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VPN: The Pros and Cons: What Is A VPN?

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VPN: The Pros and Cons

The Virtual Private Network - VPN - has attracted the attention of many organizations looking to both expand their networking capabilities and reduce their costs. What is a VPN? A VPN (Virtual Private Network) enables a specific group of users to access private network data and resources securely over the Internet or other networks. Although often using public networks, a VPN inherits the characteristics of a private network, hence the acronym of "Virtual" Private Network. It's the concurrent use of tunneling, encryption, authentication, and access control over a public network that basically characterizes a VPN. What is a VPN made of? VPNs may connect an individual machine and a private network (client-to-server) or a remote LAN (Local Area Network) and a private network (server-to-server). To do so VPNs need: a routed network (to transport data packets), optionally a tunnel switch (to increase security and versatility) , and tunnel terminators (acting like virtual cable terminators). How do VPNs work? VPNs create "virtual" point-to-point connections using a technique called 'tunneling'. As the name suggests, tunneling acts like a 'pipe' which bores through a network cloud to connect two points. Typically started by a remote user, the tunneling process encapsulates data and encrypts it into standard TCP/IP packets, which can then safely travel across the Internet. What types of VPN exist? One must bear in mind that the VPN market has tremendously expanded these last years. As it evolves the lines between various classifications and architectures blur out. Hardware manufacturers now provide software clients that offer features historically available only through software or firewallbased solutions, while stand-alone applications on the other hand may support encrypting routers to improve performance. Emerging standards such as IPsec provide a standard to create custom solutions. From a broad standpoint, one can identify three basic types of VPN: Intranet VPN: this type of VPN is "client transparent". It is usually implemented for networks within a common network infrastructure but across various physical locations. For instance several buildings may be connected to a data center, or a common mainframe application that they can access securely through private lines. Those VPNs need to be especially secure with strong encryption and meet strict performance and bandwidth requirements. They must remain easily upgradeable since many users may be added to the load down the road (additional locations or applications).

Remote Access VPN : here VPN is "client initiated". It is intended for remote users that need to connect to their corporate LAN from various point of connections. It is intended for salesmen equipped with laptops and telecommuters that will connect intermittently from vary diverse locations (homes, hotels, conference halls...). The key factor here is flexibility as performance and bandwidth are usually minimal and less of an issue. More than encryption, authentication will be the main security concern. Extranet VPN : in this case VPN uses the Internet as main backbone. It usually addresses a wider scale of users and locations, enabling customers, suppliers and branch offices to access corporate resources across various network architectures. They rely on VPN standards such as IPsec to ensure maximum compatibility while trying not to overly compromise security.

What Exactly Is A VPN? A VPN supplies network connectivity over a possibly long physical distance. In this respect, a VPN is a form of Wide Area Network (WAN). Pros:: 1. Cost Savings - By leveraging third party networks, with VPN, organizations no longer have to use expensive leased or frame relay lines and are able to connect remote users to their corporate networks via a local Internet service provider (ISP) instead of via expensive 800-numberor long distance calls to resource-consuming modem banks. 2.Security - VPNs provide the highest level of security using advanced encryption and authentication protocols that protect data from unauthorized access. 3.Scalability - VPNs allow corporations to utilize remote access infrastructure within ISPs. Therefore, corporations are able to add a virtually unlimited amount of capacity without adding significant infrastructure. 4.Compatibility with Broadband Technology - VPNs allow mobile workers, telecommuters and day extenders to take advantage of high-speed, broadband connectivity, such as DSL and Cable, when gaining access to their corporate networks, providing workers significant flexibility and efficiency. 5.VPNs enble you to create secure, business-critical communication links over the Internet.

6. Give telecommuters and mobile workers secure access to your LAN 7. Share resources with partners Limitations of a VPN Despite their popularity, VPNs are not perfect and limitations exist as is true for any technology. Organizations should consider issues like the below when deploying and using virtual private networks in their operations: 1. VPNs require detailed understanding of network security issues and careful installation / configuration to ensure sufficient protection on a public network like the Internet. 2. The reliability and performance of an Internet-based VPN is not under an organization's direct control. Instead, the solution relies on an ISP and their quality of service. 3. Historically, VPN products and solutions from different vendors have not always been compatible due to issues with VPN technology standards. Attempting to mix and match equipment may cause technical problems, and using equipment from one provider may not give as great a cost savings.

