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Mepartment of Fbucation: Approval and Implementation of The 2013 Deped Rationalization Program

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mepartment of <fbucation

DepEd O R D E R
0 3 DEC 2013
No. 5 3 , s. 2013



To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Directors of Bureaus, Services, Centers and Heads of Units
All Others Concerned

1. In October 2004, Executive Order 366 (EO) Directing A Strategic Review of the
Operations and Organizations of the Executive Branch and Providing Options and
Incentives for Government Employees Who May Be Affected by the Rationalization of
the Functions and Agencies of the Executive Branch directed a strategic review of the
operations and organizations of the Executive Branch.

2. The initiative aimed to: (a) focus government efforts and resources on its
vital/ core services; and (b) improve the quality and efficiency of government services
delivery by eliminating/ minimizing overlaps and duplication, and improving agency
performance through the rationalization of service delivery and support systems, and
organization structure and staffing ( Section 2, EO 366).

3. In December 2011, the Department of Education (DepEd) embarked on the

review and revision of its Rationalization Plan (RP) in light of long-term reforms
needed in the education sector notwithstanding fast-changing demands of the local
and global environment. This Department opted to submit the Rationalization Plan in
two phases:

a. Phase I includes the mandate, functions and proposed organizational

structure for the agency. It also shows the indicative staffing and costing for
the proposed structure vis-a-vis the 2005 level.
b. Phase II includes the placement of employees into the new staffing pattern
and the names and positions of employees which will be affected by the
rationalization effort of the organization.

4. The scope of the DepEd Rationalization efforts covers the following:

a. All Central Office Units;

b. Sixteen (16) Regional Offices excluding DepEd-ARMM;
c. Schools Division Offices - Proper (206 as of 30 June 2013); and
d. Personnel whose ,services are chargeable to specific objects of
expenditures in the GM-Personnel Services, that is, casual and
contractual employees.
All employees at the school level and DepEd ARMM offices are excluded
in the DepEd Rationalization Program.
5. DepEd's RP Phase I was submitted in February 2013. This was crafted by the
DepEd Change Management Team (CMT) whose members represent the various
DepEd levels, positions, functions and disciplines. In crafting the plan, the CMT
followed a process that was consultative, participative, and transparent. Their
recommendations are consistent with time proven principles in the field of
management and organization development.

6. On November 15, 2013, the DepEd RP Phase I was approved by the

Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The DepEd is given a maximum of
four (4) months from the date of approval to place the employees and positions in the
new staffing pattern (SP). The basis of the placement of employees to comparable
positions will be merit and performance.

7. In addition, the general provisions of the approval are as follows:

7.1. The employees whose items will be affected by the rationalization shall
have the following options:

a. Remain in government service through converting their

respective item/ s from regular to Co-Terminus with the
Incumbent (CTI) status, either in DepEd including schools or
other agencies

b. Avail of retirement/separation with the applicable


Employees who will be affected by the DepEd Rationalization

efforts shall be given up to two months from the date of
approval or January 15, 2014 to submit their preferred
option to their respective heads of offices.

7.2. Casual/ Contractual items in the agency will be abolished pursuant to

the rationalization efforts. In view of this, the services of personnel hired
on a casual / contractual basis in the DepEd should not go beyond one
(1) month after the approval of the agency's RP. Thus, all contracts of
casual and contractual personnel shall end on December 15, 2013.

Affected Casual/ Contractual Personnel, if qualified, are entitled to avail

of the retirement/ separation package under the Program within one
month upon approval of the DepEd RP.

7.3. The Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action (NOSCA)

that reflects the specific positions in the approved SP would be issued
later by DBM upon submission by DepEd of the specific positions as
placed therein.

Upon the release of the NOSCA from DBM, DepEd can fill up the
open and newly created positions through the regular selection
process. All personnel, whether affected or not, may apply for the
open positions, provided they meet the requirements of the applied
position. ..

8. The National Change Management Team (CMT), reconstituted through DepEd

Memorandum No. 2 i 1 s. 2011, shall manage the implementation of the approved
Rationalization Plan. The central, region and schools division offices shall also
reconstitute and activate their field CMT to manage the implementation of the RP at
their respective levels.
1 •

9. The undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, together with the directors at

the central and regional levels and schools division superintendents (SDSs), shall be
meeting their respective employees from December 2 to 13, 2013 to communicate
the approved plan.

10. Enclosed is the Implementing Guidelines for the DepEd RP to ensure

smooth transition of the organization and the timely submission of the outputs
required by DBM.

11. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.



As stated

DepEd Memorandum: (No. 271, s. 2011); 224, s. 2011; 451 and 469, s. 2004

To be indicated in the Perpetual

Index under the following



Madel: Approval of Rat

Plan 1072-December l,
For the Heads of Offices in the Central, Region and Schools Division Levels

1. Obtain a copy of all materials and resources from the CMT Secretariat
a. DepED Order on the RP and the e. RP-approved Functions
Implementing Guidelines f. RP-approved Staffing Pattern
b. EO 366 + IRR g. Plantilla database
c. FAQs from PIA (Sept h. Retirement Tool (MS Excel)
d. 2011) RP-approved 1. Letter Template for Affected Personnel
2. Reconcile Data and Records of all Employees
a. Personnel Unit I Section I Division
• Prepare a master list of the updated official records of employees with the following data:
• creditable years of service (with GSIS premium payments)
• length of government service (for the computation of incentives)
• actual salary of employees as of Dec 31 2011 (for the computation of incentives)
• computation for the OFFICIAL AGE of each employee (specifically for the
"fraction of the year")
• Update the plantilla as of November 30, 2013

3. Establish the Sub-Change Management Team (CMT) at CO and per RO and SDO ( see section IV
A.1 on Implementation Arrangements)
a. Include help desk members and database manager/s as part of the Sub-CMT
b. Train the Help Desk and Database Managers

4. Schedule a Management Meeting (for CO and RO levels only):
a. Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary with the respective Directors and Chiefs
b. RD with the ARD, SDSs and ASDSs (with the USec or ASec assigned to the region, if available)
5. Orient all Personnel in the Office about the DepED RP:
b.Implications of the RP to the Plantilla ITEMs
c.Implications of the RP to the Personnel
d.OPTIONS of Affected Personnel
e. Presence and Role of Help Desks
6. Direct the Database manager/s to update Plantilla Database (baseline) to have an accurate
list of affected and unaffected personnel based on the approved staffing pattern
7. Individual letters for the affected personnel shall be prepared by the respective CO CMT
Secretariat, and the Personnel Officer at the RO and SDO with the signatories as follows:
a. Central Office units - Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary supervising the office/unit
RP_ Step by Step process
Page 1 of 2
b. Regional Office - Regional Director
c. Schools Division Office - Schools Division Superintendent

RP_ Step by Step process

Page 1 of 2
8. Have one-on-one dialogues with each of the affected personnel to:
a. Inform him/her of the options in details and implications of each option (Refer to Section
V.Actions and Options)
b. Critical dates in decision making (Refer to Section IV.B Implementation Schedule)
c. Give out the letter outlining the available options (with corresponding reply form)

The USec/ASec/Director/RD/SDS should have the following data when holding the one-on-ones:
a. available comparable positions as possible placements for the affected employee within the office
b. estimated retirement/separation package that the affected employee will receive if ever
they choose to retire/be separated from government service

9. Helpdesks at each level should be visible and active especially during the "thinking time" of employees.
1O Heads of Offices, together with the HelpDesk, may schedule small group discussions to further clarify
information on the RP implementation and options for affected personnel
11. Heads of Offices shall conduct other employee assistance programs to aid employees in decision
making i.e. placement options outside of DepED, investment/ livelihood seminars, eligibility and
equivalency concerns, etc.

12. Follow the Placement Process provided in Section V and Attachment 4: Mechanism for the
Placement of Affected Personnel
13. Database Tearn has to update the plantilla database as a result of the placement process and the
decisions of employees to either retire or be on CTI status.
a. Aside from managing the RO plantilla database, the RO database manager/s should
regularly monitor the SDO Database Team during the placement process to check the status
of items and possible available placements for other affected personnel from the nearby
schools divisions
14. The respective sub-CMTs shall address appeals and complaints raised at their level. The sub-CMTs
should document all appeals and their resolutions and submit these to the CMT Secretariat.


