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Critical Thinking: Cambridge Life Competencies Framework

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Life Competencies

Critical Thinking
Introductory Guide
for Teachers and
Critical Thinking
Introduction to the Cambridge Life
Competencies Framework
There have been many initiatives to address the skills and competencies our learners need for the
21st century – each relating to different contexts. At Cambridge, we are responding to educators that
have asked for a way to understand how all these different approaches to life competencies relate to
English language programmes.

We have set out to analyse what the basic components of these competencies are. This is to help us
create an underlying framework to interpret different initiatives.

We have identified six life competencies, which are linked to three foundation layers of the


Creative Learning to Collaboration

Thinking Learn

Critical Communication Social

Thinking Responsibilities

Emotional Development

Digital Literacy

Discipline Knowledge

2 3
The Learning Journey Defining CRITICAL THINKING
The competencies vary depending on the stage of the learning journey – from pre-
primary through to learners at work. Critical thinking refers to higher levels of thinking that learners need to enable them to think
effectively and rationally about what they want to do and what they believe is the best action. It
consists of identifying links between ideas, analysing points of view and evaluating arguments,
supporting evidence, reasoning and conclusions.

We have identified three core areas within the area of Critical Thinking:

• Understanding and analysing links between ideas refers to a learner’s ability to organise
information from different sources through identifying patterns. Analysing information
through comparison and contrast enhances a learner’s understanding of the content and this
understanding, coupled with comprehensive collection of information, helps them build up critical
Pre-Primary Primary Secondary evaluation.

• Evaluating ideas, arguments and options is related to a learner’s ability to judge which
arguments, ideas or options they can rely on and which they should be sceptical about. This helps
learners to identify and prioritise problems they are facing in education or at the workplace and
consider ways to solve them. When facing more than one problem, they are able to see the links
between them and identify the real cause. Mastering this core area helps learners establish an
analytical framework to deploy strong arguments and advance their own points of view.

• Synthesising ideas and information is an on-going process which requires learners to construct
different aspects of their ideas drawing from the ideas of others. It involves creative thinking that
Higher Education At Work helps them generate new ideas.

We are developing Can Do Statements (see page 6) to describe what can be expected of a learner at
each stage of learning for each competency. The Can Do Statements are phrased as what a learner
should be able to do by the end of that stage of learning. We have started to develop Can Do
Statements as descriptions of observable behaviour.

The Framework provides different levels of detail – from the broad Competencies to the specific Can
Do Statement.

Competency Core Area Can Do


4 5

In this section, we have provided some examples of Can Do Statements which detail what learners
SECONDARY Evaluating ideas, • Distinguishes between fact and opinion.
can be expected to do for each competency by the end of that stage of the learning journey. These (CONTINUED) arguments and • Identifies evidence and its reliability.
Can Do Statements will vary in their suitability for learners in different contexts, and so are provided options • Identifies assumptions and inferences in an argument.
as a starting point in the development of a curriculum, programme or assessment system. • Gives reasons for an argument’s plausibility.
• Identifies problems in a proposed plan (e.g. to organise an event at school).
• Analyses causes and effects of problems.
The Can Do Statements at each level generally assume that the learners have developed the skills at
• Examines possible solutions to a given problem and states how effective
a previous stage of learning, although this is not true of the Higher Education and At Work stages, they are.
which are treated as being in parallel. • Assesses strengths and weaknesses of possible solutions.

