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Exemplar TLE 10

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DAILY School Binagbag National High Grade 10

LESSON School Level

Teacher MARCELA C. GARCIA Learning Cookery
Teaching Date Week 1 Quarter 1
and Time

Monday - Friday
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:
1. Recognize tools, utensils, and equipment needed in preparing egg
2. Distinguish egg’s components, its nutritive value
3. Perform mise en place
4. Value the importance of nutritive value of an egg
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of core concepts and
principles in cookery.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the
TESDA Training Regulation.
C. Learning Competencies LO 1. Perform mise en place
or objectives
1.1. clean, sanitize, and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment needed
in preparing egg dished
1.2. identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value
1.3. identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes
D. Most Essential Learning LO 1. Perform mise en place
Competencies (MELC) 1. Identify and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment needed in
preparing egg dished
(If available write the
2. identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value
indicated MELC)
E. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Perform Mise ‘en Place (Egg Dishes)
A. REFERENCES Cookery Learning Module

a.Teacher’s Guide Pages Cookery 10, pp24-26, CG in TLE p. 16, MELCS TLE Cookery 10 p.
b. Learner’s Material Pages Cookery 10 Module 2, pp 39-49
c. Textbook Pages Learning and Living in the 21st century Cookery 10, pp 1-19
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the Perform Mise ‘en Place. The scope of this module permits it
to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you
are now using.

The module covers the lesson namely:

Learning Outcome 1: Perform Mise ‘en Place (Egg Dishes)

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify an egg’s components and its nutritive value;
2. identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes;


As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper on

your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic.

Activity #1 Pre-Test:
Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which
corresponds to the correct answer. Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper
_____1. It is a miniature Bain Marie with an upper dish containing
indentations each sized to hold an egg or contains separate device for
A. Egg Poacher C. Frying pan
B. Double boiler D. Omelet pan
_____2. It is the egg ‘s outer covering which accounts for about 9 to 12 % of
its total weight depending on egg size.
A. Chalaza C. Shell
B. Germinal disc D. Yolk
_____3. This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to the center
of the yolk.
A. Chalaza C. Shell
B. Germinal disc D. Yolk
_____4. It is the yellow to yellow - orange portion which makes up to about
33% of the liquid weight of the egg.
A. Chalaza C. Shell
B. Germinal disc D. Yolk
_____5. It is used for turning and lifting eggs, pan cakes and meats on
griddles, grills, sheet pans, and the likes and used to scrape and clean
A. Measuring spoon C. Rubber scraper
B. Offset spatula D. Wooden spoon
_____6. Which of the following vitamins is found in eggs?
A. B1. B. D C. C D. K
_____7. Quality fresh egg can be selected in terms of:
A. size B. grading C. size and grading D. none of these
_____8. How can identify if the egg you bought is in good quality?
A. the shell is clean, unbroken
B. the shell is dirty.
C. the egg white is watery
D. the egg yolk has embryonic development
______9. It is a kitchen implement that is used for keeping foods away from
A. Blender B. Oven C. Range D. Refrigerator
______10. This kitchen device has loops of stainless and steel wire that is
fastened to the handle which is used for blending and mixing gravies.
A. Blender B. Spatula C. Wire whisk D. Wooden spoon
______11. It is a process of removing visible dirt from a surface.
A. Cleaning B. Sanitizing
C. Washing D. Cleaning and sanitizing
4. In manual dishwashing, rinsing is the ___step to do.
A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th
______12. The process of washing and sanitizing dishes, glassware,
flatware, and pots and pans either manually or mechanically.
A. Chemical washing B. Dish washing
C. Mechanical washing D. Ware washing
B. Development WHATS IN
Learners are going to discover the following tools, utensils and
equipment needed in assembling egg.
In the preparation of egg dishes, the first consideration is to
identify the needed tools and equipment and how to clean and sanitize
them after each use.
After knowing the needed tools and equipment needed in the
preparation of egg dishes and on how to clean and sanitize them after each
use, the next consideration is to know what makes up an egg and appreciate
other things about egg.
Kitchen Food Cookery Chef Restaurant Menu

Activity #1 “Look in the box”

Directions: Identify your answer by choosing the word in a box that

Activity #2 “Find Me”

Directions: Answer the following questions below by finding the correct
answer in the circle. Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper

Air cell
Germinal disc

1. How much is the percentage of the egg’s exterior surface?

2. What is the vacant space between the white and the shell?
3. This is the entry or the passage directing to the center of the yolk.


After all the questions have answered, it is time to gain new learning.
Ready, set, and learn!

Activity #1 “Circle me out”

Direction: Choose which tool, utensil, equipment appropriates for preparing
egg. Copy the words in the box to your activity notebook and encircle your
Zester Egg poacher Refrigerator Mixing bowl Colander Activity #2 “What
composes me?”
Bread knife Tong Kettle Cabinet Shear Spatula
Directions: Label the parts
of an egg. Do this on your
Funnel Measuring cup Sauce pan
notebook/sheet of paper

Activity#3 “Say something”

Direction: Analyze the picture below and answer the guide questions given.
Guide questions
1. How will you describe the egg in the picture?
2. What nutritional value can you get from egg?
3. Have tried cooking egg dishes? What egg dishes did you prepare?
4. In selecting quality fresh, why do you need to consider the size and grade
of an egg as one of the ingredients of our dish?


Tools, Utensils and Equipment Required in Egg Assembling

Tool- any physical item that is used to achieve a goal but is not
consumed during the process
-it can also be used to describe a specific procedure with a specific
purpose as well.
Equipment - represents all sorts of machinery, functional devices or
accessories which serve an individual, household or a community
- a set of tools that are designated for a specific task is known as
Utensils- implements, vessels or instruments used in a household and
especially a kitchen. Unlike tools, utensils serve a specific purpose in
the kitchen.

Kitchen Implements/Utensils
1. Channel knife – a small hand implement used normally in garnishing
2. Colander – a dish with hole of varying sizes which is made of stainless
steel, plastic or aluminum used to drain liquid from the washed vegetables
and fruits.
3. Offset-spatula – a wide bladed tool used to turn and lifting eggs from a
hot surface.
4. Pastry brush – a small tool used to stroke the surface of unbaked pastries
or cookies egg white egg yolk or glaze.
5. Rubber spatula or scraper – a wide elastic plastic or rubber scraper used to
rake the content of bowls and pans from the edges and fold beaten eggs in
batter or whipped cream.
6. Sieve – netting type supported by a round metal frame used for straining
dry ingredients like flour and starches.
7. Spoons – a slotted and perforated used for holding, mixing, stirring and
serving of foods.
8. Wire whip or whisk – an implement with loop of stainless wire lock to a
handle that is used for blending, mixing, whipping eggs or batter and for
blending gravies and sauces.

Kitchen Tools
1. Egg poacher – a tiny Bain Marie with a top dish bowl containing pit, each
sized to hold an egg or contains detached device for poaching.
2. Omelette pan – a heavy based frying pan normally of cast iron or copper,
with rounded sloping sides used only for making omelettes.
3. Measuring cup – used to estimate liquid or solid ingredients.
4. Measuring spoon – used to estimate an amount of ingredients either liquid
or solid.
5. Sauce pan – essentially used for cooking sauce.
6. Mixing bowl – this container is used for mixing the ingredients with
smooth rounded interior surface.

Kitchen Equipment
1. Oven – a room or compartment used for baking, heating or other cooking
2. Electric mixer – A hand held mixer which generally comes with different
attachments including a whisk attachment for whisking cream, egg whites
and sugar.
3. Refrigerator – A kitchen appliance that is used for preventing bacterial
Cleaning and Sanitizing Tools and Equipment
Cleaning and sanitizing is the essential to do when preparing all
equipment that are needed in assembling egg dishes and in maintaining the
workplace organized and bacteria free.
Here are some tips to carry your workplace training:
1. Clean in logical order
2. Different cleaning jobs needs different procedures so that it will not
cause any damage to the surface or to yourself.
3. Plenty of cleaning agents are damaging. Especially if it will contact
with your skin or accidentally inhale the chemical.
4. Avoid mixing the cleaning agent with other chemical it could be very
dangerous because it produces toxic fumes.

Ware Washing
Ware washing is the process of washing and sanitizing dishes, glassware,
flatware, and pots and pans either manually or mechanically.
Types of Ware Washing
Manual Dishwashing
1. Scratch and pre-rinse - the purpose of this procedure is to loosen
whatever that sticks to the tools or equipment.
2. Wash - use warm water at 110°F to 120°F and a good detergent for easier
3. Rinse - use clean warm water to wash off detergent. Change water
regularly or a running water.
4. Sanitize - position the kitchen tools in a rack and submerged it in hot
water at 170°F for 30 seconds.
5. Drain and air-dry - do not towel-dry. This may cause contamination to
the kitchen tools.

