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Chapter 03

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By the sweat of your brow
shall you eat bread
Genesis 3:19


Proper soil management in agriculture consists of a series of practices that

include cultivation, planting, fertilization, pest control, irrigation, drainage,
and erosion control, The more efficiently these practices are carried out and
optimized, the more productive and sustainable will agriculture become.
Cultivation or tillage is usually defined as the mechanical manipulation of
the soil aimed at improving conditions affecting crop production. Three prin-
cipal aims are generally attributed to tillage: control of weeds; incorporation
of organic matter into the soil; and improvement of soil structure. An addi-
tional rationale is sometimes claimed for tillage, namely the conservation of
soil moisture by enhancing infiltration and inhibiting evaporation.
A distinction must be made between primary tillage and secondary tillage.
Primary tillage is typically carried out by means of moldboard plows or disk
plows, both of which slice and lift the soil along parallel furrows and invert it
so as to cover the surface residues. Subsoilers and chisels, also used for primary
tillage, break and loosen the soil without inverting it. All such methods of pri-
mary tillage are generally designed to penetrate to a depth of at least 20 cm,
and sometimes to a depth as great as 50 cm.
Secondary tillage is carried out in some cases subsequent to primary tillage,
to repeatedly loosen the soil and eradicate weeds. In other cases, secondary
“light” tillage is performed in lieu of primary tillage in soils that are naturally


loose and require no primary tillage at all. As such, secondary tillage aims to
loosen the soil to a relatively shallow depth, generally less than 20 cm. The
implements suitable for secondary tillage are disk harrows, spike harrows,
seeps, rotary hoes, cultipackers, and various other tools that work the soil
to shallow depth and help to disrupt crusts where they occur. All too often,
however, such implements are efficacious in the short run (e.g., in preparing
a seedbed) but ultimately contribute to the degradation of soil structure by
grinding down the soil’s natural aggregates.
In recent decades, the advent of chemical herbicides has reduced the impor-
tance of tillage as the primary method for the eradication of weeds, though the
high cost of such chemical treatments and their ancillary environmental effects
limit their application, especially in developing countries. At the same time, the
formerly prevalent practice of inverting the topsoil in order to bury manures
and plant residues has become a less important function of tillage in modern
field management. Plant residues can, and in many cases should, be left over
the surface as a stubble mulch to protect against evaporation and erosion.
An essential task of agriculture is soil structure management, as it affects
water infiltration and runoff, wind erosion and evaporation, gas exchange pro-
cesses, as well as planting and germination of crops. Here we find that tillage
practices suitable in one location may become harmful in another. Arid-zone
soils with low organic matter contents and unstable aggregates are particularly
vulnerable to compaction, crusting, and erosion. The precise effects of various
modes of tillage must be defined in each case for tillage to be practiced effi-
ciently and sustainably.
Tillage operations are especially consumptive of energy. The amount of
earth-work involved in repeatedly loosening, pulverizing, inverting, and then
recompacting the topsoil is indeed very considerable. In a typical small field of
1 hectare, the topsoil to a depth of only 30 cm weighs no less than 4000 tons.

Fig. 13.1. Universal shape of a moldboard plow for deep primary tillage.

Fig. 13.2. Horizontal and vertical rotating harrows for shallow secondary tillage.

In an extensive farm of 1000 hectares, the mass of soil thus manipulated in

each cycle of operation may exceed 4 million tons. The consumption of energy,
as well as the wear and tear of tractors and implements, increases steeply as the
depth of tillage increases. With the rising cost of fuel, the costs of tillage also
increase progressively. Moreover, much damage is done to soil structure by
the repeated passage over the soil of heavy tractors and other machinery, and
such damage, which affects infiltration, aeration, germination, and root system
development, is difficult to rectify.
Recent trends in soil management are aimed at minimizing tillage opera-
tions and travel, both to reduce costs and to avoid soil compaction, while
tailoring each operation to its specific zone and objective. This approach, in
numerous variations, underlies the methods variously termed “minimum till-
age”, “precision tillage”, and even “zero tillage” (“no-till” in common par-
lance). However, methods developed in one location may not be suitable for
another location, where soil and climate conditions and economic constraints
differ greatly. Some, but not all soils, have favorable structure (called “tilth” in
the classical farming terminology) quite naturally and require very little is any
tillage. Others, however, develop hardpans such that inhibit root proliferation
and hence can be improved by appropriate tillage.
An important current trend is to adopt a comprehensive system of soil and
crop management called “precision farming”. It consists of a balanced combi-
nation of practices designed to optimize nutrient supply, tillage, water use, and
pest control. Instead of treating a large unit of land uniformly, it recognizes

each field’s inherent heterogeneity. Accordingly, it relies on remote sensing

and monitoring of the field to determine the space-variable and time-variable
requirements for all inputs and interventions. Tractors and ancillary machines
traversing the field are provided with precise data regarding the spot-to-spot
needs for applying pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, and water, and with automated
means for responding to those needs continuously.
A related set of practices designed to maintain and even enhance soil pro-
ductivity while minimizing energy consumption is called “minimum tillage” or
even “zero tillage”. The idea is to avoid the traditional practice of “clean cul-
tivation” of the entire top layer of the soil, which consists of burning or plow-
ing-in the stubble of previous crops and disrupting the natural structure of the
soil, thus making it more vulnerable to erosion. Instead, special equipment is
used that is designed to sow seeds into narrow slits while retaining the resi-
dues on the surface. Those organic remains, called “mulch”, help to conserve
moisture and protect the soil against both wind erosion and water erosion.
The problematic aspect of zero tillage is that it relies on the use of herbicides
instead of mechanical cultivation to control the weeds that might otherwise
compete with crop plants for moisture, nutrients, space, and light.

