Location:
o In the diencephalon @ base of the brain, just below the thalamus.
o ‘Hypo’-Thalamus = Below the Thalamus

- Functions:
o The Hypothalamus receives information from multiple higher brain centres, integrates it, decides on
a response, and orders the pituitary to secrete specific hormones to elicit the response.
§ Ie. Links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.
o Controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger, and circadian cycles.Synthesizes &
secretes neurohormones (hypothalamic-releasing hormones) which stimulate or inhibit the
secretion of pituitary hormones.
- Inputs:
o RAS (Reticular Activating System/Substance) – Regulates drowsiness by releasing Serotonin.
o Thalamus – Plays a role in Pain Perception
o Neocortex & Limbic System – Emotional Centre
o Optical System – Vision

- Outputs:
o Anterior Pituitary
o Posterior Pituitary
o Brain-Stem (Autonomic NS)

- Hypothalamic Regulatory Hormones:
Abbreviation Full Name Stimulated/Inhibited Hormone
GHRH Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone Stimulates Release of Growth Hormone
SS Somatostatin Inhibits Release of Growth Hormone & TSH
TRH Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Stimulates Release of TSH & Prolactin
PRH Prolactin Releasing Hormone Stimulates Release of Prolactin
GnRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Stimulates Release of Gonadotropins; FSH & LH
CRH Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Stimulates Release of ACTH
PIH Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone Inhibits Release of Prolactin

The Pituitary Gland:
- Location:
o Just Anterior to Pons of the Brainstem
o Just Posterior to the Optic Chiasma
o Just Inferior to the Hypothalamus
o Connects superiorly to the hypothalamus (above it) via the Infundibulum
- Function:
o Secretes at least 9 hormones.
o Function is controlled by hypothalamus (which secretes releasing/inhibiting hormones)

Embryology of the Pituitary Gland:
- Q: Why is the Anterior Pituitary Endocrine, but the Posterior Pituitary Neuronal?
- A: Because they have different embryonic origins.
o Anterior Pituitary:
§ Arises from an upward out-pouching of the Oral-Ectoderm from the roof of the oral cavity
called Rathke’s Pouch. This pouch pinches off from the oral cavity and is later separated by
the sphenoid bone.
§ Consists of Epithelial/Glandular Tissue, & therefore Manufactures & Secretes Hormones.
o Posterior Pituitary:
§ Originates from a downward out-pouching of Neuro-Ectoderm from the brain in the floor of
the 3rd ventricle.
§ Consists of Neural Tissue, & therefore Secretes Neurohormones.

Anterior Pituitary: (Adenohypophysis)
- Glandular Tissue (adeno = gland)
- Responsible for Producing:
o TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
o FSH/LH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone; Luteinizing Hormone)
o PRL (Prolactin)
o ACTH (Adreno CorticoTropic Hormone)
o GH (Growth Hormone)
- Different Cell Types in the Anterior Pituitary Secrete Specific Hormones:
o Gonadotrophs: FSH & LH
o Corticotrophs: ACTH (Adreno-Cortico-Tropic Hormone)
o Thyrotrohps: TSH
o Mammotrophs: Prolactin
o Somatotrophs: Growth Hormone & Somatotropin
- Histology – Glandular structure:
o Clusters of acini surrounded by blood vessels
o Acini - mosaics of different cells:
§ (acidophils –red, basophils – dark blue, chromophobes - colourless)
§ NB: Pituitary Tumours may be from any of the 3 cells
o PLENTY of blood vessels (neither arteries or veins; but ‘Portal Vessels’ – Ie. Blood comes only from
the hypothalamus à carries the hypothalamic hormones.)

- Blood Supply:
o Arterial blood enters via Hypophyseal Branches of the Internal Carotid Arteries.
- Venous Drainage:
o Venous blood leaves via venules which drain into the Dural Sinuses.

Posterior Pituitary: (Neurohypophysis)
- Made of Nervous Tissue
- Is essentially an Extension of the Hypothalamus
- Supraoptic & Paraventricular Nuclei in the hypothalamus synthesize Oxytocin & ADH àTransport them to
their axon terminals in the Posterior Pituitary.
o Hormones released as needed via exocytosis in Post.Pituitary
§ Oxytocin
- Histology – Just like normal brain tissue. (Neural Origin)
o NB: NO neurones, but plenty of axons.
o Many supporting cells (Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes)
o Plus Blood Vessels (neither arteries or veins; but ‘Portal Vessels’ – Ie. Blood comes only from the
hypothalamus à carries the hypothalamic hormones.)

Pituitary Hormones:

ACTH – Adrenocorticotropic Hormone:
- Secreted By:
o Corticotrophs in the Anterior Pituitary
- Primary Action:
o Stimulates adrenocortical cells in the Zona Fasciculata of the Adrenal Cortex to secrete
§ To reduce inflammation
§ To increase blood glucose levels
§ To increase lipolysis & proteolysis
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH)
o CRH is secreted by the Hypothalamus in response to:
§ Stress
§ Low blood glucose
§ Low glucocorticoid levels
§ Increased Sympathetic Activity
§ Normal Diurnal Rhythm
- Release is Regulated By:
o Negative feedback loop between Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal glands.

GH – Growth Hormone:
- Secreted By:
o Somatotrophs in the Anterior Pituitary
- Primary Actions:
o ↑Proportion of LEAN BODY MASS:
§ ↑Muscle Mass
§ ↓Adipose Tissue
o Stimulates cell metabolism, growth and division throughout the body.
§ Stimulates Protein Synthesis
§ Decreases Protein Breakdown
§ Stimulates Bone Osteoblast activity.
o Also has anti-insulin-like effects:
§ Stimulates Gluconeogenesis (Liver)
§ Stimulates Glycogenolysis (Liver)
§ Increases tissue insulin resistance
§ Stimulates Lipolysis (Adipose tissue)
o Indirect Actions(Via Somatomedins/IGF’s):
§ Linear Bone Growth (↑Collagen & Protein Synthesis)
§ Tissue Growth (↑Protein Synthesis & Gene Replication/Transcription)
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH)
o GHRH is secreted by the Hypothalamus in a diurnal manner & in response to low GH levels.
o Also stimulated by Ghrelin from the stomach.
- Release is Regulated By:
o Negative feedback loop between Hypothalamus & Pituitary gland.

TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone:
- Secreted By:
o Thyrotrophs of the Anterior Pituitary
- Primary Action:
o Stimulates Thyroid Gland Growth
o Stimulates Thyroid Hormone Synthesis
o Stimulates Thyroid Hormone Release
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH)
o TRH is secreted by the Hypothalamus in response to:
§ Low T3/T4 Blood Levels
§ Decreased metabolism
§ Cold stress
§ High-energy-use situations
- Release is Regulated By:
o Negative feedback loop between Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid glands:

FSH/LH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone & Luteinizing Hormone:
- Secreted By:
o Gonadotrophs of the Anterior Pituitary
- Primary Action:
o Important in Puberty à Development of Sexual Characteristics:
§ Primary Sex Characteristics (Genital Development)
§ Secondary Sex Characteristics (Eg. Pubic hair, voice changes, breast development)
o Important for Gamete Production
§ Males: LH à Leydig Cells à Produces Testosterone
§ Males: FSH à Sertoli Cells à Produce Sperm
§ Females: LH à Ovarian Follicles & Progesterone/Oestrogen Synthesis.
§ Females: FSH à Recruits Ovarian Follicles early in menstrual cycle.
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
- Release is Regulated By:
o Negative feedback loop between Hypothalamus, Anterior Pituitary & Gonads:

PRL – Prolactin:
- Secreted By:
o Lactotrophs in the Anterior Pituitary
- Primary Action:
o Targets Breast Tissue:
§ à Stimulates growth of glandular breast tissue during pregnancy.
§ à Stimulates Breast Milk Production after birth.
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Prolactin-Releasing Hormone (PRH)
- Release is Regulated By:
o Complex feedback loop involving dopamine, suckling stimuli, and other sex hormones.

ADH – Anti-Diuretic Hormone (AKA: “Vasopressin”):
- Secreted By:
o Posterior Pituitary
- Primary Action:
o Regulates Blood Pressure & Blood Volume
§ V1 Receptors à Arteriole Constriction à Increased Systemic Vascular Resistance
§ V2 Receptors à Increases water reabsorption in the Renal Collecting Ducts
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Low blood volume
o Increase of serum osmolarity
o Angiotensin-II
- Release is Regulated By:
o Feedback mechanism between Plasma osmolarity & Osmoreceptors in Hypothalamus, Total body
water, and the Renin-Angiotensin System.

- Secreted By:
o Posterior Pituitary
- Primary Action:
o Progression of Labor
o Let-Down Reflex in Breastfeeding.
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Baby Suckling (Breastfeeding)
o Fetal head pushing against cervix (During Labor)
- Release is Regulated By:
o Positive Feedback Mechanisms:
o Birth:

o Breastfeeding:



- In the ‘Epithalamus’
- Behind the Hypothalamus & Pituitary gland.

- Synthetises Melatonin
- Releases Melatonin at night due to Decreasing Light Levels
- Regulates body’s Circadian Rhythm (Sleep/wake cycles)

- A hormone derived from serotonin.
- Modulates sleep patterns (both circadian and seasonal)



General Info:
- There are Thyroid-Hormone Receptors everywhere in the body.
- 75-100µg of Thyroid Hormone is secreted per day

Anatomy of Thyroid Gland:
- A Bilobar Gland (2 Lobes – L&R) connected in the middle by the “Isthmus” of the Thyroid.
- Location:
o Immediately below the Larynx on each side of, and anterior to, the Trachea.
- Rich Blood Supply:
o Required for Building Blocks of Hormones.
o Required for Quick Release of Hormones.
o Flow - Regulated by the Sympathetic NS.

- Composed of Millions of “Follicles”:
o Each contains a pool of Thyroid “Colloid” of stored Thyroid Hormones bound to Thyroglobulin.
§ Allows for a 2-3mth reserve of thyroid hormones.
o Each pool is lined by a layer of “Principal/Follicle Cells” that secrete Thyroid Hormones (T3 & T4).
o There are also patches of “Parafollicular Cells” that secrete Calcitonin.

Thyroid Embryology:
- Forms from Pharyngeal Pouches (@4-5wks)
- Forms from the Endoderm germ layer.
- Once formed, it migrates downwards & becomes Bi-lobed.
o NB: Sometimes things go wrong during this migration, leaving a person’s thyroid gland between the
back of the tongue & where it normally sits. (See dotted red line on pic below)

Major Thyroid Hormones Produced (And Proportions):
- T3 – Triiodothyronine (7%) (Iodinated Derivative of Tyrosine – 3x Iodines) (Most Biologically Active)
- T4 – Thyroxine (93%) (Iodinated Derivative of Tyrosine – 4x Iodines) (Less Biologically Active)
o (Since these hormones are stored in the ‘Colloid’, there is ≈2-3mths of ‘backup’ Reserve)
- Calcitonin (Polypeptide)
o Secreted By – The Parafollicular Cells of the Thyroid Gland
o Function: ↓Plasma-Ca+ levels (By ↓Osteoclast Activity & ↑Osteoblast Activity)
o Stimulated By: ↑Extracellular [Ca+] (NB: Opposite of PTH)

Iodine Balance:
- Iodine is an essential component of the 2 major Thyroid Hormones & Is a Dietary Requirement.
- Of the Iodine ingested;
o 20% is Selectively Removed from blood by Thyroid Gland & used in Thyroid Hormone Synthesis.
o 80% is Excreted by the Kidneys
- Iodine is Actively taken up by Thyroid Gland via “Iodine Trapping”.
- The Rate of Iodine Uptake (Trapping) depends on TSH Concentration.
o ↑TSH à ↑Thyroid Iodine Uptake

How TSH Stimulates Thyroid Hormone Synthesis/Secretion:
- Binding of TSH to Follicle Cell à Activates AdenylylCyclase à ↑cAMP à Activates pKa (Protein Kinase A)
à Phosphorylates Various Enzymes in Follicle Cell à Changes Activity of:
1. ↑Cleavage of Thyroglobulin in Lysosomes (Ie. ↑Release of T3 & T4)
2. ↑Activity of Iodine Pump (The Rate Limiting Step) à ↑Iodine Available for Synthesis
3. ↑Iodination of Tyrosine à ↑Synthesis of DIT’s & MIT’s à ↑Thyroid Hormone Synthesis
4. ↑Size & Secretory Activity of Follicle Cells
5. ↑# of Follicle Cells
- Effects of TSH on the Thyroid:
o Thyroid Follicle Hyperplasia
o ↑Iodine Uptake from the Blood. (Iodine Trapping)
o ↑Thyroid Hormone Synthesis
o ↑Release of T3 & T4

Synthesis of Thyroid Hormone: (Stimulated by TSH)
1. Active Uptake of Iodide by the Principal/Follicle Cells (Iodide “Trapping”):
a. Active Iodide uptake against massive Electrochemical Gradient.
b. NB: This is the Rate-Limiting Step of TH Synthesis.
2. Iodide Oxidation (by Peroxidase):
a. Oxidation of Iodide Ions (I-) à Iodine Molecules (I2).
3. Secretion of Active Iodine into Lumen of Colloid:
4. Synthesis of Thyroglobulin by Rough-ER+Golgi & Secretion into Lumen of Colloid:
a. Tyrosines – the basis of Thyroglobulin (A large poly-peptide of ≈70 Tyrosines)
5. Iodines stick to the Tyrosines on the Thyroglobulin in Colloid à DIT or MIT (Di/Mono-Iodo Tyrosine)

Hormone Release Mechanism:
6. Some of the Thyroglobulin Colloid is Endocytosed + Combined with Lysosome:
a. Lysosomal Enzymes cleave the T3 & T4 from the Thyroglobulin.
b. NB: In the process, many of the unpaired DIT’s/MIT’s are also released. These are De-Iodinised by
Deiodinase. Both the freed Iodines & Tyrosines are recycled.
7. Vesicle of Cleaved T3 & T4 Breaks Down, Releasing Hormones into Cytosol
8. Hormones in Cytosol Diffuse through Basement Membrane à Combine with Binding Proteins in the Blood
Stream (Thyroxine-Binding Protein/Albumin)

Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Production/Release:
1. Hypothalamus Secretes “Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone” (TRH) into portal circulation of Pituitary.
2. TRH Stimulates Anterior Pituitary to Secrete “Thyroid Stimulating Hormone” (TSH).
3. TSH Stimulates Thyroid Gland to Secrete:
a. *Primarily Thyroxine (T4) (The relatively inactive Thyroid Hormone à converted to T3)
b. And Some Triiodothyronine (T3) (The most active Thyroid Hormone)
4. T3 & T4 Circulate in the Bloodstream Eliciting their effects + Provide Neg.Feedback to Ant. Pituitary

Transport of Thyroid Hormones (Binding Proteins):
- NB: 75-100µg of Thyroid Hormone is secreted per day
- Thyroid hormone must be bound to carrier proteins when in bloodstream to avoid filtration by kidneys.
- Common Thyroid-Hormone Carrier Proteins:
o 70% - “Thyroxine-Binding Globulin” (TBG)
o 30% - Albumin
o NB: The minute %age of unbound Thyroid Hormones are those eliciting their effects.
§ Ie. TH must be unbound to be able to enter cells & bind to Intracellular Receptors.

