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Start of The Match: "Keen Versus Boll"

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Recommended Walk-in / Walk-out Procedures

With Formal Presentation:

At the start of match-
•Follow directions of Referee / CM
•Umpire and Asst. Umpire may shake hands
•No need to step forward when introduced, just a nod (not bow) will do

At the end of match -

•After all post-match duties are completed, wait for your partner at the
designated spot as directed by Referee / CM and if noinstruction given, wait
for your partner at your own station and then walk-out as a team when ready,
without standingat attention
•Umpire to lead when walking out


At the start of the first game:
 When time is up, whoever is keeping time should raise his or her hand and call “Time”
 Ensure that the server has the ball before making any announcement. Do not ask for the ball back before making the
announcement and then subsequently give it back after the announcement as this is not a good presentation.
 When the server is ready, glance to see that the receiver is ready
 Announce

“Keen versus Boll”

“First game”
 Point to the server and call;

“Keen to serve”
“Love all” or “Zero-Zero”
The assistant umpire then changes the score to 0-0, starts the stop-watch, and the match begins.
The umpire should make every effort to pronounce the name of each player correctly. If unsure about the pronunciation – ask the
player while conducting racket check.
In a team match substitute the player’s name with the team name.

In a team match substitute the player’s name with the team name.



Point with open hand to "X to serve, 0-0" (or other
2 Start of game first server agreed announcement) None None

Point with open hand to

3 Change of service next server None None None

Resumption of play after Point with open hand to

4 authorised interval next server Repeat score None None

Raise the arm nearer

the winner(s) of the
point so that the upper
arm is horizontal and
5 Point the forearm vertical, New score None None
with the closed hand
upward 3

As soon as the ball As soon as the ball

touches the correct touches the correct
"Let" and repeat previous
6 Net-cord service court raise arm above court raise arm above None*
head 2, point to net if head 2, point to net if
necessary necessary
Raise the arm nearer
the receiver so that the
upper arm is horizontal "Fault" and advise
7 Illegal service and the forearm "Fault" and new score Raise arm above head 2 umpire if necessary
vertical, with the closed who will call new score
hand upward 3

Indicate point for

In doubles service, ball
receiver3, point to
8 bounces on wrong half- "Fault" and new score None None
centre line if necessary.
Faulty service (e.g. ball Indicate point for
9 misses table) receiver 3 New score None None

10a Service of doubtful

legality where e

"Let", warn server,

decided by th Raise arm above

and repeat previous None None

umpire (1st head 2


occasion in a


Service of doubtful

legality where "Stop", warn

decided by th e Raise arm above "Let", and repeat Raise arm above server and advise

10b assistant umpire head 2 previous score head 2 umpire, who will

(1st occasion in a call


Service of doubtful
legality where
decided by th Indicate point fo r

"Fault" and new score None None

11a umpire (further receiver 3

occasion by same
player or pair)

Service of doubtful

legality where "Fault", i f

decided by th Indicate point fo r Raise arm above necessary advis e

New score
assistant umpire receiver 3 head 2 umpire, who will

(further occasion by call new score

same player or pair)

Interruption of play (e.g.

"Let" and repeat previous
12 ball coming into playing Raise arm above head 2 Raise arm above head 2 “Stop”
Error in order of serving,
receiving or ends "Let", correct order and
13 Raise arm above head 2 None None
discovered during a rally repeat previous score
See diagram in Appendix E for proper and uniform hand signals, and explanation of when and how to use them.
During the match, the umpire should:
 Call the score in a clear and audible voice at a level that a person sitting at the coach’s chair can hear and understand the calls
 Time the play or designate the assistant umpire to time each game
 Monitor and enforce the service laws
 Monitor and enforce the behaviour regulations
 Make sure the players leave the rackets on the table between games, unless it is strapped to their hand
 Make sure play is continuous with no excessive delays during towelling or time out periods
 Monitor and enforce the coaching laws. Between points and particularly during a change of service or ends, the umpire should turn
his or her head and look at both coaches. Alternately, the umpire and assistant umpire can agree – before the match starts – that
each one will monitor the coach that is best visible to them, or the one on their right
 During authorised intervals the assistant umpire collects the ball and hands it to the umpire to retain until the end of the interval.
At the end of a game the umpire should:
 Call the score, point to winner, and announce “Game to Keen”
 Record the score on the scoresheet
 The assistant umpire collects the ball and hands it to the umpire to retain until the start of the next game.


At the start of other games the umpire should:
 Hand the ball to the server
 When the server is ready, glance to see that the receiver is ready
 Announce

“Second game”
 Point to the server and call;

“Boll to serve”
“Love all” or “Zero-Zero”
The assistant umpire changes the score to 0-0, starts the stop-watch, and the game begins.


At the end of a match the umpire should:
 Call the score, point to winner, and announce “Game and match to Keen”
 “Keen wins 4 games to 3”

and in a team match

“Netherlands leads by 1 match to 0” or “Netherlands and Germany 1 match all”
After the match the umpire should:
 Record the score on the scoresheet
 Obtain the players’ signatures in an individual match or the team captains’ signatures in a team match (if required by referee)

The assistant umpire returns the score indicator to blank, collects the balls, racket(s) if necessary and returns the court to a proper
The umpire and assistant umpire meet at the umpire’s chair or table and stand so that the umpire leads the way out without having
to cross the path of the assistant umpire.
The umpire leads the way with the scoresheet in the left hand and the assistant umpire following in step with the umpire - no
accompanied music.
The umpire team returns the scoresheet correctly completed directly to the referee’s desk for signature. The referee (or designated
deputy referee on duty) should check the scoresheet for completeness and accuracy; sign the card and forward it for results
processing. Page 46

Umpires should not linger or walk around the field of play once their assigned duties are completed. If they wish to watch other matches in progress, they should
proceed outside the field of play to the viewing areas open for officials and spectators.

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