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Alvarez v. IAC, 185 SCRA 8, GR L-68053

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8/9/2021 [ G.R. No.

68053, May 07, 1990 ]

263 Phil. 704

[ G.R. No. 68053, May 07, 1990 ]



This is a petition for review on certiorari seeking the

reversal of: (a) the decision of the
Fourth Civil Cases Division of the
Intermediate Appellate Court dated August 31, 1983 in
AC-G.R. CV No. 56626
entitled "Jesus Yanes et al. v. Dr. Rodolfo Siason et al." affirming
the decision dated
July 8, 1974 of the Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental insofar as
it ordered the petitioners to pay jointly and severally
the private respondents the sum of
P20,000.00 representing the actual value of
Lots Nos. 773-A and 773-B of the cadastral
survey of Murcia, Negros Occidental and reversing the subject decision
insofar as it awarded
the sums of P2,000.00, P5,000.00 and P2,000.00 as actual
damages, moral damages and
attorney's fees, respectively and (b) the resolution
of said appellate court dated May 30, 1984,
denying the motion for
reconsideration of its decision.

The real properties involved are two parcels of land identified

as Lot 773-A and Lot 773-B
were originally known as Lot 773 of the cadastral survey
of Murcia, Negros
Occidental.  Lot
773, with an area of 156,549 square meters, was registered in the name of
heirs of Aniceto Yanes
under Original Certificate of Title No. R0-4858 (8804) issued on
October 9, 1917 by the Register of
Deeds of Occidental Negros (Exh.

Aniceto Yanes
was survived by his children, Rufino, Felipe and Teodora.  Herein
respondents, Estelita, Iluminado
and Jesus, are the children of Rufino who died in
1962 while
the other private respondents, Antonio and Rosario Yanes, are children of Felipe.  Teodora
survived by her child, Jovita (Jovito)
It is not clear why the latter is not included
as a party in this case.

Aniceto left his children Lots 773 and

823.  Teodora
cultivated only three hectares of Lot 823
as she could
not attend to the other portions of the two lots which had a total area of
twenty-four hectares.  The record
does not show whether the children of Felipe also
cultivated some portions of
the lots but it is established that Rufino and his
children left the
province to settle in other places as a result of the
outbreak of World War II.  According to 1/10
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Estelita, from the "Japanese time up to peace

time", they did not visit the parcels of land in
question but "after
liberation", when her brother went there to get their share of the sugar
produced therein, he was informed that Fortunato
Santiago, Fuentebella (Puentevella)
Alvarez were in possession of Lot 773.[2]

It is on record that on May

19, 1938, Fortunato D. Santiago was
issued Transfer Certificate of
Title No. RF 2694 (29797) covering Lot
773-A with an area of 37,818 square meters.[3]
No. RF 2694 describes Lot 773-A as a portion of Lot
773 of the cadastral survey of Murcia
and as originally registered under OCT No. 8804.

The bigger portion of Lot 773 with an area

of 118,831 square meters was also registered in
the name of Fortunato
D. Santiago on September 6, 1938
under TCT No. RT-2695 (28192).[4]
Said transfer certificate of title also contains a certification to the effect
that Lot 773-B was
originally registered under OCT No.

On May 30, 1955,

Santiago sold Lots 773-A and 773-B
to Monico B. Fuentebella,
Jr. in
consideration of the sum of P7,000.00.[5]
Consequently, on February 20, 1956,
TCT Nos. T-
19291 and T-19292 were issued in Fuentebella's

After Fuentebella's death and during

the settlement of his estate, the administratrix
(Arsenia R. Vda. de
Fuentebella, his wife) filed in Special Proceedings
No. 4373 in the Court
of First Instance of Negros
Occidental, a motion requesting authority to sell Lots 773-A and
By virtue of a court order granting said motion,[8]
on March 24, 1958, Arsenia Vda.
de Fuentebella sold said lots for P6,000.00 to Rosendo Alvarez.[9]
Hence, on April 1, 1958,
Nos. T-23165 and T-23166 covering Lots 773-A and 773-B were respectively issued
Rosendo Alvarez.[10]

