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Monday, November 9, 2015 | and | Vol. 115, No. 27 | $1.50 xxx Partly cloudy, High 72, Low 58


voters in Brazil
to polls snares
Hundreds of
thousands of
residents voted
Sunday in Myanmar’s
first democratic Locals unaware
election in years, a
historic event that
of legal issues
could mark a new over purchase of
era for the country. Pasadena plant
Page A6
By Mihir Zaveri,
Susan Carroll
and Ben Tavener

Sandwiched between
U.S. and Texas flags, the
Brazilian banner waves
outside a set of discolored
tanks and pipes at the site
Kin Man Hui photos / San Antonio Express-News of a Pasadena refinery. A
Dwayne Harrison is among the many Gulf shrimpers who say they’re barely afloat or leaving the business. sign marked “PRSI” —
for Pasadena Refining

Fishy problem for shrimpers

Getty Images System Inc. — hangs over
Residents last chain link fence with ra-
voted in democratic zor wire that surrounds
elections in 1990. the compound that dates
Gulf industry also are driven to anger by back nearly a century.
the indifference of Ameri- From her porch, Hilda
CITY & STATE struggles while can consumers. Perez and neighbor Lorie
contamination “In those restaurants,” Soliz can see that refin-
Regulators Harrison pointed out, ery across a grassy field
target payments in imports grows “people will be watching and train tracks — its
from campaigns By Bill Lambrecht our boats come in while glowing flares and sulfu-
In an effort to being served shrimp from rous fumes are familiar.
promote transparency BAYTOWN — Worry- halfway around the world Both friends remember
in elections, the Texas ing about bills and plum- that are fed antibiotics to four years ago when an
Ethics Commission meting shrimp prices, keep them alive.” explosion there rocked
has set its sights Dwayne Harrison stopped Foreign competition the neighborhood and
on large lump to apply for a mowing job and the rise of aquaculture a giant flame rose into
sum payments to one morning recently be- to fill the world’s seafood the sky. “There’s always
consultants from fore dropping his nets in Gulf shrimpers are catching more and being paid needs are familiar issues. something going on over
campaigns and the Houston Ship Channel. less than they were just one year ago. But illegal antibiotics in there,” said Soliz, who
political action The 65-cents-a-pound farm-raised Asian shrimp has lived in the neighbor-
committees. Page B1 he was getting last week Harrison, 51, is among market in the United is a lesser-known story, hood since 1992.
for small, head-on wild Gulf shrimpers who say States. Last year, imports one that Gulf shrimpers But they didn’t know
shrimp is one-third the they’re leaving the busi- rose by 143 million pounds have begun telling. that their hometown re-
SPORTS price of a year ago and less ness or are barely afloat, and are up another 2 per- Food and Drug Admin- finery — owned by Brazil-
Cypress Woods than his catch brought in and many blame imports, cent in 2015. istration records suggest ian state-run oil company
1998, the year he bought his which make up more than While driven to the they have reason to sound Petrobras — has become a
senior learns
50-foot vessel, Angel Lady. 90 percent of the shrimp brink, shrimpers in Texas Shrimp continues on A5 flashpoint in an explosive
to stand tall political scandal abroad.
At 6-9, Cypress ›› See more photos of the shrimpers at work at Brazilian officials are
Woods basketball investigating allegations
star Nancy Mulkey that Petroleo Brasileiro
learns to embrace S.A. — Petrobras —
her height, become
more confident and
inspire others.
Change has Metro, riders still adjusting overpaid hundreds of
millions of dollars for
the Pasadena refinery
Page C1 By Dug Begley the driver is speeding along, coming more common for most significant operation- and funneled money
making great time at the Taylor and thousands of al change any American into a massive kickback
Slumped in his seat, ear- expense of a smooth ride. other riders, although con- transit system has made scheme that’s led to doz-
phones firmly in place, Eli- As a result, Taylor is run- siderable uncertainty lin- in three decades, Houston ens of convictions and ar-
jah Taylor closes his eyes ning a little early to make gers regarding the seismic transit officials and sup- rests and fueled calls for
as his bus bounces rapidly his downtown connection shift in bus service that porters are calling the new the impeachment of the

e tra
Houston Chronicle
down Washington Avenue on his way home from his the Metropolitan Transit bus network a rousing suc- country’s President Dil-
toward downtown. flange manufacturing job Agency started on Aug. 23. cess. Critics, however, point ma Rousseff, who chaired
Some bounces are more in northwest Houston. Nearly three months into to broken connections and the company until 2010.
severe than others because Quicker trips are be- what many consider the Metro continues on A8 Refinery continues on A9

Will oil slump sap energy from holiday shopping?

Retailers remain ergy capital. Khadijah
While acknowledging Daley
upbeat despite that conditions heading prepares
Extra: Learn the most local uncertainty into the holidays are slight- the Tommy
dangerous places to ly less cheery than in 2014, Hilfiger
use your debit card: By Mike D. Smith longtime observers of the store at the
HoustonChronicle local economy say there are Houston
.com/E-Edition Retailers should finish enough signs of strength to Premium
the holiday shopping sea- suggest retail sales won’t Outlets for
Online: Just who was son safely in the black. tank. holiday
that famous musician That’s the national fore- “Some people are ner- shopping on
enjoying a meal cast, at least, and Houston vous and concerned, but Thursday in
last week on Texas may be no exception. But no one’s panicked yet,” Cypress.
Avenue? Find out at there remains a big un- said Patrick Jankowski,
HoustonChronicle known over how much the senior vice president of
.com/famous oil slump will affect con- research at the Greater
sumers in the world’s en- Retailers continues on A5 J. Patric Schneider

Index @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle
Business . . .B6 Directory ... A2 Lottery ...... A2 RealEstate. B7
Comics. . . . . . E5 Editorials...B9 Movies ...... E3 Sports....... C1 Houston’s Source for Breaking News Go to throughout the day for the latest
Crossword . . E4 Horoscope . E5 Obituaries . B5 TV ............ E4 stories, photos and video from Houston’s No. 1 news site.

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A2 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Football players boost Missouri protests

By Marc Tracy 1950, the student group orga-
and Ashley Southall nizing the protests, said Wolfe’s
NEW YORK TIMES refusal to resign showed that he
was out of touch.
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Students “We’ve had departments sup-
at the University of Missouri have porting us. We’ve had faculty
been demonstrating for weeks supporting us,” she said. “People
for the ouster of the university who he leads are standing in soli-
president, protesting the school’s darity with us.”
handling of racial tensions. But Ervin pointed out the univer-
their movement received a boost sity chancellor, R. Bowen Loftin,
over the weekend when dozens who brought food to the campsite
of black football players issued a and was talking with students
blunt ultimatum: Resign or they there Sunday afternoon. Loftin
won’t play. was an early target of the demon-
Fueling the anger were a series strations before criticism shifted
of on-campus incidents: racial to Wolfe.
slurs hurled at black students “We’ve been to other schools
and feces smeared into the shape within the U.M. System,” Ervin
of a swastika on a wall in a resi- said, “and students there have
dence hall. been protesting, saying: ‘Tim
What many students viewed Wolfe, your presidency is inade-
as a sluggish response from the quate. You’ve been negligent. We
administration gave rise to calls don’t want you here anymore.’
for the removal of the president, But he’s not budging, and that’s
Tim Wolfe. Allison Long / Kansas City Star via AP really disappointing.”
The Legion of Black Colle- University of Missouri Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin talks Sunday with campus protesters who A prolonged strike could have
gians, the black student gov- want the school’s president, Tim Wolfe, removed. Some football players have joined the cause. potentially costly consequences
ernment, posted a photograph for the players, some of whom
to Twitter on Saturday night of for the demonstrating players in Ferguson, Mo. meeting around the clock and depend on athletic scholarships,
more than 30 football players with a team photo on Twitter. Officials in Missouri were has been doing a tremendous and the university, which draws
linked in arms with a graduate The strike reflected a growing grappling with how to respond amount of reflection on how to revenue from ticket sales and
student who is staging a hunger willingness among black college to the boycott, which could cost address these complex matters,” the sale of television distribution
strike. students at predominantly white the university more than $1 mil- he said. “We want to find the best rights.
“The athletes of color on the institutions to demand quick lion if the team forfeits a game way to get everyone around the If Missouri forfeits Saturday’s
University of Missouri football action and stronger responses scheduled for Saturday. table and create the safe space game against Brigham Young
team truly believe ‘injustice from officials to reports of racial Wolfe said in a statement Sun- for a meaningful conversation University, it would be required
anywhere is a threat to justice antagonism. day that his administration was that promotes change.” to pay $1 million to BYU, accord-
everywhere,’ ” a message accom- Their efforts dovetail with working to address the students’ His response did not quell ing to a copy of the contract be-
panying the photo said, quoting a broader pushes against inequal- concerns, including a list of de- frustration among demonstra- tween the two schools.
line from the Rev. Martin Luther ity and injustice like the Black mands from a campus activist tors, both black and white, who Sixty of the 124 players on
King Jr. Lives Matter movement, which group spearheading the demon- were camped out in tents on the the Missouri football roster are
After a meeting with the foot- arose in response to a string of strations, and promised to share Mel Carnahan Quadrangle at the black, although it is not clear
ball team Sunday at the school’s fatal police shootings of unarmed the next steps as soon as they center of the campus. whether all of them are partici-
athletic training complex, Coach black civilians, including the were confirmed. Storm Ervin, a senior and a pating in the strike, according to
Gary Pinkel declared his support death of Michael Brown last year “My administration has been member of Concerned Student the Columbia Missourian.


Carson says it’s ‘time really to move on’ George W. Bush Jan. 7, 2012.
The Saturday telecast
downplayed averaged a 6.6 rating

from questions about his biography father’s advice

DALLAS — Former
President George W.
and a 16 percent share of
the TV audience in the
56 markets that Nielsen
By Wesley Lowery with anyone else,” Carson Bush acknowledged on tabulates for overnight
WASHINGTON POST said during an interview on Sunday that he may have ratings. It was the stron-
NBC’s “Meet the Press,” in downplayed how much gest overnight number for
WASHINGTON — Re- which he said his biogra- he sought advice from his “SNL” since former NBA
publican presidential can- phy is being picked through father during his presi- star Charles Barkley
didate Ben Carson said because he is a threat to the dency, a sign of the influ- hosted the program.
Sunday that he is receiving “secular progressive move- ence George Herbert But Trump falls far
more scrutiny than others ment in this country.” Walker Bush still has short of the 10.7 overnight
who have run for presi- “It’s time to really move over his son. rating the show received
dent, just days after media on,” he said. “It’s not time to It was a reminder the on Oct. 18, 2008, when Re-
reports raised new ques- spend every single day talk- father’s legacy could have publican vice presidential
tions about the inspiring ing about something that a powerful impact if an- candidate Sarah Palin
personal narrative he has happened 50 years ago.” other son, Jeb Bush, wins was featured.
used to make millions of AFP / Getty Images file Carson has insisted the White House. At the time, it was the
dollars and thrust himself Ben Carson says it’s time to put an end to talking that his West Point story George W. Bush made highest rated “SNL” in 14
to the front of the GOP race. about “something that happened 50 years ago.” is at worst exaggerated but the acknowledgement in years.
“There’s no question I’m largely accurate — that he a public forum Sunday,
getting special scrutiny,” school, including a claim in he had attempted to stab. met with top military of- talking about his father’s Lennon guitar
Carson, a neurosurgeon that he protected white stu- In an account given earlier ficials who told him they biography with the book’s
and author who has topped dents during a race riot, and this year, Carson claimed to could get him into the acad- author, Jon Meacham.
sells at auction
several recent GOP pri- about college, including a have once been threatened emy and that his tuition During their talk, for $2.4 million
mary polls, said during an claim that was profiled in by an armed robber while would be covered. He said Meacham recalled a BEVERLY HILLS, Ca-
interview on CBS’s “Face the Yale Daily News be- eating at a Popeye’s restau- on “Face the Nation” that conversation he’d had lif. — An acoustic guitar
the Nation.” “There are a cause he was the only stu- rant in Baltimore. However, he has found the Yale Daily with George W. Bush for that John Lennon used
lot of people who are very dent in a course not to walk critics noted that Carson is News photo of him being the book: “I think you to record and write “Love
threatened. They’re wor- out after being told that a vegetarian, and Baltimore praised as the most “hon- downplayed at times how Me Do,” “I Want to Hold
ried. There is no question they would have to retake police say they have no re- est” student in that college much you talked to your Your Hand” and other hit
about it.” an exam. cord of the robbery. psychology course. dad.” The younger Bush songs sold for $2.4 million
On Friday afternoon, In interviews with for- But Carson has insisted As for those white stu- nodded. at auction.
Politico published a piece mer classmates and others that those questions are dents he says he protected The forum at the Julien’s Auctions said
in which it called an anec- at Carson’s high school and unfair, and on Sunday he during riots after the death George W. Bush Presiden- the Gibson J-160E guitar
dote from Carson’s biogra- at Yale, the Wall Street Jour- repeated his stance that the of Martin Luther King Jr., tial Center came two days was sold Saturday to an
phy — that he was offered nal could not find anyone to level of scrutiny to which he Carson said that just be- before Meacham’s “Des- undisclosed buyer.
and turned down a full- support his claims. is being subjected has never cause no one has come for- tiny and Power” becomes The auction house
ride scholarship to West Questions about the ac- been applied to others who ward to confirm his story publicly available. said the guitar was one of
Point — a “fabrication.” By curacy of other tales Car- have sought the presidency, does not mean that they only two of its type flown
Friday evening, the Wall son has told in his books including President Barack will not eventually. Trump lifts from America to England
Street Journal had followed and on the campaign trail Obama. “Maybe one of those stu- in 1962 for Lennon and
up with a piece that ques- have preceded these latest “I have always said that I dents will come forward, I
‘SNL’ rating, but George Harrison. Len-
tioned other tales from Car- reports, though. For years, expect to be vetted, but be- don’t know,” Carson said Palin did better non used it for for about
son’s life story, which has he has spoken of having ing vetted and what is go- during the “Meet the Press” NEW YORK — Don- a year before swapping
been central to his appeal to attempted to stab a close ing on with me — ‘You said interview. “Maybe they’re ald Trump’s hosting stint it with Harrison; it later
GOP voters. friend back in the day, but this 30 years ago, you said not spending all of their on “Saturday Night Live” went missing during a
That piece questioned facing new scrutiny, he said this 20 years ago, this didn’t time reading the Wall Street lifted the NBC program Christmas concert in 1963.
his recollections about high last week that it was a cous- exist’ ... I have not seen that Journal.” to its highest rating since From wire reports


Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at

U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Rentrak.
Actor played Leatherface
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Consensus grows in U.S. that bomb

likely caused Russian plane to crash
By Michael S. Schmidt and X-ray machines, had rity teams to supervise the ports, including Egypt,”
NEW YORK TIMES been badly maintained or return of passengers and said a spokesman for the
operated by poorly trained their luggage, which in Department for Transport
WASHINGTON — Se- staff members. One Egyp- some cases is being sent on in Britain. “The U.K. does
nior House members said tian official said he had seen separate flights. not pay for these checks,
Sunday that there was workers unplug a luggage “We request additional which are separate to the
a mounting consensus scanner to save power. security screening to be additional precautions now Olga Maltseva / AFP/ Getty Images
among U.S. intelligence of- Since the crash, several provided at departure gates being undertaken on hold Russians light candles for the Oct. 31 crash victims
ficials that a bomb brought countries have sent secu- at a number of overseas air- baggage at Sharm.” Sunday at St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
down the Russian charter
jet that crashed last month
in the Sinai Peninsula in
Egypt, killing all 224 people IN STORES & ONLINE MON, NOV. 9 & TUES, NOV 1O!
on board.
“I think there’s a grow-

ing body of intelligence
and evidence that this was
a bomb — still not conclu-
sive — but a growing body

of evidence,” Rep. Adam B.
Schiff of California, the top
Democrat on the House In-
telligence Committee, said
on the ABC program “This
Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y.,


the chairman of the House
Homeland Security sub-
committee on terrorism
and intelligence, went fur-
ther, saying on the same

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A4 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Missile test puzzles, alarms Californians

By Christopher Weber far north as California’s Sonoma
ASSOCIATED PRESS Valley wine country.
“Anybody else see the big
LOS ANGELES — A bright, white ball of light in the sky?”
colorful light that streaked wrote California state Sen. Mike
across the California sky, star- McGuire, D-Healdsburg, on
tling residents and leading to Facebook. “Wow.”
a flurry of calls to law enforce- It wasn’t clear whether the
ment, turned out to be an un- test was related to the rerout-
armed missile test-fired from ing of nighttime flights into and
a Navy submarine off the coast out of Los Angeles International
Saturday evening, officials said. Airport because of an active mili-
Kevin Stack was walking to tary airspace from Friday to Nov.
dinner with his young son in 12.
northeastern Los Angeles when Flights usually arrive and
he was stopped in his tracks by depart over the ocean from mid-
what he thought was an espe- Julien Solomita / Associated Press night to 6:30 a.m. to minimize
cially intense light from a police The light from a Navy unarmed missile over Southern California on Saturday night led to noise, but they will have to go
helicopter — except that it was panicked calls to police and lit up social media as puzzled residents posted photos and videos. over communities east of the air-
completely silent. port.
“It intensified then shot across Perry, a Navy spokesman. Navy prior to the launch, he said. thing odd up above. A message seeking comment
the dark sky, leaving a green Strategic Systems Programs The lack of information about “It was very wild watching from the Federal Aviation Ad-
trail,” said Stack, 41. “Then it conducted a missile test at sea the streak of light just after sun- this in the sky,” he said in an ministration wasn’t immediately
fizzled and appeared like a dying from the USS Kentucky, a ballis- set led to panicked calls to police email to The Associated Press. returned.
dot on an old television screen.” tic missile submarine, Perry said and lit up social media as people “I can’t really say what I thought The test was conducted in the
Stack’s 5-year-old son, Black- in a statement. posted photos and video of the it was because I’ve never experi- Pacific Test Range, a vast area
stone, was under no illusions The launches are conducted celestial sight. enced anything remotely close northwest of Los Angeles where
about what he had just seen. on a frequent basis to ensure the Julien Solomita just happened to it.” the Navy periodically test-fires
“It was an alien,” Blackstone continued reliability of the sys- to be shooting some video foot- The light was visible for hun- Tomahawk and Standard cruise
said. tem and that information about age in a Los Angeles neighbor- dreds of miles, startling people missiles from surface ships and
Not quite, said Cmdr. Ryan such test launches is classified hood when his group saw some- in Nevada and Arizona and as submarines.

3.05 12 MONTH CD
Plan to digitize immigration forms flops
By Jerry Markon

Heaving under moun-

half-billion dollars and be
finished in 2013. Instead, it’s
now projected to reach up
to $3.1 billion and be done
By 2012, officials at the
Department of Homeland
Security, which includes
USCIS, were aware that
able for electronic filing is
an application for renewing
or replacing a lost “green
card” - the document given

(281) 578-9989 i-10 and Kirkwood

Houston’s Energy corridor
tains of paperwork, the
government has spent
more than $1 billion trying
nearly four years from now,
putting in jeopardy efforts
to overhaul the nation’s im-
the project was riddled
with hundreds of critical
software and other defects.
to legal permanent resi-
dents. By putting this ap-
plication online, the agency
We broker CD’s for FDIC insured banks. Promotional incentive may be included at
time of opening to obtain yield. Certain restrictions apply. $1,000 Minimum deposit. to replace its antiquated migration policies, handle But the agency nonetheless aimed to bypass the highly
Early withdrawal penalty. Offer is good until 11/23/2015. Call Branch for Details. approach to managing im- immigrants already seek- began to roll it out, in part inefficient system in which
migration with a system of ing citizenship and detect because of pressure from millions of paper applica-
digitized records, online national security threats, Obama administration of- tions are processed and
� � �� applications and a full suite
of nearly 100 electronic
according to documents
and interviews with federal
ficials who considered it
vital for their plans to over-
shuttled among offices. But
government documents

-,00)% /'& forms.

A decade in, all that of-
From the start, the ini-
haul the nation’s immigra-
tion policies, according to
show that scores of immi-
grants who applied online

-*%,0% "!$!'%#%$&
ficials have to show for the
effort is a single form that’s
now available for online ap-
tiative was mismanaged,
the records and interviews
show. Agency officials
the internal documents and
Only three of the agen-
waited up to a year or never
received their new cards.
“You’re going on 11 years
� �� � �� plications and a single type did not complete the basic cy’s scores of immigration into this project, they only
��� of fee that immigrants pay plans for the computer sys- forms have been digitized have one form, and we’re
electronically. The 94 other tem until nearly three years — and two of these were still a paper-based agency,”
forms can be filed only with after the initial $500 million taken offline after they de- said Kenneth Palinkas, for-
paper. contract had been awarded buted because nearly all of mer president of the union
This project, run by U.S. to IBM, and the approach the software and hardware that represents employees
Citizenship and Immigra- to adopting the technology from the original system at the immigration agen-
���� � �� �� � �� � tion Services, was origi- was outdated before work had to be junked. cy. “It’s a huge albatross
" -,00)% /'& -*%,0% *% + 145 '. 3+& 1'(+$*'( /'#(2+$*'(! nally supposed to cost a on it began. The sole form now avail- around our necks.”

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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | A5


Shrimp imports found to contain antibiotics

Shrimp from page A1 United States. They do so to on dozens of shrimp prod- That hasn’t made up for
strengthen their immune ucts in nine cities — includ- abysmal prices shrimp-
warnings. systems against bacterial ing Houston and Galveston ers are getting across the
In August, FDA inspec- diseases. No antibiotics are — showed 30 percent were Gulf — one-third lower
tors set a monthly record approved for shrimp farm- misrepresented. than a year ago for large
by refusing 72 shipments ing in the United States. Scientists found import- shrimp and half the price
of shrimp, much of it from The discoveries raise ed shrimp not listed on the for medium-sized. Smaller
Malaysia, that either test- questions about whether FDA’s list of 1,842 species shrimp were bringing just
ed positive for antibiotics the speed of global trade of seafood consumed in the one-third the price of 2014,
or lacked evidence of be- has outpaced the ability to United States and shrimp NOAA said.
ing drug free. Most of the keep food safe. Some in the with unrecognized genetic Far fewer vessels than a
shrimp was turned away domestic seafood industry makeup. Tests on a bag of decade ago are chasing the
from the agency’s South- contend that the pending salad-sized shrimp im- crustaceans.
west Import District, which 12-country Trans-Pacific ported from Vietnam sold Andrea Hance, execu-
includes Texas ports. Partnership free trade at a Gulf grocery showed tive director of the Texas
Through October, the agreement could make it Kin Man Hui / San Antonio Express-News banded cleaner shrimp, Shrimp Association,
FDA has refused 377 sepa- even more difficult for reg- Shrimper Dwayne Harrison throws out his nets aquarium pets not intend- said the number of per-
rate shrimp entries — from ulators to do their jobs. for shrimping in the Houston Ship Channel near ed as food. mits across the Gulf had
large containers to small The FDA has been criti- Baytown on a late afternoon recently. “When you find out it’s shrunk from 5,000 in the
packages — citing antibi- cized over the years for lack your own local seafood early 2000s to about 1,400.
otics or veterinary drug of attention to antibiotics. “It doesn’t look like they findings, Consumer Re- involved in this bait-and- Of those, roughly 1,100 are
residues. In all of 2014, the The uptick in refusals sug- (the FDA) are doing any- ports made recommenda- switch, it wakes people operating, she said.
agency turned away 208 gests that the agency may thing,” Dwayne Harrison tions to top FDA officials, up,” Kimberly Warner, Hance, who operates
shrimp shipments due to be getting more vigilant at said, dodging a tanker and noting that antibiotics in Oceana’s senior scientist, two vessels out of Browns-
illegal drug residues, and the borders. barges during a fruitless shrimp were especially said in an interview. ville, said the catch had
that was nearly four times Even so, the FDA in- day on the water. concerning. The magazine tailed off after early fall
the refusals of a year before. spected just 3.7 percent of never heard back. Plenty of shrimp successes. But the price she
The FDA actions ac- 110,000 shrimp shipments Studies raise questions Shrimpers like to say In Texas, shrimpers say got last week for her large
knowledge the worrisome last year and tested far less In April, Consumer Re- that consumers have no they’re falling behind even brown shrimp had ticked
fact that antibiotics relied than that in a monitoring ports disclosed finding an- clue what they’re getting, while catching more. up to $3.25 a pound, albeit
on for decades are becom- system that focuses on risk. tibiotic residues in about 5 no matter what labels and In September, Texas about half of what it was a
ing ineffective because of What’s more, the FDA, percent of imported shrimp menus say. DNA tests vessels landed 6.1 million year ago. Overall, imports
overuse in human health citing lack of resources, purchased at some 300 gro- by the advocacy group pounds, 600,000 pounds were down 6.5 percent in
care and indiscriminate is ignoring a 2011 law or- ceries, big box stores and Oceana last year bear out more than September of September, a hopeful sign
use in farming. The Cen- dering inspections of even at “natural” retail those concerns. Oceana last year, the National Oce- for the Texas industry.
ters for Disease Control thousands of foreign food outlets across the country. found that 35 percent of anic and Atmospheric Ad- Shrimpers’ challenge,
and Prevention says 2 mil- plants. Tests also found bacteria, shrimp tested nationwide ministration reported. For she said, is saving money to
lion people a year contract For Texas shrimpers including Vibrio, which can was misrepresented, a lev- the year, the catch in Texas withstand times like these
serious infections that don’t enduring one of the hard- cause serious illness. el of mislabeling that rose is 8 million pounds more and expensive repairs —
respond to antibiotics and est seasons in memory, the “The FDA can’t be catch- to 41 percent in groceries. than at this time in 2014, like the new $25,000 freez-
that at least 23,000 die. hit-and-miss regulatory ing all the illegal products In a common deception, attributed to abundant er on one of her trawlers.
system is another vexing on the market when it farmed shrimp, largely spring rains that moved “One of these years, the
Few shipments tested reality. In interviews, sev- comes to shrimp and anti- from Asia, was sold as Gulf shrimp from bays and es- sun, the moon and stars
In foreign aquaculture, eral said they’re convinced biotic residues,” Urvashi shrimp or simply labeled tuaries into the Gulf. will align and we all will
some operators persist in that ships turned away for Rangan, Consumer Re- “wild.” The bigger catch in Tex- make some money,” she
giving shrimp hatchlings contamination seek out ports’ director of consumer Even in the Gulf region, as, it turns out, almost ex- said.
feed laced with antibiotics other ports to bring in their safety, said in an interview. home to America’s biggest actly matches the decline in
that are prohibited in the wares. After publishing its shrimp fishery, genetic tests Louisiana from a year ago.

Retailers unsure how much oil slump will affect sales

Retailers from page A1 Shopping outlook could still nudge the region promotions through the crowds more manageable. was spreading out holiday
Some national forecasts to a successful holiday season to keep the activity “I might spend a little purchases throughout the
Houston Partnership. have been issued for the shopping season, he said. level up. more, but we’re bargain year. Plus, as a 15-year vet-
Houston retailers feel upcoming holiday season. Then there are home Yet the traditional rush shoppers,” Mays said, add- eran of the oil industry, he’s
like they’ll closely follow Deloitte: Predicts sales will and vehicle sales, which period retains a powerful ing that she occasionally aware of its cyclical nature.
the national trend, added rise 3.5 to 4 percent. remain strong. The latest pull. may shop Black Friday if a “It’s just something
Ed Wulfe, an established National Retail data show auto sales con- “I’ll start shopping the deal is too good to miss. that’s out of your control,”
Houston developer and Federation: Up 3.7 percent. tinuing to surge ahead of week after Thanksgiv- Tony Dasher, a finan- Dasher said. “The only
chairman and CEO of International Council of 2014, which was consid- ing,” said Patricia Mays of cial analyst with a major thing you can do is do your
real estate brokerage firm Shopping Centers: ered a banner year for the Houston, who said she will oil company, said he’s not job.”
Wulfe & Co. The chat- 3.3 percent growth. Houston area. buy for nieces and neph- yet conducting himself
ter he’s hearing suggests Wulfe & Co.: Up 3 to 4 per- “Most rational consum- ews, ages 5 to 38, and finds any differently than a nor-
they expect 3 to 4 percent cent in the Houston region. ers will not sign a four-, the post-Thanksgiving mal year. But he already
growth over 2014. five-, six-year note on an
That would be in line automobile if they don’t
with national forecasts, Fretful consumers tend have the confidence they’ll
which so far have found re- to shy away from luxury be able to make the pay-
tailers entering the season goods and large purchas- ments,” Jankowski said,
largely upbeat. The Na-
tional Retail Federation’s
es that require multiple
payments — home items
adding that the still-strong
home sales suggest long-
No time to make
forecast calls for sales to in- or cars, for example. Dis- term consumer confidence. your money work?
crease 3.7 percent. Though counters and big-box re- Wulfe, the retail devel- These rates
slightly less than last year’s tailers tend to pick up more oper, also expects online
growth rate, that’s still a consumers when they be- growth and more home work for you.
“solid” figure, according to come uncertain about their delivery or in-store pickup
the NRF. finances, Krishnamurthy options from companies
The International Coun- said. like Amazon, Target and
cil of Shopping Centers Sid Mashburn, CEO of others to further boost
calls for a 3.3 percent sales a company that operates sales.
increase, with shoppers high-end clothing stores
spending $702 on average, at Lamar-River Oaks Shopper habits
up from $677 in 2014. Shopping Center on West- Still, the deep recession
In a survey of retailers heimer and counts many that began nearly a decade
large and small across the energy-connected custom- ago casts a long shadow.
country, retail and con- ers among his clientele, Consumers remain cau-
sumer consulting firm said he has yet to a see a tious and continue the
BDO USA reported 61 dropoff in Houston. habits they formed during
percent expect sales to rise Mashburn, whose com- that national downturn,
over last year. BDO predict- pany is based in Atlanta Vaughan said.
ed overall sales growth of and has stores there and in Today’s shopper in-
4.2 percent for this season. Washington, D.C., said he creasingly expects dis-
“What we’ve seen over remains confident about counts, will wait for the
the last several years Houston, “although if the best sales before purchas-
coming out of the reces- energy slump continues to ing and perhaps buy fewer,
sion is this steady, cau- drag out over an extended more meaningful items for
tious growth,” said Ted period, we will certainly those on their list, Vaughan
Vaughan, an accountant reassess our position.” said.
and partner with BDO. “It’s our judgment that This trend has persisted
Nationally, retailers told retailers who are not of- through times of high con-
BDO that lower employ- fering a truly special shop- sumer confidence and is
ment and lower energy ping experience and strong most pronounced among
prices will be among the value proposition are go- younger people who grew Smart CD Smart CD
main drivers helping sales ing to have a tougher time,” up during the recession, he 10-Month 24-Month

1.25APY %
this year. he said. said.
Constina McIntyre, who Another adjustment
A chilling effect counted many Shell em- has been the longer shop-
Yet in Houston, the ployees among the clientele ping period, as consumers
prolonged dip in crude oil of her women’s clothing spread out their shopping * *
prices that chilled oil field and accessories boutique to ease the strain on bud-
and related activity and in Stafford, said she is feel- gets.
claimed perhaps tens of ing the oil crunch. While “Actually, in October, More Smart CD rates and flexible terms available to meet
thousands of jobs could business has been better we had a lot of people stop- your savings needs at
depress some shoppers’ this year than the past four, ping through getting their
moods this season. she has yet to see any holi- shopping for Christmas,” Call us today or visit your nearest Banking Center.
The job cuts hit blue-col- day upturn. said Nikola Charpentier,
lar energy workers hardest “A lot of my custom- manager at Eddie Bauer at Downtown Houston FM 1960 West South Shepherd
and are now beginning to ers are pulling back,” Mc- Houston Premium Outlets,
affect white-collar work- Intyre said, adding that she adding some of the activ- (713) 571-8010 (713) 331-4300 (281) 417-1880
ers. still expects people to get ity was people wanting to The Woodlands Tanglewood
Though other sectors in the shopping mood. “I avoid the rush and pounc-
have added some new think it’s going to be a rush ing on early discounts. (281) 520-3002 (713) 481-2061
jobs, they aren’t making toward the last minute.” In her 20 years in retail,
up for the energy losses in general shopping activity Mercantil Commercebank, empowering your world
number or in pay levels, Signs of hope seems to be running about
Jankowski said. Observers point to other normal for the early-season
Even the threat of a job hopeful signs. Parker Har- period, Charpentier said. *Domestic accounts only. Advertised rates apply only to accounts opened at a Mercantil Commercebank Member
loss breeds uncertainty. vey, senior regional econo- Conn’s CEO Norman
To takeadvantageoftheseoffers,CDs must be opened commencing09/08/15withnewfundsdeposited
Banking Center location. Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of the date of this publication.
“Uncertainty will put mist with the Houston- Miller said that as of the
a damper on high-ticket Galveston Area Council, first week of November, to Mercantil Commercebank. The minimum balance to open an account and obtain the advertised APYs
is $10,000 up to a maximum of $500,000. Stated APYs are valid for Personal and Business account
items,” said Partha Krish- cited population growth the company has “already
customers. Individual customers must be citizens or resident aliens of the United States (U.S.) with a valid
namurthy, a professor at that drives demand for re- started to see a tick up” in
U.S. Taxpayer identification number. Advertised rates are subject to change without notice. Penalties for
the University of Houston’s tail. Although that growth sales, and the company
early withdrawal may be imposed. Fees could reduce earnings on the account.
Bauer College of Business. has slowed somewhat, it is preparing “aggressive”
A6 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Voters in Myanmar flock


WISCONSIN painstakingly researched

to polls in test of democracy
investigative reports that
have called into question

carrying official government state-


Annie Gowen crude oil CROATIA


RANGOON, Myanmar
claims most seats
— Hundreds of thousands WATERTOWN — A after election
of residents voted Sunday in Canadian Pacific Rail- ZAGREB, Croatia —
Myanmar’s first democratic way train carrying crude Croatia’s conservative op-
election in years, a historic oil derailed Sunday and position claimed victory
event that could mark a new prompted some evacua- Sunday against the ruling
era for the country and pave tions in Wisconsin, the center-left coalition in the
the way to power for the second day in a row a Balkan country’s first par-
longtime opposition leader, freight train derailed in liamentary election since
Aung San Suu Kyi. the state. joining the European
Around the country, vot- The eastbound CP Union in 2013 — held
ers lined up before the polls train derailed about 2 amid deep economic woes
opened at 6 a.m. and waited p.m. in Watertown, in the and a massive migrant
in the hot sun for hours southeastern part of the surge.
to cast their ballots. Some state. The railroad said at The state electoral com-
polls were open after the 4 least 10 cars derailed, and mission said the conser-
p.m. closing time because of some were leaking. vatives won 61 seats in the
demand. Afterward, many No fires or injuries parliament, while Social
went on Facebook and were reported. CP was Democrats had 53.
posted photos of their ink- Hku n Lat / Associated Press sending teams to the site. The result means both
stained pinky fingers, the Supporters of opposition leader Aung San Su Kyi’s National League for On Saturday, a freight blocs have failed to win
equivalent of an “I voted” Democracy Party watch returns Sunday in Mandalay, Myanmar. train derailed near Alma an outright majority. The
sticker in Myanmar, also in western Wisconsin, kingmaker could be the
known as Burma. century under a military wins the majority of seats in these elections cannot be spilling thousands of gal- third-placed party, Most,
dictatorship. parliament, she will govern considered truly free be- lons of ethanol. or Bridge, with a project-
A new era But the path to victory is the country despite the con- cause voting was not held ed 19 seats.
By nightfall, hundreds of hardlyclear.Partymembers stitutional barrier. in some areas of the country EGYPT
supporters of Suu Kyi’s Na- appear confident they will “I’m going to be above the still fraught with ethnic vio- Journalist faces CHINA
tional League for Democra- get the majority needed to president,” she said. When lence. And about 1 million
charges after Coal burning
cyPartyhadgatheredonthe govern. But the military will asked how, she responded, Rohingya Muslims, who
street in front of the party still control 25 percent of the “Oh, I have already made are stateless and consid- series of reports pushes pollution
headquarters, waving red seats in parliament and key plans.” ered by the government to CAIRO — Egyptian to dangerous level
balloons, dancing, chanting ministries. A constitutional be illegal immigrants from military intelligence on BEIJING — Air qual-
and watching local election provision bars Suu Kyi, An imperfect system neighboring Bangladesh, Sunday filed charges ity reached extremely
results on big-screen TVs. called “Mother Suu,” from Sein said Friday that the have been stripped of their against an investigative hazardous levels in the
They cheered every time a becoming president. And government would respect right to vote. More than journalist who is also the northeastern Chinese city
ballot was unfurled with the country has more than the outcome of the election, 100,000 Rohingya still re- founder of Egypt’s pre- of Shenyang, as northern
a stamp next to a golden 90 parties — smaller groups and many voters seemed ea- side in displacement camps mier human rights group, China began to burn coal
peacock, the symbol for the that support Myanmar’s ger to take him at his word. after Muslim and Buddhist raising alarms about to heat homes for winter.
NLD. Some preliminary re- ethnic minorities — that will In Myanmar’s last demo- violence in 2012. attempts to suppress Real-time data released
sults might be known Mon- also play a factor in forming cratic election in 1990, Suu “We’ve said it is difficult domestic dissent as the by the Shenyang Environ-
day, but the final official re- a new government. Kyi and the NLD won an to see how this can be a truly government grapples with mental Protection Agency
sults could take days. Suu Kyi, 70, was overwhelming majority, but free and fair election given questions about the crash on Sunday showed the
“We have been suffer- swarmed by international the country’s military dicta- the disenfranchisement of of a Russian passenger jet. density of the poisonous
ing for 25 years. Today, we reporters Sunday when she torship ignored the results the Rohingya population, The journalist, Hossam tiny airborne matters
change the old system and voted in her home constitu- and placed her under house the 25 percent of parliament Bahgat, 36, founded the known as PM 2.5 was
bring in a new one,” said ency of Bahan as the current arrest, where she remained guaranteed to the military Egyptian Initiative for more than 1,000 micro-
Theingi, a housewife and president, Thein Sein — the off and on for the better part and other structural prob- Personal Rights, a highly grams per cubic meter.
mother of two, at the rally. former general who heads of two decades. lems,” said Tom Malinows- regarded rights organiza- The World Health
She uses only one name. the country’s ruling Union “I think it will be free ki, assistant U.S. secretary tion, in 2002. Organization considers
Suu Kyi’s party was SolidarityandDevelopment and fair overall,” said one of of state for democracy, hu- Since the military take- the safe level of PM 2.5
poised to make a strong Party — cast his vote in the Sein’s supporters, Aye Aye man rights and labor. “But over in 2013, however, he to be 25 micrograms per
showing in the Southeast country’s capital of Naypy- Mu, 28, a mother of two who there can still be a result that has distinguished himself cubic meter on a 24-hour
Asian nation of 51 million, idaw. comes from a military fam- credibly reflects the overall as a unique voice in the average basis.
which was isolated from the Suu Kyi had said earlier ily. desires of a majority of the Egyptian news media
world for more than half a in the week that if her party Critics have said that Burmese people.” by writing a series of From wire reports

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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | A7


EPA expands on-road testing 2015-2016 SEASON


for emissions to all diesel cars

By Danny Hakim Whistleblower pushed Volkswagen sents a sea change from S PECTAC UL AR NEW PRODUCTION
and Jad Mouawad the traditional, highly
to admit broader cheating controlled lab setting

FRANKFURT, Germany — Volkswagen’s recent dis- A N D R E W L L O Y D W E B B E R ’S

where vehicles are put on
closure that it reported false fuel economy and carbon
Concerned that cheat- a treadmill, wired up with
dioxide readings to European regulators was prompted by
ing on vehicle emissions sensors and run through a
an internal whistleblower, the company said Sunday.
could be prevalent across standardized and familiar
Volkswagen’s admission that it had underreported car-
the automobile industry, routine.
bon dioxide emissions on 800,000 diesel- and gasoline-
regulators in the United “Manufacturers have
powered cars in Europe. That disclosure added to the au-
States and Canada are sig- asked us what the test
tomaker’s credibility problems, which began in September
nificantly expanding their conditions would be, and
when it admitted that it had installed software on millions
on-the-road emissions we’ve told them that they
of its diesel cars in recent years to enable them to cheat
tests to cover all makes and don’t have a need to know,”
on air-pollution tests.
models of diesel cars. Grundler said. “It will be
In trying to determine who was responsible for the diesel
The tests, which come in random.”
cheating scandal, Volkswagen’s investigators have report-
the wake of Volkswagen’s
edly been hampered by an ingrained fear of delivering bad
admission that it installed Future of diesels dims
news to superiors. But in the case of the new disclosure,
software on more than 11 The road-testing regi-
some employees have evidently been willing to come
million cars to evade emis- men could dim the future
forward under the company’s new management.
sions standards, are being for diesels, which have
Volkswagen on Sunday broadly confirmed a report in
conducted randomly and higher pollution emis-
Bild am Sonntag, a German newspaper, that an engineer
in real-world conditions, sions, making electric and
at the company had volunteered information about how
rather than in traditional hybrid vehicles more at-
employees had manipulated tests for carbon dioxide
laboratory settings, to in- tractive in terms of their
emissions and fuel economy. Tires, for example, were
crease the odds of catching environmental impact.
filled with more air than normal, the newspaper reported.
cheaters. U.S. regulators believe
The diesel cheating scandal involves the company’s
“We are very anxious that road testing is relative-
manipulation of pollution control systems on 11 million
to find out if there are any ly crude and cannot match
cars that enabled them to pass emissions control tests
other programs out there,” the precision of lab results
in laboratory settings but allowed the cars on the road
said Christopher Grun- at detecting nitrogen oxide
to emit up to 40 times the allowable limits of nitrogen
dler, director of the office and other fine particles and
oxides, a pollutant that can damage lungs.
of transportation and air pollutants.
The more recently disclosed problem involves un-
quality at the Environmen- Rather, the aim of their
derstating the amount of carbon dioxide in cars sold in
tal Protection Agency. road tests is to help vali-
Europe. Although U.S. regulators do not measure cars’
date lab findings by catch-
carbon dioxide emissions, European officials do.
10,000 vehicles New York Times ing cars whose road per-
The first tests on brands formance reveals higher
manufactured by Volks- emission readings. ‘TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND
wagen, completed last
week, found the cheating
say they will focus on 2015
and 2016 model year diesel
dal has highlighted defi-
ciencies in the existing lab
The European plan,
under development since PREPARE TO BE
software on about 10,000 cars. They will also be per- tests both in North Amer- 2011, still faces what could
VW, Audi and Porsche formed on all new cars that ica and in Europe. be a contentious fight in
models not previously manufacturers seek to cer- “Regulators must think the European Parliament,
disclosed by the German tify, he said. more like the cheaters,” amid criticism that poli- THE SCOTSMAN

manufacturer. Volkswa- The move by the EPA is said Luke Tonachel, an cymakers have watered
gen disputes the EPA’s a significant expansion of auto-emissions specialist down earlier proposals.
claim, saying the software its testing regimen, which at the Natural Resources Automakers say they
was not intended to thwart
emissions testing.
Since then, no other
previously did road testing
for pollutants mainly on
large trucks. It also makes
Defense Council.
“EPA is starting to use
new tests that can’t be
need to be allowed to ex-
ceed Europe’s existing ni-
trogen oxide standards sig-
automobile company has road-test spot checks of readily gamed by manu- nificantly in the new road
been found to have in- older cars to ensure that facturers.” tests, which are performed NOV 18-29 •
stalled so-called defeat their pollution-control Europe has been plan- under less predictable con-
software, although it will mechanisms are still ef- ning its own real-world ditions than lab tests. • 800.982.2787
take several weeks for all fective. Tests are also be- testing for several years, Environmental groups Groups 15+ 888.451.5986
makes and models to be ing performed alongside although those tests will disagree and were angered
Due to the nature of live entertainment, dates, times, prices, shows, actors, venues and
tested. regulators in Canada and not start until 2017. last week after a review sales are subject to change without notice. All tickets subject to convenience charges.

Grundler declined to California. The new and more un- panel appeared to side Broadway at the Hobby Center is presented by the Hobby Center Foundation. Sales tax exempt pursuant to Texas Tax Code Section 151.3101 (a)(3).

describe the tests, except to But Volkswagen’s scan- predictable testing repre- with automakers. Broadway Across America is an agent of and production services provider for the Hobby Center Foundation.
A8 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Metro officials
still tweaking
new bus system
Metro from page A1 Park & Ride service — is muddled.
Overall, Metro officials say,
to transit-dependent riders whose local buses and three rail lines
service has been cut as Metro tries handled 6.65 million trips in Sep-
to appeal to riders who have the tember, a 4 percent increase over
option of driving. the same month last year. One
For many, perhaps most, Met- reason for the growth, however,
ro riders, the new bus system is that buses now steer people
didn’t drastically change any- into the rail lines and frequent
thing. Their trips usually start routes, which could be increasing
and end at bus stops within a transfers and causing extra trips.
block of where they always have. Other ways to slice the figures
Getting there might involve a dif- paint a less favorable picture Cody Duty / Houston Chronicle
ferent route, and buses may come than Metro’s preferred math. Riders board the bus Thursday at the Hillcroft Park & Ride on the new Route 151, one of the
a few minutes later or earlier. On weekdays, average ridership routes that has drawn the most criticism from riders since the changes to bus service in August.
Roughly two dozen riders dropped 7.7 percent to 231,535
— among more than 100 inter- riders per day. A portion of that ›› See more photos and a video about Metro’s new system at “We are just forgotten out
viewed over seven weeks start- drop, however, can be attributed there,” Patricia Hall said, refer-
ing after Labor Day — said they to changing bus routes to avoid ring to the inconsistency of a
preferred their old route. Rea- duplicate service with the Green more direct, dependable service. or longer under the new system. shuttle meant to connect resi-
sons ranged from longer walks and Purple lines that opened in Popular routes, notably the Riders on the new Route 151 dents near Texas 288 and Loop
to crowded buses that require May. Route 52 along Scott, for ex- Route 82 Westheimer bus, have are the most vocal and notice- 610, linking them to Metro’s
transfers in inconvenient spots. ample, was one of the most-used become huge carriers of transit able exception. Many relied on Southeast Transit Center.
Many others said the new bus routes, but now those riders riders. The Westheimer line is the the now-defunct Route 163 from Metro has since altered the
system was easier to navigate hop on the Purple Line. most used bus in Metro’s system the Hillcroft Transit Center to route, based in part on the com-
and seemed quicker and more Fare revenue is another uncer- — averaging more than 12,000 Houston’s central business dis- plaints. The agency also made mi-
responsive to their needs. Most, tain measure. Metro’s fare reve- trips on an average workday trict. Dozens signed a petition to nor changes to departure times.
however, could only point to a nue in September was down 6.4 — leading some riders to com- replace the 151 — which makes Still, Hall is not the only Metro
minute or two saved or lost — percent compared to September plain of crowded bus stops and more stops and has a different customer who feels forgotten.
maybe a slightly shorter walk 2014, a loss of roughly $400,000. standing-room-only rides along end point — with the former 163. Riders can encounter problems
— while applauding the decision Revenue, however, fluctuates a curvy, bumpy major street. “I can tell you for sure more getting to frequent routes or find-
to expand weekend service. For wildly, especially as Metro con- Those frustrations, however, people are driving in,” rider Ali ing the bus full when they arrive.
many working folks and those tinues hemorrhaging riders — a can be fixed by adding service, Rashid told Metro officials. Some of the infrequent buses run
dependent on the bus, the pluses trend that started before the new something Metro started doing only every 30, 40 and in some
and minuses were minor. system was put in place and one along some routes less than two Rider discomfort cases 60 minutes. For riders ac-
“Ain’t nothing changed about that officials hope the changes weeks after rolling out the new Opinions commonly tilt on customed to “the way things
the bus,” Wallace Monroe said will reverse. For May and June of system. Many more significant whether a rider’s particular trip used to be” — another common
as he waited at a stop along Main this year, fare revenue was down changes are planned for January, to work or school is among those phrase among longtime riders
Street for a Hiram Clarke bus. 9.8 percent from those months in pending Metro board approval. that improved dramatically — or and drivers — the changes force
“Same long ride as it ever was.” 2014. Among them is adding even more became calamitous, confusing, them to change familiar routines.
Despite the mixed indicators, buses to the Westheimer route, time-consuming or all of the Over time, however, many
Numbers muddled Metro board member Christof giving it a frequency of every above. of those riders are adjusting.
The revised bus system focused Spieler, who orchestrated the six minutes during peak times. Sarah Holden, 54, said she in- Shortly after the changes took
resources on frequent routes changes, is pleased with the re- That would put it on par with the tends to start driving to her job effect, Paul Mudd, 60, said Metro
that crisscross the Houston re- sults so far. light rail Red Line that connects in the Texas Medical Center. Not had “ruined his life” by eliminat-
gion, augmented by less frequent “We are seeing it play out, and the central business district and only is her new bus trip about 25 ing his early morning bus. Last
routes that cover more areas. It’s frankly I am surprised at how well Texas Medical Center. minutes longer compared to her week, Mudd muted his rage, not-
a system based on what plan- this has worked,” Spieler said. The bus system changes have old route from Tanglewood, it ing his neighbor helped him fig-
ners have known for years — key had little effect on the trip down requires a transfer at the Wheel- ure out a better way to make his
routes drive most transit demand. Correcting mistakes Westheimer, however. Buses er Transit Center rather than trip from near Northline Com-
Proving the theory is a work in At the roughly 9,000 bus stops bounce along the same bad roads downtown, she said. mons to Greenspoint.
progress. Ridership numbers can- and train stations where Metro’s in the same congested traffic. Perhaps more affected are res- “It takes time to get used to it,”
not fully explain how well Metro’s riders rely on service, reaction to Dozens of riders along major idents in low-income neighbor- he said.
new system is working. For exam- the changes remains mixed. Some routes report that while buses hoods on Houston’s east, south-
ple, September ridership on Met- riders find the route changes in- might come more frequently, east and northeast sides who feel
ro’s local buses — which excludes convenient, while others cheer the their trips are really no shorter inconvenienced or ignored.


