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Good Teaching Differentiated Classroom Practice Learning For All PDF

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The document discusses using differentiation strategies to personalize learning for students and engage all learners. It provides an overview of key differentiation methods like content, process, product and learning environment differentiation.

The document covers understanding differentiation, knowing your students, and different strategies for differentiation including content, process, product and learning environment differentiation.

The document discusses strategies for differentiating content, process, product and the learning environment. It provides examples for each of these areas.


Differentiated Classroom Practice
Learning for All

Department of Education
© Department of Education, Tasmania, 2014, unless otherwise stated

Publication Details
Department of Education
GPO Box 169

Version 3
Published: August 2016

© State of Tasmania
You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely
deal with this work provided that you attribute the Department
of Education, Tasmania

For the latest version of this document and additional support materials go to:

About this resource 2
Supporting professional learning
Supporting school improvement and quality teaching
Planning for differentiation

What do we mean by differentiation? 5

Key message
Practical examples
Questions for reflection

Knowing your students 9

Key message
Practical examples
Questions for reflection:

Differentiation strategies for personalising learning 15

Key message

Content differentiation 19
Practical examples

Process differentiation 23
Practical examples

Product differentiation 28
Practical examples

Learning environment differentiation 31

Practical examples

References and further reading 33

About this resource
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l


Supporting professional learning

Our Learners First Strategy aims to develop successful, skilled and innovative Tasmanians. Its values include
learning and excellence so that Tasmanians are engaged in positive, productive and supported learning
experiences, and have high expectations and a strong commitment to the pursuit of excellence.
This resource has been developed specifically for teachers participating in Professional Learning Institute
programs but also more generally as a practical support resource for all teachers. In addition it is designed to
inform the work of school leaders as they implement school improvement plans and support quality teaching
It is one part of a suite of resources that includes:


Differentiated Classroom Practice Curriculum Mapping and Planning Quality Assesment Practices
A guide for staff discussion Learning for All Planning for Learning Guiding Learning

Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education

• Good Teaching: A Guide for Staff Discussion

Good Practice
• Good Teaching: Differentiated Classroom Practice – Learning for All
• Good Teaching: Curriculum Mapping and Planning – Planning for Learning
• Good Teaching: Quality Assessment Practices – Guiding Learning
• The accompanying videos
It should also be used in conjunction with:
Supporting Literacy and Numeracy Success which provides teachers with strategies for improving literacy and
Tool outcomes as they plan using curriculum documents.
Respectful Schools Respectful Behaviour which highlights the importance of providing safe and supportive
environments as a vital part of quality teaching and learning.
Practical examples are provided using the following identifiers:

Template Good Video Tool

G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 3

Supporting school improvement and quality teaching

The Department of Education’s Learners First Strategy outlines the department’s Key Drivers and Priorities
including a clear focus on quality teaching and learning as it works to build great schools.
This resource supports schools as they engage with the National
School Improvement Tool. 2014/17
Strat egy

While the resource is a useful standalone document for teachers, Conn ecte d and
Inspi red
Our Mission Tasmanian with
ty to continue
to learn and reach
the opportuni to contr ibute positively to
To provide every fulfilling and productive lives
the community.

its messages will be more powerful if it is incorporated into whole Our Vision
We aim todevelop succe
innovative Tasm
ssful, skilled and potential, to lead

and strength through
We achieve growth our learners,

school planning practices. For example, principals may use it as the

each other connections with
interactions, with partnerships and and the world.
Positive and effective ent, are conducted on the their communities
Equity g and engaging and with our environm accountability.
right to challengin
Our Values Excellence and a
ons for our learners e and
We all have the ities in appropriate settings.
learning opportun
basis of responsib
ility, integrity and

We have high expectati of excellenc

Learning productive and ent to the pursuit and in

basis for Performance and Development Plan (PDP) conversations.

engaged in positive, encouraged strong commitm
Tasmanians are people, in our programs
innovation in our
supported learning
experiences; and Partnerships
towards lifelong
learning. our resources. community icate the value of public
onments es • Effectively commun learning as key to
Positive Envir
of respectful workplac education and lifelongand economic wellbeing
Leadership • Develop a culture modelling and understanding
Empowerednal learning, coaching improving the social

It has been written to support the Australian Professional

ers founded in mutual with, the department’s
Our Key Driv a skilled Work
d and
• Provide professio
and mentoring
opportunities for leaders. of, and complian
of Tasmanians.
and carers as key
partners and
• Support parents all educational programs.
ers a qualified, motivate and experienced behavioural expectati
• Create and retain e, through high-quality stakeholders within
successful Learn
students through
creative, supported workforc ent, that has high
newly appointed
with the skills to
manage of sustainable networks
• Foster the growth high-quality education ul partnerships
• Engage and retain and • Equip leaders continuous • Develop meaningf within industry,
e learning programs professional developm innovation and of schools to deliver outcomes through all stakeholders,
including those and skills
innovative and supportiv all learners. and encourage for excellent student ent. educational
expectations of to collectively achieve s for all learners

Standards for Teachers – Tasmania (Department of Education

to support improvement. agency that
environments. ons for feedback culture rk for the whole continuous improvem ture
to set high expectati through • Develop a strong performance of all staff. • Develop a framewo making and the development s, facilities and infrastruc and development outcome
• Empower learners and reach their
potential and enhance the staff through • Provide resource learning and teaching in Tasmania . nding
their education wellbeing of our empowers decisionand strategies. that support dynamic value of, and understaand
Value health and across the agency. of leadership skills • Develop an improved
tailored learning. e learning • business practices
. training to raise
, flexible and responsiv targeted programs fostering a of, education and ions.
• Establish balanced for students to
encourage n employers by for future meaningful qualificat
• Support Tasmania the attainment of
and training pathways nding of skills needs

2013) and links to these standards are included.

shared understa training system
lifelong learning. ities to ensuring that the
by providing opportun success and by
• Empower people e and skills they
need. can be responsiv
e to this.
acquire the knowledg L
munity, intE
skiLLs, com ation sERv
and Educ ays tively
ation Purposeful Pathw ers work collabora
s schooL Educ Great Communities
where all key stakehold
Our Prioritie Great Schools... 21st Century compete
ncies as
Years Learning
training system outcomes.
• Develop a State bility to achieve improved system inspires learners to attain
to successfully develop through the Early and share accounta d educational environment that and Higher Education sectors.

Video resources are being developed to accompany the

s • Enable students of K-12 curriculum implementation
EaRLy yEaR for young children
so they
an integral part m. • Construct an
programs and courses
in the VET
’s development
of innovative
Bright Beginnings
programs and services full-time school. the Australian Curriculu literacy and numeracy pedagogi qualifications through learning through LINC Tasmania
education and care learners prior to commencing Framework and for quality ns to
• Ensure quality children to g opportunities • Connect Tasmania e and
t and curious families and their • Provide continuin Program learners with knowledg
develop as confiden leading inter-agency support for for all students K–12. trust through the
Respectful Schools and traditional systems. nally to provide
in to creative and partnerships internatio
• Be a central agency in the early years. the ongoing establishm
ent of respect and mutual teaching and learning, leading • Promote enduring them to engage globally.

print resources and will increasingly incorporate examples

• Build a culture to focus on quality
assist them in learning Launching into Learning and support that allows schools es that meet the needs of all
students. experience to enable
nt with greatest need.
• Continue to impleme in communities innovative approach
centres especially
of child and family

of teacher practice. The latest version of this resource is 11/8/2013 4:31:43


available online at: Department of


K_v4.indd 1

Note to school leaders

Differentiated teaching and learning is referred to in Domain 7 of the National School Improvement Tool
(Department of Education, Employment and Workplace 2013).
• Domain 7 – Differentiated teaching and learning
In their day-to-day teaching, classroom teachers identify and address the learning needs of individual students,
including high-achieving students. Teachers make educational adjustments to take account of students’ levels of
readiness, and their strengths, needs and interests.
Further details can be found by viewing the National School Improvement Tool at:

Professional standards for teachers

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Tasmania outline the
importance of differentiation in Standard 1 – Know students and how ofessional St
Australian Pr TAS MANIA
they learn. FOR TEACHERS

When working towards this standard teachers could:

• Document the identified needs of individual students.
• Note adjustments that they will make to meet the needs of
particular students in unit and lesson plans.
There are many valuable resources to support teachers in
understanding and using the professional standards on the Australian
Department of
About this resource

(Department of Education 2013)

Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) website:
About this resource
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Planning for differentiation

