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Heinrich Schliemann

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Heinrich Schliemann was a German archaeologist who excavated sites at Troy, Mycenae and Tiryns, lending support to Homer's epics. However, his excavation methods were criticized for being undisciplined by modern standards.

He was a German businessman who became interested in archaeology and used his wealth to fund excavations at ancient sites, most notably Troy and Mycenae.

Schliemann excavated at Troy, Mycenae and Tiryns, three important sites mentioned in Homer's works. His excavations at Troy were some of the first at the site and helped establish it as the actual location.

Heinrich Schliemann

Heinrich Schliemann (pronounced [ˈʃliːman]; (January 6, 1822, Neubukow,

Mecklenburg-Schwerin – December 26, 1890, Naples) was a German
archaeologist, an advocate of the historical reality of places mentioned in the
works of Homer, and an important excavator of Troy and of the Mycenaean sites
Mycenae and Tiryns, lending material weight to Homer's Iliad and Vergil's Aeneid
as reflecting historical events.

Life as an archaeologist
It is not certain by what path Schliemann really arrived at either archaeology or
Troy. His wealth enabled Schliemann to become a thrill seeker. He traveled a
great deal, seeking out ways to get to famous cultural and historical icons. One
of his most famous exploits was disguising himself as a Bedouin tribesman to
gain access to forbidden areas of Mecca, the holy Muslim city.
His first interest of a classical nature seems to have been the location of Troy.
The city's very existence was then in dispute. Perhaps his attention was
attracted by the first excavations at Santorini in 1862 by Ferdinand Fouqué. This
possibility argues for an early retirement date, as he was already an
international traveller by then. He may have been inspired by Frank Calvert,
whom he met on his first visit to the Hissarlik site in 1868.

Sophia Schliemann (born Engastromenos) wearing treasures recovered at


Somewhere in his many travels and adventures he lost Ekaterina. She was not
interested in adventure and had remained in Russia. Schliemann claimed to have
utilised the divorce laws of Indiana in 1850, using that state's lax divorce laws to
divest himself of his Russian wife Ekaterina in absentia.
Based on the work of a British archaeologist, Frank Calvert, who had been
excavating the site in Turkey for over 20 years, Schliemann decided that
Hissarlik was the site of Troy. In 1868 — a busy year for Schliemann — he visited
sites in the Greek world, published Ithaka, der Peloponnesus und Troja in which
he advocated for Hissarlik as the site of Troy, and submitted a dissertation in
ancient Greek proposing the same thesis to the University of Rostock. He
received a PhD in 1869[1] from the university of Rostock for that submission.
Regardless of his previous interests and adventures, Schliemann's course was
set. He would take over Calvert's excavations on the eastern half of the Hissarlik
site, which was on Calvert's property. The Turkish government owned the
western half. Calvert became Schliemann's collaborator and partner.
Schliemann brought dedication, enthusiasm, conviction and a not inconsiderable
fortune to the work. Excavations cannot be made without funds, and are vain
without publication of the results. Schliemann was able to provide both.
Consequently, he made his name in the field of Mycenaean archaeology and,
despite later criticism, his work continues to receive great attention and favor
from some Classical archaeologists to this day.

The so-called 'Mask of Agamemnon', discovered by Heinrich Schliemann in 1876

at Mycenae now exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

Schliemann knew he would need an "insider" collaborator versed in Greek

culture of the times. As he had divorced Ekaterina in 1868, he was able to
advertise for a wife: which he did, in a newspaper in Athens. A friend, the
Archbishop of Athens, suggested a relative of his, the seventeen-year-old Sophia
Engastromenos. Schliemann soon married her, in October of 1869. They later
had two children, Andromache and Agamemnon Schliemann; he reluctantly
allowed them to be baptized, but only solemnized the ceremony by placing a
copy of the Iliad on the children's heads and reciting hundred hexameters.
By 1871, Schliemann was ready to go to work at Troy.
His career began before archaeology developed as a professional field, and so,
by present standards, the field technique of Schliemann's work leaves a lot to be
desired. Thinking that Homeric Troy must be in the lowest level, he dug hastily
through the upper levels, reaching fortifications that he took to be his target. In
1872 he and Calvert fell out over this method. Schliemann flew into a fury when
Calvert published an article stating that the Trojan War period was missing from
the record.
As if to confirm Schliemann's views a cache of gold appeared in 1873;
Schliemann named it "Priam's Treasure." He later wrote that he had seen the
gold glinting in the dirt and dismissed the workmen so that he and Sophie could
excavate it themselves and remove it in her shawl. Schliemann was successful in
creating public interest in antiquity. Sophie later wore "the Jewels of Helen" for
the public. Schliemann published his findings in 1874, in Trojanische Altertümer
("Trojan Antiquities").
This publicity backfired when the Turkish government revoked Schliemann's
permission to dig and sued him for a share of the gold. Collaborating with
Calvert, Schliemann had smuggled the treasure out of Turkey, alienating the
Turkish authorities. He defended his "smuggling" in Turkey as an attempt to
protect the items from corrupt local officials. Priam's Treasure today remains a
subject of international dispute.
Schliemann published Troja und seine Ruinen (Troy and Its Ruins) in 1875 and
excavated the Treasury of Minyas at Orchomenus. In 1876, he began digging at
Mycenae. Upon discovering the Shaft Graves, with their skeletons and more
regal gold (including the Mask of Agamemnon), Schliemann cabled the king of
Greece. The results were published in Mykena in 1878.
Although he had received permission in 1876 to continue excavation,
Schliemann did not re-open the dig at Troy until 1878–1879, after another
excavation in Ithaca designed to locate an actual site mentioned in the Odyssey.
This was his second excavation at Troy. Emile Burnouf and Rudolph Virchow
joined him there in 1879. Schliemann made a third excavation at Troy in 1882–
1883, an excavation of Tiryns with Wilhelm Dörpfeld in 1884, and a fourth
excavation at Troy, also with Dörpfeld (who emphasized the importance of
strata), in 1888–1890.