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xx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | A9


Refinery part of alleged kickback scheme

Refinery from page A1

One of prosecutors’ first

major discoveries in their
ongoing investigation was
that Petrobras overpaid in
its purchase of Pasadena
Refining Systems Inc. in a
series of transactions dat-
ing back to 2006.
Petrobras, Brazil’s larg-
est company, paid about
$1.2 billion for the nearly
century-old refinery com-
plex — almost 30 times the
amount the Belgian com-
pany Astra Oil purchased
it for in 2005, according to
Brazilian prosecutors and
court records. Petrobras
itself is one of the world’s
largest refiners. The Pasa-
dena refinery on Red Bluff
Road is Petrobras’ only U.S.
refinery — with a produc-
tion of more than 100,000
barrels per day and more
than 500 contract and per-
manent employees.
One former executive
has admitted to being of-
fered a $1.5 million bribe to
allow the Pasadena deal to
go through, records show,
and Brazilian prosecutors Michael Ciaglo / Houston Chronicle
are investigating whether Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras paid more than $1 billion to buy the Pasadena refinery, much more than the $42.5 million paid
politicians also received by Astra Transcor in 2005. The purchase of the refinery is now part of a Brazilian investigation into an alleged kickback scheme.
kickbacks from the pur-
chase. ›› Learn more about the Petrobras scandal through a ção Lava Jato,” or “Opera- evolving is just amazing.” Under Petrobras owner-
“We were absolutely photogallery at tion Car Wash.” To date, 43 In the context of global ship, the Pasadena refinery
dumbfounded, not to men- people have been convicted corporate scandals, the has had its share of envi-
tion extremely concerned, said Pasadena resident C. U.S. federal court record. and sentenced to jail terms Petrobras case is “huge,” ronmental problems — in-
by what we found,” Ma- David Pomeroy Jr., a local One Astra executive sent and fines over offenses said Tom Fox, a Houston cluding the 2011 explosion.
rinus de Vries Marsico, a historian. a 750-page email detailing ranging from corruption lawyer who specializes in In 2012, Harris County
prosecutor at Brazil’s Fed- Crown furnished the “significant problems” with and money laundering to corporate compliance with received a $750,000 settle-
eral Accounts Court said city with its first firefight- the joint venture. criminal association, and the Foreign Corrupt Prac- ment from the refinery for
of the Pasadena deal in an ing equipment and em- Petrobras eventually investigations continue. tices Act. “It’s huger than alleged environmental vio-
interview with the Hous- ployed enlisted men wait- agreed out of court to pay This month allegations huge,” he said. lations, including failing to
ton Chronicle. “There were ing to deploy during World another $820 million, Bra- surfaced that a Brazilian control emissions, records
such flagrant, indefensible War II. Local residents zilian court records say. senator who was not pre- Environmental issues show. Federal workplace
irregularities that it was — including Pomeroy’s fa- That meant Petrobras viously under suspicion The dozens of convic- safety officials have fined
easy to see what a cata- ther — found work at the paid about $1.2 billion to received a kickback of at tions in Brazil so far in the the company $56,500 since
strophic deal it was.” refinery as valve hands, Astra for the Pasadena re- least $1 million in connec- probe include lobbyists, 2010.
maintenance workers and finery, including its initial tion with the Pasadena re- money changers, and exec- Still, Pasadena Council-
Little attention here engineers. But later the investment and the settle- finery purchase. utives both from Petrobras man Ybarra has seen no
He and other Brazilian refinery became the site ment payments, according “The information and construction industry signs of major flaws. He
investigators say Petro- of a bitter labor dispute to Brazilian court records. doesn’t stop coming,” said giants. Former Petrobras said he views Petrobras as
bras contracts worldwide that included a yearslong Brazilian auditors later Monica Arruda De Almei- director Renato Duque has a good corporate neighbor
were systematically over- lockout. In 1998 it paid a $1 concluded that a handful da, an adjunct professor at received the largest indi- that contributes to chari-
inflated by corrupt former million fine for air quality of former Petrobras ex- the Center of Latin Ameri- vidual jail sentence so far: table causes.
executives and a “cartel” violations — then a Texas ecutives were responsible can Studies at Georgetown 20 years and 8 months.
of construction companies record. for the overpayment in University. “The speed There have been no pros-
that skimmed off money In January 2005, Bel- Pasadena and ordered that with which things are still ecutions to date in the U.S.
for themselves and paid off gian group Astra Transcor $792 million be returned to
politicians, lobbyists and purchased the refinery Petrobras.
money launderers. for $42.5 million and later Marisco said the Brazil-
In corporate filings and reached out to Petrobras ian criminal probe of the
news statements, Petrobras about a partnership, Brazil- Pasadena refinery deal
spokesmen claim the com- ian court records show. began in 2013, and offered
pany is a victim. In an April That year, a Texas-based “a first indication of the
2015 filing with the U.S. consulting firm hired by high level of corruption in
Securities and Exchange Petrobras assessed the re- Petrobras’ activities.”
Commission, Petroleo finery’s value at $126 mil- “The Pasadena deal was
Brasileiro S.A. estimates lion. But Petrobras then did an affront to Brazil; it was a
that the company overpaid its own estimate of the re- joke that damaged Brazil’s
more than $2.5 billion in finery’s value and pegged it reputation for being able
“capitalized costs” for “the at $745 million. “Petrobras to do business in a serious,
acquisition of property, then adopted this result responsible way,” Marisco
plant and equipment in pri- as the basis for the offers it said.
or years.” Petrobras states presented” to Astra, Brazil- Paulo Roberto Costa,
in the filing the money was ian court records show. who was Petrobras’ direc-
used to fund “improper” Petrobras initially paid tor of refining from 2004
payments to political par- about $431 million for its 50 to 2012, told investigators
ties, public officials, con- percent stake in the refinery he had reservations about
tractors, former Petrobras and in a trading company the Pasadena purchase,
employees and “other indi- that would hold the right to describing the refinery as
viduals involved in the pay- sell the refinery’s products, “very old,” and in need of
ment scheme.” according to the Brazilian serious upgrades. Costa
Petrobras officials did court records. said last fall that he was
not respond to requests for Petrobras America Inc. offered $1.5 million to “not
comment for this story. partnered with Astra Oil to cause problems” at an
Petrobras, which has Trading NV, and two other approval meeting of that
a U.S. subsidiary called interrelated companies — deal, according to a state-
Petrobras America Inc., re- Astra GP Inc. and Astra ment Costa made to Brazil-
ported in the April 2015 fil- Tradeco LP LLC — in the ian officials as part of a plea
ing that it was subpoenaed deal, according to a U.S. bargain.
by the U.S. Securities and federal court records. Marsico said he and his
Exchange Commission in But the partnership colleagues will investigate
November 2014, and is co- soon turned sour. the link between Petrobras
operating with the agen- and Astra, the company on
cy’s request. It’s unclear ‘High level of corruption’ the other side of the “per-
from Petrobras’ disclosure To settle the contract dis- nicious” Pasadena sale, to
whether the SEC probe pute, Astra officials went see if anyone else should be
specifically focuses on the first to an arbitration panel held accountable.
Pasadena deal or how the and then to federal court Astra officials did not
refinery’s operations could to invoke contract rights to respond to emails and
be impacted. SEC officials try to force Petrobras com- calls to their attorneys and
declined comment. panies to buy them out, U.S. to their offices in Houston.
The revelations have federal court records show. In Brazil, about 500
seized the public’s atten- The parties fought over people and companies are
tion and generated massive what Houston-based U.S. under investigation for
protests in Brazil. But the District Judge Ewing Wer- their alleged involvement
Texas refinery’s role in the lein Jr. described as “strate- in the Petrobras kickback
scandal has gotten scant at- gic vision” in a related 2010 scheme, known as “Opera-
tention back in Pasadena.
“I’ve never heard any-
thing about” it, said Pasa- Search jobs and find the one that’s
dena Councilman Ornaldo right for you at
Ybarra, whose district
encompasses the area
around the refinery. “From
our perspective at the local
level, there hasn’t been any
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A10 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


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Die-hard Alamo buffs New city ordinance

promote song to urge aims to curb truck
the restoration of the emissions, but we all
celebrated landmark. can fight air pollution.
Page B3 Page B9

Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Monday, November 9, 2015 | and Section B xxx

Ethics Commission
wants transparency
on consultant fees
By David Saleh Rauf

AUSTIN — Wading into the

hush-hush world of political
operatives, Texas’ campaign
finance regulator is consider-
ing how to get more details
disclosed when a consultant
spends a candidate’s money to
shape state and local elections.
The Texas Ethics Commis-
sion has set its sights on large
lump sum payments to con-
sultants from campaigns and
political action committees —
six-figure totals, on occasion,
Melissa Phillip photos / Houston Chronicle that are disclosed on campaign
finance reports only as “con-
Houston celebrates sulting” or “consulting fees.”
Dia de los Muertos Those expenses can be pay-
ments for actual consulting
Above, Karen Ortiz, second from right, services.
and Jezzilyn Rodriguez, both 11, wait to However, regulators say they
go on stage to perform with MECA Ballet believe campaigns and PACs
Folklorico at the Dia de los Muertos are increasingly writing big
Festival held Sunday at the MECA in checks to operatives for a wide
Houston. At right, Nadia DeLavega, 6, range of activities to influence
left, and her sister Adina, 3, browse for elections — hiring boots on the
items to buy at the festival. Dia de los ground, purchasing mailing
Muertos is a traditional Latin American lists, production costs for ads
holiday that honors and celebrates the — and the details are never re-
lives of family and friends who have died. ported. That allows a campaign
The common theme that runs through the or a PAC to essentially mask
two-day celebration, traditionally held who and what it’s paying for
Nov. 1 and 2, is the belief that the dead by outsourcing expenditures
return home, visit loved ones and feast through a consultant, they ar-
on their favorite foods. Campaign continues on B2

Investors financing litigation to net big profits Too tough

Critics argue third-party funds in mass torts
often turn lawyers’ clients into commodities
a political usually get.
The lawsuits, which at one
surgical complications, it was
the subject of a 2008 alert by the

tide for point numbered far more than

Charleston’s population of
Food and Drug Administration.
The companies insisted the

an insider
By Mike Tolson medical mass tort may be head- 50,000, arose from the use of product was safe. But blood was
ing toward a comprehensive set- a product called transvaginal in the water, and soon plaintiff
In the West Virginia court- tlement. The judge said earlier mesh. The implanted mesh was lawyers around the country, in-
room of U.S. District Judge Jo- this year the two sides should manufactured by several com- cluding most of the heavy hitters
seph Goodwin, lawsuits that work out a deal on the cases that panies to help women with a and big names, had rounded up By Cindy Horswell
have been lingering for several have not yet been settled, and variety of pelvic problems, but plenty of clients — some 70,000
years in America’s largest-ever what federal judges want, they because of the potential for post- Suit continues on B4 Bruce Tough, the chairman
of The Woodlands’ governing
board, ran as the ultimate in-
sider in his bid for re-election.

Inmates’ families receive a touch of hospitality The son of the award-win-

ning model community’s archi-
tect, Tough has held multiple
By Allan Turner “When we pray, we pray leadership positions over 15
to make the best of the years as he’s sought to complete
HUNTSVILLE — On that dream. The 62-year-old
execution days, the dinners circumstances. We see lawyer has been the commu-
at Huntsville’s Hospitality that someone can serve nity’s public face presiding over
House are bland — sooth- the Lord in prison. parades, ribbon-cuttings and
ing to the stomach if not We try to show them festivals.
the soul. But no one dies to- someone cares.” His opponent, Laura Fillault,
night, and the out-of-town Debra McCammon, director of couldn’t be more different. A
guests, some whom have Huntsville’s Hospitality House stay-at-home mom with an in-
driven all day to visit rela- dustrial engineering degree, Fil-
tives locked up in eight area lault never held elective office.
prisons, are in for a spicy out the menu, are canned She had moved into the com-
treat: Debra McCammon’s green beans, salad, can- munity only three years ago.
beef stroganoff. taloupe and fruit cups of But like a microcosm of
Preparations for the peaches and oranges. what’s happening on the na-
evening meal begin at mid- McCammon cooks tional political scene, the con-
afternoon as McCammon with the verve of Julia summate outsider — in this case
slaps four packs of ground Child, drawing on recipes Fillault — edged out the insider,
beef into an electric cooker. she learned from ladies Tough, who has served on The
“We can’t afford beef tips,” at church. But for Mc- Woodlands Township’s board
she admits, tossing in a Cammon and her Baptist since its inception.
dash of powdered garlic, a preacher-turned school- Elizabeth Conley / Houston Chronicle Both candidates identify
pinch of pepper and dollop teacher husband, Joe — Debra McCammon, director of Huntsville’s Hospitality House, gives cake to themselves as fiscally conser-
of sour cream. Rounding Hospitality continues on B10 Don and Brianna Bonneville, who visited their incarcerated son on Oct. 30. Tough continues on B3

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B2 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

CITY | STATE Editor, • @TonyFreemantle Houston Chronicle

Bush’s clumsy campaign comparable to dad’s

AUSTIN — Jeb Bush has It was a style your family,” made such pro- ate in a flat-footed attack on rival outsider, anti-establishment
moved from presumed front- that he acknowl- nouncements as, “The question Marco Rubio. year. And Bush is the ultimate
runner to a candidate trying edged in typical we need to ask: Is our children establishment insider. That’s
hard to gain his footing in a field fashion in that learning?” and asserted, in ‘Anti-establishment year’ the crux of his problem,” Sabato
crowded with quicker-off-the- long-ago race. making the point that parent- Consultant Mark Sanders, said, even before such issues as
mark hopefuls. “People aren’t ing is the paramount pursuit, who in 1988 worked for the Texas “the dynasty problem” and “his
But his clumsy campaigning PEGGY looking for a lot “The most important job is not Victory campaign, saw George brother’s baggage,” including the
is something of a family tradi- FIKAC of pizzazz out to be governor, or first lady in my H.W. Bush do what it took to Iraq war.
tion, a political liability that there. They’re case.” win that election — including Jeb Bush gave answers that
prompted ridicule for his father looking for someone who’s His election went into over- the infamous Willie Horton ad echoed his father’s of nearly
and brother but wasn’t enough stable,” he said then. ”So I think time against Democrat Al Gore, that slammed Dukakis over the 30 years ago when asked on CNN
to keep them from the presi- to kind of suddenly get my hair with the outcome hinging on release of a furloughed black about his campaign.
dency. colored, and dance up and down votes in Florida, where Jeb Bush inmate who committed new “I’ve got to get better at
And he’s countering criticism in a miniskirt or do something was then governor. crimes. debating, I guess, or perform-
of his lackluster style in much — show I’ve got a lot of jazz out That was recalled in a new “George Herbert Walker ing, whatever that’s called, and
the same way as his dad did there — drop a bunch of one- round of jokes when the cur- Bush changed. He became a I will,” he said, calling a presi-
nearly 30 years ago. liners. We’re talking about run- rent candidate unveiled his new tough, strong candidate that dential race “a serious endeavor”
George H.W. Bush, after all, ning for president of the United “Jeb Can Fix It” slogan, which really put the fear of God in that he nevertheless approaches
was plastered across the cover States. It’s a serious business.” was meant to give him a new the Democrats,” said Sanders. with joy.
of Newsweek in 1987 with the start but instead was widely While Sanders thinks signs Asked whether the country is
headline, “Fighting the ‘Wimp Strangled syntax mocked, with one wag tweeting, are pointing to mogul Donald looking for an “old-fashioned”
Factor,’ ” a description that He was elected against hap- “whuuuuut? Is he recalling (his) Trump being the nominee, he guy who wants to be fixer, Bush
invites comparison to today’s less Democrat Michael Dukakis role in Florida’s voter suppres- said, “Anybody who wants to asserted people are “desperate
questions about whether his son before being ousted in 1992 by sion when his brother was count the Bushes out is making a for” just such a candidate.
has the fire to lead the GOP to the Democrat Bill Clinton. elected?” huge mistake.” “I’m not going to win over
White House. His son, George W. Bush, The slogan jokes came after But Larry Sabato, director of the punditry class for sure,” he
The elder Bush’s awkward gained the White House after Bush missteps ranging from the Center for Politics at the Uni- said, “but I know I can win over
style included describing some- the 2000 election despite a string having to backpedal on whether versity of Virginia, said Jeb Bush people that aspire to a better life
one in trouble as being in “deep of malaprops that rivaled his he would have invaded Iraq to a has a tougher task than did his for themselves and their family.”
doo-doo” and having difficulty father’s strangled syntax. cheery apology to the French for family in previous elections.
expressing what he called “the He reached out to those having compared their country’s “Unlike his father and broth-
vision thing.” “working hard to put food on workweek to that of the U.S. Sen- er, Jeb is running in a strongly

Rockets runners
jump for joy
From left, Phuong
Nguyen, Hue Bui,
Tammy Gee and Camy
Tran celebrate Sunday
outside the Toyota
Center after finishing
the 14th annual Rockets
Run. It featured a 5K
run, 2 mile walk and
kids’ 1K fun run. This
year’s race benefited
Children’s Memorial
Hermann Hospital.

Michael Ciaglo /
Houston Chronicle

NASCAR fans ignore request not to fly Confederate flags

By Drew Davison couraged fans to leave Con- am about First Amendment has made a conscious effort “NASCAR’s public position “It’s not a First Amend-
FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM federate flags at home after rights, Second Amendment to diversify and broaden its has prompted more to show ment act. What it is is a di-
a racially charged church rights, the Constitution. fan base. NASCAR Chair- up. You know, whenever rect affront to us coming
FORT WORTH — shooting in South Carolina I believe the flag is about man Brian France, along you tell somebody you can’t together, a direct affront
Charles Ivey climbed to that left nine worshippers heritage. I had family that with popular drivers such do something, they’re going in an effort to try to make
the top of his bus parked dead. fought in the Civil War. I as Dale Earnhardt Jr. and to show you, ‘Yes, I can.’ ” an unnecessary point,”
on the infield campground But that request fell on was born in the South, so Jeff Gordon, strongly dis- NASCAR’s strong stance said Tatum, president of
at Texas Motor Speedway deaf ears of some race fans it’s my right to fly it.” couraged fans from flying against flying the flags has the Fort Worth Southern
and proudly hoisted the who firmly believe it’s their The Confederate flag de- Confederate flags after the incited more fans to do so. Leadership Conference.
Confederate battle flag on right to fly the flag. Ivey and bate resurfaced this sum- shooting. Ivey went out of his way “This is definitely hollow
Thursday afternoon. a handful of other race fans mer with the June 17 church TMS President Eddie to make sure he brought (by those fans). NASCAR
He’d never flown the flag are flying the Confederate shooting in Charleston. The Gossage said he under- a Confederate flag, along did the wise thing in the
during a race weekend but flag this weekend. The flags suspect, Dylann Roof, had stands the flag debate is a with koozies and beads em- 21st century to discourage
felt compelled to do so for weren’t prevalent around posed with a Confederate touchy subject on both sides blazoned with Confederate it. This is based on civil-
this weekend’s NASCAR the track, but could be spot- flag. and believes the track might flags, to the track this week- ity and humanity, and (the
tripleheader event at TMS, ted them around the infield. NASCAR, which has be seeing more flags this end. fans are) saying, ‘To hell
which concluded with Sun- “I have the right to fly it deep Southern roots, found weekend simply based on This isn’t what NAS- with humanity, to hell with
day’s AAA Texas 500. just as much as they have itself in the midst of the con- NASCAR’s public stance. CAR or the tracks want to civility, my rights are more
This marked the first a right to tell me not,” said troversy because many fans “We’ve never had an is- see during race weekends, important.’
race weekend at the speed- Ivey, 52, of Greenville. “It’s displayed the flags during sue with it the way you of course. Neither do civil- “And that’s the attitude
way since NASCAR and not a race thing at all. I’m races. see it so prevalent at cer- rights activists such as Rev. that has gotten us into this
the track itself in July en- not about that at all. But I But the sanctioning body tain tracks,” Gossage said. Kyev Tatum of Fort Worth. position in the first place.”

‘Campaign in a box’ fires up commissioners, consultants

Campaign from page B1 Fred Blanton, a consultant Commission Chairman Paul past year. consultant,” McKinney wrote.
from Houston who wrote a let- Hobby said the practice has re- It was tabled soon after one Donna Holland Wilcox, Chair-
gue. ter to the commission, said the placed a previously popular commissioner declared: “I’m not man of the Burnet County Re-
It’s proven to be a touchy sub- regulator’s inquiry into opera- method for campaigns and PACs completely sure who or what a publican Party, summed up her
ject for political operatives who tive spending is absurd. His main to hide the destination of politi- political consultant is.” The in- argument briefly: “In the name of
consider their strategies, includ- beef is an identical one voiced by cal money: the credit card. As of quiry hasn’t been brought back transparency, which is the intent,
ing pricing agreements and even others in the field: a consultant’s September, all expenses racked up since then, but Hobby says it’s I say FULL disclosure is best.”
the names of third-party ven- livelihood is dependant in large up on plastic are now required to still a live topic for the commis- Those who voiced opposi-
dors, akin to classified material. part on protecting so-called be itemized in on state campaign sion. tion mostly cited the need for a
In meetings over the summer, “trade secrets,” namely who they finance reports. The responses the commis- consultant to be able to protect
several commissioners appeared do business with and how much sion received from consultants “trade secrets,” saying vendors
fired up, describing the lump those transactions are worth. ‘New piece of paper’ so far have been fairly wide- could use the information to un-
sum payments with no details “No consultant should have to That, however, is not the solu- ranging. dercut or overcharge. Or a politi-
as defeating the requirements disclose who or what is paid for,” tion the commission is looking Take one from Pam Thacker, cal opponent could tamper with a
of state disclosure laws. The he said in an interview. “That for when it comes to consultants, the campaign office manager for campaign by using the informa-
commission even came up with would be a breach to a consul- Hobby said. Agriculture Commissioner Sid tion to threaten a vendor.
a catchy name for the practice: tant to have to disclose sources “If we can find a way to give the Miller, who disagrees with the “Consultants should be able
“campaign in a box.” and costs, and it would also give regulated community guidance general approach but said she to protect their business and
an advantage to an opponent to on how to use the existing for- recognizes why this type of dis- their client’s best interest, and if
‘Trade secrets’ argument know where they need to spend mat, that’s better,” he said. “I’m closure is important. in their judgment, this includes
However, months after airing money to counter their oppo- trying to avoid creating a new “As the one who fills out the keeping their vendor’s names
the issue in meetings, and taking nent’s actions.” piece of paper and make sure the ethics reports I do not like this as confidential, they should be al-
public comment in a series of let- The issue was first raised by public has access to the final re- it would cause me to have to rely lowed to do so,” wrote John
ters, the state regulator has yet Commissioner Jim Clancy, the cipient of campaign dollars.” on the consultant to send me the Shults, Chief Business Officer for
figure out a path forward — and former chairman of the eight- The commission has weighed invoices, etc,” she wrote. “But I the Eppstein Group, a prominent
it’s not clear anything will result member panel, who painted the in on the issue in the past by look- do understand the validity and Republican consulting shop.
from the effort. following scenario at a public ing at how involved the candidate value of it.” Craig Holman, a federal lob-
One reason: pushback from meeting: a big campaign writes or PAC was in the final say of any byist on government ethics at the
consultants has been strong. a check to a consulting firm for expenditures made by the con- Lump sums ‘misleading’ liberal advocacy group Public
Consultants and PAC treasurers $150,000. The money is spread sultant. But Clancy, the ethics W. Troy McKinney, a Hous- Citizen, shrugged off the trade
have written to the commission around to hire poll workers, de- commissioner, has said that es- ton lawyer and the treasurer secret argument, saying it’s been
with a largely unison message: sign mailers and pay for ads. sentially provides the equivalent of the Concerned Citizens for a used before by others in the influ-
back off. None of it, he cautioned, is of “hear no evil, see no evil, speak Responsible Judiciary PAC, told ence arena when new disclosure
One consultant told the com- reported beyond the lump sum no evil protection.” regulators that consultant ex- requirements become a topic for
mission he would quit the busi- to the consultant, who is not re- A sign of just how sticky the penditures should be itemized regulators.
ness. One asked if regulators quired to provide a break down issue is from a policy perspec- because the current system “al- “Providing a picture for the
need to know every time he of the spending. tive was apparent at a commis- lows those inclined to hide pay- public to understand where the
pumps gas or buys ink from a “I am confident it is a growing sion meeting in August. Hobby ments to others to do so.” money is going,” he said “that’s
printing company and “where practice to make these large pay- pushed for ideas and received a “Simply reporting a lump sum more important than preserving
will it stop?” One wrote: “The so- ments to campaigns in a box and lukewarm response from a com- to any consultant is, at best, mis- any trade secrets.”
lution is like killing a gnat with a not disclose any of the specifics,” mission that has aggressively leading if the amount reported is
sledge hammer.” Clancy said. tackled disclosure issues in the not solely for the services of the
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | B3


Song urges
of the Alamo
By Scott Huddleston today’s Alamo area. It sug-
SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS gests the shrine is “sur-
rounded by decay.”
Two die-hard Alamo “It’s time to bring back
buffs, former teachers liv- all the long lost beauty;
ing in New Jersey, have And a sense of history,”
created what they said may the lyrics declare, echoing
be the key to elevating the sentiments of local and
Texas shrine to its full po- state officials now leading
tential: a catchy new theme an effort to refurbish the
song. state-owned Alamo com-
In the wake of metal plex and improve the sur-
rock idol Ozzy Osbourne’s rounding area.
conciliatory visit last “We’ve got to do some-
week to the mission and thing to save that place”
battle site downtown, Al- from mediocrity and com-
amo advocates William R. mercialization, Boldt said.
Chemerka and Mike Boldt “Music tends to galvanize
are promoting their song, people.”
“Stand With the Alamo,” The state and city al-
to rally support for up- ready have committed
grades to the area. more than $45 million in
Both are members of the public funds for the Al-
Alamo Society, a group of amo area, including the
James Nielsen / Houston Chronicle about 500 Alamophiles in pending purchase of three
the United States and 10 buildings now leased as
Accident causes Sunday traffic jam foreign nations, some gath- amusement attractions in
Traffic backs up Sunday on the Pierce Elevated near Bagby after an accident involving multiple vehicles and a ering in San Antonio each the plaza, and for projects
three-wheeled motorcycle. The driver of the motorcycle was transported by ambulance from the scene. year for the anniversary of recommended by a mas-
the battle on March 6, 1836. ter plan for the area, to be
“I always feel there’s completed next summer.

Tough opposed by tea party groups a karma to things. They

happen when they’re sup-
posed to happen,” said
Also engaged in the
plan is the nonprofit Al-
amo Endowment, which
Tough from page B1 every year. want that one to be the last Boldt, a musician and re- has projected up to $300
Still, Tough didn’t seek one built. I heard these tired special education million may be needed to
vative Republicans. But tea party support this elec- special interest people say- teacher in Weehawken, return the area to its full
Tough’s job experience be- tion, nor did he answer ing, ‘Elect me and I’ll stop N.J. glory, with new pavement,
came almost a dirty word voter questionnaires from development.’ It may play Boldt called Chemerka, pedestrian access, public
as tea party groups who two tea party groups. well politically, but legally who lives in Barnegat, and art, a museum and partial
wield significant influ- While not opposed to you can’t tell someone what told him about two weeks reconstruction of the 1836
ence in The Woodlands their principles, Tough Bruce Tough and Laura to do with their land.” ago to “send me some lyr- mission-fortress com-
portrayed him as “part of said he knew the tea party Fillault disagreed on last The Texas Patriots’ ics” about the need to up- pound. Famed musician
the establishment,” more groups would target him spring’s road bond plan. Turner said that while no- grade Alamo Plaza, to pro- Phil Collins has donated
likely to favor developers for supporting last spring’s body can stop growth, it vide more reverence and a $15 million in artifacts to
over residents. She won by $350 million road bond dissuade the developer could be better managed, moving historical experi- advance a bigger vision for
4 percentage points. package that included the from doing it.” possibly through incorpo- ence. the Alamo.
Fillault, who gained at- deeply unpopular road Tough said the person rating as a city. “He got the words to Chemerka, who found-
tention as a vocal critic of a proposal, an extension of who circulated the peti- Bass said incorpora- me in an email within 10 ed the Alamo Society in
controversial road project Woodlands Parkway to tion, Matthew Burton, was tion was put off three years minutes,” said Boldt, who 1986, said he copyrighted
in The Woodlands, prefers Texas 249. supported by the tea party ago because a study then recorded a CD of songs the song but will permit its
to see herself as an “inde- Like Fillault and the tea organizations for a board showed it would triple the about the Alamo, “Victory open Internet use to aid the
pendent” rather than as an partiers, he opposed the seat being vacated by an in- property tax rate. or Death,” in 2012. cause. He said he would
outsider. parkway extension. But he cumbent. Boldt said it took him like to see it recorded by a
“I see this as more of did not want to jeopardize Burton, a political new- ‘But I won’ two days to compose, per- major country artist, to be-
a grassroots movement. the entire bond package comer, narrowly lost to Meanwhile, Fillault form and record a song to come a fundraising theme
Bruce Tough has more of over that one project, he Ann Snyder, a longtime thinks The Woodlands has complement Chemerka’s song. Members of his
an establishment feel, like said. resident who’s headed ev- moved too far away from lyrics in his studio, which group created a video with
the Republican presiden- erything from Interfaith the greenbelts and path- he calls “Alamo North.” the song on YouTube.
tial contender Jeb Bush,” ‘Political piñata’ of The Woodlands and its ways through the trees dis- Many Alamo songs have “It’s just another effort
said Fillault, 43, noting In the end, county vot- community clinic to the ar- played on the township’s been written, most notably in an overall campaign to
how she spent only $4,000 ers defeated that package ea’s chamber of commerce website. “Remember the Alamo,” do what’s right,” Chemer-
on her campaign compared — but six months later ap- and school board. She, too, A self-described com- by Jane Bowers, and “Bal- ka said. “Why not restore
to the $18,000 that Tough proved a scaled-back $280 earned the tea partiers’ munity activist, she blogs lad of the Alamo,” by Paul Alamo Plaza with a song?”
spent. million version that didn’t disdain for supporting the about how she and her Francis Webster and Dimi-
She was part of a three- include the road extension. first road bond package. husband left France, her tri Tiomkin. This new one
candidate slate endorsed Fillault believes the Tough believes the tea husband’s homeland, to es- may be the first to address
by two local tea party bond outcome showed partiers are after “control” cape socialism and return
groups — the Texas Patri- why people should never and, in so doing, could to Texas. She writes on the
ots PAC and the Montgom- compromise their ideals. stamp out independent website — rightstraight- VOLUNTEER
ery County Tea Party —
that were instrumental in
pushing her name before
Tough, on the other hand,
contends it shows how res-
idents eventually lost out
“I don’t want to see any
single group control the — about
being a fighter who packs
a gun and is not somebody
Social media users,
the public.

‘Kingmaker’ influence
on “millions” of other road
improvements (besides the
excluded one) that could
fate of our community,”
Long said. “We’re bigger
than one group. All the
to “mess” with as she takes
the country back from “the
gardeners needed
Fillault said that one of have eased the traffic grid- folks who live here should After she filed for local HOUSTON CHRONICLE out to the new McGovern
these groups, the Texas lock. have a say.” office, her husband, Pierre, Centennial Gardens and
Patriots, taught her how to Fillault and the tea par- Mike Bass, a township wrote a letter to the local Pantry services are lead a workshop to teach
campaign through block ty groups also criticized director who was opposed newspaper in support of growing in this area. A others. The upcoming date
walking and introducing Tough for failing to sign in 2012 by tea partiers who his wife, he said his vote for new program is starting is Saturday, Nov. 21.
herself at the polls. It also a petition opposing clear- had once backed him, her would be his first as an that will assist families
used its volunteers to hand cutting in the last residen- agreed. American citizen. in need with an addi- Social media
out literature and work the tial area being developed “They want to win con- As to what she hopes to tional food source for six Volunteers are needed
polls on her behalf. in The Woodlands, which trol of the township board accomplish after her win, months. The pantry is to help with posting ar-
While some refer to the is known for its lush forest. and then have us incorpo- she said she plans to do open Tuesday-Saturday. ticles and information on
group as a “kingmaker” in “I felt like a political pi- rate our township into a more listening and com- social media (Facebook,
local politics, Fillault dis- ñata, being bashed by a city,’ Bass said. “We have a municating with residents Spread joy blog, Twitter, LinkedIn,
agrees. “I met their criteria lot of contrived misstate- perfect limited government to keep them involved in Volunteers can spread etc.) to inform followers
as a fiscal conservative, but ments,” Tough said. He and free marketplace now. their community. some joy to patients with about providing a safe
that does not mean I’m in explained how he wanted But they really don’t want “People look at me and a variety of needs. These environment for women
lockstep with all they do,” to remain neutral so that that.” say, ‘You took down Bruce may include companion- who are sufferering from
she said, noting that she he could work behind the Tough,’ ” she said, but in- ship, yard work, run- perinatal and postpartum
attends occasional meet- scenes with the devel- ‘Victim’ of success sists that she has no wish to ning errands, doing art mental health issues.
ings but has not been a oper, which indeed led to Community leaders tarnish his legacy. “I don’t projects, pet visits, flower
dues-paying member since the compromise in which agree on one thing: resident want him to go away or be deliveries and cooking. For more information,
January. 100-gallon trees are being frustration over the area’s put in an old folks home contact Volunteer Houston
But the Texas Patriots’ planted as a buffer there, rapid growth is driving the and shut the door. He’s Green thumb at (832) 613-9275, info@
website boasts that the among other things. discontent. Montgomery done great things for the Are you passionate or visit
organization has become “Bruce did as much as County’s population, now community. People respect about garden topics? Come
the “trusted source for the humanly possible to stop a half million, is expected him. But I won.”
Woodlands voter” and that the clear-cutting,” said to double over the next Tough said he’s not rul-
92 percent of its candidates,
including Fillault, won this
another township direc-
tor, Jeff Long. “It’s a com-
“The Woodlands is a
ing out anything in his fu-
ture and intends to stay ac- DISABILITY LAW
past election. plicated issue because the victim of its own success,” tive in his community. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY
The organization’s pres- township doesn’t have the said Tough. “Once people VETERANS DISABILITY
ident, Julie Turner, who power to order it. We must build a house here, they SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURIES
lives outside The Wood-
not deny the group’s pow-
• Successfully obtaining Social Security benefits for deserving
erful influence: “I would individuals for over 30 years
certainly hope we have an • Representing veterans in their claims for service-connected
impact. We take a deep look benefits before the Veterans Administration and in Federal Court
at people’s values and past
actions. People rely on us
POWER LIFT RECLINER • Claims against stockbrokers to recover investment losses
• Veterans with service-connected disabilities can collect both
VA benefits and Social Security Disability benefits.
for that information.” • Lifts to a Standing Position
Tough cannot fathom
why he has never won tea • Reclines to a Lie-Flat Position
party support. He recites • Elevates Your Legs
a long list of accomplish-
ments, from preventing Has Your Disability
Houston’s annexation of BUY TODAY, DELIVERED TODAY! Claim Been Denied?
The Woodlands and fight-
ing for the burial of utility 713-840-9111
lines to achieving the high-
est possible rating for the FREE CONSULTATION
6006 North Freeway : 2411 Post Oak Boulevard : 713.694.5570
fire department and lower-
ing the township’s tax rate G A LLE RYF URNITURE .CO M
B4 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Suit opens window /RVLQJ \RXU +($5,1*

into litigation finance
Suit from page B1 “I find the whole thing Keller provide backing for
(+0& 176 (14 ;1745'.(
incredibly distasteful lawyers involved in expen- You are invited to our Hearing Health Event.
by one estimate. Massive and borderline sive lawsuits. Typically
advertising campaigns these litigation finance
reprehensible. I am a
made sure of that. operations are private eq-
Curiously, the firm that
advertised the most was
one few other lawyers
capitalist, and I believe
firmly in the capitalist
system. I believe in the
uity funds that may couch
their help as loans but are
in essence investing in the
;OPZ >,,2 6US`
had heard of. Houston’s civil justice system. outcome of the lawsuits. &DOO QRZ WR DYRLG ZDLWLQJ ,W·V $OO )5((
AkinMears, a tiny opera- But there are more The one constant is that the
tion with only seven law- appropriate business “loans” are non-recourse,
yers listed on its website,
models and models that
meaning they do not have -9,, *VTWSL[L ,SLJ[YVUPJ /LHYPUN ;LZ[
reportedly spent around to be repaid if the lawsuit is ;OPZ (\KPVTL[YPJ L]HS\H[PVU ^PSS WYLJPZLS` ZOV^ ^OH[ `V\»]L
$25 million in a sweeping are inappropriate. I find unsuccessful.
TV blitz, cutting across this one ghastly.” The rise of litigation ILLU TPZZPUN
channels from gardening Mark Lanier, Houston trial lawyer finance firms in the U.S.
to golf to get viewers to call has taken place in the last -9,, =PKLV 6[VZJVWL ,HY 0UZWLJ[PVU
a toll-free number. decade. And as their num- ;OPZ ZOV^HSS 7PJ[\YL VM `V\Y LHY JHUHS PZ KPZWSH`LK VU H JVSVY
Yet, with no star attor- such firm, Gerchen Keller bers have increased and ;= TVUP[VY ZV `V\»SS ZLL L_HJ[S` ^OH[ ^L ZLL
neys in its stable, Akin- Capital, and line up about the scope of the litigation
Mears took no part in the $100 million, to be couched they invest in broadened,
crucial “bellwether” tri- as loans. both lawmakers and busi-
als that were intended to For experienced lawyers ness interest groups have 0M `V\ UV^ ^LHY H OLHYPUN HPK `V\ ^PSS YLJLP]L VUL MYLL WHJRHNL VM
establish the value of the on both sides of the divide expressed alarm. Shenaq’s OLHYPUN HPK IH[[LYPLZ 0M ^L [LZ[ `V\Y OLHYPUN `V\ ^PSS YLJLP]L
cases. and pretty much anyone lawsuit provided one more HUV[OLY MYLL WHJRHNL
In truth, it spends little who keeps up with the bit of ammunition.
time in the courtroom. Its high-stakes world of big-
main partner, Truett Akin time civil litigation, it was Mass profits -9,, 0U6MÄJL 9LWHPYZ
IV, is still better known as a not hard to imagine a fu- So far, the bulk of third- (SS PUVMÄJL OLHYPUN HPK YLWHPYZ ZOHSS IL MYLL HUK MHJ[VY` YLWHPYZ
former University of Hous- ture of many such firms, all party assisted litigation YLNHYKSLZZ VM THRL VY TVKLS ZOHSS IL  VMM
ton football player than a of them quietly using other has been in one-off law-
lawyer, though in fairness people’s money — and lots suits, often in complex
he has finally earned some of it, rather easily obtained business matters such as
headlines. Just not the kind — to build a juggernaut patent disputes. Gerchen
he wanted. of lawsuits that in theory Keller, with around $800
could threaten the founda- million in its litigation
‘Bushels of wheat’ tion of the American civil portfolio, has publicly said
A breach-of-contract justice system. it will shy away from class-
lawsuit filed by a former The defense bar, which actions and personal-inju-
AkinMears employee at represents corporations ry cases. Its apparent will- 6*+5-
the end of September raced that are often targeted in ingness to invest heavily 9''.;
through the legal grape- so-called mass torts, found in AkinMears, however, 10
vine like a greyhound. In the glimpse into the Hous- is part of a more recent
colorful language obvious- ton firm’s inner work- strategy of finding “late-
ly intended for a broad au- ings predictably chilling. stage” litigation where the
dience, the suit by a bank- Lisa Rickard, president promise of a good return is Audiotone Pro Special Price
er-turned-lawyer named of the U.S. Chamber of quick. The subject matter

795 for Audiotone Pro All Styles!
Amir Shenaq opened a Commerce’s Institute for mostly is irrelevant.
rare window into a shad- Legal Reform, said the Gerchen Keller declined
owy world where clients revelations about Akin- to comment on Shenaq’s
exist only as case numbers, Mears shows how “litiga- lawsuit or its business
and large chunks of them tion financing perverts the practices, citing client con-
are bought and sold with justice system and puts the fidentiality.
outside money and with- interests of lawyers and According to Shenaq’s
out their knowledge — in financiers ahead of actual calculations, the 14,000
the words of one critic, like plaintiffs.” transvaginal mesh cases
“bushels of wheat.” AkinMears was intending
Shenaq had been hoping Growing alarm to buy from a Washington,
to strike it rich as the mesh The American Asso- D.C., firm would net at-
litigation headed toward ciation for Justice, the trial torney’s fees of $14,000 to
conclusion. His job had lawyers’ group, defended $16,000 per case, accord- In the Canal Completely In Canal Behind the Ear
been to arrange financing access to third-party fund- ing to the lawsuit. The cost I1« ̜ Îä `L œÃ𠈓ˆÌ œ˜i >ˆ` «iÀ «>̈i˜Ì >Ì Ì…i «Àœ“œÌˆœ˜> «ÀˆVi œ˜Þ° œÌ Û>ˆ` ܈̅ >˜Þ œÌ…iÀ `ˆÃVœÕ˜Ì
œÀ œvviÀ° œià ˜œÌ >««Þ ̜ «ÀˆœÀ «ÕÀV…>Ãið 6>ˆ` œ˜ “œ`i ƂÕ`ˆœÌœ˜i *Àœ "˜Þ° "vviÀ iÝ«ˆÀià ££‡£Î‡Óä£x°
that would allowed Akin- ing as a necessity when of each case, however, was
Mears to quietly acquire consumers face corpora- less than $3,600. Even if
thousands of cases at a dis- tions with unlimited re- some of the cases fizzled
count, right before Judge sources out on further inspection, BUY ONE, GET ONE

Goodwin pushed through “The world of litigation the profits would be im-
the final remaining settle- funding is complicated,” mense. ** Miracle-Ear Mirage
ments. the advocacy group said “Akin was now on the
The money, according in a statement. “But, when cusp of acquiring this Now You See It… Now You Don’t
to the suit, came from a pri- done ethically, (it) can help massive docket without
vate investment firm that balance the playing field a nickel coming out of his II*Àœ“œÌˆœ˜> œvviÀ >Û>ˆ>Li `ÕÀˆ˜} iÛi˜Ì
`>Ìià œ˜Þ° >Þ ˜œÌ Li Vœ“Lˆ˜i` ܈̅ œÌ…iÀ
bankrolls lawsuits in ex- for those who have been own pocket,” the suit says, œvviÀà >˜` `œià ˜œÌ >««Þ ̜ «ÀˆœÀ Ã>ið -ii
change for a portion of the harmed and ensure that adding that the total net Ã̜Ài vœÀ `iÌ>ˆÃ° œ V>Å Û>Õi° "vviÀ >««ˆià ̜
returns. Shenaq claimed wrongdoers can be held value to the firm could be ̅i ˆÀ>Vi‡ >À ˆÀ>}i …i>Àˆ˜} >ˆ` œ˜Þ°
"vviÀ iÝ«ˆÀià ££‡£Î‡Óä£x°
that he was fired because accountable,” an estimated $100 million.
the firm did not want to The AAJ did not define All of that without having
pay him $4 million it owed what constitutes ethical to try a single case.
him. financing or address the “This is not the way a
The suit was settled last
week with the terms un-
AkinMears legal practice
directly. But some veteran
civil justice system is sup-
posed to work,” said Bryan
There is no charge or obligation for these services.
disclosed. The attorney for
Shenaq did not respond
plaintiff lawyers are dis-
pleased by the notion of
Quigley, ILR spokesman.
“The outside money will
Appointments fill quickly, so call NOW to schedule
to requests for comment.
AkinMears declined to
law firms as tools of invest-
ment bankers.
... introduce other players
that have no stake in it. It your appointment for a RISK FREE trial!
comment on the suit or the “I find the whole thing will expand litigation and
settlement. incredibly distasteful and flood courts with useless
If publicity was borderline reprehensible,” lawsuits. There is a bias
Shenaq’s initial aim, he said Mark Lanier, a nation- toward settlement in mass
succeeded. There both in ally known trial lawyer tort cases, once the tort has
the flamboyant text and be- from Houston. “I am a cap- been established.”
tween the lines of an other-
wise routine complaint of a
italist, and I believe in the
capitalist system. I believe Buying a case
Conroe/The Woodlands Memorial City
fired employee was raised
the specter of a different
in the civil justice system.
But there are appropriate
For the plaintiff bar, the
coming of litigation finance 8000 SH 242 833 Frostwood Dr
type of law firm that does business models and mod- is a mixed blessing. It may
not have to do very much
to get a piece of the action.
els that are inappropriate. I
find this one ghastly.”
help small firms or firms
that have little track record 832-239-8128 713-574-9370
“AkinMears is not run Shenaq’s lawsuit claims because one of the biggest
like a traditional plaintiff’s AkinMears was not satis- obstacles to getting into
law office, and the firm’s
lawyers do not do the types
of things that regular trial
fied with the results, de-
spite all the money it spent
on advertising. Leads from
mass tort litigation is re-
moved: money. But less re-
ceptive are the established
Katy MeyerPark
lawyers do,” the lawsuit a call center were too iffy. firms, for so long public 1575 W. Grand Pkwy S. 9953 S. Post Oak Rd.
states. “AkinMears is noth- “Akin ... wanted to ag- enemy number one to busi-

832-239-8910 713-581-1022
ing more than a glorified gressively grow his busi- ness groups.
claims processing center, ness, including a signifi- As they see it, the top
where the numbers are cant change of course,” plaintiff lawyers will still
huge, the clients commodi- the lawsuit states. “Rather have to do the hard work

Kingwood Sugar Land

ties, and the paydays, when than buying non-stop ad- and risk their own money
they come, stratospheric.” vertisements and acquir- to begin litigation that may
ing clients in a random, or may not evolve into a big
Corrupted interests
Making it all possible,
unpredictable manner,
he wanted to start mak-
mass tort. Meanwhile, the
big-lot commodity lawyers
1202 Kingwood Dr. 15910 Lexington Blvd.
in this case, was one of the ing direct investments in merely sit on the sidelines
private equity firms that
have sprung up in recent
ongoing mass tort litiga-
tion. Akin mentioned a
and watch, they say.
“There is a difference 713-574-5299 832-260-0228
years to invest in litiga- goal of closing on $100 mil- between using outside
tion, which they see as lion worth of cases in 2015 money to put into a case
promising higher returns
than other investments.
It had taken only weeks
Long established in
other countries, third-par-
and using it to buy a case,”
Lanier said. League City Willowbrook
for Shenaq to interest one ty funders like Gerchen 184 Gulf Freeway S. 17284 Tomball Pkwy
832-260-0213 713-581-8802
de G on e! .com
ur Ri e It’s A utos
o Befo r n
Get Y Chro DN-SPAD1030153524
xx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | B5

Brady, Mary Dunson, Robert

life tributes
Halevy, Uzi Moore, John Peschke, Albina

Cardona, Deborah Gorel, Earl Moody, Tom Morton, John Zaboroski, Leona

Deborah a. CarDona Tom Rush moody, JR.

1957-2015 1930-2015
Deborah A. Cardona, 58,
passed away November 5, Tom Rush Moody, Jr. Editor of the Texas Law
2015. She is survived by her died on November 5, 2015 Review and member of Phi
daughter Roxanne, mother in Trappe, Maryland. He Delta Phi. He graduated in
Ofelia Diaz and father in law was born in Alpine Texas on 1956 and was admitted to the
Antonio Cardona Sr. She is July 21, 1930 to Tom Rush State Bar of Texas that same
preceded in death by husband and Lois Whipkey Moody. year.
Ruben, father David P. Diaz, Surviving him are his sister After graduation, he
and mother in law Connie Marilyn Pickard, his wife returned to Houston to take
Cardona. of 61 years Ann Cheavens a position with the Baker,
Also survived by 2 brothers, Moody, his children Tom Botts, Andrews and Shep-
2 sisters, and numerous other forest Funeral Home, 750 Rush Moody III, Catherine herd law firm. In 1961, he
relatives. Uvalde Rd., Houston 77015. Eshelman, M. Bradford told the partners that he was
Visitation will be held Mon- Cremation to follow. Moody, Sarah Mariani, Lisa leaving the firm to join his
day, November 9, 2015 from Breslin, Stephen Moody and college mentor Tom Sealy’s
2pm - 9pm with a rosary at Emily Moody, his grandchil- law firm in Midland, Texas, a
dren Jack, Laura and Henry move that was subsequently Moody to serve as his special where he enjoyed being a
7pm. Memorial services will
Eshelman, Chandler, Rush postponed for nine months counsel, advising him and gentlemen farmer growing
be held Tuesday, November
and John Moody, Carole and when he learned that Ann Lt. Governor Bill Hobby on corn and soybeans at Trappe
10, 2015 at 10am. Visitation
Cristina Mariani, Kyleen was pregnant with triplets. energy policy and helping Landing Farm. He was also
and memorial will be held at
and Kate Breslin, Ashleigh After ten years practicing Senator Lloyd Bentsen draft past-President of Chesapeake
Blackwell & Vazquez Wood-
and Erin McDonald and his in Midland as a trial lawyer what ultimately became the Chamber Music, Inc., a
great-grandchild Judson and learning as he said Natural Gas Policy Act of board member of the Easton
Guarino. Predeceasing “everything I needed to know 1978. YMCA and an usher at Christ
him were his sister Jimmy about law from Bill Browder,” In 1977, Rush returned Church Easton. Not able to
RobeRt MaRR Dunson, to private law practice in keep the lawyer in him from
Poxon and his daugther Beth Rush was appointed by
JR. Moody. Richard Nixon (with critical Washington, working at a disappearing completely,
1935-2015 Rush grew up in Houston, support from Congressman number of Texas-based firms, he also served on the Talbot
Robert “Bob” Dunson, 80, Texas, graduating from George Mahon and Senator helping each of them grow County Planning and Zoning
passed away Friday, Novem- John Reagan High School Lloyd Bentsen) in 1971 to a their energy practice groups. Board of Appeals until his
ber 6, 2015. He was born in 1948. He attended Rice five-year term on the Federal After stints with Baker & death.
February 21, 1935 in Waco, Institute for two years before Power Commission, then Botts, Vinson & Elkins and Rush dearly loved being
TX to Doris and Robert transferring to the University chaired by John Nassikas. Akin Gump, Moody joined on the water, catching fish
Dunson, Sr. of Texas to complete a joint Rush served ably for three Andrews Kurth where he and watching the sunsets.
Bob is survived by his wife BBA/LLB degree program. years but found himself served as managing partner Neither “hell nor high water”
of 61 years, Pernie Ruthven There, he was a member of increasingly voting in dissent from 1992 until his retire- would keep him from his
Dunson; his children Sarah Delta Tau Delta, Friars, Silver with regard to the Commis- ment in 1996. He worked on weekly gin rummy and poker
Corie and husband Martin, Spurs and President of the sion’s continued regulation of regulatory, trial and en- games with friends. He
Robert Dunson III, Leslie tation at 10 a.m. Interment student body in 1952-53. interstate natural gas prices ergy policy matters for many developed a skilled hand at
Huygen and husband Patrick; will follow at Klein Memorial After a brief timeout to marry under the Federal Power Act. clients but was perhaps most woodcarving, producing ex-
11 grandchildren and 2 great- Park on FM 2920. his college sweetheart Ann, He ultimately resigned in proud of his work helping quisitely figured and painted
grandchildren. he took a leave of absence 1975, urging President Ger- his friend John G. McMil- butterflies. Most of all, after
Visitation will be held Tues- to serve in the United States ald R. Ford in his resignation lian organize and finance a many years of hard work, he
day, November 10, 2015 from Air Force as an intelligence letter to pursue a legislative consortium to build the first loved having the time to be
9-10 a.m. at Klein Funeral officer stationed at Warner solution to end the natural natural gas export pipeline with his family, re-engaging
Home, 1400 West Main in Robins Airbase. He returned gas shortages then plaguing from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to with his children and teach-
Tomball, TX. Funeral services to the University in 1955 to the Atlantic Seaboard. Texas the lower 48 states. ing a few good card tricks to
will be held following the visi- complete his law studies, Governor Dolph Briscoe Upon retirement, Rush his grandchildren.
becoming an Associate Note immediately appointed and Ann moved from Chevy By all who knew him, he
Chase to Trappe, Maryland will be missed.