Our Learners First Strategy aims to provide bright
beginnings and to build great schools and great
communities. Our department is committed to
building a culture of respect and mutual trust and
a focus on quality teaching and learning, leading
to creative and innovative approaches that meet
the needs of all students. (Learners First 2014/17)
There is an expectation that schools will build
the capacity of all teachers to make appropriate
educational adjustments for students. (School
Support and Expectations 2014)
It is recognised that some students require
significant adjustments to their learning
programs if they are to be optimally engaged
and challenged. The process of making those
adjustments is known as the differentiation of
classroom learning. Differentiation is what’s
expected of good teachers. The focus of
this resource is to describe what is meant by
differentiation and to provide practical strategies
and tools that can be used to create meaningful
and engaging learning experiences for all

The curriculum and

For differentiation to be successful, appropriate
strategies must be implemented at both the
school and classroom levels. Differentiation
is more likely to happen where the school
leadership emphasises student diversity as part
of educational provision and as integral to both
the curriculum and pedagogy. Differentiation is
evident at the classroom level when teachers
monitor students’ progress closely and tailor
learning tasks to their levels of readiness, interest
and need.
The curriculum, teaching strategies and
evidence of learning can be adapted to provide
developmentally appropriate opportunities
within a stimulating learning environment.
Through differentiation a planned, documented
and challenging curriculum can be provided
that caters for diverse students that maximises
student learning.
“All students deserve equitable access
to an engaging and rigorous curriculum.”
(Tomlinson and Javius 2012)
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 5

Our Values
Learning: Tasmanians are engaged in positive, productive and supported learning
experiences; and encouraged towards lifelong learning. (Learners First 2014/17)

Key message Explanation

“Supporting all learners is the most fundamental Differentiated classroom learning happens when
action for teachers in Tasmania.” (Supporting a teacher understands that classes are made
Good Teaching – A Guide for Staff Discussion) up of individuals and that effective teaching is
personalised according to the various needs of
Differentiation means: students. Effective teachers plan ways to respond
• Knowing each student’s background, learning to the needs and interests of their students.
needs, strengths and interests.
• Choosing strategies and resources that make They are aware that students bring to their
use of each student’s strengths and interests learning experiences a range of:
to address their learning needs.
• life experiences
• Knowing where students are up to in their
• understandings and prior knowledge
• socio-economic or cultural backgrounds
• Planning personalised learning experiences
that help students to move on in their • abilities and preferred modes of learning.
These can influence each student’s:
• Creating opportunities for on-going, timely
feedback that focuses on learning goals. • readiness to learn
• Being flexible in how teaching and learning • rate of learning
happens. • ability to attend to learning
• Providing students with choices. • level of proficiency with the English language
Differentiation is not about individualising • preferred way of learning efficiently
learning or providing a different learning • way of demonstrating their learning
experience for every student. It is about making effectively
adjustments that personalise learning to reflect • interests and aspirations.
the needs, strengths and interests of students.
A key principle underpinning this pedagogy is Teachers who differentiate use tools and
that of knowing students well enough to use their strategies to:
strengths and interests to address their needs.
• get to know their students
Differentiation is an ongoing professional journey
What do we mean by differentiation?

• conduct pre-assessment (both formal and

for teachers that develops through explicit focus, informal) to find out where students are up
feedback and support. There are strategies that to in their learning
school leaders can use to support this journey.
• allow students some choice in aspects of
their learning
• create learning experiences that build on
each student’s strengths
• enrich learning experiences through student
What do we mean by differentiation?
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

• create opportunities for on-going, timely Teaching may be direct and explicit,
feedback focused on the goals for learning or inductive and immersive.
• develop each student’s independence and
Groups may be based on like-interest,
ownership of their learning.
like-readiness level, pace, or preferred
A differentiated classroom is a flexible and mode of learning.
dynamic context for learning. The mode of
Sometimes students will choose who
teaching will be varied to provide the most
they work with.
effective learning for students. Sometimes it will
involve the whole class and sometimes small Learning may be collaborative or individual,
groups or individual students. Student grouping guided inquiry or project-based.
will be flexible, depending on the goal for
learning. Learning may be face-to-face, online,
or a combination of both.
Differentiation strategies can be applied to any
or all aspects of learning:
•  Content (what is to be taught) is described
in curriculum frameworks, such as the
Australian Curriculum. It can be differentiated A curriculum for all
through the resources and materials used to
explore the content. The Melbourne Declaration on Educational
Goals for Young Australians articulates nationally
• Process (how learning will occur) can be consistent future directions and aspirations for
differentiated through the teaching strategies Australian schooling agreed by all Australian
and learning tasks used to engage students. Education Ministers.
Differentiated learning tasks have multiple
entry and exit points that both enable and The Melbourne Declaration has two overarching
extend learning. goals for schooling in Australia:
•  Product (evidence of student learning)
can be differentiated by providing students Goal 1
with choice in how they demonstrate their Australian schooling promotes equity and
learning. The aim is to give the most accurate excellence
evidence of student progress towards Goal 2
learning goals. All young Australians become successful learners,
•  Environment (where learning takes place) confident and creative individuals, and active and
can be differentiated by considering how the informed citizens
physical, social, aesthetic and organisational
aspects of the classroom can contribute (Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for
positively to student learning. Young Australians)

“Teaching targeted at the middle of a class can fail

to challenge and extend higher achieving students
and fail to engage and thus de-motivate, lower
achieving students” (Masters 2011)
Good Practice

Practice G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 7



Practical examples
Template Good Video Tool
Practice Example of making learning
te Good Video Tool interesting
Practice Example of a creative space (Video: 5m 10s)
(Video 3m 24s) The teacher emphasises the need to think about
A teacher at a remote school in the Kimberley how students will engage with the curriculum
tes describes her aims in teaching kindergarten at the lesson planning stage. This allows her
students. In one of her classes she begins the to plan for and implement teaching strategies
lesson with a group activity, then subsequently that are relevant to her students’ interests,
supports individual and group learning activities. abilities and developmental stage. In her Year 10
She is able to maintain a differentiated learning Science class she uses analogy, group work and
Practice environment where learners are constructing a practical class to teach Newton’s Third Law.
a castle from a large box, while another At a more senior level, she introduces and uses
group composes and presents a puppet play. adult learning principles to support her Food and
She moves around the room, encouraging Hospitality students in a summative assessment.
persistence, modelling roles and celebrating
achievements. The teacher reflects on her Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
personal philosophy for teaching young children
and on what individuals and groups of students standards-for-teachers/illustrations-of-practice/
have learned. detail?id=IOP00194

Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice

te Good Video Tool

Practice Example of engaging students
in Science
(Video 3m 27s)
The teacher articulates his methods for engaging
a diverse class of students in a unit on the solar
system. He helps the students generate ideas
and form their views by taking them through
interactive lessons that physically engage them
in their learning. When this has been achieved,
he focuses on helping the students articulate
What do we mean by differentiation?

their ideas though literacy-based exercises. The

teacher emphasises the importance of knowing
individual students’ strengths and areas for
development, in order to best cater to their
Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
Tool 8
What do we mean by differentiation?
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Template Good Video Tool

Practice key indicators of

differentiated classroom Questions for reflection

 A variety of instructional strategies are
used by teachers 1. In what ways am I currently
differentiating classroom learning for my
 A range of tasks are planned to engage students?
2. What aspect of learning do I feel most
 Resources cater to a range of reading levels comfortable differentiating? What could
and modes I do next?

 Formative assessment data is gathered about 3. What steps could I take to increase my
student learning effectiveness in differentiating learning
for my students?
 Tasks are adjusted to meet student needs
4. Who among my colleagues differentiates
 Technology
 is being used to provide different most effectively? What are some ways I
learning experiences for some students might learn from them?

 Grouping of students is purposeful 5. What strategies and processes at

and planned a school level would support me in
further developing differentiated
 Tasks at extended levels of challenge learning in my classroom?
or complexity engage students

 Routines are in place to maximise on-task

learning time

 Programs are developed to meet the

needs of all students

 Choices in content and how they

demonstrate learning are offered
to students

 Physical setup of the classroom supports

different activities happening simultaneously

(Tomlinson and McTighe, 2006)

G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 9


Our Values
Excellence: We have high expectations for our learners, and a strong
commitment to the pursuit of excellence and innovation in our people,
in our programs and in our resources. (Learners First 2014/17)

Key message Explanation

Learning is a social, collaborative undertaking that Teachers who know their students develop
happens in a classroom community. Developing insight into how their social, emotional and
positive and respectful relationships forms the basis intellectual capabilities may affect their learning.
for building strong classroom communities. An By knowing their students well, teachers
integral part of building these relationships lies in are able to craft learning tasks that tap into
getting to know the backgrounds, talents, needs their interests, meet their needs and provide
and aspirations of your students. appropriate levels of challenge.
This can include an undertaking to: If teachers have knowledge of a student’s
• Find out students’ strengths, what they background experiences they are able to make
are passionate about and their goals. learning points clearer and more relevant.
For example, in a high school English class the
• Know about students’ cultural and
teacher may relate a student’s interest in social
language background.
media to how language can be used in this
• Know about social disadvantage or trauma medium to create positive and negative personal
that may be part of students’ background. and social identities.
• Understand students’ needs; including medical,
personal, physical, communication, sensory By making time to get to know students and
and learning needs. their families, teachers are able to develop a
sense of the cultural background of the learners
• Create opportunities for students to get to
in their class. This knowledge can be used to
know one another and appreciate the diverse
build understanding and acceptance of one
qualities they bring to the classroom.
another’s perspective and experiences. Through
• Model and teach about wellbeing, mutual this process a teacher can create a community
support and respectful interactions. of learners who value difference, embrace
• Find out where students are up to in their diversity and promote the growth of positive
learning with respect to the curriculum. relationships. The result is a mutually supportive
classroom community.

