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Fundamentals of Research

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Paul Ervin P.

BSIT 3-2

1. Give five (5) definitions of research.

A.) Science is a personal conviction, with a universal intent - Michael Polanyi
These words of Michael Polanyi (1958) have moved both of us. We
strongly believe in the first part of his statement; however, it is observed
that many researchers are more concerned about the second part. Our
motto would be to encourage researchers to align both parts into their
research agenda. It is imperative to talk about what research means to us.
Research is a process to get deeper insight into any concept, issue or
process. It is a systematic detailed study of a subject, especially to
discover any (new) information or reach a (new) understanding
(Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2003). Process of research includes any
gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge
(Shuttleworth, 2008). Process of conducting research does not mean
following linear steps, such as deciding hypothesis, collecting data and
data analysis, rather it implies getting deeper into the phenomenon under
investigation (see Box 1.1) and contribute to knowledge for the sake of
knowledge. Designing a research is as much art as science. In research
as in art, there can be no single, ideal standard. In the subsequent
section, we turn to present a discussion on our understandings about
qualitative research. We share our perspectives of three fundamental
facets of researchontology, epistemology and methodology and provide
an outline for planning, implementing and evaluating the quality of ones
research. We clarify each of these research facets, their interrelationships,
and their contributions to research practice and appraisal.
B.) According to Rusk
Research is a point of view, an attitude of inquiry or a frame of
mind. It asks questions which have hitherto not been asked, and it seeks
to answer them by following a fairly definite procedure. It is not a mere
theorising, but rather an attempt to elicit facts and to face them once they
have been assembled. Research is likewise not an attempt to bolster up
pre-conceived opinions, and it implies a readiness to accept the
conclusions to which an inquiry leads, no matter how unwelcome they
may prove. When successful, research adds to the scientific knowledge of
the subject.
C.) According to George J. Mouly

He defines research as, The systematic and scholarly application

of the scientific method interpreted in its broader sense, to the solution of
social studiesal problems; conversely, any systematic study designed to
promote the development of social studies as a science can be
considered research.
D.) According to Francis G. Cornell
To be sure the best research is that which is reliable verifiable and
exhaustive, so that it provides information in which we have confidence.
The main point here is that research is, literally speaking, a kind of human
behaviour, an activity in which people engage. By this definition all
intelligent human behaviour involves some research. In social studies,
teachers, administrators, or others engage in Research when they
systematically and purposefully assemble information about schools,
school children, the social matrix in which a school or school system is
determined, the characteristic of the learner or the interaction between the
school and pupil.
E.) According to Will Seymour Monroe
Monroe, University of Illinois states, Research may be defined as a
method of studying problems whose solutions are to be derived partly or
wholly from facts. The facts dealt with in research may be statements of
opinion, historical facts, those contained in records and reports, the results
of tests, answers to questionnaires, experimental data of any sort, and so
forth. The final purpose of research is to ascertain principles and develop
procedures for use in the field of social studies; therefore, it should
conclude by formulating principles or procedures. The mere collection and
tabulation of facts is not research, though it may be preliminary to it on eve
a part thereof.
2. What are the different classifications/types/kinds of research?
1. Basic Level
Trevers has defined basic level as basic research. It is designed to
add an organized body of scientific knowledge and does not necessarily
produce results of immediate practical value.
2. Applied Level
Applied research is undertaken to solve an immediate practical
problem and the goal of adding to scientific knowledge is secondary. A
common mistake is to assume that levels differ according to complexity
and that basic research tends to be complex and applied research. Some

applied research is quite complex and some basic research is rather



There are various bases to classify the research.
1. On the Basis of Objectives of Research
On the basis of objectives of research they are of two types:
1. Fundamental research and
2. Action research.
2. On the Basis of Approach of Research
On the basis of approach of Research they are of two types:
1. Longitudinal research: Historical research, case study, genetic
comes under longitudinal approach of research.
2. Cross sectional research: Experimental research, survey are the
examples of cross sectional research.
3. On the Basis of Precision in Research Findings
On the basis of precision (accuracy) the researches are:
1. Experimental research and
2. Non-experimental research. Experimental research is precise
while non-experimental is not.
4. On the Basis of Nature of Findings
On the basis of findings Researches are of two types:
1. Explanatory research: Such researches explain more concerned
theories. laws and principles.
2. Descriptive research: These are more concerned with facts.
5. According to National Science Foundation
These National Science Foundation formulated a three-fold
classification of research.
1. Basic research: Those researches which embrace origin or
unique investigation for the advancement of knowledge.
2. Applied research: Which may be characterized as the utilization
in practice.

