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r--- Introducttion ... S

Part 1: The Voltec Rebellion
The Nature of Obstacles ... 8
The Eagle ... 9
The Nature of Consensual Reality ... 11
The Human Mold, Dayside Kether & The Holy Guardian
The Vulture ... 15
Beyond the Physical & Past the Eagle ... 16
Voltec Recapitulation ... 19

Part 2: Mapping Infinity
Mapping ...22
Prime 96 ... 23
Chakras ... 26
Prime 96 & the Eagle's Emanations ... 29
A in, Ain So ph, Ain So ph Or & the Movements of the
lo Assemblage Point...31
Vulture's Emanations within Ain, Ain Soph, & Ain Soph
J The Human Energy Body ...35

Conclusion ... 36
Order of the Voltec ... 37
Diagrams ... 38
There is an obvious combative nature in the way in which
the Initiates of the House of the Bloody Tongue engage in
the development of their Shadow Selves. Stalkers, unlike
Dreamers, must over come obstacles through Strategy,
Planning, Preparing, Contemplation and Magical Engi-
neering because they lack the Energetic Configuration that
allows the Dreamers to conquer obstacles in subconscious
(and sometimes unknowingl y) way. In many ways, this is
a disadvantage. However, I have come to embrace this
"shortcoming" as a gift. If I were to conquer my obstacles
in a manner in which I did not have to engage in the Plan-
ning and Preparation, I probably would not appreciate my
accomplishments as much nor would it be possible to im-
mediately work upon the physical realm using the same
exact processes. While it is true that we Stalkers must
eventually become completely competent in Dreaming as
well, we must not consider ourselves as lagging behind
because we have to practice these methods.

Part of the Strategy of overcoming any obstacles is having

a map of the terrain in which you are operating. The Ener-
getic Body has been described throughout human history
within different cultures. All of these approaches seem to
be partially correct. The Chakras described in the Eastern
systems, the Ba & Ka of Egypt, the Tree of Life of the
Cabalists and the Assemblage Point described by Casta-
neda all are valid elements to the whole, which seem to
have eluded occultists for generations. Hopefully, this
iew of the "Voltec Anatomy" will be yet another step
closer to a complete picture of the Human Energetic
tructure and as a tool for Stalkers to find yet another way
of circumventing failure due to a lack of "natural abili-
As with all maps, mine only represent the elements of the
energy body as I have perceived them. I can not guarantee
100% accuracy or make promises that you will perceive it
in the same way. You can rest assured that I have gone
through years of trial and error to associate the major en-
ergetic elements of various traditions and redefine them so
that they may be directly applicable to the approach taken
by the Order of the Voltec.

This text is written for the House of the Bloody Tongue,

so that it' s Initiates may begin to understand the more ad-
vanced of the "Core Concepts" and apply techniques such
as Current Immersion and the Voltec Recapitulation to ......
definitive ends. The concepts described herein are very
subjective and vague. For a Stalker this poses a unique
problem of trying to figure out a strategic approach to
some things that can't be rationalized or, in some cases,
even be contemplated by Human Beings. It is a text that
would prove useful to individuals holding any degree, but
to prevent confusion, I have decided that it will be passed
onto members within the House of the Bloody Tongue
(others may request these "restricted materials" and deci-
sions will be reached case by case). Within these pages are
advanced theories of the energy body, the Eagle, the Vul-
ture, Prime 96, Consensual Reality and Dayside Aware-
ness. They are sure to be subject of controversy consider-
ing their unconventional approach. But what else can be
expected of we Voltec Sorcerers?

Good Luck,
Infinity Awaits.

Wendigo yo
Voice of the Downward Path

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Within most obstacles, internal and external, we find Before the - ·

traces of (or even blatant influences of) Consensual Real- energy, I sho
ity. In my commentary upon the First Not-Doing of the 1. The ··Ea;!e
Voltec, I make it clear that Consensual Reality will try to
distract us by posing obstacles in our mundane life by stat-
ing ... "The sorcerer, before slhe falls apathetic, must con- 2.
tinually cut, smash, tear, claw and bite their way through
the obstacles that consensual reality will move in our 3.
ways. Yes, consensual reality has an egregoric awareness
that opposes what we are doing because it means its de-
struction. Consensual Reality's self defense mechanism 4.
will impose all sorts of financial, health, emotional, etc Voltec pr
concerns to draw your Attention (and thus your Energy) (through ~
back upon it and thereby feeding it and keeping it alive. " the Voltec
expand ! ·
However, Consensual Reality can also set up obstacles in possibL
the most non-physical, magical , work . Its influence has
saturated us to the point that we can not engage in any ac- For the
tivity, physical, mental, emotional, magical or otherwise the Eagle. h
without constantly being on guard for its intrusion. cause that· s
The two bands of the Eagle's Emanations that run through when he t!
the Assemblage Point, while it's in the Position of Con- "standard .. ~-...~,
sensual Reality (a.k.a. it's Habitual Position), are the
"organic band" and the band of "structure only" which
leads me to believe that most of the obstacles travel along
those "bands". Our Assemblage Points are in a Position of
dayside awareness for such a large percentage of the time
that we become available for obstacles to find their way
into our Energetic practices as well because of the rela-
tively short time that the Assemblage Point shifts aware
from Consensual Reality.