Mechanical Dishwashing
The procedure in washing dishes using a machine.
1. Scratch and pre-rinse
2. Stand dishes so that the dishwasher spray will hit all surfaces.
3. Run machine for a full rotation.
4. Place the sanitizing temperature at 180°F for machine that sanitizes by
heat and at 140°F for machine that sanitizes by chemical antiseptic.
5. Air-dry and check the dishes


We normally distinguish 3parts of an egg, the shell, the egg white, and the
egg yolk, but a closer scrutiny reveals more detailed components of an egg.

1. Shell- The egg‘s outer covering, the shell, accounts for about 9 to 12 %
of its total weight depending on egg size.
2. Air cell- This is the empty space between the white and shell at the large
end of the egg which is barely existent in newly laid egg. When an egg is
first laid, it is warm. As it cools, the contents contract and the inner shell
membrane separate from the outer shell membrane to form the air cell.
3. Albumen/Egg white- Albumen, also called egg white, accounts for most
of an egg‘s liquid weight, about 67%.
4. Chalaza- This is the ropey strands of egg white at both sides of the egg,
which anchor the yolk in place in the center of the thick white.
5. Germinal Disc- This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to
the center of the yolk.
6. Membranes- There are two kinds of membranes, one just under the shell
and the other covering the yolk. These are the shell membrane and the
vitelline membrane. Just inside the shell are two shell membranes, inner and
7. Yolk- the yellow to yellow- orange portion makes up about33% of the
liquid weight of the egg


Egg is indeed one of nature‘s complete food. It contains high quality
protein with all the essential amino acids, all the vitamins except vitamin C,
and many minerals.
One large egg has varying amounts of 13 essential vitamins and minerals,
high-quality protein, all for 70 calories.
While egg whites contain some of the eggs’ high-quality protein,
riboflavin and selenium, the majority of an egg’s nutrient package is found
in the yolk.
One egg has only 75 calories but 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5
grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, along with iron, vitamins,
minerals, and carotenoids. The egg is a powerhouse of disease-fighting
nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin.
Egg is known to be the absolute food. It contains high quality protein
with all necessary amino acids, all the vitamins besides vitamin C, and many
minerals. Other than mother’s milk, egg produces best protein naturally
available. Egg protein is frequently used as the recommended biological
values of their proteins.
1. Egg contains high quality or complete protein with essential amino acids.
2. Source of Energy – large supplies 75 calories
3. Vitamins
Vitamin A Vitamin D
Vitamin B- Complex Vitamin E
4. Minerals
Folate – important for the prevention of birth defects and heart disease for
the elderly
5. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
6. Lutein – reduces cataracts


Nutrient (Unit) Whole Egg White Egg Yolk

Calories (kcal) 72 17 55

Protein (6) 6.3 3.6 2.7

Carbohydrate (g) 0.36 0.24 0.61

Total fat (g) 4.8 0.06 4.5

Monounsaturated fat 1.8 0 2


Polyunsaturated fat (g) 1 0 0.72

Saturated fat 1.6 0 1.6

Trans fat (g) 0.02 0 0.02

Cholesterol (mg) 186 0 184

Choline (g) 126 0.4 116

Riboflavin (mg) 0.2 0.15 0.09

Vitamin B12 (mcg) 0.45 0.03 0.33

Folate (mcg) 24 1 25

Vitamin D (IU) 41 0 37

Vitamin A (IU) 270 0 245

Vitamin B 6 (mg) 0.09 0 0.06

Thiamin (mg) 0.02 0 0.03

Vitamin E (mg) 0.5 0 0.44

Selenium (mcg) 15.4 6.6 9.5

Phosphorous (mg) 99 5 66

Iron (mg) 0.88 0.03 0.46

Zinc (mg) 0.65 0.01 0.39

Calcium (mg) 28 2 22

Sodium (mg) 71 55 8

Potassium (mg) 69 54 19

Magnesium (mg) 6 4 1

Egg quality has two general components: shell quality (exterior quality)
and interior egg quality.

Grading is a form of quality control used to classify eggs for exterior and
interior quality. In the Philippines, the grade designations are A, B, C, and
1. Exterior Quality –shell quality based on shell cleanliness, shell
soundness, shell texture, shell shape.
2. Interior Quality- based on the relative viscosity of the albumen
freedom from foreign matters in the albumen, shape and firmness of
the yolk and freedom from yolk defects.


The egg sizes are Jumbo, Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and
Peewee. Medium, Large, and Extra Large are the sizes commonly available.

Size Jumb Extra Large Mediu Small Peewe

o Large m e

Weight of 840 756 672 588 504 420

12 eggs
in grams

Average 70 63 56 49 42 35
per egg
in grams

Characteristics of fresh Eggs

1. The shell is white, thick, and rough
2. The air cell is regular.
3. The egg white is clear, firm and thick.
4. It sinks when placed in water.
5. The yolk is round, firm, well-centered and free from defects.

C. Engagement WHATS MORE

Are you learning? Let us now check your understanding.
Activity #1 “Can you draw me?”
Direction: Draw and label the anatomy of the egg, you may draw it in a
clean sheet of paper or bond paper.
Your output will be rated using the rubrics below:
Content fair Good Very good
5 10 15

Knowledge Learner can Learner can Leaner can

convey limited convey several
convey a few
Ideas on ideas on
anatomy of the anatomy of the
egg on anatomy of egg with very
the egg with good degree of
with little
some degree knowledge
of knowledge

Accuracy Work was work was Work was

organized and organized and organized and
planned with planned with planned with
little some appropriate
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness.

Effort Learner put Learner put Learner exert

little or no some effort full effort into
effort on this into this this activity.
activity activity

Activity #2 “Nutrient Word Search”

Direction: Circle the names of the nutritive value of an egg from the word
list in the letter grid below. To find them all you will have to in every
direction including backward and diagonal. Do this on your notebook/sheet
of paper Good Luck!
Activity #3 “Think And Write”
Direction: Identify the size of an egg and select your answer inside the box.
Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper

Activity #4 “Situational Analysis”

Edna is cooking eggs for breakfast. How can she choose fresh eggs?
Direction: Put a check (/) to the correct answers and a cross (x) before the
wrong ones.
_____1. Rough shell
_____2. Sink in water
_____3. Dirty shell
_____4. Firm Yolk
_____5. Watery white
Activity #5 “How Much”
Give the nutrients composition of different eggs per 100 grams. You
can browse from the internet or other books
1. Chicken egg
2. Duck egg
3. Quail egg
You did a great job in the previous activities! Now, it is time to process
what you have learned from the lesson.

Activity #1 “Look for me”

Instruction: Look for at least 10 tools, utensils and equipment that is found
in your kitchen.

With cell phone- document yourself in identifying the tools, utensils and
equipment with you, and state the use/function of each tools that you are
With smart phone (score will be based on how the learner demonstrate on
her video presentation).

Without cell phone- draw and write on your activity notebook the tools,
utensils and equipment that is found in your kitchen, and give its
For written (score will be based on how the learner described on her written
Activity will be collected upon meeting up with the teacher
Your output will be rated using the rubrics below
Content fair Good Very good
5 10 15
Knowledge Learner can Learner can Leaner can
convey limited convey a few convey several
Ideas on the ideas ideas on
tools/equipment on the tools/equipment
with little tools/equip- with appropriate
knowledge ment with degree of
some degree of knowledge
Accuracy Work was Work was Work was
organized and organized and organized and
planned with planned with planned with
little some appropriate
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness.
Effort Learner put little Learner put Learner exert full
or no effort on some effort effort into this
this activity into this activity.
Activity #2 “Minute To Write It”

Write whether you agree or disagree to the following statements and

justify your answer. Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper
1. Egg is a complete food
2. Egg is composed of the shell, egg white and egg yolk
Your output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:
Score Criteria
10-7 Essay has specific idea that is clearly stated, logically
organized and well-structured displaying a beginning, a
body and a conclusion
6-4 Essay slightly disagrees from the central idea, somewhat
incomplete and non-supportive to the topic, do not logically
follow each other, lacks focus
3-2 Essay central ideas and flow is lost, unable to find specific
supporting details, lacks organization and continuity
1-0 Essay has no central idea or supporting details; no
particular flow was followed