Synthesising ideas • Selects key points from diverse sources to create a new account and/or
STAGE OF CORE AREAS CAN DO STATEMENTS and information argument.
HIGHER Understanding • Summarises key points in a text or an argument.
PRE-PRIMARY Understanding • Sorts, arranges and describes objects by shape, size, colour, weight, texture EDUCATION and analysing links • Identifies unstated assumptions and biases in an argument.
and analysing links and position. between ideas • Contrasts different points of view on a specific topic.
between ideas • Explores different materials and media and decides what to use.
• Matches objects, people, letters, pronunciations and words. Evaluating ideas, • Checks clarity, relevance and fairness of different arguments and points of
• Identifies the difference between puzzles, games, and toys. arguments and view.
options • Recognises basic weaknesses in argumentation.
Evaluating ideas, • Guesses words from illustrations in storybooks. • Arrives at nuanced evaluations of ideas, arguments and options.
arguments and • Says whether or not they like a story, song or game. • Identifies problems to be addressed in a project relating to their area of
options • Recognises a problem (e.g. something doesn’t work) and tells the teacher study.
about it. • Ranks problems in order of priority.
• Selects best options from a range of proposed investigative or
Synthesising ideas • Makes simple links and predictions in stories. experimentation procedures and justifies choices.
and information • Guesses the next thing that happens in a story and/or adds a new ending to • Produces a systematic evaluation of different possible solutions to a
a story. problem, devising and referring to explicitly-stated criteria.

PRIMARY Understanding • Sorts, classifies and describes objects and activities according to key features Synthesising ideas • Constructs a new argument or theoretical position from a synthesis of
and analysing links (e.g. types of animal or transport). and information different sources.
between ideas • Identifies characters, setting, plots and themes in a story. • Relates the content of texts to known theories.
• Compares different types of information (e.g. looking for similarities and • Applies new evidence to existing theories.
• Explains why things happened (e.g. identifying cause and effect in a story). AT WORK Understanding • Identifies patterns in business and operational data.
• Makes predictions and estimations from given information. and analysing links • Summarises key points from business-related documents and presentations.
• Describes consequences of different potential actions of characters in a story. between ideas • Identifies assumptions underlying a speaker’s or writer’s argument (e.g. in a
business proposal).
Evaluating ideas, • Judges whether something is true or not, and gives a reason.
arguments and • Explains why they believe or don’t believe what a character says in a story. Evaluating ideas, • Judges the strength of an argument, report or proposal (e.g. its significance
options • Identifies inconsistencies in stories. arguments and and coherence).
• Adds details to stories. options • Evaluates the plausibility of explanations in an argument, report or proposal,
• Describes problems in a situation given in a story (factual or fictional). e.g. the weight of evidence.
• Articulates preferences and can justify their choices. • Assesses the significance of implicit assumptions in an argument, report or
Synthesising ideas • Solves simple word puzzles. • Describes problems to be addressed in relation to specific work issues (e.g.
and information • Suggests possible reasons for problems described in a text. products, services, internal systems, working practices).
• Compares two sets of information and points of view on the same topic (e.g. • Selects an appropriate solution to a problem and justifies their choice.
animals, transport or places). • Defines the scope, purpose and workings of a particular course of action and
explains potential impacts of changes.
SECONDARY Understanding • Compares points and arguments from different sources. • Evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a particular point of view or
and analysing links • Distinguishes between main and supporting arguments. proposal.
between ideas • Identifies the basic structure of an argument.
Synthesising ideas • Identifies and accesses appropriate sources of knowledge and expertise in
and information pursuit of solutions to problems.

6 7
Practical Guidelines for Teaching Suggestions for classroom practice
The ideas presented here are intended as a general indication of the types of activity that might develop

Critical Thinking Competencies this competency in the classroom, and are not a definitive list.

