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International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: Research Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018

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Research Article ISSN: 2320 5091 Impact Factor: 4.018


Arun B.Jainer1, Anusha M2

Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma,
Assistant Professor, Department of Prasooti Tantra & Stree Roga,
S.D.M Institute of Ayurveda & hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


In females the reproductive system has a great importance and any disease in this system will seriously affect her
th and happiness and also a greater discomfort. The menstrual cycle depends upon the hypothalamo –
pituitary - ovarian axis function whereas the amount of blood loss depends upon the uterine condition. Asrigdara
is one amongst the extensive range of occurrence, it indicates excessive and irregular bleeding per vagina and it
comprises of all forms of excessive bleeding; dysfunctional uterine bleeding is one among them. Sadyo vamana
is one of the atyayiki chikitsa explained in the context of bahudosha avastha and kaphotkleshita vyadhi.
vyadhi Snehana
and swedana are the poorva-karma followed by sadyovamana statistically reveals that changes occurred in the
study are greater than expected results.

Keywords: Asrigdara, bahudosha avastha

avastha, Kaphotkleshita vyadhi, Sadhyo-Vamana,

Women’s health is having prime importance for the amount of blood loss depends upon the uterine
wellbeing of the family and society. In order to condition. In females the reproductive system has a
survive and succeed in this competitive world, she great importance and any disease in this system will
tries to work hard to meet her professional and fafam- seriously affect her health and happiness and also a
ily expectations. In the current scenario, working greater discomfort1. Asrigdara is one amongst the
pattern demands late night works, sitting in front of extensivee range of occurrence. Asrigdara indicates
computer for hours together, skipping meals, excessive and irregular bleeding per vagina. It
consuming junk foods, long hours of distance comprises of all forms of excessive bleeding;
travelling, ultimately leading to disruption of dysfunctional uterine bleeding is one among them.
biological clock of the body, due to this women are Dysfunctional uterine bleeding encompasses patients
unable to pay adequate attention to their own health. of a variety of ages from adolescent to those nearing
The rising incidences of menstrual irregularities
irregularities, to Menopause.
enopause. The incidence of abnormal uterine
PCOD, infertility are evidence for this. bleeding is 10-30%30% in reproductive age and it rise
The menstrual cycle depends upon the hypothalamo up to 50% in Peri-Menopausal
enopausal women due to
– pituitary - ovarian axis function where as the various causes2.
Arun B.Jainer &Anusha M: Role Of Sadyovamana In Cases Of Asrigdara

Asrigdhara, it is one of the Kapha pradana dosha Exclusion criteria:

vyadhi in which classical Vamana karma has been 1. Patients with miscarriages
explained during utklesha-avstha of dosha, as 2. Patients with traumatic lesions of genital tract
Asrigdhara is acute condition and needs Atyaika 3. Patients with systemic illness like HIV, HBSAG
chikitsa instead of classical Vamana. Sadyovamana and any organic lesions.
is one among them and can be given irrespective of 4. Patients with genital tract malignancies
the kaala. The word SadyoVamana suggests that Duration of treatment: 4 days
instant vomiting. According to shabdhakalpadruma, Duration of the study: 10 days
SadyoVamana is the one which can be done in any INVESTIGATIONS: Haemoglobin, HIV, HBsAg,
time of the day. serum creatinine
Study Design:- INTERVENTION:
It was a single blind study to assess the Efficacy of Poorva karma: Acchasnehapaana with varunadi
Sadhyovamana in Asrigdhara, 10 patients suffering ghrita 150-200ml
from Asrigdhara from IPD of Prasooti tantra & Sarvanga abhyanga and bhaspa
Streeroga and Panchakrama department of SDM sweda 2 days
institute of Ayurevda and Hospital, Bengaluru were Pradhana karma: sadyovamana conducted with
selected and Sadhyovamana carried out. ksheera, yastimadhu phanta and saindhava lavana
Inclusion criteria: jala
1. Patient between 15-55 years Paschat karma: dhoomapana, kavala gandusha
2. Patient suffering from bleeding per vagina more Samsarjana krama: 2 day
than 10 days after menstrual cycle Assessment criteria:
3. Patient who are fit for vamana karma Parameters:3,4,5
Angamarda, Vedana in Shroni, Prushta, kukshi and

Table 1: Doshanusaara bheda:

Lakshana Vataja Pittaja Kaphaja Sannipataja
Amount of flow Alpa Nitanta rakta Bahala -
Colour Shyava, aruna, Krishna Nila, pita, panduvarna, gairikodaka varna, nila
varna, kimshukodaka harita,gomutraabham sardusha, mamsapeshi varna, kamsya
sadrusha, pishitoda- sardusha, kovidara sadrusha,
kaabham pushpa sadrusha,
Smell Loha gandha Matsya gandha, visra Vasaa gandha Durgandha,
gandha vigandha
Consistency phenila, tanu, ruksha asnigdha guru, snigdha, picchila, Picchila
ghana, tantumat
Pain Saruja-niruja, toda Pittarti Manda ruja -
Nature Askandhi Askandhi Tantumat Bahuvegavan
Associated Kati, vankshana, daaha, raaga, trushna, Chardi, arochaka, Daaha,
symptoms hrut, parshwa, moha, jwara, brahama, hrullasa, swasa, jwara,
prushta, shroni tivra daaha kaasa trushna
Discharges shita ushna shita -

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Arun B.Jainer &Anusha M: Role Of Sadyovamana In Cases Of Asrigdara

10 patients suffering with Asrigdhara were taken for In asrigdhara, the line of treatment is Raktapitta
the study and assessed with above parameters and chikitsa like sthambhana, vamana and virechana. In
diagnosed as kapaha-Pradhana Asrigdhara. case of adhoga raktapitta, vamana is indicated6. By
General Observations: Among selected patients, considering asrigdhara as an adhoga raktapitta
maximum number of patients (90%) belongs to age vikara with kaphadosha pradhana vyadhi,
group16-20yrs, 10 % of patient belongs to 20-30yrs, sadyovamana is advised to get the instant relief.
all the patients belong to Hindu religion, 90% Patients who are diagnosed with asrigdhara are
unmarried, 100% belongs to the middle class, 80% mainly consuming Guru gunaykta aahara –maida,
had regular bowel habits, 70% had Madhyama kosta, masha which vitiates kapha dosha, Vidahi ahara it
80% were using Madhura, Amla, lavana in their aggravates pitta dosha and in turn vitiates the rakta
diet, 100% had a dietary pattern of Vishamashana, dhatu, Snigdha ahara which vitiates kapha dosha
20% of patients were addicted to coffee. and rakta dhatu, dadhi it is abhishyandhi ahara
Dashavidha Pariksha: 90% patients had Kapha- which causes rakta dushti, eating kulatta regularly
vata prakruthi, 100% madhyama sara and Pramana, causes rakta dushti, masha which is considered as
70% pravara Satva, 80% Madhyama Abhyavaha- artava janaka and causes arsigdhara. shoka, krodha
rana, and jaranashakthi, all the vitals were stable are manasika factors which in turn disturbs the HPO
during SadyaVamana and after the treatment also. Axis and causes asrigdhara and vegadharana in turn
Nidana: In this study 70% were habituated to Guru, does the vata prakopa especially sthanika vata i.e
Vidahi, Snigdha ahara, 80% were regularly apana vata. In this study the patients of Asrigdhara
consuming Dadhi, 40% consume Kulattha and treated with Sadyovamana after sadyo-snehapana
Masha regularly, 80% were suffering from Shoka & and swedana as they play an important role as
Krodha, 80% does veghadarana. poorva karma for utkleshita dosha nirharana by
Samanya Roopa: 100% of patients had deergha mobilizing the doshas from the distinct parts of the
kaalanubandhi srava, angamardha, and vedana. body to kosta for easier Vamana process with
Vishesha Roopa: 60% had Aruna varna artava, minimum strain, to prevent Vata Prakopa and
70% patient had vasaa Gandhi, 60% had watery liquefying doshas7.
flow with few medium sized clots, 40% had big
clots, 70% had Pichilata of artava, 60% had sheeta CONCLUSION
sparsha of artava, 70% had Mild Pain during Patients of Asrigdhara with kaphapradhana dosha
bleeding. can be treated with sadyovamana which is consid-
ered as Athyayika chikitsa. The result achieved in
RESULT:- this study shows cessation of bleeding per vagina on
Statistical analysis reveals that changes occurred in 2nd day of Vamana. Hence Sadyovama can be con-
the study are greater than expected results in sidered as first line of treatment in kaphapradhana
symptoms like quantity, pain, frequency of flow, asrigdhara as Atyaika chikitsa if the bleeding
weakness, and mood swings. Among selected persists more than 10days.
patients, 80% patients noticed complete cessation of
per vaginal bleeding on 2nd day of sadyovamana, and
20% patients after 4th day.

IAMJ: Volume 3, Issue 1, October – November, 2018 1437

Arun B.Jainer &Anusha M: Role Of Sadyovamana In Cases Of Asrigdara

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4. Sushrutha, Sushruta Samhita with the Nibandha
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5. Vagbhata, Astanga Samgraha, with shashilekha San-
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6. Agnivesha, Charaka samhita revised by Charaka and
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Source of Support: Nil

Conflict Of Interest: None Declared

How to cite this URL: Arun B.Jainer &Anusha M: Role Of

Sadyovamana In Cases Of Asrigdara. International
Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2018 {cited
November, 2018} Available from:

IAMJ: Volume 3, Issue 1, October – November, 2018 1438

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