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Sample High School Soccer Practice Plan

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Girls JV Soccer Practice Plan

Coach: Dylan Spencer Date: 6/29/2017

Location: High School Soccer Field Start Time: 4:00 p.m.
Number of Athletes: ~20 Duration: 120 Minutes

Equipment & Materials: 20 soccer balls, 16 flat cones, 8 black pennies, 2 goals, 2 nets

Safety / Liability Concerns: Health related conditions, proper attire (cleats, shin guards, shorts), divots
in the grass, sprinkler heads

Practice Objective: To develop team offensive proficiency through the instruction of corner and
overlapping runs.

Practice Schedule
4:00 4:15 Warm Up & Meeting
4:15 4:25 Exploratory 6v4 Attacking the Goal
4:25 4:35 Review of Previous Practice: Instep Drive
4:35 5:00 Instep Drive Shooting Game
5:00 5:15 Corner Runs Drill
5:15 5:30 6v4 Attacking the Goal (repeat)
5:30 5:50 Conditioning Fartlek Shooting
5:50 6:00 Cooldown & Wrap Up
Time: 4:00 4:15
Warm Up & Meeting
Written Description: Set up a line of 4 cones that are approximately 5 yards apart from each other. Set
up 3 other lines of cones parallel to the first line around 10 yards from each other. Divide the team
into 4 groups and place them at the first cone of each line. Captains, team leaders or seniors should be
in front of each line. Captains and team leaders will lead the team through the FIFA 11 warm up drills.
Progression: Jog straight out -> Jog w/ hip out -> Jog w/ hip in -> Jog around partner -> Jog w/
shoulder charge -> Jog forward and backward -> Run across field -> Bounding -> Plant and cut.

X 10 yards X X X

5 yards

Communicate to Players: Take seriously, insufficient warm up leads to injury, gradual rise in intensity.

Shooting & attacking as a team
Most effective way around a defender/ defenders? passing
Do passes always have to travel forward? no, backward or lateral
Time: 4:15 4:25
Exploratory 6 v 4 - Attacking the Goal
Written Description: Split the team into attackers and defenders. Starting at the center line, 6
attackers will attempt to score a goal against 4 defenders and a goalie. Play ends and a new set of
players enter if the ball goes out of bounds. If the defense obtains the ball, they try to bring the ball
across the midline. If the goalie gets the ball, allow her to punt the ball away to the attackers to restart
the drill. Encourage the offensive players to think about the best ways to get around defenders

Black/White Pennies (Defenders): Carla, Jackie, Sayra, Alexis, Leslie, Menora, Reina, Aries

Coach Comments:
Time: 4:25 4:35
Review of Previous Practice: Instep Drive
Written description: Players will partner up into even groups. Instruct each group to take two cones
and set them up around 20 yards apart from each other. Have the players review and demonstrate the
correct form for the instep drive. Instruct the players to pass back and forth to their partner using the
instep drive and confirm the skill has been retained from last session. Emphasize using a locked ankle,
contacting the ball in the middle, and following through.
Progression: Stationary drive -> one step approach -> full approach -> Ball on ground

20 yards

Key/Cues: Toes Down (laces), knee over the ball, plant next to the ball, middle strike, head down
Accuracy over power, take it slow and gradually increase power, keep ball low to ground
Coach Comments:
Time: 4:40 5:00
Instep Drive Shooting Game
Written Description: Players are divided into two even groups. One group stands behind the goal
along the goal line to retrieve the balls; the other stands in a line outside the penalty area waiting for
their turn. Coach stands next to the goal post outside the goal. One at a time, roll a ball forward
toward the first player in line outside the penalty area. The first player in line will run up to meet the
ball and shoot at the goal. Rotate shooting and shagging players after every player in a group has
taken 2 shots. Tell players to keep score of how many goals their group makes.
Progression: left and right foot -> Keeper left and right foot, roll from behind no keeper

Key/Cues: Toe Down (laces), knee over the ball, plant next to the ball, middle strike, head down
Controlled approach, Do not shoot in front of the cone, accuracy over power, Follow up
Coach Comments:
Time: 5:00 5:15
Corner Runs
Written description: Split team into groups of at least 5 and set up as shown below. The first person in
each line will slowly dribble toward the defender to entice them to challenge for the ball. When
challenged, the player passes to the infield support player who will take a touch or one touch pass to
the corner where the passer will make a run. After the passer sends the ball to the corner, they will
make a run into the box to receive a pass from the corner and shoot. Players will rotate in the
following way: dribbler -> defender -> support player -> back of the line
Progression: Slow w/ passive defender -> Increased speed light defense -> Game speed

Key/Cues: Entice the defender, explode to space, lead the receiver

Coach Comments:
Time: 5:15 5:30
6 v 4 Attacking the Goal (Repeat)
Written Description: Split the team into attackers and defenders. Starting at the center line, 6
attackers will attempt to score a goal against 4 defenders and a goalie. Play ends and a new set of
players enter if the ball goes out of bounds. If the defense obtains the ball, they try to bring the ball
across the midline. If the goalie gets the ball, allow her to punt the ball away to the attackers to restart
the drill. Encourage players to use the strategies previously worked on to be more successful at
beating the defense.

Black/White Pennies (Defenders): Carla, Jackie, Sayra, Alexis, Leslie, Menora, Reina, Aries

Key/Cues: Use corner runs, remember shooting cues

Coach Comments:
Time: 5:30 5:50
Conditioning Fartlek Shooting
Written Description: Setup the drill according to the diagram below by placing a pair of cones 10
yards in from the sideline and 25 yards away from the center line. Split players into two groups of 10.
One group will be passers, shaggers and goalies, and should be instructed to position themselves in
the spaces marked by the blue players. The other group will split into 2 groups of 5 and position
themselves at the start cones. Instruct the players to do a full sprint from the start cone to the cone
directly ahead of them. Once there, they will receive a pass from one of the passers on that end and
take a shot on goal. After taking a shot, they will jog to the start cone of the opposite line and repeat
the process on that end. Shaggers and goalies should return the shot balls to the passers at the top of
the penalty arc. Have group 1 run the fartlek for 4 continuous minutes, then switch out with the other
group who will do the fartlek for 4 continuous minutes. Each group will go twice, once clockwise
shooting with their right foot, and once counter clockwise shooting with their left foot.

Jog Receive and shoot

(Start cone)

Sprint 25 yards

25 yards

(Start cone)
Receive and shoot

25 yards


Coach Comments:

Time: 4:50 5:00

Cooldown & Wrap up
Written Description: Players jog 2 laps around the field at a relaxed pace to cooldown
What was todays objective? Increasing offensive proficiency
What are the cues for shooting? Knee over ball, head down, ankle locked, follow through.
What is one way we can beat the defense as a team? Overlap/ corner runs.

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