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Electronic Electrical Measurement & Measuring Instruments Mcq-1

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The purpose of the instruments is to

a. Allow measurements to be made b. Transmit the information
c. Change the signals d. Any of the above

2. The measurement refers to which of the following:

a. Primary signal b. Measured variable
c. Output d. All of the above

3. The measurement of a quantity

a. Is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with another quantity.
b. Is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with a known quantity whose accuracy may be known or may not
be known.
c. Is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with a predefined acceptable standard which is accurately
d. None of the above.

4. In present day measurements systems

a. Direct methods are commonly used.
b. One of the direct methods are limited but indirect methods are commonly used.
c. Both indirect and direct methods are commonly used.
d. All of the above.

5. A null type of instrument as compared to a deflection type instrument has

a. A higher accuracy b. A lower sensitivity
c. A faster response d. All of the above.

6. The usage of electronic instruments is becoming more extensive because they have
a. A high sensitivity and reliability.
b. A fast response and compatibility with digital computers.
c. The capability to respond to signals from remote places.
d. All the above

7. Which of the following errors can arise, as a result of mistakes in reading, parallax, improper instrument location
and inadequate lighting?
a. Construction error b. Transmission error
c. Observation error d. Translation error

8. Errors which may be variable both in magnitude and nature (positive or negative) are classified as
a. Hysteresis errors b. Random errors
c. Systematic errors d. Interaction errors

9. In a differential amplifier using two FETs, a resistance to be used to reduce the meter current to zero even when
the no voltage is applied to the circuit. This is necessitated in account of
a. Mismatch between characteristics of two FETs.
b. Difference between tolerance values of resistors used in the circuit even though they are marked nominally equal.
c. Variations in the operating voltage of the circuit.
d. Both a and b.

10. A PMMC meter has an internal resistance of 500 Ω and the current required for its full scale deflection is 100 µA.
the power consumed by the meter is
a. 5 µW b. 5 mW
c. 5W d. 0.5 µW

11. The advantage of Hay’s bridge over Maxwell’s inductance-capacitance bridge is because
a. Its equation for balance do not contain any frequency term.
b. It can be used for measurement of inductance of high Q coils.
c. It can be used for measurement of inductance of low Q coils.
d. None of the above.

12. Not Available

13. In a linear meter, half-scale deflection occurs when there is ………… per cent of the rated current through its coil
a. 100 b. 25
c. 50 d. 75
14. It is desired to convert a 0-1000 µA meter movement, with an internal resistance of 100 Ω into 0-100 mA meter.
The required value of shunt resistance is about
a. 1Ω b. 10 Ω
c. 99 Ω d. 100 Ω

15. Loading effect is principally caused by ……….. Instruments.

a. High resistance b. Low sensitivity
c. High sensitivity d. High range

16. A multimeter is used to measure

a. Resistance b. Current
c. Voltage d. All of the above

17. Digital instruments are those which

a. Have numerical readout b. Use LED or LCD displays
c. Have a circuitry of digital design d. Use deflection type meter

18. The main difference between electronic and electrical instruments is that an electronic instrument contains
a. An electronic device b. A transducer
c. A digital readout d. Electrons

19. A VTVM produces negligible loading effect on a circuit under test primarily because
a. It virtually draws no current from b. Of its very high internal resistance
the circuit
c. It uses high vacuum tubes d. It is a null deflection instrument

20. The essential elements of electronic instruments are

a. Transducer b. Signal conditioner
c. Indicating devices d. All of the above

21. The current sensitivity of meter is expressed in

a. Ampere b. Ohm/ampere
c. Ohm/volt d. Ampere/division

22. The basic movement can be converted into an ohmmeter by connecting a ……………. With it.
a. High resistance in series b. Low resistance in parallel
c. Battery in series d. Battery and a variable resistance in