Mechanism of Action of Thyroid Hormone:
1. Thyroxine (T4) reaches target cell
2. Binding Protein releases Thyroxine (T4)
3. Thyroxine (T4) diffuses into cytosol à Converts to T3
4. T3 (The most active form) enters Nucleus à Binds to Nuclear Receptor on DNA à Alters Gene Transcription.
5. Activating Different Genes à leads to Change in Cell’s Protein/Enzyme profile à Change in Activity.

- Cellular Changes:
o ↑Carbohydrate/Fat Metabolism
o ↑Glucose Uptake
o ↑Protein Synthesis + Catabolism
o ↑Mitochondrial Activity & Number
o ↑Na/K-ATPase Activity
- Bodily Changes:
o CVS: ↑O2 Consumption à ↑Cardiac Output, HR & Respiration
o GIT:
§ ↑Food Intake (↑Glucose Absorption from GIT)
§ ↑Secretion of Digestive Juices
§ ↑GIT Motility
o Metabolism:
§ ↑Metabolism (Basal Metabolic Rate)
§ ↑Insulin Secretion
§ ↑Lipolysis à Higher [FFA] in Plasma
§ ↑Body Temp à Sweating
§ ↑Vitamin Requirements due to ↑Quantities of Enzymes (Of which vitamins are a vital
o Bone: ↑Bone Turnover & ↑Resorption
o Muscle: ↑Speed of Muscle Contraction & ↑Speed of Relaxation
o Sympathetic NS: ↑Catecholamine Sensitivity of Heart, Muscle, Fat & Lymphocytes

- Note: Because Thyroid Hormones act by Gene Activation, they are said to have a Long ‘Latent Period’, during
which they seem to have no discernible effect.
o Thyroxine: 2-3 Days
o Triiodothyronine: 6-12 Hours



Parathyroid Anatomy:
- Macro Structures:
o 4x small Endocrine Glands on the Posterior Surface of the Thyroid Gland.
§ 2x on Left; 2x on Right
o Size of a grain of rice.

- Micro Structures:
o Densely packed cells (As opposed to follicle structure of Thyroid Gland)
o 2 Cell Types:
§ Parathyroid Chief Cells:
• Secrete Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
§ Oxyphil Cells:
• Unknown function.

Parathyroid Physiology:
- Secretes Parathyroid Hormone à Important role in Calcium Homeostasis in Blood & Bones
o (Important for Excitable Tissues)
o (Important for Bone Integrity)
- (Also has effects on Phosphate)
- Note: Parathyroid Gland is NOT under Hypothalamic Control!!! – Functions Autonomously.

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH):
- Secreted by – The Chief Cells of the Parathyroid Glands
- Release Stimulated By:
o ↓Extracellular [Ca+] – Very Sensitive
- Release Inhibited By:
o ↑Extracellular [Ca+] – Very Sensitive
- Aims to:
o ↑Plasma-Ca+ levels (By Increasing Bone Ca+/P- Resorption & ↓ Renal Ca+ Excretion)
o ↓Plasma-P- levels (By ↑Renal P- Excretion so that it exceeds Bone P- Resorption )

- Primary Effects:
o Stimulates Osteoclasts à Mobilises Ca from Bone Matrix à ↑Calcium in Blood
o Activates Vit.D in Kidneys à ↑GI Absorption of Ca+ à ↑Calcium in Blood
o ↑Renal Calcium Reabsorption à ↓Renal Excretion à↑Calcium in Blood
o (Increases Renal Excretion of Phosphate à ↓Phosphate in Blood)



Anatomy of the Adrenal Glands:
- Endocrine Glands that sit on top of the Kidneys
- Retroperitoneal
- Two Layers:
o 1. Cortex (3 Zones) (Remember GFR)
§ 1. Zona Glomerulosa (Outer) à Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone)
§ 2. Zona Fasciculata à Glucocorticoids (Cortisol)
§ 3. Zona Reticularis (Inner) à Adrenal Androgens (DHEA)
o 2. Medulla (Middle)
§ Chromaffin Cells à Catecholamines (Adrenaline, Noradrenaline)

Regulation of the Adrenal Glands:
- Adrenal Cortex Secretions are controlled by ACTH (Adreno-Corticotropic Hormone) by Anterior Pituitary.
- Anterior Pituitary releases ACTH in response to CRH (Corticotropin Releasing Factor/Hormone)
- Negative feedback loop:

Adrenocortical Hormones:
- All Adrenocortical Hormones are Steroidal (Derived from cholesterol)
o Adrenal cortex cells convert Cholesterol into à ‘Prognenolone’
§ Prognenolone à Zona Glomerulosa à Aldosterone
§ Prognenolone à Zona Faciculata à Cortisol
§ Prognenolone à Zona Reticularis à Testosterone & Oestrogen

- Stress Hormones:
o Corticosteroids (Cortisol) à ↑Blood Glucose, Immunosuppression, ↓Bone Formation.
o Catecholamines (Adrenalines) à ↑Blood Glucose, ↑HR & BP, ↓Parasympathetics.
- Electrolyte Balance:
o Aldosterone (A Mineralocorticoid) à ↑Na+ Retention, ↑K+ Excretion, ↑BP

- Secreted By:
o Cells of the Zona Fasciculata of the Adrenal Cortex
o Derived from Cholesterol
- Metabolic Actions:
o Increases Blood [Glucose] ; Stimulates Gluconeogenesis (Liver) à Glucose Output by Liver
o Proteolysis (Muscle) ↑Availability of Gluconeogenic Substrates in Blood (Glycerol + AA’s)
o Lipolysis (Adipose)
o Stimulates the Urea Cycle (Required to handle Wastes from Amino-Acid metabolismà Glucose)
o Glucose-Sparing Effect – (Inhibits Glucose Uptake (Muscle & Adipose)

- Immune Actions:
o Reduces intensity of immune/inflammatory responses.
§ By reducing the production of Inflammatory mediators
• Eg. Prostaglandins, Thromboxanes, Leukotrienes
• Eg. Interleukins, Interferon, TNF
§ By reducing T-Cell Proliferation
§ By reducing Neutrophil Phagocytosis
- Other Actions:
o Assists in maintaining blood pressure
o Reduces bone formation
o Increases renal filtration
o Increases EPO (Erythropoietin) release.
- Release is Stimulated By Hypothalamus in Response to:
o Stress (Infection, Trauma, Sympathetic overdrive, Psychological stressors)
o Physical Activity
o Low Blood Glucose
- Release is Regulated By:
o Hypothalamus Secretes Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) à ACTH by Anterior Pituitary.
o Negative Feedback Mechanism between Hypothalamus, Pituitary & Adrenal gland.

- Secreted By:
o Zona Glomerulosa Cells of the Adrenal Glands
- Primary Actions:
o Sodium Homeostasis à Causes Na Reabsorption in the Renal Distal Tubules & Collecting Ducts
o Regulates extracellular fluid volume (Via increasing blood Na concentration & renal absorption)
o Potassium Homeostasis à Increases K Secretion in the Renal Distal Tubules & Collecting Ducts
- Works by:
o ACTIVATING the Na/K-ATPases in the Principal Cells of Distal & Collecting Ducts:
§ Increases Na+ & Cl- Reabsorption
§ Increases K+ Secretion
o Promotes Na+-Channel (ENaC) Synthesis & Insertion into Luminal Membrane:
§ Facilitates the Na+ Reabsorption mentioned above.

- Release is Stimulated By Hypothalamus in Response to:
o *Angiotensin-II, Part of the Renin-Angiotensin System (Due to Renin Release by Kidneys)
o *Hyponatraemia (Low Na+ in Blood)
o *Hyperkalaemia (High K+ in Blood)
o Stress
- Release is Regulated By:



Anatomy of the Pancreas:
- Elongated, Horizontal, Retroperitoneal Organ
- Head –Cupped by the Duodenum
- Tail – abuts the spleen
- Exocrine Component (99% of Cells) – Acinar Epithelial Cells + Duct Network
o Produces pancreatic juice (incl. digestive enzymes)
- Endocrine Component (1% of Cells) – Islets of Langerhans + 4 Cell Types. Of these:
o 25% are Alpha (α) Cells – Secrete Glucagon (↑BSL)
o 60% are Beta (β) Cells – Secrete Insulin (↓BSL)
o 10% are Delta (δ) Cells – Secrete Somatostatin
o 5% are PP Cells – Secrete Pancreatic Polypeptide (Plays a role in Satiety)

Pancreatic Hormones:

- Secreted By:
o Beta (β) Cells of the Pancreas
- Mechanism of Insulin Release from β-Cells of Pancreas:
1. ↑Blood Glucose à ↑ Insulin-Independent Uptake of Glucose into Pancreas (Via GLUT-2)
2. à ↑ATP Production in β-Cell.
3. ↑ATP Closes the ATP-Gated-K+ Channels in β-Cell Membrane à Depolarises the β-Cell
4. Depolarisation à opens Voltage-Gated Ca+ Channels à Influx of Ca+
5. Influx of Ca+ à Ca+ Mediated Exocytosis of Insulin Vesicles (Similar to ACh Release in Muscles)

- Insulin only affects Insulin-Sensitive Tissues (Ie. Those that expresses GLUT-4 Transporters):
o Liver
o Muscle
o Adipose Tissue
- Insulin doesn’t affect Insulin-Independent Tissues:
o Blood Vessels (Endothelium)
o Myocardium of Heart
o Nervous System
o Red Blood Cells
o Kidneys
o Eyes

- Primary Actions:
o Insulin à↑ Expression of GLUT-4 Transporters in cell membrane à ↑Glucose Uptake in tissues

o Fasted State:
§ There will be some GLUT-4 Transporters expressed in the Plasma Membrane.
§ However, most will be found in the membranes of Cytoplasmic Vesicles within the cell.
o Fed State:
§ Binding of Insulin to Receptors à Initiates a Signalling Cascade à Movement of GLUT-4
Laden Vesicles to the Cell Surface.
§ Upon reaching the Plasma Membrane, the vesicles fuse with it à ↑Plasma Membrane-
§ ↑Plasma Membrane-[GLUT-4] à ↑Glucose Uptake
§ Signalling Cascade also Causesà
• Glucose Metabolism
• Protein Synthesis
• Glycogen Synthesis
• Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis
• Lipid Synthesis.
- Insulin Release is Stimulated By:
o Parasympathetic NS (Rest & Digest)
o ↑Blood [Amino Acids]
o ↑Blood [Glucose]
o Gastrointestinal Peptide (GIP)
o Glucagon – (Weak Stimulator)
- Insulin Release is Regulated By:
o Sympathetic NS (Acts to ↑Blood [Glucose] for Fight/Flight Response)
o Somatostatin

- Secreted By:
o Pancreatic Alpha Cells
- Primary Actions:
o Acts to Increase Blood Glucose; by:
§ Stimulating Hepatic Glycogenolysis
§ Stimulating Hepatic Gluconeogenesis
§ Stimulates Lipolysis
§ Stimulates Ketogenesis
§ Inhibits Hepatic Glycolysis
§ Inhibits Fatty Acid Synthesis in Liver
§ Inhibits Fat Deposition in Adipose Tissue

- Release is Stimulated By:
o Low Glucose Levels (Eg. Between meals or while sleeping)
o Low Insulin levels
o Increased Sympathetic Drive (Alpha adrenergic receptors)
o Cholecystokinin (CCK)
o Exercise
- Release is Regulated By:
o Elevated Blood Glucose levels
o Elevated Insulin Levels
o Increased Parasympathetic Drive (M3 muscarininc receptors)
o Amino Acids Alanine & Arginine (Elevated following high protein meal)
o Somatostatin

The “Fed State” – Directly After a Meal:
o Stimulates:
§ Nutrient Uptake from the Blood:
• Glucose (Liver, Muscle & Adipose)
o Via ↑GLUT-4 Receptors (Muscle & Adipose)
o Via ↑Glucose Utilisation (Liver)
• Amino Acids (Liver, Muscle & Adipose)
• Fatty Acids (Liver & Adipose)
o Via ↑Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Activity in Adipose Tissue.
§ Macromolecular Synthesis (& Storage):
• Glycogenesis (Liver & Muscle) – (NB: Glucose à Triglycerides in Adipose)
• Proteingenesis (Liver, Muscle & Adipose)
• Lipogenesis (Liver & Adipose)
§ Glycolysis – In all body cells
o Inhibits:
§ Gluconeogenesis (Liver)
§ Ketogenesis (Liver)
§ Macromolecular Breakdown:
• Lipolysis (Liver & Adipose)
• Glycogenolysis (Liver & Muscle)
• Proteolysis (Liver, Muscle & Adipose)
- + the “Incretin Effect”:
o Incretins (Released by GIT after a meal) Further Stimulates Insulin Release from Pancreas.
o Hence à The Insulin Response to Oral Glucose is much Greater & Quicker than IV Glucose.
o :. New Avenue for Diabetes Management:
§ Incretins:
• Intestinal glucose intake à Intestines release Incretins (glucagon-like peptide-1
[GLP-1] and Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide [GIP]) à Stimulate β
Cells to ↑Insulin Release and Suppress α-Cells and ↓Glucagon.
§ NB: Incretins are Destroyed by Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4)
• :. By Inhibiting DPP, you can Prolong the Action of Incretins.