2. What are some of the pros and cons of the three general network topologies (bus, ring, and star)?

Ring Topology A ring topology is like a circle of computers connected together. Each
computer has a network card and the cable from computer 1 connects to computer 2 and so on until you connect back to computer 1. This creates the ring. Less expensive network because you dont need a switch or router. However not very flexible because you can only get to nodes on the ring. Unless one of the nodes was a router which would then connect you to another ring or topology. A ring topology is mostly used in a token ring environment. IBM developed token ring. Token Rings popularity has dwindled to a very low percentage of topologies used in todays market.

1. Very orderly network where every device has access to the token and the opportunity to transmit. 2. Performs better than a star topology under heavy network load. Can create much larger network using Token Ring. 3. Does not require network server to manage the connectivity between the computers.

1. One malfunctioning workstation or bad port in the MAU can create problems for the entire network 2. Moves, adds and changes of devices can affect the network 3. Network adapter cards and MAU's are much more expensive than Ethernet cards and hubs

4. Much slower than an Ethernet network under normal load

Bus Topology - A bus topology is a network of computers connected in a straight line or

cable with a termination connector at both ends. These computers all share the same communications path called a bus. Again not as pricy because you dont need a router or switch to build a bus topology network. You can have 10 or so PCs connected in one long line of cable with a printer or a server somewhere in the bus. You would need a router or layer 3 switch to get outside of the bus topology.

1. Easy to implement and extend 2.Requires less cable length than a star topology 3. Well suited for temporary or small networks not requiring high speeds(quick setup) 4. Cheaper than other topologies

1. Limited cable length and number of stations. 2. If there is a problem with the cable, the entire network goes down. Maintenance costs may be higher in the long run. 3. Performance degrades as additional computers are added or on heavy traffic. Proper termination is required (loop must be in closed path). 4. Significant Capacitive Load (each bus transaction must be able to stretch to most distant link). 5. It works best with limited number of nodes. 6. It is slower than the other topologies.

Star Topology
A star topology is like a hub and spoke layout. The star topology is the most widely used and recognized topology in todays market place. A Star Topology is more expensive because a router, switch, or hub is required to route the network across to all nodes on the hub and spoke technology. The switch or hub is used to connect clients (computers), printers, servers etc. The router is used to connect more than one hub and spoke network together. In addition, the router can do things like DHCP giving out dynamic IP addresses and routing the clients to the Internet if connected to an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

1. Performance: Data packets do not travel through any unnecessary nodes. Communication between any two devices on the network involves at most three devices and two links. The isolation of traffic between nodes means that heavy utilization from one device is invisible to other devices on the network, provided that the central hub retains adequate capacity. 2. Isolation: Each device is isolated on its own link. This makes it easy to isolate individual devices from the network by disconnecting them from the hub. Any non-centralized failure will have very little effect on the network.

3. Centralization: The network can easily be scaled or expanded by adding to the capacity of the hub node, or by adding additional devices to the star. The fact that all traffic passes through the central hub means that the hub can easily be used to inspect or control traffic through the network. 4. Simplicity: The topology is easy to understand, establish, and navigate. Complex routing or message passing protocols is generally unnecessary. Individual nodes can easily be added or removed, and fault detection is simplified, as each link/device can be probed individually.

The primary disadvantage of a star topology is the high dependence of the system on the functioning of the central hub. While the failure of an individual link only results in the isolation of a single node, the failure of the central hub renders the network inoperable, immediately isolating all nodes. The performance and scalability of the network also depend on the capabilities of the hub. The number of connections that can be made to the hub or switch limits network size, and performance for the entire network is capped by its throughput. While in theory traffic between the hub and a node is isolated from other nodes on the network, other nodes may see a performance drop if traffic to another node occupies a significant portion of the central node's processing capability or throughput.