15. Database Team will prepare the "Comparative Matrix of Existing and New staffing Pattern"
16. SDO to submit to RO; and CO units to submit to CMT Secretariat
17. RO will validate and check the SDO outputs for accuracy
18. RO shall submit the "Region-wide Comparative Matrix" to the CMT Secretariat
19. CMT Secretariat will consolidate outputs for the review and approval of the Secretary
20. CMT Secretariat shall submit documentary requirements to DBM.

RP_ Step /Jy Step process

Page 2 of 2
(Enclosure to DepED Order No. 53, s. 2013)









IV.A. Implementing Teams 4
IV.B. Implementation Schedule 4
IV.C. Communication 8


Placement Process in a Comparable Position 9
A. Co-Terminus with the Incumbent (CTI) Status 9
B. RetiremenUSeparation 11




Attachment 1: DBM Approval Letter 14

Attachment 2: List of Members of the National Change Management Tearn and Help Desk 15
Attachment 3: Detailed Implementation Activities 18
Attachment 4: Mechanism for the Placement of Affected Personnel 21
Attachment 5: Process for transferring Personnel to the CSC Pool or to a CTI Status 24



In October 2004, the President of the Philippines, through the issuance of Executive Order 366 (EO 366) Directing
A Strategic Review of the Operations and Organizations of the Executive Branch and Providing Options and
Incentives for Government Employees Who May Be Affected by the Rationalization of the Functions and Agencies of
the Executive Branch directed a strategic review of the operations and organizations of the Executive Branch. The
initiative aimed to: a) focus government efforts and resources on its vital/core services; and b) improve the quality
and efficiency of government services delivery by eliminating/minimizing overlaps and duplication, and improving
agency performance through the rationalization of service delivery and support systems, and organization structure and
staffing (Section 2, EO 366).

In December 2011, the Department of Education (DepEd) embarked on the review and revision of its Rationalization
Plan (RP) in light of long-term reforms needed in the education sector notwithstanding fast-changing demands of the
local and global environment. Thus, upon request of the DepED Executive Committee (ExeCom), Department of
Budget and Management (DBM) returned the 2006 Rationalization Plan to "give the new management team of the
Department more time to thoroughly review the functions, the organizational structure and the staffing complement".
In the said response, DBM reminded DepED that the plan should be: a) based on the core functions of the
department, b) the resulting staffing pattern after rationalization should have the same or lower number of positions
as compared to its filled items at the start of the rationalization effort in 2005, and c) it should not exceed the
Personnel Services (PS) level of the department at the start of the rationalization effort in the aforesaid year. The
DBM also required the identification of names of employees who will be affected in the implementation of the new

The departme"t opted to submit the Rationalization Plan in two phases: Phase I includes the mandate, functions and
proposed organizational structure for the agency. It also shows the indicative staffing and costing for the
proposed structure vis-a-vis the 2005 level. Phase II includes the placement of employees into the new staffing
pattern and the names and positions of employees that will be affected by the rationalization effort of the
organization. This approach was taken to lessen the duplication of effort and avoid undue worry on the part of
the employees who might or might not be affected based on DBM approval of the new structure and staffing
pattern. Moreover, before employees can be assigned to their new offices in the proposed organizational structure,
members of management and the employees themselves have to be prepared and guided to go through a personal
and organizational change process.

DepED's Rationalization Plan- Phase 1 was submitted last February 2013, DepED. This was crafted by the
DepED Change Management Team (CMT) whose members represent the various DepED levels, positions, functions
and disciplines. In crafting the plan, the CMT followed a process that was consultative, participative, and transparent.
Their recommendations are consistent with time proven principles in the field of management, and organization

On 15 November 2013, DBM approved DepED's Rationalization Plan - Phase I. The letter included the evaluation of
the proposed structure and staffing complement, and DBM's actions on DepED's proposal resulting to the
approved rationalized structure and staffing pattern of all levels of the organization. The letter concluded with the
requirement to submit the comparative matrix of existing positions and the rationalized staffing pattern within four (4)
months after the date of approval (Attachment 1: DBM's Approval Letter).

In this context, this Implementing Guideline is being issued to ensure the smooth transition of the organization and the /
timely submission of the outputs required by DBM.


This issuance aims to guide all key DepED Managers and Change Management Teams in effectively leading
the implementation of the plan to make a smooth and seamless transition to the new functions and structure of
DepED while ensuring that all employees are I·"ovided the assistance to make an informed decision on their job

options. Specific objectives are as follows:

a. Clarify the purpose and scope of the Rationalization Program

b. Define the roles of involved offices and interim teams (e.g. CMT and Help desks)
c. Ensure the timely accomplishment of the DBM required Comparative Matrix of Existing and Rationalized
Staffing Pattern by:
• Identifying the actions on current personnel items resulting from theRationalized Staffing Pattern
• Defining the options available to personnel to help them make career decisions
• Providing the mechanisms for the placement of personnel and in the resolution of appeals
• Clarifying specific rules applicable to special personnel situations

d. Describe the mechanisms available to assist employees in this phase of the organizational transition.

This guideline is also being issued to ensure observance of transparency and accountability in the implementation of
the Rationalization Program.


The Rationalization of the DepED, as approved by the DBM excludes the structure and staffing pattern of the following:
a. School Level
b. Schools Division Offices approved after 30 June 2013
c. DepE,P-ARMM offices and schools
d. Attached agencies


In the implementation of the rationalization plan, any action taken should always be within the bounds of EO 366, RA
6656 and CSC Rules and should be guided by directives of the Secretary and the Change Management Team. Such
actions must also manifest the values of the department and be aligned to time tested principles for effective
management of change. The following is a summary of basic principles to guide implementation:

a. Clarity of Vision and Unity in Action. The process of designing the organizational structure of DepED for
the Rationalization Plan, was conducted in a participative and transparent manner and the resulting
structure is based on the mandate of DepED, its strategic directions, and the required functions of each
DepED level (R.A. 9155). Clear understanding of the rationale for the structure and reason for the
change is required of all implementers of the plan. When all implementers understand the vision in the
same manner and in the same clarity, there would be unity of action.

b. Rationality and Objectivity: "Think DepED". Similar to the structure, all the positions therein were all
based on the functions. Rationalized positions are positions in the original plantilla, which are with
enhanced functions, or are abolished or reduced in number in the Indicative Staffing Pattern. Reason for
abolition or reduction is based on the necessity of the function and position in the organization and not
related to the person or performance of the job holder.

c. Individual Choice - Holders of rationalized positions are considered "affected" employees but are not
automatically separated from gover ment service. They can
apply for retirement/separation and avail of the incentive provided for by the program;
convert the regular $+atus to Co-Terminus with the Incumbent (CTI) status.
Permanent employees, who opt to remain in government service but are not placed within the department,
may stay as part of the CSC/ CES pool for placement to other government agencies, or within the DepED
on a "co terminus with the incumbent" status in an assignment to be determined by DepED.


d. Management Prerogative - At the end of the day, the head of office is responsible and accountable
for the results or accomplishment of the office targets. In the placement process, the teams responsible for
conducting the placement of affected personnel shall have a recommendation prepared for the appointing
authority at each level. The Secretary, with the ExeCom, shall approve the final placement results
considering the needs of the office for each position and the performance of all those who opted to
apply for the position.

e. Engaging People: Superiors shall approach the task of informing the organization in a personalized
manner and take time to dialogue with affected employees to discuss options. Each DepED personnel, both
affected and unaffected shall receive a letter from the Head of Office as regards status of their items or
positions "personally". Superiors shall ensure that those affected shall be allowed to discern with guidance.
"Those who may have less in life shall have more in assistance and care".

f. Principle of Caring for and Enabling the People: "Maka-tao" and "No one left behind". DepED shall
take care of its people in the whole process of implementing the Rationalization program. DepED will
organize "Help Desks" in all DepED levels to help explain especially to those affected, the rationale of the
Rationalization Plan, the options available for their take, and the consequences of each option. DepED
shall partner with entities to organize livelihood and employment option to employees who choose to retire
or leave government service but are looking for continuous sources of income.
As per EO 366, a team shall include a capability building program for all DepED employees, considering
that almost all functions in the CO and RO have changes. DepED shall try to ensure that all those affected,
but want to stay in government service and possess or are willing to acquire the competencies and
qualifications required by th offices or units in the approved RP shall have a place in the organization.
Employees shall be given orientation and guidance on their new or revised functions at the start of the
Transition stage. They shall also be provided with orientation and training to enhance their
competencies to perform their new tasks and responsibilities.

g. Matching people to jobs. It is critical to put the "right person for the right job" and to give "the right
job to the right person". This process may take time. To effectively manage the change and ensure "job fit",
the process for the placement of personnel shall be done in stages, utilizing the appropriate processes and
tools and abiding by existing rules of the CSC, DBM and the CES Board. This is also in consonance with
RA 6656 s. 1988 "An Act to Protect the Security of Tenure of Civil Service Officers and Employees in the
Implementation of the Government Reorganization".



