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MLK Di Lesson Plan

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Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Preliminary Information
Teacher Name:Andrea Monzob Date:5/19/21
Grade: Kindergarten Learning Segment:
Number of Students: 23 Whole group Direct Instruction

Where in the learning segment does this lesson occur? (Example: Strategies you are practicing in this lesson: (i.e., Turn & Talk,
Day 2 of 5) Think-Pair-Share)
Day 1 of 3
Interactive Read Aloud, Turn and Talk, Collaborative discussions,
Direct Instruction, Retell, Summarize, KWL chart

1. Instructional Focus
Standards: List the 1 or 2 standards that are the focus of your learning segment.

Content standards:
Social Studies Standard: k.6.1 Identify the purposes of, and the people and events honored in,
commemorative holidays, including the human struggles that were the basis for the events (e.g., Thanksgiving,
Independence Day, Washington’s and Lincoln’s Birthdays, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Labor
Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day).
ELA standards
RL.K.1 1. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
W.K.2. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in
which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
ELD standards
Productive 10 - Composing/writing literary and informational texts to present, describe, and explain ideas and
information, using appropriate technology

Central Focus: What is the intended learning of this block of daily lessons?
Students will know the significance of Martin Luther King Jr and his heroic actions, The struggled he had to go
through and how his actions have shaped America today.

Personal/Cultural/Community Assets
What assets will be utilized to support learning these standards with students?

I will begin by explaining how each of us are unique and special because of our differences. The way we look, dress, act,
our beliefs, ect, they all make us who we are and we are all perfect in our own way. I will ask students if they have ever
been treated unfairly. I will connect how that makes them feel to how MLK must have felt and how that made him want
to change the future. Students are going to learn the unfairness of many laws and rules that people had to live by when
Martin Luther King was alive. They will learn that many of the laws would not have allowed them to be friends with
many of the friends they have today. I will connect how MLK and many other heroes in our history made it possible for
all of us to be in the same classroom today.
Student Learning Objective(s): Identify 1 or 2 objectives for students.
What would you like your students to be able to do at the end of the lesson?
Observable & Measurable
Students will be able to…
After the lesson on Martin Luther King Jr, students in kindergarten will identify and summarize information on
the topic of who Martin Luther King Jr is and the struggles he had to face fighting for equal rights by stating 5
facts orally and in writing.

 The Objective should be one complete sentence with the ABCD Components.

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018

 State the objective in behavioral terms, as follows:
 A=Audience, kindergarteners
 B=Behavior, students will be able to list 5 facts about Martin Luther King Jr and his
heroic actions
 C=Conditions, students need to know about Martin Luther King Jr and how his heroic
actions influenced the holiday.
 D=Degree of accuracy needed to achieve the objective. Students will need to accurately
explain the 5 facts.
Language objectives:

Students will be able to state 5 facts about Martin Luther King Jr orally and in writing.
Academic Language Demand: Identify supports you will put in place to help students achieve the language function within the context of the
Language Demand Language Support
Language Functions: (Analyze, Argue, Categorize, I will read the book and guide students in describing
Compare/contrast, Describe, Explain, Interpret, Predict, Question,
Retell, Summarize)
what the character might be feeling and the events
Describe that are happening. I will have students collaborate
Explain with their peers to discuss what they think

Vocabulary: Identify academic language (words and structures) Before reading, I will talk about these words and
essential to learning the content of this lesson.
explain what they mean so they understand the
Law, equal, speech, dream, leader, peace, rights, text when the words come up
march, citizens, fair

Discourse: In person oral discussion Keep the student engaged through meaningful
conversations about the book and how it might relate
to our personal lives
Syntax: Provide oral sentence structures to help students
come up with the 5 facts, I will write their facts down
for them on chart paper

2. Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment of Student Learning: What evidence will you gather to assess the extent to which students have met your stated objective(s)? Will
you use formal, informal, or both types of assessments? You will need to consider what the evidence will look like for meets expectations, exceeds
expectations, and does not meet expectations. Attach assessment.
Define what it is you are measuring. Be sure what you measure is connected to the objective for the lesson. If you are measuring
multiple dimensions, be sure to address each of them in the table below.

