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Pt-A-33/19/2/TransferPolicy/2022-E-II I/2108077/2025

File No. Pt -A-33/19/2/TransferPolicy/2022- E-II Dated : 10-01-2025


1. All Officer/Employee of ESI Corporation.

2. PPS/PS to Hon’ble Minister for Labour and Employment/Chairman, ESIC,

New Delhi.

3. PPS/PS to Hon’ble Minister of state (L&E)/ Vice -Chairman, ESIC, New


4. PPS/PS to Secretary (L & E), Social Security Division -I, MoL&E, New

5. PPS/PS to DG/FC/CVO, Headquarters, ESIC, New Delhi.

6. PPS/PS to all Divisional Heads, Headquarters, ESIC, New Delhi.

7. Insurance Commissioner (NTA), Dwarka, New Delhi.

8. All Zonal Insurance Commissioners/Zonal Medical Commissioners.

9. All Additional Commissioners & Regional Directors/Regional

Directors/Deputy Director(I/C)/ Joint Director, Establishment Branch -V,
Headquarters, New Delhi

10. Directorate (M) Noida/ Directorate (M) Delhi.

11. Joint Director(OL), Headquarters/ RO, Delhi/ Tamil Nadu.

12. Deputy Director (OL), Headquarters/RO, Maharashtra/Punjab.

13. All Medical Superintendents of ESIC Hospital & ESIC Model Hospitals.

14. All Deans of Medical Colleges/ PGIMSR/ Dental Colleges/ Principal,

Nursing Colleges.

15. Deputy Director/ Assistant Director, Zonal Vigilance/ Zonal Training

Institute/ Finance and Accounts Divisions.

16. Website Content Manager for uploading on the website of ESIC for
information of all concerned.

17. Hindi Branch/Librarian/guard file/spare copies.

Subject:- Transfer/Posting policy of officials on the Administrative side of ESIC

drawing scale of pay correspondence to Group 'C' officials of the Central

(This policy is not applicable in the cadres of Social Security officer/ Manager
Grade-II/ Superintendent and Personal Assistant)
Pt-A-33/19/2/TransferPolicy/2022-E-II I/2108077/2025

Sir/ Madam,

In supersession of all pervious policies in the matter, transfer/posting policy on the

subject cited above is forwarded herewith for information of all concerned.

This transfer/posting policy is issued with the approval of Competent Authority and shall
come in force with immediate effect.

Encl:- Transfer/Posting policy of ESIC Group 'C' officials containing 09 pages.

Yours faithfully,



Transfer/ posting policy of officials on the administrative side of ESI Corporation drawing
scale of pay corresponding to Group ‘C’ officials of the Central Government

(This Policy is not applicable in the cadres of Social Security Officer/ Manager Grade – II/
Superintendent and Personal Assistant)

1. Introduction

(i) Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), a statutory organization formed under the
provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, works under the control of Ministry of Labour &
Employment, Govt. of India, New Delhi and provides social security benefits to its beneficiaries called
Insured Persons and their dependents (nearly 12 Crore at present) under ESI scheme.

(ii) Aforesaid social security benefits in the form of medical services, cash benefits in case of
sickness, disablement pension, pension on death of Insured Person, funeral expenses etc. are
provided to beneficiaries of ESI scheme across the country by various field offices viz. Regional
Offices, Sub-regional Offices, ESIC Hospitals, Medical Colleges, Branch Offices, Dispensary-cum-
Branch Office (DCBO) etc. through officers on the Administrative side drawing scale of pay
corresponding to Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ officers of the Central Government and other Group ‘C’ staff
posted there.

(iii) In the ESI Corporation, cadres drawing scales of pay corresponding to Group ‘C’ employees
of the Central Government i.e. Assistant, Upper Division Clerk, Lower Division Clerk, Multi-Tasking
Staff, Stenographer etc. provide support to the administration in Regional Offices and other Offices/
Units within the Region/ state viz. Sub-regional Offices, Medical Institutions, Branch Offices, DCBO
etc. Officials of these cadres are recruited at the level of Regional Offices and they are liable to be
transferred within the region.

