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Curriculum Map in Cookery 10

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Key Stage Standard: This course is designed for a Grade 10 student to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform Cookery tasks.

Grade Level Standards: It covers core competencies as follows: 1) preparation of egg dishes, 2) preparation of cereals and starch dishes, (3) preparation of vegetable dishes, (4)
preparation and cooking of seafood dishes, (5) preparation of stocks, sauces, and soups, (6) preparation of poultry and game dishes, and (7) preparation of and cooking meat.

Unit 1: PREPARE EGG DISHES Number of Days: 45


Content Standard Performance Standards

The learners demonstrate an understanding of : The learners:
1. core concepts and principles in cookery 1. apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the TESDA
2. preparing and cooking cereals and starch dishes 2.independently prepare and cook cereals and starch dishes

Lesson Number/ Key Understanding Knowledge Skills 21st Century Points of Teaching Assessment Resources
Title/Focus and Key Questions Skills Integration Strategies/Differentiated Strategies
LESSON 1 – The Learners 1. Tools, utensils, LO 1. Perform EXPERIENTAL Textbooks
demonstrate an and equipment mise en place Cleaning is very Presentation of cleaning LEARNING:
understanding on: needed in egg 1.1. clean, sanitize, essential for Kitchen Tools and Realia
PREPARE EGG preparing and preparation and prepare tools, cooking. It is the Equipment through ORAL
DISHES (ED) cooking egg 2. Cleaning and utensils, and process of presenting Real tools and From a previous Power Point
dishes. sanitizing tools and equipment needed in removing soil or equipment
equipment preparing egg dished
experience, what are
residue by the use the tool and
3. Nutritional value 1.2. identify an egg’s of soap and DISCUSSION: equipment needed
The learners and components of components and its detergents. Why do we need to know
eggs nutritive value in cookery.
independently ways on the cleaning the
4. Characteristics of 1.3. identify and
prepare and cook tools and equipment?
quality fresh eggs prepare ingredients CLASSIFICATION:
egg dishes.
5. Ingredients for according to
egg dishes standard recipes Classify the tools,
equipment and