Tl1€ EAJL€

Before the Voltec Initiate labels the Eagle as a negative

energy, I should make a few things clear.
1. The "Eagle" is a metaphorical name for the indescrib-
able force which bestows Awareness on all living
2. The "Eagle" is not God or a God, but it is a power that
reflects equally and at once on all living things.
3. It is the inconceivable dissolving force in the universe
which makes organisms live by lending them Aware-
ness and also makes them die by extracting it.
4. This force is seeking our life experience and when the
Voltec provides that force with a facsimile of his life
(through recapitulation) then the dissolving force lets
the Voltec (or other accomplished sorcerers) go free to
expand his capacity to perceive in the fullest sense

For the Voltec Initiate, it is unnecessary to label this force

the Eagle, however, we have chosen that description be-
cause that's the way Castaneda described this concept
when he first published his works. It remains the
"standard" for the Order of the Voltec to prevent confu-
sion and unnecessary redefining. The term "Eagle" serves
its purpose. Shamans sometimes perceive the
"connectedness" of everything in all realities. This con-
nectedness is a direct result of the Eagle ' s Emanations
passing through every living thing. The Voltec is encour-
aged, at this point, to endeavor to see beyond this illusion
of connectedness and understand this phenomenon to be
more of a conditional similarity rather than an acute con-
nection to other organisms (organic and inorganic).

One' s personal interpretation of the Eagle, most certainly,
can give rise to any conceivable religious or magical be-
lief system. It can easily be understood how this allow-
ance has been the foundation of all of the world's relig-
ions. Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc all could have experi-
enced specific elements of the Eagle's Emanations which
supported such interpretations.

It is said that the Eagle could control all forms of life

which would bring the Voltec to have to make assump-
tions about the question of Free Will. Ken Eagle Feather
states ... "Do we command the Emanations, or are our Humans, i
commands part of an Eagle command which gives us the countless in
sense that we issue commands? Is the sense of command This energy
an actuality, or a reflection which creates an illusion of now seeking ~·
self determination? Here rests the essence of the age old
question regarding whether or not we have free will. "
After many~"'
This being said, it is important for the Voltec Sorcerer to and reading s
understand that semantics should be set aside. We have have often n - -
learned through the texts of Castaneda and through per-
sonal experimentation that the essence of the mastery of
Intent is based on the idea that the Voltec's commands can
be heard and obeyed as if it were the Eagle's Command. 1. Are their -
What is the difference if we are actually making change ing ~ith.
happen or merely fully realizing our part in said changes 2. Is the - - ~ '
initiated by the Eagle? In a sense, even if it is not we who to
catalyze the change, we are becoming A ware of these 3.
changes prior to their event and thus can fit our align-
ments into their purpose. These manipulations begin with 4.
a command given to oneself (through Sorcery) and ends
when the command is repeated until it mysteriously be- 5.
comes the Eagles Command. We repeat such commands negatiY
through repetitions of sorcery. 6. Do th

Tl1€ WATtJR_€ 9f
Our continuous existence within Consensual Reality
(Dayside Awareness) puts us at risk of some of the more
negative aspects of the Human Alignment. Consensual
Reality is a specific grouping of the Eagle's Emanations
that pass through the Assemblage Point when it is located
in its habitual position. Reality, as it is perceived by most
Humans, is a description that has been fed the energy of
countless individuals throughout our history as a species.
This energy has developed its own Self Awareness that is
now seeking additional energy in order to ensure its con-
tinual existence.

After many years of dealing with the Occult "community"

and reading so much of the materials produced therein, I
have often noticed how the individuals whom write this
material state that their chosen path has nearly destroyed

1. Are their abilities inferior to the forces they are deal-

ing with?
2. Is the "Mold of Man" resistant to allowing individuals
to experience perceptions beyond "humanness"?
3. Is Consensual Reality an egregore stronger than most
people's Will?
4. Do we open gates that allow "unseen forces" into our
lives that were not there before?
5. Do these people attribute bad luck, coincidence and
negative occurrences to their new interest in Magick?
6. Do they just become more sensitive, through their en-
ergetic exercises, and thus easy targets?

Consensual Reality is a simple agreement that humans
make with one another about the nature of reality and is
upheld by the Internal Dialogue. This is a major hindrance
to Sorcerers. A constant battle is waged in our daily lives
to find a way to live beyond this agreement while still re-
maining functional in its matrix.

For obvious reason, I would like to remind all Voltecs to

remember to apply the Nine Not-Doings of the Voltec in
order to over come the boundaries set by Consensual Re-

Humans are continually trapped into Consensual Reality

and therefore, the Egregore Awareness of Consensual Re-
ality is everlasting. Humans will usually seek the easiest
way through life and the Egregore, Consensual Reality, is
more than willing to provide them with the illusion of es-

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I have come to recognize certain elements as "tools" of

the Eagle to ensure that it receives the life experience of
those whom have harrowed it' s Awareness. The Human
Mold and the "Holy Guardian Angel" are the most com-
plex devices of the Eagle. These devices are to ensure that
a human is ready to accept death without fear or with as
little fear as possible. The Human Mold, when first en-
countered, is often confused for ··God" by the uninitiated.
The "Mold of Man" (a.k.a. Human Mold) is the template
which gives form to a specific energy. This template
forms energy into what we know as "human beings". All
human beings share the same form , despite differences in
general appearance, it is simple to matter to identify peo-
ple. Since the mold contains everything within the human
inventory, people often mistake this encounter as seeing
"God" or in the occult world as the "Holy Guardian An-
gel". Repeated exposure to this mold, however, removes
this confusion of its nature. I believe this is the primary
function of the "Holy Guardian Angel" phenomenon.
When a Right Hand Path occultist reaches a certain point
upon the Tree of Life, s/he has to make a decision as to
cross the Abyss (and into Nightside Awareness) or to re-
main upon the Tree of Life proper. The HGA, usually
makes a focused effort to prevent the Initiate from under-
taking such a "foolish task". The "wise" magician, will of
course decide against such a treacherous endeavor and
remain in Dayside Awareness and therefore within the
clutches of Consensual Reality.

