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Crossing the Abyss: The Path to the Royal Road
Crossing the Abyss: The Path to the Royal Road
Crossing the Abyss: The Path to the Royal Road
Ebook216 pages1 hour

Crossing the Abyss: The Path to the Royal Road

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About this ebook

“Crossing the Abyss” is the highest form of spiritual manifestation, a universal law, in which soul slowly ascends, towards highest states of consciousness, Self in relationship to the movements of the “Celestial Kingdom” in which Reality is undeniable.

All Abrahamic religions go back to the ultimate experience of Self, “I” in which truth is unified in One. “Behold, thou art one in me, a Son of God; and thus, may all become my sons Amen.” Moses 6:68.

This book is an evidence based on facts and real life experiences on what lies ahead, as we may have engaged ourselves in self destructive practices in meeting the challenges of this millennium. It answers the very question about truth, as the highest form of divinity present in every human being and not a hypocritical function of blind faith, practiced by religion.

Transcending mortality into immortality an “Aryan Kshatriya” of a warrior class scaling strength in character, annihilation in traits and on path to self-realization, made an Atonement post 9/11. This in service to protect all Christians and the Royal Crowns on The Path to the Royal Road in a discipline and discipleship - Raja Yoga with Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

Enforcing withdrawal of British troops from Iraq, release of 15 MI agents in Iran, to remission in histories and celestial performances in harmonizing global deficit and establishing global financial equilibrium 2007 to 2010 with the G20. He fulfilled measure of creation in 12 celestial kingdoms and 53 godheads, at cost of $10.8 trillion.

Born in family of patriots, martyrs and freedom fighters 1930 Indian Revolution the Talwar’s hail from Northwest Frontier Provinces, these Pathans who defend their motherland, the Khyber and Bolan passes from invasions 325 B.C. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan 1200 A.D. first Anglo Afghan war in 1839-42 A.D. and ancestral heritage in wearing their name serving armies of Maharajah Ranjit Singh 1839 A.D.
Release dateJul 11, 2019
Crossing the Abyss: The Path to the Royal Road

Vikram Talwar

Transcending mortality into immortality “Aryan Kshatriya” of a warrior class, in protecting “Nobility” and for Just Cause, on the path to Self-realization, he made Atonement in serving and protecting the Royal Crowns and Christianity, post 9/11 and on a “Path to the Royal Road.” This “service in sacrifice” with Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II in accomplishing Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga on a Path to the Royal Road, are blessings with rarest of eternal gifts in 53 godheads. Having exalted in 12 Celestial Kingdoms to fulfill a measure to Creation at a time necessary to the resolve of G 20 and in establishing global financial equilibrium 2008 – 2010 at a cost of $10.8 trillion. He served in moral agency with acceptance and in realization of Full knowledge in truth, with the office of The Vice Presidentof the United States of America and The White House. Born June 16th, 1959 in Hindu family of patriots, martyrs and freedom fighters who were integral to Indian Revolution 1930 these brave warriors are written in The Talwar’s of Pathan Land and Great Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose. Vikram Talwar inherits his traits from his rich ancestral heritage from the warriors in Northwest Frontier Provincesof Punjab in protection of the Bolan and Khyber passes, before the legacies of Sher Ali Khan 1836 A.D. and Maharajah Ranjit Singh, last of the Sikh Emperors from Punjab 1839 A.D.

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    Crossing the Abyss - Vikram Talwar



    Path to Perdition

    Palm Sunday, April 9th 2017 – Alexanderia Egypt

    Worldwide Broadcast Voice Recorded Message

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs – (MOFA) Network

    "Good morning dear brothers and sisters, friends and families, I am recording this message personal in light of what we have observed are the gruesome realities of the war on Palm Sunday, April 9th 2017 most ancient Christian civilization and Coptic Church Bombings.

    Grief stricken families mourning in pain and in agony, I can only fathom the realization in a town called Alexanderia on the banks of river Nile. Who doesn’t recall the cradle of world civilizations the Mesopotamian and the Babylonian Empires.

