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Arts Notes

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Humanities - first applied to the writings of - focus of the humanities is on man as an

ancient Latin authors which were read not only for individual, while in the social sciences the
their clarity of language and forceful literary style, main interest is on types and groups of
but also, and more specially, for their moral human beings, and on the institutions and
teaching. processes of society.
 Both the sciences and the humanities are
- refers to the arts- the visual arts such as necessary for the development of the
architecture; painting and sculpture; complete, social man, ready to take on his
music; dance; the theater or drama; and responsibilities in this rapidly changing
literature. They are the branches of world and to enjoy life as he lives it.
learning concerned with human being and
his feelings and how he expresses those UNDERSTANDING THE ARTS:
feelings have always been the concern of Art:
the humanities. (Sanchez 2001)
- derived from the Latin word “ars”,
Medieval age:
meaning ability or skill.
 humanities dealt with the metaphysics of - Art is from an Italian “artis” defined as a
the religion philosopher. The goal was the human or skill.
cultivation of the spiritual life and the - “The conscious use of skill and creative
preparation for the hereafter. imagination especially in the production of
aesthetics objects. (Webster’s New
Collegiate Dictionary)
 the word came to refer to the set of
disciplines taught in the universities, WRITERS AND PHILOSOPHERS’
which included grammar, rhetoric, history, DEFINITION OF ART:
literature, music, philosophy, and
Leo Tolstoy (Russian novelist)
theology- a body of knowledge aimed to
make man “human, cultured, and refined.  “Art is not, as the metaphysicians say, the
Present: manifestation of some mysterious idea of
beauty of God: it is not, as the aesthetical
 humanities serve to provide the student physiologists say, a game in which man
with certain skills and values through arts. lets off his excess of stored-up energy; it is
HUMANITIES vs. SCIENCES: not the expression of man’s emotions by
external signs; it is not the production of
Sciences – deal with the external world of man, as pleasing objects, above all, it is not
well as with the facets of man’s being that can be pleasure; but it is a means of unions
subjected to observation, measurement, and among men, joining them together in the
experimentation. same feelings, and indispensable for the
- enable man to understand and control life and progress toward well-being of
nature and to harness its energy to make individuals and humanity.”
his life more comfortable and convenient.
Henry Miller (American writer)
Humanities - deal with man’s internal world-with
his personality and experiences, matters that  “Art teaches nothing, except the
cannot be exactly measured, classified, or significance of life.”
Aristotle (Greek philosopher)
- humanities’ approach is subjective; it
makes much use of perception, feeling,  “Art is higher type of knowledge than
intuition, and insight. experience.”

Jean Anouilh (French dramatist)

 “The object of art is to give life a shape.” - Continually evolves.
Jean Couteau (French poet and playwright UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED IDEAS ABOUT
 “Art is science in the flesh.”
1. Art as Expression and Communication
James Adams (Historian)
- The personal and social values of the artist
 “All art is social,” because it is the result and his penetrating psychological insight
of a relationship between an artist and his into human reality are also conveyed
time.” through arts. The artist uses symbols
which he organizes into some
Oscar Wilde (Irish poet and playwright) comprehensible equivalent of the
experience that he is trying to convey. If
 “Art is the most intense mode of
the symbols are understood by his
individualism that the world has known.”
audience, then communication has been
Frank Lloyd Wright (American architect, established.
interior designer, writer, and educator) 2. Art and Experience
a. It starts as an experience which
 “Art is a discovery and development of the artist wants to
elementary principles of nature into communicate.
beautiful forms suitable for human use.” b. The act of expressing this
Assumptions About Art: experience –that of creating
that art object or form.
1. . Art is everywhere. c. When the work is done, there is
2. Art is not nature. the artist’s gratifying
- Art is not nature because art is man-made. experience of having
It is the creature of man that may reflect a accomplished something
profound skillfulness and craftsmanship. significant.
Art can never be natural because nature is 3. Art and Beauty
evanescent, in constant transformation of - gives us pleasure when we perceive it
change, and yet art is permanent.  aesthetic pleasure - delight that we
3. Art is imitating and creating. experience.
- Creation in art is the act of combining or  Beauty - refers to an interaction between
re-ordering already existing materials so line, color, texture, sound, shape, motion,
that new objects will be formed. An artist and size that is pleasing to the senses.
only copies the things in nature he believes
would express his thought and feelings. Note: Beauty is not the artist’s ultimate goal. Art
4. Art perfects nature. is often intended to appeal to and connect with
- Artists only enhance things they like and human emotion. Artists may express something so
eliminate the undesirable elements in their audience is stimulated in some way-creating
nature to convey their message of beauty feelings, religious faith, curiosity, interest,
and love. identification with a group, thoughts, or creativity.
5. Art is universal. CLASSIFYING ARTS:
- It transcends cultures, races, and
civilization. As long as human beings Webster (1987)
exist, art is feasible, alive, and dynamic. - involve man’s skills to create works of art
6. Art is timeless. that are in form, content, and execution,
- Art is timeless because it goes beyond the aesthetically pleasing and meaning as in
time of our existence. It is present in every music, painting, architecture, and
corner of the world to serve basic needs of sculpture. They are called major arts
mankind, from ancient time to modern because they appeal to the senses of sight,
hearing, and feeling. They are more 4. Popular Arts - characterized as gay and
notable and conspicuous in effect. lively, such as film, newspaper, magazine,
radio and television.
Styling- aesthetic factor in the minor arts
5. Gustatory Art of the Cuisine - skills in
- addressed primarily to the sense of sight food preparation.
and their usefulness. 6. Decorative Arts (applied arts) - visual
- inferior in degree, especially in the extent objects produced for beautifying houses,
of aesthetic quality. offices, cars and other structures.

