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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Lakshmi Priya P S1, Anu V V2
1UG Student, Civil Department, Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
2Asst. Professor, Civil Department, Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
Abstract - Solid waste management is one of the subjects per ton of ferrochrome produced depending on feed
essentially inscribing the current interest today. Utilization of materials. (S.K. Nath, 2018). Ferrochrome slag is mainly
industrial waste materials in concrete reimburses the lack of found to consist of silica, alumina and magnesia with notable
natural resources, solving the disposal problem of waste. amounts of chromium and iron oxides in the form of
There are a number of industrial wastes used as fully or Partially Altered Chromite (PAC) and entrained ferrochrome
partial replacement of coarse aggregate or fine aggregate. alloy. (C.R. Panda, K.K.Mishra, K.C.Panda, B.D. Nayak , B.B.
Ferrochrome slag (FS) is a solid waste residue that is obtained Nayak, 2013). Ferrochrome slag is found to be suitable as
by the smelting process during the production of stainless steel construction material due to its excellent technical and
in Ferroalloy industries. Review paper is focussed on the use of material properties but its use is limited due to the
ferrochrome slag as an aggregate in concrete. The effect of FS environmental concern of release of chromium from slag. Air
on the properties of concrete such as workability, compressive cooled slag is used as a partial substitution of coarse
strength etc are studied. The concrete product with aggregate in concrete and water cooled granulated slag is
ferrochrome slag as coarse and fine aggregate showed used as a partial substitution for sand in concrete. Reports
excellent results with respect to various fresh and hardened show that air cooled ferrochrome slag has gained popularity
concrete properties and were found to be suitable for general as a coarse aggregate in concrete. But the use of water cooled
purpose concrete work. ferrochrome slag is lagging behind. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro,
2018). The annual generation of ferrochrome slag is
KeyWords: Industrial solid waste, Ferrochrome slag, calculated around 12.5 million tons which is also increasing
Concrete, compressive strength. by 2.8–3.0 wt% every year. Out of this a small percentage is
used for road construction and the rest is simply discarded.
1. INTRODUCTION Thus the dumping of these wastes along with other solid
wastes can cause serious harm to the environment.
Therefore it is necessary to examine these waste products so
Concrete is the most commonly used structural material for
that it can be utilized effectively. Thus research significance
majority of construction because of its high resistance to fire,
for the bulk utilization of these wastes are increasing.
wind, water and earthquakes. Aggregate makes up to 70% of
Limited studies are available on the use of ferrochrome slag
its volume and is the principal component material in
in road construction, cement additive and aggregate form in
concrete production. The demand for concrete is increasing
construction work. (S.K. Nath, 2018)
day by day because of the growing population, housing,
transportation and other amenities. As a result there is
scarcity of conventional fine and coarse aggregates required 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
for making concrete. Thus for reducing the cost of concrete
and to reduce demand of conventional materials used in 2.1 Shape and Appearance
concrete, locally available waste materials such as fly ash,
rice husk and various industrial and solid wastes are Water cooled ferrochrome slag is appeared to be dark in
employed in concrete without affecting the design colour and is said to have granulated and crystalline texture.
strength.(K. Rajashekar, C.N.V Sathyanarayana Reddy, 2015) Whereas air cooled slag is grey in colour and is said to have a
lumpy texture. (C.R. Panda, K.K.Mishra, B. Nayak, 2014)
The use of industrial solid wastes as a partial replacement of
raw materials in construction activities is a favourable
method for reducing the environmental impact from the
industry, compensating the lack of natural resources and
thereby reducing the demand for extraction of natural raw
materials. Several industrial by-products such as steel slag,
copper slag, blast furnace slag and recently ferrochrome
slag(FeCr-slag) are utilized successfully as sand or aggregate
replacement in cement mortar and concrete. (C.R. Panda,
K.K.Mishra, K.C.Panda, B.D. Nayak , B.B. Nayak, 2013)

Ferrochrome slag is a by-product produced during the

production of ferrochrome alloy steel in submerged
electrical arc furnace. Around 1.1–1.6 ton slag is generated
Fig - 1: Water cooled ferrochrome slag
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1500
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072



