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Basketball Beginner 1

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Basketball (Beginner)

Lesson Performance Goals Cognitive Goals Warm up Lesson Sequence Facility Equipment
1. Basketball Students will be able to Students will learn Dynamic 1. Share about a brief history of basketball and some Gym, cleared with One ball for every 3-4
history/fact - Dribble - A brief history of Stretching interesting facts. walls students
s and basketball and its 2. Teach and demonstrate the dribble. Cones
Dribble evolution, 3. Practice for familiarity:
- What constitutes a a. Students should meet the ball at waist height
good dribble and its and slightly in front of them.
uses; and b. Gradually have the students pick up their pace,
making sure they continue to meet the ball at
waist height.
c. Encourage students to look where they are
going, not at the ball.
d. Introduce obstacles so that they have to look
where they are going.
e. Gradually set up drill patterns, which starts
simply until it progresses to the dribble maze.
Begin with students all going in the same
direction. Change to a shuttle formation so
students are dribbling from different directions
at the same time. That way, they have to look
where they are going instead of at the ball.
When students are doing well with two
directions, add a third by having some students
dribble perpendicular to the rest of the class.
4. Set up a competition of dribbling the ball to the other
end of the court in a shuttle formation. Students are
assigned to a group.
2. Dribble and Students will be able to Students will learn Dynamic 1. Practice dribbling with each hand while moving forward. Gym with One ball for every 3-4
pass - Dribble, and - What constitutes a Stretching 2. Have students start using their weak hands for dribbling. basketball hoops students
- Follow up the good dribble and its 3. Teach a sequence to combine the dribble with throwing Cones
dribble with a uses; and skills:
pass - Why it is important for a. Students dribble to a zone and pass.
players not to look at b. Students dribble to a basket and shoot.
the ball when they 4. Set up a competition using a dribble prior to each pass or
dribble, because it shot.
enables them to
o See the open
person and
pass on the
move, and
o See the basket
to approach
and shoot from
the dribble.
3. Pass and Students will be able to Students will learn Dynamic 1. Teach and demonstrate the chest pass and desired Gym with netted One ball for every 3-4
catch/ lay- - Pass and catch a - What constitutes a stretching target: hoops students
up shot basketball, and good pass, a. Have students pass five times back and forth Cones
- Learn the lay-up - The effect that spin has between partners from 6ft away.
shot. on the flight of the ball, b. Increase the distance between them until they
and are comfortable at 12ft.
- Why lay-up shot are c. When it looks like students are passing easily,
desirable. have a competition of who can pass and catch 10
passes first.
2. Teach the bounce pass, discussing
a. The advantages and disadvantages of the
bounce pass,
b. The distance from the target that the pass
should hit the floor, and
c. An emphasis on the follow-through for a solid
3. Demonstrate how spin affects the flight and speed of the
4. Teach the lay-up shot and how many points a successful
shot is worth to a team:
a. Start with wrist action
b. Add arm motion, bringing the ball up from waist
to shoulder height to release of ball
c. Add footwork- catch step, step-hop, and release
d. Demonstrate where the ball should touch the
basket for it to drop in.
e. Give students 15-second trials and ask them to
identify their highest score.
f. Have the highest scorer demonstrate the
technique for getting the most shots in 15
g. Have a competition afterwards.
4. Dribble and Students will be able to Students will learn Dynamic 1. Teach and demonstrate the legal step-hop for a layup Gym with netted One ball for every 3-4
lay up - Dribble and - Dribbling violations for stretching shot on the right foot and the left foot. hoops students
shoot shoot, and palming, discontinued and 2. Using every basket in the gym, Cones
- Shoot from inside dribble, and traveling; practice a. Divide the class by the number of baskets so that
the basketball - What the basketball lay-up each group is equal in size; and
key. key is; and shot. b. One at a time, have students practice repeated
- What an inside shot is. lay-up shooting when inside the basketball key
at 10second intervals.
3. Have students practice using the dribble approach to the
basket for the layup, beginning from the foul line.
4. Discuss dribbling violations and teach students how to
detect them.
5. Setup a competition using every basket in the gym. Line
up groups 50ft from their basket, so they are traveling
the same distance, dribbling, as every other group. Make
sure that students wait their turns without interfering
with the approaching ball carrier that is coming to take a
shot. Have students follow this sequence:
a. Dribble to the basket and shoot; do not come
back until you sink a shot.
b. Dribble to the basket and take one shot. If it
goes in, your team gets two points. Come back,
and let the next person go; keep the line going in
turn until the whistle is blown. Then see which
group scored the most points in the time
6. If there is time, teach students how to shoot from inside
the key.
5. Outside Students will Students will learn Dynamic 1. Teach and demonstrate the outside shot. Gym with netted One ball for every 3-4
shot, - Shoot from - To aim and follow stretching 2. Allow every ball you have to be used for practicing the hoops students
improve outside the key, through while shooting and lay-up outside shot the way basketball teams do, with some Cones
lay-up shot and outside shots. shots. people under the basket returning the balls to shooters. Markers
- Improve their lay- Have everyone do at least 20 shots.
up shots. 3. Have students make up the number of groups equal to
the number of baskets:
a. Line them up on the opposite side of the gym
from the basket they use.
b. Repeat dribbling and shooting drills they have
learned to date.
4. Ask the class to dribble to the position where they take
their outside shots and then shoot:
a. Allow several trials, dribbling and shooting
automatically once in position.
b. Vary it by having them follow up a miss with a
5. Once groups are comfortable with the sequence, have
them keep score for all their members as a team total in
the amount of time allotted.
6. Guarding Students will be able to Students will learn Dynamic 1. Teach and demonstrate body position, focus, and Gym with netted One ball for every 3-4
techniques - Learn guarding - What denying a shot is, stretching footwork for guarding an opponent. hoops (half-court) students
and game techniques. how to deny a shot, and 2. Drill defensive positioning-moving between opponent Cones
rules and why they should layups and basket so one’s back is to the basket: Markers
deny opponents’ easy a. Have students try without the ball. Scrimmage vests
shots. b. Have them try with the ball.
3. Teach game rules: boundaries, illegal contacts and
violations in dribbling.
4. Teach a keep away game:
a. Create two teams for each basket.
b. Assign vested team to be the first shooters and
the white team to be the first defenders.
Shooters get two minutes to score as many
points as possible. If non shooters get the ball,
they must try to use up the clock without
shooting. (no one should be hugging the ball
more than 5 seconds, he needs to pass). Then
switch the group that shoots. Have them total
their scores and who have scored the most
points then on offense.
c. Repeat, suggesting coach hints derived from
what was seen, making sure to give equal time
on offense to both teams.
7. Play a Students will Students will learn Dynamic 1. Teach half-court basketball rules; pointing out the Gym with netted One ball for game
basketball - Play a game - The rules of a half- stretching following: hoops Cones
game court and full court and a. The boundaries Scrimmage vests
game layups b. When teams must bring the ball back, where,
and why.
2. Assign equally skilled teams to a court to play each
3. Have them play games. Use a halftime to answer any
questions you haven’t already answered or to share a
class problem and its solution.

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