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The New York Times 2017-05-06

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Late Edition

Today, mostly cloudy, showers mid-

day on, high 66. Tonight, cloudy,
evening showers, low 50. Tomorrow,
afternoon showers, high 60.
Weather map appears on Page C8.

VOL. CLXVI . . . No. 57,589 © 2017 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017 $2.50



Looking to 2018, With Labor Force’s Weakest

Stress on Pre-existing Corners Show Signs
Conditions of Improvement


and ABBY GOODNOUGH The jobless rate dropped to 4.4
From the moment the Republi- percent in April, the lowest level in
can-controlled House of more than a decade, the govern-
Representatives approved a plan ment said on Friday, signaling the
to overhaul the health care sys- economy’s resilience and showing
tem, an onslaught of opposition to a labor market closing in on full
the bill has been focused on a sin- capacity.
gle, compact term: pre-existing Employers added 211,000 work-
conditions. ers, the Labor Department said,
The Democratic Congressional helping to quell doubts raised by
Campaign Committee began run- sluggish growth in the first quar-
ning digital ads warning that the ter and anemic hiring in March.
legislation would leave “no more The economic anxiety and un-
protections” for people with a his- even fortunes that figured so
tory of illness or injury. Pointing to prominently in the presidential
the power that states could have campaign have not disappeared,
to set the terms for insurers under particularly outside of the coun-
the G.O.P. bill, Democratic leaders try’s flourishing urban centers.
announced they would make pre- Good Bloodlines Are Just the Start Wage growth was also modest,
with the year-over-year increase
existing conditions an issue in ev-
ery gubernatorial and state legis-
Amani, left, with her foal sired by American Pharoah, the Triple Crown winner whose offspring will be closely watched. Page D1. staying just baby steps ahead of
lative race in the country. inflation.
Groups on the left posted graph- But some of the labor force’s
ics online listing pre-existing con- weakest corners improved, with
ditions that could, in theory,
threaten health care coverage,
Second Chance for Health Bill, Mixed Messages From Trump declines in the ranks of discour-
aged workers and of those work-
ing part time who would prefer
with some shared hundreds of
thousands or millions of times. In
one exaggerated claim circulating
And for President’s Chief of Staff Worry Pro-Israel Hard-Liners full-time jobs. The average
monthly gain in jobs since Febru-
widely on social media on Friday, ary reached 174,000.
a post from a group called The “Great news,” Labor Secretary
By GLENN THRUSH and MAGGIE HABERMAN Alexander Acosta said Friday
People for Bernie Sanders listed By MARK LANDLER and MAGGIE HABERMAN
WASHINGTON — The Repub- It is unlikely that Mr. Priebus — morning on Twitter, adding in a
nearly 100 conditions, from AIDS WASHINGTON — President do what no president has done be-
lican health care overhaul might roundly regarded as a steady later statement that further work
to ulcers, and said that for anyone Trump hosted Mahmoud Abbas, fore and make peace between Is-
never become law, but it has al- party leader but one of the least was needed “on bridging the skills
who suffered from them, Republi- the president of the Palestinian raelis and Palestinians, he finds
ready changed the life of one powerful White House chiefs of gap and on expanding opportuni-
cans had voted “to end your Authority, at the White House this himself under pressure from his
American: Reince Priebus, who staff ever — would have been fired ty.”
health care.” [Page A14.] week with all the usual bonhomie hard-line pro-Israel supporters.
knew it was his best and perhaps had the second repeal-and-re- Republicans were not alone in
Individuals took up the call, too: he displays for foreign leaders. They worry that he and his aides paying homage to the labor mar-
More than 100,000 people posted last hope of becoming an em- place plan not passed the House are listening too closely to Arab
Within hours, he wrote on Twitter ket’s strength.
on Twitter using the hashtag powered White House chief of on Thursday. But he viewed it as a and Palestinian arguments and di-
that it had been “an honor,” add- “The momentum in the job mar-
#IAmAPreexistingCondition, staff. personal make-or-break moment, ing, “Hopefully something ter- luting what they hoped would be ket is really impressive,” said Ja-
with many naming their own long- President Trump placed much and interviews with two dozen uncompromising support for the
rific” would come out “between son Furman, the chief economic
term illnesses or medical condi- of the blame for his first, failed West Wing aides and Republican the Palestinians & Israel.” current Israeli government. adviser during the Obama admin-
tions. push to repeal the Affordable Care officials confirmed that another But then something odd hap- They are particularly con- istration. “I’m frankly surprised
The blast of organized and Act in March on Mr. Priebus, the big loss on health care would prob- pened. Within a day, the message cerned about the role of one of Mr. Continued on Page A16
grass-roots energy in opposition harried and ambitious former Re- ably have been an unrecoverable
publican National Committee vanished from Mr. Trump’s Twit- Trump’s closest Jewish friends,
to the bill had all been generated blow to an already weakened Mr. 10%
chairman. He told aides that he ter feed. The White House said it the New York billionaire Ronald S.
Continued on Page A12 Priebus. had no idea why that happened Lauder, who is prodding Mr. UNEMPLOYMENT
believed the damaging loss had 8
He responded by texting, call- and that it stood by the original Trump to forge an alliance with RATE
resulted in no small part from Mr.
Priebus’s too-rosy vote-count pre- ing and buttonholing Republicans, message. But stakeholders in the Mr. Abbas. Mr. Lauder is in fre-
POLITICAL CALCULATIONS They especially Mr. Ryan — badgering quent contact with Mr. Trump’s 6
dictions and his too-cozy relation- peace process have seen the unex-
may have lost the vote on the ship with Speaker Paul D. Ryan, a him for weeks to bring some ver- plained disappearance as a sign of chief Middle East negotiator, Ja-
health bill, but Democrats smell sion of the bill to the floor and de- uncertainty from a president who son D. Greenblatt, who attended a 4
fellow Wisconsinite.
opportunity. PAGE A13 After that defeat, Mr. Trump’s manding votes despite being has presented himself as Israel’s dinner at Mr. Lauder’s George- APRIL
short of support, with an angry in- town home with Mr. Abbas the 2 4.4%
staff noticed that the president greatest friend but has then called
BUDGET ESTIMATES The Congres- had adopted a practice of merging sistence that tested their two- it “an honor” to meet with its ad- night before the Palestinian
sional Budget Office’s verdict on the two men’s names into one long Cheeseheads-are-better-than-one versary. leader went to the White House. 0 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
the health bill may influence the “Ryan-ce,” according to several friendship. As Mr. Trump embarks on what Mr. Greenblatt got a very differ- ’07 ’17
political debate. PAGE A14 West Wing aides. Continued on Page A12 he vows will be a historic effort to Continued on Page A11 THE NEW YORK TIMES

Macron Campaign Says It Was Hit by ‘Massive’ Hacking Attack Rikers Deemed Too Dangerous
This article is by Aurelien Bree-
For Inmates Outside New York
den, Sewell Chan and Nicole Perl-
consequential French presiden- The jail complex on Rikers Is- ter said.
tial election in decades, the staff of land has failed to comply with In the letter, a copy of which was
the centrist candidate Emmanuel minimum safety standards and obtained by The New York Times,
Macron said late Friday that the has become so dangerous, accord- the oversight agency identified a
campaign had been targeted by a ing to a New York State oversight number of failures uncovered
“massive and coordinated” hack- agency, that it can no longer be over a series of inspections dating
ing operation, one with the poten- permitted to accept inmate trans- back several years that the city’s
tial to destabilize the nation’s de- fers from outside New York City. Correction Department has con-
mocracy before voters go to the sistently failed to address.
In a letter sent to city officials
polls on Sunday.
last week, the agency, the State Given the many problems at
The digital attack, which in-
Commission of Correction, or- Rikers, the failures identified by
volved a dump of campaign docu-
dered a halt to all inmate transfers the commission seem relatively
ments including emails and ac-
from county jails outside the five minor. Housing areas at the jails
counting records, emerged hours
boroughs. Such transfers were not adequately staffed with
before a legal prohibition on cam-
paign communications went into typically involve special catego- correction officers; electronic
effect. While the leak may be of lit- ries of inmates, like former correc- monitoring devices meant to en-
tle consequence, the timing tion officers or gang leaders, who sure guards are properly conduct-
makes it extremely difficult for face an increased risk of violence ing their rounds were not installed
Mr. Macron to mitigate any dam-
Emmanuel Macron, the front-runner to win France’s presidential election, on Friday in Rodez. at jails in their home counties. or being used; officers’ private
aging fallout before the runoff “Given the critical security na- firearms were not inspected as re-
election, in which he faces the far- telligence agencies have con- are also believed to have been in- were involved in this latest attack. ture of the operations associated quired; and officers were rou-
right candidate Marine Le Pen, cluded that Russia’s president, volved in the hacking related to In a statement, the Macron with these findings, coupled with tinely issued pepper spray and
who has pledged to pull France Vladimir V. Putin, ordered an “in- the 2016 United States presiden- campaign said the hackers had the extended period during which other chemical agents even
out of the euro and hold a referen- fluence campaign” to benefit the tial campaign, have previously mixed fake documents along with no substantive, departmentwide though their certifications to use
dum to leave the European Union. Republican nominee, Donald J. been accused of trying to breach authentic ones, “to sow doubt and corrective actions appear to have such weapons had lapsed.
The hacking immediately Trump. Groups linked to Russia the Macron organization. Security misinformation.” been implemented, the Commis- In addition, for two months this
evoked comparisons to last year’s have been accused of trying to experts tracking the activity of “Intervening in the final hour of sion of Correction concluded that year, the Correction Department
presidential election in the United hack the Macron organization. suspected Russian hackers say the official campaign, this opera- this restrictive step was both ap- failed to comply with a require-
States, during which American in- Groups linked to Russia, that they believe those same groups Continued on Page A7 propriate and necessary,” the let- Continued on Page A18


A Limit on Free Admission? Help Women Work, Yellen Says France’s Not-So-United Left
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has Janet L. Yellen, the Federal Reserve Some cultural figures vow not to vote for
filed a formal proposal with the city to chairwoman, said policies like paid president, a trend called “Neither-Nor”
charge admission to out-of-state vis- leave and affordable child care could that could help Marine Le Pen. PAGE C1
itors, a lawyer said in court. PAGE A19 expand U.S. economic growth. PAGE B1
A Winning Dance Premiere
INTERNATIONAL A4-9 El Chapo Case Keeps Growing Seeking Strangers to Feed SPORTSSATURDAY D1-8 “Odessa,” the closing work in New York
The Mexican drug lord’s trial in Federal Chefs and other food enthusiasts are City Ballet’s spring gala, is “peculiar
May the 4th Be With Trudeau $495, but You Get Two and marvelous.” A review.
District Court in Brooklyn may have using social-dining websites to arrange PAGE C1
The Canadian prime minister’s R2D2 The N.B.A. prospect Lonzo Ball and his
10,000 pages of documents. PAGE A17 dinner parties at home, but guests can
and C3PO socks showed the power of father try a different business model
be hard to find. PAGE B1 EDITORIAL, OP-ED A20-21
pop culture on Star Wars Day. PAGE A6 with a pricey line of sneakers. PAGE D1
Furor Over Retirement Savings Bret Stephens PAGE 21
SEAL Member Dies in Somalia Officer Charged With Murder A Senate vote to kill an Obama-era rule One Swing and Yankees Win
An American commando’s killing dur- The Dallas County Sheriff’s Depart- allowing states to automatically enroll Down to his team’s final strike, Brett
ing a raid has put a spotlight on the ment issued a warrant for the officer
who fatally shot a 15-year-old. PAGE A16
workers in accounts drew criticism Gardner hit a three-run homer as the
Yankees stunned the Cubs.
military’s operations in Africa. PAGE A8 from state-level Republicans. PAGE B6 PAGE D4


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Spend 36 hours in Thailand’s

Golden Triangle, in an immersive
video: Walk with elephants, visit
temples and ride in a tuk tuk near
the Mekong River.

A horse ran on the track during training prior to the 143rd Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs.

The ‘Greatest Two Minutes in Sport’

By JOE DRAPE by 150,000 of your closest friends and
Let me tell you about the Kentucky Derby, awash in alcohol, reaching the 6:34 p.m.
one of the longest and most pleasurable post time becomes a challenge for many. VIDEO
days in journalism — modern or otherwise Eleven races precede the Derby, and
there’s nothing sadder than seeing a couple In the latest installment of the
— which I’ve been fortunate to cover now
who started the day looking like a young Anatomy of a Scene series, the
for 17 of the past 18 years. (My sole miss, in
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip barely writer and director James Gunn
2013, was because of my son’s first com-
conscious and being carried out by securi- narrates a sequence from his new
munion. Apparently the Vatican is not
ty before 3 p.m. (It happens. A lot.) film, “Guardians of the Galaxy
aware that something else very important
Reporting on the Derby — 99 percent Vol. 2,” and explains what influ-
occurs down here in the Commonwealth on
buildup, with the main event over before enced it, from Hitchcock to “Spy
the first Saturday of each May.)
you can blink — requires similar pacing. vs. Spy.”
The Derby is a day of pomp and ceremo-
ny marbled with a touch of “decadence and My guess is that it’s not much different
depravity,” as witnessed by Hunter S. from how political reporters do their jobs
Thompson with the help of some pharma- — except with more whiskey, betting win-
cology. It is one of the few days of the year dows and horse manure to cover.
when I wear a sports coat. It’s the only day My interest in thoroughbred racing
of the year when I ask and answer, hun- dates back 40 years. I’ve invested in
dreds of times: “Who do you like?” horses two-minutes at a time as well as
See, fashion is important at America’s owned them outright. I’ve been in breeding
greatest race: To drink a mint julep re- sheds and watched them foaled. I’ve
quires a hat for the women and a pocket visited more than 120 racetracks in nine
square for the men. And so are opinions. countries. I’ve watch the sport evolve from
On this week’s episode of the The
Unlike political gamblers, horse players the “Sport of Kings” to Everyman syndi-
ZIPPER SHOPPING TOTE - $2,425 Book Review podcast, the actress
want to be talked out of their selections or cates where four, 10 or 20 people throw in a
Gabourey Sidibe (below) talks
tipped to a better horse. They want to few bucks for a piece of a horse in chase of
about her memoir, “This Is Just
make their bank accounts great again. a big dream. Synthetic tracks have come
My Face,” and Neil deGrasse
650 MADISON AVENUE Steam, as information is known in race- and gone. So have the multimillion-dollar
Tyson discusses “Astrophysics for
track parlance, has been trafficked for bidding wars at auctions between the
NEW YORK CITY - 212 644 5945 weeks heading into the Derby. In the morn- sheikhs of the Mideast and the well-heeled
People in a Hurry.”
800-457-TODS ings, clockers clutch stopwatches and time lads from Ireland.
the jogs, gallops and breezes of horses, I know folks at all levels of the sport —
then break them down like Talmudic former American ambassadors turned
scholars. breeders, hard-knocking jockeys and gam-
Trainers and owners are interrogated blers. I talk with them as frequently as I
about the condition of their horses’ health can. I lean on a base of knowledge that was
after taxing workouts. They are an un- expensively developed.
breakable bunch. “He ate up and emptied So I enjoy the buildup to the Derby by
his feed bucket” is a folksier way of saying, roaming the grandstands and clubhouse,
“No comment.” talking to my sources and the horseplayers
But on race day, steam reaches singing and horse lovers I’ve had the privilege of
temperatures. befriending over the years. Gloria Gaynor joins the Times
“Secretariat spiked a fever!” When the gates open, I watch like every- reporter Nathalie Nieves at the
“Someone saw Doc Dolittle head into one else as the 20-horse field stampedes Library of Congress in Washing-
American Pharoah’s barn with an X-ray around the oval. I let the roar and exhorta- ton, D.C., to discuss her one-night-
machine!” tions wash over me. I get into it. By the only show commemorating the
Beyond remaining stalwart in your opin- time one of them crosses first, I hope I induction of “I Will Survive” into
ion on who’s going to win the “greatest two have a story line and emotion — something the Library of Congress’s Na-
minutes in sport,” pacing yourself is of in my notebook — that can anchor a tale. tional Recording Registry. Submit
utmost importance. Although the race itself The first deadline is in 45 minutes. I sit your questions for Ms. Gaynor
is a mere mile and a quarter, the Derby is a down and let it rip. I don’t answer my during the live chat today at 6
marathon rather than a sprint for its hu- phone or look at my email because I know p.m. E.T.
man participants. the desk needs it now.
When you are finely dressed, surrounded I pray I don’t embarrass myself.

On This Day in History
MAY 6, 1973


“The performance was as monumental as any that has occurred through the long history
of the stern test for three-year-olds,” The Times reported of Secretariat’s win in the 99th
running of the Kentucky Derby. The colt ran the 1 ¼-mile race in 1 minute, 59.4 seconds, a
record that remains unbroken today.

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Of Interest

Nike made 400 million pairs of About one-third of working-age

shoes last year. women held jobs outside the home
At $495, a Signature Shoe Is Met With in the years after World War II. By EXPERTS IN
Headshakes D1 the early 1990s, about three-quarters
• of those women worked.
Monteverdi dedicated the choral
work “Vespers of the Blessed
To Lift Growth, Help Women Go to Work,
Fed Chief Says B1
Virgin,” published 400 years ago, • VISIT US AT 37 WALL STREET

to Pope Paul V, perhaps in a vain New York City has nearly

bid for a job at the Vatican. 750 museums and galleries.
Singing ‘Happy 450th Birthday’ A Rural Retreat for New York City’s Angels
To Monteverdi C6 And Gargoyles A17
• •
In 1936, Léon Blum became the first JASON POLAN
Bulgaria, the European Union’s
Jew and the first Socialist to be poorest country, is ranked by
French prime minister. Indicted by From 2011 to 2016, immigration Reporters Without Borders as the
the Vichy government, he was later judges denied between 77 and 83 worst in the 28-nation bloc when it
imprisoned at Buchenwald. percent of asylum requests from comes to press freedom.
In the French Centrist Emmanuel Macron, New Parody Newspaper Tests Its Limits in
A Defense of the Republic A20
people from El Salvador, Honduras Bulgaria A6
and Guatemala, the three countries
• •
that send the most Central
Five percent of Americans generate The app AirDine lets users pay to
American asylum seekers.
more than 50 percent of health care eat at strangers’ houses, rating the
Many Ask for Asylum,
expenses. But It’s Rarely Granted A15 experience afterward.
What the Republican Plan Gets Right A21 Be My Guest . . . Please? B1

The Conversation Spotlight


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1. In Rare Unity, Hospitals, Doctors and Insurers Rukmini Callimachi, a Times correspondent focusing on Al
Criticize Health Bill Qaeda and ISIS, recently found herself playing an unwanted
According to Thursday’s most read article, the health care game of whack-a-mole. After an ISIS supporter threatened
industry’s triune opposition to the House health bill came her on Twitter, that user was deleted — but then immediately
about because of the looming cuts to Medicaid; large reappeared under a new username. The social media plat-
insurers, who had demurred on the subject, were pressed into form has no policy forbidding the opening of a limitless num-
action because of the effects the cuts would have on their ber of accounts, and that, Ms. Callimachi tweeted, is a prob-
bottom lines. More than half of the audience found this story lem the company could fix if it wanted to. A lightly edited and
through social media — in particular, through Facebook, condensed excerpt from her thread follows.
where The Times’s post was shared more than 40,000 times.

2. Student Arrested After Crawling Into a Duct Sequence of events over past hour speaks to all that
to Steal an Exam is broken inside social media engines like @twitter
It was not the first time, or even the second, that Henry when it comes to terror accounts.
Lynch II had crawled through a duct into his statistics profes-
sor’s office. But Mr. Lynch’s luck finally ran out on Wednes-
day, when the professor got the drop on his in-progress heist.
Counterterrorism experts have advised @twitter
The biosystems engineering major’s measures bewildered
to limit # of accounts a user can create. Why would
readers. “With all the time he spent planning this, he could
1 person need 100s of accounts?
have just studied for the exam,” one commented on Facebook.

3. China’s New Jetliner, the Comac C919,

Takes Flight for First Time
Only reason one user would need 100s of accounts is
The C919 is the first passenger jetliner built in China, but if you’re a) trolling people, or worse b) an ISIS account
many of its parts, including the engines and the cockpit, were that is being suspended.
manufactured by companies in the West. Commenters harped
on this fact, wondering whether the C919 is really the emblem
of economic ascendancy it has been held up to be — not to
mention it has yet to pass any safety tests outside China. A solution I’ve heard advocated: Start charging
@twitter users a nominal fee for each account past
a certain #. Creates credit card trail.

1. Require registration with a credit card from 1st

account. 2. Start charging when you see same card
entered more than X times.


4. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski The entity being tracked is not the (likely fake) name
of ‘Morning Joe’ Are Engaged given upon registration, but the credit card, which
The news talk show co-hosts have decided to tie the knot, is harder to fake.
confirming long-swirling rumors of an off-air relationship:
“I’m so happy that each has found the only other person in Rukmini Callimachi @rcallimachi
the world who can put up with them,” a commenter remarked WK6WUHHW6RKR
on Facebook. GLRU  'LRUFRP


Three people face potential jail time over

charges relating to their protest at Jeff
Sessions’s confirmation hearing — includ-
ing one who says all she did was laugh.
On weekends, Sketchbook invites artists
to bring visual takes to the news.

Quote of the Day Here to Help

This total body exercise will get your heart pumping
fast. But don’t sacrifice form for speed. Keep your
“I am eager, indeed body in control as you move through the exercise,
and pace yourself: If you do burpees too quickly, you
anxious, to testify in will soon be gasping for air. Take an in breath before
full public session, you squat and breathe out during the push-up.

have requested no To make it more difficult, add leg modifications.

One variant: put the right leg into a 3 o’clock position
immunity and am and then bring it back to center; then bring the left
ready to go.” leg to a 9 o’clock position and bring it back to center;
and then do a push-up. To move faster through your
ROGER J. STONE , one of several high- burpees, start stretching your legs back before your
profile Trump campaign associates hands hit the ground. Also don’t arch your back as
whom the Senate Intelligence Commit- you move, to allow your legs full range of motion.
tee has asked to hand over emails and
other records of communications and Steps
dealings with Russian officials and
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Squat as deeply as you can and place your hands
on the floor. Kick back into a push-up position.
3. Do one push-up.
4. Bring your legs back to a squat and jump up,
throwing your hands above your head.
5. Land and repeat.

For more workout tips from Well, visit

A4 SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017

Worry in Scorched Fort McMurray: How Many Will Just Walk Away?
Oil Boom Town Faces
A Struggle to Rebuild
FORT McMURRAY, Alberta — When
a group of Fort McMurray homeowners
gathered Wednesday evening for a block
party, they had beer, rye whisky and soft
drinks. What they didn’t have was much
of a block.
There are now just two livable houses
on the street, where once there were 55.
About a dozen more are being rebuilt.
But where the rest once stood, there are
only muddy lots, vacant except for the
capped utility pipes jutting from the
Exactly a year earlier, when a huge,
fast-moving wildfire called the Beast
was bearing down on the city, the whole
of Fort McMurray had to be evacuated in
a hurry. The first neighborhood to be in-
cinerated was Beacon Hill, including
Beaverglen Close, the street that held the
block party.
Though no lives were lost directly to
the fire, it destroyed some 1,500 homes
and scores of businesses in and around
Fort McMurray, the capital of Canada’s
oil sands operations. The fire turned vast
stretches of the surrounding forest into
blackened char, and burned so hot that it
melted the aluminum engines in parked
That was the short-term damage. The
long-term effects on a city already hard
hit economically by sharply lower oil
prices are only now coming into focus,
with spring and the start of construction
season. High on the list is the number of
people who fled Fort McMurray last
May, through choking smoke and walls
of flame, and are deciding to stay away NOEL WEST FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
for good. Construction in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Across the city, only 1 percent of the buildings that were destroyed last year have been rebuilt and reoccupied.
The Beaverglen partygoers — about
two dozen people and two dogs — took a
ceremonial walk along the crescent- ing are likely to involve houses that were put her loss to smoke damage at about
shaped street, catching up with neigh- destroyed rather than just damaged. 500,000 Canadian dollars, only partly
bors, snapping photos and puzzling over Mr. Adams said there were no figures covered by insurance. “The town isn’t
exactly where some of the missing yet on how many people were taking the the same at the moment,” she said, “but
houses once stood. It quickly became ap- money and walking away rather than re- eventually it will get there.”
parent that the party was both a reunion building. If they are doing that, he said, Life remains badly unsettled for many
and something of a farewell: Two there is a good chance they were under- Fort McMurray residents.
residents said they did not intend to re- insured and have discovered that their “The kids did not do well coming
build, and a third said he was leaning that policies would not pay enough to cover back,” said Bobby-Jean Loevenmark,
way. replacement costs. whose house was just around the corner
Across the city, only 1 percent of the Settlements vary and are negotiated from Beaverglen Close. She and her hus-
buildings that were destroyed last year case by case. But several property own- band are rebuilding, but the new house
have been rebuilt and reoccupied. The ers said theirs were about 20 percent less may not be finished until December. In
city has issued building permits for than replacement cost. the meantime, the couple and the three
fewer than half of the rest. Those figures Quinn Lotsberg, a high school vice
will rise as more property owners reach principal who moved to Fort McMurray
settlements with their insurers. But Me- 12 years ago, reckons that it would cost
lissa Blake, the mayor of the regional him more to rebuild on Beaverglen now A year after a huge fire,
municipality that includes Fort McMur-
ray, acknowledged that the city might
than the house would be worth when fin-
ished. For that and other reasons, he is
residents gather and weigh
not fully repopulate for years.
“We know the events of last year
considering taking the cash, selling the their options.
land for whatever it will fetch and mov-
weigh heavily on a lot of people,” Ms. TYLER HICKS/THE NEW YORK TIMES ing on.
Blake said from her office, where she has “I can’t exactly tell you what will be the
a panoramic view of the black scar the The Beacon Hill neighborhood of Fort McMurray, which was the first neigh-
borhood to be burned when a wildfire swept through the area last year. deciding factor,” he said as he walked youngest of their five children stayed
fire left on the landscape. “If part of their near his lot, which for now is just fenced with friends in Saskatchewan and then a
recovery requires they leave the commu- in. relative in Ontario last summer, and then
nity, that’s just a reality we have to face.” “You knew everybody on the street,” he There were a lot of pros and cons.” moved into a rented house across town
Since the fire, Fort McMurray has
Residents and real estate agents agree said. “There wasn’t a lot of renters.” Shelley Kellington and her husband, when school started in September.
gone from having hardly any residential
that before the fire, Beacon Hill was Fort McMurray was long known as a who lived across the street from Ms. lots for sale to having a glut, and prices “They’re not happy, period, because
probably the most desirable part of the place for Canadians from all over to go Backhouse, are joining the exodus, too, have plunged, according to Andrew Weir, they’re not home,” she said of her chil-
city. The attraction was not so much the for a while, make a quick buck in the oil even though Ms. Kellington’s daughter a local real estate broker. At the top of the dren as she stood in front of her lot in
houses — mostly modest in size and style sands projects and move on again. But Melissa and her husband are rebuilding
and built in the 1970s — but the surround- market before the oil slump, he said, it Beacon Hill. “All their friends had lived
the people who are leaving Beaverglen down the street. might take 400,000 Canadian dollars to over here, or up over here, and now
ings. Unlike newer parts of town, Beacon
Close now were well rooted. “I just don’t have it in me to build,” said secure one of the few building lots that they’re all dispersed all over Fort Mc-
Hill homes had spacious lots with mature
Dawna Backhouse watched her house Ms. Kellington, who was teaching at the came available, but today they can be Murray.” Some had even moved away to
trees, and the street traffic was minimal
because there was only one access road being built for her parents 42 years ago. neighborhood primary school when the had easily for less than half that — a sign former homes in other provinces, she
into the area. She and her husband, Scott, later bought fire struck, and helped evacuate its stu- of how many homeowners are walking said, a loss her children felt acutely:
(That advantage turned into a big it and raised two children of their own dents. The school has not reopened, and away. “Their everyday life got ripped away
problem during the evacuation, when there. But with Scott now only five or six she and her husband have decided to re- The three neighborhoods hit hardest from them.”
traffic bottlenecked so badly that some years from retirement, the couple de- tire and live in a new motor home bought by the fire, in the city’s south end, are still After walking the length of Beaverglen
residents risked going off-road down a cided not to rebuild. Instead, they intend with part of their insurance settlement. largely deserted, and local businesses Close on Wednesday evening, the
steep hillside to reach the main highway. to take their insurance payout, rent in an- “We will be of no fixed address,” she said. are feeling the loss of those customers. partygoers said their goodbyes,
The ruts from their tires are still visible other part of town for a year and then “Who ever would have thought?” At A & J’s Fashions, a clothing store in strapped their children into car seats and
in the grass.) move south, possibly to a house they own So far, about 28,000 insurance claims the smaller of the city’s two malls, sales loaded the dogs in the back. Once more,
Beacon Hill “was the older, family-feel- in Calgary. have been filed from the fire in Fort Mc- are only about half what they were be- they were evacuating their neighbor-
ing neighborhood,” said Stephen Nash, a “It’s bittersweet; we love this neigh- Murray, according to Bill Adams of the fore the fire. hood — consigning it not to the flames
mechanic who lived on Beaverglen and borhood,” said Ms. Backhouse, a pre- Insurance Bureau of Canada, an indus- “We just have to struggle through an- this time, but to the night watchmen at
had emergency hip-replacement school teacher. “I’ve known some of try association. A majority have been other year and see if it gets better,” said the construction sites. Some of them may
surgery just a few days before the fire. these neighbors since I was, like, this tall. settled, he said, and those still outstand- Joycelyn B. Reece-Reid, the owner, who never return.

North Korea Claims C.I.A. Plotted With the South to Assassinate Kim Jong-un
By CHOE SANG-HUN The fears run so high that when Mr. North’s Ministry of State Security. The whom it accused of spying for the South. nine hours earlier on his way back from
SEOUL, South Korea — In a region al- Kim — and, before him, his father, the ministry serves as the North’s intelli- It remains impossible to verify these Beijing. Two trains carrying fuel had col-
ready tense over nuclear threats, North dictator Kim Jong-il — was scheduled to gence and secret police agency. claims. South Korea’s National Intelli- lided, killing or injuring as many as 3,000
Korea accused the South Korean and appear in public, agents removed The plan involved bombing a military gence Service dismisses them as propa- people, but no connection to the leader’s
American intelligence agencies on Fri- residents from nearby apartments, ac- parade attended by Mr. Kim, the North ganda. travel was ever confirmed.
day of plotting to assassinate its leader, cording to defectors who had served in Korean statement said. The South Kore- North Korea has also made improba- In the fraught history of the Korean
Kim Jong-un, and it warned of an un- North Korean security agencies. Even an spy agency later provided the man ble allegations that more than 30,000 Peninsula, however, the idea of assassi-
specified counterattack. soldiers who were designated to shake with additional cash to hire co-conspira- North Korean defectors who fled to nation attempts is not far-fetched.
The North Korean government said it hands with Mr. Kim had to wash their South Korea in the last two decades were In 1968, North Korean commandos
had recently uncovered a “hideous ter- hands first, the defectors said. kidnapped by the South. came within striking distance of the
rorists’ group” that the South Koreans The country’s relationship with South When it accused the South Korean spy South Korean president’s home, the Blue
and the C.I.A. had sent into the country Korea and the United States has been Vowing an ‘anti-terrorist’ agency in these cases, it usually named House, before being repelled. One agent
on a secret mission to kill Mr. Kim with particularly tense in recent months, as the C.I.A. as either a co-conspirator or caught alive said his team had snaked
biochemical agents. the North threatened to perform another attack after an allegation the mastermind. through the border to “slit the throat” of
nuclear test and continued to test ballis- Still, it is highly unusual for North Ko- the South Korean leader at the time, Park
A statement carried by the country’s
official news agency, KCNA, said that tic missiles. President Trump has rattled that is rare in its detail. rea to assert that the South’s spy agency Chung-hee. In retaliation, Mr. Park’s gov-
South Korea’s National Intelligence the region with martial-sounding plotted to assassinate Mr. Kim. ernment trained a secret unit with a mis-
Service had hired a North Korean logger threats, including a recent comment that In recent months, as tensions intensi- sion to assassinate his nemesis, Kim Il-
working in the Russian Far East in 2014 the United States could “end up having a fied on the Korean Peninsula, the North sung, Mr. Kim’s grandfather. The unit
major, major conflict with North Korea.” tors, the statement said.
to attack Mr. Kim. has reacted stridently to news reports was disbanded without carrying out its
On Monday, however, Mr. Trump said The statement then threatened that an mission.
The existence of such a plot is impossi- out of South Korea that United States and
he was willing to meet with Mr. Kim if the “anti-terrorist attack will be commenced South Korean commando units were In 1983, North Korea tried to assassi-
ble to verify. The National Intelligence
circumstances were right, a departure from this moment to sweep away the in- training to “decapitate” the North Kore- nate another South Korean dictator,
Service dismissed the accusations as
from past sitting presidents who have telligence and plot-breeding organiza- an leadership in case of war. Chun Doo-hwan, while he was visiting
shunned the North Korean leadership. tions of the U.S. imperialists and the pup- Over the decades, there have been oc- Burma, now Myanmar. The bombs
North Korea is especially sensitive to
any hint of criticism or threat to its The North Korean government laid pet clique, the most mean and brutal hid- casional, unconfirmed reports of armed planted by its officers destroyed the
leader. Even a movie version of such a out its claims of a plot against Mr. Kim in eous terrorist group in the world.” In rebellions or assassination attempts in Martyrs’ Mausoleum in what was then
threat roiled the country. North Korea is surprising detail on Friday. North Korean propaganda, South Korea the North. But longtime North Korea the Burmese capital, killing 21 people, in-
widely believed to have mounted an au- It said that officers at South Korea’s is regularly referred to as a puppet of the observers say that organized subversion cluding several South Korean cabinet
dacious hacking attack of Sony Pictures National Intelligence Service had United States. is highly unlikely under the North’s po- ministers. Mr. Chun escaped the attack
in 2014 as retaliation against “The Inter- trained the man in the assassination plot, In recent years, at least three South lice state, in which huge numbers of sol- because his arrival had been delayed.
view,” a comedy based on a fictional plot and provided him with $20,000 and a sat- Koreans have been arrested in North Ko- diers and security agents are dedicated The latest allegations follow the assas-
to assassinate Mr. Kim. ellite communication device. His rea and sentenced to long prison terms to the sole task of protecting Mr. Kim. sination of Kim Jong-nam, Mr. Kim’s es-
And when North Korea executed Mr. handlers then sent the “human scum” on espionage charges. The North is also In 2004, an enormous explosion at a tranged half brother, with a banned
Kim’s uncle, Jang Song-thaek, it accused into North Korea, giving him instruc- holding at least three Americans on train station on the border with China chemical weapon at Kuala Lumpur In-
him of plotting to overthrow Mr. Kim’s tions last year on how to assassinate Mr. charges of “hostile acts,” including a Ko- prompted rumors of an attempt to kill ternational Airport in February. That
government. Kim, according to a spokesman for the rean-American named Kim Dong-chul, Kim Jong-il, who had passed through killing has been linked to North Korea.

Mexico’s President Vows to Step Up Protections for Journalists last year, said that most of the
cases involving journalists had
nothing to do with the issues relat-
investigators in Veracruz. Testi-
mony from the bodyguard of the
mayor of the town where Mr.
By AZAM AHMED because the special office respon- ensure funding for a federal pro- murderous cycle and ensure that ed to the freedom of expression, Sánchez worked described how
MEXICO CITY — Faced with a sible for prosecuting cases involv- tection program for threatened journalists under threat will be and that was why his office inves- the mayor, Omar Cruz Reyes, had
wave of deadly attacks against ing the freedom of expression journalists follows several critical protected,” said Carlos Lauría, the tigated so few cases. At the time, ordered the assassination be-
journalists, the president of Mex- rarely brings anyone to justice for reports accusing the government coordinator of the organization’s he pointed to the case of Moisés cause he was annoyed by Mr.
ico has vowed to take concrete the crimes. of complicity in attacks on the Americas program. “The govern- Sánchez, a journalist in the state Sánchez’s coverage.
steps to ensure the safety of jour- Since its creation in 2010, the of- news media and of an inability — ment and the criminal justice sys- of Veracruz who was abducted Eventually, months later, Mr.
nalists in his country, including re- fice has examined more than 800 or unwillingness — to investigate tem must now follow through on from his home in 2015. His body Nájera’s office took on the case,
moving the lead prosecutor re- cases of serious crimes but has cases. the president’s pledges.” was found several days later, but Mr. Reyes had already fled
sponsible for investigating crimes won only two convictions. Ricardo Mr. Peña Nieto made his prom- The leadership of the special chopped into pieces by his kidnap-
and gone into hiding.
against the freedom of expres- Nájera, the lead prosecutor, has ise on Thursday to a visiting dele- prosecutor’s office has changed pers.
sion. repeatedly failed to take on cases, gation from the Committee to Pro- before, and it is unclear whom Mr. Mr. Nájera dismissed pleas to
Last year, 11 Mexican journalists including homicides, in which evi- tect Journalists, which was pre- Peña Nieto will appoint. In the investigate Mr. Sánchez’s case,
were killed, the most in more than dence exists that the victim’s re- senting its own recent report on past, changes in the office have saying that he was a cabdriver Other points of view
a decade, and several more mur- porting and writing had provoked impunity in crimes committed had little effect on its capacity to and that there was no evidence on the Op-Ed page
ders have already been recorded the wrath of attackers. against journalists in Mexico. investigate cases of murder and linking his death to his journalistic
assault against journalists.
seven days a week.
in 2017. And yet there is near total President Enrique Peña Nieto’s “We welcome President Peña activities.
impunity for the attackers, in part pledge to replace Mr. Nájera and Nieto’s commitment to break this Mr. Nájera, in interviews late But that is untrue, according to The New York Times

To Understand Macron’s Economic Vision, Look to the ‘Last Chance’ Students

By ALISSA J. RUBIN The center in Bobigny has al-
BOBIGNY, France — When ready expanded its reach to in-
Emmanuel Macron rolled out his clude unemployed adults. Some
presidential campaign nearly six have lost their jobs because their
months ago, he came to a little- firms closed or restructured and
known vocational school in Bo- others simply want a career
bigny, a working-class suburb of change.
Paris. The backdrop was chosen In the pastry making course,
to burnish his image as the candi- about half the students are adult
date who would revive France, es- workers switching careers or re-
pecially for young people. training. The school has a gradu-
As France’s economy minister, ate who got an apprenticeship at
Mr. Macron, a former investment the presidential palace, the
banker, had pointed the school to a Elysée, and another at Pierre
European Union grant to open a Hermé, a renowned Parisian pas-
pilot program to train at-risk try chef.
youths. The idea was born after Mr. Toulmet, who had gotten to
the terrorist attacks of 2015 high- know Mr. Macron when the candi-
lighted the dangers of leaving be- date was still economy minister,
hind those who live in France’s recalled the conversation that
planted the seed for the pilot pro-
bleak suburbs, called banlieues,
gram at the center he now runs for
which are often heavily populated
at-risk youths.
by immigrants.
Mr. Macron asked him what
“The France of the suburbs
could be done to help the
needs mobility,” he said at the
teenagers and young people who
time. In those areas, he said,
lived in areas like his. Mr. Toulmet
“fewer young people have access
explained that the school needed a
to school, fewer have access to cul-
program for troubled young peo-
ture and fewer have access to em-
ple who were even unprepared for
vocational studies, but there was
He added, “Suburban France no money for it.
and rural France have the right to That is when, he recalled, Mr.
succeed, to develop themselves Macron told him about the Euro-
and we have to permit them to pean Union grant that was avail-
more forward, we have to invest in able to local governments — in
them.” this case, the prefecture of St. De-
France is girding for its presi- nis. The pilot program now has 190
dential election on Sunday, with students and is almost at capacity,
Mr. Macron pitted against Marine Mr. Toulmet said.
Le Pen, the leader of the far-right Yet in those classes, the mood is
National Front. Their differences sometimes dark among the stu-
are sharply defined, especially on dents, ranging from 16 to 26 years
how to fix French economy. Students at the Center for Trades and Business of Seine-St.-Denis, a vocational school in a working-class suburb of Paris.
old. Some are all but silent, others
Whichever candidate wins, verge on rudeness, some look
spurring job creation will be a for- Conjonctures Économiques, the Plane said of Mr. Macron. saved it,” said Mr. Benyahia, smil- cause of the cost of social security bored and distant.
midable task. Unemployment na- economic research center for Sci- This raises the question of ing. “He’s like us.” taxes, which can add as much as The students start the day with
tionwide is just under 10 percent, ences Po, a university in Paris, whether Mr. Macron’s plans will in For Mr. Benyahia, who lived in 50 percent to a salary. cross-fit or a similar exercise pro-
but more than twice that figure for said that many of Mr. Macron’s fact be enough for France: enough foster care for six years, a perma- Murat Boz, 18, who came to gram to help them manage their
people 25 and younger. economic proposals are not vastly to stimulate jobs while easing the nent job with a living wage seems France five years ago from Turkey restiveness and anger. Then, they
To Ms. Le Pen, a fierce national- different from those put in place effects of globalization, which almost a pipe dream. “I’ll believe with his parents and three sib- have classes and each month
ist, the problem is unfettered capi- by the country’s current and un- have sown such anger that about it when I see it,” he said as he sat in lings, is typical of the immigrant spend a week trying out different
talism and “savage globalization.” popular president, François Hol- 40 percent of votes in the first the campus cafeteria, scrolling students at the center. He has em- vocational training programs.
Her cure is to sharply restrict im- lande. But the policies have not through videos on his cellphone. braced life in France and is study- Rayn Charley, 16, who got
migration and protect French in- yet prodded France out of its eco- The vocational schools them- ing to be an electrician. kicked out of school, said none of
dustries where workers are being nomic stagnation. selves are no silver bullet to the “I came to the campus to get an the offerings interested him.
displaced. She would also jettison One difference is that Mr. Hol- A candidate who sees country’s economic and social ills. apprentice contract because I Asked what he would like to do, he
the European Union. She has at- lande ran on a Socialist platform It has proved difficult for the cen- want to find work quickly,” he said rubbed his thumb and forefinger
tacked Mr. Macron as a toady of but as president introduced a simple, practical ters to keep up with the needs of in fluent French, which he mas- together, saying with a grin,
global interests who would do lit-
tle for the common citizen.
short-term payroll tax credit plan
to reduce rising labor costs, leav-
measures as a solution increasingly high-tech employers,
as well as to overcome stigmas in
tered soon after moving here.
But for now, “As an apprentice
“Money, money, money.”
His mother doesn’t work,
By highlighting the center in ing many Socialists feeling be- to France’s problems. France attached to apprenticing we often do the job of an employee there’s no father in the picture and
Bobigny at his announcement, Mr. trayed. Mr. Macron has made in a trade. and we are not even paid the he has three siblings, he said.
Macron was showing his techno- clear that he supports a variety of Trade and artisan training pro- minimum wage,” he said. “People in my neighborhood,
cratic impulse to fight France’s so- stimulus measures that help busi- grams “have a bad image because Even if the pay is low, students they sell drugs; there’s lots of
cial and economic ills with practi- nesses, wants to make the payroll round of the election went to popu- it is seen as what you do when you unable to find permanent work of- prostitution,” he said. “I want to
cal, down-to-earth measures, tax credit permanent and would list candidates, both far right and failed at school,” said Leila Diri, ten come back to get a second di- live like movie stars. I’m losing
working with those who need jobs push labor reforms even further. far left. the director of the school. “So al- ploma in a related field and a sec- time here.”
and using traditional, targeted He has endorsed a 50 billion Rayanne Benyahia, 16, who is in ready they have negative bag- ond apprenticeship, because it is Mr. Toulmet said he is honest
programs that are innovative if euro (about $55 billion) stimulus the program for disadvantaged gage,” she said of the students. all they can get. with the students, telling them
not overly imaginative. plan to reduce unemployment — and troubled youths at the center In part for that reason, the cen- Mr. Macron is hoping to change that though they have multiple
“This isn’t a second chance for which includes investing in train- and keeps up with politics through ter has room for 3,000 students that cycle by waiving the require- strikes against them, they can
these kids, it’s their last chance,” ing programs for one million the internet, said he was skeptical but just 1,500 are enrolled, Ms. Diri ment that employers pay social succeed. He tells them, too, that he
Patrick Toulmet, the president of youths and offering bonuses to about Mr. Macron’s economic said. taxes for new employees, which understands discrimination — he
the school, the Center for Trades businesses that hire from the im- plans. While the school is quite suc- would significantly reduce the is handicapped and uses a wheel-
and Business of Seine-St.-Denis, poverished suburbs — as well as a His preferred candidate was cessful at guaranteeing that the cost of hiring and, he hopes, spur chair.
said of his students. Some of them host of other proposals that focus Philippe Poutou, a far-left, tough- students will get an apprentice- job creation. “I tell them, ‘It is going to be
had enrolled after being expelled more on innovation and modern- talking worker in a Ford factory ship — between 75 and 80 percent He would like to make working hard — your neighborhoods have
from high school, dropping out or izing infrastructure. who inveighed against corrupt po- do — it often does not turn into a hours more flexible and also offer a bad image, your names do not
turning delinquent. “He has a social-liberal pro- liticians and the rich. He won 1 per- full-time job. companies financial incentives to sound French and it is going to be
Mathieu Plane, an economist at gram which is in the spirit of the cent of the vote in the first round. Employers remain reluctant to hire people from poor neighbor- harder to find an apprenticeship
the Observatoire Français des five-year term we just had,” Mr. “I saw him on Snapchat and I add permanent staff members be- hoods. — but you can do it,’” he said.

Macron Campaign Says It Was Hit by ‘Massive and Coordinated’ Hacking Attack
appears to be the contents of a was later deleted: “It was to be ex-
From Page A1 hard drive and several emails of pected. The last-ditch offensive
tion is clearly a matter of co-workers and En Marche po- benefiting a candidacy favored by
democratic destabilization, as litical officials.” a foreign government.”
was seen in the United States dur- “It will take to time to sift One of Ms. Le Pen’s top allies,
ing the last presidential cam- through it all, but at first glance, Florian Philippot, the vice presi-
paign,” the statement said. they seem to be utterly mundane,” dent of her party, the National
Earlier on Friday, Ms. Le Pen’s Numerama said after analyzing Front, asked on Twitter: “Will the
campaign staff said its website the data. “One finds memos, bills, #Macronleaks learn things that
also had faced “regular and tar- loans for amounts that are hardly investigative journalism has de-
geted” attacks during the cam- over-the-top, recommendations liberately killed,” referring to his
paign. and other reservations, amidst, of argument that the mainstream
It also said that the French au- course, exchanges that are news media has been biased
thorities had investigated the at- strictly personal and private — against Ms. Le Pen. “Scary, this
tacks and, this week, arrested a personal notes on the rain and democratic shipwreck.”
suspect who was “close to ex- sunshine, a confirmation email for
Mr. Macron, 39, an independent
treme-left circles” and who had the publishing of a book, reserva-
centrist and a former economy
admitted to being responsible for tion of a table for friends, etc.”
several attacks on Ms. Le Pen’s Some of the documents did not
campaign website. The arrest oc- appear to have any link to Mr.
Macron, Numerama reported.
curred on French soil, the state-
The National Commission for An attack meant to
ment said.
Unlike Mr. Macron, however, it
Control of the Electoral Cam-
paign, a regulatory body, said it
‘sow doubt and
did not appear that Ms. Le Pen’s
campaign documents had been
was contacted by the Macron misinformation’
campaign on Friday night. The
compromised. The authorities did
not immediately confirm the Le
commission, which planned to before an election.
meet on Saturday about the hack-
Pen camp’s account. ing, urged the news media to be
The Macron campaign said the cautious in its reporting.
documents leaked Friday were “It therefore asks the media, minister who is making his first
stolen several weeks ago after the and in particular their websites, run for elected office, has been fa-
personal and professional emails not to report on the content of vored in the polls over Ms. Le Pen,
of staff members at En Marche, Emmanuel Macron at a rally last week in Sarcelles. The hacking attack came to light just hours 48, a lawyer and political heir to
these data, recalling that the dis-
his political movement, were before the legal deadline for candidates to cease all campaign communications. semination of false information is the National Front movement her
hacked. liable to fall within the scope of the father, now estranged, founded in
It was not the first reported In the attack reported on Fri- as Fancy Bear, say it has been that APT28 was involved in the law — in particular criminal law,” 1972. The party has taken strong
hacking attempt of Mr. Macron’s day, Vitali Kremez, the director of moving aggressively against theft of the Macron campaign doc- the commission said. stands against immigration, glob-
campaign. In April, a report by the research at Flashpoint, a business NATO members and a variety of uments. The Macron campaign ap- alization and the European Union.
cybersecurity firm Trend Micro risk intelligence company in New Western targets using various Candidates and their staff are pealed to journalists to not do the The two candidates confronted
said there was evidence that the York, said he suspected the in- hacking tools, including so-called prohibited by French electoral hackers’ bidding by widely publi- each other Wednesday night in a
campaign was targeted in March volvement of a Russian-linked es- spear-phishing attacks, but also rules from campaigning between cizing the contents of the emails. vicious debate that more resem-
by what appeared to be the same pionage operation known as through the exploitation of vulner- midnight on Friday and when the “We call upon the news outlets bled an American-style shoutfest
Russian operatives who were re- APT28. “The key goals and objec- abilities in technologies that allow last polls close at 8 p.m. Sunday — that wish to report on this opera- than the Descartian discourse
sponsible for hacks of Democratic tives of the campaign appear to be hackers to invade their targets un- meaning that they cannot give in- tion to shoulder their responsibil- that French voters are more ac-
campaign officials before last to undermine Macron’s presiden- detected by security software. terviews to the news media, hold ities, in all good conscience,” the customed to. Ms. Le Pen, who was
year’s American presidential elec- tial candidacy and cast doubt on The security researchers, who rallies, make speeches or issue campaign said. “Indeed, this is not relentless in her attacks, was
tion. Mr. Macron’s campaign said the democratic electoral process asked for anonymity to discuss an statements. a simple hacking operation but widely judged the loser.
the attack was unsuccessful. in general,” he said. investigation, say they believe The Macron campaign made its well and truly an attempt to de- A post-debate poll, by the firm
Trend Micro said the attack in- “If indeed driven by Moscow, APT28 has previously passed statement about the hacking at stabilize the French presidential Ipsos — which was very accurate
volved sending emails to cam- this leak appears to be a signifi- stolen information taken from 11:56 p.m. — four minutes before election. It is therefore important in its projections before the first
paign officials and others with cant escalation over the previous breached accounts to another the legal prohibition on campaign- to consider the nature of the round of the elections on April 23
links to fake websites designed to Russian operations aimed at the Russian group. It is that second ing went into effect. leaked documents, to be fully — found Mr. Macron’s lead over
bait them into turning over pass- U.S. presidential election, expand- group of Russian cybercriminals Numerama, a French online aware of the fact that a large part Ms. Le Pen had widened, 63 per-
words. ing the approach and scope of ef- that, in other instances, has pub- publication focusing on digital life, of them are purely and simply cent to 37 percent.
fort from simple espionage efforts lished leaked information, securi- said that the hacked material ap- fake, and the appropriateness of But Ms. Le Pen could benefit on
Aurelien Breeden reported from towards more direct attempts to ty experts say, in large part to dis- peared to have been disseminated giving an echo to this destabiliza- Sunday if poor and disaffected
Paris, Sewell Chan from London sway the outcome,” Mr. Kremez tance Russian intelligence opera- through users of 4Chan, an online tion operation.” suburban voters do not cast bal-
and Nicole Perlroth from New added. tives from the hacks and maintain bulletin board. They shared nine Gérard Araud, the French am- lots or if on-the-fence voters who
York. Eric Schmitt contributed re- Security researchers who have a measure of plausible deniability. gigabytes worth of documents bassador to Washington, said of are unenthusiastic about their
porting from Washington. been tracking APT28, also known There was no firm evidence and emails — “a jumble of what the attack, in a post on Twitter that choices decide to abstain.


An Anthropologist’s Season of Regret Over Helping Tame a Tribe

By ELLEN BARRY ducing rot from within. Governments in
NEW DELHI Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia were
adopting “no-contact” policies, and

T 82, the anthropologist T. N. Pan-
dit passes his days in the gentle India followed suit. Gift-giving expedi-
occupations of old age: poetry, a tions to the Sentinelese ended in 1996,
Buddhist study circle, a daily walk in and the Indian Navy now enforces a
the park. It is rare for anyone to ask buffer zone to keep curiosity-seekers
him about the years he spent with the away.
hunter-gatherer tribes of the Andaman In 2004, the central government
Islands. Only with difficulty can he formulated a new policy toward the
locate a single copy of the slender book Jarawa, with the primary goal of pro-
he wrote about that time. tecting them “from harmful effects of
Somewhere in a drawer, though, exposure and contact with the outside
there are photographs, capturing Mr. world.”
Pandit as he made contact with some But the process of integration, once
of the world’s most isolated people. begun, was impossible to stop, said
In these photographs, faded and Samir Acharya, a local environmental
curled with age, his face wears an activist, with a touch of bitterness.
expression of more or less pure joy. “Now they have gotten infected,” he
Mr. Pandit, the pale-skinned son of a said. “They have been exposed to a
Kashmiri professor, reaches to pass a modern way of life they cannot sustain.
coconut to a group of naked, dark- They have learned to eat rice and sug-
skinned young men who have waded ar. We have turned a free people into
waist-deep in water to greet him. He beggars.”
sits companionably beside a dark-

FACTION of anthropologists con-
skinned young woman, whose hand tinue to defend the practice of
rests casually on his thigh. Film shot in controlled contact, saying that
1974 shows him — a reserved Brahmin humans are by nature social animals,
— dancing exuberantly with a bare- longing to interact. As one put it re-
breasted Jarawa woman. cently, “There is nothing particularly
It took Mr. Pandit and his colleagues attractive about living in an isolated
more than two decades to persuade the tribe on the slow road to extinction.”
tribes known as the Jarawa and Sen- But their protestations have a weary
tinelese to lay down their bows and tone, as of one losing an argument.
arrows and mingle peacefully with the Mr. Pandit has followed these devel-
Indian settlers who surrounded them. opments from the hushed apartment in
The process was grindingly slow, in- New Delhi where he lives with the third
volving trips into remote jungle areas
to leave gifts for people who would not
“What an amazing community, but it has been diluted in its outlook, its self-confidence, of his four daughters.
It is nearly impossible for him to
show themselves. In each case, though, its sense of purpose, its sense of survival. Now they take it easy. They beg for things.” discuss his work in the Andaman Is-
there was an exhilarating break- lands without thinking of his wife,
through. T.N. PANDIT Roshi, who died in 2015. Roshi would sit
In India’s Andaman Islands, these with him and endlessly discuss the
encounters occurred two centuries tribes. His loss remains so painful that
called North Sentinel and had barely as the Sentinelese, hid in the forest. the forest.
after indigenous populations in the he has tried to train his mind not to
been seen at all. The other group, “They were watching us carefully, There was a silence. Then, six years
United States and Australia had been dwell on it. He struggles, he says, to
devastated by disease and addiction, known as the Jarawa, were fearsome and they must not have been happy, later, for reasons Mr. Pandit could
archers, known for hiding in the tree- because they picked up their bows and never explain, a group of Jarawa come to terms with the fleeting quality
leaving no doubt of the dangers of of human experience.
unregulated contact. Mr. Pandit found tops and neatly impaling with arrows arrows,” he said. “This whole encounter greeted him on the beach with song and
outsiders who encroached on their was so amazing, because here is civ- dance. He visited, after that, every two “Nothing is permanent,” he said.
himself entrusted with the future of tiny “What has gone on in the past looks like
territory. Government policy toward ilized man facing primitive man in its weeks or so. They would strip off his
groups believed to have migrated from having been a dream.”
the Jarawa fell to the Bush Police, who extreme state, living very simply.” clothes, poke fingers in his eyes, pocket
Africa around 50,000 years ago, de- in the end, Mr. Pandit agrees that the
were armed with rifles and kept careful In 1968, Mr. Pandit had a stroke of his spectacles.
scribed by a team of geneticists as Jarawa were hurt by putting down their
“arguably the most enigmatic people on records of casualties on both sides. luck. Three Jarawa teenagers, captured He recalls these days, even now, with
a kind of reverence and delight. bows and arrows. “The negative impact
our planet.” India would do it better, he Mr. Pandit was openly contemptuous raiding a village, were kept in prison for of close contact is inescapable, but it is
promised himself. of this martial approach, which dated to a month, so Mr. Pandit had a chance to “I have seen a Jarawa girl,” he said.
sad,” he said. “What an amazing com-
So it is notable that now, when he the British Raj. In 1967, he managed to study them at close range. He showed “I can never forget her face, though it
munity, but it has been diluted in its
looks back on his life’s great achieve- join a “gift-dropping” expedition to them airplanes and cars. He scribbled was many years back. She sat in the
outlook, its self-confidence, its sense of
ment, he does so with an unmistakable North Sentinel Island, where the police down words in their language. After a boat watching us as if she was Queen
purpose, its sense of survival. Now they
sadness. dropped off coconuts and bananas month, the three young men, loaded Victoria, with such dignity and such take it easy. They beg for things.”
while the members of the tribe, known down with gifts, were released back to poise. You see, then I realized one does- This was not a surprise. He under-

R. PANDIT arrived in Port Blair, n’t need clothes and ornaments and stood that his work would expose the
the capital city of the island crown to make you dignified. What tribes to the outside, with its dazzling
chain, in 1966. Anthropology comes spontaneously, your inner self, technology, and that they would submit
was such a new field in India that when you can project your personality that avidly. His aim, he said, was to control
he was offered a spot to study it at way.” the process, to slow it as much as possi-
Delhi University he had to look the Mr. Pandit’s campaign worked. By ble, so that they understood the value
word up in the dictionary. His first the 1990s, the Jarawa were so at ease of what they were leaving behind.
government posting came as a disap- with outsiders that they began to roam “In the course of time, these commu-
pointment: the Andaman Islands, an the neighboring settlements, where nities will disappear,” he said. “Their
archipelago so remote that the British they found food that required neither cultures will be lost.”
used it as a penal colony. hunting nor gathering. Mr. Pandit last traveled to Jarawa
He found, to his surprise, that the It is difficult to identify the precise territory in 2014, on a visit to a daugh-
place suited him. His head was full of moment when contact with the Jarawa ter in Port Blair. Since then, he has
the romantic phrases of A. R. Radcliffe- came to be viewed as a problem. They become more physically fragile and
Brown, a British anthropologist who began to fish and weave baskets in doubts he will make the journey again.
studied the tribes at the turn of the exchange for money. Sometimes they He is left with the photographs —
century, describing them as “brave, snatched food from market stalls. Video square black-and-whites from the 1970s,
valiant and very clever people.” He was clips show Indian tourists tossing food faded color from the 1980s — and with
dismayed to find their descendants to Jarawa on the roadside, crudely his thoughts.
begging for alms, teased by the local ordering the women to dance. Babies “I see them sometimes in my
children. fathered by Indian settlers were born to dreams,” he said. “Just being with them
But there were other tribes, he Jarawa women. and spending a little time. Not too long.
learned, that had hardly changed since Activists concerned with the tribes Not frequently. Just once in a while.”
the days of Radcliffe-Brown. One group Mr. Pandit in 1991 at left presenting gifts of coconuts to the isolated Sentine- increasingly described contact missions And on those mornings, he said, he
lived alone on a 20-square-mile island lese tribe. It is the first recorded episode of friendly contact with the group. as a kind of cultural destruction, intro- wakes up happy.

SEAL Member’s Death in Somalia Puts Focus on Military Strategy in Africa

This article is by Helene Cooper, ty Council staff. civilians would be killed. Nor- General Waldhauser said that der Mr. Trump. Though he has giv- tion remains very fluid on the
Charlie Savage and Eric Schmitt. Defense Department officials mally in war, the law permits when targets and an opportunity en the Pentagon more freedom to ground and is likely to become
WASHINGTON — A member said the service member, who was some civilian deaths if deemed are identified, the military will act without first getting White even more so with the famine
of the Navy SEALs was killed and not identified, was killed during necessary and proportionate to a strike. But he emphasized that the House approval, he also blamed pushing more and more people to
two other American service mem- an operation in which Americans legitimate military aim. tens of thousands of citizens up- generals when a commando raid uproot themselves,” said J. Peter
bers were wounded in a raid in advised and assisted Somali The United States carried out at rooted because of the drought he had approved in Yemen in Jan- Pham, director of the Africa Cen-
Somalia on Friday, the first Ameri- troops targeting a Shabab com- least 14 airstrikes in Somalia in have complicated the military’s uary resulted in numerous civil- ter of the Atlantic Council, a policy
can combat fatality there since the pound. Pentagon helicopters de- 2016, but its last one — an opera- tracking and targeting of Shabab ian killings, the death of another research group in Washington.
1993 “Black Hawk Down” battle. livered Somali forces to the opera- tion that was mounted to defend militants. Aid organizations also Navy SEAL and the loss of a $75 General Waldhauser must also
The combat death was another tion near Barii, about 40 miles Somali and African Union forces cite reports of Shabab getting in- million aircraft. contend with the public-relations
milestone in the United States’ es- west of the capital of Mogadishu, and American advisers during an “D.O.D. has more cover to act fallout that would come from an
volved in at least some food distri-
calating involvement in a war officials said. American advisers anti-Shabab operation and which aggressively when the president errant strike that killed civilians
against Islamist militants called hung back, per the rules of en- killed no Shabab fighters — was has a reputation for restraint and and how an accidental strike could
the Shabab and showed the diffi- on Jan. 7, according to Africom. less cover when the president has undercut the legitimacy of the
gagement, while the Somalis car-
And after Chinese state media re- a reputation for aggressiveness, new civilian Somali government,
culty of fighting in the Horn of Af-
rica country, where drought and
ried out the raid.
“We helped bring them in with ported last month the United An escalating role in a because everything D.O.D. does particularly ahead of an interna-
tional donors conference on
famine have heightened chaos. our aircraft,” said Capt. Jeff Davis, States had carried out a major and
successful strike at a Shabab hide-
war against Shabab will be judged through that lens,”
said Jack Goldsmith, referring to Somalia next week in London.
Yet the episode highlighted a a Pentagon spokesman. “We were
deepening anomaly: the United there maintaining a distance back out, Africom protested that it had militants. the Department of Defense. Mr. The Barii area where the SEAL
team member was killed is a
States Africa Command, which not. Goldsmith is a Harvard law pro-
while they were conducting the muddy farming community. Once
oversees American military oper- operation. That’s when our forces Since Mr. Trump removed the fessor who dealt with counterter-
Obama-era targeting constraints rorism legal policy as a senior a part of Somalia’s farming heart-
ations in Somalia, has yet to act on came under fire, which unfortu-
on the military, General Wald- bution efforts, even if only for Bush administration official. land, it has deteriorated into an
new authority from President nately resulted in the death.” area of small scattered farms that
Trump freeing it from Obama-era hauser and his aides have repeat- propaganda purposes. General Waldhauser himself
The spokesman said the attack- As a result, the military is re- mostly grow bananas and man-
constraints on strikes against the edly stressed that the United made the decision to keep con-
ers were “quickly neutralized on States will continue to follow a viewing all its potential targets, goes, connected by windy, slip-
Shabab. The commando’s death straints in place, said Maj. Audri-
the ground,” but would not say similar targeting standard requir- examining updated intelligence pery roads. It is the rainy season
came during a Somali military op- cia Harris, a spokeswoman for the
whether the operation was other- ing near-certainty of no civilian reports on flows of displaced and much of Barii, a Shabab
eration, not an American one. Pentagon.
wise considered successful. Offi- deaths from strikes. civilians, and confirming with aid stronghold for years and home to
The head of Africa Command, “This is his prerogative as the
cials familiar with the matter sep- “It shouldn’t have gone unno- organizations where they are op- several Shabab senior
Gen. Thomas D. Waldhauser, has combatant commander,” she said.
arately said the American killed ticed that we have not exercised” erating in Somalia, as first re- commanders, is mud.
said he is exercising caution in us- “He is the one who is going to de-
was a member of the SEALs. the enhanced authorities, General ported by The Intercept last week. Many times during the past
ing his new authority to launch cide how much risk he is going to
The Shabab quickly seized on Waldhauser said at a news confer- One expert also noted the ad- year, residents said, elite Somali
American-led missions, taking take.”
the commando’s death as a propa- ence in Djibouti on April 23. justment in the military to life un- commandos trained by American
into consideration the difficulty of Several administration officials special forces have tried to drive
ganda tool, with a spokesman said they took General Wald-
conducting operations amid a the Shabab out of Barii, but the
telling a militant-run radio station hauser’s explanation at face val-
population of civilians on the militant group, which is affiliated
that “the enemy returned back to ue: There are military and po-
move in search of food, and aid with Al Qaeda, has fought fiercely
workers scrambling to provide it. where they came from along with litical reasons to plan extremely
wounds and deaths.” to protect it.
And though General Wald- carefully before using the broader American military and di-
hauser’s caution comes amid in- The combat death and the ex- authorities to strike Shabab.
panded targeting authority come plomatic officials say that given
creased scrutiny on control that Security officials say the mili- the additional scrutiny from both
Mr. Trump has ceded to the mili- at a delicate moment for Somalia, tary in Somalia has shown more Congress and the media on how
tary, Trump administration offi- where there are hopes that the restraint in recent years to avoid Africom will use its expanded au-
cials have nonetheless begun new president, Mohamed Abdul- civilian casualties. In October thorities, General Waldhauser
questioning why Africa Com- lahi Mohamed, may have the po- 2013, for instance, members of the and his top lieutenants are going
mand, which pushed hard to be tential to achieve stability amid Navy SEALs aborted a mission to to proceed judiciously, but
unleashed, has carried out no op- the drought and famine. capture or kill a top Shabab leader eventually decisively.
erations under its new authority. Mr. Trump signed a directive on near Barawe in order to avoid “As opportunities do present
Several said a meeting next week March 30 declaring swaths of killing civilians. It was a small em- themselves, we will be responsi-
on the topic is under consideration Somalia an “area of active hostil- barrassment for the commandos, ble, selective and methodical be-
for an interagency policy meeting ities,” which exempted it from but also evidence of the premium fore taking any action in Somalia,”
organized by the National Securi- rules imposed by President that the United States has placed said Lt. Cmdr. Anthony J. Falvo, a
Barack Obama in 2013 for counter- on protecting civilian lives during spokesman for the Africa Com-
Reporting was contributed by Jeff- terrorism operations away from counterterrorism operations, se- mand. “We understand the myri-
rey Gettleman in Nairobi, Moham- conventional battlefields. Mr. curity officials said. ad responsibilities that come with
med Ibrahim in Helsinki, Finland; Obama required high-level vet- “While U.S. and other allied in- these enhanced authorities and
and Hussein Mohamed in Mogadi- ting of proposed strikes and a Shabab fighters in Somalia in 2011. The SEAL team member telligence has improved im- we take those responsibilities
shu, Somalia. standard of near-certainty that no who died on Friday was an adviser to Somali troops. mensely in recent years, the situa- very seriously.”

