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52-55 WHD Lores 0
52-55 WHD Lores 0
The healthcare industry is failing to tap into the enormous benefits that
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) could potentially bring
to patients and practitioners, write Keith Davis and Richard Morrison
Future imperfect
hile healthcare delivery has benefited enormously from the implementation of modern technology, it is
indisputable that there remains a vast untapped potential for health information and communications
technology (ICT) to further enhance the quality, efficiency and efficacy of healthcare delivery. This then begs
the question as to why the full potential of ICT in relation to healthcare remains undiscovered.
The issue quite simply appears to reside in the universal communications gap that exists between clinical stakeholders
and their technical counterparts, created by the reticence of both clinical and ICT practitiones to engage in ongoing
solution-based communication. Clinicians mostly feel they haven’t been properly consulted on ICT solutions, while
designers and suppliers apply precedent as the basis for their advice rather than true empathy.
Using the Apple iPhone platform, with its vast array of “apps”, as a benchmark of a successful ICT model, one could
easily argue that the healthcare industry has indeed failed to capitalise on the opportunities that the rapidly developing
technologies could conceivably provide. What is needed now as a matter of urgency is greater engagement, on a project-
by-project basis, between the clinicians and the technocrats.
Potential savings
In his book Health Care will not Reform Itself (Productivity Press, 2009), George C Halvorson presents a strong case for
ICT and electronic patient records as a means for stemming the US’s disproportionate national spending on chronic
care. A report by the Milken Institute (2007) indicates that the
economic cost of chronic diseases in the US is US$1 trillion,
projected to increase to US$6 trillion by 2050. Apart from
the obvious patient benefits of effectively managing chronic
disease, the potential saving to the public purse of using ICT as
a tool to manage chronic disease in patients is immense.
In its ideal form, health ICT should enable stakeholders
to create, access, store, transmit and manipulate patient
information in an intuitive and convenient way. It is essential to
safeguard patient privacy throughout, and to ensure that the
right information is provided to the right clinician, at the right
time, for the right patient, as well as supporting the statistical
aspects of evidence-based treatment decisions.
Accepting that ICT solutions for individual healthcare
facilities will vary significantly depending on the models of care
and the array of services provided, it is the case that potential
benefits include:
The Olympus ENDOALPHA operating room system provides live HD video imaging • Time saving for clinicians
• Intuitive ease of use for patients
• Improved quality of care
• Reduction in the incidence of patient treatment errors
• Improved productivity, increased revenue and a reduction in costs
• Accessibility to real-time information
• Secure electronic patient records, accessible nationally and ideally internationally
• Translational research support, and facilitating interaction between clinicians
and researchers.
It is clear that ICT technology is constantly developing and connectivity is improving. This is opening up new frontiers for
healthcare. The area for concern is whether or not we are able to motivate the formulation of innovative applications
to pre-existing healthcare delivery issues in a self-
perpetuating manner akin to the Apple model. A
Telehealth is clearly prerequisite is in promoting the exchange of ideas
between clinicians and ICT technologists so that ICT-
an important tool for based solutions can be identified and customised
health delivery to to support increases in efficiency, productivity and
remote locations quality of healthcare. As part of this cross-discipline
interaction it is imperative that change management
be judiciously applied to ensure that all stakeholders
are taken on the developmental journey, and, as part
of the process, that they are compelled to reassess
their business practices before the ICT solutions
are finally implemented.