Know who can be consulted to build knowledge

of students. Having high expectations of students and their
abilities encourages them to feel:
Build partnerships for the benefit of the students.
• positively connected to others
Work collaboratively with: • respected
• parents • that their work is meaningful
Knowing your students

• support staff • that they are good at what

• specialists. they do.
Good Practice
Knowing your students
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l



Where teachers work with a large number of

different students every day, even learning their
names can be challenging. The time and effort
invested in this will pay a worthwhile dividend in
terms of each student’s connection with school. Template Good Video Tool
Practice with specialist
Schools have access to a range of people with
specialist expertise that classroom teachers can expertise that can be
consult to build a comprehensive picture of their
students and develop shared understandings to consulted include:
provide optimal support for students.
Teachers and specialists may need to be creative  SUPPORT TEACHERS
when seeking sources of expertise, resources
and opportunities both from within and outside
the school community.

Develop a classroom culture that:  LITERACY/NUMERACY SPECIALISTS

• makes it safe to take risks
• values learning through mistakes
• promotes effort and persistence  TEACHERS WITH EXPERTISE
• helps to develop self-motivated learners. IN GIFTED EDUCATION


Specialist Support
Every school has a school support teacher
to help build capacity of school staff. These  SPEECH AND LANGUAGE
teachers work collaboratively with classroom
teachers, teacher assistants and other relevant
support providers to plan for student learning
using differentiated classroom practice.  AUTISM CONSULTANTS
In addition, our Department provides a range of
specialist support personnel with a wide range
of expertise. Professional support staff such as  SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS
school psychologists, social workers, speech
and language pathologists and EAL/D teachers
is available to work with students and support
teachers. Specialist support is also available for  SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS
students who have vision or hearing impairment,
Autism Spectrum Disorder or physical
Teachers who require additional support
should work through their principal and school
leadership teams. They will advise about the
correct protocols and access professional
support as required through the Manager State
Support Service or the relevant Learning Service
Manager School Support.
Good Practice
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 11



Knowing where students are up to in

their learning
As well as knowing who their students are as
learners, it is important that teachers know
where they are up to in their learning. Good
This Video Tool
Practice Two key assessment tools to inform planning are
allows learning experiences to be planned so the NAPLAN Toolkit and Improve an
that they are challenging, without being so online formative assessment tool.
difficult that students feel overwhelmed.
The first step in planning for learning is to have Literacy and Numeracy teaching is everyone’s business

an understanding of the curriculum scope and

NAPLAN is an agreed national measure of student outcomes

sequence for the learning area and the expected

Tips and avoiding the traps

learning outcomes. Literacy and Numeracy teaching is everyone’s business

• NAPLAN is a national assessment, and all students are expected to participate and to
demonstrate their actual skills and knowledge.
NAPLAN is an agreed national measure of student outcomes
• NAPLAN provides valuable information about a student’s knowledge of the Australian
Resource Inventory
• This information, delivered through the NAPLAN Toolkit, supports planning for improvement

Some students may be at a different

at whole school, class and individual student levels.
Analysing NAPLAN data–support and methodology documents
• Everything principals need to know about test administration to ensure assessment integrity
is contained in the 2014 Handbook for Principals, delivered to schools in mid-March. Literacy and Numeracy teaching is everyone’s business

developmental stage than their peers and

Resource/location NAPLAN
Content is an agreed national measure of student outcomes

Presents a methodology for analysing

working with curriculum based capabilities to

NAPLAN Toolkit User Guide February 2014 data in all 3 Toolkit Reports.
Your Guide to NAPLAN 2014
• Disability adjustments should be granted that are appropriate for students to access and participate in the tests.
• Test administrators should actively supervise students at all times, including walking around the room, to ensure Presents a methodology for analysing
Guide to Student and School Reports data in Excel and PDF reports issued

achieve their individual learning goals. Within the

that test conditions are maintained and importantly that students are engaged.
by EPS.
• Common areas of the Australian Curriculum where students can generally improve are: Literacy
Updated annually following release of
Writing and spelling are two areas where particular focus is required in Tasmanian schools, although not to
Grammar exclusion of other areas of course.
Practical video demonstration on
• C
orrectly identify and use parts of speech including nouns, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs and verb tense forms

Australian Curriculum, the levels described in the

You Tube media resources (3 in total) at: accessing and using NAPLAN Toolkit
when reading and creating texts. • data.
One of the best resources for supporting the teaching of writing, in terms of the NAPLAN writing criteria, are the
NAPLAN persuasive and narrative writing rubrics. Despite our not knowing which genre will be tested, persuasive
Punctuation writing or narrative, these rubrics describe the 10 criteria which students are assessed against for each genre. Using
• C
orrectly identify and use sentence boundary punctuation, commas in lists, apostrophes of contraction and Presents summary analysis on 2013
this rubric to guide areas of focus in explicitly teaching writing is very powerful.
Key focus areas apparent from item analysis NAPLAN items for each assessment

continuum for each of the general capabilities

possession and capital letters when reading and creating texts.
and details areas of strength and areas
• Spelling is complex and relies on students’ familiarity with proofreading and vocabulary. Since spelling is a
Spelling for future focus.
component of writing and reading, it is important that spelling is taught explicitly and in context. Teachers should
• C
orrectly spell words with phonemic elements including schwa, digraphs, elideds, two sound values, Presents a methodology for
focus on: sound/symbol, pronunciation, syllable/word function, word meaning and proofreading skills.
derivational endings, fricatives and diphthongs. Using the NAPLAN Toolkit to identify student needs interrogating NAPLAN Toolkit data.

provide a mechanism for locating where

Writing • To support students in Reading, at least 50 percent of texts shared in classes should be non-fiction. Read-alouds of
• F ocus on students writing a variety of text types with: non-fiction texts support students in building vital background knowledge and vocabulary in order to engage with
Analysis of the skills focus requiring
» correct sentence boundary punctuation and basic types of ‘other’ punctuation a wider range of texts.
Analysis of Spelling items from 2011 to 2013 explicit teaching
(e.g. apostrophe of possession)

students are up to in their learning. For example,

» correctly constructed simple, compound and complex sentences. A common error involves ‘run on’ Numeracy
sentences (commas used for full stops and excessive use of ‘and’ as a conjunction) • PP slide
Effective teaching of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics with a particular focus on the mathematical
of relevant section of the
» content that supports, engages and persuades the reader through deliberate language choices.
Best practice checklist: Student and School Reports proficiencies is crucial preparation for NAPLAN. Students benefit from opportunities to engage in problem solving
checklist with guiding questions to
including discussion and sharing of strategies. When working with multiple-choice questions, students benefit
support staff review of NAPLAN data.

a student with disability may be working at Level

• Focus on increasing: Thisfrom exposure to strategies such as eliminating some answers and understanding the use of ‘distractors’ in the
document is updated annually
» student competency with basic operations (+, –, x, ÷) and solving problems involving fractions, andquestions.
distributed to schools after the
decimals and diagrams release of NAPLAN reports.
• Important
The important ideas of fractions, decimals and percentage are areas where particular focus is required in
NAPLAN information for
» student knowledge of mathematical terminology across all strands. Tasmanian schools. The Australian Curriculum scope and sequence documents support teachers in planning for
Tips and avoiding the traps teachers and schools.

1a in their numeracy skills, while a very capable

student learning in these key areas and there are many valuable resources available through the Scootle portal
Important NAPLAN information for
Your Guide to NAPLAN 2014 teachers and schools regarding
approaches for teaching Literacy and

Year 5 student could apply critical and creative

Department of Education Resources available from:
Other resources available to support teachers in preparing
students to do their best in NAPLAN.

thinking at Level 5 to their work in science.