U.N. Official
Faults Fight
On Drugs
By Duterte
MANILA — Implicitly rebuking
the leader of the Philippines on a
visit to his country, the United Na-
tions’ top expert on extrajudicial
killings said on Friday that gov-
ernments around the world had
rejected the “war on drugs” ap-
proach being championed by
President Rodrigo Duterte.
Speaking at a private policy for-
um in Manila, Agnès S. Callamard,
the United Nations special rap-
porteur on extrajudicial killings,
did not mention Mr. Duterte by
name. But she made it plain that
she viewed his policies as danger-
ously out of step.
Delegates at the United Nations
General Assembly special session
last year had recognized drug de-
pendency as a “disorder of a
chronic and relapsing nature,” Dr.
Callamard said. So instead of rely-
ing on heavy-handed tactics
against users and traffickers, she
said, “they called for what
amounts to a balanced, multifac-
eted, multidisciplinary approach,
and they placed great emphasis
on health,
rights and jus-
Dr. Calla-
mard’s visit to
Counting ballots in local council elections on Friday in Birmingham, England. The results were a disaster for the anti-immigrant U.K. Independence Party. the Philippines
came after

Britain’s Conservatives Gain in Harbinger of General Election months

wrangling with
the Philippine

government to
By STEVEN ERLANGER Normally, governing parties credible contender to the Tories,” election before deciding how to gions, as well as around 4,800 allow her to in- Agnès
LONDON — In voting for local are punished in local elections, but Professor Curtice said. cast their ballots in June. seats on local councils — all of the vestigate the
councils on Thursday, just five in England and Wales, at least, Michael Fallon, a Conservative But Labour seems on course for councils in Scotland and Wales, Callamard
more than
weeks before the British general there was a sharp swing to the who is Britain’s defense secretary, a defeat next month, with most and more than 30 in England. 4,000 violent
election, the governing Conserva- Conservatives from Labour, in said the outcome was “very en- commentators simply speculating While Labour lost a significant deaths — many at the hands of the
tive Party made significant gains, what appeared to be a protest vote couraging.” But he was eager to on the size of a Conservative ma- number of council seats, it won im-
police or vigilantes — that the au-
the opposition Labour Party did against Mr. Corbyn and his man- attack complacency ahead of June jority. The Liberal Democrats, the portant regional mayoral posts in
thorities have identified as drug-
badly and the centrist Liberal agement of the opposition. The 8, saying that the local results party that has been most opposed Greater Manchester, behind a for-
related since Mr. Duterte’s crack-
Democrats had mixed success. problem for Labour is that previ- were not an “accurate prediction” to a so-called Brexit and promises mer home secretary, Andy Burn-
down began 10 months ago.
ous UKIP voters, many of whom of a general election. voters a second referendum after ham, as well as winning in Liver-
The results, released on Friday, It also came days before the
were Labour loyalists, are moving Mrs. May said, “I will not take a settlement has been negotiated, pool City and Doncaster.
are a disaster for the far-right, Philippines was to appear, along
to the Conservatives instead of re- anything for granted.” is expected to make some gains in But in another surprise, the
anti-immigrant U.K. Independ- with 13 other countries, before the
turning to Labour. This has raised John McDonnell, Mr. Corbyn’s southern England. But the Con- Conservatives won the mayoralty
ence Party, which pushed for the chances of a sweeping Conser- United Nations Human Rights
closest ally, put the best face on servatives are expected to make in Tees Valley, as well as a tightly
Britain’s exit from the European vative victory next month, while big inroads into Labour’s heart- Council for a periodic review of its
the results by saying that Labour contested mayoralty in the West
Union but saw many of its voters Labour has collapsed in its former land in northern England, from Midlands. Labour’s candidate rights record. Its antidrug cam-
move toward the Conservatives, had not done as badly as some had paign was expected to be a focus
stronghold in Scotland. Labour voters who favor leaving there, Sion Simon, a member of
who promised to end unrestricted predicted. This was not the “wipe- of the session.
John Curtice, a professor of poli- the bloc. the European Parliament, was ex-
immigration while carrying out out that many commentators Mr. Duterte has said that the
tics at the University of Strath- The Labour Party under Mr. pected to win, but the Conserva-
the divorce. clyde in Glasgow, said the Conser- were forecasting,” he said, adding Corbyn has been ambivalent tive contender, Andy Street, had a Philippines would allow Dr. Calla-
In contrast, the results display vatives had, so far, put in their best that the party was building a about Britain leaving the Euro- narrow victory. Mr. Street is a mard to carry out an official inves-
the strength of the Conservatives election performance since at “solid base” for the general elec- pean Union, showing only tepid prominent businessman who tigation into the killings if she al-
under Prime Minister Theresa least 2008, with an average swing tion. support for both the “remain” gave up earnings of around $1.3 lowed him to publicly question her
May and the weakness of Labour of seven percentage points from Labour did reasonably well in camp in the June referendum and million a year as managing direc- as well. She has rejected the con-
under its left-wing leader, Jeremy Labour to the Conservatives, Wales, a stronghold, although it for exiting now. While a third of tor of John Lewis, an employee- dition, and she said on Friday that
Corbyn, going into the June 8 gen- known as Tories, since the last did badly in Scotland, where in Conservatives voted to remain in owned department store, to take her trip was not in an official ca-
eral election. Mrs. May hopes to comparable local elections in 2013. early counting it had already lost the European Union, they are part in the election. pacity.
increase her majority in Parlia- He told the BBC that the Con- control of Glasgow for the first sticking with their party. And The new mayoral districts were But Ernesto Abella, a presiden-
ment sharply as she tries to nego- servatives appeared to have been time in decades. In Scotland, it is while many Labour voters were created under a deal to spread tial spokesman, said that Manila
tiate a good deal for Britain as it the main beneficiaries of a sharp the Scottish National Party, not passionately in favor of leaving, power away from London and the would lodge a complaint at the
withdraws from the European Un- decline in support for UKIP, which the Conservative Party, that is si- they are unhappy with Mr. Corbyn center, with local authorities be- United Nations about Dr. Calla-
ion. may be on the verge of extinction phoning off Labour support. and are contemplating voting for ing invited to combine into larger mard.
as a party if it does not perform Mr. McDonnell urged voters to the Conservatives next month. regional tiers, taking on some “We are aware that Dr. Calla-
Stephen Castle contributed report- well next month. “Labour is not wait to see Labour’s party plat- The voting on Thursday was to strategic responsibilities such as mard is currently in the Phil-
ing. showing much signs of being a form, or manifesto, for the general elect mayors of six new city re- transportation and planning. ippines, and we are disappointed
that in not contacting our govern-
ment in advance of this visit, she

Russia Says Deal Will Bar Americans

has sent a clear signal that she is
not interested in getting an objec-
tive perspective on the issues that

From Flying in Most of Syria’s Airspace

are the focus of her responsibility,”
Mr. Abella said.
Rights groups say the police are
behind the thousands of deaths
By ANNE BARNARD gested that United States The government of President that have been attributed to
BEIRUT, Lebanon — United warplanes could be barred from Bashar al-Assad of Syria said in a vigilantes, an assertion denied by
States and allied aircraft will be all of the most important areas statement late Wednesday that it Mr. Duterte. Before his election,
banned from flying over much of contested by the government and “supports” the initiative on de-es- he had promised to kill 100,000
Syria as part of a deal struck by rebels that are not affiliated with calation zones, “including not criminals in his first six months in
Iran, Russia and Turkey to foster a the Islamic State. shelling those areas.” office and dump so many bodies in
cease-fire in the Syrian war, a sen- The Russian diplomat, Alek- But the statement also said the Manila Bay that the “fish will
ior Russian diplomat said Friday. sandr Lavrentiev, suggested that Syrian military would continue to grow fat.”
But a State Department spokes- Russian and Turkish warplanes fight banned terrorist groups like
In a speech on Thursday in the
man later said that the agree- would, like the United States-led the Islamic State, Qaeda-linked
southern city of Davao, Mr.
ment, which the United States did coalition, be prohibited from fly- militants and “affiliated terrorist
Duterte denied having personally
ing over the zones. organizations” anywhere in Syria.
not sign, does not “preclude any- killed drug traffickers at any time,
one from going after terrorists But Mr. Lavrentiev, Russia’s Government opponents saw the ZEIN AL RIFAI/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES
even as he admitted issuing
wherever they may be in Syria.” special envoy on Syria, seemed to statement as signaling that the A vehicle burned on Wednesday in the rebel-held town of Azaz, threats against them. He said the
sketch out a broader geographical Syrian military intended to keep Syria. Reports said the fire followed a blast that killed five.
The spokesman, Edgar Vasquez, many deaths could be the handi-
no-fly zone for American and co- bombing wherever it chose on the
said Russian officials’ interpreta- work of drug syndicates killing off
alition military planes. He said pretext of fighting terrorism.
tion of their own agreement The de-escalation zones cover that have evaporated under the each other’s men.
they would be allowed to fly only “Aviation over these territories
“makes no sense.” virtually all areas held by non-Is- weight of those contradictions. But two figures tied to Duterte,
in eastern Syria over Islamic ceases,” Mr. Lavrentiev told
A senior State Department offi- State-held areas, apparently ex- lamic-State insurgents — a zone American officials said they a police officer and a professed hit
reporters in Astana on Friday, a
cial was at the talks in Astana, Ka- cluding the entire western spine encompassing Idlib and neighbor- shared the stated goals of the plan man, have publicly implicated Mr.
day after the deal was signed be-
zakhstan, that led to the deal, of the country. ing parts of Latakia, Aleppo and but expressed skepticism that Duterte in hundreds of killings,
tween Russia and Iran, which
which went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Capt. Jeff Davis of the Pentagon back the Syrian government, and Hama; another along Syria’s Russia could restrain the Syrian and their lawyer has subse-
Saturday. The agreement aims to would not say if the United States Turkey, which backs some rebels. southern border with Jordan, a government and concern about quently asked the International
establish four “de-escalation military would honor the zones third in the eastern Damascus the role of Iran. Criminal Court, based in The
But in response to a question
zones,” where Syrian government and promise not to fly over them. about the United States-led coali- suburbs and a fourth in a pocket of What makes this agreement dif- Hague, to prosecute him on
and rebel forces are supposed to No-fly zones have been a con- tion formed in 2014 to fight the Is- the central province of Homs. ferent is that some of the countries charges of mass murder.
stop fighting each other. tentious issue in the Syrian con- lamic State, Mr. Lavrentiev did In some ways, such discussions backing different sides in Syria In her remarks on Friday, Dr.
The accord raised the prospect flict, now in its seventh year; they not mince words: “The work of are academic. The United States have agreed at least on the possi- Callamard did acknowledge that
that after years of government op- have long been requested by rebel aviation, especially the forces of has never had Syrian government bility of bringing in outside forces drugs had become a global prob-
ponents asking the United States groups and rejected by the gov- the international coalition, is ab- permission for its airstrikes on the to monitor a cease-fire. lem, causing health disorders for
and its allies for a no-fly zone to ernment. Disputes about who can solutely not envisaged,” he said. Islamic State and on Qaeda tar- Mr. Putin said on Wednesday 29 million users and weakening
protect civilians from the Syrian fly planes and when — “subtle “This issue is now closed.” gets on Syrian territory. The that aircraft would not operate the rule of law and governance
military’s bombings, it could end professional issues,” the Russian He added that “the only place” Syrian government calls the over the designated zones, “pro- enough to be identified as a “ma-
up being Russia, Syria’s ally, that president, Vladimir V. Putin, where the coalition could operate American strikes violations of its vided that these zones show no jor threat.”
imposes one. called them recently — are likely was against Islamic State targets sovereignty. sign of military activity.” Those attending the special ses-
But there are many factors that to continue under the new deal. in Raqqa, along the Euphrates, And Russia and the Syrian gov- Government opponents said sion last year “repeatedly de-
could undermine the deal, as with Nevertheless, one of the Deir al-Zour and into Iraqi terri- ernment have liberally inter- that a real end to bombings across nounced drug-related corruption,
previous cease-fires. It has not representatives of the Syrian op- tory. preted exceptions to previous the country was the top demand of decrying its role in the obstruction
been accepted by all opposition position groups at the talks, Col. The excluded area encom- cease-fire deals, continuing to their supporters. But they saw the of justice, including through in-
groups, and the Syrian govern- Ahmad Berri, sounded a more op- passes Idlib Province, where carry out strikes, including some deal as something else: as a pre- timidation of justice officials,” Dr.
ment reserved the right to contin- timistic note than some other American warplanes have been that hit rescue workers and hospi- text to make sure that there would Callamard said. “What govern-
ue fighting what it called terrorist rebel leaders, saying he expected carrying out an intensifying se- tals and that were followed by dec- be no repeat of the strikes ordered ments did not commit to last year
organizations across the country. to see a full cease-fire in the desig- ries of airstrikes against what offi- larations from Moscow and Da- by President Trump, or as an at- was the war on drugs approach.
The Russian statements could nated zones. cials say are Qaeda operatives. It mascus that terrorists had been tempt to shore up Mr. Assad poli- Quite the contrary.”
also signal an effort to limit Amer- “The Russians this time are also includes some of the areas present in the areas targeted. tically. They said the latest deal re- She said that the assembled na-
ican strikes against Syrian gov- more serious, we sensed it, more where Turkey, a NATO ally, has Rebel groups, too, have argued called the agreement to remove tions had agreed that such an ef-
ernment forces like the one car- than last time,” he said in a tele- skirmished with Kurdish militias about the meaning of provisions Syria’s chemical weapons that fort “does not work.” Badly
ried out in retaliation for a chemi- phone interview. “The regime will also backed, sometimes with requiring them to separate from Russia and the United States thought-out policies “not only fail
cal attack last month. They sug- be committed to the deal because airstrikes, by the United States. banned terrorist groups, as- struck as an alternative to puni- to address substantively drug de-
the Russians are the guarantor, so And it includes most of the serting that they lack the ability to tive strikes for chemical attacks in pendency, drug-related criminal-
Reporting was contributed by So- if the Russians said no bombing, Syrian government’s military in- push out well-funded and well- 2013. ity and the drug trade, they add
phia Kishkovsky and Andrew E. the regime will stop.” stallations, such as the Shayrat air armed extremists. But, at the “This deal is like when the Rus- more problems,” she said.
Kramer from Moscow; Hwaida On Friday evening, even before base, which the United States same time, some rebel groups sians rescued Bashar in 2013, and Those policies also foster “a re-
Saad from Beirut; Michael R. Gor- the official start of the cease-fire, struck with missiles in retaliation have entered into tactical now they’re trying to rescue him gime of impunity, infecting the
don and Gardiner Harris from families in rebel-held areas that for chemical attacks that killed alliances with the extremists. again with plastic surgery agree- whole justice sector,” and erode
Washington; and an employee of have been routinely bombed went scores of people in the rebel-held Still, United Nations officials ments,” said Hisham Marwa, a trust in public institutions, Dr.
The New York Times from Da- to parks, picnicked and organized town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib have held out hope that the new member of an opposition coali- Callamard said, “ultimately lead-
mascus, Syria. antigovernment demonstrations. last month. deal will fare better than others tion. ing people to despair.”
A10 SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017



Ty Steele, left, and Cortez Richey on the Jackson Park golf course in Chicago, which would be consumed by plans for a larger golf club.

A Park Due for a Tiger Woods Upgrade

By JULIE BOSMAN landscape is nearly as flat as a prairie; dren’s hospital, tennis courts and the two tor of Friends of the Parks, the group that
CHICAGO — Gus Sims, 67, has heard the fairways, punishingly narrow. golf courses. By 2021, it will hold the successfully fought off the Hollywood
what might happen to his beloved, no- The perks of these courses are the lo- Obama Presidential Center, expected to filmmaker George Lucas’s effort to build
frills public golf course on Chicago’s cation in the heart of the South Side, the be a major tourist attraction. a museum dedicated to narrative art
South Side, where, on a balmy spring panoramic views of the downtown sky- Many people here were elated by the along the lakefront last year, said that the
morning here, he was setting out to play line and Lake Michigan — and the proud Obamas’ decision to bring the library to golf course plans had “raised alarm
a leisurely nine holes. sense that the courses and Jackson Park the South Side, a move that could help bells.”
If a plan backed by Mayor Rahm itself belong to the neighborhood. “We shift a longstanding pattern in Chicago: “It feels to us that for this administra-
Emanuel comes to fruition, the South South Siders have been enjoying these While neighborhoods downtown and on tion, the focus is on revenue generators
Shore Golf Course and an adjacent pub- two courses for a long time,” said Jacque- the North Side have become glitzier, above all else,” she said, referring to the
lic-run course in Jackson Park will be line Lewis, 73, as she loaded clubs into some on the South and West Sides have Emanuel administration. “And we don’t
transformed into a single dazzling, high- decayed, losing population and small think that’s the right starting place.”
caliber golf club designed by Tiger businesses. The project will largely depend on pri-
Woods. According to the proposal, the Some preservationist groups have ap- vate donors. The Chicago Parks Golf Alli-
new course will be polished enough to Duffers have doubts proached the subject of the new golf ance is hoping to raise roughly $30 mil-
lion, of which $20 million will be spent on
host P.G.A. championships and lure out- course warily.
of-town visitors. about a plan to redevelop The Jackson Park Advisory Council building the new course and $5 million
“It’s going to get pricey and fancy,” for an endowment for maintenance and
said Mr. Sims, the owner of a dry-clean- a spartan golf course. has endorsed the plan. “It’s a win for
folks who live on the South Side and it’s a pricing discounts. (The other $5 million
ing business, who had just paid $9 in win for the park,” said Louise McCurry, is for alliance operations and program-
greens fees. “I just hope they don’t price the group’s president. But other organi- ming.)
out us average guys.” zations have said they are unsure if the Mr. Rolfing said he planned to hold
her car after playing a round. more town hall-style events to get input
Regulars who play the Jackson Park new course will be good for the neighbor-
If the courses are replaced by a new from the community, and that so far the
golf courses on the South Side said they hood.
one, Ms. Lewis said, she has a bad feeling response had been enthusiastic. He de-
have warmed to the idea that a state-of- “There are a lot of people in our group
about what will happen. “I think the word scribed the current courses as aging and
the-art course might be a boon for the who have articulated the concern that
I’m looking for,” she said, “is displace- in need of repair, with irrigation and
neighborhood, in a part of the city that this is a very comfortable, duffers-level
ment.” drainage problems. The new course will
sorely needs economic development. course that’s fun to do and it’s within
This year has brought a surge of de- improve views of the lake, and the prac-
But they also worry that residents of this their capacity, so why do you need this
bate in Chicago about how to redevelop tice facility will be suitable for tour pro-
mostly African-American side of town more elaborate course?” said Brenda
Jackson Park, a 543-acre grassy expanse fessionals.
will lose a hidden treasure, a place with a Nelms, a coordinator for Jackson Park
designed by Frederick Law Olmsted that On a recent morning at the 18-hole
low-key vibe and inexpensive greens Watch, a community watchdog group.
was the site of the World’s Fair in 1893. Jackson Park Golf Course, two
fees that might vanish along with the
These days, it contains gardens, a chil- Juanita Irizarry, the executive direc- employees lingered in the building near
current golf courses.
Officials who are designing, promot- the first tee, where golfers could buy a $1
ing and raising money for the new course cup of coffee and a $6 Polish sausage at
are courting local golfers and vowing to the snack bar.
keep it affordable. “There are some re- Keith McGrue, 60, a South Side resi-
ally loyal South Shore and Jackson Park dent, said he had heard chatter from reg-
golfers, and they deserve a better prod- ulars who wonder what a Tiger Woods-
uct,” said the golf analyst Mark Rolfing, designed course could bring.
founder of the Chicago Parks Golf Alli- “A lot of people have been playing here
ance, the nonprofit group that is working for 25, 30 years,” Mr. McGrue said. “The
with the city’s park district on the question becomes, Who benefits from
project. “I would never be involved in an the change? Who loses out and who
initiative that wasn’t going to be afford- wins? Most people that play here, espe-
able. That is imperative. When it’s done, cially the black folks, live in the neighbor-
they are going to be so proud of the hood. This is our golf course.”
place.” Alan Brothers, 71, who was playing at
The Chicago Parks Golf Alliance has the South Shore course, said that he was
entered into a public-private partnership hoping for the sort of growth that a new
with the Chicago Park District; the dis- facility could bring to the South Side.
trict will decide who manages the course “This neighborhood has been in need
once the project is completed, and the of economic development for a very long
course will remain park district land. time,” he said, pointing to the south,
The planners behind the project have a where several blocks away, four people
difficult task: trying to win over locals were shot dead in a restaurant in March
who love the Jackson Park courses for in an apparent act of gang retribution.
what they are, which is uncrowded, sim- “That’s what’s going on around here,”
ple and a little threadbare. There are no Mr. Richey, left, and Mr. Steele on the Jackson Park course. One he said. “So any sign of civilization is a
lavish clubhouses or restaurants. The golfer said, “I just hope they don’t price out us average guys.” good thing.”

Rape Charges to Be Dropped Against Students in Case Cited by White House

By MATT STEVENS But on Friday, John J. McCarthy, five years in prison. Mr. McCarthy did But David Wooten, one of Mr. Mon-
state’s attorney for Montgomery County, not elaborate. A spokesman for his office tano’s lawyers, said his client’s family
Prosecutors in Maryland said on Fri-
day that they would drop rape charges said his office had concluded that “the said the charge was filed on Thursday. An episode that entered a members are United States citizens and
against an undocumented immigrant facts of this case do not support the
charges originally filed” against the two
At a news conference on Friday,
lawyers for Mr. Montano said the state
national debate about confirmed that his client is in deportation
and another high school student, adding
a new twist to a case that the White students, Henry E. Sanchez-Milian, 18,
and Jose O. Montano, 17.
had also decided to file pornography-re-
lated charges against their client in juve-
illegal immigration. “He came here on his own in order to
be reunited with his family because he
House had held up as evidence of the
Citing a “lack of corroboration and nile court. didn’t have any family back home left,”
need to be tough on illegal immigration.
substantial inconsistencies,” Mr. McCar- Asked Friday afternoon about Mary- Mr. Wooten said.
The allegations originated at Rockville thy told reporters that after a “painstak- Sanchez-Milian had propositioned the 14-
land prosecutors’ decision to drop the United States Immigration and
High School in March, when the police ing investigation” it had become clear rape charges, Sarah Sanders, the White year-old girl for sex in a hallway of the Customs Enforcement officials said that
accused the two male students of raping that prosecuting the students on the House’s deputy press secretary, said she high school. When she refused, they after the students were arrested they
a 14-year-old girl in a bathroom stall. The original charges of first-degree rape and would not retract any statements on the forced her into a boys’ bathroom and had determined that Mr. Sanchez-
case quickly ascended to the national sexual offense was “untenable.” case “without further information.” Mr. raped her in a stall, the authorities said at Milian, a native of Guatemala, had en-
stage when Sean Spicer, the White House “The actions today have been dis- Spicer, she said, “was speaking about the time. tered the country illegally. They placed a
press secretary, told reporters that Pres- cussed with the 14-year-old girl, her at- what he knew at the time.” Andrew Jezic, a lawyer for Mr. detainer on Mr. Sanchez-Milian the day
ident Trump had prioritized cracking torney and her family,” he said. “As “We’re always looking to protect the Sanchez-Milian, said if his client is found he was charged, which officials said at
down on illegal immigration “because of prosecutors, we always go where the evi- American people,” she said, adding later guilty of what he called a “throwaway” the time would allow them to eventually
tragedies like” the situation in Maryland. dence takes us.” in a reference to Mr. Trump, “This is a pornography charge, “that’s nearly take him into custody.
Days later, the father of the undocu- Though he said he would drop the rape law-and-order president.” guaranteed to be fatal to his immigration Soon after, ICE officers arrested Mr.
mented student was detained by the fed- charges against Mr. Sanchez-Milian, Mr. The episode from which the allega- case to keep him in the country.” Sanchez-Milian’s father, Adolfo Sanchez-
eral authorities for entering the country McCarthy said his office had filed a new tions arose occurred March 16 when, ac- The authorities have not commented Reyes. Mr. Jezic said the father was re-
illegally, placing additional scrutiny on child pornography charge against him, cording to the Montgomery County Po- on Mr. Montano’s immigration status be- leased on $20,000 bail a few weeks ago,
the case and stirring further debate. which carries a maximum sentence of lice Department, Mr. Montano and Mr. cause he is a minor. and is awaiting trial.


Senate Panel Asks Trump Associates A move to accelerate

an inquiry into foreign
For Communications With Russians interference.
By MATTHEW ROSENBERG two men declined to comment. and the idea that my tweets prove In February, the White House
and MAGGIE HABERMAN Any decision to issue subpoe- otherwise is ludicrous,” he added. sought to enlist Mr. Burr to refute
WASHINGTON — The Senate nas would require a majority vote Mr. Page was more circumspect news stories about ties between
Intelligence Committee has asked by members of the intelligence about whether he would cooper- Trump associates and Russia. The
a number of high-profile Trump committee. ate. In an email, he said, “Although senator characterized his conver-
campaign associates to hand over Mr. Stone said he planned to I will help in any way that I can, sations with reporters as an ap-
emails and other records of deal- comply with the request, noting please note that any records I may
propriate part of his job as the
ings with Russians as part of its in- that he has said in the past that he have saved as a private citizen
chairman of the intelligence com-
vestigation into Russian meddling will testify voluntarily. “I am ea- with limited technology capabili-
in the presidential election and is ger, indeed anxious, to testify in ties will be minuscule in compari-
son to the full database of informa- Yet in public comments since
prepared to subpoena those who full public session, have requested then, he has committed to follow-
refuse to cooperate, officials said. no immunity and am ready to go,” tion which has already been col-
lected under last year’s com- GABRIELLA DEMCZUK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES ing the intelligence wherever it
The requests for the materials he said in a brief interview. leads, including examining any
were made in letters sent by the pletely unjustified FISA warrant.” Senator Richard M. Burr, left, and Senator Mark Warner in
Mr. Stone says that he has had links between Trump associates
committee in the past 10 days, said He was referring to a warrant March, before an intelligence committee meeting on Russia.
no communications with Russian and Russia. Officials say that, in
two officials with knowledge of the issued by the Foreign Intelligence
officials other than previously dis- private, Mr. Burr has expressed
contents of the letters. The move Surveillance Court that allowed tions of collusion by Trump Jan. 20, 2017. It set a May 9 dead-
closed communications with Guc- no qualms about pressing forward
is designed to accelerate the com- the Justice Department to se- associates. There are two other line for a response.
cifer 2.0, the online persona that with the investigation and has told
mittee’s investigation, and repre- cretly wiretap his communica- separate congressional investiga- The committee also requested
officials believe was a front for Mr. Warner that he is ready to is-
sents a new bipartisan challenge tions. The warrant was issued af- tions — one by the Senate panel that, by May 19, the recipients
Russian intelligence. Mr. Stone ter investigators concluded that sue subpoenas if necessary.
to the Trump administration, and the other by the House intelli- hand over records of all communi-
has acknowledged trading mes- Mr. Page was no longer part of the In recent weeks there have
which has sought to use Republi- gence committee. cations — including emails, text
sages with Guccifer on Twitter, Trump campaign, and it was been reports that Mr. Warner and
can allies in Congress to blunt the President Trump has dismissed messages and phone logs — with
though he has repeatedly dis- based on evidence that he might other Democrats on the commit-
inquiries. talk of Russian election interfer- Russian officials or businesspeo-
missed allegations from the intel- have been operating as a Russian tee were frustrated with the pace
Among those who said they had ence as “fake news” meant to un- ple from the same period. It also
ligence community that Guccifer agent, officials have said. of the investigation, and were
received the requests were Roger dermine his presidency. asks them for information on any
J. Stone Jr., an informal adviser to was a Russian front. “As a lone individual, I can as- pressing Mr. Burr to send letters
The letters from the Senate of their financial or real estate
President Trump, and Carter “I recognize that the reputation sure you that my personal admin- committee were jointly signed by holdings related to Russia and to requesting emails, memos, phone
Page, a businessman and former I have cultivated as an extreme istrative capabilities pale in com- Senator Richard M. Burr, the list any meetings they know of be- records and other materials from
foreign policy adviser to the partisan and a rogue make me a parison to those of the numerous North Carolina Republican, and tween other Trump campaign the Trump campaign and transi-
Trump campaign. Paul Manafort, convenient fall guy for the staff in the executive, legislative Senator Mark Warner, the Virgin- associates and Russians. tion.
the former campaign chairman, Democrats, but I refuse to play the and judicial branches of the U.S. ia Democrat, who are the commit- Both Mr. Burr and Mr. Warner Late last month, the Democrats
and Michael T. Flynn, the former patsy role they have in mind for government,” Mr. Page added. tee’s two senior members. The let- declined to comment on the re- on the committee hired April F.
national security adviser, were me,” said Mr. Stone, a self-pro- Mr. Page, Mr. Stone and Mr. ters instruct recipients to list all quests, which officials said went Doss, a former associate general
also sent letters, the officials with fessed dirty trickster. Manafort are all under scrutiny in the meetings they had with Rus- to a number of other people counsel at the National Security
knowledge of the investigation “I had no contact with the Rus- an F.B.I. investigation into Rus- sian officials or Russian business- associated with the Trump cam- Agency, to serve as a special coun-
said. Representatives for those sians or their cutout at any time sian election meddling and allega- people from June 16, 2015, through paign and presidential transition. sel on the Russia investigation.

Mixed Signals
From Trump
Vex Backers
Of Israel
From Page A1
ent message at an earlier dinner
with two other prominent
Palestinians, Salam Fayyad and
Ziad Asali, and two American
Jewish diplomats, Elliott Abrams
and Dennis B. Ross. They all told
him that a breakthrough was not
realistic now, and that Mr. Trump
would be better off pursuing incre-
mental advances, like bettering
the economic fortunes of the
“There is a perception that he’s
fundamentally sympathetic, but
there is an uncertainty about
where he wants to go,” said Mr.
Ross, a Middle East envoy for
Presidents Barack Obama and
Bill Clinton. “Among those who
think there is no such thing as a
deal, or that Israel is being asked
to make troubling concessions,
there is unease.”
So far, none of these objections
are being made public. Conserva-
tive supporters of Israel view Mr.
Trump as a vast improvement
over Mr. Obama, whose blunt
pressure on Israel to halt con-
struction of settlements in the
West Bank poisoned his relation-
ship with Prime Minister Ben-
jamin Netanyahu.
Mr. Trump has “done more in
just 100 days than Barack Obama Sheldon G. Adelson was disappointed that President Trump had not fulfilled a campaign promise to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.
ever did in transforming the U.S.-
Israel relationship into a U.S.-Is- was widely noticed by Israeli cials insist it may still happen; to those officials’ arguments, for How much direct influence Mr. has an obligation to try, suggest-
rael partnership,” said Matthew news media. Curiously, similar Mr. Trump must decide by June example, on settlements. Lauder has on Mr. Trump is a mat- ing that his unconventional ap-
Brooks, the executive director of messages on other social media whether to renew the waiver of The president’s push on settle- ter of debate: Some close to the proach to diplomacy might unlock
the Republican Jewish Coalition. were not deleted. Michael Anton, the congressional vote instruct- ments unnerved Mr. Netanyahu, White House insist their contacts some doors.
But later this month, when Mr. a White House spokesman, said ing that the embassy be moved. according to officials on both are frequent; others say there His hard-line pro-Israel
Trump will test his ideas on his that no one knew what had hap- David M. Friedman, the bank- sides, though they avoided an have been just three meetings, supporters console themselves
first foreign trip, to Saudi Arabia pened to the Twitter post but that ruptcy lawyer who is Mr. Trump’s open split over it. Mr. Netanyahu one in the Oval Office and two at that Mr. Trump will soon recog-
and Israel, one of his most power- “we stand by the message.” ambassador to Israel, has told was determined not to antagonize Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s Palm nize the futility of this undertak-
ful donors, the Las Vegas casino Mr. Trump has borrowed a few people he plans to divide his time another president, and the under- Beach club. But Mr. Lauder has an ing. That pessimism, they note, is
magnate Sheldon G. Adelson, will pages from Mr. Obama’s play- between the ambassador’s sea- standing on settlements was left open line to Mr. Greenblatt; the a view shared not just by hard-lin-
be in Israel when the president is, book. He, too, has leaned on Mr. side residence near Tel Aviv and unwritten, mitigating attacks on dinner for Mr. Abbas testifies to ers but also by most of the Israeli
according to people briefed on his Netanyahu to curb settlement the King David Hotel in Jerusa- Mr. Netanyahu by pro-settler fac- his social clout.
schedule. political establishment, left and
construction to make it easier to lem, where the State Department tions in his coalition. An adviser to Mr. Lauder de- right.
Mr. Adelson was disappointed pursue talks with the keeps an apartment for its envoy. One of the biggest cheerleaders nied he was pushing an alliance
that Mr. Trump had not fulfilled a “The administration is likely to
Palestinians. Mr. Greenblatt came But Mr. Friedman, who is mov- for a peace deal is Mr. Lauder, a with Mr. Abbas, but described Mr.
campaign promise to move the discover what its predecessors
to an understanding with Mr. Ne- ing to Israel in the coming days, cosmetics heir who has known Mr. Lauder as an optimist.
American Embassy to Jerusalem learned: that there is no deal to be
tanyahu that is not unlike the one has been a less central figure in Trump for decades. His mother, Mr. Adelson was frustrated that
from Tel Aviv. He will be watching between President George W. Mr. Trump’s peacemaking project Estée Lauder, was among the first Mr. Trump did not fulfill his prom- had right now because the parties
closely to see how the president Bush and Prime Minister Ariel than Mr. Greenblatt. An Orthodox of the Manhattan social elite to ac- ise to move the embassy on “Day have unbridgeable positions on
squares his vow to be a stalwart Sharon, under which Israel Jew and an in-house lawyer who cept Mr. Trump when he arrived 1.” But people who have spoken to most of the issues,” said Noah Pol-
friend of Israel with his peace- agreed not to approve further con- negotiated real estate deals for on the scene as a young developer him said he was heartened by the lak, a Republican strategist who
making ambitions. struction outside existing settle- Mr. Trump, Mr. Greenblatt has from Queens. White House’s silence when the works with pro-Israel conserva-
The deletion of Mr. Trump’s ment boundaries. impressed outsiders with his de- Mr. Lauder’s enthusiasm for a Israeli government announced a tive groups.
Twitter message calling it “an After his promise to move the termination to learn the be- bold new initiative has alarmed new settlement to replace Amona, “Obama used the impasse as a
honor” to meet with Mr. Abbas embassy to Jerusalem, Mr. Trump deviling history of Middle East some in Mr. Trump’s circle, partic- a settler outpost evacuated after it way to condemn Israel,” he
has set that issue aside for now, peace. ularly his chief strategist, Stephen was declared illegal. A spokesman continued. “We’re not worried
Mark Landler reported from heeding the advice of King Abdul- Mr. Greenblatt has met with a K. Bannon. Mr. Bannon speaks for Mr. Adelson declined to com- Trump will follow suit. We simply
Washington, and Maggie Ha- lah II of Jordan and other Arab wide range of Arab leaders, regularly with Mr. Adelson, who ment. hope the process of the adminis-
berman from New York. Peter leaders, who warned him it could ambassadors, and other officials, donated millions of dollars to out- Aides to Mr. Trump said they tration proving to itself that no
Baker contributed reporting ignite violence among in a crash course that hard-liners side groups to help Republicans in are well aware of the hurdles to a deal is possible will be quick and
Washington. Palestinians. White House offi- worry will leave him sympathetic the 2016 elections. deal. But they say the president undramatic.”

Trump’s 2nd Nominee for Army Secretary Withdraws, Citing ‘Misleading’ Attacks
By HELENE COOPER have been mischaracterized and Mr. Green was accused by the from which armed citizens should sponded that “if you poll the psy- Democratic leader, had vowed to
WASHINGTON — Mark E. attacked by a few on the other side American Military Partner Asso- protect themselves. chiatrists, they’re going to tell you vote against Mr. Green. The last
Green, President Trump’s second of the aisle for political gain,” Mr. ciation and other gay-rights advo- “We are back to where the coun- that transgender is a disease.” Army secretary, Eric Fanning,
nominee to be secretary of the Green said in the statement. cacy groups of discriminating try was at its beginning, and it’s And he implied that same-sex was the first openly gay leader of a
Army, withdrew from considera- “While these false attacks have no against gay, bisexual and trans- the armed citizen who will defend marriage was as unthinkable 30 military branch.
tion on Friday, saying in a state- bearing on the needs of the Army gender individuals, particularly this nation,” Mr. Green said. “And years ago as government-spon- Senator Tammy Duckworth,
ment that his nomination had be- or my qualifications to serve, I be- given the military’s circuitous his- there’s something else that we’ve sored infanticide is today. Democrat of Illinois, on Friday
come a distraction because of lieve it is critical to give the presi- tory of treatment of gays in the got to protect ourselves from, and Chad Griffin, president of the called Mr. Green “not fit to lead
“false and misleading attacks dent the ability to move forward military. it is an overreaching federal gov- Human Rights Campaign, said on the Army” and praised his deci-
against me.” with his vision to restore our mili- He had made a number of con- ernment. The notion that Mr. Friday that Mr. Green’s “danger- sion to withdraw his nomination.
Mr. Green, a Tennessee state tary to its rightful place in the tentious assertions, particularly Obama thinks that he can tell the ous views and hateful comments “It should not matter what reli-
senator who was an Army flight world.” in an appearance before the Chat- state of Tennessee who can go into are disqualifying for any public gion you are or what your sexual
surgeon, has criticized federal at- Mr. Trump’s first pick for Army tanooga Tea Party last year, when a men’s bathroom or a women’s servant, let alone someone wish- orientation is when you join the
tempts to bar discrimination secretary, Vincent Viola, pulled he suggested that President bathroom is absurd.” ing to serve as secretary of the military, only that you care deeply
against gay, bisexual and trans- out of consideration in February, Barack Obama’s opposition to Asked during that appearance Army.” about this country and want to
gender people in workplaces and saying he could not disentangle laws meant to prevent transgen- what military rank and file The job of Army secretary must serve and defend it,” Ms. Duck-
businesses. himself from his business ties. Mr. der people from using the bath- thought about “the social revolu- be confirmed by the Senate, and worth, a former Army helicopter
“Tragically, my life of public Viola is the owner of the N.H.L.’s rooms of their stated gender was tions being imposed upon them by several senators, including Chuck pilot who lost her legs in the Iraq
service and my Christian beliefs Florida Panthers. the kind of government action this government,” Mr. Green re- Schumer of New York, the war, said in a statement.


Foes’ Top Issue With Bill: A rallying cry for

opponents of a health
Its Stance on Prior Illness measure.
prohibitive. Political strategists and
From Page A1 And the political potency of organizers in both parties have
by one measure, added to the leg- these attacks is undeniable. long viewed protections for peo-
islation to assure its passage, that Where the Affordable Care Act ple with pre-existing conditions as
allowed states to seek federal draws an iron rule governing cov- a uniquely delicate issue, affecting
waivers to ignore certain man- erage for people with pre-existing not just low-income Americans or
dates in the Affordable Care Act — conditions, the Republican plan people who lack health coverage,
including the one blocking insur- would create an opening for state- but also people with coverage who
ance companies from charging level programs that would likely fear it could suddenly become un-
people more because of pre-exist- offer far thinner protections for
ing conditions. the roughly eight percent of
Anna Greenberg, a Democratic
More than anything else in the Americans who rely on the indi-
pollster, said the protections for
bill, Democrats and health care vidual market for coverage.
pre-existing conditions had al-
advocates have used that provi- A host of health advocacy
ways appealed to a broad popula-
sion as a rallying cry, warning that groups, including the American
tion of middle-class people who
it could inflict punishing costs on Lung Association and the Ameri-
had insurance before the Afford-
people with ailments from asthma can Cancer Society, reviewed the
able Care Act, and therefore did
to cancer, as well as on pregnant legislation and concluded it would
not benefit from components of
women. weaken protections for people
with ongoing medical issues. the law like Medicaid expansion.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Con-
States could also seek waivers “With people who are not liberal
necticut, chairman of the
from requirements that insurers Democrats and not low-income –
cover 10 “essential health bene- that’s the most important piece to
tion, said the issue was so reso- Protesters outside the Capitol on Thursday, the day the House voted to pass the bill.
fits,” including maternity, mental them,” she said of the popular reg-
nant because every voter has at
health and prescription drugs, ulations on insurers.
least “an uncle or an aunt or a dis-
tant cousin who’s a diabetic or has and that they charge their oldest harming ppl w/preexisting condi- preciated, back in 2008, 2009 and political risk,” Mr. Antos said. Republicans supportive of the
a heart condition.” He said he was customers no more than three tions.” 2010, the role of pre-existing condi- “Why would a state want to take health care overhaul have de-
urging Democratic candidates to times more than their youngest Public polling has found those tions and medical underwriting,” full responsibility for anything fended its handling of pre-existing
press their opponents to take a ones. Waiving the essential bene- protections to be among the most he said. “But there’s been a soci- that goes wrong, without being conditions in a range of ways, with
categorical position on the health fits could also potentially weaken popular elements of the Afford- etal shift underway. American so- able to blame the federal govern- some even stressing that the Sen-
care bill, which President Trump prohibitions on insurers limiting able Care Act, even in the first ciety has become committed to ment?” ate is likely to transform the legis-
endorsed forcefully. the amount of care they cover, years after its passage when it this notion that your ability to get Mr. Antos said he saw a parallel lation dramatically. A handful of
“Either you agree with the pres- even in employer plans. faced tremendous blowback from medical coverage should not be between some of the Democrats’ Republicans who opposed an ear-
ident or you don’t agree with the Ben Wikler, the Washington di- voters. A poll last month by The conditioned on your medical his- “overhyped” warnings and the lier version of the bill, like
president,” Mr. Malloy said in an rector of, said that by Washington Post and ABC News tory.” fears stoked by Sarah Palin and Representatives Fred Upton of
interview. “If you don’t agree with imperiling the protections for peo- found that seven in 10 Americans It is far from certain that the other conservatives that the Af- Michigan and Billy Long of Mis-
the president, you need to say it.” ple with a history of illness, Re- believed that all 50 states should House-approved, White House- fordable Care Act would lead to souri, ultimately voted for it after
Opponents of the bill have de- publicans had turned the health be covered by regulations pre- backed legislation will become “death panels.” adding an additional $8 billion in
picted its potential impact in care bill into “something that feels venting insurers from setting law in anything resembling its “I’ve heard claims that Republi- funding that could be used to
nightmarish and sometimes over- like a life-or-death struggle,” even higher rates for people with pre- current form. Even if it did, it is un- cans don’t want your grand- shore up coverage for sick people.
stated terms, suggesting it would for people who would have been existing conditions. clear that states would actually mother to have cancer treatment,” But many Republicans outside
completely void protections for unaffected by the rest of the bill. Even at the height of Republi- seek to waive the most popular Mr. Antos said. “It’s pretty in- the House have balked at publicly
sick people. In reality, insurers “This whole bill was already ra- can opposition to the Affordable regulations protecting sick peo- sane.” embracing the measure, and
would still not be able to deny peo- dioactive, but pre-existing condi- Care Act, leading members of the ple. But the warnings of death some have pointed to its handling
ple coverage altogether, and tions make it a nuclear power party, including Mitt Romney, the Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, panels were blatantly false, while of pre-existing conditions as a par-
states seeking waivers would plant for the resistance move- 2012 presidential nominee, vowed a Republican, said Friday that he warnings about insurers again be- ticular sticking point.
have to show they had alternative ment,” Mr. Wikler said. not to roll back protections for sick might be open to seeking such a ing able to price sick people out of Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisi-
programs to aid the people most The criticism has not come only people. waiver. But his was a lonely voice, the market could prove true, de- ana, a Republican who is a physi-
at risk. People could be charged from the left: A number of Repub- John McDonough, a professor and Mr. Malloy, of the Democratic pending on the state. cian by training, said on CNN Fri-
based on their health status only if licans who voted against the bill of public health at Harvard and a governors’ group, leveled a taunt- The Kaiser Family Foundation, day that a final health care bill
they bought coverage through the specifically cited the possibility former Senate aide who advised ing dare at Mr. Walker: “He a nonpartisan research group, has would have to pass “the Jimmy
individual market and had experi- that it could make it harder for the authors of the Affordable Care should run on that.” estimated that 27 percent of Kimmel test,” alluding to the late-
enced a gap in coverage. people with serious medical con- Act, said he thought the issue had Joseph Antos, a health econo- Americans younger than 65 have night comedian who made a tear-
But many of the Democrats’ ditions to buy insurance. On Fri- developed potency in the last few mist at the conservative Ameri- health conditions that would likely ful on-air appeal to the Congress,
dire warnings are not far off the day, chapters of the AARP, which years as more Americans came to can Enterprise Institute, said it leave them uninsurable if they ap- telling the story of his infant son’s
mark: Prices could indeed prove also lobbied against the bill, criti- value the protections the law had was “very questionable” that any plied for individual market cover- heart condition and asking law-
cized individual House members brought. state would seek such a waiver. age under the system that existed makers to protect people with
Linda Qiu contributed reporting. on Twitter for voting “yes on “I don’t think people really ap- “It’s an opportunity for great before the Affordable Care Act. grave ongoing ailments.

Second Chance for a Bill,

And for the Chief of Staff
added, referring to Defense Secre-
From Page A1 tary Jim Mattis.
Mr. Priebus’s push for a quick The signature image of Mr.
vote chafed some members of the Trump’s first 100 days in office,
White House staff. Several people people close to the president said,
on Mr. Trump’s team who were is that of Mr. Priebus standing just
trying to lower expectations were inside the open door of the Oval
annoyed to find out that Mr. Office, agitated and rolling his
Priebus was openly talking about eyes, as Mr. Trump beckons an-
forcing a vote this week. At times, other seemingly random gaggle of
Mr. Trump himself seemed a little aides, friends, family, visitors,
puzzled by his aide’s vehemence, reporters — even the White
telling legislators, including Mr. House decorator — in for an un-
Ryan, that while he wanted a win, structured chat or, worst of all,
he did not necessarily need a vote policy discussions.
immediately. Mr. Priebus, who has said he
And it was Mr. Ryan, not the has self-diagnosed obsessive-
president, who offered his friend a compulsive disorder, tried at first
shout-out at Thursday’s spike- to restrict these interactions, of-
the-football celebration for a bill ten by keeping the president busy
passed by one chamber of Con- with ceremonial events like exec-
gress. “I especially want to thank utive order signings and meetings
Reince Priebus,” he said as Mr. with business leaders.
Trump looked on. Over time, Mr. Trump bridled
The House’s passage of the and demanded the unstructured
health bill was less a victory for time he had so valued as an execu-
Mr. Priebus than a reprieve. It tive at Trump Tower. Mr. Priebus,
bought him time for a badly who initially outsourced the de-
needed reset after three chaotic tails of Oval Office scheduling and
months in a job that has often paper flow to a deputy, has now
seemed to overwhelm him — and taken over those tasks himself. He
possibly would anybody else in his has reduced the pace of public DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES
position. events and, like a Montessori
teacher, modulates structured Reince Priebus, left, the White House chief of staff, was blamed by some after the first version of the Republicans’ health bill failed.
“At first, I think Reince wanted
to be the gatekeeper, the guy who work time with the slack periods
has control of who comes in and Mr. Trump craves. White House that the situation most self-destructive impulses, Stephen K. Bannon. incensed by Breitbart’s specula-
out all day. But you can’t do that In recent days, Mr. Priebus cut has improved. including reviewing a way to sue At the height of the Kushner- tion that Mr. Priebus would soon
with Donald Trump — he won’t let back on his stalking-butler tend- That does not mean Mr. Priebus the news media and vigorously Bannon spat last month, Mr. be replaced by his ally Gary D.
you,” said Senator Lindsey Gra- ency to hover over the president, is entirely running things. He is of- supporting Mr. Trump’s hunt for Trump instructed both men to Cohn, the National Economic
ham of South Carolina, an on-and- realizing his antsy boss had grown ten elbowed out by a half-dozen an order supposedly obtained by “stop it” or face the boot, and dele- Council chairman, two people
off Republican critic of Mr. Trump resentful of his constant compan- other West Wing players — chief the Obama administration to al- gated to Mr. Priebus the role of close to him said.
who speaks with Mr. Priebus of- ionship. “What are you doing in among them Mr. Trump’s son-in- low the surveillance of Trump evenhanded mediator. Instead, Mr. Priebus is wounded by the
ten. “I think he’s learned to play a here? Don’t you have health care law, Jared Kushner, who enjoys campaign officials. Mr. Priebus interpreted that as a speculation and is intensely pro-
different role by necessity. He has to take care of?” Mr. Trump asked many of the powers exercised by a But all of these stresses are license to forge an alliance with tective of his image, forged over
to stick with organizing things. He Mr. Priebus at one recent meeting chief of staff (he has been de- worth it, Mr. Priebus has told Mr. Kushner, though the first son- seven successful years at the Re-
has to be the connective tissue. I around his desk, according to a scribed by friends as “a first friends. in-law has felt free to use his veto publican National Committee, of
think he gets that.” senior White House official. among equals”), including a virtu- One of the party’s most formi- power over the chief of staff, in- competence and effectiveness,
Even with a win, Mr. Priebus re- Mr. Priebus is increasingly fo- al veto over some hiring decisions. cluding siding with others to keep even as some of his own col-
mains, at best, the third most pow- cused on big-picture issues like Mr. Priebus has half-joked that Mr. Priebus from promoting his leagues question it.
erful player in a top-heavy White improving the “interagency” Mr. Kushner has “all the fun” but preferred choices for his deputy, He has spent so much time in
House dominated by bigger per- process linking the West Wing to few of the responsibilities that Looking to gain an according to four West Wing the Oval Office that his own suite
sonalities, a would-be gatekeeper the federal bureaucracy. He has burden him, according to one aides. in the southwest corner of the
desperately in search of a gate. also tried to reduce what he calls longtime Priebus confidant. edge in a complicated Mr. Priebus has been reluctant White House remains much as his
“It’s been the most dysfunc-
tional White House in memory,
inputs — the number of people
talking to the president each day
“Reince is fundamentally a nice
Midwestern guy who is very con-
pecking order. to confront Mr. Bannon directly.
But he has quietly sought to un-
predecessor, Denis McDonough,
left it, complete with its vintage
and a lot of it is on Reince,” said — to 20 or so from about 50, and to cerned about not losing friends dermine Mr. Bannon’s agenda and World War II and Vietnam-era
Chris Whipple, a documentary keep Mr. Trump to a tighter sched- and not making enemies,” said temper his nativist impulses, and photographs of naval battles. His
filmmaker and author of “The ule through short, agenda-driven Charlie Sykes, a veteran Republi- dable fund-raisers, Mr. Priebus, has happily assumed the role of own desk is sparsely decorated.
Gatekeepers,” a new book chroni- meetings: a suggestion made by can operative and radio host in who declined to be interviewed for establishment soother. At a dinner The wall opposite his standing
cling White House chiefs of staff many outside advisers he con- Wisconsin who has been friends this article, is accustomed to swal- last week at the Hay-Adams Hotel desk features a triptych of flat-
back to the Truman administra- sulted, including John H. Sununu, with Mr. Priebus for two decades. with a number of prominent Re- screen TVs tuned to basic cable,
lowing his pride to court richer,
tion. the chief of staff to President “He is, at bottom, a pleaser. But he publicans, including former Vice and he spends much of his day
more powerful men. So he has a
“Priebus has made rookie mis- George Bush. doesn’t want to fail.” President Dick Cheney, Mr. monitoring the chatter, especially
high pain threshold for a boss who
take after rookie mistake, and he That entails trying to cut the “One of the things that’s made Priebus assured the attendees the utterances of his fellow Repub-
still views him, in moments of can-
started by making the biggest one number of Oval Office meeting him successful up until now is that that the North American Free licans.
of all: not insisting he be the first attendees from 15 to eight or fewer, dor, as a leader of the Republican Trade Agreement would not be
he knows how to maintain friend- When Gov. Chris Christie of
among equals,” Mr. Whipple said. according to an aide. ships; he knows how to keep in political establishment that once undone the next day, as Mr. Ban- New Jersey, a Trump ally and the
“Fatal mistake. I’m not sure any- One small but significant recent touch with donors and key tried to destroy Mr. Trump. non had sought to do, according to source of speculation as a future
body could make that demand, but victory: excluding Omarosa players,” Mr. Sykes said. “But I Mr. Priebus — whose allies say three people with knowledge of chief of staff, visited the White
he didn’t even really try.” Manigault, the former “Appren- don’t know that he would be the he has always been animated by the interaction. House recently, Mr. Priebus
“At some point, the president is tice” contestant and Trump favor- one to crack the whip. At a certain proximity to power — is nothing if He has also bonded with Mr. pulled him into the Roosevelt
either going to embrace failure or ite, from as many meetings as pos- point, you have to be willing to be not resilient, however, and he is in- Kushner and his wife, the presi- Room to complain about Mr.
pick a grown-up, like a C.E.O. or sible. confrontational and to lose tent on forging alliances with any- dent’s daughter Ivanka, over what Christie’s less-than-helpful com-
maybe Mattis, as his chief,” he “The trains are now running on friends. I think that’s very difficult one who can improve his internal they all see as Mr. Bannon’s hid- ments on TV.
time,” said Thomas Barrack Jr., a for Reince.” standing. In recent weeks, he has den war against them in the news “He’ll text you all the time,” Mr.
Glenn Thrush reported from close friend of Mr. Trump’s, re- For all the talk of Mr. Priebus as tried to capitalize on the growing media, especially through Breit- Graham said. “It will be like,
Washington, and Maggie Ha- flecting a prevailing sense even a potentially moderating force, he rift between Mr. Kushner and the bart, the site Mr. Bannon used to ‘Thanks,’ or ‘Why the hell did you
berman from New York. among Mr. Priebus’s critics in the has fed some of the president’s White House chief strategist, run. Mr. Kushner was especially say that?’”


Opponents of Abortion
Warily Measure Progress
By JEREMY W. PETERS way, the president’s counselor, to
WASHINGTON — There are speak at a gala for one of the larg-
few constituencies as pleased est groups that backs anti-abor-
with President Trump’s three and tion candidates, the Susan B. An-
a half months in the White House thony List. Both reassured the
as the anti-abortion groups that crowd of donors, activists and
rallied to his side during the 2016 members of Congress on hand
campaign. that they were closer than ever to
He has signed legislation achieving their goals.
making it easier for states to deny “President Trump has been
funding to health centers that per- keeping his promises to all of you
form abortions. His recently con- and the American people,” Mr.
firmed Supreme Court nominee, Pence said, pointing specifically
Neil M. Gorsuch, has the unwa- to the Planned Parenthood provi-
vering backing of anti-abortion sion in the health care repeal bill.
groups. And on Thursday, the “We’re going to see that fight all
House voted to repeal and replace the way through. And this presi-
the Affordable Care Act while also dent is unwavering.”
eliminating most public funding Mr. Pence told the crowd how
for Planned Parenthood, a central proud he was to have raced to the
campaign promise of Mr. Trump’s. Capitol last month to cast the
But the battle over the roughly tiebreaking vote on a resolution
$500 million Planned Parenthood that lifts an Obama administra-
receives each year could yet be- tion rule barring state and local
come the litmus test for social con- governments from withholding
servatives. And it is one that is al- federal funds for family planning
ready straining the relationship services that performed abor-
between the president and this tions. The resolution was aimed
pivotal bloc of voters and interest directly at Planned Parenthood in
groups, many of whom put aside what abortion rights advocates
deep misgivings and supported expected to be the first in a series
him specifically because of his re- of attempts to drive the organiza- RENEE JONES SCHNEIDER/STAR TRIBUNE, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS

peated and insistent vows to make tion out of business. A protest at a Planned Parenthood clinic. A fight over funding the group is straining ties between the president and conservatives.
it more difficult for women to get But Ms. Conway acknowledged
an abortion. that the defunding provision faces
Approval in the House, howev- an uncertain fate in the Senate. “It Parenthood — significantly so, but litical organization,” he said. churches that bar them from en- mixed record on gay rights but
er, is no guarantee that the de- could go either way,” she said in an only for a year — and still leave it Recent polls have shown that gaging in political activity if they has been more publicly accepting
funding measure will ever reach interview. And she pushed back eligible for certain federal dollars Americans overwhelmingly want want to remain tax-exempt. The than many in his party, was un-
the president’s desk. Any provi- on the premise that Mr. Trump for family planning. to maintain federal funds for the night before, he hosted a smaller comfortable reversing those pro-
sion that targets Planned Parent- was not following through on his Planned Parenthood said the group. And many social conserva- group of religious conservatives tections.
hood seems likely to alienate promises to the movement. “If legislation would have a devastat- tives say they are not quite sure for dinner. Some said the president simply
enough moderate Republicans they’re disappointed then they’re ing effect on the 24 million women what to expect now. But on that measure, too, slight caved. The website the Conserva-
that it could kill the bill unless the not paying attention,” she said. who rely on its services. “This is “We’re in a unique and hopeful signs of strain between Mr. Trump tive Review wrote that the order’s
Senate strips it out — meaning Some groups, though they are a the worst bill for women’s health moment,” said Representative and the movement were showing. limited scope “offers no relief
that the Republican victory on minority within the social conser- in a generation,” Cecile Richards, Trent Franks, Republican of Ari- Some groups wanted the presi- whatsoever for people whose
Thursday could be short-lived vative movement, have criticized the group’s president, said matter- zona. “But I’m not sure how fleet- dent to go further in reaffirming livelihoods have been threatened
and, ultimately, moot. Complicat- Mr. Trump and congressional Re- of-factly. ing that might be.” his commitment to their beliefs or destroyed by the demands of
ing matters further, a repeal bill on publicans for not pushing harder Ralph Reed, chairman of the Given how overwhelmingly and undo a 2014 Obama adminis- the sexual identity activist class
its own that did not touch Planned against Planned Parenthood. Faith and Freedom Coalition, Christian conservative groups tration order that created new and its corporate and cultural
Parenthood would be a heavy lift Anything but a full defunding seemed to raise expectations for lined up behind Mr. Trump during workplace protections for gay, les- cronies.”
in the Senate. amounted to “a betrayal that the defunding, saying he believed the campaign — despite the early bian, bisexual and transgender In most cases, though, religious
After some anti-abortion G.O.P. will find extensively diffi- that the Senate might not be as dif- objections — there is probably no people. Others also criticized his conservative leaders praised Mr.
groups expressed dismay this cult to overcome,” said Kristan ficult a hurdle to overcome as in part of his base he is more focused executive order as hollow, saying Trump’s action on religious
week that Planned Parenthood Hawkins, the president of Stu- the past. on repaying. And his efforts on a it was little more than a news re- speech. Tony Perkins, president of
will remain funded in the spend- dents for Life of America. Planned Parenthood, he said, range of issues this week reflected lease restating current policy. the Family Research Council,
ing plan that Congress negotiated And there are other problems has come to be seen by many Re- that. Twice now Mr. Trump has de- noted that the president was hon-
to keep the government running that many of the activists see with publicans as a political entity On Thursday, Mr. Trump invited clined to change the workplace oring one of his campaign pledges
through September, the White the way things are playing out: whose goal first and foremost is to religious leaders to a Rose Garden protections policy, first in January, to them. And he added, “President
House tried to reassure them. For starters, the bill that passed defeat them. “You can’t make the ceremony to watch him sign a new and again this week. A senior Trump is taking a significant first
Mr. Trump sent Vice President the House on Thursday would case anymore that this is a executive order that is intended to White House official said Wednes- step to defending religious lib-
Mike Pence and Kellyanne Con- only reduce funding for Planned women’s organization. It’s a po- ease the legal burdens on day that Mr. Trump, who has a erty.”

G.O.P. Cheers a Big Victory.

Has It Stirred a ‘Hornet’s Nest’?
WASHINGTON — No one mate is highly volatile. The out- lawmaker in the next election. Of
knows better than House look for the House bill in the 34 House Democrats who op-
Democrats how a contentious Senate is uncertain, and it could posed the health law in 2010, half
health care vote can exact a be significantly rewritten. But still lost their re-elections that
steep political price — losing Democrats believe that the po- November.
control of the tential ramifications of the “Every Republican is going to
CARL House in the first House-passed measure — mil- have to carry the burden of this,”
midterm election of
HULSE an untested new
lions losing insurance coverage,
a diminished array of benefits, no
said Representative Rick Larsen,
Democrat of Washington.
president’s tenure definite guarantee of coverage House Democrats have strug-
WASHINGTON for example. for those with pre-existing condi- gled since losing the majority in
As they hooted tions — provide them with pow- 2010, failing to capitalize on op-
derisively at their Republican erful ammunition against Repub- portunities to expand their num-
colleagues on Thursday after a licans. bers. There is no guarantee that
narrow, party-line approval of Democrats point out that Re- they can take full advantage of
legislation to roll back the publicans will have to defend a these circumstances. But top
Obama-era health care law, reduction in federal help for Democrats point to one promis-
Democrats glimpsed the mirror people who have come to rely on ing development: They say they
image of their own politically it. That is a most unusual posi- are seeing new enthusiasm
disastrous health care experi- tion for politicians since federal among possible candidates JENNA SCHOENEFELD FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
ence. They also saw a prime benefit programs are rarely rather than having to search for
opportunity to avenge their ugly scaled back once they are estab- Greg Gianforte, left, and Donald Trump Jr. at a campaign rally in Billings, Mont., last month.
2010 loss and possibly recapture lished — certainly not a program “We have too many wanting to

Taped, House Candidate Praises Care Bill

the House majority. with the reach of the health care run,” Mr. Hoyer said. “They are
“I think they are staring death law. just coming out of the woodwork
in the face,” Representative “It is a pretty big mistake,” because they smell victory in the
Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of said Representative Steny H. air and they are angry about
Virginia, said about the political By JONATHAN MARTIN It also plays to the Democratic prospects of Mr. Quist, a folk sing-
Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 what the Republicans are doing.” line of attack — that Mr. Gianforte er-turned-novice candidate who
prospects of dozens of House Democrat, about the Republican WASHINGTON — When Greg
Even as they saw the advan- Gianforte, the Republican run- is a New Jersey multimillionaire, has been battered by stories about
Republicans who were per-
tages, some Democrats were ning for an open House seat in more comfortable with the East his personal finances. But the
suaded to back the bill by Repub-
careful to say they would have Montana, was asked on Thursday Coast elite than in his adopted House Democratic campaign arm
lican leaders anxious to deliver a
preferred that the repeal bill had state. Mr. Gianforte has lived in has been nudged to put money
legislative win. “They asked
their vulnerable members to take
Democrats sense an failed rather than provide them
whether he would have supported
the bill repealing the Affordable Montana for nearly 25 years. into the race.
an enormous gamble and risk on opportunity to gain with a political upper hand.
“They will pay the political
Care Act that passed the House Even in Montana — a Republi-
can-leaning state on the presiden-
Mr. Quist has raised more than
$2 million, in large part because of
an act of faith that I guarantee that day, he declined to answer.
will not pay off.” seats in the House. consequences, but it would be “Greg needs to know all the tial level, but which still elects liberal online donors — a fact that
better if it didn’t pass,” said Rep- facts, because it’s important to Democrats statewide — it ap- Mr. Gianforte highlighted on the
Relieved Republicans celebrat-
resentative Kathy Castor, Demo- know exactly what’s in the bill be- pears no longer politically safe in Thursday call.
ed on the House floor and at the
crat of Florida. fore he votes on it,” said a spokes- the heat of a campaign to offer full- “The Democrats have fired up
White House and said they had bill. “They are taking something throated support for repealing
The similarity to past defining man for Mr. Gianforte, who is run- this ActBlue organization,” he said
been in danger of retaliation Obamacare.
away.” votes in the House was unmis- ning in a special election for the on an audio recording obtained by
from their own conservative The New York Times, referring to
It wasn’t just Democrats who takable. While Republicans seat vacated by Interior Secretary Asked to reconcile Mr. Gian-
base if they had not delivered on forte’s public and private state- the online Democratic fund-rais-
were complaining about re- cheered their win, Democrats, in Ryan Zinke.
the pledge to repeal the law they ments, his campaign manager ing hub. “We’re seeing about
trenching on health benefits. In a a bit of precooked theater, But on the same day, during a
had been promising to strike said the candidate was only $70,000 a day pouring into the
statement that might well resur- chanted “na na na na, hey hey, private conference call with Re-
from the books for seven years. “thankful” the process of repeal- state from liberals in San Fran-
face in Democratic campaigns, goodbye” from the 1969 song to publican-leaning lobbyists in
They say their candidates will ing the law was underway. cisco, New York and Hollywood.”
have the experience and re- Representative Ileana Ros-Lehti- give voice to their view that Washington, Mr. Gianforte offered
nen, a Florida Republican who is multiple Republicans were a more supportive view of the “He would not have voted for Asking the lobbyists to give
sources to fight off Democratic the bill because he didn’t know $5,000 each by Friday to “scare off
retiring, delivered a blistering goners after the vote. health bill. Making the case for the
challengers. what was in it,” said Brock some other Democrat money,” Mr.
critique of the bill, saying it has The scene brought to mind the “national significance” of the
But Democrats were confident Lowrance, the aide, noting that Gianforte acknowledged that Mr.
“potential to severely harm the 1993 Clinton administration Montana election on May 25, Mr.
many colleagues across the aisle the Congressional Budget Office Quist had far wider support.
health and lives of people in budget clash: Republicans Gianforte said: “The votes in the
would come to regret this vote, House are going to determine has not yet offered a fiscal analy- “We’ve had over 5,000 individ-
particularly in an election cycle South Florida.” chanted “Goodbye Marjorie”
“My constituents should not whether we get tax reform done, sis of the measure. ual people support the campaign
where the president’s party is when Marjorie Margolies-
have to take a step backward in sounds like we just passed a While it has drawn far less in- financially so far,” he said on the
typically on the defensive and Mezvinsky, Democrat of Penn-
health care thing, which I’m terest than a special House elec- recording. “The challenge is my
when Republicans will need to their ability to obtain treatment sylvania, cast the deciding vote.
thankful for, sounds like we’re tion in Georgia, the Montana race opponent has over 30,000 contrib-
protect nearly two dozen dis- for any illness,” she said. She later lost her seat. In a 2009
starting to repeal and replace.” is drawing the attention of both utors.”
tricts carried by Hillary Clinton Ms. Ros-Lehtinen was among climate vote pushed by House
Mr. Gianforte’s attempt to ap- parties. Senator Steve Daines of Polling by both parties has indi-
last year. Those districts alone, 20 Republicans who opposed the Democrats, Republicans offered Montana announced on the call
peal to two different audiences — cated that Mr. Gianforte is leading
including some in places like legislation, most of them in poli- the refrain “BTU” to remind that Vice President Mike Pence in the race, but only narrowly,
Montana voters skeptical about
California, Texas and Illinois, are tically divided districts where Democrats of a 1993 energy vote would campaign with Mr. Gian- which the Republican acknowl-
the House’s repeal bill and Wash-
almost enough to determine who they hoped their “no” vote might that hurt their party. ington Republicans eager to undo forte, setting up something of a edged on the call.
runs the House. insulate them from any voter This time, Democrats say they President Barack Obama’s signa- proxy fight between the adminis- “We’re in a single-digit race,” he
“Republicans kicked a hornet’s fury. But that might not be a will have the last word. They ture domestic accomplishment — tration and Senator Bernie said, adding that the left would rel-
nest, and it is not too soon to successful strategy since it could believe that in delivering a win illustrates the complicated poli- Sanders of Vermont, who is set to ish the symbolic importance of
begin saying goodbye to some of alienate Republican supporters demanded by President Trump, tics surrounding the health law. stump later this month with the snatching a Republican-held
my Republican colleagues from while failing to win over House Republicans have opened While Republicans expect their Democratic nominee, Rob Quist. House seat. “The Democrats
moderate districts, because this Democrats. the door to Democratic control of elected officials to fulfill their Republican groups, alarmed by would like nothing more than to
will cost them dearly,” said Rep- The fate of Democrats who the House, a reversal that would longstanding vows to tear up the the intensity of liberal voters dur- put one up on the board and take
resentative Luis V. Gutiérrez, opposed the Affordable Care Act put them in a position to chal- Affordable Care Act, the broader ing special elections this year, this away from us to stop the
Democrat of Illinois. is instructive and shows that lenge Mr. Trump in a way that electorate is uneasy about aban- have been pouring millions into Trump Train and block tax reform
The 2018 campaign is only now bucking the party on a difficult would be impossible were they doning the law’s protections and the state. National Democrats and block the regulations we’ll be
beginning, and the political cli- vote doesn’t necessarily protect a kept in the minority. benefits it has come to depend on. have been skeptical about the able to peel back.”


Republicans Disregarded the C.B.O., but It Won’t Be Ignored

Now that the House has
passed its big health care bill, it
will find out what that bill could
actually do.
The Congressional Budget
Office, Washington’s nonpartisan
scorekeeper, did not have time to
evaluate the effects of the Ameri-
can Health Care Act before
Thursday’s vote, since the bill
was being amended until just
before passage. But the budget
office will not ignore the health
law, and next week it is expected
to release detailed estimates of
how many people will be covered
by the bill, and at what cost to
the government.
Several senators have said
they won’t proceed with the bill
until they know more about its
Republicans’ reluctance to
wait for updated estimates be-
came a rallying cry among
Democrats critical of the bill.
Democrats called out “Where’s
the score?” on the House floor
Thursday during debate over the
During the debate over the
Affordable Care Act in 2009, the
budget office played a central
role. Many Democratic lawmak-
ers would not vote for the bill
without knowing how many
more people it would cover or
that it would not increase the
deficit. This time House Republi-
cans, who have assailed the
budget office’s calculations as
inaccurate, were far less con-
cerned about waiting for a score.
Lawmakers on Thursday
didn’t vote entirely in the dark, of
course. The budget office evalu-
ated an earlier version of the bill,
finding that it would save the
federal government around $330 Lawmakers exited the Capitol on Thursday after the House narrowly passed the health bill, before the Congressional Budget Office could weigh its impact.
billion over a decade, while leav-
ing around 24 million fewer that established a federal back- coverage. States that decided to the changes, the group’s staff School. “But whether people who
people with health insurance. stop for private terrorism dam- pursue waivers of the normal noted that any coverage increase really need insurance have insur-
The budget office said the bill The Upshot provides news, age insurance. To estimate its insurance rules would be able to would further erode any deficit ance.”
would raise insurance de- cost, he needed to predict the strip benefit requirements and savings from the bill. We should find out next week.
analysis and graphics about
ductibles, and that it would lead likelihood and magnitude of permit insurers to charge higher Douglas Elmendorf, who led Perhaps the most politically
to substantial rollbacks of state politics, policy and everyday life.
coming terrorist attacks, and the prices to some customers with the budget office during the salient new question the budget
Medicaid coverage for the poor. way that private insurance com- prior illnesses. Obamacare debate, said he office will examine is what the
Changes made to the bill since panies might handle the claims. Those provisions, taken to- tended to think the changes bill means for Americans with
that evaluation could change “They’ll have to gauge the Over all, it appears very likely gether, are likely to lower the would increase the number of pre-existing health conditions.
those numbers. Some are that the revised bill will eat into cost of insurance for healthier Americans without health insur-
appetite on the ground, and Several reluctant Republican
straightforward — lawmakers the deficit reduction estimated in people, and those lower prices ance, not decrease it.
make some sensible ballpark lawmakers were persuaded to
designated more spending for the original version. If the bill could lead more of them to buy But he emphasized that the
various programs. But many of estimate of the implications,” vote for the bill after $8 billion
doesn’t save at least $2 billion insurance than they would under distribution of who got coverage
the last-minute changes involved said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a was added to help lower costs for
over a decade, it will run into the original version of the bill. under the amended bill was
giving states the authority to former C.B.O. director who is difficulties. The bill is being (Sicker people, who may find likely to be different. On a rela- people who would face higher
rewrite the rules on insurance now the president of the Ameri- passed using a special budget insurance less affordable, may tive basis, more young and prices in waiver states.
regulations. That means that the can Action Forum, a right-lean- procedure in order to avoid a exit.) healthy people could get insur- Representative Fred Upton of
budget office’s task involves as ing policy research group. “It’s Senate filibuster. To qualify, it Edward Lorenzen, a senior ance, while fewer older, sicker Michigan told reporters that he
much political science as eco- very, very hard.” needs the budget office to say it adviser for the Committee for a people could be able to afford had been assured the funding
nomics. It will need to predict Mr. Holtz-Eakin pointed out will achieve at least that amount Responsible Federal Budget, a coverage. would be enough to make a dif-
how many states would want to that the office had to make diffi- of budget savings. research group, says the changes “What matters is not just how ference. Some independent esti-
use the waivers allowed under cult estimates all the time. He It’s unclear whether the mix of will cause fewer Americans to go many people have insurance,” mates have differed. The budget
the bill, and what they would recalled a bill passed during the new changes will tend to in- without health insurance than said Mr. Elmendorf, who is now office’s answer may influence the
choose to do with them. George W. Bush administration crease or decrease insurance the original bill. In an analysis of the dean of the Harvard Kennedy future of the political debate.