2. Principles

i. Organizational interest shall be given highest consideration during the transfer and posting
and administrative requirements shall be paramount while considering any transfer as per
this policy. Hence, transfer to a particular station/ office cannot be claimed as a matter of
right and shall be subject to administrative feasibility;
ii. To provide accessible and best public services to the Insured Persons (IPs) and their
iii. To maintain equitable distribution of officials on the Administrative side at various offices
within the region to ensure optimal functioning, while at the same time meeting
organizational requirement of officials with varied experience and enriched domain expertise;
iv. To groom officials for higher and varied responsibilities with utilization of their experience and
to provide them an opportunity to improve their proficiency, capacity building and career

v. To have right person at right position and place and to have transparency in transfer and
vi. To implement Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines regarding rotation of officials in
sensitive/ non-sensitive posts.
vii. In case of posts where this policy has designated two or more Competent Authorities for
effecting transfers, as a matter of principle, the senior Competent Authority will first issue the
transfer orders pertaining to the posts under it; and once this exercise is complete, only then
the junior Competent Authorities shall initiate the exercise of transfer in respect of posts
under it within their respective jurisdictions.

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3. Definitions

3.1 Competent Authority: As defined in clause 13 of this transfer policy.

3.2 Annual General Transfer (AGT): Transfers made annually by the Competent Authority
inviting online applications through the HRMS employees’ portal of ESIC under this policy.

3.3 Transfer/ posting during the year: As defined in clause 6 of this transfer policy.

3.4 Choice Station: The place where an official desires to be posted.

3.5 Station: Any city/ town (including its suburban area) within the region where at-least one
office/ institution of ESIC is located.

3.6 Tenure:

a. Continuous stay at a station for the specified period defined under this policy irrespective of
the post/ office within the same station. This would include all types of leave, but not include
deputation/ diversion period.
b. While posted at the Regional Office/ Sub-regional Office/ Medical Institution or any other
accounting unit, continuous stay at the respective accounting unit for the tenure specified
under clause 4 of this policy irrespective of the post held by the officials(s) within the same
office. This would include all types of leave, but not include deputation/ diversion period.

NOTE (1): In case an official is posted at a location/ city away from the station of Regional
Office/ Sub-regional Office concerned, the tenure of the official under clause 4 below shall be counted
for the location/ city where the official is posted and not that of the station of the accounting unit;
provided that the posting to such location(s)/ cities grant of CTG is admissible as per the rules.

NOTE (2): For the purpose of calculating minimum tenure, the tenure shall be counted with
reference to the joining of official(s) at the location/ city, irrespective of his/ her postings at various
offices under the Accounting Unit.

3.7 Transfer year: The year in which the Annual General Transfer takes place. The transfer
year in ESIC coincides with the financial year.

4. Minimum & Maximum Tenure

4.1 All transfer/ postings of official(s) shall normally be for a period not less than three years,
provided there is no serious complaint of misconduct or misdemeanor against the official; or it is
expedient in public interest to transfer him/ her before completion of minimum tenure.

4.2 No official shall remain attached to a post identified as sensitive, for more than three
years in accordance with instructions issued by Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). Compliance of
rotation between sensitive and non-sensitive posts shall be ensured by the Controlling Officer/
Head of the Office.

4.3 Maximum tenure at a station shall be 10 (Ten) years and the maximum tenure at an
office shall be 5 (five) years. However, in case there is only 1 (one) office/ institution at a station,
no official will stay at the station for more than 5 (five) years. In the case of posts identified as
sensitive, the provisions contained at clause 4.2 above shall be applicable; as such the official may
be rotated from a sensitive post to a non-sensitive post as per rules.