Let us now transfer your learning into real life situation.
Activity #1 “Match Me”
Directions: Copy in your activity notebook and match your answer from
column A to column B. Write your answer before each number. Letters
Activity #2
___ 1. This kitchen device has loops of a. 3rd step “Shoot Me”
stainless which is fastened to the handle, used Direction:
for blending and mixing of gravies. Using your
___ 2. It is a kitchen equipment that is used for b. Cleaning cameras, break
keeping the food from bacterial contamination. an egg, take a
shot and label
___ 3. In manual dishwashing rinsing is the c. Ware washing its parts.Paste
step to do. your work on
your notebook/
___ 4. The process of washing and sanitizing d. Refrigerator sheet of paper.
dishes, glassware, flatware, and pots and pans
Note: please
either manually or mechanically.
make your
___ 5. It is a process of removing visible dirt e. Wire whisk work neat and
from a surface. clean.
f. 4th step Your output
will be rated
using the
scoring rubric below:

Score Criteria
10-7 Take picture, present it very attractively and labeled the ENGAGE IN
parts of the egg right
Activity #1 “Try Me”
6-4 Take picture, present it attractively and labeled the parts of Instruction: Clean and
the egg right sanitize kitchen utensils,
tools and equipment at
3-2 Take picture, present it less attractively and labeled the home. Follow the correct
parts of the egg with few errors procedure in performing
the activity (the learners
1-0 Take picture, present it less attractively and labeled the may just use 1 kitchen
parts of the egg with many errors utensil, 1 kitchen tool
and 1 equipment to be
used as his/her video presentation and written presentation).
Activity will be collected upon meeting up with the teacher.
For those with cell phone;
Document yourself while doing the whole process in cleaning and
sanitizing with audio presentation.
For those leaners who don’t have a smart phone;
Write your whole process in a clean sheet of paper, it must be in a
proper order and avoid erasures.
With cell phone (score will be based on how the learner showed on
his/her video presentation)
Your output will be rated using the rubric below:

Dimensio Highly Skilled Moderatel Unskille No

ns skilled 20 y skilled d 10 attemp
18 points
points 15 points points t
Use of Appropriat Appropriat Appropriat Never No
tools, e selection, e e selects, attempt
equipment preparation selection, prepares
selection, to use
and and use of preparatio and use
materials materials n and use appro- tools/
and use of
(20%) and of
materials priate equip-
tools/equip materials
and materials
ment all and tools/ ment
the time and
equipment ment
most of very often

A. Fix Me
Direction: In your activity notebook/sheet of paper, unlock the following
scrambled words.
1. ELSLH- The egg’s exterior surface which consists the 9 to 12 % of the
eggs total weight.
2. LKYO- This is the yellow to yellow or orange portion which consists the
33% total liquid weight of the egg.
3. BRANMMESE- These Are the shell layer and the vitelline layer.
4. OCASULAHFEIRS- The inner thick white layer of the egg which is
responsible for keeping the yolk in the center.
5. MBLENAU- This is produced from the oviduct (passageway of the
fallopian tube to the ovaries
6. AACHLAZ- This is the ropey strands of egg white at both sides of the
egg, which anchor the yolk in place in the center of the thick white.
7. IAR LELC- This is the empty space between the white and shell at the
large end of the egg which is barely existent in newly laid egg.
B. Matching Type
Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Choose the letter of the
correct and write your answer in your notebook/sheet of paper.

C.True Or False
Direction: Write Letter T If the Statement Is Correct and F It Is
Incorrect. Do this in your notebook/sheet of paper
_____1. The Shell Is White, Thick, And Rough
_____2. The Air Cell Is Irregular.
_____3. Egg Is Rich in Vitamins And Minerals Except Vitamin C.
_____4. The Yolk Is Round, Soft, Well-Centered And Free From
_____5. Good Quality Eggs Can Be Selected In Terms Of Size And

REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________.
I realize that __________________.

Prepared By:
Marcela C. Garcia
Subject Teacher

Noted By:
Imelda C. Altovar
Teacher In Charge
DAILY LESSON School Binagbag National High Grade 10
EXEMPLAR School Level
Teacher MARCELA C. GARCIA Learning Cookery
Teaching Date Week 2-3 Quarter 1
and Time
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:
1. Recognize an egg’s components, its nutritive value
2. identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes;
3. Perform mise en place
4. Value the importance of nutritive value of an egg
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of core concepts and
principles in cookery.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the
TESDA Training Regulation.
C. Learning Competencies LO 2. Prepare and cook egg dishes
or objectives 2.1 identify the market forms of eggs
2.2 explain the uses of eggs in culinary arts
2.3 cook egg dishes in accordance with the prescribed standards


D. Most Essential Learning LO 2. Prepare and cook egg dishes

2.1 identify the market forms of eggs
Competencies (MELC) 2.2 explain the uses of eggs in culinary arts cook egg dishes in
accordance with the prescribed standards
(If available write the
indicated MELC)
E. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Perform Mise ‘en Place (Egg Dishes)
A. REFERENCES Cookery Learning Module

a.Teacher’s Guide Pages Cookery 10, pp 27-35, CG in TLE p. 16 MELCS TLE Cookery 10 p.
b. Learner’s Material Pages Cookery 10 Module 2, pp 64-84
c. Textbook Pages Learning and Living in the 21st century Cookery 10, pp 1-19
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master on Preparing and Cooking Egg Dishes. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.
The module covers the lesson namely:
Learning Outcome 2: Prepare and Cook Egg Dishes
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify and prepare ingredients according to standard recipes;
2. identify the market forms of eggs;
3. explain the uses of eggs in culinary; and
4. cook egg dishes with appropriate taste and seasoned in accordance with
the prescribed standard.


As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper on

your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic.

Activity #1 Pre-Test
A. Fill Me.
Direction: Read the statements carefully and supply the correct word that is
being asked. Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper
1. Eggs cooked out of the shell and dropped into a shallow pan of boiling
water are _______________________.
2. Eggs with shell cooked in simmering water for 3-5 minutes are called
3.The other term used for shirred egg is __________________________.
4.____________________ is the local name for scrambled egg with filling.
5. Eggs are used as _______________________ in baking sponge cake.
B. Choose Me.
Direction: Read and understand the sentence carefully and choose the best
letter of your choice. Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper
_____1. Beaten whole egg or yolk brushed into food items before baking
will give it to a gloss or ______________________.
a. Glazed finished c. Glazed dull
b. Dull finished d. Liquid in suspension finished
_____2. Sliced sieved or chopped hard-boiled egg can be used as ________
a. Decoration c. Thickener
b. Garnishing d. Leavening agent
_____3. Beaten egg yolks will coagulate and hold a liquid in suspension
when heated is called_______________
a. Thickener c. Suspension
b. Glazed d. Garnish
_____4. How many market forms of eggs are available in the market?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
2. One of the effects of eggs being heated is?
a. coagulation of fats c. coagulation of meat
b. coagulation of ligament d. coagulation of protein
_____5. There are five uses of egg one of which is?
a. eggs as emulsifier c. eggs as seasoning
b. eggs as flavor d. eggs as tenderizer
____6. What is the optimum cooking time for eggs in a shell?
a. 15-20 minutes c. 20-25 minutes
b. 15-25 minutes d. 20-30 minutes
_____7. Which foam formation the peaks hold their shape, even when bowl
is being tipped?
a. frothy c. soft foam
b. stiff foam d. soapy foam
B. Development WHAT IS IT
When do you usually cook and eat eggs? Egg is considered a breakfast
food because it is usually served for breakfast. What is your favorite dish?
Have you tried preparing it? Would you like to have a delectable breakfast
made easily and quickly? Below are some tips to enjoy your egg dishes.

Market Forms of Egg

1. Fresh Eggs or shell eggs may be bought individually, by dozen or in tray
of 36
2. Frozen Eggs- are made of high-grade raw eggs. They come in the form of
whole eggs with extra yolks and whites. Frozen eggs are pasteurized and
defrost before use.
3. Dried Eggs- This market form of egg is seldom used. Their whites are
used or preparing frosting. It is used primarily as ingredients in food
industry and are not usually sold directly to consumers.

Eggs are also in several processed forms:

1. volume or fluid whole eggs- (which sometimes involve a percentage of
extra yolks to obtain a mixture), egg whites and egg yolks.
2. Pasteurized (heated to destroy certain organisms) eggs -are used in
preparations such as salad dressings, eggnog, or desserts, These products
normally are available in liquid or frozen form. Products containing egg
yolk usually have salt, sugar or corn syrup added to stop gelation or
increased viscosity (stickiness) during freezing.
3. Dried powdered eggs are also sold and may be useful for some baked
goods or in certain things. For food service use, they are usually sold in 6
oz. pouches, and 3-B, and 25-LB poly packs.

Uses of Eggs in culinary

1. It can be the main protein dish
2. it can be a main or accessory ingredient in dishes from appetizers to
3. It can be cooked by dry heat, moist heat, with or without oil, as simply or
as elaborately as.

Effects of Heat on Eggs

1. Coagulation of proteins: white at 60-65 °C, yolk at 65-70 °C.
 Beyond this temperature, over coagulation takes place and water is
pressed out resulting in a decrease and tougher product.