4.1 Experimental Program

The effect of water cooled ferrochrome slag(WCFS) as fine
aggregate in concrete was studied on the basis of experiment
conducted in [5]. In there Portland slag cement (PSC)
conforming to Indian standard, IS 455:1989 is employed.
The physical and chemical examination ascertained that the
WCFS is profoundly suitable as a substitution substance of
natural sand in concrete making. The SEM analysis of the
WCFS (Fig 3) shows that the WCFS has spherical and porous
texture. X-ray diffraction (XRD) of the WCFS (Fig 4) shows
that chromite, forsterite, olivine, calcite, maghemite and
chromferide are the main states present in WCFS. (M.K.
Dash, S.K. Patro, 2018)

Fig - 2: Air cooled ferrochrome slag

2.2 Particle Gradation

From the tests conducted governing to IS 2386(I), 1997, it

can be incurred that water cooled ferrochrome are of size
less than 4.75 mm and they belong to zone I. Air cooled
ferrochrome slag are of size 8-20mm. (C.R. Panda,
K.K.Mishra, B. Nayak, 2014)

2.3 Specific Gravity

Fig - 3: SEM image of WCFS
As per IS 2386(III), 1997, the specific gravity of water cooled
ferrochrome slag is found to be 2.72 and that of air cooled
slag is 2.84. (C.R. Panda, K.K.Mishra, B. Nayak, 2014)

2.4 Water Absorption

Water absorption of ferrochrome slag aggregates as per IS

2386(III), 1997 is found to be 1.15% and 0.42% for water
cooled ferrochrome slag and air cooled slag respectively. (C.R.
Panda, K.K.Mishra, B. Nayak, 2014)


The chemical composition of ferrochrome slag aggregate is

shown in Table 1. (C.R. Panda, K.K.Mishra, K.C.Panda, B.D. Fig - 4: XRD of WCFS
Nayak , B.B. Nayak, 2013)
The design mix of M-30 grade concrete is prepared and the
Table -1: Chemical composition of FeCr Slag workability test of fresh concrete is performed as per
IS10262:1999 and IS 1199:1959. The compressive strength,
Major chemical Water cooled FeCr Air cooled FeCr flexural strength and modulus of elasticity (MOE) tests are
constituent slag (%) slag (%) conducted as per IS 516:1959. The splitting tensile strength
Cr2O3 10.37 8.32 and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests are carried out as per IS
Al2O3 19.75 22.84 5816:1999 and IS 1311:1992 respectively. In this
SiO2 27.33 28.87 experiment a design mix of M-30 grade concrete with water
MgO 32.28 30.32 to cement ratio 0.42 is adopted. Superplasticizer is added at
CaO 2.49 2.96 the rate of 0.25% by weight of cement to all mixes with and
Fe2O3 4.12 2.85 without WCFS. A total of six mixtures are prepared
containing 0–50% of WCFS at an increment of 10%. The

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1501
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

mixtures are named 0WS, 10WS, 20WS, 30WS, 40WS and

50WS respectively. Cubes of size 150mm are prepared for
compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity. Beams of
size 100 x 100 x 500 mm are prepared for flexural strength
test. Cylinders of 150 mm diameter x 300 mm long are cast
for the tests of splitting tensile strength and modulus of
elasticity. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro, 2018)

4.2 Results and Discussions

4.2.1 Workability

Slump value for reference mix 0WS is found to be 120 mm Chart -1: Correlation between computed and measured
and for 50WS concrete mix, it is found to be 30 mm. The compressive strengths.
results are presented in Table 2. It is understood that
inclusion of the WCFS in concrete reduces the workability. Table -3: Measured and computed compressive strength
The reason for reduction in workability may ascribe to the
fact that the water absorption capacity of WCFS is more than Mixtur Measured strength (N/mm2) Computed
that of natural sand. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro, 2018) es strength
design (N/mm2)
Table -2: Fresh concrete properties of mixes ation 14 28 91 180 91 180
Days Days Days Days Days Days
0WS 10W 20W 30W 40W 50W 0WS 35.99 42.89 47.08 48.63 47.98 49.17
S S S S S 10WS 37.70 41.93 46.59 47.57 46.90 48.07
Fresh 2512 2493 2477 2462 2449 2435 20WS 33.63 37.47 44.26 45.01 41.91 42.96
30WS 33.70 38.76 42.59 43.96 43.36 44.44
40WS 33.73 38.61 41.77 42.89 43.19 44.27
50WS 33.66 36.73 39.32 40.67 41.09 42.11
Slum 120 100 80 70 50 30
m) 4.2.3 Ultra sonic pulse velocity