Earl GorEl family members. Graveside

service will be held at 3:00
pm, Monday, November 9,
Earl Gorel, 91, passed away 2015 at Beth Yeshurun Allen John Ledger Moore ber 10, 2015, 9am. Funeral Leona D. Zaboroski restoration. She proudly
November 7, 2015. He is Parkway Cemetery. 11am. Services will be held served on the Board of Direc-
survived by his wife Selene 1939-2015 1921-2015
at Ross Mortuary, Interment tors of Concerned Citizens for
Gorel, children, Everett Gorel, Mr. Moore was a proud Paradise North. Leona Dehart Zaboroski, Washington Cemetery Care
Marla Cooper, Sheri Gorel graduate of Phyllis Wheatley passed away on November and as a Trustee for the Wash-
and Lance Gorel and many H.S. Class of 1957, Visitation 6, 2015 at the age of 94. She ington Cemetery Historic
will be held Tuesday Novem- was born in Bessmay, Texas to Trust, until she stepped down
R.B. and Jetta Hollis Dehart in 2012 due to health issues.
on March 28, 1921, the third She continued to tour the
of eleven children, and raised property whenever she could.
Uzi Halevy in Jasper County during the She always remembered
1936-2015 Great Depression. Upon
Uzi Halevy, 79, of Houston,
John Davis Morton graduating from Buna High
birthdays of friends and
family members and was the
Texas, and formerly of Israel, School in 1938 she set off for “go to” person for any fam-
passed away suddenly on No- John Davis (Jack) Morton the big city of Houston, living ily historical information or
vember 7, 2015. Uzi was the passed away on Oct. 31, 2015 with relatives and securing nostalgia.
beloved husband of Michal at his home in Conroe. He her first job making $6.00 Leona is preceded in death
“Micki” Halevy, and father was born in 1924 in Ferris, per week. by her beloved husband Louis
to Amir (and his wife Amy Texas, the oldest son of John She married Louis V. (1970), son Richard Ray
Karff Halevy), Ellie (and her T. and Cleva Duff Morton, Zaboroski on September 21, Zaboroski (2013), and six
husband Larry Kalman), and and moved to Houston in 1940 and settled in the Cot- siblings. She is survived by
Tammy. He was the cherished 1931. tage Grove area of Houston son Robert Louis Zaboroski
older brother of his sister Ada Jack graduated from Lamar where she would remain for of Houston, grandson Ray
Friedman (and her husband instrumental in establishing a High School in 1940 and at- the next 42 years before mov- Louis Zaboroski (wife Carrie,
Yanai) of Jerusalem. Uzi was student union book publish- tended Rice University before ing on to Inwood Forest and sons Frank and Jack) of Dal-
the proud Saba, grandfather, ing house. joining the Navy during of the Montgomery County ultimately the Champions las, sisters Mae Joubert and
of Jacob and Daniel Halevy Uzi was recently awarded WWII. He married his high Library in Conroe. area. Doris Hemsworth, brothers
and Orli and Gabriel Kalman. an Honorary Fellowship by school sweetheart, Katherine He was preceded in death She raised two sons and Dalton and Delton Dehart,
Uzi and Micki were married the Technion. Uzi served Kellogg, in Miami, Florida, by his wife of 67 years, his participated in their school and numerous nieces and
for 56 years and shared a the Technion on the local, while stationed at Key West. brother, Tommy D. Morton, and play activities, including nephews. She will be missed
life filled with love, family, national and international After the war, he graduated and his sister-in-law, Sarah PTA, Cub Scouts, and Little by many.
friends, travel, and music. levels. He served on the from the University of Texas. L. Morton, and is survived by League Baseball. She also Friends are cordially invited
They were perfectly matched National Board of Directors He was employed by Shell three sons; Davis Morton (Su- excelled at cooking, cake to a visitation from 5 PM
in their intellectual curios- and on the Technion Board Chemical for 17 years in san) of Conroe, Richard Mor- decorating, crafts, and gar- to 8 PM at Heights Funeral
ity and desire to learn. They of Governors. He was an Houston, New York and Cali- ton (Connie) of Maryland, dening. Her passion for her Home, 1317 Heights Blvd. in
created a home and family life inspiration and role model fornia, before joining George and Harold Morton (Shelley) flowers and vegetable gardens Houston, on Tuesday, Novem-
that reflected their apprecia- through his dedication to the Mitchell and Associates in of Iowa; five grandchildren, were unparalleled. ber 10, 2015. The Funeral
tion of education and knowl- Technion and Israel. Houston in 1965. He retired six great grandchildren and Upon the death of her Service will be conducted
edge. Uzi was extraordinarily Before retiring in 1996, as Vice President of Admin- one great-great grandchild. husband Louis in 1970, she at 1 o’clock on Wednesday,
proud of each of his children Uzi was the president and istrative Services for Mitchell Jack will be remembered by was asked to work for friends November 11, 2015 at Heights
and grandchildren. Travel was CEO of The Litwin Engineer- Energy and Development the many people he touched, of the family at Lobb Hard- Funeral Home, with burial
a particular interest of Uzi ing Group, an international Corp. in 1983. and for his compassion, ware on Washington Avenue, following in Washington
and Micki and during their company that operated in the Jack was active in his humility, and love of family. spending 25 years meeting Cemetery.
56 years they traveled to every United States and around the church and involved with A memorial service will many interesting individuals. In lieu of usual remem-
continent and every major world. After Uzi retired from many civic and historical be held at 2:00 p.m. on In the late 1970’s she brances, memorials may be
country in the world. Litwin at the age of 59, he groups, including the Sons Wednesday, Nov. 11 at The was approached by a group directed to the Washington
Uzi embraced and appreci- contributed his keen intellect, of the American Revolution Woodlands United Methodist determined to restore the Cemetery Historic Trust, P. O.
ated technology and particu- extraordinary knowledge of where he served as president Church, 2200 Lake Wood- Washington Cemetery to the Box 63592, Pipe Creek, TX
larly enjoyed keeping up with the oil and gas business, and of the Freedom Chapter for 7 lands Dr., The Woodlands, condition of its inception 78063-3592.
his family and friends via his boundless energy to a number years as well as a district VP TX. Memorials may be sent in 1887. Having known the
cell phone. Uzi loved sports of other businesses and and on the state audit com- to the The Woodlands United caretakers of the property
and played basketball as a ventures. mittee. He volunteered for 17 Methodist Church Founda- for many years, she provided
youth and throughout his life. A Funeral Service will be years in the genealogy section tion. historical insight and spent
Uzi was an 11th genera- held Monday, November 9, many hours researching and
tion Israeli whose parents, 2015 at Noon, in Congrega- maintaining burial records,
Asher and Shoshana Halevy, tion Brith Shalom, 4610 locating family members,
were actively involved in the Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas, responding to inquiries, and
establishment of the State of 77401. Interment will take participating in the physical
Israel. Uzi came to the United place immediately following AlbinA V. Peschke
States in 1964 for 3 years but the service at Beth Yeshurun
ultimately settled in Hous- Post Oak Cemetery, 1037 N
ton, Texas, after spending a Post Oak Rd, Houston, Texas, Albina Valusek Peschke was
born 1-27-31 and passed from DEATH NOTICES The Lord is my shepherd, I have
number of years in Wichita, 77055. Rabbi Ranon Teller
the world she loved so much everything I need. HE lets me rest
Kansas. Although Uzi became will officiate.
a U.S. citizen and was proud In lieu of flowers, the family on 11-5-15. She is preceded in fields of green. HE leads me to
of his U.S. citizenship, he requests that any donations in death by her husband of Brady, Mary Margaret Weston quiet pools of fresh water. HE
remained staunchly loyal and be sent to the American 46 years Victor M Peschke, Born 09/30/1932 gives me new strength. HE guides
supportive of the State of Technion Society at 710 Post Sr. She is survived by her New Orleans, LA me in the right paths as HE’s
Israel. Oak Rd # 400, Houston, TX son Victor M Peschke, Jr and promised. Even if I go through the
wife Karen of Livingston TX; Died 11/08/2015
Uzi earned his bachelor’s 77024. deepest darkness I will not be
daughter Janice Light and The Woodlands, TX
(cum laude) and master’s afraid, LORD, for you are with
degree in Mechanical and husband James of Pearland, me.
Nuclear Engineering from TX. Nine grand children and SouthPark Funeral Home.
the Technion in Israel. He nine great-grandchildren. Funeral Mass will be held
was active with the student Visitation will be held 11-11-15 11-12-15 at 11AM at Sacred
union, served as chair of from 5PM to 9PM with a Heart Catholic Church in
the International Student rosary starting at 7PM at Manvel, TX. Please visit CEMETERY LOTS CEMETERY LOTS
Exchange Program and was
FOREST PARK EAST Sec#216D Lot#210,
Space# 7, w/outer container, $2,500. MEMORIAL OAKS - Katy Freeway
obo +transfer fee. (713) 679-3505 Sec 14, 6 plots in a row. Value $8,950
ea., sell $6,000 ea. Will sell 2, 4, or 6.
Call (281) 497-8791

Send your condolences at Forest Park West Cemetery, 2 Plots,

Lot 75. Sec. 407, spaces 11 & 12.
Very very nice location. No monu-
ment. $4,500 each. (218) 583-4235
MEMORIAL OAKS 4 Plots Prestigious
area List $8950 Sell for $5950 each
Will sell separately 713-299-9161


E. BLTWY 8 /I-10, St. Hyacinth,
can bring comfort. lot 38, spaces 1-4. 713-666-2223

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Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Monday, November 9, 2015 | and Page B6 xx


of local
real estate
holds up
By Katherine Feser

Michael Welch has been

named chairman of the board
and interim CEO of Integra
Realty Resources, a commercial
real estate market research,
valuation and counseling firm
based in New
York City.
Welch hails
from IRR’s
Houston office,
the largest of its
58 offices and
home to 45 of the
Welch company’s 850
employees. He
joined Dominy, Ford & McPher-
son, one of the founding offices
of IRR in Houston, 25 years ago.
Welch shared insights on the
Houston real estate market with
the Chronicle. Edited excerpts
Katherine Feser / Houston Chronicle
BG Group Place on Main Street in downtown Houston was built with sustainable features such as this sky garden. A new city- Q: What’s the biggest line
approved program aims to make it more affordable for smaller building owners with less financial means to go green as well. of business in your Houston

Saving by updating
A: We do commercial CMBS
(commercial mortgage-backed
securities) work, institutional
portfolio work, feasibility
studies, etc. David Dominy and
myself have a specialization
in litigation and large-scale
Program can help infrastructure projects, which
carries us throughout the coun-
make buildings try. We’re a dominant player in
energy-efficient the metro area. When they’re
widening I-10 or U.S. 290 or the
By Erin Mulvaney Grand Parkway, we’re doing

the valuations out there.
he Jewish Com-
munity Center Q: Who are your clients?
wanted to update A: Every major lending
its 50-year-old institution, investment portfo-
building, which lio holders, retirement systems,
still functions with original hospital systems, oil and gas
energy-guzzling mechanical firms, pipeline companies
and electrical equipment. But and most major governmental
the project’s multimillion- entities. We represent a lot of
dollar price tag would leave condemnors when they are ac-
less money available to serve quiring rights of way for public
the group’s core mission, said infrastructure.
Joel Dinkin, executive vice
president of the center. Q: What are you seeing
Now, the 200,000-square- with values in Houston?
foot building on South Braes- A: It’s a great time to be in
wood plans to be one of the Houston. Because we have 58
first to take advantage of a new offices around the country, I get
program in Houston designed to hear both the sighs of relief
to ease the way for a long-term Michael Ciaglo / Houston Chronicle when markets are booming and
loan to pay for energy-efficient A pottery class is held at Houston’s Jewish Community Center. The center could be one of the the sighs of pain when there is
heating and electrical systems, first buildings in the city to take advantage of the Property Assessed Clean Energy program. market turmoil. But in Hous-
lighting and a new roof. The ton, we have weathered the
community center’s leaders that would enact a Property secured with a senior lien on of the nation’s energy use. storm much better than most.
believe it will reduce energy Assessed Clean Energy, or the property until it is paid in It’s been a particular focus
bills and free up money for PACE, program in Texas. full, in exchange for the funds in Houston. Q: In what way?
the services it provides, from Houston is the first city to cre- provided by a private lender to Mayor Annise Parker has A: You can see the prolif-
early childhood development, ate its own program, follow- pay for the improvement. announced a goal to reduce eration of multifamily develop-
senior care and support for ing Travis County earlier this “This is a win-win-win-win greenhouse gases. Houston ments across multiple classes as
arts and culture. year. A measure is also under situation,” Councilman Jack was also one of the first cities a sign of a strong economy. Even
“This is attractive for non- consideration in Dallas. Christie said. in the world targeted by the with the downturn in oil prices,
profits, like us, without the The program allows owners The effort to build and Geneva-based World Business we’ve been able to maintain
resources for capital improve- of commercial, industrial and renovate commercial build- Council for Sustainable Devel- slight growth, which is quite
ments, to get resources and residential properties with ings across Houston, from opment and the U.S. Busi- unheard-of in other parts of the
use our own resources to five or more units to obtain strip centers to skyscrapers, ness Council for Sustainable country.
support our mission,” Dinkin low-cost, long-term loans for with energy-efficient materials Development to study how
said. “We are running on old, water conservation, energy- is a key focus in the growing to remove barriers to energy Q: What markets are
original equipment. It’s cer- efficiency and renewable ret- conservation movement be- conservation. having trouble in the multi-
tainly not energy-efficient.” rofits. The voluntary program cause, as the U.S. Department Environmental groups have family sector?
The Houston City Council requires the local govern- of Energy reports, buildings lauded the PACE program. A: The Northeast — Wash-
passed the measure last week ment to place an assessment account for roughly 40 percent Energy continues on B8 Q&A continues on B8


Father wants to leave his daughter’s portion to her children

The information in this col- to a child. In fact, it’s done paid time Q: Are retirement Q: If a husband inherit his wife’s half of
umn is intended to provide quite often. off at all. accounts (401(k), IRA and wife own a house a home. If the wife has
a general understanding of You should see an attor- Many or pension payments) together and the wife children from a prior
the law, not as legal advice. ney to get this done, pref- employ- subject to forfeiture dies without a will, can marriage, her children
Readers with legal problems, erably one who handles ers have if I were to lose a civil the husband use an inherit her interest,
including those whose ques- estate planning matters. policies lawsuit against me in Affidavit of Heirship subject to the husband’s
tions are addressed here, RONALD that require the state of Texas? to remove his wife’s right to a life estate
should consult attorneys for Q: In 2016, my em- LIPMAN employees A: No, those types of name from the deed to allowing him to live on the
advice on their particular ployer will be chang- to use paid assets generally are pro- the property so he can property.
circumstances. ing its paid time off time off or lose it. So your tected from the claims of sell the house or get a
buyback policy to a 75 employer is quite generous creditors in Texas. reverse mortgage? Ronald Lipman is an
Q: My husband has percent payout instead to provide any compensa- A: An Affidavit of attorney with the Houston
two children from a of the 100 percent pay- tion at all. Q: How does a sur- Heirship will not remove law firm of Lipman &
previous marriage. He out it’s been using. Is If you want to learn viving spouse get a new the wife’s name from the Associates. He is board
wants to cut his daugh- this true for the entire more about why your deed when the spouse deed. That document certified in estate planning
ter out of his will and state of Texas, or is my employer has changed is the primary benefi- merely recites who and probate law by the
leave her portion to her employer just trying its policy, you should ask ciary of a Transfer on inherited the property Texas Board of Legal
children. Is it legal to to save a buck on the someone in the human Death Deed? from the deceased under Specialization. Questions
cut her out after both backs of its employees? resources department. A: There is no new Texas law. The new owner for this column, 50 words or
of us are gone? Should A: Employers have Also, if you have any ac- deed. The original deed or owners would then less. Mail: State Your Case,
we hire an estate plan- no legal obligation to buy crued paid time off, you and the Transfer on Death possibly be able to take Houston Chronicle; P.O.
ner? back unused paid time may want to submit your Deed operate together to the actions you described. Box 4260, Houston, 77210.
A: Yes, it’s perfectly off. In fact, employers request before the pay- transfer ownership and Keep in mind, a E-mail: stateyourcase@
legal to leave no property aren’t required to provide ments are reduced. establish title. husband does not always
xx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | B7



BBVA Compass Plaza has new owner

Sun Holdings Group
has purchased The Villas
at Sienna Plantation, a
190-unit apartment com- Foreign investors mercial real estate in the Hous-
munity at 8585 Sienna ton market, placing it just ahead
Springs Blvd. in Missouri have taken notice of Miami and behind Atlanta, ac-
City. Todd Marix, Todd of city’s top locations cording to Real Capital Analyt-
Stewart, Chris Curry and ics, a real estate information firm.
JC Clemens of Holliday By Katherine Feser Foreign investments represented
Fenoglio Fowler repre- 9.2 percent of all commercial real
sented the seller, a joint BBVA Compass Plaza, the estate investments here during
venture between Water- first office building to rise on the the period.
mark Residential and Uptown skyline in 30 years, has The top cities for foreign in-
Murphy O’Brien. Com- changed hands in a deal that sig- vestment in the past two years
pleted in 2015, the two- nals the strength of Houston for are Manhattan, Los Angeles,
story community spans international investments. Boston, Washington, D.C., and
12.2 acres and has one-, Masaveu Post Oak Houston Chicago.
two- and three-bedroom Delaware, a private investor The biggest deal occurred
floor plans averaging 1,103 based in Spain, has purchased earlier this year when German
square feet each. the 22-story building at 2200 Post realty fund Union Investment
Oak Blvd. purchased 1000 Main, a 36-story
LAND The sale price was not dis- downtown building from Inves-
J. Alan Kent Develop- closed, according to commercial co Real Estate. With a price tag of
ment has purchased 37.8 real estate firm Holliday Feno- $440 million, the sale is one of the
acres near FM 2978 on glio Fowler, which marketed the biggest ever in Houston.
Bogs Road in Tomball for property for the seller. Post Oak Boulevard has been
a residential community. Completed in 2013, BBVA a popular street for foreign inves-
David Alexander Newcor Compass Plaza was sold by a tors.
Commercial Real Estate venture partnership of Stream This summer, Strategic Capi-
assisted the buyer with Realty Partners, TRC Capital tal, the U.S. investment arm of
the purchase of four tracts Partners (formerly the Redstone China-based real estate conglom-
from different sellers. The Cos.) and an institutional client erate CSCEC, made its first Texas
site is near FM 2978 just of L&B Realty Advisors. Gary Fountain purchase with the acquisition of
south of The Woodlands “The sale of BBVA Compass The 22-story BBVA Compass Plaza was completed in 2013. Broadstone Post Oak apartments
and Toll Brothers’ new Plaza reflects the continued in- at 3100 Post Oak Blvd.
NorthGrove community. terest of foreign capital in Class vard north of the Galleria, the multi-housing units, more than Last year, Sinopec USA of
A product in superb locations building is in a high-growth ur- 2 million square feet of office China purchased 3050 Post Oak
Liberty DS Barker in Houston such as the Uptown/ ban area where cranes dot the space, in excess of 697,000 square Blvd., a 17-story office building in
Cypress, a partnership Galleria submarket,” Steve Lern- skyline and amenities such as feet of high-street retail and two the Lakes on Post Oak complex.
between Devon Street er, CEO of TRC Capital Partners, 40 restaurants are within walk- new luxury hotels,” Dan Miller, And FG Asset Management of
Homes and Liberty said in an announcement. ing distance. But, with oil trad- senior managing director of HFF South Korea bought 3000 Post
Homebuilders, has The 326,200-square-foot ing below $50 a barrel, it is un- said in an announcement. “The Oak Blvd, a 19-story building in
purchased 20 acres of land building is 83 percent leased, likely additional office buildings transformative impact that this the same complex.
on the west side of Barker with BBVA Compass Bank oc- will break ground anytime property has had on the Galle- The investment sales team of
Cypress Road approxi- cupying 58 percent of the space. soon. ria skyline cannot be overstated, Scott Galloway, Dan Miller, Matt
mately 2 miles north of The building has seven levels of “With its groundbreaking, placing it at the forefront of the Kafka, Colby Mueck and Trent
Interstate 10 West. Dennis parking with 1,144 spaces, a retail BBVA Compass Plaza ignited ‘urbanization’ movement in the Agnew from HFF handled the
Johnston of Vista Broker- bank, a fitness center and two a development renaissance in Houston marketplace.” sale of 2200 Post Oak Blvd.
age Services represented upscale restaurants, Caracol and Houston’s most coveted submar- In the past two years, for-
the seller, Compressor Oka Sushi. ket that is ongoing and encom- eign investors have spent nearly
Engineering Corp. The Located on Post Oak Boule- passes more than 6,050 luxury $2.5 billion on all types of com-
buyer plans a single-
family home development
containing 115 lots.
leased 42,066 square ed the landlord, Hartman future development. The portfolio totals feet. GLP’s portfolio
Leases feet at 3130 Pawnee. Income REIT. The park is owned by 57.9 million square feet spans 521 million square
David Boyd of Boyd a private international across 20 major markets feet across China, Japan,
OFFICE Commercial/Corefac Etc. developer. including 4 million square Brazil and the United
Apache Corp. has ex- International represented feet in Houston. GLP States.
tended its 524,000-square- the landlord, DIG Hous- INDUSTRIAL GLP, a global provider established a U.S. platform
foot lease at Post Oak ton. Smith Raines Co., as of logistics facilities head- through the purchase The Chronicle lists
Central for one year representative for the quartered in Shanghai, has of IndCor Properties commercial real estate
through December 2019. Distribution Inter- owner/developer of Port completed its acquisition of earlier this year. The latest transactions each
The building is owned by national Southwest has Commerce Park, an- a $4.6 billion portfolio from deal boosts its U.S. foot- Monday. Send items to
Cousins Properties. leased 33,584 square feet at nounced the addition of Industrial Income Trust. print to 173 million square
6002 Murphy Road. David three companies to the
The Loev Law Firm, Boyd of Boyd Commer- 72-acre park. Osburn
Timothy J. Henderson, cial/Corefac International Commercial Concrete/
Attorney at Law, and represented the landlord, Trucking has leased a
Barron and Newburger Joann Gillebaard & Robert 24,000-square-foot facility
entered into a lease with Joseph Gillebaard Stock on 5 acres at 4458 Genoa
6300 WLS at 6300 West Purchase Trust. Ryan Red Bluff. Red Ball Oxy-
Loop South, covering Boozer and Drew Coupe of gen has purchased
2,650 square feet. John Stream Realty represented 6 acres on Genoa Red Bluff
Andell represented the the tenant. Road in Port Commerce
landlord. Business Park for future

Apogee Consulting
Group renewed a lease for
Freedom Tents and
Events has leased 16,861
square feet of warehouse
development. IPAK Sys-
tems has purchased
5 acres on Genoa Red
Win a Dickens on The Strand
3,018 square feet at 2500
Tanglewilde. Terri Torre-
grossa of Moody Rambin
space at 2300 Quitman.
Jennifer Rabon represent-
Bluff Road in Port Com-
merce Business Park for
Weekend Getaway!
December 4-6
represented the land-
lord, Woodlake (Texas) Welcome to your New Office Space!
Properties. Keith Lloyd New World Class office building for Lease
with Marcus & Millichap • Building size approximately 21,000 SF
represented the tenant. • Office spaces from 200 SF up to your needs
• Meeting room, break out room &
NorTex Midstream video conference capabilities
Partners has renewed a
lease for more than 10,000 26310 Oak Ridge Drive
square feet on the seventh Spring, Texas 77380
floor of Total Plaza, 1201
Louisiana. Jon Dutton
represented the landlord,
Brookfield. Anthony
Squillante and Jeremy
Hunt of Stream represent-
ed the tenant.
The Brandt Cos. has
signed a 56,255-square-
foot, 7½-year lease at 8848
N. Sam Houston Parkway
West inside Levey Group’s Call Today to See How We Can Help
Sam Houston Business You With All of Your Real Estate Needs!
Park. The lease brings the
262,130-square-foot park
to 100 percent occupancy.
Joseph Smith of CBRE
represented Levey Group.
Jeff Venghaus of JLL rep-
THE #1 Top Producing
resented the tenant. Office in Texas. Prize package includes:
• 2 nights at the Victorian, December 4 & 5
Sweet Bee Farm has • 2 tickets to the Dinner with Dickens on December 4
• 2 tickets to Dickens on The Strand for December 5 & 6
Display Ad Name:
• Carriage ride for two in the Queen’s Parade
Display Ad Name:
3 cols x 1I x 1I
3 cols
Position request:
Position request:
Pick Pick
up number:
up number:
3 Col3 Commer
Enter at
Helping Houston families
makee the right mo
6.825 Acres, 767 ft. of Frontage
on state Hwy 105, + 29,000 sq ft. Home Price
e Survey
RETAIL STORE, 48 parking How is your largest
spaces. We are open to small investment
sellers financing or trade in. doing?
Appraised at $4,125,000. accept-
ing offers. Brokers welcome.
Call Patrick 281-528-5760 search year-round on
Web #26358621
B8 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

To place legal notices
Legal Notices email
or call 713.224.6868.



Notice To
Notice is hereby given of a drawing to determine the order in which the names of
candidates are to be printed on the ballot for the Runoff Election to be held on
December 12, 2015, in the City of Houston, Texas. The drawing will be held at

2:00 p.m. on November 13, 2015, at City Hall Annex, City Council Chamber, 900
Bagby, Room P112, Houston, Texas.

Officer Conducting Drawing

City Secretary
Display Ad Name: Por medio del presente se comunica que se realizará un sorteo para determinar el
C26323597 orden en el cual se imprimirán los nombres de los candidatos en la boleta electoral

2 cols x 3I de la Segunda Votación que se llevará a cabo el 12 de diciembre de 2015, en la
Ciudad de Houston, Texas. El sorteo se realizará a las 2:00 p.m. del 13 de
Position request: noviembre de 2015, en el City Hall Annex, City Council Chamber, 900 Bagby,
Start date: fr 10 16 Oficina P112, Houston, Texas. Display Ad Name:
Pick up number: 26323595Fee C26374921 _______________
+$5.00 Affidavit 3Funcionario
x 4I a cargo
colsSecretario del Sorteo
de la Ciudad
Call Cynthia Position request:
Start date: Nov 09 2015
Xin thoâng baùo seõ coù moät cuoäc ruùt thaêm ñeå xaùc ñònh thöù töï teân cuûa caùc öùng cöû vieân seõ
Michael Ciaglo / Houston Chronicle
A gymnastics class is offered at Houston’s Jewish Community Center. A new
713-362-6435 ñöôïc in treân laù phieáu cho Cuoäc BaàPick
u Cöû up number:
Sô Boä seõ ñöôïc 0toå chöùc vaøo ngaøy 12 thaùng Möôøi
Hai, 2015, taïi Thaønh Phoá Houston, Texas. Cuoäc ruùt thaêm seõ ñöôïc toå chöùc vaøo luùc 2 giôø

program could help the 50-year-old building gain energy-efficient systems. *$69.00 includes first 36 lines tröa ngaøy 13 thaùng Möôøi Moät, 2015, taïi City Hall Annex, City Council Chamber, 900
Bagby, Room P112, Houston, Texas.

*$1.92 per line over 36 lines

Energy reduction
Nhaân Vieân Tieán Haønh Cuoäc Ruùt Thaêm
Notice is given that Let- BIDS
ters Testamentary for the & PROPOSALS 選票姓名抽選公告
Estate of David J. Free-

can pay off loan

Bid Notice ��公告�德克薩斯州休斯頓市將於2015年12月12日舉行大選�選票��選
man, Deceased, were is- The Klein Independent 人的姓名順序將由抽選���抽選將於2015年11月13日下午2�舉行���是
sued to Cynthia Louise School District is accept-
Freeman on October 21, ing electronic bids for Bid 德克薩斯州休斯頓市政廳附樓的市議會會議��900 Bagby�P112 ���
2015 in No. 443215 in Pro- # 16-231 Klein Collins ______________
bate Court No. 2 of Harris High School Drill Team
County, Texas. 抽選官員
Uniforms, at 2:00 p.m. on 政府秘書長
All persons having claims November 24, 2015 in
against this Estate cur- Room 207 of the Central
Energy from page B6 Texas. Under the PACE for the owners,” she said. rently being administered
are required to present
Office Building, Purchas- Notice of Public Meeting
ing Specifications, 832- The Texas Department of
program, the lender has The program will be them to the undersigned 249-4685. Transportation (TxDOT), SEDONA LAKES MUNICIPAL UTILITY
within the time and in the Houston District, will hold DISTRICT NO. 1
Otherwise, lenders tend more security because the run by the nonprofit Tex- manner prescribed by FORMAL BID a public meeting regard- OF BRAZORIA COUNTY
law. Claims may be pre- Cypress-Fairbanks ISD ing proposed roadway
to give high-interest rates loan is tied to the land, as PACE Authority and sented by addressing will receive proposals for: improvements to FM 523
(A Political Subdivision of the State of Texas
Located within Brazoria County, Texas)
for loans that could pay rather than the property there is no cost to the city them as follows: Automotive Chemicals, from SH 332 to FM 1495 in
Parts and Supplies, #15- Brazoria County, Texas. $3,190,000
for expensive heating, owner. of Houston. Since PACE Cynthia L. Freeman 10-4593, 11/16/15 3:30 PM. The meeting will be held Unlimited Tax Road Bonds
Scott, Clawater & Bids 281-897-4578. 12510 on Thursday, November Series 2015
ventilation air condition- The Legislature passed loans pay for themselves Houston, LLP Windfern Rd., Houston 19, 2015 at Lanier Middle Bids to be Submitted:
2777 Allen Parkway, 77064. School Cafeteria located
ing systems, new lighting legislation during the 2013 over time, property own- 7th Floor at 522 North Avenue B,
11:00 A.M., Houston, Texas Time
Bids to be Opened:
or water-conservation session to enable cities ers are not only using less Houston, TX 77019
Sealed bids in duplicate Freeport, TX 77541. The 12:00 P.M., Houston, Texas Time
addressed to Bridgestone meeting will be held in an Thursday, November 19, 2015
equipment. and counties to create resources and improving Dated: November 9, 2015.
Municipal Utility District open house format from Place and Time of Sale: The Board of Directors
“People don’t spend their own program. public health, they are Cynthia L. Freeman will be received in the of- 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. No (the “Board”) of Sedona Lakes Municipal Utility
fices of Jones & Carter, formal presentation will
Bar No. 00789298 District No. 1 of Brazoria County, Texas (the
money on their build- “At the end of the day, saving money, Spanjian Tel (713) 650-6600 Inc., Consulting Engi- be made. “District”) will receive and publicly read bids for
neers, 6335 Gulfton, Suite The purpose of the public the purchase of the Bonds at the designated meeting
ings today. It’s just bad it’s a more affordable and said. Fax (713) 650-1720
100, Houston, Texas meeting is to present the place outside the boundaries of the District, at
proposed project to the
77081, until 11:00 a.m.,
business,” said Charlene easier way for commer- “It’s saving money to BIDS Monday, November 16, public and receive com- the offices of Sanford Kuhl Hagan Kugle Parker
use less resources and
& PROPOSALS 2015, and then publicly ments. The proposed Kahn LLP, 1980 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1380,
Heydinger, executive cial property owners to Aldine ISD Construction opened and read for fur- road reconstruction of FM Houston, Texas 77056 at 12:00 P.M., Houston, Texas
director of Keeping PACE get low-cost, long-term helping us and the envi- Department is issuing a nishing all plant, labor, 523 from SH 332 to FM Time, Thursday, November 19, 2015.
Request for Qualifica- material and equipment 1495 would involve wid- Address of Bids: Display
Bids, Ad Name:
which must be submitted
in Texas. loans,” said Laura Span- ronment,” Spanjian said. tions (RFQ) from qualified and performing all work ening from a two-lane to in duplicate on the Official Bid Form and plainly
required for the construc- a four-lane facility with marked “Bid for Bonds,” should be addressed to
Smaller business own- jian, the city’s director “It’s a win for the envi- firms to provide architec-
tural services. tion of: Water Well No. 2 center left-turn lane for “President and Board
approximately 1.4 miles Municipal Utility District 2 cols x 5.25I of Sedona Lakes
of Directors
No. 1 of Brazoria County,
ers, in particularly, may of the Office of Sustain- ronment, as well as the RFQs will be due 12/4/15
at 2:00 pm at 1617 Lauder
Rework - 2016.
The project is located in within existing right-of- Texas,” and delivered Positiontorequest:
the District's Financial
not see that it would be ability. economy, local govern- Rd., Houston, TX 77039. A Bridgestone Municipal way, including the re- Advisor, Robert Nov&09Co.
Baird 2015Incorporated,
pre-submittal meeting Utility District, Harris placement of three
1331 Lamar, Suite 1360, Houston, Texas 77010
bridges (East Union
worth the cost to try to “The idea behind it is ments, property owners will be held at the M.O. County, Texas. Water Well prior to 11:00 Pick
A.M., up number:
Houston, 0 Time on the
No. 2 is located at Water Bayou, Dow Barge Canal, date of the bid opening. Any bid received after
make their building more the energy reduction and and lenders.” Campbell Center located
at 1865 Aldine Bender Rd., Plant No. 2, 4135 F.M. 2920, and Dow Wastewater Ca- 11:00 A.M. Houston, Texas Time, Thursday,
nal). The purpose of the
Spring, Texas 77388.
energy-efficient, said Hey- water will go to pay off the Houston, TX 77032 on 11/
18/15 at 2:00 pm. All inter-
November 19, 2015, will not be accepted and will be
The bidder shall submit a project is to improve returned unopened. All bids must be accompanied
dinger, who led the effort loan. We anticipate these ested parties intending to five percent (5%) bid safety and mobility by by a Bank Cashier's Check in the amount of
bond of the maximum to- adding capacity. No
make a submittal are en- $63,800 payable to the order of the District as a good
to bring PACE to cities in loans being cash-positive couraged to attend this tal bid amount. Make the changes are proposed to faith deposit.
meeting. For information bid bond payable to the the drainage system or Information: The Bonds are more completely
Owner. posted speed limits. The
and a copy of the RFQ, call
Patrick Mouton or Nicco- Plans, specifications, and project would not require described in the “Official Notice of Sale” and the

Q&A: No ‘hypersupply’ yet

lle Copeland at 281-985- bidding documents are new right-of-way. No resi- “Preliminary Official Statement” which may be
6373. available at www.civcas dential or commercial obtained from Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated, Said docu- displacements are pro- 1331 Lamar, Suite 1360, Houston, Texas 77010;
Aldine ISD Construction ments may be examined posed. Financial Advisor to the District. The District
Department is issuing a without charge in the of- Maps showing the pro- reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to
Request for Qualifica- fice of Jones & Carter, Inc. posed project’s location waive any and all irregularities except time of filing.
tions (RFQ) from qualified 6335 Gulfton, Suite 100, and design drawings will This notice does not constitute an offer to sell the
Q&A from page B6 Q: What sectors have Q: How is Houston firms to provide Con- Houston, Texas 77081 be available for review at Bonds but is merely notice of sale of the Bonds as
seen the biggest in- perceived by investors
struction Manager- There will be a pre-bid the Public Meeting. This required by law. The offer to sell the Bonds will be
Agent/Project Manager conference in the offices information will also be made only by means of the “Official Notice of Sale,”
ington, D.C., New York, crease in values? from other regions Services in connection of Jones & Carter, Inc., available by appointment “Preliminary Official Statement,” and the “Official
with the 2015 Bond Refer- 6335 Gulfton, Suite 100, for review Monday Bid Form.”
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh A: We’ve seen office of the country? Are endum addressing exist-
ing and future K-12 cam-
Houston, Texas 77081 at through Friday between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and Board of Directors
11:00 a.m., Monday, No- Sedona Lakes Municipal Utility
— those areas are in rents continue to be one people scared by the pus facility needs. vember 9, 2015. Atten- 5:00 p.m., excluding state
holidays, at the TxDOT District No. 1
RFQs will be due 12/4/15
“hypersupply,” as well as of the fastest-growing low oil prices? at 2:00 pm at 1617 Lauder
dance is not mandatory.
The Owner reserves the Houston District Office, Of Brazoria County, Texas
Rd., Houston, TX 77039. A located at 7600 Washing-
cities like San Francisco, sectors in Houston, and A: Astute investors pre-submittal meeting
right to reject any or all
bids and waive any or all ton Avenue, Houston, BIDS BIDS
San Jose and Seattle on obviously the multifamily are not because they will be held at the M.O. irregularities. No bid may Texas 77007. To schedule & PROPOSALS & PROPOSALS
Campbell Center located be withdrawn until the an appointment at the
the West Coast. They’re sector is close behind. recognize that the major at 1865 Aldine Bender Rd.,
Houston, TX 77032 on
expiration of 60 days from Houston District please Notice to bidders
contact Reina Gonzalez at Sealed bids in duplicate, APPLICATIONS
the date bids are open.
having increasing vacancy players in the oil and 11/18/15 at 3:00 pm. All in- -- (713) 802-5269. Maps and addressed to DD Louetta/
terested parties intend- designs may also be Spring Cypress, LLC, will The Houston-Galveston
rates and low to negative Q: What about land gas industry capitalize ing to make a submittal NOTICE TO BIDDERS viewed at the TxDOT Bra- be received at the offices Area Council (H-GAC)
Sealed bids in duplicate, zoria County Area Office of Costello, Inc., 9990 Area Agency on Aging
absorption (change in deals? on downturns by purchas- are encouraged to attend
this meeting. For informa- addressed to Levee Im- located at 1033 E. Orange, Richmond Avenue, Suite (AAA) is accepting appli-
demand). A: There’s been major ing outright or just the tion and a copy of the
RFQ, call Patrick Mouton
provement District No. 19 Angleton, TX 77515, con- 450, North Building, Hous- cations to provide con-
will be received at the of- tact (979) 864-8500. The ton, Texas 77042 until gregate and home deliv-
blocks of land being assets of middle market or Niccolle Copeland at fices of Costello, Inc., 9990 project information can 11:00 a.m. local time, ered meals, and support
281-985-6373. Richmond Avenue, Suite also be viewed at TxDOT’s Tuesday, November 24, service programs for
Q: Where does Hous- acquired in outlying areas players. When there’s FORT BEND ISD, 450, North Building, Hous- website: http://www. 2015 and then publicly older persons age sixty
ton, Texas 77042 until 2:00 opened and read for fur- and older living in south-
ton fit in? along the Grand Parkway. retraction in the industry, in accordance Texas Edu-
cation Code 44.031 and p.m. local time, Monday, g e t - i n v o l v e d / a b o u t / nishing all plant, labor, ern part of Liberty
A: We still have the We believe that thorough- the strong get stronger. Texas Government Code November 23, 2015 and hearings-meetings/
then publicly opened and houston/111915.html.
material and equipment County. The application
2269, is soliciting pros- and performing all work period is for Fiscal Year
last phase of expansion. fare is going to be a boon The middle gets elimi- pective proposals for RFP read for furnishing all la- All interested citizens are required for the construc- 2016, beginning January 1,
bor, material and equip- invited to attend this pub- tion of the Off Site 12” Wa- 2016. Organizations may
We still have decreasing for single-family residen- nated. Marketing and Advertis-
ing Services, RFP 16-020JK ment and performing all lic meeting. Written com- ter Line and Sanitary obtain application infor-
work required for the ments may be submitted Sewer along Spring Cy- mation
vacancy rates, and we still tial developers. Submissions will be due
12/01/15 @ 10:00 A.M. project: Traffic Signal In- at the meeting. Written press & Louetta Roads. Bids will be ac-
at www.h-
have new construction. Q: What’s your strat- CST. NO LATE BIDS WILL stallation at University comments may also be The site of the work is lo- cepted by H-GAC until
Blvd and Oilfield Rd & Uni- submitted either in per- cated in Harris County, 12:00 noon, November 23,
It’s the last stage before Q: Are land values egy for the firm? Julie Kaiser @ 281-634- versity Blvd and River- son or by mail to the Tx- between Spring Cypress 2015.
stone Blvd in Fort Bend DOT District Office, Direc- and Louetta Roads, west
1845 Bid may be down-
hypersupply. holding up? A: Our plan nationwide loaded from: http:// County, Texas. The loca- tor of Project Develop- of Louetta Glen Road. Bid- LEGAL NOTICE
tion of the work is at the ment, P.O. Box 1386, ding documents may be Harris County Depart-
A: They are. is to change the way ap- purchasing.fortbendisd.
com/CurrentBids.aspx. respective intersections. Houston, Texas 77251. viewed and downloaded ment of Education (HCDE)
Q: What do you see praisal valuation con- Mail response in a A voluntary pre-bid con- Written comments must free of charge (with the is accepting Requests for
ference will be held in the be postmarked, submit- option to purchase hard Proposals (RFPs) for RFP
SEALED envelope with
happening in the office Q: Have you seen any sulting services interact RFP # on outside to: office of Costello, Inc. at ted through the website, copies) at the CivCastUSA #16/017YR for Nutrition
2:00 p.m. local time, Mon- or emailed to HOU- website (www.CivCast
FBISD, 555 Julie Rivers Consultant Services. In-
market? property values come with the purchasers of Drive, Sugar Land, TX day, November 16, 2015. Reproduction terested proposers may
All prospective bidders by December 4, 2015, to charges may apply.
A: Baltimore, Hartford, down in Houston? our service. Histori- 77478, ATTN: Julie Kaiser
are invited to attend. be included in the Public
San Jacinto College
go to https://hcdeebid. and register
INVITATION TO BIDDERS Plans, specifications and Meeting Summary.
Conn., Kansas City and A: The industrial cally, valuation is based on Sealed Bids, in duplicate, bid documents may be The Public Meeting will be Request for Proposals to download the solicita-
tion or call 713-696-8212.
Sacramento are in the market in the northwest historic data. We intend to addressed to Fort Bend viewed and downloaded conducted in English. Per- Promotional Items Proposals are due at 12:00
County Municipal Utility free of charge (with the sons interested in attend- Project No. 16-03
p.m. CST on November 30,
recovery stage. Houston, quadrant has begun to employ data strategies that District No. 30, Attention
Linda Yorlano, President,
option to purchase hard ing the meeting who have San Jacinto College is so- 2015. It is HCDE policy not
liciting sealed proposals
copies) at the CivCastUSA special communication
Denver, New York and flatten. We’ve tracked a become real estate intel- Board of Directors, will be Website (www.CivCast or
to discriminate on the ba-
accommodation from qualified firms to sis of race, color, national
received at the office of Reproduction needs, or need an inter- provide promotional
San Francisco are still in a rapid expansion of supply ligence to allow investors the District’s Engineer, charges will apply ac- preter, are encouraged to items. The solicitation glish
origin, gender, limited En-
proficiency or
period of expansion. in that area that does not to be forward-thinking J.A. Costanza & Associ- cording to CivCastUSA contact TxDOT’s Public In- documents can be ob- handicapping condition
ates Engineering, Inc., rates. formation Offices (713) tained at http://esbd. in its programs. Direct
seem to equal demand. in their decision-making 4301 Center Street, Deer
802-5076. Requests
Park, Texas 77536, until should be made at least inquiries to Charity Simp- WHERE DO YOU FIND
Q: Are we overbuilt? process. 10:00 a.m. Local Time, Sugar Land
Regional Airport
two days prior to the Pub- son at Charity.Simpson@ THE BEST BUYS
Tuesday, November 17, lic Meeting. Every reason- or 281-998-6328. IN HOUSTON?
A: We’re getting close Q: What are some hot 2015, and then publicly TxDOT CSJ No. able effort will be made to In the city’s largest clas-
opened and read for 1512SGRLD these Sealed proposals will be sified
in some sectors. The key to spots in Houston? Q: How are you going Grand Vista, Lift Station
needs. received in the Purchas- market place
Sealed bids for the con- The environmental re- ing Dept. until 2:00 P.M. Chronicle Classifieds. Big
the office market, multi- A: The gold rush south to do that? No. 3, Fort Bend County,
Texas. Scope of Work of struction of airport im- view, consultation, and CST on November 17, buys, small buys, items
used or new, our classi-
family, industrial — or any of The Woodlands at 45 A: By virtue of our 58 the Contract includes provements at the Sugar other actions required by 2015.
Land Regional Airport applicable Federal envi- fied pages have a deal for
sanitary sewer lift station
real estate — is not to be and the Grand Parkway offices around the coun- and related improve- need to be addressed and ronmental laws for this you. Check today!
ments. Bids received af- delivered to Ms. Glenda project are being, or have
the last to break ground. still has some room. The try, we are amassing an
ter the closing time will Gundermann, City Secre- been, carried-out by Tx-
tary, 2700 Town Center DOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C.
We try to provide our cli- development that’s oc- incredible stockpile of be returned unopened. A
NON-MANDATORY pre-bid Boulevard North, Suite 327 and a Memorandum To place a
Display Ad Name:
ents with real estate intelli- curred on the 288 south data. We have folks in the conference will be held 122, Sugar Land, Texas of Understanding dated
starts with s0912578
on Wednesday, Novem- 77479. Bids will be re- December 16, 2014, and legal notice
1 col x 1I
gence to allow them not to corridor with Pearland company much smarter ber 11, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. ceived until 2:00 pm on executed by FHWA and
Chronicle Position request:
be left holding the bag. Town Center has filled a than me at understanding
Local Time, at the District
Engineer’s office. Each
December 16, 2015, then TxDOT.
publicly opened and read. email legals@
Start date:
Pick up number: 0
void. I’m curious to see how that data can be used Bid must be accompanied
by a bid bond or a certi-
Any bid received after SELLING SUCCESS
closing time will be re- starts with
Classifieds place legals
Q: Is the Energy Cor- once the expansions along not just to look at trailing fied or cashier’s check,
acceptable to the Owner,
turned unopened. Chronicle Classifieds
713-224-6868. 713-224-6868.
ridor oversupplied? 290 have been completed, information, but use the in an amount not less In general, the Aviation
Construction work con-
than 5 percent of the total
A: I don’t think you’ll what that will do to the relationships between list- amount bid, as a guaran-
tee that the successful
sists of parallel taxiway
relocation. HOME | LOCAL | US & WORLD | SPORTS
see a lot of speculative areas at Barker Cypress ings, sales, etc., to forecast bidder will enter into the
Technical questions con-
space along the Energy and beyond. The ease of more accurately what the Contract and execute the
Bonds on the forms pro- cerning the specifica-
Corridor. You’ll see Hous- commute is essential to future holds. vided and provide the re- tions should be directed


quired insurance certifi- to Mr. Philip Huseman,
ton-based firms who plan allowing these outlying ar- cates within 7 days after P.E. with KSA at 281-494-
the date Contract Docu- 3252. Please call Sheri
to be here for the long haul eas to continue to expand. ments are received by the Quinlan, TxDOT, Aviation,
at 512-416-4517 for ques-
contemplate their projects. Contractor. Copies of the
bidding documents are tions concerning the bid
on file at the office of the document or further in-
District’s Engineer and formation.
are provided to iSqFt