2. Formation of greenish marks at the interface of the yolk. and white when
white when egg is overcooked.
 Due to the reaction between the iron in the yolk and the hydrogen
sulphide release from the sulphur containing ferrous sulphide.
 Reaction is favoured by
 High cooking temperature
 Prolonged cooking
 Reaction is stopped by instant cooling of the egg (ex. by soaking it
in cold water) after cooking.

Culinary Uses of Egg

1. Cooked and served “as is”.
 In the shell- soft cooked (5 minutes simmering) or hard cooked (15
 Poached-cooked in simmering water; addition of salt and vinegar
hastens coagulation
 Fried -keep low to moderate temperature
 Liquids and acids decrease coagulation point
 Scrambled- addition of sugar delays coagulation
2. Eggs as emulsifier.
 Lecithin and lysolecithin are responsible for the remarkable ability
of the egg yolk to act as an emulsifying agent; both are phosphoproteins
containing polar and non-polar ends such as that the polar end holds
water while the non-polar end holds the fat, thus prevent oil droplets in
suspension from coalescing.
4. As foam
 When egg is beaten albumen is denatured, air is incorporated as
white is stretched into thin films
 With continued beating, the air cells are subdivided, and volume is
 Protein network are used up and stabilizes the gas or air foams
 If only egg whites are used, the color turns white and soft peaks
are formed. The gg proteins collect at the air/liquid interface of the air
bubble and undergo surface denaturation.
 If whole eggs or only egg yolks are used, the color becomes pale
yellow with continued beating; volume is increased, no surface
denaturation occurs.
 With further beating of egg whites, liquid drains out, air bubbles
coalesce and foam breaks
 The same changes occur when the foam can stand too long
Stage in foam formation
frothy – large air bubbles that flow easily
soft foam – air cells are smaller and more numerous; foam becomes
whiter; soft peaks are formed when beater is lifted
stiff foam – peaks hold their shape; when bowl is tipped, it holds, moist
and glossy
dry – moistness and glossiness disappear; dots of egg white are seen.
Factors to be considered in foam formation
- Beating time and temperature; as the time of beating
increases, both volume and stability of the foam
increases initially, then decreases;
- Eggs beaten at room temperature whip better resulting in
bigger volume and finer texture.
- Whole eggs or egg yolk require more beating to produce
a good foam
- Stored eggs foam faster but produce similar volume than
fresh egg.
- Acids (e.g. cream of tartar, 1 t per cup) increase the
stability of foams, but when added too early, delay foam
formation (reduced volume) thus, increases the time
necessary for beating.
- Sugar also increases the stability of foams but delays
foams formation (reduced volume), thus, it should be
added after foaming has started and soft peaks are
formed; sugar slow down the alteration of egg white
- Addition of soda increases stability and volume
- Addition of salt lowers quality of the foam
- Type of egg: duck eggs do not foam well because they
lack ovomucin
- Mixture of egg white by water produces bigger volume
but lesser foam; this produces more tender cakes, but in
frosting, separation of liquid from a gel occurs.
- Applications of foam in cookery
● as expander e.g. in angel cake, sponge cake, chiffon
● as frosting, e.g.
a. soft frosting for topping of cream, chocolate,
or lemon pie, requires a proportion of two
tablespoons sugar per egg white
b. hard frosting for confections, base, fruit pies
or Sans Rival Cake, require a proportion of
¼ cup sugar per egg white
● structural and textural agent – tenderness and
fluffiness to products, e.g. fluffy or foamy, soufflé,
divinity, foam, cakes popovers.

5. As coloring and flavoring agent

Egg Products
 Balut from duck eggs
 Pidan eggs (alkalized eggs)
 Century eggs (eggs that has been preserved for a 100 years)
 Pickled eggs

C. Engagement WHATS MORE

Are you learning? Let us now check your understanding.

Tips for successful egg cookery

1. Use fresh eggs.
2. Cook eggs at low to medium heat.
3. Use eggs that are clean and without cracks.
4. Avoid over cooking eggs with shells because it makes the egg white hard.
5. Peel hard-boiled eggs immediately after required time under cold running
Cooking egg in a shell
1. Hard cooked eggs- place the eggs in a pot. Fill the pot with enough water
to cover the eggs. Bring to boil and immediately lower the heat to a simmer
depending on the size of the egg.
2. Coddled egg- put cold egg into already simmering water and simmer to
30 seconds.
3. Soft- cooked eggs- put cold eggs into already simmering water and
simmer for 3-4 minutes.
4. Medium-cooked eggs- put cold eggs into already simmering water and
simmer for 5=7 minutes.

Cooking eggs out of shell

1. Poached eggs- are prepared by slipping shelled eggs into

barely simmering water and gently cooking until the eggs
holds its shape. The fresher the egg, the more centered the yolk.
Poached Eggs
Makes 10 servings
Tools/Equipment Needed:
Ingredients Needed:
1 gal/3.84L water
1tbsp/15g salt
1 floz. /30ml distilled white vinegar
20 eggs
1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items. Be sure that eggs are chilled
until ready to poach.
2. Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and bring it to a bare
3. Break each egg into a clean cup, and then slide the egg carefully into the
poaching water.
4. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the whites are set and opaque.
5. Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, blot them on
absorbent toweling, and trim the edges if desired.
6. Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use.
2. Fried eggs- call for perfectly fresh eggs, the correct heat
level, and appropriate amount of cooking fat and deft hand.
Maybe served sunny side up, basted, over easy, over medium,
over hard.


3 eggs
¼ cup oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Tools and equipment:
Saute’ pan [preferably non- stick pan], kitchen turner
1. Heat oil to medium heat in a non- stick pan
2. Gently crack the egg in a cup before pouring into the oil
3. Turn the heat to low when the egg white has set
4. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top.
5. Serve hot.

3. Scrambled egg- The eggs can be stirred over low heat for a
soft delicate curd and creamy texture or stirred less frequently
as they cook for larger curd and fir not over cooked
scrambled egg or hold to long. It should be soft and moist.
3 eggs
3T milk
Pinch of salt
1T oil for cooking
Tools and equipment:
Mixing bowl Turner, dish fork or eggbeater, sauté pan, steam kettle or tilting
1. Break the egg in a bowl, add milk, and add salt.
2. Beat the egg until light and fluffy.
3. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan.
4. Reduce the heat then pour the beaten egg into the pan.
5. Lift the thickened portion. Let the uncooked portion flow to bottom.
6. Cook until the mixture is ET.
7. Avoid overcooking.
8. Serve hot.
4. Omelets- the rolled or French-style omelets start out like
scrambled eggs, but when the eggs start to set, they are rolled
over. The American omelet is folded in half. Omelets maybe
filled with cheese, sautéed vegetables or potato, meats and
smoked fish among other things. And are open added just
before an omelet are rolled or folded.

3 eggs
100 g. shrimps, chopped finely
1 onion, minced
3 t. oil
Salt and pepper to taste 19
Tools and equipment:
Mixing bowl, Fork or eggbeater, Sauté pan, Kitchen turner
1. Sauté onion in oil.
2. Add chopped shrimps. Cook for 3 minutes.
3. Season to taste. Set aside.
4. Beat the eggs.
5. Heat oil.
6. Pour the beaten eggs.
7. Pour shrimps’ mixture over the beaten eggs.
8. Fold one side using spatula or turner.
9. Remove from fire.
10. Serve hot.
5. Baked eggs- these are quick and easy to prepare. These
are prepared by breaking the egg in a greased heated custard
cup sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake 15-20 minutes or
until the egg white is set.

Baked Eggs
Baked eggs are also quick and easy to prepare.
1. Place a little butter in a custard cup. Put the cup in 1750C (3500F) oven
until the butter melts.
2. Break an egg into the cup, and sprinkle with salt and pepper, then top the
egg with a little milk.
3. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until the egg white is set.

Activity# 1 “Picture Analysis”

Direction: Name what type of cooking eggs is in the picture. Do this in your
notebook/sheet of paper


Activity #2 “Can you arrange me?”

Directions: Explain briefly. Write your answer in your notebook/sheet of
1. Why does a greenish discoloration appear on a hardboiled egg?
Observe proper use of sentences/grammar and avoid erasures.
Your output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:
Score Criteria
10-7 Essay has specific idea that is clearly stated, logically
organized and well-structured displaying a beginning, a
body and a conclusion
6-4 Essay slightly disagrees from the central idea, somewhat
incomplete and non-supportive to the topic, do not logically
follow each other, lacks focus
3-2 Essay central ideas and flow is lost, unable to find specific
supporting details, lacks organization and continuity
1-0 Essay has no central idea or supporting details; no flow was
Activity #4 “Think of Me”
Direction: Give your ideas of the following questions;
Write your answer in your notebook/sheet of paper.
1. Identify the market forms of eggs.
2. Give 5 uses of egg in culinary arts.
3. Explain why coagulation of protein occurs in eggs?
4. List food items that can be used as filling for egg omelets.