Dimension (what you are Below Expectations At Expectations Above Expectations

measuring?) 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS
Participates in Interactive Student is disengaged and Student is engaged and Student is fully engaged and
Read Aloud discussions not participating in class showing some interest in participating in read aloud
discussions/activites during learning throughout the activities/discussions
the read aloud activities
5 Facts written or drawn Student has 0-1 correct facts Student has 2-4 correct Student has all 5 correct
facts about Martin Luther about Martin Luther King Facts about Martin Luther Facts about Martin Luther
King Jr either Jr. King Jr. King Jr.

KWL Chart Student was not involved in Student contributed to at Student was actively
filling out the KWL Chart least one thing on the KWL responding to each section of
Chart the KWL Chart
All facts and work makes Facts don’t make sense or Some of the facts relate to All facts make sense and are
EDU and relatesLesson
Elementary to thePlan
topic notRevised,
Template, relatedFallto2018
the reading the reading and discussion. related to the reading and
and discussion discussion
Accommodations: Note any accommodations you will need to make to the assessment for students with special needs.
Students with special needs will have to orally tell me at least 1 thing for each section for the KWL Chart and give me at least 2 facts
about Martin Luther King Jr to be at exceeds expectation.

Student Feedback: How will you provide students with feedback (their strengths and next steps)? What is your plan for helping students to use
this feedback to extend their understanding?

I will be able to give my students immediate constructive feedback after their responses during the read aloud
discussions. I will provide them with positive feedback and positive feed-forward comments. During our
activities I will be observing the students and listening to their responses. I will make sure they are focused on
task, and engaged. Through this student feedback I can correct any mistakes and clarify any misunderstandings.
This will also put the students on the right track and know what area’s they need to work on.

The expectations rubric will provide the students with Summative Feedback. I can provide them with detailed
comments that are related to specific aspects of their work, clearly explain how the mark was derived from the
criteria provided and additional constructive comments on how they could improve for next time.

3. Instructional Plan
Introduction: How will you access prior knowledge and get students interested in the content?
Begin with a way to grab students’ attention. How does this lesson relate to what students already know (life outside of school)? How does the lesson relate to what the
students learned in previous lessons? Why is it important for students to learn this?

Everyone is seated on the carpet in our reading center, “Alrighty class, raise your hand if you know we are
celebrating Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday next Monday? < student:“I know!”. Student:“Who’s that?”
student: “I’ve heard about him”>. I am so excited to talk about him this week and learn about why he is so
important, his heroic actions that changed the course of history, and why this holiday is dedicated to him.
Martin Luther King Jr went through some very hard times and had to deal with a lot of cruelty in his lifetime.
So let me ask you some questions to get us thinking about how Martin Luther King and many African
Americans felt during this time. Raise your hand if you have ever felt like people didn’t want to include you in
an activity. Maybe a group of kids told you weren’t allowed to play with them. Or maybe no one wanted you to
use the toys they were using. (Student’s raise their hands). Yeah, I think it’s happened to a lot of us! And it
makes you feel sad inside. Now, try to imagine what it would be like to be treated unfairly or be left out of
something just because there is something different about you, such as the color of your eyes, hair or skin.
<That would make me really sad.> Yes! Me too. This is what Martin Luther King Jr felt like because there were
many laws that were unfair to African-Americans (people with dark skin). His goal was to change those laws,
and make sure everyone was treated fairly and equal (the same). He did so many amazing things to stop people
from being treated unfairly. I think we can all learn from him by standing up for what’s right, just like he did.”

Instruction: How will you engage students with the content? (Instructional model, engagement strategies, use of technology, purposeful practice,
grouping strategies, closure) Attach all instructional resources used at the end of this lesson plan.
Instructional Model: Erase these words and replace with the Instructional Model you have chosen for this lesson
This is the meat of your lesson where there will be time for direct instruction, guided instruction, and independent practice. I do (demonstration), we do, and you do.
You may choose to use a different instructional model (inquiry, inductive reasoning or concept attainment), depending on which best fits your content.

