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Details: Category: Land Preparation - Published: 19 May 2013 - Hits: 13646

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Land Preparation

Written by Super User

Details:  Category:  Land Preparation | Published: 19 May 2013 | Hits: 13646
Land Preparation

Land preparation starts with removal of shrubs and

stumps from rice fields. The land is then ploughed using hand hoes such as
jembe/panga, oxen or tractors. Power and equipment are required for tillage in
different soil types are varied.  It is essential to plough when land is dry to reduce
weeds. However in difficult soils such as virgin lands there may be need to wet the
field before ploughing. It is generally recommended that two ploughs and one harrow
or rotovation are sufficient for soil disturbance long before planting to establish a
fine tilth. Fine tilth improves germination reduces seeding rate and improves
seedling uptake in irrigated ecologies. Ensure soil surface is level to enhance water
application by irrigation. The field requires adequate drainage system to allow rapid
removal of excess water. However, land preparation will vary according to cropping
system used.  Three main rice ecologies (Irrigated, Rainfed lowland and Rainfed
Upland) require different land preparation techniques.

Irrigated Ecologies

Land preparation in irrigated paddy fields is normally

carried out after bunding and flooding. This ensures that the fields are wet enough to
allow ploughing and strong enough to give reasonable levels of traction or grip to the
tractor. This is essential for the soil to attain reasonable depth of 15 cm, kill weeds
by burying and exposing their roots, prevent erosion and encourage water
accumulation. Land preparation is laborious and the drudgery takes some 25 days to
prepare using oxen. Mechanization is normally the best alternative, however manual
land preparation is predominately practiced among small holder farmers. The second
operation is carried out in the irrigated paddies to reduce clog sizes, weed control,
and incorporate fertilizers in the soil and puddling.  Conventional tillage is done
using mould board ploughs, discs and rotary tillers for larger fields and thereafter are
manually removed from fields.

Rainfed Lowland Ecologies

In this ecology land should be ploughed and harrowed to a fine tilth before rains. 

Rainfed Upland Ecologies

Land preparation in upland ecologies is carried out where

crops are grown in aerated conditions without standing water. Upland fields must be
ploughed at least twice and harrowed ones to attain the required fine tilth for good
germination, good seedling emergence, good and early growth vigour (i.e. stand
establishment and good uniform growth). This makes land preparation to closely
relate to methods of planting and available moisture. Land preparation in upland
ecologies help reduce weeds, incorporation of fertilizers, increased soil porosity and
aeration of the soils. Early land preparation allows soil to settle, catalyzes
decomposition of organic matter and reduces plant debris.

LevelingIn all ecologies land preparation ends up with final operation that
adequately levels the field. Levelling is done to ensure fair distribution of water
across the field.
•    Leads to proper crop management and water management
•    Weed control
•    Affect Plant density
•    Pest and disease control
•    Yield and quality maximization

Land Preparation and leveling therefore:-

 •    Improves and restore  soil fertility

•    Ensures proper aeration and good root penetration
•    Proper land levelling
•    Improves soil workability
•    Improves nutrient uptake by crops
•    Prevents accumulation of salts near soil surface
•    Improve structure and nutrient status of the soil

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