Two years later or on May

26, 1960, Teodora Yanes
and the children of her brother Rufino,
namely, Estelita, Iluminado and Jesus,
filed in the Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental a complaint against Fortunato Santiago, Arsenia Vda. de Fuentebella, Alvarez and
the Register of Deeds of Negros Occidental for the "return" of the
ownership and possession
of Lots 773 and 823. 
They also prayed that an accounting of the produce of the land from
up to the filing of the complaint be made by the defendants, that after court
approval of
said accounting, the share or money equivalent due the plaintiffs
be delivered to them, and
that defendants be ordered to pay plaintiffs P500.00
as damages in the form of attorney's

During the pendency in court of said

case or on November 13, 1961,
Alvarez sold Lots 773-
A, 773-B and another lot for P25,000.00 to Dr. Rodolfo Siason.[12]
Accordingly, TCT Nos.
30919 and 30920 were issued to Siason,[13]
who, thereafter, declared the two lots in his name
for assessment purposes.[14]

Meanwhile, on November
6, 1962, Jesus Yanes, in his own behalf
and in behalf of the other
plaintiffs, and assisted by their counsel, filed a
manifestation in Civil Case No. 5022 stating
that the therein plaintiffs
"renounce, forfeit and quitclaims (sic) any claim, monetary or
against the defendant Arsenia Vda.
de Fuentebella in connection with the above -
case".[15] 2/10
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On October 11, 1963,

a decision was rendered by the Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental in Civil Case No. 5022, the dispositive
portion of which reads:

"WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered, ordering the defendant Rosendo Alvarez

to reconvey to
the plaintiffs lots Nos. 773 and 823 of the Cadastral Survey of
Murcia, Negros Occidental, now covered by Transfer Certificates of
Title Nos. T-
23165 and T-23166 in the name of said defendant, and thereafter to
deliver the
possession of said lots to the plaintiffs.  No special pronouncement as to costs.


It will be noted that the above-mentioned manifestation of Jesus Yanes was not mentioned in
the aforesaid decision:

However, execution of said decision proved unsuccessful with

respect to Lot 773. 
In his
return of service dated October 20, 1965, the sheriff stated that
he discovered that Lot 773
had been subdivided into Lots 773-A and 773-B; that
they were "in the name" of Rodolfo
who had purchased them from Alvarez, and that Lot 773 could not be delivered to
plaintiffs as Siason was "not a party per
writ of execution."[17]

The execution of the decision in Civil Case No. 5022 having met a
hindrance, herein private
respondents (the Yaneses)
filed on July 31, 1965, in the Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental a petition for the issuance of a new certificate of title and for a
declaration of
nullity of TCT Nos. T-23165 and T-23166 issued to Rosendo Alvarez.[18]
Thereafter, the court
required Rodolfo Siason to
produce the certificates of title covering Lots 773 and 823.

Expectedly, Siason filed a

manifestation stating that he purchased Lots 773-A, 773-B and
658, not Lots 773
and 823, "in good faith and for a valuable consideration without any
knowledge of any lien or encumbrances against said propert(ies)"; that the decision in the
cadastral proceeding[19]
could not be enforced against him as he was not a party thereto; and
that the
decision in Civil Case No. 5022 could neither be enforced against him not only
because he was not a party-litigant therein but also because it had long become
final and
Finding said manifestation to be well-founded, the cadastral court, in its
order of
September 4, 1965,
nullified its previous order requiring Siason to
surrender the certificates
of title mentioned therein.[21]

In 1968, the Yaneses filed an ex-parte motion for the issuance of an alias writ of execution
Civil Case No. 5022.  Siason opposed it.[22]
In its order of September 28, 1968
in Civil Case
No. 5022, the lower court, noting that the Yaneses
had instituted another action for the
recovery of the land in question, ruled
that the judgment therein could not be enforced
against Siason
as he was not a party in the case.[23]

The action filed by the Yaneses on February 21, 1968 was for recovery of
real property with
Named defendants therein were Dr. Rodolfo Siason,
Laura Alvarez, Flora
Alvarez, Raymundo Alvarez and
the Register of Deeds of Negros Occidental.  The Yaneses
for the cancellation of TCT Nos. T-19291 and 19292 issued to Siason (sic) for being
null and void; the issuance of a new
certificate of title in the name of the Yaneses
accordance with the sheriff's, return of service dated October 20,
1965"; Siason's delivery of 3/10
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possession of Lot
773 to the Yaneses; and if, delivery thereof could
not be effected, or, if the
issuance of a new title could not be made, that the
Alvarezes and Siason
jointly and severally
pay the Yaneses the sum of
P45,000.00.  They also prayed that Siason render an accounting
of the fruits of Lot
773 from November 13, 1961
until the filing of the complaint; and that
the defendants jointly and
severally pay the Yaneses moral damages of P20,000.00
exemplary damages of P10,000.00 plus attorney's fees of P4,000.00.[25]