BOX 13.1 Shifting Cultivation

Shifting cultivation is a mode of farming long followed in the humid tropics of
Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. In the practice of “slash
and burn”, farmers would cut the native vegetation and burn it, then plant crops
in the exposed, ash-fertilized soil for two or three seasons in succession. As the original
organic matter reserve in the topsoil decomposed and as the high rainfall would leach
out the nutrients from the root zone, the farmers would abandon the cleared plot and
move to an adjacent patch of forest. They would allow each cultivated plot to recover
its vegetation and fertility for some fifteen or twenty years before returning to it. Thus,
they practiced an extensive rotation (forest-crop-forest) that was sustainable for many
generations, while the population density remained low. What disrupted the system was
the progressive growth of population that has taken place in the last century. Population
pressure has forced farmers to return to the same plots earlier before the soil had been
given the time to be completely rejuvenated. Soil fertility then began to deteriorate, ow-
ing to the extraction of nutrients without replenishment and to progressive erosion of
the bared soil.


In the agronomic sense, a soil is considered to be compacted when the total

porosity (in particular, the air-filled porosity) is so low as to restrict aeration,
as well as when the soil is so tight, and its pores so small, as to impede root
penetration, infiltration, and drainage. Soils may become compacted naturally
as a result of the way they were formed in place. Surface crusts may form over-
exposed soils under the beating and dispersing action of raindrops, followed

by drying and hardening of that surface layer. Naturally, compact subsurface

layers may consist of densely packed granular sediments, which may be par-
tially cemented. Indurated layers, called hardpans, can be of variable texture
and, in extreme cases, may exhibit rocklike properties. Such indurated layers,
called fragipans, may become almost totally impenetrable to roots, water, and
air. They form typically at the junction of two distinct layers of soil, where
penetration of water and/or dissolved or suspended materials is retarded by a
clay layer, a water table, or bedrock.
A claypan is a tight, restrictive subsoil layer of high clay content that tends
to be plastic and relatively impermeable to water and air. In humid climates,
such layers may remain perpetually wet and give rise to perched water tables
above them, thus inducing anaerobic conditions within the root zone. In the
case of alluvial soils (originally deposited by water, generally in river valleys),
claypans may be depositional layers; in other cases, they may have developed
in situ as a result of clay translocation from top layers and accumulation at
some depth within the profile.
Quite apart from the natural formation of compacted layers, the occurrence
of soil compaction in agricultural fields can be due to the influence of mechani-
cal forces applied at or near the soil surface. One such cause of soil compaction
is trampling by livestock. However, by far the most common cause of soil com-
paction in modern agriculture is the use of heavy machinery, including tractors
and other vehicles, as well as soil-engaging implements. The magnitudes of
pressures exerted on the soil by wheeled and tracked vehicles depend in a com-
bined way on characteristics of the soil and of the wheels or tracks involved.
Lugs or ribs on tires or chains have the effect of concentrating high pressure, as
well as of kneading the compressed volume of soil, thus causing severe damage
to the soil’s natural structure.
Pressures are imparted to the soil not only by vehicles traveling on its sur-
face, but also by tillage tools operating beneath the surface. As tools of vari-
ous designs are thrust into and through the soil, several different effects may
occur simultaneously as the soil is cut, compressed, sheared, lifted, displaced,
and mixed. Some of the soil is pushed ahead of the moving tool against the
resistance of the static soil body and is thus also compacted. Consequently,
the pressures acting on any volume element of soil in the field are seldom, if
ever, isotropic (equal in all directions). Any differences between the principal
stresses (i.e., the stresses acting along the horizontal, lateral, and vertical axes)
necessarily give rise to shearing, as well as compressive, stresses. The simulta-
neous application of both compression and shearing contributes significantly
to soil compaction. Yet another factor that comes into play during compaction
is the change in matric potential of soil moisture resulting from the change in
porosity and pore-size distribution. Soil compaction tends to raise the potential
energy of soil moisture (i.e., to reduce the matric suction), a change that absorbs
some of the mechanical energy imparted to the soil by compaction.
The effects described have an important bearing on the design and opera-
tion of off-road (cross-terrain) vehicles, such as recreational, exploration,
and military vehicles. The engineering topic of trafficability pertains to the
ability of variously shaped vehicles to traverse areas with disparate types of
soil (sandy, clayey, gravelly, etc.) at a range of moisture contents in different
topographies (from flat to steep).

Fig. 13.3. Soil deformation and displacement under a moving wheel.

Fig. 13.4. Compaction and shearing deformation caused by a moving tractor.

Control of Soil Compaction

A major task of soil management is to minimize soil compaction to the fur-
thest extent possible. A secondary task is to alleviate or remedy the unavoid-
able measure of compaction caused by traffic and tillage after it occurs.
The most obvious approach to the prevention of soil compaction is the
avoidance of all but truly essential pressure-inducing operations. This calls for
minimizing tillage, and choosing the most efficient implements and the most
appropriate time to apply them. Growing awareness of these requirements has
led in recent decades to the development of integrated systems of conservation
tillage. These systems also emphasize the importance of retaining crop residue
as an organic matter-enriching mulch that not only improves soil structure
but also protects the soil surface against rapid evaporation as well as against
erosion by water and wind. In addition, reducing the intensity of tillage helps
to conserves energy. However, excessive reliance on phytotoxic chemicals for
weed control poses environmental problems owing to their possible persistence
and the danger of contamination.
Since random traffic over a field by heavy machinery is a major cause of
compaction, cultural systems have been developed to restrict vehicular traffic to
permanent, narrow lanes and to reduce the fractional area trampled by wheels
to less than 10% of the land surface. In row crops, seedbed preparation and

planting can be confined to the narrow strips where planting takes place rather
than be carried out over the entire surface as was the practice in former times.
An extremely important factor is the timing of field operations in relation
to the state of soil moisture. Operations that impose high pressures should, if
possible, be carried out on relatively dry soil, which is much less compactable
than is moist soil.