Let us now transfer your learning into real life situation.
Activity #1 “Poach It”
A. Direction: Prepare poached egg individually following the procedures
Tools/Equipment Needed:
Ingredients Needed:
Distilled vinegar
1. Prepare mise‘en place
2. Add 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons distilled vinegar per quart of water if
eggs are not very fresh. This will help to coagulate the egg white faster and
keeps a better shape.
3. Bring water to a simmer.
4. Break eggs one at a time, into a dish or a small plate and slide into the
simmering water.
5. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes, until whites are coagulated but yolks are still soft.
6. Remove eggs from pan with slotted spoon or skimmer.
7. Drain well and trim off ragged edges.
8. Serve immediately.
(To hold for later service, plunge immediately into cold water to stop
cooking. Reheat briefly in hot water at service time).
Your performance will be rated using the scoring rubric below:
Score Criteria
4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking
poached egg and performs the skill very satisfactorily without
supervision and with initiative and adaptability to problem
3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking
poached egg and performs the skill satisfactorily without
assistance or supervision.
2 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking
poached egg with minor errors and performs the skill less
satisfactorily with some assistance and/or supervision.
1 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking
poached egg and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.
Activity #1 “Try Me”
Show what you have learned by preparing and cooking eggs in the given
egg dishes below. You will be rated based on the overall evaluation.

Soft-cooked egg fried egg hard-boiled egg

Rubric for cooking egg properly:

4 Follows correctly the procedure in preparing and cooking egg and

performs the skill very satisfactory without supervision and with
initiative and adaptability to problem situations.
3 Follows correctly the procedure in preparing and cooking egg and
performs the skill satisfactory without assistance or supervisions.
2 Follows correctly the procedure in preparing and cooking egg with
minor errors and performs the skill less satisfactory with some
assistance and or supervisions.
1 Was not able to follow the procedure in preparing and cooking egg
and perform the skill unsatisfactory.


Activity #1 “Post-test”
Multiple choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
your notebook/sheet of paper
_____1. Beaten whole egg or yolk brushed into food items before baking
will give it to a gloss or ______________________.
a. Glazed finished c. Glazed dull
b. Dull finished d. Liquid in suspension finished
_____2. Sliced sieved or chopped hard-boiled egg can be used as ________
a. Decoration c. Thickener
b. Garnishing d. Leavening agent
_____3. Beaten egg yolks will coagulate and hold a liquid in suspension
when heated is called_______________
a. Thickener c. Suspension
b. Glazed d. Garnish
_____4. How many market forms of eggs are available in the market?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
2. One of the effects of eggs being heated is?
a. coagulation of fats c. coagulation of meat
b. coagulation of ligament d. coagulation of protein
_____5. There are five uses of egg one of which is?
a. eggs as emulsifier c. eggs as seasoning
b. eggs as flavor d. eggs as tenderizer
____6. What is the optimum cooking time for eggs in a shell?
a. 15-20 minutes c. 20-25 minutes
b. 15-25 minutes d. 20-30 minutes
_____7. Which foam formation the peaks hold their shape, even when bowl
is being tipped?
a. frothy c. soft foam
b. stiff foam d. soapy foam
B. Direction: Identify the word being referred to. Choose the correct answer
from the listed below.
a. Poached egg g. Scrambled egg
b. Baked egg h. Sunny side up
c. Torta i. Frozen egg
d. Fresh egg j. lutein
e. Designer food k. Functional food
_______ 1. __________ is a substance from egg that helps reduce the risk of
cataracts and macular degeneration.
_______2. Local term for an omelet egg is __________________.
_______3. It is prepared in by slipping shelled egg into barely simmering
water and gently cooking until the egg holds its shape.
_______4. This may be sold in form of bulk, by dozen, by trays in the
_______5. The other name of fried egg.
_______6. When egg have been modified through biotechnology to enhance
their quality value, they are referred to as
_______7. They are pasteurized egg and they have to be thawed before
_______8. Eggs have health benefits beyond its nutritional value. they are
referred to as.
_______9. To prepare eggs by mixing white and yellow parts then stirring
the mixture in a hot pan.
_______10. It is prepared by breaking the egg in a heated a greased custard
cup in 175 C.
REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________.
I realize that __________________.

Prepared By:
Marcela C. Garcia
Subject Teacher

Noted By:
Imelda C. Altovar
Teacher In Charge

DAILY School Binagbag National High Grade 10

LESSON School Level
Teacher MARCELA C. GARCIA Learning Cookery
Teaching Date Week 4 Quarter 1
and Time

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:

1. Identify the Five Basic Elements of Plating.

2. Create your own plating design.
3. Present egg dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable garnishing
and side dishes sequentially within the required time frame
4.Value the importance of plating.
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of core concepts and
principles in cookery.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the
TESDA Training Regulation.
C. Learning Competencies LO 3. Present egg dishes
or objectives 3.1 select suitable plates according to standards
3.2 present egg dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable
garnishing and side dishes sequentially within the required time frame
LO 4. Evaluate the finished product
4.1 rate the finished products using rubrics
D. Most Essential LO 3. Present egg dishes
Learning 3.1 select suitable plates according to standards, present egg
dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable garnishing
Competencies (MELC) and side dishes sequentially within the required time frame
(If available write the LO 4. Evaluate the finished product
indicated MELC) 4.1 rate the finished products using rubrics
E. Enabling
(If available, write the
attached enabling
A. REFERENCES Cookery Learning Module
a.Teacher’s Guide Pages TG in Cookery 10,pp 36-41 MELCS TLE Cookery 10 p. 418
b. Learner’s Material Pages Cookery 10 Module 2, pp 69-81
c. Textbook Pages Learning and Living in the 21st century Cookery 10, pp 21
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW
At the end of this quarter, the student will have a good
understanding about eggs, their functions, and preparation techniques,
qualities of fresh and old eggs, present egg dishes and how to
purchase and store eggs for best quality. In this module the learner
will be able to perform skills by cooking simple egg dishes and
present egg dishes.

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is

here to help you master the nature of Presenting Egg Dishes. The
scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level
of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

3.1 Select suitable plates according to standards

3.2 Present egg dishes hygienically and attractively using suitable
garnishing and side dishes sequentially within the required time


As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper on

your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic.

Activity #1 Pre-Test:
Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which
corresponds to the correct answer. Do this on your notebook/sheet of paper

______1. This is a piece or small amount of food or dish place alongside the
main dish.
a. Garnish b. Carbohydrates c. Side Dish d. Syrups
______2. This is a tableware use to serve the main dish.
a. Appetizer Plate b. Diner Plate c. Dessert Plate d. Salad Bowl
______3. An egg dish done by boiling an egg in a water.
a. Scrambled Egg b. Fried Egg c. Hard Boiled Egg d. Poached Egg
_____4. An egg dish that involves preservation of a duck egg in salt and ash
in a given number of days and then boiled.
a. Hard Boiled Egg b. Salad Egg c. Salted Egg d. Deviled Egg
______5. This are used to decorate or embellish food that brings additional
impact in the presentation of a dish.
a. Dessert b. Garnish c. Main Dish d. Side Dish
______6. The process of arranging and decorating food to enhance its
A. Assembling B. Decorating C. Garnishing D. Plating
______7. _____ is the basis in forms of sketch and design to construct your
ideal plating design.
a. Blueprint b. Concept c. Design d. Framework
______8. _____ is added to a plate to accent or improve the appearance of
the dish.
a. Aromatics b. Flavoring c. Garnish d. Highlight
______9. The _____ of items on the plate must be considered to make it
look natural and appetizing. By mixing and matching the shade will entice
the appetite.
a. Aroma b. Color c. Flavor d. Texture
______10. The basic plating technique is called _______.
a. Box Design b. Clock Design c. Clock Face d. Smiley Face

II. Identify the egg dish shown in the figures below. Write your answer on
your notebook/sheet of paper

1. ____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4.____________

5.___________ 6.____________7._____________8.____________

9. ____________10._____________

In your previous lesson, you’ve already discussed the different market
forms of eggs and its use as an ingredient to prepare different dish. This
time, in our lesson, we are going to develop a skill in presenting egg dishes.
We are going to learn different ways of presenting our egg dish.

Activity #1 “Value Me”

Instruction: Give at least 5 nutritive value of an egg. Write your answer in
your activity notebook/sheet of paper

Activity #2 “It’s all about an Egg”

Instruction: Fill in the table below by writing correct answers. Write your
answer in your activity notebook.

