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Monitoring and Protection of Distribution Transformer Using GSM Module

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 1, Jan – Feb 2018


Monitoring and Protection of Distribution Transformer Using

GSM Module
Jenifer A1, Bharathi B R2, Shanthi Mounika B3
1Asst.Professor, 2,3UG Scholar, RMK Engineering College

The aim of the project is to design a monitoring and protection system for distribution transformer with the
help of GSM and GPS technology. The present monitoring system requires manpower which is time-consuming and
it is difficult to predict the occurrence of faults. In this project, we designed a system which continuously monitors
the transformer parameters such as load current, voltage, oil level and ambient temperature with the help of sensors.
These values are displayed continuously on the LCD display and it is recorded in the system memory. If any
abnormalities occur in the transformer then an alert message with the parameter values are sent to the monitoring
centre along with the location by means of GSM and GPS which are integrated with the Arduino board. This system
will help the transformer to operate smoothly and identify problems before any catastrophic failure.

Keywords —Distribution transformer, sensors, Arduino controller, GSM, GPS.

I. INTRODUCTION transformers inthe remote area is unnoticed. If the

transformers are working without the parameter values
In power system, distribution transformer is an electrical monitoring leads to breakdown during abnormality and
equipment which supplies power from the generating station lifetime of transformers are reduced.
to consumers directly. Distribution transformer has a long
service if they are operated under rated conditions. Their life
is significantly reduced if they are subjected to overloading
and voltage unbalance for a long time, also low oil level and
high winding temperature leads to insulation failure resulting
breakdown. Overloading and ineffective cooling of
transformers is the major cause of failure in distribution
transformer [1][2]. Distribution transformersare currently
monitored manually which cannot provide information about
occasional overloads and overheating of transformer oil and
windings [3]. Most power companies use Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for online
monitoring of power transformer extending the SCADA
System for online monitoring of distribution transformer at
the remote area is an expensive proposition due to long Fig.1. Linemen trying to measure the various parameters of
distance [4]. the transformer.

According to the above requirements, we need a distribution 2. Proposed System

transformer real-time monitoring system to detect all This system can detect faults during under voltage, over
operating parameters such as winding and oil temperature, current, low oil level, high winding temperature and isolate
oil level, load current, and voltage output continuously and the transformer from the source. It can communicate which
sent to the monitoring centre in time. transformer is under fault by obtaining its location using GPS
II. METHODOLOGY and what type of fault has been occurred to authorized
persons (lineman, engineer, substation, powerhouse etc.,) via
1. Existing System SMS using GSM technology. This is wireless
communication and for this, we can use the existing mobile
For decades, fuse, circuit breakers and electromechanical phone towers. We can easily communicate with more than
relays were used for the protection of power system. But, one person if necessary. This project will reduce the failure
they operate only after the fault occurs. The failure of the level.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 1, Jan – Feb 2018
especially those systems with a large number of single-phase
PARAMETERS ACTUAL PRESET consumers. Considering the significant effect of the voltage
VALUE VALUE unbalance on transformers lifetime and system reliability.
Winding temp 65 deg. C 80 deg. C Table.2. Parameters during under voltage.
Output voltage 108.57V 195V
Load current 5A 8A NEMA Definition
Oil level 5% 2%
According to NEMA definition of voltage unbalance also
known as the Line Voltage Unbalance Rate (LVUR),
Power supply is given by %LVUR=Max(|VAB-VLav|,|VBC-VLav|,|VCA-
VLav|) *100 / VLav.
The average line voltage designed as follows,
VLav = [ VAB+ VBC+ VCA /3]
Oil level GSM
Here VAB, VBC, VCA are line voltages.
sensor modem
IEC Definition

Temperatu GPS The “IEC definition” of voltage unbalance defined as the

re sensor modem ratio of the negative sequence voltage component to
the positive sequence voltage component and given by
%VUF = (negative sequence voltage
Arduino component/Positive sequence voltage component) *100.
Voltage controller
sensor 2. Overload Analysis
An overloading can occur when at least one of the phase
LCD currents exceeds its rated value. In distribution transformers,
Current overloading is a complicated problem (an important tissue)
sensor display
that needs an overall understanding of loads behaviours,
effective parameters in transformers and environmental
IR sensor conditions. Whereas the load variation in the distribution
system is so much more than transfer system, then one phase
could be in overloading condition in a longer time. A
PARAMETERS ACTUAL PRESET longtime overloading beyond standard duration causes
VALUE VALUE serious damages to the transformer and will reduce its
Winding temp 65 deg. C 80 deg. C lifetime. Considering the importance of the value and
Output voltage 230V 195V duration of transformer overloading, we can use following
Load current 5A 8A standards to determine allowable values. In which is
Oil level 5% 2% according to ANSI standard, the approximate value of the
overloading peak that transformer can endure while not
affect its lifetime, has been shown. The environmental
temperature is assumed to be 30. But the loading capability
for each degree of temperature rise above 30 will reduce to
Fig.2. Block diagram of transformer monitoring and 1.5 percent. Also, by decreasing the temperature, it will
protection with GSM technology. increase as 1 percent for every one degree [6].