3. Development research: It is the use of scientific knowledge for

the production of useful materials, devices, systems, methods for
processes excluding design and production engineering.

6. Another Classification
a.) Adhoc research: Adhoc research is the class of inquiry used for
a purpose alone and special.
b.) Empirical research: Empirical research is that which depends
upon the experience or observation of phenomena and events.
c.) Explained research: Explained research is that which is based
on a theory.
d.) Boarder line research: Boarder line research is that which
involves those main two branches or are as of science. For
example study of public school finance.
There are three types of objectives of research: theoretical, factual and
application. The first two types of objectives of research contribute new
knowledge in the form of new theory and facts in a particular field of study or
discipline. The third objective does not contribute to knowledge but suggests new
application for practical problems. Thus, the researches are classified broadly
into two categories: 1. Fundamental or Basic research, and
2. Action research or Applied research.
3. What are the characteristics of research?
It gathers new knowledge or data from primary or first-hand sources.
It places emphasis upon the discovery of general principles.
It is an exact systematic and accurate investigation.
It uses certain valid data gathering devices.
It is logical and objective.
The researcher resists the temptation to seek only the data that support
his hypotheses.
The researcher eliminates personal feelings and preferences.
It endeavours to organise data in quantitative terms.
Research is patient and unhurried activity.
The researcher is willing to follow his procedures to the conclusions that
may be unpopular
and bring social disapproval.
Research is carefully recorded and reported.

Conclusions and generalisations are arrived at carefully and cautiously.


A sound philosophy of social studies as the basis of research
Robert R. Rusk observes. In the application of scientific procedure
to social studies a sound philosophy as well as a sound common sense
must be invoked to save the scientific procedure from itself.

Research is based on insight and imagination

The same writer feels, Social studies by its reliance on research
must never fail to realize that in addition to its practical practitioner and
skilled investigators, it stands in need of men and women of imaginative
insight, who look beyond, he present and behold the vision splendid. If the
vision should fade into the light of common day, not only will the people
perish, but research itself will become a sterile futility.

Research requires an inter-disciplinary approach

Research is not the mere description of elementary and isolated
facts of nature. It must be related to the
study of complex relationships of various facts. It requires an interdisciplinary approach.

Research usually employs deductive reasoning process

Eric Hylla writes in the Nature and Functions of Research, the
science of mind commonly uses methods of description, explanation,
interpretation, sympathetic or intuitive understanding methods which are
mainly speculative and deductive in character and which rarely furnish
results that can be subjected to measurement or mathematical

Research should come out of a desire to do things better

Stephen M. Corey writes. Better social studies al means better
development or formulation of instructional aims, better motivation of
pupils, better teaching methods, better evaluation and better supervision
and administration, these are activities or operations.

Research is not as exact as research in physical science

No two human beings have ever been found to be alike. No
scientific investigations of human behaviour even those of so called
identical twins have resulted in the findings of individuals completely
similar in structure or behaviour. In the whole world there are probably no
two things exactly alike similarly no two human beings are alike, they differ
physically in size, weight, height, colour of eyes and hair texture of skin
and in a thousand other details as well as in thousands of details of

mental, social and spiritual life, writes H.C. McKown. This fact stands in
the way of making research as an exact science.

Research is not the field of the specialist only

W.C. Redford writes, In sum, I believe the teachers in every
country have the opportunity and the capacity to undertake some
research. Such research, carried out in the day-to-day work of the school,
should be concerned directly with the problems of that school. It can
properly concern itself with such matters as child development, class
organisation, teacher-pupil relationships, interaction with the community,
curriculum matters, teaching techniques and many others.
Similarly, V.V. Kamat, in an article entitled Can a teacher do research?
published in Teaching making these remarks: Any teacher with
commonsense, intelligence and insight can undertake research in a
problem. In the beginning such workers may require some guidance and
training but this can be made easily available to them at the hands of

Research generally requires inexpensive material

In many social studies research studies we simply need subjects,
i.e., children, their social studies al tools of daily use, paper and pencil and
a few tests.

Research is based on the subjectivity and intangibility of social

Lundberg has pointed out that the physical phenomena may be
known directly through sense, whereas social phenomena are known only
symbolically through words representing such phenomena as tradition,
custom, attitude, values and the whole realm of so called subjective

Research is perhaps incapable of being dealt through empirical

According to Lundberg Exact science tends to become
increasingly quantitative in its units, measures, and terminology while
most of the matter of social science is quantitative and does not admit of
quantitative statement. We can talk of urbanisation, cultural assimilation
etc. but we cant measure quantitatively. We may talk of growing
indiscipline, but unless we can measure it, unless we can ascertain the
degree of indiscipline, we cannot find a perfect cure.
According to Mitchell, Even in the work of the most statistically minded,
qualitative analysis will have a place. Always our measurements, the preconceptions shape our ends, our first glimpses of
new problems, our widest generalisations will remain qualitative in form.