Manaois: Sanchez, Abad, and Jao (2001)

2 General Dimension of art: 1. Visual arts

2. Literature arts - drama, essay, prose
1. Fine arts (independent arts) - made fiction, poetry, and miscellaneous (history,
principally for aesthetic enjoyment biography, journals, diaries, and other
through the senses, especially visual works not formally classed as literature).
and auditory such as painting, 3. Music - vocal music; instrumental music;
sculpture, architecture, literature, music combined with other music like
theater, performing arts. opera, operetta and musical comedy,
2. Practical arts (utilitarian arts) - for oratorio and cantata; and other forms like
practical use or the development of ballet music and background music for
raw materials for functional purposes motion pictures.
such as industrial art, civic art, 4. Drama and Theater - tragedy,
commercial art, graphic art, melodrama, comedy, miscellaneous.
agricultural and fishery art. 5. Dance - e ethnologic, social or ballroom
Estolas (1995) dances, ballet, modern, musical comedy.

1. Visual Arts – graphic arts or plastic arts. Barrios (2012)

 Graphic arts - flat two- -classified arts according to purpose and media &
dimensional surface such as forms.
painting industry. It covers
the commercial arts like the 1. Purpose:
design of books, a. Practical (useful arts) - are those
advertisements, signs, human activities directed to produce artifacts,
posters and other displays tools and utensils used in doing households and
for advertisements. everyday chores. (basket weaving)
 Plastic arts – three-
dimensional forms, such as b. Liberal Arts - intellectual reasoning.
architectural designs and c. Fine Arts - human creative activity as
construction of buildings they express beauty in different ways and media
and other structures; for the satisfaction and relaxation of man’s mind
landscape of gardens, parks, and spirit. (painting, sculpture, architecture)
playgrounds, and golf
courses with plants, trees, d. Major arts - actual and potential
vines and ground cover. expressiveness and by a purely disinterested
2. Performing Arts - involve movement, purpose. (music, poetry, sculpture)
speaking and gestures, such as theater, e. Minor arts - works connected with
play, dance, and music. practical uses and purposes. (interior decoration,
3. Literary Arts - short stories, novels, porcelain)
poetry and dramas
2. Media & Forms:
a. Plastic arts - developed through space  Bring order, chaos,
and perceived by the sense of sight. (painting, therapeutic.
sculpture, architecture)
2. Social Function (Ortiz 1976)
b. Phonetic arts - sounds and words as
a. Influence the collective behavior of
media of expression. (music, drama, literature)
a people.
c. Kinetic arts - use of the rhythmic b. Used primarily in public situations.
movement as the elements of expression. (dance) c. Social or collective aspects of
existence as opposed to individual
d. Pure arts - one medium of expression.
and personal kinds of experiences.
(sound in music, color in painting)
Influencing Social Behavior:
e. Mixed arts – used of two or more
media. (The opera (which is a combination of a. Pictorial form is very powerful means of
music, poetry, and drama)) putting across a message.
b. Paintings, photographs, posters, cartoons
have been used to express humanitarian
Arts function (Frederick A. Horowitz): concern as well as ideological or political
1. An agent of magic (to ensure a successful
c. Satire - to ridicule for change can be seen
hunt, perpetuate the soul after death,
in cartoons and caricatures.
triumph over an enemy, cure diseases, etc.)
d. Editorial cartoon – covey message
2. An aid to meditation
directly and clearly than printed words.
3. An agent to ritual
 Cartoonist - comment on the
4. A record of events, objects, situations
foibles(weaknesses) of society and
5. A substitute for real thing, or a symbol
6. A souvenir
e. Literature - for political and ideological
7. Propaganda to impress, persuade or
change thinking or behavior
- tool in shaping society and its
8. Communication of stories, ideas, events
9. An agent of social control
 Urbana at Felisa (Modesto de
10. Amusement or entertainment
11. A mean of moral improvement
- epistolary novel of the 19th
12. education
century, became the
13. A means of self-expression
Filipino code of ethics of
14. Self-revelation
the time, guiding the youth
15. Release of emotions
on how to conduct
16. Exploration of vision
themselves in church, in
17. A reflection and interpretation of life
social gatherings, in school,
18. An expression of beauty
and at home.
19. Decoration or embellishment
f. Propaganda literature - s swayed
20. Monetary investment
people’s minds and feelings toward certain
21. Status symbol
Esaak (2019): g. Religion - to spread beliefs and reinforce
and sustain faith.
3 Categories:
- Enlightening
1. Personal Function h. Advertising art - buying behavior
(posters, billboards etc.)
- Subjective
- Self-expression or gratification Display and Celebration:
- Communication of POV a. Commemoration of important personages
in society serves to record important
historical events, or reveals the ideals of explore & reveal what it means to be
heroism and leadership that the community human.
would want the young to emulate. - These are Philosophy,
b. Rituals - important role in people’s lives Language, Social Science,
and have influenced the growth of certain History, Literature and ART.
arts as well. (that helps people see and
c. Public Celebrations - unite people in a understand what it means to be
shared experience. human)
 A way of thinking about and responding to
Social Descriptions: the world.
a. Art works are vital historical documents.  About human beings, their culture and
b. People’s thought, felt, and lives in a their intellectual achievements
certain historical period.  It helps us to connect with the community
c. Age when man first regarded himself as through Art
the measure of all things. (Greece plays,
temples, sculpture etc.)
3. Physical Function
- tools or containers. ROLE OF HUMANITIES

