REACTIVAR™ Electronic Sag Protector: CLASS 5826
REACTIVAR™ Electronic Sag Protector: CLASS 5826
REACTIVAR™ Electronic Sag Protector: CLASS 5826
The Electronic Sag Protector (ESP) approaches the power line conditioning problem
from a unique perspective. For correction of most voltage sags, the missing voltage is
developed using energy from the utility line itself. For deep sags, below 50% of
nominal voltage, capacitive energy storage is used. The result is a high performance
solution, at low cost as it features:
Product performance has been extensively tested at industry and utility laboratories.
Standard ESP models are cUL listed. The ESP is available in three size ranges:
In the largest power quality study ever done, the Electric Figure 1
Power Research Institute (EPRI) found that sags to 50%
of nominal and momentary outages represented over
92% of all power quality events. According to figure 1,
the EPRI Distribution Power Quality Study found that
a sag to 80% of nominal lasting up to 10 cycles was
Duration of Voltage Sag in Seconds
most common. The increased dependence of modern 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0
manufacturing facilities on sensitive electronic equipment
has led to an increase in problems resulting from voltage 100
Percent of Equipment Nominal Voltage
80 SEMI F47
Sensitive electronic devices, such as variable speed
drives (VSDs) and programmable logic controllers 70
(PLCs), are prone to shut down when a voltage sag
occurs. Depending on the process, this shut down may 60
cause substantial losses from equipment downtime and
creation of scrap material. Recognizing the severity of
the problem has led the microelectronics industry to 40 EXTENDED ESP
implement a new standard, SEMI F47 "Provisional
Specification for Semiconductor Processing Equipment 30
Voltage Sag Immunity" (figure 2). However, the
microelectronics industry is not the only industry where
voltage sags can cause significant problems. Other 10
industries utilizing both batch and continuous processes
with high sensitivity to voltage sags include: 0
■ For deeper sags and momentary outages, the converter supports the load using
0 the stored energy
- 100
- 200
- 300
- 400
- 500
Static Bypass Switch
OUTPUT Voltage (V)
■ Under normal conditions, the bypass switch is closed and passes utility voltage to
0 the load
- 100
- 200
- 300
- 400
■ During a sag, the inverter is energized and bypass gating is removed inserting the
- 500
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 PWM converter in series with the utility and the load in less than 1/4 cycle
time (s)
■ After the sag, converter is turned off and bypass is re-closed
Figure 4
Performance of Extended Voltage Hold Up Energy Storage
ESP model with 12 cycles, 50% sag ■ Electrolytic capacitors store energy required for sags below 50% of nominal voltage
■ Outage hold-up time can be increased up to 12 cycles
Microprocessor Control
500 ■ Engages sag support circuitry when appropriate
INPUT Voltage (V)
■ Operates the bypass switch to insert the converter and filter in series with the load
- 100
during a sag
- 200
- 300
- 400 ■ Synchronizes to the utility and regulates the output voltage by controlling the
- 500
converter voltage added to the incoming line voltage
OUTPUT Voltage (V)
- 100
- 200
time (s)
0.15 0.2
volume and weight of power line interface
■ Utilizes voltage remaining and "boosts" to pre-sag value
Figure 5 ■ No batteries or mechanical storage required
ESP performance with ■ Includes three stage surge suppression circuitry to continuously protect the applied
3 Cycle Outage load
■ Optional hard wired bypass (manual or automatic) for maintenance purposes
■ Three phase units for 3 wire or 4 wire networks
Regulator &
Storage Module Load
Unprotected Protected
Input Output
Figure 6
ESP-C Block Diagram
Product Selection
● -13% to -50% for up to 2 seconds ■ Industrial & Commercial OEMs for embedded
cumulative per minute (standard) voltage sag compensation
● -50% to -100% sags for 1-3 cycles (standard) ■ Sensitive equipment for manufacturing plants
● 24 cycle voltage hold up for 120V (optional) ■ Distribution panels for HID lighting
● 12 cycle voltage hold up for 240V (optional)
■ Distribution panels or racks for computer and
■ Output Voltage during sag: +5% to -10% of nominal telecomm equipment
■ Response Time: within 1/4 cycle ■ Retrofit into sensitive equipment for controls and
■ Power Rating: PLC back-up
● 1.5 to 43 kVA at 120V single phase ■ Distribution panels for offices, shops, small
● 6.0 to 86 kVA at 240V single phase business and homes
● 7.0 to 100 kVA at 277V single phase ■ Sensitive office equipment
Details Voltage Catalog Dimensions✖ Weight ✖ 9kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Standard ESP0090F7S 30x24x13 115