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5. Annual General Transfers

5.1 Annual General Transfers would normally be ordered once a year in the month of March as
far as possible.

5.2 Annual General Transfers shall consist of following two categories:

i. Tenure Completion Transfer - Transfers of officials who have completed

or will be completing the prescribed maximum tenure on 31st March of the
transfer year in a station irrespective of Accounting Unit; and
ii. Request Transfer - Request for transfer on any ground from the officials
who have completed or going to complete minimum tenure of 3
(three) years in a station as on 31st March of the transfer year irrespective
of Accounting Unit. Request Transfer shall not be a matter of right and shall
be subject to administrative feasibility.

5.3 Officials under clause 5.2 shall have to file their online applications through the designated
online portal for transfer to station(s) of their choice, up to 10 (Ten) stations in the order of
preference. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Office to ensure the veracity of the
service details, past posting details, request data, other information given in online request and the
uploaded supporting documents therein. The options for choice stations once exercised shall be final.

5.4 In case an official who has completed prescribed maximum tenure and has failed to give
any option for posting, the administration shall have the right to post him/ her anywhere within the
region as per the administrative requirements.

5.5 The calendar for Annual General Transfers within the region shall be finalized by the ESIC
Headquarters, New Delhi every year and intimated to the Regional Offices & SROs giving time
schedule for ROs & SROs for taking necessary action as indicated in the calendar prescribed
in Annexure – I and Annexure – II of this policy. Accordingly, the exercise of Annual General
Transfers within the region shall be started by the concerned Regional Offices and on completion of
AGT by RO concerned, SROs under ROs concerned shall start AGT within their jurisdiction as per time

6. Transfer/ posting during the year

6.1 Transfer/ posting on administrative grounds

The Competent Authority for smooth functioning of the offices of Corporation and in public interest
may transfer any official in the mid of the year on account of administrative exigencies, by recording
the reasons on the file in writing, in the following circumstances:

i. Death /resignation/ retirement/ promotion of incumbents;

ii. Opening of new offices/ establishments;
iii. Verifiable complaints;
iv. Vigilance cases;
v. Recommendations of Complaint Committee constituted for the purpose of
inquiry into the complaints of sexual harassment at workplace;
vi. Any other administrative exigency in public interest.

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6.2 Transfer/ posting on promotion

Officials covered under this policy on promotion are liable to be transferred and posted anywhere
within the region. However, the maximum tenure prescribed at the present station under this policy
shall also be taken into account while deciding such transfers. Accordingly, the Competent Authority
shall decide transfer/ posting on promotion.

7. General guidelines/ criteria for transfer and posting

7.1 Tentative vacancy position (including likely vacancies in ensuing twelve months due to
retirement, opening of new office etc.) at various stations within the region, for the purpose of
transfer, will be displayed through HRMS employees’ portal at the time of inviting online applications
under Annual General Transfer. Though, mere existence of a vacancy at a station shall not entitle an
official serving at that station to remain posted at that station; or an official serving outside that
station to be posted to his/ her choice station(s).

7.2 All requests for choice postings shall be considered station wise in order of preference opted
by the official concerned subject to administrative feasibility and availability of vacancies.

7.3 Transfer/ posting of officials of the Corporation will be considered as per DoPT
guidelines on the subject issued from time to time as well as administrative requirements.

7.4 It shall be the endeavor of the Competent authority to make alternate postings between
various Units/ Offices within the region so as to provide exposure to all the officials of different facets
of its functioning viz. RO, SRO, DCBO, Branch Office, ESICH, PGIMSR, Medical Colleges, Dental
Colleges, Nursing Colleges, ZTI, ZDE etc.

7.5 The station seniority of the official in the station from which such transfer is being proposed
shall be the primary criteria for transfer. In other words, official posted at a station for a longer
period shall be considered for transfer out first whenever a transfer is considered.