Ex: 1. Providing greater insight to the world

1. spoon- tool 2. Helping to a better understanding with the
past and future
2. car- tool
3. It is our responsibility to prepare the
3. building- container
leaders of tomorrow, and to elevate,
SUMMARY: protect the Heritage of the Human
The word HUMANITIES comes from the
Latin word “HUMANUS” which means human
cultured and refined.
Science deal with the external world of a man.
To be human you have to show qualities
Enable man to understand
like rationality, kindness, tenderness etc.
o It is system of acquiring knowledge
o It is objective – an analysis and fact
The term Humanities refers to:
 Both refers to understand the world around
 Such as Architecture, Painting, Music,
Sculpture, Dance, Drama, Theater and
Literature etc.
 They are branches of learning concerned
 the word Art comes from the ancient Latin
and RELATIONS. On how they are going
word “ARS” which means a craft or
to express those feelings have always been
specialized form of skills.
a concern of humanities.

 Interprets answers to life as they emerge
from products of human experience (are  it was an important means of
Religion, Art, Music, Poetry etc.) communication, and a critical way to
 Are those Academic Disciplines that study record important events.
the expressions of human beings, that
 the window to our soul (it can be an Example – Parol/Christmas Décor
inspiration) out of plastic from
ART is everywhere. All that we see is an art. 4. Decorative Arts – refers to functional (but
When we look around, we see a lot of things that Ornamental) art forms like jewelries,
are related to art and it is very important in our ceramics
lives. It expresses knowledge, feelings, emotions, 5. Performance Arts – refers to Evident
etc. Theater Ballets, Operas, plays are all part
of the classification
Example: 6. Applied Arts – are intended for the use of
Paintings – what do you think is the mood, idea or a career., involve a person adding design
message conveyed in the picture? What did you elements to functional objects
appreciate about the artwork and why? Example – Computer Art, Interior
Design, Architecture, Graphic Design and
Every piece of Art, Music, Thoughts were write Fashion Design
down continues to move through the time. Today
technology is an added source of art. Ideas are EXAMPLE OF ARTWORKS
created on computers, digital designs and so on. - Painting, Dance, Weaving,
Sculpting, Pottery, Music,
1. Driven our existence
2. Satisfies the needs for personal expression Artworks have different classification, function
3. Develop our skills to express ourselves and purpose.
4. Challenge us to see things differently Function – is something does or
5. It can change our ways in life is used for
6. It gives pleasure and satisfaction Purpose – the object to be
7. It express beauty reached
8. It gives man moment of relaxation – a target
9. It serves us a channel of man’s passion – an aim
10. Arts reformed man