6. Market forms of LO 2. Prepare and Eggs has 100% Socrates Method Quiz Text Books
egg cook egg dishes protein. Discussion about the True or False Pictures
7. Uses of eggs in 2.1 identify the market forms of eggs, its Eggs
culinary arts market forms of uses in culinary and the
8. Varieties of egg eggs different method of
dishes 2.2 explain the uses cooking.
9. Suggested of
projects: eggs in culinary arts
10. Various egg 2.3 cook egg dishes
dishes in accordance with
the prescribed salad
11. Factors for LO 3. Present egg Plating is the Demonstration Activity: Tools
consideration in dishes arrangement of Demonstrate how to Based on the Equipmemt
presenting egg 3.1 select suitable food on a plate to plate the different egg learnings gained, Materials
dishes: plates according to look appetizing. dishes. students will
11.1 Plating standards
demonstrate how to
11.2 Garnishing 3.2 present egg
11.3 Side dishes dishes hygienically do plating.
12 OHS and attractively
using suitable
garnishing and side
dishes sequentially
within the required
time frame
13 Evaluation of the LO 4. Evaluate the Learning by doing Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Room
finished product finished product is very effective Teacher will set the Each group will
using rubrics 4.1 rate the finished way to learn. schedule to perform the prepare an egg
products using different method of dishes and present
rubrics cooking eggs. it.
LESSON 2 What are the 1. Tools and LO1. Perform Discussion Collaborative Product Packaging
different product equipment needed mise en place Starch and The teacher will discuss Learning with starch and
PREPARE students can make 2. Quality of cereals 1.1. prepare the Cereals are the the different kinds of cereals.
CEREALS and out of cereals and and starch dishes tools, equipment, sources for native cereal and starch. By pair
STARCH DISHES starch? 3. Nutritional value and ingredients delicacies. Brainstorming Textbooks
and components of based on prescribed about cereals and
cereals and starch standards starch, make your
4. Food sources and 1.2. determine the own recipe.
kinds of starch and sources and kinds of Discuss its
cereals starch and cereals nutritional value
5. Ingredients for 1.3. identify the
starch and cereal ingredients in the
dishes preparation of
various types of
starch and cereal
6. Methods of LO2. Prepare Safety and Video Presentation Activity Video Clip
cooking starch and starch and cereal hygienic practices Video about different From the given Text Book
cereal dishes dishes in the kitchen is types of starch and different name of
7. Preparation of 2.1 cook various the key to success cereal dishes with the dishes, state if
sauces and types of starch and in preparing sauces. it is uses starch
accompaniments for cereal dishes various types of and cereals.
starch and cereal 2.2 prepare sauces starch and cereals Discussion
dishes and accompaniments dishes. Discuss the safety and
8. Safety and of selected starch hygienic practices while
hygienic practices in and cereal products
working in the kitchen.
the kitchen 2.3 follow safety and
9. Suggested hygienic practices
projects: while working in the
Cereal and starch kitchen
10. Factors to LO 3. Present Demonstration Service Learning Realia
consider in starch and cereal When Plating the Demonstrate how to With their
presenting starch dishes arrangement of the plated starch and cereals groups, students
and cereal dishes 3.1 present starch food and the food dishes. must prepare a
10.1. Plating dishes with suitable itself will be starch and cereal
10.2. Garnishing plating and complement. dishes. Present it.
10.3. Sauces garnishing according
10.4. to standards
11. Techniques for LO4. Storing Storing Technique Discussion Pen- and paper Textbooks
storing starch and starch and cereal is very important in Discuss how to store test Internet
cereal dishes dishes cookery to avoid cereals and starches
12. FIFO 4.1 store starch and food properly. Make an essay
cereal at appropriate contamination. how to store
temperature cereals and
4.2 maintain starches properly.
optimum freshness
and quality of starch
and cereal dishes
according to
4.3 store starch and
cereal according to
standard operating


Key Stage Standard: This course is designed for a Grade 10 student to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform Cookery tasks.

Grade Level Standards: It covers core competencies as follows: 1) preparation of egg dishes, 2) preparation of cereals and starch dishes, (3) preparation of vegetable dishes, (4)
preparation and cooking of seafood dishes, (5) preparation of stocks, sauces, and soups, (6) preparation of poultry and game dishes, and (7) preparation of and cooking meat.



Content Standard Performance Standards

The learners demonstrate an understanding of : The learners:
- preparing and cooking vegetable dishes - independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes
- preparing and cooking seafood dishes. - independently prepares and cooks seafood dishes

Lesson Number/ Key Understanding Knowledge Skills 21st Century Points of Teaching Assessment Resources
Title/Focus and Key Questions Skills Integration Strategies/Differentiated Strategies
LESSON 1 – Vegetables have 1. Principles of LO 1. Perform Vegetables must Textbooks
different variety preparing vegetables mise en place be taking care of. Discussion ORAL Recitation
and uses. 2. Characteristics of 1.1. identify Small bruises of Identify the different Open- Ended Realia
PREPARE quality vegetables ingredients vegetable can loss types of vegetables. Question about the
VEGETABLES 3. Thawing frozen according to a lot of nutrient. topic. Power Point
DISHES vegetables standard recipe Demonstration
1.2. prepare Demonstrate how to
How to classify ingredients
thaw and wash vegetables.
vegetables? according to a given
recipe, required
form, and timeframe
1.3. thaw frozen
ingredients and
wash raw vegetables
following standard