Name of Egg dished Write at least 3 ingredients of each




Activity#1 Coloring is Fun
From around your kitchen, we are going to look for colors. Can you
help me find colorful food in our kitchen that is edible and can be used to
present food for serving?
Direction: Listed below are names of colors, try to find a food it may be
solid or liquid in form that is exactly or as close as the color listed below.
You can also add some if you want.
color food

Guide questions
1. If you are going to present a dish, is it important to use appropriate
tableware? Why? And will this affect the presentation itself?
2. Why is color important in presenting your dish? How will it affect your
3. Is it possible to make a very simple egg dish very appealing to your eyes?

Food Plating
It is an art of orienting and arranging food
items on a plate to be served more appealing and
enticing to your guest. Presentation is one of the
parts in serving food. It should be seen in your
mouth, nose and eyes.
You should present your food in an appealing way.
Factors to Consider in Plating
Plate, Food, and Garnish

The Plate
Consider the right plate size, color, and style. The color of plate matters as
the plate serves as the canvas for your food.
Color me neutral: When plating food, use classic white or earth tones; these
will complement any color of food.

White plates are a traditional color favored by chefs because it makes the

vibrant colors of the food more visually appealing to the guest.
White plates are like a blank canvas that chefs can design without concern
for color clashes from contrasting plate colors.

The Food
If the food already has a complex flavor, it's usually a good idea to avoid
flavorful garnishes which could clash with other ingredients.
If the food itself contains several colors, place the garnish directly on the
plate or bowl. Most garnishes show up well on white tableware, but bright-
colored garnishes may work well on a dark ceramic dish as well. Remember
that the garnish is usually there to accentuate the main dish, not become an
art project unto itself.
Representation of Colors
Green is fresh and cool, and can be soothing
Red is passion and excitement
Black is sophisticated and elegant
Blue is a natural appetite suppressant, since it can make food look

The Garnish
Garnish are used to add appeal, color and make
the dish look more alive. Most of the time, it is
also incorporated in the dish.
Types of Garnish
A lot of different ingredients can be used as garnishing. Let’s look at the
most common types of garnishes used to enhance the look and flavor of a
1. Herbs and Leaves- The most common herbs and leaves used for culinary
in the Philippines is spring onions, celery, moringa (malunngay) and bitter
gourd (ampalaya) leaves. Lots of choices are available as long as it serves its
2. Roots and Greens - You can use radish, onions and other root crops as
your garnish. Greens such as lettuce is also widely used as garnish
3. Edible Flowers - You can also use edible flowers such as dill flowers,
marigold, rose petals, blue nasturtiums and santan
flower. Kalabasa flower is also a very well-known
edible flower.
4. Fruits and Vegetables - Peas, carrots, lemons,
avocados, bananas and other fruits and vegetables
are also popular garnishes.
5. Purees - Fruit puree such as avocado and
mangoes can be used to add color on your dish. You
can choose any puree of your desire
6. Sauces and Syrups - The most used and readily available sauce is tomato
paste or sauce. Some readily available sauces are barbecue sauce and
teriyaki sauce. For desserts and sweats you can use chocolate syrups or
Apart from garnish, side dish is also essential in presenting a dish. A
SIDE DISH is literally a dish placed on the side of main dish; it will serve as
an additional small amount of food that will complement the main dish.
Some common side dishes are salad, vegetables or rice. There will be
unlimited choices for your side dish of your desire.
Brushes Wedges
Plating tongs Spoons
Offset spatula Stacking ring/ mold
Squeeze bottle
Basic Food Placement
The image below shows a classical plating technique that uses the three
basic food items of starch, vegetables and main in a specific arrangement.
A simple guide to a classical plating is to think of the plate as the face of a
Using the clock analogy, this is how you should arrange individual food
o Main: Between 3 to 9 o’clock
o Starch: Between 9 to 11 o’clock
o Vegetables: Between 11 to 3 o’clock
What are the basic principles of plate
Emphasis - The primary ingredient in the dish should take up the most
space on the plate and attract the eye.
Balance - Think about the plate as a whole and avoid weighting one side
heavier than the other.
Contrast: Place contrasting shapes and colors beside each other for visual
Here are some tips that will help you be better when presenting even the
simplest dishes.
Eight Simple Ways to Present Food Like a Chef

Egg dishes are simple and easy to prepare, regardless of this you’ll have
a very plenty amazing ways to prepare it. Here are some different ways of
doing it.
Different Techniques in Presenting Egg Dishes Attractively

Different techniques in presenting egg dishes attractively

1. Scrambled egg and bun on a plate with cereal

2. Boiled eggs on white plate with garnish
3. Scrambled egg with herbs
4. Fried egg with bacon and toasted bread
  Egg in a sandwich
5.  Scrambled egg in Manhattan plate
6.  Hard-boiled egg in different sizes and shapes
7. Devilled eggs
8. Stuffed eggs
9.  Salad eggs
10. Stir-fried eggs
11. Poached egg
12.  Baked eggs
13. Soft-boiled eggs
14.  Hard-boiled Easter egg
15.  Fried egg topping
  Shaped-poached egg
16.  Baked eggs in potato bowl

One of the most important factors in plating is garnishing. Garnish

should be edible and enhance the flavor of the dish and will add additional
impact on the appearance of the dish.

Occupational Health and safety (OHS)

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) a cross- disciplinary area
concerned with protecting and safety, health and welfare of people engaged
in work or employment.
Basic Food Microbiology
Food borne illness is a disease that is carried and transmitted to people by
Food borne infection is a disease that results from eating food containing
harmful microorganisms.
Food borne intoxication is a disease that results from eating food containing
toxins from bacteria, molds or certain plants or animals.

The common causes of outbreaks of food borne illness are:

1. Failure to refrigerate food
2. Failure to heat or cook food
3. Infected workers
4. Foods prepared a day to serve.
5. Raw, contaminated ingredient.
6. Improper clean equipment.
7. Failure to preheat food.
8. Prolonged exposure.
C. Engagement WHATS MORE
Are you learning? Let us now check your understanding.
Activity #1 “Plate In”
Direction. Write down below on the table an egg dishes and its possible
garnishes. Write your answer in your activity notebook/sheet of paper


1. Scrambled Egg 1.
2.Sunny side up 2.
3.Poached egg 3.
4. Boiled egg 4.
5.Omellete 5.
Activity # 2 “Fill me In”
Fill in the blanks below by writing a correct answer. Write your answer in
your activity notebook/sheet of paper

1. ________________ is one of the parts in serving food. It should be

seen in your mouth, nose and eyes.
2. __________________ is a disciplinary area concerned with
protecting and safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work
or employment.
3. ________________ is a disease that is carried and transmitted to
people by food.
4. __________________is a disease that results from eating food
containing toxins from bacteria, molds or certain plants or animals.
5. _________________ is a disease that results from eating food
containing harmful microorganisms.
6. In plating, the meat is placed between _______ o’clock position.
7. ______ are used to add appeal, color and make the dish look more
8. Using a plate that is color _____ will help compliment any color of
9. food.
10. The garnish is usually there to _______ the main dish
Activity # 2 “Lets Enumerate”
Directions: List down the Elements of Plating.
Activity # 2 “Let’s Draw (Creativity)”
Directions: Imagine this plate is your canvas. Draw the kind of plating
you want to do with your egg dish. Draw it in your activity notebook/sheet
of paper
Unleash your Creativity!

