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Introduction To Computer Network: Disadvantages

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A. it is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers. Two computers are said to
be interconnected if they are capable of exchanging info.

Q. What is the need for networking?

A. following are the network goals:
1. Resource sharing
2. Reliability
3. Cost factor
4. Communication medium

Q. What are the diff types of network?

1. LAN- local area network: small computer network that are confined to a localized
area. e.g.: office, building, factory. Key purpose is to serve the user in resource
sharing. The hardware as well as software resources are shared through LAN. e.g.:
LAN user can share data, info, programs, hard disk, modem, etc.

2. MAN- metropolitan area network: they are spread over a city. e.g.: cable TV
network that are spread over a city. the purpose is sharing of hardware and
software resources among its users

3. WAN- wide area network: spread across countries. It is a group of computers

separated by large distances and tide computers. It can even be a group of LAN
spread across diff to look like one LAN. The largest WAN is the existence of internet.

4. PAN- personal area network: it is an interconnection of … within the range of an

individual person, physically within the range of 10m. e.g.: person travelling with
laptop and a portable printer and a personal digital assistant it would…without
having to plug anything using some form of wireless technology such as WIFI. e.g.:
transferring songs and photos from portable devices like phones to PCs.

Q. what are network topologies?

A. The pattern of inter-connection of nodes in a network is known as topology. There are
various types:
1. Star: consists of a central node to which all other nodes are connected by a single
path. It is used in most exciting information network involving data processing or
voice communication. It is based on a central node which acts as a hub. It is
common in home networks where all the computers connect to the single center
computer using it as a hub.
 Ease of service
 Single node failure does not affect entire network
 Fault detection and removal of faulty parts is easier. In case a workstation fails,
the network is not affected.
 Long Cable length
 Difficult to expand
 If the hub fails, entire network fails. There is central node dependency
 Cost of hub and longer cable makes it expensive over others.

2. Bus: also known as linear topology. It is a topology for LAN in which all the nodes
are connected to a single cable, the starting and endings points of which are called
 Easy to install
 Requires less cable length, hence is cost effective
 Failure of node does not affect network
 In case of cable or terminator fault, entire network breaks down.
 Is not suitable for large number of computers
 At a time, only one node can transmit data

3. Ring: each node is connected to 2 and only 2 neighboring nodes. Data is accepted
from one of the neighboring nodes and transmitted to another. Data travels only in
one direction from node to node around the ring.
 Short cable length
 No wiring closet space required
 Suitable for optical fibers
 Node failure causes network failure
 Difficult to diagnose faults
 Network reconfiguration is difficult

4. Tree: It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to it forming a hierarchy.
It is also known as hierarchical topology. It should have at least 3 levels to the
Q. What are different network devices?
A. These are:
1. Modem: a computer peripheral which allows you to connect & communicate with
others via telephone line. It allows you to combine the power of your computer with
the global reach of the telephone system. The shift of digital to analog data and back
again allows 2 computers to seek with one another called modulation and
2. Hub: a hardware device used to connect several computers together. It can contain
multiple independent but connected modules of network and inter network
equipment. There are 2 types of hubs: - Active hub: electrically amplifies signal as
it moves from one device to another. Passive hub: allow the signal to pass from
one computer to another without any change
3. Switch: a device that is used to segment network into different sub networks called
LAN segments. It is responsible for filtering that is transforming data in a specific
way and for forwarding packets between LAN segments.
4. Repeater: a network device that amplifies and restores signals for long distance
transmission. It is used in long network lines which exceed the max rated distance
for a single run. Over distance the cable connecting a network loses the signal
transmitted. If the signal degrades too much, it fails to reach the destination. Thus,
repeaters can be installed along the way to ensure that data packets reach their
5. Bridge: a device that lets you link 2 networks together. They are smart enough to
know which computers are on which side so that they allow these messages that
need to get to the other side to cross the bridge. Thus it is an intelligent device
establishes an intelligent connection between two local networks with the same
standard but with different types of cables.
6. Router: a device that works like a bridge that is used to separate different
segments in a network to improve performance and reliability. It works like a
bridge but can handle different protocols.
7. Gateway: a network device that connects dissimilar networks. It establishes an
intelligent connection between a local network and external network with
completely different structures.

Q. Define the following:

a. Web Page: The documents residing on websites. They use http.
b. Web Browser: a www client that navigates through www and displays web pages.
c. Web Server: a www server that responds to the request made by the web browser.

Q. Explain URL and Domain name.

A. The internet structure of www is built on a set of rules called http and a page
description language called html. HTTP uses internet addresses in a special format called
uniform resource locator.
Q. What is www?
 It stands for WORLD WIDE WEB.
 A set of protocols that allows you to access any document on the internet through a
naming system based on URL.
 It also specifies a way for the http to request and send a document over the internet;
with these standard protocols you can send a request and document over the

Q. what is WIFI?
A. It stands for wireless fidelity which lets you connect to the internet without a direct line
from your PC to the ISP (internet service provider). You need:
1. a wireless
2. a router
3. laptop/desktop with wireless internet card

Q. What is WI-max?
A. it is a wireless digital communication system. It can provide broadband wireless access
up to 50Km for fixed stations. It can cover a small city with one base station and its
through put is 72MBPS.

Q. What is web hosting?

A. It is a means of hosting web server application on a computer system through which
electronic content on the internet is readily available to any web browser client. Various
types are:
1. Free: - it is available with many prominent sites that offer to host some webpages
for no cost.
2. Dedicated: - in this type the company wishes to go online rents an entire web
server from a hosting company. This is suitable for companies hosting larger
websites or maintaining a big online mall. It is for large high traffic sites or those
with special needs such as e-commerce or security. They are also good for those
folks for whom money is no object.
3. Virtual/shared: - it is provided under one’s domain name []
with hosting plan with a web hosting company one can present oneself as a fully
independent identity to his/her web audience.
4. Collocation: - for those who do not fit the dedicated server mould, hosting
companies offer a similar but less restrictive hosting. In this type of hosting the
company actually owns the server on which the site is hosted, i.e., the company
owning the site rather than the web hosting company is responsible for all server

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