What are the 4. Market forms of LO 2. Prepare Cooking Socrates Method Activity ( by pair) Text Books
market forms of vegetables vegetable dishes Vegetables is a Discussion about the Pictures
vegetables? 5. Factors in the 2.1 identify market crucial one. A chef market forms of 1. From the given list Power point
selection of forms of vegetables need to select vegetables, its uses in of vegetables,
vegetables used for 2.2 select various good quality culinary and the different classify them
culinary arts kinds of vegetables vegetables. method of cooking.
6. Methods of according to a given according to its
cooking vegetables menu category.
dishes 2.3 cook variety of 1.1 how will you
7. Preparation of vegetable dishes going to market the
sauces and following appropriate vegetables.
accompaniment for cooking methods to 1.2 State the cooking
serving vegetable preserve optimum method appropriate
dishes quality and nutrition to the vegetables.
8. Suggested 2.4 prepare suitable
1.3 Think a recipe of
projects: sauces and
Various vegetable accompaniment in a sauce that will
dishes serving vegetable serve as an
dishes accompaniment of
your vegetable
9. Presentation of LO 3. Present Plating is the Laboratory Laboratory Tools
prepared vegetables vegetable dishes arrangement of Teacher will set the Each group will Equipmemt
dishes. 3.1 present food on a plate to schedule to perform the prepare an Materials
10. Factors in plating vegetable recipes look appetizing. different method of vegetable dishes
vegetable dishes with appropriate cooking vegetables. and present it.
sauces and
11. Techniques in LO 4. Store Storing of Food will Discussion Reflection Text Book
storing and vegetables always be hygienic Discuss the proper way What are the Power Point
vegetables 4.1 store vegetables and should follow of storing vegetables. safety and hygienic
12. FIFO based on the the kitchen SOP. practices in kitchen
13. Safety and prescribed location laboratory?
hygienic practices in and temperature
the laboratory 4.2 demonstrate
kitchen vegetable storage in
accordance with
FIFO operating
4.3 follow standard
safety and hygiene
14. Evaluation of the LO 5. Evaluate the Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Room
finished product finished product Teacher will set the In presentation of
using rubrics 5.1 rate the finished schedule to perform the the dishes, teacher
products using different method of will evaluate the
rubrics cooking vegetables. product of the
LESSON 2 What are the 1. Types of Seafood LO 1. Perform Discussion Task:
nutrients we could 1.1. Shellfish Mise en Place Every part of a fish Interactive discussion of Group Activity: Visual aide/ Tools
PREPARE AND get from seafood? 1.2. Fin fish 1.1. prepare the is useful and has a the topic. Arrange the and equipment
COOK SEAFOOD 1.3. Others kitchen tools, specific uses and scramble words.
DISHES 2. Varieties of Fish equipment, and function. Power Point
2.1. Structure ingredients based on
2.2. Body shape required standards Textbooks
2.3. Market forms 1.2. identify types,
How to clean fish 2.4. Fat contents varieties, market
2.5. Water source forms, nutritive
properly? Collaborative Learning:
2.6. Processed fish value, and
Recipe serves as a Students will discuss Individual
2.7. Others composition of fish
What are the guide when the different parts of the Activity:
3. Market forms of and seafood
appropriate cuts of 4. Fish cuts
cooking fish and fish and the proper way Draw a fish and
1.3. assemble
fish? 5. Composition and ingredients
seafood. of cutting it. label its parts.
nutritive value of fish according to recipes,
6. Processing Fish recipe card, or
6.1. Scaling enterprise standard
6.2. Cutting of tails 1.4. identify steps in
and fins processing fish
6.3. Eviscerating
6.4. Cleansing
6.5. Canning
7. Methods in LO 2. Handle fish Proper way of Video Presentation Video Clip
Three methods of thawing frozen and seafood thawing fish and Video Clip about Group Reporting
thawing: ingredients 2.1 handle seafood seafood will methods of thawing about the methods Text Book
1. Ingredients will 8. OHS hygienically ensure maximum frozen ingredients. of thawing.
enclose in plastic 2.2 thaw frozen quality and
and immerse in seafood correctly to maintain its Discussion
water, change the ensure maximum nutritional value. Discuss the safety and
water every 30 quality and maintain hygienic practices while
minutes. nutritional value.
working in the kitchen.
2. Use the
microwave oven.
3. Put in the