1. Fine Arts – people use different MEDIA
to create these arts, that includes drawing,
painting, sculpturing, calligraphy, by using
pastel, charcoal, coffee etc.
2. Visual Arts – these types stand in their
own. It includes disciplines like
a. Photography
b. Videography – a goal
c. Environmental Art UNIT II: Exploring the methods of presenting
d. Animation the Art Subject:
New Media Methods:
a. Digital Art
b. Contemporary 1.)    Realism the attempt to portray the subject as
it is. The Artist selects, changes, and arranges
c. Collages
details to express the idea he wants to make it
d. Conceptual Installation
clear. The Artist main function is to describe
3. Plastic Arts – how objects can be molded accurately what is observed through the senses.
like clay, stone, wood, paper, plaster,
metals 2.)    Abstract means to move away or separate
Abstract that moves away from showing things as
they really are. The Art work is not REALISTIC.
a.)    Distortion e. Day of the dead - Mexican holiday with a
b.)    Elongation vibrant artistic tradition.
f. Landscape, seascape, and cityscape
c.)     Mangling g. Animals
d.)    Cubism: h. Human Figures
i. Everyday Life
·         Analytical Cubism
j. History & Legends
·         Cubism k. Religion and Myth
·         Abstract Expressionism l. Dreams and Fantasies
3.)    Symbolism is a presentation of an invisible
sign such as ideas or quality into something
visible. 1. Order ng Pambansang Alagad ng
Sining (National Folk Artist/Order of
4.)    Fauvism themes are ethical, philosophical or National Artists )
psychological. Subjects express comfort, joy or - GAMABA, practitioners of
traditional arts who mostly
5.)    Expressionism refers to art in which the come from the indigenous
image of reality is distorted in order to make it cultural communities.
expressive of the Artist’s inner feelings or ideas. - honor and support traditional
6.)    Dadaism protest movement formed in 1916 folk artists and to see to it that
by a group of Artist in Zurich Switzerland. They their skills and crafts are
try to provoke the public with the outrageous preserve. 
forms of Art. It came from the French word - Oversees by National
“Dada” which means “hobby horse”. Commission for the Culture
7.)    Surrealism founded in Paris in 1924 by and the Arts through Gawad sa
French poet Andre Briton. It tries to reveal a new Manlilikha ng Bayan
and higher reality than that of daily life. They Committee.
claim to create a magical world, more beautiful -  Formalized in 1992, through
than the real one through Art. It came from the Republic Art No. 7355, the
slang of super realism. Manlilikha ng Bayan Act. 
8.)    Futurism aims to capture the speed and -  In 2014, the Senate of the
force of modern industrial society and to glorify Philippines adopted Senate
the mechanical energy of modern life. Resolution No. (SRN) 765
9.)    Impressionism is a 19th century art aimed to recognize the
movement characterized by a relatively small, thin accomplishment of the
yet visible brush strokes. Theory or practice in country’s living treasures.
painting especially among French painters of 2. Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
about 1870 of depicting the natural appearances of (National Living Treasures Award)
objects by means of dabs or strokes of primary  Artist
unmixed colors in order to stimulate actual - work in the fine arts, including
reflected light. painting, illustration, and
Subjects - main idea that is represented in the - art practitioner who produces
artwork. or creates indirectly-functional
- essence of the piece. arts with aesthetic value using
a. Still life - collection of inanimate objects imagination.
arrange together in a specific way. FernandoCueto Amorsolo - most important
b. Landscape - natural scenery such as artists in the history of painting in the Philippines.
mountains, cliffs, rivers etc. - Palay Maiden
c. Portraiture - image of a particular person or Juan Novicio Luna - greatest Filipino artists in
animal, or a group. Philippine history.
d. Abstract - non-representational art.
- Spoliarium (The Glorification given a Grand Collar
of Genius) symbolizing their status.
- Blod Compact - Recipients of this Grand Collar
- The Death of Cleopatra make up the Order of National
 Artisan Artists. The Order of National
- craftsman such as carpenter, Artists (Orden ng Gawad
carver, plumber, weaver, Pambansang Alagad ng Sining)
embroider and the like, who is thus a rank, a title, and a
produces directly functional wearable award that represents