BOX 13.2 Soil Structure Management

Good soil management is a set of practices that conserve and sustain soil pro-
ductivity. That includes maintaining or improving the soil’s physical condition
(i.e., soil structure, aeration, water intake and retention) and its chemical at-
tributes (near-neutrality of pH, supply and adequate concentration of nutrients, and
absence of toxic factors).
Conventional methods of tillage generally consist of pulverizing and baring the entire
soil surface each season so as to incorporate residues and kill weeds in preparation of
planting a new crop. The advantage, in the short run, is the convenience of planting and
the eradication of competing weeds. In the long run, however, the disadvantages can
greatly outweigh the advantages. As the soil is bared and loosened, and as it is trampled
repeatedly, it is exposed to scouring by rain and deflation by wind, and it tends to form
a crust and a compact layer (a “plow-pan”) that inhibits germination and root develop-
ment. Erosion involves the loss of the most fertile layer of soil, called the “topsoil”, which
leaves the less fertile subsoil.
The alternative to conventional surface-clearing tillage is to maintain the surface-
protecting residues (“stubble”) of previous crops and to plant a new row-crop by open-
ing narrow slits in the soil with minimal disturbance of the inter-row strips. This method
is known as “no-till” or “minimum tillage” farming. It often requires, however, alterna-
tive methods of weed control, such as the application of herbicides by spraying. Such
methods must be applied very carefully to the target area so as to minimize damage to
plants in adjacent areas.


Irrigation is the supply of water to agricultural crops by artificial means,

designed to permit farming in arid regions and to offset periodic droughts in
semi-arid regions. Even in regions where total seasonal rainfall is adequate on
average, it may be poorly distributed during the growing season and variable
from season to season. Wherever traditional rain-fed farming is a high-risk
enterprise, irrigation can help to ensure stable production.
Irrigation has long played a key role in feeding expanding populations and is
expected to play a still greater role in the future. Although irrigated land amounts
to only some 16 percent of the world’s cropland, it contributes well over 30
percent of the value of agricultural production. That vital contribution is even
greater in arid regions, where the supply of water by rainfall is least even as the
demand for water, imposed by the bright sun and the dry wind, is greatest.

Irrigation can do more than merely raise the yields of specific crops; it can also
prolong the effective crop-growing period in areas with extended dry seasons,
thus permitting multiple crop growing per year where only a single crop could
be grown otherwise. With the security provided by irrigation, additional inputs
needed to intensify production further (e.g., pesticides, fertilizers, improved vari-
eties, physiological treatments, environmental controls, soil amendments, and
tillage) may become economically feasible. Irrigation reduces the risk of such
expensive inputs being wasted by crop failure resulting from lack of water.
The practice of irrigation consists of applying water to the part of the soil
profile that serves as the root zone, for the immediate and subsequent use of
the crop. Inevitably, however, the initiation and the continuation of irrigation
in a given area induce a series of processes that can profoundly affect the both
the on-site and the related off-site environments, and not necessarily for the
better. Over time, some of its potentially self-destructive effects may make the
very practice of irrigation unsustainable.

Off-Site Aspects of Irrigation

The first requirement of an irrigation project is a dependable supply of fresh
water and the means for its delivery to the site to be irrigated. The second
requirement is the availability of suitable land and soil in which to grow the
crops under irrigation. The third requirement is an outlet for the safe disposal
of wastewater from the irrigated land. Every irrigation project therefore con-
sists of withdrawing water from some source (a lake, an aquifer, or a river)
and diverting it to the site of irrigation. In the process, inevitably, that water is
denied to some other site that had been its natural recipient. In the typical case
of a river valley project, changes take place both in the upstream and in the
downstream sections of the riverine domain.
River flow is generally time-variable. More often than not, the season of peak
irrigation demand coincides with the period of low river flow. Hence, an irriga-
tion project typically requires the construction of engineering structures—dams
and canals—designed to regulate the flow so as to ensure adequate storage and
supply throughout the growing season.
Dam construction is a problem in itself. Appropriate locations for dams
are relatively rare. The ideal topographic, geologic, and climatic conditions
are seldom found in the proximity of target irrigation projects, and less-
than-ideal conditions may make the construction and maintenance of dams
economically prohibitive and environmentally unsustainable. Unfavorable
topography may require very massive construction and may result in the
submergence of very large areas with consequent damage to natural eco-
systems, displacement of long-established human populations and infra-
structure, and loss of historical cultural heritage and scenic sites. Some areas
are inherently vulnerable to potential natural disasters such as earthquakes.
Porous or fractured substrata may cause great losses of water by practically
uncontrollable seepage, and a dry climate may impose additional losses of
water by evaporation. A case in point is the Aswan Dam and its Lake Nasser,
located in the midst of the earth’s driest desert, where evaporative losses of
water may be in the range of 12–16 billion cubic meters per year—some
20 percent of the inflow.