Standard 9. Principles of LO 3. Cook fish Discussion Service Learning Visual Aide

Operation cooking fish and sea and shellfish Cooking fish and Collaborative With their
Procedure is food dishes 3.1 clean, cut, and shellfish involves discussion about the groups, students Tools, Equipment,
needed in 10. Dry-heat cookery fillet seafood scientific methods. topic. must prepare Materials
preparing dishes. 11. Moist-heat 3.2 prepare . ingredients according
cookery ingredients to a given recipe.
12. Variety of according to a given
shellfish and fish recipe Demonstration
dishes presenting 3.3 demonstrate demonstrate various
starch and cereal various methods of methods of cooking fish and
dishes cooking fish and shellfish
10.1. Plating shellfish
10.2. Garnishing
10.3. Sauces
Are garnishes 13. Presentation of LO 4. Following the Discussion Demonstration Visual Aide
being edible or not fish and seafood Plate/Present fish guidelines in Discuss how to store demonstrate
edible? dishes and seafood preparing and fish and seafood. various methods of Tools, Equipment,
14. Plating 4.1 prepare and serving fish and cooking fish and Materials
15. Garnishing present fish and shellfish. shellfish, how to do
16. Guidelines in seafood dishes the plating with
serving fish and 4.2 perform garnishes and must
seafood dishes guidelines in serving be follow the
fish and seafood guidelines in serving Internet
dishes. fish and seafood
17. Factors in storing LO 5. Store fish Storing Technique Discussion Individual Visual Aide
and handling seafood and seafood is very important in Collaborative Activity:
18. Storage 5.1 ensure that cookery to avoid discussion about the Tools, Equipment,
requirements for fish trimmings, fish, and food topic. Make your own Materials
19. Minimization seafood are stored contamination. recipe of fish and
techniques in relation hygienically shell fish.
to seafood 5.2 check date Textbooks
Indicate there how
stamps and codes to store it properly.
where applicable to
ensure quality
5.3 store seafood in
accordance with
FIFO operating
procedures and
standard storage
20. Evaluation of the LO 6. Evaluate the Rubric is used to Laboratory Laboratory Rubrics
finished product finished product rate the product Teacher will set the In presentation of
6.1 rate the finished fairly and schedule to perform the the dishes, teacher Laboratory Room
products using accurately. different method of will evaluate the
rubrics cooking fish and shellfish. product of the



Key Stage Standard: This course is designed for a Grade 10 student to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform Cookery tasks.

Grade Level Standards: It covers core competencies as follows: 1) preparation of egg dishes, 2) preparation of cereals and starch dishes, (3) preparation of vegetable dishes, (4)
preparation and cooking of seafood dishes, (5) preparation of stocks, sauces, and soups, (6) preparation of poultry and game dishes, and (7) preparation of and cooking meat.



Content Standard Performance Standards

The learners demonstrate an understanding of : The learners:
- basic concepts and underlying theories in preparing stocks, sauces, and soups - prepares a variety of stocks, sauces, and soups used in different cultures
- concepts and principles in storing and reheating stocks, sauces, and soups - independently demonstrates competencies in storing and reheating stocks, sauces, and soups
- basic concepts and underlying theories in preparing poultry and game dishes - prepare a variety of poultry and game dishes found in different cultures

Lesson Number/ Key Understanding Knowledge Skills 21st Century Points of Teaching Assessment Resources
Title/Focus and Key Questions Skills Integration Strategies/Differentiated Strategies
LESSON 1 – What are the 1. Principles of LO 1. Prepare There are two Textbooks
differences preparing stocks stocks for menu major types of Discussion ORAL Recitation
between stocks, 2. Classifications of items stocks; the brown Interactive Discussion Open- Ended Realia
PREPARE STOCKS, sauces and soup? stocks 1.1 use ingredients stock and white about the topic. Question about the
SAUCES AND 3. Ingredients in and flavoring stock. topic. Power Point
SOUPS preparing stocks according to Demonstration
4. Types and uses of enterprise standards
Demonstrate how to
convenience 1.2 produce variety
products of stocks according
prepare the stocks.
5. Methods of to enterprise
preparing stocks standards
6. Suggested procedures
6.1. White stock
6.2. Brown stock