Research is based on inter dependence of causes and effect

In case of a social phenomena the cause and the effect are inter
dependent and one stimulates the other. It becomes, therefore, very
difficult to find as to what is the cause and what is the fore effect. MacIver
rightly points out, Social science has hitherto suffered greatly from the
attempt to make it conform to method derived from the order and more
abstract sciences. It has led us to look for impossible results
and to be disappointed at not getting them. We enquire, for example, after
the manner of physical sciences which of the two related social
phenomena is cause and which the effect. It usually turns out in the social
sphere, that both are cause and both are effect.

Research cannot be a mechanical process

Symonds concludes that research is, ... not something that can be
ground out as by a machine. Research can never be made a mechanical
process. There is no problem worthy of study that does not include
unknown elements and does not require a fresh approach and attack. Too
much of the research done by students in recent years has smaked of the
mechanical or merely following the methods and procedures of some
predecessors without clear insight, into the problem itself or the methods
to be used in attacking it. Much of the research in social studies that is
being published fails to receive recognition because it lacks that spark of
originality that must accompany an attack on a new problem. Research
methods and techniques can be taught, but after they are mastered there
is still the problem of attacking a new problem and genuine contribution to
social studies cannot be made without the willingness to pioneer into new
fields or to work out new procedures. Genuine research must be an
exploration. Any student who wishes to undertake research in social
studies must be willing to take venture into the unknown and only by doing
so he will bring back the fruit of genuine discovery.
The criticism of research, Hugh B. Wood states: Every year about a
thousand young men and women go off justly neglected corners of
knowledge and assemble tiny scraps of more or less useless information
into a little pile of dust, which, adopted with comparative tables, correlative
graphs, and other forms of academic is served up as a thesis. The reward
is the little of Doctor of Philosophy, which enables its recipient to ascend
the social studies as ladder and in time teach other young men and
women to scrap together their own heaps of dust or doctoral

4. Discuss the research cycle.

A.) Questioning- determine the problem to be solved and the questions to ask to
B.) Planning- decide where to seek information and how to store it

D.) Sorting & Sifting- reduce the gathered information to that which is relevant
E.) Synthesizing- information is reshaped into a new whole in order to find focus
F.) Evaluating- determination is made to move on to next stage or revise efforts
G.) Reporting- production of final work
5. What are the sources of research problems?
A.) Personal experiences of the investigator in the field of education are the main
source for identifying suitable problem. Many of the problems confronted in the
classroom, the school or the community lend themselves to investigation and
they are perhaps more appropriate for the beginning researcher than are
problems more remote from his own teaching experiences.
B.) The other source of problem which is most frequently used by the investigator
as suggested by the supervisors, is the extensive study of available literatureresearch abstracts, journals, hand-books of research international abstracts etc.
He can draw an analogy for selecting a research problem or can think parallel
problem in the field studied.
C.) In the choice of a suitable problem, the researcher has to decide his field of
investigation. He should study the field intensively in the specific area, this may
enable him to identify a problem from the specific field.
D.) The new innovations, technological changes and curricular developments are
constantly bringing new problems and new-opportunities for Social Studies
E.) The most practical source of problem is to consult supervisor, experts of the
field and most experienced person of the field. They may suggest most
significant problem of the area. He can discuss certain issues of the area to
emerge a problem.
F.) It is a general practice that researchers suggest some problems in their
research reports. The researcher can pick up a suitable problem for his own
6. Discuss the different kinds of ethical research violations.
Duplicate publication/submission of research findings; failure to inform the
editor of related papers that the author has under consideration or in
Unrevealed conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of the
Misrepresentation of research findings - use of selective or fraudulent
data to support a hypothesis or claim
Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes,

or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not
accurately represented in the research record.
Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes,
results, or words without giving appropriate credit.
Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of

Singh, Y. K. (2006). Fundamentals of Research and Methodology. Chitrakoot, Madhya
Pradesh: Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Rural University.
Coolican, H. (2014). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. New York:
Psychology Press.
DePoy, E., & Gitlin, L. N. (2011). Introduction to Reaearch (5 th ed.). USA: Elsevier.
Kamat, P. V. (2006, March). Research Ethics. Presented at in the Symposium on
Scientific Publishing, ACS National Meeting, Atlanta, GA.


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