The English language classroom is a supportive environment in which learners have the opportunity
Regardless of the age of learners, at the heart of critical thinking is the notion of asking questions. Learners
to develop critical thinking skills. Historically, it has been a place characterised by a student-centred,
should be encouraged to continually question the information they receive and the conclusions they come
communicative pedagogy, which values not only language acquisition but also the development of soft
to. The teacher should push learners to deeper critical thinking by asking them questions, such as:
skills such as confidence, teamwork and collaboration. The English language classroom already offers many
opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, for example through personalisation, idea sharing and task- • Why is that your answer?
based learning.
• How did you come to that answer?
As the demand for critical thinking skills in universities and the workplace increases, the English language
classroom should seek to build on this background and ensure that this competency is embedded within • Do you think there could be another answer?
the curriculum. These skills have not only an instrumental value (for example, in helping learners do well Teachers should genuinely listen to learners when taking feedback and respond accordingly, by properly
in standardised English assessment tests such as IELTS), but also a social value, with learners developing evaluating their ideas and arguments, and in so doing show their learners that they too are critical thinkers
increased awareness and empathy by noticing, understanding and managing different points of view. (i.e. act as an effective model).
Moreover, a second language can provide a safe space for learners to explore ideas they may not have
thought about before. Indeed, some learners who may be unwilling or afraid of expressing an idea in their YOUNG LEARNERS
own language may be more willing to do this in a second language. Young learners are naturally curious. As such, it is crucial that learners do activities which actively
Critical thinking is inherently linked to other competencies outlined in the Cambridge Life Competencies encourage this curiosity. To this end, it is important to create an atmosphere in the classroom which
Framework. It encourages learners to consider different points of view and challenge their pre- encourages learners to think critically. Teachers must ensure learners really listen to each other during
conceptions, thus developing their creative thinking and ability to communicate and collaborate with speaking activities so they can ask effective questions, and in doing so, understand and analyse links
others. It develops skills that will be vital for success in an unknown future, such as the ability to analyse between ideas.
options and make better decisions. The following are some classroom activities and strategies that teachers can use to promote critical
thinking development:

When teaching speaking, teachers should consider using ‘translanguaging’, where learners can ‘mix and
match’ their first language with the target language (i.e. English). This practice, which is common in many
multilingual societies, can help manage the problems that occur when the content of an activity is too
linguistically challenging, and help learners in better understanding and analysing links between ideas.
This should be seen as an intermediary stage, prior to learners being able to do the task entirely in the
target language.

Storybooks can be a useful resource when developing critical thinking skills with young learners. When
teaching reading with a storybook, more predicting could be encouraged – for example, guessing what
the story is going to be about from its title, or from the pictures. This can continue throughout the story
through dialogic reading practices, i.e. asking learners questions at key points.

Delia and Ben,

Research Team,
University Press

8 9
The doughnut method TEENAGE LEARNERS
After a task is a complete, learners feed back to others on what they have learnt. This activity encourages Learners at this age are motivated by topics and activities that are relevant to them or that interest them.
task repetition, so that learners deepen their knowledge on the topic. Learners follow these steps: It is therefore important to personalise the learning. Teachers should try to link coursebook material to
learners’ actual lives, or to their educational institution. If what they are learning in the classroom really
1. Learners form two rings facing each other – learners in the inner ring present their feedback to the
means something to the learners, or if they are more familiar with the subject matter, they are far more
learners opposite them;
likely to be able to understand the concepts and make links between ideas.
2. After two minutes, learners in the outer ring move round to the right one place;
The following are some classroom activities and strategies that teachers can use to promote the
3. Learners in the outer ring then tell the learners opposite them what the previous learner said; development of critical thinking skills:
4. The process repeats itself several times. Flipping the learning
Doughnut Method Learners may benefit from flipping the learning. Learners (especially higher-level learners) can be given
more responsibility and opportunity to develop the core ‘knowledge’ outside of classroom time (e.g.
1. 2. 3.
for homework). This will help them to synthesise ideas and information. It will also mean that time in the
classroom can be maximised for aspects of language acquisition which learners are less able to do by
themselves, for example arguing, discussing, comparing, challenging and debating.