The Ulta sonic pulse velocity (UPV) of various mixtures at 28,

4.2.2 Compressive Strength
91 and 180 days are presented in Table 4. The results proved
that addition of the WCFS up to 30% there inegative
Due to the inclusion of water cooled ferrochrome slag variation in the UPV from 1–3%. The results of UPV are
compressive strength decreased. For 10-50% of WCFS, the found consistent with that of compressive strength.
compressive strength decreased by 2-14% in 28 days, 1-16%
at 91 days and 2-16% in 180 days. There is an increment in Table -4: UPV value
compressive strength with curing period. The increase in
compressive strength between 28 and 180 days for 0WS is
Mixture 28 Days 91 Days 180 Days
recorded 13% and for 10WS, 20WS, 30WS, 40WS and 50WS
varies from 11 to 14%. The compromise in strength up to
0WS 5020.33 5228.33 5363.67
10% is very marginal, looking at huge replacement of natural
10WS 4949.00 5172.33 5271.67
fine aggregate with waste material. Thus it is concluded that
replacement up to 30% may not affect much, rather it will 20WS 4707.33 5058.00 5088.67
strengthen the ecology and economy. The compressive 30WS 4861.33 5050.67 5047.00
strength of all concrete mixes after 14, 28, 91 and 180 days 40WS 4746.67 4976.67 4974.33
of curing are presented in Table 4. 50WS 4665.33 4825.67 4850.33

By using the equation prescribed by ACI 209, the 4.2.4 Split tensile strength
compressive strength of concrete with time is computed. The
recorded values are shown in Table 3. The variation in Splitting tensile strength test of the all concrete mixes are
results between achieved and computed strength are very conducted at the age of 28, 91 and 180 days and the values
marginal. The correlation among the measured and are recorded in Table 5. It can be inferred that the splitting
computed compressive strength are shown in Chart 1. The tensile strength values decreases with an increase in value of
linear regression establishes that the measured strength WCFS at the rate of 1-12%. It is found that with age the split
matches with the computed strength. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro, tensile strength of all concrete specimens are found to
2018) increase. As age increases from 28 days to 91 and 91 to 180
days, split tensile strength increases by 1–6% and 2–6%
respectively. The results are found consistent to that of the
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1502
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

compressive strength. Results further showed that at 10%

WCFS content the split tensile strength is almost equal to
Where fft is the flexural strength and fck is the compressive
For design purpose the tensile strength may be calculated by strength. The computed strength as calculated using the
above equation is presented in Table 6. The relation between
computed and measured flexural strength is presented in
Where, fst is the split tensile strength and fck is the Chart 3. It may be comprehended from Chart 3 that the
compressive strength. relation between the computed and measured flexural
strength is found to be fairly strong. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro,
The tensile strength values computed based on this equation 2018)
are recorded in Table 5. Regression analysis can be observed
from Chart 2 and it shows that the relation between Table -6: Measured and computed flexural strength
computed and measured split tensile strength at 91 and 180
days is strong. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro, 2018) Mixtur Measured strength Computed strength
e (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
Table -5: Measured and Computed split tensile strength design 28 91 180 28 91 180
ation Days Days Days Days Days Days
Mixtur Measured strength Computed strength 0 WS 4.65 4.99 5.19 4.58 4.80 4.88
e (N/mm2) (N/mm2) 10WS 4.57 4.80 5.10 4.53 4.77 4.82
design 28 91 180 28 91 180D 20WS 4.35 4.59 4.88 4.28 4.65 4.69
ation Days Days Days Days Days ays 30WS 4.12 4.57 4.80 4.35 4.56 4.64
0 WS 3.60 3.74 3.14 2.95 3.09 3.14 40WS 4.27 4.50 4.74 4.35 4.52 4.58
10WS 3.53 3.70 3.10 2.91 3.07 3.10 40WS 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.24 4.38 4.46
20WS 3.39 3.57 3.02 2.75 2.99 3.02
30WS 3.58 3.60 2.98 2.80 2.94 2.98
40WS 3.41 3.46 2.95 2.80 8.91 2.95
40WS 3.15 3.32 2.87 2.73 2.82 2.87