    Your Majesty’s the richness in traditions, cultures and values, only can be remembered if we learn to appreciate, from the learnings of the past and the histories that have surrounded our neighbourhoods, and those who seek to destroy the entire past civilizations are critical monuments. Earth is the most significant of the five elements in nature including air, water, fire, space and ether, if this were not the case life on Planet Earth will diminish in its values and hence creation would be of no avail.

    It is rather important to understand that those who seek such times irrestible are the ones we need to establish a Law in Precedence, for where there is a reward there is also a punishment. It is equally important that we seek assistance from those who have leant to govern in realization and creation as the highest virtue. As King George VI said,Service is the highest form of distinction. And we all need to be in service of mankind.

    It is rather sad that having organized such faculties in the interest of those who take oath upon the Principles of the Gospel, the Noble Quran, the Bhagavad Gita or the Yoga sutras, or any of the sacred texts, these are serious abominations in world histories. If we were to be disobedient to the Laws of the Most High, what we will observe are the faculties of human mankind working against themselves and towards disintegrating the world economies, the world civilizations, aswell as partitioning their own geographies due to geo-political reasons or any of the above.

    I thank you so much and let us pray for those who lost their lives on Palm Sunday."

    Vikram Talwar


    Vikram Talwar


    It is with eternal gratitude, this deliverance in fulfilment of God’s promises and its visualizations, made possible in atonement. The book cover is made possible on conclusion of my eternal journey, in and post mortal redemption in accordance to the ordinances, most ancient Vedic Baptism in the fire, called yajna. Exaltation in the Holy Cross with the triple crown and appearances of celestial godheads, Word in Allah, Lord Shiva, Lord Nagarajan, Lord Indra, and Lord Ganesh, are all testimonies to highest affirmation in truth. All religious texts, including the Bhagavad Gita, the Gospel, and the Noble Quran are manifestations unified in One - Yoga.

    Honouring sainthood, warriorhood, Kshatriya culture are all intertwined as noble classes in establishing tradition, in service and in sacrifice. Preserving faith, at time necessary to redeem in higher truth, this body of knowledge and communion in yoga, are established from our ancestral inheritances and heritage.

    Redeeming in the finer roots called samskara are seven generational effects from past histories to the post 9/11 effects and global economic resolve with the G20. Act of Lord Brahma, is an act in creation in fulfilling measure of creation 12 celestial kingdoms, which transcends the past, present, and future. One Brahma Cycle or calendar called Kalpa equates to 4+ billion years of modern age calendar years. It is a tribute in meditation, between the object and the guru (mind and Dhyana) in a discipline and the discipleship with Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.

    `Measure of performances and its success factors are inner manifestations of reality in the outside world, called Maya. Delivered during resolve of the global financial crisis and the G20. Reinvestments between 2007-2010 in bailing out American enterprise IMF, World Bank, Public and Private institutions mitigating risk and end wars in the middle east are proven unworthy and distrustful with global economies.

    Vikram Talwar

    Copyright © 2019 Vikram Talwar. All rights reserved.


    978-1-5437-0076-3 (sc)

    978-1-5437-0075-6 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible King James Version (Authorized Version). First Published in 1611. Quoted from KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright @ 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible of Jerusalem. Copyright 1996, 1967 and 1968 by Darton Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday and Co. Inc.

    Scriptures taken from Doctrine and Covenants, Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price copyrights 1981 The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author however disclaims any ownership of the scriptures as referenced. The scriptures and other texts mentioned in the book are used purely for reference purposes, as educational representation, online and offline writings presented to synthesize and ubiquity written as Good Works.


    Kalpatru LLC


    "Salvation and


    My brethren I speak unto you with excellency in speech and in wisdom, remission of the dead is redemption of the soul

    My glory is unto God the almighty high, may there be peace on earth and goodwill toward all men

    My eternal family and loved ones, these are works, in faith, fulfilment in hope, righteousness and virtue to the end

    My atonement and exaltation, sown in Word, I Am in One

    My obedience, to the laws of the most-high, I have received my salvation and inheritance in the celestial kingdom.

    My plan in salvation to fulfill, measure in creation in twelve celestial kingdoms

    My exaltation, celestial gifts, for the glory of moon is one and that of sun One.