Additional losses of water by evaporation, and especially by seepage, occur

in the system of conveyance from a dam to the fields. Generally, this con-
veyance takes place via canals and ditches, which, in the interest of minimiz-
ing costs, are often dug into the ground and left unlined; i.e., not underlain
with concrete or some other impervious and scouring-resistant material. Even
where closed conduits (i.e., metallic, ceramic, or concrete pipes) are installed,
they tend in time to develop leaks and to incur considerable losses of water and
hydraulic pressure.
Water storage behind dams is also subject to silting, which, gradually over
a period of some decades, reduces a dam’s capacity and may eventually clog
up its storage basin entirely. Silt accumulation in reservoirs and canals is espe-
cially rapid in regions where the upper watersheds of the rivers have been
denuded of their natural vegetative cover by overgrazing and further desta-
bilized by excessive cultivation, thus subjecting the catchments to accelerated
soil erosion.
Thus far, we have considered environmental processes that may take
place upstream of an irrigated area. In addition, irrigation also entails
a series of processes that occur downstream. The first of these is the dimi-
nution of the river flow resulting from the extraction of the water used for
irrigation. Consequently, all the associated riparian ecosystems along the
riverbanks, floodplain, and estuary are deprived of vital water supplies and
thereby impoverished. Natural wetlands that were originally biologically
diverse and highly productive may be subject to periodic or permanent des-
iccation, and even to the eradication of vital species or biotic habitats, espe-
cially fisheries. Where a river discharges naturally into a freshwater lake,
the deprivation of the lake’s inflow resulting from the river’s diversion for
irrigation may cause the lake to shrink markedly, and in places drastically.
The shrinkage of the Aral Sea in central Asia is a prime example of the
sort of environmental disaster that can be caused by large scale irrigation
development. The shrinkage of the Dead Sea (shared by Israel, Palestine, and
Jordan) is another example.
These environmentally damaging processes are greatly exacerbated by the
downstream disposal of irrigation-generated wastes. Irrigated lands typically
generate drainage waters, which tend to be laden with salts as well as with
residues of the fertilizers and pesticides that are often applied in excess to the
irrigated crops. If the drainage from the bottom of the root zone percolates
downward toward an aquifer, it may gradually contaminate its groundwater
and make the aquifier unusable for humans. In extreme cases it may even
become unsuitable for irrigation. Nitrates as well as chlorides may accumulate
in groundwater underlying irrigated lands, to the extent of posing a health haz-
ard to communities relying on wells. Other agents contained in the drainage from
irrigated agriculture, as well as from households and industries, are various
toxic and carcinogenic elements and compounds from pesticides. One example
is the element boron, commonly present in detergents, which, even in relatively
small concentrations, can be toxic to certain crops. Yet another example is the
element selenium.
Where the drainage from irrigated lands is channeled through drainage
ditches or pipes and discharged into the river downstream, it pollutes the water
there and may make it unusable for people as well as harmful to natural fauna

and flora. The alternative to discharging the drainage into the river is to convey
it to the sea (which may be quite distant), to lagoons or wetlands (whose fauna
and flora, however, may also be vulnerable to the pollutants), to environmen-
tally isolated evaporation basins in the desert, or to very deep aquifers where
the pollutants are diluted. All of these alternatives may be quite expensive to
carry out, and perhaps unsustainable in the long run. The Kesterson Reservoir
in California is an example where the discharge of drainage from irrigated
areas into wetlands has resulted in damage to wildlife due to the accumulation
of waterborne toxic elements.

Onsite Aspects of Irrigation

The twin processes of degradation that typically affect irrigated lands in
river valleys and low-lying coastal plains, especially those in arid regions, are
waterlogging and salination. Waterlogging results from the tendency of irriga-
tors to apply a volume of water to the soil in excess of the amount of soil-water
taken up by the crop. In part, this is a matter of necessity, to prevent the root
zone from accumulating salts.
Irrigation water is never entirely pure; hence, the application of irrigation
necessarily adds water-borne salts to the soil. Moreover, many arid-zone soils
and subsoils contain natural reserves of salts, which are also mobilized by irri-
gation. Since crop roots typically exclude most salts, the salts left in the root
zone tend to accumulate to the detriment of the crop, unless leached from the
soil and driven downward by drainage.
Maintaining the balance of water and of salts in the root zone, however,
is a delicate dynamic process. Water flowing downward below the root zone
eventually reaches the water-table and augments the groundwater saturating
the substrata. If the water table remains deep and the groundwater beneath
it has its natural outflow, the balance of water and salts in the root zone can
remain favorable to crop growth. If, however, the water table is shallow and
the rate of natural groundwater drainage is slow, the addition of irrigation
water from above will cause the water-table to rise. Sooner or later (perhaps
within a few decades) the water-table approaches the soil surface. The root
zone then becomes saturated with water and deprived of oxygen. Since most
crop plants require oxygen in the soil for their roots to respire, the satura-
tion of the root zone (a condition called waterlogging) itself restricts crop
growth and, in the case of sensitive plants, may cause total crop failure.
The process of waterlogging is further exacerbated by soil salination. When
the water table comes within about 1 meter or less of the surface, the process of
soil salination is accelerated. Instead of percolating downwards and leaching
away the salts, the salt-laden water—especially where the groundwater is natu-
rally brackish, as is commonly the case in arid regions—percolates upwards to
the soil surface, where it evaporates, leaving the salts behind. So much salt can
accumulate at and near the surface as to render the soil sterile. In this manner,
well-intentioned irrigation projects can, quite inadvertently, induce the salina-
tion of originally productive soil.
A further scourge of irrigation is the phenomenon of soil degradation due
to sodicity (also called alkalinity), a condition caused by the specific effect

of sodium ions adsorbed onto the electrostatically charged clay particles. As

explained in a preceding chapter, colloidal clay particles generally exhibit a
negative charge. When surrounded by an aqueous solution of electrolytic salts,
such particles attract cations while repelling anions.
The adsorbed cations form a swarm surrounding each clay particle. These
cations are exchangeable, in the sense that they can be replaced by other cations
whenever the composition of the ambient solution changes. Divalent cations
such as calcium and magnesium tend to compress the swarm of cations, thus
allowing the particles to approach one another sufficiently to clump together
and to form flocs, a process called flocculation, which contributes to the forma-
tion of a desirable soil structure. In contrast, monovalent cations such as sodium
tend to diffuse farther away from the particle surfaces and thus to thicken the
hydration envelope surrounding each particle. This, in turn, causes swelling and
dispersion of the soil flocs. The latter process, called deflocculation, destroys
soil aggregates and restricts the soil’s permeability to water and air. When wet,
a sodic soil becomes a slick and sticky mud; however, when dry, it hardens to
form a tough crust with a typical pattern of cracks. This condition not only
reduces the entry of water and air into the soil but also forms a barrier to the
emergence of germinating seedlings and to the penetration of their roots.