Chart -3: Correlation between measured and computed

flexural strengths

4.2.6 Modulas of Elasticity

Chart -2: Correlation between measured and computed
split tensile strengths The Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) at the age of 28, 91 and 180
days is examined and test results are placed in Table 7. It is
4.2.5 Flexural strength apparent that, with the addition of the WCFS in concrete
mixtures there is a reduction in MOE at all curing periods.
Flexural strength of all concrete mixes at age of 28, 91 and Modulus of elasticity at 28 days of reference mixture is 33.97
180 days are shown in Table 6. There is marginal reduction KN/mm2. Decrease in MOE by 1.50%, 7.24%, 6.12%, 6.95%
in flexural strength due to inclusion of the WCFS like that of and 9.95% are observed for 10WS, 20WS, 30WS, 40WS and
compressive strength and splitting tensile strength. Flexural 50WS mixtures respectively in comparison to reference
strength of concrete mixture 10WS is found to be nearly concrete. At 91 days, for concrete mixtures 10WS, 20WS,
equal to strength of reference mix at all ages. The flexural 30WS, 40WS and 50WS there is a decrease in MOE by 1.95%,
strength increases with the age. At 180-day test the 5.54%, 6.48%, 7.66% and 11.00% respectively with respect
reference mixture attained a gain in flexural strength of to reference mix. At 180 days the decrease in MOE is found
11.61%, whereas in comparison to strength of 28 days, to be 2.38%, 5.92%, 6.96%, 8.12% and 11.41% for 10WS,
mixtures 10WS, 20WS, 30WS, 40WS and 50WS achieved gain 20WS, 30WS, 40WS and 50WS respectively in comparison to
of 11.60%, 12.18%, 16.50%, 11.01% and 7.14% respectively. normal mix. The increase in modulus of elasticity is also
IS 456:2000 recommends equation to calculate the flexural recorded with age. It increased by 7.27%, 6.78%, 9.24%,
strength of concrete from compressive strength given by, 6.87%, 6.45%, 6.02% between 28 and 91 days and 4.83%,

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1503
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4.37%, 4.42%, 4.28%, 4.31%, 4.35% between 91 and 180 combination quantitative relation. For this coarse aggregate
days for concrete mixtures 0WS, 10WS, 20WS, 30WS, 40WS is replaced by ferrochrome scum aggregate at an increasing
and 50WS respectively. The elastic modulus of the concrete rate of 25%. For each contemporary and hardened property,
is assessed at 28, 91 and 180 days of curing, from the all the mixes developed are studied and tested. Total of
observed values of compressive strength based on the ninety specimens are casted. Compressive and split strength
equation as recommended by IS 456:2000, and is presented tests are conducted within the laboratory. (Susheel S M ,
in Table 7. Sathwik S R, Vinayak T3,Darshan S, Sanjith J and Ranjith A,

5.2 Materials used

Where E is MOE in MPa, fck is the compressive strength in In this experimental work, standard Portland Cement (OPC),
MPa. The correlation between the calculated elastic modulus forty three grade confirming to IS: 8112 – 1989 is employed.
and measured elastic modulus is shown in Chart 4. It is Locally available river sand belonging to zone II of IS 383-
observed to display a strong relationship.(M.K. Dash, S.K. 1970 and quarried and crushed granite stones are used as
Patro, 2018) fine and coarse aggregates respectively. Water fit for
drinking is generally used for making concrete. Water
Table -7: Measured and computed MOE shouldn’t contain acids, oils, alkalies, vegetables or other
organic impurities. Ferrochrome slag aggregate is also
Mixture Measured MOE Computed MOE employed as coarse aggregate. The properties of
designa (KN/mm2) (KN/mm2) conventional coarse aggregate and ferrochrome slag
tion 28 91 180 28 91 180 aggregate is shown in Table 8. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R,
Days Days Days Days Days Days Vinayak T3,Darshan S, Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016)
0 WS 33.9 36.4 38.2 32.7 34.3 34.87
7 4 0 5 1 Table -8: Properties of conventional coarse and
10WS 33.4 35.7 37.2 32.3 34.1 34.49 ferrochrome slag aggregate
6 3 9 8 3
20WS 31.5 34.4 35.9 30.6 33.2 33.54 Property Conventional Ferrochrome
1 2 4 1 6 aggregate slag aggregate
30WS 31.8 34.0 35.5 31.1 32.6 33.15
9 8 4 3 3 Maximum 20 20
40WS 31.6 33.6 35.1 31.0 32.3 32.75 nominal size
1 5 0 7 1
50WS 30.5 32.4 33.8 30.3 31.3 31.89 Specific gravity 2.75 3
9 3 4 0 5
Bulk density 1470 1480

