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Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good: WARHAMMER 40,000

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Official Update Version 1.0

Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, Page 50 – Forces of the Enclaves, Abilities
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule Change this to read:
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect ‘All Farsight Enclaves units in Farsight Enclaves
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Detachments – that is, any Detachment that only
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated includes Farsight Enclaves units – gain the Aggressive
regularly, each has a version number; when changes Footing ability:’
are made, the version number will be updated, and any
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Page 51 – Farsight Enclaves Stratagems, Veteran Cadre
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, Change the third sentence to read:
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in ‘Models in that unit (excluding Drones) have a
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other Weapon Skill characteristic of 4+ and a Ballistic Skill
minor correction. characteristic of 3+.’

ERRATA Page 52 – Enclave Relics, Seismic Fibrillator Node

Page 30 – Servants of the Greater Good Change this Relic to read:
Add the following: ‘Once per battle, at the start of your opponent’s turn,
you can choose to activate this Relic. If you do, until the
UNITS end of that turn, when a model starts or ends a move
UNIT MODELS POINTS PER UNIT (excluding pile-in or consolidation moves) within 6" of
PER UNIT (Including wargear and drones) a model with this Relic, roll one D6: on a 1 that model’s
Commander Shadowsun 1 character, 2 drones 127 unit suffers 1 mortal wound.’

Page 36 – Servants of the Greater Good Page 66 – Heirlooms of the Regiments, Blessed Boltgun
Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: Change this Heirloom to the following:
‘No unit can have more than one Prototype Weapons ‘Blessed Bolt Pistol
System and all the Prototype Weapons Systems in your Two-dozen sisters of the Order of the Glowing Chalice have
army must be different.’ prayed over this holy bolt pistol.
9th Iotan Gorgonnes model equipped with a bolt
Page 38 – T’au Empire Stratagems, pistol only. This Relic replaces a bolt pistol and has the
Modulated Weaponry following profile:
Change the first sentence to read:
‘Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D
Riptide, Ghostkeel or Vehicle model (other than a Blessed bolt pistol 12" Pistol 2 5 -2 2

Titanic model) from your army is chosen to shoot with.’ Abilities: This weapon can target a Character unit even if it is not the closest
enemy unit. When resolving an attack made with this weapon against a Psyker unit,
this weapon has a Damage characteristic of 3 for that attack.
Page 47 – Cyclic ion blaster, Overcharge, ability
Change this weapon’s Overcharge profile ability to read: FAQs
‘If you roll one or more hit rolls of 1, the bearer’s unit Q: Does a rule that allows you to take a second Signature
suffers a mortal wound after all of this weapon’s shots System from Codex: T’au Empire allow you to instead take a
have been resolved.’ second Prototype Weapons System?
A: Yes.
Page 48 – Abilities (Farsight), Master of War
Change this ability to read: Q: Do reactive countermeasures replace the model’s airbursting
‘Master of War (pg 46)’ fragmentation projector?
A: No. The ability gained is in addition to the weapon
(which can be fired normally).


Q: Do accelerated-photon grenades replace the model’s
photon grenades?
A: No. The ability gained is in addition to the weapon
(which can be fired normally).

Q: Does the cross-linked stabiliser jets Prototype Weapons System

apply to all models in the unit, or just one?
A: It applies to all models in the unit.

Q: How does the Hybridised Weaponry tenet apply to pulse

blasters? Does it add 4" to the maximum range of the weapon
(so increasing long range to 19"), or does it add 4" to all the
profiles (close, medium and long range)?
A: It adds 4" to the maximum range of the weapon
(increasing long range to 19").

Q: Does the Up-gunned tenet also improve the Armour

Penetration characteristic of high-output burst cannons and
long-barreled burst cannons?
A: No.

Q: Are the hit roll modifiers from accelerated-photon grenades

cumulative with those from photon grenades?
A: Yes.

Q: If a model with the Aggressive Footing ability shoots at a

unit within 12" that has zero markerlight counters on it, does it
treat that unit as having one markerlight counter instead?
A: Yes.

Q: The Onager Gauntlet and Fusion Blades (melee) have

slightly different abilities than those printed in Codex: T’au
Empire. Is this on purpose?
A: Yes, when wielded by the heroes of The Eight, use the
slightly improved abilities for these weapons. Continue
to use the rules as printed in Codex: T’au Empire if they
are equipped on another Character.

Q. Can the Full Payload Tank Ace ability be used to affect the
mortal wound output of Deathstrike missiles?
A: No. Full Payload only affects the Damage
characteristic of a weapon, not any abilities the weapon
may have.

Q: Are units who have been ordered to Move! Move! Move!

Considered to have Advanced for the purposes of the Wilderness
Survivors Regimental Doctrine?
A: Yes, they are considered to have Advanced.

Q: Are the Militarum Tempestus Regimental Doctrines taken

in addition to the Storm Troopers Regimental Doctrine listed in
Codex: Astra Militarum, or instead of it?
A: They are taken instead of the Storm Troopers
Regimental Doctrine in Codex: Astra Militarum. Note, if
you wish to continue using your Militarum Tempestus
Detachments as you currently have been, you can simply
select the Storm Troopers Regimental Doctrine from
page 65 in Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good.


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