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Sanitation, Cleaning, and Disinfecting Poultry Facilities

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Sanitation, Cleaning, and Disinfecting

Poultry Facilities
Published on: 6/25/2008
Author/s : Tom W. Smith, Ph.D., Extension Poultry Specialist - Mississippi State
University Extension Service Information Sheet
Diseases and infections have always been a major concern to the poultry
industry. Fortunately, microbial contamination can be prevented and controlled
using proper management practices and modern health products.

Microorganisms are everywhere! Some are relatively harmless, while others

can cause disease. Some pose a lethal threat to one species of animal while
remaining harmless to another species. Some organisms are easily destroyed,
while others are very difficult to eliminate. The moral is, “Treat all
microorganisms as if they are a severe threat to the chick’s livelihood.”

Three terms are commonly used to describe microbial control:

     * Sterilization – Destroying all infective and reproductive forms of all

microorganisms (bacteria, fungi,
        virus, and the like).
     * Disinfection – Destroying all vegetative forms of microorganisms. Spores
are not destroyed.
     * Sanitation – Pathogenic organisms are present but are not a threat to the
birds’ health.

Many producers have the impression that they create a “sterile” condition
because they use disinfectants, when they may only achieve a sanitized
condition at the very best.

The most important thing to remember when striving for a sanitized

environment is that cleanliness is essential. Proper cleaning removes most
germs and is always done before using disinfectants. This applies to all areas,
including floors, walls, equipment, and personnel.

It is extremely important to remove as much organic matter as possible from

surfaces being disinfected. After removing dust, chick down, droppings, tissue
residues, and such, thoroughly clean surfaces, using warm water and
appropriate cleaning aids. Focus on selecting the proper detergent to produce
the cleanest environment possible with variations in water hardness, salinity,
and pH. A thorough rinsing with enough clean, sanitized water completes the
cleaning process and removes most lingering residues of detergents, organic
matter, or microbial germs.

Only after facilities are thoroughly clean do you treat surfaces with an
appropriate disinfectant solution. Not all disinfectants are suited for every

When selecting the disinfectant, carefully consider these:

     * The type of surface being treated.

     * The cleanliness of the surface.
     * The type of organisms being treated.
     * The durability of the equipment/surface material.
     * Time limitations on treatment duration.
     * Residual activity requirements.

If the surface is free of organic matter and residual activity is not required,
quaternary ammonium compounds or halogen compounds can be used
effectively. However, if surfaces are difficult to clean, residual activity is
required, or the contaminating organisms are difficult to destroy, then multiple
phenols or coal tar distillates may be needed.

Be careful that the disinfectant, when used as directed, meets your

requirements. Be reasonable and don’t expect the product to produce
impossible results.Otherwise, select a different product or change disease
control practices.

Although many disinfectants are available, the disinfectant you select must be
effective for the conditions being used.

Here are several considerations for getting the best results from a disinfectant:

     * Consider the disinfectant’s effectiveness on organisms of greatest

concern. Not all disinfectants are
        effective against all organisms.
     * Clean and disinfect in separate operations.
     * Disinfectant solutions are more effective when applied as warm solutions
rather than cold solutions. Hot
        solutions can reduce disinfectant efficiency.
     * Few disinfectants are effective instantaneously; allow enough contact time
(usually 30 minutes is
     * Embryos are very sensitive and severely affected by chemical vapors.
Use disinfectants having least
        effect on embryo development.
     * Allow all surfaces to dry thoroughly before reuse. Dryness reduces
reproduction and spread and
        transport of germs.
     * Improper use of disinfectants can damage or hinder the function of
equipment. Some disinfectants are
        corrosive or clog spray nozzles of water systems.
     * Always follow label directions for their safe use. Never sacrifice personal
safety for cost savings or
        productive efficiency.

Disease-free surfaces can be compromised if you do not properly maintain

facilities. You can unknowingly act as a germ carrier and become a major
source of infection. Provisions must be available for frequent washing of hands
and footwear. Freshly laundered clothing and caps can significantly reduce the
spread of germs. Restricted movement of personnel within specific areas also
reduces the distribution of organisms.

The risk posed by disease causing organisms is a constant challenge. Use

effective control measures rather than trusting visual cleanliness as an
indicator of sanitation. A surface that looks clean is not necessarily disease-
free. Assuming so may be fatal to the birds and management program.

Disinfectant Classifications
t Considerations
Alcohols Small utensils Poor residual activity, fire hazard, expensive
Halogens Water sytems, foot baths Corrosive, poor residual activity, ineffective in presence of organic material
Quaternary Incubation equipment, feeding Non-corrosive, non-irritating, limited residual activity and effectiveness with
ammonias systems organic matter
Phenols General house use Slightly irritating, good residual activity, effective with organic matter
Coal tar
General house use Coorosive, irritating, good residual activity, effective with organic matter
Aldehydes Fumigating incubators/eggs Highly toxic, slight residual activity, sporicidal, fungicidal
Small utensils Poor residual activity, corrosive, innefective in presence of organic material

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