In addition to occultists being exposed to such devices,
those uninitiated individuals may also experience the
Mold of Man and confuse such experiences with encoun-
ters with ··God'·. In '·near death experiences" people often
see a light and recall feelings of intense emotion. These
DEs usually cultivate a new view on death, one that
leads the perceiver to not fearing their eventual deaths.
This again, is a clever device of Consensual Reality that
corrals the humans into their narrow perceptions and pre-
vents excursions into Nightside Reality. These NDEs may
actually be spontaneous shifts to Kether upon the Tree of
Life but since the uninitiated do not have a framework
upon which these experiences can be placed into more oc-
cultized descriptions, they are viewed as religious experi-

Tl1€ 'VlJLTlJR_€

Noted occultist, Kenneth Grant, has made extensive notes

on the symbolic value of the Vulture in his "Typhonian
Trilogies". In one such note, he mentions that the
"Vulture" is also the counter part to Castaneda's concept
of the "Eagle". His claims allude to the Vulture being the
Awareness of Non-Being and a sort of anti-energetic exis-
tence when compared to the Eagle representing the
Awareness of all creatures. This is an interesting idea that
is not developed further within Kenneth Grant' s books,
either because it was too far off of the topic or because he
couldn't develop the idea further. If it is true that the Ea-
gle is beyond anything more than a very basic understand-
ing and description, then it stands to reason that the Vul-
ture is well beyond even the smallest, under developed,

The "anti" nature of the Vulture (anti-matter, anti-

awareness, anti-existence, etc.) is all very evident in other
passages provided by Kenneth Grant in his book "Outside
the Circles of Time" where he states .. . "the Vulture lives
upon the dead with the Mat or Mad One whose cipher is
0 ... " and links it to the ancient Chinese equation "(+ 1) +
(-1) = 0, Naught equals two ".

I have had experience that leads me to believe that the

Vulture is indeed another source of emanations and it
maybe from the region "Ain" and the Eagle is "Ain
Soph". This does not mean that I am naive enough to not
entertain the idea that any perceptions of the Vulture could
simply be contained within the Emanations of the Eagle.
Perhaps more will develop as time goes on.


As stated above, the Eagle reclaims the Awareness that it

lends to all the organic and i,norganic lives. This force is
seeking our life experience and the only option a Voltec
warrior has is to complete the recapitulation. Thereafter,
the sorcerer is free to continue with existence. Only then
can the sorcerer learn if all perceptions are emanations of
the Eagle or if there are other sources for perceptual states
(such as the Vulture). Unlike most schools of Western
Left Hand Path thought, the Order of the Voltec bases
their concept of Immortality in this perceptual state. Most
LHP groups seek to calcify the Ego in order to achieve
Continuity of Existence, however the Voltec Initiate has
taken the findings of Carlos Castaneda and applied them
to how they may be approached through occult practices
with which we are already working. There is a large por-
tion of emanations trapped inside of the Energy Body that
is not utilized by the Initiate as a part of ordinary percep-
tion. The "Left Side" Awareness makes up the
"Unknown" and composes a majority of the emanations
inside of the human energy field. By utilizing sorcery we
increase the Known and decrease the Unknown within the
Energy Body. The Second Attention, or energy that is
hooked to the universe (First Attention being hooked to
the Earth), is tapped by the Shifting of the Assemblage
Point. For the Voltec Initiate, there are 30 Positions of the
Assemblage Point that are of most value to us and 66 Dy-
namic "Non-Positions" of the Assemblage Point connect-
ing those 30 Positions.

These Positions are mapped upon the Tree of Life, the Ty-
phonian Tree (Reverse Side of the Tree of Life) and the
Voltec Tree of Night (which are the deepest Left Side po-
sitions attainable in the Second Attention). These are re-
ferred to as "Prime 96" within the House of the Bloody
Tongue and are focused upon because all other Positions
within the human field are merely partial reflections of
these quintessential Positions. The other elements to such
Tree diagrams, familiar to occultists are "Ain", "Ain
Soph" and "Ain Soph Or" are designated to three distinct
"Zones" outside of the human energy field that can be ex-
perienced by "Moving" the Assemblage Point outside of
the Energy Body into the "Unknowable" (see IV 0 papers
within the House of the Bloody Tongue for a complete
description and techniques for utilization). Therefore,
Movements of the Assemblage Point put one outside of
the organic bands of the Eagle ' s (and Vulture ' s) Emana-
tions and into the realms know as "Ain" (Vulture), "Ain
Soph" (the Eagle) and "Ain Sopth Or". Upon death, at a
precise moment, all of these emanations suddenly become
aligned, producing an inconceivable force that floods the
Sorcerer' s being.