Exploiting productive activities

Productive activities (i.e. involving speaking and writing) are good opportunities to develop critical
thinking. For example, when teaching writing, a teacher could set the same essay question for the whole
class, then take the learners through the following steps:
1) Student A writes the first paragraph and then passes it on to Student B.
Visual organisers 2) Student B must read this paragraph and continue the writing.
These can be useful tools for learners to organise, evaluate and compare their thoughts and ideas. For
3) After a few minutes, this is passed on to Student C, who continues the process.
example, a Venn diagram can be used to help learners to identify similarities and differences, as in the
following example. At every stage, learners are having to synthesise ideas and information as well as evaluate ideas,
What we both think arguments and options. This can be a very effective and controlled method for developing writing,
particularly for learners who are nervous about the idea of writing a long text by themselves.
Compare your answers with a partner.
Write your ideas in the left circle. Write The snowball technique
your partner’s ideas in the right circle. This is an effective way to take feedback from a whole class and get learners listening to each other. This
Then write things you agree on in the is usually done after an individual task in which learners have come up with their own answers. Then, after
What my
middle. What I think getting into pairs, learners follow these steps:
partner thinks
1) Students A and B compare their answers and agree on one they are both happy with.
2) Students A and B share their answers with C and D (and vice versa), and repeat step 1.
3) Step 1 repeats with the group size doubling each time, until it gets to the whole class level.

Snowball Technique
Over to you… A B A
1. 2. 3.B A B E F
1. Choose one of the example activities in this section and try it out with your class.
-- When planning the activity, you may find the guidance in the ‘General suggestions’ section helpful.
-- Following the activity, reflect on what worked well and what could be improved next time,
particularly focusing on the extent to which learners were able to develop their critical thinking
2. Using your course book or other materials, choose a few activities that you may be using in your C D C D G H
classes in the next week or so. Consider how you could make these activities more effective in
developing critical thinking skills.

10 11
Ranking and scales Class debates
Scales, such as a Likert Scale, can be used to get learners to think more deeply about their attitudes and Debates are an authentic way of getting learners to listen actively to their peers and consider arguments
opinions, and compare their answers with others in a visual way, such as in the following activity: from different viewpoints, in order to make informed decisions. Learners are divided into different
roles, e.g. speaker, timekeeper, those debating ‘for’, those debating ‘against’, and the audience (who
will ultimately vote on a result). Learners then debate a given topic. The classroom can be set up in the
Read the following statements. For each, write down the number which best represents your answer. following way:

1 2 3 4 Debate Setup ti m
1= strongly 2 = more 3 = more agree 4 = strongly ek
a ir ee
disagree disagree than than disagree agree ch pe
agree r ‘ag
a in
s id e st ’
r’ s id
Over to you… ‘fo e
1. Choose one of the example activities in this section and try it out with your class.
-- When planning the activity, you may find the guidance in the ‘General suggestions’ section helpful.
-- Following the activity, reflect on what worked well and what could be improved next time,
particularly focusing on the extent to which learners were able to develop their critical thinking
2. Using your course book or other materials, choose a few activities that you may be using in your
classes in the next week or so. Consider how you could make these activities more effective in
developing critical thinking skills. audience

Particularly relevant to learners at this age is the ability to think critically within academic contexts.
The following are some classroom activities and strategies that teachers can use to promote the
development of critical thinking skills:

Diverse source material

In order to engage adult learners in critical thinking activities, teachers could provide them with
opportunities to see issues from multiple perspectives. Teachers should provide source material (or get
learners to find material) which provides rich, diverse, multi-faceted input, not just from one perspective,
but from multiple perspectives. This will learners develop the skill of evaluating ideas, arguments and
options, as well as synthesising ideas and information.
It may be relevant to be more explicit when teaching critical thinking skills to adults. When learners have
done an activity where critical thinking skills have been applied, teachers should talk about it and get
learners to reflect on what they have done. When taking feedback, teachers should not only be asking for
the correct answer, but how learners got to that particular answer.

