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Ask and Answer Questions About Key Details in A Text

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Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Template

* Note: Do not put explanations and rationale in your plans. Plans should not exceed 4 pages in length.

Teacher Candidate Name: Sabrina Avery

Age/Grade Level: Wobder Room

(List the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being
WI Model Early addressed, then only list the relevant part.)
Standards I.RL.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Grade Level
State Adopted
Standards for the
learning segment

Learning Experience ___3___ (Indicate which number)

Learning Objectives: Given the large group lesson on literacy, students will read the story as
Learning outcomes to be a group and complete the group questioning board.
achieved by the end of the
learning experience or learning

Academic Language Prior Knowledge:

Development Students will know basic book concepts like the front page of a book,
Identify the language demands print on the page, the order of the book; read left to right.
of the learning task. (Oral, visual,
and written) Vocabulary/Concept(s):
Dinosaur: The word dinosaur comes from Greek
Key vocabulary and definitions words meaning “terrible lizard.” They were the main animals on Earth
for more than 150 million years.
Fossils: are the remains or traces of plants and animals that lived long
Herbivore: are animals that eat plants
Carnivore: is an animal which eats mostly meat.
Predator:  is an animal that eats other animals 
Stegosaurus: means roof lizard or covered lizard, due to the plates on its
Iguanodon: means “iguana tooth.”
Triceratops: means three-horned-face in Greek. The triceratops' head is
one of the largest of any land animal discovered. 
Apatosaur: means “deceptive lizard.”
Pteranodon: a huge flying reptile

Instructional and learning Introduction: Welcome class in by singing and doing the movements
activities that support diverse to, Dinosaur, Dinosaur
student needs. (Include what you Procedures:
and the children will be doing.) As a class, we will read the book, “The Mine-O-Saur”
Link to teaching and learning Questions:
theories and context for learning. 1. Does anyone know what a dinosaur is?
2. What do dinosaurs eat?
3. How do we learn about dinosaurs?
Together as a class, we will complete the group question board.
Closure: Together as a class, we will look at printouts of what the
different dinosaurs look like and review what we learned about them.
 What kind of dinosaur is a Stegosaurus?
 What kinds of dinosaurs are herbivores?
 What kinds of dinosaurs are carnivores?
Transition: Before the student moves to the next station, they will
shape their body into their favorite dinosaur.

Instructional Resources and Book, “The Mine-O-Saur”

Materials used to engage Group questioning board
children in this learning Photos of dinosaurs

Informal and/or formal Informal: I will observe the students in a large group while they are
assessments used to monitor answering the open-ended questions that are asked.
children’ learning and feedback
provided Formal: The teacher will have one-on-one conversation with each
*Review examples shared in the student while in a large group. The teacher will then track on a
edTPA handbook glossary checklist if the student understands the concept.

Adaptations of Learning Tasks Multimodal teaching approaches:

and Materials Visual: There will be pictures in the story that is read together as a
(Differentiated instruction) class.
*Review “variety of learners” in Auditory: The story will be read together as a class
the edTPA handbook glossary
To incorporate personal learning, the students who need more
challenging work will complete a separate worksheet about the details
of the insect from the story.
Students who need extra help will have the option to look at the
photos of the different dinosaurs as well as the teacher will show
examples from the book.

ELA: Throughout this activity, students will be listening to the story,
speaking about the different facts in the story, answering open-ended
questions about dinosaurs.
Central Focus Subject specific content: (language, math, science, social studies)
In this lesson, students will learn how to use literacy skills to answer
open-ended questions about dinosaurs. This lesson will follow the
standard I.RL.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
The purpose of teaching this content is for students to be able to
increase their literacy skills. This lesson plan is based on the
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS), which
incorporated visual, authority, and illusion learning

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