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Course: 837 PG - No 1: Educational Research

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Course: 837 PG.

NO 1
Educational research.
Semester: Autumn; 2019.
Assignment no .1
Units: 1-4
Question no .1
Explain each source of knowledge and discuss which source is most important and
What is knowledge?
Human body needs to nutritious food its healthy existence. Human mind also need nutritious
food for their healthy and brilliant functioning. Hence knowledge is considered as the food of
mind. The definition of knowledge is going debate among the philosophers in the field of

According to Plato:
Knowledge is justified true belief knowledge can be defined as a familiarity awareness on
understanding of someone on something such as facts’ information, descriptions or skills,
which is acquired through experiences or education by perceiving, discovering or learning.
Knowledge make individuals more strength and confident in their activity. The activity of
research builds new knowledge, through or formulates generalization. The activity that
produces this new knowledge is knowing as research.

Ways/sources of acquiring knowledge:

Curious to know about new things is the main motivating factor for searching new
knowledge. For the purpose of getting new information the human beings are using following
ways to new knowledge.

Sensory perception:
Senses are the gate ways of knowledge. Five senses help an individual to get primary
information regarding any object, individual or events and so forth. For example, students
can see an experiment conducted by the teacher, hear the explanation, touch the object or
produce, smell the output, taste the produce etc. In the case of a researcher, the sensory
perceptions are important to them to collect information to and unify the authentiety and
originality of acquired knowledge.
Course: 837 2
Logical reasoning:
Logical reasoning is another way of acquiring knowledge. It is related to bring functioning.
Through the logical reasoning a researcher can deduct and infer information regarding the
research problem.
Categorical syllogism:
Syllogistic reasoning is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning for
drowing a valid conclusion based on two or more preposition. Categorical syllogism; consists
of three components:
1. Major premise.
2. Minor premise.
3. Conclusion.
Major premise:
It is a self-evident assumption previously established by metaphysical truck or dogmas, for
example all men are mortal.
Minor premise:
It is a particular case related to the major premise. For example, Socrates is a man.
Based on both premises conclusion and inference could be surly possible. For example
Socrates is mortal. For the above example we can observe the general assumption in major
premise: that is all men are mortal. Then leads to particular observation in minor premise
that Socrates is a man and concludes that that’s way he is a mortal?
There are several accessions where a researcher needs authority’s knowledge. All official
information can be termed as authoritative knowledge. This process ensures an information
seekers to get authentic knowledge, from authority. Finally authority is a valuable source of
knowledge but it does have a major weakness. An authority whether a political figure,
parent, religious leader or scholar can be wrong. Consequently it is dangerous to roly solly on
a single source of knowledge.

Traditions: Tradition are another important source of knowledge. For example social skill,
values, social functions are entirely vouted in traditions of the society. Traditions have local
as well as
Course: 837 3

National impact. There are much information which is largely depends on traditions.
Rationality is a system by which knowledge is gained by reason and not by experiencing the
world. Rationalists do not believe that it is necessary to verify knowledge either by faith or
experience. Finlay rationality can provide a valuable means of knowledge, knowing.
Scientific method in developing knowledge:
According to krlanger.
According to Ker langer (1983, p.11) science is the systematic, controlled, and critical
investigation of hypothetical preposition about presumed relations among nature

John Dewey:
John Dewey (1938) identified the following steps for scientific method which consists of
deductive and inductive reasoning.
1. Identification and definition of problems.
2. Formulation of hypotheses.
3. Collection, organization and analysis of data.
4. Formulation of conclusion.
5. Verification, rejection, or modification of hypotheses.

Most important sources of knowledge.

Research is another way of acquiring knowledge. Ti is dependable as well as means of the
acquiring reliable knowledge of concerned. It directly impacted lifestyles of human beings.
Research is a process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer
questions. In fact research is an art of scientific investigation or technique. In other words
some people say that research is a systematized effort to gain knowledge and it is a process
of collecting, evaluating, and interpreting information to answer questions.
It must, as far as possible, be systematic, controlled, rigorous, valid and verifiable, empirical
and critical.
Course: no 837 PG NO 4

Define research, explain the important characteristics of research.
Research is another way of acquiring knowledge. It is the dependable as well as
means of acquiring reliable knowledge, of concerned. That is way research is called as search
for truth or developing knowledge, theory. From the human history, as result of research a
series invention has been taken from the dawn of human generation. It directly impacted the
lifestyle of human beings. Hence, now a day’s several authority people are developed on
research. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation or technique.
Research characteristics:

1. Research should be controlled:

It should be controlled because of the relation between two or more variables are
affected by each other (where it is internal or external). If the research is not controlled,
then it will not be able to design a particular research report.