7. Classifications of LO 2. Prepare Selecting good Socrates Method Library Work Text Books
soups soups required for quality ingredients Discussion about the
8. Ingredients in menu items in preparing soup. topic. Search 10 recipe of Pictures
preparing soups 2.1 select and soup. Compile it in
9. Techniques in assemble correct
long folder. Video Clip
presenting and ingredients in
evaluating soups preparing soups, Study the procedure
10. Suggested soup including stocks and on how to make it.
Video Presentation
recipes garnishes Video clip on how to
11. Garnishes for the 2.2 prepare variety
prepare soup and how to
presentation of soup recipes
present it.
soups according to
12. Techniques in enterprise standards
presenting and 2.3 present and
evaluating soups evaluate soup
13. Criteria in recipes in
presenting and accordance with the
evaluating soup criteria
recipes (e.g. right
flavor, color,
temperature, service
ware, and suitable
garnishes and
14. Suggested
Various kinds of soup
15. Classification of LO 3. Prepare Sauce derived Discussion Activity Task: Text Books
Sauces sauces required from Latin word Interactive Discussion
16. Ingredients in for menu items salsa meaning about the topic. Brainstorming with
preparing sauces 3.1 classify various salted. the group mates on
17. Methods of types of sauces and what sauces to be
preparing sauces their corresponding prepared.
18. Types of 3.2 prepare a variety
thickening agents of hot and cold
and convenience sauces based on the
products used in required menu items
preparing sauces 3.3 identify the types
19. Role of of thickening agents
thickening agents and convenience
and convenience products used in
products in the preparing sauces
preparation of 3.4 use thickening
sauces agents and
20. Criteria for convenience
evaluating sauces products
21. Common appropriately
problem in the 3.5 evaluate sauces
preparation of for flavor, color, and
sauces consistency
22. Suggested 3.6 identify and deal
project: with problems in the
Various type of preparation of
sauces sauces
23. Methods of LO 4. Store and Storing of Food will Demonstration Demonstration Text Book
storing and reheating reconstitute always be hygienic
stocks, sauces, and stocks, sauces, and should follow Demonstrate how to Students how to Power Point
soups and soups the kitchen SOP. store and reconstitute the store and
24. OHS 4.1 maintain soup, stocks and soups. reconstitute the Visual Aide
optimum quality and Reconstitute the soup, stocks and
freshness of stocks, stocks, sauce and soups
sauces, and soups Tools, Equipment
soups in hygienicc
4.2 reconstitute and Materials
25. Evaluation of the LO5. Evaluate the Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Room
finished product finished product Teacher will set the In presentation of
using rubrics 5.1 rate the finished schedule to perform the the dishes, teacher Rubrics
products using different method of will evaluate the
cooking stocks, soup and product of the
sauces. learner.
LESSON 2 What is poultry? 1. Preparation of LO 1. Performs Discussion Collaborative
poultry for cooking mise en place Mise en Place is a Interactive discussion of Learning Visual aide/ Tools
PREPARE 1.1. Slaughter and 1.1. prepare the French term the topic. Students will and equipment
POULTRY AND What are the steps bleeding tools, equipment, meaning to the perform the activity
GAME DISHES in preparing 1.2. Scalding and ingredients arrange everything on how to prepare Power Point
poultry? 1.3. Defeathering based on standards before working in poultry.
1.4. Evisceration 1.2. identify the the laboratory. Textbooks
1.5. Deboning market forms of
2. Market forms of poultry
poultry 1.3. determine
3. Poultry cuts poultry cuts in
accordance with
prescribed dish