Shamans of various traditions say ·that dreaming is the

best way to understand post mortem existence. This, I be-
lieve, is true. The next best way to "train" for death is
through the use of the Voltec Portal. I think this idea has
escaped most of those who put the Portal to use. The idea
is to Shift your Awareness into the Shadow Self and act,
think and create changes, in a cognitive way, using the
Shadow Self while leaving the physical body behind. The
longer one can detach from the physical self and remain
coherent as an Energetic Being, the better one is equipped
to handle the permanent separation brought on by their
eventual physical departure.

Once this departure occurs, half of the Work has been ac-
complished. One still needs to navigate their, immortal,
Shadow Sel ves out of Prime 96 and into Infinity. For this,
the Voltec Recapitulation is of paramount importance.

The term ··Burning from the Fire Within" is used to de-

scribe a phenomenon that occurs when all of the emana-
tions inside the Energy Body light up at the same time.
Techniques for this are given at the close of the yo Work
in the House of the Bloody Tongue to be safe guarded un-
til such time as they can be properly employed (if at all).

Defining the Voltec Rebellion

True to the Antinomian form of the Left Hand Path, the
Voltec seeks a form of rebellion as well. However, this
rebellion is not based on the casting out of socially pre-
scribed norms or the rejection or a culture' s ethical expec-
tations, it is based on Energetic Rebellion. These surface
differences will quickly be realized for what they are,
mere distractions setup by the Awareness of Consensual
Reality. The Energetic Rebellion, however, is worthy of
attention. Once we learn what is happening, we have no
other option as Stalker/Warriors but to disengage from
these power draining forces and do battle against them.
Once we have disassembled that which seeks to destroy
us, we may provide the experiences that the Eagle seeks in
order to achieve complete Perceptual Freedom.

Our Rebellion doesn't involve military action but it cer-

tainly a violent and ugly affair. Until we align ourselves to
the purely energetic , we should expect a rough road.
Things do get smoother as one progresses, but until that
time we must stand guard and fight from the Shadows.

\19L T€8 R_€8APiTlJLATi9W

Once the Initiate has advanced from the Ill 0 to the IV 0 in

the House ofthe Bloody Tongue, they are expected to per-
form the Voltec Recapitulation. In many ways this version
resembles the "recapitulation" described within the Casta-
neda books with an added element that increases its po-
tency by bundling more Energy from the Eagle's Emana-
tions for its return to the source.

The first step of the process is the typical "recapitulation".

Refer to the Castaneda texts and to the book "The Teach-
ings of Don Carlos" by Victor Sanchez for details on this
portion of the process. This is done in a Voltec context by
performing it after one has crossed over to the Shadow
realm via the Voltec Portal. Once one has Shifted their
Awareness into the Shadow Self begin the breathing exer-
cises of the Recapitulation within Malkuth.
The second step is done within Yesod. Therefore the
Voltec, should remain within the Shadow Realm and shift
beyond Malkuth into Yesod after the normal recapitula-
tion is complete. This step includes reliving and releasing
all of the energy from ones significant occult experiences
and dreaming experiences. The memories are relived
within the Voltec Portal and the Energy is released by the
Shadow Self, which also adds to the enticement if the Ea-
gle. Starting with the earliest experiences first, these
events are relived, reenacted, and released. These are usu-
ally Right Hand Path in nature and can be released com-
pletely. When the Initiate arrives at his/her Left Hand
Path I Voltec experiences, the process isn ' t a full release,
rather it is an acknowledgment of the perceptions in full
Awareness of the harrowed energies of the Eagle.

The third step is for the Sutekh to perform the Immersion
Ceremony and recapitulate all experiences s/he receives
from the ancient sorcerer·s within the Flow of the Current.
This portion allows for greater absorption of these re-
ceived experiences I techniques I communications. This is
accomplished by completing the Voltec Immersion
Technique (described in the Downward Path into Nod,
olume 2). Once completely Immersed all experiences,
techniques, memories and communications are taken in
through the abdomen's tentacle, commonly know as the
place of the "Will". Once these are collected and deci-
phered for any useable information they can then be re-
leased to the Eagle by exhalation of the breath into Infin-

The Voltec Recapitulation can be done a number of times

throughout one ' s life in order to ensure that the experi-
ences that the Eagle seeks are provided and we are given a
greater chance of being set free.

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In the book .. The Fire from Within", Castaneda becomes

involved in a lesson regarding the Eagle's Emanations and
in that conversation, Don Juan Matus explains one of the
accomplishments of the "New Seers". Like the Voltec Ini-
tiate. the New Seers decided to overcome the limitations
of tradition and one of the elements of doing so involved

" ... They (New Seers) began to map the unknown in order
to separate it from the unknowable "- don Juan.

" ... mapping the unknown means making it available to

our perception. "- The Fire from Within.

The diagram of the Voltec Tree ofNight has been used by

the magicians of the Order of the Voltec since the group
formed. We also utilize the potentials of the Typhonian
Tree (a.k.a. Reverse Side of the Tree of Night) and the
Tree of Life (the Dayside Tree). These three "Tree" dia-
grams make up "Prime 96" of the Assemblage Point. This
section will discuss how these Trees relate to the energy
body and how they relate to each other. Moreover, I will
present other aspects of the Energy Body and introduce
some ideas on the "Movement" of the Assemblage Point.