2. Research should be systematic:

Research should be systematic because if a researcher wants to do a perfect
research design or process then it will have to evaluate or obtained the necessary
information from the market in a systematic manner. It takes various steps of procedures
are interlinked to each other.

3. Research should be rigorous:

It should be rigorous because it helps to follow the procedures to out the
answer related questions which are relevant and apportate in nature. The research
information consists of two types of sciences such as physical and social science.

4. Research should be valid:

It means the information which is collected by the research can
be correct and verified by yourself. If our collected information is fair or valid, then
our research will also be ethical in nature.
5. Research should be empirical:
These means that any conclusion drawn is totally based upon
ethical or hard evidence gathered information collected from observation and real-life
experiences. 5 pg. no 5

6. Foundation of knowledge:
Research is the foundation of knowledge for the purposed of knowledge and an important
source providing guidelines or norms for solving different social business, or governmental
problems. Ti is a variety of formal training which enables us to understand the new
developments in one’s field in an efficient way.

Question no 3
How can educational research be used to improve the system of education?
Support your answer with arguments.
John w.Best (1992) has observed in his book research in education, as the source of our
cultural development has been research, pushing back the areas of ignorance by discovering
new truths, which in turn, lead to better way of doing things and better products. Education
research is considered to be a prominent, key’ which is essential to the opening of new words
doors in education. Keeping this in view, effort has been, scope of research in education.
Educational research:
Educational research refers to the systematic collection and analysis of
data related to the field of education. Research h may involve a variety aspects of education
including students learning, teaching methods, teacher training, and classroom dynamics.
Educational research may draw upon a variety of disciplines. These disciplines include
psychology and philosophy. Methods may be drawn from a range of disciplines.
Concept of research in education:
According to j.w.Best (1992) research is an intellectual activity which brings to light new
knowledge or correct previous error, and misconceptions and ads in an orderly way to the
existing corps of knowledge.
Scientific process:
There are seven dements of scientific process namely.
1) Analysis-synthesis:
2) Selective recall;
3) Hypothesis.
4) Reasoning by (a) method of disagreement, (b) method of argument, (c) joint
method of agreement and disagreement.
5) Judgment.
6) Purposeful observation.
Course. No 837 pg. no 6

7) Verification by inference and experimentation.

Characteristic of research movie:
An older description of research may be enplaned with the five characterization spelling out
the word MOVIE.
M. Standing for the mathematical precision and accuracy.
O. Stand’s for objectivity.
V. Stands for verifiability.
I. Stands for impartiality.
E. Stands for experiences.

Characteristic of scientific research:

Educational research share some of the main characteristics of scientific researcher which
may be analyzed as under.
 Research is purposive. It is consider with problems to be solved.
 Research is objective. Stress is always on testing.
 Research is systematic and accurate investigation.
 Research collects facts.
 Research expresses results without being influenced by any extraneous consideration.

Need for research:

Education is a growing science and its foundations are to be explored for a study of the
subject as an interdisticiponary approach. Knowledge explosion and the need for educational
research word has witnessed an unprecedented explosion of knowledge. Spirit of research is
needed everywhere. Research is needed to keep out of fixed track.

Utilization of research towards national development.

Educational research throws up valuable background data from which the planner can make
his own assessment of the prevailing situation. These studies open up the possibility of
testing the validity of the assumptions that must of necessity, be made by the planner in
setting assumption that must of necessity, and be made by the planner.
Course: no 837 pg. no 7

Question no: 4
Differentiate among basic, applied and action research and discuss in detail the
need and use of action research.
Education research is classified into basic research, applied research, and action research. The
basic and applied research are differentiated by their purposes. The primary purpose of basic
research is the extension of knowledge whereas the purpose of applied research is the
solution of an immediate, practical problem.

I. Basic research:-
Basic research or fundamental to the development research contributes to the development
of knowledge theory.

II. Applied research:-

It is socially useful application of the knowledge generated to social concerns.

III. Action research:-

It is useful in solving an immediate, specific problem. It is very useful in solving classroom

What is basic research?

Basic research is also known as fundamental concerned with the improvement of scientific
knowledge. Pure research looks at the big picture in the sense that it looks for overall factors
and related postulates.

What is applied research?