Water 0.5 0.5


Fineness 3.71 5

Impact value(%) 13.5 13

5.3 Results and Discussions

Chart -4: Correlation between measured and computed
5.3.1 Tests on fresh concrete
The different ingredients needed for the mix M25 are mixed
by adding Ferrochrome slag aggregate by weight of
5.1 Experimental Program conventional coarse aggregate with different percentages
(25%,50%,75%,100%). Slump cone test, compaction factor
The experiment consists of testing the essential materials test and Vee-bee consistometer test are performed to
within the laboratory. The basic material tests are performed measure the workability of fresh concrete mix. The tests are
and results are compared by using Indian Standard carried out as per IS: 1199-1959, the results are shown in
Technique. The developed quantitative relation is taken as a
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1504
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table 9. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R, Vinayak T3,Darshan S, It can be observed that there is an increase in compressive
Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016) strength with increase in percentage of ferrochrome slag
aggregate upto 75%. There is also considerable increase in
Table -9: Results of tests on fresh concrete strength with time. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R, Vinayak
T3,Darshan S, Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016)
Sl.No. Grades Ferroc Slump Compa Vee-
of hrome (mm) ction Bee 5.3.3 Splitting tensile strength
concre slag Factor degree
te replac in s Splitting tensile strength is administered by inserting a
ement cylinder specimen horizontally between the loading surfaces
of a compression testing machine. The load is applied till the
1 0 25 0.82 16 cylinder fails, along the vertical diameter. The loading
condition produces a high compressive stress directly below
2 25 29 0.80 15 the two generators, to that the load is applied. However the
larger portion remaining depth is subjected to a
3 M25 50 30 0.78 14 homogeneous tensile stress acting horizontally. It is
observed that the compressive stress is acting for 1/6 depth
and remaining 5/6 depth is subjected to tension. The
4 75 32 0.74 11
cacophonous check is easy to perform and offers additional
uniform results than different tension tests. Strength
5 100 35 0.72 8
determined within the cacophonous check is believed to be
near to the true strength of concrete, than the modulus of
rupture. Cacophonus strength provides 5 to 100% higher
From the table it can be observed that both slump and Vee-
price than the direct strength. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R,
bee time values decreases and Compaction factor value
Vinayak T3,Darshan S, Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016)
increases with the increase in percentage of Ferrochrome
slag aggregate. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R, Vinayak Table -11: Results of split tensile strength
T3,Darshan S, Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016)
Sl.No Grade Replacemen Split tensile
5.3.2 Cube compressive strength test t of strength(N/mm2)
Strength in compression is one of the important properties e slag 7 14 28
of concrete. It has a certain relationship with other aggregate Days Days Days
properties of concrete. The properties are improved by (%)
improvement in compressive strength. The size of the
specimen tested is 150x150x150 mm. Concrete cubes are 1 0 2.92 3.05 3.33
tested for 7, 14 and 28 days strength as per IS: 516-1959
(Part 5). Compressive load is applied at 1.40 KN/cm2/min 2 25 3.08 3.40 4.03
and it is tested in a compression testing machine. The
compressive strength of concrete mix is shown in Table 10. 3 M25 50 3.19 3.56 4.36