The term drainage can be used in a general sense to denote outflow of water
from soil. More specifically, it can serve to describe the artificial removal of
excess water, or the set of management practices designed to prevent the occur-
rence of excess water. The removal of free water tending to accumulate over
the soil surface by appropriately shaping the land is termed surface drainage
and is outside the scope of our present discussion. The removal of excess water
from within the soil, generally by lowering the water table or by preventing its
rise, is termed groundwater drainage, which is an integral aspect of sustainable
irrigation management.
The artificial drainage of groundwater is generally carried out by means of
drains, which may be ditches, pipes, or “mole channels”, into which ground-
water flows as a result of the hydraulic pressure gradients existing in the soil.
The drains themselves are made to direct the excess water, by gravity or by
pumping, to the drainage outlet, which may be a stream, a lake, an evapo-
ration pond, or the sea. In some places, drainage water may be recycled, or
reused, for agricultural, industrial, or even residential purposes.
Because drainage water may contain potentially harmful concentrations of
salts, fertilizer nutrients, pesticide residues, and various other potentially toxic
chemicals as well as biological pathogens, it is not enough to “get rid” of it. A
major concern is the eventual consequence of its disposal. Therefore, the first
requirement of drainage management is to provide a safe outlet for the effluent.
The recent emphasis on modes of agricultural management that minimize chemi-
cal inputs may help to lessen the problem posed by the persistence of some of
these chemicals in the environment.
Various theoretical and empirical methods have been proposed for designing the
optimal drainage system for different sets of conditions, considering the attributes

Table 13.1 Prevalent Depths and Spacings of Drainage Tubes in Various Soil Types

Hydraulic conductivity Spacing of drains Depth of drains

Soil type (m/day) (m) (m)

Clay 1.5 10–20 1–1.5

Clay loam 1.5–5 15–25 1–1.5
Loam 5–20 20–35 1–1.5
Fine, sandy loam 20–65 30–40 1–1.5
Sandy loam 65–125 30–70 1–2
Peat 125–250 30–100 1–2

of the soil, the climatic and hydrological regime, and the crops to be grown. The
ranges of depth and spacing generally used for the placement of drains in field
practice are listed in Table 13.1. In Holland, the country with the most experience
in drainage, common criteria for drainage are to provide for the removal of about 7
millimeters of water per day, and to prevent a water table rise above 0.5 meter from
the soil surface. In more arid regions, because of the greater evaporation rate and
groundwater salinity, the water table must generally be kept much deeper. In the
Imperial Valley of California, for instance, the drain depth ranges from about 1.5
to 3 meters, and the desired water table depth midway between drains should be at
least 1.2 meter. For fine-textured (less readily permeable) soils, the depth should be
greater still, especially where the salinity risk is high. Since there is a practical and
economic limit to how deep the drains can be placed, it is the density of drain spac-
ing that must be increased in such circumstances.


The sustainability of irrigation is never to be taken for granted. Waterlogging

and salination of soils, along with other degradation processes, not only caused
the collapse of irrigation-based societies in the past, but are indeed threat-
ening the viability of irrigation at present. The problem is global in scope.
Decimation of natural ecosystems, deterioration of soil productivity, depletion
and pollution of water resources, and conflicts among sectors and states over
dwindling supplies and rising demands have become international problems
closely linked with irrigation development.
Irrigated agriculture can be sustained only if and where certain stringent
requirements are met. The requirements are effective prevention of upstream,
on-site, and downstream environmental damage.
Although there will be cases where the costs of continuing irrigation may be
prohibitive, especially if severe damage has already occurred, in most instances,
the cost should be worth bearing. Investing in the maintenance of irrigation
and the integrity of the environment in general can result in improved eco-
nomic and social well being.
Irrigated agriculture must strive for a balance between the immediate need
to maximize production and the ultimate need to ensure continued produc-
tivity in the future. It must also strive to achieve a harmonious interaction

with the external environment, which includes both natural ecosystems and
other human enterprises. More specifically, irrigation projects should ensure
that water supplies of adequate quality are and will continue to be available,
the salt balance and hence the productivity of the land can be maintained, the
drainage effluent can be disposed of safely, public health can be safeguarded,
and the economic returns can justify the costs.
The sine qua non of ensuring the sustainability of irrigation is the timely
installation and continuous operation of a drainage system to prevent water-
logging and to dispose safely of excess salts. All too often drainage creates
off-site problems beyond the on-site costs of installation and maintenance,
since the discharge of briny effluent can degrade the quality of water along its
downstream course. Where access to the open sea is feasible, solving the prob-
lem is likely to be easier than in closed basins or in areas far from the sea. In
those cases, the disposal terminus eventually becomes unfit for human use, as
well as for wildlife. Hence the importance of reducing the volume and salinity
of effluents by such means as improving the efficiency of water use, a task that
in itself can bring economic and environmental rewards. Modern irrigation
technology offers the opportunity to conserve water through reduced trans-
port and application losses, coupled with increased yields per unit volume of

BOX 13.3 Silt and Salt in Ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamia owed its prominence to its agricultural productivity. The
soils of this alluvial valley are deep and fertile, the topography is level, the climate
is warm, and water is provided by the twin rivers, Euphrates and Tigris. However,
the diversion of river water onto the valley lands led to a series of interrelated prob-
The first problem was sedimentation. Early in history, the upland watersheds
were deforested and overgrazed. The resulting erosion was conveyed by the rivers as
suspended silt, which settled along the bottoms and sides of the rivers, thus raising their
beds and banks above the adjacent plain. During periods of floods the rivers overflowed
their banks, inundated large tracts of land, and tended to change course abruptly. The
silt also settled in channels and clogged up the irrigation works.
The second and more severe problem was salt. Seepage from the rivers, the irriga-
tion channels, and the flood-irrigated fields caused the water table to rise throughout
southern Mesopotamia. Because all irrigation waters contain some salts, and because
crop roots normally exclude salts while extracting soil moisture, the salts tended to ac-
cumulate in the soil and groundwater. And as the undrained water table rose it brought
the salts back into the soil. The farmers of ancient Mesopotamia attempted to cope
with the process of salination by periodically fallowing their land, and by replacing the
salt-sensitive wheat with relatively salt-tolerant barley. However, the process proceeded
inexorably. So the ancient hydraulic civilizations of Sumer, Akkad, and Babylonia each
in turn, rose and then declined, as the center of population and culture shifted over the
centuries from the lower to the central to the upper parts of the Tigris-Euphrates valley
(Hillel, 1994).