PRim€ ~0

~s 10 Power Zones or Sephirah on each "Tree" which are

connected by 22 Paths or Tunnels on each Tree equals 96
~e points of interest for the Voltec Initiate. The 30 Power
ti - Zones I Sephirah are actual Positions of the Assemblage
Point within the Human Energy Body. The 66 Paths I
~ Tunnels are Dynamic Non-Positions of the Assemblage
Point. In other words, these 22 Paths I Tunnels are the per-
ceptions one is privy to during the time the Assemblage
~ Point is Shifting from one Sephirah I Power Zone to the
next. Prime 96 are not the only Positions of the Assem-
blage Point within the Human Energy Body, however all
0 other Positions are merely partial reflections of these quin-
tessential Positions. It is my experience that "other Posi-
tions" of the Assemblage Point tend to be the result of
misdirected work, accidental Shifts. misuse of Filters, or
r: some other element that has aided in the Shift, however
~ has not lent itselfto a focused new Position of value to the
·-e Sorcerer.

Tree of Life: The 32 Positions of the Tree of Life are ade-

~· quately described in various Cabalistic texts and are the
ll focus of Right Hand Path ceremonial systems, such as the
e O.T.O. and the Golden Dawn. For work on the Tree of
Life I recommend the Voltec Initiate use Nema's "Maat
Magick" as their guide. That text seems to be the best one
for our applications of the Dayside Tree. The books by
Israel Regardie are also very good (albeit very traditional).
These Positions are the Perceptions that a magician en-
counters when his/her Intent is aligned with Right Hand
Path force. This is not "wrong" for the Left Hand Path Ini-
tiate so long as the sorcerer understands how to use these
experiences and the limitations of these Perceptions. The
Positions of this Tree are located in the Right Field of the
Human Energy Body.

The Typhonian Tree: The 32 Positions of the Reverse Side

of the Tree of Life are described in the work of Kenneth
Grant. His book "Nightside of Eden" describes work
within the 22 Tunnels of Set in great detail. His work
doesn' t delve into the Power Zones as much as one would
like to see, but for understanding the Power Zones on the
Reverse Side of the Tree of Life one can reference Mi-
chael Ford ' s "Liber HVHI". These Positions are the Per-
ceptions that a magician encounters when his I her Intent
is aligned with Left Hand Path force. These Positions tend
to be slightly more useful to the Voltec Initiate but still
can lead one to confusion. The Positions of this Tree are
located in the Left Field of the Human Energy Body.

The Voltec Tree of Night: The 32 Positions of the Voltec

Tree of Night are described through the various works of
the Order of the Voltec. The 10 Power Zones are encoun-
tered in the Downward Path into Nod and the 22 Tunnels
are encountered through the processes described in the
Downward Path into Nod volume 2. These Positions are
Perceptions that a magician encounters when his I her In-
tent is aligned the Backwards Force. The Positions of this
Tree are in the "Adverse Field" within the Human Energy
Body located directly behind the person. The Voltec usage
of the other 2 Trees is briefly commented on in the Down-
ward Path volume 2.

All of the Positions of Prime 96 are on the surface of the
Energy Body. For example all three "Kethers" converge
above the head of the energy body and extend downward
until all three "Malkuths" converge below the feet. The
Voltec Tree of Night Positions are along the back most
portion of the Energy Body, the Tree of Life Positions are
along the right most portion of the Energy Body and the
Typhonian Tree Positions are along the left most portion
ofthe Energy Body.


Along with Prime 96, the Order of the Voltec also recog-
nizes 7 other zones within the Human Energy Body.
These are the "Chakras" and are attached to the Human
Body and from our most recent work with these zones, we
have been able to determine that it is not likely that these
zones will extend beyond physical incarnation. These are
temporary elements dependant upon physical life. They
do, however serve a function for us now. These centers of
brilliance are pools of collected energy that can bundle
fibers of perception within them and, likewise, draw the
Assemblage Point to it (which is usually referred to as
raising Kundalini). Unlike the Energy substance of the
rest of the Energy Body, these Pools are composed of
denser, concentrated, masses of energy that have been fed
by specific types of energy. These serve as reservoirs for
the later use through activation. These pools of energy are
stacked along the axis of the energy body which keeps it
centered around the physical body. The Downward Path
into Nod, volume 3, is devoted to understanding these
pools of energy and how this energy is augmented and