Fact Check: Rumors, Claims A stack of amendments for the

American Health Care Act,
which has passed the House.

And Context on G.O.P. Health Bill able Care Act. But the bill would
not literally “end” coverage
By LINDA QIU existing condition, and neither that you’ve been screened for because of them as it does not
WASHINGTON — Rumors did insurers before the Afford- S.T.D.s, had treatment for an remove the act’s rule on guaran-
that the Republican health care able Care Act. It is possible that S.T.D., taken H.I.V.-preventive teed issue and requires the state
bill counts rape, domestic vio- sexual assault victims could see medication, had more than annu- waiver process.
lence and ulcers as uninsurable higher insurance costs, not be- al pelvic exams or had other Of all the conditions listed, the
pre-existing conditions are circu- cause of assault itself but be- follow-up encounters with the Kaiser Family Foundation found
lating among opponents of the cause of resulting trauma or medical system,” said Sabrina evidence that before the Afford-
bill. But these claims are overly sexually transmitted diseases. Corlette, a research professor at able Care Act, about three dozen
simplistic. Iterations of the claim began to Georgetown’s Health Policy of them were declinable — from
The claims conflate what the circulate year ago during the Institute. STEPHEN CROWLEY/THE NEW YORK TIMES AIDS/H.I.V. and lupus to severe
bill says and its potential out- debate over the Affordable Care The Affordable Care Act then obesity and diabetes. Others
comes. While the bill could weak- Act. Internet searches on mandated “community rating” also claimed domestic abuse was a ter. Many insurers did deny cov- such as acne, allergies, mi-
en protections for people with whether rape is a pre-existing (charging the same price regard- pre-existing condition under the erage to domestic violence vic- graines and ear infections could
pre-existing conditions and re- condition started to spike again less of health status) and “guar- bill. tims in the 1990s, according to trigger higher costs or fewer
sult in much more expensive on Wednesday, the day before anteed issue” (offering coverage multiple surveys. When Politi- benefits.
insurance, the effect ultimately the House voted to repeal and to any applicant). “The New AHCA Bill Lists Fact examined the issue in 2009, Kaiser also stated that the vast
rests on states and insurers. replace the health care law. The Republican health care bill Sexual Assault And it found no evidence this was an majority of people with these
More important, the bill does not This appeared to follow the that passed the House would Domestic Abuse As ongoing or widespread practice. conditions have insurance
specify what a pre-existing con- publication of an article on Raw- allow states to apply for a waiver ‘Pre-Existing Conditions’” through employers or other
dition is, nor does it allow story: “Trumpcare could make from the community-rating rule Others, like the People for Bernie public options like Medicaid.
insurers to deny coverage out- sexual assault a pre-existing for those who haven’t maintained THIS NEEDS CONTEXT. Before the Sanders, shared an image claiming Again, this doesn’t mean that
right, although potentially they condition again — depending on continuous coverage, effectively Affordable Care Act, several the bill would “end” insurance for the Republican bill gives insurers
could set premiums beyond the where you live.” While the Raw- allowing health status underwrit- states did not have laws that those with pre-existing conditions. a free pass to deny coverage
reach of some sick consumers. story headline is nuanced, the ing again, if the Department of prohibited insurers from counting because of these conditions,
Here is an assessment. claims it may have inspired Health and Human Services domestic violence as a pre-exist- “217 Republicans voted though people who, for example,
rarely are and thus often are less grants the waiver. (The bill also ing condition. But it’s unclear if today to end your cannot afford higher costs could
Several liberal websites, like the accurate. requires states to provide other insurers actually did deny cover- healthcare if you suffer lose insurance in states that
Resistance Report, suggested that Before the Affordable Care health care or cost-sharing op- age to victims of domestic vio- receive a waiver from communi-
Act, insurers could practice tions in lieu of community rat- lence in the years that immedi- from” a range of medical ty ratings.
the bill allows insurers to
discriminate against rape victims. “health status underwriting” or ing.) But the bill does not allow ately preceded passage of the issues including The bill could lead to “astro-
review health records to assess states to waive guaranteed issue. health law. AIDS/H.I.V., acne, nomically high premium in-
“Under Trumpcare plan, medical risk, and they could So if a state chooses to waive Five states — Idaho, North depression, heartburn and creases for people with many of
rape would be considered a charge higher prices, or even the regulation, insurers could Carolina, South Carolina, Ver- these conditions, if they buy
charge much more for pre-exist-
pre-existing condition.” deny coverage, for conditions mont and Wyoming — do not bar insurance on their own and have
deemed to be more costly. ing conditions like H.I.V. and insurers from considering domes- THIS NEEDS CONTEXT. Many of a gap in coverage,” said Larry
THIS NEEDS CONTEXT. The bill Insurers did not typically trauma — not rape on its own — tic violence a declinable pre- the medical issues specified by Levitt, an executive with Kaiser.
does not define rape as a pre- directly ask about sexual assault, but they cannot deny coverage existing condition, said Gretchen the image, courtesy of Senator “Even if states seek a waiver, not
or consider it in calculating in- outright because of them. Borchelt, the vice president for Sherrod Brown, Democrat of everyone with these conditions
Margot Sanger-Katz contributed surance premiums. But they may reproductive rights and health at Ohio, were considered pre-exist- would lose insurance, but some
reporting. have charged more “if they see Some websites, like Distractify, the National Women’s Law Cen- ing conditions before the Afford- certainly would.”

Ivanka Trump Promotes Her New Book on Social Media (Though Not in the Media)
By RACHEL ABRAMS lions of followers on social media. their positions for personal profit. White House ethics adviser under dent George Bush.
In a Facebook post last month, she On Thursday, Ms. Trump President George W. Bush, said Ms. Trump, who wrote the book
Ivanka Trump will continue to
promote her new book on Twitter had pledged to abstain from other posted a short video of herself Some ethics experts the person responsible for the before her father was elected
and Instagram, according to a types of publicity “out of an abun-
dance of caution and to avoid the
dancing with her children, along
with a link to a recent article about
wonder if the wrong State Department retweeting
could have violated standards
president, has had to navigate a
minefield of potential conflicts of
spokeswoman, weeks after Presi-
dent Trump’s adviser and daugh- appearance of using my official her career advice book. message is sent. prohibiting federal employees interest since she became an offi-
ter pledged not to draw publicity role to promote the book.” “Little moments matter, espe- from promoting products. A cial federal employee. She
through a promotional tour or me- A spokeswoman said that Ms. cially for working moms!!” Ms. spokeswoman for the department continues to own her fashion
dia appearances. Trump had decided to promote Trump wrote in the caption. Global Women’s Issues reposted a declined to comment. brand, and she retains the ability
Ms. Trump, who recently took her book solely on social media af- Norman L. Eisen, the chief Twitter message promoting Ms. But Ms. Trump does not appear to approve potential new deals
an unpaid job in the West Wing, ter consulting with the Office of White House ethics adviser under Trump’s book but later deleted it. to have violated any laws, ethics through a newly formed trust — a
raised eyebrows on Thursday Government Ethics, and that her President Barack Obama, said her Are government officials “re- experts said. mechanism that her advisers say
when she plugged the book, decision was “consistent” with the actions could send the wrong mes- sponding to a signal from the “We don’t outlaw the appear- will help minimize potential prob-
“Women Who Work,” to her mil- office’s guidance. A spokesman sage to other government offi- Trumps?” Mr. Eisen wrote in an ance of conflict,” said Edwin lems.
for the office declined to comment. cials: that promoting Trump busi- email. “That is a legitimate ques- Williamson, a government ethics
Maggie Haberman contributed re- Federal law makes it a crime for nesses was O.K. On Thursday, the tion, and an important one.” expert who was the State Depart-
porting. government employees to use State Department’s Office of Richard W. Painter, the chief ment’s legal adviser under Presi- Spend Sunday with The Times.


After Vowing to Curb Drug Use, Trump Seeks to Slash Drug Control Funds
White House Proposes 95% Reduction
In Office’s Budget Amid an Opioid Crisis
By ALAN RAPPEPORT icy in a fashion similar to how the
WASHINGTON — When he National Economic Council
was running for office, Donald J. coordinates economic policy, help-
Trump promised to rid America of ing to craft it without making
the scourge of drugs, vowing to grants. But critics say the cuts
crack down on dealers and invest would weaken a centralized office
heavily in programs to get heroin key to battling drugs.
and other opioids off the streets. Mr. Trump has so far struggled
But on Friday, President to get his spending priorities
Trump’s administration revealed pushed through Congress. Repub-
plans to gut the 2018 budget of his licans are also under fire from
Office of National Drug Control those who claim that the health
Policy. According to an Office of care legislation passed by the
Management and Budget docu- House of Representatives this
ment obtained by The New York week would reduce mental health
Times, the White House is propos- and drug addition coverage of-
ing to slash the drug policy office fered through insurance plans if it
budget by about 95 percent, to just became law.
$24 million from $388 million. The cuts also seemed at odds
The cuts would mean the office with Mr. Trump’s stated views on
could lose up to 33 employees. The drug addiction. In March, the
budget would also eliminate grant White House announced plans to
programs it administers, includ- set up a commission to address
ing the High Intensity Drug Traf- the country’s opioid crisis. At the
ficking Areas Program and the time, Mr. Trump said, “This is a to-
Drug-Free Communities Support tal epidemic and I think it’s proba-
Program. According to the docu- bly, almost un-talked about com-
ment, the Trump administration pared to the severity that we’re
thinks the programs are duplica- witnessing.”
tive of other federal and state ini- As a candidate, Mr. Trump
tiatives. talked regularly about the coun-
The proposal was rebuked by try’s drug addiction problem and
Republicans and Democrats as a said drugs were a reason that a
potentially reckless move. Rich wall was needed along the border The police search a man for drugs in Huntington, W.Va. The White House revealed plans to gut its drug control policy office.
Baum, the acting drug czar ap- with Mexico.
pointed by Mr. Trump, expressed “We’re going to take all of these Budget, said in a statement that “The reality is that O.N.D.C.P. is letter, said he was stumped by Mr. by opioid addiction that he would
anguish about the cuts in an email kids — and people, not just kids — the budget was still under review. an agency in dire need of reform,” Trump’s decision to make cuts to come to their aid. That was a lie.”
sent to the office’s staff on Friday. that are totally addicted and they “Reports that suggest budgetary said Grant Smith, deputy director his drug office. “It felt like a Some Republicans were also
“These drastic proposed cuts can’t break it,” Mr. Trump said at numbers or policy decisions are of national affairs for the Drug sucker punch in the face,” Mr. Sa- unhappy, arguing that Mr. Trump
are frankly heartbreaking and, if an event in Ohio last year. “We’re premature and subject to change Policy Alliance, who said that the bet said after word trickled out was underestimating the impor-
carried out, would cause us to lose going to work with them, we’re go- before the late May publication of grant programs being cut “are a about the cuts. “This is a time tance of the drug czar’s work. Sen-
many good people who contribute ing to spend the money, we’re go- the budget,” he said. phenomenal waste of money that when we have one of the largest ator Rob Portman of Ohio said
greatly to O.N.D.C.P.’s mission and ing to get that habit broken.” Some advocacy organizations, contribute to the incarceration opioid epidemics in history and that the antidrug programs that
core activities,” Mr. Baum wrote. The Trump administration re- such as the Drug Policy Alliance, and stigmatization of drug users.” the rise of new industry of people the Trump administration wants
“I don’t want to see this happen.” leased a “skinny budget” in March were cautiously optimistic that Groups that are dedicated to selling pot candy to kids.” to eliminate have had a pro-
The White House maintains that asked for deep cuts to domes- changes to the O.N.D.C.P. could be combating substance abuse were Democrats pounced on the pro- foundly positive impact in his
that Mr. Trump’s commitment to tic programs in exchange for a big helpful. The drug epidemic has worried on Friday and a coalition posed cuts as a significant broken state.
defeating the opioid epidemic will increase in military spending, but worsened in recent years under of them scrambled to draft a letter promise by the president. “We have a heroin and prescrip-
be addressed in his 2018 budget re- did not detail the plans for the its watch and there is concern that to the White House condemning “This is a cruel betrayal by tion drug crisis in this country and
quest and that a bevy of federal White House’s drug office. A more the Trump administration would the cuts. Trump,” said Daniel Wessel, a we should be supporting efforts to
programs already exist to fight comprehensive budget will be re- use a powerful drug czar to ag- Kevin Sabet, president of Smart spokesman for the Democratic reverse this tide, not proposing
the war on drugs. The administra- leased this month. gressively treat drug abuse as a Approaches to Marijuana, who National Committee. “Through- drastic cuts to those who serve on
tion envisions a streamlined John Czwartacki, a spokesman criminal justice issue rather than advised three former presidents out the campaign, Trump the front lines of this epidemic,”
O.N.D.C.P. coordinating drug pol- for the Office of Management and as a public health problem. on drug policy and organized the promised communities ravaged Mr. Portman said.

Many Ask for Asylum, A hard truth for

migrants that isn’t
But It’s Rarely Granted getting any easier.
By VIVIAN YEE say that since Mr. Trump’s elec- seeker will succeed varies enor-
For nearly nine hours on tion, some border agents have mously depending on which judge
Wednesday, it seemed as though a turned away asylum seekers hears the case.
tweetstorm might be enough to without so much as an interview, a
“You don’t really know what the
stop a deportation. potential violation of American
basis for the asylum officer’s deci-
Beginning with a digital bull- and international law.
sion is,” said Lindsay Nash, an im-
horn blast at 12:05 p.m. — “Twit- Mr. Casey sought to put the migration lawyer who teaches at a
ter: it’s urgent” — Senator Bob Honduran woman’s case on Mr.
legal clinic at the Benjamin N. Car-
Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, Trump’s conscience. Her case,
dozo School of Law.
directed a cannonade of tweets at however, unfolded largely under
Lawyers took the case of F. H.,
President Trump and his adminis- the auspices of the Obama admin-
along with those of two dozen
tration, describing the plight of a other women detained at Berks, to
Honduran woman and her son “I wish this were an exception
federal court, arguing that they
to the rule,” said Swapna Reddy, a
who had sought refuge in the should get new appointments
co-director of the New York-based
United States from the hit men with asylum officers because their
Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project,
who shot her cousin to death at original interviews had been con-
which worked on the case. “It is an
home more than a year ago. ducted improperly. Without offer-
exception to the rule in that the
Mother and son would be facing ing an opinion on the women’s
senator got involved.”
a “potential death sentence” if claims, the Federal District Court
The Honduran woman, whom
they were forced to return, he ruled that it could not review the
The New York Times is identify-
said. case. The Court of Appeals for the
ing only by her initials — F. H. —
Reince Priebus, the White Third Circuit agreed, and the Su-
because of the death threats she
House chief of staff, he was report- preme Court declined to hear the
has said she faces at home,
ing, was promising to look into the crossed the southern border with case.
matter. her young son into Texas in De- Alluding to Mr. Casey’s tweets,
By about 9 p.m., however, Mr. cember 2015. She says she left af- Liz Johnson, a spokeswoman for
Casey conceded defeat. The ter witnessing the shooting of her Immigration and Customs En-
mother and child, he wrote, had cousin, fearing she would be next. forcement, said in a statement:
been flown back to Honduras. But she failed to pass her credible “It’s unfortunate that politicians
“This child and his mother de- fear interview. Above, one of the tweets sent by Senator Bob Casey about the possible deportation of a Hon- are repeating misleading informa-
served better from this Adminis- For the next year and five duran woman and her son. Below, the detention center in Leesport, Pa., where the two were held. tion and, in the process, demoniz-
tration,” he posted. “They got the months, she and her son were de- ing the men and women whose job
absolute worst.” tained, mostly at the Berks it is to enforce the laws Congress
Mr. Trump’s supporters and his County Residential Center in writes.” Ms. Johnson said F. H.
detractors may debate whether Leesport, Pa., while lawyers tried had been deported only after “her
they deserved better. But history to appeal her case. claims were denied at multiple
and statistics show what they got: Advocates say it is not uncom- levels and she had exhausted all
the norm. mon for people in situations like legal remedies available to her.”
For Central American migrants theirs to encounter difficulties Lawyers were still pressing
like the Honduran woman and her while trying to press asylum F. H.’s claim when she was
son, fleeing the violence and law- claims. awakened about 3:30 a.m. on
lessness that have driven tens of The American asylum system Wednesday and told she was be-
thousands of people northward was established in the early 1980s ing deported, her lawyers said.
through Mexico to the United with World War II refugees, not Equipped with new information
States over the last several years, gang violence, in mind. Under the from Honduras — another cousin
asylum is often claimed and rarely law, asylum seekers must show had been killed, and their client
granted. From 2011 to 2016, immi- they fear persecution because of had received new death threats
gration judges denied from 77 to their race, religion, nationality, po- while she was in detention — they
83 percent of asylum requests litical opinions or membership in had argued again for a new asy-
from people from El Salvador, a “particular social group.” lum interview, a request that was
Honduras and Guatemala, the To fear gang killings is, often, denied Wednesday morning.
three countries that send the most not enough. Meanwhile, other lawyers had
Central American asylum seek- “Asylum does not solve every- begun the process of shielding her
ers, according to data compiled by thing,” said Dana Leigh Marks, an son from deportation under a spe-
researchers at Syracuse Univer- immigration judge in California cial protected status reserved for
sity. and president of the National As- children who have been abused or
Many migrants, including the sociation of Immigration Judges. neglected by one or both parents.
Honduran woman Mr. Casey She noted that even if the person (His father, who is also in the
posted about, do not even make it is genuinely in danger, immigra- United States, was never part of
before an immigration judge. To tion officers must ensure that his life.)
reach that stage, asylum seekers each claim meets certain legal MARK MAKELA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Advocates said the Obama ad-
must first pass an interview, conditions. “Imagine I’m the ministration had shown more
judge,” she said, “and I have to go migration fraud, as it has in New Central Americans to rush north; many people from hiring lawyers, flexibility than the Trump admin-
known as a “credible fear” inter-
through each of these points and York’s Chinatowns. instead, the Obama administra- even though legal representation istration in such cases, sometimes
view, with an asylum officer who
show that you have to qualify on In 2015, the Obama administra- tion pushed Central American greatly increases their chances of agreeing to delay deportations
determines whether there is a sig-
each basis.” Any one that isn’t tion designated female heads of countries and Mexico to thin the prevailing; documentation of while legal maneuverings
nificant possibility that they will
proven can derail a claim. households as a “particular social flow of migrants before they ever their claims may be impossible to continued. But the immigration
ultimately prevail. Some migrants
Poverty is also not enough. Im- group,” a move that may have reached the border. get from police departments cor- authorities were legally allowed
and lawyers who work with them
migration officials are sometimes made it easier for women There are other obstacles: rupted by gangs back home. to deport F. H. and her son.
wary of letting through economic traveling with children to qualify Trauma may make it difficult for Who wins and who loses in the This time, F. H.’s lawyers were
Everything you need to migrants who may have memo- for asylum. Still, gang violence people to recount their stories process is an inconsistent busi- in the middle of a hearing related
rized a script to claim asylum — a has not risen to the same status as thoroughly; rape victims can ness. Asylum officers and immi- to her son’s eligibility for special
know for your business day practice so widespread in some religious persecution or other asy- freeze up when asked to talk about gration judges have broad discre- status when they got the call.
is in Business Day. immigrant populations that it can lum grounds. Elevating it to the their assaults; poverty, illiteracy tion. Researchers have found that Mother and son had been put on a
The New York Times support a cottage industry of im- same level could invite even more and language barriers prevent the likelihood that an asylum plane.

Officer Who Fatally Shot

15-Year-Old Texas Boy
Is Charged With Murder
By MANNY FERNANDEZ the law firm representing the Ed-
and MATTHEW HAAG wards family.
BALCH SPRINGS, Tex. — A The Balch Springs police chief
police officer in a Dallas suburb fired Mr. Oliver on Tuesday, say-
was charged with murder on Fri- ing he had violated departmental
day, six days after he fired his rifle policies. In the Police Depart-
into a car full of teenagers leaving ment’s first account of the fatal
a party, killing a black 15-year-old shooting, Chief Jonathan Haber
in the front passenger seat. had said that the car was revers-
The Dallas County Sheriff’s De- ing aggressively toward the offi-
cers when Mr. Oliver opened fire. Jordan Edwards, seen with his
partment issued a warrant on Fri-
day for the arrest of the officer, But after Chief Haber reviewed father, Odell, was killed by a
Roy D. Oliver II, 37, the authorities the two officers’ body cameras, he police officer last Saturday as
said. Mr. Oliver turned himself in corrected that description: The he left a party. Hundreds of
Friday night in car had reversed but was acceler- people attended a vigil for
Parker County, ating forward and away from the Jordan on Thursday in Balch
Tex., officials officers when Jordan was struck. Springs, Tex.
said. The Edwards family released a
Mr. Oliver, statement on Friday evening call- TONY GUTIERREZ/ASSOCIATED PRESS

who was a pa- ing the arrest warrant “a bit of a

reprieve in a time of intense In those previous cases, it took Jeff Sessions has indicated it will called that a suicide attacker set “scary,” and others said Mr. Oliver
trol officer with months and months,” he said, re- move away from the aggressive off an explosion at a military mess was uncooperative and cursed at
the Balch mourning.”
“Although we realize that there ferring to other high-profile shoot- efforts of the Obama administra- tent in December 2004, killing 22 an assistant district attorney.
Springs Police
remain significant obstacles ings of young black men by police tion to oversee law enforcement people, while Mr. Oliver happened Balch Springs suspended him for
ahead on the road to justice, this officers across the country. agencies. to be away from the base. 16 hours and ordered him to attend
responded late
Roy D. last Saturday to action brings hope that the justice The Edwards family urged peo- Events of the past week re- Before he was hired by the anger management training.
Oliver II reports of un- system will bend against the over- ple on Friday not to protest at Jor- vealed little about the depart- Balch Springs Police Department, A lawyer for the Edwards fam-
derage drink- whelming weight of our frustra- dan’s funeral. “Though we under- ment’s new direction. Federal pro- Mr. Oliver worked as a police offi- ily, S. Lee Merritt, reflected this
ing at a house party. Mr. Oliver tion,” the family said. stand what his life and death sectors received a guilty plea by a cer for about a year starting in week on Mr. Oliver’s past.
and another officer entered the The warrant was issued the day mean symbolically, we are not white police officer who fatally 2010 in Dalworthington Gardens, “I think we see two things out of
house but left after the police said before Jordan’s funeral. Friends ready to make a martyr of our shot a black man in South Car- a small town outside Fort Worth. military-trained policemen,” he
they heard gunshots outside the and relatives are planning to son,” the family said. olina, but the department declined He received no disciplinary ac- said. “Sometimes, you get some of
residence. gather Saturday at Mesquite Linda Oliver, Mr. Oliver’s to press charges against two offi- tions or complaints during his the best policemen out there.
As a car with five black Friendship Baptist Church in mother, said Friday night, “We are cers involved in the fatal shooting time as an officer there, according They’re calm, they’ve learned to
teenagers inside drove away from nearby Mesquite, Tex. The funeral under a hard no comment.” She of a black Louisiana man. to the city’s Department of Public operate in the battlefield. They’ve
the house, Mr. Oliver, who is white, is closed to the public. said that her son is being repre- Still, the charges brought Fri- Safety. He submitted his volun- been extensively trained, a lot
fired his AR-15 rifle, fatally strik- Cedric W. Davis Sr., a former sented by James Lane, a Fort day by Dallas County were seen tary resignation in May 2011 and more than your average officer.
ing Jordan Edwards, a freshman mayor of Balch Springs, said the Worth lawyer, who did not return by black leaders in the region as a began officially working for Balch And at other times you have offi-
at Mesquite High School, in the news of the murder charge would a call or an email. positive step. Springs two months later. cers who are dealing with the ef-
head, according to the police and help ease tensions in the city, a The charges against Mr. Oliver Mr. Oliver became a police offi- Mr. Oliver was reprimanded by fects of being in a war zone, the
working-class suburb of 25,000 came during another week of na- cer after serving as an infantry- the Balch Springs Police Depart- post-traumatic effects.”
Manny Fernandez reported from east of Dallas. tional debate about race and po- man in the Army, eventually ris- ment in 2013 for aggressive and “As I learn more about this offi-
Balch Springs, and Matthew Haag “I think the benefit here is that it lice brutality and amid uncer- ing to sergeant. He was deployed unprofessional behavior while cer,” Mr. Merritt continued, “he
from New York. Serge F. Kovaleski moved fast,” said Mr. Davis, who tainty over how police violence twice to Iraq, from October 2004 to working with Dallas County seems to be one who had some
contributed reporting from New became Balch Springs’s first black will be addressed by the Trump September 2005 and again in 2009 prosecutors on a drunken-driving problems. It should have been
York, and Patrick McGee from mayor when he was elected in administration. The Justice De- from January to November. In an case. A prosecutor described the dealt with and it should have been
Dallas. 2008. “The charge came quickly. partment under Attorney General interview this week, Ms. Oliver re- interactions with Mr. Oliver as identified a long time ago.”

Hiring Burst in April Drives U.S. Unemployment Rate to Its Lowest Level in 10 Years
From Page A1 NOT QUITE THERE The Labor Picture in April by 37,000, the monthly average in
the sector was down from last
that this late into an expansion the The labor market has seen strong year at the same time. “Health
economy is still adding jobs well data, but it’s not yet at the elusive UNEMPLOYMENT RATE SHARE OF care employment since the begin-
full employment. Page B1. POPULATION ning of the year is not the driver it
above the steady-state pace.” 5.0 % APRIL CHANGE CHANGE
The April figures renewed a once was,” Ms. Swonk said, calling
Employed 60.2 % + 0.1 pts. + 0.5 pts. it a “residual of uncertainty re-
conversation among economists 4.4%
about whether the economy was growth figure, which was revised 4.8 Labor force (workers 62.9 – 0.1 + 0.1 garding health care coverage.”
at “full employment,” the point at to 79,000, and April’s vibrant one and unemployed) (The biggest gains were found
which everyone who wants a job was a useful reminder that every in the leisure and hospitality sec-
can get one at the current level of monthly jobs report provides only 4.6 tors. “They’re not buying cars, but
a temporary and incomplete snap- ‘HIDDEN’ UNEMPLOYMENT
pay. they’re buying vacations,” Mr.
shot of the economy. In millions 1-MONTH 1-YEAR
There was less agreement on APRIL CHANGE CHANGE Swonk said.)
Whatever effect Mr. Trump’s 4.4 Owners of small and medium-
who deserved the credit. Republi- Working part time, but 5.3 – 5.1 % – 11.7%
cans crowed about how many jobs policies are having so far, econo- M J J A S O N D J F M A size businesses tell pollsters that
mists agree that presidents al- want full-time work
had been created since President they are optimistic about the
Trump took office in January, ways tend to be given much more People who currently 5.6 † – 1.0 – 2.0 economy, despite several weak
while Democrats pointed to the responsibility for the economy’s CHANGE CHANGE
want a job§ economic indicators, said Cather-
ongoing economic legacy of Presi- ups and downs than they deserve. ine Barrera, an economics profes-
“We have a big, big economy and White 3.8 % – 0.1 pts. – 0.5 pts. UNEMPLOYMENT BY sor at Cornell University and the
dent Barack Obama. 1-MONTH 1-YEAR
the overall shape is made by mil- Black 7.9 – 0.1 – 0.9 EDUCATION LEVEL chief economic adviser for
Three months is still a short APRIL CHANGE CHANGE
span in the life of an administra- lions and millions of individual de- Hispanic* 5.2 + 0.1 – 0.9 ZipRecruiter, an online jobs plat-
cisions,” said Michael Strain, an Less than high 6.5 % – 0.3 pts. – 1.0pts.
tion, and Mr. Trump has not yet form. But many employers have
economist at the American Enter- Asian 3.1 † – 0.1 † – 0.5 † school
pushed through the main planks yet to act on their stated inten-
of his pro-growth agenda like tax prise Institute, a conservative Teenagers 14.7 + 1.0 – 1.3 High school 4.6 – 0.3 – 0.8 tions to add workers. “The thing
reform or a large investment in in- think tank. “We tend to give too (16-19) Some college 3.7 Unch. – 0.4 that stands out most,” Ms. Barrera
frastructure. Even so, some econ- much emphasis to role of the pres- said, is the “gap between that op-
ident.” Bachelor’s or higher 2.4 – 0.1 Unch.
omists gave the president credit timism and the follow-through on
for a jump in optimism. Certainly, the administration’s 1-MONTH 1-YEAR that optimism.”
“Sharp increases in consumer solidly pro-business agenda has APRIL CHANGE CHANGE Matthew Dolly, director of re-
buoyed many executives. At the In millions 1-MONTH 1-YEAR
and business confidence can have search at Transwestern, a na-
same time, they have steadily Average 24.1 – 4.7 % –13.0 % APRIL CHANGE CHANGE
real consequences that show up in tional commercial real estate firm,
increased hiring and investment,” complained about a growing Median 10.2 – 1.0 – 8.9 Nonfarm 146.1 + 0.1% + 1.6% said: “Businesses want to hire
said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a for- shortage of workers. Goods 20.0 + 0.1 + 1.2 and planned on hiring. But until
mer director of the Congressional “It’s not an employer’s market,” EMPLOYMENT Nonfarm payroll, 12-month change + 0.2 policies are ironed out, hiring will
Services 126.1 + 1.6
Budget Office who advised Sena- said Patrick Bass, chief executive +2% remain stagnant for a bit while
tor John McCain, Republican of of Thyssenkrupp North America, Agriculture 2.6 + 5.9 + 2.6 that happens.”
Arizona, during his 2008 presiden- which makes elevators, steel and Even after a policy is carried
tial campaign. other industrial products. AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS out, it can take time before the ef-
Mr. Holtz-Eakin added that Mr. Based in Germany, Rank-and-file 1-MONTH 1-YEAR fect kicks in. When it comes to in-
Trump’s freezing of new regula- Thyssenkrupp employs more workers APRIL CHANGE CHANGE dividual tax cuts, for example,
tions and elimination of others than 15,000 people in the United $900.94 +0.6% + 2.5 % consumers have historically
were having a measurable im- States, but “the labor market is started to spend only when the ex-
pact. very competitive at all levels,” Mr. Figures are seasonally adjusted, except where noted. tra money is in hand, not when it is
“The observed pace of regula- Bass said. “We have more promised, said William Gale, a
tory activity has come to a stand- positions open than we’ve been 0 *Hispanics can be of any race. †Not seasonally adjusted. senior fellow at the Brookings In-
still,” he said. In contrast, he ar- able to fill.” §People not working who say they would like to be. stitution.
M J J A S O N D J F M A Includes discouraged workers and those who cannot work
gued, a persistent rollout of regu- Yet if shortages were as acute Gauging the impact on busi-
lations by the Obama administra- as advertised, then wages would for reasons including ill health. nesses is much more complicated.
tion had added millions of dollars be bid up at a faster rate. Average Source: Bureau of Labor Statisics THE NEW YORK TIMES “We generally think it takes
in costs for businesses each week. hourly earnings, though, rose by about a decade for the economic
Another major factor in the 0.3 percent in April, bringing the effects of a tax plan to fully phase
tional institutions or in developing the prerecession rate. ginalized workers. With skills ero-
economy’s performance is, of year-over-year growth to 2.5 per- in,” said Kyle Pomerleau, director
course, the Federal Reserve skills so that new hires “can earn Less encouraging was a dip in sion, people in long-term unem-
cent. Last year at this time, in- of federal projects at the conser-
Board, which put a confident creases were the same but infla- while they learn.” the proportion of adults who have ployment have gotten into a vi- vative Tax Foundation.
stamp on the economy this week tion was lower, further shrinking Workers with fewer skills or a job or want one. That measure, cious cycle. An incoming tide does And maybe not even then, given
and plans to raise interest rates the impact of any wage increases. less experience can often be hired known as the labor participation not lift all boats.” how many variables affect invest-
further this year. Employers must decide at a cut rate. Some may have come rate, edged down to 62.9 percent And the divisions among Re- ment and the economy, said Alan
The jobs report on Friday whether to buy skills or to build from the ranks of part-time work- last month from 63 percent, a sign publicans in Washington that Viard, a senior fellow at the Amer-
strengthens that case, though an- them, said Michael Stull, a senior ers who want full-time jobs and of that workers who had been side- have left the future of the Afford- ican Enterprise Institute.
other report is due before Fed pol- vice president at the staffing com- those who had previously been lined are not being drawn back able Care Act uncertain even after “You might never be able to pin
icy makers meet again in June. pany Manpower North America. too discouraged to look. There into the labor market. the House vote on Thursday to re- down what happened due to the
And the wide swing between The small pressure on wages, he was a sharp drop last month in the “This gets to be the real issue,” peal it have put some employers tax cut, as there would be no way
March’s disappointing jobs said, is evidence that they have broader measure of unemploy- said Diane Swonk, founder of DS in a wait-and-see mode. to know what would have hap-
been trying to buy them, but more ment, which includes individuals Economics in Chicago. “As good Ms. Swonk noted, for example, pened without the tax cut,” he
Nelson D. Schwartz contributed re- businesses are expressing an in- in both categories, to 8.6 percent as this report is, it points to how that while hiring in health care said. “We can’t observe the path
porting. terest in partnerships with educa- from 8.9 percent. That is close to hard it is to bring in those mar- and social-assistance jobs was up not taken.”

For Only the Second Time, F.D.A. Approves a Drug to Treat Lou Gehrig’s Disease
By DENISE GRADY year, according to its manufactur- The disease kills nerve cells But he was uncertain about symptoms. It can slow the decline,
er, MT Pharma America, a subsid- that control voluntary muscles, so whether he would actually recom- but that is not something a patient
A new drug for amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s iary of the Japanese company Mi- A treatment is found patients gradually weaken and mend it, because the method of will notice.
disease, was approved on Friday tsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corpora-
to slow weakening become paralyzed. Most die
within three to five years, usually
administration is difficult. Pa-
tients have to have an intravenous
According to the F.D.A., the
most common adverse reactions
by the Food and Drug Administra-
tion. Radicava is only the second and paralysis. from respiratory failure. About line inserted and left in place in- were bruising and gait disturb-
The drug, called Radicava or drug ever approved to treat A.L.S. 12,000 to 15,000 people in the definitely, which poses an infec- ance. There can be other serious
edaravone, slowed the progres- The first, riluzole, was approved United States have A.L.S., accord- tion risk. The first round of treat- risks that require immediate care,
sion of the degenerative disease in by the F.D.A. more than 20 years ing to the Centers for Disease Con- ment requires a one-hour infusion like hives, swelling or shortness of
ago. Riluzole can increase sur- declined less than those receiving trol and Prevention. every day for 14 days, followed by breath, and allergic reactions that
a six-month study in Japan. It placebos.
must be given by intravenous in- vival by two or three months. Dr. Shneider predicted that pa- 14 days off. After that, the infu- can be life threatening in people
There is no information yet about Dr. Neil A. Shneider, director of tients would be eager to try the sions are given daily for 10 out of 14 who are sensitive to sulfite.
fusion and will cost $145,524 a
whether Radicava has any effect the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig ALS new drug. He said several of his days, with 14 days off. MT Pharma America said it
on survival. Center at Columbia University patients were already receiving it “If it were a pill and easily ad- would provide some co-pay assist-
In the study in Japan, 137 pa- Medical Center, said, “The effect because they had obtained it ministered, I’d be less reluctant to ance to patients with commercial
Other points of view
tients were picked at random to is modest but significant.” themselves from Japan. If more use it,” Dr. Shneider said. insurance, and other help to peo-
on the Op-Ed page receive either Radicava or a pla- He added, “I’m very happy, want it, he will prescribe it, he He added that the drug will not ple who are uninsured or face de-
seven days a week. cebo. At the end of six months, the frankly, that there is a second drug said. make patients feel better or lays in coverage. Those who qual-
The New York Times condition of those taking the drug approved for A.L.S.” “It’s very safe,” he said. stronger. It does not improve ify might even be treated for free.
SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017 A17


Top, from left: a terra cotta architectural sculpture from around 1875, a water spout and a Norseman are among the pieces on display at the Anonymous Arts
Museum in Charlotteville, N.Y. Above left, a piece called “Muse of Sculpture” was believed to be a favorite of Ivan Karp, who salvaged many of the pieces.

A Rural Retreat for New York City’s Angels and Gargoyles

By JAMES BARRON wrecking crews pried them off.
“They weren’t saving anything,” Mrs. Karp
has nearly 750 museums and galleries that A Museum Founded by a ‘Rubble Rouser’ said. “When a building was under demolition,
showcase paintings, dinosaurs, ships, fire Ivan would go up to the foreman and say: ‘See
trucks and gangsters, to name a few. But when Who Retrieved Pieces From Demolition Sites that up there? Bring it down gently.’ Ivan would
give him $10 and go back at the end of the day,
it comes to a certain category of lost New York,
the most intriguing collection is in a museum and the foreman would tell him where it was.”
nation. The adventures of Mr. Karp, who died in 2012,
175 miles away: stone fragments that once It also has Joe Dahms, who did the carpentry
adorned city buildings. fueled the recent novel “The Gargoyle
work and installed the artifacts, and is stronger Hunters” by John Freeman Gill, a freelance
They are a throwback to an era of embellish- for having lifted them all.
ment — scores of exuberant faces positioned writer who has contributed to The New York
“Everything was start-to-finish heavy,” he Times and The Atlantic. He took the title from
cheek by jowl, sometimes literally; angels and said one morning last month as he stood in front the headline on a 1962 article in The New York
sea monsters; griffins and goddesses; smiling of an ornament labeled “Biblical head amidst Herald Tribune’s Sunday magazine that he said
cherubs and stern knights in helmets. They vegetal ornament, c. 1880.” described “a subculture of folks who haunted
now reside here in the Anonymous Arts Mu- “It took four guys to lift that off the floor,” he demolition sites to salvage endangered archi-
seum, in a hamlet where the soundtrack out- said. “That thing was on a building.” tectural sculptures during that period of sweep-
side, when there is one, is not taxis honking or Some would say this is actually stolen New ing urban renewal.” Mr. Gill said his mother had
bicyclists shouting “Get out of the way!” It is York, since the artifacts were usually taken, done some gargoyle hunting. He said he had
roosters crowing. sometimes after small cash payments to heard about Mr. Karp from her, and tracked him
The museum is a shrine to decoration from guards at demolition sites. Some would call the down in 2009.
the days before long smooth walls of glass. But cash payments bribes. Preservationists would The museum is open only three hours a
the museum’s home is not made of the ma- say that the items were destined to be de- week, from noon to 3 p.m. on Sundays, and only
terials it celebrates: granite, marble, lime- stroyed, and that hauling them off to Charlot- three months of the year, from Father’s Day
stone, sandstone and various kinds of terra teville, about an hour’s drive west of Albany, through August. Charlotteville is so far from
cotta. The building is all wood. was a way of saving them. the madding crowd that no one from New York
The artifacts on display came from demoli- But Marilynn Gelfman Karp said that her “actually makes a trip here,” Mr. Dahms said.
tion sites in New York, starting in the late 1950s. husband’s scavenging had the blessing of May- He added that local residents come for the sec-
They were salvaged by an art dealer, Ivan Karp. Joe Dahms installed the artifacts and han- or John V. Lindsay. ond floor, a separate museum about Charlot-
He was known in the art world for pioneering dled carpentry work. The pieces are on “Mayor Lindsay gave us a letter, so that if we teville itself that Mrs. Karp assembled.
the way for galleries in SoHo and for promoting display from noon to 3 p.m. on Sundays. were stopped by the police, if the police tried to The Karps spent summers in Charlotteville,
Pop Art pillars like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichten- stop us from saving the ornament that was be- but at first Mr. Karp did not publicize where the
stein and Robert Rauschenberg. But he also la- in the 1980s, he and his wife bought the building ing smashed willy-nilly, we could show the let- museum was because “he didn’t want artists
mented the loss of the cityscape he had grown here and opened the museum. They called it the ter,” she recalled. “It said, in mayorly terms: besieging him with slides” to look at, Mrs. Karp
up with. Anonymous Arts Museum because they never ‘Cease and desist. These people have permis- said. The town had shown promise before the
So, operating as a self-described “rubble found a signature on any of the artifacts they sion.’” Civil War, with a couple of colleges and five gen-
rouser,” he set out to save what he could, driv- retrieved. A stroll through the museum is an immersion eral stores, but the colleges burned and the
ing around in a beat-up Jeep in search of cor- Like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it has in an era that began around 1875, when the city general stores foundered. Later a photogra-
nices, capitals and gargoyles. Many were high its presidential portraits. Abraham Lincoln, in was beginning to climb skyward. That era pher from Vogue redid the town’s one hotel “as
up. A few would have been right at eye level for limestone, came from a long-gone building in lasted until just before World War I. Many of the a getaway place for the models,” Mr. Dahms
a second-story man. Brooklyn. So did Chester A. Arthur, the Ver- carefully carved keystones and classical said, but he married one — “and she decided
Mr. Karp stashed some of his finds in the mont-born vice president who moved into the column capitals lasted until the heyday of ur- she wanted a castle in France, and they moved
basement of his gallery on West Broadway, but White House after James A. Garfield’s assassi- ban renewal a couple of generations later, when on.”

The U.S. Case vs. El Chapo:

10,000 Pages and Recordings
By ALAN FEUER ney’s office in Brooklyn has portrayed
It has been assumed for months that him not only as the world’s most so-
the prosecution of Joaquín Guzmán Lo- phisticated drug dealer, but also as a
era, the Mexican drug lord known as El coldblooded killer who ordered the
Chapo, would be an undertaking of major deaths of thousands of people during
proportions. Mexico’s brutal drug wars.
At the news conference in January Mr. Guzmán is still considered some-
when the charges against him were an- thing of a folk hero in his homeland, not
nounced, federal prosecutors described least for having twice escaped from high-
a Shakespearean cast of more than 40 security prisons there, the first time in a
witnesses who would testify that, over laundry cart and later by way of a mile-
three decades, Mr. Guzmán had built the long tunnel dug into the shower of his
world’s biggest drug empire, employing cell.
an army of assassins and earning billions It was hard to reconcile either of those EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES TOMAS BRAVO/REUTERS
of dollars by trafficking his product with images with the unimposing figure that
a rotating fleet of trucks, planes, fishing Mr. Guzmán cut in court on Friday. He is Left, Emma Coronel Aispuro, the wife of Joaquín Guzmán Loera, right, the Mexican drug lord known as El Chapo,
boats, submersibles and yachts. a small man — El Chapo means Shorty in leaving a hearing Friday in the federal case against him. The judge in the case set a tentative trial date of April 2018.
But on Friday, the true scope of the Spanish — and spent much of the hour-
case came into view, and the details sug- long hearing staring into space while fol- flict of interest because other lawyers in On Thursday, Judge Cogan issued an they wanted to show him a document,
gest it is going to be enormous. At a hear- lowing a translation of the proceedings their office had, in the past, briefly repre- order rejecting nearly all of the defense’s she said, they had to hold it up to a
ing in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, through headphones. sented two prosecution witnesses who requests to ease the restrictions that plexiglass window between them.
prosecutors said that Mr. Guzmán’s trial Only two things seemed to engage his were preparing to testify at trial. have been imposed on Mr. Guzmán. The This appeared to disturb Judge Cogan,
could last three months and include up to distracted attention: his wife, Emma Judge Cogan, saying the matter was measures were necessary, the judge who called the process “cumbersome.”
1,500 audio recordings of the defendant Coronel Aispuro, a former beauty queen “barely an issue,” ruled that the lawyers wrote, to keep the defendant from run- Looking down from his bench, he asked
and his allies alongside nearly 10,000 who sat in the gallery in a crisp white could remain in place. ning his former operation, the Sinaloa the prosecutors, “How are we going to
pages of documents. The presiding blazer, and the numerous court security Ms. Gelernt and Mr. Schneider have drug cartel, while he was being held. get this case ready for trial if they have to
judge, Brian M. Cogan, set what he called guards, at whom he occasionally cast argued for several weeks that Mr. The judge’s decision did not stop Ms. do that?”
an “aspirational” trial date: April 2018. fleeting glances. Guzmán is suffering the ill effects of be- Gelernt from complaining again on Fri- When the prosecutors could not pro-
The sweeping nature of the case, The primary subject of the hearing ing held in almost constant isolation in day that the terms of Mr. Guzmán’s con- vide a response, Judge Cogan offered his
which will track Mr. Guzmán’s rise from was an argument over whether Mr. what is known as 10 South, the most se- finement had made it almost impossible own: A junior judge would be sent to 10
a teenage marijuana farmer to an inter- Guzmán’s lawyers, the federal defenders cure wing of the Metropolitan Correc- to prepare him for trial. She told Judge South to investigate more efficient op-
national kingpin who carried a diamond- Michelle Gelernt and Michael Schneider, tional Center, a federal jail in Lower Man- Cogan that she and Mr. Schneider were tions. He added that “in the interest of
encrusted pistol, is matched by his out- could continue to represent him. The hattan across the river from the Brook- not, for instance, allowed to be in the moving things along,” this would happen
size reputation. The United States attor- government has said the two have a con- lyn court. same room at the jail as their client. If soon.

Rikers Is Deemed
Too Dangerous to Take
Transferred Inmates
18, the issues raised in the letter
From Page A1 were not discussed.
ment to report incidents like in- A City Hall spokeswoman said
mate deaths and suicide attempts that months before the letter was
to the commission in a timely sent, the Correction Department
manner. had submitted plans to address
The letter was dated April 28, many of the issues raised by the
the same day the city’s Investiga- state commission and had started
tion Department reprimanded the taking steps to resolve them.
Correction Department’s commis- “A few minor issues that are al-
sioner, Joseph Ponte, and three ready being addressed provide in-
top aides for misusing their offi- sufficient grounds to revoke a pro-
cial vehicles. Mr. Ponte, the Inves- gram that has improved the safety
tigation Department said, vio- of staff and inmates at Rikers and
lated city rules by using his city at jails across the state,” said the
car to take extended trips outside spokeswoman, Natalie Gry-
the state, mostly to Maine. He bauskas. “We welcome any guid-
spent a total of 90 days outside the ance from the State Commission
of Correction on how it believes in-
mates already in custody at Rik-
ers and around the state should be
State officials demand handled.”
Inmate transfers to jails outside
a halt to an infrequent the county of arrest are rare. As of
this week, there were 17 trans-
safety measure. ferred inmates at Rikers, mostly
from nearby counties like Nassau
and Suffolk on Long Island, and
Westchester just north of New
city in 2016, at a time when vio- York City. The letter does not
lence at Rikers was on the rise. specify what to do with those in- PHOTOGRAPHS BY SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES
It comes in the midst of a feud mates already in custody at Rik-
between Mayor Bill de Blasio, who ers under the transfer program. The entrance to New York City’s jail complex. The State Com-
has defended Mr. Ponte, and Gov. In addition to the 12 jails in New mission of Correction says Rikers Island can no longer take in-
Andrew M. Cuomo, who is respon- York City, the state commission mates from jails in other counties. Transfers are typically made
sible for appointing members of oversees 63 county jails and 54 if inmates face a higher risk of violence in their area.
the State Commission of Correc- state prisons. It evaluates renova-
tion. In recent months, the gover- tion projects and changes in regu-
nor has frequently criticized the lations and investigates inmate charged. been arrested as a result of Inves-
mayor over the spiraling crisis at deaths, among other matters. But The commission is but one of a tigation Department inquiries into
Rikers Island, notwithstanding it has little enforcement power. In number of agencies responsible brutality by guards, sexual assault
his own struggles to rein in brutal- 2015, the commission issued a for overseeing conditions at New and the smuggling of drugs and
ity and corruption within the state scathing report about the mis- York City jails. In the city, the weapons into Rikers, according to
prison system. treatment of an inmate at Rikers Board of Correction sets Diane Struzzi, a spokeswoman for
Though there have been serious who was locked in his cell for six minimum standards that the Cor- the Investigation Department.
problems at Rikers for years, the days, was denied food and medi- rection Department must follow. There is also a federal monitor-
state commission had never be- cation and died after he was found The Department of Investiga- ing team brought on in 2015 as a re-
fore deemed conditions too dan- naked and covered in feces. The tion, which has a special unit for sult of a class-action settlement
gerous for inmate transfers. And it report said the details of the death investigating malfeasance at Rik- over brutality at Rikers. Last
is not clear what prompted the “shock the conscience.” But cor- ers, has the power to make arrests month, the team issued a report
commission to issue the letter rections officials would not say if and refer city employees for pros- that said guards were continuing
when it did. At its two most recent anyone was disciplined or fired, ecution. Since 2014, 38 Correction to use brutal force against inmates
meetings, on March 28 and April and no one was criminally Department staff members have at an “alarming rate.”

Bombing Suspect Wants Hospital Interviews Blocked

By BENJAMIN WEISER he had made them “under severe en a pen and paper, the summa-
Ten days after a bomb exploded medical distress.” ries said.
in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighbor- “He was encumbered by nee- The agents gave him a sheet of
hood in September, injuring more dles and restraints, often uncon- paper that showed the alphabet
than 30 people, investigators ar- scious and effectively held incom- and told him to point at letters
rived at a hospital surgical inten- municado, deprived of the assist- with a pen, but he could not ac-
sive care unit in New Jersey to ance of an attorney, family or complish that, either.
question a man charged in the at- friends,” Mr. Rahimi’s federal pub- A prosecutor told the judge late
tack, Ahmad Khan Rahimi. lic defenders wrote. last year that Mr. Rahimi had
Mr. Rahimi, who was recover- They also asked that the judge made statements “across multiple
ing from gunshot wounds sus- suppress a hair sample taken days” after his arrest. But the
tained in a shootout with the po- from their client, arguing that an prosecutors said at the time that
F.B.I. agent had misled Mr. Rahimi the government did not plan to
lice in Elizabeth, N.J., was on med-
into thinking he was a member of use the statements in its direct
ication and sedated, and had a
the defense team. case at trial. That left open the ANDRES KUDACKI/ASSOCIATED PRESS
breathing tube in his throat. The
Mr. Rahimi is also accused of a possibility that the government Officers blocked a street in Manhattan’s Chelsea section after an
agents told him to respond to their
could use the statements to try to
questions by making head mo- bombing in Seaside Park, N.J.,
impeach Mr. Rahimi if he were to explosion in September that injured more than 30 people.
tions, according to an F.B.I. sum- that did not cause any injuries,
testify and contradict something
mary of the interview. and of planting other explosive
he had said during his interroga- cused way without advising him Rahimi “moved his head from side
Mr. Rahimi was initially unre- ASSOCIATED PRESS devices in Manhattan and New
tion. of his right to remain silent or to to side to indicate a ‘no,’” it
sponsive to the questions but then Investigators interviewed Ah- Jersey. He has pleaded not guilty
The defense motion seeks to have counsel. continued.
began to answer, the F.B.I. sum- mad Khan Rahimi over three to charges stemming from the at-
block the government from using The summaries showed that in- When investigators asked
mary said. days as he was in a hospital tacks. the statements altogether. Nei- vestigators had focused their where he was trained to make
When he was asked whether he bed with gunshot wounds. In his own affidavit, also filed ther the United States attorney’s questioning on whether others bombs, he “mouthed what ap-
had created any other bombs, he with the court, Mr. Rahimi said office in Manhattan, which is ex- were involved and whether Mr. peared to be ‘computer,’” one
“moved his head from side to side, that he could recall very little of pected to file a response to the mo- Rahimi still had additional bomb- summary showed. It said the in-
to indicate a ‘no,’” according to the with the first interview ending the sessions. tion, nor a lawyer for Mr. Rahimi making materials. vestigators then asked if he had
summary. only after Mr. Rahimi faded into “Days blend in my memory, and meant “computer,” and he nodded.
would comment on Friday. Mr. Rahimi was asked, for ex-
Had anyone helped him make unconsciousness, according to I cannot distinguish one day of ample, whether anyone had asked At another point, one summary
The summaries also showed
the devices? Again, he motioned documents filed by Mr. Rahimi’s questioning from the next,” he that Mr. Rahimi was questioned him to place the bombs in New said, Mr. Rahimi was asked if
no. Were any of his family mem- lawyers in Federal District Court said. under the so-called public safety York and New Jersey. He shook there were any remaining bomb-
bers involved in creating or set- in Manhattan on Friday. At one point, investigators from exception to the Miranda rules, as his head to indicate no, according making materials or components,
ting off the bombs? Another no, The documents were part of a the F.B.I. and the New York Police The New York Times reported last to a summary. and he used his head to indicate
the summary said. motion asking Judge Richard M. Department could not understand fall. Under that exception, where He was also asked “if there no, the summary said.
Thus began four unusual inter- Berman to suppress Mr. Rahimi’s an answer that Mr. Rahimi was there may be an imminent threat were people from the mosque that The summary continued, “He
rogation sessions over three days statements on the grounds that mouthing to them, nor could he to public safety, the authorities assisted him in creating the silently mouthed what appeared
at University Hospital in Newark, they were not voluntary and that write down a response when giv- may interrogate a suspect in a fo- bombs,” the summary said. Mr. to be the words ‘put all in bomb.’”


Flooding on Friday forced partial closings of many roads in New York, including part of the West Side Highway in Manhattan. Right, cars on a flooded street in the Gowanus area of Brooklyn.

Flooding and Cancellations as New York Receives Almost a Month’s Worth of Rain
By ELI ROSENBERG three inches of rain — about two- cluding SoHo and Chelsea in Man- pressway, and a ramp off the the subway after flooding in at Airport and Newark Liberty In-
Over the course of just a few thirds of its typical monthly total hattan; Dumbo and Gowanus in George Washington Bridge to the least one station and pooling on ternational Airport — were can-
hours on Friday, a heavy down- — nearly doubling the previous Brooklyn; and parts of Staten Is- Harlem River Drive, according to the floor at the Oculus at the World celed, according to the flight data
pour sent floodwaters through the record for the day recorded in 1871, land, New Jersey and Long Is- the city’s Office of Emergency Trade Center transportation hub site FlightAware.
streets, shutting down roads, according to the National Weather land. Management. downtown. Ferries and buses to the Frieze
stranding motorists, and causing Service. Other areas around the The floodwaters forced partial And the storm delivered a jolt to Hundreds of flights into and out New York art fair on Randalls Is-
delays on transit systems city received two to three inches of closures of many roads around the the city’s transit systems, closing of the region’s three main airports land were canceled. The rain be-
throughout the New York region. rain. Flooding was reported city, including portions of the West two tracks and an entrance at — John F. Kennedy International gan to taper off Friday evening
Central Park received about throughout much of the area, in- Side Highway, the Van Wyck Ex- Penn Station, causing delays in Airport, La Guardia International from its midday peak.

Remembering an Auschwitz Magician, in Life and Onstage

unite with his mother.
A Holocaust survivor Mr. Reich called it “sacrilege” to
invoke figures or elements of the
recalls his bunkmate, Holocaust while whitewashing
the troubling parts.
who inspired a play. The show’s director, Paul Bosco
McEneaney, who is a founder of
By COREY KILGANNON Cahoots NI, a children’s theater
company based in Belfast, North-
“All right, pick a card,” Werner ern Ireland, said he learned of Mr.
Reich said, fanning out a worn Levin in 2011. He was so moved by
deck of cards in his Long Island his story of survival that he com-
home to demonstrate a trick he missioned Charles Way, a British
had learned in an unlikely place: playwright, to write “Nivelli’s
on the top of a bare wooden bunk War” not as a historical show, Mr.
in the concentration camp bar- McEneaney said, but rather as “a
racks at Auschwitz. piece of theater telling the story of
Mr. Reich is 89 now, but in the two characters who despite avow-
spring of 1944, he was a terrified, ing their hatred for each other fi-
emaciated teenager crammed in nally come to a new relationship,
with other starving Jewish which has different meanings for
prisoners as they watched their
comrades being killed and
Mr. Way named the Nivelli
awaited the same fate.
character after the real-life magi-
His bunkmate was Herbert
cian not out of an intention to de-
Levin, a kind man in his late 30s.
tail his story, but rather out of “re-
Mr. Levin was also a professional
spect and honor” and to help show
magician, known in his act as the
how an act of kindness can spark a
Great Nivelli.
friendship that might otherwise
The teenage Mr. Reich knew
seem unlikely, Mr. McEneaney
him only as Herr Levin, German
for Mr. Levin, and refrained from
calling him by the inmate number The play, which has received ac-
tattooed into his forearm, a com- claim during runs in England and
mon mode of address among the Ireland, also touches on the plight
prisoners at the camp. of refugees around the world to-
Mr. Levin’s family had already day, as well as the history of con-
been killed, but he managed to JOHNNY MILANO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
flict between the Irish and British
survive Auschwitz by performing in Northern Ireland, he said.
Werner Reich performed card tricks that he said he learned from Herbert Levin, who performed onstage as The Great Nivelli. The play’s few poignant allu-
magic for the camp’s guards. In-
terest in Mr. Levin has recently sions to the Holocaust are meant
been rekindled with “Nivelli’s on Mr. Reich’s arm: A-1828. Mr. sleight of hand, both of them in their physiques. weighed only 64 pounds when he to prompt young viewers to in-
War,” an Off Broadway show Reich rolled up his sleeve on their striped uniforms on the “We were running for our lives,” wound up in another concentra- quire about real-life histories of
produced by a children’s theater Wednesday to show the number, bunk. Mr. Reich recalled. “We tried to tion camp, in Mauthausen, Aus- people like Mr. Levin and Mr. Re-
company at the New Victory The- which is now faded. “It just stuck with me,” said Mr. look bigger, stronger; we’d smile, tria, where he was liberated by ich, Mr. McEneaney said.
ater in Times Square. The last “Well, so am I,” Mr. Reich said Reich, who was replicating the do anything under the sun to look American troops in May 1945. Mr. Reich acknowledged that he
public performance is Sunday, with a laugh. trick not on a barracks bunk, but fit for work.” He settled in London and met is keenly sensitive to proper de-
and the final one for school groups His memories of Auschwitz, on a white leather sofa in his spa- With a casual wave, Mengele his future wife, Eva, a Jewish pictions of the Holocaust, and for
is Thursday. however, remain indelible. He still cious ranch house in Smithtown, would send scores of prisoners to woman who had herself survived 25 years he has kept a busy sched-
recalls the fatherly tenderness N.Y. “This man may have taken a their deaths as he joked with Ger- the camps. They raised two sons ule speaking to groups about his
Both Mr. Levin and Mr. Reich
survived the Holocaust and and an air of elegance that Mr. minute to show me this trick, but I together before she died of cancer experiences.
wound up settling in New York Levin displayed, as well as the remembered it.’’ in December. As a young man, Mr. Reich
City, but they never met again af- dirty pack of playing cards he While Mr. Levin survived Mr. Reich spoke briefly of his worked his way up from a factory
ter Auschwitz. would use to practice tricks on the Auschwitz by currying favor with A prisoner’s card history onstage after the opening- worker with no education, getting
bunk’s cushions of straw and
Mr. Levin worked the rest of his
life as Nivelli the magician, his burlap.
cards, coins and pieces of string,
Mr. Reich made it through by be-
tricks kept him alive night performance of “Nivelli’s
War.” But he said he was upset
a night-school degree at City
College in Manhattan and becom-
stage name derived from revers- Six men would sleep crowded ing physically sturdy and incredi-
bly lucky.
in a place of death. that the play depicted a magician ing a structural engineer.
ing the spelling of his last name. onto one bunk, in a barracks not character named the Great Nivelli But he also spent his adult life
When Mr. Levin died in 1977, Mr. far from the gas chambers and Scores of prisoners were sent to without going into the character’s passionately pursuing magic,
Reich spied his obituary in a magi- crematories that incinerated their deaths based on selections Holocaust story, or even referring which he attributed to what he
cian’s magazine, written by the corpses day and night. made by Josef Mengele, who was man officers, Mr. Reich recalled, explicitly to the Holocaust. had learned from the magician of
Rev. William Rauscher, 84, who “I can still hear the screaming known as the Angel of Death be- but he selected Mr. Reich and sev- The play depicts Nivelli’s flash- Auschwitz. “We loved anything
had met the magician. The article and smell the bodies burning,” Mr. cause of his horrific experiments eral dozen others for survival. back to fleeing the bombing of that could take us away from
noted Mr. Levin’s time in Reich said. on prisoners. After two years of internment in Frankfurt as a child and relying on Auschwitz for even a moment,
Auschwitz and the prisoner num- Amid the horror and depravity Mr. Reich recalled being forced several concentration camps and a mysterious stranger who, in that could take our minds off our
ber tattooed on his forearm: of Auschwitz, Prisoner A-1676 to strip naked and run past Men- a 35-mile “death march” through turn, relies on magic tricks to help memories and the horror around
A-1676. This was close to the one taught A-1828 some simple card gele with other boys to display the snow, Mr. Reich was 17 and the two survive so the boy can re- us.”

Met Seeks to Charge Out-of-State Entrance Fee

The Metropolitan Museum of
Art has moved one step closer to
mandatory admission fees: It
filed a formal proposal with the
city this week to charge admission
to out-of-state visitors, a lawyer
revealed in a court hearing on Fri-
day, a controversial idea given
that the Met is in part supported
by tax dollars and currently has
only a “suggested” entrance fee.
The suggested fee would be
“only for residents of the City of
New York and New York State,”
Bruce R. Kelly of Arnold & Porter,
a lawyer for the Met, said in New
York Supreme Court Friday. “For
everyone else, the admission
would be mandatory.”
The proposal must be approved
by the administration of Mayor
Bill de Blasio administration be-
cause the city owns the Met build-
ing. Asked for his reaction, Tom
Finkelpearl, the city’s commis-
sioner of cultural affairs, said in a BENJAMIN NORMAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
statement: “We will review it Admission fees might help offset a Metropolitan Museum of Art deficit of about $15 million.
carefully. The city is committed to
working with the Met to ensure
that its unrivaled collection and for a mandatory admission accessible to the public free of all Facing a deficit that is now
programming remain accessible charge, which the Met was legally charge throughout the year.” about $15 million, the Met has
to all New Yorkers.” obligated to disclose to the plain- There are “people who won’t be been looking to raise revenue in
tiffs, drew criticism from the able to afford it,” Mr. Hiller said. addition to cutting costs. Money
The hearing before Justice
lawyers involved in the case. He also argued that court ap- from admission fees would help
Shirley Werner Kornreich was
Andrew G. Celli, Jr., of Emery proval of the settlement would, by provide reliable income, though
held to approve a settlement
Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady, which extension, represent approval of some say it might jeopardize the
reached last year over the Met’s city’s annual public support to the
represents one of the plaintiffs, the Met’s admission fee proposal.
admissions policy; two lawsuits said after the hearing: “The mu- museum, which is currently about
had asserted that the wording on “The court would be authoriz-
seum should be accessible to all $26 million. Mayor de Blasio said
signs at the admissions desks was ing the museum to charge an ad-
people of every economic level. It last week that he supports the
deceptive and pressured visitors mission fee,” Mr. Hiller said, add-
is unfortunate that the museum’s idea of charging non-New Yorkers
to pay $25 even though, under the ing that this would “violate that and that this infusion of funds
leadership feels that it has to ra-
museum’s policy, they could pay tion its availability. There must be law.” would not necessarily mean the
whatever they wished. a better way — and I urge the Mu- Judge Kornreich said that the city would discontinue its support.
Under the settlement, the Met seum’s leadership, and the city’s, issue of mandatory admission The Met’s current “suggested”
agreed to tell visitors on its signs to find it.” fees was not the matter currently admissions fee, $25 for adults,
and websites that “the amount Michael S. Hiller, a lawyer for before the court, and would have generated about $39 million in the
you pay is up to you” and to de- the other plaintiffs, argued in to be resolved subsequently by fiscal year 2016, or 13 percent of
scribe the $25 full-admission court that charging out-of-town- the government. the museum’s overall revenue. A
charge as “suggested” instead of ers would violate a 1893 state law “Were the attorney general to mandatory fee would be likely to
“recommended.” mandating that the museum’s col- bring an action, we’ll deal with it,” generate tens of millions of dollars
The news of the formal proposal lections “shall be kept open and Judge Kornreich said. more a year.