    - Written in Full Knowledge in Truth

    Crossing the Abyss

    The Holy Cross


    Final Exaltation

    17586.jpg Final Surrender


    His Majesty the Emperor Akihito of Japan




    17434.jpg    Final Surrender

    17434.jpg    Gratitude

    17434.jpg    Dedication


    17434.jpg    Self Examination

    17434.jpg    Probationary State

    17434.jpg    Enlightenment


    17434.jpg    Atonement

    17434.jpg    Warfare and Ethics

    17434.jpg    Maya – Global Challenges in Mortality

    17434.jpg    Word Initiation

    17434.jpg    Charity in Faith

    17434.jpg    Marketplace and Letters


    17434.jpg    Biography


    House of Lord Brahma

    Dear Readers,

    Welcome to my first publication in service and in sacrifice, to the founding of Future of the Commonwealth 2007 and the G20 during global financial crisis 2007 to 2010. My journey in post mortal redemption started after 9/11 in Art of Self Realization. Most of us are unfamiliar with mysteries and innerworkings of the self and its relationship to the eternal spirit. At the sub conscious state of mind our actions Karma is constantly engaged in process of disintegration due to indifferences within human minds. These actions cause diverse complexities, which are challenging real-world economies and sustenance. Because this world is in a constant state of influx, what appears to be real is unreal or perceived sense of reality an illusion called Maya.

    My inspiration to fulfill these conditions was from within. With the resolve of global financial crisis Post 9/11 effects, harmonizing global deficits with the G20, this book is the ultimate manifestation of divine reality which is fixed. How the world will appear to the future man and what actions might be necessary to counter effects, post an era 1945-2019 relentless wars have been fought causing pain, misery and sorrow to suffering of all mankind. This journey is an inspiration for entrepreneurs, to take on risk and explore fixed intelligence. Written in sacred texts, with much required spiritual indoctrination and trait annihilation.

    I sincerely hope you gain much from my journey.


    Vikram Talwar


    Martyr Gurdasmal Grandfather

    17586.jpg Gratitude

    With eternal gratitude to the Lord almighty God, for having blessed me with eternal gifts raising mortality to immortality. I am thankful that our forefathers, my ancestral heritage I have kept the resolve in modern day dispensation. It is with a sense of purpose this family from Northwest Frontier Provinces now in Pakistan, ignited Indian Revolution in 1930. My late father Manohar Lal, my late mother Kamlesh, my wife Anjala, my son Ankur and my daughter Pia, have tolerated my lifelong obsession to redeem in the Spirit of the Lord, the almighty God, righteousness and full knowledge in truth, which is what we need in such times.

    I seek forgiveness from them as they too have suffered in the past several years and to make Lord’s redemption possible to overcome self, in obedience and first resurrection, on February 27th, 2005. And thus, he was baptized and the Spirit of God descended upon him and thus he was born of the Spirit and became quickened in the inner man. Moses 6:65

    17586.jpg Dedication


    His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud


    This book is dedicated to His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia key premier of the G20 nations and the Pashtuns. The Talwar family in obedience to their knowledge, sacrifices and histories; Works and Deeds, defending their heritage, legacies and act of valor in Deliverance of God’s Promises – Future of the Commonwealth 2007 with Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II and the G20 nations.

    Realizing this remission written in sacred texts, from protection of the Bolan and Khyber passes, these brave warriors stood the tests in time before 325 B.C. to date wars and several invasions in Afghanistan. The Talwar family belongs to noble kshatriya classes, skilled in the art of sword and horsemanship. Their most significance in history in acts of valor and courage, defending their motherland, selflessness, respect for guests, word of honor and justice in the most ancient tribal context called Jirga

    My personal achievements and performances are written to benefit lives of those who seek to achieve a higher purpose in life, towards human sustenance and growth. Based on my real-life experiences and the eternal dispensation granted to me by Lord the almighty God, this is true story of my journey in Art of Self-Realization and the Path to the Royal Road.

    It is my true intent for the reader to gain and truly comprehend scriptural strength and its benefits in understanding the true meaning of the fulfilment of eternal promises in an era with surmountable burden of eternal debt, mimicking economic behaviours and challenging prospects and growth of nations at large.

    This deliverance and Word initiation after personal sacrifice was undertaken from competent Dhyana Guru, Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II. Taking the yoke of God in this discipline, discipleship and submission to all

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