Hold Up Number (H"xW"xD") (lbs) 9kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Extended ESP0090F7E 36x38x13 165
1.5kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Extended ESP0015G3E 20x12x3.5 16 18kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Standard ESP0180F7S 36x38x13 186
3kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Standard ESP0030G3S 20x12x3.5 20 18kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Extended ESP0180F7E 48x36x16 256
3kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Extended ESP0030G3E 20x19x3.5 33 10kVA, 240V, 3PH 3W Standard ESP0100E6S 30x24x13 160
6kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Standard ESP0060G3S 20x19x3.5 31 10kVA, 240V, 3PH 3W Extended ESP0100E6E 30x24x13 210
6kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Extended ESP0060G3E 36x20x8 45 21kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Standard ESP0210B7S 30x24x13 115
6kVA, 240V, 1PH 3W Standard ESP0060E4S 20x24x4 40 21kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Standard ESP0210B6S 30x24x13 160
6kVA, 240V, 1PH 3W Extended ESP0060E4E 20x38x4 65 21kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Extended ESP0210B7E 48x36x13 165
12kVA, 240V, 1PH 3W Standard ESP0120E4S 20x38x4 65 21kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Extended ESP0210B6E 48x36x13 210
7kVA, 277V, 1PH 2W Standard ESP0070D3S 20x12x3.5 20 42kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Standard ESP0420B7S 36x38x13 186
7kVA, 277V, 1PH 2W Extended ESP0070D3E 20x19x3.5 33 42kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Standard ESP0420B6S 36x38x13 266
14kVA, 277V, 1PH 2W Standard ESP0140D3S 20x19x3.5 31 42kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Extended ESP0420B7E 48x36x16 256
14kVA, 277V, 1PH 2W Extended ESP0140D3E 36x20x8 45 42kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Extended ESP0420B6E 48x36x16 336
208 or 480 V
Three Phase
480 V Load
Substation Three Phase
Transformer Up to 2000 kVA 120, 240 277 V
Single Phase
Other Reactivar ® products and services: Standard Features and Available Options
■ AV4000 and AV5000 LV standard automatic capacitor banks for power factor Manual or Automatic Bypass Switch ❍ ❍ ❍
correction of electrical networks with less than 15% non-linear loads Three cycle outage voltage hold up ❑ ❑ ❑
■ AV6000 LV Anti-resonant banks for power factor correction in harmonic rich Up to twelve cycle outage voltage hold up ❍ ❍ ❍
environments Continuous Duty Sag Correction ❍ ❍ ❍
■ AV7000 LV Harmonic filters for removal of harmonics ASA 61 Paint Finish ❑ ❑ ❑
■ AT5000 standard and AT6000 anti-resonant (detuned) LV Transient Free ❑ Standard Feature
Systems ❍ Available Option
■ AV9000 LV Real Time Systems for sag support and power factor correction of
highly cyclical loads
■ Active Filters ESP - A ByPass Options
■ Hybrid Filters with Active and Passive Elements Details Type Catalog Dimensions
■ Medium Voltage Fixed Capacitors Number (H"xW"xD")
1.5kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Manual MBP0015G3M 26x20x6
■ Medium Voltage Metal Enclosed standard, anti-resonant and filter systems up
3kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Manual MBP0030G3M 26x20x6
to 38 kV
6kVA, 120V, 1PH 2W Manual MBP0060G4M 26x20x6
■ Medium Voltage Real Time and Transient Free Systems up to 15 kV 6kVA, 240V, 1PH 3W Manual MBP0060E4M 26x20x6
■ Zero Threshold Surge Suppressor for global protection against utility 12kVA, 240V, 1PH 3W Manual MBP0120E4M 26x20x6
generated transients 7kVA, 277V, 1PH 2W Manual MBP0070D3M 26x20x6
14kVA, 277V, 1PH 2W Manual MBP0140D3M 26x20x6
■ Engineering Services Available
● Sizing and rating assistance
● Harmonic Analysis
● Computer simulations
ESP - B ByPass Options
● Commissioning
● Service contracts Details Type Catalog Dimensions
Number (H"xW"xD")
9kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Manual MBP0090F7M 65x27x15
9kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Automatic MBP0090F7A 65x27x15
18kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Manual MBP0180F7M 65x27x15
18kVA, 208V, 3PH 4W Automatic MBP0180F7A 65x27x15
21kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Manual MBP0210B7M 65x27x15
21kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Automatic MBP0210B7A 65x27x15
21kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Manual MBP0210B6M 65x27x15
21kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Automatic MBP0210B6A 65x27x15
42kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Manual MBP0420B7M 65x27x15
42kVA, 480V, 3PH 4W Automatic MBP0420B7A 65x27x15
42kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Manual MBP0420B6M 65x27x15
42kVA, 480V, 3PH 3W Automatic MBP0420B6A 65x27x15
L1 L2 L3 N N X 1 X 2 X 3