As provided by EO 366, the key unit responsible and accountable for the Rationalization Program is the Change
Management Team (CMT) as established by the Department. The critical functions of the CMT relevant to these
are to: (i) Oversee the actual implementation of the Rationalization Plan; and (ii) Mitigate the impact of the
rationalization effort I. Hence, the implementation arrangements discussed below are mainly based on this
stipulation. In addition, CMT - Help Desks are to be established at each level to assist employees through the
decision making process as requisite to transition.

The following table provides a summary of responsibilities and composition of the sub-teams involved in
the implementation of the Rationalization Pro,gram.

1 EO 366, Rule IV, Section 8



1. DepED Change Management Team (CMT) - National level

Composition: The DepED CMT (National CMT) is composed of the DepED Executive Committee
(ExeCom), Bureau, Service, Centers and Regional Directors, selected Schools Division Superintendents
(SDS) and Assistant Schools Division Superintendents (ASDS) and Representatives from the
DepED National Employees Union and other associations. (See Attachment 2 for the List of CMT
members and Help Desk)
• Oversee the actual implementation of the Rationalization Plan;
• Mitigate the impact of the rationalization effort; and
• Coordinate and consolidate the processes and outputs of the sub-change management teams
Specific responsibilities of the ExeCom as part of the CMT:
• Provide the overall directions and policies for the implementation of the Rationalization Program
• Act as champions for the development of Implementation Guidelines for the entire Department
following the EO 366 and other pertinent government rules and guidelines
• Steer the change and information/communication processes
• Ensure the submission to DBM of the required outputs relevant to the Rationalization
Program (i.e. Comparative Matrix of Existing and Approved Staffing Pattern)
• Provide support to the Department Secretary on decisions and policies relevant to the RP
2. Sub·CMTs at each level: Central Office and Field CMTs
Composition: The Sub-CMT for the Central Office shall be the CMT Discussion Group 1 (CMT
DG-1) that handled the design of the Rationalization Plan for the CO during Phase 1. In the
event that the members of the CMT DG-1 are unavailable due to the responsibility of overseeing the
implementation of the plan in their respective regions/schools division, then, the CO CMT shall
be (at the minimum), composed of the Undersecretaries, the Assistant Secretaries, the Central
Office Directors, the Chief of Personnel Division, the Chief of Management Division, and an
official representative of the DepED National Employees' Union.

A Sub-CMT for each Regional Office is composed of the Regional Director, the Assistant Regional
Director, the Chiefs of Divisions, the Regional Information Officer, the Human Resource Management
Officer (HRMO), the Planning Officer, and an official representative of the DepED National
Employees' Union Regional Chapter.

A Sub-CMT for each Schools Division Office is composed of the Schools Division Superintendent
(SOS), the Assistant SOS, the Head of Personnel Unit, a representative from the Education
Supervisors, the Schools Division Information Officer, and the official representative of the DepED
National Employees' Union Division Chapter

Note: EO 366 /RR Rule IV, Sec 7 stipulates that in the absence of an accredited union, the rank and
file employees shall elect from among their ranks their representative to the CMT through an
assembly organized for the purpose.
• Support management in th.e implementation of the RP, which includes the communication of
appropriate information; monitoring the application of the policies and guidelines; participate in
the mitigation/resolution of change management issues and personnel appeals; and participate in
the presentation and discussion of placement recommendations
• Provide the ExeCom with feedback and recommendations that are necessary to resolve issues or
improve the implementation processes.
• Ensures the proper application of the policies, guidelines and processes relevant to placement
under the RSP

• Develop and implement other employee assistance mechanisms based on the needs of the
constituents and in collaboration with relevant government agencies and organizations

3. CMT Secretariat
Composition: The CMT Secretariat is composed of personnel from EDPITAF, Personnel Division,
Employees Welfare and Benefits Division and Management Division (See Attachment 2 for the list
of members).
• Assist the CMT in planning, implementing and providing technical coordination of all activities
relevant to the Rationalization Program
• Assist the CMT in preparing the needed inputs, documents, and rerorts required for the
submission of the Rationalization Plan
• Consolidate and analyze data and workshop results to aid the CMT and ExeCom in decision-making
• Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data and information regarding RP status and operations
• Provide administrative support services to the CMT such as but not limited to clerical,
logistical, documentation, and workshop management services

Help Desks (HD): Central (National); Regional; and Schools Division

Composition: The Central Office Help Desk shall be composed of two sub-teams that will handle
queries and clarifications regarding: a) options for affected employees; and b) retirement benefits and
The Central Office Help Desk shall also serve as the National Help De?k that will assist the various
teams at the field level. The oversight for the operation of this team will be provided by the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Development as well as the Assistant Secretary for Programs and
The Regional Office Help Desk shall be composed of selected individuals assigned by the Regional
Director. As preference, these individuals are those holding retained positions in the rationalized structure.
The Schools Division Office Help Desk shall be composed of selected individuals assigned by the
Schools Division Superintendent. As preference, these individuals are those holding retained
positions in the rationalized structure.
• Assist the CO and the RO and Schools Division CMTs in helping employees understand the
content and process of the RP implementation and respond to their concerns
• Provide assistance to employees in relation to:
o Clarifying information on EO 366 and RP guidelines
o Clarifying required Qualification Standards (QS) per position
o Computation for Retirement/Separation Benefits
o Understanding the Options available for Affected personnel
o Determining possibilities for placement

• In collaboration with the CMT Secretariat, assist in the placement of affected personnel who
opted to continue government service outside DepED.
• National Help Desk shall also assist all the Regional and Schools Division Help Desks


As stipulated in the letter of DBM regarding approval of the Rationalization Plan, the Department is given four
(4) months to implement the Rationalization Plan upon its approval. This implies the observance of critical
implementation dates specified in the table below. Attachment 3 provides a complete listing of
implementation activities covering the 4 months to further ensure that the deadlines are met.