FRONT PAGE NEW YORK of the party itself.
An article on Tuesday about Because of an editing error, an
President Trump’s overtures to article about the principal of Park
Slope Collegiate, Jill Bloomberg, WEEKEND ARTS
North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-
who is under investigation by the A pop music entry on the List-
un, misstated when North Korea AVE MARIA CHAPEL
Department of Education, ings pages on Friday about the
was established as a Stalinist
state. It was before the Korean
mischaracterized her statement Syrian vocalist Omar Souleyman Catholic Traditionalist
about the Progressive Labor misstated when his new album Center
War, not after. Party. She denied any knowledge would be released. The album, “To 210 MAPLE AVE (off Post Ave)
of organizing efforts for the party Syria, With Love,” will come out WESTBURY, L.I., N.Y. 11590
at the school, not any knowledge on June 2, not this month.
INTERNATIONAL TEL: (516) 333-6470
An article on Wednesday about TRADITIONAL
the rescue of a lost Taiwanese Report an Error: may reach the public editor at or call or (212) 556-
trekker in Nepal misstated in AS WAS OFFERED BY THE LATE
some copies the name of the SUNDAY MASS @ 9 a.m.
(1-844-698-6397). FIRST SATURDAYS & HOLY DAYS:
trekker’s girlfriend, who was with Newspaper Delivery: @9:30 a.m.
him and died before the rescue. Editorials: or call DAILY: RADIO MASS
She was Liu Chen-chun, not Liu Public Editor: Readers concerned 1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637).
Chen Chi. about issues of journalistic integrity Facebook: Ave Maria-Chapel
A20 SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2017


Locked Up for Being Poor Critiquing the House’s Health Bill

TO THE EDITOR: it, he would never have been able
to obtain health coverage because
Maranda Lynn ODonnell, a 22-year-old single mother in upon their release. And though the whole point of bail is to Re “Health Care Bill, Passed by
House, Faces Senate Test” (front of his many pre-existing condi-
Harris County, Tex., was arrested last year for driving with- ensure that people show up to court, Judge Rosenthal found tions.
page, May 5):
out a valid license. The judge set her bail at $2,500. She no clear evidence that secured money bail is any more effec- Mr. Brooks implies that people
House Republicans, in voting to
couldn’t afford anything close to that, so she spent three tive at this — in fact, it could be worse — than methods that repeal and replace the Affordable with pre-existing medical condi-
days in jail — even though she posed no risk of skipping don’t depend on the size of someone’s bank account. Care Act, are doing the nation a tions — people like my son — have
town or endangering anyone if she were released. The ruling in the Harris County case is temporary, but grave injustice by potentially only themselves to blame for their
“In our society,” the Supreme Court has held, “liberty is its broader significance lies in the slew of factual findings taking away health insurance from medical expenses. It’s an insinua-
the norm, and detention prior to trial or without trial is the Judge Rosenthal made and the legal conclusions she millions of Americans by raising tion as odious as it is unfounded.
carefully limited exception.” Yet across America, poor peo- reached. Her careful reasoning could transform the growing premiums for those with pre-exist- PETER OBERMARK, CINCINNATI
ple like Ms. ODonnell are held in jail for days, weeks or even debate over bail reform nationwide, where an estimated ing conditions among others, let-
ting states take away essential
months solely because they don’t have the cash to bail them- 450,000 people are held in pretrial detention on a given day. health benefits from patients and
selves out. All of them are presumed Some states have made major reforms to their bail sys- reducing the safety net that Medic- I wonder at your front-page pic-
A federal judge innocent under the law, and many tems. New Jersey this year nearly eliminated the use of aid expansion provides to so many. ture of Republicans celebrating a
may in fact be innocent, yet most cash bail, replacing it with a risk-assessment score that con- That is why there is a call from bill that would take health care
rules that the away from millions of their fellow
routine use of cash plead guilty just to get out (usually siders a person’s flight risk and danger to the community. In several Republican governors as
well as from prominent national citizens. Will they still be smiling
bail harms the poor with a sentence of time served). It’s a Harris County, the momentum for change got a big boost in
organizations such as AARP, the when constituents enter the voting
unconstitutionally. repulsive practice, and last week, in a November, when voters elected a district attorney, Kim Ogg,
American Cancer Society, Ameri- booth in November 2018?
case that could have national implica- and a sheriff, Ed Gonzalez, who are both strong proponents
can Heart Association, American ANN WHITFORD PAUL, LOS ANGELES
tions for bail reform, a Federal District Court judge in Hous- of bail reform, despite being defendants in the lawsuit. Medical Association and American
ton ruled that it was also unconstitutional. The cash-bail industry, which includes local bond Hospital Association not to pro-
In a 193-page ruling that followed a lengthy trial, the agents backed by multinational insurance giants, is a ceed with this legislation.
judge, Lee Rosenthal, said that money bail should be used morally tainted enterprise that systematically violates the I strongly urge the Senate not to One point that is often missed in
for people charged with misdemeanors “only in the narrow- constitutional rights of America’s most vulnerable citizens pass such harmful legislation, as the debate about insurance cover-
there will literally be lives on the age for people with pre-existing
est of cases,” and even then only when there are strong safe- in the name of profit — and with no discernible benefit to the
line. conditions is that most of those
guards in place to ensure that defendants receive due public. Judge Rosenthal’s thorough, enlightened ruling who need care will get it one way
process before being locked up. should be an important step in dismantling it. STEVEN M. CLAYTON, OCEAN, N.J. or another. As a physician, I have
Harris County, which includes Houston and has the never turned away a patient based
third-largest jail system in the country, fails on both counts, TO THE EDITOR: on insurance coverage (or lack
Judge Rosenthal said. Judges there require defendants to A Republican congressman, Mo thereof). Often, the uninsured seek
post bail, regardless of ability to pay, likelihood that they Brooks, speaking about the revised care in a more expensive setting,
health care plan, told CNN: “It will like an emergency room, and they
won’t return to court or how minor the charges are.
allow insurance companies to tend to seek care later, after com-
As a result, poor people charged with a misdemeanor plications develop.
end up stuck behind bars, while people with money who are require people who have higher
health care costs to contribute When patients receive care and
charged with the same offense walk free. more to the insurance pool that cannot afford to pay for it, the
The county’s lawyer defended this policy by arguing helps offset all these costs, thereby health care system absorbs the
that poor defendants — who are disproportionately black reducing the cost to those people costs, which ultimately get passed
and Latino — stay in jail not because they can’t buy their who lead good lives, they’re along to those who are able to pay.
healthy, they’ve done the things to More cost-effective care will result
way out but because they “want” to be there, especially “if
keep their bodies healthy.” if those with pre-existing condi-
it’s a cold week.” Judge Rosenthal called this despicable tions are insured and can receive
claim “uncomfortably reminiscent of the historical argu- My son, Nathan, now 30 years
old, was born with a severe form of prompt attention in their primary
ment that used to be made that people enjoyed slavery.” care provider’s office rather than
cerebral palsy and has spent his
The real explanation is straightforward: As cash bail life in a wheelchair and had nu- getting care that is too little, too
has fueled a politically influential, multibillion-dollar indus- merous health complications. The late in an expensive setting like the
try, courts are relying on it more, and people who can’t af- Ohio Medicaid I was able to obtain emergency department or a hospi-
for him some two decades ago has tal.
ford it are getting locked up at ever greater rates. Judge Ro-
senthal noted that only two decades ago, less than one-third been, literally, lifesaving. Without KIRK D. WYATT, ROCHESTER, MINN.
of people in Texas jails were awaiting trial; today, it’s three-
quarters. Forty percent of all misdemeanor defendants in
Texas are locked up until their cases are resolved, at a huge
cost to the state, and most because they can’t afford bail.
Ivanka Trump, White House Adviser-in-Training
The consequences can be devastating. Lives fall apart TO THE EDITOR: tively sympathetic character.
after even a few days in jail — whether because of job or Re “A First Daughter Assembling a However, I simply cannot under-
housing loss or having children taken away — leading to in- Vast Portfolio” (front page, May stand how a serious profile of Ms.
3): Trump largely ignores the major
stability that makes it more likely people will turn to crime MARIA HERGUETA
So a senior White House adviser questions her position in the White
says, “I’m still at the early stages House raises for government
of learning how everything works,” ethics: whether nepotism in the
White House is acceptable,
A U.S. Hiring Plan Falls Short of Reform and “I’m really, really trying to
I’m willing to believe that Ivanka
whether she is adequately address-
ing concerns about her conflicts of
interest and the degree to which
Infosys, the giant Indian company that supplies American planned. The workers were happy and Mr. Trump declared Trump is smart. Maybe she has
she is able to use her position to
businesses with foreign technology workers, has announced victory. But the populist appeal of the deal has far out- done well in her career as entre-
enrich herself and her family.
that it will hire 10,000 Americans in the United States in the weighed its practical effect, not just because that deal in- preneur and real estate developer.
I found the inappropriately flat-
Yet, she frankly admits that she
next two years. This might seem like an early victory in volved only one plant, but because the Trump administra- tering portrait of Ms. Trump to be
doesn’t have the knowledge, expe-
President Trump’s “Hire American” campaign, but it’s less tion has shown no interest in or aptitude for addressing the a disservice to your readers.
rience or training to do the job. The
of a cause for celebration than it appears. underlying trends in technology, anti-unionism and public fact that she doesn’t take a salary LAURA FEINSTEIN, ALBANY, CALIF.
Mr. Trump has condemned the loss of Americans’ jobs policy that undermine blue-collar jobs. doesn’t make it O.K. She has ex-
to foreign replacements. And Infosys has been one of the Similarly, the Infosys pledge to hire 10,000 American traordinary power and influence. TO THE EDITOR:
biggest users of H-1B visas — intended for specially talented workers pales in comparison to roughly 85,000 H-1B visas It is profoundly disrespectful to Leaving aside issues of nepotism
that are granted each year — and the hundreds of thousands ask the American people to be and Ivanka Trump’s lack of qualifi-
foreigners — to bring in cheaper labor to fill American jobs
of jobs that could go to Americans over the years if the H-1B patient while she tries to educate cations, is it not telling that our
or replace Americans, often in entry-level positions. herself. I feel sorry for the profes-
system were reformed. Will Mr. Trump follow through? If president requires such interven-
But individual corporate measures like Infosys’ hiring sionals with expertise and experi- tion? If Donald Trump had the
recent history is any guide, the answer is no.
of Americans, no matter how headline-grabbing, are no sub- ence who are superbly prepared to slightest notion of what to do and
A fair H-1B system would require companies seeking
stitute for true reform to eliminate systemic abuses. Worse, work in the White House. Their say and how to behave, such
foreign workers to prove that they have actively tried and heads must be spinning.
by creating the appearance of change, they may actually en- babysitting would not be neces-
failed to find American workers with the requisite skills. It Good intentions are not enough. sary.
trench those problems. Rather than say what he wants to
would require higher wages for H-1B workers to ensure that Being smart is not enough. We
see changed about a system he has pilloried, Mr. Trump has they cannot be used as cheaper substitute labor. It would
deserve better.
simply told executive agencies to recommend reforms in the also include an enforcement system of random audits and HEDY KALIKOFF
H-1B program. steep penalties for noncompliance. Most important — and HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, N.Y.
Infosys is, in effect, getting out in front of presidential most unlikely given the demonstrated corporate-friendly
criticism of outsourcing in a way that makes Mr. Trump’s bias of the Trump administration — the rules would apply to ONLINE: MORE LETTERS
plan appear effective — even though no real reforms have American companies like Facebook and Qualcomm that use A health care short story, and
Your profile of Ivanka Trump
been broached. The situation is akin to what happened last H-1B visas, as well as to foreign staffing firms. more about Ivanka Trump.
shows a woman who arguably
year at Carrier, when the company blunted criticism from The United States needs comprehensive reform of the should not wield the power she Also: A psychologist writes about
Mr. Trump, then the president-elect, by keeping 800 jobs in H-1B system more than it needs Infosys’ pledge of 10,000 has, but presents herself as having children and homework.
the United States rather than offshoring them to Mexico as new jobs. It also needs a president who understands that. good intentions. She seems a rela-


In the French Centrist Emmanuel Macron, a Defense of the Republic

AFTER A FRENCH police officer, Xavier pirations that, as descendants of the Rev- more than double that. She could even, if dustrial heartlands. most 20 percent of the vote in the first
Jugelé, was killed in Paris last month, a olution, they must somehow embody. the blow-up-the-system far left becomes Something is happening. We don’t round, have tried to portray Macron the
service was held at Paris police head- The question before the French now is her enabler through massive abstention, know what it is. Le Pen is the voice of that capitalist and ex-banker and Le Pen the
quarters. His grief-stricken civil partner, whether to stain or sustain that body. edge out Macron. something. racist xenophobe as equal examples of
Etienne Cardiles, described their love If Le Pen is elected, a shadow will fall That is unlikely. Polls show Macron, She is also the mouthpiece, still, of a iniquity. That does not fly. It is a form of
and, addressing the murderer, said, “You across France and Europe. the young upstart of this election, with a racist and Muslim-hating party; a fierce moral and intellectual dishonesty.
will not have my hatred.” Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie, forged the clear lead. But it is not impossible. opponent of the European Union that The French left should examine its
It was a statement consistent with the National Front in a racist, anti-Semitic Marine Le Pen’s National Front has ushered the continent from its darkest conscience carefully before any decision
resolute, dignified response of France to image befitting the descendants of Vichy, joined the mainstream. hours; a full-fledged member of the ris- to abstain, or risk abetting the
the terrorism that has struck it in recent the lap-dog French government that did The factors that have contributed to ing nationalist-autocratic club with its descendants of the rightists and Fas-
years. The country, tested more than the the Nazis’ bidding. He dismissed the her rise will be familiar to Americans branches in Moscow, Ankara and Wash- cists who opposed the Popular Front of
United States of late, has not succumbed Holocaust as a “detail” of history and who thought Donald Trump was a joke, ington; and a proponent of a France-first Léon Blum. In 1936, Blum became the
to fear or fanaticism. It has held the line called the Nazi occupation “not particu- nationalism whose endpoint, as former first Jew and the first Socialist to be
and so has reinforced, in a time of indig- larly inhumane.” Immigrants from North President François Mitterrand ob- French prime minister, but, indicted by
nities, the dignity of the French state. Africa were no better than scum. Marine The rebranding of served, is war. the Vichy government, he was later im-
Le Pen has worked hard to excise, or Her party makeover is a sham. She prisoned at Buchenwald.
France faces a choice between many
things Sunday as it votes to elect either camouflage, all that. Marine Le Pen is a sham. still denies French responsibility for Macron is an unknown quantity. No-
Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the far- Election posters refer to her only as sending 76,000 Jews to their deaths dur- body is sure what he has in his gut. But
right National Front, or the centrist Em- “Marine”; there’s no mention of the then wrote him off as an unlikely con- ing World War II; she still does business he has shown courage, especially in his
manuel Macron as president, but the party. She’s attempted to supplant xeno- tender, and at last discovered he had be- with Holocaust deniers; she and her en- support of the European Union and his
most fundamental issue is whether to up- phobic fanaticism with a nationalism come their president. They include rage tourage still traffic in the vilification of Is- resistance to disparaging caricatures of
hold or abandon the values of the repub- that argues against immigration — par- against the establishment, a conviction lam; and she still strains for some whiff refugees, and he is determined to revi-
lic, whether to hold the high ground or ticularly Muslim immigration — on secu- that globalization is a rigged system for of Gaullism that would dispel the stench talize a stagnant France. In this mo-
descend into the mire. rity and economic grounds. the wealthy, exasperation at the impuni- of Vichy. ment, he is the best hope for France, for
The French state is the most animate The makeover, combined with Le ty of the financial engineers of the 2008 In short, the choice on Sunday is clear. Europe and for civility.
of inanimate things. It breathes. Absent Pen’s political agility and down-to-earth meltdown and the euro crisis, the cultur- Emmanuel Todd, a prominent left-wing What French voters can say on Sun-
religion in any official form, absent the affability, has been effective. Whereas al and economic chasm between wired intellectual, has said he will abstain day is, “You will not have my hatred.” I
monarchy, the state is what the French her father got 18 percent of the vote in the metropolis and dystopian periphery, “with joy.” Some leftist supporters of believe they will say that. And if they do,
have to represent the high ideals and as- 2002 runoff, she will almost certainly get growing inequality and hollowed-out in- Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who received al- the world should thank them. 0


What Has Where’s

Failed Ivanka When
In France We Need Her?
AMERICANS LIVE TO work, while the IVANKA’S GOT A new female em-
French work to live. That’s the cliché, powerment book, and Dad’s going to war
and it’s time to retire it. If Emmanuel against women. Great week, gang.
Macron defeats Marine Le Pen in Sun- In just the last few days, the Trump ad-
day’s election — let’s pray the polls are ministration has taken steps to restrict
right this time — the message from health insurance coverage for contra-
voters will be: The vacation in Mar- ceptives, while bullying the House into
tinique will have to wait. First, we’d like passing legislation that could send insur-
to work. ance rates for maternal health care soar-
That’s the real story of this election, ing. Meanwhile, the president picked a
the most stunning aspect of which isn’t new official to disseminate the adminis-
that the French might possibly install a tration’s thoughts about public health,
crypto-fascist in the Élysée Palace. It’s and it’s a woman who believes that abor-
that they seem strongly inclined to elect tions cause breast cancer.
a former Rothschild investment banker Triple score for the extreme right. I be-
who evinces no sense of guilt about his lieve in hockey they call that a hat trick.
elite pedigree, capitalist profession and And wait, there’s more: Trump’s re-
market-friendly economic inclinations ported choice to run the government’s
that include tax cuts for corporations and programs on family planning is someone
an easing of the 35-hour workweek. who doesn’t believe contraception
And no wonder. The French are des- works. And of course that House-passed
perate. Jobs are the No. 1 election con- health care bill is going to defund
cern, ahead of terrorism and the migra-

The Necessary Empire

Planned Parenthood. The measure now
tion crisis. As of March, the unemploy- goes to the Senate, where Republicans
ment rate was 10.1 percent. Youth unem- have put together a special 13-man com-
ployment: 23.7 percent. These figures mittee to draft their version.
would be shocking in the midst of a reces- It was, at minimum, deeply ironic that
sion. ing out zones of interest — will play out sought a union over the former Carolin- while all this was happening, Ivanka
Robert D. Kaplan most vividly in the Balkans. gian, Prussian, Hapsburg, Byzantine and
But this is France seven years into a LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA Trump released a new book that calls on
recovery. The last time the growth rate President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia Ottoman domains, all with starkly differ- readers to fight against “barriers that
has been active throughout Central and ent histories and development patterns.

surpassed the 3 percent mark was 17 LECTIONS in the Netherlands, disproportionately affect women” at
years ago. France and Germany this year Eastern Europe, and particularly in the To accomplish that, the European Union work. Everybody who thinks unwanted
What ails France? The facile answer is have brought much drama to the Balkans, using various forms of subver- has had, in effect, to replace the function- pregnancies are a barrier, please raise
to cite forces beyond French control: bu- old Carolingian core, where sion, from running organized crime rings ality of those former empires. Even inside your hands.
reaucracy in Brussels; the currency Charlemagne founded his empire in the to financing nationalist-populist move- the open borders of the Schengen Area, Under normal circumstances, we’d
straitjacket of the euro; the European ninth century. This has always been the ments. Montenegro may be close to join- within which free movement is guaran- give Ivanka’s slim tome, “Women Who
Central Bank; the dark winds of global- richest and most strongly institutional- ing NATO, but it is often viewed as a veri- teed, the union represents a sprawling ter- Work,” a pass. Or link you to Jennifer
ization. Le Pen specializes in just this ized part of Europe. But should the Euro- table colony of Russian oligarchs and ritory, governed by a remote and only Senior’s review in The Times, which calls
sort of blame shifting, which is another pean Union continue to weaken, the most crime groups, where by some accounts partly democratic bureaucracy, with it “not really offensive so much as wit-
way in which she and Donald Trump are profound repercussions will be felt farther Russia tried to stage a coup last year. Ser- many of its people demanding more direct lessly derivative.” It’s stuffed with obvi-
kindred spirits. east and south. bia and Bulgaria are seen as beachheads representation. Isn’t this a form of late and ous tips and multitudinous inspirational
There, along the fault line of the Austri- of Russian regional influence, even as neo- declining empire?
But the French can thank their lucky quotes on leadership, one of which
an Hapsburg and Ottoman Turkish em- authoritarian governments farther north So it must be saved — and improved.
stars for reasonably stable money, the comes from John Quincy Adams, an un-
pires, former Communist countries lack in Hungary and Poland bear growing sim- Jan Zielonka of St. Antony’s College, Ox-
E.C.B.’s bond-buying spree and member- successful president who nobody liked.
the sturdy middle-class base of core Eu- ilarities to the Russian regime. The effort ford, writes optimistically of a vibrant
ship in a Union that allows French job His wife was so empowered she wrote a
rope, and in many cases are still dis- by the Hungarian government to end the “neo-medievalism” in Europe: a dynamic
tracted by ethnic and territorial disputes freedom of the Central European Univer- overlapping of identities and sovereign-
It is desperate for reform 25 years after the siege of Sarajevo. They sity, founded in Budapest by the Hungar-
ian-American billionaire George Soros,
ties — supranational, national and local —
as cities and regions vie with a revitalized
Reproductive rights go all
depend on pro-European Union govern-
— and desperate not to ments as never before. has to be seen in this geopolitical context.
As for Turkey, President Recep Tayyip
European Union for a claim on people’s wrong in Washington.
In Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, of- loyalties. Unless there is a credible Euro-
be reformed. ficials and experts talk about a so-called Erdogan won a referendum granting him pean Union, the other layers of identity
White House memoir titled “Adventures
phantom frontier that still exercises peo- near dictatorial powers last month. The are not possible without conflict.
next day, he visited the tomb not of of a Nobody.” One of his sons called him
seekers a chance to find work in higher- ple’s imagination. This is the “Antemurale I recently visited the Croatian port city “the Iron Mask.” Do you think Ivanka’s a
Christianitatis,” the “Bulwark of Christi- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, modern Turkey’s of Rijeka, close to the Slovenian and Ital-
growth economies — including an esti- John Quincy Adams fan? Or has another
mated 300,000 in Britain alone. anity,” proclaimed in 1519 by Pope Leo X, in ian borders, when the two-headed eagle Trump ghostwriter been over-Googling?
a reference to the Roman Catholic Slavs was put back atop the bell tower. “It is a
A more honest account of France’s tra-
vails starts — and pretty much ends — considered the front line against the Mus- There will be conflict in Hapsburg emblem, not a Croat, Hungar-
Ivanka’s a major power in the adminis-
tration, and she ought to be mobilizing
ian or Italian one,” a local ethnic-Italian
with what the French often call their “so- lim Ottoman Empire. Croatia was the first
line of defense and Slovenia the second.
the Balkans without a writer, Giacomo Scotti, explained to me.
support for things like easy access to
cial model.” France ranks first in the contraceptives. “Women Who Work”
O.E.C.D.’s tables for government spend- “When Yugoslavia collapsed, it was as-
sumed that none of this earlier history
strong European Union. “It was taken down by the Fascists and
symbolizes the local freedom and autono-
isn’t exactly aimed at the people who
ing (57 percent of gross domestic prod- have problems paying for their prescrip-
was important,” one official said to me re- my that this city enjoyed under the Haps-
uct, tied with Finland) and welfare tions — its target readers need tips on
cently. “But a quarter-century after the burgs.” Mainly because Croatia is a sover-
spending (31.5 percent). As of 2014, the founder, but the tomb of Mehmed II, massage priorities and getting the
disintegration of Tito’s Yugoslavia, we eign state within the European Union, and
total tax take was second only to Den- known as the Conqueror, the 15th-century nanny to send Mom pictures of how the
find that we are back to late-medieval and working toward entry into the Schengen
mark’s. Ottoman sultan whose imperial armies kids are spending their day. But she’s not
early-modern history.” and euro zones, do the circumstances ex-
This isn’t just a tax-and-spend model marched westward from Constantinople witless and she obviously knows that
The Slovenes, governed for hundreds of ist for such a nonthreatening display of lo-
of government. More like: tax-spend- as far as Bosnia. Whether it is in Bulgaria, birth control plays an important role in
years by the Austrian Hapsburgs, had in cal pride.
cosset-strangle. At least until the outgo- Macedonia or Kosovo, Mr. Erdogan is de- working women’s lives. You think she’d
2016 a per-capita income of $32,000. The The great Italian scholar of Central Eu-
ing government of President François termined to fill the void opened by a de- put in a word.
Croats, with their mixed history of Austro- rope, Claudio Magris, refers to Tito in his
Hollande managed to ram through some clining European Union. No sign. The president has directed
Hungarian, Ottoman and Venetian tradi- epic travel book, “Danube,” as the last of
modest labor-market reforms last year, Only if Serbia, Albania and Kosovo be- departments like health and human
tions, had a per-capita income of $22,400. the Hapsburg emperors, resembling
the French labor code ran to over 3,000 come members of the union can the ethnic services to consider whether the govern-
But in the rest of the former Yugoslavia, Franz Joseph “because of his awareness
pages. dispute between Serbs and Albanians ment should allow employers who cite
which fell almost completely within the of inheriting a supranational, Danubian
The code is designed to make firing a truly be solved. Within the European Un- religious objections to cut contraceptives
Ottoman Empire, Montenegro has a per- legacy.” Like Franz Joseph, Tito held
full-time employee as difficult as possi- ion, Albania and Kosovo will have no need out of their health care plans. What do
capita income of $17,000 and Serbia’s is Yugoslavia together through a mixture of
ble — which makes hiring them that $14,000. Macedonia, Kosovo and the for- of unifying on their own, an act that could repression and, compared with other you think said agencies will decide?
much more unlikely. As The Times’s mer Ottoman parts of Bosnia register sim- become a casus belli for the Serbs. A simi- Communist states, benevolence. Now the Here’s a hint: The new head of H.H.S.,
Adam Nossiter reported last year, “90 ilarly low numbers. lar dynamic holds for the contest between states that were once part of Yugoslavia Tom Price, is a guy who once claimed
percent of jobs created in France” in 2015 This is not ethnic or racial determinism, Croatia and Serbia for influence in Bosnia- will find peace and security only through a there was “not one” woman who had
were “unstable, poorly paid and short since the Slavs of southeastern Europe Herzegovina. There is peace in the former far more benign imperial system: the Eu- ever had a problem paying for birth con-
term.” have been shaped politically and economi- Yugoslavia within the European Union. ropean Union. So what happens next in trol on her own. (Getting an intrauterine
None of this is a mystery to a majority cally more by the agency of foreign im- There is only protracted conflict without the core of Europe — whether, for in- device implanted can cost $1,000 in some
of the French, though it often eludes perialism than by their own blood and lan- it. The European Union offers a system of stance, France joins Britain in seeking to parts of the country.)
credulous foreigners who extol the bene- guage. The former Byzantine and Otto- legal states instead of ethnic nations, im- exit the European Union — is crucial to The reproductive rights war is always
fits of the French model without counting man part of Europe is still the poorest, personal laws rather than fiat, protection the rest of the Continent. 0 promoted publicly as a battle against
or being subject to its costs. The French least stable and most in need of support for individuals over groups. abortion. But many religious conserva-
twice elected conservative presidents — from the European Union. Whether Eu- The European Union, in other words, is ROBERT D. KAPLAN, the author of “Balkan tives hate birth control in general. Some
Jacques Chirac in 1995 and Nicolas rope remains a secure and prosperous the necessary empire. Ghosts” and “In Europe’s Shadow,” is a just want to stop sex outside of marriage.
Sarkozy in 2007 — on the strength of continent, or fractures along traditional I use the word “empire” advisedly. The senior fellow at the Center for a New Some don’t believe even married couples
promises to pare the state. Twice disap- east-west fault lines — with European Union has been such an ambi- American Security and a senior adviser should use artificial methods like pills or
pointed, they turned to the Socialist Hol- authoritarians in Russia and Turkey carv- tious enterprise mainly because it has at the Eurasia Group. condoms. Some believe that all fertilized
lande in 2012, but his flirtation with soak- eggs are humans and that many forms of
the-rich policies was short-lived. contraception, from IUDs to morning-af-
(Recent polls have been cruel to the ter pills, cause the equivalent of murder.
president, but like Germany’s Gerhard

What the Republican Plan Gets Right

It’s a theological principle that most
Schroder, he will be remembered as one Americans don’t accept. “Personhood”
of the more courageous economic re- amendments giving the eggs constitu-
former in recent history, if perhaps only tional rights have been defeated even in
because he had so little politically to yond these essentials, by mandating Senate. very conservative states.
lose.) Marc K. Siegel benefits like maternity and mental health But the bill is on the right track. Ameri- Yet the president has just named, as
Assuming Macron wins, his challenge coverage that drove smaller insurers with cans believe that insurance ensures care, one of the top officials in H.H.S., a woman
won’t simply be political. It will also be fewer options out of the market. The few when it often denies it. Many think Oba- who believes IUDs kill. Charmaine Yoest

pedagogical. Le Pen has offered him a OW that the Obamacare re-
that remain often have a monopoly, and macare is generous, yet I have to fight for described intrauterine devices to Emily
relatively easy ideological foil, given how placement bill has passed the
premiums rise. essential care for my patients. We need to Bazelon in a Times interview as having
thoroughly tainted her party is by xeno- House and is moving on to the
Speaking of compassion, how about be less emotional about this issue. “life-ending properties.” Yoest, who’s go-
more centrist Senate, the real
phobia and anti-Semitism. some for the 20-something construction Jimmy Kimmel’s contention that a child ing to be assistant secretary for public af-
debate begins. What is the true purpose of
Yet it’s one thing to make the abstract worker who can’t pay his rent because his like his would not receive lifesaving fairs, also refuses to consider whether in-
health insurance, and what is our govern-
case for openness, competitiveness and premiums help subsidize overusers like surgery without Obamacare may tug at creased access to contraception will ac-
ment’s goal in ensuring we have it?
globalization in the face of a bigot. The my allergy sufferer? Why shouldn’t a pa- the heartstrings, but it is not accurate. tually help reduce abortion rates. It
I learn from my patients every day
harder climb will be to press for changes tient who is risk-averse pay more for cov- Employer-based health insurance, which would, she told PBS, “be, frankly, carry-
about the benefits, limitations and contra-
that inevitably take things away from erage she might never need, while that covers 170 million Americans, would have ing water for the other side to allow them
dictions of their health insurance. One
people. construction worker be allowed to choose paid for this infant’s needs with or without to redefine the issue in that way.”
charming 60-year-old with severe season-
The paradox of France is that it is des- al allergies insists on seeing me every few a cheaper plan that might cover only the Obamacare. Even if the Republican plan Teresa Manning, a former official at
perate for reform — and desperate not to weeks this time of year, even though I tell essentials? replaced Obamacare, and even if the in- National Right to Life, is said to be
be reformed. It wants the benefits of a her she doesn’t need to — her antihis- The House bill would also let states cre- fant didn’t have employer-provided insur- Trump’s pick for another high post at
job-producing competitive economy but tamines and nasal spray treatment rarely ate high-risk pools for patients with pre- ance, the treatment would still be covered. H.H.S., deputy assistant secretary for —
fears relinquishing a job-protecting un- changes. But she worries that her al- And at the end of the day, a federal law, the are you ready? — population affairs.
competitive one. A Macron presidency lergies could be hiding an infection. I in- Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Manning, who, like Yoest, has argued
will have to devote its intellectual and
rhetorical energies to explaining that it
vestigate and reassure her, and her insur- Why shouldn’t my Act, guarantees this kind of treatment,
whether we have Obamacare or Trump-
that abortions cause breast cancer, is go-
ing to be in charge of all federal family
ance (which she buys through New York’s
can be one or the other, but not both. Obamacare exchange) covers the bill. patient pay more? care. planning programs. She’s the one who
I don’t want to close this column with- If she was responsible for more than a The final question concerns the sky- once claimed in a radio interview that
out allowing for the awful chance that Le small co-payment for these visits, I’m sure rocketing costs of innovation. My 93-year- “contraception doesn’t work.” The idea
Pen might win. That would be a moral I would see her less often. existing conditions who let their coverage old father, a retired engineer, just received that “contraception would always pre-
tragedy for France and a probable disas- We pride ourselves on being a compas- lapse, and who could then be charged pre- a $50,000 catheter-inserted aortic valve, vent the conception” was, she said, “pre-
ter for Europe. But it would also be a re- sionate society, and insurers use this to miums more in keeping with their health covered by Medicare. But if all such high- posterous.”
minder that chronic economic stagna- manipulate us into paying for other peo- care needs. This is the only way to make tech devices are covered, it will be practi- Nobody thinks these appointees re-
tion inevitably begets nationalist furies. ple’s excessive health care. Meanwhile, 5 insurance affordable for most consumers; cally impossible for any insurance com- flect Trump’s own personal convictions,
In the United States, a complacent left percent of Americans generate more than pre-existing conditions will continue to pany not to go belly-up. The tax-free and the president doesn’t need to go this
acquits itself too easily of its role in 50 percent of health care expenses. Why drive up premiums if everyone is com- savings accounts that the House bill far to satisfy his voter base. It’s just that
paving the way to the Trump presidency. shouldn’t a patient who continues to see pelled to pay the same price. would expand are a far better way to pay he doesn’t care, and figures he can con-
Many of Le Pen’s supporters might be me unnecessarily pay more? These risk-pool premiums can and for this kind of care. Shouldn’t people be cede to the ultraright on women’s repro-
bigots, but their case against the self-sat- The government’s job is to maintain should be subsidized by the government. asked to save their own money for just this ductive issues in return for stuff he really
isfaction, self-dealing, moral preening public health and safety. It should ensure A recent report from the Kaiser Family sort of rainy day? wants. So he’s working toward a world
and economic incompetence of the that insurance plans include mandatory Foundation found that high-risk pools can Or should we continue to overload where low-income women won’t be able
French ruling classes is nearly impecca- benefits like emergency, epidemic, vac- work, but have been historically under- health insurance with all our fears and ex- to afford contraceptives. And aren’t al-
ble. cine and addiction coverage. The Republi- funded. Trumpcare should change that — pectations? 0 lowed to have an abortion if they get
What has failed in France is an idea — can bill would let states apply for waivers though it will cost more than the House pregnant. Where there’s no Planned Par-
an idea about the role of the state. to define these benefits differently; it bill’s $8 billion in additional funding. Dras- MARC K. SIEGEL is a contributor for Fox enthood to go to for help, or insurance to
Macron’s challenge, should he win, is to would be a big mistake to drop such cover- tic cuts to Medicaid should also be re- News and a professor of medicine at cover prenatal care or delivery.
show the French there’s a better one. 0 age entirely. But Obamacare went well be- versed, which could help the bill pass the NYU Langone Medical Center. Other than that, no problem. 0
A Milestone for China Wealth Matters
New Jetliner Takes Flight Not-So-Bumpy Rides
The test run of the Comac C919 Top thoroughbreds often travel
symbolized the industrial might in specially outfitted airplanes
of an emerging superpower. 2 and supersize trailers. 3

N B1


Full Employment Is Near. What Does It Mean for Pay?

By NEIL IRWIN who want to see bigger paychecks and there, if not yet fully arrived. was May 2001, 16 full years ago. have given up looking out of frustra-
There is one prism through which we rising standards of living. In an econ- The headline numbers for April are Officials at the Fed are on record as tion, is also back down to its level be-
should analyze the April jobs numbers omy at full employment, pretty much terrific. The economy added 211,000 jobs believing that a jobless rate of around fore the last recession. It fell to 8.6
released Friday and each of the remain- anyone who wants a job can get one, in April, and 4.7 percent is the level they seek in the percent in April from 8.9 percent, and
ing reports in 2017: How close to full companies have incentive to offer pay the unemploy- longer run, and we’re now comfortably the last time it was lower was Novem-
employment are we, really? raises, and firms are more inclined to ment rate fell to below that. ber 2007.
That is the apparently simple yet offer training, flexible work arrange- 4.4 percent. Broader measures of unemployment Taken in isolation, these numbers
oh-so-complex question that matters ments and other concessions that bene- That is not just the lowest jobless rate tell the same story. The so-called U-6 would seem to suggest that the econ-
most for both policy makers at the fit their workers. in a decade; it also matches the lowest rate, which captures people who are omy is most certainly at full employ-
Federal Reserve and the Trump admin- The good news from the April num- level reached during the mid-2000s working part time but want a full-time ment and maybe even running a little
istration, and for ordinary Americans bers is that we’re quite clearly getting expansion. The last time it was lower job, and those who would like a job but Continued on Page 2


Christienne Dobson, second from right, used the EatWith site, below, to attract guests to a dinner party last month in her Harlem apartment.

Be My Guest . . . Please?
Social-dining By STEPHANIE CLIFFORD ing the first party in the United States.
The guests — half friends and half
In a penthouse apartment in Manhattan’s
services let chefs Chinatown on a recent Monday night, Lisa
strangers — arrived. Mostly millennials,
they displayed a dinner-party-appropriate
Larsson chopped shiitake mushrooms and
cook at home looked rather relaxed for someone about to
gravitas: pocket squares, bottles of wine for
Ms. Larsson. There was only a whiff of cyni-
host a 14-person dinner.
for strangers, but She had arranged the party through the
cism when Noor Shams, who works in mi-
crofinance, said the doorman downstairs
app AirDine, which lets users pay to eat at
many potential strangers’ houses, rating the experience af-
did not recognize Ms. Larsson’s name and
“for a second, I was like, ‘This is a scam!’”
terward. The app started in Sweden last
patrons are wary. year and expanded to the United States and
It was not a scam — but whether AirDine
and a wave of similar apps can get con-
elsewhere in March. Ms. Larsson, 26, a
painter originally from Sweden, was host- Continued on Page 4

To Lift Growth, Help Women How to Make a Company Right a Wrong

Go to Work, Fed Chief Says Even semiprofessional consumers like
me run into our share of problems.
These are particularly irksome, since we
By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM to the productive capacity of our econ- should probably know better than to find
omy at a time when the aging of the pop- ourselves on the wrong end of
In an unusually personal speech, Jan-
et L. Yellen, the Federal Reserve chair- ulation and weak productivity growth RON a busted product or poorly
delivered service.
woman, said Friday that policies making are already weighing on economic
LIEBER So this week, I’m pleased to
it easier for women to work could signifi- share with you the single best
cantly improve the nation’s economic Ms. Yellen cited one recent estimate YOUR
that raising women’s participation to the MONEY tool I’ve ever found for getting
growth. my money back or my money’s
The sweeping movement of women same level as men’s could increase the
worth. In fact, it has never failed me.
from the home to the workplace during nation’s annual economic output by 5
It’s called the Executive Email Carpet
the mid-20th century, she said, was a percent.
Bomb (E.E.C.B. for short) — a well-
“major factor in America’s prosperity.” Women’s participation in the work
written message to the right group of
But that progress has stalled in recent force increased gradually through most corporate executives, whose email ad-
decades, leaving women less likely than of the 20th century, then rose more dresses are often pretty easy to figure
men to hold paying jobs. Bringing more rapidly from the early 1970s through the out. A group of renegades at a blog
women into the work force with policies early 1990s. About one-third of working- called Consumerist first published the
like expanding the availability of paid age women held jobs outside the home in concept 10 years ago this month.
leave, affordable child care and flexible the years after World War II. By the Consumerist was originally part of the
work schedules, she said, could help to early 1990s, about three-quarters of Gawker Media empire, and Joel Johnson
lift the American economy from a long those women worked. was the founding editor who helped set
stretch of slow growth. Since then, however, the trend has the tone for its punk-rock, bottoms-up
“Evidence suggests that many women stagnated. The proportion of women approach. A former phone company
remain unable to achieve their goals,” ages 25 to 54 either working or looking support representative, he brought to
Ms. Yellen said in a speech at Brown Uni- for work stood at 75 percent in April. the blog strong memories of former
versity. “If these obstacles persist, we That remains more than 10 percentage customers bursting into tears when he
will squander the potential of many of points lower than the figure for men in saved them piles of money. “When peo-
our citizens and incur a substantial loss Continued on Page 3 Continued on Page 4 ROBERT NEUBECKER

China Displays Aerospace Ambitions as Its New Jetliner Takes Flight

By KEITH BRADSHER trols and navigation equipment.
SHANGHAI — China’s com- For China, the C919 is just the
mercial aerospace dreams took beginning. Even if the plane
wing on Friday, as the first Chi- proves less fuel-efficient than
nese-built passenger jetliner com- Western alternatives, the state-
pleted its first public flight test, controlled airline industry may
embodying the country’s ambi- still be required to buy it, and the
tions to take on the industry Chinese aviation market in the
champions, Boeing and Airbus. coming years is expected to rival
With a brisk breeze blowing only the American market in size
through light smog under an over- and perhaps surpass it.
cast sky, a large crowd of govern- And although the plane repre-
ment officials and aerospace ex- sents a new challenger for aircraft
ecutives gathered to watch as the sales, Airbus and Boeing, increas-
C919, white with a green-and-blue ingly dependent on Chinese air-
striped tail, underwent a lengthy lines for sales as well as on Chi-
preflight check, then rumbled nese suppliers for parts, wel-
down a runway and into the sky comed its arrival.
for a test flight that lasted about “The C919 will bring new com-
an hour. petition to the market,” Airbus
The aircraft landed safely, and said in a statement. Yukui Wang, a
Comac, its manufacturer, declared Boeing spokesman, added: “We’d
it a success. But the program still like to take this opportunity to
has a long journey ahead. It is em- congratulate Comac for the suc-
blematic of China’s challenge as it cessful development of the C919
seeks to become a leader in aero- airplane.”
space and other critical technolo- Comac is already looking past
gies like electric cars, advanced the C919 to the design and manu-
microchips and artificial intelli- facture of a wide-body jet that
gence. would compete with larger, more
The C919 is years — if not profitable planes like the Boeing
decades — behind aircraft made 747 and the A340. Steven Lien, the
by Airbus and Boeing that are president for Asia at Honeywell’s
cheaper to fly and easier to main- aerospace division, said that Rus-
tain. Safety regulators in Europe, sia and China were in the final
the United States and elsewhere stages of negotiating a plan to
still have to certify the plane be- jointly design and produce it.
fore it can be sold outside China. Commercial aircraft often share
And including parts like the en- POOL PHOTO BY ANDY WONG DNA with military aerospace pro-
gines, its cockpit and its belly, the The first Chinese-built passenger jetliner, the Comac C919, taking off on Friday from Pudong International Airport in Shanghai. grams. Boeing 707 siblings like the
C919 is filled with gear made by Although the plane symbolizes China’s emerging industrial might, it is years behind aircraft made by Airbus and Boeing. KC-135 tanker and RC-135 recon-
Western industrial giants like naissance plane are used by the
General Electric and Honeywell. United States Air Force, while Air-
China’s investment in civilian whether it is ready for large-scale protrusion, it does affect the air tion sector — China has the bus has a sizable military equip-
But on Friday, none of that mat-
aircraft manufacturing is enor- production, he said. flow,” and that may mean extra world’s second-busiest behind the
tered. For a country that only 40 ment division. China’s aerospace
mous. The Commercial Aircraft Comac says it already has 570 fuel consumption, said Martin United States — mean there are
years ago was one of the poorest program is under particularly
Corporation of China, better orders from 23 buyers. But those Craigs, chairman of the Aero- few questions about the C919’s
in the world, the C919 symbolized tight government oversight.
known as Comac, unveiled the ex- have almost entirely come from space Forum Asia, a commercial safety.
the industrial might of an emerg- Comac, based in Shanghai, is
tent of its activities for the first Chinese companies and a couple aircraft industry trade associa- Arnold Barnett, the dean of avi-
ing superpower — and its dream time on Thursday, showing off a tion. under the direct control of China’s
of small overseas air carriers with ation safety statistics at the Mass-
to dominate a new technological complex of more than 110 build- links to China. A notable exception cabinet. The state-owned enter-
China has learned a lot in recent achusetts Institute of Technology,
era. ings. is an order for 20 planes from Gen- years about how to build single- said that China had had only one prise that jointly owns Comac and
Planning for the 158-seat C919 In one of the seven towering eral Electric Capital Aviation aisle planes by making many fatal crash in the past decade, is most closely linked to it is the
began more than a decade ago, gray manufacturing buildings sat Services; G.E. is also a big suppli- parts for Boeing 737s and by as- even as its aviation sector ex- Aviation Industry Corporation of
but the plane has become a cen- the second C919, still being assem- er to the C919 program. sembling entire A320s for Airbus. panded. One person has been China, or AVIC, which makes Chi-
terpiece of the country’s more re- bled. Workers in dark blue uni- The C919 is designed to compete But the country’s dream of becom- killed per 70 million passengers na’s fighters and bombers. It is
cent ambitions to become largely forms installed components in the with the Airbus 320 and the Boe- ing a competitor in the global mar- boarded in China, compared with also G.E.’s joint venture partner in
self-sufficient in many high-tech plane’s wings and cargo area, the ing 737, single-aisle planes that ket for commercial aircraft one passenger per 25 million producing sophisticated avionics
goods and to export them as well. rattling of their tools echoing are the workhorses of the world’s started in 1972, when President boardings in the West, he said. equipment for the C919. G.E. said
That plan, called Made in China through a cavernous space that airlines. For Comac, the plane rep- Nixon visited China in a Boeing Gary Moran, the head of Asia in an email that legal agreements
2025, worries many Western busi- could accommodate many more resents the culmination of 707. aviation insurance at Aon, a large protected its intellectual property
nesses who fear competing aircraft on a production line. decades of work; for Airbus and Chinese officials loved the plane global insurance broker, said that from misuse.
against government-supported The second C919, coated in Boeing, it is a challenge to a prof- and later bought 10 Boeing 707s, as insurers assessed the risks of a Honeywell expects $15 billion in
Chinese companies. green anticorrosion paint and not itable duopoly that has endured as well as 40 spare Pratt & Whit- new aircraft like the C919, they sales to the C919 program during
“We used to believe that it was yet displaying any airline’s colors, for decades. ney engines. China to some extent were likely to be reassured by the its 20 or more years of production.
better to buy than to build, better will not be ready until September, But it is unclear that China can copied the fuselages of the 707 for large role that multinationals had But the company plans to adhere
to rent than to buy,” President Xi said Bao Pengli, Comac’s deputy produce aircraft that are as effi- a small production run of ex- played. In addition to the avionics, to Western export control regula-
Jinping of China told workers dur- director of project management cient and reliable as even the cur- perimental Y-10 planes using the G.E. has also collaborated on the tions in this process, Mr. Lien said.
ing a recent visit here. “We need to for manufacturing and final as- rent generation of Boeings and additional engines. engines, while Honeywell is pro- “We follow them very, very
spend more on researching and sembly. Only after building six Airbuses. Decades later, those experi- viding auxiliary power systems, closely,” he said, “and we would
manufacturing our own airliners.” test planes will Comac decide “If you have a slight rivet head ences and a fast-developing avia- wheels, brakes, fly-by-wire con- never take a shortcut.”

U.S. Is Nearing The Upshot provides news,

Full Employment. analysis and graphics about

politics, policy and everyday life.

Are Pay Gains Next? percent rise for flight attendants

last month, to the consternation
was 62.8 percent in April 2016 of Wall Street. A range of compa-
From First Business Page and 62.9 percent in April 2017.
nies has described shortages of
hot — that is, revving faster than There can be a lot of churn qualified workers — construction
will be possible in the long run beneath those numbers. Baby
companies in Dallas, restaurants
without just fueling inflation. boomers who are retiring are
that rely on seasonal workers
But we can’t take the unem- being offset by younger workers
who are often immigrants.
ployment rate in isolation. Other entering the labor force, leaving
the overall ratio roughly level. But beyond employer cat-
data, including in the April re- erwauling, the best sign that the
port, show a more nuanced pic- And in fact, the proportion of 25-
to 54-year-old Americans work- economy has reached full em-
ture, one that suggests there is
ing has risen to 78.6 percent in ployment will be if wage gains
room to run. One of the central
April, up nearly a full percentage return to their pre-recession
economic problems of our time is
prime-aged adults, especially point over the last year. norms; wage growth for non-
men, who are out of the work But that number was 80.3 managerial workers of 4 percent
force entirely and aren’t even percent at the peak in the last or more was normal in 2006 and
looking for a job. The number of economic cycle and peaked at 2007; now that number is only
people not in the labor force 81.9 percent in 2000, which im- 2.3 percent.
actually climbed by 162,000 in plies that there are millions more Yes, inflation is lower now, and
April, and the proportion of the people in prime working years BUTCH COMEGYS/THE TIMES & TRIBUNE, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS
productivity growth is weak,
population in the labor force who might be coaxed into the both factors that suggest we
Some companies report a shortage of construction workers — a sign of a tightening labor market. should expect weaker wage
edged down a tenth of a percent. work force if conditions were
A single month’s moves may right. growth. But nonetheless, it’s not
well be random blips, but if you Which brings us to wages. indeed, it’s broadly consistent gains in living standards when this stage of the expansion. worth declaring victory and
look at these and related num- Average hourly earnings rose 0.3 with the kind of wage growth inflation was very low, with There are definitely signs that deciding that full employment is
bers over a longer horizon, it’s percent in April, and are up 2.5 that has been evident for years. inflation measures getting near 2 this is changing. American Air- achieved when employers are
hard to find a discernible trend. percent over the past year. But What’s more, while numbers like percent, a mere 2.5 percent gain lines announced an 8 percent still not showing it in their pay
The labor force participation rate that’s really nothing special — that amounted to meaningful in pay doesn’t amount to much at rise in pay for its pilots and a 5 practices.

Sterling Jewelers Settles Bias Charges TRAFFIC REPORT

By RACHEL ABRAMS The details of the deal were re- was normal, although those accu- The most-read business news articles on from April 28
Sterling Jewelers has settled leased as part of a filing with the sations do not make up the basis of through May 4
federal civil charges accusing it of Equal Employment Opportunity the suit.
discriminating against female Commission, which had made the Signet is fighting the case and 1. Email Attack Hits Google: What to Do if You Clicked
employees, reaching a deal with- accusations. has said that it investigated the
INVESTMENT In a statement, Signet Jewelers, claims of sexual misconduct and
PROPERTIES out having to admit wrongdoing 2. With Fox News in Tumult, Another Executive, Bill Shine, Is
or pay any damages, a win for the Sterling’s parent company, said it found them to be without merit.
company as it faces continuing le- was pleased to have resolved the In a statement, Joseph M. Sell- Ousted
Investment Properties gal challenges over its pay and case. ers, the lawyer representing the 3. Puerto Rico Declares a Form of Bankruptcy
Other Areas 605 “Signet has a sound framework women in the class-action arbitra-
promotion practices.
Poughkeepsie, NY $1,895,000 of policies and practices designed tion, said the deal with the federal 4. Sean Hannity Defends Executive as Fox News Turmoil
Investment Opportunity in Growing Under the deal, Sterling, the
Waterfront District. 5 Multi Family
parent of chains including Jared to ensure equal opportunity for commission had no bearing on his Continues
Homes Plus Buildable Lot. Off street
Parking for 14 Cars. Separate Heat the Galleria of Jewelry and Kay women and we do not tolerate dis- case, which is expected to go to 5. United Airlines Reaches Settlement With Passenger Who Was
& Electric, Close to Train & More!
Jewelers, agreed to hire an inde- crimination of any kind,” said trial next year.
Berkshire Hathaway Lynn Dennison, the company’s Mr. Sellers said that “we very Dragged Off Plane
Westchester Properties pendent employment expert to re-
(914) 779-1700
view its compensation and promo- chief legal, risk and corporate af- much look forward to getting jus- 6. ‘10 Concerts’ Facebook Meme May Reveal More Than Musical
Other Areas 795 tion practices. fairs officer. “The additional steps tice for the victims and to forcing Tastes
Pennsylvania agreed to as part of the consent Sterling to enact meaningful re-
decree with the E.E.O.C. are con- forms that will improve the work- 7. G.D.P. Report Shows U.S. Economy Off to Slow Start in 2017
PHILLY DEVELOPMENT DEALS. sistent with our commitment to ing conditions for all Sterling
employees.” 582 comments, including:
RYAN@AGENTPHL.COM continuous review and improve-
ment.” The E.E.O.C. first filed its case
Sterling faces a separate class- against Sterling in 2008. Economists are like meteorologists with their explanations for why
action arbitration case from wom- Signet, with a market capital- their predictions did not come to pass.
en who accuse the company of ization of more than $4.3 billion, is — CA DREAMER, PETALUMA, CALIF.
gender bias. Lawyers for the one of the world’s largest retailers
women in that case say the com- of diamonds, rings and watches. 8. Hacker Leaks Episodes From Netflix Show and Threatens
pany regularly paid female Its brands are fixtures in malls
employees less than their male and shopping centers around the Other Networks
counterparts and unfairly over- country, and its more than 3,600 9. For Journalists, Annual Dinner Serves Up Catharsis and
looked women for promotions and stores throughout the United Resolve
other opportunities. The case also States, the United Kingdom and
accuses Sterling of fostering a cul- Canada generate annual sales 10. Yellow-Light Crusader Fined for Doing Math Without a
ture in which sexual harassment that exceed $6.5 billion. License



Custom Vans and Planes: How Derby Horses Travel in Style

Like Nyquist, American
Pharoah and California Chrome,
the horse that wins Saturday’s
Kentucky Derby will be covered
in a blanket of roses. And —
whether or not it appreciates it
— that horse will bask in the
adulation of the finely turned-out
spectators at Churchill Downs.
But the horse won’t be linger-
ing in Louisville for very long.
It needs to get to Baltimore to
run the Preakness Stakes at
Pimlico two weeks later. And if
all goes well, it will head up to
New York for the Belmont
Stakes, which concludes the
Triple Crown, in June.
Not to worry: The horse will
be traveling in style and ease.
For that horse, getting from one
track to the next will be about as
comfortable a trip as anyone
could imagine — and it won’t be
Horses are famously expen-
sive animals to buy, board, feed,
ride and enter into competitions.
But moving them from place to
place — be it in trailers, long-
haul moving vans with air-ride
suspension, or specially outfitted
airplanes — can take expense
and luxury to a new level.
A one-way van ticket from
California to Kentucky for a
horse whose owner wants him to
have the whole trailer to himself
could cost as much $10,000.
Chances are that the horse would
fly, which would run the owner
about $6,000 one-way for the
same route.
But not all of these champion
horses live in the United States.
To fly one from, say, Dubai to
Kentucky could run upward of
$28,000. If, however, the owner
were willing to cram three Brook Ledge Horse
horses into one pallet for that Transport vans, far left,
trans-Atlantic flight, the cost carried Kentucky Derby
would be $12,000 to $13,000 — but contenders from Ocala,
that’s for each horse. Fla., to Churchill
Part of what owners are pay- Downs, where Angel
ing for is transportation experts
who know their equine
Trumper, above, arrived
customers. “Sometimes horses early Wednesday. At
don’t travel great, just like people left, American Pharoah,
don’t travel great,” said Chris the Triple Crown winner
Santarelli, treasurer and a part- in 2015, and his lead
ner at Mersant, which transports pony, Smokey, flying in
horses internationally. “Some style aboard an animal
horses get into the stall and go.
Others get anxious and get ship-
transport plane called
ping stress.” “Air Horse One.”
Mr. Santarelli said his com-
pany flew the horses that fin-
this year’s Dubai World Cup, a
premier event with a $10 million the trip to England the next day. Arrogate, which holds the North said Bob Elliston, vice president the last minute. ard. One reason is the sheer
purse. “They were very comfort- “It was purely a commodity,” he American earnings record at of racing and sales at Keeneland, “Horses are just like a little number of horses involved: a
able on the flight,” he said. “A lot said. over $17 million, and California a horse racing and breeding kid,” Mr. Lange said. “They have four-person team could travel
goes into understanding the But after losing the Grand Chrome, his racetrack rival, who company in Lexington, Ky. Its a natural propensity to stick with 30 to 40 horses.
temperament of the horse.” National on his first attempt, Mr. won the 2014 Kentucky Derby annual yearling sales draw horse their nose in places it doesn’t Annabelle Gundlach, who
What the owner gets for the Fenwick rode Ben Nevis to vic- and Preakness, home from the owners from around the world. belong. You need to create an sponsors the Postage Stamp
money is more than just a flight. tory in 1980, becoming the sec- Pegasus World Cup Invitational. “You’d want to keep it as you’d environment where they have Farm polo team in Wellington,
The stall is lined with the hay or ond American jockey to win the “They rode next to each other,” keep any other $1 million asset,” nothing where they can get in said the trailers she uses fit
shavings that the horse prefers. race. Now his horses enjoy better Mr. Otteson said. Both of them Mr. Elliston said. trouble.” about 15 polo ponies side by side.
Grooms guide the horses on and travel conditions: He recently are well-bred animals, he said, Vans involve a longer trip, but Mark Leone, a horse trainer “It comes down to the economics
off the flight. Veterinarians tend paid $12,000 to have a horse “so getting along wasn’t an is- still a luxurious one. While they and former top rider on the elite of it, but it’s also the history of
to be on hand when a horse flown from Ireland to New York sue.” look like moving vans, they’re hunter-jumper circuit, said that how it’s always been done,” she
arrives to ensure its health and and then put on a van down to Some star horses prefer to fly equipped with air-ride suspen- during his sport’s high season, he said. “Many of these polo people
do any tests needed for it to clear Maryland. with an entourage. American sion, so the horses don’t feel the could have 60 horses on the road aren’t wanting for cash.” The
customs. Planes for flying horses do- Pharoah, who won the Triple bumps, and systems to keep the at one time. (The season starts in truck-and-trailer combination
And whereas commercial mestically are specially designed air circulating even if the van is January or February in Florida can cost $150,000 and up.
planes have gotten less luxurious to accommodate passengers of sitting in traffic. and moves with the warmth — On a long trip, there are risks
over the years, planes carrying different sizes, with stalls that “You don’t want a horse who’s like golf — so by summertime, greater than traffic jams and
horses have improved. Charlie can be configured for the size of Doing whatever it been on a long trip to be stressed it’s in the northeast.) stalled trailers. Trainers say they
Fenwick, who won several major the horse or the comfort level out about anything,” said Curt “Like a professional golfer or worry about horses getting upset
obstacle races in the 1970s and prescribed by its owner, from takes to avoid Lange, manager of accounts tennis player, we’re constantly in or sick en route and developing a
1980s, remembers flying his standing up to being able to receivable at Brook Ledge Horse motion,” he said. “We’re down in fever. If their stall is too small for
horse Ben Nevis to England in graze as if it were on the farm. ‘shipping stress.’ Transportation of Oley, Pa. “You Florida, and then we’re in the the distance, they can also de-
1978 to compete in the English H. E. Tex Sutton Forwarding, want him to be in the same envi- Mid-Atlantic, and then we come velop circulatory problems, said
Grand National, a steeplechase an equine transport company ronment as at home.” up north.” Linda Rice, a top trainer at Bel-
race that dates to 1839. based in Lexington, Ky., flies a Crown in 2015 — the first horse to The company offers three sizes Another option is the more mont Park.
“This was a cargo plane, with Boeing 727 with “First Class do so since Affirmed in 1978 — of stalls, from ones in which the familiar type of horse trailer — Another risk is a logistical one:
no air-conditioning,” he said. Equine Air Travel” emblazoned animal stands upright to one the kind with two horses stand- Putting hormonally charged colts
travels with his lead pony, Smok-
“Everything was put on a 12- on the body. It makes about 200 called a box stall, where the ing side-by-side, tails hanging and fillies too close together can
ey, next to him. (Smokey’s day
by-12 pallet. Ours had a horse on flights a year with anywhere horse can turn around and lie out the back. At the higher levels, spell trouble.
it. Others had generators on it or from 10 to 21 horses on the plane; job is to lead American Pharoah these get used for the shortest of
down as it wants. For the compa- “Fillies have to be loaded on
bags of seed.” the biggest destinations are the out for training in the mornings, ny’s regular routes, prices range trips. the back of the bus, so the colts
Mr. Fenwick said he remem- horse centers of California, Ken- but clearly the job has perks.) from as little as $1,100 for a single In the world of polo — which don’t catch wind of them,” Mr.
bered his prized horse being tucky, Florida and New York. “You want to keep these stall from New York to Florida to involves shipping ponies long Lange said. “Otherwise, you can
lifted off the plane on a forklift in Greg Otteson, sales manager horses as comfortable as you $2,200 for a box stall. But the distances, between polo hubs like have fireworks. Shipping horses
Hamburg and stored overnight for Tex Sutton, said the company can, particularly when you’re prices go up in high season or if a Wellington, Fla., and Greenwich, is not like shipping cabbages or
in a warehouse before finishing recently flew a horse named spending $1 million on them,” horse needs to be somewhere at Conn. — large trailers are stand- toilet paper.”

To Lift Economic Growth, Help Women Join the Work Force, the Fed Chief Says
policy supported and reinforced as the participation of women in
From First Business Page changes in society. A 1974 law, for the work force has continued to
the same age range working or example, allowed women to apply rise in other developed countries.
seeking work, which was 88.6 per- for loans without a male co-signer. The United States, which had one
cent in April. Women gained entry into a of the highest rates of participa-
Ms. Yellen’s speech was unusu- wider range of professions, and tion in the early 1990s, fell to 17th
ally narrative and unusually per- the gap between men’s and among 22 developed nations in
sonal. Speaking at her alma mater, women’s wages narrowed signifi- one recent analysis.
she told the stories of other wom- cantly. Nancy H. Teeters became That analysis, a 2013 study by
en who graduated from Brown, in- the first woman appointed to the Francine D. Blau and Lawrence
Fed’s board in September 1978. M. Kahn, both of Cornell Univer-
cluding her husband’s aunt, Eliza-
Ms. Yellen said that their in- sity, attributed much of the differ-
beth Stafford Hirschfelder. She
creased work force participation ence to government policies. The
said Ms. Hirschfelder, who gradu-
United States lags behind other
ated in 1923, faced discrimination had produced clear benefits not
countries in the availability of
throughout her career as a math- only for women, but also for men,
paid maternity leave, affordable
ematician. “I believe that Betty for the children of working women
child care and flexible work
Stafford Hirschfelder was denied and for the American economy. schedules. Ms. Blau and Mr. Kahn
opportunities and greater success “The evidence shows that the estimated that adopting Euro-
simply because she was a wom- rise in women’s participation has pean policies on those issues
an,” she said. contributed to widespread im- could close more than half of the
Ms. Yellen, who is 70, said wom- provements in the safety and pro- gap in the United States between
en of her own generation had ductivity of our workplaces, to the male and female labor force par-
faced fewer obstacles and had health of families and to the mac- ticipation.
more opportunities. “I enrolled at roeconomic success that our Ms. Yellen also cited research
Brown fully planning to attend country has enjoyed,” she said. showing that women still make
graduate school and have a ca- She spoke at a conference titled about 10 percent less, on average,
reer, as did many of my class- “125 Years of Women at Brown.” than men with similar back-
mates in the Class of 1967,” she That progress, however, has MICHAEL DWYER/ASSOCIATED PRESS
grounds who work in similar
said. She noted that changes in stalled in the United States even Janet L. Yellen spoke on Friday during a conference at Brown University in Providence, R.I. positions.


How a Consumer Can Make a Company Right a Wrong

said Meg Marco, who was a listed for public relations staff ance charges that we had I generally don’t pester the where journalism organizations
From First Business Page senior editor at the time of the members that will show you specifically declined. president or chief executive, but won’t let their journalists talk to
ple were taken advantage of, I E.E.C.B.’s coinage and now runs whether it’s first.last And why does the E.E.C.B. Jewel-Osco is a small enough other journalists about their
wanted them not to get kicked Consumerist, these days a sib- or something work? I’ve wondered whether part of the Albertsons empire great journalism? You have many
into the sewer of customer-serv- ling brand to Consumer Reports. else. Don’t bug the P.R. people, recipients ever Google my name that I figured it was worth a shot. talented people there, and it
ice phone numbers,” he said in Keep it short. State the prob- though, since it’s not their job to and discover what I do for a Often, I’ll hear back from some- really wouldn’t hurt to let them
an interview this week, describ- lem quickly. Make a reasonable answer consumers directly. living, even though I send notes one in an executive customer talk to other reporters every so
ing the kind of assistance he request. Don’t threaten to bomb Consumerist has a post with from my personal email account. service department of some sort, often about the impactful work
wanted the site to provide. the factory, which an old friend of additional email-format search But I’ve coached too many after my email gets sent along. that they’ve done for you or oth-
Avid readers piled in with tips mine did when two lamps that he tips. friends and family members And that’s great, too. These ers. Heck, it might even help
of all sorts, but one from a reader had purchased failed in rapid through successful E.E.C.B. agents generally have ninja morale in this tough media envi-
named Marc stuck out. He’d succession. (The stern letter he efforts for that to be an explana- powers that allow them to cut ronment.
assembled lists of email ad- received in return went up on a tion. My father received prompt through red tape, issue refunds Thanks, Ron
dorm room wall.) And try to replies after shabby treatment or find facts.
dresses for executives at compa-
nies that had done him wrong,
avoid being one of the crazy- Writing a pointed by a Lexus dealer, and friends Ms. Marco at Consumerist said
Perhaps Mr. Popken will turn
up anonymously in the com-
sounding people companies have received refunds from
and his notes to them had all led
to resolution. The Consumerist
never want to hear from. “Don’t but polite message United Airlines, American Ex-
she has never had to send an
E.E.C.B. herself. She doesn’t
ments attached to this article
online. He, and all of you, are
team named the concept and
send a rant,” Ms. Marco said.
Consumerist has published its
to executives, as a press and other companies. The
biggest victory of all may have
have a favorite reader war story,
though she did point me to a
welcome to post examples of
gave it life (and a four-letter your own complaint letters that
abbreviation) in its initial post by
own complaint-letter template,
and I’ve posted a real E.E.C.B. of
last resort. been a quick reply from an exec-
utive at El Al, the Israeli airline,
witty — and particularly effec- worked or notes on what it’s like
Ben Popken. tive — breakup note that some- to be on the receiving end of
my own. My letter helped per- long known for its disdain for one had sent to Frontier Commu-
Here are the instructions: suade Jewel-Osco, a grocer that passengers. (Or perhaps it’s just similar correspondence.
First, the E.E.C.B. is a last resort. nications. Again, the E.E.C.B. is a last
is part of the Albertsons chain, to So how well does the E.E.C.B. rigorous security that comes I’d hoped to speak to Mr. Pop-
Exhaust all other options before fix a dangerous condition at a with a scowl.) resort, not a default. But if you
work? Again, I’ve never had it ken, who wrote the original
bringing out this heavy store that was affecting neigh- When I sent the missive on my write one in the right way, it will
weaponry. Don’t turn to this until fail, though I’ve had to resend E.E.C.B. post back in 2007, to tip
bors (including my mother). mother’s behalf to a variety of most likely become the best tool
after speaking with a supervisor the note once or twice. I’ve used my cap and congratulate him on
Now, about the recipients. Albertsons and Jewel-Osco exec- in your kit when you’re at logger-
on a help line, stopping in to the it at American Airlines more a job well done. He now works
You’ll want to look up a compa- utives last summer, I heard back heads with a large organization.
bank branch and so on. After all, than once, and at Best Buy when for a big company himself, how-
ny’s senior executive team online from Mike Withers, Jewel-Osco’s “There is a huge convoluted
if everyone bombards senior it sold me a defective backpack. ever, NBC News. Emily Passer, a system of consumer capitalism
and find the people who are most president. I checked back with
executives whenever anything (Even though a warranty claim spokeswoman there, said Mr. that is so hard to navigate and
likely to have something to do him this week to see whether he
goes wrong, the E.E.C.B. will should, in theory, have gone to Popken would not be able to help takes so much time,” said Mr.
with your problem. Most public had looked me up at the time, but
stop working. Samsonite, Best Buy stepped up me, and would not explain why Johnson, the Consumerist found-
companies will have a page he said that he had not.
Second, write a note that is and refunded the money, which I on the record. ing editor. He’s now a communi-
listing those people, but you can “I do personally answer most
pointed but polite. “Make it co- promptly spent on another back- So here’s an E.E.C.B. to NBC cations and strategy consultant
often find relevant names in complaints that come to me,” he
gent and understandable and news releases that private com- pack at Best Buy as a way to said in an email from Portugal, News: but still looks back fondly on his
perhaps even warm and funny,” panies put out, too. As for the express appreciation.) Hertz where he was visiting his sons. Dear Colleagues in Truth- time in the blogging trenches. “If
email formatting, the media eventually did the right thing, “If they sent it to me, I assume Telling, you can help people in this way,
Twitter: @ronlieber contact page often has addresses too, after hitting us with insur- that they want to hear from me.” How did we get to a point it’s an everyday mitzvah.”

Chefs Open Homes,

But Dinner Guests
Can Be Hard to Find
percentage of what hosts charge
From First Business Page guests to attend, usually 15 to 20
sumers to embrace them is a ques- percent. Hosts can set whatever
tion. While other companies have price they like for guests; Ms.
conquered car rides (Uber), bed- Larsson charged $10 a head, while
room rentals (Airbnb) and errand lots of EatWith and Feastly meals
running (TaskRabbit), AirDine run $80 and up. The companies
and services like EatWith and generally do not charge guests or
Feastly are trying to master hosts to join the platforms.
shared dining. Yet social dining Christienne Dobson, a designer PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHRISTIAN HANSEN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

has not caught on in the same way in Harlem and an EatWith host, Christienne Dobson used the EatWith site to host a dinner party. Her main course, top left, included Trinidadian chicken curry.
so far, and a few of the apps have said she saw cooking as a hobby
already shut down. rather than an income stream.
“Basically, I’m not spending that it was typical in Israel for peo- new users.” EatWith also began requiring that,” Ms. Larsson advised, as
The challenge is not finding
money to host people — it pays for ple to open the door and invite oth- Mitch Monsen, the founder of that hosts cook a demo meal with conversations started between
hosts willing to invite strangers
over. It’s finding guests willing to itself, which is really nice, so I can ers over. But “what I discovered in, a social-dining app real guests giving ratings before guests discussing Silvio Berlus-
show up. source better ingredients, source the U.S. is, people are more terri- that he shut down in 2013, said din- allowing the host on the site; it ac- coni, a former prime minister of It-
different types of food,” she said. torial and more personal about ers were particularly concerned cepts only 4 percent of applicants aly, versus President Trump,
“My thought was, ‘It must be
hard to find these amazing chefs Many of the social-dining sites their own personal space,” he said. about sanitary issues and hosts’ as hosts. The company also plans among other topics.
and hosts, and convince them to and apps began around 2012, After finding limited success personal-cleanliness standards. to expand to South America, Ms. The second course was filet mi-
do it out of their home.’ That ac- spurred by other companies that with HomeDine in San Francisco, The feedback was, “I’m not en- Kim said. gnon and cucumber-pea salad.
tually hasn’t been the obstacle,” promote the sharing model, like Mr. Ofek tried New York. There, tirely sure that the meal I’m going Feastly, which used to accept a One guest, Alex Sommer, gave the
said Susan Kim, the chief execu- Airbnb. to be eating is safe,” he said. range of hosts, also now focuses night an early rave, especially
tive of EatWith, whose site started “After that exists for a few The apps must also be prepared on professionals like private chefs compared with a meal he had at-
in 2012. “When people try it, they years, you look at your kitchen for regulatory challenges, said or restaurant chefs. It has added tended through a competing app,
love it, but how do we get people to and say, ‘Couldn’t that be a restau- Some sites, facing Seth B. Weinberg, a lawyer who about 100 venue spaces where the
cooks can host dinner, said a
where the table was crammed
against the host’s bed.
try this new way of experiencing a rant?’” said Simon Rothman, a teaches food law and policy at Co-
city or a new way of eating out? venture capitalist at Greylock an ‘intellectual lumbia Law School. “Once you founder, Noah Karesh, and is plan- Third course: lamb with shi-
start charging people, you cease ning an expansion across the itake-cream sauce and berries
It’s been an intellectual conun-
Partners, whose firm led an $8
million financing of EatWith in
conundrum,’ are to be a hobbyist, and you start be- United States and into Europe. sautéed in Hennessy.
The social-dining companies 2014. “At that moment, it starts to
be obvious to multiple people.”
tinkering with coming a commercial enterprise,
even a small one,” he said. Regula-
As for AirDine, Charlie Hed-
strom, its chief executive, said he
“Can we have another toast to
the chef?” someone shouted. “I
come at the premise from differ-
ent angles. EatWith focuses on He said he understood why their approach. tors could also potentially require thought that its more laid-back ap- love her!” yelled another.
travelers, with meals in 200 cities. hosts might embrace the idea, liquor licenses and food-safety proach — it does not screen hosts As the dessert of passion fruit
Feastly signs up professional while potential guests remain standards for meals arranged this and lets the ratings provide feed- sorbet arrived, guests, short on
chefs as hosts. VoulezVouzDîner wary. “The host has a sense of con- way, he added. back — works well and that it will spoons, plunged forks in. A candle
lets travelers and other diners re- trol,” Mr. Rothman said, including he said, hosts and guests were so- To attract more users, some get a boost with more marketing. petered out, the music got louder,
quest hosted meals on specific turning down potential guests. cial, but real estate was a problem. sites and apps are now tinkering Back at Ms. Larsson’s apart- someone knocked over a glass,
days. AirDine asks hosts to ar- “The idea of, ‘I’m going to go to “If they had a kitchen, it is a tiny with their strategy. ment, the guests took their seats and the guests theorized about
range fixed dinners and, ideally, someone’s house I don’t know,’ it kitchen where they cannot cook EatWith has begun analyzing along a candlelit table to eat the love as the clock ticked on.
fill the table with strangers. And feels slightly different.” anything,” he said. He shut down guests’ ratings to see what works first course of salmon sashimi. Soon after, Ms. Larsson’s Air-
BonAppetour and VizEat offer Many hurdles to the business HomeDine in 2014. best at dinners, and sharing that But there was a wrinkle: While Dine ratings came in: five stars
food experiences, like market are also cultural. Sagiv Ofek, who “We found people all over in information with hosts. The com- Ms. Larsson had dashed out earli- from each guest. A few weeks lat-
tours, along with meals. brought HomeDine, his social-din- terms of hosting — we had no pany has found that 12-person par- er to get enough plates, she was er, several United States hosts had
But all try to make money in the ing website and app, to the United problem with that,” Mr. Ofek said. ties work, as do pairs of hosts — short on water glasses. arranged AirDine dinners; almost
same way: The companies take a States from Tel Aviv in 2013, said “Our main problem was to acquire one cooking and one socializing. “If you like alcohol, stick to all still had seats available.