In his answer to the complaint, Siason

alleged that the validity of his titles to Lots 773-A and
773-B, having been
passed upon by the court in its order of September
4, 1965, had become
res judicata and the Yaneses were estopped from questioning said order.[26]
On their part, the
Alvarezes stated in their answer
that the Yaneses’ cause of action had been
"barred by res
statute of limitation and estoppel."[27]

In its decision of July

8, 1974, the lower court found that Rodolfo Siason,
who purchased the
properties in question thru an agent as he was then in Mexico
pursuing further medical
studies, was a buyer in good faith for a valuable
consideration.  Although the Yaneses were
negligent in their failure to place a notice
of lis pendens
"before the Register of Deeds of
Occidental in order to protect their rights over the property in question"
in Civil Case
No. 5022, equity demanded that they recover the actual value of
the land because the sale
thereof executed between Alvarez and Siason was without court approval.[28]
The dispositive
portion of the decision states:


rendered in the following manner:

A.  The case against the

defendant Dr. Rodolfo Siason and the Register of
are (sic) hereby dismissed.

B.  The defendants, Laura,

Flora and Raymundo, all surnamed Alvarez being the
legitimate children of the deceased Rosendo Alvarez
are hereby ordered to pay
jointly and severally the plaintiffs the sum of
P20,000 representing the actual
value of Lots Nos. 773-A and 773-B of Murcia
Cadastre, Negros Occidental; the
sum of P2,000.00 as
actual damages suffered by the plaintiffs; the sum of P5,000
representing moral
damages and the sum of P2,000 as attorney's fees, all with
legal rate of
interest from date of the filing of this complaint up to final payment.

C.    The cross-claim filed by

the defendant Dr. Rodolfo Siason against the
defendants, Laura, Flora and Raymundo, all surnamed
Alvarez is hereby

D.   Defendants, Laura, Flora

and Raymundo, all surnamed Alvarez, are hereby
ordered to pay the costs of this suit.


The Alvarezes appealed to the then

Intermediate Appellate Court which, in its decision of
August 31, 1983,[30]
affirmed the lower court's decision "insofar as it ordered
appellants to pay jointly and severally the plaintiffs-appellees the sum of P20,000.00 4/10
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representing the actual

value of Lots Nos. 773-A and 773-B of the cadastral survey of
Murcia, Negros Occidental, and is reversed insofar as it awarded
the sums of P2,000.00,
P5,000.00 and P2,000.00 as actual damages, moral
damages' and attorney's fees,

The dispositive portion of said

decision reads:

"WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is affirmed insofar as

it ordered
defendants-appellants to pay jointly and severally the plaintiffs-appellees the sum
of P20,000.00 representing the actual
value of Lots Nos. 773-A and 773-B of the
cadastral survey of Murcia, Negros Occidental, and is reversed insofar as it
the sums of P2,000.00, P5,000.00 and P2,000.00 as actual damages,
moral damages
and attorney's fees, respectively.  No


Finding no cogent reason to grant

appellants' motion for reconsideration, said appellate court
denied the same.

Hence, the instant petition.

In their memorandum petitioners raised the following issues:

1.    Whether
or not the defense of prescription and estoppel had
been timely and
properly invoked and raised by the petitioners in the lower

2.    Whether
or not the cause and/or causes of action of the private respondents, if
there are any, as alleged in their complaint dated February 21, 1968 which
has been docketed in the
trial court as Civil Case No. 8474 supra, are forever
barred by statute
of limitation and/or prescription of action and estoppel.

3.      Whether
or not the late Rosendo Alvarez, a defendant in Civil
Case No.
5022, supra, and father of the petitioners become a privy
and/or party to the
waiver (Exhibit "4"-defendant Siason)
in Civil Case No. 8474, supra, where the
private respondents had
unqualifiedly and absolutely waived, renounced and
quitclaimed all their
alleged rights and interests, if ever there is any, on Lots Nos.
773-A and
773-B of Murcia Cadastre as appearing in their written manifestation
November 6, 1962 (Exhibits "4:-Siason) which had not been controverted
or even impliedly or indirectly denied by

4.    Whether
or not the liability or liabilities of Rosendo
Alvarez arising from the
sale of Lots Nos. 773-A and 773-B of Murcia Cadastre
to Dr. Rodolfo Siason, if
ever there is any, could be
legally passed or transmitted by operations (sic) of law
to the petitioners
without violation of law and due process."[33]

The petition is devoid of merit.