Apply the principles of Universal Design for Learning throughout your lesson. Note any distinctions in this section.

Provide as much detail as possible so that anyone can pick up your lesson plan and teach it.

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018

If you plan to use a PPT, include your PPT slides. Prepare questions you will ask.

End the lesson with a closure. Bring closure to the lesson. Summarize what they learned and why it was important for them to learn it. You can do it yourself, or ask
students to talk about it.
INPUT – I DO: Provide Comprehensible Input SDAIE-Modify use of text, use of technology

Teacher: I have this KWL chart up. Remember KWL stands for Know(what do you already know about the topic), Want to know
(what would you like to know about the topic or what do you want to learn about the topic. And Learn (at the end of the lesson, what
did you learn about the topic). We are going to fill this out together. First, can you tell me some things you already know about Martin
Luther King Jr?
Student: He has his own Holiday!
Teacher: That’s right! We celebrate MLK Jr Day. (Write it down on the chart under K) (put a check mark next to students name to
know that they participated in the KWL Chart)
Student: He was a man that made a famous speech
Teacher: That is absolutely true, Kevin. He wrote and said the “I have a dream” speech!
Student: He was treated bad for being African American.
Teacher: Yes. He was treated very unfairly just because the color of his.
(Continue to allow students to share and write down their responses on the chart as they relate to the topic and record who is

Teacher: Awesome Job everyone! Thank you everyone who shared. Now we are going to fill out the W section. What would you like
to know or learn about Martin Luther King Jr and/or the holiday?
Student: I want to know why he was treated unfairly.
Teacher: That is a great question, Tiana! We will definitely learn about this!
Student: What is the “I have a dream” speech.
Teacher: Kevin, that is such an important thing to know, I am glad you are excited to learn about it!
Student: Why were people mean to him? That’s not nice.
Teacher: That is true, Katie. People were very mean to him. We will read and learn a lot about that this week.
(Continue to allow students to share and write down their responses on the chart as they relate to the topic and record who is
The L part, What we learned, we will do at the end of the lesson!

I want to read this really awesome book to you guys about Martin Luther King Jr, and we are going to stop and talk about the book as
we read it. There will be some vocabulary you need to know before we begin reading. (Pull up the word chart with words and
corresponding pictures) Go over each word and the image next to it; Law, equal, speech, dream, leader, peace, rights,
march, citizens, fair.

Teacher: , I am going to begin reading which means I want everyone to have their listening ears on and keeping our hands
and feet to ourselves. Let’s be respectful of one another and stay quiet when someone is speaking, that includes me and
the other students. Make sure to pay attention to the story and the pictures because I will be asking you questions as I
read. Any questions? Let’s get started!”

Page 1-2: Read, then ask “How did Martin feel when he read the signs that say “White Only”?
Student: Bad.
Teacher: What do you think the sign “white only” meant? (Students will probably not undertand what it means)
Teacher: This sign meant that only people with white skin could go in or use things. Was that fair?
Students: No that’s not fair!
Teacher: Youre right! That isn’t fair because he wasn’t allowed in the store just because his skin was dark. But remember what his
mom said “You are as good as anyone”, meaning we are all good enough and perfect the way we are.
Page 3-4:
Teacher: It says “The Indian nation won freedom without ever firing (using) a gun”. Is this peaceful? (look back at the vocab words
for reference on what peaceful means).
Student: Yes! Because that means they used a nice way to be free.
Teacher: That was a good inference! Martin learned that there are peaceful ways to fight for the things you believe in. He didn’t want
to hurt people while trying to speak up for what’s right!
Page 5-6
Teacher: He said Together when other said what?