1) Muladhara Chakra (base of spine) : This is where the
Assemblage Point begins it ascent up through the Chakras
(usually perceived as "Kundalini"). It is a pool of energy
that houses pre-human memories of Atavisms. This en-
ergy pool is the place of the Tonal and where we pull the
energy to deal with Consensual Reality. This pool can be
fed through shapeshifting into other forms. The draw back
of this Chakra is fixation of the Assemblage Point in it's
Habitual Position and resistance to new perceptions.
2) Svadhisthana Chakra (navel): Here is the energy which
fuels reason, emotions, and sexual encounters. The draw
back to the energy located here is that is addictive to some
and can draw people into a permanent position within the
Human Condition. This pool can be fed through sexual
vampirism. It is the seat of the Tonal and in Ancient Egypt
this is where the "Ba" was kept. TheBa was responsible
for regenerative power (sexual reproduction and energetic
vampirism), a warrior' s might and was the force of mo-
3) Manipura Chakra (solar plexus): Here is the Energy of
the Will. Large amounts of stored energy are required in
this pool in order to beckon Intent. From this pool, the
tentacle of the Will can be extended into the physical
world. This is also the place of Silent Knowing, Mental
Control (as in Liber MMM), Strategy, and Controlled
Folly. Stalkers utilize vast amounts of energy from this
region in order to Shift the Assemblage Point. Stopping
the world is the easiest way to feed this pool of energy.
The draw back to this Chakra is that it can lead to high
levels of Self Importance if not kept in check.
4) Anahata Chakra (heart center) : This, in terms of the
Left Hand Path, is the pool of energy that is the Black
Flame. It is also the region where the Voltec Intiate draws
energy from in order to Lose Self Importance and gains a
large amount of Detachment. A strong supply of energy
here is required to maintain momentum towards the ulti-
mate goals set up by Infinity. Meditation and mantra are
the way a Voltec may choose to feed this pool of energy.
In Ancient Egypt, this was called the "Ib" (or Heart)
where the intellect was seated and where thoughts and
magic are produced. The draw back here is that utilizing
too much of this energy can lead to patterns of behavior
that foster procrastination and complacence.

5) Vishuddha Chakra (throat): Here is the region where
one must draw energy fro m when dismantling the Mold of
Man. It is the place of all communication and the place
where the Sorcerer·s commands are repeated until they
become the Eagle's Commands. Working with Power Ob-
jects can feed this pool of energy. This, in Ancient Egypt,
was the place of the "Ka" and was responsible for the
··life-force of things in motion". The draw back to this
Chakra is creating over descriptions of the world. The In-
ternal Dialogue originates here.
6) Ajna Chakra (third eye): This is the region of the true
Self without interference of the personality. Here is where
we draw the energy from in order to cross through the
Voltec Portal onto the Voltec Tree of Night. Perceptions
of the Unknown are not possible unless one can draw en-
ergy from this region. This is the seat of the Nagual. In
Ancient Egypt this was referred to as the "Sekhem" and
was said to be a place where, if the "Ib" was strong, the
powers of various "Gods" would reside within a person.
Within Afro-Cuban magical systems loas I orishas are
placed in the heads of those who they are connected. Invo-
cations of various entities is the way that most sorcerers
feed this particular energy pool. The draw back to this
Chakra is the loss of reason and the ability to function in
the physical world.
7) Sahasrara Chakra (crown): This is the region of "Split
Perception" and the place where the Shadow Self Exits
upon physical departure. Here the Voltec keeps a reservoir
of energy for the final leap and this energy must be suffi-
cient in order to propel the Initiate into Death Defiance. In
Ancient Egypt this was referred to as the "Akh". The
"Akh" which is a completely energetic being which is the
Immortal aspects of the Self. This also where the Shadow
Self draws energy from in order to perceive elements of
reality outside of the Human Fields, therefore it is associ-
ated with the Power I Ability to "Move" the Assemblage
Point. This pool is fed by completing the Recapitulation.
PRil11€ g)0

So how does the Eagle's Emanations fit into Prime 96?

The Human Energy Body has 3 distinct "Fields" that the
OV recognizes as important.

The Right Field, where the Tree of Life Positions are lo-
cated, contains only 2 types of Emanations, they are the
"Organic Band" and the '·Structure Only" band. For this
reason, entities encountered upon the Tree of Life should
be viewed as manifestations of the self or as a part of the
human psyche's construct. Things like "archetypes" and
externalized emotions will manifest within these Positions
of the Assemblage Point. The ··Holy Guardian Angel"
also known as the "Mold of Man··
manifests here along with all of the
possibilities of natural magics that
utilize the four elements, power
animals, egregores, plants and ce-
lestial bodies. The Aeon of Horus,
all Earth based Currents, and the
93 Current are among those that
run through this Field of the Hu-
man Energy Body. Techniques for
Shifting to these Positions usually
involve spoken invocations, scry-
ing, gazing, dreaming, dancing,
meditation and visualizations.

The Left Field. where the Typhonian Tree Positions are
located. contains the same 2 bands of Eagle's Emanations
plus some Inorganic Bands. Thing's like deeper mental
symbols can manifest here and one may encounter Inor-
ganic Beings within these Perceptual States. These will
usually take the form of communication and visuals, how-
ever, no physical contact (or contact made with the
Shadow Self) with the Inorganic Beings seem to be possi-
ble here because of the limited exposure to the required
Inorganic bands. The Typhonian Current, the work of the
Dragon Rouge, the Aeon of Set, Meons (of Bertiaux' s
System), and other LHP Currents run through this Field
within the Human Energy Body. Techniques for Shifting
to these Positions usually resemble those for the Right
Field with some variations of details.