23. A 0-1 mA meter has a sensitivity of

a. 1 kΩ/V b. 1 mA
c. 1kΩ d. 1000 A

24. A moving coil instrument has a resistance of 10 Ω and takes 40 mA to produce full-scale deflection. The shunt
resistance required to convert this instrument for use as an ammeter of range of 0 to 2A is
a. 0.1021 Ω b. 0.2041 Ω
c. 0.2561 Ω d. 0.4210 Ω

25. To avoid errors in any experimental work, ……………… is necessary

a. Planning b. Execution
c. Evaluation d. All of the above

26. A device or mechanism used to determine the present value of the quantity under measurement known as
a. Multimeter b. Instrument
c. sensitivity d. None of the above

27. The process of determining the amount, degree or capacity by comparison with accepted standard of the system
units being used is known as…
a. Accuracy b. Resolution
c. Measurement d. Precision

28. The degree of exactness of a measurement compared to the expected value is know as
a. Accuracy b. Resolution
c. Measurement d. Precision
29. The smallest change in a measured variable to which an instrument will respond is known as
a. Accuracy b. Resolution
c. Measurement d. Precision

30. ……………. Is the measure of the consistency or repeatability of measurements.

a. Accuracy b. Resolution
c. Measurement d. Precision

31. The design value is also known as

a. Measured value b. Expected value
c. Output value d. Input value

32. The deviation of the true value from the desired value is known as
a. Expected value b. Output value
c. Error d. Input value

33. The ratio of the change in output of the instrument to a change in input is known as
a. Precision b. Sensitivity
c. Resolution d. Accuracy

34. If a measurement is accurate then

a. It must not be precise b. It must be precise
c. It is not necessary d. None of the above

35. If a measurement is precise then

a. It may be precise b. It may not be precise
c. Both a and b d. It is not necessary

36. A constant uniform deviation of the operation of an instrument is known as

a. Gross error b. Systematic error
c. Random error d. All of the above

37. ……………. Is one of the basic error that occurs frequently due to improper use of an instrument
a. Gross error b. Systematic error
c. Random error d. None of the above

38. …………… errors are due to conditions external to the measuring device, including conditions in the area
surrounding the instrument.
a. Instrumental errors b. Environmental errors
c. Observational errors d. Random errors

39. ………….. errors are inherent in measuring instruments, because of their mechanical structure.
a. Instrumental errors b. Environmental errors
c. Observational errors d. Random errors

40. …………. Errors are that errors which remain after gross and systematic errors.
a. Instrumental errors b. Environmental errors
c. Observational errors d. Random errors

41. Dynamic characteristics of an instrument are

a. Speed of response b. Fidelity
c. Dynamic error d. All of the above

42. The most probable value of a measured variable is the …………………………… of the number of readings taken.
a. Arithmetic mean b. Deviation from the mean
c. Average deviation d. Standard deviation

43. ……………….. is the departure of a given reading from the arithmetic mean of the group of readings.
a. Arithmetic mean b. Standard deviation
c. Average deviation d. Deviation from the mean

44. The ………………………….. is an indication of the precision of the instrument used in measurement.
a. Arithmetic mean b. Standard deviation
c. Average deviation d. Deviation from the mean
45. Highly precise instruments yield a ……….. average deviation between readings.
a. Low b. High
c. Medium d. Zero

46. The basic PMMC movement is often called D’Arsonval movement is used to measure
a. DC only b. AC only
c. Both DC & AC d. None of the above

47. The unit of sensitivity is

a. Volt b. Ohm
c. Volt/Ohm d. Ohm/Volt

48. ………………….. are instruments which measure the insulation resistance of electric circuits relative to earth and
one another.
a. Series ohmmeter b. Shunt ohmmeter
c. Megger d. ohmeter

49. when the system is ………………………. The pointer makes the number of oscillations about the final position before
settling down which leads waste of time.
a. Under damped b. Over damped
c. Critically damped d. Both a and b

50. The galvanometer has ………. Constants.

a. 1 b. 2
c. 3 d. 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

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