Savage Worlds Beginners Sheet
Savage Worlds Beginners Sheet
Savage Worlds Beginners Sheet
| | | + Toughness2 + ½ of Vigor
________ Vigor 4| | | | + XP
Boating | | | | + Notice | | | | + Hindrances
Climbing | | | | + Persuasion | | | | + _________________
Driving | | | | + Piloting | | | | + _________________
Fighting | | | | + Repair | | | | + _________________
Gambling | | | | + Riding | | | | + _________________
Guts | | | | + Shooting | | | | + Edges
Healing | | | | + Spellcasting | | | | + _________________
Intimidation | | | | + Stealth | | | | + _________________
Knowledge Streetwise | | | | + _________________
_________ | | | | + Survival | | | | + _________________
_________ | | | | + Taunt | | | | + _________________
_________ | | | | + Throwing | | | | + _________________
Lockpicking | | | | + Tracking | | | | + _________________
Armory _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
___________________ ___________________ _________________
Aim +2 Shooting/Throwing if character does not move
Defend +2 Parry; character may take no other actions
Disarm -2 attack; defender must make a Str roll vs. the damage or drop his weapon
Double Tap/Three Round Burst +1 attack and damage/+2 attack and damage Powers
The Drop +4 attack and damage
Finishing Move Instant kill helpless foe with lethal weapon _________________
Full Defense No movement or other actions to replace Parry with Fighting roll
Ganging Up +1 per additional attacker; maximum +4 _________________
Grapple Opposed Strength roll to grapple; raise causes Shaken
Nonlethal Damage Wounded characters are knocked out instead _________________
Suppressive Fire On successful Shooting roll, targets within a Medium Burst Template must
make a Spirit roll or be Shaken; those who roll a 1 are hit for normal damage _________________
Two Weapons -2 attack; additional -2 for off-hand if not Ambidextrous
Unarmed Defender Armed attackers gain +2 Fighting _________________
Wild Attack +2 Fighting, +2 Damage, -2 Parry until next action
Withdrawing from Close Combat Adjacent foes each get one free attack at retreating character