The “Fasted State” - ≈3hrs After a Meal:
o *Activates Glycogenolysis (Liver) à ↑Blood [Glucose] (NB: Glucagon = Powerful Glycogenolytic)
o Activates Gluconeogenesis (Liver) à ↑Blood [Glucose]
o Stimulates Amino Acid Uptake (Liver) à ↑Gluconeogenesis à ↑Blood Glucose
o Activates Lipolysis (Adipose) à ↑Blood [FA’s] (NB: Glucagon = Powerful Lipolytic)
o Stimulates Ketogenesis (Liver)
- ↓INSULINà “Glucose-Sparing” Effect:
o Increased Availability of Gluconeogenic Substrates:...due to:
§ ↓Inhibition of Gluconeogenesis – (↑Level of Gluconeogenesis)
§ ↓Inhibition of Lipolysis – (↑ Level of Lipolysis)
§ ↓Inhibition of Proteolysis – (↑ Level of Proteolysis)
o ↓Glucose Uptake by:
§ Muscle
§ Liver
§ Adipose.
o Glucose-Sparing à More Glucose for Brain & Nerves (Glucose = 1o Fuel)
- NB: Insulin is Low, but is still high enough to prevent:
o Massive Lipolysis (As Glucagon is a powerful lipolytic)
o Massive Ketogenesis (Normally, ↑Insulin Inhibits Ketogenesis) – Therefore Low Insulin allows
some Ketogenesis but Prevents Ketoacidosis.)
o Massive Proteolysis



Functions of Calcium & Phosphate:
- Calcium:
o Structural Purposes:
§ Development & Maintenance of Skeleton
o Biochemical Purposes:
§ Mediates exchange between Intracellular & Extracellular Compartements (eg. ACh Release)
§ Responsible for many Endocrine & Exocrine Secretions.
§ Can act as a secondary messenger (Like cAMP).
§ Role in Muscle Contraction & Nerve Impulses
§ Role in Blood Clotting
- Phosphate:
o Structural Purposes:
§ Development & Maintenance of Skeleton
§ Phospholipids are a major structural component of Plasma Membrane
o Biochemical Purposes:
§ Phosphate Release from Nucleotides (eg. ATP à ADP) is the Major Source of Cellular Energy.
§ The Phosphodiester-Bond Provides the backbone for RNA & DNA.
§ Phosphorylation provides a basis for Receptor Activation & Signal Transduction.
- (Magnesium - Also important):
o Structural Purposes:
§ Important in Integrity of Bone
§ NB: 50% of body-Mg is stored in bone.
o Biochemical Purposes:
§ Sufficient Mg+ is required to have Normal Ca+
o Mg+ Regulation:
§ Mg+ Levels controlled by modulating Mg+ Reabsorption in the Distal Tubules of the Kidney:
§ Mg+ Reabsorption stimulated by:
• ↓Extracellular Fluid Volume
• ↓Plasma Mg+
• Hypocalcaemia
§ Mechanism is unknown.

Bone Chemistry:
- Bone Consists of 2 Things:
o 30% (By Weight) = Organic Bone Matrix:
§ 90% of which is Collagen Fibres
§ 10% of which is Ground Substance
o 70% (By Weight) = Bone Salts:
§ The major salt = Hydroxyapatite ( Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 )
• Consists of mainly Calcium & Phosphate.
§ Also contains other amorphous calcium salts used for rapid exchange (See below)

Ca+ Exchange Between Plasma & Bone:
- Experiment: An Intravenous Ca+ injection dissipates within an hour. Likewise, large-scale removal of Ca is just
as quickly compensated for.
- How? – The bone acts as a Calcium Exchanger, quickly mobilizing/depositing calcium salts to buffer the
Extracellular-Fluid Ca+ Concentration.

Serum Concentrations:
- Calcium:
o Levels depend on 3 Processes:
§ Intestinal Absorption (Ie. To ↑ Serum Ca+)
§ Renal Excretion (Ie. To ↓ Serum Ca+)
§ Resorption/Deposition of Bone (Ie. To ↑ Serum Ca+)
o The Above Processes are Regulated by 3 Hormones:
§ PTH - Parathyroid Hormone
§ Calcitonin
§ Vitamin D (The Active Form)
o Calcium levels are tightly regulated - @ ≈ 9.4mg/dl OR 2.4mmol/L.
o NB: Only ≈1% of the Body’s Ca+ is Extracellular. The Rest is Stored in Bones.
§ Hence, the Bones = Ca+ Reservoir.
o Extracellular Ca+ exists in 3 Forms:
§ 50% Ionized = Ca+ NOT Bound to Anything (Diffusable)
• (NB: This is the functionally important form.)
§ 10% In Covalent Compounds (Diffusable)
§ 40% Bound to Plasma Proteins (Eg. Albumin) (Non-Diffusable)
- Phosphorus:
o Levels depend on:
§ Age
§ Gender
§ Dietary Intake.
§ Calcium-Controlling Hormones.
o NB: Only ≈1% of the Body’s Phosphate is Extracellular. The Rest is Stored in Bones.
o Phosphorus levels are loosely regulated - @ ≈ 2.4 - 4.1 mg/dl.

Regulation of Plasma Ca+ & Phos. Levels:
- Intestinal Absorption:
o Calcium:
§ Normally, Ca+ is poorly absorbed by the Intestines.
§ Vitamin D Increases Ca+ Absorption by the Intestines (POTENT)
§ PTH indirectly promotes Intestinal Ca+ Absorption by ↑Vit.D Activation by the Kidneys.
o Phosphate:
§ Absorption occurs very easily
§ (Ie. Almost all dietary Phosphate is absorbed into the blood, and later excreted in urine)
- Renal Excretion:
o Calcium:
§ Normally, 99% of Filtered Ca+ is Reabsorbed...
• 90% happens in PCT, Loop of Henle & early DCT.
• 10% happens in the late DCT – and is Very Selective (Depending on Blood-Ca+)
§ If Blood-Ca+ is Above Normal – All remaining Ca+ is expelled in urine.
• NB: Calcitonin weakly ↑ Calcium Excretion.
§ If Blood-Ca+ is Below Normal – All remaining Ca+ is reabsorbed
• NB: PTH Greatly ↓ Calcium Excretion in the Kidneys. (Ie. ↑Reabsorption)
o Phosphate:
§ Renal Phosphate excretion is via an ‘Overflow Mechanism’:
§ If Blood-Phosphate is Below 1mmol/L – All filtered Phosphate is Reabsorbed
§ If Blood-Phosphate is Above 1mmol/L – Phosphate is excreted @ a rate relative to its conc.
• NB: PTH Greatly ↑ Phosphate Excretion in the Kidneys.
- Resorption/Deposition of Mineralized Bone:
o PTH promotes Osteoclast Activity (Bone Resorption)
o Vitamin D promotes Bone Calcification (Deposition) (Mechanism Unknown)
o Calcitonin promotes Bone Calcification (Deposition) (By Inhibiting Osteoclast Activity)

The 3 Major Hormones:
- 1. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH):
o Secreted by – The Chief Cells of the Parathyroid Glands
o Aims to:
§ ↑Plasma-Ca+ levels (By Increasing Bone Ca+/P- Resorption & ↓ Renal Ca+ Excretion)
§ ↓Plasma-P- levels (By ↑Renal P- Excretion so that it exceeds Bone P- Resorption )

o Primary Effects:
§ Mobilises Ca & Phos from bone Matrix (Bone Resorption) (By Stimulating Osteoclast Activity)
§ Stimulates Osteoblast & Osteoclast Proliferation à Promotes bone turnover.
§ Decreases Renal Excretion of Calcium (By Increasing Calcium Reabsorption in DCT)
• NB: PTH is essential here to prevent excess loss of Calcium & therefore prevent
calcium depletion in ECF & Bone.
§ Increases Renal Excretion of Phosphate (By Preventing Phosphate Reabsorption in PCT)
§ Increases Activation of Vit.D in Kidneysà Indirectly increases intestinal absorption of Ca+/P-.
o Stimulated By:
§ ↓Extracellular [Ca+] – Very Sensitive
o Inhibited By:
§ ↑Extracellular [Ca+] – Very Sensitive

o Regulators:
Stimulated By: Inhibited By:
↓ Calcium ↑ Calcium
↑Phosphate (Indirect) Vit D3

- 2. Vitamin D:
o Aims to:
§ ↑Plasma-Ca+/P- levels (by Increasing intestinal Ca+/P- absorption)
o Primary Effects:
§ ↑ Intestinal Calcium Absorption
§ ↑ Intestinal Phosphate Absorption (Even better than usual)
§ Aids PTH in mobilizing Ca & Phos from bone Matrix.
§ (In Small Quantities, it can ↑ Bone Mineralization (Mechanism Unknown))
o Vit.D Activation:
§ Vit.D itself is not the active form that causes the above effects. It must first be Activated.
§ Vit.D is converted through a series of reactions in the Skin, Liver & the Kidneys to produce
the final active product = 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol aka. 1,25(OH)2D3.
§ See Below for Steps:
• NB: The conversion in the Liver has Neg.Feedback for 2 Important Reasons:
o 1. Prevents excessive 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol in the plasma, which in turn
prevents excessive activation by kidneys à maintains Ca+ ion concentration.
o 2. Conserves the Vit.D3 stored in the Liver for future use. (Because the
converted forms only last a few weeks, whereas Vit.D3 lasts for months)
• NB: The conversion in the Kidneys is controlled by PTH:
o Without PTH, none of the 1,25(OH)2D3 is formed.
o Therefore, PTH has a huge influence on the levels of body’s functional Vit.D.
§ Furthermore, since Plasma-Ca+ levels determine PTH levels, Plasma-
Ca+ has an Indirect, but STRONG Negative Feedback Effect as well.
(Even a slight increase in [Ca+] above 10mg/dL, sharply suppresses
PTH secretion à ↓25-Hydroxycholecalciferol – See Diagram)

- 3. Calcitonin:
o Secreted By – The Parafollicular Cells of the Thyroid Gland
o Aims to:
§ ↓Plasma-Ca+ levels (By ↓Osteoclast Activity so that Bone Deposition is Favoured)
• This effect is much greater in children due to rapid remodelling.
o Primary Effects:
§ Decreases the Activity & Proliferation of Osteoclasts à Favours Bone-Salt Deposition.
o Stimulated By:
§ ↑Extracellular [Ca+] (NB: Opposite of PTH) (See Below Diagrams)




Why Maintain Fluid & Electrolyte Balance?:
- Critical for Normal Cell Function
- Critical for Chemical Stability (Homeostasis) of Surrounding Fluids
- *Electrolyte Balance (Particularly Na+ & K+) – Critical for function of Excitable Tissues
- Critical for Blood Pressure Homeostasis


Normal Adult Fluid Volume ≈ 40 Litres:
- Extracellular = 15 Litres
o 3 Litres = Plasma
o 12 Litres = Interstitial Fluid
- Intracellular = 25 Litres

Water Intake & Output:
- Intake:
o Produced in Metabolism
o Contained in Foods
o Consumed Fluids
- Output:
o Faeces (Obligatory)
o Sweat (Obligatory)
o Lungs (Obligatory)
o Urine

Regulation of Water Intake (Thirst) – Hypothalamic Triggers:
- Thirst Triggered by 2 Things:
o 1. A 10%+ Decrease in Plasma Volume....OR
o 2. A 1-2% Increase in Plasma Osmolarity
- 1. Decreased Plasma Volume à Reduced Blood Flow to Salivary Glands à Cellular Dehydration of Salivary
Gland Cells à “Dry Mouth” à Triggers Thirst Centre in Hypothalamus.

- 2. Increased Plasma Osmolarity à Directly Causes Cellular Dehydration of Osmoreceptors in the
Hypothalamus à Stimulates the Thirst Centre.

- Note: Extracellular Dehydration à Hypovolaemia à Baroreceptors stimulate Thirst Centre causes Renin
Release from Kidneys.