Justice Department Expands Inquiry Into Uber’s Operating Practices

By MIKE ISAAC subpoenaing Uber on Greyball, an Uber declined to comment on as disguising the locations of driv- gon, said in a statement that Port-
SAN FRANCISCO — An inqui- official there said on Friday, af- the transit agency’s actions or the ers from competitors or would-be land’s transportation audit had
ry by the United States Depart- firming that the federal action was federal inquiry. attackers. “found no evidence that Uber has
ment of Justice into Uber’s use of a a criminal investigation. The growing investigation add- Uber now operates in both Port- used Greyball or any technology
program to deceive some regula- Now the inquiry has widened to ed to the woes of Uber, which is the land and Philadelphia legally. to avoid city inspectors since the
tors has expanded. include Philadelphia. The Phila- world’s dominant ride-summon- Dan Saltzman, commissioner of Council passed laws allowing ride
The ride-hailing company has delphia Parking Authority, a state- ing service. This year, the com- the Portland Bureau of Trans- sharing services to operate in
been under scrutiny from the Jus- governed transportation agency, pany has also grappled with alle- portation, said on Friday that the Portland in 2015.” Mr. Bennett add-
tice Department over a tool called said on Friday that it was con- gations of a harassment-ridden city would continue looking into ed that Uber has been in weekly
Greyball, which The New York tacted by the Justice Department workplace culture and questions Greyball. compliance calls and meetings
Times reported on in March. The and asked to hand over informa- over the leadership of its chief ex- “We support the criminal inves- with Portland transportation offi-
Greyball tool allowed Uber to de- tion regarding Uber and its use of ecutive, Travis Kalanick. In addi- tigation by the United States De- cials for more than two years.
ploy what was essentially a fake special software to enter and op- tion, Uber is embroiled in a bitter partment of Justice into Uber’s Uber said it has since
version of its app to evade law en- erate in certain markets. lawsuit with Waymo, the self-driv- use of the Greyball tool to evade discontinued the use of Greyball.
forcement agencies that were try- “The P.P.A. is cooperating with ing car unit spun out of Google’s regulators, and will continue to In March, not long after The
ing to clamp down on its service in federal law enforcement officials parent company, over accusations move forward with our own ef- Times reported on Greyball, Joe
cities including Portland, Ore., and providing all of the informa- of stolen trade secrets concerning forts to subpoena the requested Sullivan, Uber’s chief security of-
Boston and Las Vegas. tion that we have” about Greyball, autonomous vehicles. records from Uber,” Mr. Saltzman ficer, said the company was con-
The Justice Department earlier Martin O’Rourke, a department Greyball, which Uber began us- said in a statement. The agency is ducting a review of how the tech-
opened an inquiry into Uber’s use spokesman, said in a statement. ing as early as 2014, was some- seeking Uber’s records related to nology had been used.
of Greyball in Portland, city offi- WHYY, a Philadelphia public ra- times deployed when the com- Greyball, according to the state- “We are expressly prohibiting
cials there disclosed in a trans- dio station, earlier reported that pany started service in a city with- ment. its use to target action by local
portation audit last week. Port- the transit agency had been con- out permission. Uber has argued In response, Bryce Bennett, regulators going forward,” Mr.
land was also moving ahead with tacted by the Justice Department. the tool had legitimate uses, such Uber’s general manager for Ore- Sullivan said at the time.

From the London Whale to Wells Fargo, a Bank Regulator Looks Back
By BEN PROTESS that the president is rushing to zation requires you to take a look
Thomas J. Curry’s first week replace Mr. Curry with an acting at yourself and your actions. To
as a federal banking regulator appointee who has clear conflicts learn from it. That really was
was his worst. of interest.” why I thought it was important
Soon after taking over the Whoever his formal successor to do the lessons learned review
Office of the Comptroller of the might be — Joseph Otting, a — and also painful as it may be
Currency, which polices some of former top executive at OneWest to our pride — to do it publicly.
the nation’s largest banks, Mr. is reportedly under consideration Again, I don’t see any other
Curry learned that JPMorgan — Mr. Curry’s departure signals agencies taking a problem by the
Chase was racking up billions of the near-conclusion of Obama- horns, acknowledging it and then
dollars in losses on a risky deriv- era bank regulation, a period doing something about correct-
atives trade in London. known for big fines and long ing it.
The 2012 episode, known as the rules, as well as lingering con-
cerns about the culture of an Are you worried about your suc-
London Whale, exposed huge
industry that has faced its share cessor unwinding the new regula-
gaps in federal oversight of big
of scandals. Mr. Curry’s depar- tory approach?
banks. A few months after that, a
Senate report cited the agency’s ture follows the exit of Daniel K. I don’t think anyone wants to
“systemic failures” that allowed Tarullo, the Federal Reserve repeat the mistakes of the past.
a money-laundering scheme at official who led efforts to You need a sound rule book, and
HSBC “to fester and worsen.” strengthen financial regulation. then you need highly trained
Five years and hundreds of Mr. Curry spoke to The New professionals, dedicated supervi-
millions of dollars in fines later York Times this week about his sors to make an assessment of
— for JPMorgan, HSBC and tenure and the challenges that lie how well [the banks] are adher-
others — Mr. Curry is known for ahead for banking regulators in ing to that framework. I think
overhauling the agency and its the Trump administration. Below you can play around on the
approach to bank regulation. are excerpts from the interview. edges but as long as you have
But on Friday, he will be gone. those key elements in place you
The Trump administration re- What did the London Whale have a good system.
moved Mr. Curry from his role episode do to shape your ap- CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS

this week, nearly a month after proach at the agency? How much of a surprise was it
Thomas J. Curry, the departing comptroller of the currency, is known for overhauling the agency. when you got the call this week
his term expired, alarming At the time, I think my head
Democratic lawmakers who fear from the Trump administration?
was spinning. But I really ac- old-guard people at the agency capital, but what was the idea priest-penitent relationship.” Have
a return to the days when the tually think it was a good thing. My term ended in early April. I
agency was more of a cheer- who had a more deregulatory behind your lesser-known “height- the banks gotten any better at offered to stay on as long as the
It caused us to look at how confessing their sins?
leader than a watchdog. approach. And you installed peo- ened standards” for bank execu- administration wanted me. I live
could we be better and I think
The lawmakers, noting that ple like Paul Nash, from the Fed- tives and boards? Ideally, we want the bank to in Boston and I have a rented
that was probably the defining
President Trump has vowed to eral Deposit Insurance Corpora- You need the rules — capital find these things first. The indus- apartment here. I told people I
reason that people — my man-
dismantle Obama-era financial tion, as top aides. and liquidity requirements are try is getting much better at that. went month-to-month on my
agement team here and the staff
rules, raised concerns about the — bought into the need to get an You need to have a shared essential. But what we provide is Nobody is perfect yet. apartment and I was month-to-
administration’s choice to re- external review of how we super- vision. Like I said, the good part the ability to assess the risk month on the comptroller’s job.
place Mr. Curry. The Treasury You also pushed for a culture
vise. To actually examine how about having the London Whale management structures at insti-
Department announced this change in your own agency, and Any advice for the next guy?
well we examine. That kind of and HSBC was you couldn’t tutions and corporate govern-
week that Keith Noreika, a long- yet you released a damning report You really have to be prepared
got to be the road map to trying argue that there wasn’t a prob- ance. What we did with height- last month in which the agency
time banking lawyer, would to make this a really stellar, what lem that we needed to confront ened standards is basically said, for the next downturn. At the end
serve as acting comptroller until acknowledged that its oversight of of the day, you can’t stop banks
I hope and think is, a stellar bank as an agency. I think people feel “The bigger you are, the more Wells Fargo during the whole fake
the president nominates a new supervisory agency. To my pretty good about the agency we expect of you.” from making mistakes on indi-
one. account scheme was “untimely vidual loans. It’s not our job. But
knowledge, no other regulator today and where we’re headed.
Senator Sherrod Brown, the You once told The Times that the and ineffective.” it is our job to make sure that the
globally has ever done that.
top Democrat on the Banking There’s the Volcker Rule and rules relationship between your agency I think we’ve made great banks are safe and sound and the
Committee, called it “disturbing You also removed some of the requiring banks to hold greater and the banks was akin to “a progress. To be a strong organi- system itself is stable.

Even as Puerto Rico Was Buckling Under Debt, Investors Hungered for More
By MARY WILLIAMS WALSH from taking shelter from creditors
It all goes back to 1917. in Chapter 9.
Congress passed a law that year Almost no one paid attention
making Puerto Ricans United until 30 years later, when Puerto
States citizens. That same law, Rico began to sound the alarm
still on the books today, em- about a possible need for bank-
powered the island to raise money ruptcy access, resulting in a fight
by issuing tax-exempt bonds. that ultimately went to the United
And not just federally tax-ex- States Supreme Court, which
empt bonds: Congress went on at ruled that Puerto Rico could not
length to bar anyone from taxing seek Chapter 9 bankruptcy ac-
Puerto Rico’s bonds, presumably cess.
never dreaming how this would Melba Acosta Febo, the head of
play out a century later — which, the Government Development
on Wednesday, led to the territory Bank until it closed, said the prob-
declaring a form of bankruptcy lems began in earnest when
Puerto Rico started borrowing to
because it could not pay the $123
balance its budget.
billion in bonds and unpaid pen-
sion debts it owes. This might have gone unnoticed
too, because Puerto Rico’s gov-
The 100-year-old law stipulates
ernment structure, as well as its
that no one — not any state, not
debt, is complex. But Ms. Acosta
any county or city, not the District
said that during the time she
of Columbia, not any other territo-
served as budget director, from
ries, not even Puerto Rico itself —
2001 to 2004, her staff realized that
can tax the interest that Puerto
the development bank had $4 bil-
Rico pays its investors. This has
lion of loans outstanding to vari-
spurred people with eyes on easy ous branches of government that
profits to dive in for decades. it was propping up.
And, until last year, the “We were like, ‘$4 billion? Oh
investors taking the plunge had my God!’” Ms. Acosta recalled.
an easy guarantee: States and ter- Puerto Rico was soon borrow-
ritories are not allowed to declare ing every year just to balance its
bankruptcy. budget, and taking on new debt to
Then Congress surprised them. keep up with the payments on its
Under a new law set up to govern DENNIS M. RIVERA PICHARDO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
old debt.
Puerto Rico until its financial cri- Tax-free bonds combined with a constitutional guarantee to creditors let Puerto Rico accumulate staggering levels of debt. After the crash of 2008, when
sis recedes, an exception known the Federal Reserve ushered in a
as Title III was made to govern long period of low interest rates,
territories that want to shield case to Judge Laura Taylor Swain, when the United States saw value Promesa does not give Puerto funds.
a federal judge in the Southern in building up Puerto Rico as a Rico the right to suspend its own Such mutual funds were popu- Puerto Rico’s bonds grew even
themselves from creditors. Puerto more desirable: Savers were des-
Rico did this on Wednesday. District of New York and a former showcase of how democracy and constitution. lar in higher-tax states like New
bankruptcy judge. The logistics of free markets could raise living Gov. Ricardo Rosselló and his York, but not all states issued perate for yield, and Puerto Rican
Now the small Caribbean island debt, supposedly supersafe, was
— home to some 3.5 million peo- the case, which was filed in federal standards beyond what was avail- predecessor, Alejandro García Pa- enough debt to make the funds
court in San Juan, are not yet able in Soviet-backed Cuba. dilla, have both taken the view now paying a risk premium.
ple, many of whom still feel the possible — at least until fund man-
clear. Money began to pour in for pub- that in light of the crisis, they had Puerto Rico came close to hit-
sting of the annexation of their an- agers remembered that Puerto
Judge Swain has shown exten- lic housing and better infrastruc- to put the essential needs of the ting a constitutional limit on its ca-
cestors’ lands in 1898 — owes ap- Rico’s were tax-exempt every-
sive familiarity with bankruptcy ture, and in 1952 Puerto Rico got Puerto Rican people first. pacity to issue general-obligation
proximately $34,000 in debt per where. Those bonds could be
law, but the case is still expected its own constitution, which con- Back in the postwar develop- bonds, but it still needed more
man, woman and child. Their tucked into a fund’s portfolio to in-
to be long and contentious, with tained an unusual provision ment boom, the constitutional money. So in 2006 officials began
school budgets and other services crease the overall yield without to issue a new type of bonds,
hedge funds arguing that Puerto meant to reassure prospective provision made Puerto Rico’s jeopardizing the tax exemption.
are all being cut as part of the aus- called Cofinas, which were backed
Rico is violating a sacred constitu- bond buyers. It said, in essence, bonds an easier sale, and an at-
terity planning. The yields were higher because by a dedicated sales tax.
tional pledge, unions clamoring to that if there was not enough tractive business for banks that
How did things get this bad? Puerto Rico’s debt carried more Yet Puerto Rico still needed
preserve labor contracts and money to pay for everything in the help governments bring their
As some Americans have risk, but that did not faze more cash. In 2014, it issued one
some of the island’s advocates budget, then “all available re- bonds to market. Those banks
grown increasingly tax-averse saying that certain bonds should sources” would go first to pay investors who wanted tax-exempt last, big batch of general-obliga-
came to the island, eager to take
and eager to shelter income, that be declared void. what was due on Puerto Rico’s advantage of growth opportuni- income — especially considering tion bonds, some of it to make pay-
100-year-old provision helped suc- Many creditors are targeting general-obligation bonds. ties and to build relationships with the constitutional guarantee. ments on older bonds. Puerto Ri-
cessive Puerto Rican govern- Puerto Rico’s federal oversight Today this constitutional guar- Puerto Rico’s Government Devel- After bankruptcy scares in New co’s credit had been downgraded
ments build up a debt big enough board, which has limited the antee — and what it means under opment Bank. York City and Cleveland in the to junk, and the mutual funds and
to crush the island. amount available for debt service Promesa, the law approved by For decades, the appetite for 1970s, Congress set about making other conventional bond-buyers
As the problem swelled, so, too, to $800 million a year for the next Congress to organize Puerto Ri- Puerto Rico’s tax-exempt, consti- amendments to the part of the were finally worried. The only tak-
did the exodus of the educated five years. They say this amount co’s affairs — looms as one of the tutionally guaranteed debt bankruptcy law that cities and ers were hedge funds.
classes from the island. Many tip- is absurdly low, relative to the major issues Judge Swain will seemed endless. Demand for debt counties use, Chapter 9. About a year later, Governor
ping points were reached and roughly $3.5 billion a year coming have to decide. was fueled by the upward creep of In 1984, an unknown person García Padilla announced that
reached again. due. Angry investors say that they tax rates on the mainland and, in added a provision to federal law Puerto Rico had more debt than it
On Friday, Chief Justice John G. The debt train moved slowly un- bought the bonds with the consti- the 1970s, the advent of single- explicitly barring Puerto Rico, as could repay and needed a morato-
Roberts assigned Puerto Rico’s til the outbreak of the Cold War, tutional guarantee, and that state tax-exempt bond mutual well as the District of Columbia, rium.

2nd Jury in Dewey & LeBoeuf Fraud Case May Be Bracing for Long Deliberations
By MATTHEW GOLDSTEIN Jurors wading through moun- ond trials, has noted that there are charges. district attorney. the end of next week.
Jury deliberations in the retrial tains of documentary evidence hints the current jurors expect to This time, prosecutors went to The prosecution called more In his instructions to the jury on
of two former Dewey & LeBoeuf and three months of testimony be deliberating well into next trial with a slimmed-down case — than 30 witnesses, including its May 1, Justice Stolz said that Mr.
executives on criminal charges have already begun to ask for of- week at least. just three charges against each star witness Francis Canellas, DiCarmine and Mr. Sanders were
fice supplies — Post-it Notes tape Mr. DiCarmine, 60, and Mr. man. Still, both defendants could Dewey’s former finance director. not on trial in the financial col-
arising from the law firm’s col-
and large sheets of paper — to Sanders 58, are awaiting a verdict face up to four years in prison if Just as at the first trial, the de- lapse of Dewey but on charges
lapse are starting to have a famil-
make their job easier. The jury in on charges that they were part of a convicted of the most serious fense did not call any witnesses, that they had sought to conceal
iar ring. the first trial, which deliberated 21 charge, securities fraud.
The panel deciding the fate of plot to manipulate the law firm’s relying instead on the strength of the severity of the firm’s financial
full days, did the same. The case also proceeded to a
Stephen DiCarmine, the firm’s for- financial records during the finan- its cross-examination of the situation from its financial back-
Completing its fourth full day of second trial without a third de-
mer executive director, and Joel cial crisis. They are accused of try- prosecution’s witnesses. ers.
deliberations on Friday in State fendant, Steven H. Davis, the law
Sanders, its former chief financial ing to defraud bank lenders and The trial judge, Robert M. Stolz, Dewey filed for bankruptcy in
Supreme Court in Manhattan, this firm’s former chairman. After the
officer, is composed of eight wom- jury has a long way to go to match insurance companies that in- mistrial, Mr. Davis reached a de- has already said that the jury is May 2012. Two years later,
en and four men, like the jury in the slow pace of the earlier panel. vested in a bond offering. ferred prosecution agreement not likely to deliberate two days prosecutors in Manhattan filed
the first trial, which ended in a But Law360, a legal publication The jury in the first trial ulti- with prosecutors working for Cy- this month because of juror con- the indictment against Mr. Di-
mistrial in October 2015. that live-blogged the first and sec- mately deadlocked on dozens of rus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan flicts, if no verdict is reached by Carmine and Mr. Sanders.

Regulator in China
investing. The liquidity risk is par-
ticularly high if the issuer has put
its money into long-term projects
that cannot be sold quickly to

Takes Aim at Anbang raise cash.

Many small- and medium-size
banks are increasingly raising
money for loans, bond purchases
By KEITH BRADSHER turning to insurers, which rapidly
and other investments by issuing
SHANGHAI — A Chinese regu- expanded their financial activities
wealth management products,
lator announced on Friday that it and raised the money to do so by
and even some largely unregulat-
had taken disciplinary measures selling a wide array of often spec-
ed companies have begun issuing
against the Anbang Insurance ulative investment products.
wealth management products.
Group, a financial behemoth that The State Council, China’s
Anbang came to international
has tried to invest tens of billions cabinet, announced separately on
prominence in January when its
of dollars overseas, for the im- Friday the dismissal of the chair- chairman, Wu Xiaohui, met with
proper sale of two investment man of the insurance regulatory Jared Kushner, President Trump’s
products. commission, who has been the son-in-law and close adviser, at
The moves by the China Insur- subject of a corruption investiga- the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New
ance Regulatory Commission tion. The government has not York. The two met to discuss the
come against a backdrop of linked that investigation to An- possible sale to Anbang of a Kush-
broader worries about the coun- bang, however. ner family stake in the re-
try’s financial system, in addition This week, the insurance regu- development of a Manhattan sky-
to ones about the insurance indus- lator said it was barring Anbang scraper, 666 Fifth Avenue. But
try. from selling two of its investment those talks ended in March as the
President Xi Jinping told Polit- products. proposed transaction became in-
buro members last month that One, the Anbang Longevity No. creasingly divisive on both sides
China should place a strong em- 5 Annuity, had been presented to of the Pacific.
phasis on financial stability as a regulators as a long-term invest- Anbang bought the Waldorf As-
pillar of a strong economy, Xin- ment. But the commission said JASON LEE/REUTERS
toria for nearly $2 billion in 2014,
hua, the state-run news agency, that it was effectively a two-year A regulator has barred the Anbang Insurance Group from selling two of its investment products. among $16 billion in overseas ac-
reported. investment that should have been quisitions it made over the past
Many foreign economists and subject to more stringent regula- few years. The company, started
The investment-product bans Insurance Regulatory Commis- are sometimes subjected to harsh
investors on Wall Street have ex- tions on short- and medium-term 13 years ago, has assets of almost
and the broad admonition were sion, had been removed from of- interrogation.
pressed misgivings about China’s investments. $275 billion, a growing portion of
part of a direct order to the com- fice. No successor was an- Anbang has been a leader
rapid accumulation of debt, par- The other banned investment which comes from the sale of
pany that was dated on Thursday nounced. among insurers when it comes to
ticularly at state-owned enter- product, Anbang Endowment In- wealth management products in-
prises, since the global financial surance, was put on the market and posted on the commission’s Mr. Xiang’s dismissal had been using so-called wealth manage-
stead of insurance policies, ac-
crisis in 2008 and 2009. without an actuary’s signature, website on Friday. widely expected after Chinese ment products, a class of lightly
cording to Caixin, a Chinese inves-
Chinese regulators began step- the commission said. Anbang said that it had no im- anti-corruption investigators an- regulated investments that prom- tigative magazine.
ping up their scrutiny of banks In an uncommonly sweeping mediate comment on the commis- nounced a month ago that they ise higher rates of return than con- Caixin accused Anbang last Sat-
several years ago, and they have warning to the insurer, the regula- sion’s order. Chinese regulatory had investigated him over “severe ventional investments, but that urday of having a shareholder
been discouraging some ag- tor concluded its announcement decisions typically take effect im- violations of discipline.” The gov- also carry higher risks that may or structure that “is like a maze,” and
gressive lending and money-rais- by telling Anbang that it should mediately, particularly if pub- ernment did not link that inquiry may not be disclosed. it questioned the appropriateness
ing programs. Partly in response pay “high attention” to its full lished for the general public to and his dismissal to Anbang. Wealth management products of capital injections from compa-
to that, real estate developers and range of investment products and see, and are nearly impossible to Mr. Xiang has not commented also tend to promise a quick pay- nies linked to Mr. Wu.
others who needed to borrow “fix the work on product develop- appeal. publicly about the investigation back period. But the issuing com- Anbang struck back with a let-
large amounts of money began ment and management in strict The State Council announced since it was announced. The tar- panies are exposed to liquidity ter on Wednesday threatening to
accordance with supervision poli- separately on Friday that Xiang gets of anti-corruption inquiries risk if investors ask for their sue Caixin for “malicious” and “in-
Ailin Tang contributed research. cies and requirements.” Junbo, the chairman of the China are typically held in custody and money back instead of re- accurate” reporting.

State-Level Republicans Criticize Federal Vote to Kill Retirement Account Rule

By NOAH WEILAND in an op-ed in the Washington
WASHINGTON — An idea to Times last month that the discus-
make it easier for Americans to sion among Republicans showed
save for retirement that was intro- that “some lawmakers really do
duced at the conservative Her- believe the federal government
itage Foundation is in the cross knows best and will act to kill in-
hairs of a conservative Republi- novation occurring in the nation’s
can Congress. statehouses to appease business
The publicly stated reason for interests.”
killing a rule that allowed states to Few Republicans in Washing-
automatically enroll employees of ton buy that argument. Senator
small businesses in savings ac- Todd Young of Indiana, was one of
counts: federal jurisdiction. But only two Republicans to vote no on
critics contend it was a case of Wednesday. “While state-based
retirement plans are not my first
conservatives being cowed by the
choice, if implemented carefully,
financial services industry.
they could help close the retire-
The Senate this week approved
ment savings gap and ease the
by a single vote a bill rolling back
strain faced by our social safety
an Obama-era Labor Department
net system,” he said.
rule that let states automatically
Representative Francis
enroll small business employees
Rooney, a Florida Republican, was
in retirement savings accounts.
a co-sponsor of the House resolu-
Overshadowed by the health care tion passed Wednesday by the
vote in the House, the bill was a Senate. He acknowledged the gap
source of high drama on Capitol between state and national Re-
Hill, with Vice President Mike publicans, but said state-level offi-
Pence ready to cast a tiebreaking cials were too eager to meddle in
vote if it became necessary. an issue that had long been sub-
The vote echoed the 50-49 deci- ject to federal supervision.
sion in March that rolled back a “There are Republicans that
parallel Labor Department order have a different tolerance for big
giving cities similar permission. government intrusion,” Mr.
The twin Labor Department rules Rooney said. “They have a differ-
were a framework that encour- ent tolerance for federalism.”
aged cities and states to work “Bureaucracies are like amoe-
around the often expensive and bas; They just grow and grow and
cumbersome conditions in the grow,” Mr. Rooney said. “I had one
Employee Retirement Income Se- senator ask me, ‘Why would my
curity Act (Erisa). state treasurer be for this?’ And I
In contrast to their usual oppo- said, ‘Because she’s a state
sition to regulations, Republicans Mitch McConnell said allowing states to automatically enroll workers in retirement accounts hurts the private savings system. elected official who wants to regu-
were the group defending these late more stuff.’”
federal guidelines. Before the vote partment from 2010 to 2011. “There thought: “Hey, this is kind of cool. nia, the House minority leader, to paycheck. For those defending the states’
this week, Senator Mitch McCon- are some really hard problems This is something for which peo- said that President Trump would This week, a bipartisan group of rights, the debate is not merely a
nell of Kentucky, the majority with retirement, but this is an ple might be able to cross the betray his supporters by signing it 23 state treasurers, commission- question of oversight. Advocates
leader, said the state rule “under- easy one.” ideological chasm.” into law. ers and comptrollers wrote a let- of the state-based savings ac-
mines a private retirement Approximately 55 million “I was talking to a bunch of A veto would “show he really ter to Mr. McConnell urging him to counts see a pernicious influence
savings system that millions of Americans lack workplace retire- states simultaneously, not with did mean it when he said he un- protect their independence on the from special interests.
Americans have counted on for ment accounts. Inertia and igno- the thought that they would take derstood the plight of the Ameri- issue. “All politicians get confused be-
decades.” rance are among the reasons the lead on this ultimately, but just can worker,” Mr. Schumer and Ms. “For states, this wasn’t parti- tween pro-market and pro-busi-
Five states have already passed many do not enroll in employer- that, if a state or two started down Pelosi wrote in a joint statement san. This was principle,” said An- ness policies. They listen to their
laws allowing for these privately sponsored retirement plans. So this road and actually tried to do it, on Wednesday. gela M. Antonelli, the executive business constituents who are ac-
managed, state-sponsored the Obama administration con- then Congress might take notice A White House official said in director of the Center for Retire- tually lobbying to protect their
savings accounts. Dozens of oth- structed the Labor Department and pass legislation to do this,’” March that, if the bill passed the ment Initiatives at Georgetown profits, not to make the market
ers are considering versions of the rule to encourage states to set up Mr. Iwry said. Senate, President Trump would University. “Red states were say- economy work better,” Ms.
legislation. If President Trump these savings plans on their own, But this week, Mr. Iwry said, sign it into law. ing blue states should have the Stevenson said.
signs the bill, and the White House without being subject to Erisa. “the financial services industry The commotion around the vote freedom to do what they want, and “I think that state Republicans
had said he would, the experiment J. Mark Iwry, a senior adviser to simply directed the congressional reveals a deep split between state- vice versa.” understand that there’s a retire-
would take a hit. the Treasury secretary in the majority to throw shade on level Republicans and those in “The states can’t afford to do ment crisis, and if they don’t help
“This current Congress seems Obama administration, was a co- Labor’s effort to encourage the Congress. Congressional Republi- nothing,” Ms. Antonelli said of the try to solve the crisis by getting
to want to put fingers in their ears author of a paper proposing an au- states.” cans are comfortable with the need for them to create a plan in people to save more for their own
and covers over their eyes,” said tomatic individual retirement ac- Democrats mounted a furious ways Erisa defers to the private place of Congress. The issue may retirement, there will be pressure
Betsey Stevenson, a professor of count, a precursor of the auto- campaign to defeat the bill. Sena- marketplace. Those in the states ultimately be decided by the for bigger government handouts
economics and public policy at the matic enrollment programs states tor Chuck Schumer of New York, see the savings accounts as one of courts if states decide to sue. down the road,” she said. “Every
University of Michigan and the devised. Mr. Iwry said that when the Democratic leader, and Repre- the few ways for low-wage work- David Damschen, the Republi- penny counts when you’re dealing
chief economist at the Labor De- he was developing the concept, he sentative Nancy Pelosi of Califor- ers to get ahead of living paycheck can state treasurer in Utah, wrote with low-wage workers.”

STOCKS & BONDS The Dow Minute by Minute

Position of the Dow Jones industrial average at 1-minute intervals on
Jobs Report and Oil’s Recovery Lift Markets Friday.

By The Associated Press strategist at Wells Fargo’s Invest- the first three months of the year traded company. That helped tech
Solid hiring last month helped ment Institute, said stocks bene- and sluggish economic growth. stocks move higher.
push the stock market to record fited from the combination of Energy companies regained CBS announced a bigger profit 20,980
highs on Friday. The major in- greater hiring and slower wage some ground as the price of oil and more revenue than analysts Previous close
dexes were driven by gains by en- growth because, if wages rose too steadied. After two steep losses in expected, and its stock gained 20,951.47
ergy, technology and industrial quickly, they would affect corpo- three days, benchmark crude oil $1.35, or 2.1 percent, to $65.20. Me-
companies. rate profits. futures for June delivery jumped dia companies had struggled the 20,940
Energy companies rose as the “The market is likely to be con- 70 cents, or 1.5 percent, to $46.22 a last few days as investors worried
price of oil recovered from earlier cerned about wage gains and the barrel in New York. Brent crude, about declining cable ad revenue.
in the week. Media companies like impact on corporate margins as the standard for international oil Charter Communications, Scripps
CBS and Charter Communica- we move into 2018,” he said. prices, added 72 cents, or 1.5 per- Networks and Tegna all traded 20,900
tions also recovered from their The Standard & Poor’s 500- cent, to $49.10 barrel in London. higher.
losses earlier in the week. stock index added 9.77 points, or Oil prices had fallen earlier this Stocks of biotechnology compa- 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m.
Technology companies rose, 0.4 percent, to 2,399.29. The Dow week as investors wondered if nies slipped. Biogen dropped Source: Reuters | By The New York Times
but IBM shares fell after the bil- Jones industrial average rose OPEC would extend a deal that $6.45, or 2.4 percent, to $262.15 and
lionaire investor Warren Buffett 55.47 points, or 0.3 percent, to trimmed oil production. Incyte sank $2.69, or 2.1 percent, to
said he sold a large part of his 21,006.94. Occidental Petroleum rose $122.41. Celgene fell $2.05, or 1.6 decline since right after the presi- dent over the weekend. The CAC
stake in the company. The Nasdaq composite went up $2.38, or 4.1 percent, to $60.40 and percent, also closing at $122.41. dential election. 40 is at its highest level since early
Scott Wren, senior global equity 25.42 points, or 0.4 percent, to Transocean jumped 84 cents, or 8.1 Bond prices held steady. The The dollar rose to 112.46 yen 2008. In Britain, the FTSE 100 was
6,100.76, which beat a record it set percent, to $11.18. Baker Hughes yield on the 10-year Treasury note from 112.35 yen. The euro climbed up 0.7 percent, and in Germany,
Everything you need to earlier this week. gained $1.92, or 3.3 percent, to remained 2.35 percent. $1.0995 from $1.0984. the DAX added 0.5 percent.
Employers in the United States $59.33. Gold prices for May delivery The CAC 40 in France jumped 1.1 The Hang Seng in Hong Kong
know for your business day
added 211,000 jobs in April, accord- Apple jumped $2.43, or 1.7 per- dipped $1.70 to $1,224.80 an ounce. percent as investors hoped cen- lost 0.8 percent. Markets in Japan
is in Business Day. ing to the Labor Department. cent, to $148.96, another record for The precious metal fell more than trist candidate Emmanuel and South Korea were closed for
The New York Times That comes after slow hiring in the world’s most valuable publicly 3 percent this week for its biggest Macron would be elected presi- holidays.

U 2,399.29
U 21,006.94
U 6,100.76
CRUDE $46.22
D $1,224.80
U $1.0995

Standard & Poor’s 500-Stock Index 3-MONTH TREND Nasdaq Composite Index 3-MONTH TREND Dow Jones Industrial Average 3-MONTH TREND


6,200 22,000
2,500 +10% +10% +10%

2,400 21,000
+ 5% + 5% + 5%
2,300 20,000
0% 5,600 0% 0%

5,400 19,000
– 5% – 5% – 5%
Feb. March Apr. Feb. March Apr. Feb. March Apr.

When the index follows a white line, it is changing at a constant pace; when it moves into a lighter band, the rate of change is faster.


% 52-Wk YTD % 52-Wk YTD % Volume % Volume % Volume
Index Close Chg Chg % Chg % Chg Index Close Chg Chg % Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100) Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100) Stock (TICKER) Close Chg Chg (100)


Industrials 21006.94 + 55.47 + 0.26 + 18.95 + 6.30 Nasdaq 100 5646.09 + 19.78 + 0.35 + 31.02 + 16.09 Spirit Realty (SRC) 7.51 +0.80 +11.9 657124 Systemax (SYX) 16.69 +3.75 +29.0 2309 Brightcove (BCOV) 6.03 ◊2.68 ◊30.7 52071
Transportation 9189.97 + 51.84 + 0.57 + 19.86 + 1.62 Composite 6100.76 + 25.42 + 0.42 + 29.33 + 13.33 Chesapeake En (CHK) 5.46 +0.33 +6.4 619507 Data I/O (DAIO) 5.98 +1.21 +25.4 7498 National (NCMI) 8.66 ◊3.06 ◊26.1 38232
Utilities 703.02 + 4.05 + 0.58 + 5.92 + 6.58 Industrials 4997.37 + 35.11 + 0.71 + 22.96 + 12.43 Bank of Ameri (BAC) 23.74 ◊0.11 ◊0.5 565382 Universal Di (OLED) 111.30 +21.45 +23.9 48608 ArcBest (ARCB) 19.75 ◊6.50 ◊24.8 9228
Banks 3730.27 ◊ 8.71 ◊ 0.23 + 37.02 ◊ 3.17 AMD (AMD) 10.19 +0.09 +0.9 516927 China Lendin (CLDC) 6.70 +1.28 +23.6 107 Revlon (REV) 19.30 ◊5.95 ◊23.6 12938
Composite 7248.01 + 28.81 + 0.40 + 16.86 + 5.01
Ford Motor (F) 11.14 +0.14 +1.3 288110 California Rs (CRC) 12.46 +2.30 +22.6 76351 YRC Worldwid (YRCW) 8.57 ◊2.12 ◊19.8 32033
Insurance 8433.00 ◊ 2.66 ◊ 0.03 + 13.96 + 0.95 6.12
Apple (AAPL) 148.96 +2.43 +1.7 272460 Applied Opto (AAOI) 55.96 +9.15 +19.5 108447 Gain Capital (GCAP) ◊1.28 ◊17.3 11248
STANDARD AND POOR’S Other Finance 6851.98 + 32.08 + 0.47 + 24.20 + 5.93 Immunomedics (IMMU) 6.36 +0.95 +17.6 245513 Kratos Defen (KTOS) 9.08 +1.41 +18.4 64933 Ocular (OCUL) 7.63 ◊1.47 ◊16.2 40529
100 Stocks 1061.26 + 2.84 + 0.27 + 16.78 + 7.04 Telecommunications 315.02 + 3.22 + 1.03 + 27.94 + 9.28 Weatherford (WFT) 5.21 +0.18 +3.6 240601 SPX (SPXC) 28.29 +4.25 +17.7 10793 Puma Biotec (PBYI) 30.70 ◊5.85 ◊16.0 42485
500 Stocks 2399.29 + 9.77 + 0.41 + 17.00 + 7.17 Computer 3455.30 + 17.29 + 0.50 + 41.09 + 18.10 Marathn Oil (MRO) 14.29 +0.12 +0.8 218775 Immunomedics (IMMU) 6.36 +0.95 +17.6 245513 IES Hldg (IESC) 17.10 ◊2.65 ◊13.4 2061
Mid-Cap 400 1738.52 + 14.34 + 0.83 + 20.19 + 4.69 AT&T (T) 38.56 +0.55 +1.4 218092 Fluidigm (FLDM) 5.90 +0.88 +17.5 6622 Digi Intl (DGII) 10.70 ◊1.60 ◊13.0 1906
Small-Cap 600 848.96 + 3.97 + 0.47 + 24.47 + 1.31 OTHER INDEXES Pfizer (PFE) 33.48 +0.03 +0.1 217743 Synchronoss (SNCR) 17.99 +2.54 +16.4 71293 Gibraltar In (ROCK) 34.42 ◊4.58 ◊11.7 11616
American Exch 2528.12 + 26.96 + 1.08 + 9.41 + 9.54 MFA Fncl (MFA) 7.92 ◊0.26 ◊3.2 211162 MercadoLibre (MELI) 275.16 +38.65 +16.3 17358 AAC Holdg (AAC) 7.09 ◊0.86 ◊10.8 2734
NEW YORK Wilshire 5000 24975.87 + 122.09 + 0.49 + 17.92 + 6.62 Fitbit (FIT) 6.15 ◊0.22 ◊3.5 206498 Renewable En (REGI) 11.80 +1.65 +16.3 14531 Immersion (IMMR) 8.15 ◊0.94 ◊10.3 6663
Microsoft (MSFT) 69.00 +0.19 +0.3 190363 Johnson Outd (JOUT) 41.34 +5.74 +16.1 1101 CRA Intl (CRAI) 34.15 ◊3.73 ◊9.8 1172
STOCK EXCHANGE Value Line Arith 5519.89 + 47.66 + 0.87 + 21.59 + 4.90
Sprint Corp (S) 8.04 +0.10 +1.3 187629 Sierra Wirel (SWIR) 28.45 +3.65 +14.7 22677 Trex Co (TREX) 68.12 ◊7.00 ◊9.3 11137
NYSE Comp. 11615.61 + 80.90 + 0.70 + 12.98 + 5.05 Russell 2000 1397.00 + 8.15 + 0.59 + 26.09 + 2.94 Intel (INTC) 36.82 ◊0.03 ◊0.1 181162 Cmptr Prg & (CPSI) 30.55 +3.90 +14.6 3684 Mindbody (MB) 25.85 ◊2.65 ◊9.3 26969
Tech/Media/Telecom 8204.61 + 73.58 + 0.90 + 10.44 + 5.48 Phila Gold & Silver 80.28 + 2.02 + 2.58 ◊ 5.72 + 1.80 Freeport Mcmo (FCX) 11.80 +0.12 +1.0 179819 Ducommun (DCO) 34.46 +4.32 +14.3 2534 Kura Oncolog (KURA) 9.35 ◊0.95 ◊9.2 887
Energy 10535.18 + 235.23 + 2.28 + 3.58 ◊ 8.42 Phila Semiconductor 1011.03 + 4.20 + 0.42 + 58.76 + 11.53 Swestn Energy (SWN) 7.35 +0.33 +4.7 176520 Boingo Wirel (WIFI) 15.40 +1.83 +13.5 8193 Protagonist (PTGX) 9.24 ◊0.93 ◊9.1 162
Financial 7291.78 + 27.70 + 0.38 + 21.39 + 4.74 KBW Bank 92.64 ◊ 0.27 ◊ 0.29 + 38.87 + 0.93 Comcast (CMCSA) 39.01 +0.72 +1.9 175636 Amer Vanguard (AVD) 17.75 +2.00 +12.7 2441 Aceto (ACET) 14.29 ◊1.33 ◊8.5 7741
Healthcare 13143.93 + 19.20 + 0.15 + 8.26 + 10.39 Phila Oil Service 151.65 + 5.51 + 3.77 ◊ 9.33 ◊ 17.49 Verizon (VZ) 46.69 +0.81 +1.8 171317 SenesTech (SNES) 7.40 +0.82 +12.5 225 Obseva (OBSV) 6.78 ◊0.62 ◊8.4 288


52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD 52-Week Price Range 1-Day 1-Yr YTD
Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg Stock (TICKER) Low Close (•) High Close Chg %Chg % Chg
Apple (AAPL) 89.47 148.98 148.96 + 2.43 + 59.76 + 28.6 CVS Health (CVS) 69.30 106.67 81.06 ◊ 0.07 ◊ 22.91 + 2.7 Johnson&Jo (JNJ) 109.32 129.00 123.51 ◊ 0.44 + 9.42 + 7.2 Procter Ga (PG) 79.41 92.00 86.50 + 0.05 + 6.40 + 2.9
AbbVie (ABBV) 55.06 68.12 66.99 ◊ 0.24 + 7.46 + 7.0 Chevron (CVX) 97.53 119.00 105.79 + 0.98 + 4.31 ◊ 10.1 JPMorgan (JPM) 57.05 93.98 87.00 ◊ 0.10 + 42.06 + 0.8 PMI (PM) 86.78 115.63 112.25 + 1.05 + 13.18 + 22.7
Abbott (ABT) 36.76 45.84 44.64 + 0.05 + 15.95 + 16.2 Du Pont (DD) 61.12 82.37 81.14 + 2.35 + 27.44 + 10.5 Kinder Mor (KMI) 16.63 23.36 20.19 + 0.43 + 17.79 ◊ 2.5 PayPal Hld (PYPL) 34.00 49.44 49.30 + 0.39 + 26.57 + 24.9
Accenture (ACN) 108.66 126.53 121.52 + 0.70 + 6.52 + 3.8 Danaher (DHR) 75.71 102.79 83.86 ◊ 0.22 + 15.12 + 7.7 Kraft Hein (KHC) 79.69 97.77 89.63 ◊ 0.07 + 8.03 + 2.7 Qualcomm (QCOM) 50.38 71.62 54.93 + 0.02 + 7.43 ◊ 15.8
Allergan (AGN) 184.50 261.27 244.94 ◊ 0.31 + 16.45 + 16.6 Walt Disne (DIS) 90.32 116.10 111.99 + 0.82 + 6.73 + 7.5 Coca-Cola (KO) 39.88 46.01 43.69 + 0.03 ◊ 3.04 + 5.4 Raytheon (RTN) 126.58 159.43 159.41 + 1.53 + 24.34 + 12.3
AIG (AIG) 48.41 67.47 62.71 + 0.04 + 14.41 ◊ 4.0 Dow (DOW) 47.51 65.42 63.09 + 1.67 + 24.07 + 10.3 Lilly (LLY) 64.18 86.72 82.51 ◊ 0.53 + 9.62 + 12.2 Starbucks (SBUX) 50.84 61.94 60.95 + 0.12 + 8.36 + 9.8
Allstate (ALL) 65.27 86.03 85.45 ◊ 0.12 + 25.90 + 15.3 Duke Energ (DUK) 72.34 87.75 82.98 + 0.39 + 3.49 + 6.9 Lockheed (LMT) 228.50 276.64 273.03 + 2.52 + 14.65 + 9.2 Schlumberg (SLB) 70.22 87.84 71.97 + 1.03 ◊ 4.55 ◊ 14.3
Amgen (AMGN) 133.64 184.21 163.81 ◊ 0.48 + 6.20 + 12.0 Emerson El (EMR) 48.45 64.36 58.94 + 0.77 + 11.25 + 5.7 Lowes (LOW) 64.87 86.00 86.00 + 0.60 + 14.45 + 20.9 Southern C (SO) 46.20 54.64 50.07 + 0.28 ◊ 1.09 + 1.8 (AMZN) 656.00 954.40 934.15 ◊ 3.38 + 41.73 + 24.6 Exelon (EXC) 29.82 37.70 34.34 + 0.29 ◊ 2.94 ◊ 3.2 Mastercard (MA) 86.65 119.71 117.50 ◊ 0.42 + 22.15 + 13.8 Simon Prop (SPG) 163.30 229.10 164.52 ◊ 0.90 ◊ 21.07 ◊ 7.4
American E (AXP) 57.15 82.00 78.32 ◊ 0.01 + 22.53 + 5.7 Ford Motor (F) 10.90 14.04 11.14 + 0.14 ◊ 16.37 ◊ 8.2 McDonalds (MCD) 110.33 143.98 143.96 + 0.51 + 11.36 + 18.3 AT&T (T) 36.10 43.89 38.56 + 0.55 ◊ 0.46 ◊ 9.3
Boeing (BA) 122.35 185.71 185.01 + 1.94 + 40.07 + 18.8 Facebook (FB) 108.23 153.60 150.24 ◊ 0.61 + 27.53 + 30.6 Mondelez I (MDLZ) 40.50 46.40 44.83 ◊ 0.22 + 2.07 + 1.1 Target (TGT) 52.72 80.51 57.32 + 0.03 ◊ 26.64 ◊ 20.6
Bank of Am (BAC) 12.05 25.80 23.74 ◊ 0.11 + 68.97 + 7.4 FedEx (FDX) 145.00 201.57 192.42 + 1.23 + 19.99 + 3.3 Medtronic (MDT) 69.35 89.27 84.00 + 0.09 + 5.66 + 17.9 Time Warne (TWX) 68.97 100.60 98.37 + 0.07 + 30.07 + 1.9
Biogen (BIIB) 223.02 333.65 262.15 ◊ 6.45 + 7.55 + 0.4 Fox (FOX) 23.88 31.94 28.58 + 0.08 ◊ 4.16 + 4.9 MetLife (MET) 36.17 58.09 52.62 ◊ 0.03 + 22.92 ◊ 2.4 Texas Inst (TXN) 56.19 82.92 79.63 + 0.33 + 40.59 + 9.1
BONY Mello (BK) 35.72 49.54 47.65 + 0.04 + 20.94 + 0.6 Fox (FOXA) 23.33 32.60 29.14 + 0.10 ◊ 2.35 + 3.9 3M (MMM) 163.17 199.90 199.40 ◊ 0.11 + 18.85 + 11.7 UnitedHeal (UNH) 128.53 176.14 174.12 + 0.10 + 31.60 + 8.8
BlackRock (BLK) 317.60 399.46 383.76 + 0.45 + 9.00 + 0.9 General Dy (GD) 132.68 196.97 195.97 + 1.42 + 37.81 + 13.5 Altria Gro (MO) 60.82 76.55 70.92 + 0.61 + 12.86 + 4.9 Union Paci (UNP) 80.68 115.15 110.72 + 0.39 + 29.97 + 6.8
Bristol-My (BMY) 46.01 77.12 55.15 ◊ 0.04 ◊ 22.49 ◊ 5.6 GE (GE) 28.19 33.00 29.22 + 0.02 ◊ 2.24 ◊ 7.5 Monsanto (MON) 88.76 117.33 116.20 + 0.27 + 29.60 + 10.5 United Par (UPS) 100.05 120.44 107.43 + 0.38 + 5.18 ◊ 6.3
Berkshire (BRKb) 136.65 177.86 166.55 + 0.21 + 15.76 + 2.2 Gilead Sci (GILD) 65.38 88.85 67.80 ◊ 0.28 ◊ 21.03 ◊ 5.3 Merck & Co (MRK) 53.06 66.80 63.97 + 0.59 + 18.27 + 8.7 US Bancorp (USB) 38.48 56.61 51.77 ◊ 0.54 + 24.30 + 0.8
Citigroup (C) 38.31 62.53 60.24 + 0.03 + 36.20 + 1.4 GM (GM) 27.34 38.55 33.77 + 0.62 + 10.58 ◊ 3.1 Morgan Sta (MS) 23.11 47.33 43.08 ◊ 0.20 + 64.62 + 2.0 UTC (UTX) 96.89 121.45 121.35 + 0.35 + 21.00 + 10.7
Caterpilla (CAT) 69.04 105.98 99.64 + 0.25 + 36.89 + 7.4 Alphabet (GOOG) 663.28 935.93 927.13 ◊ 4.53 N.A. N.A. Microsoft (MSFT) 48.04 69.71 69.00 + 0.19 + 38.17 + 11.0 Visa (V) 73.25 92.98 92.09 ◊ 0.53 + 19.04 + 18.0
Celgene (CELG) 94.42 127.64 122.41 ◊ 2.05 + 20.35 + 5.8 Alphabet (GOOGL) 672.66 959.14 950.28 ◊ 4.44 + 32.96 + 19.9 NextEra (NEE) 110.49 135.21 134.33 ◊ 0.01 + 13.02 + 12.5 Verizon (VZ) 45.76 56.95 46.69 + 0.81 ◊ 8.16 ◊ 12.5
Colgate (CL) 63.43 75.38 71.81 ◊ 0.14 + 0.48 + 9.7 Goldman Sa (GS) 138.20 255.15 226.87 + 0.28 + 42.21 ◊ 5.3 Nike (NKE) 49.01 60.33 53.95 ◊ 0.52 ◊ 7.29 + 6.1 Walgreens (WBA) 75.74 88.00 85.89 ◊ 0.16 + 5.44 + 3.8
Comcast (CMCSA) 29.81 40.62 39.01 + 0.72 + 27.80 + 13.0 Halliburto (HAL) 38.24 58.78 45.58 + 0.98 + 14.12 ◊ 15.7 Oracle (ORCL) 37.62 46.99 45.58 + 0.11 + 16.19 + 18.5 WalMart (WMT) 62.72 76.60 76.50 + 0.16 + 13.82 + 10.7
Capital On (COF) 58.03 96.92 82.27 ◊ 0.22 + 19.02 ◊ 5.7 Home Depot (HD) 119.20 156.27 155.73 + 0.87 + 15.64 + 16.2 Occidental (OXY) 57.20 78.48 60.40 + 2.38 ◊ 20.67 ◊ 15.2 Wells Farg (WFC) 43.55 59.99 55.11 ◊ 0.07 + 12.56 0.0
ConocoPhil (COP) 38.80 53.17 46.77 + 0.85 + 8.24 ◊ 6.7 Honeywell (HON) 105.25 135.00 131.41 + 0.21 + 16.32 + 13.4 Priceline (PCLN) 1148 1922 1904 ◊ 6.76 + 53.41 + 29.9 Exxon Mobi (XOM) 80.30 95.55 82.02 + 0.38 ◊ 6.84 ◊ 9.1
Costco Who (COST) 138.57 183.18 180.20 ◊ 2.25 + 21.89 + 12.6 IBM (IBM) 142.50 182.79 155.05 ◊ 4.00 + 5.86 ◊ 6.6 PepsiCo (PEP) 98.50 114.61 113.22 + 0.26 + 8.65 + 8.2
Cisco Syst (CSCO) 25.81 34.53 34.39 + 0.21 + 31.21 + 13.8 Intel (INTC) 29.50 38.45 36.82 ◊ 0.03 + 23.14 + 1.5 Pfizer (PFE) 29.83 37.39 33.48 + 0.03 ◊ 0.27 + 3.1

Prices shown are for regular trading for the New York Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange which runs from 9:30 a.m., Eastern time, through the close of the Pacific Exchange, at 4:30 p.m. For the Nasdaq stock market, it is through 4 p.m. Close Last trade of the day in regular trading. + – indicates stocks
· or ·
that reached a new 52-week high or low. Change Difference between last trade and previous day’s price in regular trading. „ or ‰ indicates stocks that rose or fell at least 4 percent. ” indicates stocks that traded 1 percent or more of their outstanding shares. n Stock was a new issue in the last year.


Yields 52-Week Total Returns Market Breadth Yield Curve Key Rates Most Recent Issues
FINRA-BLOOMBERG FINRA-BLOOMBERG All Investment High Yest. 1-mo. ago 1-yr. ago 10-year Treas. Prime Rate
CORPORATE BOND INDEXES CORPORATE BOND INDEXES Issues Grade Yield Conv 2-year Treas. Fed Funds Mat. Date Rate Bid Ask Chg Yield
4% 5%
8% high yield +5.97% +15% high yield +14.43% Total Issues Traded 7,251 4,916 2,152 183 T-BILLS
Advances 3,394 2,330 954 110
3 4 3-mo. Aug 17 ◊ ◊ 0.89 0.88 +0.00 0.89
Declines 3,457 2,439 958 60 6-mo. Nov 17 ◊ ◊ 1.02 1.01 +0.01 1.01
Unchanged 159 53 96 10
6 +10 52 Week High 219 56 143 20 3 BONDS & NOTES
52 Week Low 127 79 48 0 2 2-yr. Apr 19 1ü ◊ 99.88 99.88 –0.01 1.31
Dollar Volume* 23,443 13,677 8,892 873 5-yr. Apr 22 1~ ◊ 99.98 99.98 +0.02 1.88
2 10-yr. Feb 27 2ü ◊ 99.13 99.14 +0.02 2.35
4 + 5 End of day data. Activity as reported to FINRA TRACE. 30-yr. Feb 47 3.000 ◊ 100.19 100.20 +0.16 3.00
Market breadth represents activity in all TRACE eligible 1 1
publicly traded securities. Shown below are the most TREASURY INFLATION BONDS
active fixed-coupon bonds ranked by par value traded.
5-yr. Apr 22 [ ◊ 100.01 100.09 +0.11 0.15
2 0 Investment grade or high-yield is determined using 0 Maturity 0 10-yr. Jan 27 ] ◊ 98.95 99.05 +0.06 0.49
credit ratings as outlined in FINRA rules. “C” – Yield is
unavailable because of issue’s call criteria. 20-yr. Jan 29 2ø ◊ 121.31 121.56 +0.06 0.61
*Par value in millions.
3 6 2 5 10 30 2016 2017 30-yr. Feb 47 ~ ◊ 96.52 96.77 +0.11 1.01
0 invest. grade +3.66% – 5 invest. grade +1.89% Source: FINRA TRACE data. Reference information from Source: Thomson Reuters
Reuters DataScope Data. Credit ratings from Moody’s® &
Months Years Source: Thomson Reuters
2016 2017 2016 2017 Standard & Poor’s.

Most Active Foreign Currency Dollars in Foreign Currency Dollars in
Credit Rating Price
Issuer Name (SYMBOL) Coupon% Maturity Moody’s S&P High Low Last Chg Yld% in Dollars Foreign Currency in Dollars Foreign Currency

Argentina (Peso) .0651 15.3500 One Dollar in Euros Australia (Dollar) .7418 1.3481
One Dollar in Yen
Oracle Corp (ORCL) 1.200 Oct’17 A1 AA– 100.412 99.796 99.983 0.000 1.239 Bolivia (Boliviano) .1449 6.9000 1.00 euros $1 = 0.9095 China (Yuan) .1449 6.9021 120 yen $1 = 112.71
Royal Bk Cda (RY) 1.200 Sep’17 Aaa NR 100.059 99.957 99.957 –0.012 1.318 Brazil (Real) .3148 3.1762 Hong Kong (Dollar) .1285 7.7839
Verizon Communications Inc (VZ) 5.500 Mar’47 Baa1 BBB+ 108.564 105.916 106.202 –0.321 5.093 Canada (Dollar) .7326 1.3650 India (Rupee) .0156 64.3000
Enlink Midstream Partners Lp (DVN) 5.450 Jun’47 NR BBB– 100.079 98.334 99.500 0.526 N.A. Chile (Peso) .0015 671.10 0.95 Japan (Yen) .0089 112.71
Express Scripts Hldg Co (ESRX) 3.400 Mar’27 Baa2 BBB+ 96.451 94.638 94.972 –0.069 4.025 Colombia (Peso) .0003 2943.0 Malaysia (Ringgit) .2307 4.3350
Pfizer Inc (PFE) 2.100 May’19 A1 AA 100.947 100.778 100.831 –0.078 1.679 Dom. Rep. (Peso) .0212 47.0800 110
New Zealand (Dollar) .6915 1.4461
Cisco Sys Inc (CSCO) 2.200 Feb’21 A1 AA– 100.479 100.347 100.406 –0.242 2.088
Comcast Corp New (CMCS) 3.400 Jul’46 A3 A– 87.440 86.506 87.375 0.809 4.150
El Salvador (Colon) .1146 8.7222 0.90 Pakistan (Rupee) .0096 104.65
Guatemala (Quetzal) .1363 7.3390 Philippines (Peso) .0201 49.8390 105
Raymond James Finl Inc (RJF) 5.625 Apr’24 Baa2 BBB+ 113.229 113.079 113.229 0.133 3.451
Honduras (Lempira) .0427 23.4200 Singapore (Dollar) .7120 1.4044
Pfizer Inc (PFE) 1.700 Dec’19 A1 AA 100.082 99.776 100.000 0.150 1.700
Mexico (Peso) .0527 18.9895 0.85 So. Korea (Won) .0009 1134.7
Nicaragua (Cordoba) .0342 29.2300 Taiwan (Dollar) .0331 30.1700
HIGH YIELD Paraguay (Guarani) .0002 5622.0 Thailand (Baht) .0289 34.6600
Apple Inc (AAPL) 2.850 May’24 NR 100.500 99.824 100.249 100.249 N.A. Peru (New Sol) .3066 3.2620 0.80 Vietnam (Dong) .00004 22730 95
Apple Inc (AAPL) 3.200 May’27 NR 101.500 99.890 100.060 100.060 N.A. Uruguay (New Peso) .0359 27.8200
Apple Inc (AAPL) 2.300 May’22 NR 100.922 99.692 100.232 100.232 N.A. Venezuela (Bolivar) .1003 9.9750 2016 2017 2016 2017
Apple Inc (AAPL) 1.800 May’20 NR 100.037 99.250 99.962 99.962 N.A. Bahrain (Dinar) 2.6553 .3766
Petrobras Global Fin B V (PBR) 7.375 Jan’27 B1 BB– 109.600 106.500 108.150 –0.225 6.239 EUROPE Lebanon (Pound) .0007 1506.7
Norway (Krone) .1164 8.5911 Egypt (Pound) .0555 18.0300
Anadarko Pete Corp (APC) 5.550 Mar’26 Ba1 BBB 110.599 110.134 110.599 0.218 4.076 Britain (Pound) 1.2979 .7705 Saudi Arabia (Riyal) .2666 3.7503
Poland (Zloty) .2612 3.8282 Iran (Rial) .00003 32443
Sesi L L C (SPN) 7.125 Dec’21 B2 BB– 102.500 99.188 100.500 –2.015 6.907 So. Africa (Rand) .0745 13.4165
Czech Rep (Koruna) .0412 24.2940 Russia (Ruble) .0173 57.9096 Israel (Shekel) .2787 3.5879
Noble Hldg Intl Ltd (NE) 7.750 Jan’24 B2 BB– 92.375 89.250 90.375 0.125 9.738 U.A.E (Dirham) .2723 3.6723
Denmark (Krone) .1479 6.7607 Sweden (Krona) .1138 8.7886 Jordan (Dinar) 1.4116 .7084
Rri Energy Inc (NRG) 7.875 Jun’17 Caa3 CCC 96.490 87.500 87.841 1.091 146.066
Europe (Euro) 1.0995 .9095 Switzerland (Franc) 1.0134 .9868 Kenya (Shilling) .0097 103.00
Revlon Consumer Prods Corp (MCFH) 6.250 Aug’24 B3 B 97.480 91.250 92.540 –5.710 7.609 Prices as of 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time.
Hungary (Forint) .0035 283.21 Turkey (Lira) .2822 3.5431 Kuwait (Dinar) 3.2895 .3040
Source: Thomson Reuters
Amag Pharmaceuticals Inc (AMAG) 2.750 Jun’22 NR 100.750 97.431 97.431 97.431 N.A.
Herbalife Ltd (HLF) 2.000 Aug’19 NR NR 102.818 100.495 101.500 3.250 1.325
Spirit Rlty Cap Inc New (SRC)
Weatherford Intl Ltd (WFT)
Spirit Rlty Cap Inc New (SRC) 3.750 May’21 NR BBB– 99.000 96.500 97.860 0.410 4.336 Monetary
Newmont Mng Corp (NEM.GP) 1.625 Jul’17 NR BBB 100.390 100.000 100.390 1.590 –0.530 units per Lifetime Open Crude Oil
Future Exchange quantity High Low Date Open High Low Settle Change Interest $60 $46.22 a barrel
Ctrip Com Intl Ltd (CTRP) 1.250 Oct’18 NR NR 137.117 136.990 136.990 –0.008 –19.818
Priceline Group Inc (PCLN) 0.900 Sep’21 NR BBB+ 116.066 115.250 115.694 0.694 –2.495 Corn CBT ¢/bushel 460.00 332.50 May 17 359.00 365.50 359.00 361.75 + 3.75 2,233
Starwood Ppty Tr Inc (STWD) 3.750 Oct’17 NR BB– 100.875 97.375 100.875 0.375 1.698 Soybeans CBT ¢/bushel 1116.00 872.00 May 17 965.50 973.50 960.00 963.00 ◊ 2.25 1,341
Synchronoss Technologies Inc (SNCR) 0.750 Aug’19 NR B 88.500 87.375 87.900 2.100 6.590 Wheat CBT ¢/bushel 646.75 398.50 May 17 428.00 428.00 428.00 427.50 + 1.50 133 55
Live Cattle CME ¢/lb 134.55 91.30 Jun 17 131.30 131.35 128.30 128.30 ◊ 3.00 150,340
Hogs-Lean CME ¢/lb 76.53 62.50 May 17 69.50 69.50 69.15 69.40 + 0.40 1,844
Cocoa NYBOT $/ton 3326.00 1805.00 May 17 1836.00 1866.00 1836.00 1866.00 + 27.00 38 50
Coffee NYBOT ¢/lb 228.00 123.20 May 17 132.90 133.00 132.40 133.10 + 0.40 13
Sugar-World NYBOT ¢/lb 22.09 12.07 Jun 17 15.37 15.68 15.24 15.31 ◊ 0.06 388,205
Yesterday Change from last week
Gold COMX $/oz 1295.30 1197.20 May 17 1227.00 1233.70 1225.10 1224.80 ◊ 1.70 84 45
Silver COMX $/oz 20.95 14.35 May 17 16.29 16.47 16.20 16.22 ◊ 0.03 606
Hi Grade Copper COMX $/lb 2.84 1.97 May 17 2.50 2.53 2.50 2.52 + 0.02 3,947
Up Flat Down
1-year range
Light Sweet Crude NYMX $/bbl 93.23 36.18 Jun 17 45.51 46.68 43.76 46.22 + 0.70 577,422 40
Heating Oil NYMX $/gal 2.67 1.11 May 17 1.41 1.45 1.37 1.44 + 0.02 128,407
Natural Gas NYMX $/mil.btu 6.10 2.37 May 17 3.20 3.28 3.18 3.27 + 0.08 262,030 2016 2017
Home Year
Mortgages Friday Ago 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5-YEAR HISTORY Key to exchanges: CBT-Chicago Board of Trade. CME-Chicago Mercantile Exchange. CMX-Comex division of NYM. KC-Kansas City Board of Trade. NYBOT-New York Board of
Trade. NYM-New York Mercantile Exchange. Open interest is the number of contracts outstanding.
Federal funds 0.91% 0.37% Source: Thomson Reuters
Construction Spending +15%
Prime rate 4.00 3.50 Change from
15-yr fixed 3.12 2.71 previous year
15-yr fixed jumbo 4.11 3.64 March ’17 +3.6% 0
Feb. ’17 +5.4 ’12 ’17 % Total Returns Exp. Assets % Total Returns Exp. Assets
30-yr fixed 3.92 3.58 Fund Name (TICKER) Type YTD 1 Yr 5 Yr* Ratio (mil.$)
Fund Name (TICKER) Type YTD 1 Yr 5 Yr* Ratio (mil.$)
30-yr fixed jumbo 4.43 4.06 LARGEST FUNDS LEADERS
5/1 adj. rate 3.22 2.93
Personal Savings Rate +15%
Vanguard Wellington Admiral(VWENX) MA +4.8 +13.3 +10.2 0.16 79,718 Putnam Capital Spectrum Y(PVSYX) AL +12.2 +24.4 +12.1 0.37 2,083
Percent of American Funds Income Fund of Amer A(AMECX) AL +4.6 +12.0 +9.4 0.56 75,405 Franklin Mutual Beacon Z(BEGRX) XM +8.3 +23.6 +12.5 0.79 2,729
5/1 adj. rate jumbo 3.65 3.12 disposable income American Funds American Balanced A(ABALX) MA +5.6 +11.9 +10.5 0.59 58,504 Lord Abbett Convertible I(LCFYX) CV +7.4 +23.0 +9.5 0.86 426
Franklin Income A(FKINX) CA +3.9 +16.3 +7.5 0.61 46,232 Wells Fargo Diversified Cap Bldr A(EKBAX) AL +6.1 +22.1 +14.0 1.14 539
1-year adj. rate 3.11 2.79 March ’17 +5.9% Vanguard Wellesley Income Admiral(VWIAX) CA +3.0 +6.4 +7.1 0.15 37,471 Columbia Convertible Securities Z(NCIAX) CV +5.9 +21.6 +10.0 0.88 299
Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 Inv(VTTVX) TG +6.5 +12.6 +8.8 * 34,928 Dodge & Cox Balanced(DODBX) MA +4.6 +21.3 +12.7 0.53 15,768
Feb. ’17 +5.7 ’12 ’17 Vanguard Target Retirement 2020 Inv(VTWNX) TE +5.8 +11.1 +8.0 * 29,883 Schwab MarketTrack All Equity(SWEGX) XM +7.2 +20.7 +11.7 0.41 616
Home Equity 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 Inv(VTHRX) TH +7.2 +14.1 +9.4 * 28,690 Franklin Mutual Shares R6(FMSHX) XM +5.1 +20.5 NA 0.67 1,930
Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 Inv(VTTHX) TI +7.8 +15.6 +10.1 * 27,704 JPMorgan Investor Growth I(ONIFX) XM +8.6 +19.6 +11.5 0.27 336
$75K line good credit* 4.89% 4.39%
Manufacturing Index 58 T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation(PRWCX) MA +7.6 +12.9 +12.5 0.70 24,850 Fidelity Freedom K 2035(FKTHX) TI +9.3 +19.5 +10.0 0.05 11,863
$75K line excel. credit* 4.64 4.25 Fidelity Balanced(FBALX) MA +7.1 +13.9 +10.0 0.55 22,043 Fidelity Freedom K 2055(FDENX) TL +9.2 +19.4 +10.4 0.05 2,195
ISM; over 50 indicates T. Rowe Price Retirement 2030(TRRCX) TH +8.9 +16.5 +10.3 * 22,042 Fidelity Freedom K 2050(FFKHX) TN +9.3 +19.4 +10.2 0.05 6,685
$75K loan good credit* 4.63 4.17 expansion; seasonally adjusted T. Rowe Price Retirement 2020(TRRBX) TE +7.2 +13.3 +8.7 * 21,543
Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 Inv(VFORX) TJ +8.4 +17.1 +10.5 * 20,457
$75K loan excel. credit* 4.63 4.15 Apr. ’17 54.8 46 Vanguard Balanced Index Adm(VBIAX) MA +5.0 +11.8 +9.3 0.07 20,456 USAA Total Return Strategy(USTRX) AL +3.0 ◊5.0 ◊0.1 1.40 69
Fidelity Puritan(FPURX) MA +7.4 +13.4 +9.9 0.55 19,838 Wells Fargo Dow Jones Target Today A(STWRX) RI +2.2 +1.6 +1.8 0.76 55
March ’17 57.2 ’12 ’17 Vanguard STAR Inv(VGSTX) MA +7.5 +13.8 +9.0 * 19,783 Wells Fargo Dow Jones Target 2010 A(STNRX) TA +2.3 +1.7 +2.3 0.78 58
Auto Loan Rates 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 Inv(VTIVX) TK +8.7 +17.6 +10.6 * 18,604 JHancock Multi-Index Income Presv 1(JRFOX) RI +1.9 +2.9 +3.0 0.33 539
T. Rowe Price Retirement 2025(TRRHX) TG +8.1 +14.9 +9.6 * 18,524 Columbia Thermostat C(CTFDX) XY +2.0 +3.4 +4.4 1.25 308
36-mo. used car 3.32% 3.27% Balance of Trade –30 FPA Crescent(FPACX) MA +5.1 +15.9 +9.2 1.07 17,348 Permanent Portfolio Permanent I(PRPFX)
Fidelity Advisor Strategic Real Ret I(FSIRX)
Vanguard Target Retirement 2015 Inv(VTXVX) TD +4.8 +8.9 +7.0 * 17,239
60-mo. new car 3.23 3.36 In billions of dollars Fidelity Freedom K 2030(FFKEX) TH +8.5 +17.4 +9.1 0.05 17,192 Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Inv(VASIX) XY +2.7 +4.1 +4.2 * 3,923
Seasonally adjusted Fidelity Freedom K 2020(FFKDX) TE +6.7 +13.4 +7.5 0.05 16,546 Nationwide Inv Dest Cnsrv Svc(NDCSX) XY +2.0 +4.3 +3.3 0.60 147
Wells Fargo Dow Jones Target 2020 A(STTRX) TE +3.8 +4.6 +4.4 0.81 216
CD’s and Money Market Rates 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 March ’17 –43.7 –50 Average performance for all such funds +6.1 +12.7 +8.0 Bruce(BRUFX) MA +3.6 +4.7 +9.1 0.67 568
Number of funds for period 625 625 622 American Century One Choice VryCnsrv I(AONIX) XY +2.6 +5.0 +4.0 * 434
Feb. ’17 –43.8 ’12 ’17
Money-market 0.31% 0.23%
*Annualized. Leaders and Laggards are among funds with at least $50 million in assets, and include no more than one class of any fund. Today’s fund types: AL-Allocation--70% to 85%
$10K min. money-mkt 0.28 0.23 Equity. CA-Allocation--30% to 50% Equity. CV-Convertibles. MA-Allocation--50% to 70% Equity. RI-Retirement Income. TA-Target-Date 2000-2010. TD-Target-Date 2015. TE-Target-Date 2020.
Housing Supply 7
TG-Target-Date 2025. TH-Target-Date 2030. TI-Target-Date 2035. TJ-Target-Date 2040. TK-Target-Date 2045. TL-Target-Date 2055. TN-Target-Date 2050. XM-Allocation--85%+ Equity. XY-
6-month CD 0.38 0.33 Allocation--15% to 30% Equity. XQ-Target-Date 2060+. NA-Not Available. YTD-Year to date. Spotlight tables rotate on a 2-week basis. Source: Morningstar
In months
1-year CD 0.62 0.54
2-year CD 0.79 0.73 March ’17 3.8 3 ONLINE: MORE PRICES AND ANALYSIS
5-year IRA CD 1.52 1.42 Feb. ’17 3.8 ’12 ’17
Information on all United States stocks, plus bonds, mutual funds, commodities and foreign stocks along
*Credit ratings: good, FICO score 660-749; excellent, FICO score 750-850. Source: with analysis of industry sectors and stock indexes:

Adolph Kiefer, a Gold Medal Backstroker at the 1936 Olympics, Dies at 98

By FRANK LITSKY nevertheless gave him, in his widely known, broke his first
view, his greatest satisfaction. As world record at the age of 15, and
Adolph Kiefer, a celebrated
swimming champion who won a naval officer, appalled at the Improving lifesaving for 15 years he held every world
gold as a teenager at the 1936 number of drowning deaths
among American casualties, he
and swimming backstroke mark. He was the first
man to swim the 100-yard back-
Berlin Olympics and might well
have become one of America’s helped improve swimming and instruction for the stroke in less than one minute, ac-
cording to the International
lifesaving instruction for the
greatest Olympic champions if
World War II had not intervened,
Navy. Navy in World War II. Swimming Hall of Fame, which in-
His triumph in Berlin seemed to ducted him in 1965.
died at his home in Wadsworth, Ill.
presage a dominant Olympic ca- He also set world records in the
He was 98.
reer. As Kiefer took the gold, Albi- individual medley, and from 1935
The United States Olympic on Ross, who was in Berlin cover- “he’d be to the backstroke what through 1945, when he retired
Committee reported his death on ing the Games for The New York Pablo Casals was to the cello.” from swimming, he won 58 na-
its Team USA website on Friday, Times, wrote, “No one who saw to- Tall and good-looking, Kiefer tional championships in back-
describing him as the oldest living day’s race could honestly deny was courted by Hollywood and stroke, individual medley and
United States Olympic champion. that he had witnessed the greatest drew comparisons to matinee freestyle. From 1934 through 1943,
It did not say when he died. back-stroker that has ever swum.” idols. “He is a Van Johnson in pas- he won more than 200 consecutive
If the war denied Kiefer a And Kiefer continued to im- tel drawers, the greatest back- backstroke races.
chance for more Olympic gold — prove, reaching his peak about a stroke swimmer who ever lived,” He broke 23 records in all, in-
the 1940 and 1944 Games were can- decade later, when he was in his the sports columnist Red Smith cluding every national and world
celed because of World War II — it 20s. In an NPR program about wrote. backstroke record, according to
Kiefer in 2008, the sportswriter Kiefer went into business in- Team USA.
William McDonald contributed re- Frank DeFord said that if the war stead, and thrived. Kiefer was 15 when he met the
porting. had not interrupted his career, Sonny Boy Kiefer, as he was captain of the University of Michi-
gan swimming team, Tex
Robertson, who agreed to coach
him. For the next three years
'HDWKV 'HDWKV 'HDWKV Kiefer hitchhiked from his home
tQWO/ LOOLQ WQ%i1/ Wj4Qiy p4LS/ 4S 
6 3Q\ in Chicago to Ann Arbor to train
4SjWS/ 4O4S 4wQS/
tjpv4 4LjjQS/
iy g
6$$x\ with Robertson.
LOOQS/ iiy h4LOO/ %LCLO Q $3IN< U< oI3 Uh0 U<
hsio33i. io<< Q0 uUNsQJ
During practice at the Michigan
4%4OO/ tS4 +Jwipz/ WjOyS o33hi U< . v3 QUo3 vKoI pool in 1936, Kiefer bettered the
033W iUhhUv oI3 WiiKQB U<
$$x g3KNN\ UB3oI3h vKoI American record for the 100-yard
I3h Isi$Q0.  K<3 backstroke. Matt Mann, the Mich-
hsio33 3UhB3 g3KNN. $$x
WNx30 Q KQiohsP3QoN hUN3 igan coach, challenged him to do it
 6KNNKP \ g
6$$x\ KQ B3Q3hUsiNx isWWUhoKQB again. He did, and Mann insisted
I3 ohsio33i Q0 io<< U< gi WhUBhPPKQB. 3QJ
I3oh3 3u3NUWP3Qo sQ0 0UvP3Qo Q0 30s*oKUQN 3<J that he try out for the 1936
PUshQ oI3 NUii U< Ush $3NUu30
*UNN3Bs3\  vi <UhosQo3
<Uhoi\ sh oIUsBIoi h3 vKoI
3UhB3 Q0 oI3 3QoKh3 <PKNx.
Olympic team. Kiefer did, and won
3QUsBI oU $3Q3<Ko <hUP KNNgi Q0 v3 LUKQ oI3P KQ PUshQKQB a place on it at 17.
$hKNNKQo *UsQi3N i  ohsio33 oI3 WiiKQB U<  vUQ03hJ
<hUP VSSp oU rzVz\ sh 033WJ <sN *UQohK$soUh oU Ush In Berlin, Adolf Hitler sought to
3io *UQ0UN3Q*3i oU IKi <PKNx\
hN \ 3KQ3h. IKhPQ
<o3h Q 3wohUh0KQhx NK<3.
exploit the Games as a showcase
P3i \ Ki*I.
K*oUhK KN3x. IKhPQj Ush $3NUu30. $hu3 Q0 $3sJ of Aryan athletic superiority — a
w3*soKu3 Kh3*oUh oK<sN PUoI3h 3Q o3KQ 0K30
h3iK03Qo Q0  UQ sQ0x. WhKN pz. rzVk\ I3 plan that would be undermined by
vi  vhKo3h. Q 30KoUh. UhN the success of the African-Ameri-
IKioUhKQ\ 3h VS>l KQo3huK3v
vKoI KNNKP sNMQ3h KQ I3 can sprinter and long-jumper Jes- Adolph Kiefer after winning the 100-meter backstroke at the
6 3N3Q. UQ x r.
hKi 3uK3v. vI3h3 iI3 vi
Q 30KoUh <hUP VS>l oU VS>S.
se Owens. 1936 Olympics in Berlin with a world-record time. He was 18.
 6UiNxQ \
rzVk. U< KQBIP. . <UhJ Y$hPUvKoyZ. Wii30 vx i3o  ioQ0h0 <Uh oI3 3J Kiefer broke the Olympic
P3hNx U< \ UuKQB vK<3 U< uK3vgi KQo3huK3vi <Uh 03*03i
oI3 No3 h\ 3UhB3 3QiUQ. I3 g3KNN <PKNx PUshQi W3*3<sNNx UQ x >oI o oI3
oU *UP3\ Y
Q No3h x3hi. record for the 100-meter back-
03uUo30 PUoI3h oU 3Qhx Q0 oI3 WiiKQB U< oI3Kh $3NUu30 B3 U< SS ishhUsQ030 $x I3h
<PKNx\ UhQ Uu3P$3h SoI. sNMQ3h KQi*hK$30 IKi $UUM stroke in the trials and semifinals an ice-cold Chicago drainage ca- who traveled the nation encourag-
vK<3 3K0K\ 3NUu30 $x <hK3Q0i $$x KNoUQ g3KNN UQ x p.
Q0 <PKNx\ Ku30 NK<3 oU oI3 rzVk\ I3 0K30 W3*3<sNNx KQ VSVk. iI3 Bh0so30 sQo3h bI3 $N3c oU I3h- b3Q3J
and went on to set a world record nal as a child, and not knowing ing businesses to sponsor fitness
I3h iN33W o B3 4S\ UhQ KQ *UNN3B3 KQ VSp4\ UiNxQ N30  hUsi Q0 oIUsBIo<sN i xUs
<sNN3io. WiiKUQo3 <Uh 30s*J
3v UhM. hi\ g3KNN vi <sNN Q0 *oKu3 NK<3. I3h <Khio h3. 3u3h <hK0 i xUs of 1 minute 5.9 seconds in the final, how to swim, he instinctively programs for their employees.
oKUQ Q0 oI3 hoi\ 3huK*3i UQ iIUsN0 $3. WWx Q0 <UhosQJ
sQ0x. x k o VV-pzP. oI3 0sBIo3h U< uK0 3hJ *h33h vi i  IUiWKoN 0K3oKJ
o3. i xUs 03i3hu3 oU $3\cZ winning the gold medal. He was rolled onto his back and began “I sometimes believe industry
Kv3oI3h KNoUQ Q0 $$x *KQ o
ih3N KUQ UiWKoN.
KQK IW3Ni. s33Qi\
U*M3<3NN3h sy3\ I3 vi Q0 No3h KQ NK<3. iI3 vUhM30 KQ Uh PUh3 oIQ  03*03. 18. kicking his feet furiously until he stamps a man physically fit if his
oI3 NK$hhx o oI3 UIQ x <hUP VS4S oU rzz@. iI3 Ws$J
oI3 3N03io BhQ0*IKN0 U< UIQ
\ U*M3<3NN3h. h\ Q0 $$x UNN3B3 U< hKPKQN sioK*3\ NKiI30 Q0 30Ko30 UQ3 U< oI3 “He did it with the ease and non- reached dry ground. He promptly handshake is firm, his head
N0hK*I U*M3<3NN3h\ I3 BhJ <o3h h3oKhKQB. iI3 $3*P3  *UsQohxgi N30KQB NKo3hhx Q0
uKisN hoi PByKQ3i. hQ0 chalance that are the rare privi- took swimming lessons at a steady enough to do battle with a
0so30 <hUP Uw*hU<o KQ VS@l WiiKUQo3 ios03Qo Q0 ohu3J

6 hhx\ *oU$3h rp. Q0 <hUP h0<Uh0 UNN3B3 KQ N3h oo3Q0KQB *Nii3i o oI3 oh33o\ I3 _sho3hNx LUshQN lege of only the greatest athletes,” Y.M.C.A. and became devoted to three-martini lunch, and his bot-
3v *IUUNgi  WhUJ 0Ki*Uu3h30 oI3 PUio $hKNNKQo
VSp4. 0K30 x p. rzVk\ 3 Ki VS@4\ I3 vi 030K*o30 oU
h0<Uh0 Q0 i3hu30 i Koi BhP Q0 ohu3NKQB oU Uu3h p@ uUK*3i Q0 KPB3i U< Q Mr. Ross wrote. the sport, swimming in Lake tom hard enough to sit long hours
ishuKu30 $x IKi vK<3 U< Q3hNx
>z x3hi. UPUMU. IKi iKio3h Uh0 IKhPQ <Uh QKQ3 *UsQohK3i\ I3 Ki Wh303*3i30 3P3hBKQB B3Q3hoKUQ U< vhKJ
o3hi Q0 hoKioi\
o NiU Ws$J
Kiefer went on to college — ac- Michigan and entering competi- behind a desk,” the swimming hall
Q*x. 0sBIo3hi 3MKx Q0 x3hi\ hi\ g3KNN vi IKhJ $x I3h $3NUu30 Isi$Q0
0K\  P3PUhKN i3huK*3 PQ U< U*M3<3NN3h KQQ*KN oIQ *Ivhoy. I3h $hUoI3h NKiI30 Bh3o vhKo3hi. i*K3QoKioi tually three universities: Texas, tions as a student at Roosevelt of fame quoted him as saying.
Q0 KQo3NN3*osNi- 3vKi IUJ
vKNN $3 I3N0 KQ oI3 *UPKQB 3huK*3i Q0 U*M3<3NN3h  K*Ih0 $hPUvKoy Q0 I3h
iKio3h shK3N N3\ I3 vKNN $3 Pi. 0vh0 K0. KM3 J Columbia and Northwestern — High School that would carry him Kiefer’s wife, the former Joyce
Q NK3s U< <NUv3hi. UPWQx <hUP VSS4 oU rzz@
WN3i3 *UQiK03h PMKQB  0UJ Q0 hsio33 <hUP VSkS oU Bh3oNx PKii30 $x I3h 0sBIJ uKi. UhPQ KN3h. UQ KJ Kainer, whom he married in 1941,
QoKUQ oU oI3 *oUhi sQ0\ VSS4\ I3 NiU i3hu30 i  o3hi- soI KQoy3h. hUN 0KUQ. x0K uKi. KNNKP
hsio33 U< ii*Isi3ooi KJ U*IPQ. Q0 siQ UNNPQ. Q0h3v UWMKQ0. died in 2015. Their four children —
*Ivhoy. I3h iUQJKQJNv sN o3KQ$3hB. 3hhx UsoIJ
QQ*KN 3huK*3i sosN
sQ0i <hUP VSSr oU rzzp\ hi\ K*Ih0 U*IPQ Q0 BhQ0J 3hQ. KNNKP BBN3ioUQ. KUQ Dale, Jack, Kathy and Gail — were
g3KNN vi KQuUNu30 vKoI iUQi oIQK3N Q0 iUQ Iv. 3Qy$shU 3. UIQ
3QQ3oI N$hKoI. oo3ii
competitive swimmers as well,
QsP3hUsi 30s*oKUQN. hoi. U*IPQ. Q0 QsP3hUsi
3 6 sQ3\ 3QuKhUQP3QoN Q0 *UPPsJ QK3*3i Q0 Q3WI3vi\ I3 UiI<3BI. KNoUQ Ni. UIQ with Dale and Jack earning na-
sh iIKQKQB ioh <sNN U< NKBIo <sQ3hN vKNN $3 I3N0 sQ0x. o3hi Q0 PQx PUh3\ 3h
Q0 <Uh3u3h $hKBIo\
QKox i3huK*3 UhBQKyoKUQi
Uu3h  NK<3oKP3 U< WIKNQoIhUJ x koI o VV-pzP. Ny VSkz $UUM. bP3hK*Q UshJ tional rankings at Yale. There was
KQ0. K*I3N Wx Q0 i3huK*3\ I3 i3hu30 i IW3Ni. lpz Pio3h0P Q3x- I3 KP3i U< U$3ho
3QQ30xc 0U*sP3Qo30 oI3
no immediate word on survivors.
Q0 $$3 hK3B3h IKhPQ U< oI3 U*M3<3NN3h u3Qs3. 3v UhM. \
hUoI3hi sQ0. h3iK03Qo U< NK3s U< <NUv3hi. *UQohK$soKUQi <sQ3hN ohKQ. Koi *Ih*o3hi. In later years, Kiefer ran youth
*Q $3 P03 oU oI3 hoI oUhP3Qo Q0 WB3Qohx\ I3
h33Q*h3 UsQ0oKUQ. K*3J
IKhPQ U< I3 UNUQKN o3vho 3Qo3h <Uh KuKQB o $UUM Ki oshQ30 oU 3u3Q oU0x swimming programs in Chicago.
KNNKPi$shB UsQ0oKUQ.  UsQo KQK UiWKoN. <<K*3 $x i*IUNhi Q0 LUshQNKioi\
3h b0K3- Q P3hK*Q KUJ
He and his wife often left their
hsio33 U< 3*I3hi UNN3B3 U< 3u3NUWP3Qo. ooQ- oJ
6Ui3Phx \
UNsP$K QKu3hiKox. Q0  NK3 * $3.
siou3 3ux BhWIxc vi  WoI$h3MKQB home in Wadsworth, just south of
*Qsi\ I3 Uh0 Q0 UhN IKioUhx6 Q 3*N3*oK* PKw
io<< U< oI3 P3hN0
030K*o30 hsio33 U<
Qo3hQJ N*3. Uw Vz@S.  VzzrS\
U< 0Kh3*o o3ioKPUQK3i. IKioUhx the Wisconsin border, to attend
oKUQN Usi3 3v UhM <Uh
PKBhoKUQ 3Qo3h h3 033WNx Q0 3wohUh0KQhx oN3i\
o major meets around the world.
Uu3h >S x3hi\  NUQBoKP3 h3iJ
i003Q30 $x oI3 WiiKQB U< <UsQ0  Bh3o s0K3Q*3. 3iW3J
K03Qo U< xio3h x. . hi\
oI3Kh 03h <hK3Q0 Q0 $Uh0
g3KNN vi  hsio33 U< oI3 *KNNx PUQB xUsQB3h h30J They also took scuba-diving
P3P$3h. Ui3Phx\ 3 3wJ 3hi. Q0 KQiWKh30  Q3v B3J
o3Q0 Ush 033W3io *UQ0UN3QJ
Q3hoKUQ U< UhN IKioUhKQi\
o trips to explore historic ship-
xio3h x vIK*I iI3 Q0 I3h
*3i oU I3h Isi$Q0 Q0 w3J vi  3v UhM KP3i $3ioJ wrecks. He continued to swim ev-
Isi$Q0 3UhB3 v3h3 KQJ
*soKu3 Uh0 P3P$3h. KP i3NN3h <Uh PUQoIi\ YQ $UoI
iohsP3QoN KQ 3io$NKiIKQB
UP$h0. Q0 I3h 3QoKh3 <J
Q0 UQ vIUi3 Uh0 oI3x 0K3 Q0 P3hK*Q UshQ3x. ery day in the small indoor pool at
hKQ gvx3h. IKhPQ
i3hu30 i hsio33 <Uh Uu3h >z
uNs$N3 *UNN$UhoUh\Z 3h his home, even after he developed
x3hi\ I3 vi  hsio33 U<
oI3 UsoI  PKNx UsQi3NJ Nio $UUM. b3io U< 03Qc vi a nerve-damage condition, neu-
KQB B3Q*x U< xio3h xJ **NKP30 KQ  <hUQoJWB3
io UhvK*I. i v3NN i  3v UhM KP3i $UUM h3J ropathy, in his legs and hands,
hsio33 U< oI3 h3QoJIKN0 uK3v\ I3 $UUM. oI3 h3uK3v JEFF HAYNES/REUTERS
which kept him in a wheelchair
UP3 hUBhP U< iis QUo30. *h3o30 biUP3oIKQB
6siou3 \
soioQ0KQB 03<3Qi3 ooUhJ UsQox\ i  NUuKQB PohKh*I Q3v. Q UhNJIKioUhxJ*sPJ Kiefer acknowledging the crowd at the medal ceremony during except for his daily swims. The
soU$KUBhWIx\c I3 vi
Q3x\ UJ<UsQ03h Q0 <Khio
h3iK03Qo U< oI3 3v UhM
U< I3h <PKNx. iI3 vi 03uUoJ
30 oU I3h Isi$Q0. I3h iKw $UhQ KQ IK*BU oU UhKi Q0 the United States Olympic swimming trials in Omaha in 2012. Team USA website quoted him as
UsQ*KN U< 3<3Qi3 vx3hi\ *IKN0h3Q. I3h V4 BhQ0*IKN0h3Q sN3i o3KQ\ 3h <oI3h sN3i.
saying that the water kept him
I3hKiI30 <hK3Q0 Q0 h3iW3*oJ Q0 oIh33 Bh3oJBhQ0J
30 *UNN3Bs3\ 3uUo30 IsiJ *IKN0h3Q\ I3 UhBQKy30 $3<Uh3 <UsQ0KQB . vi alive.
$Q0 oU KQQK3. $3NUu30 <oIJ *UsQoN3ii <PKNx ohKWi Q0 oI3 Pio3hPKQ0 U< UNNxJ but did not earn a degree. He en- to the Olympics. Kiefer never tired of talking
BoI3hKQBi. Q0 vi Q uK0 vUU0gi $siKQ3ii Q0 $xyQJ
3h U< hK*. 3$h Q0 iUQJKQJ
Bh03Q3h Q0 BUN<3h\ I3 vi oKQ3 INNi\ I3 vi  WhU0s*o tered the Navy in 1942 as a special- After the war, Hollywood about the Berlin Olympics, where
Nv 3<<h3x UNUv3x\ 0Uh30
Q0 0UhKQB BhQ0<oI3h U< NiU  h3iK03Qo U< *MiUQ U< oIo vUhN06$so. PUh3 KPJ
WUhoQo. iI3 vi Q U$i3hJ
ist in the physical fitness and producers wanted Kiefer to try he befriended Owens, who won
*M Q0 ooI3v UNUv3x\ UN3. xUPKQB Q0 M3
3 vKNN $3 033WNx PKii30\ N3i. NUhK0. vI3h3 iI3 uQo Q0 ioso3 *IhUQK*N3h U< swimming division. the movies, in one case offering four gold medals.
UNNxvUU0gi KQ<Ns3Q*3 UQ
vi  P3P$3h U< oI3 UsQJ He soon found that the Navy him the role of Tarzan. Bob Ki-
oKQ M3 Ns$\ I3 Ki ishJ P3hK*gi Wio. Wh3i3Qo Q0 One day, while Kiefer was train-
uKu30 $x I3h Isi$Q0 U< lk <sosh3\ 3h KQo3huK3vi vKoI was losing more lives to drowning phuth, the celebrated coach at
x3hi. 3UhB3 \ g3KNN U< NK*3 UUi3u3No UQBvUhoI. ing, Hitler came by with an entou-
sN o3KQ$3hB. N$3hoU KJ than to gunfire. With his Yale, wanted him to become an as-
xio3h x. 3v UhM Q0
*UP3ooK. s$Q 3NKo3i Q0 h3J rage of Nazi officials, including the
6siou3\ oI3Kh iKw *IKN0h3Q- 3UhB3 \ superiors’ approval, he set about sistant. But Kiefer turned them all
I3 <PKNx U< UN UN0PQ g3KNN. h\ YhK*Z U< M3 uUNsoKUQhK3i. v3h3 Ws$NKiI30 powerful Hermann Göring. Hitler
PUshQi oI3 WiiKQB U< si N3i.  j $$x \ sNMKQi KQ  vK03 hQB3 U< UsoN3oi\ I3 running swimming and lifesaving down and began manufacturing
3vPQ\ si vi  $hKNNKQo YIhN3iZ U< IWW_s. j WWh3QoK*30 oU NK yQ.
instruction for the entire Navy. He swimming pool and lifesaving had learned of Kiefer’s German
ooUhQ3x. ohs3 B3QoN3PQ Q0 <hUP VS>@J>l. UQ oI3 i3oi U<
03h <hK3Q0 oU Ush <PKNx\ 3
uK0 \ g3KNN YUQQK3Z U<
h33QvUU0 KNNB3. j oIJ bo UQ  Uo KQ UU<c Q0 called it his “greatest thrill.” equipment under the name heritage and wanted to meet him.
3wo3Q0 Ush I3ho<3No *UQJ hKQ3 \ hU03hK*M Y 3uKQZ U< b$x UNN\c Q0
vUhM30 i  *UJWhU0s*3h UQ.
“No one could get on a ship Adolph Kiefer and Associates. “I remember him being a small
0UN3Q*3i oU IKi vK<3. KQQK3. hUii3 UKQo3 hPi. 
Q0 IKi <PKNx\ 3Q0x \ g3KNN YuK0 xJ bIogi UKQB Q 3h3`.c 
without taking a 21-hour course in The business later became the man with a small hand,” Kiefer
NNQ. KQ3. Px. VSlp ioKhK*N o3N3uKiKUQ i3hK3i
Q3hZ U< hiUo.  Q0 3J
o3h \ g3KNN Y oK3Z U< 3v <Uh IQQ3N >. 0Kh3*o30 $x UJ swimming,” Kiefer said. “We de- Kiefer Sports Group, based in told the Times columnist Ira
UhM. \
Q NK3s U< <NUv3hi. QoIQ KNN3h. vIK*I PUu30
oU oI3 0 sNNKuQ iIUv\ I3 signed lifesaving equipment and Zion, Ill., building swimming Berkow in 2000, “and his hand-
0UQoKUQi Px $3 P03 oU
oI3 UPPsQKox UsQ0oKUQ I0  oN3Qo <Uh BoI3hKQB oI3 taught them what we called the pools, pool equipment and safety shake wasn’t a firm one. Then he
PUio KQo3h3ioKQB W3UWN3 J U<J
U< xio3h x. \\ Uw prS.
o3Q  vKN0 *hUii WUNNKQoKUQ U< victory backstroke” — which be- devices. His company credits him spoke to the interpreter, and I was
xio3h x.  VVkkV. I3
6siou3 \
NiiPo3. *UNN3Bs3. <hK3Q0
gan with the arms extended over with introducing the first com- told he said something like, ‘This
0oKUQ. \\ Uw Vkkl. KNJ *KQi. ohUs$N3PM3hi. LUshQJ
Q0  ohsNx Bh3o Bsx\ NKPi$shB.  rpV4k Uh  *IJ NKioi. vIKioN3$NUv3hi. *oUhi. the head forming a V. mercial line of plastic kickboards young man is the perfect example
3UQ Q0 h$h u3oiMx vhKo3hi Q0 hoKioi\ I3 I0 
iohUQB *UPPKoP3Qo oU *KuKN Adolph Gustav Kiefer was born and developing the nylon swim- of the true Aryan.’”
xUs Q0 iI3 iIh30 Q
KQo3h3io\ hKBIoi. Q0 LsioK*3 <Uh oI3 on June 27, 1918, in Chicago, the ming suit, among other innova- Kiefer added: “At the time, I
N3ioKQKQ W3UWN3 J _sK3oNx
isWWUhoKQB uhKUsi BhUsWi. fourth of seven children of Ger- tions. Kiefer owned more than a was honored to meet this impor-
Ws$NKiIKQB IUsi3i. P30K UsoJ
N3oi Q0 vhKo3hi vUhMKQB oU man-born parents, who called him dozen patents for swimming gear tant head of state. But if I knew
0uQ*3 oIUi3 Kiis3i\ I3 Sonny. His father was a candy and invented a flip turn for the then what I know now about
vi  $Uh0 P3P$3h U< oI3
h3Q$UKPJK0 UsQ0oKUQ\ maker. backstroke that is still used. He Hitler, I should have thrown him
6$KBKN KNoUQ\ I3 vi NiU  $Uh0 P3PJ sold the business in 2011 to a pri- into the pool and drowned him. I
I3 U*M3<3NN3h QKu3hiKox $3h U< 3i3h*I oU h3u3Qo By Kiefer’s account, his swim-
PUshQi oI3 WiiKQB U< Ush NKQ0Q3ii Y uKiKUQ h3i3h*I ming life began with a near- vate investment firm. even can’t stand the name Adolph
*I3hKiI30 <hK3Q0 Q0 $3Q3J UhBQKyoKUQ <UsQ030 $x I3h
<*oUh $$x g3KNN\ I3 <oI3h KQ VSlz. vK03Nx *h30Ko30 drowning. Falling by accident into Kiefer was a fitness advocate now. But I’m stuck with it.”
Bh3o J BhQ00sBIo3h U< vKoI NsQ*IKQB oI3 
gi J
U*M3<3NN3h QKu3hiKox <UsQJ oKUQN x3
QioKoso3Z\ I3 vi
03h UIQ \ U*M3<3NN3h.  <sQ0hKi3h <Uh 03<3Q0Qoi KQ
$$x 3P$h*30 oI3 U*M3J oI3 3QoBUQ W3hi ohKNj
<3NN3h <PKNx oh0KoKUQ U< UJIKh vKoI 3NK*K 3hQJ
oIUsBIo<sN Q0 3<<3*oKu3 WIKJ io3KQ U< oI3 UPPKoo33 oU 3J
NQoIhUWx. <U*siKQB UQ 30s*J <UhP hUN3 vi U< 3v
oKUQ. IKioUhK* Wh3i3huoKUQ. UhM oo3j Q0  $Uh0
Q0 *IKN0 v3N<h3\ o I3 P3P$3h U< oI3 hoKQ soI3h
U*M3<3NN3h QKu3hiKox. vKoI KQB UsQ0oKUQ\ hUP VSkl
I3h Isi$Q0. 3UhB3 \ oU rzz>. iI3 vi  $Uh0
g3KNN. $$x vi  B3Q3hUsi P3P$3h U< oI3 UPWK0Us
Q0 io30<io isWWUho3h U< UsQ0oKUQ\ 3h MKQ0Q3ii.
oI3 QQsN sQ0. oI3 UP3Q B3QoN3Q3ii. B3Q3hUiKox U<
QKoKoKu3. Q0 oI3 iWKhKo. KQ03W3Q03Qo PKQ0. KQJ
3BBx U*M3<3NN3h UQ*3ho o3NN3*osN *shKUiKox. Q0 I3h
3hK3i\ 3xUQ0 oI3 QKu3hiKJ $3BsKNKQB iPKN3 vKNN $3 Bh3oNx
ox. $$x vi 03uUo30 oU PKii30 $x si. Q0 $x I3h
3*I3hi UNN3B3. I3 UNUJ PQx <hK3Q0i\ 3h KQ<Ns3Q*3
QKN KNNKPi$shB UsQ0J UQ Ush *UsQohxgi *sNoshN NK<3
oKUQ. Q0
Qo3hQoKUQN Usi3. vi _sK3o. $so *N3h Q0 ish3\
PUQB PQx UoI3h KQioKosJ I3 Ki ishuKu30 $x I3h 0sBIJ
oKUQi\ 3 i3Q0 Ush 033W3io o3hi. ohKQ Q0 3Q0x uQJ
*UQ0UN3Q*3i oU 3UhB3 03Q 3su3N. Q0 I3h BhQ0J
g3KNN Q0 oU $$x Q0 3UhJ 0sBIo3hi K*UN UI3Q Q0
B3gi *IKN0h3Q- 3UhB3 \ KN UN3x\ I3 <sQ3hN vKNN $3
g3KNN. h\. $$x \ sNMKQi. WhKuo3j  3PUhKN *3N3$hJ
uK0 \ g3KNN. oIhKQ3 \ oKUQ vKNN $3 I3N0 KQ oI3 NN\
hU03hK*M. 3Q0x \ g3KNN.
Q0 3o3h \ g3KNN. i v3NN 
6h\ hx\
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sii3NN hiUQ. hU   PUshQ oI3 WiiJ
IKhPQ KQB U< Ush <hK3Q0 Q0 *UNJ
K*Ih0 K<oUQ. N3Bs3. h\ hx 3KiiPQ\
h3iK03Qo 3iK03i $3KQB Q 3wohUh0KQJ
U3N UI3Q. hx iohU3Qo3hUNUBKio. I3
$$x U*M3<3NN3h sy3 i3hu30 i Ush IK3< 30K*N
hU<3iiUh <<K*3h\ h\ 3KiiPQ vi
UQ3 U< oIUi3 hh3 WIxiK*KQi.
P33oKQB oI3 Q330i U< oI3
vIUN3 WoK3Qo Q0 oI3Kh <PKJ
Q h3*3Qo x3hi I3 3wo3Q0J
30 IKi 3wW3hoKi3. Q0 03iKh3 oU
ohQi<UhP 3NoI*h3 UQoU 
vUhM vKoI WosP\ 3 vi 
BsK0KQB <Uh*3.  $hKBIo NKBIo
Q0 vKNN $3 PKii30 03hNx\

  6h303hK*M K*I3N\
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BsKiI30 KQ oI3 vUhN0 vI3Q v3
NUio Ush 03h bK*M3xc <Ush
x3hi BU\ Kiefer at a meet in 1937. From 1934 through 1943 he won more than 200 consecutive backstroke
U$KQ Q0 PKNx races, and he broke 23 records in all, including every national and world backstroke record.

Nostalgic for past adventures Edward Snowden interviews

on the slopes in ‘Ski End.’ Cory Doctorow about sci-fi.

An exhibition and festival for Awaiting the dawn with the

the artist John Giorno. charming ‘Los Elementos.’




French Vote
The Culturati
A trend of ‘neither-nor’ leads
to a last-minute mobilization
for the centrist candidate.
PARIS — The French comedian Sophia Aram
took to the airwaves of one of France’s most
popular morning radio shows this week. In
the squealy voice of a teenage girl, she
cried, “I can be against toothbrushes, and
against cavities!” She then added: “Hash-
tag: NeitherCheeseNorDessert.”
Ms. Aram was making light of what she
saw as a worrisome trend ahead of the
French presidential election on Sunday, a
race that has divided the country’s
intellectuals and cultural figures: voters,
especially on the left, who might abstain or
cast a blank ballot because they intensely
dislike both the centrist front-runner Em-
manuel Macron and his far-right rival,
Marine Le Pen.
The “Neither-Nor” impulse, as it’s called
here, was a factor in past French elections,
but greater discontent — with conventional

For some, a choice between

a front-runner and casting a
blank ballot.
political parties and the European Union —
has been particularly strong this time.
“A lot of people don’t recognize them-
selves in either of these candidates,” said
Sudhir Hazareesingh, a politics professor at

Still Stretching Toward Heaven

Oxford University and the author of “How
the French Think.” The backdrop is a
French left that’s divided, especially over
the big Cs: capitalism and communism —
and the collapse of the governing Socialist
party in this election.
Ms. Aram and others worry that this
Tony Kushner’s LONDON — And so the great work has begun
once again.
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on
National Themes
Andrew Garfield as the
central character in the
plague-on-both-your-houses sentiment is,
in effect, a vote for Ms. Le Pen, the National
National Theater’s
marathon play from No, that is not a reference to the impossi-
ble mission of taping back together a busted
National Theater
production of “Angels in
America,” who finds
Front’s candidate — whom they regard as
xenophobic, divisive and authoritarian.
And that has prompted a flurry of last-
the 1990s remains planet, urged by one of the hectoring title
characters in Tony Kushner’s “Angels in
A Gay Fantasia on National Themes,” the
sky is not the limit, and no work of theater
himself ill and abandoned
by his lover.
minute mobilizations among the cultural
elite to rally left-leaning abstainers, includ-
since has quite matched its reach.
both relevant and America.” Alas, that project is feeling like a
no-go these days.
Directed by Marianne Elliott, and featur-
ing an illustrious cast that includes Andrew
ing by the actor Mathieu Kassovitz and the
directors Agnès Varda, Jacques Audiard
unmatched in its I’m talking about “Angels in America” it-
self, which opened Thursday night at the
Garfield and Nathan Lane in top form, this
“Angels” is a rich, imperfect production of a
and Bertrand Tavernier.
In writing her radio riff, Ms. Aram said

reach. National Theater here in a 25th-anniversa-

ry revival that confirms its place in the pan-
rich, imperfect play. But that’s a bit like say-
ing there are bricks missing from the
she had listened to friends and young peo-
ple. “What struck me is the irresponsibility
theon of dramas that stretch toward the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Mr. Kushner’s of some of the ‘Neither-Nor’ supporters,”
heavens. In the case of “Angels in America: CONTINUED ON PAGE C5


For These Tested Couples,

Love Is Surely Not Enough
The poignant challenges of New York City Ballet Spring Gala
romance in a premiere of David H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center
Alexei Ratmansky’s ‘Odessa.’
and dance they do. The ballet’s particular
When the choreographer Merce Cunning- spell, however, concerns the overlap of their
social interaction with their inner lives.
ham was asked in 1991 what his vivid new
While you see how these men and women
piece, “Neighbors,” was about, he replied,
behave with one another — there are mo-
“Three neighborhood couples, probably
ments of personal violence — here and
from the suburbs.” To the next question, “Is there, you also glimpse their souls.
that all?,” he answered, “Isn’t that Odessa is a city on the Black Sea. Even if
enough?” Alexei Ratmansky could say this ballet didn’t bear its name, you could
much the same about “Odessa,” his peculiar guess that it was set today, somewhere in
and marvelous new creation for New York the farther reaches of what used to be the
City Ballet, except that his characters aren’t Soviet Union. The costumes, by Keso Dek-
suburban: They’re outgoing, intense, so- ker, have a very specific kind of strenuous
phisticated up to a point, but thoroughly semi-elegance: the women in individually
provincial. patterned mini-dresses, the men in uniform
Mr. Ratmansky doesn’t condescend to striped shirts. And the music, “Sketches to
them or to the six couples of the corps de Sunset,” by Leonid Desyatnikov (Mr. Rat-
ballet. They’re all dressed up to go dancing, CONTINUED ON PAGE C5 Aloft, from left, Tiler Peck, Sara Mearns and Sterling Hyltin, with other members of New York City Ballet, in “Odessa.”


A Search for Dad,

Along With Nessie
In ‘Fossils,’ a sighting and creatures gone by. But the
production tantalizes with, rather
upends a biologist’s life. than delivers on, this theme. Run-
ning just over an hour and relying
IF YOU HAVE to be dragged back
on only three performers (Luke
into familial distress, why not let a Murphy, playing another doctoral
student, is the third), it ends at
mythical plesiosaur do the tug-
least a scene too soon, before we
ging? In “Fossils,” an inventive
get any sense of how Vanessa’s ad-
entry in the Brits Off Broadway
ventures will affect her life.
festival at 59E59 Theaters, a
But let’s talk about how the in-
sighting of the Loch Ness monster
genuity of “Fossils” might affect
forces a young scientist to con- yours. (And Nessie’s. More than
front her unhappy past. Narra- eight months have passed since
tively slight and at least a little anyone has reported a sighting, so
nutty, this piece, created by the she could use the publicity.)
company Bucket Club, is deft in Bucket Club’s style mixes story
form and nifty in presentation. theater and toy theater with both
Vanessa (Helen Vinten) is a whimsy and rigor. The set con-
hard-working, hard-thinking evo- sists of a couple of water tanks up
lutionary biologist who probably
sleeps under her desk. Her idea of
a hot and heavy Saturday night? Fossils
Arguing with creationists in chat Through May 14 at 59E59 Theaters,
rooms. Most of her research is Manhattan; 212-279-4200, 59e59
deeply unsexy and involves .org. Running time: 1 hour 5
experiments with the skin cells of
a coelacanth, “a living fossil” of a
fish, once thought to have gone ex- front, along with a lot of plastic
tinct 65 million years ago. dinosaurs. At a mixing board in
But an unusually clear image of the back, the actors loop music
Nessie upends her studious life. and their own voices to make a
From left, Jeff Wood, Allison LaPlatney, Emilie Soffe, Ben Vigus and Toni Ann DeNoble as a group of friends in this play at the New Ohio Theater. Journalists invade Vanessa’s lab wonderfully weirdo score, com-
with questions about the work of posed by the sound designer Da-
her father, a researcher obsessed

Back on the Slopes Again

vid Ridley. One instrument they
with the monster, who went miss- use is a repurposed video game
ing years ago. Eventually, she and console that should have Léon
her cheery Ph.D. student Dominic Theremin giggling in his grave.
(Adam Farrell) light out for that Under Nel Crouch’s direction,
Trapped in an abandoned ski snowy mountain, for the mom-and-pop
store that ruled America before buyers
as though we are watching a game without
lake of legend, where Vanessa will the performers manipulate
knowing its rules. Yet the production, di-
shop, nostalgic friends relive flocked to the internet. The gang came up at rected by Tara Ahmadinejad at the New
try out some advanced imaging stegosaurus figurines and act,
technology and maybe come to score and narrate with scientific
their past adventures. a time when “virgin soft powder” wasn’t
threatened by climate change, and weather
Ohio Theater, has a sweet, eccentric charm grips with Dad’s disappearance. precision and obvious warmth.
that’s most powerfully felt when the cast
brought the promise of fun rather than me- To hold a fossil is to clutch a You probably don’t believe in the
members start singing in unison. fragment of prehistory, and “Fos- Loch Ness monster and you may
AFTER FINDING THEMSELVES locked in an teorological catastrophe — we eventually “Ski End” also dispenses, almost offhand-
abandoned Vermont ski store, a group of learn that the derelict outlet was damaged sils” explores what remains — not believe in “Fossils.” But you
edly, acute observations about a society in personally, zoologically — of times should have faith in these actors.
friends has the only reasonable reaction: “I which impermanence passes for progress.
guess we live here now,” one says.
Ski End “People talk about, oh ‘Change,’ like
Lo and behold, a good chunk of the new
Through May 19 at the New Ohio Theater, places just ‘change,’ you know, but it’s like,
play “Ski End” consists of amusing make-
believe situations in which the pals give Manhattan; Running it’s not a rule of the universe that things get
themselves new names and pretend to time: 1 hour 30 minutes. taken away from you,” says Natalie (Nicole
shred on the slopes. “I see they got the fu- Suazo), one of three teenagers who intrude
nicular up and running for the season,” Paul on the older interlopers’ winter wonder-
by Tropical Storm Irene, which devastated
(Ben Vigus) says. “A classic Swiss design,” Vermont in 2011. land. “That’s someone doing something to
Vic (Toni Ann DeNoble) adds. “Ski is not the same as it used to be,” Han- you and getting away with it, it’s not just Na-
This is a scenario straight out of a chil- nah (Emilie Soffe) says. “Look around! ture unfolding.”
dren’s adventure — but Paul, Vic, et al. ap- How much longer can this last?” She may The teenagers bring the would-be skiers
pear to be in their late 20s and early 30s. be referring to winter sports, or to the back to reality, as when, in an improvised
They are nostalgic for carefree days on a “Goonies”-type escapade that, perhaps, al- exchange, young Ken (Kijani-Ali Gaulman)
lows her and her friends to delay adulthood. tells Paul about growing up in the Bronx.
As with many collectively devised shows The play then abruptly turns into a kind of
Other points of view — in this case by the Piehole company, interstellar trip punctuated by black light
whose 2015 “Hand Foot Fizzle Face” was and confusing voice-overs. It is a collective
on the Op-Ed page based on a hermetic 1976 book by Samuel “we don’t know how to end this show!” cry
seven days a week. Beckett and Jasper Johns — “Ski End” as much as anything else, and a crash land- CAROL ROSEGG

The New York Times struggles to find a shape and at times it feels ing for an otherwise lovable experiment. Helen Vinten and Luke Murphy in “Fossils,” part of Brits Off Broadway.

Corner of Houston & Mercer 995-2000
DON’T SEE COMING AND FEATURES RICHARD GERE 10:00, 10:45AM, 12:05, 1:00, 2:20, 3:20, 4:40, 5:40, GRAEME
IN ONE OF HIS BEST PERFORMANCES EVER.” 7:00, 8:00*, 9:20, 10:45, 11:35PM “An EXTRAORDINARY literary treat.” SIMSION
10:00, 11:00AM, 12:15, 1:15, 2:35, 3:35, 4:55, 5:55,

NORMAN Crossword
7:15, 8:15, 9:35, 10:35, 11:50PM

10:20AM, 1:05, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15PM


Edited by Will Shortz
10:20AM, 3:05, 7:45PM, 12:00AM
The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer PUZZLE BY JOE DIPIETRO
WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY JOSEPH CEDAR RAW ACROSS 33 Marine fish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12:30, 5:20, 10:10PM
MANHATTAN STATEN ISLAND 1 Be on K.P., in a related to the
LINCOLN PLAZA 35 “Star Trek:
FOR MORE INFO: 212-757-2280
212-753-6022 212-260-7289
11:30, 2:15, 5:00, 12:05, 2:35, 5:10,
11 ___ school
T.N.G.” counselor 17 18
12:10, 2:20, 4:40, 7:05, 9:30 7:35, 10:10 7:35, 10:00 DEPOT 718-273-6098 Advance Tickets - For more information call (212)757-2280
15 Sly depiction,
37 They’re not
BAM ROSE CINEMAS BRIELLE CINEMAS BRIELLE CINEMAS 11:30AM, 1:30, 3:40, 5:40, 7:45, 9:50PM complex
ADVANCE SALES: 718-636-4100 596-9113 441-9835 NEAR YOU! 22 23 24 25
12:45, 2:25, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25, 10:10PM sort 40 “___ Sleeps
LIKE CRAZY 17 Play and movie
12:05, 2:15, 4:35, 7:00, 9:20PM Over” (classic 26 27 28
A WOMAN’S LIFE about a noted children’s book)
STALKER 11:00AM, 3:10, 7:30, 9:55PM 1977 series of 42 Some sorority
29 30 31 32
1:00PM, 4:15, 7:30PM NORMAN: THE MODERATE RISE & TRAGIC FALL interviews
12:10, 2:20, 4:40, 7:05, 9:30PM women
I AM NOT A QUIET PASSION 18 Moves 46 One asking for
33 34 35 36

(Partially subtitled) 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, YOUR NEGRO 11:20AM, 1:45, 6:30, 9:00PM unpredictably Ahmed Adoudi, 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
7:00, 9:30 12:00PM, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00PM OBIT. 1:15, 5:30PM
THE DINNER 144 & 165 W. 65th St. NATASHA 4:10PM 19 Partners in many say
12:20, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:10 lesbian couples 46 47 48 49
49 Setting for Red
THE MODERATE RISE AND TRAGIC FALL 20 Who said Sox games: Abbr.
12:05, 2:35, 5:10, 7:35, 10:00 “Politics is 50 Stick back in the
YOUR NAME war without water? 53 54 55
(Subtitled:) 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:15, 9:45 bloodshed”
THE LOST CITY OF Z • 51 See 52-Across
1:00, 4:10, 7:00, 9:50 21 Lost all patience 56 57 58 59
THE BREAKFAST CLUB and THE ROOM 52 With 51-Across,
at Midnight 22 It disappears two steps 60 61
after rising away from AA,
23 Circuit informally 62 63
25 “Doktor Faust” 53 Torment
composer 54 Acoustics unit 5/6/17

26 Bovarism 55 Brood 62 It’s often picked 12 Former home of 39 1981 and 1988
27 1983 7x up in bars the Colts World Series-
56 It may be just a
platinum Billy winning manager
bit 63 One who’s gotten 13 Like some chest
Joel album, with good marks? pain 41 1988 Olympics
57 Winner of the

“An” locale
1998 Masters 14 Lot
29 Japanese import and British Open 43 Urban lab
that debuted in DOWN 21 Vandal transporter,
60 Prefix with
Answers to 1982 1 Isn’t resolute 23 Italian bread maybe
Previous Puzzles -genous
31 John in a suit? that’s become 44 Bonds
61 One who won’t 2 Land
toast? 45 Noah’s
32 Hinge (upon) give kids a shot?
3 Crush
24 Currently into predecessor
4 Sibilate something 47 Eloise creator
5 Feature of only 25 Center of a Thompson
R A M A D A T R U M B O two letters blowout, maybe 48 Rapper with the
D E L O V E L Y A E G E A N 6 Overnight letter? 28 Camp sight debut album
O S O L E M I O P A G A N S “Hard Core”
7 President Peres 30 Balding
D I N E R O U R A L S G T 54 Jurist’s seat
O N E S T I R E S C U B A 8 Insect, e.g. 34 Long stretch 55 Suggestive
M A G E S D O R A G 9 Oldswitch 36 Sticks in the transmission
S H I P O F T H E L I N E extension water? 57 What’s more in
H O U S E T R A I N I N G 10 Start of a sequel, 37 Rows Madrid?
P O U N D S T E R L I N G sometimes 58 Beginnings of life
38 Herb of PBS’s
Fill the grid with digits so as not to repeat a digit in any row or column, and so that the digits within each 11 Intifada locale “Ciao Italia” 59 Blemish
heavily outlined box will produce the target number shown, by using addition, subtraction, multiplication or
division, as indicated in the box. A 4x4 grid will use the digits 1-4. A 6x6 grid will use 1-6.
O H I O A N G A D A B O U T Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 9,000 past puzzles,
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Arts, Briefly

Trump Jokes at a High Ready, Set, Go


In December, Stephen Colbert

told John Dickerson of CBS in an
interview, “Now I have no choice
but to actually enjoy this incredi-
ble gift every day that Mr. Trump
will be,” referring to the notion
that President Trump would be a
boon to late-night comedy shows.
Researchers at George Mason
University have released a study
that aims to quantify exactly how
much of a gift Mr. Trump has
been. According to the report, TOM McCARTHY The artist
Mr. Trump was the subject of
presents “Nothing Will Have
1,060 jokes from the leading
late-night talk-show hosts in his Taken Place Except the
first 100 days in office — far Place” and speaks with the
surpassing the number of jokes critic Hal Foster. 7:30 p.m.,
other recent presidents attracted Paula Cooper Gallery.
in their entire first year in the
White House. There were 936
directed at Barack Obama in
2009, and 546 toward George W.
Bush in 2001. Bill Clinton had
only 440 jokes directed at him in
The study counted “The Late
Show With Stephen Colbert,”
Jimmy Fallon,” “Jimmy Kimmel
Live!” and “The Daily Show admirers is his partner of nearly “Information” and that invites as are many of Burroughs’s Broadway season, an uptick in
With Trevor Noah.” It notably did two decades, the Swiss artist Ugo people to call a number and hear belongings, such as the typewrit- sales was unlikely.
not include “Full Frontal With Rondinone, who this summer will recorded poems by William S. er with which he wrote the 1981 The musical had seemed
Samantha Bee.” stage “Ugo Rondinone: I  John Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg and novel “Cities of the Red Night.” promising in pre-Broadway
The study also said that Mr. Giorno,” an exhibition and festi- John Cage, among others. Parts of Mr. Giorno’s home, outings at Berkeley Repertory
Colbert had made the most jokes ‘CYRANO de BERGERAC’
val that will open on June 21 at Mr. Giorno, interviewed at his like his Tibetan Buddhist shrine Theater and then at the Center
at the expense of Mr. Trump locations across Manhattan. and a cast-bronze reproduction The tenor Roberto Alagna
loft on the Bowery, was more Theater Group in Los Angeles,
(337), followed by Mr. Noah Mr. Rondinone, above right, humble than Mr. Rondinone in of his massive fireplace, by Mr. and was anticipated on Broad- stars in this Franco Alfano
(315), Mr. Fallon (231) and Mr. described “I  John Giorno” — a speaking about the sweep of this Rondinone, will also be on view way because it stars Phillipa Soo, opera. 12:30 p.m., Metropoli-
Kimmel (177). title that suggests Mr. Giorno, exhibition, which includes five in “I  John Giorno,” which was who had been nominated for a tan Opera.
SOPAN DEB above left, who was born and decades’ worth of art. “Every first staged in 2015 at the Palais Tony last year for originating the 212-362-6000,
raised in Brooklyn, as a quintes- person can look back on their life de Tokyo, above, in Paris. role of Eliza in “Hamilton.”
sential New York figure — as a and see a great opera,” he said. JOSHUA BARONE “Amélie” features music by
A Retrospective “kaleidoscopic” retrospective Still, his home — which ac- Daniel Messé, lyrics by Mr.
that includes items from Mr. tually comprises three lofts on Messé and Nathan Tysen, and a
For John Giorno Giorno’s archive, as well as different levels of a landmark ‘Amélie’ Musical to End book by Craig Lucas; it is di-
Since the 1960s, John Giorno has works by his collaborators and 1885 building — has, in many rected by Pam MacKinnon. The
been a nexus of New York’s Mr. Rondinone. ways, been as central to the New Its Run on Broadway musical, produced by Aaron
downtown art scene. This 80- Among the works on view will York art scene as Mr. Giorno’s The Tony Awards have claimed Harnick, David Broser, Triptyk
year-old poet, artist and activist be Warhol’s seminal 1963 film career. This is where Mark their first casualty: “Amélie,” a Studios, Spencer B. Ross and
had been a muse of Andy “Sleep,” in which he shot Mr. Rothko painted, Burroughs lived, new Broadway musical, an- Harbor Entertainment, cost up to
Warhol’s and has hosted dinner Giorno sleeping for more than and Warhol filmed “Sleep.” Art- nounced on Thursday evening $12 million to capitalize, accord-
parties with friends like Patti five hours; Mr. Rondinone’s 2011 work on the walls includes a that it would close on May 21. ing to a filing with the Securities
Smith, Robert Mapplethorpe and video work “Thanx 4 Nothing,” photograph by Nan Goldin and a The musical, adapted from the and Exchange Commission; that
Keith Haring. In more recent which features Mr. Giorno read- painting by Haring. 2001 film about a shy but whimsi- money will now be lost. The
years, he has collaborated with ing his poem of the same title; The bed where “Sleep” was cally altruistic French waitress, musical opened on April 3; at the ‘PACIFIC OVERTURES’ Sond-
the French artist Pierre Huyghe and a restaging of Mr. Giorno’s filmed is still there — in 1998 Mr. had struggled at the box office time of its closing, it will have heim’s musical. 3 and 8 p.m.,
and starred in the music video “Dial-a-Poem,” a 1969 piece that Huyghe filmed Mr. Giorno on it since opening to underwhelming played 27 preview and 56 regular Classic Stage Company.
for R.E.M.’s final single. was included in the Museum of in “Sleep Talking,” which will be reviews. Without a single Tony performances. 866-811-4111,
Also among Mr. Giorno’s Modern Art’s 1970 exhibition on view in “I  John Giorno” — nomination in a competitive MICHAEL PAULSON

Edward J. Snowden interviews with 3-D printers, abundant sources of food - VARIETY, Andrew Barker

and mobile fabricators, the people can

the novelist Cory Doctorow via make anything they need. “
video feed from overseas. Having Mr. Snowden act as the inter-
“ ELLE “
viewer was a brilliant marketing tactic —
the packed auditorium erupted into cheers NAOMI FANNING SUSAN
About half an hour into Cory Doctorow’s
discussion of his new science-fiction novel,
when his face first appeared on the screens
flanking the stage — but it also made WATTS SHOWS
“Walkaway,” at the New York Public Li-
philosophical sense. Some of Mr. Doc-
torow’s earlier novels feature rebellious SHINES ONE OF
brary on Wednesday, the man interviewing
him suddenly froze in midsentence.
hacker heroes who take on shadowy corpo-
rations and tyrannical government agen-
- THE FILM STAGE, Jared Mobarak THE BEST - NOW TORONTO, Susan G. Cole

The crowd murmured uncomfortably as OF HER

technicians rushed to the stage to fix the cies and fight the erosion of civil liberties.
feed, which beamed a frozen image of Ed- And Mr. Doctorow knew that Mr. Snowden GENERATION.”
- INDIEWIRE, Kevin Jagernauth
ward J. Snowden, who was some 4,660 miles was a fan of his work from watching “Citi-
away in Moscow, onto two large screens. zenfour” (in one scene, Mr. Snowden stands
“Oh, there’s the N.S.A.,” Mr. Doctorow in his hotel room next to a table that holds a
joked when the video stalled. “Ed warned copy of Mr. Doctorow’s novel “Homeland,”
us this might happen and said we should which features a hacktivist protagonist who
just make a joke about the N.S.A. and wait
for him to come back.”
Mr. Snowden, a former contractor for the
National Security Agency who leaked a
trove of classified documents that revealed
the agency’s vast surveillance operation
against hundreds of millions of United
States citizens and others, has become
something of a fugitive hero and pop culture
icon. He’s been featured in video games and
a graphic novel and is the subject of an
Academy Award-winning documentary,
“Citizenfour,” as well as a 2016 feature film SARAH STACKE/NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY
directed by Oliver Stone. He appeared, via
video, in a play with Daniel Radcliffe at the A feed of Edward J. Snowden talking with the
Public Theater. There’s an Edward Snow- science-fiction writer Cory Doctorow at the
den action figure. New York Public Library.
But it was unusual for Mr. Snowden to
make an appearance at a New York literary is deciding whether to leak incriminating
event, where he acted as the interlocutor. government documents). So when his new
“Normally, I don’t ask the questions,” he novel was coming out, he tweeted Mr. Snow-
said at the beginning of the discussion. den and asked if he would consider blurbing
He proceeded to ask a lot of them, press- it. Mr. Snowden enthusiastically agreed.
ing Mr. Doctorow about copyright law,
Just before his feed faltered, Mr. Snow-
scarcity and abundance, and other themes
den was speaking passionately about free-
in the novel, and whether he intended his
dom and American values. “This is a coun-
book to be an optimistic or pessimistic vi-
try that, many people forget, is born from an
sion. “As a science-fiction writer, I’m keenly
aware we have no claim to predicting the fu- act of treason,” he said. “We were all rebels
ture,” Mr. Doctorow said. “If the future were willing to risk the rope in order to create
predictable, I don’t know why I’d bother get- something that was less ordered and more
ting out of bed.” free.” Moments later, as he was discussing
The event, “Dystopia, Apocalypse, and how the government’s surveillance of citi-
zens’ electronic communications violates
Other Sunny Futures,” went remarkably
smoothly, considering that Mr. Snowden the Constitution, he was cut off. Mr. Doc-
was several time zones away — until it did- torow improvised for a bit, and Paul Hold-
n’t. The discussion ranged from Ayn Rand engräber, the director of the library’s “Live”
to the predictions of the economist John programs, jumped in to ask questions.
Maynard Keynes to the minimalist philoso- About 30 minutes later, the video feed
phy of the tidying guru Marie Kondo. was restored, and Mr. Snowden and Mr.

In this family change is relative.

All of these disparate subjects, somehow, Doctorow resumed their conversation.
seemed relevant to Mr. Doctorow’s novel. “It is amazing that a technical problem,
“Walkaway” takes place in a futuristic Can- which never seems to happen, mysteri-
ada after the collapse of modern society, ously pops up when we start talking about
when wealth gets concentrated in the hands the sensitive political things being born
of the ultrarich and the less fortunate from treason,” Mr. Snowden said. “And this
scrape by in desolate cities that have been really brings us to the central point that we PLEASANTVILLE JACOB
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French Vote Splinters the Culturati

she wrote in an email. “I think that equating ‘A lot of people don’t
Le Pen and Macron and standing under a recognize themselves in
‘Without Me May 7’ banner, hoping that either of these
other people are going to stop the National
Front is totally irresponsible.” candidates.’
But many on the left and right also see Mr. SUDHIR HAZAREESINGH
Macron as a continuation of the policies of THINK’
President François Hollande and his Social-
ist government, which, for different rea-
sons, they want to reject. (Mr. Macron left
the government to form his own party, En
Marche!, or Onward!) Supporters of the victory, cultural figures have ratcheted up
far-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, their pro-Macron activities in recent days
who received nearly 20 percent in the first while organizations that normally don’t
round, view Mr. Macron as a protector of the take sides in elections are weighing in.
status quo and disagree with his pro-Eu- Mr. Kassovitz, the star of “La Haine,”
rope stance and his role in loosening French about France’s troubled suburbs, has been a
labor laws. vocal supporter of the right to cast a blank
One of the most prominent intellectuals ballot. But he said this week that he would
to say he will cast a blank ballot is the left- support Mr. Macron. “The risk is absten-
wing historian Emmanuel Todd. He is the tion, which can easily push the majority to-
author of “Who Is Charlie?” a controversial ward Le Pen,” he wrote on Twitter.
book that said the mass rallies of solidarity The director and producer Luc Besson
in France after the murder of journalists at (“The Fifth Element,” the “Taken” series)
the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a ko- took to Facebook to urge people to vote
sher supermarket in 2015 were a cover for against the far-right National Front, with its
isolationism. “When and where in history
“In terms of threats to liberal democracy, has turning in on oneself had positive re-
threat No. 1 is the National Front,” Mr. Todd sults?” he asked. “Never.”
said in an interview. “But the forces behind The cartoonist Riad Sattouf, the author of
Macron, the people who are pro-Euro, pro- the graphic novel memoirs “The Arab of the
Europe, pro-Germany, are a major threat to Future,” did a cartoon for Paris Match in
democracy.” which Esther, the 11-year-old character in
He said he had voted for Mr. Mélenchon his most recent graphic novels, says: “Le
in the first round and didn’t believe Ms. Le Pen in the Elysée? No way man. I’m voting
Pen would win on Sunday, so he would sit for Macron.”
out the vote. “It’s the usual French theater,” On Thursday, the Académie des Césars,
Mr. Todd said. “We’re not on the verge of which doles out France’s version of the
falling into Nazism or fascism at all.”
Academy Awards, issued a statement offer-
Some see a deep French discomfort about
ing its “unreserved support” for Mr.
money as part of the left’s — and right’s —
disdain for Mr. Macron, who was an invest-
And that same day, at a reception at
ment banker and later became economy
France’s Culture Ministry to present the
minister under Mr. Hollande. “For French
people, money and capitalism is a kind of French films in competition in this month’s
curse,” said the intellectual Pascal Bruck- Cannes Film Festival, Audrey Azoulay, the
ner, whose 2015 book “The Wisdom of outgoing culture minister, urged France’s
Money” explores French ambivalence film world to help defeat the National Front.
about money, which he believes is rooted in “The far right’s imagery is very strong,” she
Roman Catholic culture. said. “You need to show a different image”
For his part, Mr. Bruckner compared Mr. of France, she added, “to show its differ-
Mélenchon’s refusal to back Mr. Macron to ences and complexities.”
the German Communist party leader in But it’s unclear if the late-in-the-cam-
1933 urging Communists to vote against the paign mobilization is having its desired ef-
Socialists rather than against the Nazis. fect. A concert on Thursday aimed at rally-
“It’s catastrophic,” he said. ing support against the National Front drew
“The French are nostalgic for an small crowds, and the vibe was more dutiful
ideological, utopian communism, which than boisterous, Le Monde reported. And
never existed,” he added. the skepticism toward Mr. Macron was
Zeev Sternhell, the Polish-born, left-lean- clear on Tuesday when members of 70 artist
ing Israeli political scientist and author of unions came together in the packed audito-
“Neither Left Nor Right,” a controversial book on the rise of fascism in France in the said. Top, campaign posters for the rium of Paris’s Cité de la Musique for a rally
1930s, said Mr. Macron’s leftist critics find But he added that it was “a very serious French centrist presidential against Ms. Le Pen.
his economic policies closer to the right political error” that some supporters of Mr. candidate Emmanuel Macron When a video was shown featuring the
than to the left. “His centrism is nothing Mélenchon won’t support Mr. Macron, as it in Lille, France. Above, French artist Orlan, who lauded Mr. Macron
Books of The Times: more than a more economically liberal could propel a more dangerous politician supporters of the National for trying “to crossbreed the left and the
Monday through Friday, right, more respectful of human rights, into office. Front candidate Marine Le Pen. right,” it was met with violent boos from the
The New York Times more polished, less vulgar,” Mr. Sternhell Mindful of the possibility of Ms. Le Pen’s packed, left-leaning house.

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Still Stretching Toward Heaven

two-part masterwork, the first half of which Denise Gough as the wife of a ple, Places and Things”) goes for a flatline,
was staged by the National Theater in 1992 closeted lawyer in “Angels in depressive affect that makes Harper often
(opening on Broadway the following year), America.” From left, Nathan tedious company.
sees and celebrates aspiration and imper- Lane as Roy Cohn and Russell In a variety of supporting roles, Amanda
fection as inevitable companions. Tovey as the conflicted lawyer. Lawrence, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett and es-
It does so with a boundless imagination pecially Susan Brown are first-rate. And in
and a moral rage that roam, at length and at the sour-plum role of Roy Cohn, based on
large, where few playwrights have dared to the notorious New York lawyer (and Don-
tread. And perhaps the greatest miracle A work that demands ald J. Trump mentor) of the same name, Mr.
achieved by “Angels,” at least in physical seven hours yet leaves Lane is savory indeed.
terms, is that even after the seven hours of its audiences not The classic clown’s anger has always per-
bum-numbing sitting it demands (not exhausted, but colated beneath the surface of Mr. Lane’s
counting intermissions), it continues to comic performances. Here he gives rage
leave its audiences not exhausted but ener- energized. full reign, and he incinerates. This Roy is a
gized — including this critic, who has seen larger-than-life monster and, ultimately, a
at least four earlier versions. shrunken specimen of humanity. You un-
An expressly political response to a spe- derstand why the ghost of Ethel Rosenberg
cific social crisis — the White House’s de- (Ms. Brown), a woman whose execution he
layed response to the AIDS epidemic that lobbied for, might almost pity him.
was devastating the gay population in the Even if the cast members aren’t quite on
United States in the 1980s — “Angels” might the same playing field, they all guarantee
seem to be too topical for immortality. To re- that Mr. Kushner’s words register and echo.
ceive an AIDS diagnosis in 2017 is no longer And what words they are, of a Shavian wit
to be handed a death sentence. Now extinc- and ferocity rooted in the most visceral of
tion by nuclear war — or a terrorist attack feelings. The language of “Angels” is so lu-
or ecocide — looms as a likelier prospect in scared as hell, and as mad as hell, too. minously iridescent that the play doesn’t re-
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on Equally good is Russell Tovey in the less
the popular imagination. ally require the spectacle that is usually lav-
National Themes showy role of Joe Pitt, the transplanted
But the climate of fear and anger Mr. ished on it, as was demonstrated by Ivo van
Through Aug. 19 at the National Theater, Mormon lawyer from Utah, a struggling
Kushner summoned feels, if anything, even Hove’s haunting, bare-bones interpretation
London; closet case in an empty marriage. In moral
more pervasive today than it did when “An- of several years ago.
gels” first opened. It makes sense that Ms. terms, Joe is one of the play’s unqualified Of course, a frills-free production of “An-
Elliott, the much-laureled director of “War unraveled by friends, lovers and strangers. losers. (Like the God that “Angels” dis- gels” wouldn’t allow Ms. Elliott to deploy
Horse” and “The Curious Incident of the And on the vast stage here, performers can places, Mr. Kushner is not afraid to judge.) the sort of brilliant visual flourishes that an-
Dog in the Night-Time,” has transformed appear lost in space in ways that surely go But Mr. Tovey is so convincing in his conflict imated her “War Horse” and “Night-Time.”
the New York City of three decades ago into beyond the creative team’s intentions, as and anguish that your heart bleeds for him. In “Angels,” the greatest of such is a long
a land of endless night. In this “Angels,” emotional focus slides to the periphery. I experienced no similar effusion for Lou- time coming, but it’s worth waiting for.
time feels frozen at 3 a.m. Such blurriness can partly be ascribed to is Ironson, the Marxist theorist who walks As might be expected, it involves one of
The principal sources of illumination an imbalance within the cast. Mr. Garfield, out on Prior and begins a tortured affair the heralds of the title. She is embodied by
here, overseen by Paule Constable, are cold perhaps best known as one of the many Spi- with Joe. Louis is portrayed by James Ms. Lawrence, with invaluable assistance
fluorescent bars that outline the play’s ur- der-Men to have crawled across multiplex McArdle, an excellent actor who dazzled in from the costume designer Nicky Gilli-
ban spaces (along with the occasional pillar screens, is splendid in the central role of the the National’s “Young Chekhov” plays last brand and the puppet designers Finn Cald-
of fire). The set designer, Ian MacNeil, takes ailing Prior Walter, who is abandoned by his year. Here, he seems to be impersonating, well and Nick Barnes. I won’t say much
full advantage of the moving parts afforded lover and visited by a bona fide, if shop- instead of inhabiting, his character, and as a about the specific and fabulous form she
by the National’s Lyttelton stage. worn, angel, bearing tidings she wants him consequence, the logorrheic, guilt-crippled takes, except that it is as glorious and disap-
Apartments, hospital rooms, public to spread worldwide. Louis is even more irritating than usual. pointing as this contradictory creature
spaces and offices slide in and out of view, With his razor-edge cheekbones and eyes Joe’s Valium-popping, hallucination- must be.
vertically and horizontally, and sometimes of fire, this gaunt Prior brings to mind Ma- prone and terminally lonely wife, Harper, Her paradoxical presence is a reminder
bleed into one another. Nothing is fixed. No ria Callas as Medea, which he would surely has often been as much the emotional cen- that in a rudderless world, passively wait-
center holds. take as a compliment. Mr. Garfield has the ter of “Angels” as Prior has. (Marcia Gay ing for celestial intervention is not a viable
In the practical terms of theater, this isn’t florid mannerisms of a vintage drag queen Harden and Mary-Louise Parker are option. The heroes of “Angels” are human.
always a good thing. “Angels” is, above all, a down pat. But he wields them as part of an among those who have played her memora- Mr. Kushner’s still-singular play fans their
portrait of the moral weight of human con- intricate defense system born of both fear bly.) But the normally wonderful Denise anger, confusion and hopefulness into a
nections, as they are forged, extended and and defiance. This Prior is palpably as Gough (an Olivier Award winner for “Peo- flame of genuine divinity.