Coal giant agrees to disclosures

(AGC Houston) and AGC A pre-bid conference con-
of Texas for contractor re- cerning this project will
view. Bidding documents be held at 1:00 pm on De- Display Ad Name:
may be obtained at the cember 3, 2015 at the
offices of the District’s Sugar Land Regional Air- jobcmpl4023
Engineer by prospective port Terminal Building 3 cols x 4I
NEW YORK TIMES a two-year investigation by Exxon Mobil to determine bidders or suppliers upon Conference Room #24,
12888-B Highway 6 South, Position request:
payment of Forty Dollars
the New York attorney gen- whether the company lied ($40.00) non-refundable Sugar Land, Texas 77498.
Start date:
cost, for each set of docu-
Peabody Energy, the eral that found Peabody to the public about the dan- ments. The Owner re-
“Proposals will be re-
ceived by the Galena Park Pick up number: 0
world’s biggest private coal had not been forthright gers of climate change while serves the right to reject
any or all Bids and to
Independent School Dis- BreakingNewsFirst
trict for RFP 16-012 Tele-
company, has agreed to with investors and regula- its scientists warned about waive all defects and ir- communications and In-
regularities in bidding or
make more robust disclo- tors about the threats to its the gathering threat to the bidding process except
ternet Access Services.
Proposals will be opened
time of submitting a Bid.
sures to its investors about business that the company environment posed by car- The Successful Bidder, if
at the GPISD Admin Bldg.
located at 14705 Woodfor-
the financial risks it faces projected in private. bon pollution. any, will be the respon-
sible Bidder which in the
est Blvd., Houston, TX
77015 on December 4,
from future government cli- The agreement between The Peabody settlement Board’s judgment will be 2015 at 10:00 am. Propos-
most advantageous to als may be downloaded
mate change or other envi- Peabody and Attorney Gen- will not include a monetary
Sign up for news alerts!
the District and result in from CRW Consulting
the best and most eco-
ronmental policies and reg- eral Eric Schneiderman is settlement. Its impact will nomical completion of
website at: www.
ulations that could reduce expected to be announced surely pale in comparison
the Project. All questions and bids
RESULTS you can count must be submitted via
demand for its product. Monday. Days before, Sch- with the other problems on from Houston’s classi- the on-line RFP system.
fied leader. The Galena Park ISD re-
The coal giant’s conces- neiderman’s office started a Peabody faces as demand Chronicle Classifieds serves the right to reject
sions came in response to separate investigation into for coal plummets. 713-224-6868. any or all proposals.”
xx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | B9

Nancy C. Barnes Jeff Cohen

Paul Barbetta, Executive VP and COO Executive VP / Editor Executive VP / Executive Editor Editorial pages
Jack Sweeney, Chairman Vernon F. Loeb Veronica Flores-Paniagua
F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r Managing Editor Outlook Editor


Idle Fateful steps

Regarding “HERO
and announced there was
a sufficient number of
signers, the mayor went

dealt crushing defeat; ballistic. She got the then-
Turner, King set for city attorney to render
runoff” (Page A1, an opinion that the city
Wednesday), HERO got secretary was wrong.
cut off at the knees. And Lawsuits at taxpayer
A new city it can be blamed solely expense followed, and
ordinance only on actions of Mayor the court agreed with the
Annise Parker. When opinion of City Secretary
applies to large the City Council passed Anna Russell that the
vehicles, but all the ordinance last year, matter should be placed
a number of residents on the ballot.
can help combat began circulating The mayor and city
air pollution. petitions to place the attorney then tried to
ordinance on a ballot obfuscate the ballot. Once
Trucks idled for nearly for the voters to decide. again the court struck
4 million hours at Port of After the city secretary down the mayor. Because
Houston facilities in 2007, counted the signatures this took a year, the ballot
according to the website measure had to be placed
of the Environmental along with the general
Defense Fund. Idling hap-
pens when a driver leaves
a vehicle’s engine running
Veterans need more access to legal aid election. It gave opponents
ample time to raise money
and create ads that had
while it’s parked. By Nathan L. Hecht Day, legal aid lawyers across the $17.56 million in general revenue for absolutely nothing to
Idling tailpipes spew and William H. McRaven state will hold special clinics and basic civil legal aid for disadvan- do with the whole of the
out pollutants and create workshops during Texas Veterans taged Texans. For veterans specifi- ordinance.
unhealthy smog and soot. Alex, a third-generation Army Legal Aid Week through Friday to cally, the Legislature provided an I didn’t vote on the
These pollutants have veteran with eight years’ service, help veterans with legal problems. additional $3 million for expanded ordinance, because I was
been linked to serious escaped with her two young boys Legal aid provides basic civil services. That leadership has been so disgusted with both
human illnesses, includ- from an abusive home. With no- legal services to the poor, not only crucial in helping ensure access to sides.
ing asthma, heart disease, where else to turn, she was stay- for veterans returning home, but justice. Bob Ryan, Houston
chronic bronchitis and ing with a friend when she sought also for victims of domestic vio- Military service is challenging.
cancer. Children, the help at a legal clinic. Her lawyer lence, the elderly facing foreclosure Deployment means long, distant Immigration
elderly and those with got court protection for her and her of their homes, and children in separations from family and home.
asthma and other chronic boys and helped her get back on her difficulty. Nearly 6 million Texans It means leaving loved ones to face Regarding “Ryan reined
health problems are es- feet. qualify for civil legal aid. The Texas life’s pressures without you, worry- in by anti-immigration
pecially vulnerable to the Alex’s legal fees: Zero. Access to Justice Foundation, cre- ing that you’re OK. It means facing Republicans” (Page B9,
health dangers of exhaust. Alex is a pseudonym to con- ated in 1984 to fund civil legal aid danger, putting your life on the Thursday), the reason
On Wednesday, Hous- tinue to protect her, but she’s a real in Texas, stands committed to a line, with all the stress on body and there will be no immigra-
ton City Council took a person. vision that all Texans mind that comes with it. tion bill is because of the
needed step to combat air So is Roger, a deserve equal access You do all this because you love question of what to do
pollution. Now, drivers of 65-year-old disabled Legal aid can be a to justice, regard- your country and her values and with the undocumented
vehicles weighing more veteran who ap- lifeline, and helping less of income. The ways of life. You serve because you already living in America.
than 14,000 pounds, or pealed to a legal aid veterans get help is Foundation recently love liberty and you’re willing to The tea party wing of the
seven tons, can spend office for help paying critical. But lawyers awarded more than give all you have to preserve it. GOP will never agree to
only five minutes idling. a minor ticket. The $63 million in grants But returning from service is also any bill allowing undocu-
in private practice and
The ordinance ex- lawyer helping to 30 Texas legal aid challenging. Veterans struggle to mented residents to stay.
empts vehicles sitting in Roger discovered he legal aid providers providers for basic readjust, hold on to their families Nothing but total
traffic jams, military vehi- faced a legal prob- can’t do it all. civil legal services to and their health, find jobs and pay deportation of all undocu-
cles and various vehicles lem much worse low-income Texans. the rent. mented residents and the
that must run heat or air than a ticket. He was about to lose In 2014, these grants helped more We salute our military men and border with Mexico being
conditioning for health his home because of delinquent than 7,000 veterans get access to the women returning home. One criti- shut down to any illegal
and safety reasons. property taxes. Within a month, justice system. cal way to honor their service is to crossings will suffice.
Houston has multiple the lawyer got a court to halt the tax Add to that the millions of hours guarantee for them the promises Neither of these conditions
idling trouble spots in ad- suit against Roger’s home. Texas lawyers every year donate of America’s civil justice system are realistic. It is on these
dition to our port. Buses Result: One less veteran facing pro bono — for the public good — to and the rule of law that they fought two points that immigra-
drop off children at mu- homelessness in the U.S. represent our state’s lowest-income bravely to preserve. Vets answered tion reform will continue
seums and often sit idling For veterans like Alex and citizens for free. Texas lawyers also our call. Now it’s our turn. to founder as long as the
for hours, according to Roger, legal problems can seem donate millions of dollars each year GOP is in power.
officials at the Museum insurmountable. Nearly 1.5 million to fight for better legal representa- Hecht is chief justice of the Texas Gonzalo Martinez, La Porte
Park Super Neighborhood veterans live in poverty, according tion for people living on the edge. Supreme Court and a veteran of the
Association. to 2012 figures by the U.S. Census Legal aid can be a lifeline, and U.S. Navy Reserve Judge Advocate The poor
The goal of the or- Bureau. And veterans are almost 9 helping veterans get help is critical. General’s Corps. McRaven is
dinance is voluntary percent of the homeless adult popu- But lawyers in private practice and chancellor of The University of Texas Regarding “Brady
compliance, but it’s not lation. Homelessness and poverty legal aid providers can’t do it all. System, having recently retired as picked to chair powerful
without some teeth. The hit younger veterans especially The need is too great. Earlier this the U.S. Navy four-star admiral House panel” (Page A1,
Houston Health Depart- hard. year, the 84th Texas Legislature rec- in command of special operations, Thursday), I respect Texas
ment will “enforce the To help commemorate Veterans ognized that need and appropriated including the Navy SEALs. Republican Kevin Brady,
ordinance by issuing and wish him the best in
Notices of Violation for his new role as chairman
the initial violation and
citations to repeat offend-
ers,” according to Daisy
Facing, ignoring austerity’s grim legacy of the Ways and Means
However, I hope that
D. James, acting bureau
chief of the Houston Paul Krugman says the deficit poorer than precrisis projections
suggested they would be at this
when he pushes for
income tax reform, he will
Health Department.
The regulatory frame-
fetishism that led to cutbacks point. And a new paper by Sum-
mers and Antonio Fatás, in addition
not forget the poor, many
of whom work full time,
work is stronger than it
sounds. Both Dallas and
by government has been more to supporting other economists’
conclusion that the crisis seems
often at two jobs and can
still barely make it.
Austin have adopted or-
dinances that limit idling
destructive in the long run. to have done enormous long-run A national sales tax
damage, shows that the downgrad- will weigh most heavily
time to five minutes. When economic crisis struck in for major economies, while there ing of nations’ long-run prospects is on the working poor who
Once truckers and 2008, policymakers by and large did was plenty of evidence that cutting strongly correlated with the amount spend almost 100 percent
others become aware of the right thing. The Federal Reserve spending in a depressed economy of austerity they imposed. of their income on taxable
an anti-idling ordinance, and other central banks realized would deepen the depression. What this suggests is that the items. The working poor
many comply, according that supporting the financial system And we were vindicated by turn to austerity had truly cata- depend on Earned Income
to a 2013 Capital Area took priority over conventional events. More than 4 1/2 years have strophic effects, going far beyond Tax Credit and Child Tax
Council of Governments notions of monetary prudence. The passed since Alan Simpson and Ers- the jobs and income lost in the first Credit to meet their daily
survey. “We know from Obama administration and its coun- kine Bowles warned of a fiscal crisis few years. In fact, the long-run dam- needs.
experience that these terparts realized that in a slumping within two years; U.S. borrowing age suggested by the Fatás-Sum- David Schubert, Houston
ordinances have high vol- economy budget deficits were help- costs remain at historic lows. Mean- mers estimates is easily big enough
untary compliance rates ful, not harmful. And the money- while, the austerity policies that to make austerity a self-defeating Respect first
— as much as 80 percent,” printing and borrowing worked: were put into place in 2010 and after policy even in purely fiscal terms:
according to Adrian Shel- A repeat of the Great Depression, had exactly the depressing effects Governments that slashed spending Regarding “Why has
ley, executive director of which seemed all too possible at the textbook economics predicted; the in the face of depression hurt their justice for black girls
Air Alliance Houston. time, was avoided. confidence fairy never did put in an economies, and hence their future been such an elusive
But the city must get Then it all went wrong. And the appearance. tax receipts, so much that even goal” (Page B13, Nov. 1),
the message out. “Lots consequences of the wrong turn Yet there’s growing evidence that their debt will end up higher than it the article should have
of companies, school we took look worse now than the we critics actually underestimated would have been without the cuts. been titled “Bad behavior
districts and Houston harshest critics of conventional just how destructive the turn to aus- And the bitter irony of the story mishandled.”
Metro have some sort wisdom ever imagined. terity would be. Specifically, it now is that this catastrophic policy was It is up to the parents
of anti-idling policies in For those who don’t remember looks as if austerity policies didn’t undertaken in the name of long-run to discipline their children
place. We’re trying to stop (it’s hard to believe how long this just impose short-term losses of jobs responsibility, that those who pro- and be responsible. If the
the bad actors from idling has gone on): In 2010, more or less and output, but they also crippled tested against the wrong turn were parents are not responsive
excessively,” according to suddenly, the policy elite on both long-run growth. dismissed as feckless. and school policies were
Laura Spanjian, director sides of the Atlantic decided to stop The idea that policies that de- There are a few obvious lessons followed, only then
of the Office of Sustain- worrying about unemployment and press the economy in the short run from this debacle. “All the impor- should the police be
ability for the City of start worrying about budget deficits also inflict lasting damage is gener- tant people say so” is not, it turns called and only in the
Houston. instead. ally referred to as “hysteresis.” It’s out, a good way to decide on policy; event of imminent danger
To that end, the city This shift wasn’t driven by an idea with an impressive pedigree: groupthink is no substitute for clear or violence or threat to
needs to reach out to large evidence or careful analysis. In The case for hysteresis was made in analysis. Also, calling for sacrifice others.
fleet owners, trucking as- fact, it was very much at odds with a well-known 1986 paper by Olivier (by other people, of course) doesn’t Every person deserves
sociations and owners of basic economics. Yet ominous talk Blanchard, who later became the mean you’re tough-minded. respect and should
truck stops. Signs about about the dangers of deficits became chief economist at the International But will these lessons sink in? respect the rights of
idling laws should target something everyone said because Monetary Fund, and Lawrence One striking aspect of the past few others. The lack of respect
specific areas such as everyone else was saying it, and dis- Summers, who served as a top years has been how few people are and irresponsibility led to
schools, hospitals, hotels senters were no longer considered official in both the Clinton and the willing to admit having been wrong a bad situation.
and gas stations. respectable — which is why I began Obama administrations. But I think about anything. It seems all too pos- Doris Lucus, Houston
While the law only ap- describing those parroting the everyone was hesitant to apply the sible that the Very Serious People
plies to large vehicles, all orthodoxy of the moment as Very idea to the Great Recession, for fear who cheered on disastrous policies
of us can help. Serious People. of seeming excessively alarmist. will learn nothing from the experi- BIBLE VERSE
When you pull over, Some of us tried in vain to point At this point, however, the evi- ence. And that is, in its own way, as Trust in the Lord
turn off your engine right out that deficit fetishism was both dence practically screams hyster- scary as the economic outlook. with all thine heart; and
away. Everyone has some- wrongheaded and destructive, that esis. Even countries that seem to lean not unto thine own
thing to gain by reducing there was no good evidence that have largely recovered from the Krugman is a New York Times understanding.
needless idling. government debt was a problem crisis, like the United States, are far columnist. Proverbs 3: 5

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We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address and telephone numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.
B10 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x

Houston Chronicle 72 76 79 71 68 67 68
Skies will be partly to
mostly sunny today. 58 69 53 52 50 53 52
Partly cloudy. Partly sunny. 50 percent 20 percent Partly sunny. 20 percent 30 percent Nov 11 Nov 19 Nov 25 Dec 3
should reach the lower chance of storms. chance of rain. chance of rain. chance of rain. Sunset today 5:28 p.m.
70s. Winds will be out of Sunrise tomorrow 6:41 a.m.
Moonrise today 4:45 a.m.
the north around 5 mph.
Skies will be partly NORTH AMERICA TODAY Forecast highs and location of weather systems at 3 p.m.
Moonset today 4:31 p.m.

<-0s Vancouver Calgary Saskatoon INTERNATIONAL

cloudy this evening, 0s Today Tomorrow COASTAL FORECAST
then more clouds 10s
Seattle Winnipeg
Thunder Bay Africa GALVESTON BAY :
Ottawa Montreal Cairo 73/59/pc 77/60/pc Northeast winds 5 to 10 knots.
should gradually move 20s Portland
Helena Cape Town 72/57/pc 72/58/pc Bay waters smooth. Tonight:
Bismarck Boston
into the area. Low 30s
Boise Toronto
Casablanca 75/58/pc 74/57/pc East winds around 5 knots.
40s St. Paul Dakar 89/78/s 88/78/s Bay waters smooth.
temperatures will be in L Sioux Falls New York Johannesburg 92/64/s 94/65/s
the upper 50s. Winds
50s Madison Detroit H Lagos 87/75/ts 85/74/ts
San Francisco L Philadelphia
should be light and 70s Cheyenne Des Moines Chicago Beijing 54/35/s 50/41/pc CHANNEL TO HIGH ISLAND
Salt Lake City Indianapolis Wash., D.C. Ho Chi Minh 91/76/ts 92/76/ts OUT 20 TO 50 MILES :
variable. Expect more 80s
Denver Lincoln Hong Kong 85/73/r 81/73/pc Northeast winds around 10
clouds and warmer
Las Vegas H Topeka
St. Louis Raleigh Islamabad 72/53/pc 69/50/pc knots. Tonight:East winds 5
Los Angeles Jakarta 87/76/ts 87/76/ts to 10 knots, to southeast.
weather on Tuesday, L Columbia
Karachi 91/69/s 92/71/s
with highs in the Phoenix Albuquerque
Oklahoma City Little Rock
Kuala Lumpur
90/76/ts 88/76/ts
90/76/ts 89/75/s
mid-70s and lows near Low New Delhi 85/65/pc 85/63/s HIGHS: 1:45 a.m. , 3:46 p.m.
pressure H
Dallas Jackson
Atlanta Atlantic
Ocean Seoul 56/42/pc 59/39/s LOWS: 8:42 a.m. , 9:03 p.m.
70. The next chance for El Paso Shanghai 61/52/cd 61/55/cd
wet weather will be on Juarez Austin Singapore 88/79/ts 87/79/ts
New Orleans Sydney 72/58/pc 77/64/s RIVERS, CREEKS
Wednesday. pressure
San Antonio Taipei 78/68/ts 73/67/pc
online Jet stream
Chihuahua Houston Miami Tokyo
73/64/ts 67/56/r
Flood Latest 24-hr.
›› Get regular updates on the Thunder- Monterrey Calgary 31/17/sn 37/23/s Location stage stage chg.
weather at Eric Berger’s SciGuy Warm front storms Gulf of Havana Edmonton
35/24/pc 39/26/s
54/34/s 52/36/pc Brays Bayou South Main 54 17.3 -0.2
blog. Toronto 50/41/s 47/42/r Brazos River Bryan 43 31+3.9
Cold front
Snow Vancouver 48/38/s 46/42/r Hempstead 50 32.3+0.9
Cancun Winnipeg 51/34/pc 43/33/cd
METRO AREA Pacific Guadalajara Tampico
Richmond 48 33.7 -4.9
Stationary Ocean Merida Piney Point 50 36.1+6.9
OUTLOOK front Ice Amsterdam 56/55/r 59/55/cd
Shepherd Dr. 23 2.3 -1.5
TODAY: Partly cloudy. Highs in Athens 73/57/s 75/58/s
the lower 70s. North winds
Mexico City Veracruz Caribbean Sea
Berlin 58/52/r 59/54/cd Clear Creek Friendswood 12 1.5 -0.4
around 5 mph.
Belize City Copenhagen 54/50/r 57/53/r Colorado R. Austin 29 12 -0.4
Anchorage Honolulu
Acapulco Dublin 62/58/r 60/52/cd Bastrop 25 4.2 0.0
TONIGHT: Partly cloudy. Lows Frankfurt 60/51/cd 57/49/pc La Grange 32 8.8+0.9
in the upper 50s. East winds Guatemala
Tegucigalpa Geneva 65/46/s 58/41/s Columbus 34 14.3+0.4
around 5 mph. Istanbul 61/54/pc 61/55/pc Wharton 39 14.6 -0.9
London 57/55/pc 60/54/pc
Bay City 44 10.6 -0.8
36/31/sn Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 39.6+0.4
Today’s forecast for FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris 60/48/pc 58/46/s Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 8.2 0.0
the entire metro area: Measurements taken at George Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Prague 59/50/r 58/51/pc Comfort 26 3.7 0.0
Bush Intercontinental Airport Abilene 70/54/pc 74/59/pc Cleveland 56/45/pc 55/42/sh Rome 73/52/s 71/51/s Spring Branch 36 3 -0.2
Temperature Degrees F Amarillo 68/45/s 76/41/pc Columbus, OH 56/43/sh 56/38/sh Stockholm 48/40/r 45/37/s New Braunfels 7 3.3 0.0
Austin 69/55/pc 74/67/pc Denver 62/31/pc 57/29/pc Vienna 64/54/pc 62/52/pc Gonzales 31 18.1 -3.1
Ozone watch High yesterday 72° Warsaw 56/47/r 56/52/r
51° Beaumont 70/54/pc 74/65/pc Des Moines 57/37/s 59/50/pc Cuero 20 16.3 -1
Low yesterday Brownsville 77/67/pc 83/72/pc Detroit 56/40/pc 53/37/r Zurich 65/49/s 59/42/pc
Good Unhealthy Normal high 75° Bryan/Col. St. 69/57/pc 76/66/pc Duluth 55/37/s 52/43/pc Latin American/Caribbean Victoria 21 19.6 -0.3
55° Dupont 2024.8 -0.6
Moderate Very unhealthy Normal low Corpus Christi 75/65/pc 81/74/pc Fairbanks 23/7/fl 17/3/pc Bogota
Buenos Aires
69/51/r 72/53/ts
80/67/pc 78/62/pc Little River Little River 30 13.3+0.4
Record high 89° in 1989 Dallas/FW 67/55/pc 74/64/pc Great Falls 40/26/sn 34/25/sn
Unhealthy/ Hazardous Record low 34° in 1991 El Paso 72/40/pc 76/39/s Hartford 60/38/s 53/44/r Caracas 84/68/ts 83/68/ts Cameron 30 18.6+2.8
sensitive Precipitation Inches Galveston 69/65/pc 76/70/pc Honolulu 85/77/sh 85/77/sh Havana 89/71/ts 88/71/ts Navasota R. Easterly 19 17.3 +5.1
groups Kingsville 76/63/pc 86/70/f Indianapolis 54/40/r 59/44/pc Kingston 87/80/ts 89/81/pc Neches River Evadale 19 9.5 0.0
Yesterday through 4 p.m. 0.00" Lima 70/63/pc 71/63/pc
0.60" Laredo 75/62/pc 86/70/pc Jackson, MS 66/47/pc 73/53/pc Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 28.6 -0.7
Month to date Longview 65/49/pc 74/64/pc Juneau 37/33/r 36/32/sh Rio 84/73/ts 86/74/s
Normal month to date 1.21" San Juan 89/80/ts 89/79/ts Sabine River Bon Wier 30 25 +2.1
POLLEN AND MOLD Year to date 61.62"
72/47/s 76/46/pc
76/65/pc 84/72/pc
Kansas City
Las Vegas
60/42/s 65/56/pc
67/46/pc 60/41/pc San Salvador 91/69/s 90/69/ts Deweyville 24 24.5 -0.3
Yesterday’s readings by the Normal year to date 42.90" Midland/Od. 72/51/s 76/51/pc Little Rock 63/44/pc 70/57/pc Santiago 72/48/s 78/50/s Orange 4 2.2 -0.5
City of Houston: Other readings San Angelo 72/52/pc 76/57/pc Los Angeles 66/53/r 67/52/pc Sao Paulo 80/66/ts 87/68/ts Burkeville 43 23.4 +3.1
Countpercubicmeterofair Top wind speed 20 mph San Antonio 70/57/pc 76/67/pc Memphis 63/47/pc 70/59/pc St. Thomas 88/79/r 88/78/r San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 9 -0.9
Tree pollen Low 4 High barometer 30.21 in. Texarkana 65/47/pc 71/61/pc Miami 88/75/pc 89/73/pc Mexico Sweeny 16 12 0.0
Victoria 74/59/pc 81/69/pc Milwaukee 55/35/s 55/36/pc Acapulco 89/78/s 89/77/s E. San Jac. R. Cleveland 19 5.5+0.6
Weed pollen Medium 14 Low barometer 30.09 in. Waco 67/52/pc 73/64/pc Minneapolis 58/40/s 55/45/pc Cancun 85/74/pc 85/75/s
Grass pollen Low 4 High dewpoint 54° Nashville 55/47/sh 65/48/pc Guadalajara 83/59/s 85/58/s W. San Jac. R. Conroe 11695.4+0.7
Low dewpoint 47° New Orleans 72/58/pc 73/61/pc Guanajuato 81/55/s 83/57/s San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.4 -0.7
Mold pollen Heavy 13,312 Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 6.1 -0.6
Avg. dewpoint 51° NATIONAL New York City 58/49/s 58/49/r Mazatlan 87/64/s 88/64/s
High humidity 93% Today Tomorrow
Oklahoma City 63/49/pc 70/58/pc Merida 89/73/ts 91/73/s Trinity River Goodrich 36 34+0.3
Low Medium Heavy Ext. Heavy Low humidity 49% Orlando 86/71/ts 85/62/pc Mexico City 76/52/pc 77/54/s Liberty 2628.9+0.2
Albany, NY 54/36/s 54/41/r Philadelphia 60/50/pc 61/52/r Puerto Vallarta 87/74/s 88/70/s Village Creek Kountze 20 10.1 -1.1
Note: No measurements on week- Albuquerque 62/37/pc 60/33/pc Phoenix 80/56/pc 67/45/pc Tampico 82/72/s 85/74/s White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 9+0.9
ends; charts in Sunday and Monday
papers reflect reading from previous KEY TO CONDITIONS Anchorage 36/27/fl 34/22/fl Pittsburgh 55/44/pc 54/42/sh Veracruz 84/73/r 86/72/r
Atlanta 52/45/sh 67/48/pc Portland, OR 53/40/sh 51/46/pc Middle East
c-cloudy r-rain Baltimore 55/52/r 61/49/r Sacramento 57/42/ts 60/38/pc Baghdad 75/56/pc 72/54/s TEXAS LAKES
d-drizzle rs-rain/snow Birmingham 58/50/r 69/49/pc Salt Lake City 59/34/r 43/32/fl Beirut 71/63/r 70/61/r Full Actual Release
UV FORECAST f-fair s-sunny Boise 46/31/sh 44/26/fl San Diego 69/59/sh 67/53/ts Dubai 89/77/s 94/80/s level level cfs
fg-fog fl-flurries Boston 59/44/s 54/47/r San Francisco 58/50/ts 60/51/s Jerusalem 64/53/r 66/50/pc 909 910.7 0.0
Buffalo 54/42/pc 54/46/r Santa Fe 58/32/pc 57/28/pc Canyon Dam
h-hazy sh-showers Kabul 52/41/r 52/40/r 201 199.6 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Charleston, SC 65/60/ts 72/60/sh Seattle 50/41/sh 49/44/r Mecca 93/68/s 90/64/s Conroe
i-ice sn-snow Charlotte 52/50/r 65/50/pc St. Louis 56/42/s 63/56/pc Houston 41.73 42.5 0.0
Riyadh 89/70/s 90/63/s
Very mm-missing ts-thunderstorms Chicago 55/34/s 58/43/pc Tucson 78/47/s 69/39/pc Tehran 55/47/r 54/44/r Lake Travis 681 671.1 0.0
Low Moderate High high Extreme pc-partly cloudy w-windy Cincinnati 54/45/sh 59/39/pc Wash., D.C. 55/53/r 62/49/r Tel Aviv 70/61/r 72/59/s Livingston 131 132.8 5440

Hospitality House shows that ‘someone cares’

Hospitality from page B1 mate, traced the outlines of “He grew up without
hands on her drawing pa- me,” he says of his son.
her designated assistant per before furiously filling “When I was doing con-
— kitchen duties are only in the blank areas with a tract work, he hardly spent
a beginning. Together they black felt-tip marker. time with a father figure. I
run what may be Texas’ “She was angrily mak- blame myself. When their
most unique bed and ing it as black as she could. mother died in 2010, I was
breakfast, one where the I didn’t know what to say,” working in Iraq. I came
guests — some 3,000-plus McCammon says. back for 15 days and went
each month — sleep and “Finally, I said, ‘Aman- back. I hoped they could
eat for free and bring with da, tell us about your pic- cope. If I had stayed it prob-
them worries that demand ture.’ ” ably would have made a
a sympathetic ear. “This is my hand. This is difference.”
Guests can stay for free my dad’s hand. We haven’t
up to three days, depend- been able to touch in three ‘Emotional upheaval’
ing on the distances they years,” the girl spat. Execution days — 12
have traveled. Some are “He was so selfish to do Texas killers have been put
regulars. that robbery. I do all the to death this year — are the
“We’ve been coming laundry, cook all the meals, darkest times at Hospital-
two years,” says Brianna clean house, take care of ity House.
Bonneville, who traveled two brothers. My mom is “As a pastor,” says Joe
with her husband, Don, working three jobs. I can’t McCammon, “I’d conduct
from the North Texas town take driver’s training.” funerals. Execution days
of Sanger. “They help you “She was screaming this are like being at a daylong
mentally to get up in the Elizabeth Conley / Houston Chronicle out,” McCammon says. funeral. It just goes on and
morning,” she says of the Debra McCammon, director of Hospitality House, leads a group in prayer before “Then she broke down on.”
McCammons. dinner on Oct. 30. Hospitality House, which offers free lodging and meals to in tears.” As the hours pass, con-
“They give you the love families visiting inmates in Huntsville, is funded through donations. demned inmates are per-
of God.” ‘It’s peaceful here’ mitted to make a final tele-
Earlier this year, Hospi- The Bluebonnet Room connection with the bed of Huntsville motels. Inmates’ parents also phone call to their families,
tality House, built by Bap- is decorated in a floral and breakfast seemed nat- “They’re under a lot of carry a heavy burden. who anxiously await the
tist volunteers and funded motif; the Cow Girl Room ural. Debra McCammon stress and money hard- “Dealing with a child ringing telephone at Hos-
through donations, was is shocking pink; the became executive director ship,” she says. in prison is a hard thing,” pitality House.
honored for community John Deere Room evokes in 2009; Joe McCammon, “There are moth- says Bonneville, whose “There’s a huge emo-
service by the Governor’s sweated leather and a life now an elementary school ers working a lot of jobs; 36-year-old son is serving a tional upheaval on those
Criminal Justice Volunteer outdoors; the Cowboy’s special education teacher, grandmothers raising 19-year sentence for sexual days,” says Debra McCam-
Service Award program. Watering Hole is best left became chaplain. grandchildren.” assault. mon.
“Through their grace undescribed. A Bible is in Beyond a place to sleep, The McCammons “un- “There’s all that frus-
and their love, these vol- each room. A table covered ‘Under a lot of stress’ Hospitality House tries to derstand. It’s wonderful to tration and grief. … Moth-
unteers touch the lives of with a red cloth is topped They had encountered offer families desperately have people care about us. ers and grandmothers are
many Texans,” said Crimi- with a 750-piece jigsaw the ups and downs of hu- needed support. It main- The world looks at some- wailing and screaming
nal Justice Chairman Oli- puzzle lake scene in prog- man emotion during their tains a library, and volun- one with a kid in prison and crying. … They come
ver Bell. ress. A wall-mounted flat- years as church leaders, teers read to children and like the whole family is in exceedingly angry.
“They assist agency staff screen television displays but the emotional and help them in their studies. like that. It makes you sort They think we’re part of
and they help the offend- images of a crystal clear financial need they wit- Families are offered food of isolated. … It’s peaceful the (prison system). They
ers and their families have brook whose murmuring nessed among inmates’ and clothing to take back here. You feel the peace of don’t know that we’re a
a chance for a better life, fills the room. families tugged at their home. Children are outfit- God.” standalone agency. After
impacting generations to “Let your faith be bigger hearts. ted with backpacks and Lucio Sanchez, who about 15 minutes, though,
come.” than your fears,” reads an “I’ve learned that there school supplies. In adjoin- came to visit his 34-year- we usually can defuse it.
adage featured in a paint- are realities of life’s situa- ing buildings are a “Santa old son, serving an We’re serving them a hot
History, aesthetic ing. tions that stick to you and shop,” where mothers may eight-year sentence for meal.
Located just blocks from The McCammons’ first don’t go away,” says Joe Mc- fill plastic bags with toys sexual assault, agreed. “We always cook a lot of
Walls Unit, the Texas’ first acquaintance with Hospi- Cammon. The incarcerated and a recently opened art “There’s a touch of home food,” she says.
prison and the site of the tality House came when relatives of some Hospital- therapy studio where a vol- here,” he says. “Beef stroganoff, spa-
state death house, Hos- Joe McCammon pastored ity House guests, he says, unteer art professor from “You get to meet other ghetti chicken, chicken pot
pitality House opened its a church in nearby Cook may never be released. the local university leads people. I really enjoy that.” pie and ‘chicken delight’
doors in 1986. With 17 bed- Springs in the early 1990s. “When we pray, we youngsters in painting, Sanchez says his wife is — the guests named that
rooms in a light-filled, low- “We’d bring Christ- pray to make the best of sculpting clay and making dead and a daughter has one,” Debra McCammon
slung building surrounded mas toys for the children’s the circumstances. We see jewelry. small children and a de- says. Often she puts meals
by blooming gardens, Hos- groups and help decorate that someone can serve One incident at the stu- manding career. together using whatever is
pitality House routinely the tree,” Debra McCam- the Lord in prison. We try dio, says Debra McCam- Sanchez, who spent time handy in the pantry.
accommodates more than mon says. to show them someone mon, underscores the in the Middle East in the “Comfort food” is what’s
60 travelers at a time. At a When the couple re- cares.” trauma children endure. military and as a contract offered, she says.
glance, it resembles an or- turned to Huntsville after Debra McCammon says As a teacher and junior worker, expresses senti-
dinary bed and breakfast, pastoral stints in Wharton many families simply can’t artists watched, Amanda, ments common to inmates’
with the requisite charm. and Mesquite, a formal afford the $40-a-night fees 16, whose father was an in- parents.

Clemson displaces Jeff Luhnow will feel

Ohio State as the out potential trade
No. 1 team in the partners at this week’s
Associated Press poll. GM meetings.
Page C3 Page C8

Houston Chronicle @HoustonChron Houston Chronicle | Monday, November 9, 2015 | and Section C xxx

Big wins by Colts, Titans WEEK 9


force Texans to take notice

CLE 10 TEN 34
CIN 31 NO 28

JAX 23 WA 10
NYJ 28 NE 27
The Texans New Orleans and Texans NYG 32 STL 18
watched and Denver, respec- TB 18 MIN 21
possibly learned tively.
at Bengals
When/where: GB 29 OAK 35
something about The Colts’ 27-24 CAR 37 PIT 38
7:30 p.m. Nov.
the AFC South on victory ended a
16; Paul Brown MIA 17 PHI 33
Sunday when two three-game los- BUF 33 DAL 27
Stadium, Cincinnati.
teams showed their JOHN ing streak and
McCLAIN TV/radio: ESPN, KIAH; 610 ATL 16 CHI
teeth and earned left them 4-5 — a 7:30
On the Texans AM, 100.3 FM, 1180 AM SF 17 SD Mon.
some respect for half-game ahead of
the worst division the Texans and 1½ AJ Mast / Associated Press
in NFL history. games ahead of Tennessee A whole lot of Luck Inside
While the Texans took and Jacksonville. territory at the bottom of Quarterback Andrew Luck celebrates after Jack Doyle Eagles top Cow-
the day off, Tennessee and As for the Jaguars, they the division, tied with Ten- scored on a 3-yard touchdown reception in the first half, and boys on 41-yard
Indianapolis pulled off lost 28-23 to the New York nessee at 2-6. the Colts went on to hand the Broncos their first loss of the TD pass in over-
impressive upsets over Jets to remain in familiar AFC continues on C5 season Sunday. See story on page C5. time. Page C4


‘Embracing my height’ Thornton

he’s more
than just
a shooter
By Jonathan Feigen


Karen Warren / Houston Chronicle just a little encouragement
Redshirt freshman — or none at all — Marcus
Jeremy Winchester will Thornton will put up his
start at cornerback for shot. That is his game. It is
UH after an injury to also his reputation.
William Jackson III. It is not, he said and the
Injuries have dis-
covered, ev-

latest erything he
can bring.
The shot
test for gets him on
the floor.

surging That much Thornton

has not
changed. But as a surprise
Cougars starter and an X-factor as
the Rockets went from an
0-3 start to a four-game
By Joseph Duarte winning streak, Thornton
has shown more than an
Jeremy Winchester is itchy trigger finger.
preparing to make his first “He’s a very good pass-
start at cornerback for the er,” coach Kevin McHale
University of Houston. said. “He’s a good on-ball
It just so happens it will defender. All of our guys
come against one of the have to get better as off-ball
most explosive offenses in defenders. He’s kind of one
college football. of those old-time (types).
“I’m actually excited He’s a baller.”
about the challenge,” Win- Through seven games,
chester said of preparing and especially in the
for No. 25 Memphis on Sat- Rockets’ four-game win-
urday at TDECU Stadium. ning streak to turn things
Winchester, a redshirt around, they have turned
freshman who played at to a surprising Big Three:
Klein Collins, was thrust James Harden, Dwight
into the starting role after Howard and Thornton.
cornerback William Jack- Thornton is third on the
son III suffered what is Rockets in scoring, averag-
initially being diagnosed as ing 16.6 points and making
a sprained MCL. The Cou- a team-best 40.5 percent of
gars will have a better idea his 3s. But he helped finish
how much time Jackson, off Saturday’s 109-105 victo-
who is third nationally with ry over the Clippers with a
17 passes defended, will Jerry Baker pair of plays that did not in-
miss after he undergoes an When Cypress Woods’ 6-9 center Nancy Mulkey, left, extends herself for a jump shot, there’s volve his putting up a shot.
MRI exam on Monday. little a defense can do to stop her. She’ll try to help the Wildcats repeat as 6A state champions. On one end of the floor,
“I wouldn’t expect (him Thornton saw the Clippers’
to play) this week,” coach By Corey Roepken Cy Woods’ Mulkey is even more difficult. defense rushing to close
Tom Herman said Sunday. Mulkey might be one of the out on him, drove to the
“Usually, the best-case sce- Nancy Mulkey ducks through comes to terms nation’s brightest high school paint, and waited until the
nario would be next week the door and into the gym. Once with being 6-9, basketball stars, but for the last moment to lob a pass to
(at Connecticut), but I’m inside, she stands tall, smiles longest time she would have Rockets continues on C2
just speculating a little bit.” and greets her visitor. now helps others traded that for being of similar
With backup tailback As recently as a year ago, height to her friends. Rockets update
UH continues on C3 this scene would have played tor to sit next to her — prefer- “My first year here, I was Saturday: Rockets 109,
out differently. Mulkey would ably on the row above the one like a turtle. I was always in Clippers 105.
Strife at Missouri have ducked through the she was on. my shell,” Mulkey said. “Every Record: 4-3.
›› The Tigers would have to door, kept her head down, and Being 6-9 is not easy for any time I walked into a room, I Wednesday: Brooklyn at
pay BYU $1 million if they gone straight for a seat on the teenager trying to fit in with wanted to sit down, because I Toyota Center, 7 p.m.
were to forfeit Saturday’s bleachers, waiting for her visi- much shorter peers. For a girl, it Mulkey continues on C6 TV/radio: Root; 790 AM,
game. Page A2 850 AM (Spanish).



C2 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


By revving his engine,

Southwest Division
W L Pct. GB L10 Str. Home Away Conf.
San Antonio 4 2 .667 — 4-2 W-1 2-0 2-2 0-1

Harden gets back in gear

Houston 4 3 .571 ½ 4-3 W-4 2-2 2-1 3-2
Dallas 3 3 .500 1 3-3 W-1 1-2 2-1 3-1
Memphis 3 4 .429 1½ 3-4 L-2 1-1 2-3 1-3
New Orleans 0 6 .000 4 0-6 L-6 0-3 0-3 0-4
Northwest Division
Utah 4 2 .667 — 4-2 W-2 1-1 3-1 2-1 LOS ANGELES — James to progress in his crash playing the way they need
Minnesota 3 2 .600 ½ 3-2 W-1 0-2 3-0 2-1 After struggling through Harden course as an NBA center. to be.
Portland 4 3 .571 ½ 4-3 L-1 2-2 2-1 4-2 his first three games totaled 89 Capela was back in a “We just have to contin-
Oklahoma City 4 3 .571 ½ 4-3 W-1 3-1 1-2 3-1 of the season, Rockets points in reserve role, with How- ue to play this type of bas-
Denver 2 4 .333 2 2-4 L-2 0-2 2-2 2-4 guard James Harden has the week- ard returning Saturday ketball,” center Dwight
Pacific Division turned things around in end back- night after sitting out the Howard said. “We’re
Golden State 7 0 1.000 — 7-0 W-7 4-0 3-0 7-0 several ways, not the least to-back. first game of the weekend playing together. We trust
L.A. Clippers 4 2 .667 2½ 4-2 L-2 3-1 1-1 4-2 of which is hitting shots back-to-back. each other. We’re mak-
Phoenix 3 4 .429 4 3-4 L-2 2-2 1-2 3-3 he had been missing. In 19 minutes, Capela ing plays for each other.
L.A. Lakers 1 5 .167 5½ 1-5 L-1 0-3 1-2 0-4 “He’s making shots,” Hayes waived; had nine points and eight When we do that, we have
Sacramento 1 6 .143 6 1-6 L-5 1-4 0-2 1-6 coach Kevin McHale Jones due back rebounds at Los Angeles. an excellent chance of
EASTERN CONFERENCE said. “He’s being aggres- With forward Ter- He is averaging 8.6 points winning.”
Atlantic Division
sive. He’s playing faster. rence Jones expected and 6.6 rebounds in 19 The Rockets could get
W L Pct. GB L10 Str. Home Away Conf.
Toronto 5 2 .714 — 5-2 L-2 2-0 3-2 3-2
I thought our entire team back from his cut eyelid minutes per game this forward Terrence Jones
New York 3 4 .429 2 3-4 W-1 1-3 2-1 2-3 played like we had ce- this week, the Rockets season. (cut right eyelid) and
Boston 2 3 .400 2 2-3 W-1 2-2 0-1 2-2 ment boots on for three waived center/forward “Clint’s been fantas- point guard Pat Beverley
Philadelphia 0 6 .000 4½ 0-6 L-6 0-3 0-3 0-5 games. We were just slow. Chuck Hayes on Sunday. tic for us,” coach Kevin (concussion) back this
Brooklyn 0 7 .000 5 0-7 L-7 0-3 0-4 0-4 You watched the film, it Hayes had signed with McHale said. “He battled week. Both are scheduled
Southeast Division looked like we were sickly the Rockets on Nov. 1 to in there. He got pushed to be evaluated Monday
Atlanta 7 1 .875 — 7-1 W-7 3-1 4-0 6-1 or something. We were help fill in with Jones out (on) one rebound, but as the team returns to
Miami 4 3 .571 2½ 4-3 W-1 3-1 1-2 2-3 so slow it was ridiculous. out and center Dwight he stood his ground more. practice after Sunday’s
Washington 3 3 .500 3 3-3 L-2 1-1 2-2 2-3 You just can’t play that Howard to miss the first He’s finding out you’ve travel day.
Orlando 3 4 .429 3½ 3-4 W-2 1-2 2-2 2-2 way. He’s playing with game of two back-to- got to hit first. You’ve got “As we go along, we’ll
Charlotte 2 4 .333 4 2-4 L-1 1-1 1-3 1-3 more pace. He’s play- backs. Hayes’ return to to carve out space. You’ve try to get some rhythm
Central Division ing with more force. We his first NBA team was got to be big. He had a big and hopefully get some
Cleveland 6 1 .857 — 6-1 W-6 4-0 2-1 5-1
got out of that doldrum, always planned to be offensive putback for us guys back healthy,” coach
Detroit 5 1 .833 ½ 5-1 W-2 2-1 3-0 2-1
Chicago 4 3 .571 2 4-3 L-1 3-1 1-2 3-2
thank goodness.” brief, with the Rockets when we needed one. I Kevin McHale said. “We
Milwaukee 4 3 .571 2 4-3 W-4 2-2 2-1 4-3 Harden put up 89 wanting to avoid a payroll couldn’t be any happier have a long, long way to
Indiana 3 4 .429 3 3-4 L-1 2-2 1-2 3-2 points in the games at under which they would with Clint. go.
Sacramento and Los An- be hard-capped, limit- “As I said all along, he’s “You’re going to have so
Results/schedule geles, hitting 14 of 26 shots ing their ability to make still 21. He’s still got a lot many ups and downs in
Saturday’s results New York 99 L.A. Lakers 95 and five of 10 3-pointers moves. to learn. But he’s going to an NBA season. We were
Houston 109 L.A. Clippers 105 Miami 96 Toronto 76 against the Clippers on Hayes played in two be a very nice player for a terrible for three games.
Minnesota 102 Chicago 93 (OT) Oklahoma City 124 Phoenix 103 Saturday, when he picked games but did not see ac- long time.” Now we’re fighting our
Orlando 105 Philadelphia 97 Detroit 120 Portland 103 up two fouls midway tion Saturday. way back and trying to get
Atlanta 114 Washington 99 Today’s games through the first quar- Trust can go better. We’ve got a couple
San Antonio 114 Charlotte 94 Orlando at Indiana 6 ter and a third midway McHale likes a long way days of practice, got to
Milwaukee 94 Brooklyn 86 Chicago at Philadelphia 6 through second quarter. grind out. But it’s a good
Dallas 107 New Orleans 98 Minnesota at Atlanta 7 He remained in the game Capela’s progress The Rockets have made group.
Utah 89 Memphis 79 Portland at Denver 8 to score 18 first-quarter Despite often matching up for much of the dam- “When things don’t
Golden State 103 Sacramento 94 San Antonio at Sacramento 9 points and 25 by halftime. up in the paint with one age done by their 0-3 start work well, work harder.
Sunday’s results Detroit at Golden State 9:30 “Try to play smart and of the NBA’s top big men with a four-game winning When things don’t go
Cleveland 101 Indiana 97 Memphis at L.A. Clippers 9:30 not pick up any cheap in the Clippers’ DeAn- streak. Along with build- well, fight harder. They
fouls and still be aggres- dre Jordan, the Rockets’ ing a winning record, seem to embrace that. ”
sive,” Harden said. Clint Capela continued they believe they are now Jonathan Feigen
Cavaliers 101, Pacers 97 New York — Anthony 8-20 6-6 24, Porzingis