Department of Education

This provides the starting point for backward

planning a program of learning. This process

is outlined in more detail in Good Teaching:
Department of Education

Curriculum Mapping and Planning and Good

Teaching: Quality Assessment Practices.
When designing a program of work it is
important that teachers find out what students
already know, understand and can do, as well
as uncovering any misconceptions they have
developed. This will involve using the formative
assessment strategies and tools that are outlined
in the formative assessment section of Good
Teaching: Quality Assessment Practices.
Many teachers will feel the urge to aim for the
middle when designing learning tasks. In this
way they hope to reach the largest number
of students in any given lesson or learning
sequence. Research has shown that this
approach is ineffective. It ignores the needs
of advanced students and can leave them
unchallenged and feeling bored. Equally it can
confuse students who find the task too difficult
Knowing your students

and can lead to their disengagement from

classroom learning. A differentiated classroom
learning program where teachers design tasks
based on their knowledge of their students will
cater to the learning needs of all.
Good Practice
Knowing your students
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l



Template Good Video Tool

How can I learn more about my students’ starting points,
interests and best ways of learning?
Early in the year students need to know that their teacher is also a learner who diligently studies two things
– the content he or she teaches and the students themselves. This message needs to be clear from the first
day of school and evident every day that follows. At some point in the early conversations about creating a
classroom that supports each student’s success, it is important for students to hear the following:

1. I want to know you as a person because you are interesting to me.

2. I need to know you as a student so that I can determine your next steps in learning.

3. I will watch you as you work in class as closely as I can because what I learn will help me plan better
for you individually and for the class as a whole.

4. You’ll see me take notes while you work and while we discuss things in class. This helps me learn
more about how learning works for you.

5. In the first few days of school, I’ll ask you to do some things that will give me a reasonable sense
of your starting points this year and of who you are as a learner.

6. Throughout the year, I’ll often ask you to share what you are learning so I can help you take your
next step as a learner.

7. Sometimes, your work will be marked and given a rating, but I will be more interested in giving
you information that will help you learn better and increase your chances of success.

8. I’ll often invite you to tell me how you’re feeling about your work and what is going well
or poorly for you in class. I hope you’ll always feel free to honestly tell me those things.
Even if I forget to ask.
(Tomlinson & Imbeau 2010, p. 60)

Read and reflect on your school and class context. How do these prompts work in your context?
Good Practice
Good Practice G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 13



Practical examples
Templates Template Good Video Tool knowledge
Practice of how parent
Template Good Video Tool can be used to enhance the learning
Example of getting to know students
Practice program
and their community
An identified gifted student succeeds quite well
A high school has a large proportion of students academically, but their teacher has difficulty
Good Practice
from low socio-economic backgrounds. Many motivating them to engage with learning. During
of the parents harbour negative sentiments a conversation with the student’s mother at the
Templates about school life generally. There are significant
first parent/teacher interview for the year, it
non-attendance and engagement issues amongst was revealed that their true passion was in the
students. performing arts.
Many families, however, are well connected with The teacher was able to incorporate this
Good Practice
the neighbourhood centre which offers services knowledge into the English learning program
and support programs to the local community. through work on performance poetry and radio
Improving the school-home partnership has drama. They also arranged for the student to
been identified as a key link to improving participate in a drama class and work towards
community perceptions about education and a key role in the school production. This class
Video student attendance. is normally only available to older students in
With that in mind, the school leadership team the school.
has set about working more closely with
the neighbourhood centre and has started
Tool offering some learning programs from the
centre. The results have been pleasing with the
neighbourhood centre welcoming the stronger
Template Good Video Tool
connections, the sharing of resources, and the Practice Example of teaching to the point
flexibility of the school to meet community needs. of need
(Video 5m 35s)
The teacher describes how she collaborated
with a colleague to determine the differences
between their classes and trial new approaches.
Template Good Video Toolshared student They develop tasks appropriate to a range
Practice of developing of ability levels to meet the learning needs of
knowledge to inform planning all their students. Students are supported to
A Year 10 student with cerebral palsy and choose the task that is most appropriate for their
significant learning issues has an Individual level. Questioning plays a key role in determining
Education Plan (IEP) that their team of teachers students “point of need,” when the teacher will
review and modify at the end of each term. provide further scaffolding. The teachers use
The student is transitioning to a local senior data such as NAPLAN to track student progress
secondary school and their current teachers and ensure their methods are effective.
have started planning the move from early Term
2. They have met with the student and their Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
parents to discuss long–term goals and how their
course choices may look. At these meetings the standards-for-teachers/illustrations-of-practice/
student talks excitedly about their interests and detail?id=IOP00415
hobbies out of school, and what they would like
to achieve post–school.
Knowing your students

All of this information provides their current

teachers with further insight into how to best plan
for the student and the follow-up discussions they
will have in subsequent weeks with the senior
secondary school support teacher.
Knowing your students
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Questions for reflection:


te Good Video Tool

Practice Example of using data to improve 1. What information can I source from
learning programs (Video 4m 18s) the Student Support System (SSS)
At the start of the school year a curriculum
Good Practice that informs my understanding of
coordinator leads and facilitates a discussion my students; e.g. existing learning
with a group of Year 10 teachers to discuss plans, curriculum assessment reports,
and interpret the previous year’s National attendance data, specialist reports,
Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy communication with parents and
Video (NAPLAN) results for the current Year 10 wellbeing data?
cohort of students. The teachers analyse both
internal and external data to identify specific 2. What are some creative ways I can use
learning needs of the students and to modify and existing school processes to know my
improve the current Year 10 English program. students better; e.g. grade camp, first
Tool day activities?
Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
standards-for-teachers/illustrations-of-practice/ 3. How can I make time and create
detail?id=IOP00109 opportunities to get to know my
4. Which specialists may have relevant
background information about my
Template Good Video Tool
Example of getting to know
Practice 5. In what ways can I communicate
a student’s passions, strengths positively and effectively with each
and needs student’s family?
A student is starting Year 11 at their local
senior secondary school and the pastoral care 6. What are my students’ current interests
teacher provides a number of ‘getting to know and how can I tap into them?
you’ activities on the first day. The teacher also
explains to the group that their role is to support 7. What are the priority individual’s and
their success in subjects, their attendance and group’s needs?
any issues they have settling in.
8. What are the dominant attitudes and
The teacher also makes a call to the student’s dispositions that significantly impact on
family to make initial contact and explain their each student’s engagement or attention?
support role. The student’s mother discusses How might these be improved?
some previous challenges with some of their high
school peers. The mother reveals that her child 9. In what activities do the students
is looking forward to being able to socialise with achieve success?
a larger peer group and pursuing their passions
at college through the subjects they have chosen. 10. What information can we gather from
The teacher shares relevant information
listening to student questions and
with some of the student’s other teachers watching their actions in class? 
and continues to support and monitor their
transition to all aspects of senior secondary
school life with richer insights into their previous
challenges and their passion for music.
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 15



Our Values
Equity: We all have the right to challenging and engaging learning opportunities
in appropriate settings. (Learners First 2014/17)

Key message Adjustments include any measure or action

to promote access, and engagement, and
Differentiated classroom learning recognises that to optimise student learning outcomes.
some students require significant personalisation Adjustments and/or extensions vary according
of their learning programs to be fully engaged to the needs of the students. They may be
and challenged. minor or significant. In some instances, such
as students with disability, they may be designed
Some students will require adjustments that and developed as part of a collaborative
extend and enrich their learning. Some will planning meeting.
require considerable support and others may
require targeted support or systematic teaching Adjustments can be made to:
to overcome barriers such as learning English • content (what is to be taught)
as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) • process (how learning will occur)
to enable their engagement, learning and • product (evidence of student learning).
The learning environment can also
contribute to differentiation in significant ways.
Explanation Adjustments may be made to one of these
aspects of learning, or to any combination that
Differentiation of classroom learning is achieved
makes sense in the context. Not every aspect
by making adjustments to personalise aspects
of every lesson will be differentiated. Ideally it is
of learning that meet the particular needs
targeted to have the most significant impact on
of students. While there are some common
a student’s learning.
features found in differentiated classrooms, the
detail will vary. A teacher’s skill in differentiating develops with:
Adjustments need to be considered and included • Experience in applying a broad repertoire of
at the whole class level when planning units of teaching strategies in flexible ways.
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

work and in more detail at the lesson planning • Access to a range of resources for learning.
level. For example, adjustment considerations • Capacity to manage a classroom with diverse
at the unit level may include planning for learning activities happening simultaneously.
readiness or interest-based groups of students.
At the lesson level it may include taking into The templates on the next two pages may be
consideration a student’s progress towards used to assist with planning. For further details
learning goals in a previous lesson. refer to Good Teaching: Curriculum Mapping
and Planning.
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Template Good Video Tool

Unit planning
Practice template using a backward design planning process

Learning Area: Year Level:

Consult curriculum

Curriculum Achievement Standard:

Curriculum Content Descriptors:

Learning Goals:
• Know:
• Understand:
• Do:
Plan for learning

Assessment Task: Pre-assessment:

Adjustments/Strategies to Include all Students

Learning Sequence
learning experiences
Describe key

Reflect on
the unit

For practical examples of how to apply this template see Good Teaching: Curriculum Mapping and Planning.
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 17

Template Good Video Tool

Blank lesson
Practice plan proforma

Introduction: Adjustments:

Explicit Teaching:

Student Action: (Guided and Independent)


Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

For practical examples of how to apply the proforma see Good Teaching: Curriculum Mapping and Planning.