The Adverse Field, where the Voltec Tree of Night Posi-

tions are located, contains the least amount of bands that
contribute to the Human Condition. Here the Shadow Self
is more likely to experience Deep Atavisms, Inorganic
Beings, Sentient God Forms, egregores, and Death Defi-
ers. The Voltec Current only runs through this Field of
the Energy Body, which explains why it has been largely
untouched since ancient times. Techniques for Shifting to
these Positions include any conceivable act of magic, sor-
cery, physical movement, dreaming technique, mental
technique, etc so long as it is infused with the Initiate's

A~W, A~W $9PI1, A~W $9PI1 9R_
5( Tl1€ 1119'V€111€WT$ 9f Tl1€
A$$€111BLAJ€ P9~WT

As any magician with Cabalistic experience is aware,

there are three other elements to the Tree of Life diagram
that have yet to be addressed by the Order of the Voltec.
These are Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Or. Unlike the
Power Zones I Sephirah and Paths I Tunnels there is not
three versions of each concept. The Order of the Voltec
recognizes Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Or as regions or
zones beyond the Human Energy Body. Like layers of an
onion, these zones envelop the Energy Body and contain
Emanations of the Eagle (and Vulture) that are beyond
Human Cognition. One must lose human form if they
wish to travel to these regions and collect experiences
contained therein. Remember, Assemblage Point "Shifts"
are when the assemblage Point is relocated to a new Posi-
tion within the Human Energy Body. These account for
most of the perceptual states experienced by magicians,
sorcerers and shaman. Assemblage Point "Movements"
are when the Assemblage Point is relocated to a new Posi-
tion outside of the Human Energy Body. These are ex-
tremely rare and are not easily comprehended through ra-
tional thought nor can they be described in words.

AIN SOPH OR: Hebrew fo r "Light Without Limit", this
zone beyond the Human Energy Body is the destination of
a large percentage of Assemblage Point movements ex-
perienced by humans while still maintaining physical life.
The idea of '"Light Without Limit" is obviously how this
purely energetic field was perceived by the original Caba-
li sts whom stumbled upon the Mold of Man and continued
beyond the Human Energy Body into a realm of non-
human Emanations. Once the Mold of Man has been dis-
mantled, Assemblage Point movements can be achieved
and forays into the, non-human, unknown can be at-
tempted, but rarely comprehended.

First Ring "Pass Not ": The Rings "Pass-Not" is an idea

harrowed from Enochian Magick. These rings tradition-
ally are used to convey an idea that bestows the Initiate
with a concept of what must not pass into the following
realm. For example the aspects of the self must be shed in
order to travel beyond certain Ring Pass-Nots until one is
entirely "spirit". In Voltec terms, the first of the Pass-Not
Rings is overcome after one becomes proficient in moving
the Assemblage Point. Extended expeditions into AIN
SOPH OR will develop ones abilities to breech the First
Ring Pass-Not.

AIN SOPH: Hebrew for "Without Limit", this abode of

the Eagle unfiltered. The Eagle ' s influence, within this
realm, can in no way be confused for anything else. Most
of the time, the Eagle' s influence in the physical realm
masquerades as something else, such as chance, luck, or
physical "laws". In Ain Soph, there is no confusing the
pure Awareness that the Eagle has provided to living or-
ganisms. Movements to this zone often require dangerous
procedures that may end in surrendering one ' s physical
existence. These movements are best left for times of final
preparation of the Third Attention or as a last resort.
Second Ring "Pass Not ": This is the Ring which preceeds
"Ain" the most distant realm from the Human Condition.
In order to cross, the Voltec Initate must have faced the
Eagle, preformed the Voltec Recapitulation, and be able to
survive in "Nothingness". This is accomplished by a life
time of Energetic Mastery.

AIN: Ain, Hebrew for "Nothing", is commonly mostly

thought of in terms meaning "No-thing" and not literally
"nothing". It is the abode of the Vulture which no human
can experience unless they have achieved Death Defiance
(VIIl 0 ). Once a Death Defier has been released by the Ea-
gle, s/he may begin to expand into Inifinity. Therefore,
"Ain" in Voltec terms is "Infinity", the place in which all
forms of perception are possible. Ain is approached after
burning from "the Fire Within". This is the region of the

Trt€ 'VDLTVR_€'$ €JrlAMATi9MS
WiTrdM AiM, AiM $9Pl1
~ AiM $9Pl1 9R_

There are narrow channels extending from Ain into Ain

Soph and Ain Soph Or. These are zones of non-existence,
non-being, non-Awareness, non-perception, etc. These can
not be entered or experienced by humans. These are elu-
sive ideas that are merely based on partial memories of
experiences that occurred on the borders of these Emana-
tions and can, at best, merely be speculated upon. I am
fascinated by the potential of the existence of another
force that is similar to the Eagle and am frustrated because
all the contemplation in the world only leads me further
away from such forces.

In Kenneth Grant's Outside the Circles of Time, he says

the Vulture is "0, Naught, Nuit, Nox, the Goddess of Infi-
nite Space. There is here an occult linkage between the
concepts of Moth-Mother-Myth-Mouth-Maat-Maut-Mad-
Naught-Night-Not-Nox and the goddess of Space whose
cipher is 0 ". This is fine distinction between the Eagle
and it's radiant nature (Ain Soph) and how the Vulture is
linked to "Ain" (Nothingness) typified by the Eye of
Shugal-Choronzon and how the Cry of the Vulture is the
Key to Nothingness.

As I have stated in the Voltec Rebellion, the "Vulture"

may also just be a part of the Eagle's Emanations and not
actually a separate force. I look forward to experiences
that may lead to a more conclusive state in which this can
be determined.