4. Types and causes LO 2. Cook poultry Food Spoilage and Video Presentation Video Clip
of food spoilage and and game bird cross Video Clip about Oral recitation
cross- contamination dishes contamination methods of cooking Text Book
5. Methods of 2.1 prepare poultry have different poultry. Quiz
cooking poultry hygienically to types and causes.
and game birds minimize risk of food Discussion
5.1. Dry-heat spoilage and cross- Interactive Discussion
cookery contamination about the topic.
5.2. Moist-heat 2.2 cook various
cookery poultry and game
6. Nutritional value bird dishes
of poultry and game
bird dishes

Standard 9. Principles of LO 3. Cook fish Discussion Service Learning Visual Aide

Operation cooking fish and sea and shellfish Cooking fish and Collaborative With their
Procedure is food dishes 3.1 clean, cut, and shellfish involves discussion about the groups, students Tools, Equipment,
needed in 10. Dry-heat cookery fillet seafood scientific methods. topic. must prepare Materials
preparing dishes. 11. Moist-heat 3.2 prepare . ingredients according
cookery ingredients to a given recipe.
12. Variety of according to a given
shellfish and fish recipe Demonstration
dishes presenting 3.3 demonstrate demonstrate various
starch and cereal various methods of methods of cooking fish and
dishes cooking fish and shellfish
10.1. Plating shellfish
10.2. Garnishing
10.3. Sauces
Are garnishes 13. Presentation of LO 4. Following the Discussion Demonstration Visual Aide
being edible or not fish and seafood Plate/Present fish guidelines in Discuss how to store demonstrate
edible? dishes and seafood preparing and fish and seafood. various methods of Tools, Equipment,
14. Plating 4.1 prepare and serving fish and cooking fish and Materials
15. Garnishing present fish and shellfish. shellfish, how to do
16. Guidelines in seafood dishes the plating with
serving fish and 4.2 perform garnishes and must
seafood dishes guidelines in serving be follow the
fish and seafood guidelines in serving Internet
dishes. fish and seafood
17. Factors in storing LO 5. Store fish Storing Technique Discussion Individual Visual Aide
and handling seafood and seafood is very important in Collaborative Activity:
18. Storage 5.1 ensure that cookery to avoid discussion about the Tools, Equipment,
requirements for fish trimmings, fish, and food topic. Make your own Materials
19. Minimization seafood are stored contamination. recipe of fish and
techniques in relation hygienically shell fish.
to seafood 5.2 check date Textbooks
Indicate there how
stamps and codes to store it properly.
where applicable to
ensure quality
5.3 store seafood in
accordance with
FIFO operating
procedures and
standard storage
7. Factors in LO 3. Presentation of Discussion Demonstration Visual Aide
presenting/plating Plate/present menu must Collaborative Students will
poultry and game- poultry and game consider the discussion about the demonstrate how Tools, Equipment,
bird dishes bird dishes following: topic. to prepare and Materials
8. Types of service 3.1 identify the type present the poultry
ware of service ware to be Customer dishes.
9. Plating utilized in serving Textbooks
10. Garnishing poultry and game-
11. Sauces bird dishes
12. Accompaniment 3.2 present plated
poultry and game-
bird dishes with
appropriate sauces,
garnishes, and
13. Techniques in LO 4. Store Discussion Reporting Visual Aide
storing poultry and poultry and game Collaborative
game bird bird discussion about the Textbooks
4.1 store and topic.
maintain poultry and
game bird according
to standards
14. Evaluation of the LO 5. Evaluate the Rubric is used to Laboratory Laboratory Rubrics
finished product finished product rate the product Teacher will set the In presentation of
using rubrics 5.1 rate the finished fairly and schedule to perform the the dishes, teacher Laboratory Room
products using accurately. different method of will evaluate the
rubrics cooking fish and shellfish. product of the



Key Stage Standard: This course is designed for a Grade 10 student to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform Cookery tasks.