BOX 13.4 How Ancient Egypt Escaped the Scourge of Salinity

In contrast to Mesopotamia, the civilization of Egypt thrived for several millen-
nia. What explains the persistence of irrigated farming in Egypt in the face of its
demise in Mesopotamia? The answer lies in the different soil and water regimes
of the two lands. Neither clogging by silt nor poisoning by salt was as severe along the
Nile as in the Tigris-Euphrates plain.
The silt of Egypt is brought by the Blue Nile from the volcanic highlands of Ethiopia,
and it is mixed with the organic matter brought by the White Nile from its swampy
sources. It was not so excessive as to choke the irrigation canals, yet was fertile enough
to add nutrients to the fields and nourish their crops. Whereas in Mesopotamia the in-
undation usually comes in the spring, and summer evaporation tends to make the soil
saline, the Nile rises in the late summer and crests in autumn. So in Egypt the inundation
comes at a more favorable time: after the summer heat has killed the weeds and aerated
the soil, just in time for the pre-winter planting.
The narrow floodplain of the Nile (except in the Delta) precluded the widespread rise
of the water table. Over most of its length, the Nile lies below the level of the adjacent
land. When the river crested and inundated the land, the seepage naturally raised the
water table. As the river receded and its water level dropped, it pulled the water table
down after it. The all-important annual pulsation of the river and the associated fluctua-
tion of the water table under a free-draining floodplain created an automatically repeat-
ing self-flushing cycle by which the salts were leached from the irrigated land and carried
away by the Nile itself (Hillel, 1994).
Unfortunately, the soil of Egypt—famous for its durability and productivity in ancient
times—is now threatened with degradation. The Aswan High Dam (completed in 1970)
has blocked the fertile silt that had formerly been delivered by the Nile. The river itself,
now running clear of silt, has increased its erosivity and has been scouring its own
banks. And along the estuaries of the Delta there is no more deposition, so the coast
has been subject to progressive erosion and to intrusion of sea water (a process likely to
worsen as global warming causes the sea level to rise). Finally, the artificial maintenance
of a nearly constant water level in the river, necessary to allow year-round irrigation and
successive cropping, has raised the water table. So Egypt is now subject to the maladies
of waterlogging and salination (to which it had for so long seemed immune) and must
invest in the installation of extensive groundwater drainage systems to prevent soil

Modern Irrigation Methods

In recent decades, revolutionary developments have taken place in the
science and art of irrigation. A more comprehensive understanding has evolved
regarding the soil-crop-water regime as affected by climatic, physiological, and
soil factors. These conceptual developments have led to technical innovations
in water control that have made possible the maintenance of near-optimal
moisture and nutrient conditions throughout the growing season.
Foremost among these innovations are techniques for high-frequency, low-
volume, partial-area applications of water and of nutrients directly into the root
zone at rates calibrated to satisfy crop needs. Properly applied, new irrigation

methods can raise yields while minimizing waste (by runoff, evaporation, and
excessive seepage), reducing drainage requirements, and promoting the integra-
tion of irrigation with essential concurrent operations such as fertilization and
pest control. The use of brackish water has become more feasible, as has the
utilization of sandy, stony, and steep lands previously considered unirrigable.
Additional potential benefits include increased crop diversification and crop-
ping intensity; i.e., the number of crops that can be grown in succession each
The traditional method of irrigation consisted of flooding the land to some
depth with a large volume of water so as to saturate the soil completely, then
waiting some days or weeks until the moisture stored in the soil was nearly
depleted before flooding the land once again. In this low-frequency, high-volume,
total-area pattern of irrigation, the typical cycles consist of periods of exces-
sive soil moisture alternating with periods of insufficiency. Optimal conditions
occur only briefly in transition from one extreme to the other.
In contrast, the newer irrigation methods are designed to apply a small,
measured volume of water at frequent intervals precisely to where the roots
are concentrated. The aim is to reduce fluctuations in the moisture content
of the root zone by maintaining optimal (moist but unsaturated) conditions
continuously, without subjecting the crop either to oxygen stress from excess
moisture or water stress from lack of moisture. Moreover, applying the water
at spatially discrete locations, or even below the surface, has the effect of keep-
ing much of the surface dry, thus helping not only to reduce evaporation but
also to suppress proliferation of weeds.
Since the high-frequency irrigation systems can be adjusted to supply water
at very nearly the exact rate required by the crop, the irrigator no longer needs
to depend on the soil’s ability to store water during long intervals between irri-
gations. Hence, water storage properties of the soil, once considered essential,
are no longer decisive in determining whether a soil is irrigable. New lands,
traditionally believed to be unsuited for irrigation, can now be brought into
production. Examples are coarse sands and gravels, where moisture storage
capacity is very low and where the conveyance and spreading of water by surface
flooding would cause too much seepage.
Of particular interest is the method of drip irrigation (also called trickle
irrigation) and its many variants, such as microsprayer irrigation or spitter
irrigation. Collectively called microirrigation, these methods have been gain-
ing acceptance in many areas. The idea of applying water slowly, literally drop
by drop, at a rate that is continuously absorbed by the soil’s root zone, is not
an entirely new notion. What has made it practical is the development of low-
cost weathering-resistant plastic tubing and variously designed emitter fittings.
System assemblies are now available that are capable of maintaining sufficient
pressure in thin lateral tubes to ensure uniform discharge throughout the field,
as well as ensuring a controlled rate of drip or spray discharge through the
narrow orifice emitters, with a minimum of clogging. A variant of the system
is the subsurface placement of a perforated or porous tube that can ooze water
continuously with practically no loss due to evaporation.
The application systems described have been supplemented by ancillary
equipment such as filters, timing or metering valves (enabling the irrigator