Adjustments are supports, accommodations or adaptations that assist a student to access meaningful learning
opportunities, to achieve their learning goals and show evidence of their learning.
Some adjustments may be at the whole school level and applied to all teaching and learning environments,
teaching strategies and curriculum content. Others may be subject specific and involve fine grain alterations
such as breaking information into smaller chunks and allowing extended time for completing work.
Adjustments take into account students’ physical, cognitive, social and sensory differences.
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

Summary of Differentiation Strategies
late Good Video Tool

Change: promote interest & engagement Challenge: student’s readiness to learn Choice: range of learning profiles
Content Vary the ‘vehicle’ used to engage with content; e.g. explore Provide ‘tiers’ of complexity in resources: Include a range of types of
Instructional input a period in history through a novel or focus on a topic of high • Concrete -> symbolic -> abstract resources:
interest to students. • text varying level of difficulty and genre
• Simple (clear, straightforward) -> complex
Vary the mode of presentation of information. (intricate, ambiguous). (fiction, nonfiction, bilingual texts,
Focus on concepts and big ideas. cartoons, report, blog, artefacts etc.)
Consider level of language skill.
Provide more breadth with enrichment tasks that may • multimedia (images, video, podcast)
Vary amount of repetition and consolidation
be optional. depending on need. • simulation, animation
• experts
• primary and secondary sources.
Process Vary method of instruction: Diagnostic pre-test to establish existing knowl- Student roles within the method of
• Direct instruction by including mini lessons and using edge; e.g. Improve – online tool. instruction:
Teaching mode ‘gradual release of responsibility’. Task design reflecting student readiness: • leadership
• Inquiry learning through guided structure: • plan from clear learning goals • member of co-operative team.
Task design »» investigation • address all levels of thinking (Bloom’s Choice of tasks to reflect varying degrees
»» problem solving taxonomy) of readiness, interests and learning profile:
»» case study e.g. web quest. • vary pacing to allow for acceleration and/or • RAFT – Role, Audience, Format, Topic
exploration in depth • authentic tasks that matter to students in
• Flexible groups using co-operative learning strategies.
• vary amount and nature of scaffolding their world
• Tasks that create dissonance or emotional
connection; e.g. use humour and empathy. • include open-ended options with ambiguity • promote creative and critical thinking.
and complexity.
Product Use formative assessments: Formative assessment – use ongoing; formal and Range of ways to demonstrate
Formative assessment– bridge • graphic organisers informal strategies. understanding at all stages of
between student and content Indicators of quality learning outcomes learning:
• label a diagram
• Criteria articulated in rubric and informed by • Allow for demonstration mode that uses
• written responses each student’s strengths.
Australian Curriculum achievements standards or
• cloze course criteria. • Use technology to increase
Expression of understanding • concept maps. options available – it supports editable,
• Demonstrate through exemplary models.
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Range of assessment options: multimedia, hyperlinked, collaborative

Include structured and open-ended assessment tasks. outputs.
• Tests – range of question types, quizzes, re-testing,
Summative assessment time variation. • Involve authentic (real-world) audiences.
• Portfolios – digital portfolio increases the possible options.

Learning environment Vary the environment where learning occurs: Create routines and processes that support Provide supportive visual aids and
• local community independence; e.g. edit own work for punctuation information in the environment;
where the need is indicated by teacher. e.g. word walls or terminology trees.
Structure and provide supports • online, virtual.
for learning Support routines with environmental Arrange desks and resources to:
Use technologies available in the environment as tools for learning: resources; e.g. process for getting help on the • promote collaboration
• students’ own technology computer outlined in a wall poster.
• provide easy access and minimise
• school provided technologies. movement.
Use inspirational materials around the classroom to Establish routines; e.g. for quickly
provoke curiosity and promote creativity. re-arranging desks for different types
of interaction.
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 19


Content can be differentiated through: Content materials can also be differentiated by

the genre and reading level demands. Content
• Making adjustments to the content described materials can reflect a student’s background.
in curriculum framework documents such as For example, narrative texts could be sourced
the Australian Curriculum. to reflect a student’s background or students
• Choosing learning resources and stimulus and their parents could be invited to contribute
materials that meet a student’s preferred texts from their culture.
mode of learning and stage of development.
Technology can be used to locate online content
• Using technology to locate and provide
resources, to organise them in easily accessible
content at a range of levels and in modes that
ways and to provide personalised, targeted
engage and support learning.
learning for selected students.
The Australian Curriculum describes the content
Some search engines are designed specifically
that all students are entitled to engage with,
for a younger audience and will return results
from Foundation (Prep) to Year 10. Year 11 and
that are safe for students and often contain lots
12 materials are currently in development.
of images. This can be useful when searching
The three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum for resources to use with students in the primary
(learning area content, general capabilities and years, or those whose literacy skills are still
cross curriculum priorities) provide teachers with developing. Digital content resources can also
flexibility in meeting each student’s individual be used with text to speech applications,
learning needs. making them accessible to a wider range of
reading levels.
Planning begins at a student’s school year
level to ensure continuity in their curriculum
entitlement without unnecessary repetition.
From that common starting point, teachers can
make adjustments to the level and focus of the
content so that all of their students can access
rich learning experiences that are relevant and
engaging. The curriculum content provides the
context for students’ goals for learning and
assessment of their progress towards those
goals, (see flow chart on page 22).
Within any identified area of content, teachers
provide students with resources and stimulus
materials to engage their interest and support
their learning. To support effective learning,
content materials need to address student needs
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

and make use of their strengths.

Materials can be sought in a range of modes
including images, audio recordings, videos,
printed text, learning objects and simulations.
The level of complexity in language, text and
page layout needs to match each student’s stage
of development. Hands-on and manipulative
materials support direct, concrete experiences
while symbolic representations such as diagrams,
images and animations can provide access to
complex ideas at a simple level. More abstract
representation of ideas can be presented
through words as in poetry and symbols as in
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e dGood room Practice – Lea rning for All
C l a s s Practice



Education portals such as Scootle provide good

sources of quality-assured content resources that
Practical examples
are typically searchable by year level, learning
area and topic or key words.
Online learning resources can be linked to
the school intranet to make content easy Template
for Good Video Tool
Practice Example of engaging with technology
students to access. Content that is shared online (Video 3m 47s)
can be accessed by students who need to re-visit The teacher describes how information and
materials to consolidate their learning. Good
Practice communication technology has enabled her
technologies with access to appropriate digital to transform the ways of learning in her
content provide a flexible way for teachers classroom. The introduction of, and use of ICT,
to manage personalised content at a range of has increased the options available to meet the
different levels. specific learning needs of students across a wide
Video range of abilities. In the illustration, the teacher
Some teachers are using videos of direct models how learning technologies can be used
teaching of new content, to ‘front load’ learning for demonstration purposes, to focus question
prior to class time. Students watch the video as and answering, to assign tasks, for individual
homework; pausing, rewinding, making notes, and group work, and to create and present
identifying questions and so on as needed. multimodal texts within the English curriculum.
Tool for
This means that more class time is available
discussions, practical activities and other learning Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
tasks that benefit from face-to-face interaction.
This general process has become known as detail?id=IOP00180
‘flipping’ the classroom and provides one way
to manage differentiated classroom learning by
utilising online content.
Content differentiation using technology requires
careful planning. In keeping with the backward
design model. Teachers need to be clearTemplate
about Good Video Tool
Practice Example of palindromic numbers
the learning goals before they make decisions (Video 4m 22s)
about pedagogy and the digital tools their
students will use. In a grade 6 mathematics class a teacher plans
for, delivers and reflects on a lesson focusing on
The technology needs to match the nature of Number and Algebra. In planning the lesson, she
the learning task and enhance students’ learning articulates a preference for using open-ended
outcomes in identifiable ways. Questions to keep problem-solving activities and resources that
in mind include: can cater for a range of abilities. In designing
activities, and in selecting resources, she
• Will digital technologies improve anticipates how particular students will engage
students’ learning relative to the with these as learners. During the activity,
learning goals? students work at their own pace, transforming
simple numbers into palindromic numbers.
• Which technology tools will enhance The lesson is structured to allow for whole
students’ engagement and ability to class instruction, peer discussion and individual
demonstrate their understanding? learning.
• What tools are available to students Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
in the classroom?
• What tools can students bring from standards-for-teachers/illustrations-of-practice/
home to assist with their learning? detail?id=IOP00169

The practical aspects of how the technology is

managed can influence its effectiveness as a tool
for learning. It is important that students can
engage quickly and easily with the tools they are
using, that sufficient bandwidth is available and
that this is consistent across all students.
Good Practice
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 21



Formative assessment: Scootle also

provides access to the Improve online formative
assessment tool. Teachers select questions from
a searchable database to create an online quiz
Template Good Video Tool that focuses on a particular aspect of learning in
Practice information sheet literacy, numeracy or science. Students complete
the quiz online at anytime from anywhere and
their responses are automatically assessed and
reported to the teacher to inform their planning.