Let us now transfer your learning into real life situation.
Activity #1 “Show me the Step”
Directions: Present at least one egg dish. Garnish it attractively and
For those with cell phone, document the whole process while doing the
egg presentation and garnishing with audio presentation you may use
materials or equipment that is available in your kitchen.
For those who don’t have cell phones, write the whole process in your
activity notebook, and draw your finished product.
Your work will be rated based on the rubrics below;
Excellent Satisfactor Satisfactory
(4 pts.) y (2 pts.)
Improvement mpt Direction.
(1 pt.) (0 Points
(3 pts.)
pt.) Earned
A. Prepare a step by step
1. Use of Uses tools Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and No procedure of presenting a
tools and and and equipment equipment atte
equipment equipment equipment correctly but less incorrectly and mpt fried egg dish with rice
correctly and correctly confidently less confidently and chicken hotdog.
confidently at and sometimes most of the time
all times confidently Arrange it accordingly.
most of the
Write your answer in your
2. Manifests Manifests Manifests Manifests less No activity notebook/sheet of
Application very clear clear understanding of understanding of atte paper
of understandin understand the step-by-step the step- by-step mpt
procedures g of the step- ing of the procedure procedure
by-step step- by- but sometimes seeking
procedure step seeks clarification
procedure clarification most of the time B. List all the tools and
ingredients you used.
Works Works Works Works No
independentl independe independently independently atte
y with ease ntly with with ease and but with mpt
and ease and confidence assistance from
confidence at confidence sometimes others most of
all times most of the the time ASSESSMENT
3. Safety Observes Observes Observes safety Not observing No
work habits safety safety precautions safety atte Activity #1 “Post-test”
precautions at
all times
s most of
sometimes precautions most
of the time
mpt Multiple choice
the time Directions: Choose the
letter of the best answer.
4. Final Output is Output is Output is Output is not so No Write the chosen letter on
Output very
presentable and
taste is little
presentable and
taste is not
your notebook/sheet of
and taste and taste below the within the paper.
exceeds the meets the standard. standard.
standard. standard.
5. Time Work Work Work completed Work completed No 1. Which of the following
manageme completed completed ___(mins./hours/ ___(mins./hours/ atte
nt ahead of time within days) beyond days) beyond mpt is the art of presenting
food in an attractive way.
A. garnish B. serving C.plating D.mise en place
2. Which of the following disease that contain toxins from bacteria, molds
or certain plants or animals.
A. food borne bacteria B. food borne illness
C. food borne infection D. food borne intoxication
3. Which of the following disease that is transmitted to people by food.
A. bacteria B. illness C. Infection D. intoxication
4. Which of the following disease contain harmful microorganisms.
A. food borne bacteria B. food borne illness
C. food borne infection D. food borne intoxication
5. A cross- disciplinary area concern protecting the safety, health and
A. OHS B. PPE C. OHPS D. First aid
6. Which is NOT one of the eight simple ways to present food like a chef?
a. set the table properly b. read the clock
c. choose your plates d. garnishing
7. What is your primary consideration when storing eggs?
a. expiration date b. fragility c. quality d. size
8. Which will you consider first when buying eggs?
a. price b. fragility c. quality d. size
9. Which of the following is NOT good OHS Practice?
a. disaster plan
b. first aid kit
c. training and providing relevant information
d. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
10. How to store eggs?
a. store at 45 degrees Farenheit or below
b. store in open container
c. store away from strong odors
d. refrigerates leftovers egg dishes in shallow containers
11. The _____ of items on the plate must be considered to make it look
natural and appetizing. By mixing and matching the shade will entice the
a. Aroma b. Color c. Flavor d. Texture
12. The process of arranging and decorating food to enhance its
a. Assembling b. Decorating
c. Garnishing d. Plating
13. It is the term used to describe distinctive, pervasive, and usually
pleasant or savory smell
a. Aesthetic b. Aroma c. Flavor d. Taste
14. Choosing the best _______ is the most essential item in designing
your framework to highlight the presentation and a canvass for the art
you will present.
a. Accompaniment b. Food c. Garnish d. Plate
15. What are term used to ins leaves or plant part valued for its
medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities
A. Aromatics B. Herbs C. Bushery D. Garnish
16. The basic plating technique is called _______.
a. Box Design c. Clock Face
b. Clock Design d. Smiley Face
17. _____ is added to a plate to accent or improve the appearance of the
a. Aromatics b. Flavoring c. Garnish d. Highlight
18. _____ is the basis in forms of sketch and design to construct you
ideal plating design.
A. Blueprint B. Design C. Concept D. Framework
19. Choosing the best _______ is the most essential item in designing
your framework to highlight the presentation and a canvass for the art
you will present.
a. Accompaniment b. Food c. Garnish d. Plate
20. The process of arranging and decorating food to enhance its
a. Assembling b. Decorating c. Garnishing d. Plating
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________.
I realize that __________________.

Prepared By:
Marcela C. Garcia
Subject Teacher

Noted By:
Imelda C. Altovar
Teacher In Charge
DAILY School Binagbag National High Grade 10
LESSON School Level
Teacher MARCELA C. GARCIA Learning Cookery
Teaching Date Week 6 Quarter 1
and Time

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:
1. identify tools and equipment need in preparing cereals and starch;
2. Perform mise ‘en place;
3. Identify the sources and classification of starch; and
4. Enumerate the nutritional significance of cereals and pasta.

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of core concepts and

principles in cookery.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the
TESDA Training Regulation.
D. Learning Competencies LO1. Perform mise en place
or objectives 1.1. Prepare the tools, equipment, and ingredients based on
prescribed standards
1.2. Determine the sources and kinds of starch and cereals
1.3. Identify the ingredients in the preparation of various types of starch and
cereal dishes
Learning LO 1. Perform mise en place
1.1 identify the ingredients in the preparation of various types of starch and
Competencies (MELC) cereal dishes

(If available write the

indicated MELC)
F. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Perform Mise ‘en Place (Cereals and Starch Dishes)

A. REFERENCES Cookery Learning Module

a.Teacher’s Guide Pages Cookery 10, pp 27-35, CG in TLE p. 16 MELCS TLE Cookery 10 p.
b. Learner’s Material Pages Cookery 10 Module 2, pp 64-84
c. Textbook Pages Learning and Living in the 21st century Cookery 10, pp 1-19
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master on Presenting Egg Dishes. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you
are now using.
The module covers the lesson namely:
Learning Outcome 1: Perform Mise ‘en Place (Cereals and Starch Dishes)


As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper on

your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic.

Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which

corresponds to the correct answer and write it in your test notebook.
_____1. What type of cereals that have been processed during manufacture
so that they can be eaten as taken from the package?
A. Food B. Grain C. Ready to eat cereals D. Starch
_____2. A type of fruit called a caryopsis, composed of the endosperm,
germ, and bran.
A. Carhop B. Cereal C. Gramineae D. Sorghum
_____3. Which of the following is an instant cereal?
A. Ready to eat cereals C. Dried foods
B. Dietary fiber D. Ready to cook cereals
_____4. It is known as miller's bran, the hard-outer layers of cereal grain
that consists of the combined aleurone and pericarp.
A. Bran B. Minerals C. Endosperm D. Germ
_____5. Which part of the embryo has the potential to sprout into a new
plant and contains most B vitamins, some protein, minerals, and healthy
A. Bran B. Endosperm C. Germ D. Fats
_____6. What cereal plant is considered as the most important kind, and
commonly grown in temperate countries?
A. Barley B. Oats C. Rice D. Wheat
_____7. Which of the following cereal is made of pearl barley when the
grains are husked, steamed, rounded, and polished?
A. Barley B. Rice C. Sago D. Tapioca
_____8. What is the most commonly used flour in baking?
A. All-purpose flour B. Durum
C. White flour D. Whole wheat flour
_____9. A macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. It is
commonly found in animal product and is also present in other food
specially oats.
A. Cereals B. Minerals C. Protein D. Vitamin
_____10. When the starch is oozing of liquid from gel and when cut and
allowed to stand. The process is called_________
A. Dextrinization B. Hydrolysis C. Molasses D. Syneresis
_____11. Which type of starch is originally derived from its plant source?
A. Amylose B. Modified starches C. Native starches D. Starch
_____12. The most efficient way to achieve thoroughness especially if the
viscosity is concerned.
A. Double broiler B. Dry heat C. Fireless cooker D. Moist heat
_____13. What old method of cooking cereals or starchy foods use?
A. Browning B. Drying C. Simmering D. Steaming
_____14. How many seconds should you wash your hands?
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 40
_____15. What should you use to dry equipment?
A. Apron B. Dishcloth C. Tea towel D. Paper towels
_____16. It is a small hand tool used generally in decorative works such as
making garnishes.
A. bread knife B. butcher knife C. channel knife D. paring knife
_____17. It is a perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless steel,
aluminum or plastic used to drain, wash or cook ingredients from liquid.
A. Canister B. Colander C. Mixing bowl D. Soup bowl
_____18. It is used to scrape off all the contents of bowls and pans from the
sides and fold in beaten eggs in batter or whipped cream.
A. Paring knife B. Rubber scraper C. Wire whisk D. Wooden spoon
_____19. It is a screen – type mesh supported by a round metal frame used
for sifting dry ingredients like starch and flour.
A. Colander B. Funnel C. Sieve D. Skimmer
_____20. It is used for mixing creams, butter and for tossing salads.
A. Electric mixer B. Serving spoon C. Wire whisk D. Wooden spoon
_____21. It is used for preparing meat, chicken, and other grains or
legumes, such as mongo and white beans in lesser time.
A. Double boiler B. Frying pan C. pressure cooker D. rice cooker
_____22.This problem is usually encountered when using acid or acid
ingredients such as lemon or vinegar.
A. Scorching B. Skin formation C. Thinning of gel. D. Weak gelling
_____23.This results when there is too much liquid in relation to the starch.
A. Scorching B. Skin formation C. Thinning of gel D. Weak gelling
_____24.This problem can be reduced by covering the container of the
starch gel with a waterproof cover.
A. Scorching B. Skin formation C. Thinning of gel D. Weak gelling
_____25.FIFO stands for ___________
A. Fan In Fan On C. First In First Out
B. First In Fight Out D. Fit In Fit Out

Directions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is

Write your answer on your test notebook.
1. Eggs should be stored properly to prevent increase in alkalinity and
bacterial growth.
2. Fresh eggs can be kept more than two weeks.
3. When storing egg yolks in the freezer, a small amount of sugar or salt
should be added to prevent the yolks from becoming too thick and thin
over time.
4. To delay the deteriorative changes, reduce the penetration of mold and
retard spoilage of eggs, cover the pores by dipping the eggs in oil.
5. In the absence of refrigerator, eggs may be stored at room temperature
for about two weeks.