7.6 In case the number of online applications for a particular station is more than the number of
vacancy available or requirement, preference will be given to those candidates who have not served
at that station ever before or have served shorter tenure in comparison to other officials who opted
for that station.

7.7 Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause 7.6 above, in the case of officials retiring on
superannuation within two years of cut-off date of 31st March of the Transfer Year, efforts will be
made to accommodate their requests subject to administrative exigency. However, in such cases it
will be incumbent upon the official concerned to indicate that he/ she is retiring in the coming two

8. Mutual Transfer

The guidelines related to transfer on joint mutual requests of two officials shall be as under:

i. Officers who have been transferred in the preceding years AGT or mid of the
year and have joined their place of posting shall be eligible to be considered
under mutual request ground in the subsequent years’ AGT.
ii. Officers seeking a mutual exchange of postings may submit request on online portal
specifying the employee ID and name of the Officer with whom they wish to
exchange. The Officer they wish to exchange with must also submit a similar request

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online, specifying the employee ID and name of the other Officer involved in the
mutual exchange.
iii. Both the Officers requesting for Mutual Transfer should be from the same
cadre and discipline and submit a joint mutual request for Transfer;
iv. The requests from both the officers should have been recommended by the
respective Head of the Offices.
v. Mutual transfers shall be ordered at the own cost of the officers concerned.
vi. Mutual Transfers shall not be matter of right and shall be subject to administrative

Mutual Transfer under this clause will be considered under clause 12.8 of this policy on the
recommendations of Transfer Committee.
9. Updation of past transfer/ posting details under online portal/ ERP

The online transfer/ posting details under the employees’ portal shall be the basis of
ascertaining the tenure of official at an Office/ station for the purpose of this policy. Hence, it shall be
responsibility of respective Head of the Office/ Controlling Officer for correctness of past posting
details under the online portal as per records of Service Book of officer concerned.

10. Transfer Committee

10.1 There shall be a Transfer Committee at each Regional Office/Sub Regional Office for making
recommendations for Annual General Transfer in respect of the online applications received under
this policy. The online applications shall be placed before the Transfer Committee through the
employees’ online portal and respective Committee shall consider all such online requests and make
its recommendations as per the provisions under this transfer policy.

10.2 Composition of Transfer Committee for RO/SRO:

Sl. No. Designation

I Senior most Joint Director/ Deputy Chairperson
Director/Assistant Director (excluding
Regional Director/SRO I/c)
II State Medical Officer/Medical Referee/ Member
IMO i/c , DCBO
III Deputy Director (Admn.)/ Assistant Member Secretary
Director (Admn.)

In case, Deputy Director (Admn)/ Assistant Director (Admn.) happens to be the senior most officer
after the RD/SRO i/c, then he/she shall act as the Chairperson and another officer nominated by the
RD/SRO i/c shall act as Member Secretary.

10.3 Keeping in view the administrative requirements, recommendations for the Annual General
Transfer shall be made by the Transfer Committee as per the general guidelines/ criteria prescribed
in this transfer policy. Recommendations of the Transfer Committee would be placed before the
Competent Authority prescribed for the purpose in this transfer policy.

10.4 Transfer Committee shall record reasons for each of its recommendations. After approval by
the Competent Authority, transfer orders will be issued and published on the website based on the
recommendation of the committee.

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11. External influence

No official shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear upon any
superior authority to further his/ her interest in respect of matters pertaining to his/ her service
including transfer in the Corporation. Any violation shall attract actions including disciplinary action
as per the provisions of Rule 20 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. Any request/ representation received,
indirectly viz. from parents, friends, relatives etc., shall also be treated similarly under the same rule.

12. Miscellaneous:

12.1 Officials are expected to carefully exercise their options for their choice station in order of
preference. Once submitted, the online application will not be allowed to be modified or withdrawn.