Grade Level Standards: It covers core competencies as follows: 1) preparation of egg dishes, 2) preparation of cereals and starch dishes, (3) preparation of vegetable dishes, (4)
preparation and cooking of seafood dishes, (5) preparation of stocks, sauces, and soups, (6) preparation of poultry and game dishes, and (7) preparation of and cooking meat.

Unit 3: PREPARE AND COOK MEAT Number of Days:

Content Standard Performance Standards

The learners demonstrate an understanding of : The learners:
- preparing and cooking meat dishes - independently prepare and cook meat dishes

Lesson Number/ Key Understanding Knowledge Skills 21st Century Points of Teaching Assessment Resources
Title/Focus and Key Questions Skills Integration Strategies/Differentiated Strategies
LESSON 1 – How to cook meat 1. Principles in meat LO 1. Perform Learning how to Textbooks
in different preparation mise en place cook will help Discussion ORAL Recitation
methods? 2. Market forms of 1.1. prepare the students to ensure Interactive Discussion Realia
PREPARE AND meat tools, equipment, that the way of about the topic. Open- Ended
COOK MEAT 3. Different kinds of ingredients, and preparation will Question about the Power Point
meat other supplies based maintain the
3.1. Beef on the given recipe
nutrients of the
3.2. Pork 1.2. prepare the meat.
3.3. Carabeef tools, equipment, Peer Review
3.4. Others ingredients, and With Peer ( 3
4. Different types of other supplies based member) brainstorm
meat cuts on the given recipe. about the topic on
5. Tools, utensils, the different types of
and equipment for meat.
meat preparation
6. Techniques in
meat tenderizing

7. Variety of meat LO 2. Cook meat Cooking of variety Socrates Method Multiple Choice Text Books
How to cook frozen dishes cuts meat dishes will Discussion about the Questions.
meat? 8. Methods of 2.1 identify the add the more topic. Pictures
cooking meat market forms and eating
8.1. Dry-heat cuts of meat experiences. Video Clip
cooking 2.2 prepare meat
8.2. Moist-heat cuts according to the
cooking given recipe Video Presentation
9. Cooking specialty 2.3 prepare and use Video clip on how to
cuts suitable marinades
prepare soup and how to
10. Cooking frozen for a variety of meat
present it.
meat cuts
2.4 identify
appropriate cooking
methods for meat Demonstration
cuts Demonstrate how to
2.5 apply the cut meat
different techniques
in meat preparation
2.6 cook meat-cut
dishes according to
the given recipe.
12. Methods of LO3. Present meat Portion Controlling Demonstration Activity Task: Text Books
presenting meat dishes is needed for
dishes 3.1 present meat accurate Demonstrate how to Prepare a recipe Tools/ Equipment
13. Plating dishes aesthetically, measurement of prepare, plating and on meat
14. Garnishing based on classical the ingredients. portion controlling for preparation. Video Clip
15. Portion control and cultural cooked meat.
for cooked meat standards
3.2 select suitable Video Presentation
plate according to Video Clip on
preparation, plating and
garnishing of meat.
16. Techniques in LO4. Store meat Storing of Food will Discussion Role Playing Text Book
storing meat 4.1 utilize quality always be hygienic Interactive discussion Students will
1.1. Types of trimmings and and should follow on how to select demonstrate the Power Point
containers leftovers in storing the kitchen SOP. packaging materials and techniques in
1.2. Temperature meat how to store it properly. storing meat via Visual Aide
1.3. FIFO 4.2 store fresh and Utilization of the role playing.
requirements cryovac-packed meat appropriate Tools, Equipment
according to health packaging
regulations and Materials
materials for
4.3 use required commercial and for
containers and store storing purposes.
meat in proper
temperature to
maintain quality and
4.4 store meat in
accordance with
FIFO operating
procedures and meat
17. Evaluation of the LO5. Evaluate the Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Room
finished product finished product Teacher will set the In presentation of
using rubrics 5.1 rate the finished schedule to perform the the dishes, teacher Rubrics
products using different method of will evaluate the
cooking meat. product of the

Prepared by:



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