When Love Isn’t Enough: Ratmansky’s Poignant Couples

CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1 him, too; these choral moments help us to
mansky has choreographed two previous feel the characters’ larger souls.
scores by this composer), commutes be- All six leads have highly individual solos.
tween the psychological and the social. Now The one for Tiler Peck (flanked by the fe-
there are piercing, Stravinskian melodies male corps), with repeated turns into a
for solo violin (accompanied by piano), now sideways leg extension, is the ballet’s most
stomping orchestral tangos (gutsy Russian outgoing; Ms. Peck also becomes, arrest-
ones, like those in Shostakovich’s ballet ingly but reasonably, its angriest character.
“The Golden Age”). Taylor Stanley plays her aggressively as-
“Odessa” was the closing item of City Bal- sertive consort; one duet ends with her be-
let’s spring gala at the David H. Koch The- ing lifted offstage while shaking her head in
ater on Thursday night, and I watched it in a mixture of protest and perplexity.
constant suspense, twice coming close to The ballet’s most dreamlike moment —
tears, and loving its rich mixture of emo-
expansive but self-contradictory — comes
tion. The way it opens up the larger
with Sara Mearns’s slow dance soliloquy.
Just how this fits into the rest of the ballet
New York City Ballet Spring Gala isn’t yet clear; it will be good to see how the
Performed on May 4 at the David H. Koch many different parts of “Odessa” coalesce
Theater, Lincoln Center. “Odessa” will be in days to come. Her partner is Amar Ra-
repeated on May 6 and 7. masar, and in one passage, amid the ensem-
ble, they move on the floor, close to each
psychological climate within a social situa- other and yet in separate states — another
tion feels new for both this choreographer of the ballet’s remarkable psychological
and this art. openings.
Will repeated viewings deepen the expe- The gala’s other three items featured the
rience? (It’s repeated on Saturday and Sun- company’s three senior ballerinas: Megan
day.) I had no problems adjusting to the Fairchild in Peter Martins’s “Jeu de Cartes”
world that Mr. Ratmansky creates here, but (1992, Stravinsky); Ashley Bouder in
the charms of its Desyatnikov score and George Balanchine’s “Tchaikovsky Pas de
Dekker attire are finite. “Odessa,” though Deux” (1960); and Maria Kowroski in the
Sterling Hyltin, aloft, with fully combines fragility with purposeful- denly, cozying up to him. She takes his arm duet from Christopher Wheeldon’s “After
arresting and varied, feels like minor fic-
Joaquin De Luz, right, and ness. Her powerful vacillations of feeling — and tips her head toward his shoulder. the Rain” (2005). After a too-knowing and
tion. Each of the three central relationships
other members of New York her uncertainty about their relationship (“Yes, you’re my guy, after all.”) Following
shows a different aspect of love, yet these effect-laden start, Ms. Bouder’s great mo-
City Ballet in “Odessa.” (when she slaps him at one moment, you such doubt and anguish, it’s too docile a res-
six individuals have other emotions, too. ment was in her fearless jumps into Andrew
Love isn’t quite enough, especially for the see it from her point of view) — do much to olution. Veyette’s arms. Ms. Kowroski’s grand
women. shape the ballet. The corps de ballet — six women, six men beauty is too soft-spoken to stop “After the
The most poignant pair are Sterling Mr. De Luz, always elegant, here plays, — have their own exuberant ensembles; Rain” from becoming another string of ef-
Hyltin and Joaquin De Luz, who begin by subtly but ardently, the insistent devotion of they also amplify the sections for the leads. fects. Amid the busily changing structures
not beginning. He ardently offers her his a man no longer young. My sole disappoint- Not only do the men lift Ms. Hyltin in mar- of “Jeu,” Ms. Fairchild’s dizzy perkiness was
hands, but she’s reluctant, maybe too bro- ment while watching comes with how Ms. velous parabolas at crucial moments dur- fun; you want someone to give her a really
kenhearted, to accept. Ms. Hyltin beauti- Hyltin ends a passage by finally, but sud- ing her scenes with Mr. de Luz, but they lift comically silly role, à la Gracie Allen.

Classical Music


Is It Really Opera? That’s Beside the Point

From left, Melanie Askar,
The Ópera en Español series one-upmanship among the allegorical fig-
ures Earth, Air, Fire and Water as they
The lively production has been directed
and choreographed by Richard Stafford,
The other Elements — Ms. Alicea, Ms.
Chelsea Bonagura and Samarie
Bonagura and Melanie Askar, as Earth, all
continues with a work that can await the dawn, with interventions from with a mostly young cast. Literes called for in their company debuts — also showed real Alicea in New York City Opera’s
production of “Los Elementos.”
be a bit tricky to categorize. Time and the Dawn itself. Some have
avoided the touchy “opera” category en-
women in all the roles except Time, and
making them quickly identifiable took some
talent and promise, though not always ide-
ally controlled. Intonation was problematic
tirely by calling it a serenata, a sort of dra- doing from Mr. Stafford’s helpmates. John at times, especially in duets and ensembles.
AS THE RECONSTITUTED New York City matic cantata popular in the Baroque peri- Farrell, the scenic designer, relied chiefly on Magda Gartner, a bright-toned mezzo-so-
Opera continues to test its sea legs with a od. projections, which allowed him to represent prano, was effective as the Dawn. Marco
second presentation in its series Ópera en Still, by whatever designation, “Los Ele- Fire and Water simultaneously during their Nisticò, a baritone, made a gruff Time. The
Español, it would be nitpicky and pointless duets. Janet O’Neill, the costume designer, small stage was additionally populated by
used colors and devised elaborate head- two appealing, hard-working dancers, Es-
to insist on calling this latest installment
Los Elementos dresses to distinguish the Elements. And
“Ópera (o Algo Parecido) en Español.” But ther Antoine and Adam Rogers. The move-
Through Sunday at the Harlem Stage Mr. Stafford added his own touches, having
strictly speaking, “Los Elementos,” by the ments of the four choristers were also heav-
Gatehouse, Manhattan; Samarie Alicea, as Air, and Chelsea
18th-century Spanish master Antonio de Li- Bonagura, as Water, undulate their arms ily choreographed.
teres (which follows the Mexican composer mentos” proved a musical delight and a throughout. The dozen instrumentalists played be-
Daniel Catán’s “Florencia en el Amazonas” charming entertainment. Literes claimed to But perhaps the most vivid portrayal of hind the scrim used for the projections, indi-
of last June), is only “something like” an be writing in the Italian style, and much of the evening was that of the mezzo-soprano viduals sometimes visible in shadow.
opera. the piece’s texture is vintage Baroque, car- Kelsey Robertson as Fire, with a verisimili- Though they were identified as the New
“Los Elementos” (“The Elements”), ried out at a high level. But the most delecta- tude achieved largely through the quality of York City Opera Orchestra, several were
which opened at the Harlem Stage Gate- ble moments were those laced with Spanish her singing. In long stretches of coloratura, early-instrument specialists, including
house on Thursday evening in what City flavor, with castanet and proto-flamenco especially, her legato, while smooth, re- Grant Herreid, who contributed strongly on
Opera said was its American premiere, rhythms. The finale was especially evoca- tained remarkable clarity of pitch and even- theorbo and guitar. Pacien Mazzagatti, the
runs just over an hour and offers little ac- tive, with its repeated short-breathed re- ness of rhythm, flickering like a lambent company’s principal conductor, led from the
tion or plot. It consists mainly of debate: frains and its irresistible dance drive. flame. harpsichord.


Singing ‘Happy 450th Birthday’ to Monteverdi

An oil painting of Claudio
‘Vespro Della Beata Vergine,’ Monteverdi (1567-1643). His
hymn, “Ave Maris Stella,” and a canticle,
“Magnificat.” But it is never more striking
long a musicological minefield, “Vespro Della Beata Vergine” than at its beginning.
will be performed on Tuesday.
will be in good hands. Monteverdi showed in his first surviving
opera, “Orfeo” (1607), that he knew how to
grab an audience by its collective lapels
IT SEEMS LOGICAL and simple enough: a with a brilliant Toccata, a fanfare twice re-
performance of Monteverdi’s 1610 Vespers A work originally peated.
on Tuesday, the composer’s 450th birthday.
Logical, yes; simple, not entirely.
published along with a He opens the Vespers with a versicle and
Mass and dedicated to a response that draws on the same fanfare
The 105-minute “Vespro Della Beata material, and he sets the full chorus over it,
Vergine” (“Vespers of the Blessed Virgin”), Pope Paul V. singing the text almost entirely on a single
to give its full title, was long a musicological pitch, until he adds a slightly more elabo-
minefield, rife with conflagrations over its rate “Alleluia” at the end.
origin, nature and purpose. “To perform it is
The score is stunning in its variety, in
to court disaster,” the pioneering Monte-
both solo and polyphonic writing. Monte-
verdi scholar Denis Arnold once wrote of
verdi adds another theatrical touch in “Audi
the many interpretive decisions and conjec-
coelum,” a sacred concerto for one voice
tures that have to be made before a sound is
and an echoing partner.
even produced.
Yet performers have championed the And after the final psalm setting, he
work as never before in the seven years breaks the repeating pattern, with what he
since its 400th anniversary, and none of the calls a sonata, rather than a concerto.
musicological disputes (which have in any Here, again, he places a vocal overlay,
case cooled a bit) need deter listeners if the this time occurring at irregular intervals
work is in trusted hands. It will be on Tues- and in shifting, sometimes syncopated
day, when Julian Wachner conducts the rhythms. The text, scored for soprano, con-
Choir of Trinity Wall Street, the Trinity sists entirely of a repeated sentence:
Youth Chorus and the Trinity Baroque Or- “Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis” (“Holy Mary,
chestra at St. Paul’s Chapel on lower Broad- pray for us”). It is sometimes sung solo, or
way, and on Wednesday, when the same in unison by a small group of sopranos, and
forces take the performance to the sometimes by massed sopranos, whether
Cathedral Basilica in Philadelphia. women or boys.
The work was originally published along And this is indeed one of the great joys of
with a Mass and dedicated to Pope Paul V, the Vespers, that with so much left to the
perhaps in a vain bid for a job at the Vatican. imaginations of the performers, virtually
The conductor Andrew Parrott called it a every rendition differs substantially from
sort of “do-it-yourself Vespers kit” for choir every other. The excerpts included in the
directors. version of this article online (nytimes
Its main body consists of five polyphonic .com/music) are from a 2014 performance
psalm settings — each, evidently, to be pre- at Versailles by John Eliot Gardiner and his
ceded by a chanted antiphon devoted to Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque
Mary or appropriate to the liturgical sea- Soloists. Mr. Wachner’s choices in a small
son, and each followed by a so-called sacred chapel will — count on it — prove radically
concerto or sonata. The work ends with a IMAGNO/GETTY IMAGES different.

7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 What’s on Saturday
2 WCBS Entertainment Tonight An inter- NCIS “Willoughby.” An undercover Training Day “Tunnel Vision.” Kyle 48 Hours (N) (PG) News Cindy Hsu Blue Bloods “Backstabbers.”
view with Brad PItt. (N) (G) operation is compromised. (14) recognizes a suspected terrorist. hosts. (N) Danny searches for two escaped “The Graduate” celebrates an anniversary
(N) (14) convicts. (14) (11:35) year. Classic Empire runs the course at
4 WNBC N.H.L. Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Washington Capitals. Eastern Conference semifinal, Game 5. (7:15) Saturday Night Live (N) (14) News (N) O Saturday Night Live Chris Pine Churchill Downs in the first leg of the Triple
hosts; LCD Soundsystem performs.
(N) (Live) (14) (11:29) Crown. And Alec Baldwin and David Letter-
5 WNYW M.L.B. New York Yankees vs. Chicago Cubs. News (N) Kicking & Screaming “Survival of TMZ (N) (PG) man watch some movies.
the Fittest.” Teams face an elimina-
tion challenge. (14)
7 WABC Jeopardy! (G) Wheel of For- N.B.A. Count- N.B.A. Golden State Warriors vs. Utah Jazz. Western Conference semifinal, Game 3. News (N) Scandal “The
tune “Weekend down Key.” (14) What’s Streaming
Getaways.” (G)
9 WWOR Major Crimes “Hindsight Part 3.” The 32nd Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards Honoring gospel music Anger Manage- Anger Manage- Giants Access American Latino LatiNation (N)
Tao makes a discovery. (Part 3 of 5) artists. (N) (G) ment (14) ment (14) Blue TV (N) (PG) (PG)
11 WPIX M.L.B. Miami Marlins vs. New York Mets. News (N) The Honey- The Honey- The Honey-
mooners (G) mooners (G) mooners (G)
13 WNET The This Old House Hour Install- Doc Martin “Of All the Harbors in All . Carousel (1956). Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones. Static reprise of Runoff (2014). Joanne Kelly, Neal Huff. A woman goes
ing rough wiring; HVAC system. (G) the Towns.” (PG) Broadway but Rodgers-and-Hammerstein score is gloriously served. to great lengths to save the family farm. (R) (11:15)
21 WLIW MetroFocus Frank Sinatra: The Voice of Our Time (G) The Carpenters: Close to You (My Music Presents) Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic Evening Country Pop
25 WNYE Her Big Idea Born-Explore Globe Trekker (G) . Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936). Freddie Bartholomew. 92y Reel Pieces Profiles Stories of Mind Video Mus. Box
31 WPXN Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order
41 WXTV Crónicas de Sábado (N) Fútbol Mexicano Primera División Club Leon vs. Cruz Azul FC. Fútbol Mexicano Primera División Club America vs. CF Pachuca. News LIONSGATE/STUDIOCANAL

47 WNJU The Warrior’s Way (2010). Jang Dong Gun. (R) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana. (PG-13) Noticias Titulares y Más Videos Asom. Dustin Hoffman
48 WRNN Food for the Try Total Gym Phil Collins Bob Hope PiYo Workout! Paid Program Paid Program John Denver Paid Program HallOates Hot Tub
49 My Car Ken Burns: America’s Storyteller Tribute to producer Ken Burns. (G) . The Band Wagon (1953). Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse. Science Movies Antiques
THE GRADUATE (1967) on Mubi. “Well, I
50 WNJN 70s Soul Superstars (My Music) Motown, R&B, soul and disco artists. (G) W1A (MA) Death in Paradise (PG) Home Fires on Masterpiece (PG) Downton Abbey would say that I’m just drifting. Here in the
55 WLNY 2 Broke Girls Toni on Mike & Molly Mike & Molly News (N) Ageless Body Judge Judy (PG) Entertainment Tonight (N) (G) Toni on pool,” Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoff-
63 WMBC SEXY at 50! (G) Secrets Sermon Time Compass (8:40) Mini Concert Sweet Heaven Skin Care Advanced D (G) Fat Loss Darkspots Nip&Tuck man), a recent college graduate, tells his
68 WFUT The Shepherd (2008). (R) (6) Abajo el Telón (1955). Cantinflas. Los Mosqueteros (N) (14) Blue Demon Ip Man (2008). (R) father after moving back home to Califor-
PREMIUM CABLE nia. “It’s very comfortable just to drift
FLIX Domestic Disturbance (2001). . Chicago (2002). Catherine Zeta-Jones. Two murderous women who What Women Want (2000). Mel Gibson. Accidental electric shock turns . The Illusionist here.” Then he embarks on an affair with
John Travolta. (PG-13) (6:30) love being celebrities. Exuberant if shallow Oscar-winning musical. (PG-13) male chauvinist into Mr. Sensitive. “Tootsie” for the slow-witted. (PG-13) (2006). (12:10)
Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), the wife of
HBO Now You See Me 2 (2016). Four Las Vegas magicians Sully (2016). Tom Hanks. Heroic pilot Chesley Sullen- O Chris Gethard: Career Suicide The comic/talk- Silicon Valley Veep “Georgia.”
are asked to steal computer chip. Hocus bogus. (6:05) berger faces an investigation. (PG-13) (8:20) show host performs. (N) (MA) (MA) (MA) his father’s law partner, before falling for
HBO2 . War Dogs (2016). Jonah Hill, Veep “Georgia.” 10,000 B.C. (2008). Steven Strait, Camilla Belle. Prehistoric hunter Hail, Caesar! (2016). Studio fixer deals with kidnap- Ride Along 2 that couple’s daughter, Elaine (Katharine
Miles Teller. (R) (6:05) (MA) battles evil warlords. Sublimely dunderheaded. (PG-13) ping of star. Sly Coen bros. diversion. (PG-13) (10:20) (2016). (12:10) Ross). This Mike Nichols classic celebrates
MAX Everest (2015). Jason Clarke, Josh . Man on the Moon (1999). Jim Carrey. Tale of comedian Andy Dumb and Dumber (1994). Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. Two witless won- The Take (2016). its 50th year. Pour yourself a bourbon and
Brolin. (PG-13) (5:55) Kaufman, via Milos Forman. Electrifying if opaque homage. (R) ders road-trip to Aspen. Lives up to its name. (PG-13) (R) (11:50)
SHO Billions “Golden Frog Time.” Axe I Am Number Four (2011). Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant. Hunted alien Hardcore Henry (2015). Sharlto Copley. A half-human, Billions “Golden Frog Time.” Axe
hum along to Simon and Garfunkel on the
takes out a huge short. (MA) teens hide on earth. Turgid schedule filler. (PG-13) half-robot battles an army of thugs in Moscow. (R) takes out a huge short. (MA) (11:45) soundtrack.
SHO2 Miami Vice (2006). Colin Farrell, . Lincoln (2012). Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field. Lincoln plots to abolish slavery. Thrilling Breach (2007). Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillippe. Young F.B.I. employee must
Jamie Foxx. (R) (5:35) civics lesson. (PG-13) prove that esteemed agent is a mole. Unnerving and exciting. (PG-13)
STARZ National Treasure: Book of Secrets Major League (1989). Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen. Inept baseball
(2007). Nicolas Cage. (PG) (5:53) team’s Cinderella season. Pleasantly predictable comedy. (R)
American Gods “The Bone Or-
chard.” (MA) (9:49)
The Hollars (2016). John Krasinski. Mother’s illness draws
sad New Yorker home. Likable cast. (PG-13) (10:54) What’s on TV
STZENC . Chasing Amy (1997). Ben Affleck, Joey Lauren Adams. Man loves les- . Clerks (1994). Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson. Day Clerks II (2006). Rosario Dawson. Catching up with 30-something slackers
bian, and anything goes. Smart, with deadpan humor. (R) (7:04) at convenience and video stores. Bleakly funny. (R) Dante and Randal. Combines a dirty mind with a pure heart. (R) (10:34)
TMC Secret in Their Eyes (2015). Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman. F.B.I. Open Water (2003). Blanchard Ryan, Daniel Travis. Backcountry (2014). Missy Peregrym, Jeff Roop. Cou- Open Water
agent probes murder of colleague’s daughter. Semi-coherent. (PG-13) (R) ple stray into bear’s territory. Notches up the dread. (R) (2003). (R) (12:05)
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00
A&E Live PD “Live PD, 04.28.17.” Riding Live PD: Rewind “Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD, 05.06.17.” Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (Live) (14) Live PD “Live
along with law enforcement. (14) (5) No. 15.” (N) (14) PD, 05.06.17.”
AHC World War II in Color (PG) World War II in Color (PG) World War II in Color (PG) World War II in Color “Overlord.” World War II in Color (PG) World War II
AMC Jurassic Park III (2000). Sam Neill, Téa Leoni. Back to dinosaur island. The Son “The Buffalo Hunter.” The Son “The Buffalo Hunter.” The Bucket List (2007). Jack Nicholson, Morgan
A lot more fun than the first two but not nearly as terrifying. (PG-13) Young Eli makes a choice. (N) (14) Young Eli makes a choice. (14) Freeman. (PG-13)
APL My Cat From Hell “Scout’s Honor.” My Cat From Hell: Scratch Tracks My Cat From Hell (N) (PG) The Vet Life (N) (PG) My Cat From Hell (PG) The Vet Life
BBCA Star Trek: Voyager “Deadlock.” Star Trek: Voyager “Innocence.” Doctor Who “Knock Knock.” (N) Class (N) (14) The Graham Norton Show (N) (14) Doctor Who (PG)
BET ATL (2006). Tip “T.I.” Harris, Lauren Deuces (2016). Lance Gross, Larenz Tate. An under- Coach Carter (2005). Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Ri’chard. H.S. basketball coach turns losers into winners,
London. (PG-13) (5) cover cop goes after a charismatic gangster. then takes heat for insisting they excel in class. Familiar tough love story. (PG-13) (9:45) MICHAEL REAVES/GETTY IMAGES

BLOOM Johnny Carson Time for Global Burnett John Denver Grand Ole HallOates Red Skelton (G) Phil Collins Amazing Abs (G) Makeup! Bloom. Markets Classic Empire at Churchill Downs.
BRV National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983). Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo. . Barbershop (2002). Ice Cube, Anthony Anderson. Chicago barber deals with loan shark, . Barbershop (2002). Ice Cube,
Good-natured chaos. (R) (7:04) pregnant wife and customers. Generous comedy with lived-in glow. (PG-13) (9:14) Anthony Anderson. (PG-13) (11:22)
THE KENTUCKY DERBY 2:30 p.m. on NBC. The
CBSSN College Rugby Division lA Tournament, championship. World’s Man Sports Spectacular From Grand Oasis Resort in Cancun, Mexico. College Rugby
CMT . O Brother, Where Art Thou? (5:30) O Secretariat (2010). Diane Lane, John Malkovich. Story of the 1970s superhorse. Gauzy, square, enjoyable. (PG) Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Steve Austin’s
3-year-old Classic Empire is the favored
CN . Megamind (2010). Brad Pitt. (PG) (6) Dragon Ball Bob’s Burgers Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Family Guy (14) Family Guy (14) Samurai Jack Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z
thoroughbred in this 143rd run for the roses
CNBC Undercover Boss “White Castle.” Undercover Boss “Frontier Airlines.” Undercover Boss “Oriental Trading Undercover Boss “Kampgrounds Undercover Boss “Utah Jazz.” Undercover
at Churchill Downs, with Always Dreaming
An owner mishandles equipment. CEO cleans a plane’s lavatory. Company.” (PG) of America.” (PG) (PG) Boss “Vivint.” and McCracken close on his heels. Bob
CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Ca- CNN Newsroom With Ana Ca- Anthony Bourdain: Parts Un- Anthony Bourdain: Parts Un- Anthony Bourdain: Parts Un- Anthony Bour- Costas leads the coverage and interviews
brera (N) brera (N) known “Los Angeles.” (PG) known “Mexico.” (PG) known “Manila: Philippines.” (PG) dain Parts
four of the only eight men who have called
COM Super Troopers (2001). Vermont highway patrolmen Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity Jeff Dunham returns Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy (14) Super Troopers (2001). Jay Chan-
annoy motorists. Tedious riot of frat-house pranks. (6:15) with new characters. (14) (8:25) drasekhar, Kevin Heffernan. (R) the race, and the chef Bobby Flay whips up
COOK Man Fire Food Man Fire Food Brew & ’Que Brew & ’Que Brew & ’Que Brew & ’Que Brew & ’Que Brew & ’Que Good Eats (G) Good Eats (G) Brew & ’Que some Southern fare to serve the team. Post
CSPAN Washington This Week Public Affairs French Presidential Candidates Face Off in Debate Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. (9:23) time is 6:34.
CSPAN2 Michael Witmore on Shakespeare The Land of Enterprise (N) (8:15) The Gatekeepers (N) (8:48) After Words “Helene Cooper.” Making It (N) (11:01) SECRETARIAT (2010) 8 p.m. on CMT. Diane
CUNY Eldridge & Co. Tony Guida Criminal Justice Theater Talk (G) . The Clay Bird (2002). Nurul Islam Bablu, Russell Farazi. TimesTalks (11:10) Stoler Rpt Lane plays Penny Chenery, the owner of
DIS Stuck in the Liv and Maddie: K.C. Undercover Bizaardvark (G) Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007). The singing rodents Tangled: The K.C. Undercover K.C. Undercover Liv and Mad- Secretariat, the thoroughbred who in 1973
Middle (G) Cali Style (G) (Y7) return, remodeled for the digital age. For kids’ eyes only. Series (10:40) (Part 1 of 2) (Y7) (Part 2 of 2) (Y7) die (G) became the first Triple Crown champion in
DIY Stone House Stone House Renovation First-Flippers First-Flippers First-Flippers First-Flippers First-Flippers First-Flippers First-Flippers First-Flippers 25 years, setting records that still stand.
DSC Street Outlaws: Horsepower “De- Street Outlaws: Horsepower “The Street Outlaws: Horsepower “Get Street Outlaws: Horsepower Street Outlaws “The Rise of the Street Outlaws
sire.” (N) (14) Mega Race.” (N) (14) Off My Cloud.” (N) (14) “Brand New Car.” (N) (14) Crow.” (14) (14)
John Malkovich is Lucien Laurin, who
E! A Cinderella Story (2004). Hilary Duff, Jennifer Coolidge. (PG) Maid in Manhattan (2002). Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes. (PG-13) Cruel Intentions (1999). Sarah Michelle Gellar. (R) came out of retirement shortly before lead-
ELREY SnakeEater III. His Law (1992). (6) SnakeEater (1989). Thugs attack family of former commando. (R) SnakeEater II: The Drug Buster (1991). Lorenzo Lamas. No better. (R) SnakeEater 3 ing Secretariat to victory. “It’s a pleasur-
ESPN SportsCenter SportsCenter 30 for 30 John Calipari’s career. SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter able, seductive fantasy partly because, as
ESPN2 College Volleyball N.C.A.A. Championship, Ohio State vs. B.Y.U. College Softball Arizona vs. U.C.L.A. 30 for 30 In 2001, the XFL was launched. we have known from the start of cinema,
ESPNCL 30 for 30 (6) 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 SMU football gets the “death penalty.” 30 for 30 the sight of a running horse is a beautiful
ESQTV Brew Dogs “Boston.” (PG) Brew Dogs “Las Vegas.” (PG) Brew Dogs “Chicago.” (PG) The Getaway (PG) The Getaway (PG) The Getaway thing,” Manohla Dargis wrote in The Times.
FOOD Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (G) Diners, Drive
FOXNEWS Fox Report Watters’ World Justice With Judge Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters’ World (N) Justice With
Judge Jeanine
FREEFRM Tangled (2010). Voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi. (PG) (6:50) . Frozen (2013). Animated. Princess traps country in eternal winter. Shakes up Disney formula. . Aladdin (1992). Robin Williams. (G)
FS1 I.M.S.A. Racing Weathertech Sportscar Championship: Circuit of The Americas. From Austin, Texas. Motorcycle Racing Monster Energy Supercross: Las Vegas.
FUSE Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) Sister, Sister (G) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006). (R) Idle Hands (1999). Devon Sawa, Seth Green. (R)
FX Captain America: The Winter Sol- The Avengers (2012). Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans. Superheroes gather in Manhattan to save world. Fail- Iron Man 3 (2013). Robert Downey Jr. A powerful en-
dier (2014). Chris Evans. (PG-13) (5) ures outnumber marvels. (PG-13) emy tests Tony Stark’s true mettle. (PG-13)
FXM 2 Guns (2013). . The Wolf of Wall Street (2013). Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill. A stockbroker and his vices. Hums with vulgar energy. (R) (7:45) . The Wolf of Wall Street (2013).
(R) (5:30) Leonardo DiCaprio. (R) (11:25)
FXX Snow White and the Huntsman (5) . The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001). Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen. (PG-13) No Good Deed
FYI Tiny House Nation (PG) Tiny House Nation (PG) Tiny House Nation (N) (PG) Tiny House Nation (PG) Tiny House Nation (PG) (11:01) Tiny House
GOLF P.G.A. Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, third round. Dustin Johnson. From Wilmington, N.C. P.G.A. Tour Golf
GSN Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Cash Cab (PG) Cash Cab (PG) Cash Cab (PG) Cash Cab (PG) Family Feud
HALL Love at First Glance (2017, TVF). Amy Smart, Adrian Grenier. All of My Heart (2015, TVF). Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott. Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls JEREMY FREEMAN/TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES

HGTV Fixer Upper “The Flipper Upper.” Property Brothers (PG) Lakefront Bargain Hunt Lakefront Bargain Hunt House to Home House Hunters Lakefront David Letterman, left, and Alec Baldwin.
HIST Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars
(PG) (PG) (PG) (PG) Supercharged (N) (PG) (PG) (10:01) (PG) (10:32) (PG) (11:03) (PG) (11:33) (PG) (12:03)
HLN Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files (PG) Forensic Files “See No Evil.” (PG) Forensic Files “See No Evil.” (PG) Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files THE ESSENTIALS 8 p.m. on TCM. Alec Bald-
ID Pandora’s Box: Unleashing Evil 20/20: In an Instant “The Shoot- Murder Comes to Town “Roses Murder Comes to Town “Dorothy 20/20: In an Instant “The Shoot- Murder Comes win takes over for Robert Osborne, who
“Death Wish.” (14) out.” (14) Are Red, Murder Is Too.” (14) Did Right.” (Season Finale) (N) (14) out.” (14) to Town (14) died in March, as host of this franchise
IFC The Transporter (2002). Jason Sta- The Rock (1996). Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage. Breaking into Alcatraz to thwart threats of mass destruction. Mission: Impossible III (2006). Agent Ethan Hunt faces featuring “must-see” films and explaining
tham, Shu Qi. (PG-13) (6) Slam-bang nonsense. (R) the toughest villain of his career. Cruise, off his game.
why they are required viewing. And David
LIFE Stalker’s Prey (2017). Shark-attack Deadly Sorority (2017, TVF). Greer Grammer, Chloe Babcook. A college Running Away (2017). Holly Deveaux, Paula Trickey. A woman tries to Deadly Sorority
victim’s rescuer turns creepy. (6) student becomes the target of a campus killer. find her runaway daughter. (10:02) (2017, TVF). (12:02) Letterman joins him in the studio for a
LMN The Twin (2017, TVF). Mom must pro- The Client List (2010, TVF). Jennifer Love Hewitt, Cybill Shepherd. Un- Mary Kills People “The River Styx.” Mary Kills People “Bloody Mary.” The Client List four-episode arc as his first guest. The
tect daughter from boyfriend’s twin. (6) happy woman ends up working at massage parlor. (14) Dr. Mary Harris has a secret. (14) (2010, TVF). discussion begins with “The Bad and the
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 Beautiful” (1952), Vincente Minnelli’s
LOGO Roseanne (Part 2 Roseanne “The Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family Mama’s Family “Gift Horse.” (PG) Mama’s Family Mama’s Family drama about an unscrupulous movie
of 2) (PG) (6:56) Dark Ages.” (7:28) (PG) (PG) (8:33) (PG) (9:06) (PG) (9:39) (PG) (10:12) (10:45) (PG) (11:17) (PG) (11:50)
producer, played by Kirk Douglas, who
MLB M.L.B. Tonight (5) M.L.B. Regional Coverage. Quick Pitch
climbs all over the actors and studio types
MSG M.L.S. New York Red Bulls vs. Philadelphia Union. Bulls Insider Rangers Playoff Postgame M.L.S. New York Red Bulls vs. Philadelphia Union.
around him on his way to the top. Tina Fey
NASL Soccer New York Cosmos vs. Jacksonville Armada FC. Cosmos Post. U.E.F.A. Champions League Soccer Real Madrid vs. Atletico Madrid. U.E.F.A. Horse Racing
MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show
and William Friedkin will join Mr. Baldwin
The Last Word Lockup: Indiana — Extended Stay Lockup: Indiana — Extended Stay Lockup: Louisville Lockup: Louisville
later in the season.
We’re the Millers (2013). (R) (5:30) Pitch Perfect (2012). Female a cappella group enters national contest. In the key of schlock. The Hangover (2009). Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. (R)
NBCS Swimming U.S.A. Swimming: Arena Pro Swim Series. Track and Field I.A.A.F. Diamond League: Doha. From Doha, Qatar. College Rugby Varsity Cup. CHRIS GETHARD: CAREER SUICIDE 10 p.m. on
NGEO Life Below Zero “Midnight Sun.” Wicked Tuna (14) Wicked Tuna (14) Genius “Einstein: Chapter Two.” Wicked Tuna (14) Genius (14) HBO. Mr. Gethard, who claims to have been
NICK Henry Danger Henry Danger Game Shakers Nicky, Ricky Henry Danger Thundermans Full House (G) Full House (G) Friends (14) Friends (14) Friends (14) a depressive since his preteens, brings the
NICKJR Mutt & Stuff (Y) Mutt & Stuff (Y) Hey Duggee (Y) Hey Duggee (Y) Peppa Pig (Y) Peppa Pig (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Paw Patrol (Y) Blaze, Monster Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi neurotic comedy — and not a few suicidal
NY1 Build It Broke On Stage News News (8:45) News News News News Sports on 1 The Last Word. (11:35) thoughts — of his Off Broadway solo show
OVA Fools Rush In (5) . You’ve Got Mail (1998). E-mail pals in love on Upper West Side. Cozy romantic comedy. (PG) The Tudors “Bottom of the Pot.” The Tudors (MA) Dante’s Peak to television, with Judd Apatow among the
OWN Iyanla, Fix My Life (Part 2 of 2) (14) Iyanla, Fix My Life (14) Iyanla, Fix My Life (N) (Part 1 of 3) The Book of John Gray (N) (PG) Iyanla, Fix My Life (14) Fix My Life producers. Mr. Gethard swears he is “‘sig-
OXY Snapped “Sheila Davalloo.” (PG) Snapped “Shanterrica Madden.” Snapped “Christine Paolilla.” (PG) Snapped “Rebecca Sears.” (PG) Snapped “Dawn Silvernail.” (PG) Snapped (PG) nificantly funnier’ on medication,” Charles
SCIENCE What on Earth? “Ghost of Zorro.” What on Earth? “Expedition Truth.” (N) (PG) What on Earth? (PG) (10:04) What on Earth? “Expedition Truth.” (PG) (11:06) Isherwood wrote in The Times. “Having
SMITH Sacred Sites “Oracles.” (PG) Sacred Sites “Egypt.” (PG) Secrets “The Sphinx.” (PG) Secrets “Great Pyramid.” (PG) Sacred Sites “Egypt.” (PG) Secrets (PG) seen Mr. Gethard in only this show, I can’t
SNY Oh Yeah. Broadway Boxing (G) Oh Yeah. Mets Postgame SportsNite SportsNite SportsNite SportsNite vouch for that specifically, but he definitely
SPIKE Cops (14) Cops (PG) Cops (PG) Cops (14) Cops (14) Cops (14) The Mummy (1999). Gaudy horror parody. Makes Indiana Jones look Shakespearean. (PG-13) qualifies as significantly funny.”
STZENF Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006). John Leguizamo. (PG) . Inside Out (2015). Voice of Amy Poehler. (PG) (8:32) Troop Beverly Hills (1989). Shelley Long, Craig T. Nelson. (PG) (10:08) Titan A.E. (11:55) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 11:30 p.m. on NBC.
SUN . Young Guns (1988). Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. Playful, good- The Son “The Buffalo Hunter.” . Young Guns (1988). Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland. Playful, good-humored update of Chris Pine, soon to appear in “Wonder
humored update of Billy the Kid legend. (R) (6:30) Young Eli makes a choice. (N) (14) Billy the Kid legend. (R) Woman,” makes his hosting debut in this
SYFY Red (2010). Bruce Willis. The CIA targets a team of Red 2 (2013). Bruce Willis, John Malkovich. Retired operatives return to retrieve a lethal Friday the 13th (2009). Jared Padalecki. A hockey-
former agents for assassination. (PG-13) (6) device. (PG-13) masked killer slaughters young revelers. (R) second of four episodes to be broadcast live
TBS 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Full Frontal With Angie Tribeca Tower Heist coast-to-coast; LCD Soundsystem is the
(14) (14) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Theory (PG) Samantha Bee (14) (2011). (PG-13) musical guest.
TCM . Spartacus (1960). Rebel gladiator. . The Bad and the Beautiful (1952). Kirk Douglas, Lana Turner. Holly- . Champion (1949). Kirk Douglas, Ruth Roman. Boxer’s rise and rot. . Lust for Life KATHRYN SHATTUCK
Overcooked but striking. (PG-13) (4:30) wood producer and user. Wise, luxurious entertainment, via Minnelli. Expert and thoughtful. (10:15) (1956). (12:15)
TLC Say Yes to the Dress (PG) Say Yes to the Dress (N) (PG) Nate & Jeremiah by Design (N) Nate & Jeremiah by Design (PG) Say Yes to the Dress (PG) (11:03) Nate & Jeremiah
TNT Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford. Luke trains with Yoda. Nice and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983). Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford. Luke and allies confront ONLINE: TELEVISION LISTINGS
inoffensive. (PG) Darth Vader. The low point, to that point. (PG) (9:47)
Daily television highlights, recent reviews by
TRAV Ghost Adventures (PG) Ghost Adventures (PG) Ghost Adventures (N) (PG) The Dead Files (N) (PG) The Dead Files (PG) Ghost Adv. The Times's critics, series recaps and what to
TRU Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Hacks Inside Hacks Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes watch recommendations.
TVLAND Old Christine Old Christine Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens
USA Couples Retreat (2009). Vince Vaughn. Four couples Fifty Shades of Grey (2015). Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan. An inexperienced student The Ugly Truth (2009). Katherine Heigl. A romantically Definitions of symbols used in Ratings:
endure therapy sessions at a tropical resort. (PG-13) (6) begins a daring love affair. (R) challenged woman faces outrageous tests. (R) the program listings: (Y) All children
VH1 Space Jam (1996). (PG) (6) Love & Basketball (2000). Childhood friends want pro sports careers. Obvious, but Lathan scores. (PG-13) . White Men Can’t Jump (1992). Wesley Snipes. (R) ★ Recommended film (Y7) Directed to older children
✩ Recommended series (G) General audience
WE Law & Order “Pride and Joy.” A Law & Order “Apocrypha.” Woman Law & Order “American Dream.” Law & Order “Born Bad.” Genetic Law & Order “The Pursuit of Happi- Law & Order ● New or noteworthy program (PG) Parental guidance
gifted student kills his father. (PG) killed planting car bomb. (PG) Businessman appeals conviction. predisposition. (PG) ness.” (PG) “Golden Years.” (N) New show or episode suggested
WGN-A Blue Bloods “Manhattan Queens.” Blue Bloods “Open Secrets.” (14) Blue Bloods “Insult to Injury.” (14) Blue Bloods “Knockout Game.” (14) Underground “Citizen.” (MA) Engagement (CC) Closed-caption (14) Parents strongly cautioned
(HD) High definition (MA) Mature audience only
YES CenterStage Jimmy Hanlin Swing Clinic SportsMoney Nets Magazine Extra Innings Homegrown Yankeeography CenterStage

Weather Report Meteorology by AccuWeather

couv Metropolitan Forecast Record
60s highs
Regina TODAY ............................................Showers
attle L Winnip
p eg 40s Quebec
ok 60s
60 s High 66. Storms lingering across the
andd Montrre
real 50s Northeast will continue to bring unsettled
60s 50s Hele
ena 90s Bisma
a Por
weather with considerable amounts of
e Fargo Ottt
Billings Burlington
B lingto
n on clouds and showers starting midday. TODAY
ise 70ss6
40s Minnea
n a
p St. Pa
S aul
a u Toronto
o Albanyy 60s
0s Boston
Bos TONIGHT ...........................Evening showers 80° M T W T F S S M T W
Pierre M
kee L Bu
ffalo Har
a d Low 50. Parts of the area will still have
o Falls
New York
N showers throughout the evening. It will be
70s Reno 80s
s Dess Moines Cleveland Pittsburg
Pit gh mostly cloudy through the night otherwise
Cheyenne Chi
hic o Phi
0s L Salt
lt Lake
L with seasonable temperatures.
City Indianapolis
i Wash
San Francisco
o Denver Kansas Springf
S gfield
gf i 50s
50s TOMORROW ...................Afternoon showers 70°
a Richm
chmond Normal
o City Charle
o Las
Springs St. Louis
S Louis
Norfolk High 60. A cool day will prevail across the highs
Wichita Raleigh
gh region with intervals of clouds and sun-
Los Angeless Santa
a Fe
0s Oklahoma City
Nashville Charlo
arlotte shine. There will be lingering moisture
ity Memphis
iss due to afternoon showers.
Little Rock
San o 90s Phoenix
an Diego enix Albuquerque Columb
bia 60°
Atlanta MONDAY ...........Clouds and sunshine, cool
las 70s A pool of cool air will remain across the
El Paso Ft. Worth Jackson
n Northeast. Expect times of clouds and
80s Baton
ton Rouge
to Rou sunshine. Otherwise, it will be a rain-free
90s H Mo
day. Temperatures will be below normal
San Antonio New O
Orlando 50° lows
ston for early May.
70s Hilo
H Orleans Tampa
s 90s
Corpus Christi
C WEDNESDAY ........................Spotty showers
80s Miami
0 70s
70s 90s
rrey Tuesday will be a cloudy and cool day with
40s Weather patterns shown as expected at noon today, Eastern time. showers in spots. The high will be 56.
nks 60s
Wednesday will be mostly cloudy and
remain cool with passing showers. The Forecast
50s <0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+
Actual range Record
nchorage high will be 60. lows
H L High High

Highlight: Cool, Showers for California National Forecast Metropolitan Almanac

The weather will undergo A broad area of low pressure across the In Central Park for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday.
a dramatic change Northeast and Middle Atlantic will bring
across California this scattered showers and cool, breezy con- Temperature Precipitation (in inches)
weekend. A cold front will ditions to much of New England and Yesterday ............... 3.00
drop temperatures as 90° Record Record .................... 1.33
Pennsylvania. Temperatures will be below high 90°
much as 20 to 25 average across parts of the Great Lakes, (1980) For the last 30 days
degrees across the Actual ..................... 5.63
Northeast and Middle Atlantic. 80° THU. YESTERDAY Normal .................... 4.33
southern half of the state. An area of high pressure across the For the last 365 days
In addition, showers and Plains will promote seasonably dry and Actual ................... 49.15
thunderstorms will be warm conditions. It will become breezy Normal .................. 49.94
San Francisco 70° Normal
widespread across the across the western Dakotas, especially in high 68° LAST 30 DAYS
region with the potential the afternoon. Expect partly to mostly 57°
Air pressure Humidity
for gusty winds and small sunny conditions along the Gulf Coast 4 p.m. High ........... 30.12 1 a.m. High ............. 100% noon
Las Vegas 60° Low ............ 29.60 3 p.m. Low .............. 71% 1 a.m.
hail. Snow levels may and Florida.
drop to the 5,000- to Los Angeles Isolated afternoon showers or storms Normal Cooling Degree Days
6,000-foot level by will develop across the Rockies of Col- 50° low 51°
An index of fuel consumption that tracks how
tonight. orado and New Mexico. A cold front will 51° far the day’s mean temperature rose above 65
bring showers and storms across Mon- 5 a.m. Yesterday ..................................................................... 0
tana and most of Idaho and Nevada. 40° So far this month .......................................................... 4
Record So far this season (since January 1).......................... 38
low 34° Normal to date for the season ................................... 14
4 12 6 12 4
p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Trends Temperature Precipitation
Little Rock 71/ 50 0 78/ 53 S 79/ 55 S New Delhi 105/ 77 0 109/ 84 PC 112/ 86 S
Cities Los Angeles 72/ 59 0 67/ 53 Sh 65/ 51 T Riyadh 101/ 76 0 102/ 74 PC 102/ 76 PC Average Average
High/low temperatures for the 16 hours ended at 4 Louisville 53/ 44 0.28 59/ 41 Sh 64/ 39 S Seoul 79/ 59 0 69/ 51 W 74/ 52 S Avg. daily departure Avg. daily departure Below Above Below Above
p.m. yesterday, Eastern time, and precipitation (in Memphis 67/ 48 0.02 78/ 52 S 76/ 54 S Shanghai 75/ 64 0 77/ 60 PC 80/ 61 S from normal from normal Last 10 days
inches) for the 16 hours ended at 4 p.m. yesterday. Miami 85/ 67 0.05 83/ 65 S 85/ 67 S Singapore 90/ 78 0.19 88/ 79 PC 86/ 78 PC this month ............. +0.8° this year ................ +3.0°
Milwaukee 56/ 42 0 54/ 38 PC 54/ 35 S Sydney 74/ 55 0 77/ 59 PC 67/ 54 S 30 days
Expected conditions for today and tomorrow.
Mpls.-St. Paul 77/ 47 0 64/ 42 S 65/ 44 S Taipei 86/ 75 0 80/ 72 T 79/ 73 PC 90 days
C ....................... Clouds S ............................. Sun Nashville 54/ 44 0.10 69/ 43 PC 69/ 45 S Tehran 78/ 57 0.67 78/ 60 PC 78/ 62 S Reservoir levels (New York City water supply) 365 days
F ............................ Fog Sn ....................... Snow New Orleans 73/ 55 0 77/ 58 S 80/ 60 S Tokyo 75/ 61 0 78/ 61 W 72/ 61 PC
H .......................... Haze SS ......... Snow showers Norfolk 78/ 58 1.14 71/ 55 Sh 70/ 53 PC Yesterday ............. 100% Chart shows how recent temperature and precipitation
Oklahoma City 73/ 49 0 81/ 55 S 83/ 58 S Europe Yesterday Today Tomorrow
I............................... Ice T .......... Thunderstorms Est. normal ............. 99% trends compare with those of the last 30 years.
Omaha 75/ 51 0 78/ 48 S 76/ 53 S Amsterdam 52/ 46 0.04 63/ 48 C 60/ 43 C
PC........... Partly cloudy Tr ........................ Trace Athens 86/ 62 0 83/ 62 S 81/ 63 S
Orlando 78/ 56 0.64 78/ 55 S 85/ 61 S
R ........................... Rain W ....................... Windy Philadelphia 69/ 58 0.54 67/ 49 PC 61/ 44 PC Berlin 57/ 47 0.02 64/ 46 C 62/ 44 C
Sh ................... Showers –.............. Not available Phoenix
54/ 45 0
67/ 50 0.63
67/ 48 C
71/ 53 T
61/ 43 C
69/ 50 R
Recreational Forecast
N.Y.C. region Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Portland, Me. 49/ 45 0.12 57/ 46 Sh 57/ 43 PC Copenhagen 54/ 45 0.32 58/ 44 PC 55/ 39 C
New York City 57/ 51 3.00 66/ 50 C 60/ 44 PC Portland, Ore. 55/ 43 0.66 61/ 41 PC 65/ 42 S Dublin 55/ 44 0 55/ 43 C 61/ 44 PC Sun, Moon and Planets Mountain and Ocean Temperatures
Bridgeport 57/ 50 0.72 66/ 50 C 62/ 44 PC Providence 59/ 54 0.39 64/ 50 Sh 62/ 43 C Edinburgh 57/ 42 0 57/ 43 S 56/ 40 C
Caldwell 59/ 49 0.86 67/ 46 C 61/ 40 PC Raleigh 77/ 52 1.11 68/ 49 PC 68/ 46 PC Frankfurt 59/ 46 0.07 69/ 52 C 65/ 46 T Full Last Quarter New First Quarter
Danbury 53/ 43 0.56 64/ 42 C 58/ 36 PC Reno 78/ 50 0 61/ 41 PC 60/ 43 C Geneva 64/ 37 0 57/ 48 R 55/ 47 R Today’s forecast
Islip 60/ 48 0.59 64/ 49 C 62/ 43 PC Richmond 75/ 54 0.85 67/ 47 PC 65/ 44 Sh Helsinki 64/ 34 0 56/ 31 PC 47/ 29 PC
Newark 61/ 51 0.30 67/ 49 C 61/ 42 PC Rochester 56/ 49 1.16 54/ 38 R 43/ 34 Sh Istanbul 72/ 56 0 67/ 57 Sh 72/ 60 PC White
Trenton 65/ 50 0.98 65/ 45 PC 61/ 39 PC Sacramento 79/ 50 0 72/ 54 PC 78/ 55 C Kiev 68/ 46 0 73/ 49 S 76/ 54 T May 10 May 18 May 25 June 1 57/44 Cloudy, a shower, warmer
White Plains 57/ 47 0.53 65/ 46 C 61/ 40 PC Salt Lake City 86/ 64 0 83/ 59 C 78/ 55 PC Lisbon 66/ 55 0.40 69/ 56 S 78/ 58 S 5:42 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
San Antonio 83/ 56 0 86/ 59 S 87/ 64 S London 61/ 47 0 62/ 45 C 64/ 43 PC Green
United States Yesterday Today Tomorrow 51/34 Milder with a few showers
San Diego 70/ 61 0 65/ 55 Sh 63/ 56 T Madrid 73/ 56 0.01 70/ 48 S 80/ 52 S Sun RISE 5:48 a.m. Moon S 3:56 a.m.
Albany 55/ 54 0.56 70/ 47 Sh 58/ 38 Sh Moscow 59/ 32 0 60/ 32 Sh 49/ 34 PC
San Francisco 65/ 50 0 64/ 50 PC 69/ 51 PC SET 7:58 p.m. R 3:58 p.m. Adirondacks
Albuquerque 85/ 57 0 84/ 55 PC 79/ 53 PC Nice 66/ 51 0 66/ 53 R 69/ 56 PC
San Jose 69/ 49 0 66/ 51 PC 73/ 52 PC NEXT R 5:47 a.m. S 4:25 a.m.
Anchorage 52/ 36 0 55/ 43 PC 52/ 40 C Oslo 68/ 39 0 70/ 47 PC 54/ 34 R 64/40 Milder, showers
San Juan 89/ 77 0.05 88/ 76 PC 86/ 77 PC
Atlanta 55/ 47 0.02 70/ 50 S 70/ 48 S Paris 64/ 45 0 58/ 51 R 63/ 45 C Jupiter S 4:44 a.m. Mars R 7:04 a.m.
Seattle 57/ 43 0.75 58/ 43 PC 61/ 44 S Berkshires
Atlantic City 64/ 58 0.67 65/ 52 PC 62/ 44 PC Prague 54/ 46 0.13 65/ 47 T 62/ 47 T R 5:09 p.m. S 10:00 p.m.
Sioux Falls 77/ 47 0 73/ 46 S 72/ 50 S 62/43 A couple of showers
Austin 84/ 53 0 87/ 57 S 88/ 62 S Rome 70/ 53 0 73/ 53 PC 70/ 52 PC
Spokane 69/ 43 0.15 57/ 43 C 59/ 39 PC Saturn S 8:28 a.m. Venus R 4:03 a.m.
Baltimore 70/ 54 0.85 63/ 47 Sh 62/ 42 PC St. Petersburg 53/ 36 0 48/ 32 C 43/ 30 R
St. Louis 68/ 53 0.19 70/ 47 S 71/ 48 S R 11:05 p.m. S 4:23 p.m. Catskills
Baton Rouge 75/ 51 0 78/ 55 S 83/ 57 S Stockholm 70/ 31 0 59/ 31 C 51/ 32 PC
St. Thomas 82/ 76 0.02 85/ 77 PC 85/ 75 PC 57/39 A few showers
Birmingham 55/ 45 0.11 75/ 51 S 74/ 51 S Vienna 61/ 45 0.19 68/ 50 PC 65/ 50 T
Syracuse 57/ 54 1.03 63/ 39 Sh 46/ 33 Sh Boating
Boise 81/ 48 0 59/ 43 C 64/ 41 PC Warsaw 72/ 52 0.23 70/ 50 T 61/ 44 R
Tampa 76/ 66 1.21 79/ 65 S 84/ 69 S Poconos
Boston 51/ 51 0.49 63/ 51 Sh 60/ 44 C 40s
Toledo 48/ 39 0.78 56/ 36 C 56/ 29 S North America Yesterday Today Tomorrow From Montauk Point to Sandy Hook, N.J., out to 20 54/39 A couple of showers
Buffalo 57/ 43 0.78 47/ 36 R 42/ 34 Sh
Tucson 100/ 68 0 92/ 60 S 77/ 49 PC nautical miles, including Long Island Sound and New
Burlington 53/ 50 0.31 71/ 50 Sh 60/ 42 Sh Tulsa 72/ 51 0 81/ 54 S 83/ 58 S Acapulco 89/ 76 0.12 88/ 77 PC 86/ 76 PC
Casper 78/ 44 0 84/ 49 S 78/ 46 PC York Harbor. Southwest Pa.
Virginia Beach 73/ 58 0.22 70/ 54 Sh 67/ 51 PC Bermuda 76/ 69 0.02 77/ 72 W 76/ 71 R
Charlotte 66/ 48 0.15 66/ 46 T 67/ 46 PC Edmonton 75/ 45 0 66/ 42 PC 56/ 33 C Small craft advisory is in effect. Wind will be from the 46/36 Colder with rain 50s
Washington 75/ 57 1.81 64/ 50 PC 63/ 44 PC
Chattanooga 55/ 45 0.08 70/ 44 PC 69/ 45 S Wichita 74/ 49 0 82/ 55 S 84/ 60 S Guadalajara 86/ 58 0 90/ 57 PC 89/ 54 S south at 12-25 knots. Waves will be 4-8 feet on the
Chicago 60/ 42 0 57/ 37 PC 57/ 34 S Wilmington, Del. 70/ 55 0.52 64/ 46 Sh 61/ 40 PC Havana 84/ 72 0.17 82/ 64 S 84/ 69 S ocean and 1-3 feet on Long Island Sound and on New
Cincinnati 49/ 41 0.42 56/ 37 PC 58/ 35 S Kingston 88/ 77 0.01 87/ 77 T 87/ 77 T
West Virginia
York Harbor. Visibility reduced in showers. 60s
Cleveland 55/ 44 0.42 50/ 43 Sh 53/ 38 S Africa Yesterday Today Tomorrow Martinique 88/ 77 0.18 88/ 74 Sh 87/ 75 Sh 48/37 Cloudy with a few showers
Colorado Springs 73/ 49 0 80/ 52 PC 75/ 48 PC Algiers 88/ 61 0 77/ 52 S 77/ 50 S Mexico City 74/ 55 0 79/ 58 PC 79/ 56 PC High Tides
Columbus 56/ 43 0.33 59/ 39 PC 59/ 34 PC Cairo 86/ 64 0 88/ 65 S 91/ 68 S Monterrey 85/ 56 0 90/ 64 S 91/ 63 PC Color bands
Concord, N.H. 52/ 46 0.25 67/ 47 Sh 65/ 39 C Cape Town 70/ 52 0.02 67/ 54 PC 66/ 47 C Montreal 50/ 43 0.29 70/ 43 T 53/ 35 Sh Atlantic City ................... 5:06 a.m. .............. 5:41 p.m. Blue Ridge indicate water
Dallas-Ft. Worth 78/ 55 0 84/ 61 S 87/ 62 S Dakar 75/ 68 0 79/ 71 S 79/ 71 S Nassau 91/ 75 0 86/ 71 PC 87/ 73 S Barnegat Inlet ................ 5:10 a.m. .............. 5:44 p.m. 57/42 Cloudy with a few showers temperature.
Denver 78/ 49 0 83/ 52 S 81/ 47 PC Johannesburg 71/ 47 0 74/ 47 C 75/ 50 PC Panama City 88/ 75 0.05 86/ 75 T 88/ 75 T The Battery .................... 5:51 a.m. .............. 6:25 p.m.
Des Moines 75/ 52 0 72/ 44 S 70/ 49 S Nairobi 74/ 60 0.47 75/ 59 PC 76/ 61 PC Quebec City 50/ 41 0.10 57/ 50 C 60/ 43 Sh Beach Haven ................. 6:31 a.m. .............. 7:08 p.m.
Detroit 48/ 42 1.38 56/ 38 Sh 55/ 32 S Tunis 93/ 67 0 86/ 60 S 79/ 58 PC Santo Domingo 88/ 72 0 86/ 73 T 86/ 72 T Bridgeport ..................... 8:55 a.m. .............. 9:20 p.m.
El Paso 90/ 63 0 91/ 62 PC 88/ 58 PC Toronto 49/ 42 0.82 47/ 35 R 44/ 31 Sh City Island ...................... 9:35 a.m. .............. 9:57 p.m.
A large storm system will sit over the
Fargo 80/ 42 0 74/ 44 S 73/ 47 S Asia/Pacific Yesterday Today Tomorrow Vancouver 58/ 51 0.30 56/ 41 S 58/ 44 S
Hartford 56/ 53 0.71 68/ 47 Sh 63/ 39 PC Baghdad 95/ 72 0.02 94/ 66 PC 100/ 69 PC Fire Island Lt. ................. 5:59 a.m. .............. 6:36 p.m. Northeast. This will result in a mostly
Winnipeg 70/ 46 0 68/ 43 S 69/ 43 PC
Honolulu 86/ 71 0 85/ 73 S 86/ 72 PC Bangkok 91/ 82 0.25 92/ 80 T 92/ 80 PC Montauk Point ................ 6:41 a.m. .............. 7:00 p.m. cloudy sky across the mountains along
Houston 79/ 54 0 84/ 58 S 85/ 63 S Beijing 71/ 55 0 84/ 50 S 89/ 54 S South America Yesterday Today Tomorrow Northport ....................... 9:18 a.m. .............. 9:43 p.m.
Indianapolis 54/ 40 0.78 56/ 36 Sh 58/ 35 S Damascus 82/ 49 0 85/ 51 S 83/ 48 S Buenos Aires 79/ 59 0 77/ 62 S 77/ 61 C Port Washington ............ 9:41 a.m. ............ 10:05 p.m. with some showers. Highs will range from
Jackson 69/ 47 0 75/ 53 S 82/ 54 S Hong Kong 85/ 76 0.13 85/ 76 PC 83/ 76 PC Caracas 88/ 78 0.14 88/ 80 PC 88/ 79 PC Sandy Hook ................... 5:13 a.m. .............. 5:50 p.m. mid-40s to mid-60s. Showers in the
Jacksonville 76/ 51 0 77/ 52 S 85/ 55 S Jakarta 89/ 77 0.25 89/ 77 T 90/ 75 T Lima 78/ 66 0 76/ 67 PC 76/ 66 PC Shinnecock Inlet ............ 5:00 a.m. .............. 5:31 p.m.
Kansas City 72/ 51 0 77/ 49 S 76/ 56 S Jerusalem 73/ 53 0 73/ 54 S 75/ 54 S Quito 64/ 51 0.46 68/ 53 Sh 67/ 53 Sh Stamford ........................ 8:58 a.m. .............. 9:23 p.m.
evening, with a wet snow mix from the
Key West 82/ 72 0.14 80/ 71 S 80/ 74 S Karachi 92/ 81 0 95/ 81 S 97/ 82 S Recife 86/ 76 0.05 86/ 76 Sh 86/ 76 Sh Tarrytown ....................... 7:40 a.m. .............. 8:14 p.m. Allegheny to the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Las Vegas 98/ 75 0 87/ 57 PC 67/ 53 PC Manila 95/ 80 0 94/ 79 PC 95/ 79 PC Rio de Janeiro 79/ 69 0.04 79/ 69 T 78/ 69 PC Willets Point ................... 9:31 a.m. .............. 9:53 p.m.
Lexington 58/ 42 0.16 55/ 37 Sh 60/ 36 S Mumbai 93/ 82 0 93/ 84 S 93/ 83 S Santiago 70/ 41 0 68/ 44 PC 64/ 44 Sh

Washington shows it can Brett Gardner’s

match Boston’s physical style.
ninth-inning homer
The Penguins make every carries the Yankees
locker room feel like home. over the Cubs.




First, It’s Baby Steps

Kakadu, whose name was officially regis-
Many had been anticipating American Pharoah’s initial crop of foals since tered last week as First Pharoah.
Aboughazale, who also owns a stud farm in
he captured the Triple Crown in 2015. Well, they have finally arrived. Chile and is a perennial leading owner there,
watched all of American Pharoah’s races in
By MELISSA HOPPERT plied in number. 2015 and attended his triumphant final race
How quick? Consider these statistics: in the Breeders’ Cup Classic. He fell hard for
LEXINGTON, Ky. — A feeling of hope rip-
Untouched Talent and her baby filly reside the horse, just the way he became smitten
pled across bluegrass country, and every-
at Coolmore’s Ashford Stud in Versailles, with Kentucky when he first visited 20 years
where else in the world of racing, when at
12:30 a.m. on Jan. 3 a mare named Kakadu along with 18 other foals by American ago, and he knew he wanted his own farm
gave birth to the very first foal by the Triple Pharoah. And Papa is there, too, enjoying life where he could indulge those passions.
Crown winner American Pharoah. as both a stallion and a tourist attraction. “I fell in love with him, really, his body, his
Kakadu delivered the foal three weeks About 30 miles away, at a farm in Paris, Ky., character, the way he moves, the way he
early at Brookdale Farm in Versailles, Ky., Oussama Aboughazale, a Chilean-based na- runs. He’s a great horse,” Aboughazale said.
beating Untouched Talent, who was also in tive of Jerusalem, whose family made a for- “I love Kentucky, too. Everything here is
foal to American Pharoah, by 12 days. Thus tune exporting fruit, is also stockpiling about horses. I feel at home here. The people
began one of the most anticipated foaling American Pharoah foals. He now has five of I know in Kentucky are exactly like me. We
seasons in decades as the initial offspring of the approximately 100 that have been born so speak the same language.”
American Pharoah, whose 2015 sweep was far, including a colt out of the Chilean super- It was not a coincidence that Aboughazale
the sport’s first in 37 years, quickly multi- mare Amani and the premature colt out of Continued on Page D2

The mare Full Ransom with her American Pharoah foal at Sumaya Farm, top, which belongs to Oussama
Aboughazale, right. Mr. Aboughazale owns five of American Pharoah’s offspring.

A Sport With a Culture in Its Corner At $495, a Signature Shoe

Thirty-four years ago, the boxing pro- Is Met With Headshakes
moter Bob Arum was having lunch at the
Friars Club with Carlos Barba, the man- By MARC TRACY pose of maintaining control over the
ager of a Newark-based Spanish-lan- At the Flight Club sneaker store merchandise revenue generated by
guage television station that would just south of Union Square on his three sons, Lonzo, 19; LiAngelo,
eventually become the broadcasting gi- Thursday night, eager customers 18, a U.C.L.A. commit; and LaMelo,
ant Univision. perused the gleaming shelves, hunt- 15, who scored 92 points in a high
Arum was bemoaning the slow ticket school game last season.
ing for classic kicks. The big names
sales for his upcoming fight at Madison LaVar Ball’s opening bid to shoe
— the players whose signature
Square Garden between Davey Moore, a companies some weeks ago was a
shoes are most highly sought — are
marketing deal with all three sons
young middleweight champion from the the ones you would expect: Kevin worth $1 billion. The companies re-
Bronx, and Roberto Durán, the wildly Durant, LeBron James and, even af- portedly declined. Last month, a
popular ex-lightweight and welter- ter all these years, Michael Jordan. Nike executive called LaVar Ball
weight champion from Panama. At the time, the larger world was “the worst thing to happen to bas-
“Bob, for a smart guy, you’re a dope,” trying to wrap its head around the ketball in the last 100 years.” Trans-
Barba told him. “You got a huge Hispanic ZO2, Lonzo Ball’s first signature lation: Nike doesn’t like when some-
market in this town. You should be mar- shoe, which he had hours earlier an- one rejects the business model that
keting this fight solely in the Hispanic JOHN LOCHER/ASSOCIATED PRESS nounced in a video released to Slam has enabled the company to domi-
media, and you should be selling Durán.” Saúl Álvarez, second from left, and Julio César Chávez Jr., both from Mex- magazine. nate the multibillion-dollar sneaker
“So in desperation, that’s what I did,” ico, will fight on Saturday. Boxing remains popular with Hispanic fans. Ball, the former U.C.L.A. point and apparel industry.
Arum said. “And we sold the place out.” guard who is expected to be a top- Then, on Thursday, came Big
The result, Arum said, was “one of the three pick in June’s N.B.A. draft, had Baller Brand’s ZO2, the least expen-
most exciting nights of my career.” the infamous “no más” fight against Sug- missed a very lucrative boat. declined contracts with the big sive version of which costs $495.
“You couldn’t hear yourself talk in the ar Ray Leonard and having lost of two of “That fight really opened my eyes,” sneaker companies: Nike, Under Yes, four hundred ninety-five dol-
Garden that night,” Arum added. “It was his previous four bouts, won the fight Arum said. “I realized this was the mar- Armour and Adidas. Instead, he lars. For comparison’s sake, the
insane.” with a knockout. ket. I realized this was my market.” placed his chips on Big Baller most recent signature shoe of
In a major upset, Durán, who was con- Watching the arena erupt in pandemo- Ever since that night — June 16, 1983 — Brand, the company founded by his James, basketball’s biggest star and
sidered washed up after having quit in nium, Arum realized that he had nearly Continued on Page D3 father, LaVar Ball, for the frank pur- Continued on Page D6



First, It’s Baby Steps for Pharoah’s Progeny

Payson Park in Indiantown, Fla., in Novem-
From First Sports Page ber for more fundamentals.
hired Frances Relihan, a former farm man- Harrigan painstakingly introduces them
ager who raised American Pharoah, as his to equipment like a bridle and a saddle. He
bloodstock consultant to help expand his bellies them, or perches himself on their
operation at Sumaya Farm, his 230-acre fa- back, to get them used to carrying weight.
cility in Paris. He and Relihan made a Once they can be ridden, they are taught to
splash at the Keeneland sale in January, gallop and eventually breeze. They are also
spending $1,080,000 for four horses, includ- schooled in the starting gate to put them at
ing $575,000 for Joyfully, who was, na- ease in a tight space.
turally, in foal to American Pharoah. Harrigan, who worked with the 2017
But Aboughazale and Relihan know bet- Derby entrant Sonateer and the Oaks en-
ter than anyone that even though American trant Vexatious, welcomes the idea of one
Pharoah is being paired with top mares, day working with American Pharoah’s
there are no guarantees in horse racing. Of foals.
the approximately 22,500 foals born in “There is no absolute rule when you are
North America in 2016, only a small number dealing with thoroughbreds, but I can tell
will reach the pinnacle of their sport. No you 100 percent that if those horses are as
more than 20 will reach the starting gate in classy as he is, that is a big leg up because
the Kentucky Derby, which will be run on they will listen to the people that are around
Saturday, and just 14 made the premier race them and they will try — and trying is prob-
for fillies, the Oaks, which took place Friday. ably the main thing,” he said.
It is a painstaking process of care and In April, the 2-year-olds graduate and
conditioning to get fillies and colts to that head to the racetrack. Their new trainers
level, and it begins at birth. will continue their conditioning and plot out
a racing plan that centers on first winning a
Foal race and then, for exemplary horses, points
them toward the 2-year-old Breeders’ Cup
Relihan already sees many of American races.
Pharoah’s characteristics being passed on A big key to the equation when campaign-
to his foals. They generally have mild tem- ing a young horse is finding the right rider,
peraments, curious minds and strong bod- American Pharoah’s trainer, Bob Baffert,
ies. Even the premature colt, who was said. He chose Victor Espinoza to ride his
placed on stall rest for the first few months prized colt because, yes, he had won big
of his life to allow his bones to fully develop, races but also because he could also handle
has an athletic build, probably owing to his a headstrong 2-year-old.
healthy appetite. “I knew he would get along with my
Foaling season in the United States lasts horse, and he’s strong,” Baffert said. “He
from January to June, and breeding season was able to teach him a lot.”
begins on Feb. 14 and runs to as late as July.
The biggest goal of all, though, is keeping
A mare’s gestation period on average is 342
the horse healthy.
days, and within a few hours of being born, a
foal can stand and walk into a small pad-
dock with its mother. 3-Year-Old
“It’s really amazing, and kind of a throw- Horses that win the Breeders’ Cup Juve-
back to nature,” Relihan said, “because if nile or the Juvenile Fillies become early
you think about a foal being born in the wild, favorites for the Derby and the Oaks the
they have to be up running with the herd
next May. Before those two races, though,
within the first several hours, because oth-
American Pharoah, significantly reduced stress on the foals, it his four sons. They pamper the horses, there is the heart of the prep season, which
erwise they are at risk for predators.”
was still one of the hardest aspects of their painting and picking their feet, trimming sorts out what horseplayers like to refer to
After about a week, the mare and foal are top, at his stable at
jobs. their manes to the length of a dollar bill and as contenders and pretenders.
paired with another mare and foal about the Coolmore’s Ashford There are lots of ups and downs along this
same age in a slightly larger paddock, so the “Weaning is the toughest deal, especially shading them from the sun to prevent
Stud in Versailles, Ky. when you live on the farm and you hear burns. They build a nutrition and exercise path, as all involved hope — and, quite
babies can socialize. After 30 days, the mare When he was offered at them hollering at night,” Alexander said. program for them, which includes walking, literally, pray — that all that preparation
is then likely to be bred back (Kakadu is
now in foal to Empire Maker, American
auction in 2013, no one “In the old days, they used to wean them all swimming and taking supplements. Finally, will lead to glory at Churchill Downs on the
Pharoah’s grandsire), and the foal gets its met the minimum ask- at once, and it used to be mass chaos.” the yearlings are taught how to take orders first Friday or Saturday in May.
first taste of separation from his mother. ing price of $300,000. Around the same time, the boys and girls and how to stand just so for prospective For now, though, that thrill comes when
“The mare generally settles down,” Reli- First Pharoah, above, are separated, heading off the hormones buyers. Aboughazale is outside playing with his
han said. “But I feel sorry for the little guys was the first foal sired that begin to kick in after their first birth- The Taylor brothers helped transform horses, especially with his Pharoahs, as he
— they call out for two hours waiting for days and preparing them for the next stage American Pharoah from a gangly yearling likes to call them. The other day, the
by American Pharoah Pharoah colt out of Amani, who is known as
their mom, but then it’s a great big reunion of their development. to a muscled Adonis who paraded around
to be born. the Saratoga sales ring in 2013. But no one a diva, bit him on the arm. Aboughazale
when she does come home.” “It’s all about repetitiveness and familiar-
Around the same time, the mare and foal ity to try to prevent as much stress as possi- bought American Pharoah that day; some could not have been happier.
are graduated into a larger pasture with ble,” Relihan said. “And down the road when say it was because he had what amounted to “It shows that he has character,” he said.
eight to 12 other mares and foals so they are it comes to the breaking process and getting a blemish on his leg, or that his tail was Amid all these expectations, American
in a social group. The group remains out- them to the track, I think if you handle them partly chewed off, or that the minimum ask- Pharoah will soon head to Australia to
doors for all but two hours a day, when the and give them confidence when they are ing price of $300,000 was simply too high for breed throughout the fall at the Coolmore
horses return to their stalls for grooming very young it plays through all the way his unproven sire. farm there for about $50,000 per live foal.
and checkups. along.” “He was just plain looking,” said Mark (His 2017 fee in the United States has not
Then comes the hard part. Taylor, the vice president of marketing and been disclosed, but he was commanding
public sales for Taylor Made. “But man, he $200,000 in 2016.) Meanwhile, another
Yearling Derby star, California Chrome, who stands
was just put together like a racehorse. And
Weanling The next step comes when the fillies and then we go to Saratoga, and the best judges at Taylor Made, is heading to Aboughazale’s
A foal is weaned from its mother on aver- colts turn a year old on Jan. 1. Owners will of horse flesh in the world are milling stud farm in Chile.
age at about 5 months old. At that point, usually decide by April whether to point around, and somehow he ended up not sell- And as both American Pharoah and Cali-
most foals have become more independent their charges toward the racetrack or to the ing.” fornia Chrome produce new foals, the
anyway, straying from their mother’s pro- yearling sales in the summer and fall. In process will begin anew.
tective embrace to play with their peers. 2016, about 30 percent of the foal crop was “It’s just such a grind just to get to the
sold at auction.
2-Year-Old Derby and to win it,” said Scott Calder, the
Relihan’s method, used to great success
with American Pharoah, is to remove a few If the decision is to sell, many owners will If an owner decides to keep a yearling, it sales and marketing manager at Coolmore.
mares from the herd each night until there enlist the help of a consignor, who preps then goes to school to learn how to be a race- “And that’s why, obviously, there hasn’t
are none left. The foals return to the same yearlings for the sale through a process that horse. been a Triple Crown winner in so long. And I
stall they were in with their mothers; the is part beauty school, part charm school and Aboughazale leans on Bill Harrigan to hate to say it, it’s extremely selfish, but I
mares are relocated to a barn across the part boot camp. break his fillies and colts. He starts teaching kind of hope there’s not another Triple
farm. Among the best in the business is Taylor them how to be ridden at his Miacomet Crown winner for a little while, because ev-
Relihan and the Sumaya Farm manager, Made, which was founded by Joe Taylor, a Farm in Georgetown, Ky., in September of ery time another horse fails it just shows
Jody Alexander, said that while that method longtime farm manager, and is now run by their yearling year before moving them to how special American Pharoah is.”