What is a VLAN?
As I said, a VLAN is a virtual LAN. In technical terms, a VLAN is a broadcast domain created by switches. Normally, it is a router creating that broadcast domain. With VLANs, a switch can create the broadcast domain.

Are VLANs required?

It is important to point out that you dont have to configure a VLAN until your network gets so large and has so much traffic that you need one. Many times, people are simply using VLANs because the network they are working on was already using them.

When do I need a VLAN?

You need to consider using VLANs in any of the following situations:

You have more than 200 devices on your LAN You have a lot of broadcast traffic on your LAN Groups of users need more security or are being slowed down by too many broadcasts? Groups of users need to be on the same broadcast domain because they are running the same applications. An example would be a company that has VoIP phones. The users using the phone could be on a different VLAN, not with the regular users. Or, just to make a single switch into multiple virtual switches.

As networks have grown in size and complexity, many companies have turned to virtual local area networks (VLANs) to provide some way of structuring this growth logically. Basically, a VLAN is a collection of nodes that are grouped to gather in a single broadcast domain that is based on something other than physical location. You learned about broadcasts earlier, and how a router does not pass along broadcasts. A broadcast domain is a network (or portion of a network) that will receive a broadcast packet from any node located within that network. In a typical network, everything on the same side of the router is all part of the same broadcast domain. A switch that you have implemented VLANs on has multiple broadcast domains, similar to a router. But you still need a router (or Layer 3 routing engine) to route from one VLAN to another -- the switch can't do this by itself. Here are some common reasons why a company might have VLANs:

Security - Separating systems that have sensitive data from the rest of the network
decreases the chances that people will gain access to information they are not authorized to see.

Projects/Special applications - Managing a project or working with a specialized

application can be simplified by the use of a VLAN that brings all of the required nodes together.

Performance/Bandwidth - Careful monitoring of network use allows the network

administrator to create VLANs that reduce the number of router hops and increase the apparent bandwidth for network users.

Broadcasts/Traffic flow - Since a principle element of a VLAN is the fact that it does not
pass broadcast traffic to nodes that are not part of the VLAN, it automatically reduces broadcasts. Access lists provide the network administrator with a way to control who sees what network traffic. An access list is a table the network administrator creates that lists which addresses have access to that network.

Departments/Specific job types - Companies may want VLANs set up for

departments that are heavy network users (such as multimedia or engineering), or a VLAN across departments that is dedicated to specific types of employees (such as managers or sales people).

You can create a VLAN using most switches simply by logging into the switch via Telnet and entering the parameters for the VLAN (name, domain and port assignments). After you have created the VLAN, any network segments connected to the assigned ports will become part of that VLAN. While you can have more than one VLAN on a switch, they cannot communicate directly with one another on that switch. If they could, it would defeat the purpose of having a VLAN, which is to isolate a part of the network. Communication between VLANs requires the use of a router. VLANs can span multiple switches, and you can have more than one VLAN on each switch. For multiple VLANs on multiple switches to be able to communicate via a single link between the switches, you must use a process called trunking -- trunking is the technology that allows information from multiple VLANs to be carried over a single link between switches.

What do VLANs offer?

VLANs offer higher performance for medium and large LANs because they limit broadcasts. As the amount of traffic and the number of devices grow, so does the number of broadcast packets. By using VLANs you are containing broadcasts. VLANs also provide security because you are essentially putting one group of devices, in one VLAN, on their own network.

Article Summary
Here is what we have learned:

A VLAN is a broadcast domain formed by switches Administrators must create the VLANs then assign what port goes in what VLAN, manually. VLANs provide better performance for medium and large LANs. All devices, by default, are in VLAN 1. A trunk port is a special port that runs ISL or 802.1q so that it can carry traffic from more than one VLAN. For devices in different VLANs to communicate, you must use a router or Layer 3 switch. Even if you've worked on Cisco networks for a while, be sure to check out TrainSignal's

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