Regulation of Water Output:
- Water loss is unavoidable (Obligatory Water Loss – From Lungs, Skin, Faeces, Minimum Urine Output 500mL)
- Aside from Obligatory Loss, the rest (lost through Urine) is Regulated by Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH).
- Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) à ↓Water Output:
o Acts to increase Blood Volume.
o Released from the Posterior Pituitary Gland
o Released in response to:
§ ↑Plasma Osmolarity (↑[Na+]) à Stimulation of Osmoreceptors in Hypothalamus
§ ↓Plasma Volume.

o Works by INCREASING H2O Permeability of Distal & Collecting Ducts:
§ Distal Tubules & Collecting Ducts are Normally Impermeable to H2O.
§ However, the Presence of ADH à ↑# of Aquaporins In Membrane à↑Permeability to H2O.
§ This ↑Permeability to H2O + High [Solute] in Medulla àH2O Reabsorption (From Collecting
Ductà Interstitium àBlood)

Absence of ADH Presence of ADH (+Aldosterone)

- Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) à ↑ Water Output:
o Acts to:
§ ↓blood volume
§ ↓Blood [Na]
o Secreted by Atrial Myocytes of the Heart
o Released in response to:
§ High Blood Pressure (Atrial Stretch)
o Works by:
§ Dilating Afferent Glomerular Arteriole
§ Constricting Efferent Glomerular Arteriole
• ↑Filtration Pressure à ↑ Filtration à ↑H2O & Na Excretion.
§ Inhibits Renin Secretion à Inhibits Renin-Angiotensin System
§ Inhibits Aldosterone Secretion from Adrenal Cortex.
§ Inhibits ADH Release from Post. Pituitary


Significant Electrolytes:
- Na+ = Major Extracellular Cation Account for 80% of Osmolarity of Interstitial Fluid & Plasma.
- Cl- = Major Extracellular Anion
- K+ = Major Intracellular Cation - Accounts for 50% of Osmolarity of Intracellular Fluid

Why Maintain Electrolytes
- Na+ = Important for Heart & Nerve Function/Cellular Transport
- K+ = Important for Heart Function/Cellular Transport
o (NB: too high Extracellular K+ interferes with Cardiac Function = Fatal)
- Ca = Important for Muscle, Heart & Nerve Function/Bone Formation
- Mg+ = Important for AcetylCholine Release à Important for Neural & Cardiac Function
- HPO42- = Important for Bone Formation (Bone salts – primarily calcium & phosphates)

Regulation of Na+ - (The Main Extracellular Electrolyte):
- Primary role in Fluid & Electrolyte Balance (Because Water Follows Na+ Movement)
- Extracellular [Na+] is normally stable & is Regulated by levels of Aldosterone:
- Aldosterone à ↑Na Resorption:
o Aldosterone = Steroid Hormone Released from The Adrenal Cortex.
o Released in response to:
§ *Angiotensin-II, Part of the Renin-Angiotensin System (Due to Renin Release by Kidneys)
§ *Hyponatraemia (Low Na+ in Blood)
§ *Hyperkalaemia (High K+ in Blood)
§ Stress

o Effects:
§ Increases Na+ Reabsorption of the Principal Cells of the Distal & Collecting Ducts of the
§ If Aldosterone is High – All Na in Filtrate is reabsorbed
§ If Aldosterone is Low – No Na in Filtrate is reabsorbed
o Works by:
§ ACTIVATING the Na/K-ATPases in the Principal Cells of Distal & Collecting Ducts:
• Increases Na+ & Cl- Reabsorption
• Increases K+ Secretion
§ Promotes Na+-Channel Synthesis & Insertion into Luminal Membrane:
• Facilitates the Na+ Reabsorption mentioned above.
Regulation of K+: The Primary Intracellular Electrolyte:
- Primary Roles in Normal Neuromuscular Function, Membrane Potentials & Membrane Transport.
- Deficient Intracellular K+:
o Cell membrane will be more Negative than normal (Ie. Hyperpolarised)
o Therefore it’ll be harder to initialize an action potential as it takes more to reach threshold.
- Excess Intracellular K+:
o Cell membrane will be more Positive than normal (Ie. Depolarised)
o Therefore it’ll be easier to initialize an action potential as it takes less to reach threshold.
- Affect on the Heart:
o The heart is particularly sensitive to K+ Levels.
o Both Too High & Too Low K+ Levels will Disrupt Electrical Conduction of the Heart à Can be Fatal.
- Regulating K+ Levels:
o Relies solely on K+ Secretion by the “Principal Cells” in the Collecting Ducts of the Kidneys.
o Principal Cells Detect [K+] in the Blood:
§ High Blood [K+] à K+ Secretion is Increased
§ High Blood [K+] à K+ Secretion is Decreased
o Adrenal Glands Detect [K+] in the Blood:
§ High Blood [K+] DIRECTLY Stimulates Aldosterone Release from Adrenal Cortex.
o Aldosterone à Activates Na+/K+-ATPase’s in the Distal Tubules & Collecting Ducts:
§ This Increases Reabsorption of Na+, Cl- & H2O from Distal TubuleàInterstitium
§ But ALSO causes Secretion of K+ into the Filtrate.



Influences on Growth:
- Genetics
- Nutrition
- Endocrine Factors
o (Growth Hormone)
o (IGF’s – Insulin-like Growth Factors)

Phases of Growth:
- NB: These Differ in their Rates of Growth and Regulators/Contributors:

Major Regulators/Contributors
Phase of Growth Nutrition Hormonal Genetics
Foetal Yes - #1 Insulin (Acts as a growth factor No
(In Utero) in this phase)
Infantile Yes - #1 GH & IGF is present, but in low Yes – (Only after a few months
(Birth à 2yrs) amounts – NOT Imperative. after birth)
Pre-Pubertal -Ve influence only if - IGF Levels Increase Yes - #1
(Childhood) malnourished - GF Receptors Increase
NB: Growth Velocity progressively declines during this phase (Transition from Infant à Child)
NB: Body Proportions start to change.
Pubertal -Ve influence only if Sex Hormones:
(Early Teens) malnourished - àGH Release
- àEpiphyseal Closure
GH à Causes IGF Release
GH + IGF à Bone Elongation
Post-Pubertal NB: Growth Velocity peaks & then stays same for ≈6yrs.
(Late Teens) - (The last 3 years mainly concern the Trunk)

Major Hormones involved with Growth:
- Growth Hormone, AKA: Somatotropin
- Insulin-like Growth Factors (Somatomedins) (IGF-I & IGF-II)
- Somatostatin (Inhibits secretion of GH from Ant. Pit.)
- Thyroid Hormone
- Cortisol – (Not Direct – has a ‘permissive’ role. Ie. Other growth hormones are more effective if it’s present)
- Sex Hormones (Oestrogen/Testosterone)

Note: Somatostatin = The Primary Inhibitor of Growth:
- Produced By Numerous Organs, Including:
o Hypothalamus,
o Placenta, Ie. In organs that Release other Hormones (Ie. Somatostatin = A safeguard to
o & Pancreas Mass-Release of Hormone) – (Paracrine)
- Primary Actions Include (but not limited to):
o (Mostly an ‘Inhibitory Hormone’ - Can be Endocrine/Paracrine/Autocrine/Luminal/Neurohormone)
o In Pancreas: Inhibits Insulin Release; Also Inhibits Glucagon Release; Also inhibits Exocrine Pancreas.
o In Anterior Pituitary: Inhibits GH release, TSH release, Prolactin release, & ACTH release.
o In GI Tract: Slows gastric emptying, Slows peristalsis, Suppresses pancreatic hormones.
- Release is Stimulated By:
o Peptide ‘Urocortin3’ (Ucn3) released by Beta Cell to inhibit insulin release.
o Cholecystokinin (CCK) released by Antral D-Cells
o Many other locally-relevant stimulants; (research ongoing)
- Release is Regulated By:
o Locally-relevant factors; (research ongoing)
Hypothalamic Hormone of Growth:
- GHRH (Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone):
o Produced Mainly in: Hypothalamus (But also in GIT, Pancreas & Placenta)
o GRF Release Stimulated By:
§ Dopamine
§ α-Adrenergic Agonists
o Exerts Effects on: Somatotropes (Anterior Pituitary) à ↑Growth Hormone Release.

Anterior Pituitary Hormone of Growth:
- Growth Hormone:
o Produced by: Anterior Pituitary (After ≈2mths old)
o Blood Transport: ≈45% bound to Carrier Protein – (Prolongs ½ Life)
o Regulation of Release:
Stimulation Inhibition
GRH - (Growth-Hormone Releasing Hormone) Somatostatin
o Actions:
§ Growth-Promoter from Early Childhood à Onwards
• Longitudinal Bone Growth & Remodelling
• Skeletal Muscle Growth
• Liver Growth
• Stimulates IGF-Binding Protein Synthesis (Important carrier for IGF)
• Stimulates IGF Synthesis
§ Metabolic Effects:
• Stimulates:
o Lipolysis
o Ketogenesis
o Gluconeogenesis
o Protein Synthesis
o Lactation
• Inhibits Insulin Action.
• Boosts Immune Function.
o Organs Stimulated by Growth Hormone:
§ Liver - Hepatocyte Growth Factor
§ Chondrocyte - Fibroblast Growth Factor
§ Kidney - Epidermal Growth Factor
§ Pancreas - Nerve Growth Factor Receptor Production
§ Thymus - IL-1 (Interleukin 1) à Bone Marrow Proliferation
§ Uterus - Oestrogen Receptor Production
§ Breast - Oestrogen Receptor Production

Liver & Other Tissues:
- Insulin-Like Growth Factors (IGF’s):
o Both IGF-I & IGF-II are Structurally Similar to Proinsulin (The Insulin Precursor)
§ IGF-I - Chromosome 12
§ IGF-II - Chromosome 11
o Circulates bound to IGFBP (Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein)
o Bind to Specific Receptors
o Stimulate Cell Division together with other Growth Factors.
o Foetal Life:
§ Act in Paracrine Fashion
§ IGF made by all foetal tissues (However, mainly by liver after birth)
§ Absence of IGF-I in Foetal Life à Intra Uterine Growth Retardation

The Growth Hormone Axis:



Stress & The Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis:
- 1. Stressors (Internal or External) trigger Receptors.
- 2. Receptors inform the Hypothalamus
- 3. Hypothalamus - Activates Sympathetic Pathways
- Secretes Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone à Ant. Pituitary releases ACTH.
- 4. Both Sympathetic Activation & ACTH Release à Stimulate the Adrenal Glands.
- 5. Adrenal Glands - Secrete Catecholamines (Incl. Adrenaline)
- Secrete Cortical Steroids (Incl. Cortisol)

Schematic of the Body’s Response to Stress:

Metabolic Actions of Adrenaline/Epinephrine (Fight/Flight Response Hormone):
o ↑Glycogenolysis (Liver) à ↑Blood-Glucose. ↑Energy Precursor
o ↑Lipolysis (Adipose) à ↑Free Fatty-Acids. Levels in Blood
o ↑Glycogenolysis (Muscle)
§ à Fuels Muscle Cells
§ à Provides Lactate à Liver converts back to Glucose (Gluconeogenesis) à ↑Blood-Glucose

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Theory:
- Dr. Hans Selye proposed the “General Adaptation Syndrome” as the Body’s Responses to Stress
- He also noticed 3 Universal Symptoms of Chronic Stress:
o Adrenal Cortex Enlargement
o Atrophy of Lymphoid Tissues
o Bleeding Ulcers in Stomach & GI Tract.
- Overview:
o Stress à Causes Physiological Changes à Causes Symptoms
o There are 3 stages. NB: If the stress is overcome during one of the stages, the ‘GAS’ will terminate in
that stage.
- 3 Stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome:
§ When we are surprised or threatened à Immediate Physical Reaction.
§ Fight or Flight Response
§ Prepares the body for life-threatening situations, channelling resources away from things like
the Digestive & Immune Systems, to more immediate muscular needs.
§ ↑Sympathetic Nervous System
§ ↑Catecholamines from Adrenal Medulla
§ If stressors continue, the body enters the Resistance Phase, where we feel like we’ve
adapted to the stressors, but the body is working at abnormally high levels to keep up with
the ↑ demands.
§ ↑ Cortisol Secretion
§ Sustained Catecholamine Actions
§ Eventually, the body gives up on maintaining a high level of stress. Parts of the body literally
start to break down à Sickness à Possible Death.
§ ↓ Adaptive Endocrine & Neuroendocrine Functions

Effects of Stress on The Immune System:
- Similar to GAS theory, Acute Stress ENHANCES the Immune System, but Chronic Stress SUPPRESSES it.
- The Affect of Stress on the Immune System is ‘BIPHASIC’:
o 1. During Acute Stress – There is a shift towards ↑Innate Immune Responses.
§ (↑Granulocyte/Macrophage/NK-Cell Activity + ↑Complement & Acute-Phase Proteins)

o 2. If Stress Continues – There is a shift from Cellular Immunity to Humoral Immunity.
§ ↓Type-1 Helper T-Cell Activity (à Become Macrophages)
§ ↑Type-2 Helper T-Cell Activity (à Become Plasma Cells à Secrete Antibodies)
o 3. If Chronic Stress – There is a Decrease in almost all functional Immune Responses
Hence: Increase in Stressor Duration à Shifts from Adaptive to Detrimental.



The Hypothalamic Sex Hormone:
- Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH):
o Peptide Hormone
o Pulsatile Release (≈90mins)

The Pituitary Sex Hormones:
- Gonadotropins - FSH & LH:
o Are Glycoproteins
o Released by the Anterior Pituitary in response to Pulsatile release (90mins) of GnRH.

- Inhibin:
o Produced by the Sustentacular/Sertoli Cells (Male) & Granulosa Cells (Female).
o Released in response to high FSH.
o Inhibits FSH release via Hypothalamic Inhibition.

- NB: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin is an Important Transporter:
o Secreted by the Liver
o Increased by ↑Oestrogen
o Decreased by ↑Androgen
o Constant in Males
o Cyclical in Females – (but During Pregnancy, ↑↑Oestrogen à ↑SHBG)

The Important Androgens:
- #1 – Testosterone - Affects Mainly the Testes
o 40% - Bound to SHBG (Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin)
o 60% - Bound to Albumin
o 2% - Free (Active) – (Receptors are intracellular :. Must be able to enter the cell)
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (Sulphate) – DHEA(S) - Affects Mainly the Periphery
- Androstenedione - Affects Mainly the Periphery

- Actions of Androgens:
o Primary Sex Characteristics:
§ Growth & Maturation of Reproductive Tract @ Puberty
§ Maintenance of Reproductive Tract in Adulthood
§ Libido
§ Enhance Spermatogenesis
o Secondary Sex Characteristics:
§ Body Hair
§ Deep Voice
§ Thick, rough skin
§ Bone Growth
§ Androgen Binding Protein Synthesis (in Sertoli/Sustentacular Cells)
§ ↑Musculature
- Measuring Androgen Levels – “The Free Androgen Index”:
o Gives a measure of the “free” active fraction of Androgens.

