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Heinrich Schliemann

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Heinrich Schliemann and the Discovery of Troy

Homeric Questions

By K. Kris Hirst, Guide

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• heinrich schliemann

• history of archaeology

• classical troy

• homer

Heinrich Schliemann, 1861, photograph in Traill 1995, used with permission

David Traill (c) 1995

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According to legend, the finder of the true site of Troy wasHeinrich Schliemann,
adventurer, speaker of 15 languages, world traveler, and gifted amateur
archaeologist. In his memoirs and books, Schliemann claimed that when he was
eight, his father took him on his knee and told him the story of the Iliad, the
forbidden love between Helen, wife of the King of Sparta, and Paris, son of Priam
of Troy, and how their elopement resulted in a war that destroyed a civilization.
That story, said Schliemann, awoke in him a hunger to search for the
archaeological proof of the existence of Troy and Tiryns and Mycenae. In fact, he
was so hungry that he went into business to make his fortune so he could afford
the search. And after much consideration and study and investigation, on his own
he found the original site of Troy, at Hisarlik, a tell in Turkey.

Ah, Romance!

The reality, according to David Traill's 1995 biography, Schliemann of Troy:

Treasure and Deceit, is that most of this is romantic baloney. Schliemann was a
brilliant, gregarious, enormously talented and extremely restless con man, who
nevertheless changed the course of archaeology and focused interest in the sites
and events of the Iliad and created widespread belief in their physical reality.
During Schliemann's peripatetic travels around the world (he visited the
Netherlands, Russia, England, France, Mexico, America, Greece, Egypt, Italy,
India, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan, all before he was 45), he took trips to
ancient monuments, stopped at universities to take classes and attend lectures in
comparative literature and language, wrote reams of pages of diaries and
travelogues, and made friends and enemies all over the world. How he afforded
such traveling may be attributed to either his business acumen or his penchant
for fraud; probably a bit of both.

In 1868, at the age of 46, Schliemann took up archaeology. There is no doubt that
before that Schliemann had been interested in archaeology, particularly the
history of the Trojan War, but it had always been subsidiary to his interest in
languages and literature. But in June of 1868, Schliemann spent three days at the
excavations at Pompeii directed by the archaeologist Guiseppi Fiorelli. In July, he
visited Mount Aetos, considered then the site of the palace of Odysseus, and there
Schliemann dug his first excavation pit. In that pit, or perhaps purchased locally,
Schliemann obtained either 5 or 20 small vases containing cremated remains. The
fuzziness is a deliberate obfuscation on Schliemann's part, not the first nor the
last time that Schliemann would fudge the details in his archaeological

Three Candidates for Troy

At the time Schliemann's interest was stirred by archaeology and Homer, there
were three candidates for the location of Homer's Troy. The popular choice of the
day was Bunarbashi (also spelled Pinarbasi) and the accompanying acropolis of
Balli-Dagh; Hisarlik was favored by the ancient writers and a small minority of
scholars; and Alexandrian Troas, since determined to be too recent to be Homeric
Troy, was a distant third. Schliemann excavated at Bunarbashi during the summer
of 1868 and visited the Troad and Hisarlik, apparently unaware of the standing of
Hisarlik until, at the end of the summer he dropped in on the archaeologist Frank
Calvert. Calvert, a British archaeologist, was among the decided minority among
scholars; he believed that Hisarlik was the site of Homeric Troy, but had had
difficulty convincing the British Museum to support his excavations. He had put
trenches into Hisarlik in 1865 and found enough evidence to convince himself that
he had found the correct site. Calvert recognized that Schliemann had the money
and chutzpah to get the additional funding and permits to dig at Hisarlik. Calvert
spilt his guts, beginning a partnership he would learn to regret.

Schliemann returned to Paris in the fall of 1868 and spent six months becoming
an expert on Troy and Mycenae, writing a book of his recent travels, and writing
numerous letters to Calvert, asking him where he thought the best place to dig
might be, and what sort of equipment he might need to excavate at Hisarlik. In
1870 Schliemann began excavations at Hisarlik, under the permit Frank Calvert
had obtained for him, and with members of Calvert's crew. But never, in any of
Schliemann's writings, did he ever admit that Calvert did anything more than
agree with Schliemann's theories of the location of Homer's Troy, born that day
when his father sat him on his knee.

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