Critical Dates Activities

15 Nov. 2013 Approval Date
15 Dec. 2013 End of contracts of non-permanent employees whose contracts are funded
through GAA-PS
27 Nov. - 13 Dec. 2013 Announcement of Approval in a forum (per office and/or organizational level )
09-1O Dec 2013 Notification and issuance of "letter" to Jct Level Personnel
11.12 Dec. 2013 Notification and Issuance of "letter" to CO affected
11.13 Dec. 2013 Notification and Issuance of "letter" to RO and SDO affected

16 Dec. 2013 Submission of the Reply form of Affected 3rd Level Personnel
19 Dec. 2013 ·Submission of the Reply form for prospective Regional/SDO Division Chiefs
15 Jan. 2014 Last day of the submission of reply forms for 1st and 2nd level positions (all
15 Jan. 2014 Official Effective Date of Retirement I Separation of Employees that are
retiring under EO 366

16-20 Dec. 2013 Conduct of Placement Process for affected 3rd Level Personnel
23 Dec. - 8 Jan. 2013 Placement Process for prospective Regional/SDO Division Chiefs
16 Jan. - 14 Feb. 2014 Conduct of Placement Process for all affected 1st and 2nd level positions
including presentation of placement recommendations to the respective CMT of
each office
14 Feb. 2014 Submission to DBM of the List of Retirees and Request for
Funding of Incentives

03 Jan 2014 Posting of the results of the placement to 3rd level positions
10 Jan.2014 Posting of the results of the placement to Regional Chief
Positions 10 Jan.2014 Posting of the results of the placement to SDO Chief Positions
17 Feb. 2014 Posting of the results of the placement of affected personnel

21 Feb. 2014 • SDOs' submission of the Comparative Matrix of Existing and Approved
Staffing Pattern - to the Regional office
• Bureaus/Centers/Services/Academy submission to CO Personnel Division
27 Feb. 2014 ROs' submission of the Comparative Matrix of Existing and Approved Staffing
Pattern - to the CO CMT Secretariat
7 Mar. 2014 Submission of report to the ExeCom
14 Mar. 2014 Submission,of Report to DBM


The following communication channels and assistance are provided to ensure consistency and accuracy in
dissemination of information:

1. Communication Avenues
Various approaches shall be utilized to ensure that employees are informed and have access to accurate
and complete information on the Rationalization Program. Communication aµproaches may be through
summits, forum in the office, small group discussions, and one-on-one dialogues.

2. Communications Instruments

2.a. DepED Order. The approval of the Rationalization Plan and guidelines for its implementation
shall be issued and disseminated immediately to formally document the announcement of DBM's
approval and prepare the organization for its implementation.

2.b. Individual letters to the affected personnel. A personalized letter shall be given to each
affected employee signed by the head of office at each level and will be handed to the
employee during the individual discussion between the personnel and his/her head of office. The
letter shall communicate the:
• Effect of the rationalized staffing pattern to the position item ;
• Options for the affected personnel; and
• Available assistance to be provided

2.c. Pamphlets and Information Sheets. Information, education and communication (IEC) materials
highlighting critical matters regarding the rationalization program and responding to "frequently
asked questions" (FAQ) shall be prepared and distributed by DepED's Communications unit in
coordination with the CMT secretariat as reference for management and staff.

3. Employee Assistance: Help Desks

As mentioned earlier, a "Help Desk" shall be organized and activated as soon as the Rationalization Plan of
DepED is approved by DBM. It shall operate for six months or until such time as the Secretary deactivates
it. The Help Desk shall be operated by a main team from Central Office who shall coordinate with the Help
Desks of each region. The following parameters are to be followed regarding Help Desks:

3.a. Queries and clarifications regarding the implementation of the rationalization program can be
coursed through the Help desk of each office.

3.b. Issues and concerns that are left unanswered shall be raised directly to the Help Desk at the
Central Office by a designated member of the Help Desk at the field level. This is to ensure that
clarifications or queries are properly organized to expedite responses to be provided. A dedicated
email address will be used for this purpose to ensure proper documentation of the

3.c. Queries or clarifications raised through the Help Desk are expected to be answered immediately
or at least within 24 hours for those raised to the Central Office Help Desk.


The rationalization of the structure entails certain actions to be taken on existing plantilla items, and these are as follows:
Retain (in the same I corresponding new office), Abolish (position item is no longer reflected in the RSP), and Transfer
(to another office). As a consequence, incumbent personnel holding plantilla items shall be categorized as:

o Unaffected personnel. This is the status of a position holder of an item that is retained in the rationalized
staffing pattern (RSP). Hence, all personnel with this status shall remain in their current positions.

o Affected personnel. All personnel deemed affected are those whose plantilla item is abolished (no longer
reflected in the RSP) or considered "merged" (quantity of current position items is reduced based on
the requirement of the new structure). As a general rule, all plantilla items shall be accounted for in their
"mother units" for the purpose of identifying the affected personnel.

In this context, the DepEd is directed to undergo a placement of personnel to transition the organization to the
new structure. A mechanism shall be established for this purpose where the placement of personnel to comparable
positions shall be based on merit and performance. The following provisions shall govern the placement process:

1. Personnel should express their intent to remain in DepED to ensure of their willingness to undergo the process of
placement in a comparable position within the same or another organizational unit within DepED.

2. The instrument that the affected personnel can use to express his/her intent to be placed in a
comparable position is the reply form that is attached to the letter he/she shall receive from management,
informing him/her of the status of the his/her item in the SP and the options available under EO 366.

3. A comparable position is one with the same or not more than three (3) salary grades higher than the
current position title of the same job group, provided that the employee meets the requirements of the
job (i.e. qualification standards; technical competencies; and psychosocial attributes and workplace

4. The placement process and criteria to guide the heads of offices in placing affected personnel into
comparable positions within DepED are listed under Attachment 4: Guidelines for the Placement of
Affected Personnel.

5. Placement recommendations at each level shall be discussed with the concerned personnel, after which,
these shall be presented to the respective CMT for feedback before submission to the Secretary for
approval as final authority.

6. As authorized and designated by the Secretary, the Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary shall be
accountable for the conduct of the placement process in offices of the Central Level that belongs to the
organizational strand assigned to them. For the field offices, the authority is delegated to the Regional
Director for placing personnel in their new positions in the Regional office and to the Schools Division
Superintendent for those in the Schools Division Office.

In the event that placement is not feasible, EO 366 provides the following options for affected personnel:

• Remain in government service through converting their respective item/s from regular to Co-Terminus with
the Incumbent (CTI) status, either in DepEd including schools or other agencies

• Avail of retirement/separation with the applicable incentives.

Specific provisions are as follows:

A. Convert the regular status to "Co-terminus with the Incumbent" status

A.1. Affected Personnel who choose to remain in government service however cannot be placed in the
RSP have the option to convert their regular status to Co-terminus with the Incumbent (CTI).

A.2. CTI Status has the following conditions, as provided in EO 366 Section 9 and IRR Section 13:
A.2.a. The employee shall not suffer any diminution in pay, except for certain allowances that
used to be given corresponding to the performance of specific functions which would no longer

form part of their new functions. This means that the reassigned personnel will hold their position
and rank level with full rights to benefits and mandatory allowances (bonus, cost of living
allowance, loyalty pay, clothing allowance) but not those allowed in their previous position by
virtue of their functions e.g. RATA;

A.2.b. Funds for the continued payment of their salaries shall be transferred to the recipient office;
A.2.c. The position shall be abolished only upon vacancy due to appointment to another
position, retirement, separation or transfer to another agency, at which time the funds
corresponding to the vacant position shall revert back to the General Fund;

A.2.d. If the employee later objects to the new assignment, s/he shall be deemed separated/retired
but without the EO 366 incentives;

A.2.e. The affected personnel shall express his/her preferences of assignment. However, final decision
shall be given by the appropriate appointing authority based on where the personnel can provide
services needed by the recipient office;

A.2.f.Reassigned personnel are expected to perform the functions and responsibilities of their
new assignments.

A.3. CTI in DepED Central, Regional or Schools Division Levels

A.3.a. Affected personnel on CTI status may be reassigned to the Central, Regional or Schools
Division Levels except for those personnel holding medical or allied-medical positions ( Medical
Officer, Dentist, Nurse, Nutritionist-Dietitian, and Dental Aide) who can only be reassigned to
DepED supervised priority schools.

A.3.b. Affected Personnel who choose to take this option may be reassigned to the same office
or to another office/unit in another level of the organization where their services are

A.3.c. Placement for these employees may only commence after the placement of personnel in the
recipient office has been completed.

A.4. CTI in DepED Schools

A.4.a. Affected personnel on a CTI Status may transfer to DepED schools where their services are

A.4.b. As stipulated in the RP approval letter from DBM, affected personnel holding Medical and
allied medical positions (Medical Officer, Dentist, Nurse, Nutritionist-Dietitian, and Dental Aide)
may only choose the CTI option if they shall be reassigned to the priority schools to cater to the
needs of the schoolchildren. In the exigency of the service, they may also be required by
their supeNisors to provide health-related services to other schools or cluster of schools
near to where they are reassigned.