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018

Students: (all together) Separate!
Teacher: Right. He believed everyone could live in the world together and no one has to be separated or left out for being different.
Page 7-8
Teacher: During this time, African Americans weren’t allowed to sit in the front of the bus. They were only allowed in the back. Is
that fair?
Students: No.
Teacher: What do you think would be more fair? If everyone was allowed to sit anywhere they want, or only some people were
allowed to sit wherever they want?
Student: It would be fair if everyone got to choose where they sit.
Teacher: Yes, that would be more fair! So, what the citizens did was, they stopped riding the bus as a peaceful way to fight for
everyone to be able to choose where they wanted to sit. A lot of people stopped riding the busses to show that they were angry about
the unfair law that only white people could choose where to sit but not everyone.
Page 9
Teacher: How many days did they stop riding the bus?
Student: 381 days
Teacher: Did it change the law about the buses?
Student: Yes! Everyone was allowed to choose where to sit!
Page 10
Teacher: What did MLK Jr do with everyone?
Students: Marched. Walked. Sang. Talked.
Teacher: Right! He fought for what was right and tried to teach people about what it meant to be equal and fair. He tried to change the
laws so that they would be fair for everyone.
Page 11-12
Teacher: What means things happened to MLK Jr and the people marching and protesting peacefully?
Students: Beaten. Killed. Went to Jail. His how was bombed.
Teacher: Yeah and that isn’t nice or fair! But what did Martin tell his friends
Students: Don’t fight back. The power of love. He didn’t stop peacefully fighting.
Teacher: What was Martins dream in his speech?
Student: That little boys and girls can hold hands.
Teacher: Yeah. In his I have a dream speech, he talked about how we wanted everyone to be treated equal and live in the world
together in peace.
Teacher: Did the marched and protest work to change the laws?
Student: Yes! They changed the laws and took the signs down!
Page 14:
Who did Martin care about?
Student: Everyone
Teacher: Why did he win the Nobel Piece Prize?
Student: Because he taught everyone to fight with words, not with their hands.

End of book: Reflect

Teacher: Do you think it was a good that Martin fought peacefully?
Was Martin able to influence the government to change the laws to be more fair?
Why is it important to be fair?
(Pick on students to respond)

Teacher: Turn and talk to your partner, talk about one thing you learned about Martin Luther King.
(Have some students share what they learned).
Awesome Job class. I appreciate everyone engaging in the conversations and being respectful when your classmates were

MODELING - WE DO SDAIE: Demonstrations and modeling

Teacher: I am going randomly call on you and I want you to share with me 1 fact about Martin Luther King Junior and the things that
we just read about. (Write down the facts they say on Chart paper big enough for everyone to see).
Make sure students use complete sentences. State their fact In a complete sentence back to them and write it correctly on the chart.

Once everyone has shared or there are at least 10 facts on the chart paper. Have students go back to their desks.

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018

Teacher: Okay class, I am going to call on you by group number to go back to your desks quickly but quietly.

Once everyone is in their desk, pass out the facts worksheet.

Teacher: Alrighty, so here we have a fun worksheet. You are going to write 5 facts about Martin Luther King Jr. and draw a picture
that relates to one of the facts. We just talked about some facts as a class, so please use the Chart paper for reference. Try your best to
write complete sentences starting with a capital letter and end with a period for each fact. Here is an example of my worksheet with
my 5 five facts and a drawing that illustrates one of the facts. Work on your 5 written facts first before drawing your pictures.


Students will work on their assignments. As they work on them, the teacher will walk around the classroom, making sure the students
are on track and understanding the tasks and giving oral and written feedback on their work. Teacher will work with individual
students with specific needs. Give them about 10 minutes to fill out the facts

Teacher: Class Class

Students: Yes Yes
Teacher: Now I want you to turn to your partner and read your 5 facts. Check to see if your partner wrote complete sentences and
make sure they started with a capital letter and ended with a period. You get 2 minutes! Go.

Teacher:Class Class
Students: Yes Yes
Teacher: Great job everyone! I noticed a lot of you were helping your partners fix their mistakes. That’s awesome teamwork! Now I
want you to go over your 5 facts and correct any mistakes you made. I will walk around the room to read everyone’s facts and help
you make changes if you need it. Once I have checked your work, you can start drawing your pictures. If you aren’t able to finish the
drawing today, I will give you some time tomorrow to finish it.