Information gap activities

When teaching listening, teachers could do more ‘information gap’ activities, where the information which
learners receive is restricted. For example, an activity that uses video might work in the following way:
1) The class is split into two groups. Group 1 watches the first half of a video, while Group 2 watches the
second half. Alternatively, Group 1 could watch a video with the sound off, while Group 2 listens only.
2) Learners from Group 1 then pair up with learners from Group 2. In their pairs, they must work to
reconstruct and retell the whole scenario from the video.
These kinds of tasks place more responsibility on learners to become active listeners and engage in
collaborative work with their classmates.

12 13
Visual diagrams
A diagram, such as a cross-diagram in the example below, can be used for learners to make more complex
evaluations, e.g. the strengths and weaknesses of solutions to a particular problem.


simple complex


Over to you…
1. Choose one of the example activities in this section and try it out with your class.
-- When planning the activity, you may find the guidance in the ‘General suggestions’ section helpful.
-- Following the activity, reflect on what worked well and what could be improved next time,
particularly focusing on the extent to which learners were able to develop their critical thinking
2. Using your course book or other materials, choose a few activities that you may be using in your
classes in the next week or so. Consider how you could make these activities more effective in
developing critical thinking skills.

Student, Angola

14 15
Examples of Activities Practising Core Area: Evaluating ideas, arguments and options
Critical Thinking Competencies Talent Level 1, page 105, Can Do Statement: Gives reasons for an argument’s
ISBN 9781108465274 plausibility.
Core Area: Evaluating ideas, arguments and options
Super Minds Level 6, page 75,
ISBN 9781107458291 Can Do Statement: Describes problems in a situation RESEARCH
given in a story (factual or fictional). SKILLS

PRACTICE 7 Critical thinking Tick (✓)

2 Read and listen to the extract. Do you agree
[3.02] the statements you do not
with Thomas Gradgrind’s view of education? Why / Why not? agree with and explain why.
‘W h this?’ asked Phoebe, looking at a machine that looked like a big
egg. ‘That’s my amazing hairdressing machine,’ said the professor. 1 ‘Learning facts like historical
3 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false
‘Choose any style or colour, then sit under it and in five seconds ones.
dates or the periodic table is
the machine will do your hair for you. Give it a go. You’ll love it!’ pointless for today’s children –
‘Erm, no thanks,’ answered Phoebe. ‘I like my hair the way it is.’ 1 There are only boys in the class. T F all the facts they need they can
2 Mr Gradgrind wants his own children to learn facts. T F find at the touch of a button.’
‘Hey, professor?? 3 The schoolroom is very colourful. T F 2 ‘Teaching children to write
What happens 4 Mr Gradgrind keeps touching the schoolmaster. T F with pens and paper is vitally
if I pull this?’ 5 Mr Gradgrind smiles at the children. T F important. Everyone needs
asked Patrick, 6 Mr Gradgrind has a musical voice. T F to be able to write.’
who was standing 7 There is some hair on Mr Gradgrind’s head. T F 3 ‘Schools should concentrate
next to another
next 8 The other people in the classroom do not speak. T F on teaching skills that are
io ‘Don’t touch
invention. useful for future jobs. Anything
that!’ shouted the professor. ‘That machine isn’t 4 Look at the picture of Tom Sawyer. Where is he? Do you think
he likes school? Why / Why not? else is wasting their time.’
finished yet.’ Too late! The lever was already
down. A yellow light started glowing by the 8 PAIRWORK Look at the list
machine. ‘Now that’s strange,’ said the of books and films. Do you
already know these works?
professor. ‘I’ve no idea what that is.’
What do you know about them?
‘But we know what it is,’ said Phoebe.
‘Goodbye, professor.’ The children ■ The Catcher in the Rye (1951)
walked into the light. They were gone ■ Lord of the Flies (1954)
in a flash. ■ To Kill a Mockingbird (1960)
■ The Breakfast Club (1985)
■ Dead Poets Society (1989)
■ Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
3 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. ■ Boyhood (2014)
4 Think! What tool does the
professor need to fix 9 RESEARCH Choose one of the
these problems? works above and find out:
5 Listen to Tom Sawyer talking about school and answer
1 2 the questions. 1 What happens to the young
characters in them? Are their
1 What does Tom think of school? Why does he think this? experiences positive
1 What goes wrong 2 What goes wrong 2 Why does Mr Dobbin say, ‘Tom Sawyer! Is that you again?’ or negative or both?
with this? with this? 3 Would Tom like to be a better student? 2 What do they learn from
4 Why is school not all bad for Tom? their experiences?
5 Does Becky like Tom? 3 Is there a happy or sad ending?
6 How does Tom spend his time in class now?