The Important Female Reproductive Hormones:
- What are they?
o Oestrogen/Estrogen (3 types: Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol)
o Progesterone
- Secreted By:
o Produced mainly by Ovaries (Corpus Luteum)
o Some Estrogen is also produced in…
§ Adrenal Cortex
§ Adipose Tissue
§ Placenta (During Pregnancy)
- Synthesis:
o All Are Steroid Hormones…
o Therefore, are produced from Cholesterol
o 1. Theca Cells (of ovarian follicle) convert Cholesterol to Pregnenolone
o 2. Some Pregnenolone converted directly to à Progesterone
o 3. Rest of Pregnenolone converted to à Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) à Androstenedione
o 4. Androstenedione diffuses to nearby Granulosa Cells which converts to à Testosterone
o 5. Testosterone converted to à Estrodiol
o 6. Estrodiol à Released into blood (bound to SHBG – Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)

- Primary Actions of Estrogen/Oestrogen:
o Puberty:
§ Maturation of Female Reproductive Organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina)
§ Secondary sexual characteristics (e.g. breast growth, fat distribution)
o Menstruation:
§ ↑ Estrogen (pre-ovulation) → prepares uterine epithelium for implantation (endometrial
proliferation); endometrial secretion in collaboration with progesterone.
§ Dominant hormone during the follicular phase of ovarian cycle; follicle maturation; initiates
ovulation via FSH, LH surge
o Pregnancy:
§ Placenta secretes Estrogen to stimulate Myometrium development.
§ Promotes cervical ‘ripening’ prior to labour.
§ Increases uterine responsiveness to oxytocin leading up to labour.
§ Supports mammary duct growth.
o Systemic:
§ Anabolic effect on bones
§ Promotes skin elasticity, blood vessel flexibility
§ Promotes fat deposition
- Primary Actions of Progesterone:
o Menstruation:
§ Dominant hormone during Luteal/Secretory Phase of ovarian cycle
o Maintains Pregnancy:
§ Reduces Myometrium irritability (Prevents pre-term labour)
§ Thickens Cervical Mucous Plug.
§ Promotes breast gland development & milk production.
§ Increases respiratory centre’s sensitivity to CO2 à Raises basal respiratory rate.
o Systemic:
§ Augments Estrogen’s anabolic effect on bones à Increased bone density.
§ Promotes skin elasticity.

- Estrogen/Progesterone Release is Stimulated By:
o Pulsatile releases of GnRH from Hypothalamus à FSH/LH Surges from Anterior Pituitary.
o FSH/LH à Stimulates maturation of Ovarian Follicles à Secrete Estrogen & Progesterone.
- Release is Regulated By:
o Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Gonadal Feedback Axis (See over the page)
Hormonal Regulation of the Ovarian Cycle:
1) Day 1 – Hypothalamus increases levels of GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone) and stimulates the
Anterior Pituitary to produce FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone)& LH (Luteinising Hormone).
2) FSH & LH stimulate follicle growth, maturation & oestrogen secretion.
- FSH targets follicle cells
- LH targets the thecal cells – makes thecal cells produce androgen.
o Androgen diffuses through basement membrane, where the granulosa cells convert it to oestrogens.
3) Medium oestrogen levels exert negative feedback to the Ant. Pituitary, inhibiting FSH & LH release.
- Inhibin released by granulosa cells also exerts negative feedback on FSH release.
4) At a critically high oestrogen level, positive feedback is exerted on the brain & Ant. Pituitary.
5) Midcycle – This positive feedback causes the Ant. Pituitary to release a sudden burst of LH (and also some
FSH – role midcycle is currently unknown).
6) LH surge stimulates the primary oocyte of the dominant follicle to complete MEIOSIS I, forming a
secondary oocyte + first polar body.
- LH surge also triggers ovulation.
- After ovulation, oestrogen levels decline due to the damaged dominant oestrogen secretor.
7) LH Surge also transforms ruptured follicle into corpus luteum – stimulates it to produce progesterone &
8) Corpus luteum secretes inhibin along with progesterone & oestrogen, exerting a strong negative feedback
signal to the Ant. Pituitary – Stops the release of LH & FSH.
- End of cycle – LH levels fall àcorpus luteum degenerates à no oestrogen or progesterone production by
Corpus Luteum à no negative feedback to the hypothalamus à hypothalamus increases FSH & LH levels
à Back to square #1.

Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis:
1) Hypothalamus releases GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) which-
2) stimulates the release of gonadotropins: FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) & LH (Luteinizing hormone).
3) FSH: stimulates sustentacular cells to release Androgen-binding protein (ABP) à Makes spermatagonium,
spermatocytes, and spermatozoa receptive to the androgen: Testosterone.
4) LH: stimulates the interstitial (Leydig) cells [Basally external to Seminiferous tubules] to produce
testosterone which triggers & maintains spermatogenesis.
5) Testosterone produced by Leydig (interstitial) cells inhibits GnRH production; as does Inhibin, produced by
the sustentacular (sertoli) cells.

- When testosterone is at its peak à sperm count is high (20Mil+) à inhibin levels rise àGnRH decreases àFSH &
LH levels decrease à Testosterone & ABP levels decrease à spermatogenesis slows.

-When sperm count is low (20Mil -) à inhibin & testosterone levels are low à no negative feedback to
hypothalamus à hyp. Releases GnRH à Ant. Pituitary releases LH & FSH à FSH stimulates sustentacular (sertoli)
cells to produce ABP; LH stimulates the interstitial (Leydig) cells to produce testosterone àTestosterone + ABP
stimulates spermatogenic cells à Spermatogenesis increases.

Functional Micro-Anatomy of the Testes:
- Leydig Cells (In Interstitium of the Testes):
o #1 Function = Produce Testosterone (Stimulates Spermatogonia to enter Spermatogenesis)
o Stimulated by LH (Luteinising Hormone)
- Seminiferous Tubules (In Lobules of Testes):
o Spermatogonia (Germ/Stem-Cells):
§ In Basal Lamina of Seminiferous Tubules
§ #1 Function = Are the precursors for Spermatogenesis
§ Stimulated by Testosterone.
o Sertoli/Sustentacular Cells:
§ Make up the Walls of the Seminiferous Tubules
§ Main Functions =
• Endocrine – Production of Androgen Binding Protein (ABP)
o – (Makes Spermatogenic Cells receptive to Testosterone)
• Endocrine – Production of Inhibin
o – (Provides negative feedback to the Hypothalamus)
• Blood-Testes Barrier (because spermatids are genetically unique & require
protection from autoimmunity)
• Nourish Sperm
• Phagocytosis – (mop up any dead/underdeveloped spermatids)
• Produce Tubular Fluid – (Help transport the sperm)
• Produce Plasminogen Activating Factor – (Help free the sperm from tubule wall)



Level-Of-Function Disorders:
- Hypofunction Disorders:
o Where the gland produces less than it should.
o Common Causes:
§ Loss of reserve
§ Hypo-secretion
§ ‘Agenesis’ – failure to develop embryonicaly
§ Atrophy – Wasting away due to injury/disease/lack of use.
§ Active Destruction
§ Tumour
- Hyperfunction Disorders:
o Where the gland produces more than it should.
o Common Causes:
§ Hyper-secretion
§ Loss of suppression
§ Hyperplasia (↑Proliferation)
§ Neoplastic Change (Tumour)
§ Hyperstimulation
§ Ectopic Sites of Secretion (Some far-off tumours secreting hormone)

Hierarchical Classification of Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis Disorders:
- NB: Endocrine disorders of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis are often classified in a Hierarchical Fashion
depending on the origin of the disorder:
- Primary:
o Disorder of the Target Gland
o (eg. Primary Hypothyroidism – the Thyroid Gland itself is under-responsive to TSH stimulation)
- Secondary:
o Disorder of the Pituitary Gland
o (eg. Secondary Hypothyroidism – the Pituitary Gland is under-producing TSH)
- Tertiary:
o Disorder of the Hypothalamus
o (eg. Tertiary Hypothyroidism – the Hypothalamus is under-producing TRH)

Testing for an Endocrine Disorder:
- Basal Hormone Testing:
o A single ‘snapshot’ measurement of the concentrations of specific hormones.
§ Eg. High [Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone] à Therefore Primary Hypothyroidism.
o Problem – Some secretions are Pulsatile, meaning random measurements don’t accurately diagnose
a disorder of that gland. The Solution: Dynamic Hormone Testing.
- Dynamic Hormone Testing:
o Using exogenous chemicals/hormones to Stimulate/Suppress activity of a target gland. This tests the
responsiveness of a target gland to feedback stimuli.
§ Suppression Tests:
• When Hyperfunction is suspected, an inhibitor is administered and then the
hormone concentration is re-measured to see if it has decreased. If not,
Hyperfunction is confirmed.
§ Stimulation Tests:
• When Hypofunction is suspected, a stimulator is administered and then the
hormone concentration is re-measured to see if it has increased. If not,
Hypofunction is confirmed.

Overview of Common Endocrine Symptoms:
- Diabetes (1 & 2):
o Weight Change
o Polyuria, Nocturia & Thirst
o Visual Disturbances
o Infections & Immunosuppression
o Constant Hunger
o Nausea + Vomiting
o Fatigue
o DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) = Emergency Presentation
- Hyperthyroidism:
o Weight Loss
o Fatigue
o Suppressed TSH
o Elevated T4
- Hypothyroidism:
o Weight gain
o Pretibial Myxoedema
o Periorbital Oedema
o Bradycardia
o Bradypnoea
- PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome:
o Weight Gain
o Hirsutism
o Infertility
- Cushings Syndrome:
o Caused by Excess Corticosteroids
o Moon Facies (Fat, white, round faces)
o Muscle Wasting + Weakness
o Weight Gain (Truncal Obesity)
o Stretch Marks due to Weight Gain
- Pituitary Adenoma:
o Peripheral Vision Loss
o Compression symptoms or Secretory Symptoms
o Secretory à eg. Prolactin à Galactorrhoea + Gynecomastia
à eg. GH à Gigantism (Pre-Puberty) à Acromegaly (Post Puberty)
à eg. ACTH: à Cushing’s Syndrome
- Acromegaly:
o Soft-Tissue Swelling
o Arthritis
o Hyperhidrosis
o Headache + Visual Field Defect
- Addison’s:
o Autoimmune
o Weight Loss
o Fatigue
o Hypotension
o Hyponatraemia
o Hyperkalaemia
o Hyperpigmentation
- Anorexia:
o Weight Loss
o Fatigue
o ↓BMI
o ↑FSH + LH (Due to no ovulation)
o ↑GH
o Hypokalaemia (often due to vomiting) à Arrhythmias



- “Under-Secretion of Thyroid Hormone”
- Pathophysiologies:
o **Dietary: - Insufficient Iodine intake – (Worldwide greatest cause due to poverty)

§ – Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO-Abs) à ↓T3/T4 Production
§ - or Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies à Destroy T3/T4.
§ Classically Women >60yrs

o Hypothalamic-Pituitary Disorder
§ Either a failure of Hypothalamus to produce enough TRH
§ Or a failure of the Pituitary to produce enough TSH
- Effects of Hypothyroidism:
o ↓Metabolic Rate
o ↓Body Temperature & Cold Intolerance
o ↓Sympathetic Sensitivity
o If Extreme à “Cretinism” – Severely stunted physical growth & mental development.

- Clinical Features – Affects virtually ALL Systems:
o General:
§ Fatigue
§ Cold Intolerance
§ Apathetic Face
§ Droopy Eyes
§ Hoarseness
§ Menstrual Irregularities
§ Muscle Weakness
o CVS:
§ Bradycardia
§ Pericardial Effusion
§ ↓Cardiac Output
o GI:
§ Weight Gain Despite Poor Appetite
§ Constipation
o Neuro:
§ Paresthesia
§ Slow Speech
§ Mental Sluggishness
o Skin:
§ Pale, Cool, Dry (Due to ↓Blood Flow)
§ NON-Pitting Oedema (Due to Accumulation of Hyaluronic Acid & Glycosaminoglycans)
• Face & Periorbital Oedema
o Hair:
§ Dry, Coarse, Loss of Lateral 1/3 Eyebrow
o MSK:
§ Muscle Cramps
§ “Hung Reflexes” – Delayed Relaxation in deep tendon reflexes.
o Haem:
§ Macrocytic Anaemia
- Diagnosis (See ‘Diagnosing Thyroid Dysfunction’ section for more details):
o TSH Levels – To see if Secondary Hypothyroidism
o T4/T3 Levels – To combine with TSH to confirm exact cause.
o If Hashimotos:
§ + Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO-Abs)
§ + Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies

Treatment of Hypothyroidism:
- Thyroid Hormone Replacement:
o L-Thyroxine (Thyroid Hormone Replacement)
§ *Thyroxine/levothyroxine (T4)
o NB: Thyroxine is the preferred agent as it is the least biologically active – (Longer Half-life), and can
be Deiodinated by the body to T3 (Thyronine) when needed.