to predetermine the quantity, duration, and frequency of irrigation water

applied), and even equipment to inject fertilizers and pesticides into the water
supply. Mechanical clogging by suspended particles in the water supply can be
prevented by proper filtration, whereas chemical and biological clogging by
precipitating salts and algae can be reduced by slight acidification and algicidal
treatment of the water. Numerous trials in varied locations have resulted in
increased yields of both orchard and field crops, perennial as well as annual,
particularly in adverse conditions of soil, water, and climate. Drip irrigation
has also been applied widely for greenhouses and gardens, and lends itself
readily to labor-saving automation.
A variant of high-frequency irrigation applicable to large-scale mechanized
farms is the so-called center-pivot irrigation system. It consists of a central
vertical pipe that delivers water to a horizontal rotating boom fitted with
sprinklers or drippers. The boom circles continuously, and can thus irrigate
a large area (scores of hectares) automatically. The speed of rotation can be
adjusted so that every spot of land (and every plant) receives a small increment

Fig. 13.5. Partial-area wetting around orchard trees under drip irrigation.

Fig. 13.6. Radiation and water balances on a plant under localized irrigation.

of irrigation at a high frequency; e.g., several times each day throughout the
growing season. The application rate can be adjusted according to the variable
(weather-determined) evaporative demand and to the stage of crop growth.
The circular pattern of irrigation can be seen from the air by airline passengers
flying over large sections of the US Great Plains.


Any concept of efficiency is a measure of the output obtainable from a given

input. Irrigation efficiency or water-use efficiency can be defined in different
ways, however, depending on the nature of the inputs and outputs considered.
For example, one can define as an economic criterion of efficiency the finan-
cial return in relation to the money invested in the installation and operation
of a water-supply system. The difficulty is that costs and prices fluctuate from
year to year and vary widely from place to place, so they are not universally
comparable. Another criterion for the relative merit of an irrigation system is
an agronomic one—namely, the added yield resulting from irrigation per unit
of land area, or per unit amount of water applied.

A widely used expression of efficiency is the crop water-use efficiency, which is

defined as the amount of vegetative dry matter produced per unit volume of water
taken up by the crop from the soil. Because most of the water taken up by plants
in the field is transpired (in arid regions, as much as 99%), while generally only a
small amount is retained, the plant water-use efficiency is in effect the reciprocal
of what has long been known as the transpiration ratio, defined as the mass of
water transpired per unit mass of dry matter produced by the plants.
What we refer to as technical efficiency is what irrigation engineers call
irrigation efficiency. It is generally defined as the net amount of water added
to the root zone divided by the amount of water taken from some source. As
such, this criterion of efficiency can be applied to large regional projects, to
individual farms, or to specific fields. In each case, the difference between the
amount withdrawn from the source and the net amount of water added to the
root zone represents the loss incurred in conveyance and distribution.
In practice, many of the older irrigation projects have long operated in
an inherently inefficient way. In many surface-irrigated (or flood-irrigated)
schemes, water is delivered to the farm at a fixed interval for a fixed period, and
charges are assessed per delivery regardless of the actual amount used. Under
these conditions, farmers tend to take as much water as they can while they
can. This often results in overirrigation, which not only wastes water but also
causes problems connected with the disposal of return flows, waterlogging of
soils, leaching of nutrients, and excessive elevation of the water table, requiring
expensive drainage works.
Particularly difficult to change are management practices that lead to delib-
erate waste, not because of lack of knowledge or technical means to avoid
waste but simply because it appears more convenient or economical in the
short run to waste water rather than to apply practices of water conservation.
Such situations typically occur when the price of irrigation water is lower than
the cost of labor or the equipment needs to avoid overirrigation. Very often the
price of water does not reflect the true cost of supplying it but is kept deliber-
ately low by government subsidy, which can be self-defeating.
The agronomic efficiency of water use (WUEag) can be defined as follows:

WUEag = P/W

where P is crop production, either in terms of total dry matter or of the mar-
ketable product, and W is the volume of water applied.
Since only a fraction of the applied water is actually absorbed and utilized
by the crop, we need to consider the various components of the denominator
W, as follows:
W = R + D + Ed + Es + Tw + Tc

Here, R is the volume of water lost by runoff from the field, D is the volume
drained out of the root zone by deep percolation, Ed is the volume lost by
evaporation during delivery and application of water to the field, Es is the vol-
ume evaporated from the soil, Tw is the volume transpired by weeds, and Tc is
the volume transpired by the crop. All these volumes pertain to the same unit
area and time period.

Clearly, water-use efficiency can be maximized by increasing crop yields

P and by reducing the various components of water use W. Crop yields can
be increased by using high-potential varieties that are well adapted to local soil
and climate, and by optimizing agronomic practices. The latter include proper
timing and performance of planting and harvesting, tillage, fertilization, and
pest control. Of the items included in the term W, the one that generally can-
not, and should not, be reduced is the transpiration by the crop. In the open
field, little can be done to limit transpiration without curtailing growth and
yield. That is because the unrestricted absorption of carbon dioxide, required
in photosynthesis, depends on the stomates remaining open, a condition that
allows unrestricted transpiration as well. So, in effect, photosynthesis and tran-
spiration are coupled processes.
The greatest promise for increasing water-use efficiency appears to be in
allowing the crop to transpire freely at the maximum climatic limit by prevent-
ing any possible water shortages, while avoiding waste of water and obviating
all other environmental constraints, resulting in attainment of the fullest pos-
sible productive potential of the crop. This is particularly important in the case
of superior varieties that can achieve their potential yields only if water stress
is prevented and such other factors as soil fertility, temperature, aeration, and
soil structure are optimized as well.
Plant diseases and pests, as well as competing weeds and deficient fertility of
the soil, may depress yields without a proportionate decrease in water use. All
management practices can thus influence water-use efficiency, and none can be
considered in isolation from the others.
Given the expected increase in the world’s population and the necessity to
alleviate human deprivation while maintaining biodiversity and environmen-
tal quality, and given the limited availability of appropriate land and water
resources, there is an imperative need to improve the efficiency and ensure the
sustainability of soil management.