CLOSURE EL/SDAIE: Questioning for review

Teacher: Does anyone want to share their facts with the rest of the class? (call on students who raised their hand. Give positive
Teacher: Now we are going to fill out the L in our KWL Chart. Let’s look back at our Want to know section to see if we got some our
questions answered from the reading! We wanted to know why he was treated unfairly, what is the “I have a dream” speech, and Why
were people mean to him? Raise your hand if you learned the answer to one of these questions. (Start calling on students to share 1
thing they learned about MLK Jr and the struggled he went through. Fill in the responses students give for the L section). Remember
your 5 facts you wrote and see if any of those are something new you learned about MLK Jr.
Teacher: Awesome Job everyone! I am so impressed with how much you guys have learned about Martin Luther King Jr and his
struggles fighting for equal rights.
Remember it is very important to stand up for what’s right! But it’s even more important to do it peacefully. Just like Martin Luther
King Jr did. He is a hero who went through many challenges to make sure everyone is treated fairly. We are all unique and special and
we all deserve to be treated kindly! We have to remember to treat others with kindness and respect and stand up for those who aren’t
being treated fairly.
Go ahead and put your Worksheet in your Holiday Folder so we can share it with our parents during open house! We will talk more
about Martin Luther King Jr and why we celebrate the holiday this week.

Differentiation/Extension: How will you provide access to key concepts by all students at their ability levels?
Learning Need Supports: What are your plans for supporting IEP/504 students?
I will provide students with more response time. Model what is expected for each activity. Speak slowly and clearly. Provide an
example of the finished product. Provide students with a personal vocabulary chart to reference. Read the information from the
worksheet out loud. Allow students to orally state their 5 facts.

Language Need Supports: What are the supports your EL students need? Refer to the ELD Framework and the strategy suggestions.
I will model each step of the activity. Write responses down for the student. If the student speaks very little English, allow them to
write or orally say their responses in their native language. Email the parents a video of me reading the book a day or two before the

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018


Gifted/Advanced Need Supports: What are your plans for advanced learners and gifted students? How can they learn the material differently? This activity should
be related to the learning objective and extend students’ understanding of the topic.

Have them write 10 facts about MLK Jr from the reading. Ask them higher order thinking questions during the read aloud. Allow
them to draw pictures for 2 or 3 facts.

What Ifs: Be proactive. What are common misconceptions related to the learning objectives? Consider what might not go as planned with the
lesson in regard to students learning content. What will you do about it?

It is possible that this book is hard to follow along. There isn’t very many images to support students during the read aloud. I will lead
the conversation and ask clarifying questions if they aren’t able to respond to my original comprehension questions. I would describe
what I think is going on and encourage the students to try their best to describe what they heard or see. Students might also have
trouble writing their 5 facts because the book is kind of long to remember everything. I will walk through the book again and focus on
specific pages that give information about MLK Jr that students can talk about.

Technology, Resources and Materials: Describe the instructional resources/materials/technology used to engage students in learning.

A copy of Martins Big Words, Chart paper, KWL Chart, 5 facts worksheet

TPE’s: Add two TPEs and an explanation of how you partially met each of them in you lesson.

TPE #1:TPE 5: Assessing Student Learning

Involve all students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals and progress and provide students
with opportunities to revise or reframe their work based on assessment feedback.
I had students look over their 5 facts and check if their work made sense and was written correctly. They made sure they wrote their
sentences starting with capital letters and ended with periods. I gave time for them to edit their mistakes after giving them constructive
feedback. I also helped them reflect on their learning goals through the KWL Chart. We talked about what they had learned at the end
of the lesson.

TPE #2: 3. Connect subject matter to real-life contexts and provide active learning experiences to engage student
interest, support student motivation, and allow students to extend their learning.
In the beginning of the lesson, I asked students if they have ever been treated unfairly or felt left out and asking them how that made
them feel, then connecting that feeling to how African Americans, including Martin Luther king Jr, felt during his lifetime. The
interactive read aloud also gave many opportunities for students to share their thoughts throughout the reading by asking
comprehension questions and allowing them to actively learn about MLK Jr. I also connected to them the importance of standing up
for what is right, and doing so peacefully.

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018

EDU 580 Elementary Lesson Plan Template, Revised, Fall 2018

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