Cereals are usually starchy pods or grains. Cereal grains are the most
important group of food crops in the world named after the Roman goddess
of harvest, Ceres. Rice, wheat and corn are the three most cultivated cereals
in the world. Starch on the other hand, exists in nature as the main
component of cereals and tubers. In manufactured and processed foods, it
plays an obvious role in achieving the desired viscosity in such products as
cornstarch pudding, sauces, pie fillings, and gravies.
Starch is the second most abundant organic substance on earth. It is
found in all forms of leafy green plants, located in the roots, fruits or grains.
Many of the food staples of man throughout the world are basically starchy
foods, such as rice, corn, cassava, wheat, potato and others. Starch is the
source of up to 80% of calories worldwide. Besides this significant role,
starches have been used in food manufacture, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,
textiles, paper, construction materials, and other industries.
B. Development WHAT IS IT
Tools and Equipment Needed
The success of cooking starch and cereal dishes depends on the proper tools
and equipment used in the preparation of food. The preparation of starch and
cereal dishes requires the various tools and equipment below.
Each tool must be used according to its function.
Sources of Starch
The parts of plants that store most starch are seeds, roots, and tubers. Thus,

the most common sources of food starch are:

cereal grains, including corn, wheat, rice, grain, sorghum, and oats;
legumes; and roots or tubers, including potato, sweet potato, arrowroot, and
the tropical cassava plant (marketed as tapioca) 10

Common Source of Manufactured Food Starch

1. corn
2. potato
3. Tapioca (cassava)
Starches are named after its plant sources
Cornstarch from corn
Rice starch from rice
Tapioca from cassava

Components of Cereal Grains

Bran: The outer layer of the grain (fiber omega-3 fatty
acids, vitamins and dietary minerals).
Endosperm: The main part of the grain mainly
starches), and
Germ: The smallest part of the grain (vitamin E,
folate, thiamine, phosphorus, magnesium).

Most cereal grains are used for making:

 Four
 Pasta
 Breakfast Cereal
 Alcoholic Beverages
 Animal Feeds

Starch Composition and Structure

The Starch Molecule
Starch is polysaccharide made up of hundreds or even thousands of
glucose molecules joined together. The molecules of starch are two general
types, called fractions: amylose and amylopectin.
Amylose is a long chain-like molecule, sometimes called the linear fraction,
and is produced by linking together 500 to 2, 000 glucose molecules.
Amylopectin has a highly branched, bushy type of structure, very different
from the long, string-like molecules of amylose. Corn, wheat, rice, potato,
and tapioca starches contains 24 to 16 percent amylose, with the remainder
being amylopectin. The root starches of tapioca and potato are lower in
amylose content than the cereal starches of corn, wheat, and rice.
The Starch Granule
Amylose and amylopectin molecules are placed together in tightly
packed stratified layers formed around a central spot in the granule called
the hilum. The starch molecules are systematically structured in the granule
to form crystalline-like patterns. If the starch granules, in a water
suspension, are observed microscopically under polarized light, the highly
oriented structure causes the light to be rotated so that a Maltese cross
pattern on each granule is observed. This phenomenon is called
birefringence. The pattern disappears when the starch mixture is heated and
the structure disrupted. The sizes and shapes of granules differ among
starches from various sources, but all starch granules are microscopic in
Starch Properties and Reactions
1. Gelatinization.The sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating
starch granules in a moist environment which includes swelling of granules
as water is absorbed and disruption of the organized granule structure.
2. Viscosity. The resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency.
When the newly gelatinized starch is stirred, more swollen granules break
and more starch molecules spill causing increase in viscosity or thickness.

Different Sweeteners Added to Starch Gel Preparation.

anutsa or granulated sugar
3. Retrogadation is the process in which starch molecules, particularly the
amylose fraction, re-associate or bond together in an ordered structure after
disruption by gelatinization; ultimately a crystalline order appears.

4. Syneresis. Oozing of liquid from gel when cut and allowed to stand (e.g.
jelly or baked custard). The oozing of liquid from a rigid gel; sometimes
called weeping.
C. Engagement WHATS MORE
Are you learning? Let us now check your understanding.


Activity #4 “Think of Me”
Direction: Give your ideas of the following questions;
Write your answer in your notebook/sheet of paper.
1. Identify the market forms of eggs.
2. Give 5 uses of egg in culinary arts.
3. Explain why coagulation of protein occurs in eggs?
4. List food items that can be used as filling for egg omelets.

Let us now transfer your learning into real life situation.



Activity #1 “Post-test”
Multiple choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
your notebook/sheet of paper
The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________.
I realize that __________________.

Prepared By:
Marcela C. Garcia
Subject Teacher

Noted By:
Imelda C. Altovar
Teacher In Charge

DAILY School Binagbag National High Grade 10

LESSON School Level
Teacher MARCELA C. GARCIA Learning Cookery
Teaching Date Week 6 Quarter 1
and Time

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of core concepts and

principles in cookery.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the
TESDA Training Regulation.
F. Learning Competencies LO1. Perform mise en place
or objectives 1.1. Prepare the tools, equipment, and ingredients based on
prescribed standards
1.2. Determine the sources and kinds of starch and cereals
1.3. Identify the ingredients in the preparation of various types of
starch and cereal dishes
Learning LO 1. Perform mise en place
1.1 identify the ingredients in the preparation of various types of starch and
Competencies (MELC) cereal dishes

(If available write the

indicated MELC)
G. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Perform Mise ‘en Place (Cereals and Starch Dishes)

A. REFERENCES Cookery Learning Module

a.Teacher’s Guide Pages Cookery 10, pp 27-35, CG in TLE p. 16 MELCS TLE Cookery 10 p.
b. Learner’s Material Pages Cookery 10 Module 2, pp 64-84
c. Textbook Pages Learning and Living in the 21st century Cookery 10, pp 1-19
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW


As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper on

your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic.

B. Development WHAT IS IT

C. Engagement WHATS MORE

Are you learning? Let us now check your understanding.


Activity #4 “Think of Me”
Direction: Give your ideas of the following questions;
Write your answer in your notebook/sheet of paper.
1. Identify the market forms of eggs.
2. Give 5 uses of egg in culinary arts.
3. Explain why coagulation of protein occurs in eggs?
4. List food items that can be used as filling for egg omelets.

Let us now transfer your learning into real life situation.



Activity #1 “Post-test”
Multiple choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
your notebook/sheet of paper

The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________.
I realize that __________________.

Prepared By:
Marcela C. Garcia
Subject Teacher

Noted By:
Imelda C. Altovar
Teacher In Charge

DAILY LESSON School Binagbag National High Grade 10

EXEMPLAR School Level
Teacher MARCELA C. GARCIA Learning Cookery
Teaching Date Quarter 1
and Time

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of core concepts and

principles in cookery.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply core competencies in cookery as prescribed in the
TESDA Training Regulation.
H. Learning Competencies
or objectives
I. Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC)
(If available write the
indicated MELC)
J. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling
A. REFERENCES Cookery Learning Module

a.Teacher’s Guide Pages Cookery 10, pp 27-35, CG in TLE p. 16 MELCS TLE Cookery 10 p.
b. Learner’s Material Pages Cookery 10 Module 2, pp 64-84
c. Textbook Pages Learning and Living in the 21st century Cookery 10, pp 1-19
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction WHAT I NEED TO KNOW


As part of your initial activity, you will be challenged to dig deeper on

your knowledge and previous experiences on the topic.

B. Development WHAT IS IT

C. Engagement WHATS MORE

Are you learning? Let us now check your understanding.


Activity #4 “Think of Me”
Direction: Give your ideas of the following questions;
Write your answer in your notebook/sheet of paper.
1. Identify the market forms of eggs.
2. Give 5 uses of egg in culinary arts.
3. Explain why coagulation of protein occurs in eggs?
4. List food items that can be used as filling for egg omelets.

Let us now transfer your learning into real life situation.



Activity #1 “Post-test”
Multiple choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
your notebook/sheet of paper

The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _____________.
I realize that __________________.

Prepared By:
Marcela C. Garcia
Subject Teacher

Noted By:
Imelda C. Altovar
Teacher In Charge

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