Scootle gives teachers access to many thousands

of digital curriculum resources they can use to
inform their own planning and support their
teaching. The resources include learning objects,
images, videos, audio, assessment resources, Ideas for using technology: Scootle also
teacher resources and collections organised provides access to ICT in Everyday Learning: A
around common topics or themes. The Toolkit. The toolkit is a collection of practical
resources are aligned to the endorsed areas of examples that illustrate how pedagogy,
the Australian Curriculum. content and technology can be successfully and
effectively integrated to promote learning.
Teachers can create, annotate and sequence
‘learning paths’ for their students. A learning Community: Scootle also hosts networks
path provides students with direct access to a of teachers from around Australia to share
teacher-selected collection of digital materials ideas and resources, ask questions and publicise
from Scootle that will support their learning events. 
around a specific topic or concept. Learning
paths can be shared with other teachers.
Logging in: Teachers in Tasmanian
government schools log in using their DoE
username and password.

Finding materials: To browse what is

Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

available for particular curriculum content, use

the Find by Australian Curriculum tab and filter
by year level. Expand the relevant content
descriptor and click on the View elaborations
and matching resources link to return a list
of resources that support that aspect of the
Good Practice
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l



Template Good Video Tool

Practice for differentiating the content using
the Australian Curriculum – Flowchart

Step 1. Refer to the learning area content described for the student’s year level.

Step 2. Make adjustments to reflect each student’s strengths, goals, interests and
current levels of learning by:


A. Drawing from aspects B. Adjusting the learning C. Developing skills,

of content at, above focus using the general understandings and
or below year level. capabilities or cross knowledge identified in
curriculum priorities. a student’s personalised
learning plan through aspects
of year level content.

Step 3. Assess the students’ progress:

A. Learning area achievement standards OR

B. Level of progression in the general capabilities OR
C. Student learning plan SMART Goals
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 23


The teaching and learning processes initiated by Students’ rates of learning can vary. Students
the teacher so that students engage with new who learn quickly are able to grasp new ideas
learning can be differentiated by: easily and are ready to move on with little need
for consolidation. They may become bored and
• Selecting the most appropriate teaching disengaged with too much repetition. Other
strategy to facilitate effective learning for the students need more time. They may require
students. multiple opportunities to engage with content
• Designing learning tasks that remove barriers in a range of different contexts to build and
and limitations for students and engage their consolidate their understanding. Teachers who
interest in the material. differentiate pre-plan to accommodate variations
• Considering ways to provide flexibility in the in the pace of learning, so that fast learners are
pace and grouping structures used. challenged with higher-level extension work,
whilst others have the time and support they
Through time, teachers build on their repertoire need to learn and consolidate at their own level.
of teaching strategies they can draw upon to
engage their students’ interest, and facilitate Trying to meet a range of needs as they arise
effective and efficient learning. These strategies in the classroom (doing it ‘on the fly’) can be
can include: stressful for teachers and result in less than
optimum outcomes. More able students who
• explicit teaching finish quickly may be given more work to
• gradual release of responsibility do at the same level, which can be a strong
disincentive for them to perform at their best,
• inquiry learning while students who are struggling can have
• co-operative learning a range of different needs that are not being
• thinking routines met and they may disengage from the learning.
• reflective processes. Forward planning for the range of learners pays
off with more students engaged and learning
Teachers differentiate by selecting the most effectively and more professional satisfaction
appropriate strategy for a task to facilitate each for the teacher.
student’s engagement and learning. This might
happen when planning a lesson, or even in “A philosophy of responsive instruction suggests
response to a student’s needs during a lesson. that fairness in academically diverse settings is
Differentiated teaching is often referred to as best conceived not as treating everyone alike,
responsive teaching, reflecting the way in which but working to ensure that each student has the
a teacher moves from using one mode to support he or she needs to succeed.” Carol Ann
another as required. Tomlinson

Teachers also design authentic and relevant tasks

for students so they can actively engage with the
concepts, information and skills identified in the
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

curriculum. Tasks that have a number of entry

points and directions, lend themselves well to
differentiation. Tasks can be differentiated by
pre-planning prompts, questions and supports
that will enable and support learning for those
students experiencing difficulty, and that increase
the degree of challenge and complexity for those
students who need extension, (see table on
pages 24 and 25).
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Video Tool
e Questions to guide differentiated task design

Enablers Extenders

The questions below are designed to: The questions below are designed to:
• S upport students who experience difficulty • Extend students who learn quickly.
getting started or during the task.
• C
 reate more challenging questions/tasks to
• Provide extra support/scaffolding. extend their breadth, depth and complexity.
• C
 reate active experiences that lead into • C
 reate active experiences that build from
the task. the task.

Simplifying Thinking
Are there ways I can simplify an Are there ways I can extend the level
aspect of the task? of thinking required for the task?
• P
 rovide access to content using a range of • E xtend the level of literacy or numeracy
technologies or with lower level of literacy demand in content so it requires inference
or numeracy demand – Content or extrapolation – Content
• P
 rovide an intermediate step that • E xtend the level of thinking of the task
incorporates background knowledge, (e.g. use Bloom’s taxonomy). – Process
understanding or skills – Process
• S timulate creative thinking in the task
• A
 llow multiple ways to present (e.g. use “Thinkers keys”) – Process
understanding, use ICT as appropriate
(e.g. device that enables access) – Product • U
 se products that involve creation,
evaluation and/or innovation – Product

Organising Understanding
Can I provide additional organisational Can the task require greater depth
support for the task? and complexity in understanding?
• E xplicitly teach key vocabulary • P
 rovide optional content to provide breadth
(e.g. glossary) – Content (e.g. include the language of the discipline)
– Content
• U
 se technology/ICT (e.g. timers to assist in
understanding time frames) – Process • P
 rovide tasks that require depth and
complexity (e.g. use Kaplan prompts)
• P
 rovide graphic organisers – Process
– Process and product
• E xtend expectation of quality in product,
and/or use ICT – Product

(Table continues over page)

G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 25

Video Tool
e Questions to guide differentiated task design (continued from previous page)

Enablers Extenders

Materialising Generalising
Can I make the task more concrete? Are there generalisations or
abstractions that can be applied to
• V
 isual representations, explore real the task?
life objects, physically participating in a
representation – Content • U
 se content that addresses big ideas and
discipline concepts – Content
• T
 eacher gives a ‘guided tour’ of the task
– Process • U
 se open-ended tasks that require
independent application of the learning
• P
 rovide examples of completed product – Process
through a visual representation or model
– Product • U
 se products that integrate multiple
representations – Product

Clarifying Connecting
Can I make the expectations more Are there possibilities for authentic
explicit? real world connections to the
• Direct students to resources – Content
• U
 se authentic sources of data and other
• E xplicit step-by-step instructions describing primary sources of information – Content
the task – Process
• Use authentic problems to solve – Process
• E xpected product; visual representation or
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

model – Product • U
 se authentic audiences to communicate and
collaborate with – Product

Engaging (Refer to Personalised Learning Plan) Engaging (Refer to Personalised Learning Plan)
Can I tap into student strength Can I tap into student strength
/interests? /interests?
• P
 rovide opportunities for student input/voice • P
 rovide opportunities for student input/voice
in shaping the task and/or the product in shaping the task and/or the product
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
Practice G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l