Rockets 4-0 with Thornton as starter

Indiana — George 11-21 7-8 32, J.Hill 3-15 1-1 3-10 5-6 12, Lopez 5-9 4-4 14, Calderon 6-12
7, Mahinmi 3-4 0-2 6, G.Hill 6-16 2-2 14, Ellis 0-0 14, Vujacic 2-7 0-0 5, O’Quinn 0-1 1-2 1,
10-17 3-4 25, Allen 0-5 0-0 0, Turner 3-4 0-0 D.Williams 1-4 4-6 6, Grant 1-6 0-0 2, Gal-
6, Budinger 2-4 0-2 5, Robinson III 1-4 0-0 2. loway 5-9 1-1 14, Seraphin 0-3 0-0 0, Thomas
Totals 39-90 13-19 97. 2-3 3-4 7. Totals 33-84 24-29 99.
Cleveland — James 10-23 9-14 29, Love L.A. Lakers 25 24 21 25 — 95 Rockets from page C1
9-18 2-2 22, Mozgov 2-5 4-5 9, Williams 4-15 New York 25 20 26 28 — 99
0-0 10, Jefferson 2-6 0-0 5, Dellavedova 3-point goals—L.A. Lakers 9-27 (World
2-3 0-0 5, Thompson 7-8 2-4 16, Jones 0-0 Peace 2-2, Clarkson 2-3, Young 2-5, Bryant Howard for a slam, a seven-
2-10, L.Williams 1-6, Randle 0-1), New York
0-0 0, Cunningham 2-5 0-0 5. Totals 38-83
9-27 (Galloway 3-4, Anthony 2-6, Calderon
point lead and the Rockets’
17-25 101.
Indiana 22 20 31 24 — 97 2-6, Porzingis 1-3, Vujacic 1-4, O’Quinn 0-1, final field goal of the game.
Grant 0-3). Fouled out—None. Rebounds—
Cleveland 24 23 27 27 — 101
L.A. Lakers 61 (Randle 11), New York 62 (Lo-
“If you break the de-
3-point goals—Indiana 6-18 (George 3-6,
Ellis 2-4, Budinger 1-2, Robinson III 0-1, G.Hill pez 13). Assists—L.A. Lakers 19 (L.Williams fense down, you have lob
0-5), Cleveland 8-24 (Williams 2-5, Love 2-6, 5), New York 22 (Grant 8). Total fouls—L.A.
Lakers 20, New York 15. Technicals—New
targets like Dwight back
Mozgov 1-2, Dellavedova 1-2, Cunningham 1-3,
Jefferson 1-3, James 0-3). Fouled out—None. York Coach Fisher 2, New York defensive three there waiting to see the
Rebounds—Indiana 54 (J.Hill, George 11), second. Ejected— New York Coach Fisher. lob,” Thornton said. “You
Cleveland 56 (Love 19). Assists—Indiana 19,812 (19,763).
22 (George 6), Cleveland 25 (Dellavedova Pistons 120, T-Blazers 103
can throw it anywhere. It
9). Total fouls—Indiana 20, Cleveland 20. Detroit — Morris 5-18 2-2 13, Ilyasova 2-5 0-0 makes it easy on you.”
20,562 (20,562). 6, Drummond 14-19 1-6 29, Jackson 15-26 7-8 Thornton had three as-
Thunder 124, Suns 103 40, Caldwell-Pope 6-15 2-2 16, Johnson 1-4 1-2
sists against the Clippers
Phoenix — Tucker 1-5 0-0 3, Morris 7-20 5-6 3, Blake 1-4 0-0 3, Tolliver 2-4 0-0 6, Baynes
19, Chandler 0-3 1-2 1, Bledsoe 10-15 6-7 28, 1-1 2-2 4. Totals 47-96 15-22 120. and is averaging 2.2 per
Knight 6-14 0-0 14, Goodwin 1-2 1-4 3, Len Portland — Aminu 3-7 3-4 9, Leonard 7-13
2-3 4-4 8, Warren 7-10 3-3 17, Leuer 3-6 0-0 7, 0-0 17, Plumlee 3-8 1-3 7, Lillard 8-15 6-7 26, game. As with his scoring,
Price 0-0 0-0 0, Booker 0-3 0-0 0, Teletovic McCollum 8-17 2-2 18, Crabbe 7-7 0-0 15, Davis that places him third on
2-3 0-2 4, Vonleh 2-3 0-0 4, Harkless 1-3 0-0
1-3 0-0 3. Totals 38-84 20-26 103.
Oklahoma City — Durant 12-19 6-7 32, Ibaka 3. Totals 41-76 12-18 103. the Rockets.
5-12 0-0 10, Adams 3-6 1-1 7, Westbrook 9-20 Detroit 23 24 32 41 — 120 “Marcus can also dribble
Portland 32 25 35 11 — 103
3-4 21, Roberson 3-7 1-2 7, Kanter 9-10 3-3 21,
3-point goals—Detroit 11-30 (Jackson 3-3,
drive,” McHale said. “He’ll
Waiters 6-9 5-6 19, Singler 1-5 0-1 2, McGary
1-3 1-2 3, Augustin 0-2 2-4 2, Payne 0-1 0-0 0. Tolliver 2-3, Ilyasova 2-4, Caldwell-Pope 2-7, attack, and he’s a very good
Totals 49-94 22-30 124. Blake 1-4, Morris 1-7, Johnson 0-2), Portland
9-25 (Lillard 4-9, Leonard 3-5, Crabbe 1-1,
passer late. That’s one thing
Phoenix 29 25 23 26 — 103
Oklahoma City 29 31 29 35 — 124 Harkless 1-2, Aminu 0-4, McCollum 0-4). I found out about Marcus.
3-point goals—Phoenix 7-16 (Bledsoe 2-2, Fouled out—None. Rebounds—Detroit 50
(Drummond 27), Portland 47 (Aminu 9).
He’ll get on top of the rim
Knight 2-6, Leuer 1-2, Teletovic 1-2, Tucker
1-2, Morris 0-1, Goodwin 0-1), Oklahoma Assists—Detroit 16 (Jackson 5), Portland 24 and find people late. Mar-
City 4-20 (Waiters 2-3, Durant 2-5, Payne (Lillard 11). Total fouls—Detroit 16, Portland cus made some nice ones.”
0-1, Roberson 0-1, Augustin 0-2, Ibaka 0-2, 22. Technicals—Morris, Davis 2. Flagrant
Westbrook 0-3, Singler 0-3). Fouled out— fouls—Morris. Ejected— Davis. A—19,393 On the other end, with
None. Rebounds—Phoenix 46 (Chandler (19,980). the Rockets clinging to a
8), Oklahoma City 59 (Durant 11). Assists— Saturday’s late game two-point lead in the last
Phoenix 18 (Bledsoe 11), Oklahoma City 26 Warriors 103, Kings 94
(Westbrook 13). Total fouls—Phoenix 25, Golden State — Barnes 4-17 5-6 13, Green half-minute, Thornton ro-
Oklahoma City 25. Technicals—Phoenix 3-8 4-4 10, Ezeli 3-9 4-5 10, St.Curry 8-18 6-7 tated to defend Blake Griffin Alan Diaz / Associated Press
defensive three second. A—18,203
18,203 (18,203). 24, K.Thompson 7-16 0-0 18, Iguodala 6-8
Heat 96, Raptors 76 0-0 14, Livingston 3-5 0-0 6, J.Thompson 1-2
to help force a missed layup. Rockets guard Marcus Thornton, left, going here against Miami Heat couterpart
Toronto — J.Johnson 3-5 1-4 7, Scola 3-5 0-0 0-0 2, Barbosa 2-7 0-0 4, Speights 1-2 0-0 2. “The last couple plays, Dwyane Wade, has shown some prowess as an on-the-ball defender.
7, Valanciunas 8-12 1-2 17, Lowry 4-16 5-6 15, Totals 38-92 19-22 103.
Sacramento — Gay 10-25 1-1 22, Acy 1-1 1-2
Coach said just switch ev-
DeRozan 5-14 6-6 16, Patterson 1-4 0-0 2,
Ross 0-4 0-0 0, Biyombo 1-2 3-3 5, Joseph 3, Koufos 6-9 0-0 12, Rondo 7-20 0-0 14, erything, just try to stand tial reward of the decision. time since I’ve been in an step up and knock the shot
2-3 0-0 4, Powell 0-3 0-0 0, Bennett 0-1 0-0 Anderson 1-3 0-0 2, Belinelli 5-11 9-10 22, him up and make it tough He did not play at all in the offense with coaches that down.”
0, Nogueira 1-1 1-1 3, Wright 0-1 0-0 0. Totals Cauley-Stein 3-4 0-0 6, Casspi 4-7 0-0 10,
28-71 17-22 76. Butler 0-3 1-2 1, McLemore 1-4 0-1 2. Totals on him,” Thornton said. season’s first two games have the ultimate con- That remains what he
Miami — Deng 2-7 1-2 6, Bosh 8-14 3-5 23, 38-87 12-16 94. “I’m a pretty strong guy, so before — with Terrence fidence in you. When a does best and the talent
Whiteside 8-15 4-5 20, Dragic 1-5 0-0 2, Wade Golden State 20 26 26 31 — 103
4-13 3-4 12, Winslow 3-8 3-4 9, McRoberts 2-7 Sacramento 14 24 30 26 — 94 I believed in myself.” Jones out — moving into the coach has the ultimate that moved him into the
1-2 5, Chalmers 3-8 3-3 9, T.Johnson 4-5 0-0 3-point goals—Golden State 8-39 That sort of confidence starting lineup in the fourth confidence in you, it’s easy starting lineup when the
10, Ennis 0-0 0-0 0, Haslem 0-1 0-0 0. Totals (K.Thompson 4-11, Iguodala 2-3, St.Curry
35-83 18-25 96. 2-10, Livingston 0-1, Green 0-3, Barbosa 0-4, led Thornton to bet on game. He made five 3-point- to go out there and play, let Rockets, with few power
Toronto 24 23 16 13 — 76 Barnes 0-7), Sacramento 6-19 (Belinelli 3-6, himself when he signed ers in the first half that the chips fall where they forward options, chose to
Casspi 2-4, Gay 1-4, McLemore 0-1, Anderson
Miami 22 22 30 22 — 96
0-1, Rondo 0-3). Fouled out—None.
with the Rockets. Knowing night against the Thunder, may. If you mess up, get add Thornton’s shooting
3-point goals—Toronto 3-19 (Lowry 2-8,
Scola 1-2, Bennett 0-1, Patterson 0-2, Ross Rebounds—Golden State 57 (Ezeli 12), a place in the rotation was missing only on a halfcourt back, get it again. It’s great instead. He has shown that
0-3, DeRozan 0-3), Miami 8-20 (Bosh 4-7, Sacramento 53 (Rondo 12). Assists—Golden
State 27 (Green 7), Sacramento 26 (Rondo
not assured but believing heave at the buzzer. when you have guys that is not all he can bring.
T.Johnson 2-2, Wade 1-1, Deng 1-3, Winslow
0-1, Chalmers 0-1, McRoberts 0-2, Dragic 0-3).
15). A—17,317
17,317 (17,317). his talents would line up He has kept shooting share the ball, too. It’s fun. “I always had a lot more
Fouled out—None. Rebounds—Toronto 47
NBA leaders
Through Saturday
well with the Rockets’ sys- since, with the Rockets’ “When you have Dwight to show,” Thornton said.
(Biyombo, J.Johnson 7), Miami 56 (Whiteside
SCORING G FG FT PTS AVG tem, he signed with them spacing and ball move- and James, I’m standing “Just now, I’ve been in the
11). Assists—Toronto 17 (Lowry 8), Miami 18
(Chalmers 6). Total fouls—Toronto 21, Miami
Curry, GOL 7 78 43 237 33.9 in part for the chance to ment improving enough out there getting open right position to show it.”
Durant, OKC 6 61 40 179 29.8
20. A—19,600
19,600 (19,600). Harden, HOU 7 57 76 208 29.7 demonstrate his value for a for Thornton to often find shots. Sometimes it’s cra-
Knicks 99, Lakers 95 Griffin, LAC 6 70 36 176 29.3 season before returning to himself left open. And the zy. I’m like, ‘Damn, I’m so
L.A. Lakers — Bryant 6-19 4-7 18, Randle 3-12 Lillard, POR 6 60 21 164 27.3
0-0 6, Hibbert 5-9 8-10 18, Russell 3-7 0-1 6, Westbrook, OKC 6 61 30 163 27.2 free agency next summer. Rockets are 4-0 with him wide open.’ It’s on me to
Clarkson 4-13 0-0 10, L.Williams 3-12 2-3 9, Davis, NOR 6 50 46 151 25.2 His first two weeks of as a starter.
World Peace 3-4 0-0 8, Young 4-10 0-0 10, James, CLE 6 59 19 142 23.7
Nance Jr. 1-2 0-0 2, Black 4-6 0-2 8. Totals Beal, WAS 6 52 16 136 22.7
the season vividly demon- “It’s been great,” Thorn-
36-94 14-23 95. DeRozan, TOR 6 39 54 134 22.3 strated the risk and poten- ton said. “It’s been a long

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Clemson dislodges Ohio St.

from No. 1 spot in AP poll
Clemson is the new No. day that officials used the stepped out of bounds State on Saturday.
1 team in the Associated proper mechanics to in- at about the 7 and came The play came in the
Press college football poll, dicate a Nebraska player back in to catch the 30- second quarter, when
knocking Ohio State from stepped out of bounds yard pass from Tommy Washington State receiver
the top spot for the first and returned to the field Armstrong Jr. with 17 Gabe Marks appeared
time this season. before catching the win- seconds left. After hud- to be stopped short on a
The Tigers, who were ning touchdown pass dling, officials ruled Reilly fourth-down attempt as
ranked No. 1 in the first against Michigan State on was forced out of bounds a whistle blew the play
College Football Playoff Saturday night. by cornerback Jermaine dead by the officials. After
poll last week, are top- The conference, how- Edmondson — allow- huddling, the officials
ranked in the AP media ever, didn’t say whether ing Reilly to remain an determined it to be an
poll for the first time since the officials’ determina- eligible receiver. Though inadvertent whistle and
the final poll of the 1981 tion that Brandon Reilly there was slight contact gave the Cougars another
season, when Clemson was forced out of bounds between the two, tele- play.
won its only AP national — and thus able to come vision replays did not Washington State
title. back inbounds and make support that Reilly was scored on the next play
The Tigers (9-0) re- a legal catch — was right. pushed or forced out. and went on to win 38-24.
ceived 31 first-place votes “We don’t comment Referee John O’Neill
and 1,489 points after on judgment calls but announced the play Prosise suffers
beating Florida State 23-13 can confirm that proper would be reviewed. But
on Saturday. Ohio State technique was used, and the only thing replay of-
(9-0) had 26 first-place provide additional infor- ficial Tom Kissinger could Coach Brian Kelly said
votes and 1,460 points. mation on instant replay,” review under the rules running back C.J. Prosise
The defending national conference spokesman in this circumstance was is undergoing concus-
champions had been first Scott Chipman wrote in whether Reilly stepped sion protocol after being Thomas B. Shea
since the preseason. an email to the Associated out of bounds or if there injured in No. 6 Notre Rice junior guard Marcus Jackson, right, is expected
Third-ranked Alabama Press. was contact. The answer Dame’s win over Pitts- to play a key role this season after averaging 14.5
(8-1) climbed four spots The Spartans’ 39-38 to both was yes. burgh. points as a sophomore for the Owls.
and got two first place loss all but ended their He will go through a
votes, and No. 4 Baylor
also received two first-
place votes.
hopes of making the Col-
lege Football Playoff. They
dropped from No. 6 to No.
Pac-12 suspends
official for error
physical conditioning
test Monday, and Kelly is
hopeful Prosise will be
Rhoades pushes
Houston moved up to
14 in this week’s AP poll.
They were No. 7 in last
week’s initial CFP top 25.
The Pac-12 suspended
line judge Rich Troyer for
one game and downgrad-
able to play against Wake
Prosise leads Notre
freshmen hard
Big Ten: Officials
got call right
Michigan State was
trying to hold off a late
charge by Nebraska when
ed the entire officiating
crew for giving Washing-
ton State an extra down in
Dame (8-1) with 975 yards
rushing on 148 carries, an
average of 6.6 yards.
to get up to speed
The Big Ten said Sun- the Cornhuskers’ Reilly its game against Arizona From staff and wire reports By Stephanie Kuzydym Owls at a glance
2014-15 record: 12-20
Rice men’s basketball overall, 8-10 Conference
College football week in review coach Mike Rhoades al- USA.
ways notices the first play- Coach: Mike Rhoades
Navy and Oklahoma State messed up a couple of vard. Instead, the ESPN crew will be on the banks of the
ers to leave the practice (second year).
perfectly good November showdowns among undefeated Brazos for Oklahoma at Baylor. court. Players to watch:
teams. Bully for them but bad for expectant fans in the Lone TDECU Stadium still will feature a Top 25 matchup after He also can name who is • Marcus Jackson —The
Star State looking forward to a Memphis-at-Houston battle Memphis dropped from 15th to 25th and UH climbed to 16th usually last: Max Guercy, guard averaged 14.5 points
on Saturday and a Baylor-at-TCU prizefight on Nov. 27. from 18th in the Associated Press poll. Marcus Jackson and Egor per game while leading
The Midshipmen rolled over the previously unbeaten Ti- Unbeaten Oklahoma State fired the first salvo in the Koulechov. C-USA with 2.7 3-pointers
gers 45-20 on Saturday. Memphis, now with one loss, visits Big 12 race, whipping TCU 49-29 at Stillwater to take some That’s likely why the per outing last season.
undefeated UH on Saturday night in a game that might have of the luster off the day-after-Thanksgiving battle at Fort senior, junior and redshirt • Max Guercy — The point
drawn ESPN’s “College GameDay” crew to Cullen Boule- Worth between the No. 4 Bears and No. 13 Horned Frogs. sophomore transfer, re- guard led the league in
spectively, were the only free-throw accuracy at 86.4
Around the area
four-team playoff took a
serious dent courtesy of 2 Derrick Henry, Ala-
bama: In a showdown
three definite starters for
Rhoades this preseason.
• Egor Koulechov — The

1 Houston did its part to

set up a hyped contest
against Memphis with a
a 39-38 loss at Nebraska.
Tommy Armstrong drove
the Cornhuskers 91 yards for
with LSU and Leonard
Fournette, the junior running
back loaded the Crimson
The other players —
including six freshmen
— were challenging each
Arizona State transfer sat
out last season because of
transfer rules but will start
33-30 victory over Cincin- a final touchdown with 17 Tide on his back, gaining other in practice for the re- this season.
nati on Saturday at TDECU seconds remaining, and the 210 yards on 38 carries. He maining spots. By the numbers: The Owls
Stadium. The Cougars Coleman Henry Spartans blew a 12-point looked like the best back in Those six freshmen — will have 17 home games
under first-year coach lead with less than five Bryant-Denny Stadium and Harrison Brown, Amir this season. They were
Tom Herman have started
9-0 for the second time in
school history, joining the
2 Navy sank Memphis
45-20 and in doing so
sailed into the AP Top 25 for
minutes remaining.

2 Mississippi has had

some serious ups and
the best in the nation.

3 Leonard Fournette,
LSU: He spent the
Smith, Marcus Evans,
Connor Cashaw, Chad Lott
and Marquez Letcher-Ellis
7-7 last season at home,
4-10 on the road and 1-3 at
neutral sites. ... The team
2011 club. On the downside, the first time since the end downs this season — and entire season at No. 1, so one — will see significant play- averaged nine 3-point field
UH lost No. 2 running back of the 2004 season (No. this week the Rebels are bad game should not drop ing time this season, espe- goals made per game while
Ryan Jackson to a broken 24). The Midshipmen are submerged in the latter. him from the list. It came cially since Rhoades held shooting 798 treys last
collarbone that will sideline No. 22 and will try to start Arkansas defeated Mis- close, though. The Tigers one scholarship that he season. ... Rice struggled in
him the rest of the season. 8-1 for the first time since sissippi 53-52 in overtime, running back had only 31 won’t fill in order to help rebounding and turnovers,

2 Prairie View A&M and

dynamic quarterback
Trey Green scored 40 points
1963 when they play host to
SMU on Saturday.
erasing any Rebel hopes for
an SEC West crown. This is
the same team that in Sep-
yards on 19 carries in the 30-
16 loss to Alabama — the
first time he has not rushed
class numbers down the
with a -1.6 rebounding
margin and a -1.7 turnover
in the first half at Alcorn LOWS tember defeated Alabama for at least 150 yards in a Devil in the details Schedule highlights: Nov.
State and then held on for Around the area 43-37 in Tuscaloosa, Ala. game this season. During preseason, 13 at No. 14 California; Nov.
dear life in a 40-34 victory.
The Panthers are 6-1 in the
SWAC West, a game behind
1 So Kyler Murray isn’t the
savior of Texas A&M
football — at least not yet.
— a one-loss Crimson Tide
squad that in November ap-
pears invincible.
• Kansas at TCU, 11 a.m.
those freshmen probably
wondered how they got
on Rhoades’ bad side as he
19 vs. Oregon State; Dec. 19
at New Mexico.

division leader Grambling The freshman quarterback Saturday; FS1 pushed them hard to im-
State (7-0). threw three interceptions, QUOTABLE • Texas at West Virginia, 11 prove. practices for us.”


Nothing cures a college and the Aggies’ offense I wanted to hit the a.m. Saturday; ESPNU “It’s tough to come in There’s a good chance
football ailment like managed all of 10 points deep ones, not just • Alcorn State at Texas and have a guy scream and Drone will be the man in
Kansas. Texas, coming off a against the SEC’s worst de- throw. When you throw, you Southern, 1 p.m. Saturday yell at you for the small the middle for the Owls. As
24-0 loss at Iowa State, col- fense in Auburn. The Tigers just throw. You want to hit • Prairie View A&M at details like being one inch for Mency, he’s fighting for
lected 598 yards of offense prevailed 26-10 at Kyle Field the deep ones.” Alabama State, 2 p.m. over to the left,” Jackson playing time as one of four
and six sacks in a 59-20 in a drizzle, and more than — Ohio State coach Urban Saturday said. “They’ve been will- freshmen guards.
spanking of the Jayhawks 100,000 fans left soaked Meyer, when asked if he • Alabama at Mississippi ing to learn, which is the “We are going to throw
in Austin. The Longhorns and sizzling under the collar wanted to “throw deep” State, 2:30 p.m. Saturday; biggest part.” them in the fire from day
scored at least 50 points for at another inept A&M of- in the second half of a vic- CBS Attention to detail is one,” Rhoades said.
the first time in the two-sea- fensive showing. tory over Minnesota • Kansas State at Texas what Rhoades wanted his Evans and Letcher-Ellis
son Charlie Strong era.
2 Sam Houston State
grabbed a 10-0 lead HEISMAN WATCH
Tech, 2:30 p.m.; FSI
• Southern Miss at Rice,
team to focus on in the fi-
nal two weeks of the pre-
likely will switch between
roles on the court. Evans
Around the nation

1 Clemson continued
making its case as the
at McNeese State and
appeared poised to move
into a tie for the Southland
1 Corey Coleman, Baylor:
The Bears wide receiver
turned in another superb
2:30 p.m. Saturday
• Houston Baptist at
Stephen F. Austin, 3 p.m.
season, leading up to Fri-
day’s season opener at No.
14 California.
can play point and shoot-
ing guard and even fill in
at small forward. Lott and
nation’s top team with a 23- title — before the Cowboys showing with 216 receiv- Saturday “We need to continue to Cashaw also can play those
13 victory over Florida State. scored the next 27 points for ing yards in Baylor’s 31-24 • Memphis at Houston, 6 move forward as a team,” three spots.
The Tigers were ranked No. a lopsided victory and the victory at Kansas State p.m. Saturday; ESPN2 Rhoades said. “We keep Letcher-Ellis can play
1 in the first College Football SLC crown. The Bearkats on Thursday. He has 20 • Western Carolina at Texas talking to them about what anywhere along the front
Playoff ranking last week, fell to 5-2 in league action. touchdown catches in eight A&M, 6 p.m. Saturday; goes into playing … extra line.
and the Associated Press games this season, seven ESPNU shots, extra lifts. Do all the
joined the No. 1 fun Sunday Around the nation shy of the FBS record of 27 • Oklahoma at Baylor, 7 little details, and things Aggressive play
by sliding them ahead of
Ohio State and Baylor. 1 Michigan State’s
chances of making the
set by Louisiana Tech’s Troy
Edwards in 1998.
p.m. Saturday; ABC
Brent Zwerneman
add up as the year goes on.”
There’s a lot of talent
and athleticism in Rice’s
“Marcus Evans is best at
the point,” Rhoades said.
“Lott is best at the combo.
youth, but Koulechov, ju- Connor is probably best

UH one of six unbeaten teams left nior center Andrew Drone

and sophomore guard
Bishop Mency have really
at the wing but has a high
basketball IQ and can re-
ally handle the basketball.”
UH from page C1 Memphis at UH Memphis. back Marcus Dillard. stood out to Rhoades. Rhoades liked the more
When/where: 6 p.m. “We go out of the fry- “The whole goal is to aggressive style he saw
Ryan Jackson suffering a Saturday; TDECU Stadium. ing pan into the fire, so to seem like we didn’t lose Green light for transfer from his team toward the
season-ending broken col- TV/radio: ESPN2; 950 AM. speak, from Kiel to Lynch in anyone,” Winchester said. Koulechov is a transfer end of its 12-20 season.
larbone, the injuries are the back-to-back weeks,” Her- “Of course, we all know from Arizona State who sat For the 2015-16 season,
latest obstacle standing in man said. how big a player (Jackson) out last season. the Owls will fly across
the way of UH and a pos- Kiel in a 33-30 victory over That’s just fine with Win- is for our team, and he “He finds different ways the court as if doing a cho-
sible American Athletic Cincinnati, UH must now chester, who entered Satur- wants to be out there just to score the basketball,” reographed dance crafted
Conference title and trip to contend with a Memphis day’s game midway in the as bad as we want him to be Rhoades said. “He’ll shoot by their leader. Rhoades
a New Year’s Six bowl. offense that is sixth nation- third quarter after Jackson out there. All we can do is the most 3s on our team doesn’t want his players
UH, one of six remaining ally in scoring (44.8 points was injured. Before then, just work as hard as he does this year. He has the neon looking too far ahead. He
unbeaten teams, climbed per game) and seventh in the most action Winchester every day to make sure we green light. If he sees day- wants them to focus solely
to No. 16 in the Associated total offense (546.7 yards). had seen in a game this sea- can pick up the slack.” light, he knows to let it fly.” on the two halves in front
Press and coaches polls on Quarterback Paxton Lynch son was Sept. 26 against With Ryan Jackson out, Rhoades is looking for of them.
Sunday. The Cougars are has thrown for 3,014 yards Texas State, although he’s Herman said the Cougars leadership from Koulechov “For 40 minutes, if you
the highest-ranked team and 19 touchdowns. The been in the two-deep rota- will go with starter Kenneth and Drone. lock in and follow the plan
from the so-called Group of Tigers are coming off their tion the entire season. Farrow and backups Javin “He’s taken a huge step and play aggressive and go
Five conferences vying for worst game of the season in Senior Tyler White Webb and Kaliq Kokuma this offseason,” Rhoades after people, you give your-
a spot in either the Fiesta a 45-20 loss to Navy. moved into the two-deep in the backfield. said of Drone. “He’s in the self a chance,” he said.
Bowl or Peach Bowl. UH and Navy, both 5-0 Sunday, joining starters best shape of his life. He’s
After surrendering 523 in the AAC West Division, Brandon Wilson and Win- moving well. He’s getting
passing yards to Gunner hold a one-game lead over chester and third corner- on his feet. He’s had great
C4 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


Newton, Panthers top Packers to stay unbeaten

CHARLOTTE, N.C. pair of second-quarter TD er among three field goals
— Cam Newton threw passes to Garrett Celek in the second quarter.
three touchdown passes for undermanned San
and ran for another score Francisco, which won at BILLS 33, DOLPHINS 17
Sunday, and Carolina Santa Clara, Calif. Sammy Watkins had
took an important step to- Making his first start eight catches for 168 yards
ward securing home-field in more than two years, and a 44-yard touchdown
advantage throughout the Gabbert didn’t take a that broke open the game
NFC playoffs with a 37-29 sack behind an offensive for Buffalo late in the
victory over Green Bay. line that has faced heavy third quarter at Orchard
Newton completed 15 scrutiny all year. Celek Park, N.Y.
of 30 passes for 297 yards made TD catches of 1 Rookie running back
and ran for 57 yards on and 11 yards to give him Karlos Williams scored
nine carries in one of the three on the year, and the twice, and LeSean McCoy
better games of his five- 49ers’ defense flustered also scored on a 48-yard
year NFL career. Matt Ryan despite the run for the Bills.
The unbeaten Panthers patchwork use of back-
extended their regular- ups because of a rash of JETS 28, JAGUARS 23
season win streak to 12 injuries. Ryan Fitzpatrick threw
and put themselves in two touchdown passes
terrific shape in the NFC VIKINGS 21, RAMS 18 while playing with a torn
standings. Every other Adrian Peterson ligament in his left thumb,
team in the conference rushed for 125 yards on and Chris Ivory ran for
has at least two losses. 29 carries, helping set two scores in New York’s
Aaron Rodgers threw up Blair Walsh’s 40-yard victory at East Ruther-
for 369 yards and four field goal in overtime that ford, N.J.
touchdowns and led a gave Minnesota a victory Brandon Marshall
furious fourth-quarter at home after quarterback had a 20-yard TD catch
comeback from 23 points Teddy Bridgewater left after the Jets recovered
down but couldn’t Bob Leverone / Associated Press with a concussion early in a muffed punt late in the
complete it. Linebacker Carolina qauarterback Cam Newton, who passed for three touchdowns, scores the fourth quarter. fourth quarter.
Thomas Davis intercepted from 1 yard out in the second quarter of Sunday’s game against Green Bay. The Vikings ended Blake Bortles threw for
Rodgers on a fourth-and- Todd Gurley’s streak 381 yards and two touch-
goal pass at the Carolina 3 for 170 yards and two touchdowns for New came back from miss- of games with 125-plus downs for Jacksonville.
with 1:54 left. scores as the Steelers England at Foxborough, ing two games with a yards rushing at four.
rolled up 597 yards of Mass., before Washington sprained knee to pass for Gurley gained 89 yards GIANTS 32, BUCCANEERS 18
STEELERS 38, RAIDERS 35 total offense. ran its second play. 371 yards and four touch- and a touchdown on 24 Eli Manning threw for
Chris Boswell kicked Derek Carr threw Tom Brady completed downs, including a 5-yard attempts for the Rams, two touchdowns in New
an 18-yard field goal with for 301 yards with four 26 of 39 passes for 299 scoring pass to Anthony who received the overtime York’s victory at Tampa,
two seconds left to lift touchdowns and an inter- yards and two TDs, Fasano in overtime, as kickoff but went three- Fla.
Pittsburgh to a home win ception for the Raiders. including an 8-yarder to Tennessee snapped a six- and-out. Josh Brown booted four
after Ben Roethlisberger Oakland running back Edelman on the open- game skid with a victory Marcus Sherels tiptoed field goals for the Giants,
left with a potentially seri- Latavius Murray ran ing drive. The unbeaten at New Orleans. along the sideline for a including fourth-quarter
ous left foot injury. for 96 yards but left in Patriots then pulled off a The Saints, who had 26-yard return of Johnny kicks of 53 and 44 yards
The Steelers survived the third quarter with a surprise onside kick, but won three in a row, led 21- Hekker’s 63-yard punt, that gave New York some
after Roethlisberger potential concussion. that drive stalled when 10 but could not put away and Peterson ran the ball breathing room after the
exited midway through Roethlisberger passed Edelman fumbled. the Titans, who turned well into Walsh’s range Buccaneers pulled within
the fourth quarter after for 334 yards with two Washington could in a feisty performance to give Minnesota its two points.
getting sacked by Aldon touchdowns and a pick manage only a single play: in their first game since seventh consecutive home The Giants’ defense,
Smith. Replacement as he moved past Hall of Kirk Cousins’ pass that coach Ken Whisenhunt victory. bolstered by the return
Landry Jones found Anto- Famers Johnny Unitas bounced off Pierre Gar- was fired and replaced by Greg Zuerlein kicked of Jason Pierre-Paul, did
nio Brown for a 57-yard and Joe Montana and into çon and was intercepted Mike Mularkey. four field goals for its part by keeping the Ja-
reception on Pittsburgh’s 13th on the NFL list for by Logan Ryan. New Brees was 28-of-39 the Rams, including a meis Winston-led Tampa
final drive to set up Bo- career yards passing. England then marched passing for 389 yards and 53-yarder with 17 seconds Bay offense out of the
swell’s winning kick. downfield to make it 14-0 three TDs. He also scored left in regulation to make end zone until the rookie
Brown finished with PATRIOTS 27 on Blount’s 5-yard score. on a short keeper. up for the 48-yarder that scrambled 10 yards for
17 catches for 284 yards, WASHINGTON 10 went wide right a few a TD that made it 20-18
both franchise records. Julian Edelman and TITANS 34, SAINTS 28 49ERS 17, FALCONS 16 minutes before. Zuerlein with 9:25 remaining.
DeAngelo Williams ran LeGarrette Blount scored Rookie Marcus Mariota Blaine Gabbert threw a had a career-long 61-yard- From wire reports

Panthers 37, Packers 29 Second quarter Andrews 1-23. Receiving—Oakland, Crabtree 7-108, Cooper
Green Bay 7 0 7 15 — 29 Mia—Miller 1 run (Franks kick), 11:28. New Orleans, Snead 6-95, Watson 5-60, 7-88, Roberts 3-73, Rivera 2-16, Murray 2-(mi-
Carolina 3 24 3 7 — 37 Buf—FG Carpenter 43, 7:08. Cooks 4-73, Ingram 4-42, Colston 3-37, Cole- nus 1), L. Smith 1-10, Jones 1-6, Walford 1-1.
First quarter Buf—Ka. Williams 11 run (Carpenter kick), man 2-58, Hill 2-21, Spiller 1-2, Hoomanawa- Pittsburgh, Brown 17-284, Miller 3-32,
Car—FG Gano 20, 10:12. 2:26. nui 1-1. Bryant 3-31, D. Williams 2-55, James 2-13,
GB—R. Rodgers 1 pass from A. Rodgers Third quarter Missed field goals—Tennessee, Succop 55. Wheaton 1-(minus 2).
(Crosby kick), :55. Mia—Miller 1 run (Franks kick), 10:05. New Orleans, Forbath 46 (BK). Missed field goals—Pittsburgh, Boswell
Second quarter Buf—Watkins 44 pass from Taylor (Carpenter Vikings 21, Rams 18 (OT) 41 (WL).
Car—Newton 1 run (Gano kick), 12:09. kick), 2:21. 49ers 17, Falcons 16
Car—Olsen 7 pass from Newton (Gano kick), Fourth quarter NFL AT A GLANCE St. Louis
6 9 0 3 0 — 18
10 0 8 0 3 — 21 Atlanta 3 10 0 3 — 16
8:55. Buf—Ka. Williams 38 run (Carpenter kick),
Car—FG Gano 49, 4:59. 8:35. AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE First quarter San Francisco 0 17 0 0 — 17
Min—FG Walsh 34, 10:19. First quarter
Car—Brown 39 pass from Newton (Gano Mia—FG Franks 48, 3:53. South W L T PF PA East W L T PF PA Min—Peterson 6 run (Walsh kick), 5:24. Atl—FG Bryant 44, 9:24.
kick), :41. A—70,214. StL—Gurley 1 run (run failed), 1:09. Second quarter
Mia Buf
Indianapolis 4 5 0 200 227 N.Y. Giants 5 4 0 247226
Third quarter Second quarter SF—Celek 1 pass from Gabbert (Dawson
GB—Cobb 53 pass from A. Rodgers (Crosby First downs ......................................29 18 Houston 3 5 0 174 205 Philadelphia 4 4 0 193 164 StL—FG Zuerlein 61, 10:55. kick), 13:41.
Total net yards..............................397 420
kick), 14:00. Jacksonville 2 6 0 170235 Washington 3 5 0 158 195 StL—FG Zuerlein 35, 3:23. Atl—FG Bryant 36, 6:05.
Car—FG Gano 22, 4:48. Rushes-yards...........................23-106 36-266 StL—FG Zuerlein 45, :00. SF—FG Dawson 44, 3:20.
Fourth quarter Passing ........................................... 291 154 Tennessee 2 6 0 159 187 Dallas 2 6 0 160204 Third quarter SF—Celek 11 pass from Gabbert (Dawson
Car—Funchess 14 pass from Newton (Gano Punt returns .................................2-18 0-0 East W L T PF PA South W L T PF PA Min—Bridgewater 6 run (Bridgewater run), 8:39. kick), 1:16.
kick), 9:22. Kickoff returns............................ 4-50 3-32 Fourth quarter Atl—Freeman 17 pass from Ryan (Bryant
GB—Starks 29 pass from A. Rodgers (Adams Interceptions ret.......................... 0-0 0-0 New England 8 0 0 276 143 Carolina 8 0 0 228165 StL—FG Zuerlein 53, :12. kick), :13.
pass from A. Rodgers), 7:54. Comp-att-int........................ 28-37-0 11-12-0 N.Y. Jets 5 3 0 200162 Atlanta 6 3 0 229190 Overtime Fourth quarter
GB—R. Rodgers 3 pass from A. Rodgers Sacked-yards lost....................... 2-27 3-27 Min—FG Walsh 40, 9:20. Atl—FG Bryant 19, 2:56.
(Crosby kick), 3:43. Punts...........................................3-31.3 3-50.0 Buffalo 4 4 0 209 190 New Orleans 4 5 0 241268 A—52,406. A—70,799.
A—74,461. Fumbles-lost.................................. 3-1 0-0 Miami 3 5 0 171 206 Tampa Bay 3 5 0 181 231 StL Min Atl SF
GB Car Penalties-yards.......................... 8-62 13-94 First downs ...................................... 18 21 First downs .......................................17 18
Time of possession ..................28:47 31:13
North W L T PF PA North W L T PF PA Total net yards............................. 302 318
First downs .......................................21 20 Total net yards............................. 320 293
Total net yards.............................402 427 Individual statistics Cincinnati 8 0 0 229142 Minnesota 6 2 0 168140 Rushes-yards.......................... 36-160 35-145 Rushes-yards...............................14-17 39-133
Rushing—Miami, Miller 12-44, Ajayi 5-41, Passing .......................................... 285 185
Rushes-yards.............................. 19-71 36-130 Pittsburgh 5 4 0 206 182 Green Bay 6 2 0 203167 Passing ...........................................160 148
Landry 4-18, Tannehill 2-3. Punt returns ................................4-76 1-17
Passing ........................................... 331 297 Punt returns ................................ 4-27 4-40
Punt returns ................................ 4-18 5-35 Buffalo, McCoy 16-112, Ka. Williams 9-110, Baltimore 2 6 0 190214 Chicago 2 5 0 140202 Kickoff returns.............................. 0-0 4-96
Kickoff returns............................ 4-115 3-80
Taylor 10-44, Woods 1-0. Interceptions ret........................... 2-2 0-0
Kickoff returns.............................. 3-71 2-33 Cleveland 2 7 0 177 247 Detroit 1 7 0 149 245 Interceptions ret............................1-0 0-0
Comp-att-int........................30-45-0 15-26-2
Interceptions ret............................1-4 1-(-1) Passing—Miami, Tannehill 27-36-0-309, Comp-att-int.........................18-33-0 15-27-1
Comp-att-int.........................25-48-1 15-30-1 Landry 1-1-0-9. West W L T PF PA West W L T PF PA Sacked-yards lost..........................1-8 1-11
Sacked-yards lost........................2-18 0-0
Punts..........................................7-43.4 5-48.2
Sacked-yards lost.......................5-38 0-0 Buffalo, Taylor 11-12-0-181. Denver 7 1 0 192 139 Arizona 6 2 0 263153 Punts.........................................8-46.5 8-41.8 Fumbles-lost..................................1-0 0-0
Punts.........................................8-44.6 6-48.2 Receiving—Miami, Landry 11-69, Miller 7-97, Fumbles-lost................................ 0-0 2-0
Fumbles-lost.................................. 2-1 0-0 Matthews 4-54, Stills 3-74, Sims 1-9, Tan- Oakland 4 4 0 213 211 St. Louis 4 4 0 153 146 Penalties-yards..........................12-87 6-67
Penalties-yards.......................... 6-63 5-30
Time of possession ................. 32:08 27:52
Penalties-yards........................... 7-87 6-45 nehill 1-9, Cameron 1-6. Kansas City 3 5 0 195 182 Seattle 4 4 0 167 140 Time of possession .................. 32:27 33:13 Individual statistics
Time of possession ..................27:48 32:12 Buffalo, Watkins 8-168, McCoy 2-7, Clay 1-6. Individual statistics
San Diego 2 6 0 191 227 San Francisco 3 6 0 126 223 Rushing—Atlanta, Freeman 12-12, Coleman
Individual statistics Jets 28, Jaguars 23 Rushing—St. Louis, Gurley 24-89, Austin 1-3, Ryan 1-2.
Rushing—Green Bay, Starks 10-39, A.Rodgers Jacksonville 3 7 3 10 — 23 Week 9 results/schedule 8-66, Mason 3-3, Foles 1-2. San Francisco, Draughn 16-58, Gabbert 9-32,
4-22, Lacy 5-10. Carolina, Stewart 20-66, N.Y. Jets 14 0 7 7 — 28 Minnesota, Peterson 29-125, Bridgewater Gaskins 7-20, P. Thomas 4-12, Ellington 1-7,
Newton 9-57, Whittaker 2-13, Tolbert 3-7,
Thursday’s result N.Y. Jets 28 Jacksonville 23 3-17, Asiata 2-4, Hill 1-(minus 1).
First quarter Miller 2-4.
Webb 1-(minus 1), Brown 1-(minus 12). Jax—FG Myers 45, 8:59. Cincinnati 31 Cleveland 10 Pittsburgh 38 Oakland 35 Passing—St. Louis, Foles 18-33-0-168. Passing—Atlanta, Ryan 30-45-0-303.
Passing—Green Bay, A.Rodgers 25-48-1-369. Minnesota, Bridgewater 13-21-1-144, Hill San Francisco, Gabbert 15-25-2-185, Kaepe-
NYJ—Decker 7 pass from Fitzpatrick (Quigley Sunday’s results San Francisco 17 Atlanta 16
Carolina, Newton 15-30-1-297. kick), 5:08. 2-6-0-15. rnick 0-1-0-0.
Receiving—Green Bay, Adams 7-93, Starks NYJ—Ivory 1 run (Quigley kick), :43. Tennessee 34New Orleans 28 (OT) N.Y. Giants 32 Tampa Bay 18 Receiving—St. Louis, Austin 4-15, Britt 3-87, Receiving—Atlanta, Jones 10-137, Freeman
6-83, R.Rodgers 5-19, Cobb 4-99, J.Jones 2-57, Second quarter Minnesota 21 St. Louis 18 (OT) Indianapolis 27 Denver 24 Gurley 3-20, Kendricks 2-25, Bailey 2-13, Cook 8-67, Tamme 6-61, Hardy 4-17, White 1-20,
Ripkowski 1-18. Carolina, Olsen 4-66, Cotchery Jax—Hurns 30 pass from Bortles (Myers 1-10, Marquez 1-3, Quick 1-(minus 1), Mason Toilolo 1-1.
3-82, Funchess 3-71, Brown 2-50, Ginn Jr. 1-20, Carolina 37 Green Bay 29 Philadelphia 33 Dallas 27 (OT) 1-(minus 4). San Francisco, Draughn 4-38, Patton 3-70,
kick), :14.
Dickson 1-6, Stewart 1-2. Third quarter New England 27 Washington 10 Today’s game Minnesota, Diggs 3-42, Rudolph 2-30, Peter- Smith 2-44, McDonald 2-19, Celek 2-12,
Missed field goals—Carolina, Gano 43 (WL). son 2-18, Ellison 2-11, McKinnon 2-11, Ellington 2-2.
Jax—FG Myers 39, 4:32. Buffalo 33 Miami 17 Chicago at San Diego 7:30 C. Johnson 1-25, Wright 1-12, Pruitt 1-6,
Patriots 27, Washington 10 NYJ—Ivory 1 run (Quigley kick), 2:02. Off: Arizona, Baltimore, Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Seattle Giants 32, Buccaneers 18
Washington 0 3 0 7 — 10 Fourth quarter Wallace 1-4. N.Y. Giants 10 7 3 12 — 32
Missed field goals—St. Louis, Zuerlein 48
New England 14 3 3 7 — 27 Jax—FG Myers 35, 10:18.
NYJ—Marshall 20 pass from Fitzpatrick
Week 10 schedule (WR).
Tampa Bay
First quarter
6 3 3 6 — 18
First quarter Thursday’s game
NE—Edelman 8 pass from Brady (Gostkowski (Quigley kick), 2:41. Steelers 38, Raiders 35 TB—FG Barth 25, 13:26.
kick), 9:01. Jax—Walters 20 pass from Bortles (Myers Time Open. line Cur. line O/U TV Oakland 7 7 7 14 — 35 NYG—FG Brown 35, 9:52.
NE—Blount 5 run (Gostkowski kick), 4:30. kick), 2:16. Buffalo at N.Y. Jets 7:25 N.Y. 3 N.Y. 3 43½ NFL Pittsburgh 3 18 0 17 — 38 TB—FG Barth 28, 8:04.
Second quarter A—78,160. First quarter NYG—Randle 8 pass from Manning (Brown
Sunday’s games
NE—FG Gostkowski 21, 7:56. Jax NYJ Oak—Crabtree 22 pass from Carr (Janikowski kick), :53.
Was—FG Hopkins 23, :13. First downs ...................................... 19 14 Time Open. line Cur. line O/U TV kick), 12:10. Second quarter
Third quarter Total net yards............................. 436 290 Detroit at Green Bay noon G.B. 12 G.B. 12 47½ Pit—FG Boswell 34, 4:40. NYG—Vereen 4 pass from Manning (Brown
NE—FG Gostkowski 21, 7:32. Rushes-yards.............................19-98 28-29 Second quarter kick), 11:20.
Carolina at Tennessee noon Car. 4½ Car. 4½ 42½
Fourth quarter Passing .......................................... 338 261 Pit—D. Williams 3 run (D. Williams pass from TB—FG Barth 21, :06.
NE—Bolden 18 pass from Brady (Gostkowski Punt returns ................................2-20 4-42 Chicago at St. Louis noon StL 8 StL 8 NL Roethlisberger), 13:57. Third quarter
kick), 11:28. Kickoff returns............................ 4-117 4-115 Dallas at Tampa Bay noon NL NL NL Fox Oak—Cooper 15 pass from Carr (Janikowski NYG—FG Brown 35, 11:49.
Was—Reed 3 pass from Cousins (Hopkins Interceptions ret.......................... 0-0 2-8 New Orleans at Washington noon N.O. 1½ N.O. 1½ 50½ kick), 6:05. TB—FG Barth 53, 7:15.
kick), :25. Comp-att-int........................24-40-2 21-34-0 Pit—D. Williams 3 run (Boswell kick), 1:56. Fourth quarter
A—66,829. Sacked-yards lost...................... 6-43 2-11 Miami at Philadelphia noon NL NL NL Pit—FG Boswell 38, :29. TB—Winston 10 run (pass failed), 9:25.
Was NE Punts.........................................5-40.6 9-39.0 Cleveland at Pittsburgh noon NL NL NL Third quarter NYG—FG Brown 53, 7:18.
First downs ...................................... 16 27 Fumbles-lost................................. 3-2 1-0 Jacksonville at Baltimore noon Bal. 6 Bal. 6 48½ Oak—Walford 1 pass from Carr (Janikowski NYG—FG Brown 44, :23.
Total net yards.............................250 460 Penalties-yards.......................... 4-30 6-41 kick), 7:02. NYG—Wade 5 fumble return (run failed), :00.
Rushes-yards..............................15-37 37-161 Time of possession .................. 29:16 30:44
Minnesota at Oakland 3:05 NL NL NL Fourth quarter A—64,351.
Passing ........................................... 213 299 Individual statistics Kansas City at Denver 3:25 Den. 7 Den. 7 42½ Pit—Bryant 14 pass from Roethlisberger NYG TB
Punt returns ...................................1-9 2-(-2) Rushing—Jacksonville, Yeldon 14-64, Bortles New England at N.Y. Giants 3:25 N.E. 7 N.E. 7 54½ (Boswell kick), 12:13. First downs ......................................24 19
Kickoff returns............................ 3-48 2-18 4-32, D. Robinson 1-2. Pit—James 4 pass from Roethlisberger Total net yards..............................327 385
Interceptions ret......................... 1-44 1-13 N.Y. Jets, Ivory 23-26, Stacy 1-3, Fitzpatrick
Arizona at Seattle 7:30 Sea. 3 Sea. 3 44½ NBC (Boswell kick), 11:24. Rushes-yards............................33-114 23-136
Comp-att-int......................... 22-40-1 26-39-1 4-0. Monday’s game Oak—Olawale 19 run (Janikowski kick), 9:32. Passing ........................................... 213 249
Sacked-yards lost..........................1-4 0-0 Passing—Jacksonville, Bortles 24-40-2-381. Time
Open. line Cur. line O/U TV Oak—Crabtree 38 pass from Carr (Janikowski Punt returns ................................. 0-0 1-1
Punts......................................... 4-47.0 2-34.5 N.Y. Jets, Fitzpatrick 21-34-0-272. kick), 1:15. Kickoff returns.............................2-54 4-87
Houston at Cincinnati Cin. 11 7:30
Cin. 11 47½ESPN Pit—FG Boswell 18, :02. Interceptions ret.......................... 0-0 2-34
Fumbles-lost.................................. 2-1 2-1 Receiving—Jacksonville, A. Robinson 6-121,
Penalties-yards........................... 4-27 6-43 Hurns 5-122, Walters 5-54, Yeldon 3-37, KIAH A—65,520. Comp-att-int........................26-40-2 19-36-0
Oak Pit Sacked-yards lost........................ 0-0 0-0
Time of possession ..................22:55 37:05 Thomas 3-14, Lewis 1-27, Jacobs 1-6. Off: Atlanta, Indianapolis, San Diego, San Francisco
Individual statistics N.Y. Jets, Decker 6-79, Thompkins 4-45, First downs ......................................24 27 Punts..........................................1-64.0 2-42.5
Rushing—Washington, Jones 11-27, Morris Marshall 4-44, Ivory 3-22, Kerley 2-22, Total net yards.............................440 597 Fumbles-lost..................................1-0 4-3
4-10. Cumberland 1-44, Stacy 1-16. STANDINGS SPONSORED BY Rushes-yards...........................25-139 30-195 Penalties-yards.......................... 6-49 9-79
Passing ...........................................301 402 Time of possession ..................34:55 25:05
New England, Blount 29-129, Lewis 4-14, Titans 34, Saints 28 (OT) Punt returns ....................................1-1 3-2 Individual statistics
Bolden 1-12, Amendola 1-8, Brady 1-(minus 1), Tennessee 10 7 3 8 6 — 34 Fourth quarter Comp-att-int........................28-39-0 28-39-1
Kickoff returns............................. 5-74 4-83 Rushing—N.Y. Giants, Jennings 13-48,
Garoppolo 1-(minus 1). New Orleans 14 7 0 7 0 — 28 NO—Hoomanawanui 1 pass from Brees Sacked-yards lost........................ 0-0 4-32
Interceptions ret.............................1-1 1-25 Williams 7-30, Darkwa 6-23, Vereen 6-14,
Passing—Washington, Cousins 22-40-1-217. First quarter (Forbath kick), 11:32. Punts.........................................5-50.6 4-45.8 Comp-att-int.........................24-44-1 28-50-1 Manning 1-(minus 1).
New England, Brady 26-39-1-299. NO—Hill 10 pass from Brees (Forbath kick), Ten—Hunter 8 pass from Mariota (Walker Fumbles-lost.................................. 2-1 1-1 Sacked-yards lost........................ 0-0 1-11 Tampa Bay, Sims 8-78, Martin 11-31, Winston
Receiving—Washington, Crowder 6-50, 9:46. pass from Mariota), 7:06. Penalties-yards..........................9-66 8-75 Punts..........................................7-39.6 5-41.6 3-24, Rainey 1-3.
Garcon 4-70, Reed 3-18, Jackson 3-15, Roberts Ten—FG Succop 51, 6:58. Overtime Time of possession ...................32:21 32:49 Fumbles-lost................................. 5-3 1-1 Passing—N.Y. Giants, Manning 26-40-2-213.
2-26, Thompson 2-21, Jones 2-17. NO—Cooks 38 pass from Brees (Forbath Ten—Fasano 5 pass from Mariota, 9:50. Individual statistics Penalties-yards............................3-21 5-42 Tampa Bay, Winston 19-36-0-249.
New England, LaFell 5-102, Edelman 5-55, kick), 3:44. A—73,075. Rushing—Tennessee, Andrews 19-88, Mc- Time of possession .................. 27:56 32:04 Receiving—N.Y. Giants, Beckham Jr. 9-105,
Gronkowski 4-47, Lewis 4-39, Amendola 4-24, Ten—Walker 61 pass from Mariota (Succop Ten NO Cluster 8-19, Mariota 1-5. Individual statistics Randle 5-40, Vereen 4-29, Tye 2-19, Cun-
Bolden 3-27, Chandler 1-5. kick), 1:00. First downs ......................................25 29 New Orleans, Ingram 21-52, Spiller 2-8, Rushing—Oakland, Murray 17-96, Reece 3-21, ningham 2-10, Williams 1-7, White 1-3, D.Harris
Bills 33, Dolphins 17 Second quarter Total net yards.............................483 416 Brees 3-(minus 1). Olawale 1-19, Carr 2-3, Jones 2-0. 1-1, Jennings 1-(minus 1).
Miami 0 7 7 3 — 17 NO—Brees 1 run (Forbath kick), 11:01. Rushes-yards............................28-112 26-59 Passing—Tennessee, Mariota 28-39-0-371. Pittsburgh, D. Williams 27-170, Brown 2-22, Tampa Bay, Evans 8-152, Humphries 5-55,
Buffalo 9 10 7 7 — 33 Ten—Walker 2 pass from Mariota (Succop Passing ............................................371 357 New Orleans, Brees 28-39-1-389. Todman 1-3. Martin 2-12, Brate 1-17, Lane 1-5, Dye 1-4,
First quarter kick), 8:08. Punt returns .................................2-12 3-21 Receiving—Tennessee, Walker 7-95, Green- Passing—Oakland, Carr 24-44-1-301. Sims 1-4.
Buf—Team safety, 11:48. Third quarter Kickoff returns............................ 4-96 3-82 Beckham 5-77, Douglas 5-73, Fasano 3-33, Pittsburgh, Roethlisberger 24-44-1-334, Missed field goals—Tampa Bay, Barth 43
Buf—McCoy 48 run (Carpenter kick), 8:50. Ten—FG Succop 29, 7:17. Interceptions ret............................1-0 0-0 Hunter 3-17, McCluster 2-28, Stevens 2-25, L. Jones 4-6-0-79. (WR).
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | C5


Extra period brings more heartbreak to Dallas

Losing streak Eagles 33,Cowboys 27 (OT)
Philadelphia 0 7 7 13 6 — 33
reaches six, Dallas
First quarter
7 0 7 13 0 — 27

longest for club Dal—Beasley 5 pass from Cassel (Bailey

kick), 6:44.
in 26 years Second quarter
Phi—Murray 1 run (Sturgis kick), 9:01.
Third quarter
By Schuyler Dixon Phi—Mathews 6 run (Sturgis kick), 8:36.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Dal—Beasley 17 pass from Cassel (Bailey
kick), 2:04.
Fourth quarter
ARLINGTON — De- Phi—Hicks 67 interception return (Sturgis
kick), 12:47.
Marco Murray put Phila- Dal—Bryant 18 pass from Cassel (Bailey
delphia in position to win kick), 10:52.
Phi—FG Sturgis 31, 7:22.
in his return to Dallas. Dal—FG Bailey 41, 2:53.
Sam Bradford and Jordan Phi—FG Sturgis 53, 1:46.
Matthews finished off the Dal—FG Bailey 44, :02.
Cowboys. Phi—Matthews 41 pass from Bradford, 10:59.
Bradford threw a 41- A—91,827.
Phi Dal
yard touchdown pass to First downs ......................................25 25
Matthews in overtime, and Total net yards.............................459 411
Rushes-yards............................35-172 29-134
the Eagles sent the Cow- Passing ...........................................287 277
boys to their longest losing Punt returns ................................. 0-0 2-5
Kickoff returns.............................. 0-0 1-79
streak in 26 years with a Interceptions ret..........................1-67 0-0
33-27 victory Sunday night. Comp-att-int........................25-36-0 25-38-1
Sacked-yards lost..........................1-8 4-22
Matthews broke away Punts.........................................5-48.2 4-43.8
from rookie defensive Fumbles-lost................................ 0-0 2-0
back Byron Jones and ran Penalties-yards......................... 10-70
Time of possession ..................25:42
past safety J.J. Wilcox on Individual statistics
the first possession of over- Rushing—Philadelphia, Murray 18-83,
Mathews 11-67, Sproles 5-23, Bradford
time to hand Dallas (2-6) its 1-(minus 1).
sixth straight loss. The last Ronald Martinez / Getty Images Dallas, McFadden 27-117, Cassel 2-17.
Passing—Philadelphia, Bradford 25-36-
time Dallas lost that many After leaving Cowboys defenders in his wake, Jordan Matthews scampers into the end zone to complete a 41- 0-295.
in a row was in 1989 when yard pass play and give the Eagles an overtime victory Sunday night at AT&T Stadium. Dallas, Cassel 25-38-1-299.
Receiving—Philadelphia, Matthews 9-133,
it dropped eight straight Murray 6-78, Ertz 5-44, Huff 2-10, Sproles 2-3,
and finished 1-15. Murray had 161 total back after missing five down to start overtime. The Cowboys forced Austin 1-27.
Dallas, Beasley 9-112, Witten 6-43, Bryant
“Me and Byron had been yards — 83 rushing and with a broken right foot. New Orleans’ Drew Brees overtime with a 54-yard 5-104, Te. Williams 3-27, Whitehead 1-8,
competing all game,” said 78 receiving — in his first Dallas defensive line- threw an 80-yard TD pass drive to Dan Bailey’s 44- McFadden 1-5.
Matthews, who had nine game on his old home field man Greg Hardy had a on the second play of the yard field goal that car-
catches for 133 yards. “He after winning the NFL sack and two penalties, extra period in Week 4. omed off the left upright 18-yarder to Bryant in the
doesn’t play like a rookie, rushing title with the Cow- including an unsports- This time, Murray had a and went through. Byron end zone when he threw
and he’s so aggressive. We boys last season. manlike conduct call, a day 20-yard run to get the drive Maxwell was called for up a jump ball after a Ro-
said let’s try and go with a “They’re a tough oppo- after he tweeted “regret” in going. Bradford’s winning pass interference twice mo-like spin out a potential
double move. Sam threw it nent. They’re like family response to the release of toss on his 28th birthday against Bryant on the sack. But the big mistake
right on the money.” to me,” said Murray, who pictures of his bruised ex- came a play after officials drive. to Hicks left him with the
Jordan Hicks had a 67- broke Emmitt Smith’s Dal- girlfriend from his domes- originally ruled a fumble Bryant had 104 yards on same 0-3 record Brandon
yard interception return las rushing record with tic violence case. at the end of a run by Ryan five catches, and Cole Bea- Weeden had filling in for
for a touchdown for the Ea- 1,845 yards last season and “Greg has a commit- Mathews. But replays sley had career highs with Romo.
gles (4-4) in just the second is starting to churn out ment to us,” Dallas owner showed his knee was down nine catches for 112 yards Hicks stepped in front of
overtime game for teams yardage after a slow start Jerry Jones said. “He has a before the ball came out. with two touchdowns, a pass in the flat for Darren
that have met 114 times. this year. “This one’s spe- commitment to do the right “Jordan did a great job which matched his total McFadden and sprinted 67
The Cowboys have lost cial. A lot of emotion.” thing. We expect him to do running that route,” Brad- from a win against Chicago yards untouched. Cassel
every game without quar- Dallas All-Pro receiver the right thing.” ford said. “It was some- last year. hung his head as he slowed
terback Tony Romo, who Dez Bryant had his first It was the second time thing that we worked on Matt Cassel threw up, realizing he had no
will miss at least one more touchdown catch of the during the skid that Dallas all week. Best birthday for 299 yards and three chance to catch the former
with a broken collarbone. season in his second game lost by giving up a touch- present ever.” touchdowns, including an Texas linebacker.