Complications of Hypothyroidism:
o Terminology:
§ = “Hypothyroidism that develops in Infancy or Early Childhood à Severely stunted physical
growth & mental development”
o Aetiology:
§ Maternal Hypothyroidism (Typically Iodine Deficiency)
o Clinical Features:
§ Short Stature
§ Severe Mental Retardation
§ Coarse Facial Features
§ Protruding Tongue
§ Umbilical Hernia
§ (NB: Severity of Disease depends on When Maternal Hypothyroidism occurred during

o – Most Severe Complication
o Aetiology:
§ Longstanding Undiagnosed Hypothyroidism + Precipitant (Infection/Surgery/MI/CHF)
o Clinical Features:
§ Hypothermia
§ Hypoventilation
§ Bradycardia
§ Hypertension
§ Hypoglycaemia
§ Stupor
o Lab Findings:
§ ↓↓↓T3/T4
§ ↑↑↑TSH
§ Hypoglycaemia
§ Check ACTH & Cortisol for ?Concomitant Adrenal Insufficiency?.
o Treatment:
§ Emergency management (ABCs)
§ Keep Pt Warm
§ Loading Dose Thyroxine
§ Adjuvant Corticosteroid (Hydrocortisone)
§ Assisted mechanical ventilation if respiratory acidosis.
§ IV Frusemide if Pulmonary Oedema
§ Treat Precipitant
- “Excessive Secretion of Thyroid Hormone”
- Causes:
o **Auto-Immune: ‘GRAVE’S DISEASE’ – where TsAb’s (Thyroid-Stimulating Antibodies) mimic TSH à
Stimulate ↑T3/T4 Production

o **TOXIC MULTINODULAR GOITRE – where a nodule/s in a non-toxic-goitre gain autonomy à
Secrete excess thyroid hormones à Hyperthyroidism & Development of a ‘Toxic’ Multinodular

o *Post-URTI Subacute (“De-Quervain’s”) Thyroiditis (à Transient ↑à↓à Eu-Thyroid)

- Effects of Hyperthyroidism:
o ↑Metabolic Rate
o ↑Body Temperature (à Heat Intolerance. Ie can’t stand hot environments)
o ↑Sympathetic Sensitivity
o If Grave’s Disease: Exophthalmos (Eye Protrusion) & Goitre (Thyroid Enlargement)
- Clinical Features – Affects virtually ALL Systems:
o General:
§ Fatigue
§ Heat Intolerance
o CVS:
§ Tachycardia
§ Palpitations
• AF (Suspect Thyrotoxicosis if New-Onset AF in elderly)
§ Cardiomegaly
§ Congestive Heart Failure (In Elderly)
o GI:
§ Weight Loss Despite INCREASED Appetite
§ Thirst
§ Hypermotility (↑Frequency of Bowel Movements, Diarrhoea)
o Neuro:
§ Overactive Sympathetic NS
• Fine Tremor
• Irritability
• Anxiety
• Insomnia
§ Proximal Myopathy (Muscle Weakness) & Wasting.
o Eye:
§ Exophthalmos (Wide, Staring Gaze)
§ Lid Lag
§ (NB: Proptosis only in Graves)
o Dermatology:
§ Acropachy (Digital Clubbing & Swelling; Fingers & Toes)
§ Hair: Fine, Allopecia
§ Skin: Soft, Warm, Flushed, Sweaty.
§ Vitiligo (Pigmentation)
§ Soft Nails with Onycholysis (Plummer’s Nails)
o MSK:
§ ↑Bone Resorption à Osteoporosis
o Haem:
§ Lymphadenopathy (esp. Graves Disease)
o Others:
§ Menorrhagia
§ Pretibial Myxoedema

Treatment of Hyperthyroidism:
- Surgery (Thyroidectomy):
o Total Vs Partial
- Radioactive Iodine - Destroy Thyroid Follicular Tissue:
o Radioactive Iodine (I125)
o NB: Can kill too much thyroid tissueà Hypothyroidism.
- Anti-Thyroid Agents:
o *Carbimazole

Complications of Hyperthyroidism:
o Aetiology:
§ Precipitated by Infection/Trauma/Surgery/etc. In a Hyperthyroid Patient.
o Pathogenesis:
§ Pre-existing Hyperthyroidism à ↑Sympathetic Sensitivity
• + Precipitant à ↑Catecholamine Levels à Sympathetic Symptoms.
o àSEVERE Clinical Features – 50% MORTALITY:
§ Extreme Fever
§ Tachycardia/Arrhythmias
§ Vascular Collapse (Hypotension)
§ Congestive Heart Failure/Pulmonary Oedema
§ Vomiting/Diarrhoea
§ Confusion/Delerium/Coma
o Differentials:
§ Sepsis
§ Phaeochromocytoma
§ Malignant Hyperthermia
o Lab Findings:
§ ↑↑↑T3/T4
§ ↓↓↓TSH
§ (Leukocytosis, Hypercalcaemia, ↑LFTs)
o Treatment:
§ Treat Precipitating Factor, Plus:


Step 1 – Think…What Level is the Problem?
- Primary ↓/↑-Thyroidism – (Glandular Level)
o Eg. Primary Hyperthyroidism = Graves Disease
o Eg. Primary Hypothyroidism = Hashimoto’s Disease
- Secondary ↓/↑-Thyroidism:
o Problem with the Pituitary Gland or Hypothalamus (Ie. ↓TRH / TSH)

Step 2 – Test…Confirm Clinical Suspicions:
- Thyroid Function Tests:
o Test Plasma T3 , T4 & TSH levels à To determine the ‘level’ of the dysfunction (Primary/Secondary)
§ If Primary Hypothyroidism: ↑TSH Levels, ↓ T3&T4 Levels.
§ If Primary Hyperthyroidism: ↓TSH Levels, ↑ T3&T4 Levels.
§ If Secondary Hypothyroidism: ↓TSH Levels, ↓ T3&T4 Levels.
§ If Secondary Hyperthyroidism: ↑TSH Levels, ↑ T3&T4 Levels.

- Thyroid Autoantibody Assays:
o Grave’s – Presence of TsAb’s (Thyroid-Stimulating Antibodies)
o Hashimoto’s – Presence of Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO-Abs)
o or Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies

NB: Thyroid Peroxidase is contained within the Follicle Cells themselves,
whereas Thyroglobulin resides within the Colloid – Hence the staining.

- TRH Stimulation Test (Dynamic Testing)
o Investigates Pituitary-TSH Deficiency
- Imaging:
o Ultrasound – for sizing.
o RadioIsotope Methods (Nuclear Medicine) – (Radioactive Iodide) to measure activity of the gland.
§ Can distinguish Inactive (Cold) & Overactive (Hot) Nodules.
- Histopathology:
o Ie. Biopsy.

NON-TOXIC GOITRES – (Diffuse & Multinodular Goitres):

- Goitre = “Enlargement of the Thyroid”
- Non-Toxic Goitre = “Enlargement of the Thyroid Gland in a EUTHYROID Individual that is NOT DUE TO
Inflammatory, or Neoplastic Changes”

(Simple) DIFFUSE GOITRE (Early):
- Aetiologies:
o Normal Physiological Conditions (Adolescence, Pregnancy, Lactation)
§ – ie. Conditions requiring ↑Metabolism
o Iodine Deficiency – Most Common:
- Pathogenesis:
o NB: Hyperplasia; NOT Neoplastic – (Due to ↑TSH Stimulation)
- Morphology:
o Goitre is Mild, Diffuse & Symmetrical
- Clinical Features:
o Most Pts are Euthyroid
- Ix:
o ↑↑TSH
o Normal T3/T4 (Unless Severe - ↓T3/T4)
- Complications:
o Mechanical (Dysphagia, Airway Obstruction)
o Endocrine (Toxic Nodule à Hyperthyroidism)

(A = Normal; B = Diffuse Goitre)

- Aetiology:
o Prolonged Hyperplasia of a Diffuse Goitre due to Iodine Deficiency
- Pathogenesis:
o 1. Simple Diffuse Goitre due to Iodine Deficiency
o 2. Prolonged Hyperplasia of a Diffuse Goitre ààMultinodular Goitre.
- Morphology:
o Asymmetrical, Multinodular, Multilobulated, Goitres
o Can be MASSIVE
o Nodules are Un-Encapsulated, & Contain Variable amounts of Colloid (Brown, Gelatinous)
- Clinical Features:
o Massive Goitre
o Most Pts are Euthyroid
- Complications:
o Toxic Adenoma/Toxic Nodule.

THYROID NEOPLASMS – (Adenomas & Carcinomas):

- Hot Nodules - Those secreting Thyroid Hormones regardless of TSH Levels.
- Cold Nodules – Those that are Hypofunctioning regardless of TSH Levels

Clinical Features:
- Mostly Asymptomatic
- Palpable (sometimes visible) lump in throat
- Goitre (later sign)
- Red Flags:
o Rapid Growth
o Firm/Hard
o Immobile
o Voice Hoarseness
o Dyspnoea
o Dysphagia
o Lymphadenopathy
- Green Flags:
o Mobile, Painful & Inflammation – Non Neoplastic.

Universal Investigations of Thyroid Neoplasms (Despite Patterns):
- 1. Imaging
- 2. TFTs
- 3. FNA + Biopsy
- 4. Surgical Resection & Histology.

- Cold or Hot Adenomas
- Morphology:
o Solitary, Spherical Mass
o Well-Defined, Intact Fibrous Capsule
o ≈3cm Diameter
o Colour:
§ Cold Adenoma = Grey-White colour (Due to ↓Colloid)
§ Hot (Toxic) Adenoma = Red-Brown colour (Due to ↑Colloid Content)
o Areas of Haemorrhage, Fibrosis & Calcification (Similar to MNG)
- Clinical Features:
o Unilateral Painless Mass
o Cold Adenomas = Euthyroid
o Hot (Toxic) Adenomas = Hyperthyroid
- Investigations:
o As above
- Complications:
o Excellent Prognosis (post surgery) – No Recurrence or Metastasis.

THYROID CARCINOMAS (Malignant Neoplasms) – 10%:
- 4x Types – (NB: ALL begin as Follicular Cells Except Medullary Carcinomas, which are Parafolicular Cells):
o Clinical Features:
§ Asymptomatic, Mobile Thyroid Nodule (Indistinguishable from Benign Nodule)
§ NB: Presenting Symptom is often Cervical Lymphadenopathy.
§ Symptoms of Severe Disease: Dysphagia, Hoarseness, Cough.
o Investigations:
§ As above
o Treatment:
§ Surgical Excision
o Prognosis:
§ Malignant, but Clinically Benign – Ie. High survival rate (98% @ 10yrs).
§ Rarely extends outside the thyroid capsule or to other structures.

o Morphology:
§ Single Nodules
§ May be Well-Demarcated (Similar to Follicular Adenoma) or Infiltrative
§ Grey-Tan Colour
§ Central Fibrosis & Calcification
o Clinical Features:
§ Slow-Growing, Painless Nodules
§ Follicular Carcinoma prefers Haematogenous Metastasis rather than Lymphatic
• :. No Lymphadenopathy
• Aggressive - Spreads Early to Bone (May present as a pathological fracture)
o Treatment:
§ Total Thyroidectomy
§ + Radioactive Iodine Ablation for ?Metastases.
§ + Supportive Thyroid Hormone Replacement

o Pathogenesis:
§ Typically arise due to De-Differentiation of a Papillary or Follicular Carcinoma
o Morphology:
§ Invasion out of the Thyroid Capsule & Into Adjacent Structures (Eg. Trachea & Jugular Vein)
o Clinical Features:
§ Typically Elderly
§ Rapid-Growing Nodule.
§ Compressive Symptoms: Dysphagia, Dyspnoea, Hoarseness, Cough.
o Treatment/Prognosis:
§ Highly Aggressive – Local Invasion & Metastasis @ Presentation.
§ No Treatments
§ 100% Mortality @ 1yr.

o Aetiology:
§ 70% Sporadic Proto-oncogene Mutation.
§ 30% Occur in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 (MEN-2a & 2b)
o Morphology:
§ Solitary if Sporadic; Multiple/Bilateral if MEN-2a/b.
§ Firm, Pale Grey-Tan, Areas of Haemorrhage & Necrosis
§ Invasion outside the Thyroid Capsule
o Clinical Features:
§ Sporadic:
• Thyroid Nodule + Dysphagia or Hoarseness
• NB: NO Hypocalcaemia, despite ↑Calcitonin.
§ MEN-2 Also Involves:
• (Thyroid Gland – Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid )
• Adrenal Medulla – Phaeochromocytoma
• Parathyroid Gland – Parathyroid Hyperplasia




Defects in Endocrine Control of Growth:
- Hyper:
o Too Much Growth Hormone &/or Growth Factors (Rare):
§ Eg. Childhood Gigantism
§ Eg. Adults - Acromegaly
o Non-GH Causes:
§ Eg. Precocious Puberty
- Hypo:
o Defective Growth Hormone Axis:
§ GH-Deficiency:
• Primary GH Deficiency:
o Hypothalamic Defect
o And/Or Pituitary Defect
• Secondary Pituitary Deficiency:
o Eg. Tumour & other Destructive Diseases.
o Eg. Psychosocial Deprivation (Ie. Kids in abusive/non-supportive
environments à GH-Deficiency à exhibit slowed growth)
§ Bio-Inactive GH:
• GH is produced by has little/no impact with receptors.
§ Growth Hormone Insensitivity:
• Primary GH Insensitivity:
o GH Receptor Defect
o IGF Synthesis Defect
o IGF Receptor Defect
o Signal Transduction Defect (GH/IGF) (Ie. Secondary Messenger Defect)
• Secondary GH Insensitivity:
o GH-Inhibiting Antibodies
o Malnutrition
o Diabetes
o Uraemia
o Deficient in Other Hormones essential for growth – Eg. Thyroid Hormone (Hypothyroidism)

General Treatment Principles of Short Stature:
- Treatment Depends on Origin of the Problem:
o Is it Endocrine?
o What is the Defect?
§ GH Deficiency
§ Receptor Defects
§ IGF Deficiency
§ Other..?
- Common Treatments:
o Exogenous Growth Hormone
o Exogenous IGF-I
- Who Should Receive GH?
o GH Deficiency (Child/Adult)
o Genetic Syndromes (Eg. Turners)
o Chronic Kidney Failure (In Kids awaiting Transplant)
o AIDS Wasting
o Severe Burns

- Aetiology:
o Insufficient production of Growth Hormone from the Pituitary
o Can be Congenital (Present at birth) – Eg. Genetic defects.
o Can be Acquired (develop later) – Eg. Severe brain injury.
- Pathogenesis:
o Insufficient Growth Hormone à Abnormally short stature, but with NORMAL body proportions.
- Clinical Features:
o Slow or absent growth
o Short stature (Below 5th percentile compared to children of same age/sex)
o Absent/delayed sexual development during puberty
o May have symptoms of other co-existent Pituitary hormone deficiencies:
§ Eg. Polyuria
§ Eg. Excessive thirst
§ Eg. Facial abnormalities
- Diagnosis:
o Clinical suspicion based on anthropomorphics (patient’s height, weight, arms/leg lengths)
o Blood tests – Low levels of Growth Hormone in the blood.
o Imaging – Xrays + MRI-Brain.
- Treatment:
o Synthetic Parenteral Growth Hormone Injections (Somatropin)
o Replace any other pituitary hormone deficiencies

- Aetiology:
o Pituitary Adenoma
- Pathogenesis:
o Pituitary Adenoma à Secretes Excess GH
- Clinical Features:
o Insidious Onset
o Mostly Middle-Aged Adults
o Symptoms:
§ Severe Disfigurement
§ Soft-Tissue Swelling (Hands, Feet, Nose, Lips, Ears, Skin, Carpal Tunnel)
§ Prominent Jaw & Supra-Orbital Ridges
§ Hypertension
§ Compressive Pituitary Adenoma à Headache + Visual Field Defect
- Diagnosis:
o IGF1 & GH Levels
o Brain MRI
- Treatment:
o Surgical Removal of Pituitary Adenoma
o Somatostatin Analogues
- Complications:
o Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy & Heart Failure
o Hypertension & Kidney Failure
o Hyperglycaemia & Diabetes Mellitis
o Accelerated Osteoarthosis
o Possible Malignancy