As correctly ruled by the Court of Appeals, it is powerless and

for that matter so is the
Supreme Court, to review the decision in Civil Case
No. 5022 ordering Alvarez to reconvey 5/10
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the lots in
dispute to herein private respondents. 
Said decision had long become final and
and with the possible exception of Dr. Siason, who
was not a party to said case, the
decision in Civil Case No. 5022 is the law of
the case between the parties thereto.  It
when Alvarez or his heirs failed to appeal the decision against them.[34]

Thus, it is axiomatic that when a right or fact has been

judicially tried and determined by a
court of competent jurisdiction, so long
as it remains unreversed, it should be conclusive
upon the parties and those in privity with them in
law or estate.[35]
As consistently ruled by
this Court, every litigation must come to an end.  Access to the court is guaranteed.  But there
must be a limit to it.

Once a litigant's right has been

adjudicated in a valid final judgment of a competent court, he
should not be
granted an unbridled license to return for another try.  The prevailing party
should not be harassed
by subsequent suits.  For, if endless
litigation were to be allowed,
unscrupulous litigations will multiply in number
to the detriment of the administration of

There is no dispute that the rights of the Yaneses

to the properties in question have been
finally adjudicated in Civil Case No.
5022.  As found by the lower court, from
uncontroverted evidence presented, the Yaneses have been illegally deprived of ownership
possession of the lots in question.[37].
  In fact, Civil Case No. 8474 now under
arose from the failure to execute Civil Case No. 5022, as subject lots
can no longer be
reconveyed to private respondents Yaneses, the same having been sold during the pendency
of the case by the petitioners’ father to Dr. Siason who did not know about the controversy,
there being
no lis pendens
annotated on the titles.  Hence, it was
also settled beyond question
that Dr. Siason is a
purchaser-in-good faith.

Under the circumstances, the trial court did not annul the sale
executed by Alvarez in favor
of Dr. Siason on
November 11, 1961 but in fact sustained it. 
The trial court ordered the heirs
of Rosendo
Alvarez who lost in Civil Case No. 5022 to pay the plaintiffs (private
herein) the amount of P20,000.00 representing the actual value of
the subdivided lots in
dispute.  It did
not order defendant Siason to pay said amount.[38]

As to the propriety of the present case, it has long been

established that the sole remedy of
the landowner whose property has been
wrongfully or erroneously registered in another's
name is to bring an ordinary
action in the ordinary court of justice for reconveyance
or, if the
property has passed into the hands of an innocent purchaser for
value, for damages.[39]
"It is
one thing to protect an innocent third party; it is entirely a
different matter and one devoid of
justification if deceit would be ­rewarded
by allowing the perpetrator to enjoy the fruits of his
nefarious deed.  As clearly revealed by the undeviating line
of decisions coming from this
Court, such an undesirable eventuality is
precisely sought to be guarded against"[40]

The issue on the right to the properties in litigation having

been finally adjudicated in Civil
Case No. 5022 in favor of private
respondents, it cannot now be reopened in the instant case
on the pretext that
the defenses of prescription and estoppel have not
been properly
considered by the lower court. 
Petitioners could have appealed in the former case but they
not.  They have therefore foreclosed their
rights, if any, and they cannot now be heard to 6/10
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complain in another case in

order to defeat the enforcement of a judgment which has long
become final and executory.

Petitioners further contend that the liability arising from the

sale of said Lots Nos. 773-A and
773-B made by Resendo
Alvarez to Dr. Rodolfo Siason should be the sole
liability of the late
Rosendo Alvarez or of his
estate, after his death.

Such contention is untenable for it overlooks the doctrine

obtaining in this jurisdiction on the
general transmissibility of the rights
and obligations of the deceased to his legitimate children
and heirs.  Thus, the pertinent provisions of the Civil
Code state:

"Art. 774.  Succession

is a mode of acquisition by virtue of which the property,
rights and obligations
to the extent of the value of the inheritance, of a person are
through his death to another or others either by his will or by
operation of

"Art. 776.  The inheritance

includes all the property, rights and obligations of a
person which are not
extinguished by his death.