Luck of old helps send

Denver to first defeat
By Michael Marot Colts 27, Broncos 24 But that was not the
Denver 0 7 10 7 — 24
ASSOCIATED PRESS Indianapolis 7 10 0 10 — 27
record Manning really
First quarter wanted to break in a venue
INDIANAPOLIS — An- Ind—Gore 7 run (Vinatieri kick), 6:48.
Second quarter
many credit him with help-
drew Luck finally reverted Ind—FG Vinatieri 43, 12:13. ing build. He also will have
to his old form Sunday — Ind—Doyle 3 pass from Luck (Vinatieri to wait to break Favre’s re-
kick), 7:12.
and the Indianapolis Colts Den—Bolden 83 punt return (McManus cord for most career regu-
finally looked like the team kick), :00. lar-season wins (186) by a
Third quarter
everyone expected. Den—Sanders 64 pass from Manning
quarterback after going 21-
Now they just have to (McManus kick), 11:27. for-36 with 281 yards, two
keep playing this way. Den—FG McManus 29, 4:57. TDs and two interceptions.
Fourth quarter
Luck threw two touch- Ind—Bradshaw 8 pass from Luck (Vinatieri The Broncos (7-1) were
down passes and set up kick), 14:05. the only one of the NFL’s
Den—Daniels 1 pass from Manning (McManus
Adam Vinatieri for a tie- kick), 8:54. four unbeaten teams to lose
breaking 55-yard field goal Ind—FG Vinatieri 55, 6:13. this weekend.
with 6:13 left, giving India- A—66,894.
Den Ind
“I’ve been in enough
napolis a 27-24 victory over First downs ...................................... 16 27 situations like that in my
Denver that ruined Peyton Total net yards.............................309 365 career where I’ve been able
Rushes-yards............................. 14-35 40-120
Manning’s homecoming. Passing ...........................................274 245 to focus on the task at hand
“That’s who we need to Punt returns ................................ 1-83 3-2 — trying to win the foot-
Kickoff returns............................ 2-69 2-33
be consistently,” Luck said. Interceptions ret.......................... 0-0 2-1
ball game,” Manning said AJ Mast / Associated Press
“Probably a little bit of soul Comp-att-int..........................21-36-2 21-36-0 after losing his second in a The Colts’ Jack Doyle, left, dives for the end zone to top off a 3-yard catch with a
searching, trying to figure Sacked-yards lost...........................1-7
row at Lucas Oil Stadium second-quarter score despite the best efforts of the Broncos’ Darian Stewart.
out what we want to be. Fumbles-lost................................ 0-0 0-0 in what could be his final
The truth of the matter is Penalties-yards.......................... 8-56 4-30 game in Indianpolis. “I • They committed only ues playing this way. on Omar Bolden’s 83-yard
Time of possession ....................21:21 38:39
we have the pieces, which is Individual statistics kind of dealt with (the emo- four penalties, and the 17-0 He was 21-of-36 passing punt return on the last play
pretty darn obvious.” Rushing—Denver, Anderson 7-34, Hillman 7-1. tions) a few years ago. I felt lead they took in the first for 252 yards and guided of the first half. Manning
Indianapolis, Gore 28-83, Luck 6-34,
The Colts (4-5) ended a Bradshaw 6-3.
like this time coming back half was their largest of the the Colts on two tiebreak- started the second half with
three-game losing streak, Passing—Denver, Manning 21-36-2-281. was just playing against a season. ing drives in the fourth a 64-yard TD pass to Em-
won for the first time in six Indianapolis, Luck 21-36-0-252. good football team.” That’s exactly what In- quarter. manuel Sanders, and the
Receiving—Denver, Daniels 6-102, Sanders
tries outside the horrible 6-90, Thomas 5-50, Fowler 2-22, Green 1-13, A Colts team that was dianapolis needed. The first ended with an Broncos tied it on a 29-yard
AFC South and moved a Anderson 1-4. mired in turmoil. 8-yard TD pass to Ahmad field goal from Brandon
Indianapolis, Hilton 5-82, Whalen 5-73,
half-game ahead of the Tex- Fleener 4-22, Moncrief 3-30, Doyle 2-18, Gore
Just five days after offen- Fourth-quarter magic Bradshaw that gave Indy a McManus.
ans for the division lead. 1-19, Bradshaw 1-8. sive coordinator Pep Ham- “We really feel we’ve 24-17 lead. After Manning But they never got the
ilton was fired, Manning’s competed with the best tied the score on a 1-yard lead.
Ill-fated return for QB run the final six minutes off successor played like the football teams in the league TD pass to Owen Daniels, “We dug ourselves a hole
Manning fell 3 yards the clock. best young quarterback in — Denver, New England, Luck took Indianapolis in the first half and showed
short of becoming the Denver’s quarterback football. The Colts followed Carolina,” team owner Jim back down the field and set a lot of character getting out
NFL’s career passing leader heads into next weekend’s his lead: Irsay said. “We still feel we up Vinatieri for his longest of that hole,” Denver coach
— after his second intercep- game against Kansas City • They started fast and can go the places we dream field goal since coming to Gary Kubiak said. “We just
tion and two late defensive with 71,836 career yards; finished strong. of going.” Indy in 2006. weren’t able to close the
penalties allowed Indy to Brett Favre had 71,838. • They had no turnovers. They can if Luck contin- Denver closed to 17-7 deal.”

AFC South perhaps can take its cue from NFC South’s upsurge
AFC from page C1 that plagued him earlier The Texans play an- to the lineup after missing road game of the season. awful. Carolina won the
this season, which is bad other five games before two games with a strained The Texans find out division with a 7-8-1 record
The Texans return to news for the rest of the their second game against knee ligament and threw Nov. 29 if they can do to the and upset Arizona at home
the practice field Monday division. the Colts, who won the for 371 yards and four Saints what the Titans did in the wild-card round.
to begin preparations for Luck outplayed Peyton first one 27-20. Because the touchdowns in the 34-28 to them. They host New There weren’t high
their Nov. 16 prime-time Manning in his return to Texans have never won at overtime victory. Orleans one week after expectations for the NFC
game against undefeated Lucas Oil Stadium. The Indianapolis, a sweep by The Titans are 2-6, they entertain the Jets and South this season, but the
Cincinnati. Colts seem to have the the Colts seems assured. including a victory over the week before they visit division has been a huge
The Bengals are one of Broncos’ number. Last The Colts weren’t the Tampa Bay in the season Buffalo. surprise, beginning with
the league’s three unbeaten season, the Colts elimi- only AFC South team to opener. Mariota threw four the unbeaten Panthers.
teams, joining New Eng- nated the Broncos from make a good impression touchdown passes in each 3 unbeatens on schedule Tampa Bay (3-5) has
land and Carolina. the playoffs by winning in Sunday. Usually, the divi- of the two wins. The Texans will play the worst record. If the
The Broncos were fa- Denver. sion is ridiculed for being The Texans were fortu- or have played the three Buccaneers played in the
vored to beat the Colts, but so bad, but Tennessee also nate Mariota was sidelined teams this season that are AFC South, they’d be tied
they suffered their first de- Big return for Mariota put on a sterling perfor- in their 20-6 victory at currently unbeaten. They with the Texans for second
feat because they couldn’t This was supposed mance. NRG Stadium on Nov. 1. lost 24-17 at Carolina. A place instead of five games
stop quarterback Andrew to be a revenge game for Under interim coach The defense sacked quar- month after the Cincin- behind Carolina.
Luck, who appeared to be Denver, but it turned out to Mike Mularkey, who terback Zach Mettenberger nati game, they’ll host New Perhaps the AFC South
healthy for the first time be another embarrassment replaced the fired Ken seven times. England. will follow the NFC South’s
this season. for Manning, who threw Whisenhunt last week, Barring another injury, As teams struggle to lead and make a surprising
Luck threw two touch- two interceptions, the last the Titans shocked New Mariota will play for the win in the AFC South, it’s improvement in 2016.
down passes and didn’t one ruining any chance the Orleans at the Superdome. first time against the Tex- interesting to look back at
seem to be bothered by the Broncos had of tying the Rookie quarterback ans when they visit Nash- the 2014 season.
rib and shoulder injuries score or possibly winning. Marcus Mariota returned ville on Dec. 27 in their last The NFC South was
C6 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x


Mulkey inspires others with height issues

Mulkey from page C1 Preseason All-Greater Houston Preseason
knew kids haven’t seen a
FIRST TEAM rankings
Player School Cl. Pos. CLASS 6A
tall female before.” Nancy Mulkey Cypress Woods Sr. P 1. Cypress Woods
Everything has Chasity Patterson North Shore Jr. G 2. Clear Springs
changed for Mulkey, now a Deauzya Richards Cypress Ranch Jr. G 3. Dekaney
senior at Cypress Woods. Charli Collier Barbers Hill So. F 4. Cypress Ranch
She is a state champion Jaelyn Richard-Harris Dekaney Sr G 5. North Shore
who last season averaged SECOND TEAM 6. Westside
10.3 points, 7.1 rebounds Angela Harris Cy-Fair Sr. G 7. Hightower
and 3.7 blocks per game. Faith Cook Goose Creek Memorial Sr. G 8. Atascocita
She has verbally pledged Sentreal Gregory Westside Sr. G 9. Seven Lakes
to play for Oklahoma. She Madison Glass Hightower Sr. G 10. Cy-Fair
has won two gold medals Sierra Cheatham Clear Springs Jr. F CLASS 5A/OTHERS
with Team USA. THIRD TEAM 1. Barbers Hill
Most importantly, she’s Jasmine Williams Cypress Woods Sr. G 2. Bush
more confident. Mulkey Kayla Owens Langham Creek Jr. F 3. Concordia Lutheran
still doesn’t like it when Jasmyne Harris Brazosport Sr. G 4. Galveston Ball
people stare and try to Daizha Norris Bush Sr. G 5. Navasota
sneak photos but is more Michelle Fokam Seven Lakes Sr. G 6. George Ranch
accepting of it. Rather 7. Brazosport
than dwell on the nega- 8. Westbury Christian
tives, she tries to concen- ing to figure out who you championship in Febru- 9. Brenham
trate on the good things. are and what makes you ary. With three starters 10. Bay City
“When I think about you,” Cy Woods basketball back, including Jasmine
where I am now, all I can coach Virginia Flores said. Williams and Cate Reese,
think is, ‘Wow. I’m glad I “Being a basketball player the Wildcats will be in the tall people go through,”
am who I am,’ ” Mulkey and being tall is some- mix again. she said. “I’ve had so many
said. “I walk straighter. I Jerry Lara / San Antonio Express-News thing that defines Nancy. If the Wildcats get far people in person, on Twit-
hold my head higher. I’m Nancy Mulkey has enjoyed a lot of good times on She’s starting to realize it’s enough, they may play ter and on Instagram tell-
embracing my height. It is the court at Cypress Woods, and now she is more more than just that. on TV again, though no ing me I’m an inspiration.
getting me things I never comfortable with her 6-9 stature off the floor as well. “Being able to embrace television appearance will They tell me I have helped
thought I could do.” that journey and saying mean as much to Mulkey them with confidence.
The show gave view- Throughout the series, she’s proud of who she is as being on “My Giant “You can’t be afraid
TV show helps ers an inside look at the Mulkey discussed her and where she’s going has Life.” Basketball likely of who you are. Having
One of those things is Mulkey family and what transformation from been remarkable.” will take her far, but being that opportunity to help
an appearance on TLC they deal with because of awkward young girl to a role model for other girls younger people, I’m glad
Network’s original series their height. Her brothers confident high school State champion dealing with height issues the TV show came my
“My Giant Life.” It aired are 7-footers. Her mother senior and the way she has Mulkey had been on TV is a big deal for Mulkey. way.”
in July and August and is 6-7. One episode showed learned to handle herself. earlier in the year. Many “I’m glad I got that
followed four women who Mulkey being asked to “It’s part of any young watched as she helped Cy opportunity to let people Corey Roepken is a freelance
are at least 6-6. prom and going. woman’s journey and try- Woods win the Class 6A know the struggles that writer.


Class 6A Division I League City Clear Creek (10-0) vs. Lucas Lovejoy (7-3) vs. Frisco (8-2) Dallas Madison vs. Anna (2-8) Cisco (9-1) vs. Amarillo Highland Park (6-4) Smyer (2-8) vs. Memphis (4-6)
Fort Bend Travis (6-4) 5:30 p.m. Saturday: AT&T Stadium, Arlington 7:30 p.m. Friday: Wylie 7:30 p.m. Friday: Vernon 7 p.m. Thursday: Kimbrough Stadium, Canyon
Bi-district 7 p.m. Friday: Clear Creek Terrell (9-1) vs. Dallas Wilson (7-3) Perryton (5-5) vs. Greenwood (6-4) Coleman (9-1) vs. Alpine (5-5) Vega (10-0) vs. Gruver (5-5)
Region I Region IV 7 p.m. Thursday: Johnson Stadium, Garland 7 p.m. Friday: Muleshoe 7:30 p.m. Friday: Grande Stadium, Midland 7 p.m. Friday: Stinnett
EP El Dorado (7-3) vs.Amarillo Tascosa (8-2) Cibolo Steele (10-0) vs. SA MacArthur (6-4) Lancaster (7-3) vs. Seagoville (7-3) Region II Post (10-0) vs. District 4 No. 4, TBD Crosbyton (9-1) vs. Sundown (4-6)
8:30 p.m. Friday: Socorro ISD Center, El Paso 7 p.m. Thursday: Wilmer-Hutchins District 5 No. 1 vs. District 6 No. 4, TBD Henrietta (9-1) vs. Sanford-Fritch (4-6) 7 p.m. Friday: Lamesa
7:30 p.m. Friday: Lehnhoff Stadium, Schertz
Odessa Permian (9-1) vs. Arl.Bowie (6-4) Ennis (6-4) vs. Hallsville (6-4) Shepherd (8-2) vs. Mexia (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday: Weatherford, Okla. Quanah (6-4) vs. Plains (1-9)
7 p.m. Friday: Ratliff Stadium, Odessa 7 p.m. Thursday: Bryan HS Ballinger (6-4) vs. District 4 No. 1, TBD 7 p.m. Thursday: Amarillo Highland Park
7 p.m. Thursday: Farris Stadium, San Antonio 7:30 p.m. Friday: Van
Denton Ryan (10-0) vs. Plano East (7-3) District 6 No. 1 vs. District 5 No. 4, TBD Spearman (9-1) vs. Eastland (8-2) Farwell (5-4) vs. Shamrock (5-5)
Del Rio (7-3) vs. La Joya Palmview (4-6) Region III
7:30 p.m. Friday: Denton Collins Complex Fairfield (7-3) vs. Diboll (7-3) 7 p.m. Friday: Shallowater 1 p.m. Saturday: Bivins Stadium, Amarillo
2 p.m. Saturday: Del Rio Waco (6-4) vs. A&M Consolidated (7-3)
S.Grand Prairie (6-4) vs.Euless Trinity (10-0) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Bullard Region II Seagraves (9-1) vs. Lockney (5-5)
Brow. Memorial (7-3) vs. Weslaco East (7-2) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Waco ISD Stadium
7:30 p.m. Friday: Pennington Field, Bedford Lorena (7-3) vs. Cleveland Tarkington (4-6) District 5 No. 1 vs. District 6 No. 4, TBD 8 p.m. Friday: Lowrey Field, Lubbock
7 p.m. Thursday: Weslaco Magnolia (9-1) vs. Sharpstown (7-3)
Amarillo (8-2) vs. EP Montwood (6-3) 7 p.m. Thursday: College Station HS New London West Rusk (9-1) vs. Wheeler (4-6) vs. Springlake-Earth (8-2)
PSJA North (5-5) at San Benito (8-2) 7 p.m. Friday: Magnolia
6 p.m. Friday: Bivins Stadium, Amarillo District 6 No. 2 vs. District 5 No. 3, TBD Hughes Springs (6-4) 7 p.m. Thursday: Canyon Randall
7:30 p.m. Friday: San Benito Crosby (10-0) vs. Lumberton (7-3)
Arlington Martin (8-2) vs. Midland (4-6) Coldspring-Oakhurst(6-4)vs.Groesbeck(5-5) 7 p.m. Thursday: Lobo Stadium, Longview Region II
SA Johnson (7-3) vs. Schertz Clemens (8-2) 7 p.m. Friday: Porter
7:30 p.m. Friday: Maverick Stadium, Arlington 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Madisonville District 6 No. 1 vs. District 5 No. 4, TBD District 5 No. 1 vs. District 6 No. 4, TBD
7:30 p.m. Friday: Heroes Stadium, San Antonio Fort Bend Ridge Point (7-3) vs.
Allen (10-0) vs. Trophy Club Nelson (6-4) District 5 No. 2 vs. District 6 No. 3, TBD Omaha Pewitt (6-4) vs. Winona (7-3) Baird (8-2) vs. Electra (7-3)
CCCarroll(8-2)vs.SANorthsideBrandeis(6-4) Port Lavaca Calhoun (7-3)
7:30 p.m. Friday, Allen Region III 7:30 Friday: Lobo Stadium, Longview 7:30 p.m. Friday: Jacksboro
7:30 p.m. Fri., Buccaneer Stadium, Corpus Christi 7 p.m. Thursday: Freeport
DeSoto (5-5) vs. Coppell (6-4) West Orange-Stark (9-1) vs. Hooks (9-1) vs. Arp (5-5) District 6 No. 1 vs. District 5 No. 4, TBD
7:30 p.m. Friday: DeSoto McAllen (5-5) vs. Laredo Alexander (4-6) College Station (8-2) vs. Hutto (6-4)
4 p.m. Saturday: McAllen ISD Stadium 7:30 p.m. Friday: College Station HS Scarborough (1-9) 7:30 Thursday: Gilmer District 7 No. 2 vs. District 8 No. 3, TBD
Region II 7 p.m. Thursday: Stallworth Stadium, Baytown District 6 No. 2 vs. District 5 No. 3, TBD Seymour (8-2) vs. Cross Plains (5-5)
Skyline (8-2) vs. Lake Highlands (4-6) San Benito (8-2) vs. PSJA North (5-5) North Forest (9-1) vs. Brenham (4-6), 7:30
7:30 p.m. Friday: San Benito p.m. Friday: Brenham Wharton (7-3) vs. La Grange (7-3) Waskom (10-0) vs. DeKalb (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Sweetwater
7:30 p.m. Friday: Forester Field, Dallas
Port Neches-Groves (8-2) vs. Dayton (7-3) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Victoria 7 p.m. Friday: Gilmer District 6 No. 2 vs. District 5 No. 3, TBD
Garland Rowlett (8-2) vs. Belton (5-5) Class 5A Division I La Marque (8-2) vs. Liberty (4-6) District 5 No. 2 vs. District 6 No. 3, TBD District 8 No. 1 vs. District 7 No. 4, TBD
7:30 p.m. Friday: Johnson Stadium, Garland 7 p.m. Friday: Stallworth Stadium, Baytown
Bi-district Angleton (5-5) vs. Texas City (7-3) 7 p.m. Thursday: Channelview Region III District 5 No. 2 vs. District 6 No. 3, TBD
RR Cedar Ridge (9-1) vs. Austin Bowie (8-2)
Region I Caldwell (6-4) vs. Columbus (5-5) Dublin (4-6) vs. Blooming Grove Region III
7:30 p.m. Friday: Reeves Complex, Round Rock 7:30 p.m. Friday: Freeport
EP Chapin (9-1) vs. EP Bel Air (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Giddings 7:30 p.m. Friday: Burleson Muenster (9-1) vs. Meridian (6-4)
Klein Collins (9-1) vs. Atascocita (9-1) Region IV
8 p.m. Friday: EP Irvin Giddings (10-0) vs. Sweeny (2-8) Trinity (7-3) vs. Corrigan-Camden (6-4) TBD Friday: Springtown
7 p.m. Friday: Memorial Stadium, Klein Cedar Park (10-0) vs. Bastrop (7-3)
Canyon Randall (9-1) vs. Plainview (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: El Campo 7:30 p.m. Friday: Woodville Iola (8-2) vs. Timpson (2-7)
N. Mesquite (8-2) vs. Irv. MacArthur (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Thur.: Gupton Stadium, Cedar Park
7:30 p.m. Friday: Plainview Worthing (7-3) vs. Orangefield (5-5) Jarrell (10-0) vs. Maypearl (4-6) 7 p.m. Thursday: Palestine
7:30 p.m. Friday: Memorial Stadium, Mesquite Kerrville Tivy (10-0) vs. SA McCollum (5-5)
FW Boswell (9-1) vs. NRH Birdville (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Barbers Hill 7:30 p.m. Friday: McGregor Hubbard (8-2) vs. Celeste (3-7)
Kill. Shoemaker (8-2) vs. Garl. Sachse (7-3) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Alamodome, San Antonio
10:30 a.m. Sat.: AT&T Stadium, Arlington Bellville (8-2) vs. Salado (1-9) Crockett (7-3) vs. Lexington (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Forney
7:30 p.m. Friday: Killeen Somerset (9-1) vs. Gregory-Portland (6-4)
FW Arlington Heights (8-1) vs. 7:30 p.m. Friday: A&M Consolidated 7:30 p.m. Friday: Groesbeck Maud (7-3) vs. Evadale (6-4)
Austin Westlake (9-1) vs. Round Rock (8-2) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Gregory-Portland
Burleson Centennial (7-3) Hamshire-Fannett vs. Kashmere (3-7) Newton (6-4) vs. Buffalo (4-6) 7 p.m. Thursday: Shelbyville’
7 p.m. Friday: Chaparral Stadium, Austin Roma (8-2) vs. Edcouch-Elsa (6-4)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Weatherford 7:30 p.m. Friday: Channelview 7:30 p.m. Friday: Huffman Hargrave Tenaha (5-5) vs. Colmesneil (3-7), TBD
The Woodlands (9-1) vs. Klein Oak (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Friday, Landry Stadium, Mission
EP Del Valle (8-2) vs. EP Andress (6-4) Region IV Marlin (5-5) vs. Rio Vista (4-6) Italy (6-4) vs. Era (4-6)
7 p.m. Friday: Woodforest Stadium, Shenadoah Austin Reagan (7-3) vs. Georgetown (7-3)
8 p.m. Friday: EP Del Valle Geronimo Navarro (9-0) vs. Poteet (4-6) 6 p.m. Saturday: Alvarado 7:30 p.m. Friday: Joshua
Region III 7 p.m. Thursday: Georgetown ISD Complex
AbileneCooper(5-5)vs.AmarilloCaprock(3-7), 7:30 p.m. Thur.: South San Stadium, San Antonio Franklin (10-0) vs. Garrison (5-5) Normangee (8-2) vs. Overton (3-7), TBD
Cypress Falls (9-1) vs. Aldine Nimitz (2-8) SA Sam Houston (10-0) vs.
4 p.m. Friday: Lowrey Field, Lubbock Rio Hondo (7-2) vs. Yoakum (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Palestine Lindsay (7-2) vs. Chilton (4-6)
1 p.m. Saturday: Berry Center, Cypress Boerne Champion (7-3)
Grapevine (8-2) vs. Denton (8-2) 7 p.m. Thur.: Buccaneer Stadium, Corpus Christi Palmer (3-7) vs. Clifton (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Roughrider Stadium, Saginaw
Bellaire (5-5) vs. Katy Cinco Ranch (9-1) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Boerne ISD Stadium
9 p.m. Saturday, AT&T Stadium, Arlington Devine (9-1) vs. Lytle (3-7) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Alvarado Region IV
1 p.m. Saturday: Rhodes Stadium, Katy CC Calallen (8-2) vs.
Aledo (9-1) vs. FW Trimble Tech (5-5) 7:30 p.m., Friday: Devine Region IV Bremond (10-0) vs. Kenedy (2-7)
GP North Shore (7-3) vs. Pasa. Dobie (5-5) Castroville Medina Valley
7 p.m. Thur.: Chisholm Trail Stadium, Fort Worth Cuero (5-5) vs. Port Isabel (6-3), East Bernard (8-2) vs. Karnes City (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Bastrop
7 p.m. Friday: Galena Park ISD Stadium 7:30 p.m. Friday: CC Calallen
Region II 7:30 p.m. Fri.: Cabaniss Stadium, Corpus Christi 7:30 p.m. Friday: Edna Woodsboro (4-6) vs. Rocksprings (3-7)
Alief Taylor (8-2) vs. LC Clear Springs (5-5) Mercedes (7-3) vs. Mission Sharyland (6-4)
Frisco Wakeland (8-2) vs. Wylie (6-4) Sinton (9-0) vs. Raymondville (4-5) Dilley (6-4) vs. Santa Gertrudis Aca. (7-2) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Jourdanton
7 p.m. Friday: Crump Stadium, Houston 7:30 p.m. Friday: Thompson Stadium, Mission
2 p.m. Saturday: AT&T Stadium, Arlington 7:30 p.m. Friday: Javelina Stadium, Kingsville 7:30 p.m. Friday: Dilley Falls City (10-0) vs. Burton (5-5)
Al. Eisenhower (7-3) vs. Cy. Fairbanks (6-4)
6 p.m. Saturday: Thorne Stadium, Houston Carrollton Creekview (8-2) vs. Class 4A Division I Crystal City (8-2) vs. Llano (3-7) Blanco (10-0) vs. Van Vleck (3-7) 7 p.m. Thursday: Bulldog Stadium, Seguin
Rockwall-Heath (7-3) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Bandera 7:30 p.m. Friday: Yoakum District 15 No. 2 vs. District 16 No. 3, TBD
Lamar (9-1) vs. Katy Morton Ranch (5-5) Bi-district
7:30 p.m. Friday: Clark Stadium, Plano Orange Grove (9-0) vs. Ingleside (2-8) Taft (9-1) vs. Freer (3-7) District 15 No. 1 vs. District 16 No. 4, TBD
7 p.m. Friday: Delmar Stadium, Houston Region I
Kimball (6-4) vs. Mansfield Summit (9-1) 7:30 p.m. Saturday: CC Calallen 7 p.m. Saturday: Taft Yorktown (8-2) vs. Milano (5-5)
Pearland (10-0) vs. Beau. West Brook (6-4) Pampa (7-3) vs. Clint Mountain View (4-6)
7 p.m. Thursday: Midlothian Wimberley (3-7) vs. Pearsall (8-2) Odem (10-0) vs. Cotulla (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Giddings
7 p.m. Friday: Pearland ISD Stadium 7 p.m. Friday: Denver City
Dickinson (9-1) vs. Alief Elsik (7-3) Longview (8-2) vs. Lufkin (7-3) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Edgewood 7:30 p.m.Fri.,Southside ISDStadium,San Antonio District 16 No. 1 vs. District 15 No. 4, TBD
Mineral Wells (8-2) vs. Snyder (5-5)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Rose Stadium, Tyler Stockdale(5-5)vs.ElMatonTidehaven(6-4) Granger (5-5) vs. Louise (7-2)
7 p.m. Friday: Dickinson 7:30 p.m. Friday: Shotwell Stadium, Abilene Class 3A Division II 7:30 p.m. Friday: Schulenburg 7 p.m. Thursday: Brenham
Region IV WylieEast(9-1)vs.LewisvilleTheColony(5-5) Andrews (9-1) vs. Lubbock Estacado (2-7) Bi-district Hebbronville (4-6) vs. Banquete (4-6)
Converse Judson (9-1) vs. SA Churchill (6-4) 5:30 p.m. Friday: AT&T Stadium, Arlington 7:30 p.m. Friday: Snyder Class A Six-Man Division II
Region I 7:30 p.m. Friday: Mathis
7:30 p.m. Friday: Converse MesquitePoteet(7-3)vs.CarrolltonSmith(4-6) Brownwood (8-2) vs. Graham (5-5) Muleshoe (9-1) vs. Slaton (3-7) Boling (9-1) vs. Poth (4-6) Bi-district
SA Northside O’Connor (7-3) vs. 7:30 p.m. Fri.: Standridge Stadium, Carrollton 7:30 p.m. Friday: Glen Rose 7 p.m. Thursday: Wolfforth 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Edna Region I
SA Southwest (4-6) Lake Ridge (10-0) vs. Samuell (4-6)
Abilene Wylie (8-2) vs. Burkburnett (4-6) Breckenridge (7-3) vs. Brady (7-3) Happy (10-0) vs. Spur (6-4)
7 p.m. Thur.: Gustafson Stadium, San Antonio 7 p.m. Thur.: Gopher-Warrior Bowl, Grand Prairie
7:30 p.m. Thursday: Graham 7:30 p.m. Friday: Brownwood Class 2A Division I 8 p.m. Thursday: Lockney
Laredo United (8-2) vs. Tyler (7-3) vs. Texarkana Texas (8-2)
Clint (6-4) vs. Borger (4-6) Shallowater(7-2)vs.AmarilloRiverRoad(4-6) Bi-district Meadow vs. Klondike
La Joya Juarez-Lincoln (4-6) 2 p.m. Saturday: Lobo Stadium, Longview
7:30 p.m. Saturday: Grande Stadium, Midland 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Plainview Region I 7:30 p.m. Friday: Dawson
7:30 p.m. Friday: SAC, Laredo Region III
Decatur (9-1) vs. Stephenville (3-6) Clyde (8-2) vs. Bowie (5-5) Canadian (10-0) vs. Hale Center (5-5) Borden County vs. Anton
Los Fresnos (9-1) vs. Weslaco High (8-2) Temple (9-1) vs. Willis (6-4)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Aledo 7:30 p.m. Friday: Stephenville 7 p.m. Thursday, Bivins Stadium, Amarillo 7 p.m. Friday: Ralls
7:30 p.m. Friday: Weslaco 7:30 p.m. Friday: Bowers Stadium, Huntsville
Levelland (5-4) vs. Fabens (2-8) Wall (10-0) vs. Boyd (4-6) Stamford (9-1) vs. Ozona Valley (9-1) vs. Nazareth (9-1)
SA Reagan (10-0) vs. Smithson Valley (7-3) Stratford (9-1) vs. Houston Waltrip (6-4)
7 p.m. Friday: Fort Stockton 7:30 p.m. Friday: Early 2 p.m. Saturday: San Angelo Stadium 6 p.m. Thursday: Lockney
7:30 p.m. Fri.: Comalander Stadium, San Antonio 7 p.m. Thursday: Delmar Stadium, Houston
Region II Brownfield (8-1) vs. Littlefield (5-5) New Deal vs. Panhandle (6-4) Region II
SA East Central (4-6) vs. King (8-2) vs. Beaumont Central (5-5)
Kennedale (10-0) vs. Dallas Carter (3-7) 7 p.m. Saturday: Lowrey Field, Lubbock 7 p.m. Friday: Kimbrough Stadium, Canyon Garden City (9-1) vs. Robert Lee (6-4)
SA Northside Stevens (8-2) 7 p.m. Thursday: Pearland ISD Stadium
7:30 p.m. Friday: Cedar Hill Brock (10-0) vs. Tuscola Jim Ned (5-5) Christoval (4-6) vs. Anson (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Robert Lee
7:30 p.m. Friday: SA East Central FB Elkins (8-2) vs. Richmond Foster (8-2)
Athens (7-3) vs. Princeton (7-3) 7 p.m. Thursday: Shotwell Stadium, Abilene 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Brownwood Hermleigh vs. Aspermont
McAllen Memorial (10-0) vs. 7 p.m. Friday: Traylor Stadium, Rosenberg
7:30 p.m. Friday: Hanby Stadium, Mesquite Childress (7-3) vs. Denver City Forsan (8-2) vs. Windthorst (5-5) 7 p.m. Thursday: Trent
Laredo United South (6-4) Bryan (7-3) vs. Manor (7-3)
Argyle (9-1) vs. Lake Worth (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Sweetwater 7 p.m. Thursday: Cisco Crowell (6-3) vs. Ira (9-1)
7:30 p.m. Friday: McAllen ISD Stadium 7:30 p.m. Friday: Bryan HS
7 p.m. Thursday: Birdville Complex, NRH Region II Abernathy (6-4) vs. Wellington (5-5) 7 p.m. Friday: Jayton
Edin. Economedes (5-5) vs. Harlingen (8-2), Madison (7-3) vs. Magnolia West (7-3)
Pittsburg (9-1) vs. Crandall (6-4) Pottsboro (10-0) vs. Commerce (5-5) 7 p.m. Friday: Canyon Randall HS Sterling City (9-1) vs. Rankin (4-6)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Boggus Stadium, Harlingen 7 p.m. Friday: Mustang Stadium, Magnolia
7:30 p.m. Friday: Lindale 7:30 p.m. Friday: McKinney Hawley (9-1) vs. Anthony 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Garden City
Nederland (7-3) vs. New Caney (7-3)
Class 6A Division II District 7 No. 1 vs. District 8 No. 4, TBD District 8 No. 2 vs. District 7 No. 3, TBD 7:30 p.m. Friday: Pecos Region III
6 p.m. Saturday, Thomas Center, Beaumont Sunnyvale (9-1) vs. Van Alstyne (6-4) Stratford (9-1) vs. Floydada (4-6) Newcastle (8-2) vs. May (6-4)
Bi-district George Ranch (10-0) vs. FB Bush (5-5)
Sanger (9-1) vs. Springtown (5-5)
Region I 7 p.m. Thursday: Sanger 7:30 p.m. Friday: Williams Stadium, Garland 7 p.m. Friday: Bushland 7:30 p.m. Friday: Strawn
7 p.m. Friday: Mercer Stadium, Sugar Land Daingerfield (4-6) vs. Sabine (4-6) Region II Zephyr vs. Paint Rock
EPAmericas(6-4)vs.LubbockMonterey(5-5) Kaufman (9-1) vs. Paris (6-4)
Region IV 7 p.m. Thursday: Marshall Valley View (6-4) vs. Wolfe City (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Santa Anna
5 p.m. Friday: Socorro ISD Center, El Paso 7:30 p.m. Friday: Greenville
Austin Vandegrift (8-2) vs. Redwater (5-5) vs.Big Sandy Harmony (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Little Elm Rochelle vs. Santa Anna
San Angelo Central (8-1) vs. Arlington (5-5), Alvarado (8-2) vs. Wilmer-Hutchins (4-6)
Bastrop Cedar Creek (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Tatum Mart (8-2) vs. Tolar (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Saturday: May
7 p.m. Friday: San Angelo Stadium 7:30 p.m. Friday: Midlothian
7:30 p.m. Friday: Monroe Stadium, Austin District 6 No. 2 vs. District 5 No. 3, TBD 7:30 p.m. Friday: Waxahachie Gordon (10-0) vs. Bryson (6-4)
LewisvilleHebron(4-6)vs.DentonGuyer(7-3) Region III
Lockhart (7-3) vs. SA Highlands (7-3) Mineola (10-0) vs. Prairiland (6-4) Clarksville (4-6) vs. Bells (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Springtown
7:30 p.m. Friday: Apogee Stadium, Denton Kilgore (7-3) vs. Huffman Hargrave (6-4)
7:30 p.m., Friday: Lockhart 7:30 p.m. Friday: Emory Rains 7 p.m. Thursday: Cooper Region IV
Southlake Carroll (8-2) vs. Cedar Hill (9-1) 7:30 p.m. TBD: Lufkin HS
Uvalde (6-4) vs. Victoria East (6-4) District 5 No. 2 vs. District 6 No. 3, TBD Hico (4-6) vs. Bosqueville (6-4) Blum (8-2) vs. Abbott (8-2)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Dragon Stadium, Southlake El Campo (7-3) vs. Houston Wheatley (5-5)
4 p.m. Saturday: Alamodome, San Antonio Region III 7:30 p.m. Friday: Robinson 7:30 p.m. Friday: Hillsboro
EPEastwood(8-2)vs.WolfforthFrenship(7-3), 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Butler Stadium, Houston
Edinburg Vela (10-0) vs. Grandview (9-0) vs. Little River Aca. (5-4) Goldthwaite (8-2) vs. Axtell (5-5) Savoy vs. Apple Springs
7 p.m. Friday: Wolfforth District 10 No. 1 vs. District 9 No. 4, TBD
Brownsville Porter (6-4) 1 p.m. Saturday: Waco ISD Stadium 7 p.m. Thursday: Copperas Cove 7 p.m. Friday: Fruitvale
Arlington Lamar (9-1) vs. Abilene (7-3) Sealy (5-5) vs. Needville (5-5)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Sams Stadium, Brownsville Winnie East Chambers (9-1) vs. Quinlan Boles (4-6) vs. Alvord (3-7), TBD Chester vs. Gilmer Union Hill, TBD
7:30 p.m. Friday: Cravens Field, Arlington 7 p.m. Thursday: Traylor Stadium, Rosenberg
Austin LBJ (8-2) vs. Palestine Westwood (8-2) Crawford (10-0) vs. De Leon (3-7) Milford (8-2) vs. Gholson (7-3)
Lewisville Marcus (9-1) vs. District 11 No. 1 vs. District 12 No. 4, TBD
Cedar Park Vista Ridge (8-2) 7 p.m. Thursday: New Caney 7:30 p.m. Friday: Granbury TBD Thursday: Itasca
Keller Fossil Ridge (5-5) District 10 No. 2 vs. District 9 No. 3, TBD
7:30 p.m. Friday: Nelson Field, Austin Cameron Yoe (9-1) vs. McGregor (5-5) Blue Ridge (9-1) vs. Bogata Rivercrest (4-6)
7:30 p.m. Fri., Marauder Stadium, Flower Mound Stafford (10-0) vs. Sterling (5-5) Class A Six-man Division II
SA Harlandale (6-4) vs. San Marcos (7-3) 7 p.m. Thursday: Waco ISD Stadium 7:30 p.m. Friday: Cooper
Mansfield (8-2) vs.Colleyville Heritage (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Stafford
7:30 p.m. Friday, Newsom Stadium, Mansfield
7:30 p.m. Fri.: Memorial Stadium, San Antonio Malakoff (9-1) vs. Buna (5-5) Region III Bi-district
Victoria West (9-1) vs. Laredo Nixon (5-5) Region IV Region I
Region II 7:30 p.m. Friday: Dragon Stadium, Nacogdoche District 9 No. 1 vs. District 10 No. 4, TBD
Noon Saturday, Alamodome, San Antonio Waco La Vega (10-0) vs. Follett (8-1) vs. McLean (6-4)
Dallas Jesuit (9-1) vs. Mesquite Horn (6-4) Teague (8-1) vs. Woodville (5-5) Centerville (4-6) vs. Grapeland (4-6)
Mission Veterans (7-3) vs. Donna High (8-2) Fischer Canyon Lake (4-6) 6 p.m., Friday: Panhandle
7:30 p.m. Friday, Postell Stadium, Dallas 7 p.m. Thursday: Bowers Stadium, Huntsville 7 p.m. Thursday: Buffalo
7:30 p.m. Friday: Donna 7:30 p.m. Friday: Georgetown Amherst (6-4) vs. Whitharral
Rockwall (7-3) vs. Copperas Cove (3-7) Rockdale (8-2) vs. Comanche (5-5) District 10 No. 1 vs. District 9 No. 4, TBD
Kingsville (6-4) vs. Rockport-Fulton (6-3) 7 p.m. Friday: Lorenzo
7:30 p.m. Fri., Wilker.-Sanders Stadium, Rockwall Class 5A Division II 7:30 p.m. Friday: Marble Falls District 11 No. 2 vs. District 12 No. 3, TBD
7:30 p.m. Friday: Sinton Southland vs. Kress (5-5)
Pflugerville Hendrickson (8-2) vs. Kirbyville (9-1) vs. Kemp (4-6) Alto (10-0) vs. Groveton (3-7)
Bi-district Liberty Hill (8-2) vs. Burnet (6-4),
7:30 p.m. Thursday: Carthage 7:30 p.m. Friday: Madisonville 7 p.m. Friday: Petersburg
Austin High (7-3)
Region I 7:30 p.m. Friday: Gupton Stadium, Cedar Park Groom (6-3) vs. Lefors (5-5)
7 p.m. Friday: Pflugerville Hendrickson West (9-1) vs. Troy (8-2) District 10 No. 2 vs. District 9 No. 3, TBD
EP Burges (6-4) vs. EP Ysleta (8-2) Gonzales(4-6)vs.RioGrandeCityGrulla(4-6), 8 p.m. Friday: Panhandle
Spring(9-1)vs.TheWoodlandsCollegePark(3-7) 7 p.m. Saturday: Waco ISD Stadium Lovelady (10-0) vs. Cayuga (2-8)
8 p.m. Friday: EP Burges 7 p.m. Friday: CC Flour Bluff Region II
7 p.m. Friday: George Stadium, Spring Region IV 7 p.m. Thursday: Crockett
Canyon (8-2) vs.San Angelo Lake View (3-7) La Vernia (6-4) vs. Zapata (6-4) Balmorhea vs. Ackerly Sands
Highland Park (9-1) vs. Irving Nimitz (6-4) Luling (4-6) vs. Vanderbilt Industrial (2-8) District 9 No. 2 vs. District 10 No. 3, TBD
7 p.m. Friday: Seminole 7:30 p.m. Friday: Alice 7:30 p.m. Friday: Rankin
7:30 p.m. Friday, Dallas Highland Park 7:30 p.m. Friday: Bastrop Region IV
WF Rider (6-4) vs. FW Dunbar (5-5) Taylor (4-6) vs. Gatesville (4-6) Loraine vs. Blanket
Waco Midway (7-3) vs. Garland (6-4) Lyford (6-3) vs. Goliad (6-4) Holland (8-2) vs. Harper (3-7)
7:30 p.m. Friday: Clark Stadium, Fort Worth 7:30 p.m. Friday: Belton HS 7 p.m. Thursday: Alice 7:30 p.m. Friday: Buda 7 p.m. Friday: Trent
6 p.m. Friday: Hewitt
FW Wyatt (6-4) vs. Everman (6-4) La Feria (8-2) vs. Beeville Jones (4-6) Edna (7-3) vs.Universal City Randolph (4-6) Three Rivers (6-4) vs. Weimar (7-3) Rising Star vs. Blackwell, TBD
Lake Travis (10-0) vs. Pflugerville (3-7)
7 p.m. Thursday: Newsom Stadium, Mansfield 7:30 p.m. Friday: Shirley Field, Laredo 7:30 p.m. Friday: Beeville 7:30 p.m. Saturday: Victoria Imperial Buena Vista vs. Dell City
7 p.m. Thursday: Lake Travis
EP Eastlake (9-1) vs. EP Bowie (7-3) China Spring (9-1) vs. Boerne (7-3) Mathis (8-2) vs. San Diego (6-4) Mason (10-0) vs. Rosebud-Lott (4-6) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Imperial
Kingwood (6-4) vs. Spring Westfield (8-2)
8 p.m. Thursday: Socorro ISD Center, El Paso 7:30 p.m. Friday: Pflugerville Connally 7:30 p.m. Friday: San Diego 7:30 p.m. Friday: Burger Stadium, Austin Region III
7 p.m. Friday: Turner Stadium, Humble
Lubbock Cooper (8-1) vs. Dumas (8-2) Hallettsville (8-2) vs. Falfurrias (4-6) Refugio (8-2) vs. La Villa (4-6) Guthrie vs. Rule, TBD
Region III 7:30 p.m. Friday: Dumas Class 4A Division II Chillicothe (4-6) vs. Throckmorton (3-7)
Cypress Ranch (9-1) vs. Memorial (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Somerset 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Javelina Stadium, Kingsville
Lake Dallas (8-2) vs. FW Brewer (6-4) Bi-district Hitchcock (8-2) vs. Marion (7-3) Shiner (10-0) vs. Riviera (7-3) 8 p.m. Friday: Archer City
7 p.m. Friday: Berry Center, Cypress 7:30 p.m. Friday: Justin Northwest HS Region I
7:30 p.m., Thursday: Waller 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Three Rivers Forestburg (7-3) vs. Benjamin (4-6)
Katy (10-0) vs. Houston Westside (4-6) Burleson (7-3) vs. FW South Hills (7-3) Iowa Park (6-4) vs. Pecos (5-5) 6 p.m. Friday: Archer City
7 p.m. Friday, Rhodes Stadium, Katy Aransas Pass (7-3) vs. George West (4-6) Johnson City (8-2) vs. Moody (5-5)
7:30 p.m. Fri.: Gopher-Warrior Bowl, Grand Prairie 7 p.m. Thursday: Snyder Lueders-Avoca vs. Motley County
7:30 p.m. Friday: Taft 7:30 p.m. Friday: Liberty Hill
La Porte (8-2) vs. Pearland Dawson (7-3) Region II Godley (4-6) vs. Krum (5-5) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Jayton
Comfort (5-5) vs. Altair Rice (4-6) CC London (8-1) vs. Flatonia (5-5)
7 p.m. Friday: La Porte Frisco Lone Star (9-1) vs. Prosper (6-4) 7 p.m. Sat.: Chisholm Trail Stadium, Fort Worth Region IV
7:30 p.m. Friday: Seguin 7 p.m. Friday: Refugio
FB Hightower (10-0) vs. Friendswood (6-4) 9 p.m. Friday: AT&T Stadium, Arlington Dalhart (5-4) vs. Sweetwater (10-0) Rich. Springs (10-0) vs. Wal. Springs (8-2)
Thrall (7-3) vs. Junction (7-3)
7 p.m. Thursday: Hall Stadium, Missouri City Dallas Adams (7-3) vs. Forney (7-3) 7 p.m. Thursday: Lowery Field, Lubbock Class 3A Division II 7 p.m. Thursday: Marble Falls 7:30 p.m. Friday: Hamilton
Aldine Davis (6-4) vs. Cypress Creek (6-4) 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Allen Aubrey (6-4) vs. Ferris (3-7) Bi-district Mount Calm (9-0) vs. High Island
7 p.m. Friday: Thorne Stadium, Houston Dallas South Oak Cliff (7-3) vs. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Birdville Complex, NRH Region I Class 2A Division II 7:30 p.m. Friday: Bellville Faith
Strake Jesuit (6-4) vs. Reagan (8-1) Mansfield Timberview (5-5) Celina (10-0) vs. Venus (3-7) Idalou (9-0) vs. Holliday (4-6) Bi-district Calvert (10-0) vs. Oakwood (5-5)
7 p.m. Saturday: Delmar Stadium, Houston 7:30 p.m. Thursday: DeSoto 7:30 p.m. Friday: Memorial Stadium, Frisco 7 p.m. Friday: Abilene Wylie Region I 7:30 p.m. Thursday: Coolidge
Manvel (8-2) vs. Channelview (7-3) Marshall (9-1) vs. Lindale (5-5) Monahans (6-4) vs. Bushland (4-6) Colorado City (4-6) vs. Big Lake (5-5) Sunray (6-4) vs. Sudan (5-5) Jonesboro (10-0) vs. Cherokee (5-5)
7 p.m. Friday: Alvin 1 p.m. Saturday: Lobo Stadium, Longview 7 p.m. Thursday: Levelland 7:30 p.m. Friday: Forsan 7 p.m. Friday: Amarillo River Road 7 p.m. Thursday: Hamilton
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | C7