III. Parameter Analysis

Table.1. Parameters during normal condition. PARAMETERS ACTUAL PRESET
Winding temp 65 deg. C 80 deg. C
Output voltage 230V 195V
1. Voltage Analysis
Load current 8.02A 8A
The Voltage unbalance is a condition which the three-phase Oil level 5% 2%
voltages differ in amplitude or are displaced from their Table.3. Parameters during overload.
normal 120-degree phase relationship or both of these
situations occur simultaneously[5]. Voltage unbalance will
occur in power systems as well as distribution systems,

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 1, Jan – Feb 2018
3. Temperature Analysis
Temperature is one the most important factor that
reduces transformers lifetime. Thus, using transformers in
an optimum and standard temperature will help to
keep transformers working for a longer time. Initialization of all ports


Winding temp 105.87deg. C 80 deg. C
Output voltage 230V 195V
Load current 5A 8A Read all the ports
Oil level 5% 2%
Table.4. Parameters during high temperature.
Display temperature
1. Software Implementation:
The Software Implementation is done by means of Arduino GPS initialization
software. Programming of Arduino and Interfacing of
sensors with Arduino are the main part of software YES NO
implementation. The programming part is done by using the
“C” language. The hardware circuit gets initialized as soon Theft If IR==1
as the power supply is given to it. LCD display is interfaced occurs
with the Arduino so that it displays the parameter values like
voltage, current, temperature and oil level. When any YES NO
problem occurs in the transformer it will be displayed on the
LCD and it sends the values to the monitoring centre through If oil
Oil tank Oil tank
GSM module. The location is also sent to the monitoring tank==0
full empty
centre through GPS module.
2. Hardware Implementation:
The main components used for designing the system are YES
sensors, Arduino, GSM, GPS. Power is supplied to all the If
components by means of a battery. The required parameter voltage200
values are obtained by using sensors. Arduino is -280
programmed in such a way that it displays the obtained
values in the LCD display and compares the values with the
pre-set values. The values are sent to the monitoring centre NO
by means of GSM. The location of the transformer is
Relay ON
obtained by means of GPS.

Message sent
to user

Fig.3. Software flow of monitoring and protection of

distribution transformer

Fig.4. Hardware kit of transformer monitoring and


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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 1, Jan – Feb 2018
3. Components Used
i. Microcontroller
Arduino UNO SMD R3:In our project,analog nalog pins are
interfaced with various sensors,Digital
gital pins are interfaced
with LCD display and buzzer.Universal
.Universal Serial Bus(USB) is
used for loading program from personal computers.
ii. Sensors
A sensor is a device, module or subsystem whose purpose is
to detect events or changes in its environment and send the
information to another electronic device to which it is
Fig.4. Interfacing GSM, GPS and LCD display in Tinker CAD
1. LM 35 temperature sensor- to measure the
temperature of windings and oil temperature
temperature. Its v. LCD Display
output pin is connected to analog pin (A0) of
Arduino board. LCD (liquid crystal display) is the technology used for
2. ACS 712 current sensor–to to measure the output displays in notebook and other smaller computers.
current from the transformer. It is connected to To wire LCD screen to Arduino board, connect the following
analog pin (A1) of Arduino board. pins:
3. Voltage sensor module – used to measureth
measurethe output
voltage of the transformer.It is connected to analog
• LCD RS pin to digital pin 12
pin (A2) of Arduino board.
4. Ultrasonic sensor – used to measure the oil level. It • LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
is connected to analog pin (A3) of Arduino.
Arduino • LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
5. LM358 IC 2 for IR transmitter and receiver pair-
pair to • LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
detect the theft of power. • LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
• LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
iii. GSM
Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) modem Additionally, wire a 10k pot to +5V and GND, with its wiper
allows the computer to communicate over the mobile (output) to LCD screens VO pin (pin3). A 220ohm resistor is
network through calls, SMS and MMS messages. Tx pin of used to power the backlight of the display, usually on pin 15
GSM module to Rx pin of Arduino and Rx pin of GSM and 16 of the LCD connector.
module to Tx pin of Arduino are interconnected
interconnected. Ground pin
of Arduino is connected to ground pin of GSM module.
iv. GPS

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based

satellite navigation system that provides location and time
information. Connect GPS Module to Arduino UNO as

• VCC to 5V
• GND to GND
• RX to 9
• TX to 10

Fig.5. Circuit diagram of interconnection off LCD display with Arduino

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1303 Page 568
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 1, Jan – Feb 2018
V. RESULT: [9]. Leibfried, T, “Online monitors keep transformers in service”,
Computer Applications in Power, IEEE, Volume: 11 Issue: 03, July 1998.
The temperature of the windings is raised above 130-degree
[10].I J Nagrath and D P Kothari, “Electrical machines”, Tata McGraw
Celsius which is an abnormal condition. Thesensor senses Hill publishing company limited New Delhi, 3rd edition,2007.
the condition and it places the high signal on A0 pin and then
the Arduino transmits the signal to GSM and GPS which in
turn sends the message to the programmed number.
By the same way, oil level was lowered manually and the
message was received and the fault was displayed on the
LCD display.
A server module can be included in this system for receiving
and storing transformerparameters information periodically
about all the distribution transformers of a particularutility in
a database application. This database will be a useful source
of information on the utility transformers. Analysis of these
stored data helps the utility in monitoring the operational
behaviours of their distribution transformers and identify
faults before any catastrophic failures thus resulting in
significant cost saving as well as improving system

The complete design of the model is given and the circuit of
monitoring and protection of distribution transformer is
successfully implemented and the desired result is obtained.
Manually the oil level was made low below the limit
instantly our monitoring system detects the fault and trips the
circuit along with sending a message to the specified

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ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 569

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