A.4.c. Affected personnel shall express their preferences of schools to be assigned. However, final
decision shall be given by the appropriate appointing authority based on where the personnel
can provide services needed by the schools.
A.4.d. The transfer to the DepED Schools shall go through the process of the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) and official transfer order shall be given only by CSC. DepED shall facilitate
the initial transfer process by helping employees find school assignments.

A.5. CTI in Other Executive Agencies

A.5.a. Affected Personnel shqll also have the option to join other agencies in the executive branch.
He/she shall be endorsed by DepED to the CSC for inclusion in theIJOOI of government
employees to be placed in other government agencies.
A.5. b. Once the C0C finds a match, the affected employee shall transfer to the recipient agency

bringing his/her item with him/her and its existence is coterminous with the incumbent. If the
employee later objects to or does not accept the assignment, he/she shall be deemed separated
or retired with the appropriate benefits but without the incentive under EO 366

A.5.c. The placement procedure of CSC is stipulated in Section 13 of EO 366 !RR. Attachment 5
provides the Process for transferring personnel to the CSC Pool or to a CTI Status

B. Retirement I Separation from Government Service

B.1. Affected personnel also have the option to retire or be separated from government service,
availing of the regular retirement or separation benefits, plus the applicable incentives under EO

B.2. Affected Personnel have two (2) months from the date of RP approval to signify their intention
to avail of the retirement/separation package.

B.3. The Agency Personnel Officer shall immediately provide the names and records of all affected
personnel to the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) to enable the latter to reconcile its
records with the Agency.

B.4. RetiremenUSeparation Benefits:

B.4.a. No affected employee who opt for retiremenUseparation shall receive less than an aggregate
of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) as his/her retirement/separation gratuity benefit from both the
National Government and the GSIS.

B.4.b. Affected personnel who opt to retire/be separated shall, in addition to the applicable benefits,
be entitled to the following:
• Refund of Pag-lBIG Contributions.
• Commutation of Unused Vacation and Sick Leave Credits.

B.4.c. The table below shows the factor for computing incentive under the rationalization program
(based on the EO 77 s.2012 - Amending EO 637 s.2007 on the Basis of the Computation of the
Incentives of Personnel affected by the Implementation of the Rationalization Program under
EO No. 366 (s.2004):
• Yi month of the basic salary as of December 31, 2011 for every
20 and below 0.5
year of government service and a fraction thereof
• month of the basic salary as of December 31, 2011 for
21-30 0.75 every year of government service and a fraction thereof,
computed starting from the 1st year
• 1 month of the basic salary as of December 31, 2011 for
31 and above 1 every year of government service and fraction thereof, computed
starting from the 1st year
* Note: Only the government service up to age 59 and a fraction thereof shall be counted

B.4.d. The EO 366 incentive would be given on a one time basis, and shall be paid by the
national government (DBM) based on actual years of government service as reflected in
the Employee Service Record, duly certified by the authorized official in the CO,RO, and

B.4.e. Government services which are to be included in computing actual years of government
service includes:

• Casual status - includes those funded by the GAA under a lump sum
appropriation for Emergency Laborer
• Temporary status - are those funded under the GAA-PS and duly attested/approved by the
CSC o Temporary services of teachers, related teaching and non-teaching employees
intermittent or continuous;
o Contractual status I including coterminous status of non-permanent employees;
o Permanent (regular) status, whether intermittent or continuous, including those served in
other government agencies and while on approved leave of absence ( e.g. vacation,
sick, study, on scholarship/ study grants); and
o Provisional status of teachers including as substitutes, whether intermittent or continuous

B.4.f. According to EO 366 Section 15, Government personnel who voluntarily retired/separated as a
result of the rationalization efforts of the Department/Agency concerned shall not be appointed
or hired in any agency of the Executive Branch, including in GOCCs/GFls, except in educational
institutions and hospitals, within a period of five (5) years. Reemployment in any Branch of
Government shall be considered as new entry to the civil service.

B.4.g. Provision of consultancy services by government personnel who voluntarily

retired/separated as a result of the rationalization shall be governed by Section 7 of RA 6713 or
the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees dated 20
February 1989. (Section 17. Policy on Rehiring of Retired/ Separated Personnel)


A. Non-permanent employees are those employed by DepED either as casual or contractual status.
DBM Circular Letter No. 2013-5 dated 22 July 2013 states that "all contracts to be terminated one
month after RP approval".

B. (:asual and contractual personnel are included in the Rationalization Plan.Therefore, if qualified, considering
the other requirements like age and years of service, they are entitled to avail of the
retirement/separation package within 1 month upon approval of the RP.


In accordance to EO 366 IRR Rule IX, an appeals mechanism shall be set up and managed by the
respective CMT at each level. It shall address the issues and concerns raised by personnel affected by the
Rationalization Program.

A. Scope of Appeals

A.1. In cases when an affected personnel is not in agreement with the action taken regarding
his/her employment, the employee may submit an appeal to the head of Office
through the CMT.

A.2. The following are possible causes of complaints and appeals:

a.2.a. Non-notification of the affected personnel
a.2.b. Deviation from Sections 3 and 4 of RA 6656 on the order of placement and of
dismissal of affected personnel

a.2.c. Actions implemented that are not included in the approved Plan
a.2.d. Violations of provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of EO 366

A.3. The following are non-appealable matters:

a.3.a. The declaration of what functions are to be abolished or merged as a result of the
consultations betweer the management and the union or rank and file representative
in the change management team;
a.3.b. The positions in the approved staffing pattern;

a.3.c. For those who opted to remain in government service in DepED, their
deployment or reassignment; and

a.3.d. For those who opted to remain in government service via the CSC pool, their
placement in another agency.

B. Process for making Appeals

Based on the E.O. 366, filing of Appeal shall undergo the following process:

b.1. Employee may file complaint with their respective sub-CMT within five (5) working days from
receipt of notification that position is affected

b.2.Field CMT shall respond and issue the resolution to the employee within five (5) working
days. Resolution shall be signed by the Head of the CMT of the corresponding DepED
office level.

b.3.The employee may further file an appeal with the Secretary, as Chair of the National CMT, within five
(5) working days from the receipt of the resolution from the Field CMT.

b.4. Department/Agency Head to render decision within fifteen (15) working days from receipt of appeal.
b.5.Affected personnel may further appeal to the CSC the decision of the Agency Head within 10
working days from receipt of decision from the Head of Agency.

b.6. Unsettled issues must be documented and monitored by the Department CMT.
El.7. The CSC shall have to render decision within 30 working days from filing of appeal. Its decision shall
be final and executory.
13 1



NOV 15 2013


Department of Education
(DepEd) DepEd Complex,
Meralco Avenue Pasig City

Attention: Undersecretary Rizalino D. Rivera

Chairperson, Change Management Team

We are pleased to inform you of the approval of the Rationalization Plan (RP) of the
DepEd which was submitted to this Department pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 366
dated 04 October 2004.

The t.iighlights of the Plan, the evaluation/findings of this Department, as well as the
approved organizational structure and staffing pattern (SP) are shown in Attachments
A to D.

Please note that the DepEd is given a maximum of four (4) months from this approval to
place its existing positions in the aforesaid SP. The Notice of Organization, Staffing and
Compensation Action that reflects the specific positions in the approved SP would be
issued later by this Department upon submission by the agency of the specific positions as
placed therein.
Personnel in positions that could no longer be accommodated in said SP have the option to:
(a) retire with the applicable incentives; (b) be placed to other agencies needing additional
personnel, to be handled by the Civil Service Commission (CSC); or (c) their respective
positions would be converted from regular to coterminus with the incumbent (CTI) status,
i.e., to be abolished once vacated, except those personnel occupying medical/allied
medical items who have to be transferred only to DepEd-supervised priority schools to
cater to the needs of the school children, if they will not opt to retire/be separated.
Notwithstanding this arrangement, in the exigency of the service, the medical/allied
medical personnel concerned could be required by their supervisors to provide health-
related services to other schools near to where they are reassigned.