On August 1, 1890, Schliemann returned reluctantly to Athens, and in November
traveled to Halle for an operation on his chronically infected ears. The doctors
dubbed the operation a success, but his inner ear became painfully inflamed.
Ignoring his doctors' advice, he left the hospital and traveled to Leipzig, Berlin,
and Paris. From the latter, he planned to return to Athens in time for Christmas,
but his ears became even worse. Too sick to make the boat ride from Naples to
Greece, Schliemann remained in Naples, but managed to make a journey to the
ruins of Pompeii. On Christmas Day he collapsed into a coma and died in a
Naples hotel room on December 26, 1890. His corpse was then transported by
friends to the First Cemetery in Athens. It was interred in a mausoleum shaped
like a temple erected in ancient Greek style designed by Ernst Ziller in the form
of a pedimental sculpture. The frieze circling the outside of the mausoleum
shows Schliemann conducting the excavations at Mycenae and other sites. His
magnificent residence in the city centre of Athens, houses today the Numismatic
Museum of Athens.

There was very little organised archaeology in those days. Other big names of
the time also had received no formal education in the subject, and also made
Schliemann's work leaves a lot to be desired. Further excavation of the Troy site
by others indicated that the level he named the Troy of the Iliad was not that,
although they retain the names given by Schliemann. His excavations were even
condemned by later archaeologists as having destroyed the main layers of the
real Troy. However, before Schliemann, not many people even believed in a real
Troy. Nonetheless Charles Maclaren identified Hissarlik as the location of Troy as
early as 1822. Kenneth W. Harl in the audiobook Great Ancient Civilizations of
Asia Minor claims that Schliemann's excavations were carried out in such
methods that he did what the Greeks could not do to Troy, destroying and
leveling down the entire city wall to the ground. One of the main problems of his
work is that King Priam's Treasure was putatively found in the Troy II level, of the
primitive Early Bronze Age, long before Priam's city of Troy VI or Troy VIIa in the
prosperous and elaborate Mycenaean Age. Moreover, the finds were unique.
These unique and elaborate gold artifacts do not appear to belong to the Early
Bronze Age. In the 1960s William Niederland, a psychoanalyst, conducted a
psychobiography of Schliemann to account for his unconscious motives.
Niederland read thousands of Schliemann's letters and found that he resented
his father and blamed him for his mother's death, as evidenced by vituperative
letters to his sisters. According to Niederland Schliemann's preoccupation (as he
saw it) with graves and the dead reflected grief over the loss of his home and his
efforts at resurrecting the Homeric dead should represent a restoration of his
mother and nothing specifically in the early letters indicate that he was
interested in Troy or classical archaeology. Whether this sort of evaluation is
valid is debatable. He was accused of not always being scrupulous about
providing the whole truth and that his father's experiences gave him a sympathy
to means that were not always legal or aboveboard (he has been accused of
forging documents to divorce his wife[citation needed] and fill in false facts in his
application for US citizenship[citation needed]). He is also accused of being a black
market trader[citation needed], though several documentaries from the late 80s and
early 90s prefer to gloss over this accusation.
In 1972 Professor William Calder of the University of Colorado, speaking at a
commemoration of Schliemann's birthday, claimed that he had uncovered
several possible untruths. Other investigators followed, such as Professor David
Traill of the University of California. Schliemann has been accused of
embellishing his stories. Schliemann claimed in his memoirs to have dined with
President Millard Fillmore in the White House in 1850. However, newspapers of
the day make no mention of such a meeting. Schliemann left California hastily to
escape from his business partner, with whom he had conflicts. In the frontier
society of the gold rush, cheating was punishable by lynching. He has been
accused of not becoming an U.S. citizen in 1850[citation needed] in California, as he
claimed; but that he was granted citizenship in New York city instead in 1868. He
has also been suspected of being granted citizenship in New York City on the
basis of his false claim[citation needed] that he had been a long-time resident. The
worst accusation against Schliemann, by academic standards, is that he may
have fabricated Priam's Treasure[citation needed], or at least combined several
disparate finds[citation needed]. His servant, Yannakis, claimed[citation needed] that he found
some of it in a tomb some distance away, and that it contained no gold. Later it
developed that he hired a goldsmith to manufacture some artifacts[citation needed] in
Mycenaean style, and planted them at the site. However, these claims are
rejected by a vast majority of archaeologists as they are only speculation. There
is no definitive evidence that Schliemmann manufactured any material.
A biographical novel titled The Greek Treasure was written by Irving Stone in
1975 about Henry and Sophia Schliemmann's marriage and their archaeological
digs in search of Troy.

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