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Year 1 Unit Planner II 2019-2020

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Teacher( Andrea Hernández Subject group and English; Language and Literature

s) discipline
Unit title Island of the Blue Dolphins  MYP year 1 Unit duration 32

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Perspective Point of View Orientation in Space and Time
Self Expression

Statement of inquiry
Different points of view elaborate our understanding of our perspective, ourselves, and our place in the world.

Inquiry questions
Factual — How can understanding the plot, setting, character traits and conflict in a plot help me better comprehend the
story? What effect does first, second, and third person have on a narrative?,
Conceptual — What personal qualities help a character deal with conflict and change? Does placing ourselves in a
character's shoes make understanding a character's decisions difficult?
Debatable — . What does Island of the Blue Dolphins teach us about life? Is the violence in chapter four avoidable or part of
our nature?
Objectives Summative assessment
Criterion A: Analysing Outline of summative assessment Relationship between summative
i. identify and comment upon task(s) including assessment assessment task(s) and statement
significant aspects of texts criteria: of inquiry:
ii. identify and comment upon the Goal: In the novel, Island of the Blue Dolphins,
creator’s choices the main character, Karana, is faced
iii. justify opinions and ideas, using Role:
with many obstacles and challenges.
examples, explanations and Audience: Students will first reflect on the
terminology Situation: meanings of courage and adversity
Criterion B: Organizing Product: through writing journals, free writes,
ii. organize opinions and ideas in a graphic organizers, figurative language,
logical manner Standards and Criteria for Success: and point of view.
Criterion C: Producing Text They will read the novel with a focus on
i. produce texts that demonstrate Karana’s character, setting, 3 types of
conflict she faces and vocabulary.
thought and imagination while
Next, they will reflect on the story by
exploring new perspectives and ideas
imagining how they would react if faced
arising from personal engagement with
the creative process with the same situations.
ii. make stylistic choices in terms of
linguistic, literary and visual devices,
demonstrating awareness of impact on
an audience

Criterion D: Using language

i. use appropriate and varied
vocabulary, sentence structures and
forms of expression ii. write and speak
in an appropriate register and style
iii. use correct grammar, syntax and
iv. spell (alphabetic languages), write
(character languages) and pronounce
with accuracy

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Communication I. Communication skills 
• Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information
 Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.
Assessment and Criteria: C (i, ii) D (i, ii, iii, iv)
Thinking IX. Creative-thinking skills: create original works and ideas.  
Assessment and Criteria: A (i, ii, iii) B (ii)
 Plan long and short term assignments; meet deadline

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning experiences and Formative assessment Differentiation

teaching strategies
Observing Students will observe: * Team work – Individual
1. Read and discuss various
elements of the given text *Random calling and
and examine and discuss -Figurative Language Book:
Create, write and illustrate volunteer participation.
details and overarching
themes; consider how the examples of figurative
details contribute to the work language used in the text.
and to answering the Inquiry Use evidence from the text to
Questions. support your thinking.

2. Given that this book does -Journal Prompts: Periodically

not have chapter titles, respond to journal prompts in
students will work in small student notebooks regarding
groups to determine various aspects of the story.
appropriate chapter titles Minimum of two paragraphs
based on events in each required.
-Work Cited Source cards: In
3. After reading each chapter, conjunction with the final
complete vocabulary and research project, write work
identify the survival skill cited source cards in
using handout. Write a journal alphabetical order including
entry to convey details on author/s name, title,
how the characters use publishing place and date.
survival skills. Examples include books, web
pages, encyclopedias,
4. Students will create a magazines, etc.
figurative language book
-Character Compare and
contrast: Using the top hat
organizer, compare and
contrast 2 characters from the

-Historical Fiction Survival

Story: After reading Island of
the Blue Dolphins and
completing entire unit of
work, write a survival story.

-Tests/Quizzes: Multiple
choice tests and discussion
question on book studied.
Asking Class discussions on: Random calling and
 relating ideas volunteer participation
 inferences and Participation in Socratic
conclusions seminars.
 interpreting author's
 making judgments
 distinguishing
important information
 context clues
*Creation of characters, Researching
script, storyboards * WKL (in order to assess
students learning
*Analyzing and process).
contrasting texts to * Feedback in order to
recognize literary devices strengthen students’
and elements skills (Self-assessment,
Peer assessment)
* Summarizing.
* Introduction of new

Making * Checklist to verify

Service as Action requested advance.
Community: GF *Regular feedback to
community strengthen students’
Service: A guide to be skills. (Self-assessment,
used in order to choose Peer assessment)
books in the library
*Teacher demonstrations
Product: Book review
and examples.
Description: Students will
write book reviews for
library books of their

*Teacher observations
*Class discussions
*Specific writing


O’Dell, S., The Island of the Blue Dolphins, Houghton Mifflin Company & Riverside Press (Cambridge, Mass.) (1960)
ISBN: 9780547328614
MYP – From Principles into Practice; (From September 2014/January 2015.) 
MYP – Language and Literature Guide; (From September 2014/January 2015.)
Bowen, T & J Marks, Inside Teaching, Macmillan 1994
Carter, R & M Long, Teaching Literature, Longman 1991
Lazar, Gillian, Literature and Language Teaching, Cambridge 1993
Widdowson, H. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman 1975
Explore the Islands - Island of the Blue Dolphins (U.S. National Park Service)
The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island | Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Learn About the Park - Channel Islands National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Life in the Village: Chapter 1 - Island of the Blue Dolphins (U.S. National Park Service)
Follow the Story - Island of the Blue Dolphins (U.S. National Park Service)
San Nicolas Island - Wikipedia
Fichas educativas y unidades de estudio sobre myp blue | Quizlet
Examining Island of the Blue Dolphins through a Literary Lens - ReadWriteThink
7th grade English MYP Summer Reading 2016_2018.pdf
Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit
-Diagnostic Test to create a
differentiation report about the
levels of the students.
-Interview students to evaluate
their oral skills and expectations.
-Group students with similar
learning style.
-Classroom management
-KWL and LINK Visible thinking
-Building background by accessing
prior knowledge of students

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