Despite the four (4)-month period to submit the placement of positions in the approved RP,
please note that Section 17 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of EO 366
provides that the incentive is available only within two (2) months from this approval.
Thus, to facilitate the identification of affected personnel, we suggest that the DepEd issue
a memorandum informing all regular personnel of the available options and once affected,
choose any one of the three.
Said memorandum should also clarify that employees who could not be placed in the
SP but will later opt to retire shall be df!emed retired within the two (2)-month period from
the approval of the DepEd RP.

The services that they r::1ve rendered beyond said period until the submission of their
names to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) shall no longer be credited in
the computation of their incentives and terminal leave benefits. However, their salaries for
the services they have rendered shall be paid by the agency, subject to existing budgeting,
accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
May we also note that per existing policy, casual/contractual items in the agency are
abolished pursuant to its rationalization efforts. In view of this, the services of personnel
hired on a casual/contractual basis in the DepEd should not go beyond one (1) month after
the approval of the agency's RP, consistent with DBM Circular Letter (CL) No. 2013-5 dated
22 July 2013. Affected casual/contractual personnel, if qualified, are entitled to avail of the
retiremenUseparation package under the Program within one (1) month upon approval of the
DepEd RP.

The DBM would process the incentives of the regular/casual/contractual personnel upon
submission of said documents.

Those holding CTI items are no longer entitled to the incentives under the Program if they
would opt to retire/be separated after the two-month period.

May we request that the DepEd facilitate the immediate submission to the CSC of the list of
priority agencies for reassignment of the affected personnel who opted to be placed to other
agencies needing additional personnel.

For your guidance, herewith are DBM CL 2006-10 dated 26 June 2006 on the processing of
retiremenUseparation/unemployment benefits by the Government Service Insurance System,
DBM Budget Circular No. 2013-1 dated 12 April 2013 on the documentary requirements and
procedures in the processing by the DBM of retirement benefits of government employees,
and CSC Resolution No. 060056 dated 11 January 2006 containing the guidelines on the
placement of affected personnel.

Very truly yours,

1FLoRENc10 s. ABAD '


cc: Chairman Francisco T. Duque Ill

Civil Service Commission

Guidelines on the Filling ,.,f Positions and the Hiring of Personnel for Agencies Whose RP is Yet to be Approved
by the DBM, Those Whose Plan was Withdrawn, Returned Without Action or Not Submitted Within the
Deadline, and Those with Approved Plan


A. DepED Change Management Teams (CMT)

1. Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC DepED Secretary
2. Mario A. Deriquito USEC, Partnerships and External Linkages
3. Alberto T. Muyot USEC, Legal & Legislative Affairs
4. Dina S. Ocampo USEC, Programs & Projects
5. Rizalino D. Rivera USEC, Regional Operations
6. Francisco M. Varela USEC, Finance & Administration
7. Lorna D. Dino Asst. Secretary for Programs & Projects
8. Reynaldo Antonio D. Laguda Asst. Secretary/Chief of Staff
9. Jesus L. R. Mateo Asst. Secretary for Planning
10. Armando C. Ruiz Asst. Secretary for Finance & Ad min.
11. Tonisito M.C. Umali, Esq. Asst. Secretary for Legal & Legislative Affairs
12. Robert M. Agustin Director, Administrative Service
13. Jocelyn D. Andaya OIC-Director, BSE
14. Rosario D. de Leon OIC-Director, EDPITAF
15. Marilyn D. Dimaano Director, BEE
16. Ruth L. Fuentes OIC-Director, NEAP
17. Rogelio J. Morales Director, Technical Services
18. Ella G. Naliponguit Director, Health & Nutrition Center
19. Armand Patrick R. Salama! Director, Communications Unit
20. Beatriz G. Torno Director, TEC Secretariat
21. Teresita M. Velasco Regional Director, RO I
22. Lourdes G. Angoluan Regional Director, RO II
23. Isabelita M. Borres Regional Director, RO Ill
24. Diosdado M. San Antonio OIC-Regional Director, RO IV A
25. Sinforosa A. Guifiares Regional Director, RO IV-B
26. Ramon Fiel G. Abcede OIC-Regional Director, RO V
27. John Arnold S. Siena OIC-Regional Director, RO VI
28. Carmelita T. Dulangon OIC-Regional Director, RO VII
29. Luisa B. Yu Regional Director, RO VIII
30. Corazon P. Brown OIC-Regional Director, RO IX
31. Ingrid G. Racoma OIC-Regional Director, RO X
32. Gloria D. Benigno Regional Director, RO XI
33. Allan G. Farnazo OIC-Regional Director, RO XII
34. Ellen B. Donato Regional Director, CAR
35. Alberto T. Escobarte, Jr. OIC-Regional Director, CARAGA
36. Luz S. Almeda Regional Director, NCR
37. Arturo Bayocot SOS, Pagadian City
38. Josilyn Solana OIC SOS, Tanauan City
39. Sonia de Leon Chief, EWBD I OIC-Personnel Div.
40. Louisa Roberto Chief, Management Division
41. Domingo B. Alidon President, DepED National Employees Union
42. Francis dela Cruz Officer, DepED National Employees Union

15 1
43. Johnny Balawag Officer, DepED National Emplc,yees Union
44. Arnulfo Empleo President, National Associatio11 of Phil. Public Secondary
School Heads Inc. (NAPSSHI)
Officer, Phil. Assoc. of Educ Supervisors (PAES) Region
45. Restituto Lomeda

President, Public Elementary School Principals Association

46. Sherwin U. Mananquil
47. Benjamin Mascarina President, Public Schools District Supervisors Association
48. Eugene Penales President, National Association of Chiefs and asst. Chiefs
of Elementary Education (NACACEE)
49. Jeorge Renante Officer, Phil. Assoc. of School Superintendents (PASS)
50. Fidel Salosagcol President, DepED CO Employees Union
51. Romeo Alip President, Phil. Assoc. of School Superintendents (PASS)

B. Directory of National Help Desk Members

National Help Desk Members Contact Number E-mail Address
1. Jesus L.R. Asst. Secretary, 633-7206/ jesus. ph
Mateo Planning and 0917-8312292
2. Lorna D. Dino Asst Secretary, 638-3703
Programs and Projects 0947-992-7359
On Retirement Package
1. Leonila "Gellie" Office of 631-2578
Undersecretary for 0917-999-2617
Regional Operations
Office of 633-7203
2. Eugenia "Geny"
Undersecretary for 0932-847-1828
Regional Operations
3. Leonardo Office of Assistant 683-0867
"Nards" Secretary for FMS 0927-458-7114
4. Victoria "Vicky" Personnel Division, 633-6682
AbaIon HRDS 0927-37 5-3208
On Employee Options
1. Roger Masapol OPS-PPD 633-7216
2. Francis dela Legislative Liaison Unit 683-0867
Cruz 0927-458- 7114
3. Juan Araojo HNC . 0917-5231562

C. CMT Secretariat
CMT Secretariat Position Title
Oversight: ....
1. Rosario D. de Leon Director II. EDPITAF
Technical Su1212ort:

16 1

BESRA Program Specialist, Office of Usec for

1. Noelle Ria Marie Roa
Regional Operations
2. Leonila Jason HR Consultant, Office of Usec for Regional Operations
1. Joel 0. Mendoza Admin. Officer II, Management Div.
2. Florentino Barte Admin. Officer V, Management Div.
3. Ma. Fatima Angeles Admin. Officer II, Personnel Div.
4. Billy Vega Admin. Officer IV, Employee Welfare And Benefits Div.
5. Edgardo N. Palacol PDO IV, EDPITAF
6. Sonia F. Sobremisana Admin. Aide VI, EDPITAF
7. Cecilia G. Tiamson Admin. Officer IV, EDPITAF
8. Evangeline Puna Admin. Officer 11, EDPITAF
9. Nieva Y. de Jesus COS, EDPITAF
10. Jojet Gabriel COS, EDPITAF

17 1


A. Timetable for Communicating the Approval and Notifying Employees

Date Implementation Activities Expected Output
15 Nov. 2013 Approval Date Preparatory activities
18-22 Nov. 2013
Orientation to key and middle level managers
25 Nov. - 6 Dec
Orient and Install Help Desks at all levels
2013 Training of designated Regional teams for plantilla management vis-
a-vis the Rationalized Staffing Pattern issued by DBM
. STAGE 1: Communicating to Employees
Announcement of Approval
27-28 Nov. 2013 • CMT Meeting (includes all key managers) on the Implementation Guidelines and