12.2 As this policy mandates a mechanism through online portal to deal with the transfer/ posting
Requests, physical applications/ screenshot of online options applied etc. shall not be sent by post or
e-mail by the officials. Controlling Officers/ Head of the Office shall ensure the compliance of this

12.3 It shall be the sole responsibility of the official concerned to keep track of the Annual General
Transfer process online and subsequently no representation shall be entertained to the effect the he/
she was not aware of the process.

12.4 If any official furnishes false information/ documents for claiming transfer under this policy,
he/ she shall render himself/ herself liable for disciplinary action as per the provisions of services
conditions and relevant rules.

12.5 Once a transfer order of an official has been issued by the prescribed Competent Authority,
official concerned will not be granted leave of any kind by his/ her controlling authority. All requests
for leave of any kind after transfer order will be sent to the Regional Director through e-mail only.

12.6 In case a transfer is made in mid-academic session on account of administrative exigencies,

an option to retain the Corporation accommodation/ leased accommodation up to the end of the
academic session will be allowed to the official, if any child is studying at that station.

12.7 Once Annual General Transfer order has been issued, the officer concerned shall be
relieved from his/ her place of posting with immediate effect. The employee shall be entitled for
Joining Time/ TA/ DA as per the rules on the subject and report at ordered place of posting

12.8 After issuance of orders of Annual General Transfer and its compliance (joining of officials at
ordered place of posting), if still there are vacancies at offices in the region and administrative
requirement is felt to fill up these vacancies, another exercise of transfer may be initiated with the
approval of prescribed Competent Authority by recording the reasons for such requirement in
writing. Initiation of this exercise shall be purely at the discretion of Competent Authority.

13. Competent Authority

The Competent Authority for the purpose of this transfer policy shall be the Regional Director of the
Regional Office concerned for transfer from one accounting unit to another accounting unit within the
Region and from one office to another office within the jurisdiction of Regional Office.

Further, SRO I/c shall be the Competent Authority for ordering transfer from one office to another
office within the jurisdiction of the concerned Sub Regional Office.

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14. Powers to remove difficulty

In case of any doubt regarding any of the provisions of this transfer policy, the matter shall be
decided by the Director General, ESIC. The decision thereto shall be final in regard to the matters
thus referred.

15. Powers to relax

The Director General, ESIC shall be Competent Authority to take decision and relax any of the
provisions of this transfer policy for the smooth conduct of business of Corporation. Such decision
shall be informed to the concerned officials through the online portal.

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Annexure – I

Model Calendar for Annual General Transfer at the level of Regional Office *

Date by which Exercise

action to be
November 1 Preparatory work of Annual General Transfer.
December 1 to 15 Calling of option(s) by 31st December through online HRMS
portal with tenure cut-off-date 31st March of ensuing
Transfer Year as per the provisions of this policy.
February 1 to Transfer Committee to recommend Annual General
15 Transfer.
February 28/ 29 Orders for Annual General Transfer to be issued.

Note: Reference to a date in this table shall be taken as the next working
day in case the indicated date happens to be a public holiday or a weekend.

* As far as possible, the above Model Calendar should be adhered to.

However, in case of exigencies or unforeseen circumstances, the Director
General may modify the dates giving adequate time of preparation/
processing at each stage.

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Annexure – II

Model Calendar for Annual General Transfer at the level of Sub-regional Offices*

Date by which Exercise

action to be
March 1 Preparatory work of Annual General Transfer.
March 5 to 10 Calling of option(s) by 31st December through online HRMS
portal with tenure cut-off-date 31st March of ensuing
Transfer Year as per the provisions of this policy.
March 11 to Transfer Committee to recommend Annual General
15 Transfer.
March 31 Orders for Annual General Transfer to be issued.

Note: Reference to a date in this table shall be taken as the next working
day in case the indicated date happens to be a public holiday or a weekend.

* As far as possible, the above Model Calendar should be adhered to.

However, in case of exigencies or unforeseen circumstances, the Director
General may modify the dates giving adequate time of preparation/
processing at each stage.


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