6 Choose one of the following tasks.

3 What goes wrong 4 Why doesn’t Phoebe
3 4
1 You are a pupil who listened to Mr Gradgrind. Tell a friend
with this? want to use this? in an email what he looks like, what he said and what you
think of him.
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning outside ■
Planning and prioritising (ex 1)
the classroom? Can you name any examples of this? ■
Identifying links and relations (ex 7)
3 Find out about a novel that talks about school and education. ■
Communicating (ex 8)
Does it present a positive or negative image? Present your ideas ■
Acquiring and interpreting
5 Who pulls this lever? 6 What does this last to the class. information (ex 9)
machine do?
Reading for pleasure 75 Literature Skills 1 105

16 17
Core Area: Understanding and analysing links
between ideas
Further Reading
ADULT For more information on this topic, please see:
Can Do Statement: Contrasts different points of
Evolve Level 4, page 124, view on a specific topic. Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. Butterworth, J., Thwaites, J., & Thwaites, Fisher, A. & Scriven, M. (1997).
ISBN 9781108405317 R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, G. (2008). Thinking skills. Cambridge: Critical thinking: Its definition and
teaching, and assessing: A revision Cambridge University Press. assessment. Norwich, UK: Centre
of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational for Research in Critical Thinking.
Dewey, J. (1933). How we think: a
objectives. New York: Longman.
restatement of the relation of reflective Fisher, A. (2011). Critical thinking: An

Black, B. (2008). Critical thinking – a thinking to the educative process. introduction (2nd ed.). Cambridge:
definition and taxonomy for Cambridge Boston: DC Heath and Company. Cambridge University Press.
MAN’S BEST FRIEND? ■ write a pros and cons analysis
about keeping pets
Assessment: supporting validity
arguments about critical thinking
Ennis R.H. (2015) Critical thinking: A
streamlined conception. In M. Davies &
assessments administered by Cambridge
R. Barnett (Eds.) The Palgrave handbook
Assessment. Paper presented at 34th
of critical thinking in higher education.
International Association of Educational
A B New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Assessment Annual Conference, 9th
September 2008, Cambridge.


A PAIR WORK Look at the pictures. What are the dogs doing in each picture? What kinds of relationship
do these animals have with people?
B  2.53  Listen to a debate about people and their dogs. Who mentions the dogs in the pictures,
Kenan or Lucia? What do they say about them? Are their opinions positive or negative?
C  2.54  PAIR WORK LISTEN FOR EXAMPLES Both Kenan and Lucia use examples to support their
arguments. Listen to the extracts and write the phrases you hear to introduce examples.
1 For instance, …
D PAIR WORK THINK CRITICALLY Who do you think made a stronger case, the affirmative side (Kenan)
or the opposition (Lucia)? Why? What was the strongest point in their argument?
We liked Lucia’s argument, but her point about service
dogs wasn’t relevant. The topic is about pets.
E Think about your culture and its attitude
Do you agree with
towards dogs. What is their role in society?
Do you agree with that role? Why or why not?
For ideas, watch Alessandra’s video.
Laura and Olivia,
Language Research Team,
Cambridge University Press

You can find information about the other
competencies in the Cambridge Life
Competencies Framework at

✓ Collaboration
✓ Communication
✓ Creative Thinking
✓ Critical Thinking
✓ Emotional Development
✓ Learning to Learn
✓ Social Responsibilities

© Cambridge University Press 2019

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