2-6 Dec. 2013 • The DepED Secretary announces the RP approval throufJh
the issuance of a DepED memo and accompanying
• Undersecretaries/Assistant Secretaries to discuss approval and • Understanding of
guidelines with the CO Directors and Division Chiefs, the approved
• Regional Directors to discuss to their respective SDSs Rationalized
the approval and guidelines (maybe accompanied by Structure and
an Undersecretary/Assistant Secretary) Staffing Pattern
• Notice to personnel holding casual/ contractual items • Clear set
regarding the termination of contract (one month after of Outputs
approval) Deadlines
4-11 Dec. 2013 • Under/Assistant Secretaries/ CO Directors to announce to their
respective office personnel the approval and guidelines
• Notification and issuance of "letter" to 3,d Level Personnel
• Regional Directors to announce to their respective Regional
personnel the approval and guidelines
• SDSs to announce to their respective SDO personnel the
approval and guidelines
Notifying Each Affected Employee (and Issuance of Letter) All Employees are
10 -11discussion
Individual Dec. informed of their
of Under/Assistant Secretaries/ CO Director
2013their respective affected employees regarding the options
with status
available in
to Affe
Individual discussion of Regional Directors with their respective affected employee
Dec. 2013 of SDSs with their respective affected employees the options
End of contracts of non-permanent employees whose contracts are funded t

15 Dec. 2013

18 1
B. Timetable for the Placement for 3rd Level Employees
Date Implementation Activities Expected Output
16 Dec. 2013 Submission of the Reply form of Affected 3rd Level Personnel
16-17 Dec. 2013 Consolidation of data re: Affected 3rd Level Personnel, 3rd level employees:
and submission of data to the ExeCom • Assignments in the
16-20 Dec. Conduct of Placement Process for affected 3rd Level Personnel rationalized
2013 structure
23 Dec. 2013 Submission of placement recommendation of 3rd • Retiring I
Level personnel of to the Secretary and Approval Be
3 Jan. 2013 Posting of the results of the placement to 3rd level positions separated

c. Timetable for the Placement of Regional Division Chiefs and SDO Division Chiefs
Date Implementation Activities Expected Output
19 Dec. 2013 Submission of the Reply form for prospective Regional!
SDO Division Chiefs
20 Dec. 2013 Consolidation of data re: prospective Regional/SDO Division
Chiefs Submission of consolidated list to the Regional Director I Regional and
SOS SDO Division
23-30 Dec. Placement Process for prospective Regional/SDO Division Chiefs
2013 Chiefs:

2-3 Jan 2014 Discussion of placement results re: Regional Division

• Assignments in
Chief positions with concerned Under/Assistant Secretary the rationalized
6-8 Jan 2014 Discussion of placement results re: SDO Division Chief
positions with respective Regional Director
• Retiring I
10 Jan 2014 Posting of the results of the placement to Regional Chief separated
10 Jan 2014 Positionsof the results of the placement to SDO Chief Positions
15 Jan. 2014 Official Effective Date of Retirement I Separation of
Employees that are retiring under EO 366

D. Timetable for the Placement for 1st and 2nd Level Employees (all levels)
Date Implementation Activities Expected Output
10 Dec. 2013 - "Thinking Time" allotted for Affected 1st and 2nd Level personnel List of personnel for:
15 Jan. 2014 Collection and consolidation of reply forms a) Placement
15 Jan. 2014 Last day of the submission of reply forms for 1st and 2nd b) Retiring/Be
level positions (all levels) separated
12-15 Jan. 2014 Compilation of reply forms c) CTI status
15 Jan. 2014 Official Effective Date of Retirement I Separation of Employees
that are retiring under EO 366
16 Jan. - 14 Conduct of Placement Process for affected 1st and 2nd Level List of personnel that
Feb. 2014 Positions including presentation of placement recommendations to are:
the respective CMT of each office a) Placed in the RSP
14 Feb. 2014 Submission to DBM of the List of Retirees and Request for b) Retiring/Be
Funding of Incentives separated (batch 2)
17 Feb. 2014 Posting of the results of the placement of affected personnel c) CTI status (batch

19 1 •·
Timetable for the Preparation of Report to DBM

Date Implementation Activities Expected Output

17-20 Feb. 2014 Preparation of the Comparative Matrix of Existing Positions and
Rationalized Staffing Pattern
21 Feb. 2014 • SDOs' submission of the Comparative Matrix of Existing
and Approved Staffing Pattern - to the Regional
• Bureaus/Centers/Services/Academy submission to CO Personnel Comparative Matrix
21-26 Feb. 2014 Region's review, checking and compilation of the Comparative
Matrix of Existing and Approved Staffing Pattern of Existing Positions
and Rationalized
27 Feb. 2014 ROs' submission of the Comparative Matrix of Existing
Staffing Pattern per
and Approved Staffing Pattern - to the CO CMT
region and 1 for
28 Feb - 4 Mar. Secretariat
CO CMT Secretariat's review, checking and compilation of
the central office
2014 the Comparative Matrix of Existing and Approved Staffing
5-6 Mar. 2014 PaHern
CMT Secretariat's packaging of report to DBM
7 Mar. 2014 Submission of report to the ExeCom
10-12 Mar. 2014 ExeCom's review of the output
13 Mar 2014 Finalization of outputs and other documentary requirements
14 Mar. 2014 Submission of Report to DBM



DepEd is directed to undergo a placement of personnel to transition the organization to the new structure. A
mechanism shall be established for this purpose where the placement of personnel to comparable positions shall be
based on merit and performance.

A. Placement Mechanisms
The following puts in place a mechanism to place individuals in positions that match their qualifications,
capabilities, and work preference to ensure that the requirements of the task and the organization are fulfilled.

a.1. Placement Authority

The ultimate, sole and final authority in placing personnel into positions in the Rationalized Staffing Pattern, rests
on the Secretary, who will approve all placement actions of personnel and submit such to the DBM.

As one, the Executive Committee shall be accountable for the placement of third level officials in the Department,
and thus will have a direct hand in the placement process.

The Secretary has designated and authorized the Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries to be accountable
for the placement of all other personnel in offices at the Central Level under the organizational strand assigned to
them. For the field offices, the authority is delegated to the Regional Director for placing personnel in their new
positions in the Regional office and to the Schools Division Superintendent for those in the Schools Division

The table below summarizes the officers accountable for the placement of affected personnel:
Positions to be filled-up
Accountable Officials Output
by placement
Part 1: Central
Rating of Office: Undersecretary I Assistant Secretary -in-
Affected Directors charge of the organizational strand for which
Personnel Division Chiefs the particular office belongs
Office Staff of the Under I
Assistant Secretary Undersecretary I Assistant Secretary -in- Placement
1st and 2nd level charge of the organizational strand for which recommendations to be
positions at the Central the particular office belongs, with presented to the CO
Office recommendations from Director/OIC of office CMT for comments

Regional Chiefs positions • Assistant Regional Director

1st and 2nd level positions


Selected SOS
Appropriate Chief I head of the Division in
Assistant Regional Director Placement
at the Regions recommendations to be
the new structure presented to the RO
CMT for comments
Schools Division Level
Schools Division Chiefs .•• ASDS
ASDS (in the absence of an ASDS, the
President of PESPA/NAPSHI
2nd and 1st level positions Placement
at the Schools Division SOS, in consultation with Regional recommendations to be
Director, shall assign a senior officer) presented to the SDO
• Appropriate Chief I head of the Division in CMT for comments
the new structure
Positions to be filled-
Phases Accountable Officials Output
up by placement
Part 2: Decisions on Final placement of current
All placement
the DepED Secretary affected permanent employees
recommendations for CO
Recommendations to be submitted to DBM
Regional Director in
consultation with the Final placement of current
All placement
Undersecretary/Assistant affected permanent employees
recommendations for RO
Secretary - in-charge of to be submitted to DBM
the Region
Final placement of current
All placement SDS in consultation with
affected permanent employees
recommendations for SDO the Regional Director
to be submitted to DBM

a.2. Criteria for placement

Placement of personnel to comparable positions shall abide by the following criteria:


• Updated Personnel Data Sheet
1. Relevance of academic preparation and I or recent trainings I 15

• Service records
Descriptor: The candidate meets all the QS required of the comparable position He I
• she had RELEVANT trainings that will positively influence his/her performance of the
CSC QS 2007 functions in the comparable position.
• Record of work experiences as 2. Technical Competence required by the functions I 55
indicated in the PDS
• Descriptor: The candidate meets all the knowledge and skills required of the
Records of other assignments I
comparable position. The purpose of the rating is to determine the extent that the
designation (may have been candidate will be able to perform the functions of the job because he/she has the
concurrently performed with the
appropriate aptitude and competence for it. This is gauged by all/any of the following.·
regular position)
• Submitted curriculum vitae if
• 20 points : Previous I current job experiencels indicating that the candidate
understands the functions of the job and has the required technical skills to perform
required by management) well
• If available, the job design
provides the list of required • 20 points : Relevant outputs developed by the candidate him/herself
skills and key result areas • 15 points : Any other relevant meritorious accomplishments
Records of any complaints or

disciplinary actions
3. Psychosocial Attributes and personality traits I 30

• Submitted curriculum vitae (if

Descriptor: The candidate meets the basic workplace attitudes and the traits required
in the performance of the job. To rate the candidate, please be guided by the
• required) distribution of points per type of position being rated:
If available, the job design Distribution of points
provides the list of required
Criteria per position level
skills and key result areas
3rd level 2°d level 1s1 level
Honestv and lnteqritv 4 4 5
High Motivation 3 3 3
Potential: ...... . .... ..... ,............ ... .......
• Communication Skills ....
····· • ·
2 3
• Ability to present ideas 4 I
3 1 ....
• Alertness 1 2 5
3 2 2
• Judgment ...
3 1
• Leadership
Psychosocial ability
attributes: ....... ..

• Human Relations 2 3 3
' 2 2 2
• Decisiveness
2 2 2
• Stress
Work tolerance
Standards 2 3 3
Self-Management & Personal Effectiveness 2 2 NA

22 1
a.3. Placement Processes

Pre-Placement Steps: For both the Central Office and the Field Offices, the Heads of offices shall follow
these steps:
a. Each affected employee will have a discussion with his/her head of office regarding the status of
his/her item in the SP and the options available under EO 366. He/she is expected to express
his/her intent to be placed in a comparable position using the reply form that is attached to the letter,
including the office of interest.

b. Based on the reply forms submitted by affected personnel, the CMT Secretariat in-charge of the
office database on actions per position shall prepare:
i) the table of "Actions on Items and Personnel"; and
ii) list of placement candidate per position
Both documents shall be submitted to the Placement team for review.

c. The Personnel office I section of each office shall prepare the pertinent documents regarding
candidates and ensure that these are ready for the placement team.

d. Placement team shall review actions on items and list of candidates

e. Each member of the placement team shall rate each candidate against criteria set.
f. A consolidation of rating per criteria shall be done to determine the final rating of the candidate per
criteria. The team shall add the points per criteria to obtain the final I over-all rating of the

g. Candidates are then ranked based on the final I over-all rating given by the placement team.
h. Placement recommendations at each level shall be discussed with the concerned personnel, after
which, these shall be presented to the respective CMT or Sub-CMT for feedback.
i. The Placement team and their respective Sub-CMT shall convene to discuss the rank-list
and recommendation to the Head of Office I appointing authority. The recommendation to be
made by the placement team and CMT is a "ranking" of all rated candidates per position.

j. Submit the final recommendation to the appointing authority.

k. Appointing authority will review the placement recommendations, discuss with the higher level official
(refer to the table of accountable officials - Section A.1: Placement Authority) to arrive at a

23 1
23 1


The placement procedure for transferring personnel to the CSC Pool per Section 13 of EO 366 IRR is as follows:

a. For employees who opt to remain in government service yet cannot be accommodated in DepED, the CMT
shall submit his/her name to the DBM and CSC, specifying the option and indicating the three (3) priority
agencies for reassignment. In case an employee would want to be reassigned to an area outside of
his/her present province/region of assignment, the preferred area of reassignment shall also be

b. The affected personnel shall notify the personnel officer of the decision indicating the order of priority of the
(3) agencies for re-assignment and the preferred province or region of assignment

c. The CSC shall then match the position, qualifications and skills of the affected personnel with the needs of
the agencies he/she had identified as priority agencies for reassignment, within a period of two (2)

d. In case no match can be found in the priority agencies for reassignment, the CSC shall then look for a match
in other agencies within the present province/region of assignment of the affected employee, unless another
area of reassignment has been requested.

e. If an employee is not placed within the two-month period, he/she shall transfer to the CSC and remain
therein until a match can be found. The DBM shall likewise transfer his/her personal services budget to
the CSC.

f. After satisfying the requirements of National Government agencies, the CSC may explore the possibility of
reassigning affected personnel to local schools and hospitals.

g. There shall be no diminution in the salary of the placed personnel. They shall have full rights to all the
benefits which may be available to other government employees, including Collective Negotiation
Agreement (CNA) incentives. In case there is a difference between the benefits enjoyed by employees
in the mother and in the recipient agency of the placed personnel, he/she shall enjoy the larger
benefits for a period of one (1) year. However, placed personnel shall no longer be entitled to certain
allowances such as those that are given corresponding to the performance of specific functions which
would no longer form part of their new functions.

h. The placed personnel shall enjoy security of tenure in the agency where they have been reassigned
in accordance with civil service rules and regulations. The position of the placed personnel in the
recipient agency shall be co-terminus with the incumbent, i.e., the item shall be abolished only upon
vacancy due to appointment to a position in the absorbing agency, transfer to another government agency,
LGU or private firm, retirement or separation, at which time the funds corresponding to the vacated position
shall revert back to the General Fund.

i. After one year, if the employee later objects to or does not accept the assignment, s/he shall be
deemed separated or retired with the appropriate separation/retirement benefits but without the EO 366
benefits. The placement is also declared unappealable (Sec. 21 EO 366 IRR).

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24 1

Co-terminus to incumbent option is available to regular employees who opt to remain in government service.

1. Establishing Need for CTI Positions within DepED

a. The Central Office, each region, and each schools division shall determine the need for additional
manpower to perform tasks within their own levels.

b. Schools Division Office shall identify schools requiring additional manpower specifically for non-teaching tasks.
c. These identified needs shall be submitted to their respective CMTs as basis for placement of CTls in the
Central, Region, Schools Divisions and Schools.

2. Assigning Employees with Co-Terminus to Incumbent (CTI) Positions within DepED

a. An affected employee who chooses to remain in government service will first be offered a comparable
position by management. In cases where the employee is unable to fit in a comparable position, he/she may
opt for a CTI status within DepED. The employee will have to express his/her interest on the specific tasks I
job that had been identified by the office he/she intends to be assigned.

b. The head of office shall review the additional HR needs of all offices and the.prospective CTI candidates to
these offices determine a match based on job fitness.

c. Based on the review, the employee may be assigned within DepED to do a job within his/her organizational
unit, another organizational unit, another DepED level, another schools division or region, or in a school,
depending on the need of the organization bringing his/her position item with him/her on a Co-Terminus with
the Incumbent (CTI) arrangement. The expressed interest of the employee shall be reviewed

d. Names of employees given CTI status and assigned to schools shall be submitted to the DepED CMT who
shall submit their names to the CSC.

3. Assigning Employees with Co-Terminus to Incumbent (CTI) Positions to other Agencies.

a. An affected employee who chooses to remain in government service under a CTI status in another agency
shall should express this interest in the reply form provided by management.
b. The CMT Secretariat shall consolidate all names and shall prepare the necessary documentary
requirements for endorsement to the CSC.

c. The Head of office shall submit to CSC the names of these employees for processing.

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