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Things.": Humanities and Arts Core Concept of Humanities

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 Latinword: “HUMANUS” (human)  Fiction

 •Anchored on humanism philosophy articulated  Non-fiction
by Protagoras: “Man is the measure of all  Drama
 Renaissance Period: “STUDIA HUMANITATIS”
(culture,refinement,education)-body of  Art is a subject under humanities.
knowledge aimed to make man a FULLMAN–  There is no one universal definition of art since
it is subjective.
grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, moral
 Subjective, in the sense that, people differ in
philosophy, Latin & Greek classes.
their perception of an object or thing.
 Today: literature, language, philosophy,  Meaning of art has changed throughout history
geography, history, religion, music & art. due to multicultural settings.
 For man to adapt positively to changes  Everytime a new movement in art emerged,the
surrounding him/her meaning of what is art, or what is acceptable as
art, is being challenged.
1. Visual Arts - Those perceive through the eyes.
Divided into two groups: 1. Art is derived from Latin word, “Ars,” meaning ability
(1) Graphic Arts – 2D or skill. (JVEstolas)
 Drawing 2. Art is taken from the Italian word “artis,” which
 Painting means craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form,
 Graphic Processes inventiveness, and the associations that exist between
 Commercial Art form and ideas, between material and technique.
 Mechanical Processes (A.Tan)
 Photographyand
3. Art is a product of man’s need to express himself.
(2) Plastic Arts – 3D - All fields of the visual arts that are (F.Zulueta)
organized on three-dimensional forms.
4. Art is concerned itself with the communication of
 Architecture certain ideas and feelings by means of sensuous
 Landscape Architecture medium, color, sound, bronze, marble, words and film.
 City Planning (C.Sanchez)
 Interior Design 5. Art is that which brings life in harmony with the
 Sculpture world. (Plato)
 Crafts
 Industrial design 6. Art is an attitude of spirit, state of mind–one of which
 Dress and Costume Design demands for its own satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping
 Theater Design matter to new and more significant form. (JohnDewey)

2. Performing Arts - LIVE ART. Art that requires present 7. Art is a life that helps us to realize the truth.
action. Divided into four fields: (P.Picasso)

 Music 8. Art is the desire of man to express himself, to record

 Dance the action of his personality in the world he lives in.
 Theater/Drama (AmyLowell)
 Film 9. Art is the realization in external form of a true idea
and is traced back to that natural love of limitation
which characterizes human. (Aristotle)
3. Literature – Art in written form. Divided into two
10. Art is the conscious creation of something beautiful  Students can develop their creativity
or meaningful using skill and imagination. (AmyLowell)  Students learn about their identity
 Students develop self-awareness
11. Art is never finished, only abandoned.
 Students develop self-confidence
 Students develop sense of well-being
12. Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of
Through intense involvement in artistic activities…
feeling, the artist has experienced. (LeoTolstoy)
 Students experience a sense of wonder and joy
13. Art is not what you see but what you make others
when learning through the arts
see. (EdgarDegas)
 Students can be motivated to participate more
FOUR COMMON ESSENTIALS OF ART fully in cultural life
 Students are able to gain educational
1. Art is man-made, not God-made
opportunities which they can use later in their
2. Art is creative, not imitative career life

3. Art benefits and satisfies man –when he uses art in MEANING OF ART APPRECIATION
practical life through artistic principles, taste and skill
1. Ability to interpret and understand man-made arts
4. Art is expressed through a certain medium or and enjoy them through actual work experience with
material by which the artist communicates himself to art tools and materials
his fellows
2. Possession of the works of art for one’s admiration
IMPORTANCE OF THE ARTS and satisfaction

1. Art highlights and heightens the importance of 3. Refers to the knowledge and understanding of the
certain events in order to keep them memorable and general and everlasting qualities that classify all great
pleasurable arts

2. Art enables us to get a glimpse of the thoughts, 4. Introduction and exploration of visual and performing
feelings and beliefs of the people in their time art forms