Practical examples Templates

To expand student learning, the teacher
prepares cards with general statements about
causation at a range of levels of complexity.
Examples include ‘events always have a cause’,
‘a cause always happens before an event’,
Templates ‘everybody always agrees about the causes of
te Good Video Tool Good Practice
things’, ‘if it happened a long time before the
Practice Using mental computation strategies
(Video 5m 24s) event it can’t be a cause’, ‘some causes are
more important than others’ and ‘some causes
The teacher uses a routine of tuning in, explicit are accidental, others are planned’. They ask
teaching, development activities, and reflection. students to discuss these statements and sort
Good Practice
The lesson focuses on mental computation Video the cards into three piles; ‘True’, ‘False’, ‘Unsure’.
skills and developing automaticity. The teacher
also supports students to describe and justify The task is done in groups of similar ability. Some
their own approaches to complex mathematical groups are offered more basic cards as a starting
problems. Students are provided with point whereas others begin with the more
Video foundational or more challenging tasks, and are complex statements. Students are encouraged
allowed to select activities based on their level Tool
to talk about their choices and a whole class
of confidence. At the end of the lesson students discussion occurs at the end. The discussion
reflect on how they will apply their learning leads into a more detailed look at the events
outside the classroom. leading up to World War 1.
Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
Template Good Video Tool
An example of scaffolding and
extending a cooking task
In planning for a senior secondary Food
Cooking and Nutrition Level 2 class, the
Template Good Video Tool teacher accommodates the needs of students
An example of how to introduce
difficult concepts in a Year 9 with special needs and English as an Additional
history class Language or Dialect (EAL/D), in addition to
students who are also studying a range of pre-
Students bring different abilities to the tertiary subjects.
classroom. To cater for the full range of ability in
their class, a Year 9 history teacher designs tasks Whilst covering the content and skills
that have different entry points. For their study required, the teacher prepares recipes with
of World War 1, they begin a discussion of the differentiated levels of visual cues such as
causes of the war with a general discussion of graphical representations of the foods or
the concept of ‘cause and effect’. relevant measuring tools to support students’
understanding of the ingredients and method.
The teacher scaffolds the learning by asking Vocabulary for the names of various ingredients
students to discuss scenarios where ‘cause and is supported by having laminated labels for all
effect’ is either direct and explicit or more subtle of the necessary ingredients prepared prior
and implied. Examples include ‘billiard balls to class starting. YouTube demonstrations of
hitting one another’, ‘earthquakes occurring at recipes are played on wireless tablets when
sea’, ‘students forming gangs in the playground’, available to enable students to follow the online
‘friends being dragged into feuds’ and ‘butterflies demonstrations at their own pace. The teacher
flapping their wings in South America’. has also created some of their own videos of
Students with stronger language and cooking
skills are extended by through tasks with
additional skill demands (e.g. devising and
implementing a plan to prepare two recipes
within the same lesson) and explaining the
process for the additional recipe to the class.
Good Practice
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 27



Template Good Video Tool

Practice adjustments flowchart

Physical, social and intellectual
development and characteristics


• Use the Australian Curriculum

learning area content at the
student's school year level.
• Consider where the student is
up to in their learning – can they
work towards the year level
achievement standards.
Adjust teaching Adjust environment
• What are their talents, passions
strategies • Support personnel.
and aspirations?
• Concrete examples, • Technology and
modelling and pre- augmentative and
prepared scripts. assistive technological
• Practical tasks or devices.
authentic (real-world) • Select the curriculum content • Alternative furnishings
experiences. from a year level that the and equipment.
• Guided practice, peer to student is able to access. • Proximity to the front
peer instruction, and and/or of the room.
gradual release of • Select elements of the general • Reinforcement through
responsibility. capabilities to match the visual prompts and
• Explicit teaching. student's learning needs. aides.
• Collaborative learning. and/or • Scaffolds and supports
• Interest based learning • Adjust the teaching strategy. on classroom walls.
activities. and/or • On-line and virtual
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

• Provide alternative • Adjust the environment. learning opportunities.

representations of • Organisational supports
material – multimedia, and room layout to
simplified or tailored promote ease of access.
• Provide opportunities to • Monitor and assess the
transfer the learning to student’sprogress in relation
different contexts. to the:
• Provide multi-sensory ~ relevant F-10
approaches. achievement standard
• Positive behaviour ~ individual learning goals
support. ~ school requirements.

Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l


A key principle of differentiation is that it Differentiating the learning task may mean that
removes barriers and limitations to learning. a range of different products are generated.
This must also apply when it comes to enabling The evidence of learning demonstrated in the
students to demonstrate what they really know, product should align with the learning goals for
understand and can do, through the products the unit and those identified in each student’s
they create. A lack of skill with a tool or genre learning plan.
such as a hand written essay, can mask the true
level of understanding a student has developed. For example, if the learning goal relates to
creating a text that uses a range of persuasive
For formative assessment purposes, alternatives devices, a simple product may require just the
may need to be considered to gain accurate choice of appropriate illustrations and words. A
insight into their learning progress. more complex product for the same learning
goal could require the inclusion of persuasive
Tasks that are differentiated to take account of elements such as page layout, font size, colour,
each student’s needs, strengths and interests icons and sound.
may result in a range of different artefacts being
produced. Technology now provides a range of free or
reasonably priced and easily accessible digital
When designing tasks and their associated tools for students. These range from digital
products teachers can consider: mind mapping tools, to multimedia authoring
tools, to digital art and design tools. More and
• A common learning task may be more schools are encouraging students to bring
differentiated just in the products created and use their own technology devices to use
through the learning. at school. Responsibility for the knowledge of
• A student’s level of skill with tools used to how those tools operate has shifted from the
communicate their learning needs to be teacher to the students, providing authentic
taken into account. opportunities for students and their teachers to
• Technology tools can be powerful enablers learn with, and from one another, and to utilise
for differentiating the products that result skills they may have gained outside school.
from learning tasks.
Digital products also lend themselves to sharing
• Providing choice and flexibility in the tool with a broader audience than just the teacher or
used to create products of learning allows others within the school. Through the internet,
students a voice in their learning. there are opportunities for students to create
As they engage with learning tasks, students products for ‘real’ audiences addressing authentic
produce artefacts or products that help to issues, which can add a very engaging and
demonstrate where they are up to in their motivating dimension to a task.
learning. These artefacts can include paper- Students will vary in their level of skill with the
based products, digital products, 3-D products tools that are used to create learning products.
or performances. They may result from tasks Providing students with choice and support can
designed for summative assessment purposes, give teachers more accurate insight into the
or from formative tasks designed to inform both nature and level of each student’s understanding
teachers and students about how learning is when lack of skill with a particular tool does
progressing and what the next steps need to be. not get in the way. It can enhance the level of
student ownership over their learning and is
likely to increase the level of motivation and
engagement with the task.
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 29

ICT in everyday learning: Possible products and performances

a toolkit for teachers Student products and performances should be
framed by the identified learning goals and an
intended audience.

Written Oral Visual

advertisement debate cartoon

This collection of practical examples illustrates

how pedagogy, content and technology can blog dramatisation collage
be successfully integrated in order to promote
editorial interview flow chart
The toolkit draws on the TPACK framework
with a focus on technological (T), pedagogical
(P) and content knowledge (CK) needed for a historical oral game
teacher to be effective in a technology enhanced fiction presentation
classroom. It illustrates the kinds of professional letter podcast mind map/
knowledge that facilitates teaching and learning in concept map
the 21st Century. magazine puppet show model
It contains a collection of model learning article
activities across F-10 Australian Curriculum: newspaper radio script slideshow
English, Mathematics, Science and History that article
cater for a broad range of abilities.
play rap photograph
It also includes tutorials for many of the tools
position speech video
Note: the site should be accessed by logging in paper
to the Scootle portal and searching for “ICT in web site teach a lesson
everyday learning”. Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
Good Practice
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
Good Practice G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l