"Art. 1311.  Contracts

take effect only between the parties, their assigns and heirs,
except in case
where the rights and obligations arising from the contract are not
transmissible by their nature, or by stipulation or by provision of law.  The heir is
not liable beyond the value of
the property received from the decedent."

As explained by this Court through Associate Justice J.B.L. Reyes

in the case of Estate of
Hemady vs. Luzon Surety
Co., Inc.[41]

"The binding effect of contracts upon the heirs of the

deceased party is not altered
by the provision of our Rules of Court that money
debts of a deceased must be
liquidated and paid from his estate before the
residue is distributed among said
heirs (Rule 89).  The reason is that whatever payment is thus
made from the state
is ultimately a payment by the heirs or distributees,
since the amount of the paid
claim in fact diminishes or reduces the shares that
the heirs would have been
entitled to receive.

"Under our law, therefore, the general rule is that a party's

contractual rights and
obligations are transmissible to the successors.  The rule is a consequence of the
‘depersonalization’ of patrimonial rights and duties that, as observed
by Victorio Polacco, has
characterized the history of these institutions.  From the
Roman concept of a relation from
person to person, the obligation has evolved
into a relation from patrimony to
patrimony, with the persons occupying only a
representative position, barring
those rare cases where the obligation is strictly
personal, i.
e., is contracted intuitu personae, in
consideration of its performance
by a specific person and by no other.  x x x"

Petitioners being the heirs of the late Rosendo

Alvarez, they cannot escape the legal
consequences of their father's
transaction, which gave rise to the present claim for damages. 
That petitioners did not inherit the property
involved herein is of no moment because by legal
fiction, the monetary
equivalent thereof devolved into the mass of their father's hereditary 7/10
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and we have ruled that the hereditary assets are always liable in their
totality for the
payment of the debts of the estate.[42]

It must, however, be made clear that petitioners are liable only

to the extent of the value of
their inheritance.  With this clarification and considering
petitioners’ admission that there are
other properties left by the deceased
which are sufficient to cover the amount adjudged in
favor of private
respondents, we see no cogent reason to disturb the findings and conclusions
the Court of Appeals.

WHEREFORE, subject to the clarification herein above

stated, the assailed decision of the
Court of Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED.  Costs against petitioners.


Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano, and

Cortes, JJ., concur.

Bidin, J., no part. I participated in the appealed decision.

TSN, October 17, 1973, pp.

TSN, December 11, 1973, pp
11 & 55.

Exhibits 26 and 28.

Exhibit 27.

Exhibit B-Alvarez.

Exhibits 23 and 24-Siason.

[7] Exh. 1-Alvarez; Exh. 17-Siason.

[8] Exh. 2-Alvarez.
[9] Exh. 3-Alvarez.
[10] Exh.  2-Siason.
Civil Case No. 5022;  Exhibit B.
Exhibit F.
Exhibits 12 and 13.
Exhibits 10, 11, 14 and 15.
Exhibit 4-Alvarez. 8/10
8/9/2021 [ G.R. No. 68053, May 07, 1990 ]

Record on Appeal, p. 25.

Exhibit E.

Cad. Case No. 6; Exhibit 3.

Cad. Case No. 6.

Exhibit 5.

Exhibit 6.

Exhibit 78.

Exhibit 9.

Civil Case No. 8474

Record on Appeal, pp. 8-9.

Record on Appeal, p. 36.

[27] Ibid.,
p. 63.
[28] Ibid,
pp. 95-99.

Record on Appeal, pp. 100-101.

Porfirio V. Sison, J., ponente.  Abdulwahid A. Bidin, Marcelino R. Veloso and Desiderio P.

Jurado, JJ.
[31] Rollo, p. 32.
[32] Rollo, p. 32.
[33] Rollo, p. 119.
[34] Rollo, p. 27.

Miranda v. C.A.,
141 SCRA 302 [1986].

Ngo Bun Tiong v. Judge Sayo,
G.R. No. 45825, June 30, 1988.

Record on Appeal, pp. 24-25.

[38] Rollo, p. 27.

[39] Quiniano et al. v. C.A.,
39 SCRA 221 [1971]. 9/10
8/9/2021 [ G.R. No. 68053, May 07, 1990 ]

[40] Ibid.

100 Phil. 388.

Lopez vs. Enriquez, 16 Phil. 336 (1910).

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