Table -10: Results of cube compressive strength 4 75 4.28 4.49 4.92

5 100 3.29 3.57 4.12

Sl.No Grade Replaceme Compressive
nt of strength(N/mm2)
me slag 7 14 28 It is observed that similar to compressive strength, split
aggregate Days Days Days tensile strength of the specimen increases upto 75% of
(%) ferrochrome slag aggregate. It also increases from 7-28 days
of casting. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R, Vinayak T3,Darshan S,
1 0 20.58 25.07 34.08 Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016)

2 25 28.18 33.09 42.89 6. CONCLUSIONS

3 M25 50 28.18 33.09 42.89 Workability of concrete reduces with the increase in
percentage of WCFS. There is decrease in fresh density up to
4 75 40.12 42.71 47.88
3% on inclusion of the WCFS up to 50%. All the UPV values
are good, however there is decrease in UPV value with the
5 100 32.28 35.11 40.79
increase in the WCFS substitution in concrete. Mechanical
properties such as compressive strength, splitting tensile

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1505
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

strength, flexural strength and MOE decreases up to 10% [6] S.K. Nath(2018), ʻʻGeopolymerization behavior of
when the WCFS upto 30% are added. By replacing equal ferrochrome slag and fly ash blends”; Construction and
mass of virgin sand, concrete containing 30% WCFS can be Building Materials 181.
prepared. Thus the utilization of fine aggregate from natural [7] Susheel S M , Sathwik S R, Vinayak T3,Darshan S, Sanjith
source can be reduced. (M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro, 2018) J and Ranjith A (2016), ʻʻ Development of Normal
Strength Concrete using Ferrochrome Slag Aggregate as
The following conclusions are drawn from the experiments Replacement to Coarse Aggregate”; IJISET -
conducted on conventional coarse aggregate concrete and International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering
ferrochrome aggregate replaced concrete of M25 grade. The & Technology, Vol. 3(6)
basic properties of ferrochrome slag mixture like Relative
density, Bulk density and impact worth area unit is higher
than that of the standard coarse mixture. This indicates that
the standard of fabric is nice and therefore the concrete
prepared using the ferrochrome slag can have high density.
The fineness modulus for all the aggregates are nearly same
and thus there might not be much variation in physical
behaviour. Compressive strength of concrete increases with
increase of ferrochrome slag up to seventy fifth
replacements and decreases slightly at 100 percent
replacement. Similarly split tensile strength also increases
with increase of ferrochrome slag upto seventy fifth
replacement and decreases slightly at 100 percent
replacement. Thus we can conclude that ferrochrome slag
aggregate can be used as a replacement for conventional
coarse aggregate. (Susheel S M , Sathwik S R, Vinayak
T3,Darshan S, Sanjith J and Ranjith A, 2016)

Thus we can conclude that for better performance of

concrete and for the efficient use of industrial waste the
aggregates may be replaced by ferrochrome slag of desired
amounts. In case of fine aggregates, the virgin sand may be
replaced upto 30% by mass with water cooled ferrochrome
slag aggregate. Moreover coarse aggregate may be replaced
upto 75% by ferrochrome slag.


[1] C.R. Panda, K.K.Mishra, K.C.Panda, B.D. Nayak , B.B.

Nayak,(2013), ʻʻEnvironmental and technical assessment
of ferrochrome slag as concrete aggregate material”;
Construction and Building Materials 49.
[2] C.R. Panda, K.K.Mishra, B. Nayak(2014), “Study of
chromium leaching and its immobilisation mechanism in
the assessment of ferrochrome slag as concrete
aggregate material”; Shiksha O Anusandhan,
Bhubaneswar, Odhisa India.
[3] K. Rajashekar, C.N.V Sathyanarayana Reddy(2015), “An
experimental study on use of ferrochrome slag
aggregate in concrete making”; ICI Journal.
[4] Manoj Kumar Dash , Sanjaya Kumar Patro , Ashoke
Kumar Rath(2016), ʻʻ Sustainable use of industrial-waste
as partial replacement of fine aggregate for preparation
of concrete – A review”; International Journal of
Sustainable Built Environment.
[5] M.K. Dash, S.K. Patro(2018),ʻʻ Effects of water cooled
ferrochrome slag as fine aggregate on the properties of
concrete”; Construction and Building Materials.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1506

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