Practical examples
Template Good Video Tool selection
An example
Practice of how tool
Template Good Video Tool can support student needs
An example of how different
Practice Templates A student with limitations to their short-term
task expectations are reflected memory processing capacity struggles to write
in different products their thoughts using a pen and paper because
A Year 5 teacher is designing an assessment task this task requires them to simultaneously attend
for a unit on nutrition to gauge each student’s to pencil hold, letter formation, word selection,
understanding of the benefits of healthy eating spelling and grammar.
Good Practice
and the consequences of an unhealthy diet.
Some students in the class are learning English Providing this student with the option of using a
as an additional language and their language computer using software packages such as Clicker
proficiency is still developing. or Dragon Naturally Speaking as their writing tool
Video or using a digital recording device such as an
Other students in the class have a very advanced iPad, can release them from attending to some
understanding of the use of key vocabulary, of those things. This frees up their cognitive
sentence structure and page layout. The teacher capacity to focus more on what they want to say.
differentiates the core task of creating an
information text about healthy diet by changing Tool When the act of handwriting is not a focus for
the product, audience and language expectations the learning, these tools are far more effective
for these two groups. and equitable in supporting this student to
communicate their learning. The student’s
The EAL/D students are asked to produce a classroom teacher considers this when planning
picture book with simple text and appropriate learning task products.
images about healthy eating for Year 1 students
in the school. The students requiring extension
are asked to create either a detailed brochure or
an online page about healthy eating that includes
FAQs. It will be used at the local medical centre Template Good Video Tool
where the audience is teenagers and adults. An example of differentiating
All students have the opportunity to gain extra A student with autism spectrum disorder who
credit by demonstrating creativity in the way is resistant to writing is studying VET Certificate
their text attracts the attention of the audience. I in Hospitality. Their teacher has planned to
They are invited to select the tool they use to accommodate the student’s needs by articulating
create their text. in the Training and Assessment Strategy that
they will be provided with opportunities,
including oral testing, to assess their knowledge
in units which would usually be covered in the
class workbook. The VET Co-ordinator records
the testing in an audio file for audit purposes.
Good D T E AC H I N G :
Practice Differentiated Classroom Practice – Lea rning for All 31


Differentiated teaching is both pro-active and

responsive. It involves planning ahead to optimise
Practical examples
the conditions for learning, as well as being
reflective and responding thoughtfully to the
‘lived experience’ of classroom teaching and
learning. Template
Templates Good Video Tool
Promoting student responsibility
There are many aspects of the learning (Video 4m 32s)
environment that can either facilitate or inhibit
learning for students. These can be consciously The teacher uses strategies developed from a
workshop by boys’ education expert Ian Lilico.
adjusted by the teacher to meet the particular
Good Practice He creates a positive learning environment by
needs of a group of students. They include utilising a ‘community circle’ where his students
physical, social, aesthetic and organisational take responsibility for their own learning and
aspects of the learning environment. behavior management by giving each other
feedback on their achievements and attitude.
A teacher who is using the learning environment
Collaboration is encouraged in the students and
to support differentiated classroom learning
Video a strong emphasis is placed on communication.
attends to a range of things which might include: Within the school, the teacher uses his
• Physical provisions that enable access to knowledge and experience to lead colleagues in
regular meetings that plan and evaluate units of
resources and facilitate a range of ways for
work based on their knowledge and experience
students to work, collaborate and socialise.
Tool of how boys learn.
• Classroom routines that minimise disruption Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
and maximise time on task.
• Strategies that accommodate flexible standards-for-teachers/illustrations-of-practice/
groupings. detail?id=IOP00251
• Use of wall space for posters and other
materials that scaffold learning.
• Strategies for organising work materials
and learning resources that build student
independence and self-management. Template Good Video Tool
Practice Creating routines
• Expectations that create a safe context (Video 4m 19s)
for learning from mistakes and striving for The teacher demonstrates how she establishes
excellence. and maintains orderly routines in the classroom
• A culture that welcomes and learns from and effectively communicates to support student
cultural diversity and builds respect. understanding and participation. Within a
• Responsibility for learning is viewed as being class with an English literacy focus, the teacher
shared by all including teachers, students, demonstrates through a series of group activities
how effective learning behaviours can be
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning

support staff, parents and carers.

enhanced through positive reinforcement, the
• Considering how transferring learning outside use of clear signals to gain students’ attention,
the classroom environment might enhance the establishment of defined roles and tasks,
student learning. controlled questioning, the modelling of positive
• Considering ways that online and virtual behaviours, and the in-depth explanation of these
environments might contribute to learning. to students.
Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice
Practice Good Practice
Differentiation strategies for personalising learning
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l




te Good Video Tool Template Good Video Tool

Creative problem solving (Video 5m 05s) An example
Practice of an healthy
Practical subjects require a range of flexible classroom environment
Good Practice management strategies to cope with Templates A Year 6 teacher sets out to establish a classroom
students working on individual projects. The environment to support differentiated learning.
teacher describes some of the approaches that The classroom is organised for flexibility and to
she has developed to respond to situations encourage independence in how students manage
where her students may be separately engaged their own learning. There is space for students to
Video in research, folio preparation, arts making and engage in a variety of activities, both independently
group activities. She demonstrates how she Good Practice
and in groups. Students are encouraged to use a
balances the need for individual and group range of print and digital resources, supported by
activity work with whole class feedback and/or a classroom library and well organised class page
demonstration. In working with colleagues, she on the school intranet. They take responsibility for
emphasises the need to ensure that the content
Tool Video their own learning and contribute to that of their
and strategies used are engaging and flexible.
peers using collaborative resources such as the
Source: AITSL Illustrations of practice interactive whiteboard.
standards-for-teachers/illustrations-of-practice/ The focus for the teacher is to create and facilitate
detail?id=IOP00191 a range of learning tasks at different levels of
demand for their students that cater to their
individual needs. Students are given choices
about how they demonstrate their learning.
All students feel valued and value their peers
Template Good Video Tool and their teacher.
An example of establishing
a classroom culture
In the first two weeks of Term 1, a high school
English teacher makes a point of planning
to understand their students. They aim to Template Good Video Tool
prepare learning experiences that are pitched An example of working
appropriately to each student’s readiness, together as a school
interests and learning profiles. The teacher The school leadership team at a high school have
spends time to gather data using the Student come together to discuss and plan for renewed
Support System. They look through each whole school approaches to School-Wide Positive
student’s academic data, previous reports, Behaviour Support (SWPBS).
attendance data and the anecdotal comments
recorded by previous teachers. In recent times, a small proportion of students
across year levels are finding it difficult to engage
For students with Personalised Learning Plans, in their work. They are acting up and being a
the teacher spends time reviewing each student’s disruptive influence throughout any given day.
background, strengths, interests and needs. The team look through the well-being and
They note the scaffolds and adjustments that behaviour data to pinpoint the frequency and
work well for the student. severity of incidents and begin planning proactive
measures. Using supports such as Respectful schools
The teacher is aware that several students are and workplaces and Respectful Schools Respectful
at risk of academic failure as they are not able to Behaviour, they engage the staff and the community
read independently. If the right levels of support to develop a whole school approach to respectful
are not provided to these students they will not behaviour that acknowledges the core values they
be able to access the key learning area concepts. wish to promote as a school.

When establishing their classroom culture the After explicit teaching, modelling and rewards
for students who enact these values, staff, report
core message is that students will be given
a decrease in behavioural incidents over time.
challenges and opportunities to explore their There is a corresponding shift in engagement
interests. Effort is highly prized and mutual and more positive learning outcomes for students.
respect and support are encouraged.
G O O D T E AC H I N G : D i f f e r e n t i a t e d C l a s s r o o m P r a c t i c e – L e a r n i n g f o r A l l 33


Australian Institute for Teaching and School

Leadership 2011, Australian professional standards for
teachers, Australian Institute for Teaching and School
Leadership, Melbourne, viewed 18 February 2014,
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting
Authority 2014. Student diversity, viewed 18 February
2014, <
Department of Education, Employment and
Workplace, 2013, National School Improvement Tool,
viewed 6 February 2014, <
Department of Education 2013, Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers – Tasmania,
viewed 14 February 2014 <
Fogarty, R and Brian, P 2005, How to differentiate
learning: curriculum, instruction, assessment, Hawker
Brownlow, Victoria, pp.18-30.
Kaplan, S. 2006, Depth and complexity tools, viewed
18 February 2014, <https://exploredifferentiation.
KAPLA.pdf >
Masters, G. 2011, Improving educational outcomes
in the Northern Territory, viewed 18 February 2014,
Ryan, T. 2013, Thinkers Keys: A powerful program for
teaching the world to think, viewed 18 February 2014,
Student Success 2007, DI video clip library, viewed 18
February 2014, <
divideoclips.html >
Tomlinson, C.A. 2012, Reach Every Learner Every Day
Through Differentiated Instruction, viewed 18 February
2014, < >.
Tomlinson, C.A. and Imbeau, M.B. 2010, A
Differentiated Classroom, ASCD, Alexandria, VA.
Tomlinson, CA, and Javius EL 2012, ‘Teach Up for
Excellence’, Educational Leadership, vol. 69, no. 5,
viewed 18 February 2014, <
num05/Teach-Up-for-Excellence.aspx >
Tomlinson, C.A and McTighe, J 2006, Integrating
differentiated instruction and understanding by design,
Hawker Brownlow Education, Victoria, pp. 162-165.
University of Queensland 2012, About flipped classrooms,
viewed 18 February 2014, <
tediteach/flipped-classroom/what-is-fc.html >.

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