Disorders of Fluid/Electrolyte-Regulating Hormones:
- Disorders of ADH:
§ Condition characterised by Excessive Thirst & the inability to Concentrate Urine.
§ 2 Types:
• Neurogenic (Neuro) - ADH Insufficiency
• Nephrogenic (Renal) – Insensitivity of the kidneys to ADH
§ Signs/Symptoms:
• Extreme Thirst
• Excessive Urination
• Risk of Hypokalaemia
§ Diagnosis Criteria:
• Normal Blood Glucose
• Normal Blood Bicarb To Rule out other causes of Excess Urination.
• Normal Blood Calcium
• Urinalysis – Low Osmolarity, Electrolytes & Specific Gravity
• Fluid Deprivation Test - No change in urine osmolarity
• Desmopressin Stimulation – Distinguishes between Neurogenic & Nephrogenic.
§ Treatment:
• Patients compensate by ↑H2O Intake.
• If Neurogenic – Desmopressin (Synthetic ADH) à ↓Urine Production.
• If Nephrogenic – Hydrochlorothiazide Diuretic à ↓Urine Output in patients with DI.

o SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion) (↑ADH):
§ Caused by:
• Insensitivity of Hypothalamic Osmoreceptors to ↓Plasma Osmolarity
• Therefore, ADH release isn’t inhibited by ↓Plasma Osmolarity
• (Other causes: Malignancy, Drugs, Primary Brain Injury, Infection, Hypothyroidism)
§ Condition characterised by Excessive ADH Release from Post. Pituitary Or Ectopic Source.
§ 5 Cardinal Signs/Symptoms:
• 1. Fluid Overload (Without oedema or hypertension)
• 2. Hyponatraemia (Dilutional) à
o Headache
o Nausea
o Vomiting
o Confusion
o Convulsions (If Severe)
o Coma (If Severe)
• 3. Natriuresis (Excretion of Sodium in Urine – usually excessive)
• 4. High Urine Osmolarity relative to Plasma Osmolarity.
• 5. Normal Renal & Adrenal Function
§ Treatment:
• Fluid Intake Restriction
• Drugs – (ADH Inhibitors):
o Demeclocycline – Induces Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus as a Side Effect.
- Hence desensitises ADH receptors in the Nephron.
o Conivaptan – Inhibits 2 of the 3 ADH Receptors.
o Tolvaptan – Competitive inhibition of ADH Receptors.



Adrenocortical Insufficiency (Hyporadrenal) Syndromes:
- ADDISON’S DISEASE (Primary Chronic Adrenocortical Insufficiency):
o Aetiologies (Multiple Possible):
§ Most Common = Autoimmune Adrenalitis (70%)
o Pathogenesis (Autoimmune Adrenalitis):
§ ↓↓Aldosterone à Hyponatraemia & Hyperkalaemia
§ ↓↓Cortisol
o Clinical Features:
§ Initially: Progressive Weakness, Fatigue, Lethargy, Depression
§ Later:
• GI - Anorexia, Weight Loss, Vomiting, Diarrhoea
• Skin – Hyperpigmentation (Esp. Sun-Exposed & Pressure Point Areas)
• Electrolytes (↓Aldosterone) – Hyponatraemia & Hyperkalaemia
o Diagnosis:
§ Synacthen (Synthetic ACTH) Test à (Measure Cortisol and Aldosterone 30mins after)
§ Adrenal-Autoantibodies
§ UECs – (↑K, ↓Na, ↑Urea ↑Creatinine)

o Treatment:
§ Cortisol Replacement (Hydrocortisone)
§ Correct Electrolytes
o Complication - Addisonian Crisis:
§ Why: Stress/Acute disease à Adrenal Glands Cannot Respond à Crisis
§ Clinical Features:
• Fever
• Intractable Vomiting
• Abdominal Pain
• Hypotension
• Coma
• Shock (Vascular Collapse)

- WATERHOUSE-FRIDERICHSEN SYNDROME (Acute Adrenocortical Insufficiency):
o Aetiology:
§ Overwhelming Sepsis
o Pathogenesis:
§ Acute Haemorrhageic Infarction à Adrenal Necrosis à Acute Adrenal Hypofunction:
• à↓Aldosterone à Salt & Water Loss à Hypovolaemic Shock
o Morphology:
§ Macro:
• Haemorrhagic Mass (Blood Clot) Completely Obscures the Adrenal Gland
§ Micro:
• Acute Haemorrhagic Necrosis (Starts in Medulla à Spreads to Cortex)
• Islands of Recognizable Cortical Cells
o Clinical Features:
§ Abrupt & Severe Clinical Course (Death in Hours-Days unless Treated)
§ Typically Meningococcal Septicaemia
• :. Neck stiffness
• :. DIC
§ Hypovolaemic Shock (Due to ↓Aldosterone)
o Treatment:
§ Prompt Antibiotic Treatment
§ Fluids

- CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA (CAH) - (Adrenogenital Syndromes/Virility Syndromes):
o Aetiology:
§ Autosomal Recessive 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency
o Pathogenesis:
§ 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency à↓Cortisol/Aldosterone Synthesis à ↑Androgen Synthesis
o Clinical Features:
§ Androgen Excess:
• Masculinisation of Females (Clitoral Hypertrophy/Hirsutism/Oligomenorrhoea)
• Masculinisation of Males (Penile Enlargement/Precocious Puberty/Oligospermia)
• Neonate with Ambiguous Genitalia
§ Mineralocorticoid (Aldosterone) Deficiency:
• Hypotension & Salt Wasting.

Adrenocortical Hyperfunction (Hyperadrenal) Syndromes:
- CONN’S SYNDROME (& other Primary Hyper-Aldosteronisms):
o NB: Aldosterone = Mineralocorticoid = Produced by the Zona Glomerulosa of the Adrenal Cortex.
o Aetiologies:
§ #1. Idiopathic Hyperplasia of Adrenal Glands
§ #2. Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma (Conn’s Syndrome)
§ #3.(Rare) Aldosterone-Producing Carcinoma
o Pathogenesis:
§ àChronic Excess ↑↑ Aldosterone Secretion à Na+ Retention (& ↓K+) à Fluid Retention
• à Hypertension
• à Hypernatraemia
• à Hypokalaemia
o Clinical Features:
§ **Universal Sign = Hypertension
§ Hypernatraemia (due to Renal Na Retention)
§ Hypokalaemia (due to Renal K Wasting):
o Diagnosis:
§ Very HIGH Aldosterone
§ Very Low Renin-Aldosterone Ratio (Ie. ↓Renin & ↑Aldosterone)
o Treatment:
§ Idiopathic Hyperplasia: Spirinolactone (Aldosterone Antagonist)
§ Adenomas (Conn’s): Surgical Resection

- CUSHING’S DISEASE/SYNDROME (Hypercortisolism):
o Aetiology:
§ Cushing’s Syndrome: (Any cause of Excess Glucocorticoid Levels)
§ Cushing’s Disease: (Central – ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma)
o Pathogenesis (Cushing’s Disease ONLY):
§ ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma à ↑ACTH Levels à ↑Cortisol
o Clinical Features:
§ Slow onset
§ Early Features – (Hypertension & Weight Gain)

o Diagnosis:
§ Dexamethasone Suppression Test (Central Vs. Primary)
§ ACTH Levels
§ Cortisol Levels
§ CT/MRI Brain (Pituitary Adenoma)
o Treatment – Depends on Aetiology:
§ If Exogenous Cortisol – Wean Pt. off Cortisol.
§ If Pituitary Tumour (Cushing’s Disease) – Surgical Removal + Temp Cortisol Replacement.
§ If Adrenal Tumour – Surgical Removal + Temporary Cortisol Replacement.



- Idiopathic
- May be familial (in MEN2 Syndrome)
- Tumour of the Medullary Chromaffin Cells (Which produce Catecholamines)
o àIncreased Catecholamines (↑Adrenaline & Noradrenaline)
o à Secondary Hypertension à Hypertensive Crises
Clinical Features:
- Young Age
- 10% Are Malignant
- Symptoms:
o #1. Paroxysmal Hypertension
o Palpitations/Tachycardia
o Headache
o Sweating/Hot Flushes
o Tremor
o Anxiety
o Nausea/Vomiting
- (NB: Phaeos are a cause of Surgically-Correctable Hypertension)
- (NB: Phaeos May be associated with MEN2 Syndromes)
- Increased Urinary Catecholamines & VMA (Vanillylmandelic Acid – A Metabolite of Adrenaline & NA)
- Preoperative Sympatholytic Drugs (To prevent hypertensive crisis)
- Surgical Resection
- - of Hypertension:
o Congestive Heart Failure
o Pulmonary Oedema
o Myocardial Infarction
o Ventricular Fibrillations
o CVAs



Review of Insulin & Glucagon:
- Insulin:
o Released Due to:
§ ↑Blood Glucose
§ ↑Blood Amino Acids
o Stimulates:
§ Glucose Uptake (Fat & Muscle)
§ Lipid Synthesis & Storage (Fat)
§ Protein Deposition (Muscle)
o Inhibits:
§ Ketogenesis
§ Macromolecular Breakdown
- Glucagon:
o Released Due to:
§ ↓Blood Glucose
§ ↓Blood Amino Acids (Ie. Fasting)
o Stimulates:
§ Glycogenolysis
§ Gluconeogenesis
§ Lipolysis
§ Ketogenesis
o Inhibits:
§ Macromolecular Synthesis/Storage.

Diabetes: General Information:
- Diagnostic Criteria (The “7-11 Rule”):
o Fasting BSL ≥ 7.0 mmol/L (NB: For Non-Pregnant)
o Random BSL of >11 (NB: If Fasting BSL = 5.5-7.0 mmol/L à Perform OGTT)
o OGTT – Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (Fasting) >11 @ 2hrs
o Autoantibodies (If Type 1 Diabetes):
§ + Anti-Islet-Cell Antibodies (Anti-ICAs)
§ + Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies (Anti-GADs)
o (NB: HbA1c for monitoring only)
o NB: People who have Impaired Glucose Tolerance and/or Impaired Fasting Glucose have slightly
raised fasting & Post Prandial BSL’s, but not high enough for diagnosis of diabetes.
- Initial Presentation:
o PPP – Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia
o Unexplained Weight Loss/Fatigue/Lethargy
o Recurrent/Persistent Infections, Delayed Healing & Immunosuppression (Eg. Genital Thrush)
- Emergency Presentations:
§ DKA - Diabetic Ketoacidosis
§ HONC - Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic Coma
o HYPOs:
§ Eg. Insulin Overdose/Overexercise/Missed Meal
- Treatment:
o Lifestyle (Diet + Exercise + Weight Loss)
o Medications:
§ Insulins – (Broad range of Rapid to Long-Acting)
§ Oral Hypoglycaemic Agents:
• “Insulin Secretagogues” – (*Sulfonylureas):
• Biguanides - (*Metformin)
§ Incretin Mimetics:
• Incretin Analogues – (*Exenatide):
• DPP-4 Inhibitors – (*Sitagliptin)

Snapshot Overview of Types of Diabetes:
- Type 1 Diabetes – Insulin Deficiency, Juvenile, Rapid Onset:
o Aetiology – (Autoimmune Destruction of the β-Cells of the Pancreatic Islets)
o Clinical Features – (Juvenile Disease, Rapid Onset)
o Diagnosis – (+ Anti-GADs, Anti-Islet-Cell Antibodies (Anti-ICAs) & Insulin Auto Antibodies (IAAs))
o Treatment: - (Exogenous Insulin)
o Complications – (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
- LADA – Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults:
o Aetiology – (Delayed Autoimmune Type I in Adults)
o Clinical Features – (Slim Adults with Diabetes Symptoms)
o Complications – (HONC, DKA)
o Diagnosis – (Hyperglycaemia, + Anti-GADs, Anti-ICAs & Insulin Auto Antibodies)
o Treatment – (Insulin)
- Type 2 Diabetes – Insulin Resistance, Adults, Insidious Onset:
o Aetiology – (Insulin Resistance And/Or Relative Insulin Deficiency)
o Clinical Features – (Adults, Slow Onset +/- ‘Pre-Diabetic State’)
o Diagnosis – (Random BSL >11, OGTT >11 @2hrs)
o Treatment – (1. Diet & Lifestyle, 2. Orals [Metformin/Sulfonylureas/Incretins], 3. Insulin)
- MODY – Maturity Onset Diabetes of Youth:
o Aetiology – (Autosomal Dominant)
o Pathogenesis – (Essentially a Type II DM in a Child)
o Clinical Features – (Young, Non-Obese, Autosomal Dominant :. FamHx)
o Treatment – (1. Orals [Metformin/Sulfonylureas/Incretins], 2. Insulin)
o Complications – (Like Type II Diabetes (Ie. HONC rather than DKA))

Different Types of Diabetes:
- Type 1 Diabetes – Insulin Deficient:
o Autoimmune attack on the β-Cells of the Pancreatic Islets.
o Results in a Physical Lack of Insulin Production
o Aetiology can be Genetic & Environmental
o Rapid Onset à Therefore Fewer Complications @ Diagnosis.
o Presentation:
§ Hyperglycaemia
§ Ketonuria (Ketoacidosis) à
• Hyperventilation
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Abdo Pain
§ Rapid Significant Weight Loss
§ Excessive Hunger (Polyphagia)
§ Mental Fatigue
o Treated with Exogenous Insulin

- Type 2 Diabetes – Insulin Resistance:
o Results from Insulin Resistance sometimes combined with Relative Insulin Deficiency.
o NB: Obesity is the #1 Predisposer of Insulin Resistance:
§ Due to Change in Adipose-Release of ‘Adipokines’ – Hormones that Mediate Insulin
• Incl: Resistin/Leptin/Adipopectin.
o Peak onset @ ≈50yrs
o Gradual Onset à Therefore ≈1/4 have Complications @ Diagnosis (Eg. Vascular)
§ NB: Many people spend years in a ‘Pre-Diabetic State’ – where BSL is higher than normal but
not high enough for a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes
o Presentation:
§ Same as Type 1, Except:
• No Ketonuria
• Usually Overweight (Central Obesity)
§ Metabolic Syndrome (Due to Insulin Resistance):
• ↑Circulating FFA’s
• ↑Insulin
• ↑Glucose
• ↓HDL’s
• ↑BP
o Treated with Diet / Tablets / Exogenous Insulin
§ NB: Over time Insulin Resistance Increases & β-Cell Function Decreases à
• Therefore the later stages require ↑Amount of Treatment.