How Penguins Make

A Home on Road Ice
WASHINGTON — It’s spring-
time, and the Penguins are nest-
Carrying signs (and
ing. posters and rugs)
When the Pittsburgh Penguins
head away from their home at of Pittsburgh.
PPG Paints Arena, the team’s
equipment management staff
takes on the standard tasks of certainly making it very apparent
packing pads and sharpening that the Pittsburgh Penguins are PHOTOGRAPHS BY DANA HEINZE
skates, but it puts equal effort into here, for sure.”
another area: interior decorating. The Pittsburgh Penguins’ equipment staff loads up the locker
The hallway leading to the room at the Verizon Center in Washington, above, with
On Saturday, the Penguins go locker room is lined with dozens of
back to their home away from black-and-gold placards. By the reminders of home, down to team logos on the coffee cups, left.
home — the Verizon Center in door to the locker room, one sign
Washington — for Game 5 of their acts as a title plaque to the art in- logo is used on the main rug and said nothing in their playing ca-
second-round playoff series, one stallation you are within: “It’s a elsewhere, as is a league emblem reers could compare with playing
game from eliminating the Capi- Hockey Night in Pittsburgh.” for the 2017 playoffs. There is also a road game for the Penguins.
tals. In and around the team’s road a series-specific sign, with the “I’ve never been fortunate
The floor space of the visitors’
locker room, any available piece of word “HUNT” accompanied by enough to have a home room ev-
locker room in Washington is
wall or floor space will be adorned the Capitals’ alternate eagle logo erywhere I go,” said Cole, a
small; at roughly 24 feet by 12 feet,
with some sort of poster, sign or lined up in a sniper’s cross hairs. seventh-year player in his third
it is about half the size of the Capi-
flag bearing the Penguins’ logo. “I think it helps us build our season with the Penguins.
tals’ confines down the hall. A
Dana Heinze, the team’s head team spirit, our camaraderie,” Jake Guentzel, a rookie, is expe-
Penguins logo (or 10) is always
equipment manager, declined to Penguins Coach Mike Sullivan riencing the postseason décor for
be interviewed for this article but within one’s field of vision.
said. “It gives our players and our the first time.
told The Pittsburgh Tribune-Re- The effect, Cole said, is dorm
coaching staff a certain comfort “You don’t really expect it,” he
view in 2014 that he took particu- room-esque: no frames, just signs
level. We really appreciate the at- said. “Behind the scenes, they do a
lar pride in traveling with Pen- taped to the walls of whitewashed tention to detail and the effort that
cinder blocks, offset by the occa- lot, and it means a lot to us.”
guins’ logo-bearing Styrofoam our equipment guys put in to try to
coffee cups. The coffee maker also sional flag, all meant to keep Last Saturday, after the final
make it feel like home.”
has a Penguins logo on its front, homesickness at bay. horn sounded on Game 2, which
Heinze does decorating on the
for good measure. Aside from the copious logos the Penguins won, 6-2, Heinze
road during the regular season,
He said arranging an empty and motivational quotations, quickly got to work disassembling
too, but he has intensified his ef-
locker room on the road brought there are some less intuitive forts after the Penguins’ road his installation. Signs were pulled
out an “artsy” side of him, and he choices, including multiple pic- record of 19-15-7 paled in compari- off the walls; tape was peeled off
preserves many of his flourishes tures of the Roberto Clemente son with their stellar home record quickly and noisily, echoing the
on his Twitter account. Bridge, a Pittsburgh landmark. of 31-6-4. Pittsburgh has won three sounds of tape coming off the
As an artist, Heinze shows an While most signs are focused on of four road games during the players’ shin pads. Some of the
understandable predilection for a logo or the team’s name, others playoffs, against Washington and signs were slid into their own des-
the Penguins’ colors, black and are heavier on text. “Be Hard to Others have still more to say. tops of the lockers and the ceiling, the Columbus Blue Jackets, two of ignated hard-sided, compart-
gold, and a more-is-more aes- Play Against,” suggests one; One hung outside and inside the Heinze found space for 14 smaller the best home teams in the league mented carrying cases.
thetic. While other teams do little “Fast & Fearless,” says another. A locker room suggests this nondic- signs. this season. “It’s showing that they work
more than put up nameplates by sign on the door offers: “Together tionary definition of accountabil- The floor is not ignored. It has “It certainly makes you feel just as hard as we do to try to
players’ lockers, Heinze’s touch Everyone Achieves More.” ity: “A personal choice to demon- 23 small logo-bearing mats, one at more like home, and our record at make this happen,” said forward
suggests a pop-up shop of Pen- “Details of Discipline; Disci- strate the ownership necessary the foot of each player’s locker. home is good,” Cole said of the Bryan Rust, who tries to read ev-
guins merchandise. pline of Details,” another sign for achieving exceptional results.” The middle of the narrow room is decorations. “So even if it’s a little ery sign at least the first time he
“I think that’s Dana’s intention: states. “It’s a great day for Another implores players, “Own dominated by a large rug with a bit, every little bit counts, espe- sees it.
to try to make it as much like home hockey,” reads a quotation attrib- it: Own your team; own your Penguins logo, as it would be in cially in the playoffs, when the As he packed up his handiwork,
as possible,” Penguins defense- uted to Bob Johnson, the Pen- game; own your habits; own your their home locker room. margin for error is so small. We’ll Heinze wore a shirt bearing one of
man Ian Cole said. “He does a guins’ coach who died in 1991 after attitude.” Much of the décor is clearly take all the help we can get.” his staff’s slogans: “First ones
great job outfitting the room, and the team won its first Stanley Cup. In the sliver of wall between the new: The team’s 50th anniversary Cole and many other players here, last to leave.”

A Struggling Sport Still Has an Entire Culture in Its Corner

From First Sports Page
Arum has concentrated the bulk
of his promotional efforts on sell-
ing Hispanic boxers to Hispanic
fight fans. The rebirth of Durán
led to the signing of Oscar De La
Hoya, who led to the annual show-
casing of Miguel Cotto at the Gar-
den the weekend of New York
City’s Puerto Rican Day parade,
and eventually to a series of Mex-
ico-based shows featuring Julio
César Chávez Jr., the son of Mexi-
co’s most revered boxer.
“I wouldn’t say Hispanics are
the last loyal fan base in boxing,”
Arum said. “But it is the most loyal
fan base, because these people
have never defected to other
sports. Hispanic fans form the
very hard core of the boxing busi-
On Saturday night — coinciding AL BELLO/GETTY IMAGES

with the annual celebration of Oscar De La Hoya fans, left,

Cinco de Mayo weekend — two trying to get on “The Tonight
graduates of the Arum school of Show With Jay Leno” in 1996.
demographic targeting will cash
in on that passion and loyalty.
De La Hoya holding American
Chávez Jr. will challenge Saúl Ál- and Mexican flags, above, af-
varez, known as Canelo, the heir ter a fight against Denmark’s
apparent to Chávez’s father Jimmi Bredahl in 1994 in Los
among Mexican fight fans, in a Angeles. Artwork featuring
middleweight title bout promoted Saúl Álvarez and Julio César
by De La Hoya under the banner Chávez Jr., below left.
of Golden Boy Promotions.
The bout has already sold out T-
Telemundo.” “Our fans know their
area and could sell more pay-per- boxing. With a Hispanic fight
view subscriptions than any box- families can enjoy together. Fam- crowd, you can’t fool anybody.
ing match since the blockbuster ily is very important in the His- They don’t care where you come
2015 bout between Floyd May- panic community, and I feel that from. If you’re stinking the place
weather and Manny Pacquiao. boxing plays into that.” out, they’ll boo you out of the
But there is more to the appeal The fact that both Álvarez and ring.”
of the bout than the relative merits Chávez Jr. are natives of Mexico Those fans expect to see the
of the two fighters. “The passion — Chávez is from Culiacán — “Mexican” style of boxing, which,
we have for boxing is unbreak- gives the matchup an added ap- according to Álvarez, is “an ag-
able,” De La Hoya said. peal. gressive type of boxing that
Or, as Rick Seara, a producer of “Every time a Mexican fighter comes forward and isn’t scared of
Spanish-language TV boxing faces another countryman, fans getting hit.”
broadcasts who is the son of Cu- know it’s going to be a great fight,” Or, as De La Hoya described it,
ban immigrants, said: “To us, soc- De La Hoya said. “They know “Sometimes you have to take two
cer is God. And boxing is Jesus.” they’re going to get their money’s punches to land your one, and if
Both De La Hoya and Seara worth. They know we fight with a you get dropped once, you better
were referring to Hispanic fight lot of passion.” be sure to drop the other guy
fans, and, in particular, those of De La Hoya knows those pas- twice.”
Mexican and Mexican-American sions — and prejudices — De La Hoya believes the Ál-
ancestry. A first-generation Mexi- painfully well: When he fought varez-Chávez fight could attract
can-American who grew up in Chávez Sr. in 1996, he was vilified one million pay-per-view pur-
East Los Angeles, De La Hoya by many fans for not being “Mexi- chases, less than a quarter of
could recall being taken as a 6- can enough,” having grown up in those for the Mayweather-Pac-
year-old boy by his father, Joel, to the United States. quiao (4.6 million), but still five
the weekly fights at Olympic Audi- And although he now says he times as many as for the March 18
torium. Once there, he would sit in was “star-struck” when facing Gennady Golovkin-Daniel Jacobs
one section with other boys his Chávez — whom he stopped on fight. Álvarez, who speaks little
age while the fathers sat in an- cuts in four rounds — Seara, who English, has an endorsement deal
other. produced the international broad- GENE BLEVINS/LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS, VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS
with Tecate, a Mexican beer, and
“Where I grew up, it was just cast of the fight, said the percep- one with Hennessy, a cognac not
what you did,” he said. “On the tion of De La Hoya as a “pretty When De La Hoya fought Félix the support of the Hispanic com- And while English-speaking normally associated with boxing.
night of a big fight, the whole fam- boy” prompted him to go toe to toe Trinidad of Puerto Rico in 1999 in munity has not wavered. networks such as ABC, NBC, CBS, It is evidence of the potential
ily would get together to watch it, with Chávez in a rematch two Las Vegas, three flags — those of The three largest-selling pay- ESPN, USA and Versus have crossover appeal of Álvarez, as
the way other families get togeth- years later, if only to prove that he the United States, Mexico and per-view boxing events — May- jumped in and out of the boxing well as recognition of the loyalty of
er to watch the Super Bowl. Un- was “just as Mexican” as Chávez. Puerto Rico — were displayed in weather-Pacquiao, Mayweather- business during the past two a fan base to an athlete who repre-
cles, aunts, cousins, everybody That sense of pride in heritage the arena. De La Hoya and Mayweather-Ál- decades, both Telemundo and sents more than just a sport.
would be there.” has been woven throughout the “It’s all about national pride,” varez — have all featured fighters Univision continue to feature box- Recalling that night so many
De La Hoya’s father had been a fabric of professional boxing, from Seara said. “It’s not person with Hispanic ties in the main ing as part of their regular pro- years ago when Durán lit up Madi-
professional boxer, as had his the Star of David sewn onto the against person, it’s nationality event. (Pacquiao, a Filipino, gramming. “Boxeo Telemundo” is son Square Garden, Arum’s mem-
grandfather. His experience was trunks of the heavyweight cham- against nationality. Guys know speaks fluent Spanish and is a fa- the longest continually running ory of the fight was overshadowed
similar to that of Álvarez, who was pion Max Baer in the 1930s to em- they’re carrying a whole country vorite among Hispanic fight fans.) fight series on broadcast televi- by his memory of the passion of
born in Guadalajara and followed phasize his half-Jewish father to on their shoulders.” Of the 25 largest pay-per-view sion, having presented a Friday the crowd.
his older brothers into the prize the many fighters who affixed While the appeal of boxing has events, 14 have featured Hispanic night fight show every month for “The people went absolutely
ring as a 10-year-old. “Irish” or “Italian” to their ring steadily waned during the past 20 fighters, and if you subtract the 10 the past 25 years. crazy,” he said. “They willed
“Watching boxing together is a names to attract a larger fan base. years — coinciding roughly with heavyweight matches on the list, “Our ratings have actually gone Durán back into relevance.”
tradition for Mexican families,” But nowhere is the sense of her- the decline of Mike Tyson and the every one of them has had at least up in the past three years, which is The question is, can the His-
Álvarez told The New York Times itage in boxing stronger than heavyweight division, along with one Hispanic fighter in the fea- unheard-of for boxing,” said Tuto panic passion for boxing do the
through email. “It’s something among fighters of Hispanic origin. the rise of mixed martial arts — tured bout. Zabala Jr., the producer of “Boxeo same for an entire sport?


On Windy Day at Wrigley, Yankees Beat Cubs on Gardner’s Homer

CHICAGO — Starlin Castro had
played enough games at Wrigley
A former Cubs closer
Field that he did not need to be at returns to Chicago as
the stadium on Friday to know
which way the wind would be a Yankee and receives
YANKEES 3 Shortly after his World Series ring.
CUBS 2 Castro boarded
the Yankees’
bus on Friday morning and then Another Yankees runner was
spotted the choppy waves on Lake cut down at home when Contreras
Michigan as the bus headed to tagged out Aaron Judge, who had
Wrigley, he leaned over to his tried to score on a ground ball to
teammate Brett Gardner. second baseman Ben Zobrist.
“I say definitely the wind is It was one of many frustrations
blowing in today — for sure,” Cas- for the Yankees, who put 14 run-
tro said. ners on base but did not score un-
Castro also knew that the wind til Gardner’s blow. Until the ninth,
blowing in would transform Wrig- the wind and the temperature (45
ley Field, the brick-and-ivy band- degrees) had stripped the Yan-
box, into a pitchers’ paradise and kees of their power. In their recent
turn just about any fly ball into a six-game homestand, the Yankees
carnival ride for fielders. hit 17 home runs and welcomed
And yet in an afternoon game in back catcher Gary Sanchez after
which the Yankees were repeat- he had missed four weeks with a
edly beaten and bamboozled by biceps injury.
the elements, Gardner conquered “It’s two different parks,” Man-
everything — the wind and the ager Joe Girardi said before the
Chicago Cubs — with one swing of game when asked about the wind.
the bat. He came up with the Cubs and re-
Down to his team’s final strike, turned to Chicago later in his play-
Gardner drove a full-count slider ing career.
from Hector Rondon over the wall “Most ballparks play pretty
down the right-field line for a similar all the time,” he said. “This
three-run homer as the Yankees does not. So you see a lot of low-
stunned the Cubs, 3-2. scoring games in April and May,
As Gardner crossed home plate, sometimes in September, because
he exchanged a midair embrace of the wind factor. You’ve got to
with Jacoby Ellsbury and then keep it low when you hit it here.
threw out vigorous high fives Line drives will still go out to the
when he reached the dugout. “He bleachers, but if you’re going to hit
was drooling coming around the fly balls, they’re going to be outs.”
bases,” said Chase Headley, who They can also be adventures.
was on base ahead of Ellsbury. PHOTOGRAPHS BY DAVID BANKS/USA TODAY SPORTS, VIA REUTERS Judge, a 6-foot-7, 285-pound
“He was pretty fired up.” slugging rookie right fielder, had
Jacoby Ellsbury, left, with Brett Gardner after Gardner hit a three-run homer in the ninth with the Yankees trailing the Cubs, 2-0.
It was another display of exu- not only hit 13 home runs this sea-
berance from Gardner, who on son but had also played his posi-
Wednesday took out his frustra- tion with aplomb — running balls
tion over the umpire’s strike zone down in the gaps, making sliding
by bashing a recycling bin in the catches and showing uncommon
dugout. athleticism for someone his size
“My buddy texted me and said playing baseball.
the recycling bin must have got- But when Contreras hit a harm-
ten me locked in,” Gardner said. less fly ball to right in the bottom
Yankees closer Aroldis Chap- of the fifth, the wind carried the
man was not as animated as Gard- ball about 40 feet from where
ner, but he was just as gratified on Judge had camped under it — and
a day that began with him receiv- it ticked off his glove to the turf as
ing his World Series ring from the Contreras raced to third. No harm
Cubs in a pregame ceremony. The came of it when Michael Pineda
day ended with him retiring the retired pitcher Kyle Hendricks
side in the ninth after Addison and center fielder Jon Jay on
Russell had reached second base grounders to keep the Yankees’
with no one out on an error by deficit at 1-0.
Headley. “I really figured out why they
Chapman’s work was a remind- call it the Windy City,” said Judge,
er of why the Cubs spent so heav- who added that he had also been
ily — sending the top prospect fooled on a first-inning homer by
Gleyber Torres and three other Bryant that landed about 20 feet
players to the Yankees — to ac- to the right of where he thought it
quire him last July, a deal that was headed.
helped end a 108-year champi- The wind also fooled Jay, who
onship drought. could not make a sliding catch of a
But with the Cubs’ new closer, routine pop fly by Didi Gregorius
Wade Davis, having pitched the in the sixth, and left Headley flab-
past three days, Cubs Manager bergasted in the ninth, when an
Joe Maddon turned to Rondon, apparent fly ball to left field
who had been the team’s closer landed about 20 feet from him as
last season until Chapman ar- he stood anchored near third
rived. And the right-handed Ron- base.
don could not get past Gardner, “It was just a mess,” Headley
who hits left-handed. said of the conditions. “It’s really
“I’m just looking for a good not baseball, to be perfectly hon-
The Cubs’ Jon Jay slid to catch a pop fly by the Yankees’ Didi Gregorius in the sixth inning, but the ball dropped in for a single.
pitch,” said Gardner, who fouled est with you. The game’s not close
off a pair of 1-2 pitches before con- to what it’s supposed to be played
necting. “I know he’s got a good was the Cubs who had prevailed the teeth of the wind — and the lowed him to double up Aaron down by the wind — and threw like. You have to play it, obviously,
fastball. I know he’s got a good over the havoc the 25-mile-an- Gold Glove work of right fielder Hicks at second base. And Hey- home to catcher Wilson Contr- but I’m glad we don’t have to play
slider. He threw the slider and left hour gusts were creating. They Jason Heyward to carry a 2-0 lead ward extricated the Cubs from a eras, who went up the third-base in those conditions very often be-
it up, and I was able to get a good rode solo homers from Kris into the ninth. bases-loaded, one-out jam in the line to catch the ball and then cause it just changes everything.”
barrel on it.” Bryant and Kyle Schwarber — Heyward’s sliding catch robbed sixth when he caught Headley’s hung on as he was knocked over Not unlike one final swing from
Until Gardner’s home run, it line drives to right that avoided Castro of a hit in the first and al- liner — which had been knocked by Castro. Gardner.


TV Highlights
Mets Turn to Small Ball to Get a Win
Auto Racing 8:30 a.m. FIA World Endurance Championship Spa FS1 By SETH BERKMAN dition to the seven hits he gave up,
11:30 a.m. FIA World Endurance Championship Spa FS2 Montero also walked three batters
The Mets’ principles for con-
1:00 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series: Sparks Energy 300 FOX
structing a contender are stead- and hit another, ballooning his
Baseball 2:00 p.m. Boston at Minnesota MLB
fast and clear. Games are won by E.R.A. to 10.45.
4:00 p.m. Cleveland at Kansas City FS1 batters who can send pitches over After the game, Collins won-
VJNN QIoQ swshx Uv3hi U 33
7:00 p.m. Yankees at Chicago Cubs FOX the outfield dered if Montero might be tipping
WovQ rVrJ>p>Jz>zz vQoQ rVrJ@pzJ>Szz 7:00 p.m. Miami at Mets CH. 11 METS 8 walls and by his pitches. If so, it is a glitch the

N3QvUU0\*UP Baseball / College 1:00 p.m. Texas at T.C.U. ESPN2
MARLINS 7 powerful Mets have four days to fix —
1DVVDX6XIIRON 2:00 p.m. Mississippi State at Texas A&M ESPNU starters who Collins all but anointed Montero to
+RXVHV IRU 6DOH  Basketball / N.B.A. 8:30 p.m. Golden State at Utah ABC can employ devastating fastballs remain in Syndergaard’s rotation
Playoffs to overwhelm opposing hitters. spot.
  J > mr\>  UQ $3soKJ
<sN NQ0i*W30 H *h3 NUo\ . 03Q. Golf 7:30 a.m. GolfSixes, Day 1 GOLF For the foreseeable future, the “If it’s not him, I don’t know who
MKo*I3Q. r *h Bh. r <hWN*i\ 2r.Vzz.zzz\
UQo*o UvQ3h. rzVJ>VSJkpzz\ 1:00 p.m. Wells Fargo Championship, third round GOLF Mets appear to be a team devoid it will be,” Collins said.
 .   . 
s*UNK* Q3KBI$UhIUU0. io3Wi oU $x.
3:00 p.m. Wells Fargo Championship, third round CBS of both of those qualities. On Fri- Once a prized prospect in the
$3*I  PUUhKQB hKBIoi\ \lS *\ IhPJ
KQB sW0o30 *UNUQKN. Bh3o hUUP. 03Q
3:00 p.m. Champions: Insperity Invitational, second round GOLF day, as they trailed the Miami Mets’ farm system, Montero, 26,
vm <hWN*. p. r\>. WhoKN <KQ\ $iPo Hockey / N.H.L. 3:00 p.m. Rangers at Ottawa NBCSN Marlins by six runs at Citi Field, it was called up to the Class AAA
2kz> lpVJSzrJ4SVk $UQ3oo@@#UN\*UP
Playoffs 7:15 p.m. Pittsburgh at Washington NBC appeared the Mets were helpless level in 2013 after only two years in
:HVWFKHVWHU &RXQW\ in mounting a comeback.
Horse Racing 2:30 p.m. 143rd Kentucky Derby NBC the organization.
Lacrosse Noon Syracuse at Colgate CBSSN Breaking away from their But since making his major
p h303hK*M Usho. hhKiUQ.  Vz>r4 Noon America East Championship: Binghamton at U. Albany ESPNU ethos, however, the Mets turned to league debut in 2014, Montero has
UN UQ *sNJ03Ji* KQ *Kox U< x3\ lmk .
2:30 p.m. Notre Dame at Army CBSSN small ball, spraying six straight T. J. Rivera of the Mets hitting underwhelmed. Entering Friday,
@\> . KQJNv isKo3. ioo3 U< oI3 ho MKo.
<UhPN 0KQ hP. <P hP vm <WN. r *h Bh\ 2:30 p.m. Women's Big East Championship: Teams T.B.A. FS2 hits to open the bottom of the a two-run double that tied the he was 1-4 in 12 major league starts
NM oU ohKQ\ x3 i*IUUNi\ 2V.SSS.SSS
x3 Uho 3N ioo3 SV@J4@pJprr> 4:30 p.m. Big East Championship: Teams T.B.A. FS2 seventh inning. By the end of their game in the seventh inning. with a 4.68 E.R.A, having struck
)ORULGDï6DOHV  Soccer 7:25 a.m. England, Manchester City vs Crystal Palace NBCSN jabbing approach to offense, they out 55 batters and walked 36.
9:20 a.m. Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund vs Hoffenheim FS2 accumulated five runs to retake The Mets did not have to make a
 Z 3*I<hUQo W3QoIUsi3
the lead and held on for an 8-7 win, singled to load the bases for T. J.
WhoP3Qo <Uh iN3\ r $30hUUP. 9:55 a.m. England, Hull City vs Sunderland NBCSN Rivera, whose two-run double tied roster move to accommodate
r <sNN $oIi. Bh3o U*3Q uK3v\
ending a six-game losing streak at
B3h oU i3NN 2>rS YQ3BZ $x UvQ3h\
UQo*o U$3ho o SVk >4p k@ll\ 12:30 p.m. England, Swansea City vs Everton NBC the game. Conforto later scored Montero’s arrival because Travis
12:30 p.m. Bundesliga, Hertha Berlin vs RB Leipzig FS1 the go-ahead run on a bases- d’Arnaud was placed on the 10-day
“I think it’s a huge lift,” Man-
2:55 p.m. M.L.S., Toronto at Seattle ESPN loaded walk. disabled list with a bone bruise in
ager Terry Collins said. “We’ve
4:00 p.m. N.W.S.L., Houston at Chicago LIFE T. J. Rivera, who has been start- his right wrist.
been through this the last couple
7:00 p.m. M.L.S., Red Bulls at Philadelphia MSG, MSG2
of years — you’ve got to be resil- ing for the injured Lucas Duda, D’Arnaud’s replacement, Rene
7:00 p.m. N.A.S.L., Cosmos at Jacksonville MSG+
ient.” drove in three runs over all, tying Rivera, picked up two hits, driving
Softball 5:00 p.m. Oklahoma at Oklahoma State ESPN Wilmer Flores provided an ex- a career high. in one run and scoring another.
9:00 p.m. Arizona at U.C.L.A. ESPN2 ample of that resiliency. Entering Rivera had given the Mets an Curtis Granderson began the
This Week * IF NECESSARY the game, Flores was 1 for 23 early 1-0 lead with a solo home run Mets’ rebound in the bottom of the
against right-handed pitchers this in the first inning, an advantage fourth inning, knocking a two-run
AWAY 5/6 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11 5/12 season, but he began the seventh- that starter Rafael Montero could homer over the wall in right-cen-
MIAMI MIAMI SAN FRAN. SAN FRAN. SAN FRAN. MILWAUKEE inning rally with a single off Mar- not hold for long. Montero was ter field.
METS 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 8 p.m. lins’ reliever Brad Ziegler. Jose starting in place of Noah Synder- “Grandy’s home run kind of
Reyes doubled and Rene Rivera gaard, who was placed on the dis- changed the momentum a little bit
CHICAGO CHICAGO CINCINNATI HOUSTON HOUSTON drove in Flores for the first run of abled list earlier this week with a and kind of put us back in that ball-
YANKEES 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. tear of his right latissimus muscle, game,” T. J. Rivera said.
FOX ESPN YES YES CH. 11 the inning with a run-scoring sin-
gle, cutting the Marlins’ lead to an injury that could keep him out
RANGERS 3 p.m. T.B.A. T.B.A. 7-4. for months.
NBCSN NBCSN NBCSN Asdrubal Cabrera, who did not Montero did not calm many
start because of stiffness in his worries over Syndergaard’s ab-
No day is complete
N.Y.C.F.C. 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY UNI RED BULLS 7:00 P.M. SATURDAY MSG legs, followed Rivera with a run- sence, as he allowed five runs in
scoring single. Michael Conforto three and two-third innings. In ad- The New York Times.


Paterno’s Son Elected to Board of Trustees PRO BASKETBALL





By The Associated Press concern for bad publicity. All Times EDT All Times EDT
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
A son of the former Penn State foot- Sandusky continued to abuse boys Yankees 18 9 .667 —
ball coach Joe Paterno who has been a until his 2011 arrest. He is now serving Cleveland 3, Toronto 0 Ottawa 2, Rangers 2 Baltimore 18 10 .643 {
staunch defender of his father’s legacy a sentence of 30 to 60 years for Monday, May 1: Cleveland 116, Toronto 105
Wednesday, May 3: Cleveland 125, Toronto
Thursday, April 27: Ottawa 2, Rangers 1
Saturday, April 29: Ottawa 6, Rangers 5, 2OT Boston 15 13 .536 3{
was elected to the university’s board of sexually abusing 10 boys. He is appeal- 103 Tuesday, May 2: Rangers 4, Ottawa 1
Tampa Bay 15 16 .484 5
Friday, May 5: Cleveland 115, Toronto 94 Thursday, May 4: Rangers 4, Ottawa 1
trustees on Friday. ing the conviction and maintains his Sunday, May 7: Cleveland at Toronto, 3:30 Saturday, May 6: Rangers at Ottawa, 3 p.m. Toronto 10 19 .345 9
Jay Paterno received the most votes innocence. p.m. Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa at Rangers, TBD
Jay Paterno has been a fierce de-
x-Tuesday, May 9: Toronto at Cleveland, x-Thursday, May 11: Rangers at Ottawa, TBD Central W L Pct GB
in the alumni election for trustee. TBD Pittsburgh 3, Washington 1
“Being elected to Penn State’s board fender of his father. x-Thursday, May 11: Cleveland at Toronto, Thursday, April 27: Pittsburgh 3, Washington Minnesota 14 12 .538 —
of trustees is and should always be a In a book he published in 2014, he x-Sunday, May 14: Toronto at Cleveland, Saturday, April 29: Pittsburgh 6, Washington 2 Cleveland 15 13 .536 —
said he was not writing to exonerate TBD Monday, May 1: Washington 3, Pittsburgh 2, OT
call to service,” he said in a statement Boston 2, Washington 1 Wednesday, May 3: Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2 Chicago 15 13 .536 —
Friday, adding that he hoped to “build his father “because he did not commit Sunday, April 30: Boston 123, Washington Saturday, May 6: Pittsburgh at Washington,
Detroit 14 13 .519 {
111 7:16 p.m.
on the enduring pride and values that a crime that needs a pardon.” Tuesday, May 2: Boston 129, Washington 119, x-Monday, May 8: Washington at Pittsburgh, Kansas City 10 18 .357 5
have never wavered” at the university. “If anything, he is guilty of failing to OT TBD
Thursday, May 4: Washington 116, Boston 89 x-Wednesday, May 10: Pittsburgh at West W L Pct GB
There are 38 trustees, and alumni possess the godlike qualities ascribed Sunday, May 7: Boston at Washington, 6:30 Washington, TBD
vote for nine seats; three are on the to him by others, qualities that Joe was p.m.
Wednesday, May 10: Washington at Boston,
WESTERN CONFERENCE Houston 19 10 .655 —
Edmonton 2, Anaheim 2
ballot each year. Paterno will start his the first to insist he never had,” Jay Pa- 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: Edmonton 5, Anaheim 3 Los Angeles 15 15 .500 4{
x-Friday, May 12: Boston at Washington, TBD
new role in July. terno wrote. x-Monday, May 15: Washington at Boston,
Friday, April 28: Edmonton 2, Anaheim 1 Seattle 13 16 .448 6
Sunday, April 30: Anaheim 6, Edmonton 3
Joe Paterno, one of the most suc- He called his father’s firing by the 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Anaheim 4, Edmonton Oakland 12 16 .429 6{
cessful coaches in college football his- CAROLYN KASTER/ASSOCIATED PRESS
trustees “an act of cowardice.” WESTERN CONFERENCE 3, OT
Houston 1, San Antonio 1 Friday, May 5: Edmonton at Anaheim Texas 12 17 .414 7
tory, was fired in 2011, just days after Jay Paterno, left, in 2008 with his Jay Paterno was on the university’s Monday, May 1: Houston 126, San Antonio Sunday, May 7: Anaheim at Edmonton, 7
99 p.m. THURSDAY
the arrest of his former assistant Jerry father, Joe, the Penn State football coaching staff for 17 seasons, mostly as Wednesday, May 3: San Antonio 121, Houston x-Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Cleveland at Detroit, ppd.
Sandusky. Joe Paterno died of lung coach who was fired in 2011. a quarterbacks coach. 96 Anaheim, TBD
Oakland 8, Minnesota 5
Friday, May 5: San Antonio at Houston Nashville 3, St. Louis 2
cancer early the next year at 85. A bronze statue of Joe Paterno was Sunday, May 7: San Antonio at Houston, 8 Wednesday, April 26: Nashville 4, St. Louis 3 Texas 10, Houston 4
University trustees later said that removed from outside Beaver Stadium p.m. Friday, April 28: St. Louis 3, Nashville 2 Chicago White Sox 8, Kansas City 3
one of the reasons they had removed reported the incident to the police or to in 2012 in the aftermath of the San-
Tuesday, May 9: Houston at San Antonio,
Sunday, April 30: Nashiville 3, St. Louis 1
Tuesday, May 2: Nashville 2, St. Louis 1 Baltimore 8, Boston 3
Joe Paterno was his handling of the the child-welfare authorities. All three dusky scandal. Last summer, more x-Thursday, May 11: San Antonio at Houston, Friday, May 5: St. Louis 2, Nashville 1 Tampa Bay 5, Miami 1
TBD x-Sunday, May 7: St. Louis at Nashville, 3
2001 complaint by another assistant former administrators were convicted than 200 former Penn State football x-Sunday, May 14: Houston at San Antonio, p.m.
Seattle 11, L.A. Angels 3
who had seen Sandusky molesting a this year of child endangerment for players petitioned university leaders TBD FRIDAY
Golden State 1, Utah 0
boy in a shower in the team’s locker their handling of the complaint. to return it. However, Jay Paterno said Tuesday, May 2: Golden State 106, Utah 94 N.H.L. CALENDAR Yankees 3, Chicago Cubs 2
Thursday, May 4: Golden State 115, Utah Baltimore 4, Chicago White Sox 2
room. Joe Paterno was never charged with Friday he was not focused on the stat- 104
May 28-June 3 — Draft combine, Buffalo,
Toronto 8, Tampa Bay 4
Joe Paterno passed the information a crime, but a university-commis- ue. Saturday, May 6: Golden State at Utah, 8:30 June 14 — Last possible day for Stanley Kansas City 3, Cleveland 1
p.m. Cup finals
along to the president at the time, Gra- sioned review of the scandal con- “That is something for somebody Monday, May 8: Golden State at Utah, 9 p.m. June 23-24 — NHL draft, Chicago Boston at Minnesota
cluded that he and the other adminis- x-Wednesday, May 10: Utah at Golden State,
ham B. Spanier, and two other high- else to worry about, not me,” he said. 9 or 10:30 p.m.
July 1 — Free agency begins. Detroit at Oakland
level administrators, but no one ever trators had remained silent out of a “I’m focusing on Penn State’s future.” x-Friday, May 12: Golden State at Utah, TBD Houston at L.A. Angels
x-Sunday, May 14: Utah at Golden State, TBD TENNIS Texas at Seattle
THROUGH THURSDAY ISTANBUL OPEN Boston (Porcello 1-4) at Minnesota
(Tepesch 0-0), 2:10
G FG FT PTS AVG At Koza World of Sports Toronto (Estrada 1-1) at Tampa Bay
Westbrook, OKC. . .5 59 56 187 37.4 Istanbul (Odorizzi 1-1), 4:10
James, CLE . . . . . .6 73 44 205 34.2 Singles
Leonard, SAN . . . .8 75 72 242 30.2 Quarterfinals Cleveland (Tomlin 2-3) at Kansas
Wall, WAS . . . . . . .9 95 57 261 29.0 Diego Schwartzman (3), Argentina, d. City (Vargas 4-1), 4:15
Harden, HOU . . . . .7 53 76 199 28.4 Dusan Lajovic, Serbia, 7-5, 6-2. Maric Chicago White Sox (Covey 0-2) at
George, IND . . . . .4 34 26 112 28.0 Cilic (2), Croatia, d. Steve Darcis
Lillard, POR . . . . . .4 39 24 111 27.8 Baltimore (Bundy 4-1), 7:05
(8), Belgium, 6-1, 6-1. Milos Raonic
Curry, GOL . . . . . .6 52 35 164 27.3 (1), Canada, d. Bernard Tomic (6), Yankees (Montgomery 1-1) at Chi-
Thomas, BOS . . . .9 75 68 237 26.3 Australia, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (6). Viktor Troicki cago Cubs (Anderson 2-1), 7:15
Paul, LAC . . . . . . .7 67 29 177 25.3 (5), Serbia, d. Laslo Djere, Serbia, 6-2, Detroit (Zimmermann 3-1) at Oak-
2-3 retired.
Doubles land (Hahn 1-2), 9:05
CYCLING Quarterfinals Houston (McCullers 2-1) at L.A.
Antonio Sancic, Croatia, and Adil Angels (Ramirez 3-2), 9:07
GIRO D’ITALIA Shamasdin, Canada, d. Nicholas
Texas (Perez 1-4) at Seattle (De
Monroe, United States, and Artem Sitak
Friday (1), New Zealand, 6-3, 1-6, 10-8. Tuna Jong 0-2), 9:10
At Olbia, Sardinia Altuna, Turkey, and Alessandro Motti,
First Stage Italy, d. Jonathan Erlich, Israel, and N.L. STANDINGS
128 miles from Alghero to Olbia Scott Lipsky (3), United States, 7-5,
1. Lukas Postlberger, Austria, Bora- 3-6, 10-7. East W L Pct GB
Hansgrohe, 5 hours, 13 minutes, 35 Semifinals
seconds. Roman Jebavy and Jiri Vesely, Czech Washington 20 9 .690 —
2. Caleb Ewan, Australia, Orica-Scott, same Republic, d. John-Patrick Smith and
time. Jordan Thompson, Australia, 7-6 (4), Mets 13 15 .464 6{
3. Andre Greipel, Germany, Lotto Soudal, 7-5.
same time. Philadelphia 12 16 .429 7{
4. Giacomo Nizzolo, Italy, Trek-Segafredo, ESTORIL OPEN Miami 12 16 .429 7{
same time.
5. Sacha Modolo, Italy, UAE Team Emirates, Friday
same time. At Estadio Nacional Atlanta 11 15 .423 7{
6. Kristian Sbaragli, Italy, Dimension Data, Oeiras, Portugal
same time. Singles
Central W L Pct GB
7. Jasper Stuyven, Belgium, Trek- Quarterfinals Chicago 16 13 .552 —
Segafredo, same time. Pablo Carreno Busta (1), Spain, d.
8. Ryan Gibbons, South Africa, Dimension Nicolas Almagro, Spain, 6-2, 6-4. David Milwaukee 15 14 .517 1
Data, same time. Ferrer (4), Spain, d. Ryan Harrison (7),
9. Sam Bennett, Ireland, Bora-Hansgrohe, United States, 6-4, 6-0. Kevin Anderson, Cincinnati 14 14 .500 1{
same time. South Africa, d. Richard Gasquet (2),
10. Phil Bauhaus, Germany, Team Sunweb, France, 6-2, 3-6, 7-6 (4). Gilles Muller St. Louis 13 14 .481 2
same time. (3), France, d. Taro Daniel, Japan, 5-7,
6-2, 6-3. Pittsburgh 12 16 .429 3{
GOLF Semifinals West W L Pct GB
David Marrero and Tommy Robredo, Colorado 18 11 .621 —
Garcia-Lopez, Spain, 6-4, 4-6, 10-8. Arizona 17 13 .567 1{
LeBron James driving to the basket past Jonas Valanciunas, left, P. J. Tucker, center, and Cory Joseph. Friday
At Eagle Point Golf Course PRIX DE SAR LA PRINCESSE Los Angeles 15 14 .517 3
Wilmington, N.C.
Purse: $7.5 million LALLA MERYEMÇ San Diego 12 18 .400 6{
PR O BASKETBA L L Yardage: 7,396; Par: 72
Partial Second Round Friday San Francisco 11 18 .379 7
Billy Hurley III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-69—139 -5 At Club Des Cheminots
Rabat, Morocco THURSDAY

James Scores 35 as Cavs Take 3-0 Series Lead

Seamus Power . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-71—139 -5
Vaughn Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-69—140 -4 Singles Mets at Atlanta, ppd.
Jon Rahm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-71—140 -4 Semifinals
Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (1), Russia, Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 2
Brian Harman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-69—140 -4
Rafa Cabrera Bello . . . . . . . . . . 69-71—140 -4 d. Sara Errani, Italy, 6-4, 6-0. Francesca Washington 4, Arizona 2
Grayson Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-73—140 -4 Schiavone, Italy, d. Varvara Lepchenko, Chicago Cubs 5, Philadelphia 4, 13
LeBron James scored 35 points, Kevin Love had 16 off the field in response to racist abuse during a Serie A Morgan Hoffmann . . . . . . . . . . 70-71—141 -3 United States, 7-5, 6-4.
Doubles innings
J.B. Holmes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-74—141 -3
points and 13 rebounds, and the Cleveland Cavaliers pulled game last weekend. Muntari, a Ghanaian who plays for Pe- Xander Schauffele . . . . . . . . . . 71-70—141 -3 Championship Colorado 3, San Diego 2, 11 innings
Timea Babos, Hungary, and Andrea
away in the fourth quarter to beat the Raptors, 115-94, in scara, received a yellow card at Cagliari for protesting the Emiliano Grillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-70—142 -2
Hlavackova (1), Czech Republic, d. Nina
Tampa Bay 5, Miami 1
Graeme McDowell . . . . . . . . . . 71-71—142 -2 Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 4
Toronto on Friday night and take a 3-0 lead in their second- abuse and was booked again for leaving the field without Tag Ridings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-72—142 -2 Stojanovic, and Maryna Zanevska, Belgium, 2-6,
6-3, 10-5.
round playoff series. following procedures. Jonathan Randolph. . . . . . . . . . 69-73—142 -2 FRIDAY
Kevin Tway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-70—142 -2
DeMar DeRozan scored 37 points and Jonas Valanciu- Mark Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-72—142 -2 PRAGUE OPEN Mets 8, Miami 7
Kyle Reifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-70—142 -2 Yankees 3, Chicago Cubs 2
nas had 19 for the Raptors, who were without the three-time Chez Reavie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-71—143 -1
Washington 4, Philadelphia 2
HO C K EY At TK Sparta Praha
All-Star Kyle Lowry. Toronto trailed by only 2 points after Seung-Yul Noh. . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-74—143 -1 Prague, Czech Republic St. Louis 10, Atlanta 0
Daniel Berger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-72—143 -1
three quarters before the Cavaliers blew the game open. Singles
The Cavaliers are the only team since the Minneapolis Blues Stay Alive Against the Predators Robert Streb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-71—143
James Hahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-71—143
Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, d. Ana Konjuh
San Francisco at Cincinnati
Milwaukee at Pittsburgh
Phil Mickelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-72—143 -1 (7), Croatia, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.
Lakers in 1949 and 1950 to win their first seven playoff Dmitrij Jaskin scored in his first playoff game this sea- Luke List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-71—143 -1 Semifinals
Arizona at Colorado,
games in consecutive seasons. son and Jaden Schwartz scored the winner, helping the host
Julian Etulain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-71—143
Matt Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-72—144
Mona Barthel, Germany, d. Barbora L.A. Dodgers at San Diego
Strycova (3), Czech Republic, 3-6, 6-2, 6-3. SATURDAY
St. Louis Blues stay alive against the Nashville Predators Fabian Gomez. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-73—144 E Kristyna Pliskova, Czech Republic, d.
Lucas Glover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-73—144 E Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, 6-4, 7-6 (3). Milwaukee (Garza 1-0) at Pittsburgh
BASEBALL with a 2-1 victory in Game 5 of their second-round series. Brad Fritsch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73-71—144 E Doubles (Cole 1-3), 7:05
Tyler Aldridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74-70—144 E
Nashville leads the series, 3-2. J.T. Poston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-73—144 E
Championship Washington (Turner 1-0) at Philadel-
Anna-Lena Groenefeld, Germany, and
phia (Velasquez 2-2), 7:05
Racist Remarks Prompt a Survey Schwartz scored 25 seconds into the third period on a
rebound off a Colton Parayko shot, giving St. Louis a 2-1 SOCCER
Kveta Peschke (2), Czech Republic, d.
Lucie Hradecka, Czech Republic, and Miami (Chen 2-1) at Mets (Gsellman
Katerina Siniakova (1), Czech Republic, 1-2), 7:10
Commissioner Rob Manfred said that all 30 teams were lead. Schwartz has a team-high four postseason goals. M.L.S. STANDINGS 6-4, 7-6 (3).
San Francisco (Blach 0-1) at Cincin-
being surveyed as Major League Baseball considered insti- Jake Allen made 21 saves for the Blues, who had EAST W L T Pts GF GA nati (Garrett 2-2), 7:10
tuting leaguewide guidelines for handling fans who make dropped two in a row. James Neal scored for the Predators, Orlando City 6 2 0 18 11 7 TRANSACTIONS St. Louis (Leake 3-1) at Atlanta
racist remarks like those at Fenway Park this week. Toronto FC 4 1 4 16 14 8 (Teheran 2-2), 7:10
and Pekka Rinne made 30 saves. Red Bulls 5 4 1 16 11 12
Manfred, who said the goal was to make sure players New York City FC 4 3 1 13 14 9 N.B.A. Yankees (Montgomery 1-1) at Chi-
CROSBY PRACTICES Sidney Crosby practiced with his Pitts- Columbus 4 4 1 13 13 13 ATLANTA HAWKS — Announced president cago Cubs (Anderson 2-1), 7:15
felt comfortable in every ballpark, spoke in Minneapolis Atlanta United FC 3 3 2 11 18 11 of basketball operations and coach Mike
burgh Penguins teammates barely four days removed from Budenholzer resigned as president of Arizona (Corbin 2-3) at Colorado
before the Twins hosted the Boston Red Sox, who were at Chicago 3 3 2 11 11 12
basketball operations and general manager (Anderson 1-3), 8:10
a frightening hit that left him with a concussion and his sta- D.C. United 3 3 2 11 9 13
the center of the controversy this week after a fan directed New England 2 3 4 10 14 14 Wes Wilcox will become a special adviser L.A. Dodgers (McCarthy 3-0) at San
tus for the rest of the playoffs uncertain. Montreal 1 3 4 7 11 14 to ownership.
racial slurs at Baltimore Orioles outfielder Adam Jones. Diego (Richard 2-3), 8:40
Crosby declined to say whether he would be available Philadelphia 0 4 4 4 8 14
Another fan was removed and barred for life from Fenway COLLEGE YANKEES 3, CUBS 2
Park the next day for making a racist remark. for Game 5 against the Washington Capitals on Saturday. WEST W L T Pts GF GA
Kansas City 5 1 3 18 11 3 JOHNS HOPKINS — Named Josh Loeffler New York ab r h bi bb so avg.
The Penguins lead the Eastern Conference semifinal se- Portland 5 2 2 17 20 12 men’s basketball coach. Gardner lf 4 1 1 3 1 2 .247
NATIONALS 4, PHILLIES 2 Stephen Strasburg hit his second ries, 3-1, and are looking to close out the top-seeded Capitals FC Dallas 4 0 3 15 10 5 Hicks cf 5 0 3 0 0 0 .316
major league home run and pitched five and two-thirds in Washington. Houston 4 3 1 13 15 13 BASEBALL Sanchez c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .125
San Jose 3 3 3 12 9 10 Castro 2b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .367
scoreless innings, leading visiting Washington over Phila- Vancouver 3 4 1 10 11 14 Judge rf 4 0 2 0 0 2 .337
GERMANY STUNS U.S. AT WORLDS Patrick Hager scored a late Seattle 2 2 4 10 14 11 METS 8, MARLINS 7 Gregorius ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .321
delphia. Ryan Zimmeman hit his 12th homer and raised his Real Salt Lake 2 5 2 8 9 15 Headley 3b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .302
average to .433 for the Nationals, who improved to 20-9, the winning goal as Germany stunned the United States with a Minnesota United 2 5 2 8 13 25 Miami ab r h bi bb so avg. Carter 1b 3 0 0 0 1 3 .229
best in the majors. 2-1 victory on the opening day of the ice hockey world cham- Los Angeles 2 5 1 7 8 13 Gordon 2b 5 0 0 0 0 1 .281 Pineda p 1 0 1 0 0 0 .333
Colorado 1 5 1 4 5 11 Prado 3b 5 2 3 1 0 1 .306 Holliday ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .266
pionships in Cologne, Germany. The German goaltender NOTE: Three points for victory, one point Yelich cf 3 1 1 0 1 0 .272 Shreve p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
ORIOLES 4, WHITE SOX 2 Gabriel Ynoa pitched six sharp in- Thomas Greis, who plays for the Islanders, made 42 saves. for tie. Stanton rf 4 1 1 1 1 1 .241 Holder p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
nings after Orioles starter Wade Miley was forced out of the Ozuna lf 4 1 2 1 1 0 .308 Ellsbury ph 0 1 0 0 1 0 .282
Wednesday's Games Bour 1b 4 1 2 2 1 1 .235
Sporting Kansas City 2, Red Bulls 0 Chapman p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
game, and Chris Davis hit a home run for host Baltimore in Toronto FC 2, Orlando City 1
Realmuto c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .313 Totals 34 3 11 3 3 10
Rojas ss 5 1 3 2 0 0 .333 Chicago ab r h bi bb so avg.
a victory over Chicago. PR O FO OT BALL Friday's Game Koehler p 3 0 0 0 0 3 .091 Schwarber lf 3 1 1 1 0 0 .193
Vancouver at Colorado Suzuki ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .147 Almora cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .281

Report Calls Hernandez a Gang Member Saturday's Games
Red Bulls at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.
Garcia p
Ziegler p
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Bryant 3b
Rizzo 1b
1 1 1 1 2 .322
0 1 0 0 1 .235
Barraclough p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Zobrist 2b-lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .233
Toronto FC at Seattle, 3 p.m.
Aaron Hernandez was a member of the Bloods street Montreal at D.C. United, 6 p.m.
Dietrich ph
0 0 0 0 0 .189
7 13 7 4 9
Russell ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .241
Djokovic Splits With Longtime Coach gang and was once disciplined in prison for having gang New England at Columbus, 7:30 p.m.
Orlando City at Houston, 8:30 p.m.
New York
Conforto lf
r h bi bb so avg.
1 1 0 1 2 .351
Heyward rf
Contreras c
0 0 0 0 2 .253
0 0 0 0 1 .225
paraphernalia, according to newly released documents re- FC Dallas at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m. T.Rivera 1b 4 1 2 3 0 1 .300
Hendricks p 2 0 0 0 0 1 .200
Novak Djokovic has split with his longtime coach, lated to the investigation into his suicide. Chicago at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Bruce rf 2 1 0 0 1 1 .286
Duensing p
Szczur ph
0 0 0 0 0 .000
0 0 0 1 0 .211
Portland at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.
Marian Vajda, and two other team members, saying he A death report listed the Bloods under Hernandez’s
Walker 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .212 Baez 2b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .250
Sunday's Games Granderson cf 3 1 1 2 1 0 .143 Jay cf-lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .347
wants to find “the winning spark on the court again.” “gang profile” and said Hernandez had once been disci- Atlanta Unitedat NYCFC, 4 p.m. Reed p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Strop p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Djokovic said on his website on Friday that he had mu- plined for having “STG” paraphernalia. In prison, “STG”
Kansas City at Minnesota United, 1:30 p.m. Familia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- Rondon p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Flores 3b 3 1 2 1 1 0 .205 Totals 32 2 4 2 2 10
tually agreed with Vajda, his fitness coach and his physio- stands for “Security Threat Group,” a term for gangs. The ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE Reyes ss 4 1 1 0 0 0 .188
New York 000 000 003—3 11 2
therapist to end their “successful and long-term partner- R.Rivera c 4 1 2 1 0 0 .304
Bloods is a violent gang that started in California and now Team GP W D L GF GA Pts Montero p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Chicago 100 001 000—2 4 0
ship” two weeks ago after the Monte Carlo Masters, where has thousands of members. Chelsea . . . . . 34 26 3 5 72 29 81 Smoker p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
E—Judge (1), Headley (6). LOB—New
Tottenham. . . . 35 23 8 4 71 23 77 Salas p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
he lost in the quarterfinals. York 9, Chicago 6. 2B—Hicks (3), Judge
Hernandez, a former Patriots tight end, was found Liverpool . . . . . 35 20 9 6 71 42 69 Reynolds ph
Robles p
0 0 0 0 0 .143
0 0 0 0 0 --- (3). HR—Gardner (5), off Rondon; Bryant
Man. City . . . . 34 19 9 6 65 37 66
hanging from a bedsheet in his cell on April 19 in a maxi- Man. United . . 34 17 14 3 51 25 65 Blevins p 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- (6), off Pineda; Schwarber (5), off Pineda.
RBIs—Gardner 3 (10), Schwarber (13),
Arsenal . . . . . . 33 18 6 9 64 42 60 Cabrera ph 1 1 1 1 0 0 .255
SOCCER mum-security prison in Massachusetts, where he was Everton. . . . . . 35 16 10 9 60 40 58 Lagares cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Bryant (16). SB—Hicks (3). CS—Bryant (2).
S—Pineda. DP—Chicago 3
serving a life sentence for a 2013 murder. His suicide came West Bromwich 34 12 8 14 39 43 44 Totals 32 8 10 8 4 6
New York ip h r er bb so np era
FIFA Lifts Messi’s World Cup Ban five days after he was acquitted in a 2012 double slaying. West Ham . . . . 36
Southampton . . 33
New York
600 000—7 13 0
200 50x—8 10 0
6 3 2 2 1 6 90 3.12
1 0 0 0 1 1 22 0.00
Bournemouth . . 35 11 8 16 50 63 41
CUTLER HEADS TO THE BOOTH Fox hired Jay Cutler as an ana- HolderW1-0 1 1 0 0 0 1 21 2.70
Lionel Messi, Argentina’s captain, was cleared by FIFA Leicester. . . . . 34 11 7 16 42 54 40 LOB—Miami 12, New York 5. 2B—Stanton ChapmanS7-7 1 0 0 0 0 2 14 0.79
to play in the next three World Cup qualifiers after a ban for lyst to work on its No. 2 N.F.L. team with Kevin Burkhardt. Stoke . . . . . . . 35
Watford . . . . . 34
(5), Ozuna (4), Bour (4), Rojas (4), T.Rivera Chicago ip h r er bb so np era
(5), Reyes (5). HR—T.Rivera (1), off Koehler; Hendricks 5Í/¯ 6 0 0 2 5 94 3.51
insulting a referee’s assistant was lifted. Cutler, 34, spent eight years with the Chicago Bears but Burnley . . . . . . 35 11 6 18 35 49 39 Granderson (2), off Koehler. RBIs—Prado DuensingH2 1Î/¯ 1 0 0 0 2 18 4.76
Crystal Palace . 35 11 5 19 46 56 38
Messi served one match of the four-match ban. FIFA drew little interest as a free agent in the off-season. Hull . . . . . . . . 35 9 7 19 36 67 34
(6), Stanton (20), Ozuna (24), Bour 2 (17), StropH5 1 1 0 0 0 2 19 3.72
Rojas 2 (4), T.Rivera 3 (4), Granderson 2 RondonL0-1BS1-11 3 3 3 1 1 40 3.65
Swansea. . . . . 35 9 5 21 40 69 32
said its appeal committee considered Messi’s behavior — Middlesbrough . 35 5 13 17 26 45 28
(9), Flores (4), R.Rivera (7), Cabrera (13).
SB—Gordon (9), Rojas (2). CS—Bruce (1).
T—3:17. A—40,395 (41,072).
verbally abusing a linesman late in a 1-0 win over Chile on HO R S E R AC ING Sunderland . . . 34 5 6 23 26 60 21 DP—Miami 2; New York 1 M.L.B. CALENDAR
Miami ip h r er bb so np era
March 23 — “reproachable.” But the panel concluded that Friday's Game Koehler 5 4 3 3 2 3 78 5.40 May 16-18 — Owners’ meetings, New York.
the “evidence available was not sufficient to establish to the
appropriate standard” required for the disciplinary com-
Baffert’s Entry Wins Kentucky Oaks West Ham 1, Tottenham 0
Saturday's Games
Garcia 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 1.12
ZieglerL1-2BS1-1 0 6 5 5 0 0 19 4.72
June 12 — Amateur draft starts.
July 11 — All-Star Game, Miami.
Manchester City vs. Crystal Palace Barraclough 2 0 0 0 2 3 25 1.23 July 7 — Last day to sign for amateur
mittee to impose the initial suspension. Abel Tasman charged late to win the Kentucky Oaks by Bournemouth vs. Stoke New York ip h r er bb so np era draft picks subject to deadline.
Montero 3Î/¯ 7 5 5 3 4 90 10.45 July 30 — Hall of Fame inductions.
BAN RESCINDED OVER WALKOFF The Italian soccer federation
one and a quarter lengths and give the Hall of Fame trainer Hull vs. Sunderland
Leicester vs. Watford Smoker 1 2 2 2 1 2 32 8.04 July 31 — Last day to trade a player
has rescinded Sulley Muntari’s one-match ban for walking Bob Baffert the victory with his lone entrant in the week- Burnley vs. West Bromwich Salas Í/¯ 0 0 0 0 0 1 6.75 without securing waivers.
Swansea vs. Everton Robles 1 2 0 0 0 1 18 1.65 Sept. 1 — Active rosters expand to 40 players.
end marquee races at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky. BlevinsW2-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 0.82 November TBA — Deadline for teams
Baffert, who does not have a horse in the Kentucky Derby, Sunday's Games ReedH3 1 1 0 0 0 2 15 3.38 to make qualifying offers to their eligible
Liverpool vs. Southampton FamiliaS3-3 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 1.29 former players who became free agents,
All news by The Associated Press unless noted. and his son Bode celebrated by dabbing. Arsenal vs. Manchester United T—3:14. A—25,618 (41,922). fifth day after World Series.


Pushing and Shoving, and Occasional Basketball

they clutter their games with
pushes and shoves, with scuffles Two teams, little love.
and kerfuffles, the Washington
Wizards and the Boston Celtics
‘We don’t like them,
share common and they don’t like us.’
SCOTT ground.
“We don’t like
CACCIOLA them,” the Celtics’
games of the series, even though
Isaiah Thomas
ON PRO the Celtics had managed to win
BASKETBALL said, “and they both.
don’t like us.”
“We were really lucky,” he
Their aversion to breathing the
same oxygen has somehow
become a unifying force in their The Celtics had been overcom-
Eastern Conference semifinal ing slow starts. In hopes of
series. It is their one area of avoiding another, Stevens moved
agreement. Gerald Green, an experienced
“Two teams that really don’t swingman, into the starting
like each other,” the Wizards’ lineup for Game 3. But Green
John Wall said. could not prevent the Wizards
By the time the Wizards and from scoring 22 straight points in
the Celtics reconvene here for the first quarter.
Game 4 on Sunday night, they It was, for the Wizards, a com-
will have had two full days off — prehensive blowout. Even as his
a luxurious byproduct of the team’s lead swelled, Wall kept
N.B.A.’s needlessly protracted pushing to inflict as much
playoff schedule. It seems un- psychological trauma on the
likely, though, that much emotion Celtics as possible. So there he
will have cooled by then, not was in the second half, using a
after these two teams spent screen set by Marcin Gortat to
Game 3 on Thursday night com- plant, pop and absorb contact as
bining for 52 personal fouls, 8 he sank a midrange jumper. His
technical fouls and 3 ejections. free throw pushed the Wizards’
Amid so many extracurriculars, lead to 30.
the Wizards’ 116-89 victory — a Meanwhile, no player in the
true drubbing — approximated a series has taken more punish-
professional basketball game. ment than Thomas. After losing
The Celtics have a two-games- a front tooth in Game 1, he scored
to-one lead in the best-of-seven 53 points in Game 2. Then, in
series, but the terrain has Game 3, his temporary tooth
shifted. For one game, at least, came loose and he needed im-
the Wizards were able to match promptu dental work at halftime.
— and even exceed — the On the court, he never found his
Celtics’ brand of physicality. The rhythm. Defenders seemed to be
Wizards defended, bottling up waiting for him whenever he
Thomas, the Celtics’ high-motor turned the corner coming off
point guard. They got in the pick-and-rolls.
paint. And they changed the “They had three guys on me,
conversation. MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY so I couldn’t really do anything,”
“They junked the game up,” The Wizards’ Kelly Oubre Jr., left, was ejected Thursday against the Celtics after shoving Kelly said Thomas, who finished with
the Celtics’ Al Horford said. Olynyk. The teams combined for 52 personal fouls, 8 technical fouls and 3 ejections in the game. 13 points while shooting 3 of 8
There was no question that the from the field.
game got junked up. There was a He was also miffed, in no un-
lot of junk. The question was: certain terms, about the officiat-
Which team instigated the junk- passion, and I have no com- hands a lot,” he said. “They’re a retaliated by shoving Olynyk and “It kind of threw me off,” Beal ing. Even though each team was
ing? Scott Brooks, the coach of plaints with either team if they’re very physical team. And when was ejected. said, “but it’s the playoffs.” whistled for 26 personal fouls,
the Wizards, dipped his toe in the playing with passion and within you play that way for a long time, “If you keep getting hit in the Even before the game began, Thomas felt it was lopsided.
debate. the rules.” the refs let you get away with it.” head, you might respond that Brad Stevens, the coach of the “We’re the ones getting all the
“Our job is to play, my job is to The Wizards, Brooks said, had The Wizards and the Celtics way,” Brooks said. “I’m not say- Celtics, appeared to be anticipat- fouls called on us,” he said, add-
coach and the referees’ job is to played defense with their feet: have been feuding for years, but ing that’s the right thing to do.” ing the hard grind ahead. He ing of the Wizards: “They hit
control the game, and that’s all I wholesome defense, the way one exchange in Game 3 under- The episode came as a sur- scoffed at a question about first, they set the tone, and then
have to say,” said Brooks, who, as children are taught to play de- scored the bad blood. After the prise to the Wizards’ Bradley whether his team had to guard the refs couldn’t control the
it turned out, had more to say. fense. Along those lines, Wall Celtics’ Kelly Olynyk set a hard Beal, who said that Olynyk and against being overconfident. By game after that.”
“When you play in the playoffs offered thoughts on the Celtics’ screen on the Wizards’ Kelly Oubre had always acted friendly his math, he said, the Wizards With that in mind, Thomas had
and you’re fighting for something defense. Oubre Jr., Olynyk was whistled toward each other. On Thursday, had actually outplayed the a potential solution for Game 4:
special, you’re going to play with “They’re a team that uses their for an offensive foul. Oubre that was not the case. Celtics for much of the first two “We just got to hit first.”

At $495, Signature Shoe

Is Met With Headshakes
form,” said Karl Leung, who wore
From First Sports Page Adidas sneakers as he waited in
best player, began retailing last the consignment line. Adidas is
year at $175; it carries the Nike known for its Boost foam, he
swoosh. noted, while Nike has its Zoom
While the shoe and the Ball fam- cushioning.
ily buzzed all over social media on “I’m wondering what’s in the
Thursday, the sneaker intelli- shoe that makes it a basketball
gentsia were lined up in Flight performance shoe,” Leung added.
Club’s consignment area. These Someone who pre-orders ZO2s
are the people who camp out on today would be guaranteed ship-
street corners to get first crack at ping, according to Big Baller
new releases and then sell them to Brand, by Nov. 24 — a hint, Powell
Flight Club for a cut of the subse- suggested, at the six-month lead
quent resale. The leading edge of time typically required to make
sneaker cool, they help decide and transport new shoes.
which shoes will be on the shelves “It’s really hard to make a
of Flight Club and stores like it 10 shoe,” said Powell, adding,
and 25 years from now. And they “There’s a reason why you don’t
had reached a verdict on the ZO2: see hundreds of new shoe compa-
No thanks. nies.”
“I wouldn’t buy those,” said T. Q. Many saw the shoe release as
Jones, who wore Nike Prestos as just the latest antic from LaVar
he waited in the consignment line. Ball, who in the past few months
Haitham Khan — who was rock- has said that in his prime he could
ing a Comme des Garçons hoodie, have beaten Jordan one-on-one
a Supreme bag and blush-colored (Ball briefly started at Washing-
Common Projects sneakers — ton State before transferring to a
made a bold statement: “I can an- Division II team); that he married
swer your question: No one’s go- his wife, Tina, partly to have great
ing to buy them.” basketball-playing sons; and that
This conclusion matched those Lonzo Ball is better now than JAMIE SQUIRE/GETTY IMAGES
of industry experts, who nonethe- Stephen Curry is.
less marveled — through laughter Encountering widespread
— at what Bob Dorfman, a sports ridicule on Thursday over the
marketing expert at Baker Street sneaker’s price tag, LaVar Ball
Advertising, labeled “the brazen- tweeted that if “you can’t afford”
ness, the audacity, the ego” of them, “you’re NOT a BIG
LaVar Ball, the father. BALLER!”
Matt Powell, a sports industry In an era in which marketing is
analyst at NPD Group, estimated conducted over social media and
Big Baller Brand would sell 10,000 the loudest voice often carries the
pairs, which he described as a day regardless of what is being
“rounding error” given the 400 shouted, there is a certain logic to
million pairs of shoes Nike made Ball’s strategy of being consis-
last year. tently outrageous. (Big Baller
“If you did it in snakeskin and Brand did not reply to a request to
pixie dust, it might cost $500,” comment.)
Powell added. But the reality is that in electing
Sneaker culture is shaped by not to sign an endorsement deal
substance as much as flash. Flight after insisting, ESPN reported,
Club, for instance, prominently that any of the three biggest shoe
features sneakers linked to long- companies license Big Baller
retired stars like Scottie Pippen, Brand, the Balls left money on the
Patrick Ewing and Jordan not table. U.C.L.A.’s Lonzo Ball, who is expected to be a top-three pick in
merely because those shoes are “I’m sure the brands all said, the N.B.A. draft in June, unveiled his first signature shoe, the
aesthetically pleasing, but be- ‘Yeah, we’re interested, we’d like ZO2, on the Big Baller Brand website on Thursday. The com-
cause they are connected to in- to pay him a couple million pany was founded by Lonzo’s father, LaVar, near right.
credible basketball talents. bucks,’ ” said Powell, pointing to
As Jones said of Lonzo Ball: “I the standard going rate for high
draft pick rookies. day, telling The Undefeated web- trepreneurs, not just endorsers.”
don’t know if he’s going to be a
star.” “The revenue opportunity site: “He should want to own his From Curry’s receiving Under MARK J. TERRILL/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Then, too, there are utilitarian they’ve had is now over,” Powell own brand. That is the smartest Armour stock as part of his deal to
concerns. At least in theory, bas- added. way of doing it.” James’s cashing in on his shares of much less Curry. to say that they had it.”
ketball sneakers are for playing Stephon Marbury, the former In the ZO2 release video, which Beats when the headphones com- It also does not help that Star- Or not. The Flight Club consign-
basketball in, and Big Baller N.B.A. star who plays in China is set to a Drake track and features pany was acquired by Apple, it is bury shoes are deliberately inex- ors dismissed even a proposal to
Brand was not believed to possess and is believed to be one of a few Lonzo Ball training in his shoes part of the zeitgeist for the most pensive — some new ones start at shell out for ZO2s now on the off
the same kind of technology that basketball players to have his own near his hometown, Chino, Calif., talented and savvy basketball $14.98 — while the ZO2s are, well, chance that everyone will be
makes the established companies’ sneaker brand independent of a the namesake himself spoke in players to seek and acquire equity. not. wanting them in a decade or so.
shoes user-friendly. major shoe company — Starbury those terms, too, advocating “a The analogy falls short, though, “This shoe,” Dorfman said, “I’d rather buy lottery tickets,”
“I want to know how they per- — praised LaVar Ball on Wednes- movement allowing us to be en- because Ball is not yet Marbury, “may be bought by collectors just Leung said.

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