3. Art enables us to value and appreciate beautiful 5. Analysis of the form of an art work to general
things as a consequence of our encounter with arts audience to enhance their enjoyment and satisfaction
of the works of art
4. Art may influence us to change our ways and
behavior as a result of the aesthetic experience we ART APPRECIATION IS SUBJECTIVE
derived from the arts
 Appreciation of art depends on personal
5. Arts are valuable sources of inspirations and aesthetic preference on:
delightful experience through the artist works of art
• Aesthetics and form of art
OTHER THOUGHTS • Elements and principles of design
• Social and cultural acceptance
1. Arts improve your creativity skills
2. Arts give you joy and satisfaction IMPORTANCE OF ART APPRECIATION
3. Arts relieve stress
1. Can help the person make sense of this world by
4. Arts give you the opportunity to showcase your talent
broadening his experience and understanding of things
5. Arts give you confidence in our performance
around him.
6. Arts help you do well academically
7. Arts help you learn visually 2. Can help the person imagine even the unimaginable.
8. Arts help you to express your emotions
9. Arts id a different language because it can express 3. Able to connect a person’s life and experience the
things without words past, present and the future or sometimes
Through participation in arts…
4. Can help transport the individual to different places 3. Through art, people fell proud of their customs,
and culture through literature, films, visual arts and traditions and beliefs because they give a sense of
other forms of art belonging.
5. Enable the individual to better emphatize with those 4. Artists’ works are records of their society’sculture.
who suffered and endured for their lives through great
5. They create within the person’s sensitivities toward
art forms
their community, their country and the world around
6. Gives meaning to the data science provides. If science them.
gives us empirical facts, tie these facts together with
theories. It’s the humanists who turn these facts with ART IS NOT NATURE
moral, emotional, and spiritual meanings 1. It is man-made.
ART HISTORY –refers to the historical development and 2. Art is man’s interpretation of what he perceives as
stylistic context of the objects of arts that includes art.
major and minor arts.
 Key features of the art style historically;
 Visual function in historical perspectives; 1. According to Jeff Lee (2016), art is a form of
 Symbols and Meanings in historical expression of the deepest emotion of the minds.
perspectives. 2. The egoic mind (conscious mind) and the echoic
ART CRITICISM –determines the relative artistic values (unconscious mind) together making up the totality of
of an individual work in comparison with others of thinking.
comparable style (WORTH/VALUE of an art form is 3. Artistic expression may be expressed 100% in
focused). conscious mind but those who are extremely artistic or
ASSUMPTIONS OF ARTS right-brained individuals, they may be more creative
and are able to recognize the value of linking seemingly
• Art is universal unrelated thoughts or ideas, methods and concepts
• Art is cultural because of their frequent practice.
• Art is Art is not nature
• Art is an expression of expression of the mind ART IS A FORM OF CREATIVITY
• Art is a form of creativity 1. Art is a product of the imagination that entertains,
• Art involves experience involves experience pleases and inspire people.
involves experience involves
2. The various art works of artists reflect the artist’s
ART IS UNIVERSAL power of creativity.
1. Art is the oldest and most important means of 3. Color expresses artists’ personal feelings and moods;
expression developed by man in any culture. symbolize ideas.
2. Art has been created by people of the world at all 4. It brings art a particular meaning, mood and feeling.
world at all times.
3. It has lived because it is likes and enjoyed.
1. When a work is finished in a satisfactory manner, an
4. Elements and forms of art apply to all arts experience occurs
2. Artists use their experiences to ventilate their feelings
ART IS CULTURAL through the works that they make
1. Art contributes to the understanding of the past and 3. Some artists focus on societal problems, issues and
present cultures. concerns
2. Through art, people learn about their culture’s values 5. Some use expressionism to communicate strong and
and strengthen their culture’s identity. intense feelings
Example: Ang Kiukok and Vincent Van Gogh works
(Emotion is the moving and cementing force of the art
• Art is universal;
• Art is not nature;
• Art is an expression of the mind;
• Art is a form of creativity;
• Art involves experience
• Aesthetic Function;
• Utilitarian Function,
• Cultural Function,
• Social Function,
• Political Function,
• Educational Function;
• Spiritual Function

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