and or Decorative Arts. the highest national recognition
Filipinos are creative and given to Filipinos who have
resourceful just to earn and made distinct contributions in
the field of arts and letters.
sustain their basic needs.
Tina Maristela-Ocampo - handmade bags using Famous Masterpiece or Artwork
local indigenous products. During National Artist Awards:
Rogelio – Dumagat artisan, transforming 1. Leonardo V. Locsin - Architecture in 1990
driftwood into sculptures.
2. Lino Brocka - Cinema in 1997
Famous Personalities of Art and their works:
3. Carlos Francisco - Visual Arts in 1973
1.Leonardo Da Vinci
4. Levi Celerio - Literature and Music in 1997
- Painter, Architect, Sculpture, Inventor, Engineer
and Draftsman. 5.Wilfrido Guerrero - Theater in 1997
- Famous works are Monalisa and the Last Supper 6. Leonor Goquingco - Mother of Philippine
2.Vincent Van Gogh
- Dean of Filipino Performing Arts and
- Painter
- Famous Work is the Starry Night
7 Awarded Artist in the Philippines:
3.Michael Angelo
1. Larry Alcala - Visual Arts
2. Amelia L. Bonifacio - Theater
4.Claude Monet
3. Ryan Cayabyab - Music
4. Francisco Monesa - Architecture
-Famous work is the Water Lilies Impression
5. Resil Mojares - Literature
5.Frida Khalo
6. Ramon Muzones - Literature
7. Kidlat Tahimik – Literature
-Fridas Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and
Gamaba Awardees:
Humming Bird
1.Ginaw Bilog – Poetry
- preserving the Hanunuo Mangyan script and
ambalan poetry.
- Contribute in the development
2.Masino Intaray – Poet, Music, Epic Chanter,
in the Philippine Arts.
Recognizes excellence in the
field of Music, Dance, Theater, - exemplary skills in basal or gong music
Visual Arts, Film Literature, ensemble, storyteller of the kulilal and bagit
Architecture, and Applied arts traditions of Palawan.
ORDER OF NATIONAL ARTIST: 3.Samaon Sulaiman – Kudyapi as Filipino
Traditional Instrument
- Those who have been
proclaimed National Artists are - Kutyapi is a two-stringed plucked lute.
4.Lang Dulay - weaving the abaca ikat cloth - refers to any person, object,
called t’nalak. scene or event describe in a
5.Salinta Monon - demonstrating the creative and work of art.
expressive aspects of the Bagobo abaca ikat - is the main idea or theme in a
weaving called inabal. composition.
6.Darhata Sawabi – master weavers in the island - depicted in art that includes
of Jolo. landscape, seascape, cityscape,
7.Magdalena Gamayo - Textile Weaver animals, portraits, everyday
Life, history, legend, religion,
- traditional patterns of binakol, mythology, dreams and
inuritan(geometric design), kusikos(spiral forms fantasies.
similar to oranges), and sinan-sabong (flowers).
Subject has different levels of meaning such as:
8. Ambalang Ausalin - Textile Weaver
- execute the suwah bekkat(cross-stitch-like
embellishment and suwah pendan(embroidery-like 2.Conventional
embellishment) techniques of the bunga sama 3.Subjective
Content - refers to what the Artist expresses or
9.Alonzo Saclag - Musician and Dancer from communicate in his/her work.
Lubuagan Kalinga
2 types of Art/Subject:
10.Federico Caballero- Epic Chanter
- document the oral literature of his people. 1. Representational (objective arts) - objects  or
events occurring in the real world.
11.Uwang Ahodos – Musician
- dexterity in playing Yakan musical instruments - have visible subject.
such as the kwintagan, gabbang, agung,
kwintagang kayu, tuntungan Example:    
12.Haja A. Appi - master mat weaver among the  MONALISA-paint is a woman that
Sama indigenous community of Ungos Matata. realistically proportional.
Her mats are known for their complex geometric - Upper Torso/half body photo
patterns, proportion, and unique combination of
colors. - a mysterious smile is placed
13. Estelita Bantilan - Mat Weaver - the background is landscape
14. Teofilo Garcia - Make GOURD CASQUES 2. Non-representational (non-objective art) - art
and Basket Weaving     forms that do not make a reference to the real
world. It is stipped down to Visual Elements such
15. Yabing Masalon Dulo – ikat weaver
as shapes, lines, colors that are employed to
16. Eduardo Mutuc – Metalsmith translate a particular feeling, emotion and even
- reviving the Spanish colonial-era craft of concept.
Plateria. - do not have visible subject.
17. Teofilo Garcia - Casque Maker and weave  Imagination is not only an EXCELLENT
baskets. RESOURCE but a MUST.
UNIT IV. Giving Meaning Behind the Art

Subject and Content are different terms.

Subject - refers to the object depicted by the

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