Complications of Diabetes:

Acute Complications:
- Diabetic Keto-Acidosis (DKA):
o Acute life threatening
o Caused By – (Type I Diabetes - Lack of Insulin (Eg. Forgotten to take insulin))
o Diagnosis:
§ Hyperglycaemia: High Glucose (>15 mmol/L)
§ Ketoacidosis: Low pH, Low Bicarbonate (< 15 mmol/L), Sweet Breath, Ketonuria
o Symptoms:
§ – of Underlying Diabetes – (Polyuria, Polydipsia, Weight loss)
§ – of Hyperglycaemia – (Glycosuria/Osmotic dieresis, Severe Dehydration)
§ – of Hyperketonaemia à KetoAcidosis – (Vomiting, Acetone Breath, Hyperventilation)
§ - of Electrolyte Disturbances [↓Na & ↓K] – (Cardiac Arrhythmia / Bradycardia)
o Treatment:
§ 1. IV access à Correct Dehydration
§ 2. Insulin Infusion à Correct Hyperglycaemia
§ 3. Monitor/Correct Electrolytes – Particularly Potassium
o Complications:
§ 40% mortality – medical emergency
§ Severe Dehydration

- HONC – Hyperosmolar Non-ketonic Coma:
o Caused By – (Type II Diabetes - Relatively Low Insulin/Insulin Insensitivity + Precipitant)
o Diagnosis:
§ Hyperglycaemia
§ NO KetoAcidosis
§ Osmolality > 330 mOsm/Kg
o Symptoms:
§ Confusion/Coma
§ Marked Dehydration
§ Polyuria (Osmotic Diuresis)
§ Neurology – (Sensory/Motor Impairment, Focal Seizures, Hyporeflexia, Tremors)
o Treatment:
§ IV Fluids
§ Insulin + Potassium (Since Insulin causes K+ Shift Into Cells)
§ Electrolyte Replacement (Esp. Potassium)
o Complications:
§ Fatal if Untreated

- Hypoglycaemia (BSL < 6.0mmol/L):
o Aetiology – (**Diabetes + Insulin Overdose / Alcohol / Sepsis)
o Mild (BSL 3.5 - 6.0 mmol/L):
§ ↓Insulin Secretion
§ ↑Counter Regulatory Hormones (Glucagon/Catecholamines/Cortisol/GH)
o Severe (BSL < 3.5 mmol/L):
§ Neurogenic Symptoms:
• Adrenergic:
o Palpitations
o Anxiety
o Tremor
• Cholinergic:
o Hunger
o Sweating
o Paraesthesia
§ Neuroglycopaenic Symptoms:
• Behaviour Change
• Cognitive Seizures
• Coma
o Symptoms (Summary):
§ Autonomic – (Sweating, Anxiety, Hunger, Tremor, Palpitations, Dizziness)
§ CNS – (Confusion, Drowsiness, Visual Disturbances, Seizures, Coma)
o Treatment:
§ #1 – Oral/IV Glucose (Jellybeans/Juice/Biscuits/etc.)
§ OR – IM/IV Glucagon

Chronic Complications:
- Caused by chronic exposure to Hyperglycaemia & Dyslipidaemia in the Insulin Insensitive Tissues.
- Vascular:
o Macrovascular:
§ Heart Disease/Coronary Artery Disease/Atherosclerosis
§ Stroke
§ Peripheral Vascular Disease
o Microvascular:
§ Retinopathy
§ Neuropathy
§ Nephropathy

- The ‘Somogyi’ Effect:
o Where Circadian Elevations in Counter-Regulatory hormones (GH & Cortisol) cause Hyperglycaemia
early in the morning à Patient Increases Insulin Dose @ Bedtime à Sustained Hypo all night à
Body releases Glucagon, Adrenaline & Cortisol à Hyper @ Dawn.

Possible Causes of Chronic Complications:
- The ‘Polyol Pathway’:
o Hyperglycaemia à ↑Glucose Accumulation in Insulin Independent Tissues.
o Much Glucose à Converted to Sorbitol à Slowly converted to Fructose.
o However, Sorbitol is Osmotically Very Active à Sorbitol Accumulation à
§ Osmotic Cell Injury
§ Affects Ion Pumps
§ Affects Some Cellular Secondary Messenger Pathways

- Hyperglycosylation of Proteins:
o ↑Glucose à ‘Glycosylation’ of proteins (Ie. Linkage of Glucose to Free Amino Groups in Proteins)
§ Eg. HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin)
o Affects proteins in Blood Vessel Walls & Basement Membranes à Can stimulate Inflammation.
§ Includes Collagen, Fibronectin, etc.
o Leads to formation of ‘Advanced Glycosylated End-Products’ (AGE’s):
§ Can form cross-linkages between peptides à Forms a “Mesh” à Traps Other Molecules:
• Eg. LDL Trapping à Cholesterol Deposition à Atherosclerosis
• Eg. Immunoglobulins & Complement à Inflammation
§ Can form binding-sites for other proteins (eg. Albumin)
§ Inactivate Nitric Oxide à Reduce Vasodilation
§ Stimulate Growth-Factor & Cytokine Secretion
§ ↑Vascular Permeability
§ ↑Clotting Activity à Stroke/Embolus/etc.
§ ↑Extra-Cellular Matrix Deposition.

- Reactive Oxygen Species:
o ↑Hyperglycaemia à ↑O2 Free-Radical Production.
o Compounded by ↑Immune Cell Activation



Disorders of Calcium & Phosphate Regulation:
- Hypercalcaemia:
o Caused By:
§ Hyperparathyroidism
§ Malignancy (Eg. BRCA, Multiple Myeloma)
§ Vit D Excess
§ Secondary Renal Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypocalcaemia:
o Caused by:
§ Vit.D Deficiency/Disorders of Vit.D Metabolism (Activation) à ↓Active Vit.D à Rickets
• Eg. Lack of sunlight
• Eg. Lack of Dietary Vit.D
• Eg. Chronic Kidney Failure
§ Hypoparathyroidism – (Because PTH is required for Vit.D Activation in the Kidneys)
• Aquired/Congenital
- Rickets:
o What is it?:
§ A Vit.D Deficiency à Resulting in a Calcium/Phosphate Deficiency.
§ NB: Clinical Signs occur after a few months (Once the Bone’s Ca/P Reservoirs are Depleted)
o Effects:
§ Marked ↑PTH Secretion à Extreme Osteoclastic Activity:
• à ↑↑Plasma Calcium
• à ↓↓Plasma Phosphate (Due to ↑Renal Excretion)
§ Tetany – Once the Bone’s Ca+ Reservoir is Depleted, Plasma Ca+ falls to dangerous levels.
o Treatment:
§ Dietary Calcium Supplements
§ Exogenous Vit.D Administration.
- Hypoparathyroidism:
o What is it?:
§ When the Parathyroid Glands don’t secrete sufficient PTH.
o Effects:
§ ↓Resorption of exchangeable Calcium à Hypocalcaemia
§ When Ca+ falls too low, Tetany can develop. (Can occur in larynx à obstructs respiration)
- Hyperparathyroidism:
o What is it?:
§ When the Parathyroid Glands secrete an inappropriate excess of PTH.
o Effects:
§ ↑↑Extreme Osteoclastic activity in bones.
• à Hypercalcaemia
• à Hypophosphataemia (Due to ↑Renal Excretion)
- Osteoporosis:
o What is it?:
§ Decreased Bone Matrix (Not decreased bone calcification)
o Possible Causes:
§ Usually due to poor Osteoblastic Activity à ↓Osteoid Deposition.
§ Can be due to ↑↑Osteoclastic Activity à ↑Osteoid Resorption.
§ Inactivity à Lack of physical stress on bones
§ Malnutrition
§ Postmenopausal Lack of Oestrogen (Oestrogen normally ↓Osteoclast Activity)
§ Cushing’s Syndrome - ↑↑Glucocorticoids cause ↓Protein deposition throughout the body.


- What is it?:
o When the Parathyroid Glands secrete ↑↑PTH.
- Effects of ↑↑PTH:
o ↑↑Extreme Osteoclastic activity in bones à Hypercalcaemia
o ↑↑Renal Phosphate Excretion à Hypophosphataemia
- Types:
o Primary Hyperparathyroidism – Autonomous, Spontaneous Overproduction of PTH:
§ Aetiologies/Pathogeneses:
• Adenoma(Sporadic or MEN)/Hyperplasia/Carcinoma à ↑↑PTH
§ Clinical Features:
• F>>M
• Hypercalcaemia Triad – “Bones, Moans & Abdominal Groans”:
o 1. Bone: Pain/Osteoporosis/Fractures
o 2. Moans: Depression/Lethargy/Seizures
o 3. Abdo: Constipation/Nausea/Ulcers/Gallstones
o + (Renal: Renal Stones)
o + (Heart: Aortic/Mitral Calcification)
§ Diagnosis:
• ↑PTH
• ↑Serum Calcium
• ↓Serum Phosphate
§ Treatment:
• Surgical Excision
o Secondary Hyperparathyroidism – Secondary to Chronic Renal Insufficiency:
§ Aetiology:
• Secondary to Renal Failure à HypOcalcaemia
• (Others incl. Dietary Calcium Deficiency, Vit.D Deficiency)
§ Pathogenesis:
• Renal Failure à Hypocalcaemia à ↑PTH to Compensate à Hyperplasia
§ Clinical Features:
• Symptoms of Chronic Renal Failure
• Osteoporosis
§ Treatment:
• Vitamin D + Calcium Supplementation
• Partial Parathyroidectomy

- Effects:
o ↓Resorption of exchangeable Calcium à Hypocalcaemia
- Aetiologies:
o Iatrogenic – Surgery (Eg. Thyroidectomy/Lymphadenectomy/Over-resection in 1oHyperPT)
o Genetic – (Autoimmune/Familial/Congenital Absence of Gland)
- Clinical Features:
o *Hypocalcaemia
o *Hallmark = Tetany:
§ à Neuromuscular Irritability
§ à Distal Paraesthesias
§ à Carpopedal Spasm
§ à *Laryngospasm (Life-Threatening)
§ à Seizures
o CNS: Confusion/Depression/Hallucinations/Psychosis
o Eyes: Cataracts (Calcification of Lenses)
o CVS: Characteristic Prolonged QT-Interval



- What is it?
o A deficiency in Testosterone due to problems with either:
§ 1) Testes, or - Primary
§ 2) Hypothalamus/Pituitary - Secondary
- Primary Hypogonadism (Hypergonadotrophic)
o Ie. Problem with the Leydig Cells in the Testes à ↓↓Testosterone Production à ↑↑Hypothalamo-
Pituitary release of Gonadotropins (FSH/LH).
o Causes:
§ Trauma/Irradiation of Testes.
§ Mumps
§ Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY)
§ Androgen Resistance
§ Autoimmune
§ Congenital
- Secondary Hypogonadism (Hypogonadotrophic)
o Ie. Problem with the Hypothalamo-Pituitary Axis à ↓↓Gonadotropin Release (FSH/LH) à
↓↓Testosterone Production
o Causes:
§ Developmental
§ Pituitary Tumour/Trauma/Pituitary Irradiation/Autoimmune
§ Genetic Syndromes

- Effects of ↓↓Testosterone:
o Infertility (Low Sperm Count), ↓Libido, Erectile Dysfunction
o ↓Muscle Mass, ↓Bone Mass
o ↓Beard/Body Hair
o ↑Breast Tissue
o ↑Body Fat
- Treatment – Testosterone Replacement Therapy



Familial Endocrine Neoplasias – MEN Syndromes:
- Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia = Genetic Disorders where 2/More Tumours are found in Endocrine Glands
(Parathyroid, Pituitary, Thyroid, & Adrenal Medulla).
- MEN Disorders à Greatly ↑the risk of developing multiple cancerous and noncancerous tumors in glands
such as the parathyroid, pituitary, and pancreas.

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasm Classifications
Type Aetiology Organs Involved Clinical Features
MEN1: Autosomal 1. Pituitary 60% of Wermer’s Pts have >2x of the Following:
Wermer’s Domimant Genetic 2. Parathyroid -Pituitary Adenoma à Eg. Prolactinomas/GH
Syndrome Mutation in MEN1 3. Pancreas - Can also à Bilateral Hemianopia
Tumour Suppressor (Top 2/3 of Body) -Parathyroid Adenomas à Hyperparathyroidism
Gene on -Pancreatic Gastrinoma à Peptic Ulcer Disease
Chromosome 11 -Pancreatic Insulinoma à Hypoglycaemia
-Pancreatic VIPomas à ↑VIPà Secretory Diarrhoea
MEN2a: Autosomal 1. Thyroid 100% of Pts à Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Sipple’s Domimant Genetic 2. Parathyroid 50% of Pts à Phaeochromocytoma à ↑Adrenaline
Syndrome Mutation in MEN2 3. Adrenal 30% of Pts à Parathyroid Hyperplasia à ↑PTH
Tumour Suppressor Medulla
Gene on (Lower 2/3 of Body)
Chromosome 10
MEN2b: Autosomal 1. Thyroid 100% of Pts à Medullary Thyroid Cancer
Domimant Genetic 2. Adrenal 50% of Pts à Phaeochromocytoma à ↑Adrenaline
Mutation in MEN2 Medulla (Other: Mucosal Neuromas, Marfanoid Features)
Tumour Suppressor (Lower 2/3 of Body)
Gene on
Chromosome 10

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