In addition to its role in agriculture, the soil is used for a variety of pur-
poses in engineering practice. The soil serves as a foundation for many struc-
tures, including roads, dams, and houses. The soil also serves as a building
material—for example, in the manufacture of bricks and the construction
of earthen dykes and adobe houses. Dry soil is a good thermal insulator.
Ceramic materials are made of fired clay, in the making of which the par-
ticles are fused under heat, and the mass hardens and becomes relatively
The tendency of some clay types, especially smectite, to expand when it
imbibes water and to contract when it dries can cause buildings, roadways, and
pipelines to subside and even to shatter. To avoid failure, structures established
over expansive clay must be based on especially strong foundations resting on
deep piles or underlying solid bedrock. In some cases, entire cities that are built
over saturated clay (Bangkok, Houston, and Mexico City are prime examples)
may subside gradually due to the consolidation of the clay underneath.

Fig. 13.7. Inefficient irrigation, downward spriral (a) vs. efficient irrigation, upward spiral (b).

Engineers who deal with the soil as a building material or as a foundation for
buildings must consider the mechanical properties of the soil in various states
of wetness and under various stresses. The concept of soil strength expresses
a soil body’s ability to bear loads and to withstand compressive or shearing
stresses without failing; i.e., without shattering or collapsing. Soil strength is
generally a function of the soil’s degree of compaction, or its bulk density; i.e.,
the mass of dry soil per unit bulk volume. To make the soil stronger, therefore,
engineers usually try to compact it by means of machines that can knead and
compress the soil to a high bulk density. An important consideration is the
moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction. Each soil has an optimal
moisture content at which a given compactive effort can produce the maximal
density and strength. A soil that is too dry will pulverize under stress, and a
soil that is too wet will deform when kneaded (as does dough), but in neither
state will the soil compress and become stronger. Hence, an intermediate con-
dition is desired at which the soil is moist but not saturated and therefore most
amenable to compression.
An important use of soil is in the disposal of wastes. Domestic sewage
(including garbage and human wastes), industrial wastes (which may be toxic),
surplus building materials, and even spent medical supplies are commonly
applied to so-called “landfills”. In many cases, the soil’s capacity to decom-
pose or immobilize such materials may indeed render them harmless. In too
many cases, however, the soil’s limited capacities are exceeded, so that harmful
agents may leak into the larger environment. The best facilities are designed
and controlled landfills that are isolated from the environment by means of
compacted clay layers, durable plastic linings, or concrete structures designed
to minimize and control the venting of gases to the atmosphere and the leach-
ing of liquids to groundwater and surface streams.

BOX 13.5 Optimizing Rainwater Utilization in Dryland

Improving water-use efficiency in dryland farming requires measures to increase
infiltration (avoiding runoff losses) and to prevent water losses. Such measures
include the following:
1. Maintaining a well-structured, aggregated, and porous topsoil, so as to prevent
surface crusting and runoff;
2. Keeping a mulch cover (consisting of plant residues) on the soil surface to shield
the soil surface against the aggregate-slaking impact of striking raindrops;
3. Terracing and contouring cultivation to facilitate absorption of rainfall and pre-
vention of runoff;
4. Avoiding mechanical compaction so as to enhance infiltration and prevent runoff
5. Fallowing the land periodically to collect rainwater and store it in the soil for the
subsequent use of a crop;
6. Minimizing surface evaporation of soil moisture by judicious tillage and especially
by means of maintaining a diffusion barrier over the surface; e.g., a straw mulch;
7. Eradicating transpiring weeds to prevent losses of moisture from deeper layers
of the soil;
8. Enhancing rainwater supply by means of water-harvesting; i.e., inducing and col-
lecting runoff from adjacent slopes and directing it to planted plots;
9. Planting and fertilizing suitable (drought resistant, high yield potential) crops at
optimal timing to ensure germination and establishment and to utilize seasonal
rains; and
10. Establishing vegetated shelter belts or mechanical barriers (perpendicular to prevail-
ing wind direction) to reduce wind speed and thereby lower potential evaporation.

BOX 13.6 Management of Urban Soils

Especially sensitive are the artificial environments within cities, subject as they are
to the so-called “urban heat island” effect, as well as to the urban air’s gaseous
pollutants and particulates (including dust, soot, and smoke). Urban soils may be
artificial media, often mixed with debris of building materials and other wastes (which
may be acidic, alkaline, or otherwise toxic). Depending on how urban soils are treat-
ed, they may contain increased or decreased amounts of organic matter. In the United
States, conversion of agricultural or naturally vegetated land to urban use is proceeding
at an accelerating pace. Between 1980 and 2000, land devoted to urban uses grew by
more than 34%, a rate 40% faster than the rate of population growth.
Soil organic carbon densities vary widely among different types of urban soils, land
uses, and land covers. Soils of residential lawns have the highest content of carbon,
whereas soils in parks and recreation grounds contain less of it. Some soils, particularly
waste-disposal sites, may contain residues that inhibit plant growth and may, when
trampled, contribute to the dust content of the urban air. Properly vegetated and treated,
urban soils in parks, streets, residential yards, and even rooftops, can enhance the aes-
thetic appearance of neighbourhoods, improve the quality of urban air, moderate cli-
matic extremes, help in the control and disposal of storm-water drainage, and even play
a positive role in the absorption of carbon dioxide.

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