National Development Unit
National Development Unit
National Development Unit
14.1.1 The National Development Unit (NDU) has the vision to have an informed society
benefitting from efficient and continually upgraded infrastructures and
government programmes. Its mission relates to bringing the benefits of socio-
economic development to the doorsteps of people and protecting the population
from flooding and national disaster.
14.1.2 Its main objective is, therefore, to contribute towards the enhancement of the
quality of life. The Unit aims at attaining this objective through three main
activities namely: provision of community based infrastructure and amenities;
implementation of land drainage and watershed management programme; and
provision of information and advice on existing services to empower citizens.
14.1.3 The activities of the NDU are organised under the Regional Development Section,
Technical Section and a network of 35 Citizens Advice Bureau covering the
14.1.4 The Permanent Secretary has the overall responsibility for the day-to-day
administration and management of the NDU.
14.1.5 The Regional Development Officer (RDO) cadre is headed by a Chief Regional
Development Officer who is responsible for formulating policies for the NDU and
ensuring timely and efficient implementation of projects. He is assisted by officers
in the grades of Principal Regional Development Officer, Senior Regional
Development Officer and Regional Development Officer.
14.1.6 In the context of this Review exercise, representations have been made for:
merging/restyling of grades; payment of certain allowances; grant of duty free
facilities; and provision of protective equipment. During consultations, parties
were apprised on the philosophy of merging/restyling of grades. As regards
payment of allowances which pertains to General Conditions of Service,
stakeholders were sounded on existing provisions and apprised on the
introduction in this Report for the conduct of a Risk Assessment Exercise in
organisations to determine or justify the payment of a risk allowance. Parties
were also informed that the Survey on Travelling would determine eligibility for
duty free facilities. On the issue of protective equipment, parties were advised to
submit the request to the Standing Committee on Uniforms set up at the level of
the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms.
14.1.7 After examining the proposals, the Bureau considers that the present structure is
fit for its purpose. We are, therefore, not bringing any modification thereto for the
time being.
Citizen’s Advice Bureau Organiser Cadre
14.1.8 In the 2013 PRB Report, we made provision for the Regional Development Officer
cadre to be opened to qualified officers of the CAB Organiser cadre which
consists of CAB Organisers, Assistant CAB Coordinators and CAB Coordinator.
Recommendation was also made for the cadre to be gradually phased out as it
had been argued that the activities of the CAB had decreased considerably. This
provision was, however, waived by the EOAC.
14.1.9 The NDU has submitted that the activities carried out by CAB have continued to
be on the low side. Further, given that a wide array of duties devolves on the
Regional Development Officer Cadre, the need for the CAB Organiser Cadre may
not be warranted. We are, therefore, making appropriate recommendation to
address the issue. In so doing, we are taking care not to jeopardize the career
path of CAB Organisers. Hence, we are maintaining the grades of Assistant CAB
Coordinator and CAB Coordinator. Further, appointment to the grade of Regional
Development Officer would continue to be by selection from qualified officers of
the CAB Cadre.
Recommendation 1
14.1.10 We recommend that the grade of CAB Organiser be made evanescent. We
have provided a personal salary for the incumbents.
14.1.12 Based on the survey carried out by the Bureau in context of the 2013 PRB Report,
the SPRA was maintained as it served its purpose of retaining professionals of
high calibre. Following the publication of the 2013 EOAC Report, officers in
several other grades were listed for eligibility for SPRA without any stated
14.1.13 Based on the survey carried out by the Bureau in context of the 2013 PRB Report,
the SPRA was maintained as it served its purpose of retaining professionals of
high calibre. Following the publication of the 2013 EOAC Report, officers in
several other grades were listed for eligibility for SPRA without any stated
14.1.14 In the context of this review, Management, Unions and individual officers have
made strong representations for maintaining SPRA and for extending same to
other grades. The Bureau recently conducted a survey to determine the extent
to which professionals of high calibre and possessing scarce skills are leaving the
public sector, and also to assess the market value of these professionals.
However, it is worth noting that the survey revealed that there are no serious
recruitment and retention problems in the Engineering/Architecture/Quantity
Surveying fields. Besides, the labour market has an over-supply of qualified
candidates in these fields.
14.1.15 It is also worth highlighting that some organisations have not responded to the
survey carried out and as such the Bureau has not been able to ascertain whether
these organisations are still encountering difficulties in recruiting and retaining
professionals of right profile and calibre in the Engineering/Architecture/Quantity
Surveying fields. Though some organisations did not respond to the survey, they
have nevertheless made representations for maintaining SPRA and extending it
to other categories of professionals.
14.1.16 In the given circumstances and taking into consideration: (i) the findings of the
survey; (ii) representations from stakeholders; and (iii) position of concerned
organisations, we are in this Report maintaining the payment of the SPRA to
eligible officers in post as at 31 December 2015 up to 31 December 2016.
Recommendation 2
14.1.17 We recommend that officers in the grades of Project Officer/Senior Project
Officer formerly Project Officer, Project Manager and Chief Project Manager
(Personal to holder in post as at 31.12.15) eligible for the payment of the
Special Professional Retention Allowance as at 31 December 2015 should
continue to be paid same up to 31 December 2016 as specified in the
following table:
Grade SPRA
% of monthly salary
Project Manager 7
(i) leave the service prior to the age at which they may retire without the
approval of the appropriate Service Commission (Table II at Chapter
15 of Volume 1) should refund the totality of the Special Professional
Retention Allowance paid to them; and
(ii) retire from the service on reaching the age at which they may retire
without the approval of the appropriate Service Commission or
thereafter, should refund only that part of the Special Professional
However, provisions made at (i) and (ii) above, should not apply to
officers retiring as per their new compulsory retirement age or on
medical ground.
14.1.19 All officers in the Engineering fields who are eligible for the payment of the
Special Professional Retention Allowance as from 01 January 2016 and
have been granted same prior to the publication of this Report should
continue to draw the Special Professional Retention Allowance up to 31
December 2016.
02 075 089 Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 –
Principal Regional Development Officer
Salary Code Salary Scale and Grade
02 054 081 Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
49950 x 1625 – 56450
Regional Development Officer
26 085 095 Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 –
Chief Project Manager (Future Holder)
26 075 089 Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 –
Project Manager
26 059 085 Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
49950 x 1625 – 62950
Project Officer/Senior Project Officer
formerly Project Officer
08 065 081 Rs 34350 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –
Citizen’s Advice Bureau Co-ordinator
08 058 076 Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –
Assistant Citizen's Advice Bureau Coordinator
08 050 072 Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800
x 1525 – 42325
Citizen’s Advice Bureau Organiser (Personal)
Salary Code Salary Scale and Grade
26 047 076 Rs 21000 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x
1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425
Project Assistant
22 021 054 Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x
375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525
Receptionist/Telephone Operator
24 022 051 Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x
375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200
24 016 043 Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750
x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200
Stores Attendant
24 001 038 Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 –10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260
– 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375
General Worker