The Human Energy Body contains the totality of what we

essentially are. It contains minor, temporary, features like
acquired energetic damage. It contains larger features
which remain with us throughout our mortal lives, such as
the Chakras and the physical self, which contain the per-
sonality, our sexual energy and other elements that will
not be required after departure from human form. It also
houses permanent, immortal aspects, such as the Assem-
blage Point. With all of these features and regions of the
Energy Body at our disposal we continually reshape our
selves. We eliminate aspects of the Self, we refine other
aspects and even construct entirely new elements that
were not there as an act of nature.

For the Voltec Initiate, one should not become hung up on

the technical aspects of the Energy Body. A general un-
derstanding of its elements and their function is fine. A
Voltec Sorcerer should know the difference between Day-
side Sephiroth and their Typhonian and Voltec counter-
parts but should not worry if they can· t visualize where
they are "located" within the Energy Body. A Voltec Sor-
cerer should know which Chakra to draw energy from in
order to accomplish specific tasks and how to vampiri-
cally feed these pools with specific types of energy they
have collected but shouldn't worry about their tantric
names and associations. These examples should put the
Sorcerer at ease because the last thing that I have tries to
do is to create stress over the specifics. I want people to
have the specifics if they find use in them, I do not wish
for the specifics to become an arduous task that distracts
them from important aspirations.

Among these pages I have given my opinions about a
wide range of issues that we face as Voltec Stalkers. I
have written about the Eagle, the Vulture, the Chakras,
Prime 96. Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Or, the Voltec Reca-
pitulation, the Voltec Rebellion, etc. What is the reason
for throwing all of this into a text designed to explain the
anatomy of the Energy Body? I believe the thread to be
followed here is what we may face after our physical de-
parture and what resources are at our disposal. Also, I
wanted to point out a few obstacles that we face when
contemplating these possibilities and resources.

Like most of my work, I have not provided an answer for

anything and I suppose that makes me a bad candidate for
writing any kind of information regarding magical princi-
ples. Maybe. But I have a lot of confidence in those of you
whom have made their way into the House of the Bloody
Tongue. Challenges are not new to you nor will they pre-
vent you from utilizing the information that I have scraped
together. Moreover, the best reason I have for not provid-
ing the answers to some of these issues is .. .I don't have
the answers to give. Its that simple. I, personally, would
be skeptical of an individual whom claimed to have the
answers to these questions. I give you all too much credit
to try to push off "answers" that I have made up to make
myself look like I know what I am doing.

Beyond all these things, is our drive to approach Infinity

with Strategy and as much preparation as we are given
time to accomplish. I hope this text saves you some of that
precious time.

Deua Factus Sum

Tl1€ 0R_D€R_ 9f Tl1€ \19LT€8

The Intentional Leap from one total perception to another

requires absolute flexibility and mastery over non-
patterning. To perceive these principles in a state of con-
stant vigilance will aid the leaper in destabilizing their
own conditional relationship with the world. The Order of
the Voltec bases its work on the essential energetic con-
cepts of Toltec Sorcery and of the Voltigeur (a term used
to describe the leapers or vaulters of the paths on the re-
verse side of the Tree of Life) along with Chaos Magic,
Vampirism, Shapeshifting and Shamanic Techniques as a
unique approach to the Left Hand Path and Self Deifica-

The practical applications of modifying behavior in order

to affect perception is of prime concern, and the Voltec's
privilege is to leap where they will. while remaining unob-
sessed with what they find.

Using a wide range of techniques. the Voltec will engage

in a process of simultaneous creation and destruction. This
requires entraining our perception to new and unfamiliar
conditions in order to liberate static energy which is nor-
mally utilized in upholding our present worldview. This
liberated energy may then be engaged in the process of
Self Deification.

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visit our website:


Diagram 1


' "" I 4


Fields of the Energy Body (Top View)

1) Left Field (Typhonian Tree Positions)

2) Right Field (Tree of Life Positions)
3) Adverse Field (Voltec Tree ofNight Positions)
4) Chakra Colum (Axis Point of Energy Body)

Diagram 2

Top View showing Positions ofthe 3

"Trees" . (Kether, Binah and Chokmah
only are shown) The 3 "Kethers"
intersect at the Chakra Colum.

Diagram 3
- ~ ~s 7
I ' 6
~----------~--------- 5

~ I:
,j .:

~---=~-------------- M

Front View of the Human Energy Body, showin g the central

axis . 1-7 are the Chakras (see page 26-28 for details) and " M" is
the point where the 3 Malkuths intersect.
Diagram 4

The Human Energy Body &

its Relationship to Regions Beyond

In this diagram we see the layers outside of the Human

Energy Body. Of course, these are not to scale with the
human Energy Body, these zones are actually without
boundaries. They are displayed this way to show there
Positions in relationship with the Human Energy Body.


~""K the Energy
Beyond is
~·· the Voltec Initiate

y is structured and how

~t'Jitec Tree of Night fits into this
Information on Moving
Point to Positions
•~•u11: of the Human Energy Body ...,..__-:, _
provided in order for the reader to ~~'~;
ur~m to grasp the concept of the ·
"Eagle" and it's Emanations.

~ce a preliminary comprehension ....-.---~~

of . lite overall model is gained, the
Sorcerer is given greater ·freedom in
pnrsubig advanced .energy work.
ma~erial is designed (or
.. ..
within the ~ Order of the
of the House of the Blood,-

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