FOR THE RECORD Sports Editor, • 713-362-3491 • Fax: 713-362-7866 @randyharvey Houston Chronicle Sports


Djokovic makes short work of Murray

PARIS — Novak Chasing success at Ro- Championship at Scotts- old Scot was flawless on
Djokovic’s relentless land Garros and the quest dale, Ariz., beating Cham- the back nine of Sheshan
desire for tennis perfec- to win all four Grand pions Tour points winner International and closed
tion is pushing him to Slams in one year — he Bernhard Langer with a with a 4-under 68 for a
a consistently brilliant has won three in a year birdie on the first hole of a two-shot victory over
level, one that proved far twice — means his moti- playoff. Kevin Kisner. Knox
too high for Andy Mur- vation level will remain Andrade two-putted found out only a week ago
ray on Sunday. undiminished in 2016. from the back fringe on Friday that he was in the
The top-ranked Serb “I take nothing for the par-5 18th, holing a HSBC Champions as an
dominated Murray in granted. I try to work on 2½-footer for his third alternate when J.B. Hol-
the Paris Masters final, that all the time, because I victory of the year on the mes withdrew. He was
beating the second-seeded know that is the only way 50-and-over tour. in Malaysia and had to
Briton 6-2, 6-4 for his 10th I’m managing to stay suc- Andrade, 51, closed scramble to get a Chinese
title of an outstanding cessful,” said the 28-year- with a 6-under 64 at Des- visa, arriving in time for
year that now includes a old Djokovic after playing ert Mountain, making a one practice round.
record six Masters titles in his 14th consecutive 10-foot birdie putt on 18 to • Sun-Ju Ahn won
to add to his three Grand tournament final this year. post at 14-under 266. the Toto Japan Classic at
Slam wins. In their 30th career Langer missed a chance Shima for her first LPGA
With 10 titles in 2015, meeting, Djokovic im- Dean Mouhtaropoulos / Getty Images to win on 18 in regulation Tour victory and 20th
he is four ahead of Roger proved to 21-9 against Novak Djokovic of Serbia is all smiles after defeating when his 18-foot eagle Japan LPGA title, beat-
Federer. Djokovic now Murray, who beat the Andy Murray in the Paris Masters final. putt lipped out. He fin- ing fellow South Korean
has won 26 Masters Serb in the 2013 Wimble- ished with a 67 and then player Ji-Hee Lee and
events altogether — two don final. Since then, and scored the clincher on Eastern Conference finals. failed to get up-and-down American Angela Stan-
more than Federer and Djokovic has won 10 of a penalty kick to help top- New York, which won the for birdie from the right ford with a birdie on the
one behind leader Rafael their 11 encounters. seeded FC Dallas reach first leg of the two-game greenside rough in the first hole of a playoff. Ahn
Nadal. In other tennis news: the MLS Cup Western series 1-0 last week at playoff. closed with a 5-under 67
“If you are going for • Top-seeded Venus Conference finals with a Washington, advanced on The 58-year-old Ger- to match Stanford (67)
the perfection, you might Williams beat Karo- victory over the Seattle aggregate goals 2-0. man star won the Charles and Lee (66) at 16-under
reach excellence,” the 10- lina Pliskova 7-5, 7-6 Sounders at Frisco. • Kei Kamara scored Schwab Cup points title 200.
time Grand Slam cham- (6) to win the WTA Elite FC Dallas won 4-2 on his second goal in the for the second consecu- • Roberto Castro
pion said after dispatch- Trophy at Zhuhai, China. penalty kicks after three 111th minute to lift Colum- tive year and record third clung to a one-stroke lead
ing Murray in 1 hour, 33 With her third win of the lead-changing goals in the bus past visiting Montreal time overall, earning a $1 in the Sanderson Farms
minutes. “That’s the kind year, Williams returns to final 10 minutes of regula- and into the Eastern Con- million annuity. Championship at Jack-
of mindset I have.” the top 10 for the first time tion time and 30 scoreless ference finals after they In other news: son, Miss., after playing
The only major in more than four years. minutes of extra time. split the two legs 3-3. • Russell Knox made the first six holes in the
Djokovic did not win In other games: an unexpected trip to suspended third round
this year was the French SOCCER • Bradley Wright- GOLF Shanghai and left with a in 2 over par. Play was
Open, losing the final to FC Dallas makes Phillips scored two Andrade bests most surprising victory suspended because of
Stan Wawrinka, and minutes into second-half in the HSBC Champions. darkness and will resume
it remains the only big Western finals injury time, and the New Langer in Schwab Knox became the first Monday morning, with
trophy missing in his fast- Walker Zimmerman York Red Bulls beat D.C. Billy Andrade won player to win a World the final round following
growing collection of 58 forced extra time with a United 1-0 at Harrison, the season-ending Golf Championship in his immediately.
career titles. goal in the 91st minute N.Y., to advance to the Charles Schwab Cup debut when the 30-year- From wire reports

America’s Line Ian Poulter, $68,000............ 72-71-70-67—280
Martin Kaymer, $68,000.....69-71-73-67—280
Television Winnipeg
15 8 5 2 18 42 41
15 8 6 1 17 39 38
38. (9) Denny Hamlin
39. (29) Trevor Bayne
T 304 $111,852
F 296 $134,355
(Home team in CAPS) Robert Streb, $63,000......... 73-69-68-71—281 Pro basketball Chicago at Philadelphia NBA 6 p.m. Colorado 14 4 9 1 9 36 42 40. (4) Joey Logano F 268 $132,988
Basketball Scott Piercy, $63,000 .......... 70-73-66-72—281 Pro football Chicago at San Diego ESPN 7:30 p.m. Pacific Division 41. (31) Alex Bowman C 236 $81,780
Emiliano Grillo, $63,000.......69-71-69-72—281 GP W L OT Pts GF GA 42. (22) Tony Stewart C 52 $104,994
Points Underdog
Charl Schwartzel, $63,000.68-72-69-72—281 Radio Los Angeles 14 9 5 0 18 35 29 43. (25) Ryan Blaney F 26 $74,280
Bulls 7½ 76ERS Bubba Watson, $63,000.....68-73-68-72—281 Pro football Chicago at San Diego 610 AM 7:30 p.m. Vancouver 15 6 4 5 17 43 36 Key: C— Chevrolet; F— Ford; T— Toyota.
PACERS NL Magic Anirban Lahiri, $58,500.......70-75-66-71—282 San Jose 14 7 7 0 14 38 36
HAWKS 9 T’Wolves Luke Donald, $58,500 ......... 71-69-70-72—282
Matt Jones, $58,500 ...........74-70-68-70—282
Johnson Wagner............................... 69-69—138 Caroline Masson, $23,964........67-68-70—205 Arizona
13 6 6
14 5 7 2 12 22 33
1 13 35 38 Soccer
NUGGETS 1½ Blazers Jeff Overton ........................................74-64—138 Ai Suzuki, $23,964 ..................... 66-68-71—205
Steven Bowditch, $58,500 64-75-68-75—282 Bronson Burgoon...............................68-70—138 Teresa Lu, $18,781...................... 70-67-69—206 Calgary 15 5 9 1 11 37 59 MLS
CLIPPERS 5½ Grizzlies Louis Oosthuizen, $55,500 68-69-73-73—283 Luke List ............................................. 70-68—138 Danielle Kang, $18,781.............. 70-66-70—206 Edmonton 15 5 10 0 10 39 47 Playoffs
WARRIORS 14 Pistons DanielSummerhays,$55,50068-74-67-74—283 Tyrone Van Aswegen ..........................67-71—138 Mirim Lee, $18,781...................... 69-67-70—206 Note: Two points for a win, one point for Conference Semifinals
Xinjun Zhang, $52,000.........67-72-73-72—284 Scott Langley .....................................68-70—138 Mi-Jeong Jeon, $18,781 ............. 66-70-70—206 overtime loss. Eastern Conference
Soren Kjeldsen, $52,000.....68-71-70-75—284 Derek Ernst ........................................ 69-69—138 Yani Tseng, $18,781......................67-68-71—206 Saturday’s results
College football S.S.P Chawrasia, $52,000....69-72-71-72—284 Andres Romero .................................. 66-72—138 Mi Hyang Lee, $16,678.............. 70-68-69—207 Buffalo 3 .......................................... Vancouver 2
N.Y. Red Bulls 2, D.C. United 0
Leg 1 — N.Y. Red Bulls 1 ................ D.C. United 0
Associated Press Top 25 Richard T Lee, $52,000.........68-72-73-71—284 Andres Gonzales................................68-70—138 Wei-Ling Hsu, $14,114................69-70-69—208 Los Angeles 4 .........................................Florida 1 Leg 2 — N.Y. Red Bulls 1................ D.C. United 0
W-L Pts. Pvs. Miguel A. Jimenez, $52,000 73-72-70-69—284 Tyler Aldridge ...................................... 71-67—138 Ilhee Lee, $14,114.........................66-72-70—208 Montreal 4 ............................................. Boston 2 Columbus 4, Montreal 3
1. Clemson (31) 9-0 1,489 3 Lee Westwood, $49,000......72-69-71-73—285 Henrik Norlander .............................. 69-69—138 Ha Na Jang, $14,114 ....................69-68-71—208 Washington 3 ............................. Toronto 2 (SO) Leg 1 — Montreal 2........................... Columbus 1
2. Ohio St. (26) 9-0 1,460 1 Chris Wood, $49,000 ..........68-76-69-72—285 Cameron Percy...................................68-70—138 Misuzu Narita, $14,114................68-69-71—208 Carolina 3 .................................... Ottawa 2 (OT) Leg 2 — Columbus 3 ..............Montreal 1 (AET)
3. Alabama (2) 8-1 1,376 7 Zecheng Dou, $49,000 ..........70-71-73-71—285 Trey Mullinax ......................................68-70—138 Shiho Oyama, $14,114 ................70-66-72—208 Philadelphia 3 ..................................Winnipeg 0 Western Conference
4. Baylor (2) 8-0 1,351 2 Alex Noren, $47,500 ........... 70-76-66-74—286 Darron Stiles.......................................69-70—139 Erina Hara, $14,114......................69-67-72—208 St. Louis 4 ......................................... Nashville 0 FC Dallas 4, Seattle 3
5. Oklahoma St. 9-0 1,256 12 Thomas Aiken, $47,500........70-71-73-72—286 Jonathan Byrd....................................69-70—139 Alena Sharp, $14,114...................67-69-72—208 Minnesota 1 ....................................Tampa Bay 0 Leg 1 — Seattle 2................................FC Dallas 1
6. Notre Dame 8-1 1,219 8 Tyrrell Hatton, $47,500.......70-76-70-70—286 Will MacKenzie....................................71-68—139 Eun-Hee Ji, $,14,114.................... 69-66-73—208 N.Y. Rangers 4........................................ Arizona 1 Leg 2 — FC Dallas 2...............................Seattle 1
7. Stanford 8-1 1,144 9 Kevin Na, $46,500 .................. 72-72-72-71—287 Seung-Yul Noh...................................70-69—139 Maiko Wakabayashi, $11,118 .... 68-72-69—209 Calgary 5 .......................................... Pittsburgh 2 Dallas wins 4-2 on penalty kicks.
8. Iowa 9-0 1,091 10 Trevor Fisher Jnr, $44,792....67-74-70-77—288 Vaughn Taylor .....................................68-71—139 Ritsuko Ryu, $11,118 ................... 70-69-70—209 Anaheim 1 ........................................... San Jose 0 Portland 2, Vancouver 0
9. LSU 7-1 1,050 4 Greg Chalmers, $44,792...... 73-73-69-73—288 Steve Flesch ........................................68-71—139 Hee-Kyung Bae, $11,118 ............. 70-67-72—209 Sunday’s results Leg 1 — Vancouver 0............... Portland 0 (tie)
10. Utah 8-1 900 13 Nick Cullen, $44,792 ..............74-71-70-73—288 Tom Hoge.............................................71-68—139 Ryann O’Toole, $,11,118...............65-70-74—209 Dallas 4 ....................................................Detroit 1 Leg 2 — Portland 2 .......................Vancouver 0
11. Florida 8-1 887 11 Danny Lee, $44,792 ................71-73-71-73—288 Michael Bradley .................................69-70—139 New Jersey 4.......................... Vancouver 3 (OT)
12. Oklahoma 8-1 858 14
Champions Boston 2 ...................................... N.Y. Islanders 1
Conference Championship
Ashun Wu, $44,792...............69-74-72-73—288 Mark Hubbard ....................................69-70—139 Eastern Conference
13. TCU 8-1 841 5 Wenchong Liang, $44,792.....71-73-73-71—288 Jarrod Lyle............................................71-68—139 Charles Schwab Cup Chicago 4......................................... Edmonton 2 N.Y. Red Bulls (1) vs. Columbus (2)
14. Michigan St. 8-1 807 6 Andy Sullivan, $43,250....... 70-74-70-75—289 Tim Wilkinson .....................................68-71—139 Sunday’s final-round scores Today’s game Leg 1 — New York at Columbus....TBD Nov. 22
15. Michigan 7-2 684 16 Cameron Smith, $43,250 .....71-73-70-75—289 Michael Putnam ................................69-70—139 at Scottsdale, Ariz. Arizona at Anaheim .......................................... 9 Leg 2 — Columbus at New York .. TBD Nov. 29
16. Houston 9-0 561 18 Hiroshi Iwata, $43,250........ 70-77-69-73—289 Martin Flores .......................................67-72—139 x-won on first playoff hole
Western Conference
17. North Carolina 8-1 506 21 x-Billy Andrade, $440,00065-67-70-64—266
18. UCLA 7-2 403 22
Danny Chia, $42,750.............. 72-73-74-71—290
Shane Lowry, $42,375 ........... 74-75-72-71—292
Frank Lickliter II..................................70-70—140
Bernhard Langer, $254,00063-68-68-67—266 Motor sports FC Dallas (1) vs. Portland (3)
Billy Mayfair........................................70-70—140 Leg 1 — FC Dallas at Portland ......TBD Nov. 22
19. Florida St. 7-2 379 17 Andrew Dodt, $42,375 .......70-80-76-66—292 Jason Kokrak .......................................69-71—140
Michael Allen, $213,000 ... 65-64-69-70—268 NASCAR - Sprint Cup-AAA Leg 2 — Portland at FC Dallas..... TBD Nov. 29
20. Mississippi St. 7-2 357 24 Adam Scott, $42,000 .......... 75-76-72-70—293 Mark O’Meara, $158,000 ..68-68-66-68—270 Texas 500
Michael Kim........................................66-74—140
21. Temple 8-1 310 23 Jeff Sluman, $158,000........69-64-71-66—270
22. Navy 7-1 218 NR
Satoshi Kodaira, $41,750 ....74-76-76-68—294
David Lingmerth, $41,375.... 70-72-76-77—295
Sung Kang...........................................68-72—140
Stephen Ames, $111,000......68-67-67-69—271
Sunday’s results at Fort Worth
Lap length: 1.5 miles
Ollie Schniederjans ...........................70-70—140
23. Wisconsin 8-2 183 NR Danie Van Tonder, $41,375.....77-73-71-74—295 Kirk Triplett, $111,000.......... 70-68-66-67—271 (Pole position in parentheses)
24. Northwestern 7-2 177 NR
Billy Hurley III......................................70-70—140
Joe Durant, $93,000 ......... 69-66-68-69—272 ATP - BNP Paribas Masters
Yi Cao, $41,000.......................70-78-71-78—297 Rob Oppenheim................................. 71-69—140 1. (8) Jimmie Johnson C 334 $462,976 Sunday’s results at Paris
25. Memphis 8-1 137 15 Steven Jeffress, $40,750 ......76-78-73-74—301 Olin Browne, $76,000 ..........66-67-71-69—273 2. (1) Brad Keselowski F 334 $394,391
Scott Stallings ....................................67-73—140 Fred Couples, $76,000.......66-69-69-69—273 Singles
Others receiving votes: Southern Cal 104, Chris Kirk, $40,375 .................71-79-74-79—303 3. (2) Kevin Harvick C 334 $280,475
K.J. Choi ................................................69-71—140 Duffy Waldorf, $76,000.... 68-68-69-68—273 Championship
BYU 35, Mississippi 22, Boise St. 6, Texas A&M Marc Warren, $40,375 .......... 75-74-81-73—303 4. (3) Kyle Busch T 334 $242,766
Tim Herron..........................................70-70—140 Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Andy Murray
6, Toledo 4, W. Kentucky 2, Washington St. 2. Tom Lehman, $64,000....... 69-65-71-69—274 5. (13) Carl Edwards T 334 $170,575
PGA - Sanderson Farms John Huh .............................................70-70—140 (2), Britain, 6-2, 6-4.
Coaches Top 25 Dawie van der Walt............................67-73—140 6. (10) Dale Earnhardt Jr. C 334 $171,240 Doubles
W-L Pts. Pvs. Championship Hockey 7. (7) Kurt Busch C 334 $162,615 Championship
Sunday’s partial third-round scores Brian Stuard .......................................70-70—140
1. Ohio St. (34) 9-0 1526 1 8. (23) Martin Truex Jr. C 334 $160,910
2. Clemson (21) 9-0 1511 5 at Jackson, Miss. Leader board NHL Ivan Dodig, Croatia, and Marcelo Melo (2),
9. (18) Jeff Gordon C 334 $172,351 Brazil, def. Vasek Pospisil, Canada, and Jack
Note: Third round was suspended and will be Score Thru Eastern Conference
3. Baylor (5) 8-0 1439 2 10. (27) Jamie McMurray C 334 $158,556 Sock, United States, 2-6, 6-3, 10-5.
completed with the fourth round on Monday. Roberto Castro.................................. -13 6 Atlantic Division
4. Alabama (3) 8-1 1410 7 11. (26) Austin Dillon C 334 $156,576
5. Oklahoma St. 9-0 1267 10 Roberto Castro................................... 62-67—129 Boo Weekley...................................... -12 8 GP W L OT Pts GF GA 12. (6) Erik Jones T 334 $153,326
Huajin Securities WTA Elite
Bryce Molder.......................................64-69—133 D.J. Trahan.......................................... -12 8 Montreal 16 13 2 1 27 59 29 Trophy
6. Notre Dame 8-1 1234 9 13. (20) Paul Menard C 334 $120,440
Jhonattan Vegas ............................... 66-67—133 Michael Thompson .......................... -12 7 Ottawa 14 7 4 3 17 42 42 Sunday’s results at Zhuhai, China
7. Stanford 8-1 1197 8 14. (21) Brian Scott C 334 $127,748
Michael Thompson ............................67-67—134 Tyler Aldridge ..................................... -11 15 Tampa Bay 16 7 7 2 16 38 38 Singles
8. Iowa 9-0 1119 11 15. (14) Clint Bowyer T 334 $142,973
Brian Davis......................................... 65-69—134 William McGirt ................................... -11 12 Boston 14 7 6 1 15 47 45 Championship
9. LSU 7-1 1023 4 16. (11) Danica Patrick C 334 $116,140
Patrick Rodgers..................................70-64—134 Brian Davis.......................................... -11 7 Detroit 14 7 6 1 15 33 36 Venus Williams (1), United States, def. Karo-
10. Florida 8-1 949 12 17. (30) AJ Allmendinger C 334 $137,398
D.J. Trahan............................................67-67—134 Patrick Rodgers.................................. -11 7 Florida 14 5 6 3 13 37 35 lina Pliskova (3), Czech Republic, 7-5, 7-6 (6).
11. Oklahoma 8-1 936 13 18. (24) Aric Almirola F 334 $143,526
Boo Weekley.......................................68-67—135 Jhonattan Vegas ............................... -11 6 Buffalo 14 6 8 0 12 32 41 Doubles
12. TCU 8-1 898 3 19. (12) Greg Biffle F 333 $137,148
13. Utah 8-1 862 14 Nick Taylor ......................................... 69-66—135 Bryce Molder....................................... -11 6 Torontox 14 2 8 4 8 29 45 Championship
20. (16) Kasey Kahne C 333 $120,765
14. Michigan St. 8-1 849 6 Peter Malnati .................................... 69-66—135 LPGA - Toto Japan Classic Metropolitan Division 21. (28) Ricky Stenhouse Jr. F 333 $113,540 Liang Chen and Wang Yafan (4), China, def.
15. Michigan 7-2 683 17 Ricky Barnes .......................................68-67—135 Sunday’s final-round scores GP W L OT Pts GF GA 22. (19) Ryan Newman C 333 $137,240 Anabel Medina Garrigues, Spain, and Arantxa
16. Houston 9-0 577 18 Carl Pettersson ..................................67-69—136 at Shima, Japan N.Y. Rangers 14 10 2 2 22 42 25 23. (15) David Ragan T 333 $132,079 Parra Santonja (2), Spain, 6-4, 6-3.
17. North Carolina 8-1 524 21 Robert Garrigus..................................67-69—136 (x-won on first hole of playoff) Washington 13 10 3 0 20 43 31 24. (32) Sam Hornish Jr. F 332 $130,910
18. UCLA 7-2 413 22 Patton Kizzire.....................................67-69—136 x-Sun-Ju Ahn, $225,000..........68-65-67—200 Pittsburgh 14 9 5 0 18 31 28 25. (36) Landon Cassill C 331 $104,265 Transactions
18. Florida St. 7-2 413 15 David Toms .........................................67-69—136 Ji-Hee Lee, $118,379.................. 67-67-66—200 New Jersey 14 8 5 1 17 37 36 26. (17) Casey Mears C 330 $126,123
20. Mississippi St. 7-2 356 25 Adam Hadwin ..................................... 65-71—136 Angela Stanford, $118,379.......65-68-67—200 N.Y. Islanders 15 7 5 3 17 40 37 27. (39) Cole Whitt F 330 $115,398 Hockey
21. Temple 8-1 323 23 Brice Garnett .....................................68-68—136 Jenny Shin, $77,003...................66-65-70—201 Philadelphia 14 5 6 3 13 28 39 28. (43) Justin Allgaier C 330 $120,587 NHL
22. Wisconsin 8-2 227 NR Ted Purdy ............................................68-69—137 Ariya Jutanugarn, $61,979.......70-68-64—202 Carolina 14 6 8 0 12 30 40 29. (41) David Gilliland F 329 $108,340 CAROLINA HURRICANES — Recalled F
23. Navy 7-1 212 NR Jason Bohn ..........................................67-70—137 Hyo Joo Kim, $37,062...............69-67-68—204 Columbus 15 4 11 0 8 35 54 30. (35) Brett Moffitt F 329 $103,130 Joakim Nordstrom from Charlotte (AHL).
24. Northwestern 7-2 166 NR Lucas Glover .......................................69-68—137 Stacy Lewis, $37,062................67-69-68—204 Western Conference 31. (37) Michael Annett C 329 $99,915 COLORADO AVALANCHE — Recalled F
25. Memphis 8-1 147 16 Andrew Loupe......................................66-71—137 Jiyai Shin, $37,062.....................67-68-69—204 Central Division 32. (40) Jeb Burton T 329 $99,690 Andreas Martinsen from San Antonio (AHL).
Others receiving votes: Southern California Brett Stegmaier.................................68-69—137 Lexi Thompson, $37,062 .........67-68-69—204 GP W L OT Pts GF GA 33. (34) J.J. Yeley T 329 $99,473 DETROIT RED WINGS — Recalled C Andreas
57; Brigham Young 40; Mississippi 27; Oregon Aaron Baddeley ..................................64-73—137 Pornanong Phatlum, $37,062 ..67-66-71—204 Dallas 15 12 3 0 24 54 39 34. (33) Michael McDowell F 328 $99,240 Athanasiou from Grand Rapids (AHL). Placed
25; Washington St. 20; Texas A&M 10; Boise William McGirt .................................... 71-66—137 Ha-Neul Kim, $37,062.............. 66-66-72—204 St. Louis 14 10 3 1 21 40 31 35. (38) Matt DiBenedetto T 328 $99,040 D Kyle Quincey on seven-day injured reserve.
St. 9; Toledo 8; Western Kentucky 7; Georgia Graham DeLaet ................................. 66-72—138 Lala Anai, $23,964.................... 73-64-68—205 Minnesota 13 8 3 2 18 38 35 36. (42) Ryan Preece C 326 $98,810 TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING — Recalled D
5; Appalachian St. 2; Arkansas 2; Bowling Smylie Kaufman................................. 71-67—138 Yukari Nishiyama, $23,964 ......68-67-70—205 Nashville 13 8 3 2 18 35 31 37. (5) Kyle Larson C 304 $126,510 Nikita Nesterov from Syracuse (AHL).
Green 1; Pittsburgh 1.
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Golf BY STEVE MILLER no surgery is involved. “We adjust the

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Sunday’s final-round scores 45-minutes, an hour, 90-minutes or
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Russell Knox, $1,400,000 67-65-68-68—268 HOUSTON • Local physicians at a medical longer,” according to Dr. William Living-
Kevin Kisner, $850,000 ..... 64-66-70-70—270 clinic in Houston are so sure their medica- ston, “and patients see results right in our

Danny Willett, $422,500..... 65-74-70-62—271
tion will help men with erectile dysfunction, office. After climax the patient stays erect

Ross Fisher, $422,500........ 69-69-65-68—271
Branden Grace, $276,500.... 63-71-70-68—272 they are offering the first 25 callers a free the entire period of time. This allows them
Dustin Johnson, $276,500 ... 65-71-65-71—272
MatthewFitzpatrick,$173,750 68-69-69-67—273 in-office medication dose. to achieve a second climax and adequately

' )!$ Erectile dysfunction and premature satisfy their partner. No other medication
Patrick Reed, $173,750 ........65-70-68-70—273
Jordan Spieth, $173,750 ...... 68-72-63-70—273
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C8 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x



Johnson extends track reign GM meetings allow

No. 48’s late pass Textbook pass for the win
at the end of the race when
Luhnow to feel out
race domination
someone is trying to take
your lane.”
Logano got knocked
potential moves
by Keselowski from first to last among By Evan Drellich tros, who could move in
By Stephen Hawkins the eight championship several directions this win-
ASSOCIATED PRESS contenders after being in- Astros general manager ter. In particular, it could
tentionally wrecked by Jeff Luhnow will be among influence how they handle
FORT WORTH — Brad Kenseth at Martinsville a the contingent at Monday Chris Carter and first base
Keselowski was dominat- week ago. NASCAR then morning’s groundbreak- in general. What’s the level
ing at Texas Motor Speed- suspended Kenseth for two ing for the Astros’ and of demand for first base-
way, leading lap after lap races, and his appeals were Nationals’ spring train- men? Last winter, even
and getting close to a victo- denied. ing complex in West Palm though Carter was coming
ry that would give him one “Clearly, he was watch- Beach, Fla., along with off a 37-homer season in
of the four championship- ing and bored at home,” owner Jim Crane and MLB 2014, trade interest in him
contending spots in the Johnson said, when asked commissioner Rob Man- wasn’t high.
Chase for the Sprint Cup about Kenseth’s tweet. fred. The GM meetings are
finale. Logano’s title shot took Afterward, Luhnow not reserved for execu-
Until Texas fall favor- another huge hit when he will go to nearby Boca Ra- tives. Most player agents
ite Jimmie Johnson came had a blown tire after only ton for the start of the an- make the trip, particularly
charging after the final re- 10 laps at Texas, where he nual general managers’ those with free-agent cli-
start. finished in 40th place. meetings. He’ll have three ents.
Keselowski led a track- lieutenants in tow: director “They kind of tell you
record 312 of 334 laps Sun- Logano must win of player personnel Quin- their lists, and you sort of
day after starting from the Johnson led only six laps ton McCracken, director of tell them which guys you
pole, but he could not keep to get his fifth win of the pro scouting Kevin Gold- might be interested in on
Johnson from winning the season. The No. 48 Chev- stein, and director of base- their list and start to talk
AAA Texas 500 for the rolet also won the spring ball operations Brandon about some rough param-
fourth consecutive year. race at Texas and is the first Taubman. eters,” Luhnow said. “You
“Just one step short of driver to win three consec- The GM meetings, do start to get some early
having the awesome day utive Cup races at the high- which run from Monday indication for the market
we needed to have,” Kes- banked, 1½-mile track. to Thursday, have become for the different players,
elowski said. “I’m not sure Harvick finished third, a de facto kickoff to the off- albeit from the agent per-
exactly how to feel about it even after he twice had to season and a precursor to spective.
at the moment. The 48 car come in to replace punc- the winter meetings, to be “So just a lot of touching
had so much speed those tured tires after running held in Nashville, Tenn., base and feeling out. End
last 10 laps.” Sarah Crabill / Getty Images for Texas Motor Speedway over something on the track roughly a month later. of the meetings, you come
With the already-elim- Atop his No. 48 Chevrolet, Jimmie Johnson rejoices and having to drive one- “Really good opportu- out with a prioritized list:
inated Johnson getting his in victory lane after winning Sunday’s Sprint Cup handed for a long stretch nity to face-to-face interact ‘These are the five clubs
75th career victory, three Series AAA Texas 500 at Texas Motor Speedway. when he was having to hold with the other guys and we potentially match up on
spots are still up for grabs on to the shifter to keep his find out where they are, a deal (with); let’s get seri-
at Phoenix, the last race situation for us like it is for Johnson kept pushing car from popping out of how quickly they’re going ous about working with
before the Nov. 22 finale at some other guys,” said Kyle and on the backstretch on gear. to move, what their goals them. These are the seven
Homestead-Miami Speed- Busch, who finished fourth lap 331 he finally got past “We just kept goug- are, etc.” Luhnow said. or eight free agents that we
way. The only champion- Sunday. “I couldn’t be more Keselowski, who got really ing away, and everything “We’ve done a lot of that think are a best fit for us;
ship contender set is retir- pleased with the position loose out of the second turn. worked out in the end,” over the phone anyway let’s start to think about of-
ing four-time champion Jeff we got right now.” Johnson went on to win by Harvick said. in preparation … but it re- fers and that sort of thing.’
Gordon, the Martinsville After the final restart more than a second. The only one of the title ally accelerates it once you Just a lot of information
winner last week. with 18 laps left, Keselows- “That was the first I had contenders who finished get a chance to talk to the gathering.”
ki and Truex were side- seen him that vulnerable all outside of the top nine at person. Whether it’s at the The Astros are unlikely
Kenseth pipes in by-side. They even made day,” Johnson said. “I just Texas, Logano will have to table eating shrimp or hav- to make a move during the
Kyle Busch leads the contact at one point before kept the pressure on him, win next week to get to the ing a cocktail or whatever, GM meetings.
points race for at least two Truex went briefly in front. kept searching for line.” finale with a championship you get a lot more real in- “Very rarely (does that
of the spots, ahead of de- Keselowski almost as Noted Keselowski: “I did shot for the second year in formation, find out how se- happen),” Luhnow said.
fending Chase champion quickly got back in front, everything I could to hold a row. rious they are about inter- “But I think the ground-
Kevin Harvick and Martin and Johnson also went him off, but he was way Kenseth’s streak of 571 est in some of your players work gets laid for conver-
Truex Jr. Carl Edwards is charging past Truex into faster that last run.” consecutive starts, which or whether or not they’re sations that ultimately lead
next, followed by Kesel- second place. Truex lost Minutes after the race, was the second-longest going to trade one of their to deals.”
owski, Kurt Busch and Joey his power steering in those suspended driver Matt active streak behind Gor- guys. A lot of feeling out.”
Logano. closing laps and slipped to Kenseth tweeted, “Good don’s 795 in a row, came to Such a sense is particu-
“It’s not a must-win finish eighth. work (at)JimmieJohnson! an end. larly important for the As-


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Page E3

Houston Chronicle Life & Entertainment Houston Chronicle | Monday, November 9, 2015 | and @HoustonChron Section E 777


could affect
child’s risk
for obesity
By Rich Marini

An obesity researcher has

put forth a new theory that it’s
not how much we eat or how
little we exercise that makes us
so overweight.
While both are important
elements, Edward Archer,
an obesity theorist and post-
doctoral research fellow at the
Nutrition Obesity Research
Center at the University of Ala-
bama at Birmingham, contends
that most people are obese
due to a combination of their
mother’s body composition and
her activity level while she was
Sounds crazy, and it is con-
troversial, but hear him out.
Archer said that most obesity
is caused by what’s known
as nongenetic evolution. This
means you didn’t inherit your
tendency to be obese geneti-
cally, the way you got your hair
color or your height. But rather
through other means. And
that’s where your mom’s body
composition and activity level
come in.
Before modern conveniences
removed the need for most
people to work long hours in
fields or factories, much of the Getty Images
Researchers continues on E3

Talking about addiction

‘Night of Conversation’ painkillers, and even heroin, are
seeping into American middle schools Dr. Mehmet Oz
seeks to open dialogue and high schools. That’s when the is the driving
between parents and cardiologist, host of “The Dr. Oz force behind
Show” and father of four, decided to the “National
children about drugs use his bully pulpit to focus on youth Night of Con-
addiction and recovery. versation” on
By Claudia Feldman Oz, health officials and Nov. 19. He
addiction experts around wants parents to
When Dr. Mehmet Oz asks the country are calling sit down with their
his TV audiences what health HEALTH for a “National Night of children and talk
issues worry them most, they ZONE Conversation” on Nov. 19. about drugs.
keep it simple. Weight loss They are hoping
usually tops the list. families will set
But the last time Oz posed the aside that Thursday
question, viewers trusted him with a evening for heart-to-
darker truth: They were fearful their heart talks about drugs.
Fotolia kids had picked up deadly drug habits. Oz, no stranger
One researcher says a Oz learned that drug overdoses to controversy
woman’s activity level while have surpassed traffic accidents as or personal or
pregnant can influence the leading cause of death among Conversation
whether her child will have an young people and that prescription continues on E2 Dr. Oz Show
increased risk of being obese.


Teens, pre-teens spend massive

amounts of time consuming media
Media use
has become By Hayley Tsukayama group, Common Sense tor. Even as someone who
more WASHINGTON POST Media. For tweens, those spends all day looking
common between the ages of 8 and at these issues, Steyer
among Teens are spending 12, the average is nearly said he was staggered by
teens and more than one-third of six hours per day. the amount of time that
pre-teens, their days using media The Common Sense young people are spend-
according to such as online video or census was designed ing consuming media —
a new study. music — nearly nine to set a new statistical and how little the govern-
hours on average, ac- baseline for research on ment has done to explore
cording to a new study teen and pre-teen media what that means.
from the family technol- use, said Jim Steyer, the “Where is the re-
Associated Press ogy education nonprofit group’s executive direc- Digital continues on E2

Dear Abby: Husband’s long tresses are stressing his wife. PAGE E5
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E2 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

STAR Senior Editor, @MelissAguilar Houston Chronicle Life & Entertainment

Being overweight can increase pain sensitivity

and saturated fats and any umbilical cord. Birth
grain that isn’t 100 percent defects due to an alcohol-
whole) can increase pain exposed pregnancy are
and inflammation. So if called Fetal Alcohol
you’re overweight, clear Spectrum Disorders
those foods from your (FASDs). They include
DRS. MICHAEL ROIZEN plate and start walking. everything from abnormal
AND MEHMET OZ Don’t feel discouraged: facial features, such as
The You Docs
Exercise will become less a smooth ridge between
painful the more you do the nose and upper lip, a
The rotund tenor Lu- it. Get your doctor’s OK, small head, short stature
ciano Pavarotti once said, a pair of good shoes and and low body weight,
“The reason fat people are head out the door. Start to poor coordination,
happy is that their nerves with 15 minutes, increase and learning and speech
are well protected.” As by a few more steps every difficulties. Fetal death is
revered as he was, the day — never a few less unusual, but it’s the most
Italian opera star was way — with a targeted goal of extreme result.
off key when it came to 10,000 steps daily. Less Not only should every
being fat and happy. weight equals less pain. woman stop drinking as
As scientists from The Fat Tenor has sung. soon as she knows she is
Ohio State University pregnant, but she should
recently told colleagues at Say “no” to nail-biting refrain if there is a chance
a meeting of the European Nail-biting is an af- of pregnancy. That’s
Pain Federation, as you fliction that may indicate because a woman can get
gain weight you become you have a condition Houston Chronicle file pregnant and not know
more pain-sensitive. It’s associated with obsessive- It turns out that opera singer Luciano Pavarotti’s proclamation that fat people for up six weeks — during
a result of the bodywide compulsive disorder are happy because their nerves are well protected was way off the mark. that time, a lot of damage
inflammation (cytokines) that’s called body-focused can be done to the fetal
triggered by excess belly repetitive behavior or to your fingers, and back beat it, cognitive behav- recent Centers for Disease brain.
fat, aka visceral fat. That pathological grooming. again from your nails to ioral therapy or holistic Control and Prevention So tell your friend
disrupts your immune, Experts say nail-biting your face and mouth. psychotherapy may be survey found that among that the sooner she stops
respiratory and metabolic is a clue that you’re not So how can you stop? smart steps. pregnant women in the drinking, the better off
organ systems (and just handling stressful, frus- Keep a journal that identi- U.S., “the prevalence of everyone will be; fetal
about every other one), trating, dissatisfying or fies triggers; you’ll begin Q: I have a friend any alcohol use and binge brain growth takes place
plus your gut biome. If boring situations effective- to see when the urge who’s still drinking, drinking in the past 30 throughout pregnancy. If
you’re obese or over- ly and that you’re inclined strikes. Knowing that will even though she knows days were 10.2 percent and she’s having a hard time
weight, those aches and to create short-term, self- help you resist. When you she’s pregnant. She 3.1 percent, respectively.” quitting, her problem may
pains are not all in your soothing habits instead of can’t beat the urge, sub- thinks that a drink (And participants may be one of addiction, and
head. discovering positive ways stitute squeezing a stress here and there doesn’t well have underreported if so, she needs help now.
A lot of problems start to make yourself feel bet- ball for nibbling. Keep hurt anything. Doesn’t their drinking.) Go with her to talk to her
with what you eat; over- ter in the long run. nails short, and consider it cause birth defects? But, back to your primary-care provider,
weight folks who have a In addition, the Ameri- using a bitter-tasting nail What can I tell her? friend. You can tell her her OB-GYN, Alcohol-
low-fiber diet (no whole can Academy of Derma- polish to make it unpleas- Tracy D., that for her fetus, there ics Anonymous or a local
grains, few vegetables or tology warns that repeat- ant to put your fingernail Trenton, New Jersey is no known safe level alcohol treatment center;
fruits) are particularly ed nail-biting can harm in your mouth. Then of alcohol consumption, you’ll be a really good
vulnerable. In plain Eng- the nail bed and lead to think about adopting A: Unfortunately, period. If a woman drinks friend!
lish: The Five Food Felons abnormal-looking nails. It long-term stress-busters, drinking during preg- when she’s pregnant, so
(all added sugars and also can pass bacteria and like mindful meditation or nancy is more common does the fetus. The alcohol Contact the You Docs at
sugar syrups, all trans viruses from your mouth yoga. And if you still can’t than you might think. A goes right through the

Digital technology has become harder for parents to monitor

Digital from page E1 doing in all those hours of By the numbers with them about how much teens together in a classroom
screen time? In some ways, 56: average minutes teen boys time they spend using media or a hallway, hanging out for a
search?” Steyer said. “We’re they’re doing things teens have spend playing video games daily — even more say they’ve had little bit, and they’re all on their
conducting the biggest experi- always done. Among tweens, 7: average minutes teen girls conversations about content. phones,” she said. “They’re
ment on our kids — the digital the most common media spend playing video games Just because they’re talk- together, but they’re not to-
transition — without research.” activities are watching TV and 92: minutes teen girls spend on ing about it, however, doesn’t gether.”
It’s hard to fully judge how listening to music. Among social media mean that parents understand She’s had frank conversa-
much screen time has increased teens, the activities are the same, 52: minutes teen girls spend on what’s happening all of the tions with her kids about what
in recent years. The closest though music edges out the social media time. A quarter of teens who go their digital actions can do to
study to Common Sense Me- television. For tweens, playing 41: percent of total screen time online say their parents know their reputations — something
dia’s may be the Kaiser Family mobile and video games, plus spent by tweens (ages 8-12) on very little about what they do; particularly important as they
Foundation’s 2010 study, which watching online videos, round mobile devices 30 percent say the same about fill out college applications.
estimated an average of 51/2 up the top five activities. Teens 46: percent of total screen time social-media use. “I have to give Langley
hours of media use for those watch videos, play video games spent by teens (ages 13-18) on “As a parent, it’s incredibly credit,” she said. “The coun-
ages 8-10, 8 hours and 40 min- and use social media. mobile devices hard to stay up to date on selors there told the kids to go
utes for those age 11-14, and just There were also interesting 4.5: hours of screen media what the latest thing is,” said radio silent on social media in
under 8 hours for ages 15-18. socioecomic differences in the consumed by tweens Terri Markwart, the president their junior year.”
The Common Sense study, study. Tweens and teens from 6.5: hours of screen media of the Langley High School For all the debate about what
which surveyed 2,600 youths, lower-income families spend consumed by teens parent-teacher association in the appropriate place of tech-
used a different methodology more time using media, on 36: percentage of teens who say McLean, Va. Markwart said nology should be in most kids’
than the Kaiser Family Founda- average, than higher-income they enjoy using social media “a she has clear rules about tech lives, the study also highlighted
tion, so it is difficult to make a teens. The study says that it’s lot” and social-media use with her how many people are still cut
direct comparison between the not necessarily that lower- 73: percentage of teens who say three children — one in middle off from that conversation
two findings. income kids are more likely they enjoy listening to music “a school and two in high school. altogether.
But there is a definite upward to use media, but rather that lot” Her kids also got their phones Vicky Rideout, an indepen-
trend, said Steyer, and media those who do are heavier media 45: percentage of teens who say relatively late; in the sixth or dent researcher and consultant
use is getting more and more users. For example, the study they enjoy watching TV “a lot” seventh grade. In their house, who wrote the Common Sense
ubiquitous. Teens are often says, while fewer low-income no phones are allowed at the Media report, said the dispari-
multitasking with media on in teens watch TV or videos on a Source: Common Sense Census: Media dinner table. ties in teenagers’ technology
the background. “Everything is given day, those who do watch Use by Tweens and Teens; based on a The same is true of the kids’ access amounted to “digital
digital,” he said. “We are now for 90 more minutes than their nationally representative survey of 2,658 rooms when they go to bed. inequality.”
in the true emergence of digital higher-income counterparts. 8- to 18-year-olds When Markwart remodeled “There’s a really big differ-
natives; that has enormous Black youth report spend- her kitchen, she installed a ence between trying to type
implications for anyone who ing far more time with all types cabinet charging station where an essay for school — or do
cares about media, technology of media than Hispanics or black teens reported that they the whole family keeps their research on the Internet — on a
and children.” whites, averaging 11 hours and spend far more time doing so. phones at night. smartphone or using a comput-
For many parents, the 10 minutes of media use per When it comes to keeping an Markwart said that when she er,” Rideout told the New York
amount of time kids are day. That’s over two hours more eye on what their kids are do- thinks about how screen time Times. “We need to make sure
spending watching video, than the average amount for ing, parents have different ap- affects her kids, she worries that technology does not exac-
listening to music, texting and whites or Hispanics. While all proaches. Fifty-three percent of most about the effect on their erbate the disparities between
posting may not be a surprise. teens are equally likely to use teens and 72 percent of tweens ability to hold a conversation. the haves and the have-nots,
But what are these kids today social media on a given day, say their parents have talked “You could have a room full of instead of ameliorating them.”

Conversation should be nonthreatening COMMUNITY

Conversation from page E1 in trouble as well.”

