IG 1 Element 1
IG 1 Element 1
IG 1 Element 1
• Moral reasons.
• Legal (or social) reasons
• Economic (or financial) reasons.
Moral Reason
No one want to get injured or make others injured by
their work(Duty of care). Accidents reduce the moral
confidence of employees. A reasonable care need to
be provided by the employer to prevent accident,
injuries and ill health.
Legal Reason
OHS Law (Civil & Criminal) need to be followed all the
time. Violation of it will lead to enforcement action.
(eg: Fine, Prosecution, Ban etc).There may be
international standards also to be followed.
Economic (Financial) reason
Every accident will cost money either as a Direct
cost or Indirect cost (eg: Hospital expense, Fine,
Loss of time for investigation, Business loss
etc).If accidents are not happening this cost will
be converted into profit.
Cost of an Accident
• Direct cost
–Measurable cost arising from an
• Indirect cost
–This is very difficult to calculate
–May not involve money
–Happens as a result of Accident.
why an Organisation shall prevent accidents?
– Prevent financial loss
– Prevent enforcement action
– Prevent loss of employees confidence
Conduct research in the field of OHS, Collect and analyse data's on OHS world
wide & publish reports.
Role of National Governments
• Frame OHS Law based on ILO guidelines
• Appoint enforcement Agencies to ensure
compliance of OHS Rules & Regulations.
• Set up Employers Liability insurance schemes
• Promotes charitable organisations spreading
the message of OHS.
Employers responsibility for Health and Safety
– Safe place of work – Must be suitable for nature of work, must have
safe access and egress, must be protected from external weather,
Internal environment in terms of heating, lighting, ventilation, humidity
space, noise etc must be adequately controlled.
– Safe plant and equipment – Must have Quality Assurance, Design &
suitability, Fitted with safety devices, Have inspection & maintenance.