This type of research is also called functional research. Education like medicine is an applied
Walter R. BORG(1987;P.11) has started the primary function of research in
education as in medicine…is to find improvements for education or medicine both to be
understood as fields of human actions not as fields of knowledge.
Differences between basic and applied research:-
Purpose of basic and applied research:-
Course: no 837 pg. no 8

 Basic research:-
Basic research is more theoretical since it generally generates theories and explores
information which may not be presently applied.

 Scope:-
The scope of basic research is often universal as it may be applied to diverse concepts

 Technology:-
As Compared to basic research, applied research is more often linked with the improvement
of technology as it covers the direct application of knowledge.

 Future:
While basic research aims to predict problems or come with solution for future challenges.

Basic Research
Applied Research
Basic research Applied research
 Expands current knowledge.  Solves particular life problems.
 Heretical and explorty in  Practical and descriptive in
nature. nature.
 Wider scope.  More specific scope.
 Less associated with  Associated with the
technology. advancement of technology.
 Curiosity driven.  Client driven
 Less connected with  Highly connected with
economy. economical pursuits.
 Take place in sterile  Occurs in real.
environment.  World setting.
 Does not have direct  Has directed objectives.
commercial objectives. 837 pg. No 9
Action research:
According to Stephen Corey (1953). Action research must be taken up by those who may have
to change the way they do think as a result of the study singly and in groups.

Scope of action research:-

The process by which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to
Gide, correct and evaluated their decisions and action research. Action research is focused on
immediate application not on the development of a theory not upon general application.

Difference between basic research and action research.

Basic research Action research

 Developed and test  To find solutions to
educational theory problems in a
and drive specific context.
generalization.  Limited training is
 Intentensive training needed.
is needed in  Student studding of
research. review of literature,
 Considerably large is needed.
sample size is  Smile analysis
required. procedures are
 Complex analysis is usually sufficient.
often called for.  No such thorough
 An exhaustive and review of literature
through review of is needed.
literature is required.
Course no 837 pg. no 10
Advantages of action research:
The person must improve if the problem is to be solved is action in the changed process from
the beginning. Facts and evidences are stressed which keep the changed process anchored
more continuously to reality. The approach is experimental and tentative rather than dogmatic.
Action research emphasization of decision making and action.

Differentiate between historical and experimental research and discuss the

process of experimental research.
Historical research:-
The use of historical source and techniques in the field of educational research is known as
historical research method. Historical research justifies itself when used to find out the
solutions of the present day problems. On the basis of the experiences of the past.

The research is not involved in the situation that is studied the researchers do not interact with
the subjects of study. Analysis of historical data may be explain current and future events.

Historical characteristics:
 It is based on reports of observations which cannot be reported.
 It is liable to be subjective.
 In history, rational process of analysis and inference is verbalized.
 Science predicts the future course of events, and history uses present evedence to
retodict the past.

Values of historical research in education:-

 It inspire respect for sound scholarship and reverence for great teacher.
 The history of education enable the educational worker to detect fads and trills.
 The history of education enables the educational worker to view present educational
problems in the light of their origin and growth.
 Past education experiences may serve as a basis for tentative generalization in analyzing
current educational issues and problems.

Experimental research:-
T.W.Best (1992) describes experimental research as the description and analysis of what will be
or what will occur, under carefully controlled conditions.
According to:
Course no 837 pg. no 11
Cater v. good, and Douglas E. Scates. (1954).
Experimentation is the name given to the type of educational research in which the investigate
controls the educative factor to which a child or group of children is subjected during the period
of inquiry, and observers the resulting achievements.

Types of experimental research:

 Pre-experimental research design.
 True experimental research design.
 Quasi-experimental research design.
i. Pre-experimental research:-
This is the simplest form of experimental research design.
A group or various groups are kept under observation after factors are considered for cause and
effect. The per-experimental design is more bifurcates into three types. Following are the major
steps inn experimental research.
a. Planning the experiment.
b. Conducting the experiment.
c. Reporting the result.

Advantages of experimental research:-

a. Researchers have a stronger hold over variables to obtain desired results.
b. Subject or industry is not a criterion for experiment it for research purposes.
c. Results are extremely specific.
d. Once the results are analyzed, they can be applied to various other similar aspects.
e. Experimental research can be used in association with other research methods.
The experimental method is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the
researcher manipulates one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other
variables. This is an experiment where the research manipulates one variable, and
control/randomizes the rest of the variables.

The end

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