Do you know
professional criticism, says he took on
adolescent addiction after advice from
“You tell the truth. It’s important.
If anyone in the family has already
had problems with drugs or
Children who have been abandoned
or abused are also at risk, Basinger
says. “They’ll develop shame and low
a Houston Hero?
another talk-show host. alcohol, other family members are self-esteem, then they’ll use drugs and We live in one of the na-
“When I first started the show,” much more likely to get in trouble alcohol to medicate that shame and tion’s most charitable cities.
Oz says, “I had dinner with Phil fear. The next thing they know, they’re Between community volun-
as well.”
Donahue, and he said, ‘If you want hooked.” teers, foundation organizers
to do your job right, shed light where Scott Basinger, Baylor College of Medicine Both Oz and Basinger point to and corporate leaders, we
there is darkness.’ And I think he was Houston as a city working hard to help others and get things
right.” help young addicts. done in Houston and sur-
A Baylor College of Medicine as- It’s sad, but it happens. What For kids just out of rehab programs, rounding communities.
sociate professor has been sharing his should a parent say next? there are “alternative peer groups” Do you know someone
knowledge of addiction and recovery Tell the kids that you love them, scattered all around the city. who embodies the spirit of
with Oz. that you appreciate their honesty, that “They can trade their old drug bud- giving in the greater Hous-
“Parents are the anti-drug,” Scott you will get help as a family, Basinger dies for kids who are already sober, ton area?
Basinger says. “They should start ask- says. kids who will act as mentors and The Houston Chronicle
ing kids in fifth or sixth grade open- But where? friends,” Basinger says. is looking for generous in-
ended questions. ‘What do you know In Houston, places to turn include Houston has two sober high dividuals who donate their
about drugs in your school?’ ‘Do you the Council on Recovery, Cornerstone schools, Archway Academy and Three time, their money — or both
have friends who use?’ ” Recovery, Lifeway International, Teen Oaks Academy, and help for college — to benefit our city and
Every middle school child, Basinger & Family Services and Palmer Drug students, Cougars in Recovery, at the its residents. We’ll feature Houston’s Heroes in
says, knows someone on drugs. “If the Abuse Program or PDAP. University of Houston. our fourth annual Houston Gives section, coming
kids won’t talk, at least you tried, and Therapists for adolescents also “It’s unusual for a city to offer a March 27.
they know you are concerned.” abound in Houston, Basinger says. continuum of care and to be so ready Tell us why you think your nominee is a
In a nonthreatening way, Basinger Don’t be surprised, he tells parents, to help,” Basinger says, “but parents community hero and let us know how to get in
says, return to the conversation. It is if kids ask them uncomfortable ques- are really the key. Sometimes they touch with him or her. Fill out the form at chron.
OK, even wise, to ask the questions on tions about their histories with drugs ignore the warning signs: isolation, com/heronominations; email nominations to
the tip of every parent’s tongue: “Have and alcohol. strange smells, a change in friends.; or send via postal mail
you used drugs? Which ones? Are you “You tell the truth,” Basinger Parents notice all that, but they are to: Houston Heroes, Features/Houston Chronicle,
drinking?” says. “It’s important. If anyone in afraid to ask. That’s why this National 801 Texas Ave., Houston, TX 77002 Tell us why you
Adults are shocked when they find the family has already had problems Night of Conversation is such a gift.” think your nominee is a community hero and let us
out their kids are experimenting or, with drugs or alcohol, other family know how to get in touch with him or her.
worse, already hooked, Basinger says. members are much more likely to get Deadline for entries is Dec. 2.
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | E3


Some medications may contribute to vitamin B-12 deficiency

Q: I developed and treat severe heart- to treat it. I would put good for something. Powder that you
numbness and burn. Both metformin about a teaspoonful of A: During the remember did not
tingling in my feet and PPIs reduce the ab- the powder on the tin 19th century, doctors actually contain
due to vitamin B-12 sorption of vitamin B-12 cover of the asthma sometimes prescribed marijuana. Instead,
deficiency after taking from the stomach, which powder can and light cannabis (marijuana) or the ingredients were
pantoprazole and is why people must be it with a match. I then “Indian hemp” to treat stramonium, belladonna
metformin for several JOE AND TERESA GRAEDON tested for deficiency. inhaled the smoke, and migraines, menstrual and potassium nitrate
years. I had received The People’s Pharmacy Lack of vitamin B-12 it did work to stop an cramps and asthma. It (saltpeter). The herbs in
no warnings from my can lead to depression, attack. was available as either this powder were from
doctors about potential pills. I was able to irritability, confusion, If I smell marijuana powder to be burned the nightshade family.
vitamin B-12 deficiency get off pantoprazole. poor muscle control and now, it reminds me or “cigarettes.” In both Side effects included dry
and only found out What can I do for my nerve damage producing of the smell of the cases, the smoke was mouth, rapid heartbeat,
during a yearly blood- diabetes? symptoms like yours. smoke from the inhaled. A study in the difficult urination
screening test. A: Metformin is pre- asthma powder that New England Journal of and, in high doses,
My doctor wanted scribed for diabetes, while Q: I was born in 1933 I used. Knowing now Medicine (Aug. 16, 1973) hallucinations.
me to take vitamins, pantoprazole (Protonix) and had asthma when that there probably revealed that both oral
but to heck with is a proton-pump inhibi- I was in my teens. I was marijuana in the and smoked marijuana Write to Joe and Teresa
taking pills to cover up tor (PPI) used to suppress inhaled the smoke from asthma powder must opened airways. Graedon via their website:
problems from other stomach-acid production Rexall Asthma Powder mean that marijuana is The Rexall Asthma

Researchers have differing views on the role of genetics in obesity

Researchers from page E1 energy balance is thrown — is inactive, the child will don’t exist in a vacuum, of not blaming mothers, generation.
out of kilter. grow up without an adult so it’s only when moth- however. But what about those
food a pregnant woman “Exercise is incredibly modeling the benefits of ers suddenly have all “In fact, mothers are who have been overweight
consumed went to fuel important for pregnant physical activity. this food available that the cure,” he said. “Espe- their whole lives? Archer
her own body. Sure, na- women, yet between 75 The result is a child, the child’s propensity to cially active mothers.” says that, first, the rest of
ture made sure her grow- percent and 95 percent and later an adult, who is become heavier can arise. His prescription is for us need to stop blaming
ing baby got the nutrients of U.S. adults, including more likely to be inactive So there is a genetic basis women to be as active as them because it’s not a re-
it needed, but everything, women who are preg- and become overweight, to the obesity epidemic.” possible before, during sult of their moral failings.
usually, was kept in bal- nant or are trying to get or even obese. In what Comuzzie and after their pregnancy. “Face it, more than
ance. pregnant, don’t meet the “Initially, the changes called a “wrinkle,” this Not only will this improve 90 percent of people are
Fast-forward to the minimum federal guide- are minor, but with each over-abundance of food her own health and the unable to lose weight and
1950s, when Americans lines for physical activity,” generation, the effect also can cause changes health of her unborn keep it off,” he explained.
started becoming more Archer said. “And 20 per- snowballs until it reached in DNA that can make child, but if the baby is a “But that doesn’t mean
sedentary. Thanks to cent of pregnant women a tipping point in the ’70s the child more likely to girl, this activity will im- they shouldn’t exercise
modern, labor-saving today watch six or more and ’80s, and we have an become obese later in life. pact the metabolism of the and eat well. They just
devices, the average hours of TV a day.” obesity epidemic,” Archer Yes, living a sedentary eggs that are developing in need to understand that
American woman burned As Archer explained in said. life and eating a diet the fetus, too. they’re doing that to im-
almost 2,000 fewer calo- the journal Mayo Clinic A Texas obesity of fast food and other Archer says that by prove their health, not to
ries per week in 2010 than Proceedings, this extra researcher questions high-calorie stuff doesn’t staying active, mothers lose weight.”
her counterparts did in energy causes changes in Archer’s theory. help. But children born to could put a halt to the obe-
1965. Yet she eats just as the baby’s metabolism, in- “Everyone is different inactive, often overweight sity epidemic in a single
much, if not more. creasing the number and genetically, but not every mothers already have
Since her body uses less size of the fetus’ fat cells. genetic variable can be the cards stacked against
energy than did her pre- So these babies grow a expressed,” said Anthony them in the form of COX’S BAIL BONDS
decessor’s, it shuttles the little bit larger and a little G. Comuzzie, co-director increased risk for obesity, MISDEMEANORS or FELONIES
extra calories, in the form bit fatter than those of the of the TOPS Nutrition and type 2 diabetes, cancer We Specialize in Large Bonds
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ing fetus. since the child’s mother — at the Texas Biomedical problems. • Qualified payment plans
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330 1010 LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13] [PG13] 240 955 [PG13] 205 1040
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PEANUTS MOVIE - REALD 3D 1105 150 430 725 1005
3D [G] 1115 145 525 715 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] MARTIAN - REALD 3D [PG13] MARTIAN [PG13] 300 620
[G] 1150 220 450 720 810 950 MARTIAN [PG13] 1210 650 950 1030 1120 455 750 1035 1140 940 MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH
330 645 1000 235 815 1155 320 650 1010 1215 110 250 350 430 630
BURNT [R] 1140 220 455 800 910 [G] 1200 250 345 540 815 855 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] 1045
BURNT [R] 1200 240 510 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 1240
745 1020 SPECTRE [PG13] 1000
745 1020 130 310 400 540 630 900 BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1215 135 420 715 1005
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1105 1100 130 230 500 605
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1135 SPECTRE [PG13] 1250 200 415 440 730 830 930 335 655 1015 PAN [PG] 1035 135 745
455 1015 525 740 850
TINSELTOWN 290 BURNT [R] 1120 210 445 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1000 1045

CINEMARK MEMORIAL CITY Hwy 290 Between Pinemont & Hollister 725 1005 1255 135 425 615 655 1005

Memorial City Mall
CRIMSON PEAK [R] 440 1045 SICARIO [R] 1040 145 450 750
GOOSEBUMPS - REALD 3D [PG] INTERN [PG13] 1150 300 SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1105 240
705 1045 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1030 SPECTRE [PG13] 1035 1205
1110 1030 610 920
GOOSEBUMPS - REALD 3D HENERAL LUNA [NR] 1010 410 700 1250 220 350 435 605 735 820
[PG] 1055 955 120 420 720 1020

1125 955 1105 155 445 735 1025 MARTIAN - REALD 3D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2
[PG13] 245 945 [PG] 1045 115 345 640 935 1100 405 645 WOODLAWN [PG] 105 410 725
[G] 1150 220 310 450 720 950 MISS YOU ALREADY [PG13] 110
3D [G] 1100 1130 135
[PG13] 115 355 655 940
205 410 440 645 715 920 Six Pines Road @ Lake Robbins
MARTIAN [PG13] 1115 630
315 645 1015 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] 1135 145 430 710 [G] 1140 440 [PG13] 1045 145 435 730
1120 300 700 1035
BURNT [R] 1215 250 525 220 505 750 1040 BURNT [R] 1050 1000
1030 1235 105 310 340
800 1035 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 1240 315 725 1045 545 615 810 850 1115
@ R I V E R OA K S D I S T R I C T
EVERYDAY I LOVE YOU [NR] SICARIO [R] 1140 305 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 210 715 [PG13] 1030 115 410 700
CRIMSON PEAK [R] 110 415 130 400 540 630 810 900 1040
1110 205 500 755 1050 715 1015
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 200 450 740 SPECTRE [PG13] 1200 100 200 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 130 SPECTRE [PG13] 1015 150 CINEMARK KATY
425 720
I - 10 @ Grand Parkway
515 845
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] 330 430 530 700 805 900 1030

1100 125 350 615 840 THOONGAVANAM [NR] 830PM

CINEMARK PEARLAND SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1220 350 720 1050
3311 Silverlake Village Dr.
45 - S. @ Nasa Pkwy SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1200 325
700 1025
1200 1035 1105 205 500
SPECTRE - XD [PG13] 1215 340 705 1030 GOOSEBUMPS - REALD 3D GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1120
[PG] 200 955 435 720
[PG13] 345 1020 LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13]
130 940 625 925 [PG] 1110 140 415 710 935
MARTIAN - REALD 3D [PG13] LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13] 3D [G] 105 150 335 610 [G] 1235 310 820 1055
1115 155 445 725 1005 750 1045
320 1020 1120 205 450 735 1020 655 835
PEANUTS MOVIE - REALD 3D MARTIAN [PG13] 1150 700 1105 450 1015 BURNT [R] 1130 210 450
1140 315 645 1000
[G] 1240 220 310 540 810 1030 MISS YOU ALREADY - CINEARTS BURNT [R] 1155 235 505 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1125 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1115 150
750 1030 1215 245 425 515 745
BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1200 [PG13] 1110 200 450 740 1030 730 1010
CARTER HIGH [PG13] 925 1010
320 640 1000 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] 1055 145 730 SPECTRE [PG13] 1100 100 425 545 700 935
BURNT [R] 1100 135 410 140 430 720 1005 MARTIAN [PG13] 1145 705 230 440 605 810 930 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1125 210
650 925 PAN [PG] 1050 445 735 CINEMARK ROSENBERG
59 S. W. Freeway @ Reading Road 455 740 1025 SPECTRE [PG13] 1030 1125 200
CRIMSON PEAK [R] 1245 340 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 1140
650 945 130 405 450 630 720 900 950
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1045 SICARIO [R] 140 1025 MARTIAN [PG13] 330 710 255 530 625 900 955
3D [G] 1240 300 520 1000
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] 110 210 240 435 535 610 800 E. Bltwy @ Pasadena Blvd.
1120 145 410 640 905 900 935
150 410 630 740 850 1215 705 LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13]
TINSELTOWN JACINTO CITY 210 445 715 945 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 - 1145 230 515 800 1040
1 - 10 @ Holland Road
SPECTRE [PG13] 1135 100
1155 515 755 1245 325 640 915

[PG13] 1145 450 955 250 415 605 730 920 1045 PAN - REALD 3D [PG] 420 1010 TRIALS [PG13] 1150 255
[G] 1205 115 225 335 445 555 650 1005

705 815 1040

Mall of Mainland [G] 1220 140 415 650 805 1040 OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R]
TRIALS [PG13] 1150 255 635 940
OUR BRAND IS CRISIS [R] 1200 [PG] 240 815 [PG] 1205 245 515 740 1000 BIG STONE GAP [PG13] 1155 1230 710
205 435 710 955
505 1030 MARTIAN - REALD 3D LAST WITCH HUNTER [PG13] 240 525 810 1050 PAN [PG] 125 715
BURNT [R] 240 745
PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1130 1240 [PG13] 1230 705 1110 205 445 735 1015 OUR BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] 1225 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1140 100
150 300 410 520 630 740 850 345 705 1025 215 255 335 450 530 610 725
500 750 1035 3D [G] 1200 225 450 715 940 215 455 735 1025
925 1010 BURNT [R] 1250 335 710 945 845 925 1000
BRIDGE OF SPIES [PG13] PAN [PG] 1100 145 440
GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 120 405 PERFECT GUY [PG13] 1120 200 CRIMSON PEAK [R] 255 1020 SICARIO [R] 1205 310 700 1010
1220 335 720 1035 725 1010
655 930 430 735 1015 BURNT [R] 1125 200 430 PEANUTS MOVIE [G] 1100 GOOSEBUMPS [PG] 1140 230 SPECTRE [PG13] 1200 140 330
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] SICARIO [R] 1225 315 620 920 700 930 125 350 615 840 1105 520 805 1045 510 700 840 1030
1210 245 510 730 950 SPECTRE [PG13] 1140 1215 330 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 [PG] VISIT [PG13] 1215 245 510
520 1050 1215 330 415 700 745
LADRONES [PG13] 230 1025 400 645 725 1000 1045 1150 220 450 725 955 735 1000
MARTIAN [PG13] 345 1030 1020 1105


E4 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

word sleuth Jumble daily crossword
Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward,
backward, up, down and diagonally. ©2015 King Features Syndicate Inc.
ACROSS 49 “Storage Wars” 22 Makes tracks
1 Not at all flexible sales event 24 Jazz aficionado
Saturday’s unlisted BIRD COLLECTIVES 6 Long and lean 53 Membranes that 27 Breakfast and
clue: BIRDS. 10 Declare openly vibrate dinner
Monday’s unlisted 14 Easily tipped boat 58 Napoleon’s exile 28 “Darn it!”
clue hint: A — OF 15 “__ further isle 29 Shoe brand
QUAIL. reflection ...” 59 Biz bigwig Thom __
16 Building toy with 60 Mishmash 30 Line around a tub
theme parks 61 French-__ 31 Droops
17 Western crooner potatoes 32 “Hud” Oscar
Cast Gene 62 No-frills shelter winner Patricia
Charm 18 Sanctuary recess 63 Speak abrasively 33 “Casablanca”
Exaltation 19 Overly compliant 64 Apartment rental heroine
Kettle 20 Compressed agreement 34 Play list
Muster video file format 65 Former trans-Atl. 35 Play part
Pack 21 Close to defeat fliers 39 Giggled
Parliament 23 The brown one is 66 Kremlin rejection nervously
Louisiana’s state 67 Milk dispenser 41 Medicinal dose
bird 42 Mythical horse
25 Mae West’s “I DOWN with a horn
Rookery 43 In the manner
used to be Snow 1 Mischief-maker
Stare White, but I 2 Brownish gray indicated
Troubling drifted” is one 3 Info from a spy 44 Rocker
Twack 26 Sonoma Valley drone Ocasek
Watch vessel 4 Pardoned 46 Punches back,
27 Start of an 5 “Saturday Night say
envelope address Live” alumna Tina 49 Bring home from
sudoKu cryptoquip 32 “Cool duds!” 6 Blonde comic the shelter
36 Covert org. in strip teenager 50 Homeric epic
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter “Argo” 7 Date bk. entry 51 Like Santa Claus
the numbers 1 to 9. ©2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc. stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal 37 Dashing style 8 Quick bite 52 “Unsafe at Any
O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and 38 Granola grain 9 Skateboarder’s Speed” author
words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels.
Solution is by trial and error. 39 Citrus drink used protective gear Ralph
by NASA 10 Energy bar nut 53 November
©2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
40 Obstinate critter 11 Show for which parade
41 Use one’s Julia Louis- participants
influence Dreyfus has won 54 Clumsy oafs
45 Where soldiers four consecutive 55 Lincoln’s coin
go? acting Emmys 56 Big name in skin
47 Swat 12 S-shaped molding care
48 Manning of the 13 Bowl-shaped pans 57 Get to one’s feet
Giants 21 Sworn statement 61 Winter illness

significant, I reckon he puts on his thinking cape.

©2015 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: If Superman needs to ponder something

saturday’s answers — OF A —

By Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke ©2015 Tribune Content Agency 11/9/15

TV TONIGHT M movie (S) sports (N) newprogramming (P) premiere (SP) season premiere (F) finale (SF) season finale (CC) - closed caption aces on bridge
By Bobby Wolff
11/09/15 COM 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 The 1997 Cavendish tourna-
KPRC Channel Ent. Tonight The Voice The Live Playoffs The remaining artists perform Blindspot Persecute Local 2 News :35 The ment moved from New York
NBC (2) 12 2 News (CC) in front of the coaches. (N) (CC) Envoys (N) (CC) at 10pm Tonight Show to Las Vegas because the
PBS NewsHour (CC) Antiques Roadshow Tulsa Antiques Roadshow 1/2 Queen Victoria's Empire Engines of Change/ Passage to prize money had become so
PBS (8) 8 (Hour Three) (CC) cont'd Nov 16 (N) (CC) India (CC) significant that the organiz-
KHOU 11 Wheel of Supergirl Fight or Flight (N) Scorpion Area 51 (N) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles An KHOU 11 :35 Stephen ers risked running afoul of
CBS (11) 11 News at 6 Fortune (CC) (CC) Unlocked Mind (N) (CC) News at 10 Colbert (CC) state gambling laws. That
13 News at 6 p.m. (CC) Dancing With the Stars (N) (CC) Castle Cool Boys (N) (CC) 13 News at :35 Jimmy year, the total auction pool
ABC (13) 13 10 p.m. (CC) Kimmel (CC) was $1.3 million, and the
TBN (14) 14 Samuel Potter Trinity End of Age Kingdom J. Duplantis Praise the Lord (CC) owner of the winning pair
Family Feud Family Feud Law & Order: S.V.U. Savior Law & Order: S.V.U. Big Bang TheSimp- 2 Broke 2 Broke collected about $350,000.
MyTV (20) 4 (CC) (CC) (CC) Confidential (CC) Theory (CC) sons (CC) Girls (CC) Girls (CC) Since the winners, Harry
KLTJ (22) 20 Perry Stone John Hagee Rod Parsley (CC) Marcus and Joni Lamb J. Duplantis Carpenter K.Hagin K. Copeland Tudor and Michael Seamon,
Modern Modern Gotham Rise of the Villains: Bones The 200th in the FOX 26 News at 9 (CC) Big Bang TMZ (CC) had bought more than half
FOX (26) 9 Family (CC) Family (CC) Tonight's the Night (N) (CC) 10th (CC) Theory (CC) of their team for $15,000,
Mike & Mike & Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (N) Jane the Virgin Chapter NewsFix at 9 NewsFix at Two and Half this made for a pretty good
CW (39) 5 Molly (CC) Molly (CC) (CC) Twenty-Seven (N) 10 (CC) Men (CC) investment. Here they are
in action, this board being a
Uni. (45) 10 Muchacha italiana Antes muerta Pasion y poder No creo en hombres Noticias 45 NoticieroUni
slight indication of how the
Tel. (47) 6 Caso cerrado (CC) Celia Bajo el mismo cielo (CC) Señor de cielos Noticiero Titulares
wind was going to blow for
ION (49) 7 Criminal Mind The Inspiration Criminal Mind The Inspired Criminal Mind (CC) Criminal Mind (CC) Criminal Mind (CC) them throughout the event.
KUBE (57) 53 Family Guy Family Guy M Short Circuit +++ ('86) Steve Guttenberg. (CC) King-Queens King-Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray Game looks comfortable release to those of a nervous
ABCFAM 32 5:00 M Varsity Blues ++ :15 M Steel Magnolias +++ Six women become friends as they share stories. (CC) The 700 Club (CC) enough for North-South, par- disposition. I have made my
A&E 23 My Haunted House (CC) My Haunted House (CC) My Haunted House (CC) Cursed Bell Witch (N) (CC) My Haunted House (CC) ticularly three no-trump by best guess at it.
AMC 57 4:30 M Constantine ++ M The Matrix +++ ('99) A man learns his world is a computer-created illusion. (CC) M The Raid: Redemption South, and the very fortunate They were lucky enough to
ANPL 42 To Be Announced (CC) To Be Announced (CC) To Be Announced (CC) To Be Announced (CC) :05 To Be Announced (CC) position in diamonds means get a club lead — can you
that if you reach five dia- spot the winning line now?
BBC 226 Top Gear (CC) Top Gear: Patagonia Part One 1/2 (CC) Top Gear: Patagonia Part Two 2/2 (CC) Top Gear (CC)
monds, you can survive even Take the ace of clubs, ruff a
BET 46 5:05 M New Jack City ++ ('91) (CC) Martin (CC) Martin (CC) Martin (CC) Martin (CC) Martin (CC) :55 #TheWestbrooks (CC)
on a trump lead: You can
BRAVO 65 Housewives Atlanta (CC) Ladies of London (N) Vanderpump R. New Blood Après Ski Cold Feet Watch (N) Vanderpump spade, and ruff a club, then
drop the spade king in three play a trump to dummy and
CNBC 45 Jay Leno's Garage Shark Tank (CC) Shark Tank (CC) Shark Tank (CC) The Profit (CC) rounds. That does not make ruff another club. When
CNN 25 Anthony Bourdain Ethiopia Anthony Bourdain Borneo Anthony Bourdain Istanbul Somebody's Gotta Anthony Bourdain Borneo it a great spot, however. Sea- clubs break 3-3, play the
COM 59 5:55 SouthPk :25 SouthPk South Park South Park South Park South Park Archer (CC) Archer (CC) Daily S. (N) Nightly Show man and Tudor were more ace and another trump and
DISC 29 Street Outlaws (CC) Street Outlaws: Full (N) Street Outlaws (N) (CC) Vegas Rat Rods (N) (CC) Street Outlaws (CC) ambitious; they reached six claim the rest, with three
DISN 41 K.C. Underc. Liv Maddie M Invisible Sister ('15) (CC) Girl World Austin/ Ally Best Friends Girl World Jessie (CC) diamonds from the South club discards for your losing
E! 44 E! News (N) (CC) The Kardashians (CC) The Kardashians (CC) The Kardashians (CC) E! News (N) (CC) seat after an auction that spades.
ESPN 33 5:00 (S) Monday Countdown :10 (S) NFL Football Chicago Bears at San Diego Chargers (CC) (Live) :20 (S) SportsCent. (CC) they were not prepared to
ESPN2 34 (S) Horn (S) Interrupt (S) Poker World Series - Las Vegas, Nev. (CC) (Live) (S) Poker (CC)
lead with the aces answer: Two experts
FNC 38 On the Record The O'Reilly Factor (CC) The Kelly File (CC) Hannity The O'Reilly Factor (CC) whom I respect, Anders
FOOD 52 Diners Diners Chopped (N) Cake Wars: Christmas (N) Cake Wars (CC) Cake Wars Nintendo (CC) Wirgren and Benito Garozzo,
FSN 37 (S) Game365 (S) Sports (N) (S) Big 12 Showcase (N) (S) DFL Soccer Schalke at Borussia Dortmund (CC) (S) Replay (N) (S) Cowboys have written very intelligently
FX 31 M Fast and Furious 6 Criminals assemble to take down a criminal mastermind. (CC) Fargo (N) (CC) :20 Fargo (CC) on the subject of when to
HALL 24 5:00 M Hitched for the ... M Debbie Macomber's Mrs. Miracle ++ ('09) (CC) M Debbie Macomber's Call Me Mrs. Miracle ('10) (CC) lead shortage and when to
HGTV 47 Love It or List It Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) H.Hunt (N) House (N) Love It or List It (CC) lead from length or honors. In
HIST 58 Bigfoot: Definitive The Definitive Guide (CC) Bigfoot Captured (CC) :05 Bigfoot: Definitive essence, both conclude that
leading singletons is much
LIFE 40 5:00 M Daddy's Little Girls Women of Honor Obama (N) M Hitch ++ ('05) Will Smith. A professional 'date doctor' falls for a journalist. (CC)
better in practice, and I see
MSNBC 80 Hardball (CC) All in With C. Hayes (CC) Rachel Maddow (CC) The Last Word (CC) All in With C. Hayes (CC) no reason to disagree with
MTV 30 Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. (N) (SF) (CC) Rules (N) Rules (N) M 8 Mile +++ (CC) them. Lead your diamond
NGEO 335 Brothers in War (CC) Inside Combat Rescue (N) Fearless (N) (CC) Inside Combat Rescue and blame me if it is wrong.
NICK 43 Thunder Thunder iCarly (CC) iCarly (CC) Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends (CC) Friends (CC)
OWN 66 Police Women of Cin. (CC) Dateline NBC (CC) Dateline NBC (CC) Dateline NBC (CC) Dateline NBC (CC)
OXY 327 Snapped Lisa Whedbee Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Snapped Misty Witherspoon United Features Syndicate
ROOT 39 (S) NCAA Football Southern Utah vs. Montana State (CC) (S) The Dan Patrick Show (CC)
SPIKE 48 Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC) Cops (CC)
SYFY 60 5:00 M Live Free or Die Hard +++ ('07) (CC) M Aeon Flux ++ ('05) Charlize Theron. (CC) M The Mortal Instrument... LOOKING BACK BIRTHDAYS
TBS 51 Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy American D. American D. BigBang BigBang Conan (N) (SP)
TCM 169 5:15 M Lydia +++ (CC) M Gypsy +++ (1962, Musical) Natalie Wood, Rosalind Russell. (CC) M Limelight +++ ('52) (CC) 1965: The great North- Actor Lou Ferrigno is
TLC 63 Hoarding (CC) Hoarding (CC) Hoarding (CC) Hoarding (CC) Hoarding (CC) east blackout began as a 64. Rapper Pepa (Salt-
TNT 36 Castle (CC) Major Crimes (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) Legends (N) (CC) Major Crimes (N) (CC) series of power failures N-Pepa) is 46. Rapper
TOON 22 Bare Bears Gumball Adventure T. Regular (N) King of Hill Cleveland RickMort American D. Family Guy Family Guy lasting up to 131/2 hours left Scarface (Geto Boys) is
TRAV 62 Bizarre Foods Seattle (CC) Bizarre Foods (CC) Bizarre Foods (CC) Heroes (N) BizarreFood Mystery Museum (CC) 30 million people in seven 45. Singer Nick Lachey
TVLAND 346 Facts of Life Facts of Life Facts of Life Facts of Life Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray King-Queens King-Queens states and part of Canada (98 Degrees) is 42. Actress
USA 21 Modern Fam Modern Fam (S) WWE Monday Night Raw (CC) :05 Modern Modern Fam without electricity. Nikki Blonsky is 27.
WE 117 CSI: Miami (CC) CSI: Miami Pro Per (CC) CSI: Miami (CC) CSI: Miami (CC) CSI: Miami The Oath (CC)
WGN 54 Funniest Home Videos (CC) Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Manhattan Overlord (CC)
ENC 400 5:00 M Be Cool ++ (CC) M Gattaca ++ ('97) Uma Thurman. (CC) :50 M Executive Decision +++ ('96) Kurt Russell. (CC)
HBO 444 5:45 Whoopi Goldberg Moms M Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ('14) (CC) :15 The Leftovers (CC) :15 Get On (S) Boxing JOKES ON US
MAX 425 5:30 M Into the Storm The Knick M Queen of the Damned ++ ('02) (CC) :45 The Knick :45 Sex Game
SHO 474 4:45 M Waterworld ++ Homeland Parabiosis (CC) The Affair (CC) Homeland Parabiosis (CC) The Affair (CC) A stowaway on a NASA space shuttle learned a valu-
STARZ 410 Flesh and Bone (CC) :10 M Fury (2014, War) Logan Lerman, Brad Pitt. (CC) M Army of Darkness +++ ('92) (CC) able lesson when he was caught just before liftoff: There’s
SUND 398 M Goodfellas +++ ('90) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. A man testifies against the mob. (CC) M Goodfellas +++ ('90, Cri) Joe Pesci, Ray Liotta. (CC) no such thing as a free launch.
TMC 488 5:00 M Runaway Bride M Serendipity ++ ('01) (CC) M Match ('14) (N) (P) (CC) :05 M Kama Sutra: A Ta... Jack Eastham, Cypress
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | E5


JaCQueline Bigar
Your Horoscope for Monday, November 9 sCorPio (oct. 23-nov. 21) HHHHH
You have more dynamic energy than you
aries (march 21-april 19) HHHH realize. Your flexibility comes out when
Have an important one-on-one conver- you feel as good as you do. Handle an
sation. Sensitivity remains key to your important matter privately; you will be
well-being as well as the other party’s. Be more effective as a result. Others who are
willing to look at what is bothering you. involved will feel more comfortable this
taurus (april 20-may 20) HHHH way.
Others appear to be quite strong-willed sagittarius (nov. 22-dec. 21)
and determined to have their way. Unex- HHHH Understand that others might
pected insights occur because of what is not get where you are coming from right
going on around you. away. Even though you will chime with
gemini (may 21-June 20) HHH You a group concern, there appears to be an
will throw yourself into your work or a element that is hidden or that you are not
mother goose and grimm project. A friend suddenly could show up sharing. Be as open as possible.
and seek your company. You might find it CaPriCorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19)
difficult to incorporate him or her into your HHHHH You know what you want, yet
plans. others might not want to go along with
CanCer (June 21-July 22) HHHHH your ideas. You have the choice of taking
Your creativity opens you up to a new the lead or flying solo. You will make the
environment full of possibilities. Though right call, as you know the goal.
you might want to stay where you are aQuarius (Jan. 20-feb. 18) HHHH
and continue on your present path, don’t Make the necessary calls to get more
hesitate to enrich your life by opening up information. Your final conclusion might
to new ideas. be very different from what you thought it
leo (July 23-aug. 22) HHH Commu- would be. Take the lead in a project, and
nication forces a wild action or two. You you’ll be much happier as a result.
might find yourself breaking past a previ- PisCes (feb. 19-march 20) HHHH
ous assumption. You will witness a better A partner clearly has a say in the events
understanding evolve with a key person. about to take place. You might want to
hagar the horriBle Virgo (aug. 23-sept. 22) HHHH have a discussion with this person, but
Your sense of direction and your long- you don’t want him or her to dominate
term goals need to conform to your the talk. Remember that he or she can’t
budget. You could feel out of sync with a control you, and claim your power.
situation that develops suddenly. haPPy Birthday (nov. 9) This year
liBra (sept. 23-oct. 22) HHHH You you will do your fair share of reflection on
could be overly cautious of a money mat- various matters of importance to you. Be
ter. Curb any need to possess someone careful not to get too worried about situa-
else or to show off. Stay centered when tions, as you are likely to replay them over
dealing with the unexpected. and over again in your head.
King Features Syndicate


Brewster rockit: space Guy!

Beetle Bailey



sherman’s lagoon


Dear Abby: ten. How- not close. Even Sandra
My husband, who has ever, just said, “Well, at least I had
a beautiful head of dark as women two good days of vaca-
curly hair, decided to let should tion.” Should the family
it grow. It is now about be free to have waited?
halfway down his back. wear their Disgusted in Wisconsin
Sometimes he braids it ABBY hair the
or pulls it into a ponytail. way they Dear Disgusted:
rex MorGan, M.D.
Other times he wears it want, the same should It depends, I think,
down and it falls loose. apply to men. upon the dynamics in the
The problem is, I can’t sisters’ family and to what
bear to look at him. Dear Abby: degree Kate’s death was a
He has always been My wife and I went to shock to everyone. When
clean-cut and had short a Mexican resort with death happens out of the
hair. But as time has five other couples for a blue, people sometimes
gone on and many of seven-day vacation. On react emotionally rather
his friends have begun the second day, one of the than rationally, which
losing their hair, he says wives, “Sandra,” received may be why the relative
he wants to grow his out the news that her sister called immediately.
while he can. “Kate” had died unexpect- I agree with the friends
I know that in the edly. The funeral would who said the sad news phantoM
grand scheme of life, hair not be held until two days could have been conveyed
shouldn’t be an issue, but after we returned. on the last day of the trip.
I can’t seem to get past Sandra’s husband Had Sandra been told
this. I think it’s because of was furious at the family immediately upon her
the way he used to look. member for calling. What return home, she might
I can’t talk to him about did they expect her to do, have been grateful. On the
it because he really likes hop a plane? We were all other hand, she also might
his hair. This feels like my affected by Sandra’s loss. have been furious, saying,
problem, but how can I The first two days, all five “How could you keep this
deal with it? couples were having a from me!?” That said, in
Too Much of a Good Thing ball. After that call, it was my opinion it would have
like someone popped the been kinder to let Sandra
Dear Too Much: balloon — it was never the and her husband enjoy
If you can’t look at your same for any of us. their holiday since it was argyle sweater hoCus foCus
spouse because his flow- Some of us feel they already too late to rush to
ing tresses are a turnoff, could have waited until the sister’s bedside.
this must be affecting the last day before calling,
many aspects of your although I personally
marriage. Although he think they should have Dear Abby
likes his hair long, if you waited until she got home. P.O. Box 69440
address it in those terms Sandra and Kate were Los Angeles, CA 90069
he may be willing to lis- completely dissimilar and Universal Press Syndicate


Dear Heloise: a camera with water afterward and
When I travel for busi- phone. wipe off the dusty leaves of
ness, I put extra business S.D., my kitchen ivy.
cards in a zip bag in my Boulder, Colo. Maureen C. in New York
carry-on bag. I’ve run out
at too many conventions Dear
and don’t have any to hand HELOISE Heloise: Heloise
out! Last time, I resorted When I P.O. Box 795000
to letting the person take a use a paper towel to wipe San Antonio, TX 78279
snap of my last card with something up, I rinse it King Features Syndicate
E6 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x


famiLy CiRCus Ziggy Zits



PeaRLs BefoRe sWine

BaBy BLues



get fuZZy


RHymes WitH oRange

HeaRt of tHe City


Hi & Lois



funky WinkeRBean

Red & RoveR

f minus
saLLy foRtH
e tra
Houston Chronicle

November 9, 2015

PROTECT YOUR MONEY The worst places to use debit cards

Manage spending at any age. Page 5 | Hidden tax breaks for retirees. Page 6
Z2 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

Personal Finance

Graduated reading list for novice investors

Q: In a recent col- tual Funds.” monthly. My wife is a
umn, you wrote that • To have a foundation in retired teacher with no
“most people aren’t basic ideas, read any edition pension (Catholic lay
willing to do the learn- of Burton Malkiel’s classic teacher). Our combined
ing necessary to live “A Random Walk Down Social Security comes
comfortably with low- Wall Street.” to a little over $1,400 a
cost investing.” Would • And to put it all to- month. As you know,
you spell out what we gether, read William Bern- both our SS and my
need to learn, or how stein’s “The Four Pillars of pension are tied to the
we might go about it? — Investing.” cost-of-living index.
J.K., Seattle There is no formal We have a diversified
A: Virtually every bit reading requirement for portfolio, mostly with
of major research over the becoming an index investor, Fidelity, that is hover-
last 50 years has shown so feel free to stop at any ing around $400,000.
that high-cost managed time. You need only to have Other than the required
portfolios can’t read enough to be minimum distribution,
overcome the confident that the we do not take a penny
drag of their own odds of successful from our portfolio.
costs. Once you investing increase Upon my passing, my
become convinced as your costs go wife will receive 55 per-
of this, you will down. While the cent of my retired pay
no longer listen legacy financial for life. We are frugal,
to the blather of SCOTT firms (think Merrill but not cheap. We own
the many advisers BURNS Lynch, Morgan our home (double-
who claim to have Stanley, USB, etc.) wide) and car. Are we
the secret to beating the still work their business OK? — R.G., by email
market. Some people need plans on the idea that they A: Yes, you are prob-
more convincing (and deserve a 2 percent (or ably OK. Here’s why:
more data) than others. more) yield on our money, • Your income is higher
So here is a list of books in the reality is that the world than the income of most
order of increasing depth has changed. You and I can retirees your age. So are
and data: get superior results, easily your assets.
• For an education in and quickly, by managing • Your double-wide is
tiny bites, visit my website our investments for less paid for and has low op-
archive (www.asset- than one-tenth of 1 percent. erating costs, particularly and read the Today, the burden of if you own the land it’s on.
Couch Potato investing proof is on the traditional Shelter is the largest single
columns. money managers, the ones expense for retirees.
• An easy, fun-to-read who charge the big fees. • Your Tricare health
starter book is a classic What they need to prove care coverage is widely
by Andrew Tobias, “The -- and can’t — is that their admired.
Only Investment Guide chance of beating low-cost • You are old enough
You’ll Ever Need.” Most index investing -- by any- that your need for long-
people love his puckish, one, anywhere -- is better term care, if any, will be
irreverent humor. than the survival odds of a minimal. At 87 the down- Getty Images
• The Prince of Brevity snowball in a very hot place. hill slope is pretty steep.
between book covers is The biggest foreseeable you currently spend your articles, find referenced Web of this article do not
Dan Solin. Start with “The Q: If this gets into the problem is the 45 percent income. Then try to mea- links or to discuss personal necessarily reflect the views
Smartest Investment Book paper it will be a short loss of pension income if sure how it will naturally finance topics on his forums. of AssetBuilder Inc. This
You’ll Ever Read,” then answer indeed. My wife you die before your wife. decline when you die. Questions of general interest information is distributed
move on to “The Smart- and I are both 87 and in It means total income will will be answered in future for education purposes,
est Portfolio You’ll Ever reasonably good health decline by more than your Questions about personal columns and on the website. and it is not to be construed
Own.” for our age. We have portion of your combined finance and investments Scott Burns is a principal as an offer, solicitation,
• For a well-written excellent Tricare health living expenses. You can may be sent by email to of the Plano, Texas-based recommendation or
mother lode of data, read insurance. I am retired check how large, or small, Please investment firm AssetBuilder endorsement of any
any edition of John Bogle’s military; my pension this problem will be by visit Inc., a registered investment particular security, product
“Common Sense on Mu- is currently $2,818 taking a close look at how to comment on any of his adviser. The opinions or service.
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Z3

Personal Finance

Passive mutual funds can be

active corporate watchdogs
By Stan Choe | Associated Press comparing you to is a
positive differentiation, or
NEW YORK — Think a that could make it easier articulate a plan for how
company is paying its CEO for some shareholders you’re going to address it.
way too much? Or that its to nominate directors to
board of directors is too full the board. The company Q: What kinds of
of the CEO’s cronies? recommended investors things are you pushing
If you own a broad vote against the proposal, companies to do?
index mutual fund, you but Vanguard and other A: Independent
may already be doing shareholders approved oversight is key. That
something about it, at least it. At the same meeting, goes to independent
indirectly. Vanguard gave a thumb’s leadership at the board
Index funds, which down in a non-binding level, whether that’s
now control $3 trillion vote on how much com- through an independent
in total assets, are often pensation Cheniere execu- chair or an independent
among the biggest share- tives got for 2014. lead director.
holders of companies from Booraem recently The second general
Apple to Zions Bancorp. discussed how Vanguard principle is all about
That gives them a lot of does its governance work. accountability: account-
votes on shareholder Answers have been edited ability of management to
resolutions and a lot of for clarity. the board and the board
influence at annual share- to shareholders through
holder meetings. Q: Why get involved annual elections by major-
Vanguard, the largest in governance issues ity vote. We don’t want
fund family, is beginning at all? Isn’t an index multiple classes of shares
to wield that power more fund’s job just to track or super-voting shares,
aggressively. It has ad- the index? Daniel Burke / Vanguard via Associated Press and (we want) minimal
opted a new approach to A: Our index funds Glenn Booraem, head of corporate governance efforts at Vanguard, talked to The anti-takeover stuff.
push for improvements to are going to own these Associated Press about the index-fund giant’s new approach to governance. Sensible compensation
compensation practices, companies, whether that’s tied to performance.
board construction, and everyone loves them or we think it supports the the level where I’m voting dozen analysts for whom
other corporate issues, everyone hates them. returns of the companies against directors or voting corporate governance Q: How can
says Glenn Booraem, head And we’re going to own we invest in for the long against pay, you’re going to and engagement is their Vanguard fund
of its corporate gover- them in a significant way. term, companies that we see 5 percent of the shares only job. We use data investors know if
nance efforts. On average, our funds can’t sell. voting that way. from a number of sources you’re doing a good
Vanguard is now sifting own about 5 percent in And if you think about about performance, their job? Will returns be
through data, looking for aggregate of just about Q: If companies the top three index fund governance features, better?
companies that don’t adhere every company we own in know you aren’t going providers, Vanguard, proposals that may be on A: I don’t know that
to mainstream good-gover- the U.S. to sell their shares, why State Street and the ballot. you can measure it.
nance principles and then So we’re going to do they need to listen BlackRock, our holdings We’ll use all of those Some of this is based on
pressing the companies be significant holders, to you? of the largest companies data sources to screen for our common sense view,
about its concerns. In the and we’re going to hold A: If the only aggregate to somewhere companies that raise a that good governance
past, Vanguard would usu- practically forever. We repercussions you care in the order of 16 percent. particular concern, say, a supports good returns.
ally speak with companies don’t have the opportunity about are me selling the None of us can sell, but company that has high pay I think it’s hard to argue
only after a proxy advisory to sell if we don’t like stock, that would be all of us are going to vote, and poor performance. philosophically that a
firm criticized them. something that’s going on. rational. and those votes have We’re looking for outliers better board overseeing
An example of how We’re not in the But since I’m going to implications. and managing the shareholders’ interests
Vanguard uses its pull: governance business. be here forever, I’m going outliers. is a bad thing. It’s hard for
Earlier this year, at the We’re not in the to vote my shares at this Q: Some of your We’ll go to the board us to argue that having pay
annual meeting for Che- compensation business. annual meeting and the funds own thousands and say: Either own it that’s reasonably aligned
niere Energy, Vanguard’s But we’re in the one after that and the one of stocks. How do you and convince us why with the performance
Total Stock Market’s index investment business. after that. If the level of keep track of them? being different than your shareholders get
fund voted for a proposal We’re doing this because dissatisfaction rises to A: We’ve got a team of a everyone else we’re is a bad thing.
Z4 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

Personal Finance

3 most dangerous places

to use your debit card
By Cameron Huddleston

Making all of your purchases

with a debit card is a good way to
avoid spending more money than
you have and racking up debt.
But it’s not always the smartest
way to pay. In fact, using a debit
card at some places or in some in-
stances can be dangerous.
That’s because debit and credit
card transactions are processed
differently. And the protections
aren’t quite the same.
Under federal law, your liabil-
ity for unauthorized credit card
transactions is capped at $50.
You’re not responsible for any un-
authorized transactions if your
card number - rather than the
card itself - is stolen, according to
the Federal Trade Commission.
You’re not responsible for un-
authorized debit card transac-
tions if you report that your card
is missing before someone uses
it. Otherwise, you must report
unauthorized charges within two
days of learning that your card is
lost or stolen to limit your liabil-
ity to $50.
If you wait more than two
days, you could be liable for up
to $500 in unauthorized charges.
After 60 days you could be on the
hook for all unauthorized trans- Jupiter Images
actions made with your card, ac-
cording to the FTC. Unlike with because so many e-commerce Breyault said. With a credit card consumer protections and pay- assumption that you’ll leave a
credit cards, you have to report sites have been compromised, on the other hand, those funds ments with the American Bank- tip, Feddis said. It could take a
unauthorized transactions with said John Breyault, vice president would still be available while the ers Association. few days for the actual amount -
your debit card number within of public policy, telecommunica- card company investigates. If you pay with a debit card, rather than the hold amount - to
60 days of your statement being tions and fraud at the National you won’t have access to those appear on your account balance.
sent to you to avoid liability. Consumers League. Plus, you HOTELS funds temporarily, which could However, a bigger reason to
So to protect the money in your could easily have viruses on your When you check into a hotel cause problems if you don’t have avoid using a debit card at a res-
bank account, here are three situa- computer that can capture your it’s not certain what final amount sufficient money in your account taurant is that you are letting it
tions when you should think twice information as you enter it online. you will owe when you check or didn’t plan on spending more leave your sight while the server
before using your debit card. If a thief were to get your debit out will be, due to restaurant than the room rate, Feddis said. takes it away to be swiped, said
card information, you could con- charges or other fees charged to Bryan Jardine, director of fraud
ONLINE test any unauthorized charges. your room. So hotels will place a RESTAURANTS prevention solutions at security
Your chances of having your But that money typically isn’t hold on a certain dollar amount Restaurants, like hotels, might provider Easy Solutions. During
card information stolen is greater available to you while the bank above the room rate, said Nessa authorize a higher dollar amount that time, your card information
when you make purchases online is investigating your fraud claim, Feddis, senior vice president of than your actual bill under the could easily be stolen.
xxx Houston Chronicle | and | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Z5

Personal Finance

Manage spending at any age

By Larry Frank Sr. | AdviceIQ

You save and save and save

for retirement, trying to tune
out those escalating estimates of
what you need to never run out
of money. Conventional wisdom
blathers that in retirement you
spend only 75 percent of your
current expenses, anyway. Think
again. Here’s why.
Retirees often spend too
much early in retirement and -
the retiree’s nightmare - outlive
their cash.
Aside from having more
time to pursue increasingly ex-
pensive recreation from golf to
cruises, other factors pinch re-
tires like no post-work genera-
tion before. These include, as
Jill Krasney notes in her Busi-
ness Insider article “The Notion
That You’ll Spend Less in Re-
tirement Is Totally Misguided,”
skyrocketing health care costs
and bankrolling equally sky-
rocketing costs of housing, ed-
ucation and other life expenses
for both kids and grandkids.
Why retire then? Why not keep
working? As the Employee Ben-
efit Research Institute notes in
its “2013 Retirement Confidence
Survey,” almost half (47 percent)
of respondents retired earlier
than planned because of illness;
a third of those respondents also
retired early simply “because they
can afford to do so.” Maybe a big
financial mistake.
Among other findings: Fotolia
More than 1 in 5 workers and
retirees say they expect to retire Nearly half of retirees are “not expect to spend less when older portfolio during retirement and ally need. Keep a record of what
later due to the poor economy, at all confident” about finding and once again continue to spend try these spending-control steps: you buy.
lack of faith in Social Security or paid employment in retirement. more. Expect to cut spending lat- Admit that you spend too Think about all the money you
the government and inability to Misguided notions and pes- er to justify spending more now? much and think about why you spent instead of saved. If you hit
afford retirement. simistic outlooks lead to faulty Eventually you run out of spend so much. Does it make a milestone in your saving goal,
More than a third (36 percent) retirement planning at any age, money, period. you feel good? Is it the pleasure don’t celebrate by blowing all of
report they expect to wait until working or retired. Maybe illness or the economy of having money to spend on it at once.
after age 65 to retire and 7 percent First, you save too little when ended the job and with it your what you like? Try to spend with cash as
don’t plan to retire at all. working because you expect to income. Maybe you spent what Make a goal of how much you much as possible. Parting with
Almostsevenof10workersplan spend less once you retire - jus- little you saved. In any case, yes: want to save. Whenever you get actual cash makes spending feel
to work for pay after they retire. tifying in your mind why you can Your expectation about future your money, put it all - or at least more real.
Only a quarter of retirees report spend more and not save more spending came true. a portion of it - away. And remember: You can man-
working for pay since they retired. now. Once retired, you again Do an annual checkup on your Spend stuff on what you actu- age spending at any age.
Z6 | Monday, November 9, 2015 | Houston Chronicle | and x x x

Personal Finance

3 hidden tax breaks for retirees

By Caroline Banton | ask your doctor to provide compared with only 10.6 from the doctor. After in- “In order to take
a written recommendation percent of Americans aged corporating the mileage
Managing your taxes in cal expenses are $5,000, for tax-planning purposes. 18 to 44. And, many might deduction, that’s another advantage of
retirement can be quite an multiply $45,000 by 0.075 go much more than 10 $50 to $100 that can be
undertaking. And when it (7.5 percent), and you’ll find TRAVEL TO THE times a year when you con- included as a deduction
these breaks and
comes to your taxes, there that only expenses exceed- DOCTOR OR sider screening and testing when the taxpayer item- benefits, you need
are many write-offs you ing $3,375 can be deducted. HOSPITAL appointments. Luckily, izes their return.”
should consider. Make This would give a medical Elderly people visit transportation to and from The IRS also states that to itemize your
sure you understand all of expense deduction of $1,625. the doctor much more these appointments can be individuals can also in- deductions.”
the deductibles, write-offs frequently than healthy, deductible. clude the cost of overnight

David M.
and tax breaks for retirees VITAMINS AND younger adults. A survey “Medical transporta- trips that are required for
that might apply to you. NUTRITIONAL from a Centers for Dis- tion mileage is deductible medical services. Lodg-
Here are three of them: SUPPLEMENTS ease Control and Preven- at the rate of 23.5 cents per ing expenses for caregiv-

Ryan Himmel is a certi-
fied public accountant and
CEO of TaxResearchPro,
tion study shows that in
2012, almost 23 percent of
Americans aged 75 or old-
mile (for 2014),” said Him-
mel. “Let’s suppose some
taxpayers visit the doctor
ers are also eligible as tax
write-offs if the caregiver
is required to travel with
According to the IRS, an online research portal. er visited their doctor 10 or 15 times, and the average the person that is to receive New York-based lawyer and
medical expenses include He said that vitamins and more times in the past year travel is 20 miles to and the care. personal finance expert
medical insurance premi- nutritional supplements
ums as well as the cost of are typically discounted
qualified long-term care as possible sources of tax
services and long-term breaks for seniors. Accord-
care insurance contracts. ing to him, “Vitamins and
David M. Hryck is a supplements can be over-
New York-based lawyer looked as many elderly tax-
and personal finance ex- payers may think there’s
pert with Reed Smith. He no chance of deducting
explained the tax breaks these medical expenses.”
with respect to health in- But, “that’s not always
surance and Medicare true,” said Himmel. “We’ve
premiums, long-term care seen countless examples
insurance and prescrip- of those on dialysis being
tion drugs as well as the prescribed specific supple-
limits depending on your ments and vitamins by
income. “In order to take their doctor that goes be-
advantage of these breaks yond just caring for their
and benefits, you need to general health.” Referenc-
itemize your deductions,” ing IRS Publication 502,
said Hryck. “Medical and Himmel suggests that the
dental expenses are de- cost of these products can
ductible from your income amount to thousands of
taxes on Schedule A of dollars, which can be ap-
your tax return.” plied as eligible deductions.
Hryck said it’s important, To qualify, the supple-
however,to note that there is ments must be “recom-
a limit for individuals age 65 mended by a medical prac-
and older and their spouses. titioner as treatment for a
“Until 2017, the limit is 7.5 specific medical condition
percent of a taxpayer’s ad- diagnosed by a physician” in
justed gross income,” said ordertobeincludedasmedi-
Hryck.So,medicalcoststhat cal expenses, states the IRS.
exceed 7.5 percent of an indi- So, save all your receipts
vidual’s AGI are tax deduct- for any products that you
ible. This is the also the case buy for health reasons,
for dental expenses. which might add up to a
For example, if your AGI substantial amount over
is $45,000 and your medi- the course of a year. And, Fotolia

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